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1 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members ra Name of legal analyst: Dr Heli Askola (Finland) Date Table completed: October 2008 Contact details: Faculty of Law, Monash University, VIC 3800, AUSTRALIA Country: FINLAND In Finland, the Directive was implemented by amending the Aliens Act 301/2004, especially its Chapter 10 which already contained s on the treatment of EU citizens. (The Title of Chapter 10 is Residence of European Union citizens and comparable persons.) The amending Act, 360/2007, was adopted on 23 March 2007 and entered into force on 30 April Generally the quality of the transposition is good and most of the changes required by the directive seem to have been relatively easily implemented, which in part is due to the fact that when the new Aliens Act was adopted in 2004, the Citizenship Directive was already under negotiation so some of the (proposed) s in the directive were already incorporated in the Act prior to List of implementing legislation (the only explicit implementation measure is the Aliens Act but I have included all of the Acts that bear some relevance, whether or not they were changed because of the directive): Aliens Act 301/2004, as amended by Act 360/2007 Law on Registered partnerships (Laki rekisteröidystä parisuhteesta) 950/2001 Administrative Act (Hallintolaki) 434/2003 Constitution of Finland (Suomen Perustuslaki) Passport Act (Passilaki) 671/2006 Identity Card Act (Henkilökorttilaki) 829/1999 Act (1994/1540) on Finland s accession to the European Union Equality Act (hdenvertaisuuslaki) 21/2004 Act on Social Assistance, (Laki toimeentulotuesta) 1412/1997 Act on Student Support (Opintotukilaki) 65/1994 Act on Grounds for Payments in Administration (Valtion maksuperustelaki) 150/1992 Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (Hallintolainkäyttölaki) 586/1996 Analysed legislation in conformity? (click as appropriate) ES NO or/and Stricter Incomplete or/and Incorrect G I Milieu Ltd FINLAND 1/46

2 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter 1 (before Section 1) Aliens Act 301/2004 (as amended by Act of 360/2007) henceforth Aliens Act 2004 (in language of LEISET SÄÄNNÖKSET GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 2.1 Art. 2.2 (a) Definitions For the purposes of this Directive: 1) "Union citizen" means any person having the ity of a Member State; 2) "Family member" means: (a) the spouse; Aliens Act 2004, Chapter 1, Section 3, Subsection 1, point 2 Section 154, Subsection 1(1) Määritelmät Tässä laissa tarkoitetaan: unionin kansalaisella ja häneen rinnastettavalla Euroopan unionin (EU) jäsenvaltion sekä Islannin, Liechtensteinin, Norjan ja Sveitsin kansalaista; Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäseniä ovat hänen: 1) aviopuolisonsa; Definitions For the purposes of this Act: EU citizen or a comparable person means a citizen of a Member State of the European Union (EU) or a citizen of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland; The following persons are considered family members of an EU citizen: 1) his or her spouse; + Citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland are treated as EU citizens as well. (The s in chapter 10 also cover family members of Finnish citizens, if the Finnish citizen has made use of the right of movement Chapter 10, Section 153, Subsection 4) Literal transposition Art. 2.2 (b) (b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a Member State, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host Member State; Law on Registered partnerships (Laki rekisteröidystä parisuhteesta), 950/2001, Section 8 Section 154, Subsection 3 Parisuhteen rekisteröinnillä on samat oikeusvaikutukset kuin avioliiton solmimisella, jollei toisin säädetä. Tätä lukua sovellettaessa aviopuolisoihin rinnastetaan jatkuvasti yhteisessä taloudessa avioliitonomaisissa olosuhteissa elävät henkilöt sukupuolestaan riippumatta, jos he ovat asuneet vähintään kaksi vuotta yhdessä. Tätä lukua sovellettaessa heidän välisensä suhde rinnastetaan avioliittoon. Kahden vuoden yhdessä asumista ei kuitenkaan edellytetä, jos yhteisessä taloudessa asuvilla on lapsi yhteisessä huollossa tai jos on The registration of partnership shall have the same legal effects as the conclusion of marriage, unless otherwise provided. In the application of this Chapter, persons living continuously in a marriagelike relationship in the same household regardless of their sex are treated as a married couple if they have lived in the same household for at least two years. In the application of this Chapter, the relationship between them is comparable to a marriage. However, the requirement of living together for at least two years does not Milieu Ltd FINLAND 2/46, More favourabl e see below Aliens Act. This covers also unmarried (or unregistered) couples, regardless sexual orientation, which have cohabited for at least 2 years or have a child in their custody or when there are other weighty reasons.

3 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art. 2.2 (c) (c) the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b); Section 154, Subsection 1(2) (in language of muu painava syy. 2) alle 21-vuotiaat tai hänen huollettavinaan olevat jälkeläisensä suoraan alenevassa polvessa samoin kuin hänen aviopuolisonsa vastaavat jälkeläiset; apply if the persons living in the same household have a child in their joint custody or if there are other substantial reasons for it. 2) his or her direct descendants who are under 21 years of age or dependent on him or her, and the descendants of similar status of his or her spouse; NB the wording before 2007 talked of children (which includes adopted children) rather than descendants but it is made clear in the preparatory materials that descendants is intended to cover adopted children. Art. 2.2 (d) Art. 2.3 Art. 3.1 (d) the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b); 3) "Host Member State" means the Member State to which a Union citizen moves in order to exercise his/her right of free movement and residence. Beneficiaries This Directive shall apply to all Union citizens who move to or reside in a Member State other than that of which they are a, and to their family members as defined in point 2 of Article 2 who accompany or join them. Section 154, Subsection 1(3) 3) huollettavinaan olevat sukulaisensa suoraan ylenevässä polvessa samoin kuin hänen aviopuolisonsa vastaavat 3) his or her direct relatives in the ascending line who are dependent on him or her, and relatives of similar status of his or her spouse. (The registration of partnership shall have the same legal effects as the conclusion of marriage) Literal transposition Milieu Ltd FINLAND 3/46 (The registration of partnership shall have the same legal effects as the conclusion of marriage) sukulaiset This definition is not included in the Aliens Act though see below section 153 it is clear that host state = Finland Section 153, Title Section 153, Subsection 1 Section 153, Subsection 3 Luvun soveltamisala 1) Tätä lukua sovelletaan unionin kansalaiseen ja häneen rinnastettavaan sekä näiden perheenjäseniin ja muihin omaisiin. 3) Lukua sovelletaan unionin kansalaiseen, joka siirtyy Suomeen, sekä hänen perheenjäseneensä, joka siirtyy toisesta jäsenvaltiosta hänen mukanaan tai seuraa häntä myöhemmin ja joka ennen siirtymistään on oleskellut unionin Scope of application of the Chapter 1) This Chapter applies to EU citizens and comparable persons and their family members and other relatives. 3) The Chapter applies to EU citizens moving to Finland and their family members who accompany them by moving from another Member State or join them and who, before moving, have resided in another Member State with the EU Overall N, Incorrect N, Incorrect The requirement of legal and nontemporary manner was introduced to get deal with the Akrich type situation, prior to the ECJ s judgment in Jia (the AG s opinion is discussed in the preparatory materials). As Finland requires the EU citizen and his/her family member to have

4 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Type Art. 3.2 (a) Art. 3.2 (b) Without prejudice to any right to free movement and residence the persons concerned may have in their own right, the host Member State shall, in accordance with its legislation, facilitate entry and residence for the following persons: (a) any other family members, irrespective of their ity, not falling under the definition in point 2 of Article 2 who, in the country from which they have come, are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen having the primary right of residence, or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen; (b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has a durable relationship, duly attested. Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Section 154, Subsection 4(1-2) See Aliens Act 2004, Chapter 10, Section 154, Subsection 3 above (in language of kansalaisen kanssa toisessa jäsenvaltiossa laillisesti ja muutoin kuin tilapäisesti. 4) Lukua sovelletaan Suomen kansalaisen perheenjäseneen, jos Suomen kansalainen on käyttänyt vapaan liikkuvuuden direktiivin mukaista liikkumisoikeuttaan siirtymällä toiseen jäsenvaltioon tai oleskelemalla toisessa jäsenvaltiossa ja jos perheenjäsen on siirtynyt hänen mukanaan tai seurannut häntä myöhemmin ja ennen siirtymistään oleskellut Suomen kansalaisen kanssa toisessa jäsenvaltiossa laillisesti ja muutoin kuin tilapäisesti. 4: Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäseneen rinnastetaan muu omainen hänen kansalaisuuteensa katsomatta, jos: 1) hän on lähtömaassaan sellaisen unionin kansalaisen huollettavana, joka on ensisijainen oleskeluoikeuden haltija, tai hän asui samassa taloudessa tämän kanssa; taikka 2) vakavat terveydelliset syyt ehdottomasti edellyttävät, että kyseinen unionin kansalainen hoitaa häntä henkilökohtaisesti. citizen legally and in a nontemporary manner. 4) The Chapter applies to family members of Finnish citizens, if the Finnish citizen has made use of the right of movement laid down in the Free Movement Directive by moving to another Member State or by residing in another Member State, and if the family member has accompanied him or her or joined him or her, and has, before moving, resided in another Member State with the Finnish citizen legally and in a non-temporary manner. 4: Other relatives are treated in the same manner as family members of EU citizens, regardless of their citizenship, if: 1) the relative is, in the country of departure, dependent on an EU citizen who has the primary right of residence, or the relative lived in the same household with the EU citizen in question; or 2) serious health grounds absolutely require the EU citizen in question to give the relative personal care. Milieu Ltd FINLAND 4/46, More favourabl e See supra See supra N, Incomplet e resided in another MS legally and in a non-temporary manner, this could be interpreted to the detriment of a family member who arrives to Finland directly from a non-eu state or only having resided in another Member State in a temporary manner. The recent ECJ ruling in case C-127/08 Metock indicates Finland s requirements are likely to be considered incompatible with the correct interpretation of the Directive. See the CS for more details. Effective and more favourable transposition These individuals are treated as family members. Unless the couple are married or in a registered partnership, 2 years cohabitation is required, or a child, or other substantial reasons. In this case, they are treated as family member

5 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Chapter II Art. 4.1 Art. 4.2 The host Member State shall undertake an extensive examination of the personal circumstances and shall justify any denial of entry or residence to these people. Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Administrative Act (Hallintolaki) 434/2003, sections 31 and 45 (in language of Viranomaisen on huolehdittava asian riittävästä ja asianmukaisesta selvittämisestä hankkimalla asian ratkaisemiseksi tarpeelliset tiedot sekä selvitykset. Päätös on perusteltava. Perusteluissa on ilmoitettava, mitkä seikat ja selvitykset ovat vaikuttaneet ratkaisuun sekä mainittava sovelletut säännökset. RIGHT OF EXIT AND ENTR Right of Exit Without prejudice to the s on travel documents applicable to border controls, all Union citizens with a valid identity card or passport and their family members who are not s of a Member State and who hold a valid passport shall have the right to leave the territory of a Member State to travel to another Member State. No exit visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on the persons to whom paragraph 1 applies. Constitution of Finland, s. 9(2) Jokaisella on oikeus lähteä maasta. Tähän oikeuteen voidaan lailla säätää välttämättömiä rajoituksia oikeudenkäynnin tai rangaistuksen täytäntöönpanon varmistamiseksi taikka maanpuolustusvelvollisuuden täyttämisen turvaamiseksi. Authorities must make sure that they conduct sufficient and appropriate examination of the matter at hand by obtaining all necessary information and explanations. Any decision must include the grounds that it is based on. These grounds must make clear which reasons and explanations have influenced the decision and which statutory s have been applied Everyone has the right to leave the country. Limitations on this right may be provided by an Act, if they are necessary for the purpose of safeguarding legal proceedings or for the enforcement of penalties or for the fulfilment of the duty of defence Milieu Ltd FINLAND 5/46 and it is thus a more favourable treatment. If that does not apply, it appears you are not treated as having a durable relationship and there is no facilitation. NB. These are the general s on good governance that apply to all public authorities. There is no explicit obligation to undertake an extensive examination of personal circumstances but the Administrative Act is so broadly formulated necessary information would in most cases cover this too. The Finnish Constitution guarantees the right to leave the country, and there are no s in the Aliens Act that could stop an EU citizen from leaving the country so a contrario, there are no limitations on EU citizens There are no s in the Aliens Act (or elsewhere) that would provide for such formalities although nor is there a formal prohibition.

6 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art. 4.3 Member States shall, acting in accordance with their laws, issue to their own s, and renew, an identity card or passport stating their ity. Passport Act (671/2006), s.3, s.5 (in language of 3: Matkustusoikeuden osoittamiseksi Suomen kansalaiselle annetaan hakemuksesta passi, jollei laista muuta johdu. s.3: To prove the right to travel, and on application, Finnish citizens shall be granted a passport, unless this law provides otherwise. Finland issues both passports and ID cards. 5: Passiin merkitään henkilön sukunimi, etunimet, sukupuoli, henkilötunnus, kansalaisuus [.] s. 5: The passport shall contain the person s surname, first names, sex, identity number, ity [ ] Identity Card Act (829/1999), subsections 1-2 1: Poliisi antaa hakemuksesta todistuksen henkilöllisyydestä (henkilökortti) Suomen kansalaiselle ja kotikuntalain (201/1994) mukaisesti Suomessa vakinaisesti asuvalle ulkomaalaiselle, joka on merkitty väestötietojärjestelmään ja jonka henkilöllisyys on voitu luotettavasti todeta. s.1: The police, on application, will provide proof of identity (identity card) to a Finnish citizen and to a foreigner who is habitually resident in Finland in accordance with the s of the Home Municipality Act (201/1994) and whose identity can be reliably proved. Art.4.4 Art. 5.1 The passport shall be valid at least for all Member States and for countries through which the holder must pass when travelling between Member States. Where the law of a Member State does not provide for identity cards to be issued, the period of validity of any passport on being issued or renewed shall be not less than five years. Right on Entry 1. Without prejudice to the s on travel documents applicable to 2: Henkilökorttiin merkitään henkilön sukunimi ja etunimet, tieto sukupuolesta, henkilötunnus [ ] ja Suomen kansalaisten osalta tieto kansalaisuudesta. Passport Act, Section 13 Passi oikeuttaa matkustamaan Suomesta. Aliens Act 2004, Chapter 3, Section 18, Subsection 1 Viisumivapaus viisumivelvollisuus s.2: The identity card shall contain a person s surname and first names, sex, identity number [ ] and with regard to Finnish citizens, their ity. A passport entitles the holder to travel from Finland Milieu Ltd FINLAND 6/46 ja Unionin kansalainen ja häneen Visa freedom and visa requirement (1) EU citizens and comparable. There are no restrictions as to countries to which passport holders may travel. (Finland follows the common EU reqs re passports) (travel document = passport, identity

7 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) border controls, Member States shall grant Union citizens leave to enter their territory with a valid identity card or passport and shall grant family members who are not s of a Member State leave to enter their territory with a valid passport. Section 155, subsection 1 (in language of rinnastettava voi saapua Suomeen ja oleskella Suomessa viisumitta, jos hänellä on Suomessa hyväksytty matkustusasiakirja. Unionin kansalaisen maahantulon ja oleskelun edellytyksenä on, että hänellä on voimassa oleva henkilötodistus tai passi. persons may enter and stay in Finland without a visa if they hold a travel document accepted in Finland. EU citizens entering into and residing in the country must have a valid identity card or passport. card; also covers the travel documents given to recognised refugees and persons in need of inter protection) Art. 5.2 No entry visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on Union citizens. 2. Family members who are not s of a Member State shall only be required to have an entry visa in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 or, where appropriate, with law. For the purposes of this Directive, possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 10 shall exempt such family members from the visa requirement. Member States shall grant such persons every facility to obtain the necessary visas. Such visas shall be issued free of charge as soon as possible and on the basis of an accelerated procedure. Section 155a, subsection 1 Jos unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsen ei ole unionin kansalainen, hänen maahantulonsa ja oleskelunsa edellytyksenä on voimassa oleva passi. A family member of an EU citizen who is not an EU citizen entering into and residing in the country must have a valid passport. ibid Ibid ibid. Section 155a, subsection 1 (continued) Tällaiselta perheenjäseneltä voidaan vaatia viisumi, jos perheenjäsen on sellaisen valtion kansalainen, jolta neuvoston asetuksen mukaan vaaditaan viisumi. Such a family member may be required to have a visa if the family member is a citizen of a country for which, under a Council regulation, a visa is required. Perheenjäseneltä, jolla on A family member who holds a Section 155a, subsection 2 voimassa oleva vapaan valid residence card as referred liikkuvuuden direktiivissä to in the Free Movement tarkoitettu oleskelukortti, ei Directive, is not required to have edellytetä viisumia, eikä hänen a visa, and no entry or exit stamp passiinsa merkitä maahantulo- tai is placed on his or her passport. maastapoistumisleimoja NT Not transposed There are no s on visa requirements for EU citizens. Only valid passport or ID card is required. Milieu Ltd FINLAND 7/46 This is not transposed into the Aliens Act. There is reportedly guidance to authorities on this, given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

8 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art. 5.3 Art. 5.4 Art The host Member State shall not place an entry or exit stamp in the passport of family members who are not s of a Member State provided that they present the residence card provided for in Article Where a Union citizen, or a family member who is not a of a Member State, does not have the necessary travel documents or, if required, the necessary visas, the Member State concerned shall, before turning them back, give such persons every reasonable opportunity to obtain the necessary documents or have them brought to them within a reasonable period of time or to corroborate or prove by other means that they are covered by the right of free movement and residence. 5. The Member State may require the person concerned to report his/ her presence within its territory within a reasonable and non-discriminatory period of time. Failure to comply with this requirement may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions. (in language of Perheenjäseneltä, jolla on A family member who holds a Section 155a, subsection 2 voimassa oleva vapaan valid residence card as referred liikkuvuuden direktiivissä to in the Free Movement tarkoitettu oleskelukortti, ei Directive, is not required to have edellytetä viisumia, eikä hänen a visa, and no entry or exit stamp passiinsa merkitä maahantulo- tai maastapoistumisleimoja. is placed on his or her passport.. The residence card must be Oleskelukortti on esitettävä produced when entering the saavuttaessa maahan Schengenalueen country from outside the ulkopuolelta. Schengen area. Jos unionin kansalaisella tai hänen If an EU citizen or his or her N, Section 155, subsection 2 perheenjäsenellään, joka ei ole family member who is not an Incomplet unionin kansalainen, ei ole EU citizen does not have the e vaadittavaa matkustusasiakirjaa necessary travel document or, tai mahdollisesti tarvittavaa where required, the necessary viisumia, hänelle on ennen visa, he or she must, before maahanpääsyn epäämistä being refused entry, be given an varattava tilaisuus hankkia opportunity to obtain the tarpeelliset asiakirjat tai saada ne necessary documents or to have toimitetuiksi, taikka osoittaa them delivered to him or her, or muilla keinoin, että hänellä on prove by other means that he or oikeus liikkua ja oleskella she has a right to move and vapaasti. reside freely in the country , More favourabl e The guidelines state that a visa shall be free of charge, and reasonable checks can be made. The procedure is, based on the guidelines, faster than for other visa applications. This would have been better transposed in legislation presumably this was not done because of the level of detail involved in the guidelines. Incomplete transposition The preparatory materials of the Act state that the expressions every reasonable opportunity and a reasonable period of time should not be transposed because they are unduly vague - so they were left out. There is no such reporting requirement in Finnish legislation Milieu Ltd FINLAND 8/46

9 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Chapter III Art. 6.1 Art. 6.2 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members (in language of RIGHT OF RESIDENCE Right of residence for more than three months 1. Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of up to three months without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport. 2. The s of paragraph 1 shall also apply to family members in possession of a valid passport who are not s of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen. Section 158, subsection 1 Section 158, subsection 2 Unionin kansalaisen lyhytaikainen oleskelu Unionin kansalainen saa oleskella Suomessa rekisteröimättä oleskeluoikeuttaan enintään kolme kuukautta ilman muita edellytyksiä tai muodollisuuksia kuin se, että hänellä on voimassa oleva henkilökortti tai passi. Mitä 1 momentissa säädetään, koskee myös unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsentä, joka ei ole unionin kansalainen ja jolla on voimassa oleva passi. EU citizens short-term residence EU citizens may reside in Finland without registering their right of residence for a maximum of three months without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport The s of subsection 1 also apply to family members of EU citizens who are not EU citizens and who hold a valid passport. Section 158, ss 3 provides that jobseekers can reside in Finland past the 3 months limit without registering their residence as long as they are still seeking employment and have realistic prospects of getting employment Art.7.1 (a) Art.7.1 (b) Right of residence for more than three months All Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of longer than three months if they: (a) are workers or self-employed persons in the host Member State; or (b) have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State; or Section 158a, subsection 1, point 1 Section 158a, subsection 1, point 2 Oikeus oleskella yli kolme kuukautta Unionin kansalainen saa oleskella Suomessa yli kolmen kuukauden ajan, jos: 1) hän harjoittaa taloudellista toimintaa palkattuna työntekijänä tai itsenäisenä ammatinharjoittajana; 2) hänellä on itseään ja perheenjäseniään varten riittävät varat ja tarvittaessa sairausvakuutus niin, että he eivät turvautumalla toistuvasti toimeentulotuesta annetussa laissa säädettyyn toimeentulotukeen tai siihen rinnastettaviin etuuksiin taikka muulla vastaavalla tavalla oleskelunsa aikana muodostu Right to reside for more than three months EU citizens may reside in Finland for more than three months if: 1) they are engaged in economic activity as paid employees or self-employed persons; 2) they have for themselves and their family members sufficient funds and, if necessary, health insurance so that, during their time of residence, they do not become a burden on Finland s social security system by resorting repeatedly to social assistance provided in the Act on Social Assistance or other NB: Health insurance would rarely be required as most migrants (EU or not) who stay more than temporarily are allocated to a home municipality which entails right to public health care might be relevant for some jobseekers who stay for more than 3 months. Milieu Ltd FINLAND 9/46

10 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art.7.1 (c) Art.7.1 (d) Art. 7.2 (c) - are enrolled at a private or public establishment, accredited or financed by the host Member State on the basis of its legislation or administrative practice, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training; and - have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State and assure the relevant authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence; or (d) are family members accompanying or joining a Union citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c). 2. The right of residence provided for in paragraph 1 shall extend to family members who are not s of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen in the host Member Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Section 158a, subsection 1, point 3 (in language of rasitteeksi Suomen sosiaalihuoltojärjestelmälle; 3) hän on kirjoittautunut Suomessa hyväksyttyyn oppilaitokseen pääasiallisena tarkoituksenaan osallistua koulutukseen ja As above hänellä on itseään ja perheenjäseniään varten riittävät varat oleskelua varten ja tarvittaessa sairausvakuutus niin, että he eivät turvautumalla toistuvasti toimeentulotuesta annetussa laissa säädettyyn toimeentulotukeen tai siihen rinnastettaviin etuuksiin taikka muulla vastaavalla tavalla oleskelunsa aikana muodostu rasitteeksi Suomen sosiaalihuoltojärjestelmälle; Section 158a, subsection 1, point 4 Section 158a, subsection 2 taikka 4) hän on 1 3 kohdassa säädetyt edellytykset täyttävän unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsen. Edellä 1 momentissa säädetty oleskeluoikeus on myös unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenellä, joka ei itse ole unionin kansalainen, jos unionin kansalainen täyttää 1 comparable benefits or in other similar manner; 3) they are enrolled at an accredited educational institution in Finland for the principal purpose of following a course of study and they have, for themselves and their family members, sufficient funds for their residence and, if necessary, health insurance, so that, during their time of residence, they do not become a burden on Finland s social security system by resorting repeatedly to social assistance provided in the Act on Social Assistance or other comparable benefits or in other similar manner; or 4) they are family members of an EU citizen meeting the requirements laid down in subsection 1(1)-(3). The right of residence laid down in subsection 1 above also applies to family members of an EU citizen who are not themselves EU citizens, if the Milieu Ltd FINLAND 10/46 NB: Resorting repeatedly to social assistance is discussed in the preparatory materials of the Aliens Act. It is said that repeatedly means at least repeated and usually nearly regular resorting to such assistance. There are no money limits as the Act on Social Assistance provides the formulas used for calculating the amount in each case. Although vocational training is not explicitly mentioned, the Finnish term oppilaitos covers those establishments as well. See comments re Art 7.1(b) Almost literal transposition Reference to Subsection 1(1)-(3) are the corresponding transposing s to (a), (b) and (c). Literal transposition, and more favourable re: family members of Nordic citizens

11 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) State, provided that such Union citizen satisfies the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c). (in language of momentin 1 3 kohdassa säädetyt edellytykset. EU citizen meets the requirements laid down in paragraphs 1-3. Art. 7.3 (a) Art. 7.3 (b) Art. 7.3 (c) Art.7.3 (d) 3. For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), a Union citizen who is no longer a worker or self-employed person shall retain the status of worker or self-employed person in the following circumstances: (a) he/she is temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident; (b) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and has registered as a jobseeker with the relevant employment office; (c) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after completing a fixedterm employment contract of less than a year or after having become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months and has registered as a job-seeker with the relevant employment office. In this case, the status of worker shall be retained for no less than six months; (d) he/she embarks on vocational training. Unless he/she is involuntarily unemployed, the retention of the status of worker shall require the training to be related to the previous employment. Section 158a, subsection 4 Section 160, point 1 Section 160, point 2 Section 160, point 3 Section 160, point 4 Pohjoismaan kansalaisen perheenjäsenellä on oleskeluoikeus, vaikka hänen toimeentulonsa ei olisi turvattu. Edellä 158 a :n 1 momentin 1 kohdassa tarkoitetussa tapauksessa unionin kansalainen, joka ei enää ole työntekijä tai itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja, säilyttää työntekijän tai itsenäisen ammatinharjoittajan aseman, vaikka hän: 1) joutuu tilapäisesti työkyvyttömäksi sairauden tai tapaturman vuoksi; 2) yli vuoden työskenneltyään joutuu työttömäksi tahtomattaan ja työvoimatoimisto rekisteröi hänet työnhakijaksi; 3) alle vuoden kestäneen määräaikaisen työsuhteen päätyttyä tai kahdentoista ensimmäisen kuukauden aikana joutuu työttömäksi tahtomattaan ja työvoimatoimisto rekisteröi hänet työnhakijaksi; tällöin hän säilyttää työntekijän asemansa kuuden kuukauden ajan; taikka 4) aloittaa ammatillisen koulutuksen, joka liittyy hänen aiempaan työskentelyynsä, taikka jos hän on tahtomattaan työttömänä, muun ammatillisen koulutuksen. Family members of Nordic citizens have a right of residence even if they do not have any secure means of support. 58a(1)(1) above, EU citizens who are no longer employed or selfemployed persons, will retain their status as employed or self employed persons even if: 1) they are temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident; 2) after having been employed for more than one year they become unemployed involuntarily and are registered as jobseekers with the relevant employment office, 3) they become unemployed involuntarily after completing a fixed-term employment contract of less than a year or during the first 12 months of employment and are registered as jobseekers with the relevant employment office; in this case they retain their status as employees for six months; 4) they embark on vocational training that is related to their previous employment or, if they are involuntarily unemployed, on other vocational training. Milieu Ltd FINLAND 11/46 + Almost literal transposition Almost literal transposition

12 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art By way of derogation from paragraphs 1(d) and 2 above, only the spouse, the registered partner provided for in Article 2(2)(b) and dependent children shall have the right of residence as family members of a Union citizen meeting the conditions under 1(c) above. Section 158a, subsection 3 (in language of Jos oleskeluoikeus perustuu opiskeluun, oleskeluoikeus unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenenä on vain: 1) unionin kansalaisen aviopuolisolla; sekä 2) unionin kansalaisen tai hänen aviopuolisonsa alle 21-vuotiaalla tai hänen huollettavanaan olevalla lapsella. If the right of residence is based on study, only the following persons have the right of residence as family members of an EU citizen: 1) spouse of the EU citizen; and 2) children under 21 years of age of the EU citizen or his or her spouse or children dependent on him or her. N, Incomplet e Incomplete transposition Based on Chapter 10, Section 154, ss 3 this also applies to persons living continuously in a marriagelike relationship etc (see above) See the analysis in the CS on this point. Art. 8.1 Art. 8.2 Article 3(2) shall apply to his/her dependent direct relatives in the ascending lines and those of his/her spouse or registered partner. Administrative formalities for Union citizens 1. Without prejudice to Article 5(5), for periods of residence longer than three months, the host Member State may require Union citizens to register with the relevant authorities. 2. The deadline for registration may not be less than three months from the date of arrival. A registration certificate shall be issued immediately, stating the name and address of the person registering and the date of the registration. Failure to comply with the registration requirement may render the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions. - Section 159, subsection 1, first sentence Section 159, subsection 1, 2nd sentence Section 159, subsection 2 - Unionin kansalaisen oleskeluoikeuden rekisteröinti Jos unionin kansalainen oleskelee Suomessa yli kolme kuukautta, hänen on rekisteröitävä oleskelunsa. Rekisteröintihakemus jätetään asuinpaikan kihlakunnan poliisilaitokselle kolmen kuukauden kuluessa maahantulopäivästä Unionin kansalaisen annettua selvityksen siitä, että hän täyttää rekisteröinnin edellytykset, hänelle on välittömästi annettava rekisteröintitodistus, jossa mainitaan hänen nimensä ja osoitteensa sekä rekisteröinnin päivämäärä. - Registering EU citizens right of residence If an EU citizen resides in Finland for more than three months, they must register their residence. The application for registering the right of residence must be submitted to the District Police of their place of residence within three months of the date of entry into the country An EU citizen who has provided proof that he or she meets the requirements for registration must be immediately issued with a registration certificate that states his or her name and address, and the date of registration., (Not for job seekers) There is no on this see section 154 above For job seekers see comments on Article 6(1) of the Directive. NB. The time granted to register is no more than 3 months (but no less either, although the applicant can of course apply earlier) Aliens Act 2004, Chapter 12, Section 185, subsection 1 Ulkomaalainen, joka 1) oleskelee maassa ilman An alien who 1) resides in the country without Milieu Ltd FINLAND 12/46 The Criminal Code states that daily fine units (päiväsakko) are calculated

13 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art For the registration certificate to be issued, Member States may only require that Union citizens to whom point (a) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, a confirmation of engagement from the employer or a certificate of employment, or proof that they are self-employed persons, Union citizens to whom point (b) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport and provide proof that they satisfy the conditions laid down therein, Union citizens to whom point (c) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, provide proof of enrolment at an accredited establishment and of comprehensive sickness insurance cover and the declaration or equivalent means referred to in point (c) of Article 7(1). Member States may not require this declaration to refer to any specific amount of resources. Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Section 159a, subsection 1 and points 1 and 2 Section 159a, subsection 1 and point 3 Section 159a, subsection 1 and point 4 (in language of vaadittavaa matkustusasiakirjaa, viisumia tai oleskelulupaa taikka laiminlyö velvollisuutensa rekisteröidä oleskelunsa taikka hakea oleskelukortti tai pysyvä oleskelukortti [ ] on tuomittava ulkomaalaisrikkomuksesta sakkoon. Rekisteröintitodistusta haettaessa on esitettävä voimassa oleva henkilökortti tai passi sekä: 1) jos kyse on ansiotyöstä, työnantajalta saatu vahvistus palvelussuhteesta tai todistus työssäolosta; 2) jos hakija on itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja, selvitys ammatinharjoittamisesta 3) jos hakija on 158 a :n 1 momentin 2 kohdassa tarkoitettu unionin kansalainen, selvitys siitä, että hänellä on itseään ja perheenjäseniään varten riittävät varat, ja tarvittaessa selvitys sairausvakuutuksesta; 4) jos hakija on 158 a :n 1 momentin 3 kohdassa tarkoitettu opiskelija, selvitys siitä, että hän on kirjoilla Suomessa hyväksytyssä oppilaitoksessa ja hänellä on riittävä sairausvakuutusturva, sekä henkilökohtainen vakuutus tai muu vastaava selvitys siitä, että hänellä on itseään ja the required travel document, visa or residence permit, or through negligence fails to comply with the obligation to register his or her residence or apply for a residence card or permanent residence card [ ] shall be sentenced to a fine for violation of the Aliens Act. In connection with the application for a registration certificate a valid identity card or passport must be presented, along with: 1) if the applicant is gainfully employed, a confirmation of engagement from the employer or a certificate of employment; 2) if the applicant is self employed, proof of selfemployment; 3) if the applicant is an EU citizen as referred to in section 158a(1)(2), proof that the applicant has sufficient funds for himself or herself and for his or her family members and, if necessary, proof of health insurance; 4) if the applicant is a student referred to in section 158a(1)(3), proof that he or she is enrolled at an accredited educational institution in Finland and that he or she has sufficient health insurance coverage and personal insurance or any other sufficient clarification that he or she has sufficient funds for himself or Milieu Ltd FINLAND 13/46 based on 1 sixtieth part of the accused s monthly income (minus taxes, expenses). The number of daily units that can be imposed varies between 1 and 120. So the maximum fine would be 120 * 1/60 * monthly disposable income.

14 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art. 8.4 Art Member States may not lay down a fixed amount which they regard as sufficient resources, but they must take into account the personal situation of the person concerned. In all cases this amount shall not be higher than the threshold below which s of the host Member State become eligible for social assistance, or, where this criterion is not applicable, higher than the minimum social security pension paid by the host Member State. 5. For the registration certificate to be issued to family members of Union citizens, who are themselves Union citizens, Member States may require the following documents to be presented: Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members (in language of perheenjäseniään varten riittävät varat; hakijalta ei saa vaatia, että hän henkilökohtaisessa vakuutuksessaan esittää tietyn määrän varoja. herself and for his or her family members; the applicant cannot be required to refer to any specific amount of resources in his or her personal insurance. Milieu Ltd FINLAND 14/ NT Not transposed ` - - NT Not transposed (a) a valid identity card or passport; NT Ibid (b) a document attesting to the existence NT Ibid of a family relationship or of a registered partnership; (c) where appropriate, the registration NT Ibid There is no fixed amount mentioned in the Aliens Act or in other legislation. the preparatory materials make clear that the idea is that decisions are to be based on the personal circumstances of each individual but there is no on this in the Act itself. There are no s on this in the Aliens Act. There is a mandate in the Act ( section 172b) to give further s on administrative procedures re entry, residence and removal by government decree but there does not appear to be a decree on this particular issue. Nonetheless, it is to be presumed that all Union citizens who reside more than 3 months must register as the first sentence of Section 159 is unconditional. It is not clear what documents, if any, they would be expected to present.

15 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art. 9.1 Art. 9.2 Art. 9.3 certificate of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining; (d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met; (e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen; (f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen. Administrative formalities for family members who are not s of a Member State. 1. Member States shall issue a residence card to family members of a Union citizen who are not s of a Member State, where the planned period of residence is for more than three months. 2. The deadline for submitting the residence card application may not be less than three months from the date of arrival. 3. Failure to comply with the requirement to apply for a residence card may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions. Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members (in language of Milieu Ltd FINLAND 15/ NT Ibid NT Iibid NT Ibid Section 161, subsection 1-2 Section 161a, subsection 1 Aliens Act 2004, Chapter 12, Section 185, subsection 1 Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenelle, joka ei ole unionin kansalainen, myönnetään hakemuksesta unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen oleskelukortti, jos perheenkokoaja täyttää 157 tai 158 a :ssä säädetyt edellytykset. Oleskelukortti myönnetään, jos perheenjäsenellä on tarkoitus oleskella Suomessa yli kolme kuukautta. Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen oleskelukorttia on haettava kolmen kuukauden kuluessa maahantulosta. Ulkomaalainen, joka 1) oleskelee maassa ilman vaadittavaa matkustusasiakirjaa, viisumia tai oleskelulupaa taikka laiminlyö velvollisuutensa Family members of EU citizens who are not EU citizens are, on application, issued with a residence card of a family member of an EU citizen, if the sponsor meets the requirements laid down in section 157 or 158a. A residence card is issued to family members planning to stay in Finland for more than three months. The application for a residence card of a family member of an EU citizen must be filed within three months of the date of entry. An alien who 1) resides in the country without the required travel document, visa or residence permit, or through negligence fails to (NB: Section 157 sets out the conditions for Nordic citizens which are more lenient than Section 158a) This does not state that it only applies to family members of EU citizens who are not EU citizens but that appears clear from the context. Re: fine, see above text regarding Art. 8.2

16 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) (in language of rekisteröidä oleskelunsa taikka hakea oleskelukortti tai pysyvä oleskelukortti [ ] on tuomittava ulkomaalaisrikkomuksesta sakkoon comply with the obligation to register his or her residence or apply for a residence card or permanent residence card [ ] shall be sentenced to a fine for violation of the Aliens Act. Art.10.1 Art.10.2 (a) Art.10.2 (b) Art.10.2 (c) Art.10.2 (d) Art.10.2 (e) Issue of residence cards 1. The right of residence of family members of a Union citizen who are not s of a Member State shall be evidenced by the issuing of a document called Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen no later than six months from the date on which they submit the application. A certificate of application for the residence card shall be issued immediately. 2. For the residence card to be issued, Member States shall require presentation of the following documents: (a) a valid passport; (b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship or of a registered partnership; (c) the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, any other proof of residence in the host Member State of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining; (d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met; (e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving Section 161b Section 161a, subsection 2, point 1 Section 161a, subsection 2, point 2 Section 161a, subsection 2, point 3 Section 161a, subsection 2, point 4 Section 161a, subsection 2, point 6 Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen oleskelukortti on myönnettävä viimeistään kuuden kuukauden kuluttua hakemuksen jättämisestä. Hakemuksen jättämisestä on annettava välittömästi todistus. Oleskelukorttia haettaessa on esitettävä: 1) voimassa oleva passi; 2) asiakirja, joka osoittaa avioliiton tai rekisteröidyn parisuhteen 3) sen unionin kansalaisen rekisteröintitodistus, jonka mukana hakija tulee tai jota hän seuraa 4) 154 :n 1 momentin 2 tai 3 kohdassa tarkoitetussa tapauksessa selvitys sukulaissuhteesta 6) 154 :n 4 momentissa tarkoitetussa tapauksessa koti- tai lähtömaan viranomaisen antama asiakirja, josta käy ilmi, että muut The residence card of a family member of an EU citizen must be issued within six months of the submission of the application. A certificate of application for the residence card must be issued immediately. (2) The following must be presented in connection with the application for a residence card: 1) a valid passport;. 2) a document attesting to the existence of a marriage or a registered partnership; 3) the registration certificate of the EU citizen whom the applicant is accompanying or joining 4) in cases referred to in section 154(1)(2) or 154(1)(3), a document attesting to a family relationship; 6) in cases referred to in section 154(4), a document issued by an authority in the country of origin or the country of departure Milieu Ltd FINLAND 16/46 Literal transposition Literal transposition 154(1)(2) or 154(1)(3), are the corresponding transposing s of Article 2(2)(a) and (b) 154(4) is the corresponding transposing for Article

17 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art.10.2 (f) certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen; (f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen. Section 161a, subsection 2, point 5 (in language of omaiset ovat unionin kansalaisen huollettavina tai asuivat samassa taloudessa tämän kanssa, taikka selvitys vakavista terveydellisistä syistä, jotka ehdottomasti edellyttävät, että unionin kansalainen henkilökohtaisesti hoitaa asianomaista muuta omaista. 5) 154 :n 3 momentissa tarkoitetussa tapauksessa selvitys pysyvästä suhteesta asianomaiseen unionin kansalaiseen; certifying that the other family members are dependants of an EU citizen or members of the same household or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which absolutely require the personal care of the family member by the EU citizen 5) in cases referred to in section 154(3), proof of existence of a durable relationship with the EU citizen in question 3(2)(a) Almost literal transposition 154(3) transposing of Article 3(2)(b) Art.11.1 Art.11.2 Validity of the residence card 1. The residence card provided for by Article 10(1) shall be valid for five years from the date of issue or for the envisaged period of residence of the Union citizen, if this period is less than five years. 2. The validity of the residence card shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or by absences of a longer duration for compulsory military service or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third country. Section 161c, subsection 1 Section 161c, subsection 2 Oleskelukortin voimassaolo Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen oleskelukortti myönnetään viideksi vuodeksi tai jos oleskelun aiottu kesto on vähemmän kuin viisi vuotta, oleskelun aiotuksi kestoksi. Oleskelukortin voimassaoloaikaa arvioitaessa ei oteta huomioon tilapäisiä poissaoloja, jotka eivät ylitä kuutta kuukautta vuodessa, eivätkä pidemmät poissaolot asevelvollisuuden suorittamista varten eikä yksi enintään kahdentoista peräkkäisen kuukauden poissaolo tärkeästä syystä, kuten raskauden ja synnytyksen, vakavan sairauden, opiskelun tai ammatillisen koulutuksen tai työtehtäviä varten toisen unionin jäsenvaltion tai kolmannen maan alueelle tapahtuvan siirron vuoksi. Validity of the residence card The residence card for a family member of an EU citizen is issued for five years or, if the envisaged period of residence is less than five years, for the envisaged period of residence. When considering the validity of the residence card, consideration is not given to temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or to longer absences to undertake compulsory military service or to one absence of a maximum of twelve consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy or childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another EU Member State or a third country. Almost literal transposition Milieu Ltd FINLAND 17/46

18 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art.12.1 Art.12.2 Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of death or departure of the Union citizen 1. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, the Union citizen's death or departure from the host Member State shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are s of a Member State. Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1). 2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, the Union citizen's death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her family members who are not s of a Member State and who have been residing in the host Member State as family members for at least one year before the Union citizen's death. Section 161d, subsection 1 Section 161d, subsection 2, sentence 1 (in language of Perheenjäsenen oleskeluoikeuden säilyminen unionin kansalaisen kuoltua tai poistuttua Suomesta Unionin kansalaisen kuolema tai poistuminen maasta ei vaikuta hänen sellaisen perheenjäsenensä oleskeluoikeuteen, joka on unionin kansalainen. Perheenjäsenen on kuitenkin ennen pysyvän oleskeluoikeuden saamista täytettävä 158 a :n 1 momentissa säädetyt edellytykset. Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsen, joka itse ei ole unionin kansalainen ja joka on oleskellut Suomessa perheenjäsenenä vähintään yhden vuoden ajan ennen unionin kansalaisen kuolemaa, ei menetä oleskeluoikeuttaan tämän kuollessa. Retaining the right of residence by family members in the event of death or departure from Finland An EU citizen s death or departure from the country does not affect the right of residence of his or her family members who are EU citizens. However, before being granted a right of permanent residence, the family member must meet the requirements laid down in section 158a(1) EU citizens family members who are not EU citizens and who have resided in Finland as family members for at least one year before the death of the EU citizen do not lose their right of residence at the death of the EU citizen. Section 158a(1) is the transposing of Article 7(1) Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the host Member State, of a person satisfying these requirements. Section 161d, subsection 2, sentence 2 Ennen kuin perheenjäsen saa oikeuden pysyvään oleskeluun, hänen oleskeluoikeuteensa sovelletaan vaatimusta, jonka mukaan hänen on voitava todistaa olevansa työntekijä tai itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja taikka että hänellä on itseään ja perheenjäseniään varten riittävät varat niin, että hän ja hänen perheenjäsenensä eivät oleskelunsa aikana muodostu rasitteeksi Suomen sosiaalihuoltojärjestelmälle, ja kattava sairausvakuutusturva Suomessa taikka että hän on nämä Before such family members are granted the right of permanent residence, they are subject to the requirement that they are employees or self-employed, or that they have, for themselves and their family members, sufficient funds so that they or their family members do not become a burden on the social assistance system of Finland, and comprehensive health insurance coverage in Finland, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in Finland, of an EU citizen Milieu Ltd FINLAND 18/46 Almost effective transposition NB. The last sentence Sufficient

19 Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Sufficient resources shall be as defined in Article 8(4). Such family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis. Section 161d, subsection 2, sentence 3 (in language of edellytykset täyttävän unionin kansalaisen Suomeen jo muodostuneen perheen jäsen. Tällainen perheenjäsen säilyttää oleskeluoikeutensa yksinomaan henkilökohtaisten perusteiden nojalla. meeting these requirements. Such family members retain their right of residence exclusively on personal grounds. resources shall be as defined in Article 8(4) has not been transposed see above re Art 8(4) Literal transposition Art.12.3 Art.13.1 Art.13.2 (a) 3. The Union citizen's departure from the host Member State or his/her death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her children or of the parent who has actual custody of the children, irrespective of ity, if the children reside in the host Member State and are enrolled at an educational establishment, for the purpose of studying there, until the completion of their studies. Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of registered partnership 1. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, divorce, annulment of the Union citizen's marriage or termination of his/her registered partnership, as referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are s of a Member State. Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1). 2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of the registered Section 161d, subsection 3 Section 161e, subsection 1, sentence 1 Section 161e, subsection 1, sentence 2 Section 161e, subsection 2, point 1 Unionin kansalaisen kuollessa tai poistuessa maasta hänen lapsensa tai lasten tosiasiallisena huoltajana toimiva vanhempi ei, kansalaisuudestaan riippumatta, menetä oleskeluoikeuttaan ennen lasten opintojen päättymistä, jos lapset oleskelevat Suomessa ja ovat kirjoilla oppilaitoksessa opiskellakseen siellä. Perheenjäsenen oleskeluoikeuden säilyminen avioliiton purkautuessa Unionin kansalaisen avioliiton purkautuminen ei vaikuta unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsenen oleskeluoikeuteen, jos perheenjäsen on unionin kansalainen. Perheenjäsenen on kuitenkin ennen pysyvän oleskeluoikeuden saamista täytettävä 158 a :n 1 momentissa säädetyt edellytykset. Unionin kansalaisen perheenjäsen, joka itse ei ole unionin kansalainen, ei menetä If an EU citizen dies or leaves the country, his or her children or the parent who has actual custody of the children do not, irrespective of ity, lose their right of residence before the children have completed their studies, if the children reside in Finland and are enrolled at an educational institution for the purpose of studying there. Retaining the right of residence of family members in the event of marriage ending A marriage of an EU citizen ending in dissolution does not affect the right of residence of a family member of the EU citizen, if the family member is an EU citizen. However, before being granted the right of permanent residence, the family member must meet the requirements laid down in section 158a(1). Family members of an EU citizen who themselves are not EU citizens do not lose their Milieu Ltd FINLAND 19/46 (Spouses covers registered partners) NB: Finnish law does not foresee annulments in Finland, marriage ends with death or divorce. So the Act here speaks of marriage dissolution which is clearly intended to cover both divorce and annulment under another MS s law. section 158a(1) is the transposing of Article 7(1) (Spouses covers registered partners)

20 Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding (legal ref. & art.) Art.13.2 (b) Art.13.2 (c) Art.13.2 (d) partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not entail loss of the right of residence of a Union citizen's family members who are not s of a Member State where: (a) prior to initiation of the divorce or annulment proceedings or termination of the registered partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2, the marriage or registered partnership has lasted at least three years, including one year in the host Member State; or (b) by agreement between the spouses or the partners referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a of a Member State has custody of the Union citizen's children; or (c) this is warranted by particularly difficult circumstances, such as having been a victim of domestic violence while the marriage or registered partnership was subsisting; or d) by agreement between the spouses or partners referred to in point 2 (b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a of a Member State has the right of access to a minor child, provided that the court has ruled that such access must be in the host Member State, and for as long as is required. Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members Section 161e, subsection 2, point 2 Section 161e, subsection 2, point 3 Section 161e, subsection 2, point 4 Section 161e, subsection 3 (in language of oleskeluoikeuttaan avioliiton purkautuessa, jos: 1) avioliitto on kestänyt vähintään kolme vuotta, joista yhden vuoden Suomessa; 2) unionin kansalaisen lasten huolto on aviopuolisoiden sopimuksin tai tuomioistuimen päätöksellä uskottu aviopuolisolle, joka ei ole unionin kansalainen; 3) erityisen vaikea tilanne, kuten väkivalta avioliitossa, sitä edellyttää; taikka 4) aviopuolisoiden sopimuksin tai tuomioistuimen päätöksen mukaan aviopuolisolla, joka ei ole unionin kansalainen, on oikeus tavata alaikäistä lasta ja tuomioistuin on katsonut, että tapaamisten on tapahduttava Suomessa. Ennen kuin 2 momentissa tarkoitettu perheenjäsen, joka ei ole unionin kansalainen, saa oikeuden pysyvään oleskeluun, hänen oleskeluoikeuteensa sovelletaan vaatimusta, jonka mukaan hänen on voitava todistaa olevansa työntekijä tai itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja taikka että right of residence in the event of marriage ending if: 1) the marriage has lasted at least three years, including one year in Finland; 2) by agreement between the spouses or a court decision, the spouse who is not an EU citizen has custody of the children of the EU citizen; 3) it is warranted by particularly difficult circumstances such as violence in the marriage; or 4) by agreement between the spouses or by a court decision, the spouse who is not an EU citizen has a right of access to a minor, and the court has ruled that the access must be in Finland. Before family members referred to in subsection 2 who are not EU citizens are granted the right of permanent residence, they are subject to the requirement that they are employees or self-employed, or that they have, for themselves and their family members, Milieu Ltd FINLAND 20/46 The Directive says prior to the initiation of the proceedings the Aliens Act does not mention how the times are calculated but from the wording it appears the relevant date is the date of the divorce etc entering into force - which would actually be more favourable to non-eu family members. (Spouses covers registered partners) (Marriage covers registered partners) (Spouses covers registered partners) NB. for as long as is required is not written into the text but is implicit in the idea that once a court has ruled on this, the state of affairs is permanent (until child is 18) Almost effective transposition NB. The last sentence Sufficient resources shall be as defined in Article 8(4) has not been transposed see above re Art 8(4)

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anna minun kertoa let me tell you

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16. Allocation Models

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Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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1. Liikkuvat määreet

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Hankintailmoitus: Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä/kiinteistöyksikkö : Puijon sairaalan Pääaula-alueen uudistus, Sähköurakka Finland Tender Hankintailmoitus: Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä/kiinteistöyksikkö : Puijon sairaalan Pääaula-alueen uudistus, Sähköurakka Tarjoukset 6.5.2011 klo 15.00 mennessä osoitteeseen:



FIS IMATRAN KYLPYLÄHIIHDOT Team captains meeting FIS IMATRAN KYLPYLÄHIIHDOT 8.-9.12.2018 Team captains meeting 8.12.2018 Agenda 1 Opening of the meeting 2 Presence 3 Organizer s personell 4 Jury 5 Weather forecast 6 Composition of competitors startlists


v INSTA-CERT Name and address of certificate holder Uponor Infra Oy Kouvolantie 365, PO Box 21 15561 Nastola Finland CERTIFICATE Date of valid edition No. 23-05-2017 2003 Date of first issue 16-06-2005



ETELÄESPLANADI 2 00130 HELSINKI 00130 HELSINKI MODERNIA TOIMISTOTILAA Noin VUOKRATAAN Ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus vuokrata huipputason Helsingin näköalapaikalta Toimi pian! Lisätietoja KALLE JASKARA Myyntijohtaja +358 50 324 0404


Kokouspöytäkirja. 2. Kokous todettiin laillisesti kokoon kutsutuksi ja päätösvaltaiseksi.

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You can check above like this: Start->Control Panel->Programs->find if Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Lync Attendeed is listed

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Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)

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