The role of 3dr sector in rural -community based- tourism - potentials, challenges
- Jaana Aro
- 9 vuotta sitten
- Katselukertoja:
1 The role of 3dr sector in rural -community based- tourism - potentials, challenges Lappeenranta, 5th September 2014
2 Contents of the presentation 1. SEPRA what is it and why does it exist? 2. Experiences on community based rural tourism
3 1. SEPRA what is it and why does it exist? Is a Leader LAG (a NGO) - operates on the cost until Russian border Most challenging is lack of active, young people and job opportunities Immense challenges in forestry and paper industry -> search for other sources of livelihood: the role of tourism is increasing all the time
4 Tourism -> brings more VAT income than food industry and twise the amount of farming ->13,3 billion euros are spent in Finland yearly/ foreign tourists spend over 4,3 billion -> total is almost 3% of GDP -> jobs for over people of which 30% young people Sepra 2020-strategy
5 2. EXPERIENCES ON COMMUNITY BASED RURAL TOURISM Between an Interreg IV A project COMCOT The aim -> to promote community-based sustainable tourism -> develop the capacity and networks for local people -> assure the sustainability of tourism development activities The project was a REAL SUCCESS! Why and what happened?
6 Grass roots development took place in 8 pilot areas in Finland and Estonia, of which 4 in Sepra area -> The development tool was created together and based on the experiences of universities, NGOs, entrepreneurs and local residents! -> 3D visualization, long term development plan, peer learning, networking actors across border
7 A success because? -> networking different actors; TN, sectors, actors on local level -> local communities were involved from the planning phase -> steps were taken according to each area s needs and capacity -> in addition to experteese help also financial support was given -> good people just happened to be there / positive attitude
8 Challenges remain because? -> community based tourism is difficult to commercialize -> communities are not as harmonous as it might seem ;) -> interests often differ and even compete -> cooperation is still often seen as competition
9 -> within a community some are very much involved, some remain outsiders -> people do a lot of work on voluntary bases and dislike the idea of their efforts being exploited by others -> how to share the benefits, in particular the financial income -> is there a way to ensure continuation; from volontary based work to social entrepreneurship
10 To find out more about Examples of several practical experiences Research made on the topic Key note speaches and materials Video clifs on the topic please wisit our webpages and check site Community Tourism Conference 2013 And for COMCOT-tool the same page but browse COMCOT
11 Thank you Marjo Tolvanen Manager, Leader-Sepra GSM
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ESITTELY Valitse oppilas jonka haluaisit esitellä luokallesi ja täytä alla oleva kysely NOTES ON McMath student s name Age Grade Getting to school School day Favorite subjects Least favorite subjects Electives
The CCR Model and Production Correspondence
The CCR Model and Production Correspondence Tim Schöneberg The 19th of September Agenda Introduction Definitions Production Possiblity Set CCR Model and the Dual Problem Input excesses and output shortfalls
Green Growth Sessio - Millaisilla kansainvälistymismalleilla kasvumarkkinoille?
Green Growth Sessio - Millaisilla kansainvälistymismalleilla kasvumarkkinoille? 10.10.01 Tuomo Suortti Ohjelman päällikkö Riina Antikainen Ohjelman koordinaattori 10/11/01 Tilaisuuden teema Kansainvälistymiseen
1. Liikkuvat määreet
1. Liikkuvat määreet Väitelauseen perussanajärjestys: SPOTPA (subj. + pred. + obj. + tapa + paikka + aika) Suora sanajärjestys = subjekti on ennen predikaattia tekijä tekeminen Alasääntö 1: Liikkuvat määreet
Accommodation statistics
Transport and Tourism 2013 Accommodation statistics 2013, July Nights spent by foreign tourists in Finland up by 1.9 per cent in July 2013 The number of recorded nights spent by foreign tourists at Finnish