Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea. Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Kokous/Meeting 3/2019. Käsiteltävät asiat/agenda

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1 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 Käsiteltävät asiat/agenda Jäsenet ja henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus kokouksissa / Members and those with right to attend Kokouksen avaus ja päätösvaltaisuus / Call to order and establishment of quorum Asialistan hyväksyminen ja pöytäkirjan tarkastajien valinta / Approval of meeting agenda and election of examiners of the minutes Kokouskielen päättäminen / Working language of the meeting Päätösasia/Decision item: Kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan, Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun kandidaattitasoiset kurssit / Adding, removing and altering courses for the curriculum of , Bachelor s level courses in the School of Chemical Engineering (Heli Järvelä) Liite/attachment 1: LPM, kandidaattitasoiset kurssit, Päätösasia/Decision item: Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteet 2020 / Admission criteria of the School of Chemical Engineering in 2020 (Leena Hauhio) Liite/attachment 2a: valintaperusteet Liite/attachment 2b: valintaperusteet, eng.kielinen käännös Päätösasia/Decision item: Kemian-, bio-, ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman hakukohteiden akateemiset arviointiperusteet 2020 / Academic assessment criteria in the Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in 2020 (Leena Hauhio) Liite/attachment 3: akateemiset arviointiperusteet Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Yhteistyö kurssitarjonnassa / Co-operation in course offering (Anna Mäkilä) Liite/attachment 4a: yhteistyö kurssitarjonnassa, esittely Liite/attachment 4b: yhteistyö kurssitarjonnassa, taustamateriaalia Liite/attachment 4c: yhteistyö kurssitarjonnassa, OPS Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Tutkintosäännön kommentointi / Commentary on the Degree Regulations (Leena Hauhio) Liite/attachment 5a: Tutkintosääntöluonnos, esittely Liite/attachment 5b: tutkintosääntöluonnos Liite/attachment 5c: Draft of Degree Regulations, presentation Liite/attachment 5d: Draft of Degree Regulations Liite/attachment 5e: Tutkintosääntöluonnos, chem-koulun huomioita

2 9 Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Yhteenveto kevään 2019 AllWell? tuloksista / Summary of Allwell? results in spring 2019 (Anna Mäkilä) Liite/attachment 6: AllWell results Muut asiat / Any other business Ilmoitusasiat / Announcements Liite/attachment 7: Aalto Bachelor's programme in Science and Technology, chemical engineering, OPS Liite/attachment 8: Marketing plan Liite/attachment 9: ICT-kyselyn tulokset Kokouksen päättäminen / Closing the meeting Pöytäkirjan tarkistaminen / Examiners of the minutes

3 1 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 Jäsenet ja henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus kokouksissa / Members and those with right to attend Jäsen / Member Paikalla Present 1. Varajäsen / Deputy member Paikalla Present 2. Varajäsen / Deputy member Professorikunta / Professors Jan Deska x Mady Elbahri Lasse Murtomäki Alexander Frey x Päivi Laaksonen Thaddeus Maloney Antti Karttunen x Ari Jokilaakso Tanja Kallio Marjatta Louhi- x Riikka Puurunen Rodrigo Serna Kultanen Silvan Scheller x Mark Hughes Sandip Bankar Henkilökunta / Staff Leena Hauhio x Anja Hänninen Jerri Kämpe-Hellenius Pirjo Pietikäinen Jari Aromaa x Golam Sarwar Juan José Valle- Delgado Opiskelijat / Students Iida Haavisto x Eeva-Leena Rautama Kyösti Ruuttunen Nina McDougall Owain Dawson x Kim Eklund Janika Hart x Juhani Rahikka Paikalla Present Henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus / Persons with right to attend Puheenjohtaja, Dekaani Kristiina Kruus Varadekaani Tapani Vuorinen Laitosjohtaja Jukka Seppälä Laitosjohtaja Herbert Sixta Laitosjohtaja Jari Koskinen Professori Katrina Nordström Henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo-oikeus / Persons with right to attend Viestinnän asiantuntija Helena Seppälä Esittelijät/Presenting officials Opintoasiain päällikkö Anni Rintala Suunnittelija Sirje Liukko Suunnittelija Heli Järvelä Suunnittelija Anna Mäkilä Suunnittelija Leena Hauhio Suunnittelija Anja Hänninen Paikalla Present x x x x x

4 2 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 1 Kokouksen avaus ja päätösvaltaisuus / Call to order and establishment of quorum Avataan kokous ja todetaan se päätösvaltaiseksi (jäsenet ja läsnäoloon oikeutetut). The meeting will be opened and the quorum will be established (members and those with right to attend). Kokouksen puheenjohtajana toimii varadekaani Tapani Vuorinen. Vice-Dean Tapani Vuorinen will act as the chair in this meeting. Päätös / Decision: Puheenjohtaja avasi kokouksen. Se todettiin päätösvaltaiseksi (jäsenet ja läsnäoloon oikeutetut). / The chair called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. Todettiin, että varajäsen Riikka Puurunen voi olla läsnä kokouksessa. / It was noted that a deputy member Riikka Puurunen may attend the meeting.

5 3 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 2 Asialistan hyväksyminen ja pöytäkirjan tarkastajien valinta / Approval of meeting agenda and election of examiners of the minutes Hyväksytään asialista ja valitaan kaksi (2) pöytäkirjan tarkastajaa. Pöytäkirjan tarkastusvuoro kulkee jäseneltä toiselle aakkosjärjestyksessä. Jos vuorossa oleva varsinainen jäsen on estynyt osallistumaan kokoukseen, toimii pöytäkirjan tarkastajana hänen kokoukseen osallistuva varajäsenensä. Aakkosjärjestyksen mukaisesti vuorossa ovat jäsenet Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen ja Jari Aromaa. Examiners of the minutes will be selected in alphabetical order. If the member cannot attend, the vice member who attends the meeting will be selected instead. The examiners of minutes for this meeting are Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen and Jari Aromaa. Päätös / Decision: Asialista hyväksyttiin. Pöytäkirjan tarkastajiksi valittiin Marjatta Louhi- Kultanen ja Jari Aromaa. Agenda was approved as such. Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen and Jari Aromaa were selected as examiners of the minutes.

6 4 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 3 Kokouskielen päättäminen / Working language of the meeting Päätetään kokouksen työkielestä (suomi/englanti). Working language of the meeting (Finnish/English) will be decided. Päätös / Decision: Kokouksen työkieleksi päätettiin englanti. / English was decided as the working language of the meeting.

7 5 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 4 Päätösasia/Decision item: Kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan, Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun kandidaattitasoiset kurssit / Adding, removing and altering courses for the curriculum of , Bachelor s level courses in the School of Chemical Engineering (Heli Järvelä) Korkeakoulun ohjesäännön 9 :n mukaan koulutusneuvoston tehtävänä on tehdä akateemiselle komitealle ehdotukset koulutusohjelmakohtaisista opetussuunnitelmista. Aalto-yliopiston johtosäännön 25 :n mukaan korkeakoulun akateeminen komitea tekee yliopiston akateemiselle komitealle esityksen korkeakoulukohtaisesta opetussuunnitelmasta. Yliopiston akateeminen komitea on delegoinut opetussuunnitelmista päättämisen korkeakoulujen akateemisille komiteoille. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto on kokouksessaan keskustellut lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmiin tarvittavista kurssien lisäyksistä, poistoista ja muutoksista ja tehnyt akateemiselle komitealle esityksen (liite 1). According to the 9 of the school bylaws the duties of the Degree Programme Committee include preparing proposals of the curricula of the degree programmes for the Academic Committee. According to 25 of the Aalto University bylaws, the School Academic Committee shall make proposal on the School-specific curriculum to the University Academic Affairs Committee. The University Academic Affairs Committee has delegated the decision making regarding the curriculum to the School Academic Committees. The Degree Programme Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering has discussed the necessary additions, removals and alterations of courses for the curriculum in its meeting 7 May 2019 and has provided the Academic Committee with a proposal (attachment 1). Päätösesitys: Vahvistetaan kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun kandidaattitasoisten kurssien osalta Koulutusneuvoston esityksen (liite 1) mukaisesti. Proposal: Making additions, removals and alterations to courses for the curriculum concerning Bachelor s level courses in the School of Chemical Engineering will be confirmed according to the proposal by the Degree Programme Committee (attachment 1). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed.

8 KTAK 3/19 LIITE 1 Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun kandidaattitasoisten kurssien lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan tulevat kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset MUISTIO / Heli Järvelä Liite 3 Asia Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan seuraavia kandidaattitasoisten kurssien muutoksia. Poistot CHEM C2470 Basics of Material Science (5 cr) Perustelut: Poistetaan kurssi, koska tätä vastaava kurssi ELEC D8710 Principles of materials science on jo olemassa ja pienillä sisältömuutoksilla vastaa alkuperäistä CHEM:in omaa kurssia Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering pääaineessa. Muutokset CHEM C2440 Materiaalien mikrorakenne (5 op) Muutetaan osaamistavoitteet: Nyt: Opiskelija tuntee metallisten ja keraamisten materiaalien mikrorakenteen. Opiskelija ymmärtää, miten mikrorakennetta muokataan ja miten muokkaaminen vaikuttaa mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Opiskelija osaa valmistaa metallografisen näytteen mikroskooppianalyysiä varten ja tehdä siitä rakenteen syntymekanismia koskevia päätelmiä. Uusi: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelija: Ymmärtää kiinteän materiaalin rakenteen atomi, nano, ja mikrotasolla. Hallitsee kiderakenteen formalismin ja kidevirheet Osaa tulkita faasidiagrammeja ja ymmärtää faasitransitiot kiinteässä aineessa. Omaa perustiedot metallien, keraamien, piin ja hiilen rakenteesta, ominaisuuksista ja sovelluksista. Hahmottaa materiaalityypin ja mikrorakenteen merkityksen materiaalin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin ja tätä kautta ymmärtää erot materiaaliryhmien välillä. Muutetaan sisältö: Nyt: Kiderakenne, kidevirheet ja diffuusio Materiaalien karakterisointi mikroskopiamenetelmillä Faasidiagrammit Faasimuutokset Deformaatiomekanismit Mekaaniset ominaisuudet ja niiden määrittäminen Viruminen, väsyminen, iskusitkeys ja murtuminen

9 Materiaalien prosessointi Korroosio ja kuluminen Uusi: Kiteisen materiaalin rakenne: metallit, keraamit, pii ja hiilimateriaalit. Yksi ja monikiteisyys, kiderakenteet ja kidevirheet. Liukoisuus ja diffuusio kiinteissä materiaaleissa. Faasidiagrammit ja faasitransitiot. Metallien mikrorakenne, sen muokkaus ja vaikutus metallin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin (lujitusmenetelmät ja lämpökäsittelyt). Piin rakenne, mekaaniset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet ja sovelluksia. Hiilen rakenne, grafiitti, timantti, nanohiilet (esim. nanoputket) ja hiilimateriaalien sovellukset. Muutetaan toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Nyt: Luennot, laskuharjoitukset, ryhmäprojekti, tentti Uusi: Laboratorioprojektit ja tentti Muutetaan työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Nyt: 5 op = 135 h Luennot 24 h Harjoitukset 12 h kontaktiopetusta, 24 tuntia itsenäistä työskentelyä Ryhmäprojektit 12 h kontaktiopetusta, 36 tuntia itsenäistä työskentelyä Tenttiin valmistautuminen 25 h Tentti 4 h Uusi: 5 op = 135 h Luennot: 24h kontaktiopetusta, itsenäistä työskentelyä 36h Laboratorioprojektit: 12h kontakti, 40h itsenäistä/ryhmätyötä Tentti 4h Tenttiin valmistautuminen 19h

10 8 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 5 Päätösasia/Decision item: Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteet 2020 / Admission criteria of the School of Chemical Engineering in 2020 (Leena Hauhio) Leena Hauhio ilmoitti, että toimii tässä asiakohdassa esittelijänä, ei kokouksessa päätöksen tekoon osallistuvana jäsenenä. / Leena Hauhio informed the Committee that she will act as the presenting official in this particular decision item and not as a member participating in the decision making. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto on kokouksessaan käsitellyt Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteita vuodelle Valintaperusteet vahvistetaan vuosittain. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle liitteen 2a mukaisia valintaperusteita vahvistettavaksi (englanninkielinen käännös, liite 2b). The Degree Programme Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering has discussed the admission criteria of the School of Chemical Engineering in its meeting held 7 May The admission criteria will be confirmed yearly. The Degree Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering has left the Academic Committee a proposal (attachment 2a) on the admission criteria (English version as an attachment 2b). Päätösesitys: Vahvistetaan kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteet vuodelle 2020 Koulutusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti (liite 2a). Proposal: The admission criteria of the School of Chemical Engineering in 2020 will be confirmed according to the proposal (attachment 2a). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed.

11 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 2a Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteet 2020 Käsitelty koulutusneuvostossa Hyväksytään akateemisessa komiteassa Yleistä Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun valintaperusteissa vuodelle 2020 päätetään niistä asioista, joihin Aaltoyliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteet vuodelle 2020 dokumentti viittaa. Aalto-yliopiston akateeminen komitea vahvistaa Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteet kokouksessaan Hakukohteet sekä hakukohteiden kielet, kiintiöt ja kynnysehdot Hakukohteet samoin kuin hakukohteiden kielet ja kynnysehdot (DIA) keskustellaan Kemian tekniikan akateemisessa komiteassa ja dekaanin esitys toimitetaan rehtorille vahvistettavaksi. 3. Siirtohaku Yliopistolain 36 n mukaan yliopisto ottaa siirto-opiskelijoita. Siirto-opiskelijalla tarkoitetaan yliopistolaissa opiskelijaa, jonka opiskeluoikeus siirtyy yliopistosta toiseen tai yliopiston sisällä tutkinnosta toiseen. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että Aalto-yliopiston sisällä siirtymistä on esimerkiksi se, että diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa suorittamaan valittu opiskelija siirtyy suorittamaan kauppatieteen maisterin tutkintoa. Siirtoa tulee hakea ensimmäisenä opiskeluvuotena, huomioiden lakisääteiset poissaolot. Aalto-yliopiston siirtohakua koskevat yleiset periaatteet ja kriteerit on määritelty Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteissa. Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan korkeakoulujen (insinööriala) siirtohaussa voidaan kiinnittää huomiota hakijoiden opintomenestykseen (keskiarvo), opintosuoritusten määrään ja hyväksiluettavien opintojen määrään. Hakijalla tulee olla suoritettuna kesäkuun loppuun mennessä vähintään 3,5 keskiarvolla vähintään 55 op opintoja, jotka voidaan hyväksilukea tutkinnon perusopintoihin tai pääaineopintoihin. Korkeakoulu määrittelee tarvittaessa tarkemmat arviointiperusteet hakukohdekohtaisesti. Siirtohaulle asetetaan hakukohdekohtaiset kiintiöt aloituspaikkapäätöksen yhteydessä. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu tarkentaa siirtohaun arviointiperusteita Kemian tekniikan kandidaattiohjelmaan seuraavasti: - Hakijalla tulee olla suoritettuna kesäkuun loppuun mennessä vähintään 3,5 keskiarvolla vähintään 55 op opintoja, jotka voidaan hyväksilukea tutkintoon. - Siirto-opiskelijavalinnassa hakemukseen liitetään virallinen opintosuoritusote, selvitys mitä kursseja opiskelija vielä suorittaa mennessä, kurssikuvaukset yliopiston järjestelmästä (jos ei Aallon hakija) sekä opiskelijan suunnitelma opintojen hyväksilukemiseksi ja suunnitelma opintojen loppuun suorittamisesta.

12 2 4. Koulutusohjelman vaihto tekniikan koulujen välillä kandidaattivaiheessa Jos opiskelijalla on Aalto-yliopistossa samaan tutkintoon johtava opiskeluoikeus (esim. diplomi-insinööri), on kyse koulutusohjelman vaihdosta. Koulutusohjelman vaihto määritellään Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteissa. Koulutusohjelman vaihto Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan korkeakoulujen (insinööriala) välillä kandidaattivaiheessa tapahtuu siirtohaun yhteydessä samojen arviointiperusteiden mukaisesti. Koulutusohjelman vaihdossa aiemmat opinnot sisällytetään tutkintoon. Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan korkeakoulujen (insinööriala) koulutusohjelman vaihdossa voidaan kiinnittää huomiota hakijoiden opintomenestykseen (keskiarvo), opintosuoritusten määrään ja hyväksiluettavien opintojen määrään. Hakijalla tulee olla suoritettuna kesäkuun loppuun mennessä vähintään 3,5 keskiarvolla vähintään 55 op opintoja, jotka voidaan hyväksilukea tutkintoon. Korkeakoulu määrittelee tarvittaessa koulutusohjelman vaihdolle tarkempia kriteerejä. Koulutusohjelman vaihdolle voidaan määritellä kiintiöt. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu tarkentaa koulutusohjelman vaihdon kriteereitä seuraavasti: - Koulutusohjelman vaihtohakemukseen liitetään virallinen opintosuoritusote, selvitys mitä kursseja opiskelija vielä suorittaa kesäkuun loppuun mennessä sekä opiskelijan suunnitelma opintojen hyväksilukemiseksi ja suunnitelma opintojen loppuun suorittamisesta. 5. Opintojen jatkaminen maisterivaiheessa Korkeakoulun sisällä opintojen jatkamista koskeva menettely vahvistetaan kussakin korkeakoulussa ja eri korkeakoulujen yhteisissä ohjelmissa ohjelman hallintomallin mukaisesti. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun tutkintosäännön 4 mukaan Opiskelija, joka on otettu suorittamaan sekä alempaa että ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa, voi aloittaa ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon opinnot suoritettuaan ensin kandidaatin tutkinnon tai vähintään 150 opintopisteen laajuiset kandidaatin tutkintoon sisältyvät opinnot. 5.1 Opintojen jatkaminen Kemiantekniikan kandidaattiohjelmasta DI-tutkintoon johtavaan koulutusohjelmaan Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteiden mukaan jokaisesta kandidaatin tutkintoon johtavasta ohjelmasta on määritelty, missä maisteriohjelmassa opiskelija voi jatkaa opintojaan. Opiskelijan, jolla on jo opinto-oikeus Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan koulutusalalla, on mahdollista hakea toiseen Aalto-yliopiston tekniikan koulutusalan koulutusohjelmaan valintaperusteissa määritellyin edellytyksin. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun kandidaattiohjelman eri pääaineista voi jatkaa opintojaan Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan DI-ohjelman pääaineeseen jatkohaun kautta huomioiden, että joissakin tapauksissa kandidaattiohjelman pääaineen kursseja tulee täydentää 1-3 kurssilla (liite 1). Nämä täydentävät kurssit sijoitetaan kandidaatintutkinnon pääaineeseen, sivuaineeseen tai vapaasti valittaviin opintoihin. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu järjestää kandidaatiksi valmistuneille ja lähellä valmistumista oleville 1-2 hakua vuoden 2020 aikana. Opiskelija esittää haussa pääainetoiveensa. Pääaineeseen valinnan edellytyksenä on kandidaatintutkinnon soveltuvuus ko. pääaineessa jatkamiseen (ks. vaadittavat kurssit liitteestä 1). Mikäli pääaineeseen valinnassa tulee tehdä karsintaa, pääaineeseen valinnan kriteerinä on kandidaatin tutkintoon

13 3 kuuluviin opintoihin käytetty aika (kandidaatintutkintoon kuuluvat opinnot (op)/läsnäololukukaudet) sekä tutkintoon kuuluvien opintojen keskiarvo. Ensimmäinen vuoden 2020 haku on tammikuussa 2020 ja haku tapahtuu Oppimispalveluiden tarkempien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Kevään 2020 haussa mukana olleet opiskelijat aloittavat opinnot DI-ohjelmassa syksyllä Opiskelijalla tulee olla mennessä suoritettuna kandidaatin tutkinto tai vähintään 150 opintopisteen laajuiset kandidaatin tutkintoon sisältyvät opinnot. Mahdollisesta toisesta vuoden 2020 hausta tiedotetaan myöhemmin. 5.2 Opintojen jatkaminen Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering major DI-tutkintoon johtavaan koulutusohjelmaan Jokaisesta kandidaattiohjelmasta ja pääaineesta määritellään väylät maisterivaiheen ohjelmiin ja pääaineisiin. Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering -pääaineen opiskelijoiden opintojen jatkamisen väylät (liite 1) maisteriohjelmiin on vahvistettu Kemian tekniikan akateemisen komitean kokouksessa 2/ Maisteriopinnoissa jatkaminen samaan tutkintoon johtavassa eri maisteriohjelmassa kuin mihin voimassaoleva opinto-oikeus oikeuttaa Tekniikan koulujen välillä kandidaattivaiheessa ohjelmasta toiseen siirtymisestä kandidaatti- ja maisterivaiheen välillä on päätetty erillisellä AAKin päätöksellä Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu on vahvistanut hakukohdekohtaisesti ohjelman siirtymisen menettelytavat Kemian tekniikan akateemisessa komiteassa Siirtymisen menettelytavat on kuvattu Intossa: Bachelor%27s+degree. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu tarkentaa Aalto-yliopiston akateemisen komitean päätöstä seuraavasti: Uusi menettely koskee kaikkia rajatun opinto-oikeuden piirissä olevia opiskelijoilta. 6. Opintojen jatkaminen toisessa DI-tutkintoon johtavassa koulutusohjelmassa korkeakoulun sisällä ja pääaineen vaihtaminen hakukohteen sisällä Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulussa on yksi ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon johtava ohjelma: Kemian, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelma (Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering). Ohjelman seitsemän pääainetta ovat hakukohteita. Hakukohteesta toiseen haetaan toisen vaiheen valintojen kautta, joten pääaineen vaihtaminen tapahtuu maisterikoulutuksen opiskelijavalinnan kautta. Muut Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun ohjelman ohjelmat ovat yhteisohjelmia, joiden menettelytavoista määritellään erikseen. 7. Opintojen jatkaminen Life Science Technologies ohjelmassa Master s Programme in Life Science Technologies on yhdessä tuotettu ohjelma Perustieteiden (SCI) ja Sähkötekniikan (ELEC) korkeakoulujen kanssa. Life Science Technologies ohjelman koulutusneuvosto vahvistaa kriteerit, joilla ELECin, SCIn ja CHEMin opiskelijat voivat jatkaa opintojaan ohjelman pääaineissa.

14 4 Opiskelijoiden, jotka haluavat jatkaa ylemmän ohjelman Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering - pääaineessa syksyllä 2020, tulee ilmoittaa pääainetoiveensa tammikuussa 2020 Oppimispalveluiden tarkempien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Muilla tutkinnoilla ja opinnoilla Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering - pääaineeseen tulee hakea maisterikoulutuksen opiskelijavalinnan kautta. 8. Opintojen jatkaminen Advanced Energy Solutions ohjelmassa Master s Programme in Master s Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions on yhdessä tuotettu ohjelma Insinööritieteiden ja Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulujen kanssa. Hakukohteena Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulussa on Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability -pääaine. Master s Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions -ohjelman valintakriteerit vahvistetaan Insinööritieteiden akateemisessa komiteassa. Opiskelijoiden, jotka haluavat jatkaa ylemmän ohjelman Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability - pääaineessa syksyllä 2020, tulee ilmoittaa pääainetoiveensa tammikuussa 2020 Oppimispalveluiden tarkempien ohjeiden mukaisesti. 9. Hakukohteiden arviointiperusteet, maisterikoulutuksen erillisvalinnat Yleiset hakukelpoisuusehdot täyttävät hakijat arvioidaan ja asetetaan valintajärjestykseen hakukohteissa korkeakouluissa. Hakukohdekohtaisessa arvioinnissa käytettävät hakukohteiden arviointiperusteet vahvistetaan vuosittain Kemian tekniikan akateemisessa komiteassa ennen koulutustarjonnan julkaisemista. Arvioinnin kriteerejä voivat olla mm. aiempien opintojen soveltuvuus, opintomenestys, motivaatio ja uuden osaamisen tuottaminen. 10. Tohtoriohjelman valintaperusteet Tohtorikoulutettavien valintaperusteet vahvistetaan Kemian tekniikan akateemisessa komiteassa Aaltoyliopiston opiskelijavalinnan valintaperusteiden ohjeiden mukaisesti.

15 KTAK 3/2019 Liite 2a_Liite 1 Liite 1 A. Kemian tekniikan kandidaattiohjelmasta opintojen jatkaminen: Jatkaminen Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan DI-ohjelman pääaineisiin opetussuunnitelman mukaan opiskeleville 1

16 KTAK 3/2019 Liite 2a_Liite 1 2

17 KTAK 3/2019 Liite 2a_Liite 1 B. Kemian tekniikan kandidaattiohjelmasta opintojen jatkaminen: Jatkaminen Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan DI-ohjelman pääaineisiin DI-pääaineisiin vaadittavat kurssit opetussuunnitelman mukaan opiskeleville: C2210 C2220 C2230 C2310 C2120 C2400 C2410 C2420 C2110 C2300 Biomass Refining (x) x (x) Biotechnology (x) x x Chemistry x x (x) Chemical and Process Engineering x x Fibre and Polymer Engineering (x) (x) (x) Functional Materials (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Sustainable Metals Processing (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) DI-pääaineisiin vaadittavat kurssit opetussuunnitelman tai sitä aiemman mukaan opiskeleville C2210 C2220 C2230 C2310 C2120 C2400 C2410 C2420 C2110 Biomass Refining (x) x (x) (x) Biotechnology (x) x Chemistry x x (x) Chemical and Process Engineering (x) (x) (x) Fibre and Polymer Engineering (x) (x) (x) Functional Materials (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Sustainable Metals Processing (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) x = pakollinen kurssi ( x ) = vapaaehtoinen kurssi C. Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering -pääaineen opiskelijoiden opintojen jatkamisen väylät maisteriohjelmiin The student is entitled to continue his/her studies at the master s level after completing the bachelor s degree. Master s programme options for Chemical Engineering students without further requirements: - Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering o Majors: Biomass Refining, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Fiber and Polymer Engineering, Sustainable Metals Processing - Master s Programme in Life Science Technologies o Major: Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering The student has under certain conditions the opportunity to continue his/her studies in another school than his/her original study right was valid for. More information about the transfer procedure can be found at 3

18 KTAK 3/2019 Liite 2a_Liite 1 +a+bachelor%27s+degree 4

19 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 2b 1 School of Chemical Engineering admissions criteria 2020 Proposed by the degree programme committee on 7 May 2019 Approved by the school academic affairs committee on 21 May General This document examines the admission criteria of the School of Chemical Engineering and is based on Aalto University General Admissions Criteria (2020). The University Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) approved the Aalto University General Admissions Criteria at its meeting of 14 May Study options available for application, their languages, intake quotas and minimum requirements The study options as well as their languages and minimum requirements (for engineering and architecture, or DIA ) are discussed in the Academic Committee of Chemical Engineering, after which the dean s proposal is forwarded to the university president for approval. 3. Transfer application procedure Finnish universities admit transfer students, according to section 36 of the Universities Act (558/2009). Transfer student in the Act refers to a student whose right to study is transferred from one university to another, or from one degree to another within a single university. This means that a student admitted to pursue e.g. a Master of Science (Technology) degree at Aalto University may transfer within Aalto to pursue a Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree instead. Students should apply for transfer during their first year of study, taking into consideration, however, absences permitted by law. Aalto University s general procedures concerning applications by transfer students are defined in Aalto s general admissions criteria. According to the admissions criteria, students applying for transfer between Aalto University schools of technology (in an engineering field) may be evaluated for their past academic performance (grade point average), the number of credits earned and the number of transferable credits. The applicant must have earned by the end of June a minimum of 55 credits that can be transferred towards the basic or major studies of the degree and that have a grade point average of at least 3.5. The school will specify more detailed assessment criteria for the study options as necessary. When deciding on the student places available, each study option defines an intake quota on the number of transfers. The School of Chemical Engineering has more detailed criteria for evaluating transfer applications to the Bachelor's Programme in Chemical Engineering as follows: - The applicant must have earned by the end of June a minimum of 55 credits that can be transferred towards the degree and that have a grade point average of at least The following must be attached to applications for transfer: an official transcript of studies, a description of courses the student will complete by 30 June, course descriptions from the

20 2 university (if other than Aalto), the student s plan for credit transfer and for completing his or her degree studies. 4. Changing degree programmes between Aalto schools of technology during the bachelor s stage If the student s right to study towards a degree (e.g. a Master of Science (Technology)) is unchanged, the process concerns a change of degree programme, the rules for which are defined in the Aalto University general admission criteria. The process for switching degree programmes follows the same timetable and, when possible, the same admissions procedure as those used in other transfer applications. Changing degree programmes between Aalto University schools of technology (in an engineering field) during the bachelor s stage occurs according to the same assessment criteria as in other transfer applications. In switching degree programmes, the credits transferred are towards the degree, not towards the basic or the major studies. Students who are switching degree programmes between Aalto University schools of technology, but within an engineering field, may be evaluated for their academic performance (grade point average), the number of credits earned and the number of transferable credits. The applicant must by the end of June have earned a minimum of 55 credits that can be transferred towards the degree and that have a grade point average of at least 3.5. The school sets other criteria as necessary on the admission of transfer students into its degree programmes. A quota may be set on the number of transfer students into a degree programme. More details on the criteria for transfers to the School of Chemical Engineering are as follows: - Applications for transfer to a degree programme must include: an official transcript of studies; a description of what courses the student will complete by the end of June; the student s plan for credit transfer and for completing degree studies. 5. Continuing studies in the Master s stage The practices for students continuing studies within one school is decided by that school and in the joint programmes of the schools according to the governance model of the programme. Under the degree regulations of the School of Chemical Engineering, section 4: Students admitted to pursue both a bachelor s degree and master s degree may begin studies towards a master's degree when they have earned the bachelor s degree or at least 150 credits towards it. 5.1 Continuing studies towards a Master of Science (Technology) degree after completing the Bachelor s Programme in Chemical Engineering Under the Aalto university general admission criteria, every bachelor s programme specifies the master s programme in which students may continue their studies. Students with a right to study at Aalto University in the field of technology may apply to another degree programme in the field of technology provided they meet the conditions specified in the admissions criteria. Students of the Bachelor s Programme in Chemical Engineering are eligible to apply to any major of the Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, although in some cases students

21 3 will be required to supplement their bachelor major with an additional 1 3 courses (Attachment 1). The supplementary courses are counted towards either the major, minor or the electives of the bachelor s degree. The School of Chemical Engineering will organise 1 2 application rounds in 2020 for students who have earned or will soon earn a bachelor s degree. Students announce their preferred major in the application. Admission to the major requires that the bachelor s degree provides the student with the knowledge and skills required for continuing to the major (see Attachment 1 for the requisite courses). If there is a need to eliminate applicants in the admissions process to the major, the applicants will be ranked based on the time spent on the studies for the bachelor s degree (credits earned per terms attended) and on their grade point average. The first application round of 2020 is in January 2020 and applications should follow the detailed instructions given by Learning Services. Students who apply in spring 2020 will begin their studies in the master s programme in autumn These students will have earned their bachelor s degree, or at least 150 credits towards it, by 1 September The timing of the supplementary application round for 2020, if organised, will be communicated later. 5.2 Continuing studies towards a Master of Science (Technology) degree after completing the Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering major Every bachelor s programme specifies the master s programme in which students may continue their studies. The Academic Committee of Chemical Engineering has approved paths to continue (Attachment 1) for Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering major students at its meeting 2/2019, 2 April Continuing studies towards the same master s degree, but in a programme not covered by the current right to study A decision on transferring between Aalto schools of technology from the bachelor s to the master s stage was made by the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee on 11 October The transfer practices of the School of Chemical Engineering s study options have been approved by the Academic Committee for Chemical Technology (later Chemical Engineering) on 29 November The transfer procedures have been described on Into: Bachelor%27s+degree. The School of Chemical Engineering has elaborated the decision of the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee as follows: The new procedure applies to all students with a limited right to study. 6. Continuing studies in a different master s programme leading to a M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or changing majors within a master s programme The School of Chemical Engineering has one master s programme, the Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering. The programme has seven majors, which constitute the study options available for application. As switching to another study option requires taking part in the master'slevel admissions process, students who wish to switch between these majors must apply through that process. Other School of Chemical Engineering master s programmes are joint programmes with their own procedures defined separately.

22 4 7. Continuing studies in the Life Science Technologies programme The Master s Programme in Life Science Technologies is jointly organised by the School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM), the School of Science (SCI) and the School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC). The criteria to be met by students of ELEC, SCI and CHEM who wish to continue in a major of the programme will be confirmed by the degree programme committee of Life Science Technologies. Students who wish to continue studies at the master s level in the Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering major in autumn 2020 shall declare their choice of this major in January 2020 according to the detailed instructions of Learning Services. Students with other degrees or studies must apply to the Biomaterials Engineering major in the master slevel admissions. 8. Continuing studies in the Advanced Energy Solutions programme The Master s Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions is jointly organised by the School of Engineering and the School of Electrical Engineering. It offers one major in the School of Chemical Engineering, that of Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability. The admissions criteria to the Master s Programme in Advanced Energy Solutions are approved by the Academic Committee for Engineering. Students who wish to continue studies at the master s level in the Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability major in autumn 2020 shall declare their choice of this major in January 2020 according to the detailed instructions of Learning Services. 9. Criteria for academic evaluation The academic evaluation of applications is done by the schools. The general admissions criteria specify that the academic evaluation criteria include the applicability of previous studies, academic performance, motivation and the potential of the programme to offer new knowledge to the student. The Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering approves the academic evaluation criteria by each year before the start of the application period. 10. Admissions criteria to the doctoral programme The admissions criteria for the doctoral programme are approved by the Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering according instructions by Aalto University general admission criteria.

23 KTAK 3/2019 Attachment 2b_Attachment 1 Attachment 1. A. Continuing studies towards Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering majors from the Bachelor s Programme in Chemical Engineering for students studying according the curriculum

24 KTAK 3/2019 Attachment 2b_Attachment 1 2

25 KTAK 3/2019 Attachment 2b_Attachment 1 B. Continuing studies towards Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering majors from the Bachelor s Programme in Chemical Engineering Requisite courses for students studying according the curriculum : C2210 C2220 C2230 C2310 C2120 C2400 C2410 C2420 C2110 C2300 Biomass Refining (x) x (x) Biotechnology (x) x x Chemistry x x (x) Chemical and Process Engineering x x Fibre and Polymer Engineering (x) (x) (x) Functional Materials (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Sustainable Metals Processing (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Requisite courses for students studying according the curriculum or earlier curriculum: C2210 C2220 C2230 C2310 C2120 C2400 C2410 C2420 C2110 Biomass Refining (x) x (x) (x) Biotechnology (x) x Chemistry x x (x) Chemical and Process Engineering (x) (x) (x) Fibre and Polymer Engineering (x) (x) (x) Functional Materials (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Sustainable Metals Processing (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) x = pakollinen kurssi ( x ) = vapaaehtoinen kurssi C. Continuing studies towards a Master of Science (Technology) degree after completing the Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering major The student is entitled to continue his/her studies at the master s level after completing the bachelor s degree. Master s programme options for Chemical Engineering students without further requirements: - Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering o Majors: Biomass Refining, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Fibre and Polymer Engineering, Sustainable Metals Processing - Master s Programme in Life Science Technologies o Major: Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering The student has under certain conditions the opportunity to continue his/her studies in another school than his/her original study right was valid for. More information about the transfer procedure can be found at 3

26 KTAK 3/2019 Attachment 2b_Attachment 1 +a+bachelor%27s+degree 4

27 25 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 6 Päätösasia/Decision item: Kemian-, bio-, ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman hakukohteiden akateemiset arviointiperusteet 2020 / Academic assessment criteria in the Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in 2020 (Leena Hauhio) Leena Hauhio ilmoitti, että toimii tässä asiakohdassa esittelijänä, ei kokouksessa päätöksen tekoon osallistuvana jäsenenä. / Leena Hauhio informed the Committee that she will act as the presenting official in this particular decision item and not as a member participating in the decision making. Aalto-yliopiston akateeminen komitea vahvistaa Aalto-yliopiston valintaperusteet kokouksessaan Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto on kokouksessaan käsitellyt Kemian-, bio, ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman hakukohteiden akateemisia arviointiperusteita (esitys liitteenä 3). Akateemiset arviointiperusteet vahvistetaan vuosittain. The Academic Committee of Aalto University decides on Admission criteria of the Aalto University in its meeting 14 May The Degree Programme Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering has discussed the academic assessment criteria concerning the Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in its meeting 7 May 2019 (proposal as an attachment 3). The academic assessment criteria will be confirmed yearly. Päätösesitys: Vahvistetaan akateemiset arviointiperusteet Koulutusneuvoston esityksen (liite 3) mukaisesti. Proposal: The academic assessment criteria will be confirmed according to the proposal by the Degree Programme Committee (attachment 3). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed.

28 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 3 School of Chemical Engineering principles and criteria for academic evaluation 2020 Principles for academic evaluation complement the General Principles for Students Selection decided by Aalto University on The Master s programmes offered by the School of Chemical Engineering apply the following principles during the academic evaluation of eligible applications. These principles are revised annually. The student selection process is competitive. The applicant s suitability for the programme is evaluated. The best applicants are granted admission to the programme. The selection of students is primarily based on the application documents. Not all eligible applicants will necessarily be admitted, CHEM Master s programmes do not have a minimum quota to be fulfilled. The programmes reserve the right to interview the applicants if it is necessary to clarify the applicant s motivation or other information in the application. Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering Common criteria for all application targets: 1. Study success The applicant's success in previous studies (those that give basis for applying into the programme) will be evaluated based on the grade point average (GPA) and results in key courses. Preference is given to students with a GPA average equivalent to minimum of 3.0 (on a scale 5.0 max). The time taken to complete previous studies will also be taken into account. Applicants, who have previously studied at Aalto University, e.g. as exchange students, will also be evaluated according to the grades in those studies and the number of credits obtained in comparison to the time taken for completion. 2. Recognition and quality of the home university The applicant's previous degree will be evaluated based on the recognition and quality of the university. 1

29 3. Motivation and commitment The applicant must demonstrate genuine motivation (motivation letter, max. 1 page) to study the chosen field and be committed to full-time studies with a plan to complete the Master's degree in two years time. The applicant is asked to inform if applicant has a study right to another master or doctoral programme. 4. Language proficiency The studies are conducted fully in English. The applicant must meet the mandatory language requirements of Aalto University. Student must be able to demonstrate that he/she is able to effectively use English as a working language. 5. Recommendation letter Max. two recommendation letters can be attached to the application. Recommendation letter should be in English written by professor. It can be original letter or certified copy of it. 6. Other relevant achievements The applicant's other relevant achievements may be considered if documented in the application (CV, max, 2 pages). These can be, for example: - experience of work in the field of the programme - participation in scientific research which has led to publications, posters - for applicants whose Bachelor's degree is from a Finnish university of applied sciences, prior completion of required complementary studies with good grades (transcript required) - other previous studies (transcript required) Application target specific criteria: I Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Biomass Refining 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. Relevant degrees are e.g. in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology or chemical engineering or its subfields, such as process systems engineering, polymer engineering, food engineering or pulp and paper engineering. The major applies chemistry, chemical engineering, and biotechnology in processing of biomass and therefore adequate knowledge and skills in chemistry are a mandatory prerequisite for the studies. Studies in general chemistry, advanced organic and polymer chemistry and practical experience gained in laboratory work in all fields of chemistry (inorganic, organic, polymer and physical chemistry) are highly appreciated. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. 2

30 II Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Biotechnology 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering (for example biotechnology, bioengineering life sciences, bioinformatics, biomaterials, food science / technology, biomedical, chemistry, physics etc.) with a GPA average equivalent to a minimum of 3.0 (on scale of 5.0). Students with a B.Sc. degree in economics or business/industrial management may be considered if the degree also contain relevant studies in the biosciences. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. III Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Chemical and Process Engineering 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. Relevant degrees are e.g. in the fields of chemical engineering, process systems engineering, oil and gas engineering, or energy technology. Strong background in chemistry and other natural sciences is required. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. IV Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Chemistry 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. Relevant degrees are e.g. in the fields of chemistry, chemical technology, physics. Preference is given to candidates with strong background in chemistry. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. V Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Fibre and Polymer Engineering 1. Content of the previous degree 3

31 B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. Relevant degrees are e.g. in the fields of chemical engineering, chemistry, polymer science/engineering, fibre science/engineering, pulp and paper technology or materials science. This major requires a strong background in chemistry. It is therefore expected that candidates are able to demonstrate adequate competency in this area. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. VI Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Functional Materials 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. Relevant BSc degrees include e.g. materials science and engineering, physics, nanotechnology, chemistry, and metallurgy. Bachelors in electronics, polymer science, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, and mechanical engineering may also be eligible. Students are expected to have strong background in university mathematics, physics and chemistry. Studies in materials science and materials physics are very much appreciated. Engineering basics (thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, strength of materials, instrumentation) are valued, too. Practical laboratory courses must be included in the B.Sc. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. VII Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: application target Sustainable Metals Processing 1. Content of the previous degree B.Sc or equivalent degree of a relevant field in the natural sciences or engineering. B.Sc. or equivalent degree in engineering in for example process and chemical engineering, minerals engineering, metallurgy, materials science, or chemistry. Preference is given to candidates with strong background in sciences in combination with the above. This Master s programme should provide genuinely new knowledge and enhance the career prospects of the applicant. Thus, applicants who already have a Master s degree in the closely related field will only be accepted onto the programme for very specific reasons. These reasons must be stated in the application. 4

32 30 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 7 Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Yhteistyö kurssitarjonnassa / Co-operation in course offering (Anna Mäkilä) Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun Chemisty-pääaine valmistelee yhteistyötä Helsingin yliopiston kanssa kurssitarjonnan avaamisesta. Tavoitteena tarjota maisterivaiheen kursseja naapuriyliopiston opiskelijoille alkaen syksystä Vastaavasti CHEMin opiskelijat voivat ottaa kursseja Helsingin yliopistosta. Keskustellaan liitteellä 4a esitetyistä suunnitelmista (taustamateriaalia liitteellä 4b). Liitteessä 4c ehdotus yhteistyön kirjaamisesta opetussuunnitelmaan. Chemistry major in the School of Chemical Engineering prepares co-operation in course offering with the University of Helsinki. The aim is to offer master level courses to the students of University of Helsinki starting from autumn Respectively, the students of the School of Chemical Engineering can choose courses from the University of Helsinki. The planned co-operation is introduced in the attachment 4a (background information in the attachment 4b). The proposal on how the co-operation will be included in the curriculum is introduced in the attachment 4c. Anna Mäkilä esitteli aiheen (liite 4a) ja siitä keskusteltiin. Yhteistyö on pilottihanke, jonka pääasiallisena tarkoituksena on tarjota opiskelijoille oman yliopiston kurssitarjontaa täydentävä, laajempi kurssivalikoima ja joustava tapa opiskella toisen yliopiston tarjoamia opintoja. Kurssitarjontaa esittelevä wiki-sivu on luotu ja tekniset yksityiskohdat mm. kurssi-ilmoittautumisen ja suorituskirjausten osalta ovat selvityksen alla. Keskustelua käytiin mm. siitä, miten pitkästä yhteistyöstä on kyse. Yksityiskohdat vaativat vielä selvitystyötä mutta yhteistyötä pidettiin kannatettavana hankkeena, jonka laajentamista voidaan mahdollisesti harkita tulevaisuudessa, kun pilotista on saatu kokemusta ja sen onnistumista on arvioitu. Anna Mäkilä introduced the topic (attachment 4a) and it was discussed. This co-operation is a pilot initiative and the main purpose is to offer students a flexible access to a supplementary course selection, more expansive than the one offered at the home university. A wiki-page representing the course selection has already been created and technical details, e.g. regarding course enrollment and credit registration are being reviewed. The length of the co-operation as well some other details should still be clarified. However, this pilot was considered as a favorable initiative which may be expanded in the future, once some experience has been gained and the success of this co-operation has been evaluated.

33 Co-operation in course offering KTAK 3/2019 Liite/Attachment 4a Lauri Partanen ja Antti Karttunen / Aalto CHEM Mikko Oivanen / Helsingin yliopisto School of Chemical Engineering (Chemistry) - Department of Chemistry in the University of Helsinki

34 Shortly - Chemistry major in the School of Chemical Engineering and the University of Helsinki prepare co-operation in course offering. - The aim is to offer master level courses to the students of University of Helsinki starting from autumn Respectively, the students of the School of Chemical Engineering can choose courses from the department of Chemistry in the University of Helsinki.

35 Background - Students from Aalto and from University of Helsinki could attend more courses offered in other university - Usually only few students attend specialization courses in Chemistry major students from University of Helsinki welcomed Problems solution: 1. Students not aware about courses offered in other university a list of courses offered for students from both universities 2. JOO system (Joustava opinto-oikeus) not flexible, requires much resources + planning studies immoderately in advance easier way to complete course from other university

36 Plan 1. Wider offering of master level courses (2019) 2. Join master level courses to reduce overlapping in teaching (202?) 3. Cooperation in bachelor s degree (Finnish/English)

37 - add List of courses - Master courses mainly in English in both universities - Courses that offer some new supplement course offering in own university - CHEM: - courses from University of Helsinki as elective studies for students in the Master s programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering - courses from University of Helsinki as specialization courses for students in the major Chemistry

38 Courses offered by University of Helsinki (12) Analytical Chemistry 1. Separation techniques, 5 cr 2. Sampling and sample preparation, 5 cr 3. Analytical chemistry laboratory works, 5 cr (Limited number of participants) 4. Mass spectrometry, 5 cr 5. NMR spectroscopy I, 5 cr (Limited number of participants in project work. Theory part (3 cr) without limitations.) 6. Determination of metals. 5 cr Molecular Science / Physical Chemistry 1. Spectroscopy 5 cr 2. Laser Spectroscopy Instrumentation 5 cr 3. Astrochemistry 5 cr 4. Combustion chemistry 5 cr Other courses 1. Chemicals and Legislation 5 cr 2. Basics of atmospheric chemistry 5 cr

39 Courses offered by Aalto University (CHEM) (9) Electrochemistry 1. Fundamental Electrochemistry 4 cr 2. Electrochemical Kinetics 6 cr 3. Transport Processes at Electrodes and Membranes 5 cr 4. Electrochemical Energy Conversion 5 cr Physical Chemistry 1. Computational Chemistry II: Surface calculations 5 cr 2. Molecular Thermodynamics 5 cr Organic Chemistry 1. Enzymatic and biomimetic catalysis 5 cr 2. Medicinal Chemistry 5 cr 3. Asymmetric synthesis of Natural Products 5 cr

40 Concrete actions 1. Offering of master level courses offered for students from both universities - Joined web site (wiki?) - Courses in study plan (CHEM code) in Oodi 2. Find easier way to complete course from other university - Must be easier than JOO system - Courses in Oodi students enroll as to Aalto courses - Support of LES needed 3. Reciprocity no money transfer

41 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/Attachment 4b Pilottiehdotus: Kemian opintojen silloittaminen Helsingin yliopiston ja Aaltoyliopiston välillä Versio Lauri Partanen ja Antti Karttunen / Aalto CHEM Mikko Oivanen / HY kemian osasto Helsingin yliopiston Kemian osasto ja Aalto-yliopiston Kemian ja materiaalitieteen laitos ovat pitkään kartoittaneet mahdollisuuksia silloittaa opintoja erityisesti maisterivaiheen opetuksen osalta. Nyt haluaisimme ottaa konkreettisen askeleen eteenpäin ja pilotoida opetusyhteistyötä. Tällä hetkellä käytössä oleva Joustava opinto-oikeus, eli JOO-järjestelmä, on liian jäykkä eikä kannusta opiskelijoita ottamaan opintoja naapuriyliopistosta. Toinen ongelma on, että opiskelijat eivät ole tietoisia opetustarjonnasta toisessa yliopistossa. Tässä ehdotuksessa tavoitteena on: 1. Luoda yliopistojen välille yhteinen kurssitarjotin, josta opiskelijat pystyvät helposti näkemään, millaisilla kursseilla he pystyisivät täydentämään kotiyliopistonsa kurssitarjontaa 2. Poistaa esteitä opintojen silloittamisen tiellä siten, että opiskelijat pystyisivät liikkumaan yliopistojen välillä helpommin kuin JOO-järjestelmässä. Kurssitarjonta Molemmissa yliopistoissa maisterivaiheen opetus on pääasiassa englannin kielellä. Alla on esitelty molempien yliopistojen osalta maisterivaiheen kursseja, jotka hyvin täydentäisivät toisen yliopiston opetustarjontaa. Toisessa vaiheessa on tarkoitus tutkia mahdollisuutta tehostaa resurssein käyttöä yhdistämällä luento-opetusta maisterivaiheen erikoistumiskursseilla, joissa on jonkin verran päällekkäisyyksiä. Monilla kursseilla osallistujamäärät ovat suhteellisen pieniä molemmissa yliopistoissa. Myöhemmin opintojen silloittamista voitaisiin kartoittaa myös suomen- ja englanninkielisen kandidaattivaiheen opetuksen osalta. Tässä haasteeksi nousevat yliopistojen poikkeavat käytännöt laboratoriokurssien järjestämisessä ja suomenkielisen opetuksen osalta kandikurssien suuret opiskelijamäärät. Helsingin yliopiston tarjonta Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoille Analytical Chemistry 1. Separation techniques, 5 cr 2. Sampling and sample preparation, 5 cr 3. Analytical chemistry laboratory works, 5 cr (opiskelijamäärä rajoitettu) 4. Mass spectrometry, 5 cr 5. NMR spectroscopy I, 5 cr (harjoitustyössä rajoitettu ryhmäkoko, teoriaosuus (3 op) ilman rajoituksia) 6. Determination of metals. 5 cr Molecular Science / Physical Chemistry 1. Spectroscopy 5 cr 2. Laser Spectroscopy Instrumentation 5 cr 3. Astrochemistry 5 cr 4. Combustion chemistry 5 cr

42 Other courses 1. Chemicals and Legislation 5 cr 2. Basics of atmospheric chemistry 5 cr Aalto-yliopiston tarjonta Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijoille Electrochemistry 1. Fundamental Electrochemistry 4 cr 2. Electrochemical Kinetics 6 cr 3. Transport Processes at Electrodes and Membranes 5 cr 4. Electrochemical Energy Conversion 5 cr Physical Chemistry 1. Computational Chemistry II: Surface calculations 5 cr 2. Molecular Thermodynamics 5 cr Organic Chemistry 1. Enzymatic and biomimetic catalysis 5 cr 2. Medicinal Chemistry 5 cr 3. Asymmetric synthesis of Natural Products 5 cr Tekniset seikat Nykyisessä JOO-järjestelmässä hakemuksen voi lähettää toiseen yliopistoon vain kahdesti vuodessa: huhtikuussa ja lokakuussa. Etenkin huhtikuun ajoitus on erittäin hankala jo siksi, että opetusohjelmatkin julkaistaan usein vasta myöhemmin keväällä. Jokainen Aaltoon lähetetty JOO-hakemus kulkee kolmen hallinnollisen portaan läpi ennen päätymistään kurssin opettajan arvioitavaksi. Palatessaan hakemus kulkee samaa reittiä. Järjestelmä tuhlaa resursseja ja vaatii opiskelijoita suunnittelemaan opintonsa kohtuuttoman aikaisessa vaiheessa, usein jopa ilman tietoa lukujärjestyksistä. Käytännön seuraus on, että kemiassa ei ole JOOopiskelijoita Aallon ja HY :n välillä juuri lainkaan, vaikka hyödyllisiä vaihtokursseja olisi runsaasti. Konkreettinen ehdotus sujuvammasta järjestelystä: 1. Lisätään yliopistojen yhteinen kemian opintojen kurssitarjotin molempien yliopistojen opintooppaisiin ja luodaan yhteinen verkkosivusto tiedonvälitystä varten (esim. kurssikuvaukset, suoritusajankohdat, hakujärjestelyt, jne.). 2. Kurssitarjottimen kurssit voisivat olla molempien yliopistojen Oodi-järjestelmissä, jolloin opiskelijat pystyisivät ilmoittautumaan naapuriyliopiston kursseille kotiyliopistonsa Oodin kautta. Ilmoittautuminen jaetuille kursseille tapahtuisi tällöin suunnilleen samaan aikaan kun he ilmoittautuvat seuraavan jakson kursseille kotiyliopistossaan. Tavoitteena olisi yksinkertainen järjestelmä, josta olisi mahdollisimman vähän taakkaa opiskelijoille, opintohallinnolle ja opettajille. 3. Kun opiskelijavaihdosta määrätyillä kursseilla sovitaan vastavuoroisuusperiaatteella, JOOsopimuksen edellyttämiä rahansiirtoja yliopistojen välillä ei tässä yhteydessä tarvittaisi.

43 KTAK 3/2019 KTAK 1/19 Liite/attachment 4c 1 (31) Liite 4b Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering -ohjelman opetussuunnitelma lukuvuosille MUISTIO, / Leena Hauhio, Annu Westerberg Esittelijä: Annu Westerberg Liite 5b Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle ylemmän koulutusohjelman, Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, opetussuunnitelman muutosten ja teknisten korjausten vahvistamista lukuvuosille tämän muistion mukaisesti. MASTER S PROGRAMME IN CHEMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Koulutusohjelman johtaja: prof. Tapani Vuorinen Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun diplomi-insinöörintutkinnon osaamistavoitteet perustuvat Aalto-yliopiston määrittelemiin diplomi-insinöörintutkinnon osaamistavoitteisiin. Ylempään koulutusohjelmaan, Master s Programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, kuuluu seitsemän (7) pääainetta: Biomass Refining, Biotechnology, Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemistry, Fibre and Polymer Engineering, Functional Materials and Sustainable Metals Processing. Koulutusohjelman osaamistavoitteet, sisällöt ja rakenteet tarkentuvat pääaine- ja kurssikohtaisissa osaamistavoitekuvauksissa. Ohjelman on englanninkielinen, joten oppimistavoitteet, pääaineiden rakenteet ja kurssikuvaukset on esitetty tässä muistiossa englanniksi. Degree structure General learning outcomes of the Master s programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering The learning outcomes of the master's degree are based on the aims set for education leading to a Master of Science (Technology) as defined in the degree regulations of the School of Chemical Engineering. The learning outcomes of the degree are further specified in the major- and course-specific descriptions of learning outcomes. The focus areas of the education are the sustainable use and processing of natural resources and new materials, including their technical applications. In the studies towards the major, students acquire advanced knowledge in a specific area of biotechnology, chemical technology or material science and technology. The education leading to a master s degree is based Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

44 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 2 (31) Liite 4b on the professional practices of fields requiring expertise in science and technology and on scientific research generating new knowledge. Students may choose their minors or elective study modules so that their degree is a combination of technology, business, and art, typical of Aalto University. Students will adopt a responsible, goal-oriented and systematic way of working, and develop skills to work as experts in their area of specialisation both independently and in cooperation with experts of different fields, also in an international working environment. They will be able to express themselves clearly and unambiguously both orally and in writing and to tailor their communication to the target audience. The School of Chemical Engineering trains Masters of Science (Technology) who have the skills and knowledge to work as pacesetters of the fields of biotechnology, chemical technology and material science and technology in various managerial, planning and research duties serving industry or related stakeholders, the scientific community or public sector. The studies of the programme provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for applying scientific knowledge and scientific methods independently and for continuing to doctoral education. Graduates of the programme will have achieved the key scientific and professional working methods of their area of specialisation and will be able to continuously deepen their knowledge by acquiring, evaluating and processing scientific, technical and professional information. They will gain the knowledge and skills to understand the challenges of the field from the point of view of users and technical and social systems, as well as from that of the environment and be able to use this knowledge in developing new solutions, also as members of multidisciplinary teams. The master s degree programme consists of 120 study credits. This means two study years including master s thesis. The programme includes: 4 5 cr course common (CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community) to all majors in Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering 60 cr major dependent studies (see below) 30 cr thesis cr electives Language studies Language studies are mandatory according to Aalto degree regulation. This means 3 ECTS credits including both oral and written part. You can select courses that have letters O (for oral) and W (for written) in their name. In addition, basic Finnish courses can be applied here. If you have taken equivalent language studies in your bachelor s degree, you do not have to take them in your master s degree. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

45 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 3 (31) Liite 4b Studies at the University of Helsinki Students can choose courses from the department of Chemistry in the University of Helsinki for elective studies, provided that the prerequites are fulfilled. The following courses are offered for students in the Master s programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering: Analytical Chemistry Separation techniques, 5 cr Sampling and sample preparation, 5 cr Analytical chemistry laboratory works, 5 cr (number of participants limited) Mass spectrometry, 5 cr NMR spectroscopy I, 5 cr (number of participants limited in the practical exercises, no limitations in the lectures (3 cr)) Determination of metals. 5 cr Molecular Science / Physical Chemistry Spectroscopy 5 cr Laser Spectroscopy Instrumentation 5 cr Astrochemistry 5 cr Combustion chemistry 5 cr Other courses Chemicals and Legislation 5 cr Basics of atmospheric chemistry 5 cr Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

46 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 4 (31) Liite 4b Biomass Refining Nimi Su: Biomassan jalostustekniikka Professor in charge: Herbert Sixta Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3021 Biomass refining constitutes the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. The key technological contents of the major is treatment of biomass with tailored mechanical, chemical, biochemical and thermochemical processes leading to selective and efficient fractionation of the biomass components into functional fractions, and further refining of the fractions to fibres, polymers, chemical compounds and fuels or their reactants. The focus point of the major is the physiological function and structure of plants as well as the reactivity of the chemical components of lignocellulosic biomass in the conversion processes. Great attention is paid to process integration modelling, taking into account recycling and waste management. This includes the development of an integrated, rational and transparent evaluation framework for sustainable assessments, such as Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). The major Biomass Refining applies knowledge of the fields of biotechnology, chemistry, and process technology. Learning outcomes After graduating from the major, the students are able to describe the global availability of biomass feedstocks and can formulate scientifically justified arguments on the sustainable use of biomass. can give an overall description of biomass structure, from macro structural aspects to microscopic and molecular level, the emphasis being on the plant cell wall architecture and the structure and interactions of lignocellulosic components (cellulose, lignin, hemicelluloses, resins and inorganic compounds). can identify the principal cellular organisms relevant in biomass refining and describe and apply the principles and practices in (bio)catalysis and explain how biosynthesis of plant cell wall constituents and cellular metabolites proceeds. can model and simulate mass and energy phenomena in multiphase systems and are able to calculate material and energy balances of complex systems. have thorough knowledge of the separation methods used in biomass refining, and based on this knowledge can formulate suggestions for practical applications. can predict and describe chemical reactions of biomass components in different conditions and can design and perform experiments to test the hypotheses. can give detailed scientific and technical descriptions on the industrial-scale mechanical, thermo-chemical, chemical, and biochemical methods for biomass fractionation into platforms (carbohydrates, lignin, extractives). are able to suggest feasible and sustainable production schemes for value-added products from the platforms, including LCA analysis of the products. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

47 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 5 (31) Liite 4b can perform biomass fractionation experiments in practice and can use the most relevant analytical methods and equipment for analysing and characterising the products. demonstrate an understanding of societal, economical, and environmental effects of engineering solutions. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) all students have to take the same common and compulsory studies of 4-5 cr + 60 cr. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1 st Table 2. Compulsory courses (60 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E1110 Lignocellulose Chemistry 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1100 Plant Biomass 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7100 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7110 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1120 Thermochemical Processes 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1130 Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E1140 Catalysis for Biomass Refining 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess Technology II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1150 Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation in Class 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1160 Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation in Laboratory 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1200 Integration and Products 10 I-II, III-V / 2nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

48 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 6 (31) Liite 4b Biotechnology Nimi Su: Biotekniikka Professor in charge: Sandip Bankar Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1070 Code: CHEM3022 Graduates from the Biotechnology major have a strong multidisciplinary knowledge of biotechnology and engineering and the ability to apply this knowledge in a research and business environment. The major gives an in-depth understanding of molecular level biological phenomena, their modeling and application. At the core of the teaching are biotechnologically important organisms and enzymes, their properties, as well as their applications in products and processes. Students acquire practical skills and the ability to use key methods of biotechnology, including genetic engineering and synthetic biology, and learn to apply these tools to the development of biotechnological processes. The major Biotechnology applied knowledge in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry and process engineering. Learning outcomes After graduating from the major Biotechnology, the students have the competencies to: Select methods for the molecular-level control, regulation and modeling of metabolic pathways and enzymatic reactions, to optimize the performance and physiology of proand eukaryotic cells and systems. Apply methods for experimentation and analysis of the structure and function of biological macromolecules, genetic modification of pro- and eukaryotic cells, randomization, screening, and selection approaches. Implement engineering approaches at the cellular level for protein modifications, secretion, signaling and control of biochemical pathways in industrially important producer organisms leading to generation of commercially interesting compounds Use rationale design for biocatalyst development to plan and perform in practice operations with biocatalysts and subsequent separation steps with various proteins, organisms and product types Quantify and model cellular, enzymatic, unit operation and bioreactor performance in a process and suggest research questions for process developments and in the R&D and production chain including estimates on capital and operation expenditure and profitability Apply conceptual and mathematical modelling of physical, chemical and biological phenomena in bioreactors, downstream operations and product recovery including analytics and economic feasibility studies. Design and select equipment for unit operations, large scale and process operations for the refining of biological raw materials to new value added products, including valorization of sidestreams. Design product development processes in line regulatory demands nationally and internationally and contribute to handling IPR matters, marketing authorization, product Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

49 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 7 (31) Liite 4b launch, within a framework of ethical guidelines and professional standards promoting problem solving and innovation for advancement of science and technology for a sustainable future bioeconomy. Content and structure For the major (60 cr cr) the students have to take - The major is formed of 45 cr of the same compulsory studies of all students and additional specialization studies of 15 cr which students need to select from a list of courses included. - Common compulsory course (4 5 cr) - minor recommendation: Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemistry - Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (50 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E3100 Biochemistry 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3110 Biolab I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3120 Microbiology 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3130 Biolab II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess Technology II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E3150 Biophysical Chemistry 5 III / 1st CHEM-E8120 Cell Biology 5 II / 1st CHEM-E8115 Cell Factory 5 III / 1st CHEM-E3160 Biolab III 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E3205 Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation 5 I / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (10 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E3180 Concepts in Biochemistry 5 II-III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E3225 Cell- and Tissue Engineering 5 V / 1st CHEM-E3170 Systems Biology* 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E8125 Synthetic Biology 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1st or 2nd *Course is offered even years Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

50 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 8 (31) Liite 4b Chemistry Nimi Su: Kemia Professor in charge: Kari Laasonen Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050 Code: CHEM3023 The Chemistry major has a strong scientific basis in chemistry. It begins with molecular and quantum mechanical level description of matter and chemical reactions. The organic and inorganic study paths provide good knowledge on synthesizing and analyzing organic or inorganic materials. The physical chemistry study path focuses on electrochemistry and computational chemistry. In addition to the natural science basis, the major provides good knowledge in chemical engineering practices, especially when complementing the major s courses with chemical engineering courses. The emphasis is on educating engineers capable of acting as chemistry experts in various branches of the industry and capable of solving chemistry related problems, such as planning reaction procedures and analyzing materials in detail. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: 1. Knowledge of organic and inorganic materials and chemical reaction mechanisms to synthesize these materials. 2. Knowledge of chemical equilibria and kinetics in various chemical reactions and knowledge of quantum mechanics related to the chemical bond and spectroscopy. 3. Depending on the study path the major will offer comprehensive knowledge in: (organic chemistry) organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis, organometallic chemistry and structural analysis. To support synthesis, the module offers studies in computer aided methods for molecular design, synthesis design, and data analysis. (inorganic and analytical chemistry) basics of materials chemistry: solid state chemistry phenomena and theories. Materials synthesis (polycrystalline, nanoparticles, single crystals, thin films), characterization techniques, and material functions (catalytic, conductive, magnetic, ferroelectric, thermoelectric, photonic). Modern analytical chemistry methods, especially miniaturized analytical systems. (physical chemistry) pure and applied electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The pure electrochemistry study path will offer comprehensive knowledge of electrochemical processes and measurements. The applied electrochemistry path focuses mainly on fuel cells and light weight batteries. The computational chemistry path will focus on molecular modelling. We strongly encourage the students to complement their studied with chemical engineering or physics courses. For example, combining organic chemistry and polymer engineering will be very useful when working with polymer based industrial problems. Additional studies in chemical engineering will broaden the understanding in industrial processes. Physics studies will help to better understand physical chemistry problems. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

51 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 9 (31) Liite 4b 1. All graduates from the program have a broad expertise in designing complex chemical projects. They can analyze the progress of the process and its products. 2. The graduates can utilize new scientific knowledge in the chemical industry. 3. The graduate can act as a chemistry expert in multidisciplinary groups of experts in the chemical industry. 4. Graduates in organic chemistry can design organic synthesis for future technological solutions and analyze the synthesis products. Such skills are very useful in pharmaceutical, organic materials, and polymer industry. 5. Graduates in inorganic chemistry are experts in materials chemistry. They can design materials synthesis procedures and analyze synthesis products. 6. Graduates in physical chemistry can plan, perform and interpret electrochemical measurements. They can participate in development of electrochemical processes and devices, and they can perform complex molecular simulations. Content and structure For the major (60 cr cr) the students have to take: - The major is formed of 30 cr common studies for all students and 30 cr of specialization studies that each student can select from a list of courses. - Common compulsory course (4 5 cr) - minor recommendation: Chemical and Process Engineering, Fiber and Polymer Engineering Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (30 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E4100 Laboratory projects in chemistry 10 I-II/ 1st I-III / 1st* CHEM-E4110 Quantum mechanics and Spectroscopy 5 II /1st III / 1st* CHEM-E4120 Quantitative Instrumental Analysis 5 I / 1st CHEM-E4130 Chemistry of the Elements 5 II / 1st CHEM-E4150 Reactivity in Organic Chemistry 5 I / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

52 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 10 (31) Liite 4b Table 3. Specialization courses (30 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year Analytical chemistry: CHEM-E4135 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 5 III / 1st CHEM-E4165 Chemical Instrumentation and electroanalytical methods 5 IV-V / 1st Organic chemistry: CHEM-E4195 Selectivity in Organic Synthesis 5 IV / 1st CHEM-E4295 Asymmetric Synthesis of Natural Products 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4305 Organometallic Chemistry 5 II / 2nd CHEM-E4315 Topics in Synthesis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E8100 Organic Structural Analysis 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E8105 Enzymatic and Biomimetic Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E8130 Medicinal Chemistry 5 II / 2nd Inorganic chemistry: CHEM-E4105 Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering 5 III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry 5 IV-V/ 1st III / 1st* CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials 5 II / 2nd Physical and computational chemistry: CHEM-E4115 Computational Chemistry I 5 III/ 1st IV-V/ 1st* CHEM-E4175 Fundamental Electrochemistry 4 III / 1st CHEM-E4185 Electrochemical Kinetics 6 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4225 Computational Chemistry II 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd I / 2nd* CHEM-E4235 Transport processes at electrodes and membranes 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4255 Electrochemical energy conversion 5 II / 2nd CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1st or 2nd Common courses: CHEM-E4275 Research project in chemistry I 5 I, II, III, IV, V CHEM-E4285 Research project in chemistry II 5 I, II, III, IV, V * these changes take effect the academic year Studies at the University of Helsinki Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

53 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 11 (31) Liite 4b The students of Chemistry major may choose courses from the department of Chemistry in the University of Helsinki for specialization courses. The following courses are offered for the students in the Chemistry-major: Analytical Chemistry Separation techniques, 5 cr Sampling and sample preparation, 5 cr Analytical chemistry laboratory works, 5 cr (number of participants limited) Mass spectrometry, 5 cr NMR spectroscopy I, 5 cr (number of participants limited in the practical exercises, no limitations in the lectures (3 cr)) Determination of metals. 5 cr Molecular Science / Physical Chemistry Spectroscopy 5 cr Laser Spectroscopy Instrumentation 5 cr Astrochemistry 5 cr Combustion chemistry 5 cr Other courses Chemicals and Legislation 5 cr Basics of atmospheric chemistry 5 cr Fibre and polymer engineering Nimi Su: Kuitu- ja polymeeritekniikka Professor in charge: Mark Hughes Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3024 Polymers abound in everyday life in applications ranging from medical to aerospace; fibres too are ubiquitous, finding use in areas as diverse as fashion textiles and construction composites. Both fibres and polymers can be derived from renewable as well as non-renewable resources. Current research is, for example, leading to new developments in plastics and resins derived from plants, whilst stiff and strong fibres are being regenerated from cellulose. These bio-based polymers and fibres will become increasingly important in a sustainable future. In addition to the advances in bio-based materials, the use of fossil-based polymeric materials and fibres continues to evolve quickly in the face of the challenges of resource efficiency and sustainable development. This rapidly evolving area of science and technology requires professionals who can work at the interface between different disciplines to meet future global challenges. The Fibre and Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

54 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 12 (31) Liite 4b Polymer Engineering major is built on a solid fundamental understanding of polymers, their synthesis, structure, processing and properties, as well as the structure and properties of fibres and the materials and products manufactured from them. In line with the strategic focus areas of the School of Chemical Engineering, considerable focus is placed on fibres and polymers derived from bio-based feedstock biopolymers and bio-fibres. As part of this major, students have the opportunity to specialise, though course work, tailored projects and their final thesis, on topics that are of special interest to them. Specialisations include wood-based materials and their applications, web-structures and converted fibre products as well as polymer science and technology. Students with a bachelor s degree in chemistry, materials science, pulp and paper technology or another suitable discipline are encouraged to apply. Learning outcomes After completing this major, students will: have a deep understanding of the fibre and polymer value chain, from raw material to customer-specific end products have a solid fundamental knowledge of polymers, their structure, processing and properties know how polymers are synthesised from bio-based as well as fossil-based precursors Know how molecular structure controls the material properties of polymers derived therefrom Knows the main fibre types, their production, properties and applications know the principle routes to isolate fibre from biomass feedstock and possess expertise in natural fibres, their composition structure and behaviour have specialised knowledge in the manufacture, properties and application of materials and products manufactured from fossil- as well as bio-based fibres and polymers can apply knowledge of surface chemistry in composite technology Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) all students have to take the same common and compulsory studies of 4 5 cr + 50 cr. Additionally the student needs to select specialisation studies of 10 cr in Wood Products, Fibre Webs or Polymer Technology. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (50 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E2100 Polymer Synthesis 5 I / 1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II / 1st CHEM-E2110 Polymer Technology Laboratory Exercises 5 I-III / 1st CHEM-E2120 Fibres and Fibre Products 5 I / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

55 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 13 (31) Liite 4b CHEM-E2140 Cellulose-Based Fibres 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E2150 Interfacial Phenomena in Biobased Systems P 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2160 Product Development Practices 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E2200 Polymer Blends and Composites 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E2210 Product Development - Project Course 10 I-IV / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (10 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E2165 Computer Aided Visualization and Scientific Presentation 3-5 V/ / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E2185 Wood Specialization Course: A Project Work P V 5-10 I, II, III, IV, V / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E2195 Wood Products Specific: Interfacial phenomena in Renewable materials Research Project P V 5-10 I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd CHEM-E2105 Wood and Wood Products 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2115 Wood Products: Application and Performance 5 IV-V / 1st Fibre Webs Specific: CHEM-E2125 Web-Based Natural Fibre Products 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2135 Converting of Web-Based Products 5 IV-V / 1st Polymer Technology Specific: CHEM-E2145 Polymer Reaction Engineering 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E2155 Biopolymers 5 III-IV / 1st Functional materials Nimi Su: Toiminnalliset materiaalit Professor in charge: Sami Franssila Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050, T1060 Code: CHEM3025 The Functional Materials major is based on understanding of solid state physical and chemical principles and phenomena. It starts with atomic bonds, and proceeds to nanoscale phenomena and microstructure of matter and ends up in explaining the behavior of macroscopic materials. Based on physics and chemistry, functional materials major deals with real materials, balancing scientific principles with engineering practice and economic realities. Functional materials majors will find their jobs in R&D in academia and industry, and in production, procurement and quality control of materials, and as experts in demanding analytical positions. Companies working on electronics, nanotechnology, sensors and actuators, Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

56 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 14 (31) Liite 4b medical devices, and other materials intensive fields will hire functional materials graduates. The major is an excellent stepping stone into doctoral studies. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of solid state structure and phenomena, including electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal behavior of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. Understanding on amorphous, polycrystalline and single crystalline materials, and comprehensive knowledge of the role of defects, microstructures, interfaces and surfaces on materials properties. Characterization of solid materials by various physical and chemical means. Deep knowledge about transformation processes, phase equilibria, precipitation, diffusion and aggregation and the ways of synthesizing new materials. Ability to evaluate materials properties and to understand engineering possibilities and limitations of new materials. These include composites, hybrid, biomimetic and nanomaterials, and active, functional, responsive and smart materials for sensing, actuation and self-repair. Understanding materials research and development in academia and industry, with aptitude to grasp the economic and environmental effects of new materials. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Deep understanding of designing, executing, analyzing and reporting experimental research. Mastery of conceptual, theoretical and experimental tools to predict, design and evaluate new materials. Strong analytical and critical faculties combined with solid scientific background to enable thorough evaluation of new materials and structures. The art of approximation and educated guesses. Ability to act as a materials expert with excellent communication skills, entrepreneurial spirit and problem solving skills that enable effective multidisciplinary team work with other experts. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 25 cr, research and projects design courses cr and specialization courses cr (depending on research and design course credits). Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory core courses (25 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

57 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 15 (31) Liite 4b CHEM-E5100 Solid State Materials and Phenomena 5 I/1st CHEM-E5110 Metallic Materials 5 II/1st CHEM-E5120 Interfaces and Nanomaterials 5 I/1st CHEM-E5140 Materials Characterization, laboratory course 5 I-II/1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II/1st Table 3. Research and design projects (choose at least two of the following courses, total cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E5200 Personal Research Assignment in Functional Materials, V 5 or 10 III, IV, V / 1st or I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd CHEM-E5130 Laboratory Course in Functional Materials, V 5 III-V/ 1st CHEM-E5210 Group Research Assignment in Functional Materials, V 5 or 10 III, IV, V / 1st or I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd Table 4. Specialization courses (choose cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E5105 Powder metallurgy and composites 5 I-II / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5115 Microfabrication 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5125 Thin Film Technology 5 III / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5135 Biomimetic Materials and Technologies 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5145 Materials for Renewable Energy P 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5205 Advanced Functional Materials 5 I-II / 2 nd CHEM-E5215 Materials for Nuclear Power Plants 5 III-IV / 2 nd CHEM-E5225 Electron Microscopy 5 I-II / 2 nd CHEM-E4105 Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering 5 III / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization 5 I / 2 nd CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials 5 II / 2 nd CHEM-E8135 Microfluidics and BioMEMS 5 III-IV / / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1 st or 2nd PHYS-E0424 Nanophysics 5 I II / 2 nd PHYS-E0423 Surface Physics 5 III- IV / 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0422 Soft Condensed Matter Physics 5 III - IV / 1 st or 2 nd ELEC-E8713 Materials & Microsystems Integration 5 I - II / 2 nd ELEC-E8724 Biomaterials Science 5 I II / 2 nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

58 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 16 (31) Liite 4b ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor Physics 5 I-II / 2 nd MEC-E1070 Selection of Engineering Materials 5 I / 2 nd MEC-E6002 Welding Technology and Design P 5 V / 1 st MEC-E6003 Materials Safety P 5 I / 2 nd MEC-E6004 Non-destructive testing P 5 II / 2 nd MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd MEC-E7006 Advanced Manufacturing 5 IV / 1 st or 2 nd ELEC-E3220 Semiconductor Devices 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4175 Fundamental Electrochemistry 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0421 Solid-State Physics 5 IV-V/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0525 Microscopy of Nanomaterials 5 III IV/1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0526 Microscopy of Nanomaterials, laboratory course 5 IV-V/1 st or 2 nd MEC-E1090 Quality Management and Metrology 5 II/ 2 nd MEC-E7005 Advanced Casting Technology L 5 IV/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E6571 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology 5 III - IV/ 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E6185 Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion 5 III-IV/ 1 st or 2 nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

59 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 17 (31) Liite 4b Sustainable metals processing Nimi Su: Metallien prosessi- ja kierrätystekniikka Professor in charge: Michael Gasik Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050, T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3026 The major Sustainable Metals Processing is a specialist field that deals with the extraction of metals and mineral products from primary and secondary resources through the application of scientific principles. Considered is the bigger cycle of materials linking rigorously to product design, material science, energy recovery and bio-materials. The major focuses in a multi-scale approach to the relevant physical and chemical phenomena in the processes. It covers atom-level basics of relevant phenomena, explains how unit process level models and design practices can be derived from them, and considers integrated metals extraction plants and their material flows. An important factor is sustainability of metals extraction and the system approach allowing the availability of metals over their life cycles. The aim is to educate engineers with a deep understanding on how sciences are applied with engineering skills in the metallurgical industries. They will act as metallurgical processing experts in various industries, are capable of evaluating equipment and process designs and designing feasible as well as sustainable metals extraction processes with the help of numeric simulation tools. Learning outcomes The core scientific and engineering knowledge to be obtained: Adequate knowledge of transport phenomena in homogeneous, heterogeneous and particulate systems, and a general knowledge of their atom-level origins; knowledge of their mutual interactions in extraction and refining operations and how their equipment and processes are designed. Adequate knowledge of chemical kinetics in various fields related to metallurgical processing industries. Knowledge about chemical thermodynamic, phase equilibrium and property calculations. Understanding on chemical equilibria, process dynamics, system engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration. Understanding on societal, economic and environmental impacts to process designs and responsibilities related to metal making on the basis of system engineering. Core scientific and engineering skills to be developed: System engineering and its connections to process design, the best practices and flowsheet integration thus quantified sustainability linking product design and geology to metal production while also considering links to energy recovery as well as water recycling. Study experimentally metals extraction reactors and unit processes at low and high temperatures, gather data and evaluate process performance. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

60 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 18 (31) Liite 4b Model, develop and optimize production equipment, processes and plants with the help of numerical tools. Act as metallurgical engineering expert in multidisciplinary groups developing feasible metals extraction processes, equipment and plants. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 40 cr. Additionally each student needs to select two blocks (20 cr) of specialization studies (10 cr each). Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory core courses (40 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E6100 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics 5 I / 1st CHEM-E6130 Metal Recycling Technologies 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6140 Fundamentals of Minerals Engineering and Recycling 5 I / 1st CHEM-E6160 Fundamentals of Pyrometallurgy 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6180 Fundamentals of Hydrometallurgy 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E7130 Process Modeling 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6225 Technical Innovation Project 10 I-II / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (20 cr) (choose two 10 cr blocks, total 20 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year Thermodynamics of Materials: CHEM-E6105 Thermodynamics of Solutions 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6115 Thermodynamics of Modeling and Simulation 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Sustainability of Metals: CHEM-E6155 Circular Economy for Materials Processing 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E6215 Circular Economy Design Forum P 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Ore Dressing and Recycling: CHEM-E6145 Unit Operations in Mineral Processing and Recycling 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6155 Minerals Engineering Project Work 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Pyrometallurgy: CHEM-E6165 Unit Processes in Pyrometallurgy 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

61 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 19 (31) Liite 4b CHEM-E6205 Metallurgical Engineering Project Work 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Hydrometallurgy: CHEM-E6185 Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6195 Unit processes and Systems in hydrometallurgy 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Chemical Engineering: CHEM-E7150 Reaction Engineering 5 II / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E7120 Laboratory Project in Chemical Engineering 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, students can choose an individual research project related to their specialization studies: Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E6210 Individual Research Project 5 or 10 I-II or III-IV or V /1st or 2nd Note! Course CHEM-E6210 Individual Research Project will be organized first time in spring Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

62 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 20 (31) Liite 4b Chemical and process engineering Nimi Su: Prosessitekniikka Professor in charge: Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060 Code: CHEM3043 The Chemical and Process Engineering major is based on a multi-scale perspective to underlying physical and chemical phenomena in chemical processes. It starts with molecular level origins of relevant phenomena, explains how processing unit level models and design practices emerge from them, and further considers integrated chemical plants and ultimately societal level effects. The emphasis is to educate engineers with a deep perspective on how natural sciences are applied with best engineering practices in chemical process industries, fuel refineries and urban mining. The graduates of this major are capable of acting as chemical processing and reaction engineering experts in various industrial fields and can design feasible and sustainable chemical processes with the help of modern tools. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of transport phenomena (heat, mass and momentum transfer) in single and multiphase systems, and general knowledge of their molecular origin. Knowledge of mutual interactions of the relevant transport phenomena in chemical processes, and how processes should be designed to meet desired production capacity requirements and to ensure sustainable, energy and cost efficient processes. Comprehensive knowledge of chemical kinetics and catalysis in various chemical process industry fields, such as in oil refining and petrochemicals, polymer reaction technology and biomaterial conversions. A general knowledge in the related fields, such as biocatalysis and metals production. Comprehensive knowledge about applied thermodynamics, phase equilibrium and physical property calculations, and their relation to conversion and separation process design. Capability to design process control, monitoring and automation systems by taking into account process dynamics phenomena and understand their connection to process design and integration. Capability to consider societal, economical, and environmental effects of process and plant design decisions and responsibilities related to Chemical Engineering discipline. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

63 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 21 (31) Liite 4b Evaluate and develop chemical reaction engineering and separation process performances, operate them safely and in a controlled manner. Assess connection between various processing steps from a chemical production point of view. Model, analyze, design, and optimize chemical processes with the help of modern tools. Act as a chemical engineering expert in multidisciplinary groups of experts designing economically feasible, safe and environmentally friendly chemical plants. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 35 cr and select three (5) specialization courses 25 cr. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (35 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E7100 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7120 Laboratory Project in Chemical Engineering 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E7130 Process Modeling 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7140 Process Automation 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7150 Reaction Engineering 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7170 Design Project in Chemical Engineering, part A 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E7180 Design Project in Chemical Engineering, part B 5 I-II / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (25 cr), choose five courses. Recommended blocks : Code Name Credits Period/year Chemical engineering: CHEM-E7110 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E7160 Fluid Flow in Process Units 5 IV-V / 1st Reaction engineering: CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E7135 Reactor Design 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E1130 Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Polymer engineering: CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

64 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 22 (31) Liite 4b CHEM-E2145 Polymer Reaction Engineering 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Plant design: CHEM-E7105 Process Development 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7175 Process safety and sustainability 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E7185 Plant/process design and business management 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Process systems engineering: CHEM-E7155 Production Planning and Control 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7165 Advanced Process Control Methods 5 III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E7195 Automation systems in Context of Process Systems Engineering 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, it is highly recommended to take additional programming and automation courses, especially for students specializing in process systems engineering. CODE NAME CREDITS PERIOD/YEAR CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 (in Finnish) 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd CS-A1121 CS-A1141 CS-A1150 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y2 (in Finnish, prerequisite: Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit Y (in Finnish, prerequisite: CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) Tietokannat (in Finnish, prerequisite: CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd ELEC-A7100 Basic Course in C programming 5 III-V / 1 st ELEC-A7150 C++ Programming 5 I-II / 2 nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, it is highly recommended to take CHEM- E1140 Catalysis for biomass refining, especially for students specializing in reaction engineering. CODE NAME CREDITS PERIOD/YEAR CHEM- E1140 Catalysis for biomass refining 5 IV-V / 1st or 2 nd Recommendations for minor The following minors given in Aalto University are recommended: Biomass refining Chemistry Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

65 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 23 (31) Liite 4b Sustainable metals processing Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

66 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 24 (31) Liite 4b Environmental Management Nimi Su: Ympäristöasioiden hallinta Professor in charge: Jouni Paltakari Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1070 Code: CHEM3039 The aim of this major is to educate the students to understand the natural sciences within the context of environmental protection. The multi-disciplinary nature of the field is explored by considering environmental issues from various perspectives. The major prepares the students to be able to participate in the discussion of environmental topics as specialists in their own field. These discussions cover planning and implementation of environmental management systems and of environmental policies in industry. In addition, environmental legislation and management, as well as material flows are discussed. The major prepares the students to work in process design, research, development and consulting in environmental engineering. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr and select 60 cr from the table 2. The students may also choose other relevant courses from other majors of the programme, other schools and other universities in order to complete their major. The students need to get approval of the content of their major before they start their studies. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Specialization courses (60 cr), Code Name P311-3 Advanced Module in Environmental courses WAT-Exxx CHEM-E6125 Master's Programme in Water and Environmental Engineering (WAT) courses Environmental Management in Industry Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

67 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 25 (31) Liite 4b Minors The extent of elective studies is 25 cr in the master s degree. It is possible that elective studies include minor if student chooses so. Minor consists of the major courses. The student must take the prerequisites under consideration. CHEM3029 Biomass refining Biomassan jalostustekniikka Professor in charge: Herbert Sixta Responsible institution: T1060, T1070 Biomass refining is the technology for sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. The minor in Biomass Refining provides an introduction to the most important principles of Biorefinery. This includes a descriptive overview on the sustainable raw material sources as well as the chemical and biocatalytic fractionation and separation principles used in biomass refining processes. Further, business cases of renewable resource applications, renewable energy and biobased material production will be presented and discussed. Learning outcomes After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to: 1. describe the composition and availability of biomass. 2. understand and apply the principles and practices in (bio)catalysis. 3. describe technologies required for different applications of renewable resources. 4. explain the term sustainability and the basic principles of Biorefinery. 5. explain strategies to replace petrochemical application by biobased technology. 6. evaluate the sustainability of biobased processes. Content and structure Minor can be any combination of courses belonging to the major. CHEM3030 Biotechnology Biotekniikka Professor in charge: Sandip Bankar Responsible institution: T1070 The Biotechnology minor gives multidisciplinary knowledge of biotechnology and engineering with applications. The minor gives an understanding of molecular level biological phenomena, including modeling and application. At the core of the teaching are biochemistry, microbiology and bioprocess engineering. The minor also offers courses covering genetic engineering and synthetic biology, and development of biotechnological processes. The minor Biotechnology applies knowledge in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry and process engineering. Learning outcomes After completing the Biotechnology minor, the students have the competencies to: 1. Contribute to the integration of biotechnology to chemical and process engineering in generation of commercially interesting products Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

68 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 26 (31) Liite 4b 2. Suggest key methods for analysis in biotechnology based on the physiology of proand eukaryotic cells 3. Provide information on general unit operations and bioreactor performance with a contribution to selected quantification methods including modelling of cellular and enzymatic activities Content and structure Compulsory courses (15 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E3100 Biochemistry 5 CHEM-E3120 Microbiology 5 CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess technology II 5 Elective courses (10 cr)*: Code Name Cr CHEM-E3150 Biophysical chemistry 5 CHEM-E3170 Systems biology* 5 CHEM-E3205 Bioprocess optimization and simulation 5 CHEM-E3180 Concepts in Biochemistry 5 CHEM-E3225 Cell- and Tissue Engineering** 5 CHEM-E8125 Synthetic biology 5 CHEM-E8115 Cell factory 5 CHEM-E8120 Cell biology*** 5 * Course is offered even years **The number of students pursuing a minor that may take these courses depends on number of students taking these in their major. **CHEM-E8120 Cell Biology** is prerequisite for CHEM-E3170 Systems Biology. CHEM3047 Chemical and Process Engineering Prosessitekniikka Professor in charge: Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Responsible institution: T1060 Chemical Engineering is based on a multi-scale perspective to underlying physical and chemical phenomena in chemical processes. It starts with molecular level origins of relevant phenomena, explains how processing unit level models and design practices emerge from them, and further considers integrated chemical plants and ultimately societal level effects. The emphasis is to educate engineers with a deep perspective on how natural sciences are applied with best engineering practices in Chemical Process Industries. The graduates of this minor are capable of being active members in a team of chemical processing experts, supporting the team with their own competence, and actively communicating with other process technology experts. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge (emphasis of these depends on the student s interests and course selections): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

69 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 27 (31) Liite 4b 1. Knowledge of transport phenomena (heat, mass and momentum transfer) and unit operations in chemical processing. 2. Knowledge of chemical reaction kinetics and catalysis in various fields related to chemical process industries. 3. Knowledge about applied thermodynamics, phase equilibrium and physical property calculations, and their relation to conversion and separation process design. 4. Understand process dynamics, automation and control, and their connection to process design and integration. Content and structure 20 cr from major s compulsory courses (not CHEM-E7170 Design project part A, CHEM- E7180 Design project part B or CHEM-E7120 Lab project) and 0-5 cr from major s elective special courses. CHEM3032 Chemistry Kemia Professor in charge: Kari Laasonen Responsible institution: T1050 The Chemistry minor will give a good basic knowledge in chemistry. We recommend the first courses of the Chemistry Major as the core of the minor. They will deepen the knowledge of most of the subfields of chemistry. The student can also choose more focused courses and thus it is possible to gain deeper understanding of some of the subfields. The minor provide focused courses of inorganic, organic, analytical, and physical chemistry. The organic and inorganic study paths provide knowledge on synthesizing and analyzing organic or inorganic materials. The first course of physical chemistry is related to quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. There are further courses on electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The emphasis is on strengthening the knowledge of chemistry of engineers with various background. Such engineers can better collaborate with chemistry experts in various branches of the industry and they are capable of solving chemistry related problems, such as planning reaction procedures and analyzing materials usually together with experts of the field. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: 1. Knowledge of organic and inorganic materials and chemical reaction mechanisms to synthesize these materials. 2. Knowledge of analytical methods of various samples. 3. Knowledge of chemical equilibria and kinetics in various chemical reactions and knowledge of quantum mechanics related to the chemical bond and spectroscopy. 4. Depending on the study path the major will offer knowledge in: (organic chemistry) organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis, and structural analysis. To support synthesis, the module offers studies in computer aided methods for molecular design, synthesis design, and data analysis. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

70 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 28 (31) Liite 4b (inorganic and analytical chemistry) basics of materials chemistry: solid state chemistry phenomena and theories. Materials synthesis (polycrystalline, nanoparticles, single crystals, thin films), characterization techniques, and material functions (catalytic, conductive, magnetic, ferroelectric, thermoelectric, photonic). Modern analytical chemistry methods, especially miniaturized analytical systems. (physical chemistry) the first course is related to quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. There are also courses of pure and applied electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The pure electrochemistry study path will offer comprehensive knowledge of electrochemical processes and measurements. The applied electrochemistry path focuses mainly on fuel cells. The computational chemistry path will focus on molecular modelling. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): 1. The minor will provide some expertise in designing complex chemical projects. The students can analyze the progress of the process and its products. 2. After the minor the students can utilize new scientific knowledge in the chemical industry. 3. The students have better knowledge of chemistry, which is useful in multidisciplinary groups of experts in the chemical industry. 4. If focusing on organic chemistry, the student can participate in designing organic synthesis for future technological solutions and analyze the synthesis products. Such skills are very useful in pharmaceutical, organic materials, and polymer industry. 5. If focusing on inorganic chemistry, the students have some knowledge in materials chemistry. They can participate in designing materials synthesis procedures and analyze synthesis products. 6. If focusing on physical chemistry, the student may participate in planning, perform and interpret electrochemical measurements. They can participate in development of electrochemical processes and devices, or they can perform complex molecular simulations. Content and structure Compulsory courses (20 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E4110 Quantum mechanics and Spectroscopy 5 CHEM-E4120 Quantitative Instrumental Analysis 5 CHEM-E4130 Chemistry of the Elements 5 CHEM-E4150 Reactivity in Organic Chemistry 5 These courses above will give a good basic knowledge of chemistry. If the student is interested of some subtopic of chemistry he/she can take courses in those fields and to include them to the elective courses. In this case we strongly recommend the students to contact the planning officer or the professors. (See courses from Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

71 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 29 (31) Liite 4b CHEM3033 Fibre and polymer engineering Kuitu- ja polymeeritekniikka Professor in charge: Mark Hughes Responsible institution: T1060, T1070 This minor will help equip students with skills necessary in the development of new fibre, polymer and composite products. With emphasis placed on materials derived from renewable biomass, students will learn about the practises used in product development, which will then be deployed, through project-based learning, in the development of a specific product for a client. To support this process, students select additional courses to complement their expertise and existing skills. Learning outcomes After completion of this minor, the student will: 1. have an understanding of the fibre and polymer value chains - from raw material to customer-specific end products 2. have knowledge of the manufacture, properties and application of materials and products derived from fossil- as well as bio-based fibres and polymers 3. have knowledge about the best practices in developing products and managing innovations in modern global companies 4. be able to apply these practices to the fibre and polymer technology related industries in the development of new products 5. recognise the chain of events that takes place between assessing an un-met consumer need and delivering a finished product 6. realise the critical success factors and have an appreciation for the realities of product development in the fibre and polymer technology related industries 7. be able to professionally manage a simple product development project and act in basic leadership and project management situations Content and structure Compulsory courses (15 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E2160 Product Development Practices 5 CHEM-E2210 Product Development- Project Course 10 Elective courses: Select 1-2 courses (5-10 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E2100 Polymer synthesis 5 CHEM-E2130 Polymer properties 5 CHEM-E2120 Fibres and fibre products 5 CHEM-E2140 Cellulose-based fibres 5 CHEM-E2150 Interfacial Phenomena in Biobased Systems P 5 CHEM-E2200 Polymer blends and composites 5 CHEM-E2105 Wood and wood products 5 CHEM-E2115 Wood products: application and performance 5 CHEM-E2125 Web-based natural fiber products 5 Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

72 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 30 (31) Liite 4b CHEM-E2135 Converting of web-based products 5 CHEM-E2145 Polymer reaction engineering 5 CHEM-E2155 Biopolymers 5 CHEM3034 Functional materials Toiminnalliset materiaalit Professor in charge: Sami Franssila Responsible institution: T1050, T1060 Learning outcomes After Functional Materials minor program student can: 1. Explain solid state structure and phenomena, including mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal behaviour of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites 2. Evaluate material properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, biomaterials and nanomaterials 3. Design new materials and predict their behaviour 4. Understand the engineering possibilities and limitations of new materials Content and structure Compulsory courses (10 cr) and 2 selected courses from Functional materials courses (10 cr) Compulsory courses (10 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E5100 Solid State Materials and Phenomena 5 CHEM-E5120 Interfaces and Nanomaterials 5 Suggested courses that go well together: CHEM-E5115 Microfabrication (5 cr) CHEM-E5125 Thin Film Technology (5 cr) CHEM-E5215 Materials for Nuclear Power Plants (5 cr) CHEM-E5145 Materials for Renewable Energy (5 cr) CHEM-E5110 Metallic Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E5105 Powder Metallurgy and Composites (5 cr) CHEM-E5205 Advanced Functional Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E5135 Biomimetic Materials and Technologies (5 cr) PHYS-E0422 Soft Condensated Matter Physics (5 cr) CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry (5 cr) CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization (5 cr) Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

73 KTAK 1/19 attachment 4c 31 (31) Liite 4b PHYS-E0424 Nanophysics (5 cr) PHYS-E0423 Surface Physics (5 cr) It is also possible to replace one of the courses by a personal research assignment. CHEM3035 Sustainable metals processing Metallien prosessi- ja kierrätystekniikka Professor in charge: Michael Gasik Responsible institution: T1050, T1060, T1070 Learning outcomes The core scientific and engineering knowledge to be obtained include chemical thermodynamic, phase equilibrium and property calculations. The students shall possess adequate knowledge of chemical kinetics in various fields related to metallurgical processing industries. The students shall understand chemical equilibria, process dynamics, system engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration. They shall also understand the societal, economic and environmental impacts of processes related to metal making based on systems thinking. The key skills to be developed include systems thinking and engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration, linking product design and geology to metal production in a sustainable way, especially links to energy recovery as well as water recycling. The students shall be capable to make experimental studies on metals extraction reactors and unit processes at low and high temperatures, gather data and evaluate process performance. Content and structure Minor can be any combination of courses belonging to the major. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

74 72 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 8 Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Tutkintosäännön kommentointi / Commentary on the Degree Regulations (Leena Hauhio) Korkeakouluilta pyydetään kommentteja Aalto-yliopiston alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintosäännön muutosesityksestä mennessä. Keskustellaan tutkintosäännön rakenteesta, kattavuudesta sekä tutkintosääntöön esitetyistä muutoksista (liitteet 5a-b suomeksi, liitteet 5c-d englanniksi) CHEMnäkökulmasta (liite 5e). The schools are requested to comment on the proposed alterations of the Degree Regulations of Bachelor and Master level education by 31 May The structure and extend of the Degree Regulations, as well as proposed alterations (attachments 5a-b in Finnish, attachments 5c-d in English) from the point of view of the School of Chemical Engineering will be discussed (attachment 5e). Leena Hauhio esitteli aiheen (päivitetty liite 5e) ja siitä keskusteltiin. Tutkintosäännöstä päättää Aallon akateeminen komitea ja uusi tutkintosääntö tulee voimaan vuonna Koulutusneuvosto on käsitellyt aihetta kokouksessaan Myös opetuksesta vastaavat varadekaanit ovat keskustelleet asiasta. Uudelta tutkintosäännöltä toivotaan yleisesti enemmän joustavuutta opintojen rakenteessa. KTAK käsitteli keskustelussaan erityisesti kandidaatintutkinnon rakennetta. Keskustelussa esitettiin enemmän joustoa rakenteeseen, pääaineen opinnot jopa op, sivuaineen op ja vapaasti valittavien 5-30 op. Muita kommentteja esitykseen annettiin diplomityön valvojan ja ohjaajan osalta; nähtiin suositeltavana, että valvoja ja ohjaaja olisivat tulevaisuudessakin eri henkilöt sekä erinomaisesti suoritetun tutkinnon mainesanan osalta. Keskustelussa esitettiin eri näkemyksiä siitä, tulisiko myös tutkinnon suorittamiseen käytetyn ajan vaikuttaa maininnan antamiseen. Keskustelun perusteella kerätyt näkökulmat rakenteen joustavuudesta sekä diplomityön valvojasta ja ohjaajasta välitetään eteenpäin. Tutkintosääntötyöryhmä ja Learning Services Steering Group jatkavat aiheen käsittelyä kommenttien perusteella. Leena Hauhio introduced the topic (updated attachment 5e) and the topic was discussed. Decision on the Degree Regulations will be made by Aalto University Academic Committee and the new Degree Regulations will be in force in Degree Programme Committee has discussed the topic in its meeting on 7 May In addition, Vice-Deans responsible for education have discussed the topic. Generally it was noted that more flexibility is desirable when considering the structure of the studies. KTAK discussed especially about the structure of the bachelor s degree. A wish for more flexibility was brought up, it was suggested that the major studies could flex even up to cr, minor studies cr and elective studies 5-30 cr. Other comments on the draft were given regarding the supervisor and advisor of the Master s Thesis; in the future it would be desirable to still have two different persons acting in these roles. Comments were given also regarding the degree awarded with honours.

75 73 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 Different opinions on whether the time used for the studies should also be considered when giving the award were voiced. Comments given during the discussion regarding the flexibility of the degree structure as well as thesis supervisor and advisor will be forwarded. The working group of the Degree Regulations as well as Learning Services Steering Group will continue processing the topic further based on the comments given.

76 Aalto-yliopiston yleisten opetusta ja opiskelua koskevien sääntöjen päivitys KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 5a Aalto-yliopiston alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintosääntö Eija Zitting, Anna Johansson

77 Kommenttipyyntö mennessä Kouluja, ylioppilaskuntaa, kielikeskusta sekä U-tason LES-yksikköjä pyydetään antamaan kommentit erikseen luotuun kyselyyn (Webropol)

78 Tavoitteet Opetus- ja opiskelukokemuksen parantaminen yksinkertaisin ja selkein ohjaavin periaattein Palvelukokemuksen parantaminen yhteisten prosessien ja menettelytapojen tuella Yliopiston laajuisten ja toisaalta alakohtaisten asioiden tunnistaminen Sääntöjen yksinkertaistaminen ja päällekkäisyyksien poistaminen eri dokumenttien väliltä (esim. Opiskelijavalinnan kriteerit) Koulurajat ylittävien ohjelmien ja monialaisen opiskelun mahdollistaminen Toimintaympäristön muutosten huomioiminen (Yliopistolain päivitys, koulutusvienti, jatkuva oppiminen )

79 OOS reform: Current status with Degree Regulations (in force 1 Aug 2018) General Regulations on Teaching and Studying School Degree Regulations:c ARTS A & T & B Doctoral Education Degree Regulations A T B CHEM ELEC BIZ ENG SCI A=Arts, T=Technology, B=Business

80 OOS reform: Status with Degree Regulations (in force 1 Aug 2020) General Regulations on Teaching and Studying A & T & B Doctoral Education Degree Regulations A T B Bachelor+Master Education Degree Regulations A T B A=Arts, T=Technology, B=Business

81 Tutkintosäännön suhde yleisiin opetusta ja opiskelua koskeviin sääntöihin ja valintaperusteisiin Periaate tutkintosäännön ja yleisten sääntöjen välillä: Määräykset, jotka koskevat vain kandidaattitai maisteritasoa ovat tutkintosäännössä. Määräykset, jotka koskevat kaikkia tutkintotasoja, ovat Aaltoyliopiston yleisissä opetusta ja opiskelua koskevissa säännöissä (OOS). Periaate tutkintosäännön ja valintaperusteiden välillä: Tiettyyn tutkintoon opiskelijaksi ottamista sekä toiseen koulutusohjelmaan siirtymistä koskevat koskevat perusteet ovat osa valintaperusteita, eivät tutkintosääntöä Huomioitavaksi: Tutkintosääntöluonnokseen on kokonaiskuvan antamiseksi sisällytetty kaikki maksullisen koulutuksen eri muodot. Kaikki eivät ole rajattuja kansidaatti- ja maisteritason koulutukseen. Määräysten lopullinen paikka voi olla OOS. Työryhmä valmistelee seuraavaksi OOS-muutoksia: Useat opiskeluoikeudet (kuinka monta opiskeluoikeutta opiskelijalla voi olla samaan tutkintoon) Ei-tutkintoon johtavat opinto-oikeudet (opinto-oikeuden myöntäminen, kts. myös maksullinen koulutus edellä) Opiskelijan oikaisu- ja valitusoikeutta koskevat määräykset käydään läpi ja kerätään yhteen paikkaan

82 Tutkintosäännön rakenne Aalto-yliopiston alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintosääntö 1 Yleiset säännökset 2 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto 3 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 4 Kielitaitovaatimukset 5 Maksullinen koulutus 6 Voimaantulosäännökset

83 Keskusteltavia asioita Erityisiä kysymyksiä tähän mennessä Opiskelijan akateeminen ohjaus sekä neuvonta Yhteiset periaatteet sovittava Tutkintojen rakenteet Ehdotus: alakohtaiset kuvaukset muutamin poikkeuksin (esim. Opettajankoulutus) Monialaiset opinnot (UWXS), Pakollisia vai ei resurssikysymys, terminologian yhtenäistäminen Kandidaattivaiheen opinnäyte Ehdotus: otetaan käyttöön yhteinen arvosteluasteikko, todetaan yhteinen laajuus->erityishuomio Opinnäytteen kieli voi vaikuttaa opintojen henkilökohtaiseen suunnitteluun Milloin opiskelijat voivat aloittaa maisterivaiheen opinnot Ehdotus: Kandidaatin tutkinnon tai vähintään 150 opintopistettä siitä tulee olla suoritettu Maisterivaiheen opinnäyte Todetaan jo yhtenäiset arvosteluasteikot ja laajuus Yhteiset säännökset valvonnan ja ohjauksen järjestämisestä Ehdotus: valvonnasta voi vastata Tenure Track professoreiden lisäksi lehtorit Milloin opiskelijat voivat aloittaa maisterivaiheen opinnäytteen tekemisen (minimiedellytys) Ehdotus: Kandidaatin tutkinnon tulee olla suoritettu Kielitaitaitovaatimuksiin pieniä muokkauksia Ehdotus: Yhtenäiset kielitaitovaatimukset (laajuus 3 op ja kotimaiset kielet vaihtoehtona) kansainvälisille maisterivaiheen opiskelijoille

84 Working Group / Työryhmä Chair Eija Zitting Vice Chair Johanna Söderholm Academic members Vice President, Prof. Petri Suomala, Vice Dean Rasmus Vuori (ARTS) Prof. Mikko Alava (SCI) 2018, Mikko Jääskeläinen (SCI) 3/2019-> Vice-Dean Timo Saarinen (BIZ) 3/2019-> Learning Services (LES) Pia Lahti/ manager, BIZ Mirka Jalonen/ manager, ENG Mari Knuuttila/ manager, SCI Leena Koskinen/ manager, ARTS Timo Syrjälä/ legal counsel Anna Johansson/ legal counsel (secretary) AYY Minna Mäkitalo/AYY Contact details to the Working Group: chair and secretary

85 1 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 5b Aalto-yliopiston alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintosääntö Sisällysluettelo Aalto-yliopiston alemman ja ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintosääntö Yleiset säännökset Tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen järjestäminen Opintojen aloittaminen Koulutusohjelman johtaja ja opintokokonaisuuden vastuuhenkilö Henkilökohtainen opintosuunnitelma (HOPS) Opintosuoritusten voimassaolo Alempi korkeakoulututkinto Alemman korkeakoulututkinnon tavoitteet Alemman korkeakoulututkinnon laajuus ja rakenne a Kauppatieteen kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne b Taiteen kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne c Kuvataidekasvatuksen pääaineopiskelijat d tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne (insinöörialat) e Tekniikan kandidaatti tutkinnon rakenne (arkkitehtuuri ja maisema-arkkitehtuuri) Opinnäyte alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto Ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tavoitteet a Kauppatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon tavoitteet b Taiteen maisterin tutkinnon tavoitteet c Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon tavoitteet d Arkkitehdin ja maisema-arkkitehdin tutkintojen tavoitteet Ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon laajuus ja rakenne a Kauppatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon rakenne b Taiteen maisterin tutkinnon rakenne c Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon rakenne d Arkkitehdin ja maisema-arkkitehdin tutkinnon rakenne Opinnäyte ylemmässä korkeakoulututkinnossa Kielitaitovaatimukset... 10

86 2 12 Kielitaitovaatimukset Koulusivistyskieli on suomi tai ruotsi a Alempi korkeakoulututkinto b Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto c Kypsyysnäyte Koulusivistyskieli on muu kuin suomi tai ruotsi a Alempi korkeakoulututkinto b Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto c Kypsyysnäyte Kielitaitovaatimuksista vapauttaminen Maksullinen koulutus Maksullisen koulutuksen muodot Lukuvuosimaksullinen koulutus Erillisopinnot Erikoistumiskoulutus Täydennyskoulutus Tilauskoulutus Voimaantulosäännökset... 14

87 3 1 Yleiset säännökset 1 Tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen järjestäminen Tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen järjestämisestä määrätään Aalto-yliopiston (jäljempänä yliopisto ) yleisissä opetusta ja opiskelua koskevien sääntöjen 3 :ssä. 2 Opintojen aloittaminen Opiskelijat otetaan suorittamaan alempaa tai ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa siten kuin yliopiston valintaperusteissa määrätään. Opiskelija, joka on otettu suorittamaan sekä alempaa että ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa, voi aloittaa ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon henkilökohtainen opintosuunnitelman (HOPS) mukaiset opinnot suoritettuaan ensin kandidaatin tutkinnon tai vähintään 150 opintopisteen laajuiset kandidaatin tutkintoon sisältyvät opinnot. Yliopiston akateemisten asiain komitea antaa tarvittaessa tarkemmat ohjeet opintojen jatkamiseen kandidaatin tutkinnon jälkeen toisessa yliopiston tekniikan alan korkeakoulussa. 3 Koulutusohjelman johtaja ja opintokokonaisuuden vastuuhenkilö Koulutusohjelman johtaja vastaa ohjelman suunnittelusta, toteuttamisesta, arvioinnista ja kehittämisestä. Jokaisella opintokokonaisuudella on kokonaisuudesta vastaava henkilö, joka vastaa kokonaisuuden opetuksen toteuttamisesta ja kehittämisestä. Yliopisto voi antaa tarkemmat ohjeet koulutusohjelman ja opintokokonaisuuden vastuuhenkilön roolista ja tehtävistä. 4 Henkilökohtainen opintosuunnitelma (HOPS) Osana opintojen ohjausta jokaisen alempaa tai ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa opiskelevan opiskelijan tulee tehdä henkilökohtainen opintosuunnitelma (HOPS), jonka korkeakoulu vahvistaa. HOPS on opiskelijan itselleen laatima suunnitelma opintojen sisällöistä, laajuudesta, kestosta sekä henkilökohtaisista tarpeista ja tavoitteista. HOPS laaditaan opiskelijan koulutusohjelman opetussuunnitelman pohjalta. HOPS:n tekemiseen ja päivittämiseen tulee tarjota ohjausta oppimispalveluiden, opintotuutorin tai akateemisen ohjaajan taholta. Kurssin tai opintokokonaisuuden suorittamisen ja tutkintoon sisällyttämisen yhtenä edellytyksenä voidaan pitää sitä, että se on opiskelijan vahvistetussa HOPS:ssa. Yliopiston akateemisten asiain komitea antaa tarvittaessa määräyksiä henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmasta. 5 Opintosuoritusten voimassaolo Alempaan ja ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon voi sisällyttää enintään seitsemän vuotta vanhoja opintosuorituksia tai opintokokonaisuuksia. Perustellusta syystä tätä pidemmästä opintosuoritusten voimassaolosta päättää korkeakoulu. Mikäli korkeakoulu on myöntänyt opiskelijalle lisäaikaa tutkinnon suorittamiseen, opintosuoritukset eivät vanhene tänä aikana. Tutkintoon kuuluvat pakolliset kieliopinnot ovat voimassa toistaiseksi.

88 4 2 Alempi korkeakoulututkinto 6 Alemman korkeakoulututkinnon tavoitteet Alempaan korkeakoulututkintoon johtavan koulutuksen tulee antaa opiskelijalle 1)koulutusohjelmaan kuuluvien opintojen perusteiden tuntemus sekä edellytykset alan kehityksen seuraamiseen; 2) valmiudet tieteelliseen ajatteluun ja tieteellisiin työskentelytapoihin tai taiteellisen työn edellyttämät tiedolliset ja taidolliset valmiudet; 3) edellytykset ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon johtavaan koulutukseen ja jatkuvaan oppimiseen; 4) edellytykset soveltaa hankkimaansa tietoa työelämässä; sekä 5) riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito. Koulutus perustuu tutkimukseen tai taiteelliseen toimintaan sekä alan ammatillisiin käytäntöihin. Tarkemmat koulutusohjelmakohtaiset osaamistavoitteet kuvataan opetussuunnitelmissa. Osaamistavoitteissa huomioidaan Aalto-yliopiston monialaisuus. 7 Alemman korkeakoulututkinnon laajuus ja rakenne Alemman korkeakoulututkinnon laajuus on 180 opintopistettä. Alempaan korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvat seuraavat opintokokonaisuudet: koulutusohjelman yhteiset opinnot opintopistettä mukaan lukien viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaine opintopistettä ja sen laajuuteen mukaan laskettava 10 opintopisteen laajuinen opinnäyte sekä kypsyysnäyte sivuaine opintopistettä sekä vapaasti valittavat opinnot opintopistettä. Opintokokonaisuuksiin sisältyvät yhteensä 60 opintopisteen laajuiset perus- ja aineopintotasoiset opinnot, joista perusopintojen osuus on vähintään 25 opintopistettä. Vapaasti valittavista opinnoista voi muodostua opiskelijalle sivuaine. Erityisen pätevyyden antavien tutkintojen opintokokonaisuudet voivat poiketa edellä mainitusta siten kuin niistä erikseen säädetään. Alempaan korkeakoulututkintoon voi sisältyä harjoittelua. Harjoittelun sisällöstä ja laajuudesta määrätään opetussuunnitelmassa. Alempaan korkeakoulututkintoon voi sisältyä kansainvälisiä opintoja. Kansainvälisistä opinnoista voi muodostua myös oma sivuaine, joka määritellään opetussuunnitelman yhteydessä. Koulutus on järjestettävä siten, että opiskelija voi suorittaa tutkinnon päätoimisesti opiskellen kolmessa lukuvuodessa. Alakohtaisissa tutkintorakenteissa määritellään eri opintokokonaisuuksien opintopistemäärät. Kotimaisten tai ulkomaisten korkeakoulujen kanssa yhteistyönä toteutetuissa koulutusohjelmissa voidaan poiketa alakohtaisista tutkintorakenteista. Jos opiskelija on osoittanut alempaan tutkintoon sisältyvillä opintosuorituksillaan erinomaisia tietoja, voidaan asianomaista tutkintoa koskevassa tutkintotodistuksessa mainita, että tutkinto on suoritettu

89 5 erinomaisesti. Maininta annetaan, jos tutkintoon kuuluvien opintojen opintopistemäärillä painotettu keskiarvo on vähintään 4,0 ja tutkinto on suoritettu kolmen läsnäololukuvuoden aikana. 7a Kauppatieteen kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne yhteiset opinnot 78 opintopistettä mukaan lukien 18 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaineen opinnot 60 opintopistettä sivuaineen opinnot opintopistettä vapaasti valittavat opinnot opintopistettä 7b Taiteen kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne yhteiset opinnot 40 opintopistettä mukaan lukien 12 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaineen opinnot opintopistettä riippuen opiskelijan sivuaineen laajuudesta sivuaineen opinnot opintopistettä opiskelijan valinnan mukaan vapaasti valittavat opinnot 15 opintopistettä 7c Kuvataidekasvatuksen pääaineopiskelijat Kuvataidekasvatuksen pääaineen opiskelijoilla taiteen kandidaatin tutkintoon kuuluvat seuraavat opintokokonaisuudet: yhteiset opinnot 40 opintopistettä mukaan lukien 12 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaineen opinnot opintopistettä riippuen opiskelijan sivuaineen laajuudesta opettajan pedagogiset opinnot 25 opintopistettä sivuaineen opinnot opintopistettä opiskelijan valinnan mukaan vapaasti valittavat opinnot 15 opintopistettä Kuvataidekasvatusta pääaineenaan opiskeleva voi suorittaa sivuaineen 60 opintopisteen laajuisena, mikäli hän suorittaa kaksoiskelpoisuuden tuottavan pitkän 60 opintopisteen laajuisen sivuaineen. Tällöin pääaineen opintojen laajuus on 55 opintopistettä ja opiskelija käyttää sivuaineeseen sivuaineen opintojen lisäksi vapaasti valittavat opinnot. Muilta osin noudatetaan taiteen kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenteita koskevia periaatteita. 7d tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon rakenne (insinöörialat) Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkintoon kuuluvat seuraavat opintokokonaisuudet: yhteiset opinnot opintopistettä mukaan lukien 5 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaineen opinnot opintopistettä sivuaineen opinnot opintopistettä vapaasti valittavat opinnot opintopistettä

90 6 Yhteiset opinnot ja pääaineen yhteislaajuuden tulee olla 130 opintopistettä sekä sivuaineen ja vapaasti valittavien opintojen yhteisen laajuuden 50 opintopistettä. 7e Tekniikan kandidaatti tutkinnon rakenne (arkkitehtuuri ja maisemaarkkitehtuuri) Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkintoon kuuluvat seuraavat opintokokonaisuudet: yhteiset opinnot 34 opintopistettä mukaan lukien 6 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot pääaineen opinnot opintopistettä riippuen opiskelijan sivuaineen laajuudesta sivuaineen opinnot opintopistettä opiskelijan valinnan mukaan vapaasti valittavat opinnot 15 opintopistettä 8 Opinnäyte alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa Tutkintoon kuuluu kandidaatintyö 10 op. Kandidaatintyö tehdään kandidaattiseminaarin yhteydessä. Opiskelija saa ohjausta opinnäytteen tekemiseen. (Kandidaatintyön arvostelussa käytetään asteikkoa hylätty/1/2/3/4/5, jossa 5 on korkein arvosana ). Kandidaatintyö on julkinen asiakirja. Se on pidettävä saatavilla yliopistossa. Kandidaatintyö tehdään koulutusohjelman tutkintokielellä. Erityisestä syystä tutkintokieleltään suomen- ja/tai ruotsinkielisessä koulutusohjelmassa voidaan kandidaatintyö tehdä englanniksi. Rehtori tai määräämänsä voi antaa kandidaatintyöstä ja sen arvioinnista tarkempia ohjeita. 3 Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto 9 Ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon tavoitteet Ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon johtavan koulutuksen tulee antaa opiskelijalle 1) koulutusohjelmaan kuuluvien syventävien opintojen hyvä tuntemus; 2) valmiudet tieteellisen tiedon ja tieteellisten menetelmien soveltamiseen tai edellytykset itsenäiseen ja vaativaan taiteelliseen työhön; 3) valmiudet toimia työelämässä oman alansa vaativissa asiantuntija- ja kehitystehtävissä ja kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä; 4) valmiudet tieteelliseen tai taiteelliseen jatkokoulutukseen ja elinikäiseen oppimiseen; 5) hyvä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. Koulutus perustuu tutkimukseen tai taiteelliseen toimintaan sekä alan ammatillisiin käytäntöihin. Tarkemmat koulutusohjelmakohtaiset osaamistavoitteet kuvataan opetussuunnitelmissa. Tiedollisten tavoitteiden lisäksi tutkinnolla on työelämävalmiuksiin tähtääviä taidollisia tavoitteita. Osaamistavoitteissa huomioidaan Aalto-yliopiston monialaisuus.

91 7 9a Kauppatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon tavoitteet Kauppatieteen maisterin tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen tavoitteena on: 1) Kauppatieteiden tuntemus: maisteriohjelman erikoistumisalueen syvällinen tuntemus sekä mahdollisten sivuaineiden tai niihin rinnastettavien kokonaisuuksien erinomainen tuntemus; 2) Taito analysoida ja ratkaista ongelmia: taidolliset ja tiedolliset valmiudet, joita edellytetään vaativissa johtamis- tai asiantuntijatehtävissä tai yrittäjänä; 3) Tieteellinen ajattelukyky: valmiudet tuottaa ja soveltaa kauppatieteellisen alan tietoa itsenäisesti, antaa opiskelijalle valmiudet tieteelliseen jatkokoulutukseen ja jatkuvaan oppimiseen; 4) Valmiudet tarkastella asioita etiikan, kestävän kehityksen ja kansainvälisyyden näkökulmasta; 5) Erinomainen viestintä- ja tiimityöskentelytaito. 9b Taiteen maisterin tutkinnon tavoitteet Taiteen maisterin tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen tavoitteena on: 1) rakentaa alan hyvä teoreettinen, tiedollinen, taiteellinen, eettinen ja käytännöllinen osaaminen sekä taiteiden alan yleistuntemus; 2) antaa edellytykset itsenäiseen ja vaativaan taiteelliseen työhön kestävän kehityksen periaatteita soveltaen ja monialaiseen yhteistyöhön sekä valmiudet tieteellisen tiedon ja tieteellisten menetelmien soveltamiseen; 3) antaa valmiudet hoitaa itsenäisesti ja yhteistyössä vaativia oman alansa asiantuntija-, kehittämis- ja johtamistehtäviä ja toimia kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä; 4) antaa valmiudet taiteen tohtorin tutkintoon johtavaan jatkokoulutukseen sekä jatkuvaan oppimiseen; 5) antaa hyvä viestintä- ja kielitaito taiteiden alan tehtäviin ja kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. Koulutus perustuu tieteelliseen tutkimukseen ja taiteelliseen toimintaan sekä alan ammatillisiin käytäntöihin. 9c Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon tavoitteet Diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen tavoitteena on 1. Oman koulutusalan tuntemus: koulutusohjelman pääaineen alaan syvällinen tuntemus sekä valmiudet ymmärtää oman alansa haasteet käyttäjien, teknisten ja yhteiskunnallisten järjestelmien sekä ympäristön ja etiikan näkökulmasta; 2. Taito analysoida ja ratkaista ongelmia: antaa edellytykset toimia työelämässä alansa asiantuntijana ja kehittäjänä myös kansainvälisessä ympäristössä, 3. Tieteellinen ajattelukyky: valmiudet tieteellisen tiedon ja tieteellisten menetelmien itsenäiseen soveltamiseen; 6) antaa valmiudet tieteelliseen jatkokoulutukseen sekä jatkuvaan oppimiseen; 4. antaa riittävät kieli- ja viestintätaidot, jotka mahdollistavat oman alan tieteellisen kehityksen seuraamisen ja teknillistieteelliseen keskusteluun osallistumisen.

92 8 Koulutus perustuu tieteelliseen tutkimukseen sekä teknillistieteellistä asiantuntijuutta edellyttävien tehtäväalueiden käytäntöihin. 9d Arkkitehdin ja maisema-arkkitehdin tutkintojen tavoitteet Arkkitehdin tai maisema-arkkitehdin johtavan koulutuksen tavoitteena on 1) maisteriohjelmaan kuuluvien syventävien opintojen hyvä tuntemus; 2) valmiudet tieteellisen tiedon ja tieteellisten menetelmien soveltamiseen sekä edellytykset itsenäiseen ja vaativaan taiteelliseen työhön; 3) valmiudet ymmärtää oman alansa ongelmat käyttäjien, teknisten ja yhteiskunnallisten järjestelmien sekä ympäristön, kestävän kehityksen ja etiikan näkökulmasta; 4) valmiudet itsenäisesti ja yhteistyössä hoitaa vaativia oman alansa asiantuntija-, kehittämis- ja johtamistehtäviä myös kansainvälisessä ympäristössä; 5) hyvä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin ja kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön; 6) valmiudet tieteelliseen jatkokoulutukseen sekä elinikäiseen oppimiseen. Koulutus perustuu tieteelliseen tutkimukseen ja teknillistieteellistä asiantuntemusta edellyttävien tehtäväalueiden käytäntöihin sekä taiteelliseen toimintaan. Lisäksi arkkitehdin tutkinnon tulee täyttää vähintään EU-direktiivin 2005/36/EY ( ) mukaiset vaatimukset. 10 Ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon laajuus ja rakenne Ylemmän tutkinnon laajuus on 120 opintopistettä. Ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon kuuluvat seuraavat opintokokonaisuudet: Pääaine- tai koulutusohjelmaopinnot opintopistettä Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte Vapaaehtoinen tai pakollinen sivuaine opintopistettä Vapaasti valittavat tai vaihtoehtoiset opinnot opintopistettä Tutkintoon kuuluu vähintään 60 opintopistettä tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja mukaan lukien opinnäyte. Vapaasti valittavista tai vaihtoehtoisista opinnoista voi muodostua opiskelijalle sivuaine. Erityisen pätevyyden antavien tutkintojen opintokokonaisuudet voivat poiketa edellä mainitusta siten kuin niistä erikseen säädetään. Jos opiskelija ei ole osoittanut kielitaitoa alemmassa tutkinnossa, hänen tulee osoittaa se ylemmässä tutkinnossa siten kuin kielitaidon osoittamisesta jäljempänä määrätään. Ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon voi sisältyä harjoittelua. Harjoittelun sisällöstä ja laajuudesta määrätään opetussuunnitelmassa. Ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon voi sisältyä kansainvälisiä opintoja. Kansainvälisistä opinnoista voi muodostua myös oma sivuaine, joka määritellään opetussuunnitelman yhteydessä. Alakohtaisissa tutkintorakenteissa määritellään eri opintokokonaisuuksien opintopistemäärät. Kotimaisten tai ulkomaisten korkeakoulujen kanssa yhteistyönä toteutetuissa koulutusohjelmissa voidaan poiketa alakohtaisista tutkintorakenteista. Opetus on järjestettävä siten, että opiskelija voi suorittaa tutkinnon päätoimisesti opiskellen kahdessa lukuvuodessa.

93 9 Jos opiskelija on osoittanut ylempään tutkintoon sisältyvillä opintosuorituksillaan erinomaisia tietoja, voidaan asianomaista tutkintoa koskevassa tutkintotodistuksessa mainita, että tutkinto on suoritettu erinomaisesti. Maininta annetaan, jos tutkintoon kuuluvien kurssien (pois lukien opinnäyte) opintopistemäärillä painotettu keskiarvo on vähintään 4,3, opinnäytteen arvosana on 4 tai 5 ja tutkinto on suoritettu viiden (kandi + maisteri) tai kahden (maisteri) läsnäololukuvuoden aikana. 10a Kauppatieteiden maisterin tutkinnon rakenne Koulutusohjelmaopinnot 54 opintopistettä, joista vähintään 33 opintopistettä ovat tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte Sivuaine tai erikoistumisalueopinnot vähintään 24 opintopistettä Vapaasti valittavat tai valinnaiset opinnot 12 opintopistettä 10b Taiteen maisterin tutkinnon rakenne Pääaine- tai koulutusohjelmaopinnot 60 opintopistettä, jotka ovat tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte Vapaasti valittavat tai vaihtoehtoiset opinnot 30 opintopistettä Taiteen maisterin tutkinnon rakenne kuvataidekasvatuksen maisteriohjelmassa Koulutusohjelmaopinnot 55 opintopistettä, jotka ovat tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte Opettajan pedagogiset opinnot 35 opintopistettä Kuvataidekasvatuksen maisteriohjelman muuntokoulutukselle voidaan vahvistaa kuvataidekasvatuksen maisteriohjelman yleisistä tutkintovaatimuksista poikkeavat tutkintovaatimukset. Muilta osin noudatetaan taiteen maisterin tutkinnon rakenteita koskevia periaatteita. 10c Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon rakenne Pääaine opintopistettä, joista vähintään 30 opintopistettä on tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte. Vapaaehtoinen tai pakollinen sivuaine opintopistettä Vapaasti valittavat opinnot opintopistettä Koulutusohjelman tutkintorakenteeseen voi kuulua pakollinen sivuaine. 10d Arkkitehdin ja maisema-arkkitehdin tutkinnon rakenne Pääaine- tai koulutusohjelmaopinnot 60 opintopistettä, jotka ovat tasoltaan syventäviä opintoja Opinnäyte 30 opintopistettä sekä kypsyysnäyte Vapaasti valittavat tai vaihtoehtoiset opinnot 30 opintopistettä 11 Opinnäyte ylemmässä korkeakoulututkinnossa Tutkintoon kuuluu 30 opintopisteen laajuinen opinnäyte. Opinnäytteeseen sisältyy esittely.

94 10 Korkeakoulu nimeää opiskelijalle opinnäytteen valvonnasta vastaavan professorin. Valvovaksi professoriksi voidaan nimetä professoreiden urajärjestelmässä oleva korkeakoulun professori. Erityisestä syystä opinnäytteen valvonnasta vastaavaksi henkilöksi voidaan dekaanin päätöksellä nimetä myös muu Aallon urajärjestelmään kuuluva professori tai lehtoriurajärjestelmään nimitetty yliopistonlehtori tai vanhempi yliopistonlehtori. Taiteiden ja arkkitehtuurin aloilla opinnäytteen valvonnasta vastaavaksi henkilöksi voidaan erityisestä syystä nimetä dekaanin päätöksellä myös muu korkeakoulun akateemiseen henkilökuntaan kuuluva. Korkeakoulu nimeää opiskelijan opinnäytteelle 1-2 ohjaajaa. Opinnäytteen valvonnasta vastaava professori tai muu henkilö voi toimia myös ohjaajana. Opinnäytteen ohjaajalla tulee olla vähintään ylempi korkeakoulututkinto. Taiteiden ja arkkitehtuurin aloilla toisena ohjaajana voi toimia myös muu alan asiantuntija. Opiskelija voi aloittaa opinnäytteen tekemisen soveltuvassa vaiheessa maisterivaiheen opintojaan sovittuaan opinnäytteen aiheesta valvonnasta vastaavan kanssa. Kandidaatin tutkinto tulee olla suoritettu ennen opinnäytteen tekemisen aloittamista. Opinnäytteen aihe, valvonnasta vastaava ja ohjaajat vahvistetaan korkeakoulun toimintatapojen mukaisesti. Opinnäytteen arvostelemista ja hyväksymistä on pyydettävä kirjallisesti korkeakoululta. Opinnäytteen arvostelussa käytetään asteikkoa hylätty/1/2/3/4/5, jossa 5 on korkein arvosana. Hyväksytty opinnäyte on julkinen asiakirja. Se on pidettävä saatavilla yliopistossa. Rehtori tai määräämänsä voi antaa tarkempia määräyksiä opinnäytteestä. 4 Kielitaitovaatimukset 12 Kielitaitovaatimukset Opiskelijan tulee alempaan tai ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon sisältyvissä opinnoissa tai muulla tavalla osoittaa saavuttaneensa: 1) suomen ja ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) 6 :n 1 momentin mukaan vaaditaan valtion henkilöstöltä kaksikielisessä viranomaisessa ja joka on tarpeen oman alan kannalta; sekä 2) vähintään yhden vieraan kielen sellaisen taidon, joka mahdollistaa oman alan kehityksen seuraamisen ja kansainvälisessä ympäristössä toimimisen. Mitä 1 momentissa säädetään, ei koske opiskelijaa, joka on saanut koulusivistyksensä muulla kuin suomen tai ruotsin kielellä, eikä opiskelijaa, joka on saanut koulusivistyksensä ulkomailla. Korkeakoulu voi erityisestä syystä vapauttaa opiskelijan 1 momentissa säädetyistä kielitaitovaatimuksista osittain tai kokonaan. 13 Koulusivistyskieli on suomi tai ruotsi Opiskelija, jonka koulusivistyskieli on suomi tai ruotsi, tulee osoittaa kielitaitonsa siten kuin 13a-13c :issä määrätään.

95 11 13a Alempi korkeakoulututkinto Opiskelija osoittaa alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa suomen ja ruotsin kielen taitonsa suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot ja kypsyysnäytteen koulusivistyskielellään. Opiskelija osoittaa tekniikan ja taiteiden alojen alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa vieraan kielen taidon suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot yhdessä vieraassa kielessä. Opiskelija osoittaa kauppatieteiden alan alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa vieraan kielen taidon suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot englannin kielessä sekä yhdessä toisessa vieraassa kielessä. 13b Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto Opiskelija, joka ei ole osoittanut kielitaitoa alemman korkeakoulututkinnon suorittamisen yhteydessä, tulee osoittaa kielitaitonsa ylemmässä korkeakoulututkinnossa seuraavasti: Opiskelija osoittaa suomen ja ruotsin kielen taitonsa suorittamalla alemman korkeakoulututkinnon tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot ja kypsyysnäytteen koulusivistyskielellään. Opiskelija osoittaa vieraan kielen taitonsa suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot yhdessä vieraassa kielessä. 13c Kypsyysnäyte Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava alempaa korkeakoulututkintoa varten kypsyysnäyte, joka osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä opinnäytteen alaan ja 12 1 momentin 1 kohdan mukaista suomen tai ruotsin kielen taitoa. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa varten kypsyysnäyte, joka osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä opinnäytteen alaan. Kypsyysnäytteen tulee lisäksi osoittaa 12 1 momentin 1 kohdan mukaista suomen tai ruotsin kielen taitoa, jollei opiskelija ole jo osoittanut sitä taitoa alempaa korkeakoulututkintoa varten antamassaan kypsyysnäytteessä. Kun opiskelijalta vaaditaan 12 1 momentin 1 kohdassa tarkoitetun kielitaidon osoittamista hän kirjoittaa kypsyysnäytteen koulusivistyskielellään. Kun opiskelijalta ei vaadita 12 1 momentin 1 kohdassa tarkoitettua kielitaitoa hän voi kirjoittaa kypsyysnäytteen tarkastajan ymmärtämällä kielellä suomeksi, ruotsiksi tai englanniksi. 14 Koulusivistyskieli on muu kuin suomi tai ruotsi Opiskelija, jonka koulusivistyskieli on muu kuin suomi tai ruotsi tai hän on saanut koulusivistyksensä ulkomailla, tulee osoittaa kielitaitonsa siten kuin 14a-14c :issä määrätään. 14a Alempi korkeakoulututkinto Opiskelija suorittaa tutkintoonsa opintopisteiltään vastaavan laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot kuin vastaavassa koulutusohjelmassa opiskelevat koulusivistyskieleltään suomen- tai ruotsinkieliset opiskelijat suorittavat 12 1 momentin 1 kohdan perusteella. Opiskelija osoittaa alemmassa korkeakoulututkinnossa vieraan kielen taidon suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot tekniikan ja taiteen alalla yhdessä vieraassa kielessä ja kauppatieteiden alalla englannin kielessä sekä yhdessä toisessa vieraassa kielessä.

96 12 14b Ylempi korkeakoulututkinto Opiskelija, joka ei ole osoittanut kielitaitoa alemman korkeakoulututkinnon suorittamisen yhteydessä, tulee osoittaa kielitaitonsa ylemmässä korkeakoulututkinnossa seuraavasti: Opiskelija joko osoittaa vieraan kielen taitonsa suorittamalla tutkintovaatimusten mukaiset 3 opintopisteen laajuiset viestinnän ja kielen opinnot yhdessä vieraassa kielessä tai hän suorittaa opintopisteiltään vastaavan laajuiset kieliopinnot suomen tai ruotsin kielessä. 14c Kypsyysnäyte Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava alempaa korkeakoulututkintoa varten kypsyysnäyte, joka osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä opinnäytteen alaan. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa varten kypsyysnäyte, joka osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä opinnäytteen alaan. Opiskelija voi kirjoittaa kypsyysnäytteen tarkastajan ymmärtämällä kielellä suomeksi, ruotsiksi tai englanniksi. 15 Kielitaitovaatimuksista vapauttaminen Opiskelijan, joka on vapautettu erityisestä syystä edellä mainituista kielitaitovaatimuksista kokonaan tai osittain, tulee suorittaa tutkintoonsa opintopisteillä mitattuna vapautetun osuuden laajuutta vastaavat muut viestinnän ja kielen opinnot. 5 Maksullinen koulutus 16 Maksullisen koulutuksen muodot Yliopisto perii yliopistolakiin perustuvaa lukuvuosimaksua tutkintoon johtavasta koulutuksesta 17 mukaisesti. Yliopisto voi tarjota maksullisia avoimen yliopiston opintoja, muita erillisopintoja tai erikoistumiskoulutusta. Yliopisto voi tarjota yliopistolain mukaista tilauskoulutusta ja täydennyskoulutusta. 17 Lukuvuosimaksullinen koulutus Lukuvuosimaksu peritään kandidaatin tai maisterin tutkintoon johtavasta vieraskielisestä koulutuksesta Euroopan talousalueen ulkopuolelta tulevan valtion kansalaiselta ja se koskee opiskeluoikeutta tai sen jälkeen alkavaan koulutukseen. Yliopistolaissa säädetään tilanteista, joissa maksua ei peritä. Yliopisto tarkistaa lukuvuosimaksut vuosittain ennen hakuajan alkamista. Lukuvuosimaksun muutos tulee voimaan kyseistä hakuaikaa seuraavan lukuvuoden alusta lukien. Maksun korotus koskee vain muutoksen jälkeen aloittavia uusia opiskelijoita. Maksun alennus koskee myös aikaisemmin aloittaneita opiskelijoita. Yliopistolla on yliopistolain edellyttämä apurahajärjestelmä lukuvuosimaksulliseen tutkintokoulutukseen osallistuvien opiskelijoiden tukemiseksi.

97 13 Apuraha on tarkoitettu kokopäivätoimiseen opiskeluun ja tutkintoon sisällytettävien opintojen suorittamiseen. Apuraha myönnetään yhteen kandidaatin- tai maisterintutkintoon tutkinnon tavoiteajaksi. Siirryttäessä Aallon kandidaattiohjelmista Aallon maisteriohjelmiin opiskelija voi saada apurahan erillisen julkaistun linjauksen mukaisesti. Yliopiston apurahaa koskevasta päätöksestä ei voi hakea muutosta valittamalla eikä siihen voi hakea oikaisua. 18 Erillisopinnot Opiskelija voi saada oikeuden suorittaa laajuudeltaan ja kestoltaan rajattuja opetussuunnitelmiin vahvistettuja kursseja ilman tutkinnon suorittamisoikeutta. Yliopisto voi periä opiskelijalta näistä opinnoista valtioneuvoston asetuksella säädetyn maksun. Opiskelijaksi ottamisesta ja opinto-oikeuden laajuudesta päättää opinnot tarjoava korkeakoulu. Opiskelijan oikeudet ja velvollisuudet määräytyvät pääosin kuten tutkinto-opiskelijoilla. Avoimen yliopiston ilmoittautumisesta ja maksuista määrätään erikseen. Avoimella yliopistolla on omat järjestyssäännöt. Yliopisto voi sopia muiden suomalaisten korkeakoulujen kanssa yliopistolain 7a mukaisesta koulutusyhteistyöstä, jolloin toisessa korkeakoulussa tutkintoa opiskelevalle myönnetään rajattu opiskeluoikeus kurssin järjestävään korkeakouluun. Opintosuoritukset liitetään opiskelijan tutkintoon tutkinnon antavassa korkeakoulussa. 19 Erikoistumiskoulutus Erikoistumiskoulutukset ovat korkeakoulututkinnon jälkeen suoritettaviksi tarkoitettuja, jo työelämässä toimineille suunnattuja ammatillista kehittymistä ja erikoistumista edistäviä koulutuksia, joiden tavoitteena on tuottaa osaamista sellaisilla asiantuntijuuden aloilla, joilla ei ole markkinaehtoisesti toteutettua koulutustarjontaa. Yliopisto voi periä opiskelijalta näistä opinnoista valtioneuvoston asetuksella säädetyn maksun. Koulutusta tarjoavat yliopistot ja ammattikorkeakoulut sopivat opiskelijaksi ottamisesta ja opinto-oikeuden kattavuudesta. Opintojen laajuus on vähintään 30 opintopistettä. Opiskelua koskevat oikeudet ja velvollisuudet määräytyvät kuten tutkinto-opiskelijoilla. Opiskelija saa suoritetuista opinnoista todistuksen. 20 Täydennyskoulutus Täydennyskoulutus koskee oikeutta suorittaa laajuudelta ja kestolta rajattuja opetussuunnitelmiin vahvistettuja tai muita kursseja ilman tutkinnon suorittamisoikeutta. Täydennyskoulutus on liiketaloudellista toimintaa, jonka ehdot määräytyvät yksityisoikeudellisen sopimuksen mukaisesti. Yliopistolain opiskelijoita koskevat säännökset eivät sovellu täydennyskoulutettaviin. Yliopisto voi antaa tarkempia määräyksiä hinnoittelusta ja muista täydennyskoulutuksen järjestämisen ehdoista. Käytännön toteuttamisesta päättää täydennyskoulutusta tarjoavan korkeakoulun dekaani. Yliopisto perii opiskelusta erikseen määritellyn korvauksen. Opiskelija saa suoritetuista opinnoista todistuksen. 21 Tilauskoulutus Yliopisto voi järjestää yliopistolain 9 mukaisesti opiskelijaryhmälle korkeakoulututkintoon johtavaa opetusta niin, että koulutuksen tilaa ja rahoittaa Suomen valtio, toinen valtio, kansainvälinen järjestö taikka suomalainen tai ulkomainen julkisyhteisö, säätiö tai yksityinen yhteisö.

98 14 Koulutuksen aloittamisesta ja tilauskoulutusopiskelijoiden valintaperusteista päätetään erikseen. Tilauskoulutusopiskelijan oikeudet ja velvollisuudet rinnastuvat tutkinto-opiskelijaan yliopistolaissa säädetyn mukaisesti. Muilta osin oikeudet ja velvollisuudet sovitaan erikseen tilaajan kanssa. 6 Voimaantulosäännökset Tutkintosääntö tulee voimaan Ennen tutkintosäännön voimaantuloa aloitetut opinnäytteet ja opintojaksot suoritetaan ennen voimassaolleiden tutkintosääntöjen mukaisesti. Mainesanoja koskevia määräyksiä sovelletaan tai sen jälkeen opintonsa aloittaneisiin opiskelijoihin.

99 Revision of Aalto University General regulations on teaching and studying The Aalto University degree regulations for bachelor s and master s degrees KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 5c 1 April 2019 Eija Zitting, Anna Johansson

100 Request for comments on 31 May 2019 at latest Each School and AYY, Language Center and U-level LES-units are required to give their comments on the draft. The comments are required with a Webropol-link.

101 Objectives Improvement of teaching and studying experience with simple guidelines Improvement of service experience: processes supported with joint rules and regulations Identifying university wide vs field specific items. Simplifying the regulations and removing overlaps with other instructions (e.g. student selection criteria) Enabling cross-school programmes and multifield studying Taking into account the changes in the operating environment (Revised Universities Act, education export, continuous learning )

102 OOS reform: Current status with Degree Regulations (in force 1 Aug 2018) General Regulations on Teaching and Studying School Degree Regulations:c ARTS A & T & B Doctoral Education Degree Regulations A T B CHEM ELEC BIZ ENG SCI A=Arts, T=Technology, B=Business

103 OOS reform: Status with Degree Regulations (in force 1 Aug 2020) General Regulations on Teaching and Studying A & T & B Doctoral Education Degree Regulations A T B Bachelor+Master Education Degree Regulations A T B A=Arts, T=Technology, B=Business

104 Degree Regulations: Relation to General Regulations on teaching and studying as well to the Admission Criteria Basic Principal between Degree Regulations and General Regulations: Provisions concerning only bachelor s or master s level studies are included to the Aalto University degree regulation for bachelor s and master s degrees, provisions concerning all degree levels are included to the Aalto University general regulations on teaching and studying (OOS) Basic Principal between Degree Regulations and Admission Criteria: Provisions concerning admission and admission criteria to a certain degree or for transferring to a certain degree programme are not included in the Aalto University degree regulation for bachelor s and master s degrees Please, notice: To give a general impression about fee-based education the draft for Aalto University degree regulation for bachelor s and master s degrees includes also provisions about fee-based education that are not legally bound only to Bachelor s or Master s level studies. The final placement for these provisions maybe in OOS. Following OOS amendments are still under preparation in the Working Group: Multiple rights to study a degree (how many degree rights a student can have to a same degree) Non-degree study rights (granting the study right, see also the fee-based education) Joint provisions for Students appeal rights are gathered to the same provisions

105 Degree Regulations Structure Aalto University degree regulations for bachelor s and master s degrees 1 General provisions 2 Bachelor s degree 3 Master s degree 4 Language requirements 5 Fee-based education 6 Entry into force

106 Items for discussion Spesific items so far Provisions on student guidance and academic advising Baseline to be jointly agreed Degree structures Proposal: Field specific descriptions with few statutory exemptions (e.g. teachers education) Multifield studies (UWXS), compulsory or not resourcing item, more uniform terminology Bachelor s thesis Proposal: Unified grading scale and extent->special request for comments Language of the bachelor s thesis may have implications for planning the studies? When students are allowed to begin their master studies Proposal: Bachelor s degree or at least 150 cr Bachelor degree studies Master s thesis Already unified grading scale and extent stated Joint provisions concerning supervisor/instructor Proposal: Besides Tenure track professors, possible also for lecturers Prerequirements for starting the master s thesis Proposal: Bachelor s degree required Minor modifications on Language proficiency Proposal: Coherent language requirements (3 cr extent, domestic languages (fi, sw) as an alternative) for international Master s students

107 Working Group / Työryhmä Chair Eija Zitting Vice Chair Johanna Söderholm Academic members Vice President, Prof. Petri Suomala, Vice Dean Rasmus Vuori (ARTS) Prof. Mikko Alava (SCI) 2018, Mikko Jääskeläinen (SCI) 3/2019-> Vice-Dean Timo Saarinen (BIZ) 3/2019-> Learning Services (LES) Pia Lahti/ manager, BIZ Mirka Jalonen/ manager, ENG Mari Knuuttila/ manager, SCI Leena Koskinen/ manager, ARTS Timo Syrjälä/ legal counsel Anna Johansson/ legal counsel (secretary) AYY Minna Mäkitalo/AYY Contact details to the Working Group: chair and secretary

108 1 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 5d Aalto University degree regulations for bachelor s and master s degrees Contents Aalto University degree regulations for bachelor s and master s degrees General provisions... 3 Section 1. Organisation of education leading to a degree... 3 Section 2. Beginning studies... 3 Section 3. Director of degree programme and person in charge of a study module... 3 Section 4. Personal study plan (HOPS)... 3 Section 5. Validity of study attainments Bachelor s degree... 4 Section 6. Aims of the bachelor s degree... 4 Section 7. Scope and structure of the bachelor s degree... 4 Section 7a. Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree structure... 5 Section 7b. Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design) degree structure... 5 Section 7c. Students majoring in Art Education... 5 Section 7d. Bachelor of Science (Technology) degree structure... 5 Section 7e. Bachelor of Science (Architecture)/(Landscape Architecture) degree structure... 6 Section 8. Bachelor s thesis Master s degree... 6 Section 9. Aims of the master s degree a. Aims of the Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree... 7 Section 9b. Aims of the Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree... 7 Section 9c. Aims of the Master of Science (Technology) degree... 7 Section 9d. Aims of the Master of Science (Architecture) and Master of Science (Landscape Architecture) degree... 8 Section 10. Scope and structure of the master s degree... 8 Section 10a. Structure of the Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)... 9 Section 10b. Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree structure... 9 Section 10c. Master of Science (Technology) degree structure... 9 Section 10d. Master of Science (Architecture) or Master of Science (Landscape Architecture).. 10 Section 11. Master s thesis... 10

109 2 4 Language requirements Section 12. Language requirements Section 13. Students educated in Finnish or Swedish Section 13a. Bachelor s degree Section 13b. Master s degree Section 13c. Maturity essay Section 14. Students educated in a language other than Finnish or Swedish Section 14a. Bachelor s degree Section 14b. Master s degree Section 14c. Maturity essay Section 15. Exemption from language requirements Fee-based education Section 16. Fee-charging forms of education Section 17. Tuition-fee education Section 18. Non-degree studies Section 19. Professional specialisation education Section 20. Continuing education Section 21. Commissioned education Entry into force... 14

110 3 1 General provisions Section 1. Organisation of education leading to a degree The organisation of education leading to a degree is set forth in section 3 of the Aalto University (hereinafter referred to as the university ) General Regulations for Teaching and Studying. Section 2. Beginning studies The university admits students to its bachelor s and master s programmes in accordance with its admissions criteria. Students admitted to the university to pursue both a bachelor s degree and a master s degree may begin studies towards a master's degree as defined in their personal study plan (HOPS) when they have earned the bachelor s degree or at least 150 credits towards it. The University Academic Affairs Committee will issue further provisions as necessary on how students who have earned a Bachelor of Science (Technology) degree may continue their studies towards a master s degree at another Aalto University school of technology. Section 3. Director of degree programme and person in charge of a study module The director of the degree programme is in charge of the planning, execution, assessment and development of the programme. Each study module has a person in charge of developing and implementing its teaching. The university may issue further provisions on the role and duties of the director of the degree programme and the person in charge of the study module. Section 4. Personal study plan (HOPS) As part of the academic advising process, each student pursuing a bachelor s or master s degree shall prepare a personal study plan (HOPS) confirmed by the school. HOPS, based on the curriculum of the student s degree programme, is the student s tool for planning the contents, scope and duration of his or her studies as well as identifying personal needs and goals. When preparing and updating their HOPS, students must be offered guidance by their academic advisor, study tutors or learning services staff. The inclusion of a course or study module in the approved HOPS of the student may also be a prerequisite for its completion and inclusion in the degree. As necessary, the University Academic Affairs Committee may issue further provisions on the personal study plan. Section 5. Validity of study attainments As a rule, study attainments and study modules may be included in a bachelor s or master s degree for a maximum of seven years after their date of completion. On reasonable grounds, the period of validity may be extended at the discretion of the school. The study attainments of students granted an extension to their right to study remain valid for the duration of the extension. The compulsory language studies included in the degree remain valid indefinitely.

111 4 2 Bachelor s degree Section 6. Aims of the bachelor s degree Studies leading to a bachelor s degree shall provide students with 1) knowledge of the fundamentals of the studies included in the degree programme and prerequisites for following developments in the field of study; 2) the knowledge and skills needed for scientific thinking and the use of scientific methods or the knowledge and skills needed for artistic work; 3) the knowledge and skills needed for studies leading to a master s degree and continuous learning; 4) the capacity for applying the acquired knowledge and skills to work; and 5) adequate language and communication skills. The education shall be based on research or artistic activity and professional practices in the field. The detailed learning outcomes of degree programmes are described in the curricula of degree programmes. They take into account the multidisciplinary nature of Aalto University. Section 7. Scope and structure of the bachelor s degree The scope of the bachelor s degree shall be 180 credits. The bachelor s degree is composed of the following study modules: core studies of the degree programme including language and communication studies: credits studies towards the major: credits, which includes a 10-credit thesis and maturity essay. studies towards the minor, credits and elective studies, credits. The above study modules include a total of 60 credits worth of basic and intermediate studies, of which basic studies must account for a minimum of 25 credits. Elective studies may form a minor for the student. The study modules of degrees providing professional qualifications may differ from the above-stated, as separately provided elsewhere. The bachelor s degree may incorporate a work placement (practical training), whose content and scope is specified in the curriculum. Studies abroad may also be included in the bachelor s degree. They may form a minor for the student, as defined in the curriculum. The education for the bachelor s degree shall be organised in a manner that allows the student to earn the degree in three academic years of full-time study. The field-specific degree structures below specify the number of credits included in the different study modules. The structure of a degree programme organised in cooperation with other universities in Finland or abroad may differ from the Aalto University field-specific degree structures. Students who, in the course of their studies towards a bachelor s degree, have shown excellent knowledge of the field may have this recognised in their degree certificate with the phrase 'Pass with Honours'. A degree may be awarded with honours if the weighted average grade of the courses

112 5 included in the degree is at least 4.0 and the degree has been completed over three academic years in which the student has been enrolled as attending. Section 7a. Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree structure core studies: 78 credits, which includes 18 credits of language and communication studies studies towards the major: 60 credits studies towards the minor: credits elective studies: credits. Section 7b. Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design) degree structure general studies: 40 credits, which includes 12 credits for language and communication studies studies towards the major: credits, depending on the extent of the minor studies towards the minor: credits, as chosen by the student elective studies: 15 credits. Section 7c. Students majoring in Art Education For students majoring in Art Education, the Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design) degree includes the following study modules: general studies: 40 credits, which includes 12 credits of language and communication studies studies towards the major: credits, depending on the extent of the minor pedagogical studies for teachers: 25 credits studies towards the minor: credits, as chosen by the student elective studies: 15 credits. Art Education majors may include an extensive 60-credit minor in their degree, provided that it grants them a dual qualification. In such cases, the extent of the major is 55 credits, and the student uses, in addition to the actual studies towards the minor, also the elective credits of the degree as studies towards the minor. In other respects, the principles regarding the structure of the Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design) degree shall apply. Section 7d. Bachelor of Science (Technology) degree structure The Bachelor of Science (Technology) includes the following study modules: core studies: credits, which includes 5 credits for language and communication studies studies towards the major: credits

113 6 studies towards the minor: credits elective studies: credits. The combined scope of the core studies and studies towards the major shall be 130 credits and the combined scope of the minor and elective studies 50 credits. Section 7e. Bachelor of Science (Architecture)/(Landscape Architecture) degree structure The Bachelor of Science (Architecture) / (Landscape Architecture) includes the following study modules: core studies, 34 credits, which includes 6 credits for language and communication studies studies towards the major; credits depending on the scope of the minor; studies towards the minor, credits, as chosen by the student elective studies, 15 credits. Section 8. Bachelor s thesis The bachelor s degree includes a 10-credit bachelor s thesis. The bachelor s thesis is written while attending the bachelor s thesis seminar. Students receive academic advising during the thesis process. Theses are evaluated on a scale of fail/1/2/3/4/5, where 5 is the highest grade. The bachelor s thesis is a public document. It shall be kept available at the university. As a rule, the bachelor s thesis is written in the language of the degree programme. For special reasons, students in a Finnish and/or Swedish-language degree programme may write their bachelor s thesis in English. The president or individual delegated by the president may give further provisions on the bachelor s thesis or its evaluation. 3 Master s degree Section 9. Aims of the master s degree Studies leading to a master s degree shall provide students with 1) a good knowledge of the advanced studies of the master's programme; 2) the knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods or the skills needed for independent and demanding artistic work; 3) the knowledge and skills needed when independently operating as an expert and developer of the field and collaborating internationally 4) the knowledge and skills needed for scientific or artistic doctoral education and lifelong learning; 5) good language and communication skills for work in the field and the skills to operate and collaborate in an international environment The education shall be based on research or artistic activity and professional practices in the field.

114 7 The detailed learning outcomes of degree programmes are described in their curricula. In addition to knowledge, the degree aims at giving students the skills needed in the world of work. The learning outcomes take into account the multidisciplinary nature of Aalto University. 9a. Aims of the Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) degree The aim of the education leading to the degree of Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) is to provide students with: 1) a knowledge of the field of economics and business administration, including: a profound knowledge of the specialisation area of the master s programme, and very good knowledge of any minors or corresponding study entities included in the degree; 2) the ability to analyse and solve problems, including: the skills and knowledge needed in challenging managerial positions or positions requiring high-level expertise, or as an entrepreneur; 3) the ability for scientific thinking, including: the skills to produce and apply knowledge in the field of business administration and economics independently and those needed for doctoral education and continuous learning; 4) the ability to address issues from the point of views of ethics, sustainability, and international context; 5) excellent communication and teamwork skills. Section 9b. Aims of the Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree The aim of the education leading to the degree of Master of Arts (Art and Design) is to provide students with: 1) a good theoretical and general knowledge as well as artistic, ethical and practical expertise in their field of study, as well as a general knowledge of the field of arts; 2) the knowledge and skills needed to perform demanding and sustainable artistic work independently and to engage in multidisciplinary collaboration, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods; 3) the skills to perform, both independently and collaboratively, demanding developmental, managerial and expert duties in the field, and the skills to collaborate internationally; 4) the knowledge and skills needed for education leading to a Doctor of Arts (Art and Design) degree and for continuous learning; 5) good language and communication skills for work in the field of arts and the skills to operate and collaborate in an international environment. The education shall be based on scientific research and artistic activity and professional practices in the field. Section 9c. Aims of the Master of Science (Technology) degree The aim of the education leading to the degree of Master of Science (Technology) is to provide students with: 1. a knowledge of their field, i.e. an in-depth knowledge of the field of the major and the knowledge and skills to understand its problems from the point of view of users, technical and social systems, and the environment and ethics;

115 8 2. the skill to analyse and solve problems, i.e. the knowledge and skills needed for operating as an expert and developer of the field, also when operating in an international environment; 3. the ability for scientific thinking, i.e. the knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods independently; 6) the knowledge and skills needed for doctoral education and continuous learning; 4. the language and communication skills needed to follow the scientific development of the field and to engage in scholarly communication in the field of science and technology. The education shall be based on both scientific research and the professional practices of fields requiring expertise in science and technology. Section 9d. Aims of the Master of Science (Architecture) and Master of Science (Landscape Architecture) degree The aim of the education leading to the degree of Master of Science (Architecture) / (Landscape Architecture) is to provide students with: 1) a good knowledge of the advanced studies of the master's programme; 2) the knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods and the skills needed for independent and demanding artistic work; 3) the knowledge and skills to understand the problems of the field from the point of view of users and technical and social systems, as well as from that of the environment, while considering sustainability and ethics 4) the knowledge and skills needed to perform, both independently and collaboratively, demanding developmental, managerial and expert duties in the field, also when operating in an international environment; 5) good language and communication skills for work in the field and the skills to operate and collaborate in an international environment 6) the knowledge and skills needed for doctoral education and lifelong learning. The education shall be based on artistic activity and on scientific research and the professional practices of fields requiring expertise in science and technology. In addition, the degree of Master of Science (Architecture) must meet the requirements set forth in Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (7 September 2005). Section 10. Scope and structure of the master s degree The scope of the master s degree shall be 120 credits. The master s degree is composed of the following study modules: Core studies of the degree programme or major: credits Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Elective or compulsory minor: credits Elective studies or optional studies: credits The degree must include a minimum of 60 credits for advanced studies, which includes the master s thesis. Elective studies or optional studies may form a minor for the student. The study modules of degrees providing professional qualifications may differ from the above-stated, as separately provided elsewhere.

116 9 Students who have not demonstrated their language proficiency for the bachelor s degree must demonstrate it for the master s degree as specified below. The master's degree may incorporate a work placement (practical training), whose content and scope is specified in the curriculum. Studies abroad may also be included in a master'sdegree. They may make up a minor for the student, as defined in the curriculum. The degree structures below specify the amount of credits included in the different study modules. The structure of degrees in programmes carried out through national or international collaboration may differ from the degree structures indicated in the sections below. Master s degree education shall be so organised as to allow the student to earn the degree in two academic years of full-time study. Students who in their completed degree studies demonstrate excellent knowledge of the field may receive recognition with the phrase 'Pass with Honours included in their degree certificate. A degree may be awarded with honours if the weighted average grade of the courses included in the degree (excluding the thesis) is at least 4.3, the thesis grade is 4 or 5, and the studies were completed within two academic years (for a master s) or five academic years (if a bachelor s and a master s) of attending status. Section 10a. Structure of the Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration) Core studies of the degree programme: 54 credits, with at least 33 being advanced studies Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Studies towards a minor or specialisation area, at least 24 credits Elective studies: 12 credits Section 10b. Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree structure Core studies of the degree programme or major: 60 credits at the advanced studies level Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Elective studies or optional studies: 30 credits Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree structure in the Master s Programme in Art Education Core studies of the degree programme: 55 credits at the advanced studies level Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Pedagogical studies for teachers, 35 credits The degree requirements set for the programme s Upgrade Option, intended for professionals who are upgrading their prior qualifications by completing the Master s Programme in Art Education, may be different from those of the general programme. In other respects, the principles governing the structure of the Master of Arts (Art and Design) degree shall apply. Section 10c. Master of Science (Technology) degree structure Studies towards the major: credits, with at least 30 credits being at the advanced studies level Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Elective or compulsory minor: credits

117 10 Elective studies: credits The degree programme may include a compulsory minor. Section 10d. Master of Science (Architecture) or Master of Science (Landscape Architecture) Core studies of the degree programme or major studies: 60 credits at the advanced studies level Thesis, including a maturity essay: 30 credits Elective studies or optional studies: 30 credits Section 11. Master s thesis The degree includes a thesis that is 30 credits in scope and that includes a presentation. The school appoints a professor to be in charge of supervising the student s thesis. The appointed supervisor may be a tenure-track professor of the school. However, for special reasons some other Aalto tenure-track professor, university lecturer, or senior university lecturer in the lecturer career system may be appointed instead, when confirmed by the dean. In the fields of art and architecture, the thesis supervisor may for special reasons be some other member of the school s academic staff, when confirmed by the dean. The school appoints one or two advisors for the student s thesis. The professor or other individual in charge of supervising the thesis may also act as the thesis advisor. The thesis advisor shall hold at least a master s degree. In the fields of art and architecture, the second thesis advisor may be an expert in some other field. Students may begin work on their theses at a suitable stage in their master s studies after agreeing on the thesis topic with their thesis supervisors. The bachelor s degree must be completed before beginning work on the master s thesis. The thesis topic, thesis supervisor and thesis advisor are approved according to the procedures of the school. Evaluation and approval of the thesis shall be requested in writing from the school. Theses are evaluated on a scale of fail/1/2/3/4/5, where 5 is the highest grade. The approved thesis is a public document. It shall be kept available at the university. The president or individual delegated by the president may give further provisions concerning theses. 4 Language requirements Section 12. Language requirements Students must demonstrate in studies included in education for a bachelor s or master s degree or otherwise that they have attained: 1) the proficiency in Finnish and Swedish required of civil servants in bilingual public agencies and organisations under section 6, subsection 1, of the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003)and which is necessary for their field; and

118 11 2) skills in at least one foreign language as needed in order to follow developments in the field and to operate in an international environment. The abovementioned proficiency requirements of subsection 1 do not apply to students who have been educated abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish. A partial or full exemption from the language proficiency requirements of subsection 1 may be granted by the school for special reasons. Section 13. Students educated in Finnish or Swedish Students who have been educated in Finnish or Swedish shall demonstrate their language proficiency as provided in sections 13a-13c. Section 13a. Bachelor s degree For a bachelor s degree, students demonstrate proficiency in Finnish and Swedish by completing language and communications studies corresponding to the degree requirements and the maturity essay for their language of education. For a bachelor s degree, students in technology and arts demonstrate foreign language skills by completing communication and language studies in one foreign language, in accordance with the degree requirements; in business, the foreign language skills are demonstrated by completing the requisite communication and language studies in one foreign language in addition to English. Section 13b. Master s degree Students who have not demonstrated requisite language proficiency for a bachelor s degree must demonstrate it for a master s degree as follows: To demonstrate proficiency in Finnish and Swedish: the student must write the maturity essay in his or her language of education and complete the language and communication studies according to the bachelor s degree requirements. To demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language: the student must complete the language and communication studies in a foreign language according to the degree requirements. Section 13c. Maturity essay For a bachelor s degree, students shall write a maturity essay to demonstrate conversance with the field of their thesis as well as proficiency in Finnish or Swedish in accordance with the above section 12, subsection 1, paragraph 1. For a master's degree, students shall write a maturity essay to demonstrate conversance with the field of their thesis, and proficiency in Finnish or Swedish in accordance with section 12, subsection 1, paragraph 1 if no demonstration was given for the student s bachelor s degree. Students who are required to demonstrate the proficiency referred to in section 12, subsection 1, paragraph 1 shall write the maturity essay in their language of education. Students not required to demonstrate this proficiency may write their maturity essay in Finnish, Swedish or English, provided the language is understood by the essay examiner. Section 14. Students educated in a language other than Finnish or Swedish Students who have been educated in other language than Finnish or Swedish or have been educated abroad shall demonstrate their language proficiency as provided in sections 14a-14c.

119 12 Section 14a. Bachelor s degree Students educated in a language other than Finnish or Swedish shall complete the same amount of credits in language and communication studies for their degree as students in the corresponding degree programme do in Finnish or Swedish as their language of education, under section 12, subsection 1, paragraph 1. Students in technology and arts demonstrate foreign language skills by completing communication and language studies in one foreign language, in accordance with the degree requirements; students in business demonstrate foreign language skills by completing the requisite communication and language studies in one foreign language in addition to English. Section 14b. Master s degree Students who have not demonstrated the requisite language proficiency for a bachelor s degree must demonstrate it for a master s degree as follows: Proficiency in a foreign language: the student must either complete three (3) credits of language and communication foreign-language studies corresponding to the degree requirements or three (3) credits of language studies in either Finnish or Swedish. Section 14c. Maturity essay For their bachelor's degree, students shall write a maturity essay to demonstrate conversance with the field of their thesis. For a master's degree, students shall write a maturity essay to demonstrate conversance with the field of their thesis. The student may write the maturity essay in Finnish, Swedish or English, provided that it is understood by the essay examiner. Section 15. Exemption from language requirements Students partially or fully exempted (for a special reason) from the abovementioned language proficiency requirements shall complete an equivalent number of credits in other communication and language studies. 5 Fee-based education Section 16. Fee-charging forms of education The university charges a tuition fee based on the Universities Act (558/2009) for education leading to a degree as provided in section 17. The university may also charge fees for Open University studies, non-degree studies and professional specialisation education. The university may also offer continuing education and commissioned education.

120 13 Section 17. Tuition-fee education Tuition fees are charged of citizens of states outside the European Economic Area studying in English-medium bachelor s and master s programmes. The fees apply to education for rights to study beginning on or after 1 August The University Act contains provisions on situations in which no tuition fee shall be incurred. The university reviews the tuition fees each year before the start of the application period. Any amendments to tuition fees shall enter into force at the start of the academic year following the end of the application period. Any increases to the tuition fee will apply only to students who begin their studies after the entry into force of the increase. Any decreases to the tuition fee will apply to all current students. The university has a scholarship system, as required by the Universities Act, to support students who have a tuition-fee liability for their degree-based education. The scholarship is meant for full-time study and for studies that are included in the degree. The scholarship is granted for the normative duration of studies for completing both a bachelor s and a master s degree. When graduating from an Aalto bachelor s to an Aalto master s programme, the student may receive a scholarship in accordance with the policy published separately. Decisions on the university s scholarship decisions are not subject to rectification or amendment by appeal. Section 18. Non-degree studies Students without the right to pursue a degree may be granted the right to take courses of limited scope and duration that are confirmed in the curriculum. The university may charge these students the study fee legislated in the government decree. The school offering the studies decides on the admission of these students and the extent of their right to study. The rights and responsibilities of the students are defined for the most part similarly to those of degree students. Separate provisions are given concerning the registration of Open University students. The Open University follows its own rules of conduct. The university may, under section 7a of the Universities Act (558/2009), agree to collaborate with other Finnish universities, or Finnish universities of applied science, to grant students with a right to pursue a degree at one institution a restricted right to study or take a course at another institution. The school granting the degree includes the completed course(s) in the student s degree. Section 19. Professional specialisation education. Professional specialisation education refers to education that is pursued after a university degree to further the specialisation and professional development of individuals already in working life and to provide competency training for fields of expertise where no other market-oriented training is available. The university may charge these students the study fee legislated in the government decree. The universities and universities of applied science offering such studies agree on the admission of students and the extent of their right to study. The scope of studies shall be no less than 30 credits. The rights and responsibilities of students pursuing these studies is are similar to those for degree students. A certificate is awarded to students who complete the studies.

121 14 Section 20. Continuing education. Continuing education concerns courses that are of limited scope and duration and included in an approved curriculum and that may be completed by students who do not have the right to complete a degree. Continuing education is a commercial activity governed by terms of agreements that fall under private law. The regulations that apply to students under the Universities Act do not apply to continuing education students. The university may give additional provisions on pricing and on further provisions concerning continuing education. The practical implementation of continuing education is decided by the dean of the school providing the education. The university charges a separately defined fee for these studies. A certificate is awarded to students who complete the studies. Section 21. Commissioned education According to section 9 of the Universities Act, the university may arrange degree studies commissioned and paid for by the Finnish state, another state, an international organisation, a Finnish or a foreign public agency, foundation or private corporation. Decisions to initiate this kind of education and the admission criteria for students in commissioned education are made separately. The rights and responsibilities of students in commissioned education are comparable to those for degree students as defined in the Universities Act. In other respects, their rights and responsibilities are agreed with the commissioning party. 6 Entry into force These degree regulations enter into force on 1 August Theses and courses begun before the entry into force of these regulations shall be completed according to the degree regulations in force before 1 August The regulations concerning citations for honours shall apply to students who began studies on or after 1 August 2020.

122 KTAK 3/2019, Updated Attachment 5e Degree regulations draft comments 1/2 CHEM Master s thesis: Supervisor and 1-2 advisors The thesis topic, thesis supervisor and thesis advisor: Bachelor s degree and a minimum of 45 credits counted towards the master s degree have been completed. (KN = CHEM Degree Programme Committee) From proposal Master s thesis: Supervisor may also act as the thesis advisor KN: this might be problematic if problems occur KN: the main rule should be that the supervisor is not acting as the advisor The thesis topic, thesis supervisor and thesis advisor: Bachelor s degree completed (only) KN: CHEM understands that students may begin their thesis during the summer after the first year of master studies, and the 45 cr requirement may be tough (maybe 30 cr) KN: CHEM does not support students to begin working on their theses directly after completing bachelors degree (without any master s studies) Major at MSc (Tech.) degree: at least 30 credits being at the advanced studies level (previously all courses in major) KN: programme proposes the content of the major, allows multidisciplinary approach easier

123 Degree regulations draft comments 2/2 CHEM From proposal A degree may be awarded with honours: added next to the updated grade requirements the time limit requirement (in bachelor and master), too KN: grade 4 is enough (not proposed 4,3 at master s degree); the new proposed time limit is in itself demanding Aims of the degrees are slightly modified Multidisciplinary word added Thesis topic approval lightened Some word (term) changes: for example bachelor: basic studies-> core studies

124 Tutkintosääntöluonnos - huomioita CHEM Muutosehdotus Diplomityöhön aiheen vahvistaminen: valvoja ja 1-2 ohjaaja Diplomityöhön aiheen vahvistaminen: valmis kandi ja 45 op DI-opintoja Diplomityöhön aiheen vahvistaminen: valvoja voi olla ohjaaja (sama henkilö) Diplomityöhön aiheen vahvistaminen: valmis kandi (vain) DI-tutkinnon pääaine: vähintään 30 syventäviä opintoja (aiemmin pääaine kokonaan) Erinomaisesti maininta: lisätty (osin uusien) arvosanavaatimusten lisäksi aikarajoitus (kandi ja DI) Tutkintotavoitteita on hieman muokattu Monialaisuus-maininta lisätty Diplomityön aihe kohtaa väljennetty Sanamuutoksia: esimerkiksi kandin perusopinnot -> yhteiset opinnot

125 Comment to BSc degree regulations Current version: The Bachelor of Science (Technology) includes the following study modules: core studies: credits, which includes 5 credits for language and communication studies studies towards the major: credits studies towards the minor: credits elective studies: credits. The combined scope of the core studies and studies towards the major shall be 130 credits and the combined scope of the minor and elective studies 50 credits. Proposed changes: The Bachelor of Science (Technology) includes the following study modules: core studies: credits, which includes 5 credits for language and communication studies studies towards the major: credits studies towards the minor: credits elective studies: credits The combined scope of the core studies and studies towards the major shall be 130 credits and the combined scope of the minor and elective studies 50 credits.

126 124 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 9 Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Yhteenveto kevään 2019 AllWell? tuloksista / Summary of Allwell? results in spring 2019 (Anna Mäkilä) Anna Mäkilä esitteli AllWell-kyselyn tuloksia sekä sen perusteella suunniteltuja toimenpiteitä ja asiasta keskusteltiin. Tuloksia on esitelty liitteellä 6. Todettiin, että kandidaattiohjelmassa (vastausprosentti 43%) merkittävimmät muutokset tuloksissa edellisvuoteen verrattuna olivat negatiivisia. Tuloksista nousi esille opiskelijoiden kokema lisääntynyt kuormitus ja burnout-riski, sekä esimerkiksi kokemus vähentyneestä kiinnostuksesta opintoja kohtaan. Master-ohjelmassa (vastausprosentti 56%) merkittävimmät muutokset tuloksissa edellisvuoteen verrattuna olivat positiivisia, esimerkiksi lisääntynyt kiinnostus opintoja kohtaan. Silti opiskelijoiden kokema kuormitus, burnout-riski on edelleen huomattava ja tähän on syytä kiinnittää huomiota. Todettiin myös, että tulokset eroavat pääaineiden välillä. Tuloksia käsitellään ja ns. AllWell-vierailuja järjestetään pääaineittain. Tilaisuuksissa on tarkoitus valita kehittämiskohteita ja suunnitella jatkotoimenpiteitä. Anna Mäkilä introduced the results of AllWell-survey as well as actions planned and the topic was discussed. Results are introduced in the attachment 6. Regarding the results of the bachelor s programme (response rate 43%) it was noted that the biggest changes compared to the previous year are mainly negative (e.g. burnout-risk of students, decrease in feedback given by teachers or interest in teaching). Regarding the results of the master s programme it was noted that the biggest changes compared to the previous year are mainly positive (e.g. interest in teaching). However, the burn-out risk of the students is still significant, and attention should be paid to this issue. In addition, it was noted that there are big differences between the results of different majors. The results will be reviewed and so-called AllWell-visits will be organized in each major. The development targets should be chosen and actions planned during these visits.

127 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/Attachment 6 AllWell? Survey 2019

128 CHEM Bachelor - Response rate 43% Biggest changes: - Feedback from teachers to students - Burnout risk - Interest in teaching - Trust oneself as learner - Organized studying - Surface approach to learning Positive change Negative change

129 CHEM Master - Response rate 56% Biggest changes: - Harshness towards oneself - Interest in teaching - Compassion towards oneself - Surface approach to learning - Burnout risk - Support from other students Positive change Negative change

130 CHEM master: Big differences between majors!

131 AllWell visits Bachelor programme 6.5. Biotechnology Biomass Refining Chemical and Process Engineering Chemistry Development: conclusions actions Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering 13.5.

132 130 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A Muut asiat / Any other business Muita asioita ei ollut. / There wasn t any other business.

133 131 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A Ilmoitusasiat / Announcements 1. Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering pääaineen ja sivuaineen opetussuunnitelma / Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; major and minor subjects of Chemical Engineering, curriculum of (Heli Järvelä), liite/attachment 7 2. Kemian tekniikan kandidaatti- ja maisteriohjelmien markkinointisuunnitelma / Marketing plan of the Bachelor and Master level programmes in the School of Chemical Engineering for (Anna Mäkilä), liite/attachment 8 3. ICT-kyselyn tulokset / Results of ICT-survey (Leena Hauhio), liite/attachment 9 4. Vuoden 2019 kokousaikataulu / Meeting schedule in 2019 Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo Ti/Tue , klo AAK:n asiat / The University Academic Affairs Committee %28AAK%29 / 6. Rehtorin päätökset / Decisions by President (in English) Aalto-yliopiston kielelliset linjaukset vuosille sekä niiden toimeenpanosuunnitelma / Aalto University s language guidelines and implementation plan for Provostin päätökset / Decisions by Provost (in English) 8. Vararehtorien päätökset / Decisions by Deputy President and Vice Presidents

134 132 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 3/2019 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303 / Meeting room A303 (in English)

135 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 Aalto Bachelor s Programme in Science and Technology; Chemical Engineering major Curriculum; academic year Responsible Professor: Ville Alopaeus School: Chemical Engineering Study objectives In the Chemical engineering major in Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology students learn the basic skills and knowledge required for a transition from an oilbased to a sustainable society. Utilizing natural resources is vital for a sustainable way of living and will be crucial for future economic growth, as it will provide also new business opportunities The focus of the major is on biotechnology and biomaterials, complementing the strong basics in mathematics and programming obtained in the basic studies. Harnessing the tools offered by chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology and engineering the major introduces how bio-based thinking will help in finding novel solutions to make this world more sustainable and create innovative products and solutions for applications ranging from construction materials and textiles to biofuels and medicine. This skills combination is very powerful and allows you to specialize in many fields of chemistry and biotechnology as well as life science related topics in your further Master studies. Content of the studies You will get basic knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry. Furthermore, you will be introduced to material sciences and polymer technology, related natural raw materials, product design, and related industrial processes. Your knowledge will be finally combined in a Bachelor thesis with a topic relevant to your studies.

136 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 Basic studies Code: CHEM10.A Extend: 65 ECTS Code Name ECTS cr. Period Mathematics 25 cr. MS-A0111 Differential and integral calculus 1 5 I MS-A0011 Matrix algebra 5 II MS-A0503 First course in probability and statistics 5 III MS-A0211 Differential and integral calculus 2 5 IV MS-C2105 Introduction to Optimization 5 IV Programming 25 cr. CS-A1113 Basics in Programming Y1 5 I-II CS-A1123 Basics in Programming Y2 5 III-V CS-A1143 Data Structures and Algorithms Y 5 I-II ENG-A2001 Computer-aided tools in engineering 5 I-II ENG-A1003 Numerical Methods in Engineering 5 III General Studies 10 cr. SCI-A1010 Introduction Course for Bachelor's students 2 I-V Compulsory Language Course 3 LC-5001/ LC-7001 LC-5002/ LC-7002 National Language Requirement (FI/S), writing test National Language Requirement (FI/S), oral test 1 1 Entrepreneurship 5 cr. University Wide Studies 3 TU-A1300 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management 5 I-II

137 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 Major studies Code: CHEM3054 Extend: 65 ECTS Code Name ECTS cr. Period CHEM-C1200 Chemistry I 5 I-II CHEM-C1210 Chemistry II 5 IV-V CHEM-C1300 Fundamental Biosciences 5 III-IV CHEM-C2250 Chemistry III 5 I-II CHEM-C2310 Bioprocess Technology 5 IV-V CHEM-C2330 Biochemistry 5 I-II CHEM-C2340 Industrial Biomass Processes 5 IV-V ELEC-D8710 Principles of materials science 5 III-IV CHEM-C3320 Plant biomass 5 I CHEM-C3420 Basics of Polymer Technology 5 I-II CHEM-A1610 Design Meets Biomaterials 5 IV-V Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar 10 I-I or III-V Maturity test 0 In addition, students can include maximum of 10 credits of practical training in their electives studies. Model timetable 1 st year, Autumn Term Code Name ECTS cr. Period MS-A0111 Differential and integral calculus 1 5 I MS-A0011 Matrix algebra 5 II

138 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 CS-A1113 Basics in Programming Y1 5 I-II SCI-A1010 Introduction Course for Bachelor's students 2 I-V TU-A1300 Introduction to Industrial Engineering 5 I-II and Management CHEM-C1200 Chemistry I 5 I-II University Wide Studies 3 1 st year, Spring term Code Name ECTS cr. Period MS-A0503 First course in probability and statistics 5 III MS-A0211 Differential and integral calculus 2 5 IV CS-A1123 Basics in Programming Y2 5 III-V LC-5001/ LC-7001 LC-5002/ LC-7002 National Language Requirement (FI/S), writing test National Language Requirement (FI/S), oral test 1 1 CHEM-C1210 Chemistry II 5 IV-V CHEM-C1300 Fundamental Biosciences 5 III-IV CHEM-A1610 Design Meets Biomaterials 5 IV-V 2 nd year, Autumn term Code Name ECTS cr. Period CS-A1143 Data Structures and Algorithms Y 5 I-II ENG-A2001 Computer-aided tools in engineering 5 I-II CHEM-C2250 Chemistry III 5 I-II

139 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 2 nd year, Spring term Code Name ECTS cr. Period MS-C2105 Introduction to Optimization 5 IV CHEM-C2310 Bioprocess Technology 5 IV-V CHEM-C2340 Industrial Biomass Processes 5 IV-V ENG-A1003 Numerical Methods in Engineering 5 III ELEC-D8710 Principles of materials science 5 III-IV Compulsory Language Course 3 Minor or electives 5 3 rd year, Autumn term Code Name ECTS cr. Period CHEM-C2330 Biochemistry 5 I-II CHEM-C3320 Plant biomass 5 I CHEM-C3420 Basics of Polymer Technology 5 I-II Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 3 rd year, Spring term Code Name ECTS cr. Period Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar 10 I-I or III-V

140 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 Maturity test 0 Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 Minor or electives 5 Minor: Chemical Engineering Code: CHEM3055 Language: English Responsible professor: Ville Alopaeus Extend: cr. Target Group: All bachelor s students Application procedure: With an to Planning Officer before 1.9. Study plan should be attached to the application. Quotas and restrictions: Max 10 students per year. Code Name ECTS cr. Period Compulsory courses CHEM-C1200 Chemistry I 5 I-II CHEM-C1210 Chemistry II 5 IV-V Choose 2-3 courses (note prerequisities) CHEM-C1300 Fundamental Biosciences 5 III-IV CHEM-C2250 Chemistry III 5 I-II CHEM-C2310 Bioprocess Technology 5 IV-V CHEM-C2330 Biochemistry 5 I-II CHEM-C2340 Industrial Biomass Processes 5 IV-V CHEM-C2470 Basics of Material Science 5 I-II

141 KTAK/3/ (7) Liite 7 CHEM-C3320 Plant biomass 5 I CHEM-C3420 Basics of Polymer Technology 5 I-II CHEM-A1610 Design Meets Biomaterials 5 IV-V

142 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/Attachment 8 Student recruitment plan Anna Mäkilä

143 Student recruitment plan Bachelor's Programme in Chemical Engineering

144 Action plan What Content Budget + Timing Distribution Responsible Content planning and ideas for student marketing campaign What? When? Who? April - May School s communication (professors & LES) Lectures for high school students - Chemistry/chemical engineering as an interesting study and research field May - September - Lectures - Internet Professors (school s communication & LES) Marketing video - Chemical engineering as an interesting study and research field - multidisciplinary Planning of social media campaign Focus points and content for social media campaign May - September - & - Youtube May - June School s communication (professors & LES) School s communication (professors & LES) Printed material Flyers April - August Events/visits etc. School s communication (professors & LES) Checking CHEM pages Updating marketing material CHEM-info Information for opos and teachers from high schools - Study web pages (programme and major descriptions, Get to know us, keywords etc.) School s own info package: - Recruitment Training - Content May - August internet School s communication (professors & LES) May - August & school s communication (content) & LES (updating) (professors) October-January visits LES (student advisors) OPO breakfast - New trends in research - Study possibilities at CHEM - Career possibilities September/October Event (cooperation with industry) Some material on internet School s communication (professors & LES)

145 Action plan What Content Budget + Timing Event for teachers from high schools - New trends in research - Study possibilities at CHEM - Career possibilities September/October Distribution Event (cooperation with industry) Responsible School s communication (professors & LES) Koe Kampus Fair Aalto level campaign October event LES (professors, student advisors) Infoilijat blogging, hosting webbinars, sharing picutres in Instagram and Snapchat Whole year Aalto blogs, Instagram, Snapchat Aalto communication Scientists at Schools Teachers visits at schools Whole year LES, professors and teachers Stockholders events at CHEM and around Finland According to needs, e.g.: - Short info about programme - Lab visit Visits from schools - Short info about programme - Lab visit Whole year Visit Professors/LES (student advisors) Whole year on demand Visit LES (student advisors) Content to the Aalto student marketing newsletter - Interesting stories - Important issues Each newsletter Aalto student marketing newsletter School s communication (professors & LES) Activities in school s own channels - Interesting stories - Important issues Each week Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat; Eetteri School s communication (professors & LES)

146 Student recruitment plan Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering

147 Action plan What Content Budget + Timing Content planning and ideas for student marketing campaign Summer marketing to admitted students Updating marketing material Marketing event for polytechnic students Event for exchange students Content to the Aalto student marketing newsletter Activities in school s own channels What? When? Who? April - May Distribution Four summer letters April - August LES Study web pages (programme and major descriptions, Get to know us, keywords etc.) Presentation of school s programmes and majors Presentation of school s programmes and majors - Interesting stories - Important issues - Interesting stories - Important issues May-August & Responsible School s communication (professors & LES) school s communication (content) & LES (updating) (professors) November/December Event at school LES (professors) December Event at school LES Each newsletter Each week Aalto student marketing newsletter Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat Eetteri School s communication (professors & LES) School s communication (professors & LES)

148 KTAK 3/2019 Liite/attachment 9 ICT Survey for Students (n = 142) Some results and observations CHEM Spring 2019 Jukka Välimäki

149 Background information

150 When did you start your studies at the School of Chemical Engineering? * 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% How much credits do you have? (approximately) * Meaning studies at the School of Chemical Engineering syksy 47% % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 3 % 2017 syksy 10% % 2016 syksy 6% % 39 % 2015 syksy 11% % over % 2014 syksy 16% Total 91% (Years with less than 5% hidden to preserve anonymity) This survey tells nothing about doctoral students Current stage of studies at CHEM* 67% Bachelor (~2/3 of answers) 32% Master (~1/3 of answers)

151 Experiences & wishes

152 When it comes to the knowledge required for your studies, how well do you know the following applications and digital services? * 0 = I don't know / I haven't used 1 = I don't know enough 2 = a little too little 3 = I know well enough 4 = more than is required for studying 5 = I know so well that I could advise others when needed 1/3

153 All answers (0-5) 2/3 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Aspen CES EduPack Matlab Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word MyCourses SciFinder Scopus Panopto Python (ohjelmointikieli) Weboodi Average

154 Of those that have used (1-5, 0 hidden) 3/ > 40% Aspen CES EduPack Matlab Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word MyCourses SciFinder Scopus Panopto Python (programming) Weboodi Average 0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % 120 %

155 What other applications or digital services do you use in your studies? Wordcloud (more mentions = bigger word) You can answer with applications or digital services you have chosen or that are offered by Aalto University. You can mention more than one.

156 What other applications or digital services should be taught more in the future? Please list below. Wordcloud 1/2 You can report applications or digital services that are not currently taught at all or are not taught enough to all students.

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Kemiantekniikan tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinto

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16. Allocation Models

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