Flow and electric conductivity measurements during long-term pumping of borehole KR6 at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki

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1 Working Report 2143 Flow and electric conductivity measurements during longterm pumping of borehole KR6 at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki Jari Pollanen Pekka Rouhiainen February 22 POSVA OY Toolonkatu 4, FN1 HELSNK, FNLAND Tel Fax

2 Working Report 2143 Flow and electric conductivity measurements during longterm pumping of borehole KR6 at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki Jari Pollanen Pekka Rouhiainen February 22


4 , Working Report 2143 Flow and electric conductivity measurements during longterm pumping of borehole KR6 at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki..Jari Pollanen Pekka Rouhiainen PRGTec Oy February 22 Base maps: National Land Survey, permission 41/MYY/2 Working Reports contain information on work in progress or pending completion. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of Posiva.

5 FLOW AND ELECTRC CONDUCTVTY MEASUREMENTS DURNG LONGTERM PUMPNG OF BOREHOLE KR6 AT THE OLKLUOTO STE N EURAJOK ABSTRACT Posiva Flow Log/Difference Flow method can be used for relatively fast determination of hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic head in fractures or fractured zones in cored boreholes. n this study Posiva Flow Log was used for measurements of flow and electric conductivity of water during longterm pumpmg. This report presents the principles of the method as well as the results of the measurements carried out in borehole KR6 at Olkiluoto between March and July 21. Boreholes KR5 and KR12 were also measured during the pumping in borehole KR6 The aim of the measurements presented in this report was to detect possible changes in flow rates during the longterm pumping period. Electric conductivity of fracture specific water was also measured during flow measurements. Flow rates at shallow depths in boreholes KR5 and KR12 were also measured while pumping in borehole KR6. The purpose of these measurements was to locate hydraulic connections between the boreholes. The measurements in borehole KR6 were carried out at the depth intervals m, m and m using the detailed flow logging mode; the flow rate into a.5 m long test section was measured using.1 m point intervals. Boreholes KR5 and KR12 were measured using the same method in the depth interval 4 15 m. The occurrence of saline water in the borehole was studied by electric conductivity measurements. The flow guide encloses also an electrode for measuring of single point resistance. t was measured with.1 m point intervals during the detailed flow logging. Keywords: Groundwater, flow, measurement, bedrock, borehole, electric conductivity, Posiva Flow Log.

6 VRTAUS JA SAKONJOHTA VUUSMTTAUKSET PTKAAKASPUMPPAUKSEN AKANA EURAJOEN OLKLUODOSSA KARANREASSA KR6 TVSTELMA Posiva Flow Log!Virtauseromittausmenetelmaa voidaan kayttaa suhteellisen nopeasti vedenjohtavuuksien ja virtauspaineiden maarittamiseen raoissa tai rakovyohykkeissa kairanrei'issa. Tassa tutkimuksessa menetelmaa on kaytetty virtauksien ja sahkonjohtavuuksien pitkaaikaisseurantaan pumppauksen aikana. Raportti esittaa menetelman periaatteen ja tulokset mittauksista, jotka tehtiin vuonna 21 maaliskuun ja heinakuun valisena aikana kairanreiassa KR6. Samalla mitattiin virtauksia rei'issa KR5 ja KR12. Raportissa esitettyjen mittausten tarkoituksena oli havaita muutoksia virtauksissa reian KR6 pumppauksen aikana. Myos veden sahkonjohtavuutta tietyissa raoissa seurattiin. Myos kairanreikien KR5 ja KR12 pintaosaa mitattiin reian KR6 pumppauksen aikana. Naiden mittausten tarkoituksena oli havaita hydraulisia yhteyksia reikien valilla. Kairanreiasta KR6 mitattiin syvyysvalit m, m ja m kayttaen niin kutsuttua rakohakumenetelmaa. Virtaus kalliosta reikaan mitattiin kayttaen.5 m mittausvalia.1 m valein. Kairanreiat KR5 ja KR12 mitattiin samalla menetelmalla syvyysvaleilta 4 15 m. Veden sahkonjohtavuutta (EC) mitattiin valittujen rakojen kohdalla. Raot valittiin raosta reikaan mitatun virtauksen perusteella. Raportti sisaltaa mittausten menetelmakuvaukset ja mittaustulokset. Avainsanat: Pohjavesi, virtaus, mittaus, peruskallio, kairanreika, sahkonjohtavuus, Posiva Flow Log.

7 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT TVSTELMA 1 NTRODUCTON 3 2 PRNCPLES OF OPERATON 5 3 EQUPMENT SPECFCATONS 7 4 RESULTS Measurements in the borehole KR Borehole EC Detailed flow logging Fracture specific EC Measurements in the boreholes KR5 and KR CONCLUSONS REFERENCES APPENDCES Appendix 1 Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendix 9 Appendices Appendix 11 Appendix 12 Appendices Appendix 14 Appendix 15 Appendices Borehole OLKR6, EC of borehole water 19 Borehole OLKR6, Repeated flow measurements at some depths 2 Borehole OLKR6, Flow rates during detailed flow logging 23 Borehole OLKR6, EC of borehole water and fractures 28 Borehole OLKR6, EC Time series, first set 31 Borehole OLKR6, EC Time series, second set 35 Borehole OLKR6, EC Time series, third set 4 Borehole OLKR6, EC Time series, fourth set 45 Borehole OLKRS, EC of borehole water 48 Borehole OLKRS, Flow rate, single point resistance and EC 49 Borehole OLKRS, Water level in the borehole 55 Borehole OLKR12, EC of borehole water 56 Borehole OLKR12, Flow rate, single point resistance and EC 57 Borehole OLKR12, Water level in the borehole 63 Fracture specific electric conductivities of water (table) 64 Fracture specific electric conductivity and flows 64

8 3 1 NTRODUCTON The measurements were carried out in borehole KR6 at Olkiluoto between March and July 21. The aim of the measurements presented in this report was to detect changes in flow rates during longterm pumping period. Electric conductivity of fracture specific water was also measured during the flow measurements. Boreholes KR5 and KR12 were measured during pumping in borehole KR6 but without pumping in boreholes KR5 and KR12. The purpose of these measurements was to locate hydraulic connections between borehole KR6 and boreholes KR5 and KR12. Borehole KR6 was selected for the test, because it was measured earlier two times using detailed flow logging method. For the first time it was measured in 1999 (Rouhiainen 1999), when the length of the borehole was about 3 m. Borehole KR6 was extended to the depth of about 6 m by core drilling in the year 2. After the extension, the borehole was measured once again (PolHinen and Rouhiainen 2). There were some differences in flow rates at respective depths between the measurements in the year 1999 and 2. The measurements in borehole KR6 were carried out at depth intervals m, m and m using the detailed flow logging mode; the flow rate into a.5 m long test section was measured using.1 m point intervals. Boreholes KR5 and KR12 were measured using the same method between depths 4 and 15 m. The locations of the boreholes at the Olkiluoto site are shown in Figure 11. The equipment can be used in boreholes with a diameter of 56 mm or larger and with a depth less than 15 m. The equipment consists of a trailermounted winch and a cable, a downhole probe and a PC computer.

9 : c c c::t' ;:s.. c $:::)... s. a &.... c Power... '1 3 m '1 '1 '1 '1 '1 '1 '1 "' ') "' ') "' "'..., "'..., '1 OD '1 '1 "' m m m m m m +:o. Location of the boreholes KR1KR15, KR15B Coordinate System: Finnish Coordinate System, zone 1 (Projection: GaussKruger) Saanio & Riekkola Oy/HM, KF LEGEND: K Core Drilled Borehole KR16 h. KR17 h. \ f/ 1 /../ h..h.. KR15 KR1/ _:, /.. ' KR14 """ " ) ttr '1 ))l<

10 5 2 PRNCPLES OF OPERATON The Posiva Flow Log consists of the Transverse flowmeter and the Difference flowmeter. Only the Difference flowmeter is discussed in this report. Ordinary borehole flowmeters measure the accumulated flow along the borehole. However, the incremental changes of flow along the borehole are generally very small and can easily be missed unless they are measured directly. The name "Difference flowmeter" comes from the fact that this flowmeter directly measures differences of flow rates. These differences of flow are seepages from the bedrock into the borehole or flows from the borehole into the bedrock. With the flow guide the Difference flowmeter, the flow into or out from the borehole in the test section is the only flow that passes through the flow sensor. Flow along the borehole outside the test section is directed so that it does not come into contact with the flow sensor. A set of rubber disks is used at both ends of the equipment to isolate the test section from the borehole and to guide the flow to be measured, see Figure 21. The Difference flowmeter can be used in two modes, in normal and detailed flow logging modes. The normal mode is used for determination of hydraulic conductivity and head (Ohberg and Rouhiainen 2). The detailed mode is mostly used to determine the exact location ofhydraulically conductive fractures and to classify them by flow rates. n the normal mode, the flow rate is measured by thermal pulse and thermal dilution method. n the detailed mode, only thermal dilution method is used. The thermal pulse and thermal dilution methods have to be calibrated to known flow rates. The EC electrode was calibrated to known concentrations ofnac. The single point resistance measurement (grounding resistance) is another parameter that is possible to measure with the flowmeter tool. The electrode of the single point resistance tool is located within the upper rubber disks, see Figure 21. This sensitive method is used for high resolution depth determination of fractures and geological structures.

11 6..c. u c \ ' r \ / y',/.,... : / l l \ \ \ \\ Figure 21. Schematic description of the downhole equipment used in difference flowmeter in normal mode.

12 7 3 EQUPMENT SPECFCATONS Type of instrument: Logging computer: Winch: Borehole diameters: Geometry of measurement: Method of flow measurement: Speed of measurement: Range of flow rate: Accuracy of flow rate: Temperature: Single point resistance: Electric conductivity of water: Difference flowmeter PC, Windows 95/98 Mount Sopris Wna 1,.55 kw, 22 V/5 Hz. 56 mm, 66 mm and 76 mm A variable length of test section can be used Thermal pulse and thermal dilution methods Depends on the rate of flows to be measured.1 5 ml/min, both directions when both thermal pulse and thermal dilution methods are used 2 5 ml/min when only thermal dilution method is used +/ 1% of the current result. 4 C, accuracy +/.1 oc 1 1 Ohm Four point graphite electrode,.2 1 S/m, accuracy +/ 5 % of the current result

13 9 4 FELD WORK AND RESULTS The field work was done in a few periods in boreholes KR6, KR5 and KR12 between March and July 21. The activity schedule is presented in Table 41. Technical information on boreholes is presented in Table 42. Table 41. Measurements in borehole KR6, KR5 and KR12. Activity schedule. Bore hole Date Activity Appendices KR EC in the borehole without pumping. 1 KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 12, , 14 KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 9, , 11 KR Pumping was started. KR EC in the borehole with pumping. 1 KR Repeated flow measurements (38 62 m) with pumping. 2.1, KR Repeated flow measurements (98 12 m) with pumping. 2.2, KR Repeated flow measurements ( m) with pumping. 2.3, 3.5 KR EC in the borehole with pumping. 1 KR Detailed flow logging and EC from certain , , 5.4 selected fractures. 5.4, 15, KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 12, , 14 KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 9, , 11 KR EC in the borehole with pumping. 1 KR Detailed flow logging and EC from certain , , 6.1 selected fractures. 6.5, 15, KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 9, , 11 KR EC in the borehole with pumping. 1 KR Detailed flow logging and EC from certain , , 7.1 selected fractures. 7.5, 15, KR Detailed flow logging (4 15 m) without pumping. 12, , 14 KR Detailed flow logging and EC from certain , , 8.1 selected fractures. 8.3, 15,

14 1 Table 42. Technical information on the boreholes. Borehole Z Ztop of nclination Diameter Depth Casing ground cas1ng (degrees) (mm) (m) (m) level (m) (m) KR KR KR Measurements in borehole KR6 Pumping in the borehole was started Pumping rate and cumulative flow is presented in Figure 41. Water level in the borehole before pumping was 1.63 m above the sea level. Water level during pumping is also presented 1n Figure 41.,,..,,,,.,.,.! ::::::::::::: A t::1: '":,:K:"t"":'! / t. 1 *::;;::;::t:jf_:j:::lf"t' tj.::1:..::: 5 r :::' 6 L L L_L L.. ; ;.. ;.... z 24,,,.., r _..!... _.._ "":_ 35 r r E v : 71::: J 1: :... r r / ds r r / / _ Legen ulative flow 6 m::? : $ sf _ 4,' _.$, _.$ # # #.se.se.se t...">% y Date ("f') ;>.g 15 ::s a ::s 1 u 5 Figure 41. Pumping rate and water level in borehole KR6.

15 Borehole EC Borehole EC was first measured before pumping the borehole, both downwards and upwards, see Appendix 1. Borehole EC measurements were repeated four times during the pumping period. Measurements were carried out without the lower rubber disks. The measuring geometry is then much more representative to borehole water since the flow guide in its normal configuration (with both upper and lower rubber disks) may carry water with it making the results less representative, especially if the section length is long. Temperature of borehole water was measured during the EC measurements. The EC values are temperature corrected to 25 oc to make them more comparable with other EC measurements (SFSEN ) Detailed flow logging The detailed flow logging was performed with a.5 m section length and with.1 m depth increments. The method gives the depth and the thickness of the conductive zones with a depth resolution of.1 m. To make measurements more quickly, only the thermal dilution method is used for flow determination. The test section length determines the width of a flow anomaly of a single fracture. f the distance between flowing fractures is less than the section length, the anomalies will be overlapped resulting in a stepwise flow anomaly. Flow measurements in the depth intervals m, m and m were repeated many times during a few days, see Appendices The aim of this measurement was to find out whether there is shortterm variation (the tide effect) in flow rate. Any remarkable changes of flow were not found. Afterwards flow measurements were done four times during the next four months, see Appendices The aim of these measurements was to fmd out possible longterm changes in flow rates. Flow rates were smaller in June 21 compared with the earlier measurements particularly in the upper part of the borehole. The depths of fractures with water flow are marked with lines in the appendices of the detailed flow logs. Long line represents the depth of a leaky fracture, short line denotes that the existence of a leaky fracture is uncertain Fracture specific EC EC was measured during the detailed flow logging. The results of these measurements are presented in Appendices ''Noise" in the results is caused by the flow guide carrying water with it along the borehole since both

16 12 upper and lower rubber disks were used, compare with Appendix 1. This geometry is not good for measurement of borehole water but it is well adapted to measurement of fracture specific water. For measurement of fracture specific EC, the flow guide is stopped on a target fracture, witch can be found on the basis of the measured flow rate. Flow rate determines also measuring time on a given fracture. EC measuring time is usually chosen long enough so that the water volume within the section is flushed at least three times. The minimum measuring time, 7 seconds, was in this case enough to fulfil this criteria. Electric conductivity of fracture specific water was measured four times from selected fractures between the depths m, m and m. The last point in these measurements is the most representative result of fracture specific water, marked with crosses in Appendices EC transients as a function of time at these depths are presented in Appendices Last points of fracture specific EC during the pumping period and measured flows are also presented in Appendices Borehole KR6 was extended by core drilling in 2. Electric conductivity of fracture specific water was earlier measured in 1999 (Rouhiainen 1999) and after extension in 2 (Pollanen and Rouhiainen 2). Last points of all fracturespecific EC measurements between the depths 3862 m, m and m are presented in the table of Appendix 15. There seems to be trends in the fracture specific EC at some depths because of the longterm pumping. These can possibly be confirmed in later studies. 4.2 Measurements in boreholes KR5 and KR12 A detailed flow logging was performed in the boreholes with.1 m point intervals using a.5 m section length. Measurements were done without pumping water out from boreholes KR5 and KR12. During the first set of measurements in KR5 and KR12 borehole KR6 was at rest (no pumping). Second and third sets of measurements were carried out while borehole KR6 was pumped, see Appendices and Water levels during the flow measurements are presented in Appendices 11 and 14. The results of flow measurement sets were quite similar in borehole KR5. n borehole KR12 there can be seen small changes. However, it is not known whether these changes are caused by pumping in borehole KR6 or by other reasons. Snow was smelting during the measurements and it has a notable effect on groundwater level. The drilling activities of boreholes KR13 and KR14 nearby may also have caused changes in flow rates in borehole KR12.

17 13 Borehole EC was also measured during the detailed flow logging, see Appendices 9 and 12. Measurements were carried out with the lower rubber disks. The flow guide may carry water with it making the results less representative. Salinity (EC) of borehole water was higher during the first measurement in borehole KR12 in the depth interval 9 16 m. Groundwater sampling may have caused the increase ofborehole EC.

18 15 5 CONCLUSONS Measured flow rates at the same depths in borehole KR6 were nearly constant during all measurements. Flows were slightly smaller at the same depths during the latest measuring campaign (July 21) than earlier. Between the depths of 25 9 m electric conductivity of fracture specific water was also nearly constant. Below the depth of 9 m salinity of fracture specific water is increasing. Measured flows and borehole EC were not changed at all in borehole KR5. Water level in the borehole sank a little. Water level in borehole KR12 rose about.5 m between the first and the third measurement period, that is in two months. There were also changes in the measured flows. One reason for these may be drilling activities in boreholes KR13 and KR14 during the second and the third measurement period.

19 17 REFERENCES Pollanen, J. and Rouhiainen, P. 2. Difference flow and electric conductivity measurements at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki, Boreholes KR6, KR7 and KR12. Helsinki, Finland: Posiva Oy. Working Report Rouhiainen, P Electric conductivity and detailed flow logging at the Olkiluoto site in Eurajoki, Boreholes K.RlK.Rll. Helsinki, Finland: Posiva Oy. Working Report SFS SFSEN Painetut SFSstardardit ja voimaansaattamisilmoitukset. Veden laatu. Sahkonjohtavuuden maaritys. SFS standards and endorsement notices printed by SFS. Water quality. Determination of electric conductivity (SO 7888: 1985) Ohberg, A. and Rouhiainen, P. 2. Posiva groundwater flow measuring techniques. Helsinki, Finland: Posiva Oy. POSV A 2112.

20 o o o o 19 Appendix 1 Electric conductivity of borehole water Olkiluoto, borehole KR6 Measured with 1 m depth increments in the borehole Q) v D. v D. V Measured downwards Without pumping Measured upwards A With pumping Without pumping v With pumping With pumping With pumping With pumping v With pumping With pumping With pumping : <;' : : : : : : : v: : ': : : : 7 : 7 : 'i;f. _ &: ; : :_ ':l/1/. :_ : ::;: N: A tl8w 'ih.b. ': : : :: : '2>: : 9 4: : :::: % ::: <;7 :4 : : : : : 'ib : : : : Li : ' : : : : Sll. : : : ::: : : :: _: ; : :_ SA : _:_ : : : : l1i. : : : : :_;_: it, :..... ' ''!.'. ' ' ::: ': :: ' ' ' ::: ; : :: _: : :_; _:_ 98..:: _: : : : :_ '.. :::' : :: _:_ : : _: _Yz,. :_ : : : : 'f'\ : : ::: : :: :_ : : _: _Yz,. _ :_ ' ' ' ::: ;: :: : : :_ ;_: _:_ ::< : :: : :: ; : : : ::: ;: :: : :: ; : :: : : :_ ; _:.; : :_ : _: : :SZ :_. ' ' ' ' '...,,, _.. _,,.... : : : : : : : ' '' ' "T 'T '!.. _. : : : ' '.... ' '."' ' '...!M..: ; ' ' '.... ' ' '.L. _,'.. ' 'i/b :; _,'... ' m :; :' : : ;..: ; 'ill : "&; 5 55 ' ' ' ' ' _.._: :::. ' ' ' _.._:. ' ' '... ' ',...,.. '.. : : : : : : Silx& '11f. ' ' ' ''L' '' ' Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 OC) 1.

21 2 Appendix REPEATED FLOW MEASUREMENTS AT SOME DEPTHS Olkiluoto, KR6!_,,,,, T T T _! 1_1_}.!. 1,,,, T _ 1_1_ r r r,, 11, 1 _' _...!!_,,,,, _ l_l_l_l_l jj.ll L._l_l_l_l l_lj_!j_ l _JJ..l l_l_l_l_l l_l_jj_! '' '' _e' ' _! J l lw T OJ l_l_l_l_l 1_1 J_ 1"'1 L...l...' '.' '.' J J. _! : : r1 'y lj_! '" T _ J_J_J_J_J_..J.JJ.l.L L111...JJ.L LL_J_J J..J.JJ.l LLL11..J.J.l c......_. E 1 1 ll T _, :::. TT la ' o 1 1 jt ,, T T!.! _ 1 1, J. 1...,) 1"":,,... 'T f'_.t_ l rrrt r T "' 1_1_1_1_1...J j 1_ " T 1_,1 1.. '.::!' 11 T T _ 1_1 1 _:. '.....,,,,,,, 1 T 1:.L,1 :!.,il l 1 111, _p ti;t..l1.d.. j,.].rr _'\ 1 '.. "'f ft JW' "l, " "" ; 11 1"71 r r,,,,,,, r r r,,,,,, _ 1_1_1_1 1_1_!..!.!... _ 1_1_1,_,..!. 11 _ol_ l o lo _,.: ft,. 1 "'11. T 1:::... 1 _..1 "'1!" , TO" "l L 1_1_1_1_ J _ J. L L 1_1_1_ J J. L L...J _ J. ' '._ l. 1.L 1 lh... j f 1..1 r r,,,,, T L 1_1_1_1 1...! J.! 1_1_1_1_1 1 1 o'_ 1_ ""',,,,,,, T,,,,, r,, 1_1_1_1 1 1 r, '1 1_ tl TT....,; '".i "" lw" '1'.:.....L.L ll!.!_ _.....& ::J'..,_ T...: _. E..c... a. (]) l_l_l_l_l lj 11 _ 1_1_1_1_.J J _! l l _ J J. _! L _ j J l , 1, 1 t '.' ; 1 "t ;t 1 ' 'T _ :::;._ 1.. 1"'lf1 "' r J _!.!. 1.J.L 1 1iq:.. T _._ r r,,,,, 1 t1 t T., ::la.t. t ' '!.!. 1 L._ 1_1_1_1_ J J.!! _i. 1 ':: r,.!.l..' :::!,,.J,.. Z, l..:, : T hi, ""... i.l+ '_ 1_ 1_} _ 1.1 _!_ 1 :.: 1 +. :<:: :J /" ' 1 r 1 T "T 1.1 T,....:. 1 ; ; ;... 1, 1 _.._, ro T 1..,1 " ",. 7r1 P 1 1.!.._ ' 1_ : L1111J...J_J_J.,, : ;;'!' :....,._...! _ "T i....i:l :i l1l1111jl...l : J+1 111l1l11++ 1lll ll1111+ Cl) m..._. E _ J.J J.!..L J.!. L J.J.J.J. L L L J 1.J. _ 1..J LL1+ l...j...!.j... L111...J...J..J. L111..J...J.J L111...J.J.J.l Ll111..J.J.J.l LL111..J...J.l _..J.JJ.l..L L_J_J_J J..J.JJ.l. LL_J_J J..J.JJ.l 1LL11..J...J.l _J _J LL LL11 LLLJ_j...J1l. L 1111 J.!..L..J.J.J.l.L LJ_J_J_J_..J.JJ.l.L L..J.J.J.l..L L _ L _ L _ '' '' l_l_ f1 _J.J j _J J _J _J.J 1 _ 111 L J...J.J.!. L Ll11..J.J.J.!. L Ll_l_l_...J.J..l.l. L_J_J J..J ""r J 1 J.l. L L _ l_l _..J..l.l. L J_ J.J L L_J J J 11..J. L L Ll1 1...J 1.J. L L J.J J.1 L L J...J.l L L J.J..l.l. L L L J_J_ 11..J.J.l L L l_l_l..j.j..l.l L 1 L l_l..j.j.l r; 1""'"r L "[ 1...J 1 L 1 1 f_l.j.l L J_ 1 1.J.l L _.J.l L L _...J.l _ l..j.j.1 L L _...J.1 ff TflT 12: 18: : 6: 12: 18: : 6: 12: Time

22 21 Appendix 2.2 REPEATED FLOW MEASUREMENTS AT SOME DEPTHS Olkiluoto, KR6 1..i.. _.. _.. _.. _._ T!!_ T f _ 1_1_1_1 1 _j 1 1 1_1_1_1_1 l_j ll 1t r,... ;_ 1_1_1_1!!.!. r rr1_1_ 1, TT L LL j J 1 l L 1 _ j 1 l :a: "'" "' 1_1_1_1 1_1! _!_ r L 1 _1 j j 1 L L Ll_l J 11 _!_ r r 1, T L _ ' ' ' ' ' _J!..! L L LL J L 111 J J L L L T r,, 1_1_1!! r r,,,,, T 1_1_ J!.!. r r 1 11,,.,. 1_1 _!!_ r r,,,,,, 1 1 1_1_1_1 1_1!...!.!. _ 1_1_1!!_ 1_1_1_1_ 1_! 1_ 1_1_1_1_ 11_1!_!._1_1_1_ 11_1_.....c ::::::: E..._ 3: LL 1 _ Ll_l_l_l j_jj.j.l L.J.J.J.L LL _j.jj...l LL _.J.J..l r 1 1, o o T T r o > o T r r, 1.,. r r , 1 r 1_1_1_1_1_ 11 11_1_1_1 11_1_1_1_ ll_l_l_l_ :. &ll :. t F i 1,,;,.1_ : 7 : 1 :. L o, o ':.. r; c.l. 1._ 7 1,. ";"' 1.r; 1 1 "":"" X "; 1 ; '.., _ E..c... Cl. Q) 1_1_1_1_1 1_1_1! 1_ 1_1_1_1_1 1_1_1_1 1_ 1_1_1_1_1 1_1_1_1_!_!_1_1_1_1 1_1_1_1.!..a... '" l o _ ;:_ 1..: j l [W..L...L L l _ :1 _j _; :;:"' _..a.._ '" L 1.. 1_; 1 j _l..l 1,. 1.+_.,.,. 1 L 1 1 j "j r rt1_1_, T r r r 11,, r ll T rr1_1_ rr 1_1_1_1_1T 11_1_1_ _1_1_1 11_1_1_1 1_1_11 Q) > Q) J1ttt tj1tt tj11t ttj _ 1_1_1_1_1 1 j 1 l!._1_1_1_1 1_1_!.!_!_1_1_1_1 1_1_!_!..!.!_t...JJ 1l l1j!.j. 1 1 l l l l l l l l l 1 1!...J l _J l...j l _J 1 l l l _J _J _ L 1 _ 1..J...J L 1L1 _J l l l 4 1..j. _ L111..J...J11.. LLL1 _ J l..j 4 1 J...L1..J...J l...j...j 1 1..J...J 1 J J l1,j,o,j...j...j..1.l...,.. L..J...1 L L _j...j J. 1. L L..J...J..1.l L L J..1 l. L L 1 _J..J _J...l.J... L L L _ LL11..J...J1l. LL..J...J..l J...J L L l...j L L..J ! L...J L _..J...J L L J L l_l_l_l.j...j..l L L L l_l_l.j...j...j 1. L 1_1_11 _..J...J.l 1.. L L..J...J..1.l L L 1..J...J 1 1. L L _ J...J..J. L L J _j..j l _J 1 L L L J..J l _J 1 L L L 1 1 _J _..J..J..1 L L L J 1 L L 1 1 _..J...J 1 L L..J...J..l L L _..J...J 1 L L L L J..l L L..J _J 1 L L L J...J..l 12: 18: : 6: 12: 18: : 6: 12: Time

23 22 Appendix 2.3 REPEATED FLOW MEASUREMENTS AT SOME DEPTHS Olkiluoto, KR6 1 Power failure: ,14:6 18:37 The pump was out of order during that time. 11lfl 111lfflll1 lflll 1.!_1_!1 1_ 1.!_1_! 11_ _11_11.!_1_11_1 1.!_1_!_1 1_11 1_! 11_ _ ltll l} l_l _ll.l.} Jl ll1 1l i llil1 11 l Tfil l rlrlrtmr",.fhn,.rrlmih...:r...i.tolil''1"!tj'lfl "'r.,...+;l i17'i'lrl "''' l +t M.n"1'i:'Ti"TTrl71 "i1 1" 1 T 11 rrt+'trh"tr _!!_ 1_1!!! 1_1!_ 1_!_1_1!!! 1_1 1.!._1_!1 1_1 LJ..! 1_ 1!_.J 1_1!._.!._J 1_1 J...l_! 1_1 Ll.!...! 1_1!_ _1!_1_!_1 l_l!_l_!_jl_l! l ljl_ll.!_l_ll_j 1.!_1_!_1 l_l.!_lj_jl_l! l ljl_l!.!_l_ll_l l.!_lj_l 1_1!_1_! 11_ _ L LL..l...11L..JLL.L..JLJ.LU LL.l...JLL..JUL.LU...J L.l.l LL.l...JLL T ll 11n1 T 1T T TT ll T o 11 T o o 11 rl 1 n r T o n TT rl 11 o o rl rl 1.!_1_11 1_1.!_1..!. _ 1_ _1 1_ 1 _.!_ 1_11_1 1.!_1..!_1 1_1.!! 1_ _11_1 _.!_ 1_11_1 1.!_1..!.1 1_ 1.!_..!. _ 1_1 1 1 _1.!_1_11 1_1.!_1..! 11_11 1 1_11_ 11.!_1_11_ 1 1.!_1..!.1 1_1.!._1_! 11_11 1 1_11_11.!_1_11_1 1.!._1..!.1 1_ !._11_ c ::::: E... ll Lll.J...JUL JULl.JU Lll.J...JLL JULl..JU ll.j. LLJ...JUL 1..._111 r...cll t.f :;: ,. :..,...;... : +'!+f.:;...a.tl"fll * * : 1 11 T T ,,,, 1,1,, T 1""t r1 T ""t ; r1 r 11 r1 r, 11 1; o l""t r1 TT 1 r 11 1; r ; 1t 1; nnrtnn Till T r1 r1; 1 r1 r c..... Q) !_1_!_1 1_1!_1_!_ jl_l! l 1!1_1!..!_1!1_1 1!_1_!_1 l_lj_j. J Ll J!..!_1_!_1_1 1.!_1_!_1 1_1!..1.! jl_l!_l 11 ll ll ll tlt1t t1t 11 lt1tl tlt1t t t1 t1 ll ll ll ll! _!_ Ll.!....!. J _ L J 1_1 L.!_ J 1.!_1_!_1 1_1.!_1_!_11_ 1! 1 1_11_1!!_1_!_1_1 1!_1_!_1 1_1.!_1_!_11_1.!_1 ll (/) CO E..._ Q) > Q) L... Q)... CO s !111 1!111 1! !111 1!111 1!111 1!111 L L1..! l l1 L1..! J l1 11 Ll..l..J 11 Ll l1!....j 11 Ll l1!....j 11 Ll Ll.LJ...J 11 Ll Ll.LJ...J Ll Ll Ll.LJ...J 11 Ll 1l 11 1l 1J 1l l1 J1l f J J L J..J 1..J L!11...J..J 11 L! l_l L f_j L!J L.l 11 Ll L f_j 1! !.. J 1!1..1 : 1 1 Ll 1l1 LJ LL.l..JLL JLL.L..J...J J.ll L.ll LL..l..JLL UUL.LJ...J.11 L 1.1 Ll L..1..J 11 L L.L... U.l L..,....L 1.1 ll+lll'fftw.. _,...._,_"'!11 l 11 Ll J l1 L.l1l 1l.L...J... J L1 1l 1J J1l 1J Ll Ll..J l1 L.l1111!11..J 11 Ll..J 1..J L.l11 1l l:..j 11 Ll..J 1..J L.l J Ll Ll..J U L L.J L L 1 Ll Ll 1J l_l L.L...J L 1 Ll L..J LJ L l....l...j LL _iili l Ll...J...J L Ll.li...J Ll Ll.!...J..J U L.L J...J Ll Ll.l...J Ll L... LL.J._JLL..JUL.L.li...J.J. 1l.J L11 1l L.J Ll1.1 Ll..l.l Ll..l.l L1 1.1 _J l1 l1 11 Ll1 l 11 Ll Ll Ll..l..J 1..J Ll 11 Ll..l..J 11 Ll 11 Ll1..J 11 Ll 11 L 1 J 11 Ll Ll Ll..l..J Ll Ll 11 Ll1 J 11 Ll LL..l..JUL Ll Ll.l...J U LJ..J U Ll L.l...J u Ll _ LJ LL.l_JLL..JLL.LUU L 1.1 L1 Ll.l...J L1 L l..j U L L U U Ll.ll Ll Ll.l...J U Ll..JUL L.ll LL..l..JLL U U L.L..JU Ll.l. LL_!_JLL JUL.L..JU Ll.ll LL.l. _L.ll LL.l..JLL l.lll.l..ju LL.l...JLL..JLL.L.li...J.L.ll LL_l..JLL _LJ LLJ...JLL...JLL.L...JU.LJ. LLJ...JLL...JLL.L...J...J ll.j. LLJ...JLL : 12: 18: : 6: 12: 18: : 6: 12: 18: : 6: 12: Time

24 23 Appendix 3.1 Flow rate Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6, with test pumping section.5 m, step.1 m Measured 14 times Measured once Measured once Measured once Measured once r 1 ll r1 J _1_1 J Ll _ 1 _ J l L l_ll J l J J LJ _ J J J J L c Q) ( J 11 J 1 1 l 11l rl L J _1_1 J Ll J 1 1 J 11 J J cl 1 1 J 11 J r n _ J _1_1 J Ll f L J _l _l J ll J 1 1 J 11 _ J _1_1 J Ll 1 l 11 J r 1 ll r1 _ J _1_1 J Ll J _1_1_1 Ll 1 J 11 J 1 l 111 fl L J J ll t "1 11 i t1 1 _1_1_ _ L J 11 J ll rl ( j J [ l 1 1 ll fl _ J _1_1 J Ll J J Cl 1 1 l 11 l 1 l11fl 1 H 1 ll fl 1 1 J _J_ J J J 1 '1 '11 ( J J [1 l 11 l,1llrl l l_j _l_ljll 1 1 J1 t J J 1 J tci Jccl l tjtjct l _ l 1 ll J 1 l l l 1 1 l 11'11rl J JL j j 1 j J 1 l l l l u _J_ 1 j 1 1 j ll 1 1 r r r1 r 1 r 1 1 rn 1, 1 r1! J L _ l_ll J L!! L 1_1 _ J _1_1 J Ll ,1llfl 1 '1 11 tl J J [1 1 l 11l, 1llrl JJJJ L lf fl _J J_ j _J..J j ll 1 1 '11 r1 r r ( J j [1 _,_ L _,_,_,_ ll 1 H _._ H _ J J _ J Ll,nlfl r ll l _1_1_1_1 J tl J _1_1_1 L 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 l ll fl _ J _1_1 J Ll 1 J H l 111 fl 1 1 '11 r1 1 r _ J _1_1 J Ll _ L 1_1_1 1 l11rl _J JL H,1llfl E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 Flow rate (ml/h) 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6

25 24 Appendix 3.2 Flow rate Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6, with test pumping section.5 m, step.1 m _ J J Ll 1 1 1,,,,, 11 L J _l _l J ll _ J _,_, J Ll 1 1 1" H,,, 11 fl. L J J L1 _ J _1_1 J Ll 1 l 1 1l,, 1,,1 rl _. L J _1_1 J Ll L l 1 1'"1 ' ' J _1_1 J H Measured 14 times Measured once Measured once Measured once Measured once. r T r T 1 r r ll, r 1 1 r ll 1 r r. r1 11 r 1, r r, r 1 r r r rn i : j L l j L L L J J :, : :; :; L J c : : :: : ; ljf } [ } } [ 11 <' l 1 L Ll l 11 r r l 1 rrrnr 1 l rrrrn _ l l_ j_l _ljl_l L J H ,, 1,,,,, 1 1 L 1., rl 1 J ( J J [1 ( [ 111} _ J J ll l _1 _1_ 1_1 j r J i l 111 J J Cl c 111! 1 1 l 11 l Jl,, r1, r, n H '',_ 1 Jfl_ l L. L... LJ 1 1 "1 "1111 r ( 1 1 c 1 l 11l 11 1_1_ L J J ll L L _l _l _l_l J L J } Cl 1 1 l l 1 l L L :,11:; 1 1 _ _1_1_ H H J n:.:: : JL r 1.,.,.,.,,1 _, J _1_1 J Ll L _1_1_1_1 l 1 1l 11 L L r1 r r r:::. 54 a. () 56 _ J J Ll L _1_1_1_1 J LJ.. JL l1.ljjlj r 1, 11 r1 _. _ J _1_1 J Ll.,..,.,.,.1, n _ J _1_1 J 11..J 1...J..1, r 1,,, r1 : :,: J : J L l H,,,,,,, L J _l _l J ll J _1_1 J lf1, 1 1,11 fl _ J _1_1 J Ll.,., ,,, ll 11 ll. 1. J '' J L J _. _ J J ll L. l J 1 J i J i _ J _1_1 J _1_1_1_1 J 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 L 1 111,, 1, 1, n r r 111 _ J _1 _1 J 1_1 ' L J H ,, 1,,, n, r,,, l t_j _JJL L _ L L U JL _ J _1_1 J L _1_1_1_1! l ,,,, n, r,, 111 J _1_1 J Ll L _1_1_1_1 J r : : : 1: J : 1: 1 J Cl : : : 1: : c : 1 111} E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h)

26 25 Appendix 3.3 Flow rate Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6, with test pumping section.5 m, step.1 m..c a. Q) Measured 19 times Measured once Measured once Measured once Measured once. : : [ : l : :n: [ _ [ : : R.l : ::: J[ ::[ 11 [:J 1 1 J 1 1 J Ll L J 1 1 1]1! 1 1 1_ 1! 1!! 1 1 1!.! 1 _! _ 1 1 ' ' l 'Ll11 1 'l ' 1 1 J 1 1 J Ll L L J L 1 ll n r r n c H L L l1llh 1 LL 1 1 1L 1 L }[1 c! J :J [ [! J [ JJ[ 1 } 1 1 }[ 1 c l l ll}l t f f cj ][ [ lujc J [ [ ll l J [}}[) 1 11 H 1 t i 11 ll t i 1 1 i.f 1H _ J _1_ L L 1_1! J 1_ L!! Ll_l 1_1 J L!,_,_ J,_ J, _! J _!_ 1 1 L 1_1 ) t t 1 1 t 1 1 1li : 1 1 _ : 1 n : 1 l !! C "' ' C! 1 111! r > Ll L L J J 1 11 fl 1_1 _ c J 11 J [ 1 tj1 1!11 _ J _1 _1 J _ 1 i _ J _1_1 J Ll r n L J _ 1_1 J Ll _ l J _ 1_1 J Ll [ 1 l.j 1...l1 1 l r "' ] [ 1 11 fl ( J 11 J [ fl c J 11 J [ J 11 J [ tl _ J _1_1 J Ll ) i i llll! 1 r r r n r 1 r 1 1 r 11 j C 11! J L L H f 1 L H l L _! J L!! L 1_1 f 1 H t 1 f 1 H _ J L L 1_1! J _ L 1 J L _.. t 11 t i t li _ J L L 1_1! J _ L!! L 1_1 1 lltht 1 t11th J J [ C [ 1 11 J l1 H c J J [ 1 [ 111}1 1 J _1_1! Ll 11 1 _ j j ll l _l _l_l_l j l ; _ J J L1 l _1 _1_1_ n _ J J Ll l _1 _1_1_1 J, r,,,,, r _ J _ 1_1 J Ll l 1 J l _ J L l 1_1 1 J l l l LJ r 1 r t r ( 1 1 r r n r 1 r 1 1 r n c J J L L l 11 J L ; J l L Lll J L J J LJ 1 1 J J _l J Ll c L 111 J L 1 1 r r r n r 1 r 1 1 r11 ' ' J 1 1 J ll L L 1 1 L J L 1 l l n r r 1 111!! ] [!![ Q C 11! 1 ' 11 1 ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ' r r n r 1 r 1 1 r 11 l 1llfl r L 1 H 1 11 H 114 1J 1 1J [ H _ J J Ll 1_1_1_1! 111 H (}(1}[1 ( c' '''J' _ l l_j J _1_1_1] 1 ll 1l11tl tt L J _J JL L_ L U_J L J 1J Ll _L L U _J 11 r l l n r r J 1.Jl1 1 l il 1 _1_11 n r n ' 1 ' L J J Cl c 111 J 1 l1 H 1 111" 1 ( J J 111} H llif ( CJ :11] [ 1 C [1 111 }1 l l_ j JL L jl _ J J Ll L _l _l_ l_ljl 1 1""1 1 n r n 11 r _ J _l _lj Ll l _ l UJ r1 r r 1 nlr J J J Ll L J L r 1 1 J 11 J Ll 1 L 1L1 J /ll 11 / 11 1E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h)

27 26 Appendix 3.4 Flow rate Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6, with test pumping section.5 m, step.1 m Measured 19 times Measured once Measured once Measured once Measured once. _ J _1_1 J Ll 1 t i 11i H r L J _1_1 J ll! _ J L L 1_1! J 1_ L J J L J t it t tht i 1 t i i th 1 f f r (11 1 f fl1 l _ J _ L L L Lll J L J J LU 1 1 r r1 t _ J _1_1 J 1_1 L _1_1_1_1 J 1 1 i 1H H t t 11 1l il 1 1 r1 r 111 1_1!.! 1_1_1 _11 _ J J 1_1 _ J J 1_ 1_1_1 J r 1 11 n J _ J ll 1 t t1 } } Cl 1 L J 11 J Ll r,n, n t f1 1 L J 11 J ll _ J _ J Ll _ L _1_1_1_1 J 1 i 1 1 i t1 t t } }C 1 1 J 11 J Ll L li H t r JJJJL LL1LJ t1 t _ J _1_1 J J 11 J Ll fl _ J J Ll '11i t1, (,,,,1, 1 1 J 11 1 Ll l l _ J L j_j LLUl_ J i : : : : i : {{;_ : ; ; :; L J L J 1!illlliiiiii:i J 1 L Ll1 })} [1 1 J 11 J Ll, 111 n _ J 1_1 J L1 1_1_1 J L 1111< L r r 1111 _ L _1_1_1_1 J 11i1lit1 1t111lil r J 11 Ll 1 L 11 1 J _ J _1_1 J 1_1 L _1_1_1_1 J c... Q. Q) i 1li H t lit : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : ::: ( }(1} [1 [ 1111 lii: _ 1_1 } 11} [1 11( JL L JL 111 LLJ 1 1 J Ll L : : E: : i : :::: i j : : H j : JJ f[ili[;l11ffffl1 : _:. Hl l f 1 m l 1l l 1 1 ll r 1 r r 1 1 T 1 r r r n r 1 r 1 1 r 11 t l ll fl r r _JJJJL l l_l_l_l_ljl 1} 1 1}11 1yl1lll 1 1 j 11 j Ll L L 111 J L lll lr 1_ J _1_1 J _1_1_1_1 J 1 i 1li H t 111lil 1 1 n r 111 t t rt '" t r ; 1 t r '" 11 t 1 1 t 1 1 r t1 t t 11tt } }[ [ ( E } ( [ [ (1 L [ [ 11 ( } }[ c J ll. 1 J.J J l J r1l11fl rrllr, rrnr11fllfll r _1_1 J Ll L _! J! _ J _ 1_1! J L J J LU l l_j J 1 1 1_1_1_1] t.. i 1111 t it t i 1 Htl lt11th 11i11iH. 1Htl 1 l _ l _lfl r1_1_ 1_ 1_111 1C i r J1.JL 1l1LLJL 1JLLLLil J J _ LJJLU J j_ J_t_JL ll J_LJL < r1 t < < t 1 r JJL [!U11F ljl[l} [J L 1} 1 1JC 1 [J 11.J4H t 111lil,nlfl r 1 n 1 11 _ J JL l_l JL J _ J LL_ 1 _ J_ n1 l l J t1 t t t t 1 1 t t t1 t 1 1 t 1 1 t tl 1tt _ J _ J _ 1_1! 1 r r r n T 1 r 1 1 r n 1 1 _11 fl r r n 11 J _ L ' 1_1 1 J ' L 1 J L 1_1 ' J J Ll _ ' ' J 11i1lit1 t t 1 1 llt i tttht 1 1 ttith 1 1 t1lih Jt 111lil 1 1 r1 r 1 1 r 1 r r n r 1 r 1 1 r n 1 1 r1 r LJ JL L_l LLJL J _L LLUl _ J LJJLJ _J_JJL L_L UJ _ J (t 1 i 11 i t ll i 1 1 i.j Ll L 1111 r r1 r r 111 r 1 r r r n r 1 r 1 1 r n 1 ll n r r 1111 ( ( [1 [ ( (t J,_ J J ( cc (t [ ] ] c _ j _1 _1 J Ll l _ 1 _1_ 1_1_1 J _ J l l 1_11 J l J J l J _ J _1 _1 J Ll _ l _1_1 _1_ t1 t t t ) i t t t t1 t 1 1 t i 1 t i 1 t1 1 t 1 1lil 1 lil _ j _! J!! 1_ TTTTT T T TTTTT T T // E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h)

28 27 Appendix a. Q) Flow rate Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6, with test pumping section.5 m, step.1 m Measured 18 times Measured once Measured once Measured once Measured once. r rrt1rtt1 f :: :(: C J :1:1 J i:1 :1: C} :1:1} [ :1: () :1)) [ :: :r:: C] :1:1 J [r r r1 :1: 1: ] :1:1] 1: 1: ] :1:1] 1: t: :1:1 r r 1 rrt t f 11 H LJ_LJ L : 1: L} :1:1} [ ( J :1:1) [ :1: ( J :1:1 J [ :1: C J : 1) J [ :1: 1: J :1:1 J [ :1: 1: J : 1:1 J r 1 1 rr; r l: l! lm llll l!m l l :! 11!l l L 1_1 J L 1 _ J _ L l l LJ _ J l J J l J : 1 1 m 1111 m 1 lll "H f :: :,: :,: :, :, :::,:: :, :,:,:, 1 : : :, : :,: :, Cr : : : : :, :,:,:, J J J Ll c L 1 11 j L J J J Ll c L 1111 j :::1: :c J :1:1J C1 :: :c: C :1:1:(1}1 :::1::CJDJC :::c:c:1:1:(1]1 J :1:1 J [ ( [ :1:1:1:1] n r r 1111 : : :1: :1: J :1 ' J Cl : : :1: : :1:1:1:1] :1::1: 1 n 1 c1 :c c 1 :1 :1 :1 1:1:1! ::' ::'! 111! H 1111 il 1 1 1H H f Ll 1 L _ J _1_1 J L1 L J J J Ll c [ 111 j :: :1: :c J :1:1 J Cl ::: C: C :1: 1:(1]1 :1: :C J :1:1 J [ ( [ :1:1:1:1] J DJ [ :c [ 1111]1 t 111 H Ll 1 L J J Ll :: :1: : 1: J :1 J J Ll :c c J j [ [ c 11 J c J c [ [ J [ j ] [ c ] ) ] [ c [ 1)] :::c:cj::)[ :::c: :CC] ::::J:C[[C:::J:::[JJ() :::1::CJ:1:1][1 :::c:c:1:1:1:1] f f 11 f 1 f H._ J ,_,f :: :, :::,:, ::: : 1:1:1 ::: : :.:: ::: : :,: :::, ::lllll :::c: :,:,:,:,Jc:::l:J:CLLCii:::J::,:} :: :1:: C J :1:1 J C1 :1: 1: J :1:1 J ll :1: ( J :1:1 J [ :1: 1: J :1:1 J [ :1: r: J :1:1 J :1: : 1: :1:1 1: J :1:1 J :1::1: J )]J [ :C [ 1111]1 :1: : 1: J ' :1 J C :1: 1: 1:1 J J ::' ::' J C :1:1:1:1 J r! :1 ::'! t: :1 111! Ll 1 L J Ll 1 L J J Ll L L : : :: : c J :1:, J Ll : : : c : c :1:1:1:1} :1: C J :1:1] [ ( [ :1 :1:(1] :1: : 1:] :1:1 J [ C [ :1:1:1:1] J )]J Cl :c c JC : : :: :1: ] :1:1] : : : 1: : :1:1:1:1] :1: 1: J ::' :1 J C :1:1:1:1 J E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h)

29 o t ' ' o o o o 28 Appendix E..c... c.. Q) Electric conductivity of water of some fractures and borehole water Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6 During detailed flow logging + Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, Last in time series, fracture specific water, Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, Last in time series, fracture specific water, o Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, D Last in time series, fracture specific water, X Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, X Last in time series, fracture specific water, : : : : : G :x : :. ;. ;.. ;.. : ;. :. ;. ;.. ;. ;.. : ;. : ;. _, : : : : : cj X :.:.:.:... :: : :_+i.: : : :_.. + )( :nri : : :. : its ::: : :::..:.: : : :. : : ::?< : : :. ;. ;. ;. : ;. : ;. ;.;. +&o x::;.:;._, ' ' ' : fod<. ' ' o o :: :. :.. '. '.... :: 'x,.,,,,,.. t t. :. i : : : :.... : : ;;x :,.,, : L L!ft].X. c L ' L L : : : : : : : : : : : ' '.. ::: :: ::c ::: :. :.. ::. '. :;: :: :::. '.. ::::::::... ' '. ; ; _ : ; _.:.. _;_ ; _ o.... '. '. o o o :..... o ;.;.::::::.: : :. :.:. :. :.. : :: :: ::. ' '. o o :::: :::: '... o o..:: : :. :.. : : o o o ' '. ' ' '.....L L.L c L L. L. : : ' ::::: i i i i i, X ',, q.o, ::.m x :::;._,. : +, X X,. _; 2< _; :.._:_ ;_.,, X.,, +Oo_ x : :. :u : : : : : ; : :_. ',.am!"'. ' ',,,.;; +c 2< :;. :;.; : : : + : ' ' ' ' : :x:: ::: X '. 'u : 7 : : : ; ; : ; ; ; _;_ :. :.Pxo x: :.. :,m.... ; L ' ; :. '.: ' :.. : u : : ;..; :;. :;. ;. : : ot 21: )( : : : : ',,,,, : tot; 1 : : X u : : : :.. L + : :X: ::[ X.. : i>+ X : : :.j<) X Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 OC), U

30 29 Appendix E...c +"" a_ Q) Electric conductivity of water of some fractures and borehole water Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6 During detailed flow logging Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, Last in time series, fracture specific water, Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, Last in time series, fracture specific water, o Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, D Last in time series, fracture specific water, x Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, X Last in time series, fracture specific water, ; : )( : : : : + ri< ; :: :::: :: :.. :: ;:: 7.. ;;.:.;: ::: :;;::::: o o o.. :: : : :.; ;.... :..::: ; :;; o o :;;:; : :; '... :;;:;:;; J. L. J....L + X. :. : ::.;.. 7;;: :.: + x :: s;;;;:::: X : : ; ; : :: ; ;:;;:::: X + X :. :... ::s:::::::: + X :.... :: ; ;;:::;; +; x :. : :.... :: s :..: : : ::.:; + X.... ' +<c :. : :..... )(_ ' c " +q; X... f(tj.x.,,. # o x : : + X.. :: ;.:. :. X X <c.. ox. +x.o x : : : : : +: o X o f'.x., <o xx : : :: : : K : : t : ; : t+ F ; t t... : + <>o x... <tr. + t:l.. X + <tl.. X,.... : X.. X : : : : : A ff : : : : : : : T : : :... ;x : Jf!f Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 C)

31 3 Appendix Electric conductivity of water of some fractures and bore hole water Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR6 During detailed flow logging Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, Last in time series, fracture specific water, o Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, <> Last in time series, fracture specific water, o Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, D Last in time series, fracture specific water, x Measured with.5 m depth increments in the borehole, X Last in time series, fracture specific water, k x ; X : ' U x.po.... # X : 't o o: :: X :.. '1' : '1' : E..c... a.. (]) : ;, :... : :..... :: c ;.. : ' ' '..... :: ; : : _; o. '. ' '..... '... :: ; 4> :. X u.f> o: X. 4> ::...p: X : :.. X,U.p: X :T o?<_ : : : : 1.. ; ; i i Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 t) 1.

32 31 Appendix 5.1 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR ' 1 1 r ;; 1 r, 1 r ; t 1 t 1 r j 1 r 1 ; t 1 t 1 1 j 1 1 ;j 1 r 1 t t _. t ; 1.1,t 1.1 :i :., t ; 1 t ; t l l l J_ 1 L _l l_ J 1... J L 11 J Time from the start of the measurement (s)

33 32 Appendix 5.2 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r T 1...,...., '... + A.2.3 }......,. 1,_ r v..... J. ';;/... r...! i '....,... \ +.o... p:. "".. / ; t 1 t T.. :.:.._ :::.<:+# : #... ; :....:..# : : ;. : ";! :. t 1 1 tj 1 t ;.... :: 7:.....:.. :...::... L:.. >"' ::..:J..... _ :_:.... i & t...\., , / "i..., ! ! _J 1 _J 1.! _J 1 _J 1.!. 1.1 l T l Time from the start of the measurement (s)

34 33 Appendix 5.3 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR ; H36.8, t i 1 f.l l l_ l J L! _.!._.!.! f! () N..._... E en..._ Z' ::;: :;::; ::l 1J c... c Cl) w 1. T, 1..l _!_, _j _ r 1 r _ L _.!._ r 1 r J.. L 1_.!._ 1 r.., 1 r i 1.J L...! _ !.8 T 1, 1 r r.., 1 r ;, 1 r r ; 1 t Time from the start of the measurement (s)

35 34 Appendix 5.4 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r 1 r, 1 r j 1 t j t E LO N... ; t (/)... ::;: :.;:::; () ::s " c:: () () c () Q) w J J _ L Time from the start of the measurement (s)

36 35 Appendix 6.1 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r 1, r 1 1 r 1 1 r 1, r 1, r T 1, r r 1, r 1 1 r 1 r r 1, r 1, r T 1, r 1 r 1, r 1 1 r r 1, r T 1, r 1 r 1, r r 1 r 1 1 ; r 1 ; r T 1, r 1 1 ; 1, r ; 1 1 t 1 r 1 r 1 ; 1 1 t 1 ; r.3 ; 1, r ; 1, t r 1 r ; 1 t ; r T 1, r ; 1, r ; 1,,_... 1 ; 1, r : 1/; r 1 T , r 1 r 1 t 1 ; 1 1 t 1 1 r r 1 1 r r 1 E en.z. ::;: +i u :::J "'C c u c Q) w.2 r ; 1 ; t 1 ; r r 1 1 ; t f + 1 _, + 1 i t 1 1 t + 1 t l l 1, + 1 i t 1 1 t + 1 ;. 1 l l 1 ' + 1 i ;. 1 1 t l l 1 : ,......_..._h t l l l l l l 1 l 1 J ,,1 1 i._ j l l :_ l l l L l _ 1 _.1 1 _ L _ l 1 1 L 1 1 L..J 1 L _ l 1.l _ l 1 1 _.1 1 L..J 1 _ L L 1 L _J 1 L _ l 1.l 1 l L 1 _ 1 _.1 _ 1 1 _ L L _ 1 L l 1 L 1 l L.l _..J L 1 _ 1.1 _! _ L..l _ 1 L L _ L 1 l 1 L l L.l 1..J L 1. T T T T Time from the start of the measurement (s)

37 36 Appendix 6.2 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR ,... i... _,_ J.....:_...:: P.:../..: :... i..:... _. :_..; :...; i:: <:.j..:. :. _ :: :... 6a.so 1 ; ::;: ::::s " c: c Q) w _,.._ i l l :... ::...:.. : )...:..J...: :... :...\1...: : ) 1 1 l 1... _J l 1... _J 1 1 L _j... _J 1 J_ 1 1 L _j 1... _J 1 J J Time from the start of the measurement (s)

38 37 Appendix 6.3 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR E en.._... :;: u ::::J "'C c 8 c t) Q) w _..,...._.. _..,...! T l j L _j l j.l.l 1...j 11l _!.!... _! 1 1 r 1 t...j L...J, r, 1.!......J _ L _,r, J L _J 1 l j L _j _ 1 1 1,,,...! L _j j. 1 l!.!... 1 l. l, r, 1.! J L _J, r, 1+,,, _J L _J, r 1, _J_.L +.! T 1 1! 1!.!... _! _!.! ) _!, r ' T 1 1 _! J l. _ 1 T 1 1 1,, T,, _ l. _ 1 T T 1 _ l T _ 1. _ 1 1 l !... 1! 1!.! ! r 1 t 1 t t 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 T T T T T Time from the start of the measurement (s)

39 38 Appendix 6.4 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r 1 o 1 1 T , r 1.., 1., r 1.., 1 1 T 1 1., 1.78 "1 J "1 J "1 t rs t 1 J J f j f j j + j l.... +'"...,...,...,...ol ,....("'... Jt...,...,..._.J..... ; j l + 1 l j 1 1 " j._ 1 _J 1 _J j 1 1 " L J 1 1 _j_ _ Time from the start of the measurement (s)

40 39 Appendix 6.5 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r 1..., r r 1 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r r., r r 1..., r r 1 r 1 1 r 1 r., r r., r rr1 r 1 1 r r t t 1 1 r 1 1 r 1 ; 1 ; 1 t 1 1 t t 1 i t 1 t ; 1 t ; t + 1 ; t t t 1 1 t 1 t ; t + 1 t J i l l 1,.l ( l JB«...A, _... ' l ' 11 'ff\ 11.A'...,., dl + \!.. _ , l.jo. Jll.'.. ' ;,1! t t ; 1 ; t + 1 t t t + t l l l 1 1 l _.J L 1 1 L 1 l Time from the start of the measurement (s)

41 4 Appendix 7.1 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, bore hole KR i, 1 r 1, r,. T ; 1 r 1 1 f r ; r T ; 1 r 1 f r ; r T ; 1 r 1 ; 1 t : t ; r 1 f r ; t :, t t.' L{) "1 1 1 t 1 1 f t t 1 N...,,..., 1 :. E t 1 t 1 1 t t 1... en \ ::;:.1 \ :::J \, 'U c + 1 t 1 1 f t 1 1 ' ' c /i.:.,_"jt!..t.t.. t.. _. \!;Y,'"'! 1 1 t 1 Q) ;;,... :: w t 1 1 t l 1 l l 1 1..j_ 1 l J 1 _J 1 l 1...J 1..j J L...J 1 _J J 1 L 1 1 L _j 1. T T Time from the start of the measurement (s)

42 41 Appendix 7.2 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR r r T r r t t t t t t t t '\ t t i :: Jo" t t t + t t i... 1.t.. 1..::..::. ::.>. + " : : :._ + + : :, " ".:.. :.1 :.. "*....."'ol _.. :... :.., " ".. : "" " j. P" t ! 1!!! ""e"......n :, ,_.,.,._...!" "'""'.....,.. + ' 3.2.6& L L L L L L.L.L.L L _L_ L _L_ 1 1 L L L _.L.L.L_ BOO Time from the start of the measurement (s)

43 42 Appendix 7.3 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR _[ 1 L _ L j _.1 L j r _[ L _l j_ L.1 _j 1 t t ""1 t 1 T 1 1 ""1 [ L _l j_ L _[ ' _l j_ E (/)... :; :;:::; :::J "' c: c Q) w.3.2 _.r'* l..1'..,.: :r j L f. J. _ t t ; t :l!',,, T : 1/ \!! L.! i 1 t 1 : ' L 1 _.!. J 1 ;! ; 1 : r : 1 1 T t:.l'.!ot.lta'o( lyi '4 1 _! L. _!_ l t"'.. 'S f l T 1\ 1\ f. 1l t...r... M... M ,...q. h6.s6 _ 1 r _! 1 '., L 1..J L 1 1 _J._ L ' r 1l '., Time from the start of the measurement (s)

44 43 Appendix 7.4 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR t 1t 11 1t J J _J, l J 1..J, j..J _!, 4 1l..J!, 4 1l _..J _! t l t 1t 14 1t J..J..J _!! _!, _1_ J 1 4..J J.. T 1, 1 t _ 4 1 t 11...! 4..J 1!, 1t _! ! 4..J t , t t :12.36;._ 128. le l l j _! _! ,,, 1 t J _! t 1 1 l j 1t 11 _! 1t 1 t ! _.,j_...,..._; S9.6E ,, 1l 1l 1l 1l Time from the start of the measurement (s)

45 44 Appendix 7.5 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, bore hole KR T.., 1 r.., r.., r T ; 1 1 r 1 r ; r ; 1 1 r 1 1 r ; r ; 1 r j 1 r ; 1 r ; 1 1 j 1 1 j ; r ;... LO j 1 N E + 1 j t. 1 en... 1: Z' ::;: 2. :;:::; () :::l " c: () t f 1 1 f t 1 () Q) () c w i, t f! l i j 1 f t 1 + t 1 f l f j 1 t f l f 1 "*! t r i 1 1 l 1 1 l l L _ L _J 1 L _J _ L _J_ 1 L _J 1 L Time from the start of the measurement (s)

46 45 Appendix 8.1 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR T r,.j ' 1,.. ;,,.<J'" 68 :, 6... l.....,..... :;.....,..:.....,... f'""""".."'j.s;, ,.. r "1 t1 "1 1 1t r 1 t 1 "1 1 t #......,..; J t t r 1 "7' f'j....j...;...+..:... :.:...J."!" : :...:... (.... :.... /..:... ;.:...." :: f f """...J ! 6 J..., ;,..._ _,_ ,_ 1..1 L L BOO Time from the start of the measurement ( s)

47 46 Appendix 8.2 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR !...! j_ + j.l 1 + j j_ r 1 L 1 L _ 1 _...J.1. L 1,...J.l L _ 1 r 1...J l _ L r 1 1, T r 1 Ī 1 L _.J.l L 1 L 1...!.L t 1 1 t +! 1 L _...!.L 1 +t 1 1 t L _ J.. _.! 1...! _, T, 1 + t 1 1 t T +.!. T T 1 1 1!.!!.! _... ""1'l...yof+ 13sS T i l _...,. :r 1".,.;...,_...4. t":!i..:..._ f28 3& : _ i,,, _J +.!. T + T T T l _.! _ 1 T r 1 1 T _ J.1. L r T r 1 1. T.., T r, T r _J.1. " , T r 1?.;;;:..._,..._N:... _.4 1,T _...J.1. Ī r r L r 1 1 _ Time from the start of the measurement (s)

48 47 Appendix 8.3 Time series of electric conductivity of water of fractures Eurajoki, Olkiluoto, borehole KR ,, ; 1, ; ; 2.25 j; j ; rrr () lo N E (f) > 2.2 :g ::::1 o c (.) (.) c w <, ; t t...j! l :l 1 j J_ J. L Time from the start of the measurement (s)

49 48 Appendix 9 Electric conductivity of borehole water Olkiluoto, borehole KR5 1 2 \1 During detailed flow logging, downwards \1 During detailed flow logging, downwards \1 During detailed flow logging, downwards o o o o ;. ; :. ':'... '.... ' ' '. ;. ;... ; :. 7 : ;. :.. : _. : : : : _. :.._.: :..._ :.....:. _...:.:.!. o o o o o!..!...:.! o o o ' ' '. '... ; : ;. : : : : : : : : :.;.;;... :.. :. _.._ :._ : _. :. :.: : ; : 7 : : :. : : 7 : : : : : : : _.!. :.!. _..!....!. '..!..1. '!!.!. '.!!.!...!. ' '.. ' ' ' ',,,,...;, _ E.s:::: a. Q) 9 1 : : : _..:._.: : : : : _.._!! _!._'._ ' ;.,,,.. :.. : _. : ::..!.. _.. ' ' Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 OC)

50 49 Appendix 1.1 Olkiluoto, borehole KRS Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps.c. a. Q) 4 42 Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, 2157 r::::::::: Tf _/H /H / < L : :::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: : : : : : : : : : : 44 ::::::: ::::::::: :: :::::::::::::: ::::::: : > ::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: 46 ] ::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: : : : :: : :: : : : :::::::_i::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: 56 : : : :: : : : : : :) : : : : : : : : : 58 r : ::::::::: : ::::: :: ::: ::::::: >, E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) : : : : : ::t: : : : :: : :: : :: t ::::::t :::::::::::::::::: + + :::: : t: ::::::: :: :::::::::: + + ::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

51 ! ; ; :! 5 Appendix 1.2 Olkiluoto, borehole KRS Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps..c..... Q) Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C ) t : + : # +...,......;,:_ ::+: :::::::: 62 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: : : :: : : 64 ::::::: r::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: : :: ::::::: ::::::: : ::: :: 66 :l::::::::::: ::::: ::::: 66. f':'. 68 > :::::::_L::::: ::::: :::: ::: i J u!!:;!!!! u!! u! ::::... lliiiili : :::: ::: :::: : / // :: :/ <: :< ; 78 THiL TT TT TT Y m ::::::::::::::::.Llf: ::::::: :::::: ::::: : :::::: ::::::: :: : :: E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Flow rate (mllh) Single point resistance (ohm)

52 51 Appendix 1.3 Olkiluoto, borehole KR5 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C ) c a. <) :: :: : ::::::: ::: i : :::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : :: : : :: : : : 84 } Hl H:: / ;;; ; / 86 A::: :::::: t: ::::::::::: ::::::: :::::: ::::::: 88 f : : :): : : : : : : 88.8, 9 ::::::: f ::::::: :::: :::: : : f:::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: 94 +r+ : >: : : :_L : : : : : : : : :: : : : r"""6 96 J 96.3 ;;;;;;; r;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; 98 1 : J>: :: : :: : E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (mllh) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

53 52 Appendix 1.4 Olkiluoto, borehole KRS Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps a. Q) Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, 2157 r :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: : l;} ::: :: : :: : : t> : : : : : : : > } :: > ::: :: : : ::::: ::J: :: :::::::_k::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: r t : : ::::::::: c :::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: YTYTT TT TT TT >:> / / < /_ < ; ; ; ; ; ; ;l_l; ; ; ; ; f : k : ::: ::: :::: E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C ) : :: ;J; : :: :: : : : :::: : + : :::: ::::: 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

54 53 Appendix 1.5 Olkiluoto, borehole KR5 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C ) : :t:: E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (mllh) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

55 54 Appendix 1.6 Olkiluoto, borehole KR5 Detailed flow logging. 5 m section length,. 1 m steps 14 Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, 2157 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: :::: : : 142 t\ : : : : 144 :: ::: :: : + EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) : : ::: t : : : :: : : : : :: :r : : : : : : : :: 146 : ; : : : : : : ::::::::...c c.. <) ::::::::::::::3::::::::::::::: ::::::: : : 1 : : : :: ::: : ::::: :::::: ' : : : 1> : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::1 : : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: >:::::: ::: :: ::: ::::: ' ::::: ::::::::: ::: : : : : f :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: TT TT TT TT!H :::::::f ::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::::: : : : : :: : :t : : : :: + :f; _ + : :: :: ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : t : : : : : + ::::: + :::::::::: :::::::t: :: ::::::: : : : : : t : : : : : : :::::::+:: ::::::::: :: : ::::::: :::::::t,: : : :::::::::: :::::::t:: :: ::::::: :: : :::: ::::: + : ::::: ::: :::: ::: :::::::+: : : : : : : : :t : : : 1E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Flow rate (ml/h) Single point resistance (ohm)

56 55 Appendix 11 Water level in borehole KR5 during detailed flow logging Olkiluoto Without pumping r r r r L L L L r r r r r r r r T T T T T T T T L L L L L L L L L.L.L.L.L.L.1 T T rrrr rt_t_t T_T_T_T_ L L_L_L_.L.L_.L_.L_.L_ en ro E Q) > Q) ,, rr rrrr r ' _!!!!! _!!!!!!! _! _! _! _! _! _!.!. J._J._J._J._ 2.1 rrr r rr,rrr,,,,,, t t rrrr rtrr rrrr rrrt _!!!!.!!.!!!!.!.!.._.!.!...!!_.!.!..!.!!!_ rrr rrrr,,,,,,,, _T_T_T _T_ TT,, Depth (m)

57 56 Appendix E.c... 8 a. Cl) \1 \1 \1 Electric conductivity of bore hole water Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 During detailed flow logging, downwards During detailed flow logging, downwards During detailed flow logging, downwards o o r,,, r,,,,,,,,,. i'"...,.,.., "'i. ; ;... '..,. ;, '. 7 '._ : :.. _. : :.:._.:. :.. ' '.:._.: _...:.!... ' '!..!...:.:..!. ' ' '. ' ' ' r,,, r,,,, ""',,, T o o... ; ' ;. 7 ';'. : ; '.. : : : : : : : : : : c _: : :_ ::: _. _. " '.:..!._.. _. _._..: _..!._.: J J..J : : : : :.., ;, '. "'j : : : : :..... '' ;.. : : :.: _.._.:. : : : : : :....:.!!..:.!.!... '.J ' J. ' ' '..J.... r,,, r : : : :_.: :._. : :_. \ _: : ':: :: ': :_!.... '.. 7. ; ';... : _...:...._..:. _. :...:..... T," T r,, : : : 7 : : : : :.._ :. ; :...!. _. :...:.. _.._ i i i i i i i Electric conductivity (S/m, 25 C)

58 57 Appendix 13.1 Olkiluoto, borehole KR 12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps 4 Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, : :Jrr : 42.o 42 ::::::: :::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: :::::::... :.t: :.. :: :::: 44 ::::::::::: 1 : EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) c. a. CV 46 p :J :E l : :: ::: : : :: : :: : : : : : ::: : : ::: :,;5.; 48 : Ht:: HH ;;:;; >Y H: :::::::. ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: G> \ /TT TY.\.\ TT ::::::: :::::::::: :::: :::: : 58.6 : :::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::_tn:_ :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: 59.6 ::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: 6 llllllll llllllll llllllll llllllll llllllll llllllll 1E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

59 58 Appendix 13.2 Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps..c Q. Q) Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, r : : : : 1 ::: 62. ; : 64 : : : : : : : : '' : : 66 '7 ::::J::: : > t 72 ::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: n_r H TT H ::::::::::::::::: ::::::: : : :' : : :::::::: 76 ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: 78 ::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::: :: :: llllftlf TTTTTTT 1E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

60 59 Appendix 13.3 Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, >H / :u :H : / H> _ + EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) c a. Q) 82 : : :: :: _::::: : :::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::: :::: : :: ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::: { ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::: >::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::: 1 88 ::::::: J::::::::::::: :::::::) ::::::::::: 9 jj jj!! l ::!! ::!! ; ;!!!!!!!! ; _ iiiii ;;;;;;;;;;:::1 ::::::::::: : ::::::: :::::::_ :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::: : ::::: :: 94 : :: : : :: : : l: \ : : : : : : 95.2? 't1.+ :::: : ::_ :: : ::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::: 1 98 ::::::: :::::::::::: ::: ::: :::::: :::: E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Flow rate (ml/h) Single point resistance (ohm)

61 6 Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps Appendix Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, k' ::::::: :::::::::::::: > H// 1\. ;;, + EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) a 11 Cl) ::: ::::::: : :::::::::::: f ::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::: Y T HT ::::::: c :::::::::::: ::::::: : ::::: : :::::: :::::::., ::::: :: ::::: :::::: lt:::: :::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

62 61 Appendix 13.5 Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps 12 Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) E' Q. () E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (ml/h) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

63 62 Appendix 13.6 Olkiluoto, borehole KR12 Detailed flow logging.5 m section length,.1 m steps Without pumping, Without pumping, Without pumping, } :::: + EC in the borehole Conductivity of water (S/m, 25 C) E'.....c... a. Q) t : r :::::_:::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: :::::::. < ::::::: :::::}:::::::: :: :: ::: :::: 1 :: :::::: } : / ::::::: ::::: :::::::: ::: J :::::::: t ::::::: :::: :::::::: : :... / : :::: : ( : ::::::: ) :::::::: ::::: ::: l/ :\ )H 16 :! E+O 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 Flow rate (mllh) 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3 1E+4 Single point resistance (ohm)

64 63 Appendix 14 Water level in borehole KR12 during detailed flow logging Olkiluoto Without pumping LLLL _ L L L! L_L_J... L,rrr LLLL _ J.._J.._J.._l l_l_!_l _ 1 _T_T_T_T J _t _t _l _1 _1 _1.!. J.. l l l.!._.!._.!._.!. _ 1,.,.,.,.!.. _1 _1 _1 _1 Q) > Q) rrrr L_L_L_L_,,,, rrrr L _ L _L_L_,, rrr 1,,,,,,,,, _L_L_L_L!.!._! _ L_L_L_l!.!...;,.,;;. T r r T LL_ L_L_L_ 1,,, rrr,, _ rrr!!!. L_l L_L!.!.!..!. r rrr _!.L_L_.L _ 1 _ J.._J l l!.!.!.! T T _l l l l _!.!!.!. l l l l _ l l l l.!..!..!..!.,,,, rrrr,,,, rr rr _!_1..!! _ 1 T l l l l.!.!.! _!.1.1 _.!.!.! _! T l l l l l.l _L_.l _ 1,,,, r_t_t_t.!._.!._.!._.!. l l l l _1 _1 _1 _1 l l l l 1 _1 _1 _1 T T l l l l_,.,.,.,.,,,.,..,.,.,. _J J _l l _ 1,,,, r r rrrr J J J 1 rrrr J 1,r,, t t t,rrr tj tt r T r 1,rrr tttt _!.!.!.!. 1,rrr t +++ T T 1 1.!.!.! _T_T_T_T_ T 1 _1 _1.!._ 1,.,.,., _1 _1.!._ 1 rrr, !!_j l _ 1,.,.,., ++++ _.!._.!._..!_..!_,.,.,., Depth (m)

65 Depth Measured EC last S/m (25C) Measured EC last S/m (25C) Measured EC last S/m (25C) Measured EC last S/m (25C) Measured EC last S/m (25C) EC last S/m (25C) Measured of the depth depth depth depth depth depth fracture n w C/.l (!) n 1' (!) (r n s n a (!) n g. n f"+ <r H) \ +;: (t) 8. x Vl

66 65 Appendix 16.1 Fracture specific electric conductivity and flows from the fracture to borehole Olkiluoto KR m 32.8 m 33.6 m D 4.7 m )( 42.7 m....4 oo LO N E....3 Cl)..._.. +' "> t5 ::J "' c () () c.2.1 t5 Q) w. 1E+6 G... A V 8. tj "..._... '..:7.._, 45.2 m... /'"'. V'... 1 E+S..c ::::::: E..._.. LL 1 E+4 G A..r " r.../ /'"'. "V 7' 1E TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT 1Hilllll

67 66 Appendix 16.2 Fracture specific electric conductivity and flows from the fracture to borehole Olkiluoto KR m.. () l.() N... E en._... "> +J (.) :::::s "' c:: (.) (.)... c (.) w....c :::::: E E+5._... 1 E+4 LL Ci "' ::( :..'\. \. '*' u::r \ 1,2" \_ "', "' "" "' 1..o. jl:....., A <> 49.1 m 52.6 m D 55.2 m )( 56.5 m,., 57. m c:. _r ""V "'"' 1. ""V 1E !1111 llll1htt TllTmn

68 67 Appendix (.) 2. l{) N..._ E (f) _ > 1.2 t5 :::J "' 1. c.8 c.6 t5 Q).4 w.2 1E+6...1E+5..c ::::::: _... E u. 1 E+4 1E+3 :::: :::: :::: :::: Fracture specific electric conductivity and flows from the fracture to borehole Olkiluoto KR6 :::::::::z: <.;?'. //... A,..., ;; ''..../ ", r ll 11 ill 59. m 99.8 m m D m m.._, 423.6jll.l:1 JS'!....L>. r "/

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table 5.11.2013 16:44 / 1 Minimum



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


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anna minun kertoa let me tell you anna minun kertoa let me tell you anna minun kertoa I OSA 1. Anna minun kertoa sinulle mitä oli. Tiedän että osaan. Kykenen siihen. Teen nyt niin. Minulla on oikeus. Sanani voivat olla puutteellisia mutta


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Information on preparing Presentation

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Efficiency change over time

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG VE1 SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: 8 x Nordex N131 x HH145m Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please


Characterization of clay using x-ray and neutron scattering at the University of Helsinki and ILL

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Rakennukset Varjostus "real case" h/a 0,5 1,5

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Exercise 1. (session: )

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Slug-Tests in PP- and PVP-Holes at Olkiluoto in 2010

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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16. Allocation Models

16. Allocation Models 16. Allocation Models Juha Saloheimo 17.1.27 S steemianalsin Optimointiopin seminaari - Sks 27 Content Introduction Overall Efficienc with common prices and costs Cost Efficienc S steemianalsin Revenue


Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students. www.laurea.fi

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On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

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S-55.1100 SÄHKÖTEKNIIKKA JA ELEKTRONIIKKA S-55.00 SÄHKÖKNKKA A KONKKA. välikoe 2..2008. Saat vastata vain neljään tehtävään!. aske jännite U. = 4 Ω, 2 = Ω, = Ω, = 2, 2 =, = A, 2 = U 2 2 2 2. ännitelähde tuottaa hetkestä t = t < 0 alkaen kaksiportaisen


Gap-filling methods for CH 4 data

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Ajettavat luokat: SM: S1 (25 aika-ajon nopeinta)

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Other approaches to restrict multipliers

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Slug-Tests in PP- and PVP-Holes at Olkiluoto in 2006

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C++11 seminaari, kevät Johannes Koskinen

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7.4 Variability management

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Latauspotentiaalimittaukset Olkiluodossa keväällä 2003

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2017 Jenni Laine

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


ReFuel 70 % Emission Reduction Using Renewable High Cetane Number Paraffinic Diesel Fuel. Kalle Lehto, Aalto-yliopisto 5.5.

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Kalliopinnan varmistukset seismisillä linjoilla ja suunnitellun kuilun alueella syksyllä 2002

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The CCR Model and Production Correspondence

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Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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( N117 x HH141 ( Honkajoki N117 x 9 x HH120 tv-alueet ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( m. Honkajoki & Kankaanpää tuulivoimahankkeet

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ECVETin soveltuvuus suomalaisiin tutkinnon perusteisiin. Case:Yrittäjyyskurssi matkailualan opiskelijoille englantilaisen opettajan toteuttamana

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1. Liikkuvat määreet

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Hydraulically Conductive fractures and Their Properties in Boreholes KR4 and KR7-KR10 at Olkiluoto Site

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Alternative DEA Models

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Slug-Tests in PP- and PVP-Holes at Olkiluoto in 2004

Slug-Tests in PP- and PVP-Holes at Olkiluoto in 2004 Working Report 2005-76 Slug-Tests in PP- and PVP-Holes at Olkiluoto in 2004 Eveliina Tammisto Pirjo Hellä Jere Lahdenperä December 2005 POSIVA OY FI-27160 OLKILUOTO, FINLAND Tel +358-2-8372 31 Fax +358-2-8372


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Raskan Sanomat. N:o 2, perjantaina 5. lokakuuta 2018 KARAN TALON ASIAKASLEHTI

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MUSEOT KULTTUURIPALVELUINA Elina Arola MUSEOT KULTTUURIPALVELUINA Tutkimuskohteena Mikkelin museot Opinnäytetyö Kulttuuripalvelujen koulutusohjelma Marraskuu 2005 KUVAILULEHTI Opinnäytetyön päivämäärä 25.11.2005 Tekijä(t) Elina



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Returns to Scale II. S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Esitelmä 8 Timo Salminen. Teknillinen korkeakoulu

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Digitally signed by Hans Vadbäck DN: cn=hans Vadbäck, o, ou=fcg Suunnittelu ja Tekniikka Oy, email=hans.vadback@fcg.fi, c=fi Date: 2016.12.20 15:45:35 +02'00' Jakob Kjellman Digitally signed by Jakob Kjellman


Use of spatial data in the new production environment and in a data warehouse

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Kuvailulehti. Korkotuki, kannattavuus. Päivämäärä 03.08.2015. Tekijä(t) Rautiainen, Joonas. Julkaisun laji Opinnäytetyö. Julkaisun kieli Suomi Kuvailulehti Tekijä(t) Rautiainen, Joonas Työn nimi Korkotuetun vuokratalon kannattavuus Ammattilaisten mietteitä Julkaisun laji Opinnäytetyö Sivumäärä 52 Päivämäärä 03.08.2015 Julkaisun kieli Suomi Verkkojulkaisulupa


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