Geoinformation in Environmental Modelling

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1 Geoinformation in Environmental Modelling Modelling: from concepts to data models ENY-C2005 Paula Ahonen-Rainio

2 Topics today Recap: Two approaches in spatial modelling: discrete objects and fields Representation of objects and fields in data models: vector and raster data Spatial distribution: relationships between objects

3 Recap: Geoinformation as a model of environment Why do we model? What should the model represent and how? complex, continuous, infinite real world a model is always selective and simplifying = interpretation level of detail, accuracy/reliability Discrete objects or spatially continuous fields? Geographic data: location + attributes = static model + time = dynamic model: processes, change

4 Recap: Example: Discrete objects Spatially discrete objects Building blocks & urban infrastucture Wikimedia

5 Recap: Example: Field Spatially continuos phenomenon Depth of snow (Seppo Savolainen)

6 Recap: Example: Level of detail Generalization of the coast line what is the purpose of the model! Wikimedia

7 Object-based models (objekti, kohde) Objects known by their location and extent, in an otherwise empty space (1 3D space) Attributes unique identifier, ID (spatial and aspatial) properties, incl. object class/type Geometry Points, lines, polygons (also volumes possible in 3D space) A tuple, i.e. a list of a finite number of elements Spatial representation of georaphic reality in the form of Geometric objects: Point objects, line objects, area objects & Associated attributes & Relations between objects

8 Example: Discrete objects Road center lines Teiden keskilinja (Digiroad) mallinnettu viivoina Nature reservation area Luonnonsuojelualueet (SYKE) mallinnettu polygoneina Swimming places Uimarannat, joilla kävijämäärä ylittää EU:n uimavesidirektiivin asettamat kriteerit mallinnettu pisteinä Kuvat:

9 Objects Geometric primitives in vector geometry: 0D: point point object, sampled point, reference point (for text, area, ) 1D: line line object, line segment, line string, curve (with interpolation), polyline, closed polyline, ring 2D: polygon Area object, interior area, polygon (simple, complex), * polygon with one exterior boundary and 0, 1 or more interior boundaries: e.g. boarder of Kauniainen is the interior boundary of Espoo polygon network (with topology) 3D: volume Standardit käyttävät myös termiä surface (pinta). Kun geometria esitetään 2Davaruudessa, pinta on tason osa (=polygoni). Ajatus jatkuvasta ilmiöstä muuttujan määrittelemänä pintana

10 Field-based models (kenttä, jatkumo) Spatially continuous phenomenon, i.e., a variable with a value in any location of space (1 3D space) A phenomenon that does not naturally split into homogeneous areas Spatial continuity: every location has a value a function that gets a value in any location x, f(x) Continuous or categized values Values on a continuous measument scale (metric values): e.g. relief, precipitation, noice level, population density Categorized values (nominal or ordinal measurment scales): e.g. land cover, soil type

11 Example: Fields Elevation Maanpinnan korkeus (visualisointi: korkeusmallin vinovalovarjoste) Lowest temperature Alin lämpötila (visualisointi: vyöhykekartta lähtökohtana samanarvo- eli isokäyrät) Land use and cover Maankäyttö ja -peitteisyys (visualisointi: polygoniverkon alueiden väritys, korokromaattinen kartta) Kuvat:,

12 Raster data model for fields Rasteri (tai hila) säännöllinen tesselaatio; koostuu samanlaisista säännöllisistä pikseleistä = geometria on riippumaton ilmiön vaihtelusta esim. korkeusmalli (DEM) Pikselin (tai hila-alkion) koko erotuskyky, resoluutio P.o. ilmiön vaihtelun ja tiedon käyttötarkoituksen mukainen (käytännössä usein tiedonkeruutekniikan sanelema) E.g. Land cover in raster by satellite imagery; demografic data in grid because of privacy Raster representation Raster (or a grid) A regular tesselation; composed of identical, regular pixels the geometry is independent of the variation of the phenomenon; e.g. a digital elevation model DEM The size of a pixel (or a gridcell) resolution Should reflect the nature of the variation of the phenomenon and the purpose of use of the data

13 Example: Raster geometry Legend Mixed conifer Douglas fir Oak savannah Grassland Notice: Colour visualizes the values to users; the actual data are either codes indicating the classes (as in this case) or metric values. Longley et al The value of a cell (pixel) can be the value of the variable in the centre point or the value dominating in the cell area. OR Value of maxim area Value of centre point

14 Vector data models for fields Epäsäännöllinen kolmioverkko, TIN Joukko pisteitä, joiden kohdalla muuttujan (esim. maanpinnan korkeus) arvo tunnetaan (on mitattu) Pisteet liitetään toisiinsa niin, että syntyy kolmioverkko Idea: muuttujan arvo muuttuu lineaarisesti kolmion alueella eli kolmio (taso) approksimoi muuttujapintaa Säännöllinen tai epäsäännöllinen havaintopisteistö Spatiaalinen interpolointi (muu kuin TIN-menetelmä) pistejoukossa (myöhemmällä luennolla) Triangulated Irregular Network, TIN Values of the variable (e.g. elevation of Earth surface) known (measured) in these points, i.e. sample points The points are linked so that they form triangles Linear interpolation within triangles, i.e. the plane defined by a triangle approximates the surface of the variable Set of points in regular grid or irregularly Spatial interpolation among the set of points, with other methods than TIN (in a later lecture)

15 vector data models for fields Kun kyseessä on luokiteltu muuttuja: Polygoniverkko vierekkäiset polygonit; epäsäännöllisen muotoiset alueet vrt. Hila, joka on geometrisesti säännöllisten alkioiden ruudukko Idea: muuttujan arvo on sama, vakio koko polygonin alueella When the field represents a categorical variable, a categorical surface Polygon network Adjacent polygons; Irregular areas Cf. a grid of geometrically regular grid cells Idea: no variation of the value of the variable within a polygon Reading: O Sullivan & Unwin (2010) pp. 5-9 Longley et al. (2005) Ch , pp

16 A-1 Overlay analysis One of the basic analyses in geoinformatics For vector and raster data Examples from ENG-A1001

17 Potential complications in representation Real world entities may be, and most often are, 3 dimensional change and move over time not have simple geometries, e.g. a transport network be fuzzy and/or have indeterminate boundaries have fractal characteristics Their representation may be strongly scale-dependent Reading: O Sullivan & Unwin (2010) pp

18 Example: Transformation of data model Pistemäiset kohteet voidaan muuntaa pintamaiseksi esitykseksi laskemalla pisteiden määrä annetun hilan ruuduissa Visual ization Transformation Point objects can be transformed into a field model by counting the sum of points in each cell of the given grid

19 Incident points transformed to and presented as a surface - Transformation by Kernel density function (Krisp,2006)

20 Example: DEM and TIN DEM: Digital elevation model as a grid Heywood et al. 2006

21 For consideration How does the model influence the potential accuracy of representation?

22 Spatial distribution Distribution of objects in space is in interest of analysis - described in terms of spatial relationships between objects Such as, Distance Euclidian distance, distance in network, travel time, etc. metric relationship Adjacency polygons that share an edge (common boundary) topological relationship other definitions are possible, such as, the nearest neighbour or distancebased adjacency Interaction Interaction between two objects is inverse-weighted by their distance; only pairs of adjacent polygons are considered

23 O Sullivan & Unwin (2010) p. 46

24 spatial distribution Matrix presentation useful in analysis Distance matrix D for distances between A, B, C, D, E, and F Adjacency matrix A for A, B, C, D, E, and F D = A d 50 = * * * * * * Reading: O Sullivan & Unwin (2010) pp

25 Proximity polygons Proximity polygon on an object is the region of the space that is closer to that object than it is to any other object. Defines the neighbourhood of the object For a set of points, Thiessen or Voronoi polygons as in the Figure O Sullivan & Unwin (2010) p. 50

26 About the spatial relations Metric relationships Basic relations distance and direction their values change in any distortion of the geometry Topological relationships do not change when the geometry is distorted, rubber sheet geometry : topological property is a property that remains constant when the spatial framework is stretched or distorted between points, lines and areas, or grid cells location does not matter, but topology is calculated by using locational coordinates

27 Topological relationships can be identified by computing, but quite often stored in data structures for more efficient processing many data structures based on explicitly stored topology are used to validate vector geometry and for operations such as network tracing and tests of polygon adjacency Essential topologies: adjacency, connectivity, intersection Notice the topological primitives: Point > node Line > edge, link; line network, graph Polygon > face; polygon network Reading: Longley et al. (2011) Ch Vector data model

28 Adjacency Adjacency Between two polygons if they share a boundary line between two lines if they share an end point can also be defined in higher orders Viereisyys Connectivity (or contiguity) in a graph two nodes are connected if there is a path between them; otherwise they are disconnected Cf. a line network (graph is the concept of graph theory) Yhdistävyys, jatkuvuus

29 Intersection Intersection can be defined according to the mathematical topology between any of the elementary spatial objects. Intersection is the basis of so-called 9-topology developed by Max Egenhofer and used when topologies are computed onthe-fly and not stored Leikkaus

30 Hierarchical relationship: Composition Hierarchy of spatial objects: Dividing area objects into smaller objects; subdivision of areas Splitting longer lines into smaller pieces (line segments) Composing lines by using points Composing polygons by using lines or points Sometimes in literature (e.g. in Longley et al. 2005) composition (and decomposition) is introduced as a topological relation

31 Vector data model without topology (so called Spaghetti model) Longley et al. 2005

32 Composition (koostuminen) A polygon is composed of lines. A line is composed of points. Longley et al. 2005

33 Topology: adjacency (viereisyys) Viivalla on oikea ja vasen naapurialue. Viivalla on tällöin oltava suunta. Viereisillä alueilla voi nyt olla yhteinen reunaviiva. ESIMERKKI: Kiinteistöjaotus reuna(viiva) = edge Longley et al. 2005

34 Topology: connectivity (yhdistävyys, jatkuvuus) Viivat kytkeytyvät solmupisteessä. viiva linkki piste solmu Linkki on yksi- tai kaksisuuntainen Linkillä voi olla resistanssi ESIMERKKI: Reitinoptimointi linkki = link solmu(piste) = node Heywood et al. 2006

35 Example: TIN data structure Kolmioiden kärjet ovat solmupisteitä. Kolmiolla on kolme naapuria. Naapuri voi olla ulkopuoli eli taulukossa John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

36 Raster topology The primitive of raster data is a pixel; adjacency is an elementary characteristic of grid/raster structure A pixel has four neighbours X or eight neighbours X Further neighbourhoods can be derived (e.g. 32) according to what is appropirate in analyses.

37 Terminology: Elements of geographic data Paikkatieto Geographic data Sijaintitieto Spatial data Ominaisuustieto Attribute data Vektoritieto Vector data Piste Point Viiva Line Alue Polygon Kappale Volume Topologia Topology Rasteritieto Raster data Pikseli, hila-alkio Pixel, grid cell Rasteritopologia Raster topology Nominal scale Ordinal scale Interval scale Interval scale Cyclic scale COORDINATES: Reference system

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



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,0 Yes ,0 120, ,8

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


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The Finnish healthcare service grid and access in rural Finland

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Exercise 1. (session: )

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Huom. tämä kulma on yhtä suuri kuin ohjauskulman muutos. lasketaan ajoneuvon keskipisteen ympyräkaaren jänteen pituus

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1.3 Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


anna minun kertoa let me tell you

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812336A C++ -kielen perusteet, 21.8.2010

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ETELÄESPLANADI 2 00130 HELSINKI 00130 HELSINKI MODERNIA TOIMISTOTILAA Noin VUOKRATAAN Ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus vuokrata huipputason Helsingin näköalapaikalta Toimi pian! Lisätietoja KALLE JASKARA Myyntijohtaja +358 50 324 0404


Operatioanalyysi 2011, Harjoitus 2, viikko 38

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x = y x i = y i i = 1, 2; x + y = (x 1 + y 1, x 2 + y 2 ); x y = (x 1 y 1, x 2 + y 2 );

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Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.

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TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


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