l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

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2 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka tukee suomalaista yrityselämää ja julkista sektoria Barentsin alueella. Barentskeskus on luonut tietokannan kaikista yksityisen, julkisen ja julkis-yksityisen sektoreiden tarjouspyynnöistä Pohjois-Norjassa, Pohjois-Ruotsissa ja Luoteis-Venäjällä. Tietokannat päivitetään kerran kuukaudessa. Maakohtaiset tarjouspyyntöraportit toimitetaan Barentskeskuksen osakkaille kerran kuukaudessa. Barentskeskus kommunikoi suoraan Suomen paikallisten suurlähetystöjen ja konsulaattien kanssa Barentsin alueella ja auttaa arvovaltapalvelujen hyödyntämisessä tarvittaessa. Barentskeskus taustoittaa Ulko-. Työ- ja Elinkeinoministeriötä, Tasavallan Presidentin ja Valtioneuvoston kansliaa Barentsin alueen kysymyksissä. Tausta Euroopan pohjoinen osa nähdään tulevaisuuden kasvukeskuksena. Sen ajureina toimivat kaasu, öljy ja kaivosteollisuus. Tämän lisäksi vesi ja tuulivoima, sähkönsiirtoverkkojen päivitys, matkailu, kuljetus ja logistiikka, kalastus, kalanviljely, rahdin, öljyn ja kaasun joki ja merikuljetukset Siperiasta ja Siperiaan tulevat kasvamaan merkittävästi. Koillisväylä ja Pohjoisnavan läpäisevä merireitti tulevat tarvitsemaan vahvan infrastruktuurin kuten jäänmurtajia, satamia, huoltotelakoita, öljyntorjuntaa, pelastus ja evakuointipalveluita sekä älykkäitä satelliittijärjestelmiä. Energian säästö, energiatehokkuus, ympäristöturva ja saastumisen vähentäminen ovat avainsektoreita uuden globaalin kasvun alueella. BCF

3 ll. The investment volume in High North until The total needed investment value in the European High North is estimated to roughly 90 B until year This volume is divided between Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. 3. The business areas are: Industry Mining Oil & Gas Nuclear power Hydro Energy Wind Energy Bio Energy Electricity transfer networks Trade Tourism Transport and logistics (TRPL) Public Investments BCF

4 ll. Investoinnit maittain ja sektoreittain vuoteen 2020 mennessä Sektori Yhteensä Mrd N FIN N S N N NW RUS Teollisuus 4,663 1,38 0,129 2,205 0,949 Kaivosteoll. 13,183 3,92 6,719 0,297 2,247 Öljy&Kaasu 16, ,810 (20,055) Ydinvoima 4,0 4,0 - - Vesivoima 4,601 0,135 1,618 1,958 0,890 Tuulivoima 21,411 3,545 12,876 4,990 - Bio energia 0,508 0,470 0, Sähköverkot 3,346 0,610 0,500 2,236 - Kauppa 1,308 0,970 0, Matkailu 2,981 1,494 0,890 0,516 0,081 Kuljetus/Log 14,680 1,831 0,886 3,132 8,831(11,00) Julkiset inv. 2,926 0,739 0,263 1,924 - TL Mrd 90,417 19,094 24,257 34,068 12,998 (44,063) Sulut esittävät investointeja, joita suunnitellaan. N.B. Luvut ovat Lapin Kauppakamarin kirjasesta, European High North Investment Catalogue Ryhmittely, koonti ja yhteenveto Barents Center Finland Oy BCF

5 Norway lv. Short summary of the present and the opportunities by country 1. Norway lives of oil and gas. They have brought 610 B to Norwegian Oil Fund 2. Norways GNP grows steadily with 3% per year, unemployment is 3,7%, engineer shortage is min 2000 per year, shortage of skilled personnel 15000, total personnel shortage per year. Average salary in Norway is 5500 /month, disposable income 4000 per month, Finnish average 3000, disposable Norway has more than ten closed down mines. They could be opened profitably with modern technology 4. Norway will play a key role in the opening of the Northern Sea Route to and from Asia due to its year round open ports like Mo I Rana, Troms, Narvik, Alta, Hammerfest and Kirkenes 5. Statoil has decided to invest B into Veidnes area for taking an 280 km long oilpipe line ashore, building an oilterminal etc. Construction starts in Ready by Narvik is becoming the most important Swedish mining export port 7. Kirkenes is already an iron ore export harbor and is now becoming a reloading/transfer harbor for raw oil coming from Yamal and Kara sea. The raw oil is sent to Rotterdam for refining. Investment by Norterminal is 2 BNOK This oil could alternatively be transported to Finland, Sweden or Baltics for refining by rail 9. This railroad could be used for exporting Finnish (mining) products 10. Troms-Skibotn railway could also be an alternative BCF

6 Sweden 1. Iron mining in Kiruna represents 95 per cent of the European iron supply. The reserves are still for foreseeable future. 2. Kiruna city and Gällivare cities iare going to be moved a few kilometers away from ipresent locations in order to make it possible to utilize the iron under the city. The process should be completed by Due to increased mining and new mines the railway and road transport infrastructure will be rebuilt in Northern Sweden. The railway investments and building will not be completed before The Swedish Government has decided to invest 200 MSEK(24 M ) in ming, mineral and steel research in the North. Total government investment in infrastructure rises to 3,5 BSEK. 5. The Swedish steel mills and mining require huge amounts of energy and therefore new energy sources and energy transfer networks are needed. 6. There will be a huge investment in wind energy and Sweden is aiming at exporting wind mill electrical energy. Approx wind mill stations are going to be built. One wind mill costs approximately 3 M. 7. The establishment of server halls for global players like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and similar will drastically increase the need for energy. BCF

7 Finland 1. The metal mining and refining industry are on the high in Finland 2. The needs are in the infrastructure due to lack of rail, road and reliable/predictable sea transports 3. Finland does not have an ice free port (or direct access to one), which would be essential in order to secure the disturbance free export of the metal and mining industry s products also during winter. 4. The new IMO sulphur directive raises the price for sea transports on the Bothnian Gulf and Baltic Sea to a level, which effectively prohibits ship/sea transports of metals as bulk and refined products with present vessels. Outokumpu Plc has calculated the cost effect to 15 M PA for their own transports. This though does not affect the Russian vessels, which are not covered by the IMO sulphur treaty. 5. The railroad to Kirkenes, Murmansk, Narvik or Troms would change the situation dramatically 6. The Finnish metal and mining industries need more energy. The on-coming nuclear energy plant in Pyhäjoki is still far away in the future. Two of the Finnish nuclear plants are becoming obsolete so Olkiluoto and Pyhäjoki only retain the status quo. 7. Natural gas and LNG are valid environmentally acceptable alternatives to further construction of nuclear energy for the mining and metal refining industry. Norway or/and Russia could be a viable suppliers in this case for industry and communities. LNG can be transported by rail, truck and ship. 8. The lack of transport infrastructure in rail, roads, ships and the unpredictable tax practise for LNG could invalidate this opportinity. BCF

8 Russia 1. The oil and gas reserves in NW-Russia are huge. 2. The development of Yamal peninsula is now gaining momentum with Novatek and their plans for LNG plant. 3. Rosneft and Statoil have created a strategic alliance for oil&gas prospecting/development 4. The existing railroad connections on the Russian side would allow transport of LNG and mining products (both ways) with relatively modest investments. 5. The mining sector prospers in North West of Russia. The mining companies are cash rich. They need trp to markets like the corridor from Kostomuksha to Raahe and Oulu 6. The mining sector especially in North West of Russia is enjoying special positive attention from the regional authorities. This is an opportunity not to be missed. 7. This corridor could also be used for wood/forestry industry as well as for tourism in both directions. The potential of the route all the way from Troms through Finalnd to China and Far East should not be forgotten. 8. The energy supply/electrical networks have to be up-graded in order to facilitate the investments in mining, industry, oil and gas on-shore infrastructure. BCF

9 V. Summary of the opportunities for cooperation in High North in order to decrease the Carbon Footprint. 1.Energy supply in all forms: Nuclear RUS, FIN, SWE, Gas, LNG, N, RUS, Hydropower N, Wind power S, N, 2.The Russian federation has given an order to the regions to decrease the energy consumption with 13% per annum. Index year Energy management, control and sensor technology, reconstruction/renewal of heating systems in NW Russia. 4.Energy saving in Russia and especially in NW-Russia. 5.The EBRD, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, controlled financing institutions in Russia, NDEP, Nordic Dimension Environmental Partnership, and NEFCO, Nordic Environment Financing Corporation work specifically with financing environmental projects in the Russian Federation. These named IFI:s look actively for prospects in RF. These institutions have sufficient experience all the way from integrity checks to project completion. 6.Bringing up the Russian forestry industry in energy management to Western technology level. Russian paper mills have to import/buy energy for running the mills. In the West the paper mills are run by production waste and waste wood born out of the process in the mills. 7.The planned increased production of gas and LNG in Northern Norway and Yamal peninsula, in Russia will shift the environmental energy emphasis considerably from present heavy oil and coal, if viable financing routes are found. BCF

10 Artic Sea Railroad Options

11 Barents Center Finland Maakuntakatu B FI Rovaniemi Finland Mobile: Барентс Центр Финляндия ул. Маакунтакату 29-31Б FI Рованиеми Финляндия моб: BCF

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20140320 1 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka


l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20140829 1 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka


l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20150520 1 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat PohjoisSuomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka tukee


l. Barentskeskus Finland Oy

l. Barentskeskus Finland Oy BCF 20160518 1 l. Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit ja maakuntaliitot. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio. Barentskeskus on luonut tietokannan kaikista yksityisen, julkisen


l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20150222 1 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka


l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20150807 1 l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio, joka


l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? BCF 20160318 1 Barentskeskus Finland Oy Sen omistavat Pohjois-Suomen kaupungit, maakuntaliitot, korkea- ja ammattikoulut. Se on voittoa tuottamaton organisaatio. l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland? Barentskeskus


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l. Mikä on Barentskeskus Finland?

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A special dividend is included in the index as a net amount and it is calculated as follows: ) = - ( 0.1761 EUR * 844 452 759) = - 148713280,75 EUR

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A special dividend is included in the index as a net amount and it is calculated as follows:

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Exercise 1. (session: )

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