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S i v u 3 PLENARY: Olli Kämpe 8.35-9.20 Luentosali 1 Chair: Jarmo Jääskeläinen APECED

4 S i v u THYROID SYMPOSIUM 9.25-11.05 Luentosali 1 Chair: Camilla Schalin-Jäntti 9.25-9.55 Emmely de Vries Regulation of thyroid hormones during fasting and acute illness 10.00-10.30 Birte Nyygaard Treatment of hypothyroidism with or without T3? 10.35-11.05 Kris Poppe Thyroid and assisted reproduction

S i v u 5 REGULATION OF THYROID HORMONES DURING FASTING AND ACUTE ILLNESS Emmely de Vries and Anita Boelen During illness changes in thyroid hormone metabolism occur, collectively known as the non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS). NTIS is characterized by low serum thyroid hormone concentrations, while TSH and TRH expression do not increase, indicating a disturbance of the normal thyroid hormone feedback regulation. Although the common view was that NTIS results in overall downregulation of metabolism in order to save energy, recent work has shown that genes involved in thyroid hormone (TH) metabolism show remarkably variable, illness-induced changes in key metabolic organs such as liver, muscle and adipose tissue, ranging from inhibition to activation. Organ- and timing-specific changes in the TH deiodinating enzymes (deiodinase type 1, 2 and 3) highlight deiodinases as proactive players in the response to illness. That illness-induced changes in peripheral organs appear to be very different during acute or chronic inflammation adds an additional level of complexity to the syndrome. Spontaneous diminished food intake is known to be a part of a variety of illnesses, but has received only little attention as a potential mediator of the illness-induced changes in TH homeostasis, despite its sometimes profound impact. In an animal model of chronic inflammation for example, the low serum T 3 is completely explained by the diminished food intake, indicating that this is an important factor in the pathogenesis of NTIS. In addition, fasting leads to profound changes in genes involved in thyroid hormone metabolism in the liver and could therefore contribute to the pathogenesis of NTIS. In sum, NTIS appears to be a timing-related and organ-specific response to illness, occurring independently from the decrease in serum thyroid hormone levels and with diminished food intake as an additional potential mediator of the organ-specific responses.

6 S i v u TREATMENT OF HYPOTHYROIDISM WITH OR WITHOUT T3? Birte Nygaard, MD PhD, Associated Professor Centre of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Herlev, Denmark. Hypothyroidism is common - in Denmark with an incidence rate of 33 per 100,000 person-years. The standard treatment of hypothyroidism is Levothyroxin (L-T4). However, 5-10% of patients continue to have symptoms, despite being biochemically well regulated on L-T4 mono-therapy. Some researchers suggest that triiodothyronine (T3) the biological active form of the hormone maybe used in these cases to make a more exact imitation of the thyroid function and four randomized controlled trials have demonstrated patients preference of L-T4/L-T3 combination therapy compared to L-T4. It has been suggested that some patients are not able to benefit from L- T4 mono-therapy due to defects in deodinases enzymes converting T4 to T3, thus making this patients suitable for combination therapy. However, a meta-analysis showed no evidence of effect of L-T4/L-T3 combination therapy compared to L-T4 mono-therapy on bodily pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, quality of life or body weight and L-T3 is easy to overdose, which will lead to suppressed S- TSH and to possible side effects such as heart disease, osteoporosis and probably dementia. In 2012 the European thyroid Association published guidelines on this topic recommending: T4 monotherapy remains the standard treatment of hypothyroidism, L-T4 /L-T3 combination therapy might be considered as an experimental approach in compliant L-T4-treated hypothyroid patients, treatment should only be instituted by accredited internists/endocrinologists, discontinued if no improvement is experienced after 3 months and suggested to start combination therapy in an L-T4/L-T3 dose ratio app 17:1. L-T4/L-T3 combination therapy and desiccated animal thyroid glands treatment has become a hot topic on patient associations websites on the Internet and the demand for it is has been increasing. In 2013, a Danish patient suffering from hypothyroidism published a book, telling her story, how she was miraculously recovered on L-T4/L-T3 combination therapy and encouraging other patients to follow her example. Shortly thereafter, Danish clinicians reported an increased demand of T3- containing therapy. In 2014 we made an internet based questionnaire on T4/T3 combination therapy treated patients (n= 293) and found that 44% of the participants received their prescriptions from general practitioners, in 14% the S-TSH were less than 0.01 mu/l on the therapy, 50 % of all prescribed medicine was desiccated thyroid and 28% of participants reported that they adjusted their dose by themselves according to symptoms. In the dialog between patients and doctors it is important to guide our patient - to avoid overlooking non-thyroid diseases as well as to avoid overtreatment and to balance the focus on hard core evidence as well at scientific hypothesis of possible effects of L-T4/L-T3 combination therapy in subgroups while awaiting evidence to be present in these patients groups.

S i v u 7 THYROID AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION K.Poppe, University Hospital St-Pierre (ULB), 1000 Brussels-Belgium Infertility is a common problem in couples (~10%), often leading to psychological burden. It can be caused by a problem in one partner, in both or remain unexplained (1). Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD or TAI) is present in ~10 % of women in the reproductive age and is the most frequent cause of (subclinical) hypothyroidism in Europe. In most studies, TAI is defined by the presence of TPO-abs. However, in a recent study the presence of isolated Tg-abs (in absence of TPO-abs), was as high as 5 % in women of infertile couples. Furthermore was serum TSH higher in the presence of Tg-abs (2). In this presentation, we will focus on the importance of thyroid disorders in case of infertility and more in particular on the work-up, the treatment and the pregnancy outcome after assisted reproductive technology (ART). Indeed, a high prevalence of TAI in women of infertile couples is well documented in the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and in idiopathic infertility. The presence of TAI is also a wellestablished risk factor for the development of thyroid dysfunction after an ovarian hyperstimulation treatment (OH). Both TAI and OH induce a strain on the thyroid before pregnancy. Whether LT4 should be given before OH and in the presence of TAI remains however to be confirmed. An algorithm for the approach of thyroid disorders in infertile women will be presented. Some recent studies have shown a negative impact of TAI on the in-vitro outcome data (impaired oocyte fertilization rates and lower high quality embryos), which might be due to a direct cytotoxic action of thyroid antibodies against the zona pellucida. In euthyroid women with TAI, the implantation rates were not systematically reported, the clinical pregnancy rates not altered, but the miscarriage rates significantly higher. Whether thyroid dysfunction or the presence of TAI is ultimately detrimental for the pregnancy outcome in terms of live birth remains an open question. Miscarriage is a multifactorial problem and confounders such as overweight, smoking habit and age should be thoroughly investigated. Treatment with LT4 can decrease miscarriage rates and thus possibly increase the delivery rates, but the data are limited to small intervention studies and one meta-analysis (3). Many questions remain unanswered to optimize the treatment of patients with thyroid disorders and faced with infertility. What the impact of trimester-assay-region-ethnic specific serum TSH levels on the in vitro data and pregnancy outcome is; the precise role of TAI on the in vitro maturation process; the role of TSH-r abs in the immunology of the implantation window and on clinical pregnancy and finally how to optimize the diagnosis and the treatment of TAI in patients with infertility (4)? References: 1. Thoma ME et al. (2013) Prevalence of infertility in the United States as estimated by the current duration approach and a traditional constructed approach. Fertil Steril 99:1324 1331 2. Unuane D et al. (2013) Thyroglobulin autoantibodies: is there any added value in the detection of thyroid autoimmunity in women consulting for fertility treatment? Thyroid 23:1022 1028 3. Velkeniers B et al. (2013) Levothyroxine treatment and pregnancy outcome in women with subclinical hypothyroidism undergoing assisted reproduction technologies: systematic review and metaanalysis of RCTs. Hum Reprod Update 19:251 258 4. Unuane D & Poppe K. (2015) Female infertility: do we forget the thyroid? J Endocrinol Invest. 2015 Apr 7

8 S i v u SESSION I 9.25-11.10 Lecture Hall 3 Chair: Taneli Raivio 9.25-9.55 Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Neuroendocrine disruption of puberty by Bisphenol A 10.00-10.30 Paolo Giacobini Semaphorin signaling in the development and function of GnRH system 10.35-11.05 Frédéric Chalmel A decade of integrative genomic approaches to deciphering the mammalian testicular expression program

S i v u 9 NEUROENDOCRINE DISRUPTION OF PUBERTY BY BISPHENOL A Jean-Pierre Bourguignon a, Delphine Franssen a, Arlette Gérard a, David Lopez Rodriguez a, Benoit Hennuy b and Anne-Simone Parent a a Developmental Neuroendocrinology Unit, GIGA Neurosciences, b GIGA Transcriptomic platform, University of Liège, Sart-Tilman, B-4000, Liège, Belgium Bisphenol A (BPA) is a ubiquitous estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemical present in plastics and cans. Several studies in rodents indicate possible early onset of puberty after BPA exposure. Human data suggest no association between BPA exposure and pubertal timing or even delayed menarche. Moreover, some human and animal data suggest possible ovarian effects with altered folliculogenesis. The period and level of exposure to BPA could play a role among the factors accounting for variability in BPA effects on the female reproductive axis. The European Food Safety Authority recently proposed to set the daily tolerable intake of BPA at 4 μg/ It was recently estimated in France that the daily BPA exposure in children, adolescents and pregnant women is 0.05-0.06 μg/ and twice as much in infants. Our study focused on disruption of sexual maturation after early exposure to very low doses of BPA with an emphasis on neuroendocrine mechanisms. Neonatal exposure to a dose of BPA consistent with low environmental exposure altered the hypothalamic mechanisms responsible for homeostasis of pubertal timing. Puberty was consequently delayed as opposed to early maturation caused by a high BPA dose. Female rats were exposed to vehicle or BPA 25 ng/ or 5 mg/ from postnatal day 1 to 5 or 15. After 15 days of exposure to 25 ng/ of BPA, vaginal opening was delayed following a delayed developmental acceleration of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion. Inversely, exposure to BPA 5 mg/kg/d for 15 days resulted in early vaginal opening following a premature acceleration of GnRH secretion. On PND 20, the mrna expression of hypothalamic genes involved in GABA A neurotransmission showed opposing changes depending on the dose of BPA. The study of GnRH secretion after BPA exposure in presence of GABA A receptor agonist/antagonist confirmed that a very low BPA dose leads to delayed puberty through an increased GABAergic tone whereas a high BPA dose leads to early puberty through reduced GABAergic tone. Thus, early postnatal exposure to BPA leads to opposing dose-dependent effects on the neuroendocrine control of puberty in the female rat. A very low and environmentally relevant dose of BPA delays maturation of the neuroendocrine control of puberty through alteration of GABAergic neurotransmission. Adult female rats were exposed to BPA in the same conditions of dose and duration of exposure (15 days). A neuroendocrine effect on GnRH pulse frequency studied ex vivo was still present and significant though the magnitude of changes was much less than in early postnatal life. Estrus cycling was reversibly disturbed during exposure to the two BPA doses with reduced or absent proestrus phase. Preliminary data indicate disturbed folliculogenesis. Thus, exposure to an environmentally relevant dose of BPA representing half the average exposure of children can affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis at different levels and during or after exposure both in early postnatal life and in adulthood.

10 S i v u SEMAPHORIN SIGNALING IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND FUNCTION OF GNRH SYSTEM Paolo Giacobini 1,2 1 Inserm, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Centre, U1172, Lille, France 2 University of Lille, School of Medicine, Lille, France The semaphorin proteins are among the best-studied families of guidance cues, contributing to morphogenesis and homeostasis in a wide range of tissue types (1). Among their various functions, we and other groups, have shown that semaphorins and their receptors play a key role in the central neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction, by controlling the establishment of the neural circuitry responsible for the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a decapeptide that acts as the "master molecule" controlling fertility (2). During embryonic development, GnRH-secreting neurons in vertebrates originate outside the brain, in the nasal placode and migrate into the brain along the olfactory-vomeronasal nerves to their principal target region, the preoptic area of the hypothalamus (3, 4). Alterations either in the development of this system or in the secretion of GnRH are associated with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) in humans, a condition characterized by a reduction or failure of sexual competence (5). Unraveling the genetic pathways involved in the regulation of GnRH system development is crucial to understanding the basis of its pathogenesis in human reproductive disorders and formulating novel therapies. This talk will provide an overview of current knowledge regarding the involvement of semaphorins and their receptors in the establishment of the rodent and human GnRH system, and specifically the motility and survival of these neurons. Novel distinct genetic evidence will be listed showing that insufficient semaphorin signaling contributes to some forms of reproductive disorders in humans. Finally, I will present evidence for the regulation of semaphorins expression in the hypothalamus of adult rodents by gonadal hormones, and the significance of these findings to our understanding of the functional plasticity of the GnRH system and the pathophysiology of reproductive disorders. The identification of semaphorins and their associated receptors as participants in both the development and morphological/structural plasticity of hormone systems creates new avenues of investigation in endocrinology and neuroendocrinology. 1. R. P. Kruger, J. Aurandt, K. L. Guan, Semaphorins command cells to move. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 6, 789 (Oct, 2005). 2. P. Giacobini, Shaping the Reproductive System: Role of Semaphorins in GnRH Development and Function. Neuroendocrinology, (May 7, 2015). 3. M. Schwanzel-Fukuda, D. W. Pfaff, Origin of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons. Nature 338, 161 (Mar 9, 1989). 4. S. Wray, P. Grant, H. Gainer, Evidence that cells expressing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone mrna in the mouse are derived from progenitor cells in the olfactory placode. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86, 8132 (Oct, 1989). 5. U. Boehm et al., Expert consensus document: European Consensus Statement on congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism-pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Nat Rev Endocrinol, (Jul 21, 2015).

S i v u 11 A DECADE OF INTEGRATIVE GENOMIC APPROACHES TO DECIPHERING THE MAMMALIAN TESTICULAR EXPRESSION PROGRAM Fréderic Chalmel, Inserm U1085-Irset, Research Institute of Health, Environment and Labor (Rennes, France) Spermatogenesis is a complex and tightly regulated process leading to the continuous production of male gametes, the spermatozoa. Within the testes, male germ cells first proliferate to amplify their number, next shuffle and reduce their genome through two consecutive meiotic divisions, and finally differentiate dramatically into cells specialized for mobility and fecundation. This developmental process requires the sequential and coordinated expression of thousands of genes, including many that are testis-specific. The molecular networks underlying normal and pathological spermatogenesis have been widely investigated in recent decades, and many high-throughput expression studies have studied genes and proteins important for male fertility. During this presentation, I will focus on the integrative genomic studies we have published over the last decade that have attempted to link and/or combine omic data, such as transcriptomics and proteomics, to gain insight into testicular functions and germ cell biology in humans and rodents.

12 S i v u ENDOHOITAJIEN SESSIO 9.25-11.05 Seminaarihuone Puheenjohtaja Päivi Karpakka 9.25-9.55 Päivi Kekäläinen Kilpirauhassyövän seuranta hoitaja-vastaanotolla 10.00-10.30 Minna Koivikko Hypertyreoosipotilaan seuranta hoitaja vastaanotolla 10.35-11.05 Endohoitajien muuttuva toimenkuva paperi- vai potilastyötä?

S i v u 13 KILPIRAUHASSYÖVÄN SEURANTA HOITAJAVASTAANOTOLLA Päivi Kekäläinen, Sisätautien klinikka, Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaala Itsenäisistä hoitajavastaanotoista on hyviä kokemuksia ja monilla aloilla (mm. diabeteshoitaja, reumahoitaja) nämä ovat osa vakiintunutta toimintaa. Kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa potilaat ovat olleet tyytyväisiä hoitajavastaanottoihin. Kehittämällä hoitajavastaanottoja voidaan lisätä hoitajan työn kiinnostavuutta ja työmotivaatiota. Hoitajavastaanottojen avulla voidaan myös parantaa hoidon saatavuutta, erityisesti jos lääkäriresursseista on pulaa. Erilaistuneet kilpirauhassyövät ovat useimmiten hyvän ennusteen sairauksia, joiden hoito ja seuranta ovat vakiintuneita. Näitä potilaita voidaan hyvin seurata erikoistuneen sairaanhoitajan toimesta, lääkärin ohjauksessa. Tavallisimmat kilpirauhasyöpämuodot ovat ns. erilaistuneet kilpirauhaskarsinoomat, eli papillaarinen ja follikulaarinen karsinooma, jotka ovat lähtöisin kilpirauhasen follikkeliepiteelistä. Usein diagnoosiin johtava oire on kaulalla oleva aristamaton kyhmy. Diagnoosi varmennetaan kaulan ultraäänitutkimuksen yhteydessä otetusta ohutneulanäytteestä. Pienet mikrokarsinoomat voivat löytyä myös sattumalta ultraäänitutkimuksessa tai struumaleikkauksessa. Papillaarinen karsinooma on tavallisin kilpirauhasen syöpä, joka leviää pääasiassa imuteitse. Tästä syystä kaulan imusolmukemetastaasit ovat tavallisia ja niitä voidaan todeta jo taudin toteamisvaiheessa. Follikulaarinen kilpirauhaskarsinooma leviää ensisijaisesti veriteitse ja lähettää etäpesäkkeitä mm. keuhkoihin ja luustoon. Erilaistuneen kilpirauhaskarsinooman keskeiset hoitomuodot ovat leikkaus, radiojodihoito tyroksiinikorvaushoito. Leikkauksessa poistetaan useimmiten koko kilpirauhanen sekä mahdolliset imusolmukemetastaasit. Radiojodihoidon tarve riippuu riskikategoriasta eli leikkaushoidon yhteydessä todetusta kasvaimen koosta ja sen levinneisyydestä. Huonomman ennusteen potilaat saavat radiojodihoidon. Kun on todettu hyvä hoitovaste hoidoille, siirrytään seurantavaiheeseen. Seurannan pituus vaihtelee potilaan riskikategoriasta ja remissioon pääsystä riippuen 2-10 vuoteen. Paikalliset työnjaot ja hoidonporrastukset (kuten vastaako alkuvaiheen hoidosta onkologi vai endokrinologi tai missä vaiheessa seuranta siirtyy terveyskeskukseen) vaihtelevat. Erilaistuneiden kilpirauhaskarsinoomien ennuste on yleisesti ottaen hyvä. Viiden vuoden kuluttua elossa on 98% papillaarista ja 90% follikulaarista karsinoomaa sairastavista. Remission jälkeen noin 10%:lle ilmaantuu paikallinen uusiminen kaulalle. Seurantakäynneillä tutkitaan tyreoglobuliini sekä määrävälein kaulan ultraäänitutkimus, joiden avulla pyritään löytämään mahdolliset taudin uusimiset. Kilpirauhassyöpäpotilaan hoidossa työnjakoa on mahdollista muuttaa hoitajan osuutta lisäämällä. Taudin toteamisvaiheessa potilaat tarvitsevat tietoa sairaudestaan ja on tärkeätä varata aikaa esim. hoitajan vastaanotolla sairaudesta keskustelemiseen. Alkuhoitojen jälkeen kontrollikäyntien sisältö on selväpiirteinen ja on koulutetun hoitajan toteutettavissa. Tyroksiinin annosmuutoksen jälkeen tarvitaan laboratorioseurantoja, joiden tulkinta voidaan ohjeistaa. Tällainen hoitajavastaanotto vaatii luonnollisesti selkeän tehtävänkuvauksen sekä lisäkoulutusta.


S i v u 15 POTILASTAPAUKSET JA KLIINISET ABSTRAKTIT POTILASTAPAUKSET JA KLIINISET ABSTRA 11.40-12.45 Luentosali 1 Puheenjohtajat Otto Knutar ja David Laaksonen

16 S i v u MR CUSHING JATKOKERTOMUS Päivi Kekäläinen, Laura Kolehmainen, Pohjois-Karjalan Keskussairaala, Sisätautien klinikka Aiemmin kerrottua: 48-vuotiaalla miehellä oli aiempina perussairauksina lihavuus, uniapnea ja krooninen C-hepatiitti. Vuodenvaihteessa 2013-2014 alkoivat oireet: ilmaantui vaikeahoitoinen verenpaineen nousu sekä yleistä turvotusta. Maaliskuussa 2014 hän joutui sairaalahoitoon verenpaineen nousun, reiluksi kehittyneiden turvotusten ja hypokalemian vuoksi. Tutkimuksissa todettiin Cushingin oireyhtymä (1mg deksametasonikokeen jälkeen kortisoli 1125 umol/l ja ACTH 180 ng/l), joka kuvantamistutkimusten perusteella osoittautui ektooppiseksi taudiksi. Oikealta kaulalta löytyi 5cm kokoinen neuroendokriininen karsinooma. Ennen leikkausta hän oli pitkään sairaalahoidossa tehohoitoakin vaatineen komplisoituneen septisen infektion vuoksi (hengitysvajaus, sydänpysähdys ja keuhkoembolia). Lopulta tuumori operoitiin toukokuussa 2014 ja hän sai heinä-elokuussa leikkausalueen sädehoidon. Leikkauksen jälkeen hyperkortisolismi korjautui. Aloitettiin Hydrocortison-substituutio. Jatkoa: Syksyä kohti hän toipui varsin hyvin - kevään vaikea tilanne huomioiden. Verenpaine ja hypokalemia saatiin hallintaan reilulla lääkityksellä (kandesartaani, spironolaktoni, bisoprololi, lerkanidipiini), paino putosi keväästä -20kg ja Cushing pyöreys kasvoista väistyi. Todetun NET tuumorin primäärinen fokus jäi kuitenkin epäselväksi. Lokakuussa 2014 tehdyssä TT-kuvauksessa mediastinumissa oikealla oli muutama suurentunut imusolmuke, mutta uudessa oktreotidikartassa ei ko. alueella eikä muuallakaan ollut poikkeavia kertymiä. Kromograniini-A oli normaali 2,2 nmol/l (< 3), joskin tämä oli preoperatiivisesti korkeimmillaankin vain 7,9 nmol/l. 11/2014 tehtiin HUS:ssa Gallium-Dotanoc-PET kuvaus, jossa todettiin oikealla ylämediastinumissa malignisuspektit imusolmukekertymät. Operoitiin uudelleen tammikuussa 2015. Leikkauksessa jouduttiin poistamaan siistin näköinen oikea kilpirauhaslohko, jotta paratrakeaaliseen tuumorimassaan päästiin käsiksi. PAD olikin oikean kilpirauhaslohkon medullaarinen kilpirauhaskarsinooma sekä tämän metastaasit. Tämän tiedon jälkeen maaliskuussa poistettiin jäljellä oleva kilpirauhanen, jossa ei ollut tautia. Histologisesti tuumori oli samanlainen kuin 5/2014 operoitu. Oktreotidianalogi aloitettiin1/2015 leikkauksen jälkeen. Viimeisen leikkauksen jälkeen mitattu kalsitoniini oli selkästi koholla 20,7-24.3 pmol/l (<3,4). Huhtikuussa 2015 vartalon TT:ssä todettiin maksassa useampi metastaasiin sopiva fokus, jotka varmistettiin MRI-kuvauksella. HUS:n maksakirurgiaakin konsultoitiin leikkausajatuksella. Histologisesti primäärituumorin proliferaatioaste oli 20, joten leikkaushoitoon ei lähdetty. 9.7.2015 alkaen on aloitettu vandetanibi-hoito. Cushing oireyhtymä ei kuitenkaan ole uudelleen ilmaantunut, aamu kortisoli tasot ovat olleet 169 316 nmol/l ja ACTH 44-50 ng (<46). Hydrocortison lääkitystä on asteittain purettu.

S i v u 17 DIABETEKSEN PARANTAVA HOITO Petteri Ahtiainen ja Juha Saltevo, Sisätautien poliklinikka, Keski-Suomen keskussairaala, Jyväskylä Kyseessä on 39-vuotias mies, jolla oli vuonna 1997 todettu paniikkihäiriö. Vuonna 2009 potilaalle ilmaantui kotona ollessa tykytyksen tunnetta. Syketaso oli sairaankuljettajien tutkimana 95/min ja verenpainetaso oli 173/118 mmhg. Terveyskeskuksen tutkimuksissa paljastui DM2. Diagnoosivaiheessa paastoverensokeri oli 7.5 mmol/l, ja GHBA1c-taso 6.5 %. Potilas oli tuolloin 175 cm pitkä, painoi 85 kg ja painoindeksi oli 28 kg/m2. Verenpainetasot olivat vastaanoton yhteydessä 150-158/108-110 mmhg. Lipidiprofiilissa Kol 4.4, HDL 0.7, LDL 2.2 ja triglyt 3.3 mmol/l. Molemmilla vanhemmilla oli sekä diabetes että verenpainetauti. Potilas kertoi, että työpäivien jälkeen esiintyi kuristuksen tunnetta kaulalla, painon tunnetta rinnassa ja sydämen tykyttelyä ja sydän tuntui myös oudolta. Nämä oireet eivät vaivanneet työpäivän aikana tai fyysisessä rasituksessa. Vastaanoton yhteydessä käynnistettiin metformiini- ja bisoprololi-lääkitykset. Rasituskokeessa suorituskyky oli hyvä, eikä sepelvaltimotautiin sopivia löydöksiä tullut esiin. Diabeteksen seurannoissa vointi oli hyvä. Hoitoon liitettiin varsin pian sitagliptiini ja GHBA1C taso pysyikin 6.0-6.5 % välissä. Bisoprololin käyttö oli jäänyt epäsäännölliseksi ja verenpainetasot olivat kotimittauksissa usein 150/100 mmhg. Sydänoireet tuntuivat hankaloituvan stressijaksojen ja univaikeuksien aikana. EKG:ssä todettiiin LVH:n kriteerit täyttävä löydös ja potilaalle käynnistettiin verenpainelääkkeeksi enalapriili. Painonhallinta ja liikunnan lisääminen onnistuivat hyvin, paino laski 79 kg asti. Rasituksen sieto oli koko ajan hyvä. Vuosien saatossa verenpainelääkitystä tehostettiin lerkanidipiinillä ja kohonneen LDL-tason vuoksi käynnistettiin atorvastatiini. Sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettiin lievä vasemman kammion hypertrofia. Helmikuussa 2015 potilas hakeutui päivystysvastaanotolle näönhämärtymiskohtauksen vuoksi. Neurologi ei löytänyt miehestä mitään vikaa. Silmälääkäri tutki potilaan tuloksetta. Maaliskuussa 2015 neurologi selvitteli tilannetta rasituksen jälkeen alkaneen päänsärkyoireen vuoksi. Päänsärky väistyi tunneissa ja sen syy jäi avoimeksi. Vajaa viikon kuluttua tästä potilas oli jälleen päivystyksessä, nyt rytmihäiriötuntemuksen ja hyperkalemian vuoksi. Todettiin sinustakykardia, 120/minuutti. Verenpaineet olivat sairaalassa tasolla 150/80 mmhg ja kaliumpitoisuus oli 5.6 mmol/l. Sekä syketaso että kaliumarvot korjaantuivat yön yli nukkumisella ja potilas kotiutui. GHBA1c oli tässä vaiheessa 6.8 %. Endokrinologia konsultoitiin kuitenkin ennen potilaan kotiuttamista. Elokuussa diabetespoliklinikalla vointi oli hyvä, GHBA1C oli 6.1 % ilman lääkkeitä. Omaseurannassa paastoglukoosiarvot olivat < 6.0 mmol/l ja aterian jälkeiset arvot < 8.0 mmol/l. Verenpainetaso oli vastaanotolla noin 120/70 mmhg. Paino oli pysynyt ennallaan. Millä keinoin miehen diabetes parannettiin maaliskuun ja elokuun välisenä aikana?

18 S i v u FAMILIAALINEN HYPERKOLESTEROLEMIA JA MAHALAUKUN OHITUSLEIKKAUS (GASTRIC BYPASS): POTILASTAPAUKSIA Laura Kolehmainen, Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaala, sisätautiklinikka Nuori nainen (28 vuotta) hakeutui sairaalloisen ylipainon vuoksi työterveyslääkärin lähettämänä keskussairaalan obesiteettipoliklinikalle 1/2012. Potilaalla oli perussairauksina astma ja FH-tauti, Pohjois-Karjala geenimutaatio. Äidinisä oli kuollut sydäninfarktiin 52-vuotiaana ja äiti oli ohitusleikattu 60 vuoden iässä. Kolesteroliarvot oli tarkistettu ensimmäisen kerran 8 vuoden iässä (v 1992), jolloin kolesteroli 5.54, HDL 0.75, LDL 4.17 ja trigl 1.38. Potilas oli lastenpkl seurannassa, hoitona dieetti, resiiniä yritettiin (Lestid) huonolla menestyksellä. Ylipaino oli ongelma jo lapsena: tyttö juo pulloittain coca-colaa joka päivä ja päästää rähinän jos sitä ei saa, vuonna 1995 oli kolesteroli 8.12, HDL 0.88, trigl 1.25 ja LDL 6.68. Benecol alkoi v 1996, sittemmin LDL 4.35 4.79. Vuonna 2001 alkoi simvastatiini 20 mgx1, jonka jälkeen LDL 3.05. Vuonna 2003 mainitaan potilaan laihduttaneen 12 kg/3kk ja LDL 2.59. Statiini jäi sittemmin pois haittojen vuoksi, synnytykset olivat v 2005 ja 2007. Obe pkl 1/2012: paino 123 kg/bmi 47, Kol 6.0, LDL 4.5. Potilas menee ENE-ryhmään, paino laskee 22 kg, kontrollissa 9/12 oli paino 96,6 kg/bmi 36.8. Edetään mahalaukun ohitusleikkaukseen, joka tehdään 1/2013. Puolen vuoden kontrollissa (8/2013) ilman statiinia oli Kol 3.8, HDL 1.10, LDL 2.7, trigl 0.53 ja kontrolloituna kuukautta myöhemmin Kol 3.6, LDL 2.5. Paino oli 74,4 kg/bmi 27.66. Kahden vuoden kohdalla leikkauksesta 4/2015: Paino 77 kg, Kol 4.0, HDL 1.25, LDL 2.7, trigl 0.50. Potilaalla on tulossa soittokontrolli lipidipkl:lle 10/2015. Sisarensa innoittamana potilaan isoveli (syntynyt v -66) kyselee myös laihdutusleikkaukseen pääsyä syksyllä 2013. Hän on käynyt FH taudin vuoksi ensimmäisen kerran v 1988 22 vuoden iässä. Silloin kolesteroli oli 8.50, HDL 0.61, trigl 2.25. Silloin pituus 177 cm ja paino 90 kg. Potilaalle alkaa Mevacor 40 mg 1x1 lääkitys, kontrollissa Kol 6.68, LDL 5.29. Statiiniin kombinoidaan resiini, jonka jälkeen LDL parhaimmillaan 3.60. Sitten ALAT nousi ad 239, jolloin statiini tauotettiin ja sen tilalle tuli nikotiinihappo (Lipolyt ret ) v 1990. Resiinin ja nikotiinihapon aikana Kol 5.47, HDL 0.66, LDL 4.49, trigl 0.71. Vuonna 1991 Lipolyt ret valmistus lopetetaan, joten statiini aloitetaan uudelleen ja tällä kertaa maksa-arvot pysyvät normaaleina. Vuonna 1994 potilas jää pois kontrolleista, lääkitys jää pois. Potilas tulee uudelleen lipidipkl:lle v 2001, jolloin Kol 8.10, LDL 5.48, HDL 0.90, Trigl 3.82, atorvastatiini aloitetaan, sen annos nousee ad 40 mgx1, LDL parhaimmillaan 2.80, viimeksi v 2003 LDL oli 3.55, silloin potilas ei enää tullut vastaanotolle. Potilas tulee jälleen lipidipkl kontrolleihin v 2010, tuolloin lääkityksenä Simvastatin 40 mg ja Ezetrol 10 mg, LDL 3.1. Silloin paino on 139 kg, todetaan tyypin 2 diabetes, johon alkaa metformiini lääkitys. Sittemmin LDL on 3.86, simvastatiinin tilalle vaihtuu Atorvastatin 40 mgx1. Vuonna 2011 alkaa sartaani verenpainelääkkeksi, silloin LDL 3.07. Syksyllä 2013 on paino 143.5 kg/bmi 46.86, LDL 3.4. Keväällä 2014 ENE ryhmässä paino laskee 25 kg, verenpainelääkitys päästään lopettamaan. Elokuussa 2014 obe pkl:lla on paino 118.5 kg/bmi 38.69, Kol 3.7, HDL 0.68, LDL 2.6, trigl 1.83. Potilaalle tehtiin gastric by pass 2/2015. Paino on 108 kg 5/2015, tuolloin lipidit: Kol 2.9, HDL 0.63, LDL 2.0, trigl 0.95. Nyt 9/2015 lipidipkl kontrolli: Kol 2.8, HDL 0.7, LDL 1.7 ja trigl 1.01.

S i v u 19 KOURISTELU KAUPPAKESKUKSESSA Airika Oorn, Niina Matikainen, Tiinamaija Tuomi, Camilla Schalin-Jäntti, Leo Niskanen HYKS, Endokrinologian klinikka, Meilahden sairaala 30-vuotias nainen, joka lapsuudesta asti ylipainoinen, tuli lähetteellä vaikean lihavuuden kirurgisen hoidon arvioon. BMI 45,8. Osallistunut ENE-painonhallintaryhmään (paino -10kg). Preoperatiivisessä gastroskopiassa pieni sliding hernia, makroskooppisesti normaali löydös. Ei helikobakteereja. 5kk myöhemmin laporoskooppinen mahalaukun ohitus. Komplikaationa postoperatiivinen ohittavan suolenpätkän strangulaatio, joka nopeasti vapautettu. 1v. ja 10kk leikkauksestä kouristi kauppakeskuksessa, joutui neurologian päivystykseen. Mistä oli kysymys? Tehokkaaseen hoitoon päästiin vasta 1v. ja 9kk kuluttua.

20 S i v u LIHAVUUSLEIKKAUKSEN JÄLKEINEN VAIKEA HUONOVOINTISUUS JA HYPOKALEMIA Leena Norvio, HUS, Hyvinkään sairaala 47 vuotias nainen, jolla oli todettu hypertensio vuonna 2005. Samana vuonna potilasta oli tutkittu hirsutismin vuoksi gynekologian poliklinikalla ja aloitettu spironolaktoni. Lisäksi T2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, polviartroosi, alaselkäkipuja, sappikivet. 3 sektiosynnytystä. Ylipainoa oli ollut lapsuudesta, maksimipaino v 2010 ollut 120 kg. Lihavuuden hoidon arviokäynnillä oli motivoitunut painonhallintaan. Isoimmiksi ongelmiksi profiloitui isot annoskoot, iltasyöminen TV:n ääressä, napostelu ja herkut. Pituus 160 cm, paino 110 kg/ BMI 43,4. RR 175/101. Suunnitelmana ENE-ryhmä ja sen jälkeen mahdollisesti lihavuusleikkaus. Lääkityksenä Metformin 500mg x2, Amlodipin 10 mg x1, Perindropril 8 mg x1, Allonol 100 mg x1 Spiresis 100mg x1 ja Simvastatin 20 mg x1. ENE-ryhmässä laihtui 19 kg/ -17% painoon 96 kg/bmi 37,6. Painonlasku ei vähentänyt verenpainelääkkeiden tarvetta. 30.3. tehtiin gastric by-pass. Leikkauspäivän paino 97 kg. Peroraalinen ravitsemus lähti hyvin käyntiin ja potilas kotiutettiin toisena postoperatiivisena päivänä, entisen lääkityksen lisänä Somac 40 mg. 3 viikon kuluttua hakeutui päivystyspoliklinikalle ensimmäisen kerran. Riittävä syöminen ja juominen ollut haastavaa, vatsalla lievää kipua ja täyttymisen tunnetta. Vointi ollut kokonaisuudessaan jotenkin huono ja oksentanut pari kertaa. Paino oli 86 kg. RR 169/106, syke 61. Vatsalla lievä aristus. Vatsan TT:ssä sappikivet sekä sattumalöydöksenä 25 mm kystamainen fokaalimuutos, jonka suhteen ohjattu urologille. Hb 143, K 3,3. Kotiutettiin. 3 vrk kuluttua hakeutui toisen kerran sairaalaan pahoinvoinnin ja kipujen vuoksi (VAS 9) jääden seurantaan. Vatsa oli pehmeä. K 2,9. Kotiutettiin. Kirurgian poliklinikalla kontrollikäynti: vointi kehno, syöminen ja juominen huonoa, heikottaa, liman kakomista muttei oksentelua. Hb 166, K 3,2. Ohjattiin osastoseurantaan. Vatsan TT (anastomoosi siisti, ei herniaatiota) ja passage normaalit. Munuaisen neoplasiaepäilyn vuoksi tehty pään TT oli normaali. Osastolla RR 150-210/105-115 mmhg. Kalium 2,3-2,5 korjauksista huolimatta. Hyponatremia 129 ja kloridi matala 95. Hypokalemian korjaukseen Kalisol 30 ml x6 ja iv kaliumlisät. Endokrinologin arvion mukaan ei hyperkortisolismiin viittaavaa habituksessa. Amlodipin ja Spironolaktoni tuplattiin, joilla verenpainetaso laski. Kotiutui ja ohjattiin polikliinisiin jatkotutkimuksiin. Hakeutui kolmannen kerran päivystykseen huonovointisuuden ja huimauksen vuoksi. Ei uskaltanut enää poistua kotoaan, koska oire ilmaantui heti pystyyn noustua. Jatkuvaa epämääräistä vatsakipua (VAS 4). Kalium 5,3, natrium 129, krea 63. PLV:ssä virtsatie-infektio. Ortostaattisessa kokeessa verenpaineen laskiessa huono olo. RR 154/84 (p72) 103/76 (p105) 114/87 (p116). Kotiutettiin odottamaan poliklinikka-aikaa. Endokrinologian poliklinikalla todettiin huonovointinen nainen, jolla huomattavaa voimattomuutta, huimausta, väsymystä. Pahoinvointi oli lievää, ei oksentelua enää. 1-2 kertaa päivässä 15-20 min kestävä aaltomainen kipukohtaus. Habituksessa ei hyperkortisolismia, ei turvotusta, kyykystä pääsi hyvin ylös. K 3,9, Na 132, astrup vaikeatulkintainen, lähinnä metabolinen alkaloosi ( ph 7,55, pco2 2,8, BE -4,1, bikarb. 23). DU-korsol-V 162, 1,5 mg DXM 129, klo 23 syljen kortisoli 4,4, ACTH 19. du-k 80, du-na 31, du-cl 78, virtsamäärä 800 ml. Mg matalahko 0,68. Mistä kyse?

IÄKKÄÄN MIEHEN ÄKILLINEN HYPOKALEMIA, HYPERKORTISOLISMI JA DIABETES S i v u 21 Henna Cederberg-Tamminen, David Laaksonen ja Leena Moilanen, KYS, Endokrinologian ja Diabetologian poliklinikka 70-vuotias mies, jolla 11 vuotta sitten (v. 2004) brakyterapialla hoidettu prostatan adenokarsinooma (pt1c NX MX, gradus II, Gleason 6). Alkuvaiheessa PSA ollut 8.3. Brakyterapien jälkeen hiljakseen PSA kääntynyt nousuun, kesällä 2011 oli 6, joulukuussa 2011 8 ja kesäkuussa 2012 16. Luustokartta 3/2012 ollut normaali. PSA nousun vuoksi v. 2012 tehdyssä koliini-pet-tutkimuksessa kertymää prostatassa, lantion alueella, mediastinumissa ja oikeassa hiluksessa ja sai tuolloin lantion alueen eksternin sädehoidon. Aloitettiin hormonaalinen hoito, 11/2012-6/2014 käytössä Bicalutamid 150 mg x 1 jaksoittain. 2/2015 alkaen Betmiga 50 mg 1 x 1 ja tamsulosiini 0.4 mg 1 x 1. Lisäksi etiologialtaan epäselvä krooninen pankreatiitti todettu v. 2014, Creon-tableteilla oireet kurissa. 12/2014 todettu paroksysmaalinen eteisvärinä ja potilas marevanisoitu. Jo tuolloin verenpaine tasoa 192/94 mmhg, aloitettu Bisoprolol ja Cardace. Ei tupakoi. 4/2015 tullut hematuriaa ja urologian osastolla todettu hypokalemia ja Kaleorid ollut lyhytaikaisesti käytössä. Kotiutuessa potilas oli normokaleeminen. Terveyskeskuksen kontrollikokeissa todettu kuitenkin uudelleen matala kalium, 2.4 mmol/l, lisäksi RR 180-200/80-110 mmhg, ad 210/82 mmhg. Potilaan yleiskunto laskenut. Ei laihtumista. Sisätautiosastolla käynnistetty sekundaarisen hypertension selvittelyt. Vuorokausivirtsan natrium- ja kaliumkeräyksissä du-na 262 mmol virtsamäärällä 2200 ml, du-kalium 122 mmol virtsamäärällä 1550 ml, jälkimmäinen keräys tehty jo kun potilaan kalium-taso oli korjattu. Verenpainetaso ollut toistuvasti voimakkaan hypertensiivinen ja aloitettu Amlopidin 5 mg 1 x 1, Losartan 50 mg 1 x 1 ja Spironolactone 25 mg 1 x 2. Voimakasta hypokalemiataipumusta korjattu Kaleoridilla, jota tarvittu 7g / vrk pitämään plasman kalium viitealueen alarajalla. Lyhyessä dexametasoni-kokeessa P-korsol jää koholle 1299-1410. P-ACTH koholla 250 nanog/l ja lisäksi todetaan tuore diabetes, HbA1c 7.4 % (57 mmol/mol). Statuksessa ei Cushing-habitusta. Luuston mineraalipitoisuuden mittauksessa ei osteopeniaa tai osteoporoosia. Mikä selittää potilaan nopeasti kehittyneen hypokalemian, hyperkortisolismin ja diabeteksen?

22 S i v u TODELLA AINUTLAATUINEN TAPAUS SIC! Lassi Nelimarkka TYKS, Medisiininen toimialue, endokrinologia/turun yliopisto, kliininen laitos Saila Kauhanen TYKS, Vatsaelinkirurgian ja urologian klinikka/turun yliopisto, kliininen laitos Potilaamme on tällä hetkellä 25-vuotias nainen, jolla kesästä 2007 alkaneen rajun lihomisen (20 kg), kuukautishäiriöiden, hirsutismin ja osteoporoosin taustalta diagnosoitiin Cushingin oireyhtymä. Heinäkuussa 2008 potilaalle tehtiin vasemmanpuoleinen adrenalektomia, jossa poistettiin 7 cm läpimittainen kasvain, joka paljastui hyvänlaatuiseksi kortisolia tuottavaksi adenoomaksi. Leikkaustulos oli kuratiivinen eikä seurannassa hyperkortisolismi ole uusinut. Preoperatiivisesti kiinnitettiin huomiota myös sattumalöydöksenä todettuun hyperkalsemiaan (P-Ca-Ion 1,42 mmol/l), jonka syyksi paljastui primaarinen hyperparatyreoosi (HPT). HPT herätti epäilyn MEN-1 -oireyhtymästä, mutta sukuanamneesi oli negatiivinen ja geenitutkimuksista pidättäydyttiin. Huhtikuussa 2009 potilaalle tehtiin vasemmalle paratyreoidektomia ja leikkauksessa poistettiin lisäkilpirauhasten SPET-TT:ssäkin näkynyt adenomatoottisesti suurentunut vasen alempi lisäkilpirauhanen. Vasenta ylempää lisäkilpirauhasta ei eksploraatiosta huolimatta löydetty. Oikean puoleisia lisäkilpirauhasia ei leikkauksessa identifioitu. Histologisessa näytteessä (PAD) paljastui hyvänlaatuinen lisäkilpirauhasadenooma ja postoperatiivisesti sekä P-Ca-Ion että P-PTH -pitoisuudet normaalistuivat. Keväällä 2013 HPT residivoi ja tämä herätti uudelleen epäilyn MEN-1 -oireyhtymästä, minkä vuoksi potilaalle teetettiin MEN1-geenin mutaatiotutkimus NordLabissa Oulussa. Tutkimuksessa potilaalla ei todettu suomalaisia valtamutaatioita, mutta sen sijaan todettiin eksonissa 9 heterotsygoottisena eli toisessa MEN1-geenin alleelissa nonsense-mutaatio c.1243c>t (p.arg415ter) varmentaen MEN1-diagnoosin. Lähisukulaisia tutkittaessa paljastui, että potilas oli perinyt mutaation isältään, jolla 54-vuotiaana todettiin oireeton, mutta leikkauskriteerit täyttävä HPT. Potilaalla on v. -86 syntynyt isoveli ja v. -84 syntynyt isosisko, joista veljellä todettiin MEN-1 ja HPT, mutta sisar todettiin terveeksi. Sekä isälle että veljelle tehtiin 2014 kuratiiviset paratyreoidektomiat. Potilaamme on lapseton ja hänen residivoinut HPT todettiin tilanteessa, jolloin hän oli ensimmäistä kertaa raskaana h6+0. Hyperkalsemia oli sen verran lieväasteinen (P-Ca-Ion 1,35-1,37 mmol/l), että päädyttiin seurantalinjalle raskauskin huomioiden. Raskaus päättyi keskenmenoon h12+0, minkä jälkeen suunniteltiin uutta paratyroidektomiaa. Lisäkilpirauhasten 123 I+ 99m Tc-MIBI-SPET-TT:ssä ja 11 C-MET-PET-TT:ssä ei poikkeavia kertymiä todettu eikä kirurgi ollut halukas oikean puolen eksploratiiviseen leikkaukseen. Potilas on ollut MEN-1:n takia endokrinologian pkl:n säännöllisessä seurannassa. Syksyllä 2013 P-Ca-Ion oli lievästi koholla 1,35 mmol/l. Gastriini, haiman polypeptidi sekä kromograniini-a todettiin normaaleiksi eikä muissakaan laboratoriotutkimuksissa todettu poikkeavaa. Huhtikuussa 2014 potilaalle tehtiin viiden vuoden tauon jälkeen vartalon MRI, jossa todettiin haiman corpuksessa 20 mm:n tuumori ja haiman caputissa epäily toisesta 12 mm:n leesiosta, jotka tehostuivat muun haiman tapaan. NET-tyyppistä arteriavaiheen tehostumista ei todettu. Matalan verensokerin oireita potilaalla ei ollut missään vaiheessa. Vappupäivänä 2014 aamuyöstä tapahtui dramaattinen käänne, kun potilas oli avopuolison mukaan yht äkkiä kouristanut grand mal tyyppisesti, minkä vuoksi potilas toimitettiin TYKS:n päivystykseen. Potilas oli vappuaattona nauttinut vain kohtuudella alkoholia ja syyksi paljastuikin hypoglykemia (P-Gluk 2,4 mmol/l). Pään MRI:ssä ei todettu poikkeavaa. Ambulanssissa potilaalle infusoitiin 10 %:sta glukoosiliuosta, minkä vuoksi hänet jouduttiin ottamaan endokrinologian vuodeosastolle jatkotutkimuksiin hypoglykemian etiologian selvittämiseksi. 72 h paastokokeesssa 16 h paaston jälkeen diagnoosiksi varmistui insulinooma. Potilaalle ilmaantui hypoglykemiaoireita ja laboratorion varmentamana P-Gluk oli 2,2 mmol/l ja samanaikaisesti P-Insu 8 mu/l sekä P-C-Pept 0,75 nmol/l. Potilaalle aloitettiin diatsoksidi 25 mg 2x3, jolla hypoglykemiat pysyivät kurissa. Insulinoomadiagnoosin varmistuttua tehtiin vartalon 18 F-DOPA-PET-TT, jossa vain toinen haiman muutos corpuksessa latasi merkkiainetta selkeästi. Tämä tuumori poistettiin enukleoiden 9.6.2014. Leikkauksessa haiman caputin alueella ei palpoiden tuntunut poikkeavaa. Leikkauksen jälkeen potilaan hypoglykemiaoireisto ilmaantui nopeasti uudelleen ja potilaan mukaan hankalampana kuin aikaisemmin, minkä vuoksi potilas tarvitsi diatsoksidia jopa enemmän kuin ennen leikkausta. Mitä corpus alueen tuumorista löytyi ja mitä sen jälkeen tehtiin?

S i v u 23 AIMO ANNOKSET Päivi Hannula, TAYS sisätautien klinikka ja ENDI-yksikkö, Tampereen kaupunki 63-vuotias eläkkeellä oleva mies oli sairastanut tyypin 2 diabetesta vuodesta 2003 alkaen, ja lieviä komplikaatioitakin oli kehittynyt: taustaretinopatia, mikroalbuminuria ja polyneuropatiaa. Hänellä oli taipumus allergiseen urtikariaan, ja kun diabeteslääkityksessä 2006 siirryttiin perusinsuliinihoitoon, sai hän NPH-insuliinistakin urtikarialehahduksia. Asiaa tutkittiin TAYS:ssa 2007, jossa tehtiin onnistunut desensitisaatio Levemir -insuliinille. Aloitettiin hyvin pienillä annoksilla, joita nostettiin vähitellen. Perussairauksina hänellä oli lisäksi hypertensio, astma, uniapnea, depressio, lievä sepelvaltimotauti ja kombinoitu aorttaläppävika. Prostatakarsinooma todettiin 2014 ja aorttaläppävika leikattiin 2/2015. Hän osallistui 2012 lääkeainetutkimukseen, jossa pitkävaikutteisen insuliinin ohella käytettiin 1,8mg liraglutidia. Levemir meni kahtena pistoksena isoin annoksin. Alkuun insuliini-annokset pienenivät, sitten vs-taso lähti nousuun ja hän nosti ja jakoi Levemirin kolmeen annokseen. Tutkimuksen jälkeen jälkeen aloitettiin Bydureon ja Novorapid. Näille ei allergisia oireita kehittynyt. Lääkitys 2013: Levemir 89 + 87 + 89 yks., yhteensä 265 yks., Novorapid 18 + 20 + 18 yks. Kaikkiaan 321 yks. insuliinia. Muut diabeteslääkkeet olivat Bydureon 2 mg/ vko, Glucophage 1 g x 3. Lisäksi 4 verenpainelääkettä, nitraatti, statiini, ASA, inhaloitava steroidi ja serotoniinilääke. Status: Pituus 182 cm, paino 109 kg, BMI 36.8 ja HbA1c 66 (8.2%). Strategiaksi otettiin insuliiniannosten pienennys ja elämäntapaohjaus. Insuliinitarve pienenikin, varsinkin mökillä puuhaillessa ja ruokavaliota kiristäessä. Pudotti silloin aina Novorapidin pois ja palasi Levemir x 3 annosteluun. Keväällä 2014 diabeteksen lääkehoito oli Levemir 45 + 45 + 45 yks., Novorapid noin kerran viikossa, Bydureon, metformiini. Hän painoi 106 kg (BMI 35.8) ja pistopaikoissa oli navan alapuolella voimakas lipohypotrofia-alue ja navan vieressä kovettuma. HbA1c 57 mmol/mol (7.4%), Krea 62 umol/l, c-peptidi 1.12 nmol/l (gluk 16.1 mmol/l), Kol 3.3 mmol/l, LDL 1.8 mmol/l, cu-alb 36 ug/min. Sitten hän sai mökillä vakavan allergisen reaktion Novorapid-korjaukselle, koska oli käyttänyt sitä vain harvoin ja päässyt herkistymään sille. Kuinka päästäisiin eteenpäin?

24 S i v u SESSION II 11.40-12.45 Lecture Hall 3 Chair: Jorma Palvimo 11.40-12.10 Jongsook Kim Kemper Role of bile acid regulated nuclear receptors in physiology and disease 12.15-12.45 Short talks 1. Joanna Lempiäinen: Hormone dependent protein interactome of the glucocorticoid receptor reveals novel potential drug targets 2. Leena Latonen: Androgen receptor (AR) microrna-32 pathway in prostate cancer 3. Matteo Da Ros: FYCO1 and autophagy control the integrity of the haploid male germ cell specific RNP granules

S i v u 25 ROLE OF BILE ACID-REGULATED NUCLEAR RECEPTORS IN PHYSIOLOGY AND DISEASE Jongsook Kim Kemper Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA Bile acids (BAs) were previously known as physiological detergents to help digestion of lipidsoluble nutrients, but recent evidence clearly demonstrates that they also function as endocrine signaling molecules, hormones, that profoundly impact metabolism and energy balance by activating nuclear receptors and membrane receptors and also inducing a key metabolic hormone, FGF19. Due to detergent-like toxicity in excess amounts, BA levels must be tightly controlled, and nuclear receptors, FXR and SHP, play key roles in this regulation. In this talk, I will discuss how FXR and SHP sense elevated BA levels after to a meal and transmit BA signaling to the nucleus for feedback transcriptional regulation of BA synthesis/transport to maintain homeostasis, and how dysregulation of this pathway leads to cholestatic liver disease and fatty liver disease. In particular, two mechanistic aspects to understand feedback regulation of BA metabolism will be discussed. First, role of BA signal-induced post-translational modifications, phosphorylation and SUMOylation of SHP, in this regulation will be discussed. Specifically, an unexpected function of a nucleoporin and E3 SUMO ligase, RanBP2, in maintaining BA homeostasis through SUMOylation of SHP which is required for nuclear transport and SHP-mediated repression of BA synthetic genes will be discussed. Second, role of FXR-induced histone demethylase, LSD1, in SHP-mediated epigenetic regulation of BA metabolism and protecting the liver from BA toxicity will be discussed. Further, a new function of this SHP-LSD1 complex in regulation of lipid metabolism through autophagy-related breakdown of lipids, lipophagy will be briefly discussed. As BAs, FXR, and FGF19 have been receiving great attention because of their therapeutic potentials, we hope our studies may provide novel targets for treating hepatobiliary disease and other BA-related diseases, including diabetes, fatty liver disease, and cancer. Our recent publications relevant to the presentation: Kim DH et al., (2015) Critical role of RanBP2-mediated SUMOylation of SHP in maintaining bile acid homeostasis, in revision. Kim YC, et al., (2015) FXR-induced lysine-specific histone demethylase, LSD1, reduces hepatic bile acid levels and protects the liver against bile acid toxicity. Hepatology, 62, 220-231. Kim DH et al., (2015) A dysregulated Acetyl/SUMO switch of FXR promotes hepatic inflammation in obesity. EMBO Journal, 34:184-199. Seok SM and Fu T et al., (2014) Transcriptional regulation of autophagy by an FXR/CREB axis. Nature, 516, 108 111. Seok SM et al., (2013) Bile acid signal-induced phosphorylation of SHP by PKCzeta is critical for epigenetic regulation of liver metabolic genes, JBC, 288(32): 23252-63.

26 S i v u Short talk 1: HORMONE-DEPENDENT PROTEIN INTERACTOME OF THE GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR REVEALS NOVEL POTENTIAL DRUG TARGETS Joanna Lempiäinen 1, Einari Niskanen 1, Markku Varjosalo 2 and Jorma J. Palvimo 1 1 Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland 2 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a glucocorticoid-activated transcription factor (TF), is an essential regulator of human homeostasis and an important drug target, especially in chronic inflammatory conditions. Regulation of transcription by the GR and other TFs requires coregulator proteins (coactivators or corepressor), that form multisubunit complexes with TFs. These coregulator complexes conduct a variety of functions, such as chromatin remodeling and histone modification, and they have a significant impact on gene expression. In fact, coregulator dysfunction may lead to severe pathologies; hence coregulators are emerging as potential new drug targets in various diseases. Several aspects of GR coregulator function still remain unresolved, such as what is the set of coregulators that bind to the GR in physiological compared to cell stress conditions, or if the DNA binding of the GR is required for the GR-coregulator interaction. In this study, we used affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry (AP-MS) to reveal for the first time the protein interactome of the hormone-bound GR with a particular aim to identify protein-protein interactions that are also dependent on DNA-binding function of the receptor. To achieve these aims, we used BirA* (R118G mutant biotin ligase) tag fused to the N-terminus of the wild-type GR or the R447A mutant (DNA-binding defective GR). Eluates from affinity purifications of three biological replicates from vehicle or dexamethasone exposed HEK293 cells were analyzed by using MS. We reproducibly identified 64 proteins interacting with the agonist-bound receptor but not with the apo-gr. More than 80% of the holo-gr interactome was also dependent on the DNA-binding function of the receptor. In addition to the well-established coactivators and corepressors, such as NCOA1 (SRC1) and NCOR1, and core components of the SWI/SNF complex, e.g. SMARCC2 (BAF170), previously found in genetic screens, we identified a number of novel and interesting putative coregulators for the GR. The latter group encompasses several intriguing corepressors, methylases and demethylases not previously linked to glucocorticoid signaling. Since methylases and demethylases are druggable proteins, our protein interactome of the holo-gr may offer novel leads to drug discovery.

Short talk 2: ANDROGEN RECEPTOR (AR) microrna-32 PATHWAY IN PROSTATE CANCER S i v u 27 Leena Latonen 1, Mauro Scaravilli 1, Pekka Ruusuvuori 1, Sanni Jalava 1, Teuvo LJ Tammela 2, Fuping Zhang 3, Matti Poutanen 3 and Tapio Visakorpi 1 1 Prostate Cancer Research Center and BioMediTech, University of Tampere, Finland 2 Department of Urology, University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland 3 Department of Physiology and Turku Center for Disease Modeling, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland The androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway is central to the emergence of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). We set out to identify androgen-regulated micrornas (mirnas) that may contribute to the development of CRPC. By microarray approach, we found mir-32 to be an androgen-regulated mirna differentially expressed in CRPC compared to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In vitro, mir-32 is able to provide a significant growth advantage to LNCaP cells by reducing apoptosis. To study how increased mir-32 expression contributes to prostate cancer formation and/or progression in vivo, and to search for in vivo targets of mir-32 in the prostate tissue, we have established transgenic mice expressing mir-32 specifically in the prostate. FVB/N mouse strain was used to create transgenic mice with probasin promoter (ARR2PB) driving expression of mir-32 androgen-responsively in prostate epithelium post-puberty. The mice develop and breed normally, and express the transgene specifically in the ventral and dorsolateral lobes of the prostate. To provoke lesions in prostate epithelium, the mir-32 mice were crossbred with mice heterozygous for tumor suppressor Pten. Histological analysis of the prostates of ARR2PB-miR-32xPten +/- mice shows increased number of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) lesions in the dorsal prostate compared to Pten +/- mice. We have performed feature based image analysis to HE-stained histological images of the PIN lesions and found differences in the growth patterns of the lesions between the two genetic groups. Furthermore, transgenic mir-32 can induce intestinal metaplasia and stromal responses in the prostate in aged mice (from 16 months), or by 10 months in the Pten +/- background. To search for in vivo targets of mir-32 in the prostate tissue, we have performed microarray analysis of ventral and dorsolateral mouse prostate tissue in wt and mir-32 transgenic samples. Several mir- 32 candidate targets are currently being validated and, in the future, screened for their effects in prostate cancer cells. We find that mir-32 is potentially an important AR target gene in the progression of prostate cancer and a putative drug target for future studies.

28 S i v u Short talk 3: FYCO1 AND AUTOPHAGY CONTROL THE INTEGRITY OF THE HAPLOID MALE GERM CELL-SPECIFIC RNP GRANULES Matteo Da Ros 1, Tiina Lehtiniemi 1, Opeyemi Olotu 1, Helena Vihinen 2, Eija Jokitalo 2, Jorma Toppari 1,3, Noora Kotaja 1 Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland 2 Electron Microscopy Unit, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 3 Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland Spermatogenesis is a complex process that leads to the production of mature spermatozoa starting from spermatogonial stem cells. The first characteristic step in this process is the half of the genome brought about during meiosis. After meiosis the cells undergo major morphological changes: compaction of the chromatin in the sperm head, development of an acrosome, production of a long flagellum and disposal of most of the cytoplasm. All these processes must be thoroughly controlled in order to produce working mature sperm. During spermatogenesis, many RNA regulation pathways, including PIWI-interacting small RNAs, are particularly concentrated in a specific cytoplasmic RNA-protein complex in haploid round spermatids called chromatoid body (CB). Besides controlling different RNA-dependent pathways, the CB protein composition suggests that it actively interacts with other cellular compartments. In somatic cells the autophagosome-lysosome pathway is important in the turnover of cytoplasmic proteins and ribonucleoprotein granules. Moreover the action of small RNAs involves interaction of protein-rna complexes with the membrane of cytoplasmic vesicles. Based on this supporting information we studied the interaction of the CB with cytoplasmic vesicles surrounding it. We showed that these vesicles are positive for lysosome and autophagosome markers and their interaction with the CB responded to treatments affecting these pathways. We generated a germ cell-specific conditional knock-out mouse model for FYCO1, a protein involved in the intracellular transport of lysosomal vesicles in somatic cells. While the FYCO1- cko mice were fertile, the CB appeared fragmented and it was not anymore able to properly interact with the lysosomal system. These results suggest that the CB homeostasis is regulated by the FYCO1- mediated lysosomal pathway in haploid round spermatids.

S i v u 29 PLENARY: Sabine Costagliola 13.30-14.15.20 Luentosali 1 Chair: Timo Otonkoski BUILDING A FUNCTIONAL THYROID FROM STEM CELLS

30 S i v u HORMONIKORVAUSHOIDON ERITYISTILANTEET 14.20-16.35 Luentosali 1 Puheenjohtaja Aila Tiitinen 14.20-14.45 Elina Vuori-Holopainen Nuoren transsukupuolisen hormonihoidon periaatteet 14.50-15.15 Varpu Jokimaa Hypogonadismi hormonikorvauksen toteutus 15.20-15.50 Kahvi ja Näyttely/Coffee and Exhibition 15.50-16.10 Satu Vehkavaara Anoreksiapotilaan endokriiniset poikkeavuudet 16.15-16.35 Laure Morin-Papunen Anoreksia ja amenorrea - onko hormonikorvaushoidosta hyötyä vai haittaa?

TRANSSUKUPUOLISEN NUOREN HORMONIHOIDON PERIAATTEET Elina Vuori-Holopainen, HUS, Naistenklinikka S i v u 31 Transsukupuolisuudella tarkoitetaan henkilön pysyvää halua elää ja tulla hyväksytyksi vastakkaisen sukupuolen roolissa. Sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriöitä voidaan todeta jo varhaislapsuudessa. Varhaislapsuuden käytöksestä ei voida kuitenkaan tehdä luotettavia johtopäätöksiä jatkoidentiteetin suhteen. Murrosiässä ilmaantuvan sukupuoliristiriidan on osoitettu olevan pysyvämpää. Sukupuoliristiriidan vuoksi tutkimuksiin hakeutuvien nuorten määrä on lisääntynyt viime vuosina useissa maissa. Alaikäisen sukupuoliristiriitaa voidaan tutkia ja hänelle voidaan asettaa transsukupuolisuus diagnoosi. Myös toivotun sukupuolen sukuhormonihoito voidaan tietyin edellytyksin aloittaa, mutta varsinainen juridinen sukupuolenvaihdos ja sukuelinkirurgia on mahdollista vasta täysi-ikäisenä. GnRH-analogilla voidaan tarvittaessa jarruttaa jo alkanutta omaa biologista sukupuolta vastaavaa murrosiän kehitystä. Vaikutus perustuu hypotalamuksen GnRH hormonin estoon, joka puolestaan estää aivolisäkkeen gonadotropiinien erityksen ja sitä kautta omien sukurauhasten hormonierityksen. Normaalia puberteettikehitystä arvioitaessa käytetään Tannerin luokitusta. Jotta murrosikää jarruttavaa hoitoa voidaan harkita, tulee oman puberteetin olla edennyt ainakin Tannerin asteikon tasolle 2. Tämä taso saavutetaan tytöillä 8-13 vuoden iässä ja pojilla 9-13,5 vuoden iässä. Jos nuori on ns. varhainen kehittyjä ja oma murrosikä alkaa normaalin variaation alkupäässä, jarrutushoitoa voidaan tarvittaessa käyttää ainakin normaalin murrosiän vaihtelun toiseen ääripäähän saakka. Jarrutushoidon vaikutuksia seurataan kolmen kuukauden välein, jolloin tarkastetaan murrosiän kehitysaste ja pituuskasvun vaihe. Varsinainen sukupuoliominaisuuksia muuttava eli vastakkaisen sukupuolen hormonihoito on mahdollista vasta transsukupuolisuusdiagnoosin asettamisen jälkeen. Hoito aloitetaan psykiatrin suosituksesta, mikäli sille ei ole somaattisia esteitä. Kansainvälisesti hoito suositellaan aloitettavaksi aikaisintaan 16 vuoden iässä. Mikäli oma puberteettikehitys on pysäytetty GnRH-analogilla, toteutetaan halutun sukupuolen mukainen puberteettiinduktio liittämällä hoitoon vastakkaisen sukupuolen sukuhormonihoito alkuun pienillä annoksilla. Suomessa hormonihoito aloitetaan käytännössä vasta kun biologisen sukupuolen mukainen puberteetin kehitys on läpikäyty ja nuori on saavuttanut aikuispituuden ja Tannerin luokituksen mukaisen murrosiän kehitysasteen M5/G5. Feminisoivaa hormonihoitoa käytettäessä nuorilla suositaan transdermaalista annostelua geelinä tai laastarina, joka mahdollistaa matalat aloitusannokset ja asteittaiset annosmuutokset. Erityisesti puberteettia indusoitaessa GnRH analogin käyttö muun hormonihoidon rinnalla on perusteltua kivesten testosteronierityksen estämiseksi. Yleisemmässä tilanteessa, jossa hoito aloitetaan vasta kun puberteetti on läpikäyty, hoito koostuu omaa hormonitoimintaa estävästä lääkityksestä yhdistettynä feminisoivaan hoitoon. Yleisin hormoniyhdistelmä on syprosteroniasetaatti yhdistettynä joko peroraaliseen tai transdermaaliseen estrogeeniin. Maskulinisoivaa hormonihoitoa koskee samat periaatteet. Jos hoito aloitetaan oman biologisen murrosiän kehityksen ollessa kesken, edetään maltillisesti testosteroniannoksia vähitellen kahden-kolmen vuoden aikana nostaen. Kun hoito aloitetaan puberteetin jälkeen, nostetaan testosteroniannoksia nopeammin. Hoito voidaan toteuttaa joko geelimuotoisilla valmisteilla tai lihaksen sisäisin pistoksin. Jos kuukautisvuodot jatkuvat, hoitoon voidaan liittää mukaan aluksi jatkuva progestiini terapeuttisen amenorrean aikaansaamiseksi. Vaihtoehtoisesti testosteronihoidon rinnalla voidaan aluksi käyttää GnRH-analogia sammuttamaan munasarjojen estrogeenituotanto. Sukuhormonihoitojen somaattiset vaikutukset ilmenevät hitaasti kuukausien ja vuosien aikana. Osa vaikutuksista on peruuttamattomia. Erityisesti nuoria hoidettaessa on huomioitava nuoren ikään, psykososiaaliseen kehitysvaiheeseen ja mahdolliseen pitkäjänteisyyden puutteeseen liittyvät haasteet. Nuoren realistinen informoiminen normaalin puberteetin vaiheista ja kestosta sekä hormonihoidoilla saavutettavista vaikutuksista ja niiden ilmaantumisajankohdista on tärkeää hoitomyöntyvyyden säilyttämiseksi.

32 S i v u HYPOGONADISMI HORMONIKORVAUKSEN TOTEUTUS Varpu Jokimaa, LT, el TYKS Naistenklinikka Hormonikorvaushoidon tavoite on parantaa potilaiden elämänlaatua vähentämällä hypogonadismista aiheutuvia oireita sekä estää hormonipuutoksesta aiheutuvia terveysriskejä. Hoidon käytännön toteutus riippuu potilaan sukupuolesta, iästä ja siitä, onko perheen perustaminen ajankohtaista. Esitykseni keskittyy nimenomaan hedelmällisessä iässä esiintyvän hypogonadismin hoitoon: puberteetin induktio ja ikääntymiseen liittyvän hormonikorvaushoidon toteuttaminen jäävät esitelmän ulkopuolelle. Naisen hypogonadismin hormonihoidossa korvataan estrogeenin puutos oraalisella tai transdermaalisella estrogeenivalmisteella, johon liitetään keltarauhashormoni joko jaksoittain tai jatkuvana, mikäli potilaan kohtu on tallella. Korvaushoitoa suositellaan jatkettavan luonnolliseen menopaussi-ikään asti eli noin 50-vuotiaaksi. Nuorten potilaiden hoidossa saatetaan tarvita suurempia estrogeeniannoksia kuin postmenopausaalisessa hormonikorvaushoidossa. Perinteinen hormonikorvaushoito ei ehkäise raskauksia, ja yksittäisillä POI-potilailla estrogeenihoito saattaa jopa nostaa spontaanin raskauden mahdollisuutta gonadotropiinipitoisuuksien laskiessa. Spontaaneja raskauksia on raportoitu 5 10 %:lla POI-potilaista, joten mikäli raskaus ei ole toivottava, hormonikorvaushoitona voidaan käyttää yhdistelmäehkäisy-pillereitä. Testosteronin käyttö miehen hypogonadismin hoitona on yleistynyt nopeasti. USAssa hoitojen määrä on 3 4 -kertaistunut 10 vuodessa ja Suomessakin testosteronin käyttö lisääntyi 55 % vuosina 2010 2014 ( Ennen hoidon aloitusta hypogonadismi tulee olla asianmukaisesti diagnosoitu, ja lääkityksen aloittamiseen ainoastaan oireiden perusteella tulee suhtautua pidättyvästi. Suomessa on saatavana testosteronia injektiomuodossa ja geelinä. Testosteronihoito laskee ajan myötä siittiötiheyttä ja johtaa osalla potilaista azoospermiaan. Tästä vaikutuksesta pitää kaikkia potilaita informoida ja ennen hoidon aloitusta selvittää, onko potilaalla suunnitteilla perheen perustaminen. Mikäli potilaan lapsiluku ei ole täynnä, sperma-analyysi tulee tarkistaa ennen hoidon aloitusta. Jos siittiötuotanto on lähtökohtaisesti heikko, testosteronihoidon aiheuttama azoospermia ei välttämättä korjaudu hoidon jälkeen, toisin kuin miehillä, joilla siittiötuotanto on pohjimmiltaan normaali. Heillä palautuminen tapahtuu 6 18 kuukaudessa, ja palautumista pystytään nopeuttamaan lääkkeellisesti ad 4 6 kk. Testosteroni- ja siittiötuotantoa voidaan tukea hcgpistoksin, selektiivisillä estrogeenimodulaattoreilla (klomifeeni) tai aromataasi-inhibiittorilla (letrotsoli), ja ne ovatkin vaihtoehtoja testosteronille pohdittaessa miehen hypogonadotrooppisen hypogonadismin hoitoa.

S i v u 33 ANOREKSIAPOTILAAN ENDOKRIINISET POIKKEAVUUDET Satu Vehkavaara, HUS, Jorvin sairaala, endokrinologian pkl Anoreksian elinikäinen prevalenssi on naisilla 2-3% ja sairastuneista miehiä on joka kymmenes. Keskimääräinen sairastumisikä on noin 20 vuotta. Kyseessä on kolmanneksi yleisin krooninen sairaus teini-iässä. Sairaus lisää kuolleisuuden jopa 6-kertaiseksi. Sairaudelle on tyypillistä matala BMI sekä alentunut rasvan ja rasvattoman kudoksen määrä. Endokriiniset muutokset tähtäävät ruokahalun lisäämiseen, normoglykemian ylläpitämiseen, energian kulutuksen vähentämiseen ja sen ohjaamiseen vitaalitoimintoihin. Vaikea aliravitsemus aikaansaa keskimääräisen yöllisen kasvuhormonin erityksen lisääntymisen. Samaan aikaan mitattu IGF-1 pitoisuus taas on jopa matala. Tästä ilmiöstä käytetään nimitystä kasvuhormoniresistenssi. Lisääntynyt kasvuhormonin eritys vaikuttaa sokeriaineenvaihduntaan ja matala IGF-1 pitoisuus taas altistaa osteoporoosille. Kasvuhormoni lisää greliinin eritystä. Kortisolin eritys lisääntyy ja todetaan hyperkortisolismi, joka kuitenkin hyvin harvoin on yli 2- kertainen viitearvoihin verrattuna. Cushingin oireyhtymän kliinisiä ilmentymiä potilaissa ei todeta. Greliinin eritys lisää CRH:n eritystä ja kyseessä on adaptaatiomekanismi euglykemian ylläpitämiseksi. Potilailla todetaan hypogonadotrooppinen hypogonadismi (hypotalaaminen amenorrea), jonka aiheuttaa vähäinen rasvan määrä. Leptiinin normaalin määrän on todettu lisäävän gonadotopiinien eritystä. Estradioli- ja testosteronipitoisuudet ovat matalia vaikuttaen haitallisesti luun metaboliaan. Muina ongelmina infertiliteetin lisäksi ovat lisääntyneet raskauskomplikaatiot sekä myös ei-toivotut raskaudet. Anoreksialle on tyypillistä matalan T3-arvon oireyhtymä eli ns. sick euthyroid syndrome. Kyseessä on jälleen adaptaatiomekanismi, jonka tarkoituksena on vähentää perusaineenvaihduntaa ja energiankulutusta. Laboratoriokokeet ovat tyypillisesti seuraavanlaiset: T3-V matala T4-V normaali tai matala sairauden vaikeusasteesta riippuen. TSH normaali/matala normaali. TRH-rasituskokeessa vaimea vaste. Naisilla anoreksia huonontaa etenkin hohkaluun kuntoa, mutta myös kortikaalisen luun tiheys on alentunut. Naisilla luun muodostuksen markkerit ovat matalia ja luun hajoamisen markkerit koholla. Nuorilla low turnover state molemmat markkerit matalia. Painonnousu ja kuukautiskierron normaalistuminen parhaat keinot luun kunnon parantamiseksi. Murtumariskiin hyötyä ei ole osoitettu millään muulla hoidolla. Kirjallisuutta: Madhusmita M, Anne Klibanski. Endocrine consequences of anorexia nervosa. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014;2:581-92. Pouneh K, Klibanski A. Bone metabolism in anorexia nervosa. Curr Osteoporosis Rep 2014;12:82-89.

34 S i v u ANOREKSIA JA AMENORREA ONKO HORMONIKORVAUSHOIDOSTA HYÖTYÄ VAI HAITTAA Laure Morin-Papunen, dos, erikoislääkäri, Oulun Yliopistollinen Sairaala ja Oulun Yliopisto, Naistentautien ja synnytysten klinikka Anoreksiaa sairastavilla nuorilla ja aikuisilla loppuvat kuukautiset usein. Heille kehittyy estrogeenin puutosta ja luukatoa ja sen seurauksena luuntiheys on usein pienentynyt ja murtumariski suurentunut. Tiedetään, että amenorrean kesto ja laihuuden aste sekä kesto ovat yhteydessä luukadon vaikeusasteeseen. Luukato on pahempi kuin vaihdevuosi-ikään liittyvässä estrogeenivajauksessa, mikä johtuu ilmeisesti estrogeenipuutostilan lisäksi aliravitsemuksesta, hyperkortisolismista ja kalsiumin saannin vähyydestä. Lisaksi luun hajoaminen on lisääntynyt ja kalsiumin imeytyminen vähentynyt. Ainoa tehokas hoito on ravitsemuksen korjaus tasolle, jolla kuukautiset palaavat tai jolla estrogeenipitoisuus palautuu normaaliksi. Painon nousu ja ravitsemustilan korjaantuminen lisäävät luun uudismuodostusta. Käypä-hoito suosittelee luukatoa estämiseksi 1 000 mg:n kalsiumlisän ja 20 μg:n D-vitamiinilisän käyttöä. Lasten D-vitamiinilisän käyttö perustuu kliinisen kokemukseen, jonka perusteella sopiva D3- vitamiiniannostus on 10 20 μg/vrk ja kalsiumlisä 500 1 000 mg/vrk, jos maitotuotteiden käyttö on vähäistä. Luotettavaa tutkimusnäyttöä kalsium tai D-vitamiinivalmisteiden käytöstä anoreksiapotilaiden luukadon estämiseksi ei kuitenkaan ole. Hormonikorvaushoidon hyödystä anoreksiaa sairastavilla aikuisilla ja nuorilla, joiden kuukautiset ovat jo alkaneet, ei ole varmuutta. Hypoestrogenismin korjaantuminen vähentää luun resorptiota. Hormonikorvaushoitoa voidaan harkita tilanteessa, jossa toipuminen kestää pitkään (amenorrea kestänyt yli vuoden ilman merkkiä syömishäiriöstä toipumisesta) tai lähtöpaino on hyvin alhainen. Tällöin tulisi konsultoida gynekologia. Hormonikorvaushoitoon liittyvät riskit täytyy myös luonnollisesti ottaa huomioon. Ehkäisytablettien käyttöä ei suositella, sillä ne saattavat vaikuttaa epäedullisesti luuntiheyteen. Niissä harvoissa tapauksissa, joissa hormonikorvaushoidosta katsotaan olevan hyötyä, kannattanee käyttää pelkkiä estrogeenivalmisteita laastarimuodossa (imeytyminen on tasaisempi ja laastarivalmisteilla saattaa olla vähäisempi vaikutus IGF-pitoisuuksiin). Progestiinivalmisteen lisääminen estrogeeniin palauttaa kuukautiskierron ja saattaa luoda potilaalle vääristyneen tunteen, että kaikki on kunnossa. Bisfosfonaattihoito saattaa parantaa anoreksiapotilaiden luuntiheyttä, mutta sen rutiinimaista käyttöä ei suositella, koska tutkimukset bisfosfonaattien pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista ja erityisesti niiden mahdollisesta teratogeenisesta vaikutuksesta raskauden aikana puuttuvat. Lisäksi bisfosfonaattien vaikutuksesta murtumien ehkäisyssä anoreksiapotilailla ei ole tutkimustuloksia. Muista luukadon hoitoon tarkoitetuista lääkkeistä on vain niukasti (testosteroni ja dehydroepiandrosteroni) tai ei ollenkaan (raloksifeeni) tutkimustuloksia. Vaikka androgeenit voisivat parantaa anoreksiaa sairastavien naisten hyvinvointia ja luuntiheyttä, niiden pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista ja riskeistä ei ole vielä riittävästi tietoa. Lisäksi asiasta ei ole lasten tai nuorten osalta tutkimustuloksia. Niiden käyttöä anoreksiapotilailla ei siten toistaiseksi suositella.

S i v u 35 SESSION III 9.25-11.10 Lecture Hall 3 Chair: Matti Poutanen 14.20-14.50 Carolin Höfig Cardiovascular actions of novel thyroid hormone metabolites 14.55-15.15 Short talks 4. Kati Tarkkonen: RCOR2 is a novel regulator for osteoblast differentiation 5. Marika Kangasniemi: Endometrial mesenchymal stem cells present with high regeneration and migration potential suggesting their involvement in endometrial monthly regeneration and development of endometrial disorder 15.20-16.05 POSTER SESSION, SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACTS Organizers: Noora Kotaja and Jorma Toppari 16.05-16.35 Jeremy Tomlinson Androgen action in adipose tissue

36 S i v u CARDIOVASCULAR ACTIONS OF NOVEL THYROID HORMONE METABOLITES Carolin S. Hoefig, Ph.D Department of Cell & Molecular Biology, Karolinska lnstitute, von Eulers väg 3, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden & Institut für Experimentelle Endokrinologie, Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13347 Berlin, Germany. Thyroid hormone (TH) is one of the key players in modulating cardiovascular function and therefore also a known risk factor for cardiovascular disorders. While its direct cardiac actions through regulation of gene expression are well defined, the interactions with the autonomic control of cardiovascular function are still incompletely understood. The hormone increases heart rate and force of contraction by modulating cardiac gene expression, thereby providing a molecular explanation for the clinical correlation between hyperthyroidism and cardiovascular mortality. The talk will present current aspects of cardiovascular function mediated by newly discovered TH metabolites. Recent studies have shown that a single injection of 3-iodo-L-thyronamine (3-T1AM), a decarboxylated and deiodinated TH derivative, leads to rapid decreases in heart rate and cardiac output. Although 3-T1AM is rapidly converted to several metabolites in vivo, the strong acute pharmacological responses of bradycardia and negative inotropy were solely attributed to 3-T1AM, leaving potential contributions of downstream products untested (e.g. 3-iodothyroacetic (TA1) acid or N-acetyl-3-T1AM (NAc-3-T1AM). Our studies revealed that TA1, the main degradation product of 3- T1AM, lacks any cardiovascular effects in mice, and thus constitutes an important inactivation product of 3-T1AM. However, NAc-3-T1AM, which is endogenously produced in liver and WAT from 3- T1AM, significantly increases heart rate and blood pressure in mice and directly enhances contractility of primary cardiomyocytes. Both effects are blocked by the β-adrenergic antagonist timolol maleate, demonstrating that the actions of NAc-3-T1AM on cardiomyocytes require β- adrenergic receptors. Based on our findings, we identify NAc-3-T1AM as a unique endocrine TH metabolite, providing a previously unknown link between liver, WAT and cardiovascular function.

S i v u 37 Short talk 4: RCOR2 IS A NOVEL REGULATOR FOR OSTEOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION Kati Tarkkonen 1, Rana Al Majidi 1, Cristina Valensisi 2, Lauri Saastamoinen 1, David Hawkins 2, Riku Kiviranta 1,3 1 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Turku, 2 Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Genetics and Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, USA, 3 Division of Endocrinology, Turku University Hospital. Osteoblasts originate from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) that can give rise to a number of specialized cell types such as adipocytes, myoblasts and chondrocytes. Although few master regulators of osteoblast differentiation are recognized to date, the molecular mechanisms triggered by these and other factors, and especially the epigenetic mechanisms involved, are still poorly understood. Detailed characterization of the processes of osteoblast differentiation and function would open new therapeutic avenues not only for traditional bone diseases but also for metabolic and hematopoietic disorders. In a genome wide transcriptional profiling of mouse MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cell line, we recognized RCOR2 as a significantly upregulated gene during the differentiation time-course from proliferative stage to mature osteoblasts. Interestingly, RCOR2 mrna expression increased 2-fold already at the transition from proliferative to confluent stage, and continued to increase up to 14-fold in the mature matrix producing osteoblasts. Similar expression profile was found in mouse primary calvarial osteoblast cultures. Importantly, shrna-mediated stable silencing of RCOR2 expression in MC3T3-E1 cells led to strongly impaired osteoblast differentiation and mineralization shown by decreased ALP staining and low expression level of osteoblast-related genes. Cells with increased RCOR2 mrna expression on the other hand showed enhanced differentiation. This data suggest that RCOR2 expression is essential for the differentiation capacity of pre-osteoblastic cells. To further identify genes and pathways associated with RCOR2 action in osteoblasts, we performed a new RNA-seq analysis with shrcor2 expressing cells and the data is currently under analysis. In conclusion, our data indicates that unbiased RNA-seq method is an effective tool to detect novel regulatory genes for osteoblasts. Furthermore, RCOR2 was recognized as a new player in regulating osteoblast differentiation. While RCOR2 is a nuclear protein involved in the regulation of histone methylation through its interaction with lysine-specific histone demethylase 1 (LSD1), future work should provide important new information on the epigenetic regulation of chromatin landscape during osteoblast differentiation.

38 S i v u Short talk 5: ENDOMETRIAL MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS PRESENT WITH HIGH REGENERATION AND MIGRATION POTENTIAL SUGGESTING THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN ENDOMETRIAL MONTHLY REGENERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENDOMETRIAL DISORDERS Kangasniemi M. H. 1., Khatun M 1., Lehtonen S 2., Sutinen M 3., Salo T 3. Liakka A 4., Lehenkari P 2., Tapanainen J. S 1,5, Piltonen T. T 1. 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Center of Clinical Research, 2 Department of Anatomy, 3 Department of Dentistry, 4 Department of Pathology (AL), Medical Research Center, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, 5 University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Helsinki, Finland Study question As endometrium beholds vast regeneration potential during menstrual cycle and also ability to establish endometriosis, we aimed to study how endometrial mesenchymal stem cells (emscs) differ as for their regeneration and migration potential from their presumable progenitors, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bmmscs), and their progeny, endometrial stromal fibroblasts (esf)? Summary Answer In terms of differentiation, wound healing/regeneration and migration potential, the emscs were similar to bmmscs, whereas the esfs showed lower regeneration and migration capacity. The findings may give important insight to endometrial emscs-related regeneration and may underline the role of emscs in ectopic lesion formation in endometriosis. What is known already Recently, emscs were identified in the endometrium in perivascular space and their gene profile was established indicating esfs being their progeny. Furthermore, according to previous studies in mice and humans, it has been suggested that emscs originate from bmmscs. Although emscs have been characterized for their differentiation and proliferative potential, the role of emscs in endometrial tissue regeneration and migration (in response to cytokine/hormonal triggers) compared to bmmscs or esfs has not been well established. Study design, size, and duration Prospective, university-based, case-control, in vitro study using endometrial biopsies (n=8) and bone marrow aspirates (n=6) obtained from fertile aged women undergoing surgery for benign gynaecological reasons or scoliosis. The study was designed to compare the regeneration (wound healing, WH) and migration properties of emscs to bmmscs or esfs. Participants/materials, setting, and methods The emscs and esfs were FACS-isolated (emsc: CD146 + /PDGFβ + ; esf: CD146 - /PDGFβ + ) and bmmscs were obtained through culturing. All cell types were cultured and tested (passage 2-4) for stem cell regeneration (2% serum) and migration [serum (2 vs. 10%); estradiol (E 2, 10nM) vs. progesterone (P 4, 1uM) vs. E 2P 4 (10nM/1uM); IL-1b (10ng/ml)] properties. Main results and the role of chance The emscs and bmmscs were able to differentiate and as expected, the esfs were not. Furthermore, the emcs displayed high clonogenic potential and stem cell surface marker profile. The regeneration capacity of emscs was comparable to bmmscs (although faster healing rate in WH assay) and significantly higher than in esfs (p<0.03). Furthermore, the emscs showed higher migration response to serum (2% vs 10%, up till 96h) compared to bmmscs and esfs (p<0.001). In contrast, the hormonal trigger with E 2 or P 4 or E 2P 4 did not result into any migratory activity in any of the three cells types. Interestingly, the IL-1b was shown to be the highest migration trigger for emscs (p<0.001), whereas the IL-1b migration response of bmmscs and esfs was comparable to serum triggering.

Limitations, reasons for caution S i v u 39 This is a pilot in vitro study with small sample size. The obtained results should be confirmed in a larger data set with synchronized endometrial samples and applied in in vivo models. For practical reasons, it was impossible to isolate all cell types from the same patient. Implications of the findings According to the present data, the emscs possess high regeneration potential and therefore most likely play an important role in monthly endometrium regeneration where cytokine-trigger seems to provoke more robust migration than hormones. Furthermore, these findings may indicate a key role of emscs in ectopic endometrium lesion formation in establishing endometriosis. The vast proliferative and migratory nature of emscs may also indicate involvement of these cells in other endometrium-related pathologies like adenomyosis and cancer. Study funding/competing interest(s) Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Academy of Finland, Finnish Medical Foundation, Orion-Farmos Research Foundation. The authors have no competing interests.

40 S i v u POSTER SESSION ABSTRACTS: P1 HYDROXYSTEROID (17BETA) DEHYDROGENASE 1 IS ESSENTIAL FOR A PROPER FUNCTION OF CORPUS LUTEUM AND PROGESTERONE PRODUCTION DURING PREGNANCY Heli Jokela 1, Janne Hakkarainen 1, Pirjo Pakarinen 1, Liesbeth Vandenput 2, Claes Ohlsson 2, Fu-Ping Zhang 1, Matti Poutanen 1,2 1 Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, and Turku Center for Disease Modeling, University of Turku, 20014 Turku, Finland. 2 Institute of Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden. The hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenase (HSD17B) enzymes are involved in the gonadal sex steroid synthesis and metabolism at the target tissues. Among the HSD17B enzymes, HSD17B1 catalyzes the conversion of low active 17-ketosteroids, androstenedione and estrone (A-dione & E1), to highly active 17-hydroxysteroids, testosterone and estradiol (T & E2). Hsd17b1 is highly expressed in the ovarian granulosa cells both in human and rodents. To further study the importance of HSD17B1 in ovarian steroid production, Hsd17b1 knockout (HSD17B1KO) mice were generated. In the KO mice, the ovarian HSD17B activity was reduced up to 90 %, indicating that HSD17B1 is the enzyme responsible for the HSD17B activity in the mouse ovary. The lack of Hsd17b1 expression resulted in increased intraovarian E1:E2 and A-dione:T ratios, and furthermore the ovarian progesterone and pituitary prolactin levels were markedly reduced in the HSD17B1KO mice. In line with the reduced progesterone and prolactin levels, the number of corpora lutea was decreased in the KO ovaries, measured during pseudopregnancy (dpc 3.5). In addition, downregulation of various genes specific to luteal cells, such as Star, Cyp11a1, Lhcgr and Hsd17b7, were observed in pseudopregnant KO ovaries, while luteolytic marker, Ptgfr, was markedly upregulated. The altered structure and function of the KO ovaries resulted in severe subfertility in HSD17B1KO females, and disrupted the initiation of pseudopregnancy. However, the HSD17B1KO females presented with normal estrous cycle, and normal puberty appearance. Based on this study, the observed reduction in P4 production is due to an increased luteolytic activity, while the molecular mechanism is still to be defined. In conclusion, the HSD17B1 is a key enzyme in ovarian steroidogenesis, and has a novel function in initiation and stabilization of pregnancy. P2 HSD17B12 HAPLOINSUFFICIENCY RESULTS IN OVARIAN DYSFUNCTION PRESENTED WITH PREMATURE MEIOSIS IN MICE Heidi Kemiläinen 1, Marion Adam 1, Jenni Mäki-Jouppila 1, Daniel Laajala 1,2, Tero Aittokallio 2,3, Jerzy Adamski 4,5,6, Maria Nilsson 7, Claes Ohlsson 7, Leena Strauss 1, Matti Poutanen 1,7 1 Department of Physiology and Turku Center for Disease Modeling (TCDM), Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Turku Finland; 2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Turku, Turku Finland; 3 Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 4 Experimental Genetics, Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, 5 Institute of experimental Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, 6 Genome Analysis Center, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany. 7 Institute of Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden. HSD17B12 belongs to the hydroxysteroid (17β) dehydrogenase superfamily, which is known to have multiple functions in the metabolism of steroids, retinoids, bile acids and fatty acids. The role of HSD17B12 in mammals is still controversy. It has been shown to be involved in the conversion of estrone to estradiol as well as in the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids, especially arachidonic acid (AA). AA is a well-known precursor of prostaglandins, which among other functions are involved in the regulation of female reproduction together with other factors, such as steroid hormones. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of HSD17B12 in female fertility. The study indicated compromised fertility in female mice with haploinsufficient loss of HSD17B12 (HSD17B12 +/- females with only one functional HS17B12 allele). In line with significantly increased length of the diestrus phase, and consequently an extended length of the estrus cycle, the HSD17B +/- females gave birth approximately every 32 days, while the WT females gave birth every 22 days. In addition, the oogenesis was not normal, as we observed a number of polyovular follicles (POFs) in the ovaries of HSD17B12 +/- females. Furthermore, oocytes trapped inside the corpus luteum were detected in the ovaries of HSD17B12 +/- mice indicating failure in the ovulation. Interestingly, the meiotic arrest was also defected, evidenced by meiotic spindle formation in immaturated follicles of HSD17B12 +/- ovaries. The finding was further supported by

S i v u 41 transcriptome analysis showing differential expression on the genes related to the regulation of meiosis (p<3,75 X 10-5 ). Intraovarian concentration of steroid hormones were normal in HSD17B12 +/- females, whereas the levels of AA and its downstream metabolites (6-keto PGT1a, PGD2, PGE2, PGF2alfa and TXB2) were decreased in the HSD17B12 +/- ovaries as compared with the WT ovaries. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that HSD17B12 enzyme plays an important role in female fertility, and is involved in the ovarian AA metabolism. P3 GENOME-WIDE CROSSTALK BETWEEN ANDROGEN AND PROINFLAMMATORY SIGNALING REPROGRAMS PROSTATE CANCER CELL TRANSCRIPTOME Einari Niskanen 1, Marjo Malinen 1, Minna Kaikkonen 2 and Jorma J. Palvimo 1 1 Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 2 A.I. Virtanen Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland Inflammation can have both pro- and antitumorigenic effects depending on the type of cancer and other factors. Prostate cancer studies have suggested interplay between proinflammatory and androgen signaling and an association of the inflammation with an aggressive cancer phenotype. We have utilized chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) and global run-on sequencing (GROseq) to interrogate genomic crosstalk between androgen receptor (AR) and nuclear factor kappa-light-chainenhancer of activated B cells (NF B) in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. 5 -dihydrotestosterone (DHT) exposure of the cells resulted in a robust loading of the AR onto chromatin (~20 000 AR-binding sites, ARBs), without inducing the chromatin binding of NF B. Conversely, chromatin binding of p65 (RelA, the major subunit of NF B), but not that of the AR, was induced upon activation of NF B with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF; ~1 000 p65-binding sites, p65bs). Combined treatment of the cells with DHT and TNF reduced the number of ARBs by ~40% compared to the situation with DHT alone. Even more strikingly, the combined treatment multiplied by 8-fold the number of p65bs compared to TNF treatment alone. Based on GRO-seq data, these newly acquired p65bs corresponded to functional enhancers. In the DHT+TNF-co-stimulated cells, a marked proportion of p65bs (~21%) and ARBs (~13%) sites co-occurred in cells. In keeping with an intense crosstalk between the AR and the NF B in transcriptional regulation in prostate cancer cells, GRO-seq intriguingly revealed a large set of target genes whose expression was rapidly and dramatically altered (upregulated or downregulated) with combined androgen and TNF treatment, but not with either exposure alone. Interestingly, genes that were uniquely induced in the DHT+TNF-co-stimulated cells were enriched in cell migration and adhesion associated pathways. These data indicate that androgen signaling can significantly remodel the NF B cistrome by exposing latent NF B-binding sites to reprogram prostate cancer cell transcriptome. Conversely, TNF-triggered signaling is able to influence the AR cistrome, which modulates the androgen-regulated transcriptome. As the genes uniquely regulated by the combined androgen and TNF treatment were enriched in cell migration and adhesion pathways, the crosstalk may promote invasiveness and progression of prostate cancer. Our results may thus offer leads for future studies investigating the potential of anti-inflammatory and antiandrogen combination therapy as a novel treatment modality for prostate cancer. P4 THE ROLE OF SMG6 IN SPERMATOGENESIS Tiina Lehtiniemi, Matteo Da Ros, Noora Kotaja Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland Spermatogenesis is a complex differentiation process that produces great amounts of genetically unique sperm cells every day. The genome of male germ cells is widely transcribed to produce an exceptionally diverse transcriptome that has to be strictly controlled. In round spermatids, a cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granule known as the chromatoid body (CB), appears to have a central role in this process, but the mechanisms of its function have remained obscure. We have previously developed a protocol to isolate CBs from mouse testes and identified its full molecular composition. The mass spectrometric analysis of isolated CBs revealed the presence of the components of the nonsense mediated decay (NMD) machinery. NMD acts mainly by promoting the degradation of mrnas undergoing premature translation termination, but it can also regulate the stability of a variety of other kind of substrates. In addition to the exon junction complex (EJC) providing the recognition platform for NMD, UPF1 that is a key mediator of NMD and SMG1 that is a kinase targeting UPF1, we identified NMD-associated endonuclease SMG6 as a novel CB component. Western blot

42 S i v u analysis showed that while SMG6 is widely expressed in different tissues, its expression in testis is particularly high and appears to increase as mice reach sexual maturity. Immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that SMG6 signal accumulates in the CB precursor granules already in late pachytene spermatocytes, and remains in the CB during all steps of round spermatid differentiation. We are currently generating a germ cell-specific conditional Smg6 knockout mouse model to dissect the functions of SMG6 in vivo. Our hypothesis is SMG6 endonuclease activity have a central role in the CB-mediated RNA surveillance in male germ cells. P5 EXPRESSION OF EXD1 AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH RNP GRANULE-MEDIATED RNA REGULATION IN MALE GERM CELLS Opeyemi Olotu, Da Ros Matteo, Lehtiniemi Tiina, Kotaja Noora. Department of Physiology. Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland. Spermatogenesis is a complex, precisely regulated physiological process that occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. It is divided into mitotic, meiotic and post-meiotic phases. Its ultimate objective is the formation of mature spermatozoa, responsible for fertilizing ova in the female reproductive tract. Developing germ cells are transcriptionally active and they have exceptionally diverse transcriptome which underlines the significance of post-transcriptional regulation during spermatogenesis. Germ line-specific ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules are involved in male germ cell-specific RNA regulation. The two important granules include the intermitochondrial cement (IMC) in spermatocytes and the chromatoid body (CB) in haploid round spermatids. Both contain RNA regulatory proteins and different RNA species. They appear to be closely associated with the biosynthesis and functions of the PIWI-interacting RNAs (pirnas) that are germ line-specific small non-coding RNAs. These pirnas are responsible for silencing invading genomic elements and post-transcriptional regulation of mrnas. Recently, the full molecular composition of the isolated CBs was identified in our lab. In this analysis, Exonuclease 3-5 domain containing 1 (EXD1) was identified as a CB component. Here, we show that EXD1 localizes in the IMC, in the CB as well as in the so called late CB in elongated spermatids. Our study also revealed EXD1 as an interacting partner with PIWI-proteins and MVH in the germ granules. Overall, this study provides insight into understanding RNA regulatory pathways that are crucial in spermatogenesis and maintenance of male fertility. P6 NOVEL ROLE FOR THE HYDROXYSTEROID (17BETA) DEHYDROGENASE 1 IN SPERMATOGENESIS AND MALE FERTILITY Janne Hakkarainen 1, Heli Jokela 1, Fu-Ping Zhang 1, Noora Kotaja 1, Petra Sipilä 1, Matti Poutanen 1,2 1 Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, and Turku Center for Disease Modeling, University of Turku, 20014 Turku, Finland 2 Institute of Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, 413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden. Hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenase enzymes (HSD17B), composed of 14 family members, are involved in the sex steroid synthesis and metabolism. Of those, Hsd17b1 is highly expressed in the ovary both in human and mice. The human HSD17B1 mainly converts E1 to E2 in vitro, whereas mouse enzyme catalyzes the conversion of E1 to E2 and A-dione to T with similar catalytic efficiency. In addition of being involved in ovarian estradiol synthesis, we and others have observed expression of Hsd17b1 in mouse testis, especially at the fetal period. Due to the expression of Hsd17b1 in testis, we characterized the testicular phenotype of Hsd17b1 knockout mice (HSD17B1KO). Interestingly, the breeding tests performed a 2 month long period revealed a severely reduced fertility for the HSD17B1KO males, with majority of the KO males being infertile. The fetal masculinization and the pubertal development of the HSD17B1KO male mice were normal. Furthermore, the serum testosterone concentration at 6 months of age was similar to that of the WT mice, and no difference was observed in tissue weights of any of the androgen-dependent tissues, including seminal vesicles, kidneys, thymus or the levator ani muscle. In addition, no difference was observed in the serum LH or FSH concentrations. Epididymides were almost completely devoid of spermatozoa, and pronounced morphological abnormalities in head and tail were observed in the few spermatozoa detected. Furthermore, HSD17B1KO sperm presented also with severely reduced motility. However, our analyses indicated a capacity of the KO sperms to fertilize oocytes in vitro. In summary, our results reveal a novel function of HSD17B1 enzyme in spermatogenesis, and HSD17B1 deficiency results in a severe reproductive defect.

P7 A TUG OF WAR BETWEEN RB AND E2F3 CONTROLS SERTOLI CELL DIFFERENTIATION Emmi Rotgers 1, Mirja Nurmio 1, Sheyla Cisneros-Montalvo 1 and Jorma Toppari 1,2 1. Department of Physiology, University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland 2. Department of Paediatrics, University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, FIN-20520 Turku, Finland S i v u 43 Sertoli cells (SC) are highly differentiated somatic cells that control germ cell differentiation via several signaling pathways, supply the developing sperm with nutrients, and comprise the blood-testis-barrier. Defects in the SC differentiation can lead to male reproductive health problems such as male factor infertility. Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (RB) controls key cellular events such as G1/S-phase cell cycle progression, DNA damage responses, apoptosis and differentiation. RB influences cell cycle progression through several mechanisms; one of the best illustrated being its interaction with the E2F family and the inhibition of E2F-regulated gene expression. In the mouse testis, RB is expressed in Sertoli cells and spermatogonia. We have studied the role of RB in Sertoli cell proliferation, differentiation and function using a Sertoli cell specific knock-out mouse line (SC-RbKO)*. These mice showed a severe progressive testicular phenotype that led to infertility. The Rb-deficient SCs initially differentiated, but gradually re-entered the cell cycle, lost polarity, regained the expression of markers of immaturity, accumulated DNA damage and underwent apoptosis. E2F3 transcription factor is expressed in mouse SCs, which led us to hypothesize that it could the downstream effector causing the SC-RbKO phenotype. We showed that E2F3 is controlled by RB the mouse during testicular development. An in vivo knock-down of E2F3 with shrna introduced by testicular microinjection led to a partial rescue of the SC-RbKO phenotype. To further dissect the role of E2F3 in mouse SC, we have studied the expression pattern of the different E2F3 isoforms during mouse testis development. Furthermore, we have generated a conventional Sertoli cell-specific knockout mouse model for both RB and E2F3 to confirm the results of the previous rescue experiment. In summary, we have shown that a tight balance between RB and E2F3 is required for normal Sertoli cell proliferation, differentiation and function. *Rotgers E, Rivero-Müller, Nurmio M, Parvinen M, Guillou F, Huhtaniemi I, Kotaja N, Bourguiba-Hachemi S, Toppari J.: Retinoblastoma protein (RB) interacts with E2F3 to control terminal differentiation of Sertoli cells, Cell Death Dis. 2014 Jun 5;5:e1274. P8 EXPRESSION AND REGULATION OF MAJOR SATELLITE TRANSCRIPTS IN MALE GERM CELLS Ram Prakash Yadav, Hanna Korhonen and Noora Kotaja Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland Pericentric heterochromatin is a major repressive chromatin domain in the nucleus. In mice, the basic unit of pericentric heterochromatin is the major satellite repeat. Despite this accumulation of repressive epigenetic marks, pericentric heterochromatin is transcribed in many organisms, giving rise to major satellite non-coding RNAs. The functional role of major satellite transcription is largely unknown. However, recent reports have shown the active involvement of major satellite transcripts in neural differentiation and early mouse development. In this study, we have characterized the major satellite repeat expression in mouse male germ cells. Male germ cell differentiation is a complex process that includes mitotic proliferation, meiosis and haploid differentiation phase during which the cell undergo dramatic morphological changes. Male germ cells have unusually diverse transcriptome that includes protein-coding mrnas and their isoforms, but also considerable amount of non-coding RNAs. We showed that both the forward and reverse strands of major repeat DNA were expressed during spermatogenesis, especially in meiotic spermatocytes. Interestingly, we demonstrated that an endonuclease Dicer is involved in the regulation of major repeat transcripts since their expression was aberrantly enhanced in the Dicer knockout spermatocytes. Moreover, only forward strand of major repeat DNA was misregulated in the Dicer knockout germ cells suggesting a strand-specific function for Dicer. The main epigenetic marks associated with the pericentric heterochromatin were not affected in Dicer knockout germ cells, and the future studies are directed to clarify the mechanisms of Dicer action on major satellite expression. Altogether our results suggest that the major repeat transcripts may have a functional role in the regulation of male germ cell differentiation and fertility.

44 S i v u P9 INHIBITION OF HISTONE DEMETHYLASE LSD1 SUPPRESSES OSTEOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION Rana Al Majidi 1, Kati Tarkkonen 1, Riku Kiviranta 1,2 1 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of Turku, 2 Division of Endocrinology, Turku University Hospital. Post-translational modifications of histone N-terminal tail domains affect the local chromatin conformation and serve as a dynamic regulatory layer for controlling gene transcription during cell differentiation. Histones are modified by a complex network of histone-modifying enzymes, of which histone deacetylases (HDACs) have been well described in the context of osteoblast differentiation. However, role of many other histone modifying enzymes, such as histone demethylases, during osteoblastogenesis has been somewhat understudied. Recently, we identified RCOR2 as a novel regulator of osteoblast differentiation in a genomewide transcription profiling of mouse MC3T3-E1 cells. RCOR2 is a close homolog of RCOR1, which is an important catalytic binding partner of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A). LSD1 demethylates H3K4me1/2 and H3K9me1/2 at target loci in a context-dependent manner leading to either repression or activation of transcription. We hypothesized that the osteoblastogenesis promoting effect of RCOR2 could be mediated by LSD1, and thus LSD1 could also be an important player in osteoblast differentiation. First, we demonstrated that LSD1 co-immunoprecipitated with flag-tagged RCOR2 in 293T cells, indicating that LSD1 can form a complex with RCOR2. In addition, we found abundant LSD1 mrna and protein expression in MC3T3-E1 cells. Inhibition of LSD1 activity with small molecular inhibitors (S2101 and RN-1) resulted in highly impaired differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells, shown by decreased ALP staining and decreased expression of osteoblast related genes when compared to vehicle treated cells. Our future studies will focus on the mechanism of action of LSD1-RCOR2 complex in osteoblasts both in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, our results suggest that LSD1 is indeed involved in the regulation of osteoblast differentiation. Moreover, as RCOR2 and LSD1 can physically interact and silencing of RCOR2 and inhibition of LSD1 lead to similarly impaired osteoblast differentiation, they could be a part of the same control node in the epigenetic regulation of osteoblast differentiation. It is also clinically very relevant to carefully study the possible bone-related effects of LSD1 inhibition due to the recent interest of LSD1 as a drug target in oncology. P10 ROLE OF G12/G13 SIGNALLING IN MURINE THYROCYTES Undeutsch H, Löf C, Poutanen M and Kero J Department of Physiology and Turku Center for Disease Modeling, University of Turku, Institute of Biomedicine, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, FI-20014 Turku, Finland Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is the main physiological regulator of the thyroid gland. TSH controls thyroid function by activating a receptor, which belongs to the family of the G-protein coupled receptors. The TSH receptor (TSHR) is able to couple not only to the G-protein GS resulting in stimulation of adenylyl cyclases, but also to Gq/G11 leading to an activation of phospholipase C, increase in inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate and subsequent release of intracellular Ca 2+. Furthermore, in vitro studies, using human follicular thyroid cells, have shown that the TSHR also interacts with G12/G13, activating the Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. To date, the physiological significance of this unusual pleiotropic G-protein coupling is unclear. To analyze the role of the G12/G13 signaling pathway in thyrocytes in vivo, we have generated two thyroid specific G12/G13 knockout (KO) mouse models. G12 deficient KO mice carrying a floxed G13 allele were crossed with a mouse line expressing either the constitutively active or tamoxifen inducible Cre-recombinase under the thyroglobulin promoter. Preliminary results obtained with the conditional G12/G13 KO mice indicate that G12/G13 mediated signaling might play an important role in thyroid development. While the size and body weight of thyroid specific G12/G13 deficient mice at 6 weeks of age did not differ from Cre-negative control littermates, the weight of G12/G13 KO thyroids was significantly decreased. Consequently, we observed a 25% decrease of serum thyroxin levels in G12/G13 KO mice compared with controls. In tamoxifen-inducible thyroid specific G12/13 KO mice, which were induced at 1 month of age, thyroid weight, serum thyroxin levels and thyroid histology were not altered two month after induction. In summary, these preliminary findings indicate G12/G13 mediated signaling might impact thyroid development, but not thyroid function in adult mice. We are currently analyzing the mechanisms, how the G12/G13-mediated signaling might influence thyroid development in more detail.

S i v u 45 P11 MANF IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE PROLIFERATION AND SURVIVAL OF PANCREATIC β CELLS Maria Lindahl 1*, Tatiana Danilova 1, Erik Palm 1, Päivi Lindholm 1, Vootele Võikar 2, Elina Hakonen 3, Jarkko Ustinov 3, Jaan-Olle Andressoo 1, Brandon K. Harvey 4, Timo Otonkoski 3,5, Jari Rossi 6 and Mart Saarma 1 1 Institute of Biotechnology, Viikinkaari 9, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. 2 Neuroscience Center, Viikinkaari 4, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. 3 Research Program for Molecular Neurology and Biomedicum Stem Cell Center, Haartmaninkatu 8, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. 4 Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 251 Bayview Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA. 5 Children s Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 8, FI-00014 Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland. 6 Institute of Biomedicine, Anatomy, Haartmaninkatu 8, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) is a secreted protein (20kDa) and it has been shown to be both neuroprotective and neurorestorative in animal models of Parkinson s disease and stroke. It contains eight conserved cysteine residues and a signal peptide for secretion. MANF mrna and protein are widely expressed in different organs, especially in secretory tissues. Although MANF is a secreted two-domain protein, it has been shown to localize in the luminal ER and to interact with chaperon GRP78. MANF is ER stress inducible protein and has been shown to maintain viability of many types of cells under stress. Moreover, genomic inactivation of MANF in fruitfly has revealed increased expression of several genes involved in ER stress. However, the cellular mode of action of MANF has remained elusive. To investigate the biological role of MANF, we generated MANF knockout mice (Manf -/- ). Manf -/- mice showed progressive postnatal reduction of β-cell mass resulting in severe insulin-deficient diabetes caused by decreased β-cell proliferation and increased β-cell apoptosis. MANF-deficiency in pancreatic β-cells leads to ER stress and chronic UPR activation. Spliced Xbp1 and Chop mrna are increased already at E18.5, followed by the upregulation of the general ER stress marker Grp78 and genes in the PERK and ATF6 pathways. In addition, human recombinant MANF could significantly increase mouse β-cell proliferation in vitro. Using a multiple low dose streptozotocin induced mouse model of diabetes, we found increased β-cell proliferation and reduced β-cell death in pancreatic regions showing the overexpression of MANF through AAV6 gene delivery. To verify that diabetic phenotype of the Manf -/- mice is caused by lack of MANF in the β-cells and not other organs we generated pancreasspecific conditional Manf-deficient mice by crossing Manf fl/fl withtransgenic PDX1-Cre mice. PDX1 is a transcription factor indispensable for the pancreatic development and β-cell maturation. Similarly to Manf -/- mice, the Pdx-1 Cre/+ ::Manf fl/fl mice developed diabetes caused by the reduced β-cell mass.however, as reported mosaic MANF expression was detected with individual variation in P14 conditional pancreases, with even wider expression in adult conditional exocrine acinar and endocrine b-cells. Interestingly, our preliminary analysis shows that the level of MANF expression correlates with the β-cell mass in individual mice demonstrating the importance of MANF expression in restoring the β-cell mass. These results suggest that MANF might be a new candidate growth factor for diabetes therapy. P12 HYDROXYSTEROID (17BETA) DEHYDROGENASE 13 KNOCKOUT MICE PRESENT WITH INFLAMMATION ASSOCIATED LIVER STEATOSIS Heikelä H 1, Marion Adam 1, Dorothea Portius 2, Leena Strauss 1, Irene Esposito 3, Fu-Ping Zhang 1, Michelangelo Foti 2, Matti Poutanen 1,4 1 Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine and Turku Center for Disease Modeling University of Turku, 2 Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, Centre Médical Universiatire (CMU), Geneva, Switzerland, 3 Institute of Pathology, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 4 Institute of Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenases (HSD17Bs) form a group of enzymes that are characterized by their sequence similarity at the active site, and their ability to catalyze the conversion between the weak 17keto- and the highly active 17beta-hydroxysteroids. To study the physiological role of HSD17B13, a lipid droplet associated -protein, we characterized the phenotype of knockout (KO) mice deficient in HSD17B13 (HSD17B13KO). The data revealed normal serum steroid concentrations and proper reproductive performance in both male and female HSD17B13KO mice, indicating a minor role for HSD17B13 in the reproduction. In line with the strong expression in the liver, histological analysis revealed the presence of liver steatosis associated with inflammation in the HSD17B13KO male mice. Accordingly, the triglyceride content was elevated in the liver samples of 9-month-old HSD17B13KO mice. This lipid accumulation was associated with an increased expression of PPARα and its downstream targets, such as Cyp4a10, Cpt1a and Acox1. Moreover, metabolic

46 S i v u profiling indicated an increase in the phospholipid content in HSD17B13KO livers, and the most profound increases (2-fold) were observed in acylcarnitines C16:0 and C18:1. Furthermore, the increased presence of microgranulomas (Kupffer cell aggregations) as well as increased portal inflammation and ductular proliferation were observed in the HSD17B13KO liver samples. These were associated with an increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and lymphotoxin beta (Ltb). In conclusion, the lack of HSD17B13 impairs lipid metabolism in mice, resulting in liver steatosis and inflammation. The data, thus, indicate that HSD17B13 is involved in fatty acid metabolism in the liver, while the enzyme does not present a major role in the regulation of reproductive functions. P13 CHILDHOOD GROWTH IN BOYS WITH CONGENITAL HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM Tero Varimo, Matti Hero, Eeva-Maria Laitinen, Päivi Johanna Miettinen, Johanna Tommiska, Johanna Känsäkoski, Anders Juul, Taneli Raivio. Children s Hospital, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, and University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Helsinki, Finland BACKGROUND Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare, clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by impaired puberty and infertility. We describe childhood growth patterns in a series of well-characterized CHH patients with special emphasis on genotype-phenotype correlation. METHODS Growth charts of 36 males with CHH (27 from Finland and 9 from Denmark) were evaluated. Fifteen patients (42%) had a genetically verified diagnosis of CHH (KAL1, FGFR1, GNRHR or PROK2). RESULTS: We found a deceleration of growth rate during early childhood. The mean [SD] length standard deviation score (SDS) at birth (0.2 [1.6] SDS) decreased significantly during the first 3 (to -0.9 [1.2] SDS) and 6 months of life (to -0.7 [1.3] SDS). At the average age of 3 years, mean height SDS (-0.2 [1.3] SDS) did not differ from mid-parental target height (MPH). Mean height SDS reached its nadir (-1.7 [1.4] SDS) at an average age of 15.8 [0.8] years reflecting pubertal failure. Final heights did not differ from MPH. No clear genotype-growth associations emerged. CONCLUSIONS Moderate postnatal length deflection is a novel feature of CHH, and may reflect early androgen deficiency. Childhood growth patterns are not of clinical value in targeting molecular genetic studies of CHH. P14 FREQUENCY OF CRYPTORCHIDISM AND AGE AT SURGERY IN THE HELSINKI AREA 2004 2014 Ella Kohva 1,2, Päivi J. Miettinen 1, Seppo Taskinen 1, Taneli Raivio 1,2 1 Children s Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki Finland, 2 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland Background and aim. Cryptorchidism is a risk factor for testicular cancer and poor semen quality. The incidence of cryptorchidism has been lower in Finland than in the other Nordic countries, and herein we focused to investigate the recent trends in the incidence of undescended testes in the Helsinki area. In addition, we evaluated the age at orchiopexy before and after the release of the Nordic consensus in 2007 recommending operation between 6 and 12 months of age (1). Patients and methods. The study material included referrals of boys with unilateral, bilateral or undefined cryptorchidism who were evaluated at Children s Hospital between 2004-2014 (n=1214). Medical records of patients with bilateral cryptorchidism (n=136), who were operated upon, were reviewed to obtain their ages at the time of orchiopexy. Results. The annual number of referrals for evaluation of cryptorchidism (110±20) remained stable during the evaluation period. Between 2004 and 2007, all bilateral cases (n=38) were operated after the age of 1 year. After 2007, however, 26/98 boys (27%) were operated before the age of 1 year (P<0.001).

S i v u 47 Conclusions. The incidence of cryptorchidism, as estimated on the basis of referrals to a tertiary center, has not increased in Helsinki area between 2004 and 2014. The release of the Nordic consensus on treatment of cryptorchidism is associated with an earlier age at operation and conceivably better outcome. References 1. Ritzén ME et al. 2007 Nordic Consensus on Treatment of Undescended Testes. Acta Paediatr 96(5): 638 43 P15 OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE BUT NOT NORMAL-WEIGHT WOMEN WITH PCOS ARE IN RISK FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS - PROSPECTIVE POPULATION-BASED COHORT STUDY. Ollila M.-M. 1, West S. 1, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi S. 2,3, Piltonen T. 1, Järvelin M.-R. 2,4,5, Tapanainen J.S. 1,6, S. Franks 7 and Morin-Papunen L. 1 1 Oulu University Hospital, University of Oulu, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical Research Center Oulu, 2 University of Oulu, Institute of Health Sciences, 3 Oulu University Hospital, Unit of General Practice, 4 National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Children, Young People and Families, 5 Imperial College London, School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MRC Health Protection Agency (HPA) Centre for Environment and Health, 6 University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and 7 Imperial College London, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology. Study question What are the respective roles of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and weight gain and/or obesity for the development of pre-diabetes [impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)] or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by the end of reproductive life (at 46 years)? Summary answer PCOS was associated with an increased risk of T2DM, and PCOS in association with overweight/obesity was the strongest risk factor for T2DM, whereas the risk of T2DM was not increased in normal-weight women with PCOS. What is known already The risk of developing pre-diabetes and T2DM has been shown to be increased in women with PCOS. However, additional prospective longitudinal studies are needed to study the respective roles of PCOS per se, body mass index (BMI) and weight gain on the development of pre-diabetes and/or T2DM. Study design Prospective Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 Study (n=5889) in which clinical examinations and postal questionnaires were performed at 14, 31 and 46 years and 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT, n=2780) was performed at 46 years. Participants/materials, setting, methods Women reporting both oligoamenorrhea and hirsutism and/or diagnosis of PCOS were considered as having PCOS (N=279). The outcomes [(IGF (n=101), IGT (n=217) and T2DM (n=313)] were diagnosed according to OGTT. T2DM diagnosis was also verified from the questionnaires and the national drug and hospital discharge registers. Main results and the role of chance The increase in BMI between all three time-points (14, 31 and 46 years) was significantly greater in women with PCOS who developed T2DM than in women with PCOS and normal glucose tolerance. The risk of T2DM (OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.9-6.0) was increased in women with PCOS, and remained significantly increased when comparing overweight/obese PCOS with overweight/obese control women. The risk further increased to 13-fold (OR 13.62, 95% CI 6.2-30.0) when comparing overweight/obese women with PCOS to normal-weight control women. Normal-weight women with PCOS were not at increased risk of prediabetes or T2DM. All results were adjusted for alcohol consumption, smoking, socioeconomic status, use of cholesterol lowering drugs and use of combined contraceptive pills at age 46. Wider implications for the findings PCOS per se increased the risk of developing T2DM, and overweight/obesity in association with PCOS played a synergistic effect for this risk, whereas the risk was not increased in normal-weight women with PCOS. Moreover, weight gain during the long follow-up played a crucial role for development of T2DM in women with PCOS. These results emphasize the role of weight gain prevention during adolescence and early adulthood. Study Funding/competing interest(s) Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, the North Ostrobothnia Regional Fund, the Academy of Finland, the European Commission, Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research.

48 S i v u P16 A MISSENSE MUTATION IN MKRN3 IN A DANISH GIRL WITH CENTRAL PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY AND HER BROTHER WITH EARLY PUBERTY Johanna Känsäkoski 1,2, Taneli Raivio 1,2, Anders Juul 3, Johanna Tommiska 1,2 1) Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland ; 2) Children's Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; 3) Department of Growth and Reproduction, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Background Idiopathic central precocious puberty (ICPP) results from the premature reactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis leading to development of secondary sexual characteristics prior to 8 years in girls or 9 years in boys. The genetic basis of ICPP was largely unresolved until the discovery of mutations in the maternally imprinted MKRN3 gene in 2013. Paternally inherited MKRN3 mutations have since been found in ICPP patients from several diverse populations, highlighting the importance of this gene in the regulation of pubertal onset. Expression of MKRN3 in the arcuate nucleus is presumed to be inhibitory to GnRH secretion, but the exact mechanism of action remains unknown. Objective and hypotheses We wanted to investigate whether mutations in MKRN3 contribute to the premature onset of puberty in Danish ICPP patients. The expression of MKRN3 in human has previously been reported only at the level of the whole brain, so we also wanted to find out if MKRN3 is expressed in adult human hypothalamus. Methods We screened 29 Danish girls with ICPP for mutations in MKRN3 by Sanger-sequencing. The girls were previously not found to have causative mutations in the candidate genes KISS1, KISS1R, LIN28A, or LIN28B. Expression of MKRN3 in a human hypothalamic cdna library was investigated by PCR and gel electrophoresis. Results We identified one paternally inherited variant (c.1034g>a (p.arg345his)) in MKRN3 in one girl with ICPP and in her brother with early puberty. The variant was predicted to affect protein function by all three prediction programs used, and it has been reported once in 4300 individuals in the European American population in the NHLBI ESP database. Expression of MKRN3 was confirmed in the hypothalamic cdna library. Conclusion Our results are in line with previous studies where paternally inherited MKRN3 mutations have been found both in males and females with ICPP or early puberty. Our report further expands the set of MKRN3 mutations identified in ICPP patients across diverse populations. Expression of MKRN3 in adult human hypothalamus is in contrast to previous findings in the mouse arcuate nucleus and suggests MKRN3 s hypothalamic function is not limited to inhibition of GnRH secretion. P17 TARGETED DESTRUCTION OF FSHR-POSITIVE CANCER CELLS IN VITRO BY LYTIC PEPTIDE PHOR21 CONJUGATED WITH FSH SUBUNIT Marcin Chrusciel 1,2, Joanna Stelmaszewska 3, Donata Ponikwicka-Tyszko 2, Milena Doroszko 1, Sławomir Wołczyński 2,3, Ilpo Huhtaniemi 1,4, Jorma Toppari 1,5, Adam Ziecik 2 and Nafis Rahman 1,3 1 Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland; 2 Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland; 3 Department of Reproduction and Gynecological Endocrinology, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland; 4 Department of Surgery and Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, U.K; 5 Department of Pediatrics, University of Turku, Finland. Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) expression has been shown in gonadal tumors, as well as in endothelial tumor vessel cells of various cancers. FSHR, due to its transmembrane localization could be a good candidate for receptor-mediated targeted cancer therapy. In recent years, a number of membrane disrupting lytic peptides have been used for receptor-based cancer therapy. In the present study, we characterized the specificity and cytotoxicity of a lytic peptide Phor21 conjugated to three different amino-acid (AA) sequence fragments of the FSH -chain (AA33 53, AA81-95 and AA33-53+81-95) with several other enhancing modifications of the peptides. Our goal was to selectively ablate FSHR-positive cells in vitro. As there exists no human cancer cell lines expressing functional endogenous FSHR, Phor21-FSH conjugates were tested in a human FSHR cdna-stably transfected HEK293 cell line, and in an early passage (up to 10) of murine, FSHRpositive, KK-1 granulosa tumor cell line derived from transgenic mouse model expressing the simian virus 40 T antigen under the inhibin-α promoter (Inh/Tag mice). Nontransfected HEK293 cells were used as a negative

S i v u 49 control. Conjugate-mediated cytotoxicity was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) measurement. Conjugate of Phor21 linked to FSH -AA33-53, in which cysteine (Cys53) was replaced by serine (Ser) and stabilized with N-terminal amino group (Phor21-FSH 33-53Cys/Ser-CONH) displayed the highest specific cytotoxicity to FSHR-positive cells vs. any other tested compound. Phor21-FSH 33-53Cys/Ser-CONH conjugate showed in a dose dependent manner (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 M) 2-20-fold higher ability to destroy the FSHRpositive cells vs. Phor21 alone. Pre-incubation/co-treatment competitive studies with recombinant human FSH 25ng/ml significantly decreased the cytotoxicity of Phor21-FSH 33-53C/S-CONH conjugate. Conjugating FSH fragment sequences to Phor21 enhanced their cytotoxic effects in comparison to Phor21 backbone in FSHRnegative HEK293 cells. Our results prove the principle that Phor21-FSH 33-53Cys/Ser-CONH conjugate destroys specifically FSHR expressing cancer cells in vitro and provide a potential to use it for further in vivo cancer cell ablation studies. P18 TREATMENT WITH SOLUBLE ACTIVIN TYPE IIB RECEPTOR IMPROVES FRACTURE HEALING IN A CLOSED TIBIAL FRACTURE MODEL Tero Puolakkainen 1, Petri Rummukainen 1, Jemina Lehto 1, Olli Ritvos 3, Ari Hiltunen, Anna-Marja Säämänen 1, Riku Kiviranta 1,2 1 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland 2 Division of Endocrinology, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland 3 Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Bone fracture healing is a series of complex events, which happen both simultaneously and in succession aiming to restore the initial form and function of the bone. Despite recent advances in the contemporary treatment methods, bone fractures are still a significant burden to the patients due to pain, disability, long periods of immobility and unproductivity. Extensive research has led to the identification of numerous growth factors and their signaling pathways in bone remodeling. Many of these have also emerged as potential therapeutic agents. Activins are pleiotropic growth factors belonging to the TGF-β superfamily. We and others have recently shown that treatment with recombinant fusion proteins of activin receptors greatly increases bone mass in different animal models by trapping activins and other ligands thus inhibiting their signaling pathways. However, their effects on fracture healing are unknown. 12-week old male C57Bl mice were subjected to a standardized, closed tibial fracture induced by three-point-bending. Animals were divided into control and treatment groups and were administered either PBS control or a soluble activin type IIB receptor (Act-RIIB-Fc) intraperitoneally once a week for a duration of two or four weeks. The calluses were then gathered and analyzed. There were no significant differences in any of the analyzed parameters between the two-week control and treatment groups but the differences between the four-week groups were robust. As expected, Act-RIIB-Fc treatment resulted in 90-130% higher weight gain during each week compared to controls (p<0.001). Microcomputed tomography imaging results revealed a great increase in callus mineralization in the Act-RIIB-Fc treated animals. Bone volume per tissue volume was 60%, trabecular number 55% and bone mineral density 60% higher in the calluses of the Act-RIIB-Fc treated mice (p<0.05 in all). Biomechanical strength of calluses was also significantly improved by Act-RIIB-Fc treatment as callus stiffness increased by 45% and maximum force by 55% (p<0.01) in the three-point-bending test in treated group compared to PBS-injected controls. These results suggest that Act-RIIB-Fc treatment improves fracture healing in the mineralization and remodeling phases but has little effect on the early endochondral stage. Our findings support the previous reports of activin receptors increasing bone mass but also show a novel approach for using Act-RIIB-Fc to enhance fracture healing.

50 S i v u P19 DEVELOPMENT OF GONADOTROPIN-RELEASING HORMONE-SECRETING NEURONS FROM HUMAN PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS Carina Lund 1, Kristiina Pulli 1, Venkatram Yellapragada 1, Paolo Giacobini 2,3, Karolina Lundin 4, Sanna Vuoristo 1, Timo Tuuri 4, Parinya Noisa 5, Taneli Raivio 1,6 1) Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2) Inserm, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Center, Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain, Unité 1172, Lille, France; 3) University of Lille, School of Medicine, Lille, F-59000, France; 4) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, HUCH, Helsinki, Finland; 5) School of Biotechnology, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand; 6) Children's Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH), Helsinki, Finland Development of secondary sex characteristics, attainment of fertility, and maintenance of reproductive capacity all result from complex neuroendocrine and endocrine cross talk between the central nervous system, peripheral tissues, and gonads. One of the essential players in this cross-talk are hypothalamic gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, which synthesize and release GnRH decapeptide into the hypophyseal portal system. In vitro modeling of human GnRH neuron development and function would be of interest for both basic research and clinical translation. Here, we report a three-step protocol to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells (hpscs) into GnRH-secreting neurons. First, hpscs were directed towards neuroectodermal lineage using dual SMAD inhibition protocol leading to neural progenitor cells (NPCs) expressing PAX6, EMX2, and FOXG1. Second, NPCs were treated with FGF8, a key ligand implicated in GnRH neuron ontogeny for 10 days, and finally, the cells were matured with Notch inhibitor to bipolar TUJ1-positive neurons that robustly expressed GNRH1 (15% of counted cells) and secreted GnRH decapeptide into the culture medium. The protocol was reproducible both in human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, and thus, provides a new translational tool for investigating the mechanisms of human puberty and its disorders. P20 REPLACR MUTAGENESIS: A RECOMBINEERING MEDIATED SINGLE-STEP METHOD FOR SITE- DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS Ashutosh Trehan 1, Ilpo Huhtaniemi 1,3 and Adolfo Rivero-Müller 1,2,4 1 Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland 2 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland 3 Department of Surgery and Cancer, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Hammersmith Campus, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom 4 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland. Mutagenesis is an essential technique in studying functional and structural characterisation of proteins, in modelling disease-causing mutations and to study gene regulation. Most of the current mutagenesis techniques requires multi-step procedures. Recombination mediated genetic engineering (recombineering), that involves the application of viral recombination proteins expressed in bacteria, is one of the most accurate methods for altering both small and large pieces of DNA. Recently, the application of purified viral enzymes for recombination in vitro is being increasingly used for multiple fragment assembly and mutagenesis (such as GeneArt seamless cloning and Gibson assembly). Although in vitro recombination is practical for multiple fragment cloning, it is however absolutely unnecessary for site directed mutagenesis. Moreover, the use of purified enzymes is not only more expensive but also less efficient and inaccurate than in vivo recombination in bacteria. Here, a one step method for generating point mutations (deletions, additions and substitutions) using in vivo recombination is presented. The method only involves the transformation of the PCR product of the plasmid with primers targeting the site to be mutated, in bacteria expressing the Red/ET recombination enzymes. Since the recombination takes place between overlapping ends of the PCR product, we named the method as REPLACR-mutagenesis (Recombineering of Ends of linearised PLAsmids after PCR). The proposed method was used to successfully generate point mutations in plasmids containing the wild type luteinizing hormone receptor, β2-adrenergic receptor and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor cdna. REPLACR-mutagenesis is not only cost-efficient but also robust and involves one step of bacterial transformation.

S i v u 51 ANDROGEN ACTION IN ADIPOSE TISSUE Professor Jeremy Tomlinson, Oxford Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, UK Androgens play a crucial role in regulation of body fat distribution in humans. They exert direct effects on adipocyte differentiation in a depot-specific manner, acting through the androgen receptor (AR), leading to modulation of adipocyte size and fat compartment expansion. Androgens also impact directly on key adipocyte functions including insulin signaling, lipid metabolism, fatty acid uptake and adipokine production. Androgen excess and deficiency have implications for metabolic health in both males and females, and these metabolic effects may be mediated through adipose tissue via effects on fat distribution, adipocyte function and lipolysis. Research into the field of androgen metabolism in human and animal adipose tissue has produced inconsistent results; it is important to take into account the sex-, depot- and organism-specific effects of androgens in fat. In general, studies point towards a stimulatory effect on lipolysis, with impairment of adipocyte differentiation, insulin signaling and adipokine generation. Observed effects are frequently genderspecific. Adipose tissue is an important organ of pre-receptor androgen metabolism, through which local androgen availability is rigorously controlled. Adipose androgen exposure is tightly controlled by isoenzymes of AKR1C, 5α-reductase and others, but regulation of the balance between generation and irreversible inactivation remains poorly understood. In particular, AKR1C2 and AKR1C3 are crucial in the regulation of local androgen bioavailability within adipose tissue. These isoforms control the balance between activation of androstenedione (A) to testosterone (T) by the 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (17β-HSD) of AKR1C3, or inactivation of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to 5αandrostane-3α,17β-diol by the 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3α-HSD) activity of AKR1C2. Most studies suggest that androgen inactivation is the predominant reaction in fat, particularly in the abdominal subcutaneous (SC) depot. Modulation of local adipose androgen availability may afford future therapeutic options to improve metabolic phenotype in disorders of androgen excess and deficiency.

52 S i v u TIETOISKU: KIRJAA YHDISTELMÄDIAGNOOSIT OIKEIN - NYT TUHANNET 'TUNTEMATTOMIA' Prof. Pirjo Nuutila TY, yliläääri Tuija Ikonen, VSSHP, Turku Oire-syyparien kirjaaminen tuntuu joskus juonikkaalta. Mitä voi kirjata yhteen ja mitä ei? Mikä on oikea tapa täyttää hoitoilmoitus, niin että tieto siirtyy oman organisaation sisällä ja välittyy myös Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen hoitoilmoitustietokantaan. Tietoiskussa käydään läpi endokrinologian tavallisten yhdistelmädiagnoosien kirjaaminen potilastietojärjestelmään ja hoitoilmoituslehdelle sekä annetaan vinkkejä, miten vältät suurimmat sudenkuopat. Sudenkuopat alkavat jo siitä, että Hilmo-opas on vaikeaselkoinen ja harhaanjohtava: Hilmo-opas 2015: Oire-syyparit: Osa diagnooseista kuvataan kahden koodin yhdistelmänä, joista toinen ilmaisee tilan syyn (syykoodi, ICD10 merkkinä+) ja toinen oireen tai taudin anatomisen ilmenemiskohdan (oirekoodi, ICD10merkkinä*). Syykoodia voi käyttää ilman muuta koodia. Oirekoodia käytetään syykoodin ohella antamaan lisätietoa eikä sitä voi koskaan käyttää yksinään. Oirekoodi tulee ilmoittaa ennen syy koodia. Sellaiselle diagnoosille jossa on merkkinä * pitää aina laittaa pariksi syykoodi. Päädiagnoosiksi merkitään se sairaus (tauti, vika, vamma tai kemiallisenaineen haittavaikutus), joka on vaatinut eniten voimavaroja hoitojaksonaikana. Sivudiagnooseiksi kirjataan perussairaudet ja muut liitännäissairaudet sekä komplikaatiot, jotka esiintyvät samanaikaisesti päädiagnoosin kanssa ja vaikuttavat potilaan hoitoon. Hyvä tapa olisi tarkistaa, että potilaanpysyvälle lääkitykselle on kirjattu lääkityksen syy potilaan diagnoosilistaan.

S i v u 53 PLENARY: Outi Mäkitie 16.55-17.25 Luentosali 1 Chair: Saara Metso GENETIC DEFECTS UNDERLYING OSTEOPOROSIS Mäkitie Outi Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, and Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki Genetic factors play an important role in the development of osteoporosis. Several monogenic forms of osteoporosis have been recognized. The most common of these is osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) in which mutations in the genes encoding type I collagen (COL1A1 and COL1A2) are responsible for approximately 90% of the cases. Several rare autosomal recessive forms of OI have also been described. In these the defects lie in proteins involved in posttranslational modification of type I collagen. Recent discoveries have further elucidated the genetic determinants of early-onset skeletal fragility and several forms not related to type I collagen have been identified. The canonical WNT-signalling pathway is considered to be of key importance for skeletal health, activation leading to increased and inhibition leading to decreased bone mass. Loss-of-function mutations in LRP5, encoding a co-receptor for the pathway, cause the autosomal recessive osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome. Carriers of LRP5 mutations also have reduced bone mass and present with early-onset osteoporosis and compression fractures. Recently heterozygous loss-of function mutations in the WNT1 gene were shown to lead to early-onset osteoporosis while homozygous WNT1 mutations resulted in severe infancy-onset osteoporosis. The first X-chromosomal form of osteoporosis, resulting from mutations in the gene encoding plastin 3 (PLS3), was described in 2013. PLS3 is involved in actin bundle formation in the cytoskeleton. PLS3- osteoporosis has its onset in childhood and is characterized by recurrent peripheral fractures, low BMD, vertebral compression fractures, and significant height loss in adulthood. Males are in general more severely affected than females. The mechanism whereby PLS3 affects bone health is unclear, but it may be linked to osteocyte dendrite function and skeletal mechanosensing. Future studies are needed to elucidate the role of WNT1 and PLS3 in early-onset osteoporosis and to define optimal therapy for affected individuals. It is likely that further genetic studies in families with early-onset osteoporosis will identify other genes and pathways that play a role in childhood-onset osteoporosis.

54 S i v u POTILASTAPAUKSET JA KLIINISET ABSTRAKTIT POTILASTAPAUKSET JA KLIINISET ABSTRAKTIT Perjantai 8.30-10.00 Luentosali 1 Puheenjohtajat Marja Ojaniemi ja Leena Moilanen

WNT1 OSTEOPOROOSIN PIIRTEET LAPSILLA JA NUORILLA AIKUISILLA S i v u 55 Riikka E. Mäkitie 1, Maria Haanpää 2, Helena Valta 4, Christine M. Laine 1, Anna-Elina Lehesjoki 1, Camilla Schalin-Jäntti 3, Outi Mäkitie 1,4 1 Folkhälsanin tutkimuskeskus ja Helsingin yliopisto, Helsinki 2 TYKS, kliininen genetiikka 3 HYKS, sisätautien klinikka, endokrinologia 4 HYKS, lasten ja nuorten sairaala Tutkimusryhmämme kuvasi aiemmin WNT1-geenin heterozygoottisen mutaation c.652t->g (p.c218g) johtavan varhain alkavaan, autosomaalisesti dominantisti periytyvään vaikeaan osteoporoosiin (Laine ym., NEJM 2013). Tutkimuksissa todettiin WNT1-mutaation vähentävän WNT-signalointia ja johtavan heikentyneeseen osteoblastien toimintaan. Muutos tunnistettiin alun perin suuressa suomalaisessa suvussa, jossa kymmenellä jäsenellä ilmeni mutaation seurauksena alentunut luun mineraalitiheys (BMD) ja lukuisia nikamien kompressiomurtumia. Alkuperäinen tutkimus keskittyi aikuispotilaisiin ja olemme tässä tutkimuksessamme selvittäneet geenimutaation vaikutuksia lapsilla ja nuorilla aikuisilla. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana kahdeksan alle 30-vuotiasta henkilöä, joilla kaikilla oli Sangersekvensoinnilla varmennettu heterotsygoottinen pistemutaatio c.652t->g (p. C218G) WNT1-geenissä. Keräsimme sairauskertomusteksteistä tietoa murtumahistoriasta, muista sairauksista ja lääkityksistä; tietoja tarkennettiin potilaita ja heidän vanhempiaan haastatellen. Veri- ja virtsanäytteistä tutkittiin kalsium-, fosfaatti- ja D-vitamiiniarvoja ja suljettiin pois osteoporoosin sekundaariset syyt. Luuntiheyttä ja mahdollisia luustomuutoksia arvioitiin DXA-mittauksella ja röntgenkuvilla. Kahdesta potilaasta otettiin transiliakaalinen luubiopsia luun tarkemman rakenteen tutkimiseksi. Tutkimukseen osallistuvien 8 henkilön (5 naista, 3 miestä) ikäjakauma oli 10 30 vuotta (mediaani 14 vuotta). Kaikkien kasvu oli normaalia. Kahdella potilaalla oli patologinen murtumahistoria, ja murtumafrekvenssi vaihteli suuresti (0 11 raajamurtumaa). Kaikilla potilailla BMD:n Z-arvo oli keskiarvon alapuolella ja neljällä potilaalla se oli alle -2.0. BMD myös laski iän myötä ja oli sitä pienempi, mitä vanhemmasta henkilöstä oli kyse. Nämä viittaavat poikkeavaan luumassan kertymiseen erityisesti lapsuusiän aikana. Röntgenkuvissa luu oli mineraaliköyhää. Yhdellä potilaalla todettiin viitteet selkänikamien kompressiomurtumista. Kolmella potilaalla oli epätavallisen ohuet fibulat ja muissakin pitkissä luissa metafyysialueen poikkeavaa muotoutumista. Luubiopsioissa merkittävin poikkeavuus oli hidastunut luun aineenvaihdunta ja osteoblastien ja osteoklastien vähäisyys. Veri- ja virtsanäytteissä ei ilmennyt viitteitä poikkeavasta kalsiumin, fosfaatin tai D- vitamiinin aineenvaihdunnasta, ja luuston aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavat veriarvot olivat normaalit. Tutkimus osoittaa, että WNT1-mutaation aiheuttamat muutokset luustossa ovat nähtävissä jo varhaisessa lapsuusiässä ja etenevät iän myötä. Varhainen diagnostiikka ja preventiiviset toimenpiteet ovat tärkeitä ehkäisemään luuston heikentymistä ja mahdollisia murtumia. Tulostemme valossa geenitestaus on suositeltavaa tehdä jo lapsuudessa, jotta mutaatiopositiiviset henkilöt voidaan ohjata hoidon ja seurannan piiriin mahdollisimman varhain. WNT1-osteoporoosin optimaalinen hoito on edelleen avoin ja aihe myöhemmille jatkotutkimuksille.

56 S i v u NUOREN NAISEN VAIKEAT MURTUMAT Reeta Rintamäki, David Laaksonen, ja Leena Moilanen KYS, Medisiininen keskus, endokrinologian ja diabetologian pkl 27-vuotias nainen, joka ammatiltaan asiakaspalvelija. Potilas ollut aina normaalipainoinen, tupakoimaton, ja terveet elämäntavat omaava. Vuonna 2011 verenpaineet kohonneet, ja tähän aloitettu verenpainelääkitys työterveyshuollossa. 7/2012 lähtien lopettanut hormonaalisen ehkäisyn raskaustoiveen vuoksi. Viimeisimmät kuukautiset olleet 9/2011. Oma kuukautiskierto ei käynnistynyt hormonaalisen ehkäisyn lopettamisen jälkeenkään. 1/2013 tehty lähete lapsettomuushoitoon. Vuoden aikana lapsettomuushoidot eivät onnistuneet. Kohdun limakalvo ohut ja munasarjat inaktiiviset. Talvesta 2013 alkaen toistuvasti kipuja ylä- ja alaselässä, jonka vuoksi useita lääkärikäyntejä sekä sairauslomia. Saanut lähetteen fysioterapiaan, josta ei apua. Selkään muodostunut kyfoottisuutta, ja liikkuminen kivuliasta ja jäykkää. 7/2014 Fysiatrin toimesta natiivi rtg-kuva, jossa rintarangassa on lievä kaksoiskonveksi skolioosi ja sivukuvassa kyfoosi korostuu voimakkaasti. TH 9-, 10- ja etenkin TH 11- ja 12-nikamat ovat komprimoituneet. Tehty lähete ortopedille. Verikokeissa 15.7.2014: B-Hb 147 g/l, B-Trom 378 E9/l, La 2 mm/h, fb-leuk 9.6 E9/l, P-AFOS 181 U/l, fp- Krea 44 umol/l, S-TSH 0.99 mu/l, S-D-25 67 nmol/l, S-HFOSTr 4.8 U/l, S-RF 13 IU/ml, B-HbA1C(%) 5.2 %, du-ca 3.7 mmol, virtsamäärä 1700 ml. 8/2104 potilas noussut veneestä, ja tällöin voimakas kipu alaselkään. Selkärangan natiivi-rtg-kuvissa todetaan multippelit rinta- ja lannerangan kompressiomurtumat, jonka vuoksi kivun hoidossa kirurgialla. Ortopedi teki potilaasta lähetteen endokrinologialle patologisten murtumien vuoksi. Mitä jäi vuosien varrella huomaamatta?

S i v u 57 HIDASTUVA PITUUSKASVU UJOLLA POJALLA Mervi Hyvönen ja Päivi Miettinen, HYKS, Lastenklinikka Koululääkäri huolestui 9-vuotiaan pojan hidastuvasta pituuskasvusta. Poika oli syntynyt normaaliraskaudesta täysiaikaisena ja normaalikokoisena. Kasvukäyrä oli ensin noussut + 2 SD tasolle, kunnes 4 vuoden iässä kääntynyt laskusuuntaan. Isä oli pitkä (186 cm), äiti 163 cm, odotuspituus + 0,3 SD. Koululääkäri otti kasvun selvittelynä laboratoriotutkimuksia, joissa ei todettu poikkeavaa. Verenkuva oli normaali, lasko matala, kilpirauhasarvot normaalit, ALAT ja krea normaalit, keliakiavasta-aineet negatiiviset. Pojalla oli edellisten vuosien aikana ollut moninaisia oireita. Hän oli pienestä pitäen ollut liikkeissään kömpelö, asiaa oli seurattu neuvolassa, ja nyt koululääkäri ohjasi hänet fysioterapiaan. Erityisesti pohkeet olivat kireät, nilkoissa dorsifleksiovajausta ja jalkaterät kääntyivät hieman sisäänpäin. Perhe oli hakeutunut myös yksityisesti ortopedille ja fysioterapeutille. Käytössä oli laktoositon ruokavalio, lisäksi pojalla oli todettu siitepöyallergioita. Hengenahdistuksen ja kurkun kuristavan tunteen vuoksi korvalääkäri tutki ja teetätti astmatutkimuksia, mutta diagnostista ei todettu. Viimeisen vuoden aikana pojalla oli ollut muutama epämääräinen kohtausoire, joissa hän oli jäykistänyt yläraajojaan, vetänyt päätään sivulle, ja oli jotenkin pysähtynyt. Koululääkäri teki lähetteen myös lastenneurologille, jonka teettämä EEG-tutkimus oli normaali ja nykinäoireita pidettiin Tic-oireina. Vastaanotolla poika oli kovin jännittyneen oloinen. Poika kutsuttiin lastenlääkärin vastaanotolle. Pojan pituuskäyrä oli huolestuttava: se oli edelleen laskusuuntainen ja huomiota kiinnitti myös nouseva suhteellinen paino. Luustoikä oli kaksi vuotta kalenteri-ikää edellä. Epäselvän kasvun hidastumisen vuoksi ohjelmoitiin pään MRI-tutkimus, joka johti oikean diagnoosin jäljille.