Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata
- Liisa Halonen
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1 Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata Jarkko Kari Pascal Vanier Thomas Zeume University of Turku LIF Marseille Universität Hannover 27 august 2009 J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
2 Content Denitions Cellular Automata Unbalanced words Orphans Diamonds 2 Linear algebra approach Unbalanced words Orphans Diamonds General range 3 Algorithms 4 Conclusion J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
3 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
4 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
5 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
6 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
7 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
8 One-dimensional Cellular Automata S = { }, N = {0, } f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
9 We consider here non-surjective, one dimensional cellular automata: F : S Z S Z Where S = {,..., n} the set of states, hence S = n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
10 We consider here non-surjective, one dimensional cellular automata: F : S Z S Z Where S = {,..., n} the set of states, hence S = n. The range of the local rule f : S r S is r: t f r J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
11 We consider here non-surjective, one dimensional cellular automata: F : S Z S Z Where S = {,..., n} the set of states, hence S = n. The range of the local rule f : S r S is r: t f r We will focus on range 2 cellular automata. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
12 Unbalanced words On the average, words of length k have n preimages of length k +. If the CA is not surjective some words are unbalanced: their number of preimages is dierent from n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
13 Unbalanced words On the average, words of length k have n preimages of length k +. If the CA is not surjective some words are unbalanced: their number of preimages is dierent from n. Combinatorial upper bound on the size of shortest unbalanced words: n2 log 2 n 2 J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
14 Orphans Non-surjective CA have congurations with no preimage. By compactness, they also have orphans : nite congurations with no preimage. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
15 Orphans Non-surjective CA have congurations with no preimage. By compactness, they also have orphans : nite congurations with no preimage. Combinatorial upper bound on the size of shortest orphans: 2 n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
16 Diamonds By the Garden-of-Eden theorem, if f is non-surjective there exists a diamond: two dierent words with a common prex, a common sux and the same image by f. f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
17 Diamonds By the Garden-of-Eden theorem, if f is non-surjective there exists a diamond: two dierent words with a common prex, a common sux and the same image by f. f length The length of a diamond is the length of the diering part. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
18 Diamonds By the Garden-of-Eden theorem, if f is non-surjective there exists a diamond: two dierent words with a common prex, a common sux and the same image by f. f length The length of a diamond is the length of the diering part. Combinatorial upper bound on the length of shortest diamonds : n2 2. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
19 Summary Combinatorial Orphans Diamonds Unbalanced words 2 n n2 log 2 n 2 n2 2 J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
20 Summary Combinatorial Linear algebraic Orphans 2 n n 2 Diamonds Unbalanced words n2 log 2 n 2 2n n n2 2 n J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
21 Linear algebra approach We interpret states as unit coordinate vectors of R n : (, 0, 0,..., 0) 2 (0,, 0,..., 0). n (0, 0, 0,..., ) Sets of states are 0/-vectors obtained by adding up their elements : (0, 0, 0, 0, 0,..., 0) S (,,,,,..., ) {, 2, 4} (,, 0,, 0,..., 0) J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
22 The weight of a vector x = (x,..., x n ) R n is and is a linear form. φ(x) = x + + x n Furthermore, if x is a 0/-vector, representing a set of states, then φ(x) coincides with the cardinality. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
23 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} f J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
24 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} f f f (0,, 0) = (0,, ) J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
25 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} f f f (,, ) = (,, 2) J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
26 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} f f f (,, ) = (,, 2) The matrix of f a is obtained from the local rule table by replacing each entry a by and each entry dierent of a by 0. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
27 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} f f f f (,, ) = (,, 3) For any word w = a... a k, we denote f w = f ak f a. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
28 For each a S we dene the linear function f a : R n R n that maps each s as follows: f a : s {x S f (s, x) = a} 2 f f f f 2 (,, ) = (, 3, ) f 2 f w counts preimages: For Q S, φ(f w (Q)) gives the number of preimages of w starting with some state of Q. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august 2009 / 2
29 Observe the following: A word w is unbalanced if and only if: φ(f w (,..., )) n A word w is an orphan if and only if: φ(f w (,..., )) = 0 Note that V k = {x φ(x) = k} = (k, 0,..., 0) + ker φ is an ane subspace of R n of dimension n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
30 Observe the following: A word w is unbalanced if and only if: φ(f w (,..., )) n A word w is an orphan if and only if: φ(f w (,..., )) = 0 Note that V k = {x φ(x) = k} = (k, 0,..., 0) + ker φ is an ane subspace of R n of dimension n. Unbalanced word: nding the shortest composition of f a taking (,..., ) outside of the ane subspace V n of R n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
31 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
32 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. Corollary There exists an unbalanced word of length at most n. Proof. By taking A = V n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
33 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. Proof. Consider A 0 A... ane subspaces dened by: A 0 = {x}, dim A 0 = 0 (A i a S f a (A i ) ) A i+ = A J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
34 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. Proof. Consider A 0 A... ane subspaces dened by: A 0 = {x}, dim A 0 = 0 (A i a S f a (A i ) ) A i+ = A Let m be the smallest i such that A i A: J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
35 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. Proof. Consider A 0 A... ane subspaces dened by: A 0 = {x}, dim A 0 = 0 (A i a S f a (A i ) ) A i+ = A Let m be the smallest i such that A i A: A i = A i+ means that f a (A i ) A i for all a, so A i = A j for all j > i. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
36 Theorem Let A be an ane space, if there is a word w such that f w (x) A, there exist such a word of length at most dim A +. Proof. Consider A 0 A... ane subspaces dened by: A 0 = {x}, dim A 0 = 0 (A i a S f a (A i ) ) A i+ = A Let m be the smallest i such that A i A: A i = A i+ means that f a (A i ) A i for all a, so A i = A j for all j > i. Hence all inclusions are proper: A 0 A A m, so 0 = dim A 0 < < dim A m Since dim A m dim A, we have a word of the desired length. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
37 Lemma (Balance) For any vector x of R n, the following relation holds: φ (f a (x)) = n φ (x) a S J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
38 Lemma (Balance) For any vector x of R n, the following relation holds: φ (f a (x)) = n φ (x) a S Corollary There is a word w such that φ(f w (x)) > φ(x) if and only if there is a word v, v = w such that φ(f v (x)) < φ(x). J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
39 Lemma (Balance) For any vector x of R n, the following relation holds: φ (f a (x)) = n φ (x) a S Proof. By linearity of φ, it is enough to consider x representing a single state s. For every b S the word sb is a preimage of exactly one a S, so a S φ(f a(s)) = n. Corollary There is a word w such that φ(f w (x)) > φ(x) if and only if there is a word v, v = w such that φ(f v (x)) < φ(x). J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
40 We can use the method used for the unbalanced words! Theorem There exists an orphan of length at most n 2. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
41 We can use the method used for the unbalanced words! Theorem There exists an orphan of length at most n 2. Proof. Starting with x 0 = (,..., ), we nd words w,..., w j of length at most n such that: where w w x 0 2 w j x x j n = φ(x 0 ) > φ(x ) > > φ(x j ) = 0 The word w w 2... w j is an orphan of length at most jn n 2. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
42 To nd a diamond, we start with some pair {a, b}, a b, such that f (s, a) = f (s, b), for some s S. The weight of the corresponding vector is 2. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
43 We repeatedly nd words of length at most n that increase the weight. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
44 n n > n We stop once the vector has weight > n. The length of the corresponding word is at most n n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
45 n n > n If the nal vector is not a 0/-vector, then we have found a diamond of length at most n n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
46 n n n n > n > n We do the same from right to left. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
47 n n n n > n > n There are more than n pairs of states in the two nal sets, so two pairs have the same image under f. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
48 n n n n > n > n There are more than n pairs of states in the two nal sets, so two pairs have the same image under f. Theorem There exist a diamond of length at most 2n n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
49 We have proved the following bounds: range 2 general r Diamonds 2n n 2n 3(r ) 2 Orphans n 2 n 2(r ) Unbalanced word n n r J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
50 Algorithms This method gives us polynomial time algorithms to nd orphans, unbalanced words and diamonds. Note: The words found are not necessarily the shortest solution, but they are always below our bound. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
51 A x All we need is a polynomial algorithm to nd the shortest sequence of linear transformations f a taking a vector x outside an ane space A. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
52 A x We apply all transformations in breadth-rst order. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
53 A x For each vector constructed, we check wether it is a linear combination of the previously discovered ones. If so, the node does not need further processing. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
54 A x A shortest path out of A is guaranteed to be found. Up to n 2 vectors are processed: each node has n successors, and the number of linearly independent vectors found is at most n. J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
55 Conclusion Lower bounds Upper bounds Orphans 2n n 2 Diamonds 6 2n 3 2 Unbalanced words? n J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
56 Conclusion Lower bounds Upper bounds Orphans 2n 2n? Diamonds n? n? Unbalanced words?? J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
57 Conclusion Lower bounds Upper bounds Orphans 2n n 2 Diamonds 6 2n 3 2 Unbalanced words? n Polynomial time algorithms for nding a shortest orphan or diamond? J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
58 Conclusion Lower bounds Upper bounds Orphans 2n n 2 Diamonds 6 2n 3 2 Unbalanced words? n Polynomial time algorithms for nding a shortest orphan or diamond? Is there a polynomial bound for k such that at least half of the words of length k are orphans? J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
59 Thank you J. Kari, P. Vanier, T. Zeume (UTU) Bounds on non-surjective cellular automata 27 august / 2
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Ajettavat luokat: SM: S1 (25 aika-ajon nopeinta)
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Information on preparing Presentation
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Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies
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Topics on Hyperbolic Function Theory in Cl_{n+1,0}
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KMTK lentoestetyöpaja - Osa 2
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Mat Seminar on Optimization. Data Envelopment Analysis. Economies of Scope S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Teknillinen korkeakoulu
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Operatioanalyysi 2011, Harjoitus 2, viikko 38
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1.3Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä
OULUN YLIOPISTO Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos Johdatus ohjelmointiin 81122P (4 ov.) 30.5.2005 Ohjelmointikieli on Java. Tentissä saa olla materiaali mukana. Tenttitulokset julkaistaan aikaisintaan
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Operatioanalyysi 2011, Harjoitus 4, viikko 40
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1.3 Lohkorakenne muodostetaan käyttämällä a) puolipistettä b) aaltosulkeita c) BEGIN ja END lausekkeita d) sisennystä
OULUN YLIOPISTO Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos Johdatus ohjelmointiin 811122P (5 op.) 12.12.2005 Ohjelmointikieli on Java. Tentissä saa olla materiaali mukana. Tenttitulokset julkaistaan aikaisintaan
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Counting quantities 1-3
Counting quantities 1-3 Lukumäärien 1 3 laskeminen 1. Rastita Tick (X) (X) the kummassa box that has laatikossa more on balls enemmän in it. palloja. X. Rastita Tick (X) (X) the kummassa box that has laatikossa
Double-stranded methylation patterns of a 104-bp L1 promoter in DNAs from fetal fibroblast passages 10, 14, 17, and 22 using barcoded hairpinbisulfite PCR. Fifteen L1 sequences were analyzed for passages
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00130 HELSINKI MODERNIA TOIMISTOTILAA Noin VUOKRATAAN Ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus vuokrata huipputason Helsingin näköalapaikalta Toimi pian! Lisätietoja KALLE JASKARA Myyntijohtaja +358 50 324 0404
Capacity utilization
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Tarua vai totta: sähkön vähittäismarkkina ei toimi? 11.2.2015 Satu Viljainen Professori, sähkömarkkinat
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Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava
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You can check above like this: Start->Control Panel->Programs->find if Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Lync Attendeed is listed
Online Meeting Guest Online Meeting for Guest Participant Lync Attendee Installation Online kokous vierailevalle osallistujalle Lync Attendee Asennus Overview Before you can join to Ruukki
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1 TIETEEN PÄIVÄT OULUSSA 1.-2.9.2015 Oulun Yliopisto / Tieteen päivät 2015 2 TIETEEN PÄIVÄT Järjestetään Oulussa osana yliopiston avajaisviikon ohjelmaa Tieteen päivät järjestetään saman konseptin mukaisesti
Double-stranded methylation patterns of a 104-bp L1 promoter in DNAs from male and female fibroblasts, male leukocytes and female lymphoblastoid cells using hairpin-bisulfite PCR. Fifteen L1 sequences
Siirtymä maisteriohjelmiin tekniikan korkeakoulujen välillä Transfer to MSc programmes between engineering schools
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Henkiset kilpailut / Cultural competitions
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Plasmid Name: pmm290. Aliases: none known. Length: bp. Constructed by: Mike Moser/Cristina Swanson. Last updated: 17 August 2009
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( ( OX2 Perkkiö. Rakennuskanta. Varjostus. 9 x N131 x HH145
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EUROOPAN PARLAMENTTI 2004 2009 Kansalaisvapauksien sekä oikeus- ja sisäasioiden valiokunta 2008/0101(CNS) 2.9.2008 TARKISTUKSET 9-12 Mietintöluonnos Luca Romagnoli (PE409.790v01-00) ehdotuksesta neuvoston
Counting quantities 1-3
Counting quantities 1-3 Lukumäärien 1 3 laskeminen 1. Rastita Tick (X) (X) the kummassa box that has laatikossa more on balls enemmän in it. palloja. X 2. Rastita Tick (X) (X) the kummassa box that has
Tynnyrivaara, OX2 Tuulivoimahanke. ( Layout 9 x N131 x HH145. Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus 9 x N131 x HH145 Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a
, Tuulivoimahanke Layout 9 x N131 x HH145 Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus 9 x N131 x HH145 Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a 0 0,5 1 1,5 km 2 SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations
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SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579
Matkustaminen Majoittuminen
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SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: N117 x 9 x HH141 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG
SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579
Matkustaminen Majoittuminen
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