Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunta. PÖYTÄKIRJA Kokous 30. syyskuuta 2014 klo BRYSSEL

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1 EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunta EMPL_PV(2014)0929_1 PÖYTÄKIRJA Kokous 30. syyskuuta 2014 klo BRYSSEL Ensimmäinen varapuheenjohtaja Marita Ulvskog avasi kokouksen tiistaina 30. syyskuuta 2014 klo Esityslistan hyväksyminen EMPL_OJ (2014)0929_1v01-00 Esityslista hyväksyttiin sellaisena kuin se on esitettynä tässä pöytäkirjassa. 2. Puheenjohtajan ilmoitukset Puheenjohtaja ilmoitti seuraavaa: Tulkkaus oli saatavilla kaikilla muilla paitsi suomen, kroaatin ja maltan kielillä. Huomautus: kroaatti ei ole osa EMPL-valiokunnan kieliprofiilia. Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ (PPE) ei ollut enää EMPL-valiokunnan varajäsen. Carlos Jimenez Villarejon eroamisen myötä Tania González Penasista oli tullut Euroopan parlamentin jäsen ja EMPL-valiokunnan varajäsen. Tarkistusten digitaalinen allekirjoittaminen (DiSP-sovellus): Jäseniä muistutettiin, että heidän käytössään on digitaalisen allekirjoituksen sovellus, mikä mahdollistaa tarkistusten sähköisen allekirjoittamisen AT4AM-työkalulla tunnusluvun tai älykortin avulla. Pöytäkirjat koordinaattoreiden kokouksista 17. ja 24. syyskuuta: katso liite I ja liite II. PV\ doc PE v01-00 Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen

2 3. Pöytäkirjan hyväksyminen seuraavasta kokouksesta: 3. syyskuuta 2014 PV PE v01-00 Pöytäkirja hyväksyttiin. 4. Eurooppa strategian sosiaali- ja työllisyysnäkökohdat EMPL/8/ /2779(RSP) Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Päätöslauselmaesityksen luonnoksen sekä komissiolle ja neuvostolle esitetyn suullisen kysymyksen tarkastelu Puheenvuorot: Marita Ulvskog, Jutta Steinruck, David Casa, Marian Harkin, Gabriele Zimmer, Jean Lambert, Siôn Simon, Georgi Pirinski, Anne Sander, Guillaume Balas, Arne Gericke Päätös: Tarkistusten jättämisen määräaika: 7. lokakuuta 2014 klo Ainoastaan koordinaattorit voivat esittää tarkistuksia poliittisten ryhmien puolesta. Huomautukset: Osa jäsenistä vastusti tiukkaa aikataulua. Puheenjohtaja selitti, että Euroopan parlamentin kanta tulisi ilmaista ennen Euroopan komission tulevaa tarkistusta. *** Koneäänestys *** 5. Talouspolitiikan eurooppalainen ohjausjakso: vuoden 2014 painopisteiden täytäntöönpano EMPL/8/ /2059(INI) Valmistelija: PA PE v01-00 Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (S&D) AM PE v02-00 Vastaava: ECON Philippe De Backer (ADLE) PR PE v01-00 AM PE v01-00 Puheenvuorot: Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Verónica Lope ontagné, Martina Dlabajova, Thomas Mann Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä III) Lausuntoluonnos hyväksyttiin (41 puolesta, 5 vastaan ja 4 tyhjää) 6. Tiettyjen työajan järjestämistä koskevien seikkojen sääntelystä sisävesiliikenteessä Euroopan sisävesiliikenneliiton (EBU), Euroopan laivurijärjestön (ESO) ja Euroopan kuljetustyöntekijöiden liiton (ET) välillä tehdyn eurooppalaisen sopimuksen täytäntöönpanosta EMPL/8/01241 RE PE v01-00 PE v /63 PV\ doc

3 Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Päätöslauselmaesityksen käsittely ja hyväksyminen Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä IV). Päätöslauselmaesitys hyväksyttiin (39 puolesta, 6 vastaan ja 2 tyhjää) 7. Euroopan globalisaatiorahaston varojen käyttöönotto: hakemus EG/2014/006 R/PSA EMPL/8/ /2076(BUD) COM(2014)0560 C8-0141/2014 Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Vastaava: BUDG Isabelle Thomas Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä V). Kirjeen muodossa oleva lausuntoluonnos, johon sisältyi Maria Arenan suullinen tarkistus, hyväksyttiin (41 puolesta, 2 vastaan, 2 tyhjää) 8. Euroopan globalisaatiorahaston varojen käyttöönotto: hakemus EG/2013/002 BE/Carsid Belgia EMPL/8/ /2071(BUD) COM(2014)0553 C8-0136/2014 Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Vastaava: BUDG Petri Sarvamaa Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä VI). Kirjeen muodossa oleva lausuntoluonnos hyväksyttiin (40 puolesta, 4 vastaan ja 1 tyhjää) 9. Euroopan globalisaatiorahaston varojen käyttöönotto - hakemus EG/2014/0004 ES/Comunidad Valenciana Metal EMPL/8/ /2064(BUD) COM(2014)0515 C8-0125/2014 Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Vastaava: BUDG Patricija Šulin (PPE) PR PE v01-00 Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä VII). Kirjeen muodossa oleva lausuntoluonnos hyväksyttiin (43 puolesta, 3 vastaan ja 2 tyhjää) 10. Euroopan globalisaatiorahaston varojen käyttöönotto: hakemus EG/2013/012 BE/ord Genk, Belgia EMPL/8/ /2065(BUD) COM(2014)0532 C8-0126/2014 Valmistelija: puheenjohtaja (EMPL-valiokunnan puolesta) Vastaava: BUDG Paul Rübig (PPE) PR PE v01-00 PV\ doc 3/63 PE v01-00

4 Päätös: (Ks. äänestystulokset liitteessä VIII). Kirjeen muodossa oleva lausuntoluonnos hyväksyttiin (44 puolesta, 3 vastaan ja 2 tyhjää) *** Koneäänestys päättyy*** 11. Seuraava kokous 16. lokakuuta 2014 (Bryssel) Kokous päättyi klo PE v /63 PV\ doc

5 Annex I EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Committee on Employment and Social Affairs EMPL Coordinators' meeting 17 September 2014, 15:00-17:00 hrs Strasbourg, LOW S 4.4 (in camera) RESULTS The meeting started at 15:00 hrs and closed at 17:00 hrs. In the Chair: Ms Marita Ulvskog, 1st Vice-Chair, Acting Chair in the absence of Mr Thomas Händel. Present EPP S&D ECR ALDE GUE/NGL Greens/EA EDD Mr David Casa, Coordinator Ms Jutta Steinruck, Coordinator Ms Anthea McIntyre, Coordinator Ms Marian Harkin, Coordinator Ms Rina Ronja Kari, Co-Coordinator Ms Inês Zuber, Co-Coordinator Ms Jean Lambert, Coordinator Ms Laura Agea, Coordinator Chair announcements The Chair announced the likely timing of hearings and informed the Coordinators about the practical arrangements as they were known at that point in time THYSSEN - 1 October, 9h00-12h00 DOMBROVSKIS - 6 October, 14h30-17h30 KATINEN - 7 October, 9h00-12h00 - note: later starting time 10h00 requested by EMPL and ECON, to have more time for evaluation process Dombrovskis PV\ doc 5/63 PE v01-00

6 The Chair would update coordinators as and when we further details would emerge. PE v /63 PV\ doc

7 2. Proposals for decisions without debate 2.1 Method for the allocation of reports and opinions Decision: The method for allocation of reports and opinions was confirmed, together with the two clarifying footnotes. The Secretariat was instructed to clarify the notion 'more favourable relative usage rate' in a footnote. 3. Allocation of reports and opinions Reports 3.1 Authorisation for Member States to ratify the Protocol of 2014 to the orced Labour Convention of the ILO with regard to matters related to social policy 2014/0259(NLE) COM(2014)0563 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: LIBE Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the GUE/NGL Group. Opinions 3.2 Statute for a European oundation (E) /0022(APP) COM(2012)0035 (AC) Resp.: JURI Decision: The decision was postponed until Council position is referred to EP. 3.3 Transparency of measures regulating the prices of medicinal products for human use and their inclusion in the scope of public health insurance systems 2012/0035(COD) COM(2013)0168 (ZP) Resp.: ENVI Opinion: EMPL, IMCO, JURI, ITRE Decision: No opinion. PV\ doc 7/63 PE v01-00

8 3.4 Access of third-country goods and services to the Union s internal market in public procurement and procedures supporting negotiations on access of Union goods and services to the public procurement markets of third countries 2012/0060(COD) COM(2012)0124 (RS) Resp.: INTA Decision: No opinion. 3.5 Establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2012/0159(COD) COM(2012)0329 (CO) Resp.: AET Decision: No action needed. 3.6 Market access to port services and financial transparency of ports 2013/0157(COD) COM(2013)0296 (ZP) Resp.: TRAN Decision: Postpone the decision until further procedure is clarified in TRAN Committee. 3.7 Statistics for the macroeconomic imbalances procedure 2013/0181(COD) COM(2013)0342 (KS) Resp.: ECON Decision: No decision needed at this stage. 3.8 European Long-term Investment unds 2013/0214(COD) COM(2013)0462 (PR) Resp.: ECON Opinion: BUDG, CONT, JURI, EMPL Decision: No opinion. 3.9 Maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination of food and feed following a nuclear accident or any other case of radiological emergency 2013/0451(NLE) COM(2013)0943 (MA) PE v /63 PV\ doc

9 Resp.: ENVI Opinion: Decision: No opinion Personal protective equipment 2014/0108(COD) COM(2014)0186 (CO) Resp.: IMCO Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EDD Group Proposal for a DIRECTIVE O THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND O THE COUNCIL on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (recast) - COM(2014) 167; SWD(2014) 102, 103, 104; 2014/0091 (COD) (PR) Resp: ECON Opinion: EMPL, EMM, JURI Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EPP Group Draft amending budget No 3/2014: Revenue from fines and interest payments - revenue from reimbursements and repayments to EMIP (acility for Euro- Mediterranean Investment and Partnership) - Redeployment of appropriations to the European isheries und - Increase in payment appropriations for commitments corresponding to previous annual budgets - Unforeseen actions in accordance with Article13 of the M Regulation - Staff of the European Commission, the Offices, the Committee of the Regions and the European Data Protection Supervisor (ZP) Resp.: BUDG Decision: No opinion Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the contingency margin in COM (2014) 328, (MA) Resp.: BUDG Opinion: CONT, AGRI, REGI, PECH, ITRE, AET, EMPL Decision: No opinion 3.14 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union - COM(2014) 358, 2014/0180 (COD) (MA) Resp.: BUDG Opinion: IMCO, AET, INTA, ECON, EMPL, ENVI, PV\ doc 9/63 PE v01-00

10 ITRE, TRAN, REGI, JURI, LIBE, CULT, CONT Decision: No opinion 3.15 Authorisation for Member States to ratify the Protocol of 2014 to the orced Labour Convention of the ILO with regard to matters related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters 2014/0258(NLE) COM(2014)0559 (RS) Resp.: LIBE Opinion: EMPL Decision: No opinion, since EMPL already deals with this Protocol in the framework of a report, see item 4.1. Documents received for information 3.16 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council Joint Report on the application of Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin ( Racial Equality Directive ) and of Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation ( Employment Equality Directive ) COM(2014)0002 (MA) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: ITRE, JURI, LIBE, EMM Decision: Oral Question in plenary. The issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on own-initiative reports Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Quality Assurance Reference ramework for Vocational Education and Training COM(2014)0030 (CO) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: CULT Decision: No report at this stage, the issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on own-initiative reports Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: PE v /63 PV\ doc

11 Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM(2014)0130 (KS) Resp.: EMPL Opinions: AET, DEVE, INTA, BUDG, CONT, ECON, ENVI, ITRE, IMCO, TRAN, REGI, AGRI, PECH, CULT, JURI, LIBE, ACO, EMM, PETI Just for the record - decision already taken on 22 July Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be on behalf of the European Union at the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference concerning amendments to the Code of the Maritime Labour Convention COM(2014)0161 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: TRAN Decision: No further action, since the position was proposed in view of the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference, which already took place from 28 May - 12 June Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the application of Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work COM(2014)0176 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: IMCO, EMM Decision: The Commission shall be invited to the Committee. The issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on own-initiative reports Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be, on behalf of the European Union, in the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement, on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms COM(2014)0197 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: INTA Decision: Letter by the Chair to the President, asking for a statement to be made by the Commission Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be on behalf of the European Union at the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference concerning a Recommendation to supplement the orced Labour Convention n 29, 1930, of the International Labour Organisation COM(2014)0239 (RS) PV\ doc 11/63 PE v01-00

12 Resp.: EMPL Opinion: LIBE, EMM Decision: No further action, since the position was proposed in view of the 103rd session of the International Labour Conference, which already took place from 28 May - 12 June Proposal for a Council decision on the position to be, on behalf of the European Union, in the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement, on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms COM(2014)0262 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: INTA Decision: Letter by the Chair to the President, asking for a statement to be made by the Commission COMMUNICATION ROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE O THE REGIONS on an EU Strategic ramework on Health and Safety at Work COM(2014) 332 (MA) Resp.: EMPL Decision: Oral question in plenary; the issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on own-initiative reports Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the derogation provided for in Article 8(6a) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (12-day rule) COM(2014)0337 (ZP) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: TRAN Decision: Invite new Commissioner to the Committee, the issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on hearings COMMUNICATION ROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE O THE REGIONS on a Green Employment Initiative: Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy - COM(2014) 0446 (AC) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: DEVE, INTA, ECON, ENVI, ITRE PE v /63 PV\ doc

13 Decision: The issue could be taken into account in the context of decisions on owninitiative reports Proposal for a Council directive implementing the European Agreement concluded by the European Barge Union (EBU), the European Skippers Organisation (ESO) and the European Transport Workers ederation (ET) concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time in inland waterway transport COM(2014)0452 (RS) Resp.: EMPL Opinion: TRAN Decision: Motion for a resolution pursuant to Rule 101(3), tabled by the Chair on behalf of the Committee, recommending the adoption of the request. Rule 50 on simplified procedure to be applied. Possible additional decisions 3.28 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Regulatory itness and Performance Programme (RET): State of Play and Outlook COM(2014)368 (RS) Resp: JURI Opinion: EMPL, ECON, ENVI, IMCO, TRAN Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the ECR Group Annual Tax Report (KS) Resp: ECON Opinion: CONT Decision: No opinion PV\ doc 13/63 PE v01-00

14 3.30 The review of the economic governance framework: stocktaking and challenges (KS) Resp: ECON Opinion: Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the EPP Group Annual report on EU Competition Policy - COM(2014) 249 final (ZP) Resp: ECON Opinion: Decision: No opinion Report on the application of Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (ZP) Resp: EMM Opinion: Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the S&D Group. Request Rule Amended proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Euro- Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part - COM(2014)0104, 2006/0048 (APP) (MM) Resp.: TRAN Opinion: EMPL Decision: No opinion 3.34 Single-member private limited liability companies COM(2014)0212 (ZP) Resp.: JURI Opinion: ECON, ITRE, IMCO Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the S&D Group. Request Rule European Investment Bank - Annual Report 2013 Resp.: ECON Opinion: CONT Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the EPP Group. PE v /63 PV\ doc

15 3.36 European Central Bank Annual Report for 2013 ECON/8/00962 Resp.: ECON Opinion: Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the EPP Group The EU Strategy for equality between women and men post 2015 Resp.: EMM Opinion: EMPL Decision: Rapporteur for opinion to be nominated by the EPP Group. PV\ doc 15/63 PE v01-00

16 4. EMPL Committee work programme for A) Own-initiative reports Decision: The Coordinators Agreed on the principle that the two large groups would be entitled to have each two reports short-listed, and the smaller groups one report each Agreed to take the decision at their next (possibly extraordinary) meeting. B) Public hearings Decision: Postponed C) Delegation visits in 2015 Decision: The Coordinators took the following decision: Overall programme for final requests which will be made on behalf of EMPL for 1st half of 2015, highlighted in yellow. Delegations within the EU: o Denmark (positive examples skills, youth employment) - 1st half of 2015, week of March 2015, /- 8 places o Portugal (post programme country) - second half of 2015, e.g. week of 20 July 2015, /- 8 places Additions Non-formal delegation to Luxembourg ahead of presidency, on a Monday of a Strasbourg session - first half of 2015, e.g. 18 May 2015 Non-formal delegation to ECB (rankfurt), on a Monday of a Strasbourg session - second half of 2015, e.g. 7 September 2015 Delegations outside the EU: 9 places for the following two: o Washington DC (detailed programme focussing on TTIP-issues to be elaborated in close cooperation between the political groups) - first half of 2015, week of 7-10 April 2015, up to 9 MEPs PE v /63 PV\ doc

17 o Possibly, ILO (Geneva) - second half of 2015, one-day study trip meeting ILO experts,, e.g September 2015, using the remaining places and taking account of all other forms of engaging with the ILO Agencies: o Eurofound (Dublin, last vistited in 2013) - first half of 2015, June 2015 // 3 places outside quota o EU-OSHA (Bilbao, last visited in 2013) - endorsed by majority - second half of 2015, e.g. week of 3 November 2015 // 3 places outside quota C) Studies and workshops Decision: Postponed The decisions on all other issues were postponed owing to a lack of time. 5. Points for information 5.1 Timetables None received. 5.2 Outgoing letters The following letters sent by the Cha are annexed to the Coordinators notes: Nomination of EMPL standing rapporteur to the INTA s US Monitoring Group of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to the INTA Chair Request to authorize a hearing on the Employment and social aspects of the TTIP to President Schulz Unfinished business from the 7th legislature to Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the CCC ramework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission to Commissioner Andor EMPL questionnaire for the Commissioner-designates to Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the CCC eedback on the questionnaire for the 22 nd Bi-annual Report of COSAC to Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the CCC 5.3 Documents for information The following documents can be found annexed to the notes: PV\ doc 17/63 PE v01-00

18 European Trade Union Committee for Education message on Investing in Education PE v /63 PV\ doc

19 6. Possible dates of next Coordinators' meeting Extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, 23 September 2014, from 10:30 to 12:30 in Altiero Spinelli A1E1. Tuesday, 30 September 2014, a.m. (TBC) PV\ doc 19/63 PE v01-00

20 Annex II EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Committee on Employment and Social Affairs EMPL Coordinators' meeting 24 September 2014, 15:00-17:00 hrs Brussels, P6B054 (in camera) RESULTS The meeting started at 15:00 hrs and closed at 16:40 hrs. In the Chair: Ms Marita Ulvskog, 1st Vice-Chair, Acting Chair in the absence of Mr Thomas Händel. Present EPP S&D ECR ALDE Greens/EA EDD Mrs Jazłowiecka, representative of the EPP Coordinator Ms Jutta Steinruck, Coordinator Ms Anthea McIntyre, Coordinator Ms Marian Harkin, Coordinator Ms Jean Lambert, Coordinator Ms Laura Agea, Coordinator Apologies Mr David Casa, EPP Coordinator, Ms Rina Ronja Kari and Ms Inês Zuber, GUE/NGL Co- Coordinators Chair's announcements The Chair announced that the timing of the hearings, and the preliminary timing of evaluation meetings would be as follows: PE v /63 PV\ doc

21 Marianne THYSSEN 1 October, 9h00-12h00 in room JAN 4Q2, followed by an evaluation meeting of EMPL coordinators starting at 13h00 (TBC), with one representative of CULT and EMM each Valdis DOMBROVSKIS 6 October, 14h30-17h30 in room JAN 2Q2, followed by (a) an internal evaluation session of EMPL coordinators at 18h00 (TBC) (b) the joint evaluation meeting of ECON and EMPL coordinators at 19h00 until up to 20h30 (TBC) Jyrki KATAINEN 7 October, 10h00-13h00 in room JAN 4Q2, followed by (a) an internal evaluation session of EMPL coordinators at 13h30 (TBC) (b) the joint evaluation meeting of ECON, EMPL and ITRE coordinators from 18h00-19h00 (TBC), with one representative of TRAN and REGI each. The Chair informed the Coordinators that the format of the hearings had been confirmed as follows: The Conference of Presidents decided the following "The distribution of speaking time should be done by the Political Groups on the basis of Rule 162 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure. " The political groups decided that questions should have the following 3-minute format Question: 1 minute - Answer: 2 minutes (total 3 minutes) The political groups have decided that there would be 45 questions at each hearing. The political groups have decided that the allocation of Q/A slots shall be as follows: PV\ doc 21/63 PE v01-00

22 2. EMPL Committee work programme for A) Own-initiative reports Decision: The Coordinators held an extensive exchange of views noted that no more than 6 non-legislative own-initiative reports may be drawn up simultaneously 1 agreed on the following short-list of topics for non-legislative own-initiative reports (list according to the order in which the proposals were collected, without prejudice to the final order of precedence) o The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market with respect to force and skills shortages (EPP) / Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21 century: matching skills and qualifications with demand and job opportunities (ALDE) - common title to be proposed jointly by EPP and ALDE o Reform of educational systems in Europe as a way to fight youth unemployment (EPP) o Social dumping in Europe (S&D) o Reducing inequalities with a special focus on child poverty (S&D, endorsed by EDD) o How best to harness the potential of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which are an important contributor to growth and employment in the EU? (ECR) o Workers representation on board level in Europe (GUE/NGL) o The labour and social dimension of TTIP (Greens/EA) o Social entrepreneurship - common title to be proposed jointly by ECR and ALDE; subject also endorsed by the EPP agreed that the short-list should stand without prejudice to the possibility to react to time-critical Commission documents and other urgencies; noted that the following item fell under this category: o Commission Communication on a Green Employment Initiative: Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy - COM(2014) In line with rules on own-initiative reports, "the request for authorisation must be submitted no later than four months after the date on which the document in 1 Article 1(2) of the rules: PE v /63 PV\ doc

23 question was forwarded to Parliament" 1 [The communication was forwarded to Parliament on 7 July 2014]. noted the general reservations of the ECR Group as to the procedure instructed the Chair to finalise the short-list by means of a written procedure so that the authorisation of those 6 own-initiative reports which would be indicated by the political groups as being the most urgent may be sought noted that the short-list would be subject to further updates as may be decided by the Coordinators at a later stage held over the decision on legislative own-initiative reports and on implementation reports. B) Public hearings Decision: The Coordinators held an extensive exchange of views noted that the deadline for the submission of requests for public hearings to be held in the first half of 2015 had been set for 10 October 2014 agreed that 2 hearings should be held during the first half of 2015 and another 2 hearings during the second half of 2015 agreed on the following short-list of topics for public hearings (list according to the order in which the proposals were collected, without prejudice to the final order of precedence) o Reform of educational systems in Europe as a way to fight youth unemployment (if possible combined with a hearing together with CULT Committee) (EPP) o Revision of the EU2020 strategy (S&D) o Re-shoring Europe - bringing jobs back to Europe (ECR) o Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21 century: matching skills and qualifications with demand and job opportunities (ALDE) o Social dumping in the aviation industry (GUE/NGL) - on the understanding that the title might be broadened, subject to submission of a revised wording by GUE/NGL 1 Article 2(3) of the rules: PV\ doc 23/63 PE v01-00

24 o Member States' active labour market policies good practices with regard to the 3 parts of the Active Inclusion Strategy (adequate income, labour market activation, high-quality public services) (Greens/EA) instructed the Chair to finalise the short-list by means of a written procedure so that the authorisation of those 2 hearings which would be indicated by the political groups as being the most urgent may be sought noted that the short-list would be subject to further updates as may be decided by the Coordinators at a later stage. C) Studies and workshops Decision: The decision was postponed A) Joint public hearing on "Employment and social aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)": EMPL-INTA B) Exchange of views on CETA [MK] Decisions: A) Joint public hearing on "Employment and social aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)": EMPL-INTA The Coordinators approved in principle the joint EMPL-INTA Hearing on Employment and Social Aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). noted that the exact date of and arrangements for the hearing as well as the draft programme would be proposed to the political groups and to the coordinators for approval, following further discussions at EMPL-INTA secretariat level. B) Exchange of views on CETA The Coordinators decided to invite the Commission, represented at the most appropriate level, to explain (in an EMPL meeting in October/November) the consequences of the CETA draft agreement on employment and social policies of the EU and of the Member States. This shall be done by means of a letter from the Acting Chair to PE v /63 PV\ doc

25 a) Commissioner DE GUCHT and b) Commissioner ANDOR 4. EP involvement in Tripartite Social Summit on 24 October 2014 [CO] Decision: The Coordinators mandated the Chair to invite the President of the European Parliament to write to the Chairs of the Tripartite Social Summit (President of the Council, President of the European Commission) to invite an EP representative (who could be the Chair of EMPL or any other MEP deemed to be the most appropriate) as an observer. 5. Invitation of Mr Morten Kjaerum, Director of the EU Agency for undamental Rights (RA) to an EMPL meeting Decision: [MM] The Coordinators decided to invite Mr Kjaerum to a future EMPL meeting, ideally in November and mandated the Chair to write to him accordingly. 6. 'Cost of Non-Europe' Study from the European Parliamentary Research Service: Unemployment insurance scheme for the Euro Area: The Cost of Non-Europe Decision: [KS, RS] The Coordinators took a decision of principle to hold a debate in Committee on the 'Cost of Non- Europe' Study from the European Parliamentary Research Service: Unemployment insurance scheme for the Euro Area: The Cost of Non-Europe in November 2014 in the presence of the authors (EPRS, CEPS, ZEW) and, possibly, other nonreimbursable experts. instructed the Secretariat to circulate a draft programme for approval by a written procedure. PV\ doc 25/63 PE v01-00

26 7. Appointment of representatives of EMPL to the STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) Panel [ZP] Decision: The Coordinators noted that EMPL was asked to appoint two committee Members to the STOA Panel for two and a half years; invited the two biggest groups to nominate one candidate each in the coming days; decided that a decision on the procedure for the final confirmation of the two candidates should be taken at their next meeting. 8. EP participation under the framework required by the Article 33.2 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Decision: [MM] The Coordinators decided that a joint letter from the EMPL and LIBE Chairs should be resent, taking the same line which had been agreed between both committees before the elections and agreed that following the sending of that joint letter practical arrangements of the EMPL involvement would be considered at a later Coordinators' meeting. 9. Appointment to the Gender Mainstreaming Network Decision: [MM] The Coordinators noted that EMPL had been asked to appoint a Vice-Chair as responsible for implementing gender mainstreaming in the work of the committee for two and a half years. PE v /63 PV\ doc

27 agreed to ask the EMPL vice-chairs (S&D, EPP, ALDE) to agree among themselves who should carry out that task and to communicate the name of the vice-chair to the Chair in the coming days. decided to take the final decision in the light of that proposal at their next meeting. 10. Effects on employment in Member States as a result of the Russian embargo - request from the ALDE Group Decision: [MM] The Coordinators held an exchange of views noted that the following Oral Question by the AGRI committee had been on the Plenary agenda on Monday, 15 September: Impact on European agriculture of the trade ban on agricultural products and foodstuffs from the EU, imposed by the Russian ederation 1. decided that the issue of 'effects on employment in Member States as a result of the Russian embargo' (with particular attention to the fruit and vegetables sector as well as to downstream industries e.g. food/dairy processing, transport, logistics; inviting the Commission to clarify if the redundant workers of these countries could be helped through the EG and other existing instruments) should be the subject of an exchange of views with the Commission instructed Policy Department A to draw up a briefing on the employment situation as referred to above ahead of the exchange of views. 11. Petitions [MM] 11.1 Petition No. 1335/2013 by Matthieu Guillaume Chatelin (rench), on reedom of movement for severely disabled (AC) Decision: 1 Text of the AGRI OQ in Plenary: What measures have been taken, or will be taken, by the Commission in response to the crisis in EU agricultural markets caused by the Russian import ban? Is the Commission willing to widen the scope of the proposed measures in view of the market disturbance caused in other sectors? PV\ doc 27/63 PE v01-00

28 The Coordinators mandated the EMPL Chair to write back to PETI along the following lines: EMPL could advise PETI to raise the question with LIBE as the issues at stake are within the LIBE remit (notably the residence Directive). EMPL might address the issue of the application of the unreasonable burden criteria to severely disabled persons in the upcoming Labour Mobility Package, which is foreseen to include the review of Regulation 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems Petition No. 1354/2013 by Tina Hansen (Danish) on discrimination in a pension case (ZP) Decision: The Coordinators mandated the EMPL Chair to write back to PETI along the following lines: EMPL finds that the approach of fraction pension regarding invalidity benefits and well as pension in general used in Denmark as well as in other EU-countries, has been dealt with by the European Commission as well as the European Ombudsman both questioning whether the fraction pension system applies to EU-law. EMPL might clarify the issue of invalidity benefits and fraction pension in general in the upcoming Labour Mobility Package, ensuring that the principle of subsidiarity is respected Petition 1082/2013 by Gredo örster (German) concerning the setting of a minimum wage (RS) Decision: The Coordinators mandated the EMPL Chair to write back to PETI along the following lines: EMPL could inform PETI about the (limited) EU competence in the area of labour law Petition 0918/2013 by Anna Orzechowska (Polish) on discrimination against certain groups of unemployed persons under Polish law (MM) Decision: The Coordinators mandated the EMPL Chair to write back to PETI along the following lines: PE v /63 PV\ doc

29 The related provisions of the Employment Equality Directive (Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000) and the most recent report on its application (COM(2014) 2). According to Article 6 of the Directive Member States may provide that differences of treatment on grounds of age shall not constitute discrimination, if they are objectively and reasonably justified by a legitimate aim, including legitimate employment policy, labour market and vocational training objectives, and if the means of achieving that aim are appropriate and necessary. Such differences of treatment may include, among others the setting of special conditions on access to employment and vocational training, employment and occupation, for young people, older workers and persons with caring responsibilities in order to promote their vocational integration or ensure their protection. 12. Points for information 12.1 Timetables None received Outgoing letters The following letters sent by the Chairman were annexed to the Coordinators notes: Request for authorisation to hold a joint public hearing on Employment and social aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) letter to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman of the Conference of Committee Chairs Request to draw up an opinion to the report of the JURI committee on Singlemember private limited liability companies letter to President Schulz 12.3 Documents for information The following documents can be found annexed to the notes: Involvement of the European Parliament in the EU exhibition space at the World Expo 2015 in Milan letter from DG COMM 13. Date of next Coordinators' meeting The Coordinators decided to hold their next ordinary meeting during the October Session in Strasbourg (date and venue TBC) mandated the Chair to finalise the decisions on urgent matters on this day's agenda by means of written procedures PV\ doc 29/63 PE v01-00

30 Annex III EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Committee on Employment and Social Affairs DRAT opinion by Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto on the European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities (2014/2059(INI)) 23/10/ :17 NAL VOTING LIST Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Paragraph 1 COMP EPP, S&D, ALDE, ECR, Greens, GUE COMP G S&D, Greens, GUE 40 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs Replaces AM 39 Replaces AM 37 If, to be inserted as Paragraph 1 a alls if COMP or COMP G is 36 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP or COMP G is - 23/ 25/ 1 38 Heinz K. Becker 39 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if AM 40 is alls if COMP or COMP G is alls if AM 40 or AM 36 is alls if COMP is alls if AM 40, 36 or 38 is PE v /63 PV\ doc

31 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote 37 Jean Lambert alls if COMP or COMP G is alls if AM 40, 36, 38 or 39 is Paragraph 1 a 41 Jean Lambert Paragraph 1 a 42 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 1 a 43 Inês Cristina - Zuber, Patrick Le Hyaric Paragraph 1 b 44 Jean Lambert Paragraph 1 b 45 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 2 a 46 Jeroen Lenaers 29/ 21/ 0 Paragraph 3 47 Jeroen Lenaers SEEKS TO DELETE - COMP H EPP, S&D, alls if AM 47 is ALDE, ECR, Greens Replaces AMs 50, 51, 49, 48 and Jean Lambert alls if COMP H is 51 Verónica Lope ontagné 49 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs alls if AM 47 is alls if COMP H is alls if AM 47 or AM 50 is alls if COMP H is alls if AM 47, 50 or 51 is 48 Siôn Simon alls if COMP H is alls if AM 47, 51 or 49 is Compatible with AM 50 Paragraph 3 a 52 Jean Lambert Paragraph 4 COMP I EPP, S&D, Replaces AMs 57, 54, 55 and ALDE, 53 Greens 56 Jutta alls if COMP I is PV\ doc 31/63 PE v01-00

32 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Steinruck, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Evelyn Regner 57 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea 54 Evelyn Regner, Jutta Steinruck 55 Verónica Lope ontagné 53 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 5 COMP J S&D, ALDE, ECR, Greens COMP K EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens 60 Anthea McIntyre 66 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs 64 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if COMP I is alls if AM 56 is alls if COMP I is alls if AM 57 is Compatible with AM 56 alls if COMP I is alls if AM 57 is Compatible with AM 56 and 54 alls if COMP I is alls if AM 57 is Compatible with AM 56, 54 and 55 Replaces AMs 66, 64, 61 and 59 Replaces AM 62 If, to be inserted as Paragraph 5 a alls if COMP J is alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60 is alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60 or AM 66 is PE v /63 PV\ doc

33 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote 65 Danuta Jazlowiecka, Agnieszka Kozlowska- Rajewicz 63 Heinz K. Becker alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60, 66 or 64 is alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60, 66, 64 or 65 is 58 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60, 65 or 63 is Compatible with AM 66 and Jean Lambert alls if COMP J or COMP K is Compatible with AM 60, 66, 64, 65, 63 and Jutta Steinruck alls if COMP J is alls if AM 60, 66, 64, 65, 63 or 58 is Compatible with AM Siôn Simon alls if COMP J is Paragraph 6 67 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if AM 60, 66, 65 or 63 is Compatible with AM 64, 58, 62 and 59 Paragraph 7 COMP L S&D, Greens Replaces AMs 69 and Martina alls if COMP L is Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs 69 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if COMP L is alls if AM 70 is 27/ 23/ 0 PV\ doc 33/63 PE v01-00

34 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote 68 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP L is alls if AM 70 is Can be combined with AM 69 Paragraph 7 a 71 Brando Benifei Paragraph 8 COMP M EPP, S&D, Replaces AMs 75 and 73 ALDE, ECR, Greens 72 Jeroen Lenaers all if COMP M is 77 Martina Dlabajová, Identical AMs - to be voted as Philippe De one Backer, Ulla Tørnæs 75 Verónica Lope alls if COMP M is ontagné Compatible with AMs 72 and Paloma López, alls if COMP M is Rina Ronja Kari, Inês alls if AM 72, 77 or 75 is Cristina Zuber 74 Siôn Simon alls if COMP M is 73 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 8 a 78 Inês Cristina Zuber, Patrick Le Hyaric alls if AM 72, 77, 75 or 76 is alls if COMP M is alls if AM 72, 77, 75, 76 or 74 is Paragraph 8 a 79 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 9 COMP N EPP, S&D, Replaces AMs 80, 86, 82, 83 ALDE, ECR, and 87 Greens 80 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP N is 85 Zdzislaw alls if COMP N is Marek Krasnodebski 86 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De alls if AM 80 is alls if COMP N is alls if AM 80 or 85 is - 23/ 26/ 0 PE v /63 PV\ doc

35 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea 82 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if COMP N is alls if AM 80, 85 or 86 is 81 Jean Lambert alls if COMP N is alls if AM 86 is 83 Danuta Jazlowiecka, Agnieszka Kozlowska- Rajewicz Compatible with AM 80, 85 and 82 alls if COMP N is alls if AM 80, 85, 86 or 82 is Compatible with AM Brando Benifei alls if COMP N is 87 Anthea McIntyre alls if AM 80, 85, 86, 82 or 83 is Compatible with AM 81 alls if COMP N is alls if AM 80, 85, 86, 82 or 84 is Compatible with AM 81 Paragraph 10 COMP O EPP, S&D, Replaces AMs 88, 89, 90 and Greens Jeroen Lenaers all if COMP O is 89 Elisabeth Morin- SEEK TO DELETE Chartier, Jérôme Identical AMs - to be voted as Lavrilleux, one Anne Sander 91 Martina alls if COMP O is Dlabajová, Philippe De alls if AM 88 or 89 is Backer, Ulla PV\ doc 35/63 PE v01-00

36 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Paragraph 10 a Paragraph 10 a Paragraph 10 a Paragraph 10 a Paragraph 10 a Tørnæs 90 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 10 a Paragraph Inês Cristina Zuber, Patrick Le Hyaric alls if COMP O is alls if AM 88, 89 or 91 is 92 Glenis Willmott - 93 Elisabeth alls if COMP O is Morin- Chartier, Jérôme Lavrilleux, Anne Sander 94 Evelyn Regner, Jutta Steinruck 95 Maria Arena - 23/ 27/ 0 96 Rina Ronja - Kari, Inês Cristina Zuber 97 Jean Lambert 101 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea Paragraph 11 a 102 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 11 b 103 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 12 COMP P EPP, S&D, ALDE, alls if AM 100 is - 24/ 25/ 0 98 Jeroen Lenaers all if AM 100 or 101 is 99 Verónica Lope ontagné Identical AMs - to be voted as one - 25/ 24/ 0 Replaces AMs 107 and 108 PE v /63 PV\ doc

37 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Greens 106 Jean Lambert alls if COMP P is 104 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP P is Paragraph 12 a Compatible with AM Brando Benifei alls if COMP P is 107 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea 108 Guillaume Balas, Edouard Martin Compatible with AM 106 and 104 alls if COMP P is Compatible with AMs 106, 104 and 105 alls if COMP P is Paragraph Jeroen Lenaers SEEK TO DELETE 110 Verónica Lope ontagné Identical AMs - to be voted as 111 Martina one Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs 113 Georgi Pirinski alls if AM 109, 110 or 111 is Paragraph 13 a Paragraph 13 a 112 Rina Ronja Kari, Inês Cristina Zuber 114 Guillaume Balas, Edouard Martin 115 Rina Ronja Kari, Inês Cristina Zuber Paragraph 14 COMP Q EPP, S&D, Greens 119 Anthea McIntyre, Zdzislaw Marek alls if AM 109, 110 or 111 is Compatible with AM 113 Replaces AMs 119, 116 and 118 alls if COMP Q is 26/ 21/ PV\ doc 37/63 PE v01-00

38 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Krasnodebski 116 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP Q is 117 Danuta Jazlowiecka, Agnieszka Kozlowska- Rajewicz 120 Inês Cristina Zuber, Patrick Le Hyaric 118 Jutta Steinruck, Evelyn Regner alls if AM 119 is alls if COMP Q is alls if AM 119 or 116 is alls if COMP Q is alls if AM 116 is Compatible with AM 119 and 117 alls if COMP Q is alls if AM 116 is Paragraph 14 a 121 Glenis Willmott Compatible with AM 119, 117 and 120 Paragraph 14 a 122 Verónica Lope ontagné Paragraph 15 COMP R EPP, S&D, Replaces AMs 126, 127, 128, Greens 125, 129 and Evelyn Regner alls if COMP R is 126 Jutta alls if COMP R is Steinruck, Sergio alls if AM 124 is Gutiérrez Prieto 127 Jean Lambert alls if COMP R is - 24/ 26/ Verónica Lope ontagné Compatible with AM 124 and 126 alls if COMP R is alls if AM 127 is Compatible with AMs 124 and Siôn Simon alls if COMP R is PE v /63 PV\ doc

39 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote alls if AM 128 is 129 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea 123 Glenis Willmott Compatible with AMs 124, 126 and 127 alls if COMP R is alls if AM 128 or 125 is Compatible with AMs 124, 126, 127 alls if COMP R is alls if AM 128 is Compatible with AMs 124, 126, 127, 125 and 129 Paragraph 15 a 130 Jean Lambert Paragraph 16 COMP S S&D, Greens Replaces AMs 131 and / 10/ 2 COMP T S&D, Greens Replaces AMs 134 and Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs If, to be inserted as Paragraph 16 a alls if COMP S is 131 Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP S is 133 Verónica Lope ontagné alls if AM 135 is alls if COMP S is alls if AM 135 or 131 is 132 Maria Arena alls if COMP S is 134 Guillaume Balas, Edouard alls if AM 135, 131 or 133 is alls if COMP S or COMP T is PV\ doc 39/63 PE v01-00

40 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Martin alls if AM 135 or 131 is Compatible with AM 133 and 132 Paragraph 16 a 136 Brando Benifei alls if COMP T is Paragraph Jana Žitnanská Evelyn Regner Compatible with AM Siôn Simon Compatible with AMs 139 and 137 Paragraph 17 a 140 Vilija - Blinkeviciute 25/ 25/ 0 Paragraph Jane Collins SEEKS TO DELETE - COMP U EPP, S&D, alls if AM 141 is ALDE, Greens Replaces AMs 143, 144, 145 and Jane Collins alls if COMP U is alls if AM 141 is 143 Brando Benifei alls if COMP U is 145 Jutta Steinruck, Evelyn Regner alls if AM 141 or 142 is alls if COMP U is alls if AM 141 or 142 is Compatible with AM Jean Lambert alls if COMP U is 146 Anthea McIntyre alls if AM 141 or 142 is Compatible with AMs 143 and 145 alls if COMP U is alls if AM 141 or 142 is Compatible with AMs 143, 145 PE v /63 PV\ doc

41 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Paragraph 19 COMP V EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens and 144 Replaces AMs 155, 149, 156, 157, 152 and 147 COMP W S&D, Greens Replaces AMs 158 and 163 If, to be inserted as Paragraph 19 a - 21/ 24/ Jane Collins alls if COMP V is 155 Verónica Lope alls if COMP V is ontagné alls if AM 150 is 151 Csaba Sógor alls if COMP V is 148 Krisztina Morvai Compatible with AMs 150 and 155 alls if COMP V is alls if AM 150 or 155 is Compatible with AM Brando Benifei alls if COMP V is 160 Anthea McIntyre 149 Mircea Diaconu 156 Marita Ulvskog, Miapetra Kumpula- Natri, Ole Christensen 159 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De alls if AM 150 is Compatible with AMs 155, 151 and 148 alls if COMP V is alls if AM 150 or 155 is Compatible with AMs 151, 148 and 154 all if COMP V is all if AM 150, 155, 148, 154 or 160 is Identical AMs - to be voted as one Compatible with AM 151 PV\ doc 41/63 PE v01-00

42 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Backer, Ulla Tørnæs, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea 157 Ádám Kósa alls if COMP V is 152 Glenis Willmott alls if AM 150, 155, 148, 160, 149, 156 or 159 is Compatible with AMs 151 and 154 alls if COMP V is alls if AM 150, 155, 160, 149, 156 or 159 is Compatible with AMs 151, 148, 154 and Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP V is alls if AM 150, 155, 160, 149, 156, 159 or 152 is Compatible with AMs 151, 148, 154 and Jean Lambert alls if COMP V or COMP W is alls if AM 150, 155, 160, 149, 156 or 159 is Compatible with AMs 151, 148, 154, 157, 152 and Siôn Simon alls if COMP V is alls if AM 150 or 157 is Compatible with AM 155, 151, 148, 154, 160, 149, 156, 159, 152, 147 and 158 Paragraph 19 a 161 Jane Collins - Paragraph 19 a 162 Vilija - Blinkeviciute Paragraph 19 a 163 Marita alls if COMP W is - PE v /63 PV\ doc

43 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Ulvskog, Ole Christensen, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri Paragraph 19 a 164 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 19 b 165 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 19 c 166 Anthea McIntyre Paragraph 20 COMP X EPP, S&D, ALDE, ECR, Greens 168 Mircea Diaconu 172 Martina Dlabajová, Philippe De Backer, Ulla Tørnæs 171 Verónica Lope ontagné Replaces AMs 172, 171, 170, 167, 169 and 175 alls if COMP X is alls if COMP X is alls if AM 168 is alls if COMP X is alls if AM 172 is 22/ 25/ 0 49/ 1/ 0 Compatible with AM Siôn Simon alls if COMP X is Compatible with AMs 168, 172 and Jeroen Lenaers alls if COMP X is 169 Anthea McIntyre Compatible with AMs 168, 172, 171 and 170 alls if COMP X is alls if AM 168 or 172 is Paragraph 20 a COMP Y EPP, S&D, ALDE, Greens Compatible with AMs 171, 170 and 167 Replaces AMs 173, 179 and Jean Lambert alls if COMP Y is Paragraph 20 a 174 Heinz K. - PV\ doc 43/63 PE v01-00

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Alankomaiden, Suomen ja Ruotsin valtuuskunnat ilmoittivat äänestävänsä vastausehdotusta vastaan. Tässä yhteydessä annettiin seuraavat lausumat:

Alankomaiden, Suomen ja Ruotsin valtuuskunnat ilmoittivat äänestävänsä vastausehdotusta vastaan. Tässä yhteydessä annettiin seuraavat lausumat: EUROOPAN UNIONIN NEUVOSTO Bryssel, 26. kesäkuuta 2009 (30.06) (OR. en) 10539/09 INF 151 API 81 JUR 263 ILMOITUS: I/A-KOHTA Lähettäjä: Tiedotustyöryhmä Vastaanottaja: Pysyvien edustajien komitea (Coreper


Talousarvion valvontavaliokunta LAUSUNTOLUONNOS. perussopimus-, työjärjestys- ja toimielinasioiden valiokunnalle

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2017/S Contract notice. Supplies

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Sisävesidirektiivin soveltamisala poikkeussäännökset. Versio: puheenjohtajan ehdotus , neuvoston asiakirja 8780/16.

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EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunta. työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunnalta

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Naisten oikeuksien ja sukupuolten tasa-arvon valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous

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Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Hakukierros kevät 2013 Anne Siltala, CIMO

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TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo

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Other approaches to restrict multipliers

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Euroopan unionin neuvosto Bryssel, 6. maaliskuuta 2017 (OR. en)

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Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunta

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Oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous

Oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous Euroopan parlamentti 2014-2019 Oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS JURI(2016)0420_1 Kokous Keskiviikko 20. huhtikuuta 2016 klo 10.00 12.30 ja 15.00 18.30 Torstai 21. huhtikuuta 2016 klo


Skene. Games Refueled. Muokkaa perustyyl. napsautt. @Games for Health, Kuopio. 2013 kari.korhonen@tekes.fi. www.tekes.fi/skene

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Tutkimuksen huippuyksiköt. Maiju Gyran tiedeasiantuntija

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Kokouspöytäkirja. 2. Kokous todettiin laillisesti kokoon kutsutuksi ja päätösvaltaiseksi.

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Euroopan unionin neuvosto Bryssel, 28. huhtikuuta 2017 (OR. en)

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Oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous

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On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

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EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI Työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunta. työllisyyden ja sosiaaliasioiden valiokunnalta

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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

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16. Allocation Models

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On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies

Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine 4.1.2018 Centre for Language and Communication Studies Puhutko suomea? -Hei! -Hei hei! -Moi! -Moi moi! -Terve! -Terve



EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI 2009-2014. Budjettivaliokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI 2009-2014 Budjettivaliokunta BUDG(2013)0711_1 OJ\942466.rtf ESITYSLISTALUONNOS Kokous Torstai 11. heinäkuuta 2013 klo 9.00 12.30 ja 14.00 15.00 (koordinaattoreiden kokous) ja 15.00


YKK esitti 10. helmikuuta 2009 ehdotuksen tarkistetuksi talousarvioksi ja 27. maaliskuuta 2009 lisätietoja 3.

YKK esitti 10. helmikuuta 2009 ehdotuksen tarkistetuksi talousarvioksi ja 27. maaliskuuta 2009 lisätietoja 3. EUROOPAN UNIONIN NEUVOSTO Bryssel, 24. kesäkuuta (24.06) (OR. fr) 10979/1/09 REV 1 ACP 142 FIN 214 TARKISTETTU ILMOITUS: I/A-KOHTA Lähettäjä: Pysyvien edustajien komitea Vastaanottaja: Neuvosto Asia: Yritystoiminnan


Ympäristön, kansanterveyden ja elintarvikkeiden turvallisuuden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous

Ympäristön, kansanterveyden ja elintarvikkeiden turvallisuuden valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI 2009-2014 Ympäristön, kansanterveyden ja elintarvikkeiden turvallisuuden valiokunta ENVI_OJ(2010)1129_1 ESITYSLISTALUONNOS Kokous Maanantai 29. marraskuuta 2010 klo 15.00 18.30 Tiistai


Lääkkeiden hyvät jakelutavat estämässä lääkeväärennösten pääsyä laillisiin jakelukanaviin. Sidosryhmätilaisuus Fimea Anne Junttonen

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Hankkeen toiminnot työsuunnitelman laatiminen

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Maatalouden ja maaseudun kehittämisen valiokunta ESITYSLISTALUONNOS. Kokous

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TU-C2030 Operations Management Project. Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä

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Yhteiskunta- ja humanistiset tieteet (SSH) 7. puiteohjelman syksyn 2011 haku Vuoden 2012 työohjelma

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Kansainvälisen kaupan valiokunta

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Opiskelijoiden ajatuksia koulun alkuun liittyen / students thoughts about the beginning of their studies at KSYK

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