Enterprise Architectures

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1 Enterprise Architectures, Paavo Kotinurmi, Matti Hämäläinen 1 Enterprise Architectures Outline Presenter Introduction Why do we use computers in enterprises? Why do we need an enterprise architecture? What are architecture, methodologies, frameworks Zachman Framework TOGAF Framework Other frameworks Discussion, summary 2

2 Presenter Introduction: 1969: Started studies in data processing at Helsinki University 1970: Started half time programmer at Helsinki University Central Hospital 1972: Datasaab-Valmet: Minicomputers, compilers, business systems 1979: Tandem Computers, OLTP, Data Warehousing 1996: ICL Data, Data Warehousing, BI, Architectures 1999: EMC, storage, professional services 2000: Conceptia Oy, consultant, seamless healthcare, integration, data warehousing, HL7, IT capabilities 3 Why do we use computers in enterprises? Cost savings Competitive advantage Infrastructure Business Intelligence Enterprise Applications Technology is shaping the enterprise 4

3 Cost savings Automation of manual tasks Justification based on ROI: savings Hospital: Automation of laboratory, payroll, invoicing, statistics Can you continue saving 10% of costs per annum? To achieve more results with the same employees 5 Competitive Advantage To add value to the customer Shorter delivery times: Paper Manufacturers Build to order: Cars, computers Local advertisements: Newspaper publishers Interactive banking, self service Competitive edge <-> competition will catch up 6

4 Computing infrastructure Shipyard: Computing will be as necessary and as natural as water, drain and electricity ATM networks: from competitive advantage to commodity which have to be produced at low cost Mission critical systems: operational systems which are needed to run the business Product Data Management: Product structures, Version control, review process, change impact analysis, workflow management you cannot survive without it 7 Business Intelligence Retailers: Who are our customers? What do they buy? What are our best products? What are our best markets? What are our competitors? Loyalty cards: Understand customer behaviour. Give bonus in return of getting the information Supplier management: Who are our suppliers, how do they perform? (Case Nokia) Information within the product (paper, electricity, travel bureaus) 8

5 Enterprise Applications Process Support ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) SCM (Supply Chain Management) CRM (Customer Relationship Management) HR (Human Resources) Financials Patient Administration System PDM (Product Data Management) Content Management Document Management Portals 9 Technology is shaping the enterprise Lippupalvelu, verkkopankki, E-kirje Amazon.com Google ebay, Huuto.net Vertaa.com 10

6 Legacy is here to stay Old applications are still working Multiple platforms (mainframe, unix, windows, linux ) New applications are somehow connected to the old ones (common database, file transfer, message queues, remote procedure calls, web services ) Applications built in-house, tailored, packaged, bought as a service (asp) 11 Example: A Healthcare organization SATSHP:n POTILASTIETOJÄRJESTELMIEN LIITTYMÄT JOISSA TIETO SIIRTYY FYYSISESTI /T Seppänen CD postitus (OVT) - synt.lapset STAKES CD postitus - hilmotiedot NordDRG VÄESTÖREKISTERI KESKUS CD postitus - hilmotiedot (OVT) - vastasyntyneen tiedot - kuolintiedot (OVT) - henkilötiedot SENIORI Psykiatria - potilasrekisteri - käynti- ja hoitotiedot (Mynla) - potilasmaksut VRK SatSHP - henkilötiedot - henkilötiedot UPO Poliklinikat - POTILASREKISTERI (kaikki käyttävät, paitsi Seniori) - KÄYNTITIEDOT (Mynla, Infekt., Maksuli, Haikara ) - lähetetiedot - ajanvaraus - käyntitiedot - rtg-upo rtg ajanvaraus - ilmoittautumiset HL7 Ajanvaraukset FYSIS Fysiatria - fysiatrian käynnit SOSIS Sosiaalityöntekijät - sosiaalityöntekijöiden käynnit NOS ksilp - toimenpiteet TOTI Toimenpideyksiköt - leikkaussalivaraukset - leikkauslistat - tehdyt leikkaukset - päivystysilmoitus -hoitojakso - diagnoosit JUVO Vuodeosastot - SIJAINTITIEDOT (ML 2, Radu, Upo, Toti, Puh.kesk.) - HOITOJAKSOT (Hoit.luok.,Infekt.,Maksuli,Mama,Mynla) - sis./ulos kirj. - REIPAS jonot - HILMO hoitoilmoitukset - - hoitojaksotiedot luokitustiedot - perintä - laskutustietoja Hoit.luokitus - potilaat AKTIV KAPITAL LII potilaspuhelut DNA puhelinvaihde - kyselyt - viitesuor - puh.maksut WEBKERT sairaskertomukset - sairaskertomustekstit HL7 - lausunto OVT - lähete OVT - lausunto - RTG, KLF, KNF ajanvaraus RADU Rtg, Klf, Knf - lähetteet, lausunnot - röntgenin sisäinen osuus - ilmoittautumiset ja käyntitiedot - ajanvaraus - kuljetuslista - vastasyntyneen tiedot - pkl toimenpiteet - Potilaslista hoitojaksojen perusteella - Potilaslista ajanvarauste perusteella Radu,ML2,Toti,Fysis,Vertti,Maksuli,My nla Kuntosoft Fysotools FINA Taloushallinto - laskurivit CASH MANAGER - viitesuor PRIMA - henkilöstöh. todist.palkkiot palkanmaksu - eml palkkiot - - palkat - sairaslomat henkilökunta MD-TITANIA TT2000+ Työterveysh. -Pyynnöt tehdääm ML2:een työpäytäintegraation kautta MAKSULI Maksuliikenne - potilasmaksut HL7 - pyyntö HL7 - tulos HL7 - pyyntö HL7 - tulos - pyyntö (veriryhmän sopivuus) - HETU, nimi, tutk KUVANTAMISLAITTEET ML 2 Kliin.kemian lab. - pyynnöt, tulokset - laboratorion sisäinen osuus - verikortisto - tulokset - tulokset MEDREC Dialyysi Haikara Äitiyshuolto - esitiedot - raskaus - synnytys - vastasyntynyt - äidin tiedot - veriryhmä, vasta-aineet - avohoito tiedot - hoitojaksotiedot -tuotepäätös nro:t - E-osto laskut AHA - KUNTOUTUS - määrärahaseuranta - kuntoutuspäätökset - OSTOPALVELUT - päätökset - APUVÄLINEET - välineiden vuokraus - väl. luokitusrekisteri ORDER Tilaukset - lääketilaukset - materiaalitilaukset CD-postitus - E-ostot - E-ostot - tilaukset - saldot -nimikkeet MYNLA - hinnoittelu HYS TYKS SAMPO varasto / apteekki Materiaalihallinto TERVEYSKESKUS HL7 - tulos (veriryhmän sopivuus) HL7 - vastaus HL7 - tilaus - tilaus OVT - vastaus Radu, ML2, Toti, Fysis, Upo, Juvo, Mama, Hoit.luok., Seniori, Fina Adapterit -UPO, JUVO, Webkert,ML2, Seniori, miten uudet tiedot? POWERPLAY Tilastot / Raportit ATJ SELITYKSET VERTTI Verikeskus Sovellukset Liittymät Toteutumattomat osajärjestelmät - Verituotteet - tilaukset Korvattavat - verikeskuksen sisäinen osuus SANOMAT HL7/OVT Epäselvät - M-gate LÄÄKITYS Anestesia - Datagate - veritilaukset / varaukset Säilytettävät Peräkkäistiedostot Lähete-Palaute Teho Kehitetään/ Luettelo järjestelmistä johon on liittymät SPR / Vok poistetaan AROMI/ Kuva-arkisto HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF tilaukset TECHNOLOGY Muut liittymät Ulkopuoliste QPATI Patologian lab. - patologian laboratorion sisäinen osuus - syöpäilmoitus SYÖPÄREKISTERI SAMBA Mikrobiologian lab. - laboratorion sisäinen osuus - tartuntatauti ilmoitus KANS.TERV.LAIT. - tulokset SAIRAALAINFEKTIOT - infektioiden seuranta YKERT Sairaskertomusten hallinta - SIJAINTITIEDOT (Radu, Upo,Juvo, - sairaskertomusten sijainnit (paperit) YLEISET REKISTERIT (kaikki käyttävät) - yksikkö-, osasto-, erikoisala-, laitos- - kunta-, postinumerorekisterit - lääkäri-, diagnoosirekisterit-, toimenpiderekisteri... KERNEL - käyttäjähallinta - käyttäjien valikot - TaskMan tausta-ajojen hallinta 12

7 Critical questions to IT department What is the balance between your software development, support and maintenance costs? How do procure new applications? What technology platforms do you support? How do you solve interoperability issues? What are your security and privacy policies and solutions? How do you support innovation and the change of business of the enterprise? What is your IT architecture? 13 Course Map 13.9: Enterprise Architectures Overview 20.9: ERP and PDM systems 27.9: BI and Data Warehousing 4.10: BPM and SOA 11.10: Content Management Systems 18.10: Enterprise Architecture Summary 14

8 Why do you need IT architecture? An effective IT architecture is critical to business survival and success, and is the indispensable means to achieving competitive advantage through IT. Today s CEOs know that the effective management and exploitation of information through IT is the key to business success. An IT architecture addresses this need, by providing a strategic context for the evolution of the IT system in response to the constantly changing needs of the business environment. An IT architecture provides the necessary technical foundation for an effective IT strategy, which is the core of any succesful modern business strategy The Open Group 15 What makes an architecture of a house? What did I think when building the house? How the house looks like? What is the floor plan? How is it located on the site? How are the connections: road, electricity, water, drain, phone, internet What is it made of? When building a house you need to answer many questions of different stakeholders/roles: The answers are models or designs or artefacts 16

9 A Framework Predefined set of models and designs Example:Permission to build Report of ownership Extract of cityplan Drawings of the building Floor plans Facade Location on the site Implicit classification of roles and views 17 Zachman Framework John Zachman: Observation of different industries: Buildings Airplane construction Information systems Design, construction and maintenance of complex products: what different people need? Roles or perspectives: the planner, the owner, the designer, the builder, the subcontractor (the functioning enterprise). Different questions: What, How, Where, Who, When, Why 18

10 Models by roles and views What How Where Who When Why Planner Owner Designer Builder Subcontractor Can be applied to any complex system, not just information systems 19 From information systems to an enterprise Why should we make a distinction between an enterprise and the processes, data and infrastructure of which it is composed? Focus on the abstraction of the enterprise architecture Is an enterprise a house or a city, which is a collection of houses, roads and other infrastructure How do you integrate? How do you manage change? 20

11 What is an enterprise? An enterprise in this context is any collection of organizations that has a common set of goals and/or a single bottom line. Corporation Division of a corporation Single department Government agency Chain of geographically distant organizations linked together by common ownership Extended enterprise may include Partners Suppliers Customers 21 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE - A FRAMEWORK Software DATA Business FUNCTION and Engineering NETWORK Institute SCOPE (CONTEXTUAL) List of Things Important to the Business What How Where PEOPLE Who When MOTIVATION Why List of Processes the Business Performs List of Locations in which the Business Operates Zachman Framework List of Organizations Important to the Business TIME List of Events Significant to the Business TM List of Business Goals/Strat SCOPE (CONTEXTUAL) Planner ENTITY = Class of Business Thing Function = Class of Business Process Node = Major Business Location People = Major Organizations Time = Major Business Event Ends/Means=Major Bus. Goal/ Critical Success Factor Planner ENTERPRISE MODEL (CONCEPTUAL) e.g. Semantic Model e.g. Business Process Model e.g. Business Logistics System e.g. Work Flow Model e.g. Master Schedule e.g. Business Plan ENTERPRISE MODEL (CONCEPTUAL) Owner Ent = Business Entity Reln = Business Relationship Proc. = Business Process I/O = Business Resources Node = Business Location Link = Business Linkage People = Organization Unit Work = Work Product Time = Business Event Cycle = Business Cycle End = Business Objective Means = Business Strategy Owner SYSTEM MODEL (LOGICAL) e.g. Logical Data Model e.g. Application Architecture e.g. Distributed System Architecture e.g. Human Interface Architecture e.g. Processing Structure e.g., Business Rule Model SYSTEM MODEL (LOGICAL) Designer Ent = Data Entity Reln = Data Relationship Proc.= Application Function I/O = User Views Node = I/S Function (Processor, Storage, etc) Link = Line Characteristics People = Role Work = Deliverable Time = System Event Cycle = Processing Cycle End = Structural Assertion Means =Action Assertion Designer TECHNOLOGY MODEL (PHYSICAL) e.g. Physical Data Model e.g. System Design e.g. Technology Architecture e.g. Presentation Architecture e.g. Control Structure e.g. Rule Design TECHNOLOGY MODEL (PHYSICAL) Builder DETAILED REPRESEN- TATIONS (OUT-OF- CONTEXT) Ent = Segment/Table/etc. Reln = Pointer/Key/etc. e.g. Data Definition Proc.= Computer Function I/O = Data Elements/Sets e.g. Program Node = Hardware/System Software Link = Line Specifications e.g. Network Architecture People = User Work = Screen Format e.g. Security Architecture Time = Execute Cycle = Component Cycle e.g. Timing Definition End = Condition Means = Action e.g. Rule Specification Builder DETAILED REPRESEN- TATIONS (OUT-OF CONTEXT) Sub- Contractor Ent = Field Reln = Address Proc.= Language Stmt I/O = Control Block Node = Addresses Link = Protocols People = Identity Work = Job Time = Interrupt Cycle = Machine Cycle End = Sub-condition Means = Step Sub- Contractor FUNCTIONING ENTERPRISE e.g. DATA e.g. FUNCTION e.g. NETWORK John A. Zachman, Zachman International (810) (1987) e.g. ORGANIZATION e.g. SCHEDULE e.g. STRATEGY FUNCTIONING ENTERPRISE 22

12 Zachman Framework The Framework is a classification scheme for descriptive representations of a complex object, in this case the Enterprise. Some set of the models identified in the Framework may be produced in some sequence by some application development methodology, but the Framework itself is neutral relative to the methodology or tool or to a manual process for creating the Enterprise. The selected subset of Cells, or the composites of Cells, or the sequence of producing the Cells for application development (or for manual systems development, for that matter) is a function of the value system inherent in the methodology (or tool). The Framework implies nothing about the sequence in which the models may (or may not) be produced methodoligally nor does it imply anything about who produces or contributes to the production of the models. 23 Examples of models Cell R1-R2:C1 Conceptual Data Model Asiakas/ Potilas Palveluketju Hoitokokonaisuus Asiakaspalaute Palvelun tilaaja Hoitojakso Palvelun maksaja Laskutettu palvelu Palveluntuottaja Hinnaston tuote Kertomus Potilaskertomusmerkintä Hoito- tai palvelutapahtuma Tuotettu suorite Työpanos Rekisteri Materiaali tai palvelu Hankinta Aika Rekisterinpitäjä Palkkatiedot Palveluntuottajan työntekijä Henkilön koulutus- ja työhistoria Henkilö 24

13 Examples of models Cell R1-R2:C2 Core Business Processes 25 Example: A process map Pkl Vos Pkl Vos Pkl Vos Päiv Lab Rtg Leikk Jne Potilaan hoitoprosessi Toiminnanohjaus Talousprosessi Kustannusseuranta Toiminnan suunnittelu- ja seurantaprosessi Seuranta ja raportointi UPO, WEBKERT X JUVO WEBKERT Y MULTI- LAB II RADU TOTI Z 26

14 Primitive and Composite Models A Cell represents a primitive model Combination of Cells represent a Composite Model Cells can be combined horisontally or vertically but not diagonally 27 Enterprise Architecture IFEAD: Enterprise Architecture is a complete expression of the enterprise; a master plan which acts as a collaboration force between aspects of business planning such as goals, visions, strategies and governance principles; aspects of business operations such as business terms, organisation structures, processes and data; aspects of automation such as information systems and databases; and the enabling technological infrastructure of the business such as computers, operating systems and networks. Wikipedia: Enterprise Architecture is the practice of applying a comprehensive and rigorous method for describing a current or future structure for an organization's processes, information systems, personnel and organizational sub-units, so that they align with the organization's core goals and strategic direction. 28

15 Why do we need a method? We want to repeat something? In what order do we produce the models? Method: Wikipedia definition: In Software Engineering in particular, a method is technical recipe for building software. Compare with a methodology. Zachman Framework is method neutral Other frameworks have evolved over time to give a method 29 Evolution of Frameworks 30

16 Survey 2003: What EA are you using? 31 The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) structure TOGAF Architecture Development Method The Enterprise Architecture Continuum The TOGAF Foundation Architecture TOGAF Technical Reference Model TOGAF Standards Information Base (SIB) The Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model TOGAF Resource Base 32

17 The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Business Architecture Data Architecture Applications Architecture Technical Architecture ADM Architecture Development Method Principles: How to develop good principles 33 Architecture Development Cycle ADM is iterative Whole process Between phases Within phases For each iteration: The breath of coverage The level of detail Time horizon The architectural assets 34

18 Architecture Development Cycle - Expansion Steps within phases Example phase D Output is generated throughout the process Versioning: Version numbers Early versions may be modified in later phases 35 Mapping to the Zachman Framework 36

19 Scope of TOGAF ADM Architecture domains Business Data Applications Technology Zachman rows Planner Owner Designer Builder 37 Preliminary Phase: Framework and principles Framework definition Architecture principles Reference to: Business principles Business Goals Business Drivers 38

20 Phase A: Architecture Vision Approved SOW Refined statements of Business principles Business Goals Strategic Drivers Architecture principles Architecture Vision Business baseline V1 Technical baseline V1 Business architecture V1 Technical architecture V1 39 Phase B: Business Architecture Review phase A Target business architecture V2 Organization structure Business goals and objectives Business functions Business services Business processes Business Roles Gap analysis results Technical requirements 40

21 Phase C: Data Architecture Data Baseline description Target data architecture Conceptual data model Logical data model Data management process models Data entity/business function matrix Data interoperability requirements Other relevant viewpoints Gap analysis results 41 Phase C: Applications Architecture Applications Baseline description Target applications architecture Process Systems Model Systems/Place Model People/Systems Model Systems/Time Model Applications interoperability requirements Other relevant viewpoints 42

22 Phase D: Technology Architecture step 1 Create a baseline description in the TOGAF format Technology architecture principles Technology architecture V Constraints - Architecture principles - Requirements traceability: - key questions list - criteria for selection of service portfolio 43 Phase D: Technology Architecture step 2 Consider different architecture reference models, viewpoints and tools Technology architecture V0.2 views Networked computing Communications Processing Cost Standards 44

23 Phase D: Technology Architecture step 3 Create an architectural model of building blocks Technology architecture V0.3 views Networked computing Communications Processing Cost Standards 45 Phase D: Technology Architecture step 4 Select the services portfolio required per building block Technology architecture V0.4 views Target services Change requests 46

24 Phase D: Technology Architecture step 8 Technology architecture Version 1 47 Composite mapping for phase D Technology architecture Version 1 48

25 How to act upon the architecture? Opportunities and solutions Migration planning Implementation governance 49 Other Frameworks Focus on different aspects Come from different background Serve different purpose Title: 'A Comparative Survey of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks' can be found at 50

26 51 The journey continues John Zachman: Enterprise Architecture: Looking Back and Looking Ahead, 1999 In summary of the past Architecture is counter-cultural It is not perceived to be a survival issue by the Enterprise We don t know how to actually do all of it It takes time and actual work Looking toward the future Architecture IS the information age culture Architecture IS an enterprise survival issue There are few theoretical breakthroughs left to be made There are no technical obstacles for doing architecture work 52

27 Course Map 13.9: Enterprise Architectures Overview 20.9: ERP and PDM systems 27.9: BI and Data Warehousing 4.10: BPM and SOA 11.10: Content Management Systems 18.10: Enterprise Architecture Summary 53 Questions? 54

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