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1 Seminaariesitelmä Visualisointi käyttöliittymäsuunnittelussa Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos Helsingin yliopisto Tutkimuspaperien etsintä Ilkka Rinne

2 Tieteellinen viittaaminen Miksi viitataan? Oman tutkimuksen suhde muiden töihin Osoitetaan aiheeseen liittyvän tutkimuksen tuntemus Jättiläisten hartioilta näkee pitemmälle: tietämyksen kumulatiivinen kerryttäminen Miksi viitteitä etsitään? Turhan toiston välttäminen Lisää taustatietoa Mitä ja missä kukakin tutkii? If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. -Sir Isaac Newton

3 Viitetietokannat 1/2 Historiaa: II Maailmansodan jälkeen USA:ssa paljon julkista rahaa tutkimukseen Julkaisut lisääntyivät huimasti, aihekohtainen luettelointi käsityönä oli liian työlästä Luokittelutermit erilaisia, luettelointi ei pysynyt mukana 50-luvun automatisointi-hype: tietokone ratkaisee kaiken Eugene Garfield & co 1963: Science Citation Index CS-alalla nykyään netissä myös ilmaisia mm. Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library NCSTRL ( Computer Science Bibliography, DBLP ( ja ResearchIndex (CiteSeer) (

4 Viitetietokannat 2/2 Tekijänoikeudet kustantajilla, artikkelit saatavilla omien maksullisten nettipalveluiden kautta mm: ACM Digital Library, IEEExplore, Springer LINK, Elsevier ScienceDirect Esim. ISI:n SCI:ssä lähes pelkästään lehtiartikkeleita Hakemien erikseen kaikista? Tietojenkäsittelyssä tuore tieto rulaa! Pitäisi saada myös konferenssipapereita ja teknisiä raportteja jakoon Luettelointi maksaa edelleen paljon (pelkästään ISI:llä vuonna 1998 yli 800 työntekijää) NEC Research Institute 1997: CiteSeer Materiaali netistä hakukoneiden avulla Käsitellään koneellisesti Hakupalvelu ja järjestelmä julkisesti saatavilla

5 CiteSeerin ongelmia 1/2 Kattavuus Luotettavuus Vain netistä vapaasti löytyvä materiaali Kustantajien kanssa tehdyt sopimukset estävät tutkijoita julkaisemasta omia artikkeleitaan netissä Tutkimusten pohjasakkaa? Automaattinen prosessointi, puutteellista tietoa webdokumenteissä,tekstintunnistuksessa virheitä Ei referoituja (välttämättä) Ei julkaistussa muodossa (ei voi tietää) Julkaisufoorumi? Viittaukset: ainakin joku on lukenut Oletus: hyvät viittaavat hyviin Mutta myös huonoihin täytyy viitata korjatakseen

6 CiteSeerin ongelmia 2/2 Tekstipohjainen käliratkaisu Paljon teknisiä termejä, implementaatiomalli paistaa läpi Kuitenkin paljon dataa samalla sivulla relatedness 0.1 (?) Viittausverkkoa ei visualisoitu Viittausyhteyksien hahmottaminen ja varsinkin vertailu hyvin hankalaa Viittauksien avulla navigointi sukeltavaa: lost in hypertext Sama ongelma myös muissa viitehakukoneissa??

7 Viittausverkko 1/2 Klusteroitunut, ei-yhtenäinen, suunnattu verkko Solmuina paperit Särminä viittaukset paperista toiseen Erikoisominaisuus: ajallinen järjestys Voidaan aina asetella siten, että viittaukset osoittavat vain toiseen vastakkaisista suunnista Helpottaa ja nopeuttaa tulkitsemista ja ymmärtämistä Ryhmittely (viittaus)läheisyyden perusteella vaikeutuu Kaaviot venyvät, asettelussa vähemmän vapauksia

8 Viittausverkko 2/2 Paljon artikkeleja, paljon viittauksia, nopeasti hyvin sotkuinen graafi Visualisointia ei ole yritetty kaupallisissakaan Miten tehdä rajaus? Tekstipohjainen navigointi viittauksia pitkin parasta mitä löytyy (esim. ACM DL) Pahoja käliongelmia, kuten syvälle sukeltavaa navigointia, hakutulosten ilmestymistä eri ikkunaan kuin hakuehdot, ym. Idea: paikallinen viittausympäristö Vain valitun solmun ympäriltä kerrallaan

9 Paikallinen viittausympäristö Hyvää: Helpottaa tulkintaa Luonnollinen solmujen rajaus Aikaskaalaus artikkelikohtaisesti Huonoa: Konteksti katoaa osittain Vain valittuun artikkeliin osuvat särmät näkyvissä Vertailu viittausten perusteella vaikeaa Yhdenlainen kalansilmä: vääristys ajansuhteen rajaus viitteiden perusteella Läheisiä ideoita: Harmony Local Map (Andrews 1999) SpaceTree (Plaisant et al. 2002)

10 Käyttötapaus 1 Tavoite: Raul haluaa huomioda tuoreimman alan tutkimuksen kirjoittaessaan lehtiartikkelia merkkijonotietokantojen kyselykielestä. Tilatietoja: On kevät 2001 Raul on julkaissut yhdessä kolmen TKTL:n tutkijan kanssa vuosina kolme konferenssipaperia merkkijonotietokannoille kehitettämästään AQL-kyselykielestä. Information Systems lehdestä on tekeillä bioinformatiikkaa käsittelevä erikoisnumero (dl ). Raul ja kumppanit ovat päättäneet yrittää saada aiempien konferenssipaperiensa tulokset kokoavan artikkelin ko. lehteen. On epäselvää, onko joku muu tutkimusryhmä tehnyt vuoden 1998 jälkeen sellaista jatkotutkimusta merkkijonotietokannoista, joka tulisi ottaa huomioon.

11 The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System () Praveen Seshadri, Miron Livny, Raghu Ramakrishnan The VLDB Journal This paper discusses the design and implementation of SEQ, a database system with support for sequence data. SEQ models a sequence as an ordered collection of records, and supports a declarative sequence query language based on an algebra of query operators, thereby permitting algebraic query optimization and evaluation. SEQ has been built as a component of the PREDATOR database system that provides support for relational and other kinds of complex data as well. There are three distinct...

12 Cites in AQL: an Alignment Based Language for Querying String Databases (1998) by Gösta Grahne, Raul Hakli, Matti Nykänen, Esko Ukkonen:...AQL. Other related work has been carried out in the study of complex object databases and sequence databases. These suggestions include for example the extended NF 2 model [19] the SEQ model [22] and the AQUA data model [25] Implementations based on these suggestions have also been reported [23, 28]. The di#erence between these approaches compared to ours is The Design and Implementation of a Sequence that they are interested in developing a new data model supporting ordered data types like lists of System records while our focus is in the string fields of the datadatabase model in question. In the() next section, we will give an overview of the AQL.... Praveen Seshadri, Miron Livny, Raghu Ramakrishnan The VLDB Journal This paper discusses the design and implementation of SEQ, a database system with support for sequence data. SEQ models a sequence as an ordered collection of records, and supports a declarative sequence query language based on an algebra of query operators, thereby permitting algebraic query optimization and evaluation. SEQ has been built as a component of the PREDATOR database system that provides support for relational and other kinds of complex data as well. There are three distinct...

13 AQL: an Alignment Based Language for Querying String Databases (1998) Gösta Grahne, Raul Hakli, Matti Nykänen, Esko Ukkonen AQL stands for Alignment Query Language, and it is an extension of SQL. AQL allows for declarative querying of databases containing strings of characters as entries. For instance, in applications such as genomic databases, the DNA-sequences are strings, and they need to be queried based on their structure. The LIKE-operation in SQL does not go very far. Existing systems for string databases have a very ad hoc nature, usually giving the user a set of predefined simple query forms. On the...

14 Cites in How to make SQL stand for String Query Language (1999) by Gosta Grahne, Emmanuel Waller:...semantics that can be coupled with relational structures. The string programming primitive is a declarative specification of a multitape finite state automaton. The multitape automaton have proven to be useful in pattern matching problems [13, 17] The language has also been implemented [19]. A detailed study of safety and evaluability is done in [18] Still later, Mecca and Bonner [24] used the interpreted functions of Ginsburg and Wang in a datalog like language. Since Prolog with one function symbol already yields all r. e. sets [21] the Mecca Bonner language has full Turing... AQL: an Alignment Based Language for Querying String Databases (1998) Gösta Grahne, Raul Hakli, Matti Nykänen, Esko Ukkonen AQL stands for Alignment Query Language, and it is an extension of SQL. AQL allows for declarative querying of databases containing strings of characters as entries. For instance, in applications such as genomic databases, the DNA-sequences are strings, and they need to be queried based on their structure. The LIKE-operation in SQL does not go very far. Existing systems for string databases have a very ad hoc nature, usually giving the user a set of predefined simple query forms. On the...

15 How to make SQL stand for String Query Language (1999) Gosta Grahne, Emmanuel Waller Lecture Notes in Computer Science A string database is simply a collection of tables, the columns of which contain strings over some given alphabet. We address in this paper the issue of designing a simple, user friendly query language for string databases. We focus on the language FO(ffl), which is classical first order logic extended with a concatenation operator, and where quantifiers range over the set of all strings. We wish to capture all string queries, i.e., well-typed and computable mappings involving a notion of...

16 Cites in String Operations in Query Languages (2000) by Michael Benedikt, Leonid Libkin, Thomas Schwentick, Luc Segoufin:...[11, 12] considered Datalog extended with appropriate transducers for string operations, proving a number of completeness results. In [14] arbitrary regions (substrings) can be queried; this, when coupled with relational calculus, gives the power of string concatenation. Closer to our approach, [20, 26] study the relational calculus algebra extended with an operation for concatenating strings. 15] studies rst order logic over term algebras and extends expressive bounds and complexity results from relational calculus to this setting. But SQL style string pattern matching cannot be expressed in......queries with relational calculus is that pattern matching expressions may return an in nite number of strings. This is the standard issue of safety. The authors tackle this problem by identifying safe fragments of their languages, using a number of syntactic restrictions see, e.g. [19, 22, 18, 20, 26] but they cannot capture the safe fragment of the language syntactically. A second problem concerns expressive power. Many query languages designed in the prior literature turn out to be Turing complete, a feature that in turn makes many sorts of analysis and optimization impossible. Indeed, as... [Article contains additional citation context not shown here] How to make SQL stand for String Query Language (1999) Gosta Grahne, Emmanuel Waller Lecture Notes in Computer Science A string database is simply a collection of tables, the columns of which contain strings over some given alphabet. We address in this paper the issue of designing a simple, user friendly query language for string databases. We focus on the language FO(ffl), which is classical first order logic extended with a concatenation operator, and where quantifiers range over the set of all strings. We wish to capture all string queries, i.e., well-typed and computable mappings involving a notion of...

17 String Operations in Query Languages (2000) Michael Benedikt, Leonid Libkin, Thomas Schwentick, Luc Segoufin Symposium on Principles of Database Systems We study relational calculi with support for string operations. While SQL restricts the ability to mix string pattern-matching and relational operations, prior proposals for embedding SQL in a compositional calculus were based on adding the operation of concatenation to rst-order logic. These latter proposals yield compositional query languages extending SQL, but are unfortunately computationally complete. The unbounded expressive power in turn implies strong limits on the ability to perform...

18 Benedikt00a: String Operations String Operations in Query Languages (2000) Michael Benedikt, Leonid Libkin, Thomas Schwentick, Luc Segoufin Symposium on Principles of Database Systems We study relational calculi with support for string operations. While SQL restricts the ability to mix string pattern-matching and relational operations, prior proposals for embedding SQL in a compositional calculus were based on adding the operation of concatenation to rst-order logic. These latter proposals yield compositional query languages extending SQL, but are unfortunately computationally complete. The unbounded expressive power in turn implies strong limits on the ability to perform...

19 Benedikt00a: String Operations How to make SQL stand for String Query Language (1999) Gosta Grahne, Emmanuel Waller Lecture Notes in Computer Science A string database is simply a collection of tables, the columns of which contain strings over some given alphabet. We address in this paper the issue of designing a simple, user friendly query language for string databases. We focus on the language FO(ffl), which is classical first order logic extended with a concatenation operator, and where quantifiers range over the set of all strings. We wish to capture all string queries, i.e., well-typed and computable mappings involving a notion of...

20 Cites in Query Languages for Sequence Databases: Termination and Complexity by Giansalvatore Mecca, Anthony J. Bonner:...solution. However, in other cases, such as genome databases and text databases, there is still a need for more flexibility in data representation and manipulation. The problem of extending relational databases with string manipulation features has recently motivated several research proposals [4, 8, 5, 6, 7]. In fact, sequences represent a particularly interesting domain for query languages. In contrast to sets, computations over sequences can easily become infinite, even when the underlying alphabet is finite. This is because repetitions of symbols are allowed, so that the number of possible... Benedikt00a: String Operations How to make SQL stand for String Query Language (1999) Gosta Grahne, Emmanuel Waller Lecture Notes in Computer Science A string database is simply a collection of tables, the columns of which contain strings over some given alphabet. We address in this paper the issue of designing a simple, user friendly query language for string databases. We focus on the language FO(ffl), which is classical first order logic extended with a concatenation operator, and where quantifiers range over the set of all strings. We wish to capture all string queries, i.e., well-typed and computable mappings involving a notion of...

21 Benedikt00a: String Operations Query Languages for Sequence Databases: Termination and Complexity Giansalvatore Mecca, Anthony J. Bonner Knowledge and Data Engineering This paper develops a query language for sequence databases, such as genome databases and text databases. Unlike relational data, queries over sequential data can easily produce infinite answer sets, since the universe of sequences is infinite, even for a finite alphabet. The challenge is to develop query languages that are both highly expressive and finite. This paper develops such a language as a subset of a logic for string databases called Sequence Datalog. The main idea is to use safe...

22 Benedikt00a: String Operations Mekka00: Query Languages for Query Languages for Sequence Databases: Termination and Complexity Giansalvatore Mecca, Anthony J. Bonner Knowledge and Data Engineering This paper develops a query language for sequence databases, such as genome databases and text databases. Unlike relational data, queries over sequential data can easily produce infinite answer sets, since the universe of sequences is infinite, even for a finite alphabet. The challenge is to develop query languages that are both highly expressive and finite. This paper develops such a language as a subset of a logic for string databases called Sequence Datalog. The main idea is to use safe...

23 Benedikt00a: String Operations Mekka00: Query Languages for Overton94: QGB: A system for Query Languages for Sequence Databases: Termination and Complexity Giansalvatore Mecca, Anthony J. Bonner Knowledge and Data Engineering This paper develops a query language for sequence databases, such as genome databases and text databases. Unlike relational data, queries over sequential data can easily produce infinite answer sets, since the universe of sequences is infinite, even for a finite alphabet. The challenge is to develop query languages that are both highly expressive and finite. This paper develops such a language as a subset of a logic for string databases called Sequence Datalog. The main idea is to use safe...

24 Käyttötapaus 2 Tavoite: Ilkka tarvitsee tietoa käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun suunnittelumalleista (UI design patterns), jotta voisi käyttää niitä perustellessaan hyviä ja huonoja Web-sivustojen käyttöliittymäratkaisuja gradussaan. Tilatietoja: On kesä Ilkka muistaa Käyttöliittymät 2 kurssilta, että kälisuunnittelumalleista on julkaistu joitain tieteellisiä papereita. Hän tietää myös, että suunnittelumalleja koskevissa kirjoituksissa usein viitattuja kirjoja ovat Alexanderin Pattern Language sekä ohjelmistojen suunnittelumallikirja, jonka yhtenä kirjoittajana on Gamma.

25 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software. Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design Citations not available Gamma A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma Cited by 1450 / 1450 Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software (1994). Addison-Wesley. Abstract not available, document not in database Buy from: Amazon (54.99$) Barnes & Noble (54.99$)

26 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software. Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. hypermedia gamma design patterns Citations not available Gamma A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Rossi 97a (16) Cited by 44 / Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software (1994). Addison-Wesley. Abstract not available, document not in database Buy from: Amazon (54.99$) Barnes & Noble (54.99$)

27 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software. hypermedia gamma design patterns Citations not available Gamma Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Cites in Design Reuse in Hypermedia Applications Development A catalog of object-oriented design 1992Alejandra Garrido: (1997) by Gustavo Rossi, Daniel 5Schwabe, patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson,...patterns transcend this dimension because they help to capture the essential aspects of design problems and their solutions. The main intent of this paper is to motivate the hypertext OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design 3 community to discuss the problem and eventually produce a pattern catalogue (as [4]) in which Patternshypermedia Applied, E.design Gamma. experience is recorded as a set of related patterns... Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma Rossi 97a (16) Cited by 44 / Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software (1994). Addison-Wesley. Abstract not available, document not in database Buy from: Amazon (54.99$) Barnes & Noble (54.99$)

28 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Design Reuse in Hypermedia Applications Development (1997) Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe, Alejandra Garrido UK Conference on Hypertext In this paper we discuss the use of design patterns for the process of building hypermedia applications. The idea of design patterns has been recently developed, and rapidly spread outside the object-oriented community to a general audience of software developers. By using patterns it is not only possible to document design experience with a very simple and comprehensible format, but also reuse the same experience several times for different applications. We argue that the hypermedia...

29 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software. Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, CitesTUTORIAL in Pattern for Hypermedia OOSPLA 96 29: Systems Design 3 (1997) by Alejandra Garrido, Rossi, Daniel Schwabe: PatternsGustavo Applied, E. Gamma....in Figure 1. Accordingly, we present three pattern systems : 1) Patterns for hypermedia Java undsystems, Design Patterns -- Eine design patterns1 and 3) 2) Navigational Interface patterns. These categories were vielversprechende Kombination defined based on our experience in designing hypermedia applications by applying object E. Gamma oriented methods and patterns [Rossi96a, Rossi96b, Rossi97], consistently with our goal to present the set of patterns according to the different tasks and interests of users. It is worth noting that all these patterns can be equally applied both to conventional hypermedia applications, to static web sites and to sophisticated applications running on... Design Reuse in Hypermedia Applications Development (1997) Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe, Alejandra Garrido UK Conference on Hypertext In this paper we discuss the use of design patterns for the process of building hypermedia applications. The idea of design patterns has been recently developed, and rapidly spread outside the object-oriented community to a general audience of software developers. By using patterns it is not only possible to document design experience with a very simple and comprehensible format, but also reuse the same experience several times for different applications. We argue that the hypermedia...

30 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Pattern Systems for Hypermedia (1997) Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe The hypermedia domain is currently receiving much attention, mostly due to the new generation of open systems, i.e., those that allow the connection among applications in the same or different machines (intranets) or those that publish the interface of an application in a WWW's browser. However, current applications in this domain are not taking profit of all benefits that characterize hypermedia applications, and maintenance is very difficult to achieve. Building large hypermedia applications...

31 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Pattern Systems for Hypermedia (1997) Garrido 97: Pattern Systems for Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe The hypermedia domain is currently receiving much attention, mostly due to the new generation of open systems, i.e., those that allow the connection among applications in the same or different machines (intranets) or those that publish the interface of an application in a WWW's browser. However, current applications in this domain are not taking profit of all benefits that characterize hypermedia applications, and maintenance is very difficult to achieve. Building large hypermedia applications...

32 gamma patterns for Designing Navigable Information Spaces (1999) Cites design in Patterns by Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe, Fernando Lyardet: 5 documents found...the paper focuses on some simple and powerful patterns: Navigational Context, Active Design Patterns:Landmark, Elements of 1450Basket Reference, News and Shopping They are part of a larger Pattern Language Reusable ObjectOriented Software. that also includes architectural patterns and patterns for user interface design; these E. Gamma, Helm, R. Johnson, patternsr.can be found in [Garrido97] 2. Context. The problems of hypermedia design. One of and J.the Vlissides. keys distinguishing features of hypermedia applications is the notion of navigation. While designing theabstraction navigationaland structure of the application, we have to take into account the types of Design patterns: intended users, and the set of reuse of object-oriented design. tasks they are... current region, and explore it. Though this is only one possible way to navigate through and J...the Vlissides. rooms and regions, it provides the user with a complete sense of where each room is located. In A catalog of object-oriented designeven get more5information 1992 about a region (using the Interface this example the user could patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. on Demand pattern [Garrido97] or about a painting, navigating to that painting. This Johnson, and J. Vlissides. example shows an interesting rationale for applying Active Reference. In Le Louvre we want the end user to explore not only paintings but mainly the whole Museum; notice that in Figure 5, the OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design spatial structure has been given greater... 3 Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Pattern Systems for Hypermedia (1997) Garrido 97: Pattern Systems for Alejandra Garrido, Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe The hypermedia domain is currently receiving much attention, mostly due to the new generation of open systems, i.e., those that allow the connection among applications in the same or different machines (intranets) or those that publish the interface of an application in a WWW's browser. However, current applications in this domain are not taking profit of all benefits that characterize hypermedia applications, and maintenance is very difficult to achieve. Building large hypermedia applications...

33 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Patterns for Designing Navigable Information Spaces (1999) Garrido 97: Pattern Systems for Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe, Fernando Lyardet This paper presents several design patterns for the hypermedia domain: Navigational Context, Active Reference, Landmark, News and Shopping Basket. They are part of a pattern language for hypermedia applications and address the design of healthy navigational structures. They can be applied in stand-alone applications or in dynamic Web sites or Information Systems. 1. Introduction. Designing High Quality Hypermedia Applications. Hypermedia applications provide the user with navigational access...

34 gamma design patterns 5 documents found Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software A catalog of object-oriented design patterns. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, OOSPLA 96 TUTORIAL 29: Design Patterns Applied, E. Gamma. 3 Java und Design Patterns -- Eine vielversprechende Kombination E. Gamma 1 Design patterns: Abstraction and reuse of object-oriented design. Patterns for Designing Navigable Information Spaces (1999) Garrido 97: Pattern Systems for Rossi 99: Patterns for Designing Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe, Fernando Lyardet This paper presents several design patterns for the hypermedia domain: Navigational Context, Active Reference, Landmark, News and Shopping Basket. They are part of a pattern language for hypermedia applications and address the design of healthy navigational structures. They can be applied in stand-alone applications or in dynamic Web sites or Information Systems. 1. Introduction. Designing High Quality Hypermedia Applications. Hypermedia applications provide the user with navigational access...

35 Yhteenveto Viittauksista muodostuva suunnattu verkko on kokonaisuutena hankalasti visualisoitavissa Viittausverkon ajallista järjestettävyyttä voidaan käyttää hyväksi tulkittavuuden helpottamiseksi Rajautuminen paikalliseen viittausavaruuteen on eräs mielekäs verkon rajausmenetelmä: Verkko yksikertaistuu, kenties liikaakin Rajauksesta aiheutuu jonkin verran pollausta Kuitenkin saavutetaan melko intuitiivinen ja helposti tulkittava käli Käyttämällä pop-up-ikkunoita saadaan koko sovellus yhteen ikkunaan Visualisointiratkaisusta vaikuttaisi olevan hyötyä keskeisten käyttötapausten toteuttamisessa

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1.3Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä

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1.3 Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä

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3 9-VUOTIAIDEN LASTEN SUORIUTUMINEN BOSTONIN NIMENTÄTESTISTÄ Puhe ja kieli, 27:4, 141 147 (2007) 3 9-VUOTIAIDEN LASTEN SUORIUTUMINEN BOSTONIN NIMENTÄTESTISTÄ Soile Loukusa, Oulun yliopisto, suomen kielen, informaatiotutkimuksen ja logopedian laitos & University


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