Lähestymistavat ja vahvuudet. Työskentely-ympäristöjen kehittäminen Innovatiiviset työtilat / Design Factory ja Protomo

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1 yrityksemme Yritysesittely Profiili, lähestymistavat ja vahvuudet Profiili Kaupunkisuunnittelu, rakennussuunnittelu, tilasuunnittelu, fasilitointi ja konseptikehitys. Toimipaikat Helsingissä ja Zürichissa. Alueelliset painopisteet Pohjois- ja Keski-Eurooppa ja Kiina. Yksityisiä ja julkisia asiakkaita. Tiimi arkkitehtikonsultteja, joiden vahvuuksina strategiat, konseptit, monialainen kaupunkisuunnittelu ja urbaani design. Lähestymistavat ja vahvuudet Työskentely-ympäristöjen kehittäminen Innovatiiviset työtilat / Design Factory ja Protomo Käyttäjälähtöinen suunnittelu Urban design management UDM työkaluna / Suurpelto ja Aviapoliksen keskus Sosiaalinen kestävä kehitys Toimintojen ja käyttäjien luova sekoittaminen / Hinwil Aluebrändäys Toimintojen sekoittaminen ja arkkitehtuuribrändit / Espoon sairaala, Torikorttelit ja Arabianranta Lentokenttäkaupungit Uusien urbaanien painopisteiden kehitys / Aviapolis ja Pilot Turku Täydennysrakentaminen Strategisessa ja asemakaavatason mittakaavassa / TRM Helsinki ja Eskilstuna. Väestön ikääntyminen Vaatimukset palveluille ja maankäytölle / S5-Stadt-Projekt, Zürich Urbaanit sisätilat Kaupunkikulttuurin kehittäminen / ravintoloita, Helsingin taidemuseo, MoA Yritysesittely Käyttäjälähtöinen, integroiva näkökulma UDM = kiinteistökehityksen, kaupunkikehityksen, kaupunkisuunnittelun ja rakennussuunnittelun integroiva vuorovaikutteinen suunnittelumenetelmä hankesuunnittelussa Perustuu hankeosapuolten väliseen yhteistyöhön ja avoimen innovaation hyödyntämiseen Intressien tunnistaminen ja yhteisen arvon luonti Arkkitehti mediaattorina Käytetty mm. Suurpelto III- ja Aviapoliksen keskus -hankkeissa.

2 osakkaamme Yrityksemme täyttää ARK- ja YKS-pääsuunnittelun kelpoisuusehdot. Meillä työskentelee kolme arkkitehtiosakasta ja kolme valmistunutta toimistoarkkitehtia sekä kolme arkkitehtiopiskelijaa. Teemme projektit yhteistyössä Helsingin ja Zürichin konttoreidemme kesken. Kolme osakasta johtavat projekteja pääsääntöisesti yhdessä, mutta myös tarvittaessa erikseen. Helsingin konttoria johtaa Antti Ahlava, apunaan kaksi toimistoarkkitehtia ja yksi arkkitehtiopiskelija. Zürichin konttorilla työskentelee osakkaiden Tommi Mäkysen ja Mirjam Niemeyerin lisäksi yksi arkkitehti ja kaksi arkkitehtiopiskelijaa. Antti Ahlava, arkkitehti SAFA (TKK) ARK/449 YKS/339 TaT (TaiK): 20 vuoden kokemus innovatiivisissa arkkitehtitoimistoissa (Kai Wartiainen, Arkkitehdit MOD, ) sisustus-, rakennus- ja kaupunkisuunnittelusta. Kaupunkisuunnittelun opettaja TKK:lla ja rakennusopin vierailevana professorina Tanskassa ja Itävallassa. Erityisosaaminen lifestyle ajattelu, konseptikehitys, attraktio ja kuluttaminen, joustavuus ja muunneltavuus. Referenssejä mm. TRM Täydennysrakentamisen mallit : Helsingin esikaupunkivyöhykkeen kehittäminen täydennysrakentamisen keinoin, Munktellstaden vanhan teollisuusalueen muuttaminen asuinalueeksi Eskilstunassa Ruotsissa ja Helsingin taidemuseon saneeraus Tennispalatsissa. Tommi Mäkynen, arkkitehti SAFA (TKK): Useiden vuosien kokemus hankkeiden kehittämisestä ja suunnittelusta eri mittakaavoissa Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Kiinassa, Venäjällä, Turkissa, Sveitsissä ja Saksassa, sekä organisaatioiden ja projektiorganisaatioiden ohjaamisesta. Kaupunkisuunnittelun assistenttina Swiss Federal Institute of Technologyssa ETH Zürich (Sveitsi), opettajana TKK:lla, vieraileva professori Peter Behrens School Architecture:ssa (Düsseldorf, Saksa); Tutkimusta arvon tuottamisesta hankesuunnitteluprosessien avulla; jatko-opinnot TKK ja Berlage Institute (Rotterdam, Hollanti). Erityisosaaminen mm.: strategia, Urban Design Management, integroiva hankekehitys, konseptikehitys, kaupunkisuunnittelu, kaupan keskittymät, place-making ja paikka-brändit. Referenssejä mm. Suurpelto III alueen integroivan kehitysprosessin organisointi ja läpivienti, sekä Aviapolisaseman korttelien kehitys asemaan liittyvien alueiden kehityskonseptin ja suunnitelman tuottaminen sekä toimijoiden integrointi prosessiin. Mirjam Niemeyer, dipl. ing. (FH) MAS ETH: Jatko-opinnot Swiss Federal Insitute of Technologyssa ETH Zürich (Sveitsi); Kaupunkisuunnittelun assistenttina Swiss Federal Institute of Technologyssa, vieraileva professori Peter Behrens School Architecture:ssa (Düsseldorf, Saksa); Tutkimusta demografisesta muutoksesta ja asumisympäristöjen kehittämisestä. Erityisosaaminen: kaupunkisuunnittelu, alue- ja keskustakehitys, kestävä kehitys (erit. sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen), asuinalueet, teollisuusalueiden muutosprosessit. Relevantti kokemus: useiden vuosien kokemus suurista kansainvälisistä kiinteistökehitys-, kaupunkisuunnittelu- ja arkkitehtuuriprojekteista, mm. Xiliantang -Kunming Dianchi Lake International City Wetland Park 250 hehtaarin kosteikkoalueen ja siihen liittyvien asutus- ja keskustatoimintojen ekologinen kehityskonsepti ja suunnitelma Kunmingissa Kiinassa, sekä Uetikon 2020 teollisuusalueen muuntaminen työpaikka- ja asuinalueeksi, kehityskonsepti ja -suunnitelma Sveitsissä. Tekijät Antti Ahlava, arkkitehti SAFA taiteen tohtori, tilasuunnittelun dosentti (taik) ARK- & YKS-rekistereissä vieraileva professori (Århus arkitektskole, TU Wien) kaupunkisuunnittelun opettaja (tkk) Tommi Mäkynen, arkkitehti SAFA kaupunkisuunnittelun apulaisprofessori (ethz) vieraileva professori (FH Düsseldorf) Mirjam Niemeyer, arkkitehti kaupunkisuunnittelun tutkija (ethz) SPECIAL SKILLS: kaupunkisuunnittelu konseptisuunnittelu täydennysrakentaminen kulutusyhteiskunta julkiset tilat ja rakentaminen SPECIAL SKILLS: kaupunkikehitys fasilitointi täydennysrakentaminen julkiset tilat ja rakentaminen kaupallinen hankekehitys SPECIAL SKILLS: kaupunkisuunnittelu demografiset muutokset kestävä kehitys työpaikat

3 palvelumme Yritysesittely Hankesuunnittelun palvelut Tarveselvitys Hankekehitys Konseptisuunnittelu Esisuunnittelu Tilaajan arvojen ja intressien selvittäminen Tilaajan ja käyttäjien observointi Liittyminen muihin hankkeisiin ja laajemman mittakaavan suunnitteluun Sijainti- ja tehokkuusvaihtoehdot Ohjelmointi Fyysinen kehityskuva Käytettävyystarkastelu Markkinatutkimus ja paikan analyysi Hankkeen organisointi ja aikataulutus Tilakonsepti ja imago Vaikutusten arviointi Tarveselvitysraportti Visio ja skenaariot Integroitu konsepti Esisuunnitelman havainnollistus Hankekehitysraportti Konseptiraportti Strateginen projektikoordinaatio Hankesuunnittelun palvelut Yritysesittely Yhdyskunta- ja kaupunkisuunnittelun palvelut Kehittämissuunnittelu Selvitysten laadinta Asemakaavatasoinen ja korttelisuunnittelu Lähiympäristön suunnittelu Maankäytön idea- ja viitesuunnittelu Kaupunkirakenneselvitykset Asemakaavat Lähiympäristön suunnitteluohjeet ja rakentamistapaohjeet Yleiskaavasuunnittelu Kaupunkikuvaselvitykset Korttelisuunnitelmat Ulkotilojen kokonaissuunnittelu Vuorovaikutus Tarkentuvat ympäristövaikutusselvitykset Täydennysrakentamissuunnittelu Ulkotilojen detaljisuunnittelu Kehittämissuunnitelmat Selvitykset Asemakaava- ja korttelisuunnitelmat Detaljisuunnitelmat ja -ohjteet Yhdyskunta- ja kaupunkisuunnittelun palvelut Strateginen projektikoordinaatio Yritysesittely Rakennus- ja sisustussuunnittelun palvelut Hankekehitys Luonnossuunnittelu Toteutussuunnittelu Rakennusaikaiset- ja käyttöönottotehtävät Tarveselvitys L1 luonnosvaihtoehdot, tontinkäyttöluonnokset Luonnossuunnittelun arvioiminen Rakennustöiden valvonta Hankesuunnittelu, ohjelmointi ja tilakaaviot L2 valitun vaihtoehdon kehittäminen Työpiirustukset Käytön seuranta Suunnittelupaikan dokumentointi L3 rakennuslupa Rakennusselostus Suunnitelmien arkistointi Hankesuunnitelma Luonnossuunnitelma Toteutussuunnitelma Arkkitehtuurin ylläpito- ja huoltokirja Rakennus- ja sisustussuunnittelun palvelut Strateginen projektikoordinaatio

4 strateginen hankekehitysprosessi Lisäarvon tuottaminen asiakkaalle yhteistyöllä projektin ensimmäisistä askeleista lähtien: Kehityspotentiaalien kartoittamisesta skenaariosuunnittelun kautta konseptiin ennen fyysistä suunnittelua Strateginen hankekehitysprosessi Vaihe 6 (optio) Vaihe 5 Jatkokehityksen tavoitteet ja reunaehdot a) Joustava suunnitelma b) Hankkeen brändi ja markkinointi Vaihe 4 Hankkeen kehityskonsepti Oleellisten laatutekijöiden kirjaaminen ja toteutusstrategiat Ohjelmointi, imago, lähiympäristö, julkinen tila Vaihe 3 Vaihtoehtoiset konseptit Sisällön ja tilan visiot Vaihe 2 Tulevaisuusskenaariot Teemojen tunnistaminen tavoitteenasettelu yhteinen visio Laajennetun hankkeen tarkastelu Ulkopuoliset erikoisasiantuntijat esim. workshoptyöskentelyssä Kohderyhmähaastattelut ja toiminnan arviointi Täydentävät komponentit Seminaarimatka Vaihe 1 Kehityspotentiaali Hankeosapuolten arvot ja intressit, reunaehdot, tarpeet ja potentiaalit markkinatilanteessa Potentiaalisten hankeosapuolien integrointi Fyysisen suunnittelun syventäminen

5 1 h v A a p ( - h - - v TRM TÄYDENNYSRAKENTAMISMAL HAVAINNOLLISTUK KESKI-VUOSAAREEN JA TA ARKKITEHDIT MOD JA TYÖR 9 Parsiminen haaste: isot rakennuspalikat harvasti alueen reunalla vastaus: isot reunakorttelit + luontoattraktion vaikutuspiirin jatkaminen - voidaan myös ajatella huonokuntoisten koulujen purkamista ja koulujen yhdistämistä palveluasumiseen - hyvät kohteet täydennysrakentamiselle sellaiset, joissa monipuoliset palvelut jo olemassa - townhouse-raja puistoon - vesiaihe läsnä, patoja - uusia kerrostaloja vanhan rakeisuuden tiivistys pohjoisreunalla puistolaaksoa vasten - townhousetaloja rakenteen sisälle TRM, Helsinki FI Infill concepts for the suburbs of Helsinki. Commissioned by the Strategic Planning division of Helsinki City the TRM-project includes case studies of Helsinki suburban areas in various scales. The aim was to find concepts of re-developing and densifying these Helsinkis afterwar mass-housing areas through new developments (TRM = täydennysrakentamisen mallit - models for infill developments). city of Helsinki consultant; concept, planning and design consultation + project management 09/ /2007 Antti Ahlava (project leader) + a team of sub-consultants (economy, traffic, sociology, building technology)

6 Caohai, Kunming CN A development concept and masterplan for a Caohai lake area in Kunming. Key-concepts: 1) Destination - create a place where Kunming wants to be 2) Water - reconnect the city to water by bringing the lake in to the city by creating a new shoreline, islands, ecological wetlands, open canals and existing rivers 3) A string of pearls - develop the lakeshores as a continuos string of diverse places with distinct characters, 4) Connect - create a multitude of connections between the areas internally and externally (views, paths, routes, roads, ferries) 5) Hotpot - create a busy urban marina bay surrounded by leisure promenade and dense waterfront building City of Kunming & Kunming Urban Design and Planning Institute development concept and masterplanning (teamleader: Tommi Mäkynen) for LEP Consultants Uimarinpolku 10 D 22, FI Helsinki Birmensdorferstrasse 38, CH-8004 Zurich info@.com

7 Aviapolis Station Quartier, Vantaa FI Airports play a central role in the fast moving, ever globalizing world and Airport Cities have become the platforms of exchange between the local and the global. At Helsinki airport (HEL) Aviapolis area has established itself as the fastest growing business locations in Helsinki Metropolitan Region. Year 2014 a railconnection will link Aviapolis to downtown Helsinki. The Aviapolis Station Quartier is a sustainable mixed-use development standing above the main station of this business district. As a hub for the area the development will form the urban heart of Aviapolis and act as a benchmark for other projects in the area. The mixed-use program consists of three main components: 1. mobility services, 2. a mixture of living and working, and 3. leisure and tourism oriented services. Lentoasemakiinteistöt LAK Oyj consultant, architect; project development: conception, programming, design and branding of a sqm mixed-use complex concept ; schematic design ; realization : Tommi Mäkynen (project leader), Antti Ahlava, Mirjam NIemeyer + external experts Uimarinpolku 10 D 22, FI Helsinki Birmensdorferstrasse 38, CH-8004 Zurich info@.com

8 Xiliantang, Kunming, CN The Kunming Dianchi International City Wetland Park Project aims to become a nationwide benchmark for developing wetland areas. The concept is to turn a wetland area into a sustainable mixed-use development combining 1) a ecological wetland park with 2) an urban leisure destination and 3) a residential area. Based on the existing topography, green structure, hydrological situation and the field structure of the site, the masterplan integrates the above mentioned three elements by creating an archipelago out of the built program and surrounding it with the park. Swissité - meaning high quality, well networked public spaces, a fine grained mix of uses and daring contrasts in building styles - has been the guiding principle of the design. Accordingly the residential area was designed as a series of differentiated islands and the urban leisure desination is conceived as an ecclectic mix of best swiss urban moments. LEP Consultants (Switzerland), Junfa Development (China) masterplanner & urban designer; from concept masterplan for a 240-hectar wetland area (ecological wetland park, urban leisure destination and a residential area) concept 2009 Mirjam Niemeyer (project leader) & Tommi Mäkynen in collaboration with LEP Consultants, Maxmakers, Christian Salewski, James Melsom and Roman Seiler

9 Munktellstaden, Eskilstuna SE The project involved the conception and design of housing, workplaces and services in a former industrial area lying on a beautiful site on the river Eskilstunaån just across the city center. The strategic aim of the development of the sqm areal is to open a new development axis north of the citycenter. The scheme bases on: 1) the re-use of industrial buildings, 2) a principal of low-rise but dense urban structure, 3) the use of the river as an attraction, and 4) a carefully layed out network of public spaces. Municipality of Eskilstuna, Sweden urban designer; transformation-concept and design for of a new quartier in an old industrial area 12/ /2008 Antti Ahlava (project leader), Tommi Mäkynen, Sofia de Vocht

10 Hinwision, Hinwil CH Hinwil ( inhabitants) lies a 30 minute commuter train ride away from Zürich in the beautiful landscape of Zürcher Oberland. Through the years, due to its good connectivity, the traditionbound Dorf (=village) has developed itself into a business location serving as home for several globally operating companies and is eg. the home of BMW-Sauber Formula 1 Racing Team. In the last decade things got out of hands in the industrial area and Hinwil turned into what we call a Big Box-Dorf. With its unproportional amount of new retail space Hinwil has taken the place of the shopping center of the region. Hinwision takes an critical yet opportunistic approach to the problematic former industrial area and suggests several concepts and strategies in order to help the community to build a economically, socially and culturally sustainable urban future. S5-Projekt urban designer; research & development of concepts for sustainable urban development in various scales Mirjam Niemeyer & Tommi Mäkynen, in collaboration with Urs Leuthold (municipality of Hinwil)

11 EcoQuartier Plaines-du-Loup, Lausanne CH A masterplan for a new EcoQuartier Plaines-du-Loup for the city of Lau- City of Lausanne sanne. The proposed concept is based on the idea of the new quartier keeping its role as a open place in the city and becoming a connector between the center, neighboring quartiers and the leisure green spaces masterplanning on the edge of the city. On the scale of the quartier the plan creates urban streetscapes on the edges and leaves an ecological park - a green heart - in the middle competition 2010, shortlisted of the longitudal site. A variety of urban block typologies have been developed differentiating the mainly living areas from the mixed-use and working areas. (teamleader: Mirjam Niemeyer) The ecological aspects of the masterplan are supported by a holistic sustainability concept encompassing also the social and lifestyle dimensions of sustainability. Uimarinpolku 10 D 22, FI Helsinki info@.com Birmensdorferstrasse 38, CH-8004 Zurich Uimarinpolku 10 D 22, FI Helsinki info@.com Hardstrasse 81, CH-8004 Zürich

12 Arabianranta Branding ADC Helsinki (Art And Design City Helsinki) is the organisation which orchestrates the development and functioning of Arabianranta area in Helsinki. We were asked by ADC Helsinki to crystallize the brand of the area. Our work was used for The Best European Neighbourhood prize competition in ADC Helsinki Branding consultant 2008 Antti Ahlava (project manager)

13 River Irwell Urban Neighbourhood, Manchester/Salford, UK The project was a regeneration plan for a mixed use area by river Irwell, between the centre of Manchester and the city of Salford. The project situates on three separate plots by th eriverfront. The plan included sqm, mostly housing, but also other amenities on ground floor. The general concept was to separate the private courtyards and towers from the public riverfront by a podium-like e building part creating free-form geometries. The towers had a e multitude of apartment types.. Urban Splash Developers competition entry; urban design; transformation concept and building design; housing concepts 10/ /2003 Antti Ahlava, Tommi Mäkynen, Jürg Stieger

14 Espoo Centre/Suvela, Espoo FI This is an infill plan and urban design for Europan competition. The site is located between the administrational Espoo centre and Suvela residential area with blockhouses. The scheme included sqm housing with various innovative typologies. The target was to combine the two areas with a low and dense, city-like building, creating a caleidoscope of life styles. Europan and the city of Espoo competition entry; housing and urban design 06/ /2003 Antti Ahlava, Tommi Mäkynen

15 5 Crown Circle, Shanghai CN The 5 Crown Circle development in the Yang-Pu district of Shanghai is a big mixed-use development combining office towers with a streetlevel shopping and an metro-station. The project received the 1st price in an international invited competition. 5 Crown Circle developer architect and urban designer; design of a mixed-use complex including the urban surroundings 2005 Mirjam Niemeyer (project leader) + collaboration with HPP Architects, DE

16 IDEA Real-estate Development Real-estate Development Architecture Architecture Urban Design Urban Design Management Urban Planning Urban Planning City Development The basic model of an Integrative design operation The initiation of a project always launches several processes in various related stakeholder organizations. The Integrative design operation offers a framework to integrate these parallel-running processes in to project development. City Development The model illustrated here is to be conceived as a basic model which needs to be customized and fitted to the needs of the specific project situation. Further as the illustrated way of working implies a muddling through the project development process in a frame of a series of integrative workshops, it also requires flexibility in the design and implementation of such a framework and its contents, in order to respond to the changing project situation throughout the dynamic process. inputs from outside experts inputs from outside experts inputs from outside experts inputs from outside experts Workshop 0 Situation-Mapping & Partnering Workshop 1 Vision & Conceptualization Workshop 2 Scheme Design & Realism Workshop 3 Critique & Solution VALUE sweatshop sweatshop sweatshop 1st launch timebox for stakeholder feedback 2nd launch timebox for stakeholder feedback 3rd launch timebox for stakeholder feedback 4th launch timebox for stakeholder feedback outcome of WS 0: an understanding of the project situation outcome of WS 1: a shared vision and a roadmap to get there outcome of WS 2: the choice of a preferred scheme outcome of WS 3: the approval of a project for production The Integrative design operation model is developed from the ideas behind Agile development (used successfully in product, system and software development by IT-sector companies e.g. Nokia) and the concept of Lean Construction (that has evolved from Lean management in the Danish construction branch), to suit urban design and urban planning situations. tommi mäkynen (arkkitehti SAFA) Espoo FI Suurpelto III Urban design manuaali integroivan suunnitteluoperaation 01-12/2008 loppuraportti? "The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas." -Linus Pauling (kemisti, , kahdella Nobelilla palkittu) Osa 1 Muistikirja 25 Suurpelto III Integrative Design Operation, Espoo FI Suurpelto is one of the key large scale urban greenfield development projects in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. To develop one of the sub-areas into a benchmark for the neighboring developments a new type of integrative development process was conceptualized. Based on Tommi Mäkynens take on Urban Design Management the works followed a path of values - interests - themes - visions - schemes - solution. For the development two main themes were recognized: Energy & environment and Creativity & flexibility. All key stakeholders were involved from the beginning. Three curated designer-developer-teams developed their projects in open dialog. A chain of creative workshops gave rhythm to the process. The outcomes were an Urban Design Manual and a flexible Masterplan to facilitate the further development of the area. City of Espoo, Suurpelto project consultant, Urban Design Management, project development; responsibility of the conception, organisation, management and facilitation of an integrative development process Tommi Mäkynen, projectleader; (external experts: Sirkka Heinonen, Herkko Lehdonvirta, Antti Ahlava, Kaarin Taipale)

17 Square Quartiers (Torikorttelit) FI This was a revitalisation project for Helsinki city hall quartiers at the heart of Helsinki, between Senate Square and Market Square. The city decided to free the courtyards and lots of indoor spaces for new activities. The principles of the development became these: openness to all user groups, historical identity, and mixing restaurants and enterprises with culture. The courtyards of the three blocks become opened to the public and connected with new openings. The courtyards will receive new surface materials and outdoor furniture. There will be numerous new restaurants, a children s centre, the design and art street, places for performing outdoor music etc. The ground floor of the City Hall has already been opened to the public. One outcome of the concept stage was the establishment of Helsingin leijona - the real estate company orchestrating the change integrally. K2S (concept development), The City of Espoo (urban design guidelines) sub-consultant for urban development, including concept development, programming, the divisioning of floor and outdoor areas and participation in the creation of urban design guidelines design ; construction 2009 Antti Ahlava

18 Xiliantang Swiss Village Center, Kunming CN The Kunming Dianchi International City Wetland Park Project aims to become a nationwide benchmark for developing wetland areas. The concept is to turn a wetland area into a sustainable mixed-use development combining 1) a ecological wetland park with 2) an urban leisure destination and 3) a residential area. Swissité - meaning high quality, well networked public spaces, a fine grained mix of uses and daring contrasts in building styles - has been the guiding principle of the design. Accordingly the urban leisure desination is conceived as an ecclectic mix of best swiss urban moments. The Urban Core of the Kunming Dianchi International City Wetland Park forms a highly recognizable cross-shaped Island. The future Swiss Village will showcase and perform swiss lifestyle and architecture as well as sustainability issues.

19 Service Apartments for the Elderly, Bochum, GER The buildings accomodate apartments with a range from normal unserved apartments to shared serviced apartments (Wohngruppen) as well as a nursery with a medical center and a restaurant. The existing trees on trhe site were grown over the last 50 years. They provide a existing natural characterof high quality. The 4 new buildings are placed in these treewindows, in between the houses develops a rich network of open space with small alleys and squares providing differentiated areas. The building facades facing these squeres are colored in friendly tones. St. Eduardus Stiftung, Köln-Deutz competition entry, building design, 2nd prize 2005 Mirjam Niemeyer for MDK Architects A cafe faces the main square next to the service-building with therapy room, restaurant and medical center.

20 Estonian National Museum, EE This museum as a record of the phases of Estonian culture: an introduction to a cultural archipelago. One unique aspect of the Fenno-Ugric language groups and cultures is that rather than existing as a continuous mass; they are a group of settlements far from one another. This anthropological network that Estonia belongs to can be seen as an ARCHIPELAGO. Our museum has been conceived as an archipelago. The islands are the exhibition spaces, surrounded by the flood of spaces surrounding them. Islands exist in water sea, ocean, or river. Water is the force that sorts the materials into geological layers, which later become sedimentary rock and islands. The in-between space flowing everywhere in the museum is like the water. Only in this case the flow is people, the material of our cultural history. the State of Estonia competition entry, building design 2005 Antti Ahlava, collaborating with Kivi Sotamaa; assistant Teddy Pauly

21 Saunalahti School, Espoo FI The basic concept of the scheme is the protecting wing under which children gather to learn. Simultaneously the wing principle reminds of the branches of trees protecting ground below. The scheme utilizes the level differences inside and surrounding the plot with the extensive formation of the building mass and the basic surface, blending with the landscape and the city. A building becomes a canopy and ground becomes wall in this metamorphic constellation, emphasizing the unity of natural and mental subjects in education. Simultaneously the undulating surface creates perfect conditions for accessible movement. The free, topological surface allows multiple, changing actions in its different parts. This flexibility supports the suggested border-free organization of the pupils of the school. The rooting principle is developed further by placing some of the rooms inside the ground. The City of Espoo co-author of the competition entr design 2007 Antti Ahlava collaborating with Kivi Sotamaa and Gabriel Esquivel; assistants Cody Davis, Chiharu Sato and Kevin Smith

22 Espoo Hospital, FI This is the main hospital of the second largest city in Finland. The building grows from the existing 1970 s Puolarmaari hospital. The patient wings form six building parts gathered around organic atrium courtyards. The total extents are m2. The patient rooms are situated facing the internal gardens, emphasising community and homeliness. There are also homes for elderly long-standing patients and supporting facilities. The building concept is a combination of an Alp clinic, Beverly Hills -style recreational quality, a destiny for leisure and a public space. The hospital services are situated on own level, leaving the patient levels undisturbed. This design won the international two-stage competition. The City of Espoo, K2S Architects co-author of the winning competition entry with specialility in concept development, spatial and programmatic structure and urban design design 2008, completion 2015/16 Antti Ahlava, collaborating with K2S architects

23 Annaka Environmental Art Centre, JP By layering the site we give to the community different spaces within which it can experience a microcosm of a multifaceted world. It is a playground of the natural and cultural dynamics of the world. The community finds itself at their most free in the outer layer of the forum, the open landscape. They are free to form large gatherings or simply to find a private nook somewhere in the undulating surface folds. The space is merely enclosed by the mountains, sky and the surging landscape of the forum: a kind of resolution of the anxieties of the world. Visitors can decide for themselves: is it environment or art? DISCOVER The paths, which create the intermediate layers of the site, first appear as an assertive contrast within the forum s layers. However, on closer inspection, one discovers that they simultaneously connect the layers within the forum with those of the larger scale of the surrounding environment, encouraging the community to do likewise. The municipality of Annaka competition entry; building and landscape design 2003 Antti Ahlava, Tommi Mäkynen, assistant Donna Whitley

24 Helsinki Art Museum, FI This was the renovation of Helsinki Art Museum in Tennis Palace building at the centre of Helsinki. The client asked for a design which would increase their attractivity and sales without being too selective. We increased the approchability of the museum by extending the museum, opening views, increasing the visibility of the museum and creating an easier access. The style became fresh and based on effects made of light, space and architecture instead of advertising. The walls became covered with supergraphics. We also used lit Barrisol surfaces to accentuate the ceiling and entry. Helsinki Art Museum renovation design and the development of the spatial concept design 2009, realisation 2010 Antti Ahlava (chief), Tommi Mäkynen, Mirjam Niemeyer, Lauri Eklund, Niko Cederlöf and Juhana Heikonen; collaborators SHY (graphics) and Ilkka Volanen (lighting).

25 Design Factory, Espoo, FI Design Factory is a platform for interdisciplinary activities at Aalto University. It is also the location for interaction between the university and companies related to product development. We were asked by Kalevi Ekman, the leader of Design Factory, to participate the project and concept development stage. We developed ideas for a cretive working place and a platform for interaction. In addition, we created an idea of activities placed within existing premises, where the utilization of in-between spaces is crucial. The activities grow gradually, culminating in a new extension. Kalevi Ekman, vice rector and the leader of Product Design program and The Future Lab of Product Design, TKK (later Aalto University) architectural and programmatic development 2007 Antti Ahlava

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