rapid evolution in copy number, location and sequence, with diverse turnover mechanisms.
- Anton Laaksonen
- 5 vuotta sitten
- Katselukertoja:
1 Repetitive DNA and its evolution: genomic strategies to understand the processes and exploit biodiversity rapid evolution in copy number, location and sequence, with diverse turnover mechanisms. often mark the major differences between closely related species Sym038: Plant genomes: not just for models anymore 38A: 28 July 2011 Pat Heslop-Harrison and Trude Schwarzacher Farah Badakshi, Ana Claudia Guerra, Guto Kuhn, Faisal Nouroz, Mateus Mondin Twitter: #IBC18
3 Peanut, Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40 AABB genome constitution Ana Claudia Guerra Araujo, EMBRAPA, Brazil
4 BAC in situ individual BACs have various repetitive sequences with
5 Many of the repetitive sequences are retrotransposons and DNA transposons Some are microsatellite motifs Some are satellites including the most rapidly evolving sequences
7 ancestral High-copy number High-copy number High-copy number Low-copy number Low-copy number High copy spp: homogenized, amplification from a limited number of master copies Low copy spp: much variation
8 120bp repeat unit family in Triticum, Aegilops and Secale species Homology between sequences % in Triticum/Aegilops and Secale species Afacer T.mono106/42!133pt1 T.mono106/42!155pt1 996 Ae.umb106/208!1911 Ae.umb106/208! Ae.umb106/208!2012 S.vav147!259pt1 Pet w 25/208! Pet w 25/208!077 S.vav42! S.vav106/208!215pt1 S.vav106/208!204pt2 915 S.vav106/208!215pt2 S.vav25/208!182 S.mon42!136 Pet /42!3324 Pet /42! CS/325/208!1820 Pet !315 S.vav25/208! T.tau25/147!2524pt2 CS/325/147!2322pt2 L.moll25/42!156 Pet w25/147!123 CS/325/208! CS/325/147!2120 Pet w25/147! Ae.umb25/147!124 Ae.umb25/208!168 L.moll25/42! Repeat2 Pet w 25/208!099 S.mon147!1811 S.vav106/208!204pt Repeat3 S.vav147!2711pt1 S.mon25/147!081 T.mono25/208! Repeat1 S.vav42!237pt1 S.vav42!237pt2 T.tau25/147!2625 T.tau25/147!2726 Ae.umb25/208!157 T.tau25/208!1517 T.tau106/42!177 Ae.umb25/42!091 L.moll25/42! CS/325/208!1618 T.tau25/147!2524pt1 CS/325/147!2322pt1 Pet /208!2325 Pet /147!1918 Pet /208!2426 T.tau25/208! T.tau25/208!1416 Ae.umb25/147!135 Ae.umb25/147!146 Ae.umb25/208!179 Ae. tauschii (D genome) Irrespective of copy number in the genome S. cereale (R genome)
9 ancestral High-copy number High-copy number High-copy number High-copy number Low-copy number Low-copy number High copy and low copy spp: no significant homogenization
10 Brassica nigra (BB) 2n=16 Brassica carinata (BBCC) 2n=34 Brassica juncea (AABB) 2n=36 Brassica oleracea (CC) 2n=18 Brassica napus (AACC) 2n=38 Brassica rapa (AA) 2n=20 10
11 Genome Specificity of a CACTA (En/Spm) Transposon B. napus (AACC, 2n=4x=38) hybridized with C-genome CACTA element red B. oleracea (CC, 2n=2x=18) B. rapa (AA, 2n=2x=20) Alix et al. The CACTA transposon Bot1 played a major role in Brassica genome divergence and gene proliferation. Plant Journal
12 Genome Specificity of a CACTA (En/Spm) Transposon B. napus AJ AC B. rapa AC AC AC B ot1-1 large insertion specific of Bot1-1 B. oleracea B ot1-2 large insertion in common between Bot1-2 and Bot1-3 B ot1-3 Bo6L bp Rearrangement specific of Bot1-3
13 Sequence level at scale of 100s to 10000s of bp analysis by dotplot Faisal Nouroz
14 Dot-plots of genomic sequence from homologous pairs of BACs Region of high homology between A and C sequence kb Brassica rapa (A genome) sequence Region of low homology 4kb Insertion-gap pair: present in C genome 500bp Insertion-gap pair: present in A Microsatellite Transposed (moved) sequence Sequence level at scale of 100s to 1000s of bp analysis by dotplot Dotter plot of Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra clone BoB028L01 x Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis An inversion clone KBrB073F16 with transposable elements. 28/07/ gi vs. gi Brassica oleracea (C genome) sequence
17 B. rapa AA 2n=20 B. juncea AABB 2n=36 B. nigra BB 2n=16 B. carinata BBCC 2n=34 B. oleracea CC 2n=18 B. napus AACC 2n=38
19 Rapa141F Rapa185F Rapa8002 Rapa177R B. rapa ( ) B. oleracea (66, ) TSD TIR 542-bp TE TIR TSD /07/2011 B. rapa (AA) B. juncea (AABB) B. napus (AACC) Hexaploid Brassica (carinata x rapa) B. nigra (BB) B. oleracea (CC) B. carinata (BBCC) B. oleracea (GK97361) =A =T =C =G Schematic representation of insertion in Brassica rapa and other Brassica genomes. Green, red, blue and black boxes showing DNA motifs. 19
20 28/07/2011 Dotplot of 790bp insertion element showing inverted repeat structure. 20
21 Terminal LTR retrotransposon in B.oleracea and B.napus. b) B. juncea with mariner like transposon e)
22 524 bp SINE670 bp hat 2781 bp MuDR Like 216 bp SINE Brassica oleracea (C genome; EU ) TEs in B. oleracea Brassica rapa (A genome; AC ) 505 bp Unknown 1655 bp in B.rapa Microsatellite 1189 bp Mariner 380 in B.rapa Like 700 bp hat 715 bp hat 914 bp LINE 1016 bp in LINE 3869 bp TE 402 bp hat 1080 bp LINE 1284 bp 258 MITE Unknown 819 bp Unknown 237 bp Mariner Like Inversion 242, 644 & 274 bp SINEs
23 Whole genome analysis From morphology, cytology, repeats, genes and whole genome sequences The most abundant transposable elements identified in XXX, LTR retrotransposons of the Copia and Gypsy superfamilies, were found to occur 50-fold and 25-fold less frequently in assembled reads than in shotgun reads, respectively... Because only predicted protein homologies were used to identify transposable elements and because all transposable elements contain extensive noncoding DNA, we expect that the vast majority of the transposable element related DNA in the XXX genome assembly was missed by this approach
24 Repetitive DNA and its evolution: genomic strategies to understand the processes and exploit biodiversity Repeats are the greatest part of most genomes Repeats amplify, homogenize, move and deleted They are the most rapidly changing genome component They drive genome evolution, diversification and chromatin structure Sym038: Plant genomes: not just for models anymore 38A: 28 July 2011 Pat Heslop-Harrison and Trude Schwarzacher Farah Badakshi, Ana Claudia Guerra, Guto Kuhn, Faisal Nouroz, Mateus Mondin
tgg agg Supplementary Figure S1.
ttaggatattcggtgaggtgatatgtctctgtttggaaatgtctccgccattaactcaag tggaaagtgtatagtaatgaatctttcaagcacacagatcacttcaaaagactgtttcaa catcacctcaggacaaaaagatgtactctcatttggatgctgtgatgccatgggtcacag attgcaattcccaagtgcccgttcttttacaccaaaatcaaagaagaatatctccccttt
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Poimi online-katalogista MCV 1,5/ 3-G-3,81 Tilausnumero: 1803439 The figure shows a 10-position version of the product Header, Nominal current:, Nom. voltage: 160 V, Pitch: 3.81 mm, Number of positions:
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Plasmid construction PCR reactions were carried out with Pfu or Pfu turbo polymerases (Stratagene) unless otherwise stated.
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SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579
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Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies
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ROLLER TABLES Roller tables are an important element in an assembly line, where ergonomics and good workflow must be ensured. The roller tables guarantee that the wheels can be fed forward effortlessly
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