MS-A0504 First course in probability and statistics
- Arttu Honkanen
- 7 vuotta sitten
- Katselukertoja:
1 MS-A0504 First course in probability and statistics Week 6 Statistical dependence and linear regression Heikki Seppälä Department of mathematics and system analysis School of science Aalto University Spring 2016
2 Contents Description of data set of two variables Least squares method Linear regression
3 Contents Description of data set of two variables Least squares method Linear regression
4 Describing the data set of two variables Collected data: n observed units, p variables. Choose two variables for analysis, which means that we analyse data set (x, y) consisting of pairs (x 1, y 1 ),..., (x n, y n ).
5 Example. Evaluation of the course Can we predict exam points from exercise points? id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Input (explanatory): x = (0, 20, 0, 16, 20, 17, 3, 9, 12, 0, 19, 0, 17) Output (dependent): y = (0, 17, 15, 12, 19, 21, 0, 13, 19, 0, 15, 12, 13)
6 Scatter plot Data points: (x 1, y 1 ),..., (x n, y n )
7 Sample variance The sample covariance of data vectors x and y is defined by s(x, y) = 1 n 1 n (x i m(x))(y i m(y)), i=1 where m(x) and m(y) are sample means of data vectors. Remark: s(x, x) = s 2 (x) is the sample variance of x s(y, y) = s 2 (y) is the sample variance of y s(x, x) = s(x) is the sample standard deviation of x s(y, y) = s(y) is the sample standard deviation of y
8 Example. Evaluation of the course id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade The sample covariance s(x, y) = cov(x,y) = We need to normalise this to be able to interpret it.
9 Sample correlation Pearson s sample correlation of data vectors x and y is defined by r(x, y) = s(x, y) [ 1, +1] s(x)s(y) Karl Pearson FRS Pearson s correlation measures linear dependence: If r(x, y) > 0, then x and y are positively correlated If r(x, y) = 0, then x and y are uncorrelated If r(x, y) < 0, then x and y are negatively correlated
10 Example. Evaluation of the course id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Pearson s sample correlation r(x, y) = cor(x,y) = Exercise points and exam points appears to be positively correlated Or is this caused by random variation?
11 Testing for correlations Null hypothesis (stochastic model): Observed pairs (x i, y i ) are realizations of independent random vectors (X i, Y i ) N 2 (µ X, µ Y, σ 2 X, σ2 Y, ρ XY ). H 0 : ρ XY = 0 vs. H 1 : ρ XY 0 William S Gosset (a.k.a. Student ) If the initial hypothesis and the null hypothesis hold, the test statistic t(x, Y ) = r(x, Y ) n 2 1 r(x, Y ) 2 is t-distributed with degrees of freedom n 2. If the absolute value of test statistic is large, then it is unlikely that the null hypothesis is true
12 Example. Evaluation of the course id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Is the joint distribution of exam and exercise points a bi-variate normal distribution? No. Both variables are discrete and usually neither of them is symmetric. In this case we can not test the correlation using the aforementioned test.however, there are non-parametric tests which can be used also in this setting (course MS-C2104 Introduction to Statistical Inference).
13 Example. Heights of fathers and sons Height Son Father Are the heights of fathers and sons from a bi-variate normal distribution?
14 f Example. Heights of fathers and sons Son Father
15 Example. Heights of fathers and sons Histogram of Fathers Histogram of Sons Density Density Height Height
16 Example. Heights of fathers and sons Are the heights of fathers and sons from a bi-variate normal distribution? Yes - or at least bi-variate normal distribution provides accurate enough approximation. We can test the correlation using the test. Sample correlation is cor(x,y) = The test statistic calculated from the data t(x, y) = p-value Pr( t(x, Y ) 18.85) = 2*(1-pt(18.85,1076)) = 0 Since the p-value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis (ρ XY = 0) is rejected with 1 % significance level. Conclusion: heights of fathers and sons are linearly dependent.
17 Contents Description of data set of two variables Least squares method Linear regression
18 Example. Evaluation of the course id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Pearson s sample correlation r(x, y) = Linear dependence between variables is somewhat strong What is the best line for illustrating linear dependence?
19 Scatter plot Data points: (x 1, y 1 ),..., (x n, y n )
20 Fitting the line Fitted values: ŷ i = β 0 + β 1 x i
21 Residuals Residuals: e i = y i ŷ i
22 Minimization of residuals How to choose the optimal slope β 1 and constant β 0?
23 Minimization of residuals Sum of squares of residuals of line ŷ = β 0 + β 1 x SSE(β 0, β 1 ) = n (y i ŷ i ) 2 = i=1 n (y i β 0 β 1 x i ) 2 i=1 Least squares method Find (β 0, β 1 ) such that sum of squared residuals is minimized. Solution: Differentiate SSE(β 0, β 1 ) with respect to β 0 and β 1, set both to zero and solve these equations. Answer: (β 0, β 1 ) = (b 0, b 1 ), where b 1 = r(x, y) s(y) s(x), b 0 = m(y) b 1 m(x).
24 Example. Evaluation of the course id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Sample means: m(x) = 10.2, m(y) = 12.0 Sample standard deviations: s(x) = 8.51, s(y) = 7.39 Pearson s sample correlation r(x, y) = b 1 = r(x, y) s(y) s(x) = 0.60 b 0 = m(y) b 1 m(x) = 5.82
25 Example: Heights of fathers and sons Height Son Father Sample means: m(x) = , m(y) = Sample standard deviations: s(x) = 6.98, s(y) = 7.14 Pearson s sample correlation r(x, y) = b 1 = r(x, y) s(y) s(x) = b 0 = m(y) b 1 m(x) = 86.83
26 Example: Heights of fathers and sons Height Son Father
27 Contents Description of data set of two variables Least squares method Linear regression
28 Prediction interval of fitted line If we fit a line to a data set of two variables using least squares method, how accurately this line predicts the values of the response variable? How likely it is that the fitted value is close to observed value? We need the stochastic model of statistical experiment.
29 Linear regression model Suppose that the response variable Y depends on input x as follows: Y = β 0 + β 1 x + ɛ, where ɛ N(0, σ 2 ). We take n independent measurements with input values x 1,..., x n and obtain the values Y k = β 0 + β 1 x k + ɛ k, k = 1,..., n, where the random residuals ɛ 1,..., ɛ n of the stochastic model are independent and N(0, σ 2 )-distributed. There are 3 unknown parameters: (β 0, β 1, σ 2 ).
30 Estimation of parameters of linear regression model The best estimators of parameters β 0, β 1 in the sense of expected squared residuals are the least squares estimators b 1 = r(x, y) s(y) s(x), b 0 = m(y) b 1 m(x). Unbiased estimator of the unknown variance parameter σ 2 S 2 = 1 n 2 n (y j ŷ j ) 2 = 1 n 2 k=1 n (y j b 0 b 1 x j ) 2. k=1
31 Prediction interval of fitted value of response We want to predict the value Y ( x) of response variable corresponding to input variable x based on observed data set (x 1,..., x n ; y 1,..., y n ). Predicted value is Ŷ ( x) = b 0 + b 1 x, where b 0, b 1 are estimated from the data using least squares method. The end points of (1 α) prediction interval for the response are b 0 + b 1 x ± t α/2 S ( x m(x))2 + n (n 1)s 2 (x), where t α/2 is a number, for which t(n 2)-distributed random number T satisfies Pr( t α/2 T t α/2 ). Remark: The prediction interval is wider if x is far from the sample mean m(x) of observed data.
32 Example. Evaluation of the course Can we predict the exam points from exercise points? id exam (y) report exercises (x) grade Probably yes - but we can t test it using the method above, because residuals are not normally distributed.
33 Example: Heights of fathers and sons Height Son Father
34 Residuals of the regression model when father is approximately 165cm Histogram of residuals vs. normal distribution Density
35 Example: Heights of fathers and sons Height Son Father
36 Residuals of the regression model when father is approximately 170cm Histogram of residuals vs. normal distribution Density
37 Example: Heights of fathers and sons Can we predict the heights of sons from the heights of fathers? It seems that the residuals are normally distributed with equal variances so we can use the regression model. (The normality assumption for residuals is not necessary, course MS-2128 Prediction and time series analysis.)
38 Height of son, when father is approximately 165cm Heights of sons Density Height Distribution of the heights of sons and the 90% prediction interval, when the height of the father is 165cm.
39 Height of son, when father is approximately 170cm Heights of sons Density Height Distribution of the heights of sons and the 90% prediction interval, when the height of the father is 170cm.
40 Example: Heights of fathers and sons (90 % prediction interval) Height Sons
41 What next?
42 Stochastics and Statistics Courses MS-C2111 S TOKASTISET PROSESSIT MS-E1600 P ROBABILITY THEORY Periodi I, 5 op, tekn. kand. Luennoitsija: Lasse Leskelä Esitiedot: MS-A050X Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi MS-A000X Matriisilaskenta MS-A020X Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 Stokastisilla prosesseilla mallinnetaan tekniikan, talouden ja luonnontieteiden sovelluksissa esiintyviä ajasta riippuvia satunnaisilmiöitä. Tällä kurssilla opimme analysoimaan stokastisia populaatiomalleja Markov-prosessien avulla sekä ennakoimattomien tapahtumien esiintymistä Poisson-prosessien avulla. Lisäksi opimme analysoimaan yksinkertaisten uhkapelien sijoitusstrategioita martingaalien avulla. Tämän kurssin tiedot ovat tärkeitä useimmilla stokastiikan ja tilastotieteen jatkokursseilla. Period III, 5 cr, MSc Lecturer: Prerequisites: MS-C2103 KOESUUNNITTELU JA TILASTOLLISET MALLIT MS-C2128 E NNUSTAMINEN JA AIKASARJA - ANALYYSI la. Kurssin tavoitteena on oppia, kuinka aikasarjoja analysoidaan ja miten niiden avulla laaditaan ennusteita. Kurssi kattaa yleisimmät mallit, kuten ARIMA-mallit ja dynaamiset regressiomallit, mutta myös muita tulosten kannalta oleellisia asioita, kuten diagnostiikan ja mallin valinnan. Kurssilla käytetään R-ohjelmistoa. -Niels Bohr Jos tietyt matemaattiset oletukset täyttyvät, voidaan tehdä käyttökelpoisia ennusteita historiallisten aikasarja-aineistojen perusteel "Ennustaminen on vaikeaa, varsinkin tulevaisuuden" Date MS-E1601 B ROWNIAN MOTION AND STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS Period II, 5 cr, MSc Lecturer: Prerequisites: Lauri Viitasaari MS-E1600 Probability theory (MS-C2111 Stokastiset prosessit) This course introduces the foundations of stochastic analysis and stochastic integration with respect to a Brownian motion. The course starts with a construction of Brownian motion and analysis of its basic properties, and continues with the construction of Ito stochastic integral. We derive the Ito formula which is the equivalent of the fundamental theorem of calculus for stochastic integrals, and discuss its applications to mathematical finance. MS-E1996 M ULTIVARIATE LOCATION AND SCATTER Where is the data? How is it scattered? When dealing with multivariate observations, the very first questions that come to mind are: 20 Pauliina Ilmonen At least one matrix algebra and one MSc level statistics/probability course 5 Period II, 5 cr, MSc Lecturer: Prerequisites: Periodit III IV, 5 op, tekn. kand./di Luennoitsija: Heikki Seppälä Esitiedot: MS-A050X Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi Kurssilla esitellään tavallisimpia koejärjestelyitä sekä menetelmiä tilastollisen analyysin tekemiseen. Tavoitteena on oppia valitsemaan sopiva koejärjestely tilastollisen testin toteuttami- seksi, suorittamaan testi ja analysoimaan tulokset. Kurssi kattaa regressioanalyysin perusteet, varianssianalyysin sekä valikoituja koejärjestelyitä, kuten lohkoasetelmat, faktorikokeet sekä vastepintamenetelmän. Kurssilla käytetään R-ohjelmistoa. 20 Tenor basis spread (bp) 40 Periodi II, 5 op, tekn. kand. Luennoitsija: Heikki Seppälä Esitiedot: MS-A050X Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi MS-A020X Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta 2 (MS-C2111 Stokastiset prosessit) Kalle Kytölä MS-C1540 Euklidiset avaruudet This course is about the mathematical foundations of randomness. Most advanced topics in stochastics and statistics rely on probability theory. The basic constructions are identical to measure theory, but there are a number of distinctly probabilistic features such as independence, notions of convergence of random variables, information contained in a sigma-algebra, conditional expectation, characteristic functions and generating functions, laws of large numbers and central limit theorems, etc. These questions are discussed together with selected applications. This is an advanced course in statistics for MSc and doctoral students. Only 10 students are admitted to this course, so the lecturer ASAP to register. Topics include: M-estimates of location and scatter, MCD-estimates, spatial sign and rank based estimates, multivariate location tests, autocovariance matrices and applications, PCA using different location and scatter estimates, multivariate regression analysis based on spatial signs and ranks, scatter matrix based ICA, complex time series ICA, ICS and skewness and kurtosis. MS-C2104 T ILASTOLLISEN ANALYYSIN PERUSTEET Periodit III IV, 5 op, tekn. kand./di Luennoitsija: Pauliina Ilmonen Esitiedot: MS-A050X Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi MS-A000X Matriisilaskenta Kurssi on johdatus tietokoneavusteiseen tilastolliseen analyysiin ja tilastolliseen päättelyyn. Kurssin aiheita ovat estimointi ja väliestimointi, yksinkertaiset parametriset ja epäparametriset testit, tilastollinen riippuvuus ja korrelaatio, lineaarinen regressioanalyysi ja varianssianalyysi. Kurssilla käytetään R-ohjelmistoa. MS-E2112 M ULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Periods III IV, 5 cr, MSc Lecturer: Pauliina Ilmonen Prerequisites: At least one statistics/probability and one matrix algebra course This course is an introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. The goal is to learn basics of common multivariate data analy- sis techniques and to use the methods in practice. Software R is used in the exercises of this course. The topics of the course are multivariate location and scatter, principal component analysis, bivariate correspondence analysis, multivariate correspondence analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, classification, and clustering. MS-E1602 L ARGE RANDOM SYSTEMS Period IV, 5 cr, MSc Lecturers: Lasse Leskelä and Kalle Kytölä Prerequisites MS-E1600 Probability theory, (MS-C2111 Stokastiset prosessit) Many interesting random systems contain a large number of simpler constituents interacting with each other. This course covers both mathematical techniques for the study of such systems, and important probabilistic models of a range of different phenomena. The theory focuses on tightness and weak convergence of probability measures. Examples include random walk and Brownian motion, percolation, Curie-Weiss model and Ising model, and voter model and contact process.
43 Stochastics & Aalto Bachelor courses First course in probability and statistics (E) Stochastic processes Introduction to Statistical Inference (E) Design of experiments and statistical models Prediction and time series analysis Masters courses Probability theory (E) Large random systems (E) Multivariate statistical analysis (E) Brownian motion and stochastic analysis (E) Multivariate location and scatter (E)
44 The course ends here. Thanks for attending and good luck for exams!
45 References The slides are partly based on the previous lecture slides (Ilkka Mellin, Milla Kibble, Juuso Liesiö, Lasse Leskelä, Kalle Kytölä).
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Uusi Ajatus Löytyy Luonnosta 4 (käsikirja) (Finnish Edition) Esko Jalkanen Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Uusi Ajatus Löytyy Luonnosta 4 (käsikirja) (Finnish Edition) Esko Jalkanen
Supplementary Table S1. Material list (a) Parameters Sal to Str
Tooth wear as a means to quantify intra-specific variations in diet and chewing movements - Scientific Reports 2016, 6:3037 Ivan Calandra, Gaëlle Labonne, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Thomas M. Kaiser & Sophie
Capacity utilization
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Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)
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OP1. PreDP StudyPlan
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Esim Brand lkm keskiarvo keskihajonta A ,28 5,977 B ,06 3,866 C ,95 4,501
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MS-A0501 Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi
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Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data
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Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies
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1.3 Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä
OULUN YLIOPISTO Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos Johdatus ohjelmointiin 811122P (5 op.) 12.12.2005 Ohjelmointikieli on Java. Tentissä saa olla materiaali mukana. Tenttitulokset julkaistaan aikaisintaan
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Categorical Decision Making Units and Comparison of Efficiency between Different Systems
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MS-A0502 Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi
MS-A0502 Todennäköisyyslaskennan ja tilastotieteen peruskurssi 3B Tilastolliset datajoukot Lasse Leskelä Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin laitos Perustieteiden korkeakoulu Aalto-yliopisto Syksy 2016,
Teknillinen tiedekunta, matematiikan jaos Numeeriset menetelmät
Numeeriset menetelmät 1. välikoe, 14.2.2009 1. Määrää matriisin 1 1 a 1 3 a a 4 a a 2 1 LU-hajotelma kaikille a R. Ratkaise LU-hajotelmaa käyttäen yhtälöryhmä Ax = b, missä b = [ 1 3 2a 2 a + 3] T. 2.
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1.3Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä
OULUN YLIOPISTO Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos Johdatus ohjelmointiin 81122P (4 ov.) 30.5.2005 Ohjelmointikieli on Java. Tentissä saa olla materiaali mukana. Tenttitulokset julkaistaan aikaisintaan
Toppila/Kivistö 10.01.2013 Vastaa kaikkin neljään tehtävään, jotka kukin arvostellaan asteikolla 0-6 pistettä.
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Mat-2.104 Tilastollisen analyysin perusteet / Ratkaisut Aiheet: Avainsanat Usean selittäjän lineaarinen regressiomalli Estimaatti, Estimaattori, Estimointi, Jäännösneliösumma, Jäännöstermi, Jäännösvarianssi,
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UEF Statistics Teaching Bulletin, Spring 2017
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Windows Phone. Module Descriptions. Opiframe Oy puh. +358 44 7220800 02600 Espoo
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SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.9.269
make and make and make ThinkMath 2017
Adding quantities Lukumäärienup yhdistäminen. Laske yhteensä?. Countkuinka howmonta manypalloja ballson there are altogether. and ja make and make and ja make on and ja make ThinkMath 7 on ja on on Vaihdannaisuus
Kemppi ARC YOU GET WHAT YOU MEASURE OR BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR HITSAUKSEN TUOTTAVUUSRATKAISUT Puolitetaan hitsauskustannukset seminaari 9.4.2008 Mikko Veikkolainen, Ratkaisuliiketoimintapäällikkö
Research plan for masters thesis in forest sciences. The PELLETime 2009 Symposium Mervi Juntunen
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Operatioanalyysi 2011, Harjoitus 2, viikko 38
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Operatioanalyysi 2011, Harjoitus 4, viikko 40 H4t1, Exercise 4.2. H4t2, Exercise 4.3. H4t3, Exercise 4.4. H4t4, Exercise 4.5. H4t5, Exercise 4.6. (Exercise 4.2.) 1 4.2. Solve the LP max z = x 1 + 2x 2
Mat Seminar on Optimization. Data Envelopment Analysis. Economies of Scope S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Teknillinen korkeakoulu
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7. Product-line architectures
7. Product-line architectures 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Product-line basics 7.3 Layered style for product-lines 7.4 Variability management 7.5 Benefits and problems with product-lines 1 Short history of software
Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava
VAALAN KUNTA TUULISAIMAA OY Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava Liite 3. Varjostusmallinnus FCG SUUNNITTELU JA TEKNIIKKA OY 12.5.2015 P25370 SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations
KOULUTUSTIEDOTE 1(5) ISEB/ISTQB FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE IN SOFTWARE TESTING III Kuvaus ja tavoite ISEB/ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing -sertifikaattiin valmentava koulutus (2,5 pv) ja sertifikaattikoe
SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579
Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland
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Kvanttilaskenta - 1. tehtävät
Kvanttilaskenta -. tehtävät Johannes Verwijnen January 9, 0 edx-tehtävät Vastauksissa on käytetty edx-kurssin materiaalia.. Problem False, sillä 0 0. Problem False, sillä 0 0 0 0. Problem A quantum state
Double-stranded methylation patterns of a 104-bp L1 promoter in DNAs from male and female fibroblasts, male leukocytes and female lymphoblastoid cells using hairpin-bisulfite PCR. Fifteen L1 sequences
,0 Yes ,0 120, ,8
SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: Alue 2 ( x 9 x HH120) TuuliSaimaa kaavaluonnos Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered
Miehittämätön meriliikenne
Rolls-Royce & Unmanned Shipping Ecosystem Miehittämätön meriliikenne Digimurros 2020+ 17.11. 2016 September 2016 2016 Rolls-Royce plc The 2016 information Rolls-Royce in this plc document is the property
Use of spatial data in the new production environment and in a data warehouse
Use of spatial data in the new production environment and in a data warehouse Nordic Forum for Geostatistics 2007 Session 3, GI infrastructure and use of spatial database Statistics Finland, Population
( ( OX2 Perkkiö. Rakennuskanta. Varjostus. 9 x N131 x HH145
OX2 9 x N131 x HH145 Rakennuskanta Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus Liike- tai julkinen rakennus Teollinen rakennus Kirkko tai kirkollinen rak. Muu rakennus Allas Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 km
VE1 SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: 8 x Nordex N131 x HH145m Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please
x = y x i = y i i = 1, 2; x + y = (x 1 + y 1, x 2 + y 2 ); x y = (x 1 y 1, x 2 + y 2 );
LINEAARIALGEBRA Harjoituksia/Exercises 2017 1. Olkoon n Z +. Osoita, että (R n, +, ) on lineaariavaruus, kun vektoreiden x = (x 1,..., x n ), y = (y 1,..., y n ) identtisyys, yhteenlasku ja reaaliluvulla
SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: N117 x 9 x HH141 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG