CLimate Adaptive SurfaceS CLASS PROJECT Deliverable D6 Dissemination and Education Achievements Author(s): Erika Holt, Project Manager April 2015

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1 1 (11) CLimate Adaptive SurfaceS CLASS PROJECT Deliverable D6 Dissemination and Education Achievements Author(s): Erika Holt, Project Manager April 2015 Introduction The goal of this memo is to describe the dissemination and education achieved within the CLASS project during the whole project (October 2012-January 2015). This dissemination plan builds upon the initial version presented in May shorter description presented in the original Project Plan. 2 The CLASS project had a high level of industrial involvement, especially considering the contribution of the 15 Finnish partners. There was also a strong link to the Swedish Grey-Green project 3 with an additional 24 industrial partners. The primary forms of dissemination were the project web page, two public seminars, 13 deliverable reports, 20 scientific publications and/or conference presentations, over 20 hits or coverage in the media (including TV news and Radio) and at least two scientific papers. Each of these is described in more detail in the next sections. Note that the set of permeable pavement implementation slides were developed for education purposes, as shown at the Viherpäivät event in Project Web Page The project web page was established (January 2013) in the VTT portal for public projects, with the address and front page as shown in Figure 1. The introduction page is followed by eight additional pages of content which are viewable by the public. The steering committee members had authorized their company and personal names to be included. Partners could contribute links or documents that are relevant to the project. A password protected area was created for members only, to share internal product documents, such as draft reports, meeting agendas and slides. 1 Deliverable D6 - CLASS Dissemination Plan, Item #11 in Table 1. 2 CLASS Project Plan, submitted to Tekes September

2 2 (11) Figure 1. Appearance of CLASS public web page. Public Workshops The first public workshop was held in April 2013, approximately 5 months after the starting project meeting. The goal of the workshop was to provide a forum for discussion regarding the needs and current practices with permeable surfacing and urban planning with regard to stormwater management. Three guests speakers were invited, from SYKE (Finland), the Grey-Green Project (CBI, Sweden), and an international expert on permeable pavements (from BBRC, Belgium). The workshop invite was distributed to at least 30 interested companies in Finland, including many cities, designers, material producers, and product suppliers. The half-day workshop was attended by 38 people. The agenda, presentations and attendance were made into a public document on record from the event. 4 The second workshop was held at in Espoo in January 2015 as a public seminar for dissemination of the results. An invite was created in both Finnish and English and distributed via media outlets, such as Betoni lehti, Rakennuslehti, VTT s public web page, and project partner s newsletters and . A press release was made in both Finnish and English at the time of the event. The event was attended by 150 people, with a distribution of 35% project partners, 55% interested professionals, 10% students. The seminar described the project s achievements, with an emphasis on how to implement pervious pavements to Finnish practice. A guideline book about design and implementation (Deliverable 3) was distributed free to all participants. The seminar speakers were from VTT and the CLASS industrial partners (Lemminkäinen, Rudus, FCG, Ramboll, Espoo, Helsinki, Oulu, RT) as well as two guest speakers from the Swedish Grey-Green project (from SLU and SP). The agenda and attendance list are added as Appendix 1. Deliverable Reports 4 Item #12, Table 1

3 3 (11) A total of 13 deliverable reports were produced during the project, all of them public. The original Project Plan1 identified seven deliverable reports that were to be written within the scope of the project. An additional 6 # reports were added during the course of the project. Four of the 13 reports were in Finnish, based on the request of the client group and expected impact to Finnish practices. All of the deliverables are shown in Table 1, along with the corresponding author from VTT and the final date of publication. Note that the final Deliverable D3 from WP3 was a book that was printed and freely-distributed at the final seminar in January Table 1. Summary of all deliverable reports. Deliverable numbers correspond to original planned reports. WP Del. # Ite m # Title & Description Month Author(s) WP1 D1 1 CLASS WP1 Kaupunkien tarpeet (Cities Needs). Report identifying the Finnish needs and requirements for permeable material utilization with respect to waterhandling in urban environment. Reviews stormwater management legislation and climate change expectations. Identifying functionality requirements and cities expectations prior to implementation. 96 p., VTT-R WP2 2 Pervious pavement systems and materials State-ofthe-Art. Overview of international literature on pervious pavements. 95 p. VTT-R WP2/ WP4 D4 3 The impact of pervious pavements on water quality, State-of-the-Art. Report on impact of permeable surfacing solutions, including assessment on ability of solutions to filter pollutants via groundwater uptake rather than water-treatment facilities, including chemical composition analysis. 16 p. VTT-R WP2 4 Pervious pavement testing methods. State-of-the-Art and laboratory and field guidelines for performance assessment. Review of international practices and recommendations for assessment methods in Finland. 62 p., VTT-R WP2 5 Pervious pavement winter performance. State-of-the- Art and recommendations for Finnish Winter conditions. Report describing expectations for how materials can function in Nordic climate, including international experience. 29 p. VTT-R WP2 D2 6 Vettä läpäisevät pinnoitteet ja rakenteet - Materiaalikehitys ja simulointi-testaus. (Pervious pavement and structures: Material performance and simulation test results). Report on performance of materials and layered systems, based on lab and field results. Addressing pervious concrete, asphalt, pavers, natural stone. Information on dimensioning and winter durability. 117 p. VTT-R WP3 7 Life cycle assessment (LCA) and costing analysis (LCCA) for conventional and permeable pavement walkways. Case study analysis of environmental and M16 M15 M15 M20 M27 M28 M28 Irmeli Wahlgren (WP1 leader), Terhi Kling (+ cities) Hannele Kuosa (WP2 leader), Emma Niemeläinen, Kalle Loimula Kalle Loimula & Hannele Kuosa Hannele Kuosa (WP2 leader), Emma Niemeläinen, Juhani Korkealaakso Hannele Kuosa (WP2 leader), Emma Niemeläinen, Harri Kivikoski, Jouko Törnqvist Hannele Kuosa (WP2 leader), Kalle Loimula, Emma Niemeläinen Sirje Vares & Sakari Pulakka

4 4 (11) economic impacts of pervious concrete and asphalt example, compared to traditional road surfacing. 25 p. VTT-R WP3 D3 8 Vettä Läpäisevät Päällysteet: Käsikirja suunnitteluun, rakentamiseen ja ylläpitoon.. Finnish guideline for general audience (non-scientific) on design, use, construction and maintenance of permeable surfacing and sub-surface solutions. VTT Technology Book #201, 75p. WP4 9 Review of pervious pavement dimensioning, hydrological models and their parameter needs. Stateof-the-Art. Report on existing stormwater management models. Includes information on predictions of climate change and related impacts to stormwater handling. 63 p. VTT-R WP4 D5 10 Mallinnustyökalu tukemaan CLASS-tulosten soveltamista läpäisevien päällysrakenteiden hydrologisessa mitoituksessa ja suunnittelussa. New computer based calculation and engineering tools to support design when selecting surfacing materials, subsurface materials and drainage alternatives. 26 p. VTT-R p. WP5 D6, D7 11 Public education and dissemination plan on these new material solutions and design methods urban stormwater management. WP5 12 Climate Adaptive Surfaces: CLASS Workshop Agenda, participants and presentation slides from half day workshop. 93 p. VTT-R M28 M16 M28 Plan M6 Final M30 M8 Terhi Kling, Erika Holt, Harri Kivikoski, Juhani Korkealaakso, Hannele Kuosa, Kalle Loimula, Emma Niemeläinen, Jouko Törnqvist. Juhani Korkealaakso (WP4 leader), Hannele Kuosa, Emma Niemeläinen, Maria Tikanmäki Juhani Korkealaakso (WP4 leader) Erika Holt (WP6 leader) Erika Holt (WP6 leader) Scientific Publications and Publicity Scientific results of the project were shared at technical conferences and within scientific journal publications or conference proceedings. A total of 15 have events occurred and another 8 are pending, which are summarized here in chronological order: 1) PRESENTATION AT Viherpäivät and Vihertekniikka. by Erika Holt The Development of Durable Permeable Pavement Solutions for Finnish Environmental Conditions , Tampere. 2) PRESENTATION AT CBI Information Day (Sweden) by Erika Holt. Finnish-Swedish cooperation on the development of surfacing technologies for enhanced urban green environments Stockholm. 3) PRESENTATION AT INFRA Messu by Juhani Korkealaakso. Kaupunkisateisiin varautuminen tulvaa ennustamalla ja läpisevillä päällysteillä. March Helsinki. 4) ARTICLE in Betoni lehti: Holt, E., Kuosa, H., Wahlgren, I., Kling, T., Korkealaakso, J. Läpäisevien päällysteiden CLASS-hanke (Climate Adapative Surfaces). Vol pp ) ARTICLE (in proceedings) & PRESENTATION at Concrete Innovation Conference 2014 (CIC2014). Kuosa, H., Holt, E.. Development of Durable Pervious Concrete for Finland s Stormwater Management Needs. Oslo, Norway, June p.

5 5 (11) 6) ARTICLE (in proceedings) & PRESENTATION at Nordic Concrete Research Kuosa, H., Holt, E.. Developing Pervious Concretes for Urban Stormwater Management in Nordic Environments. Iceland. August ) PRESENTATION AT YGO Forum. by Erika Holt. The Development of Durable Permeable Pavement Solutions for Finnish Environmental Conditions , Helsingin Messukeskus. 8) PRESENTATION AT Geotekniikan päivä by Hannele Kuosa. Vettä läpisevät päällysteet ja rakenteet. CLASS-projektista pilotteihin Helsinki. 9) PRESENTATION AT GREY-GREEN PROJECT ENDING SEMINAR, by Erika Holt, CLASS Finnish Project Outcomes, , Linköping, Sweden. 10) ARTICLE in BETON (Czech Republic trade journal on Concrete Technology). Kuosa, H., Holt, E. Development of Durable Pervious Concrete Finland s Stormwater Management Needs (in Czech language: Vyvoj trvanliveho propustneho betonu pro potreby hospodareni s destovou voduu ve finsku). Issue 5/2014. pp ) ARTICLE in Betoni lehti: H. Kuosa, K. Loimula, E. Niemeläinen and E. Holt Material development and performance of pervious concrete and porous-designed paving block systems for urban stormwater management. Vol , pp ) PRESENTATION AT Finnsementti Oy Valutalkoot, by Hannele Kuosa. CLASS-projektin tulokset., Tampere, , 13) PRESENTATION AT Viherpäivät and Vihertekniikka. by Erika Holt CLASS-projektin tulokset ohjeita ja apuvälineitä suunnittelijoille , Tampere. 14) PRESENTATION AT HSY Seminar, by Juhani Korkealaakso. Pääkaupunkiseudun sopeutuminen ilmastonmuutokseen by Juhani Korkealaakso. Kaupunkitulvien mallinnus ja CLASS-hankkeen tuloksia Kansallismuseon auditorio, Helsinki 15) ARTICLE in VTT Smart Cities Research Highlights book. Climate-adaptive surfaces: Control of Urban Flooding pp Pending publications and presentations expected in include: 1) ARTICLE in IMPULSSI, VTT s Customer Magazine. Erika Holt, Hannele Kuosa, Juhani Korkealaakso, Terhi Kling, Kalle Loimula, Emma Niemeläinen, Harri Kivikoski. Uusia ratkaisuja kaupunkitulvien ehkäisyyn vettä läpäisevät päällysteet. Expected publication spring p. 2) ARTICLE in TIE & LIIKENNE. Kuosa, H., Niemeläinen, E., Holt, E., Forsten, Lars, Määttänen, Anniina. Vettä läpäisevät päällysteet hulevesien hallinta ja liikennlitävyys. 5 p. Expected spring ) ARTICLE in Health Estate Journal: CLASS project summary article to be published spring 2015 (based on VTT press release from ). 4) DEMONSTRATION at Urbaanin Selviytymisen Päivä (HSY event). CLASS pervious materials at exhibition, for public handling and questions on stormwater solutions Helsinki (Kampitori). 5) PRESENTATION at Hulevesiseminaarissa, CLASS overview of results for stormwater management and modeling, Hämeenlinna, 23.4, Terhi Kling. 6) PRESENTATION & ARTICLE: Kalle Loimula, Emma Niemeläinen, Hannele Kuosa Hydrological Simulation of Permeable Block Pavements for Finland s Stormwater Management Needs. International Conference on Concrete Block Pavement ICCBP, September 2015, Dresden

6 6 (11) 7) PRESENTATION & ARTICLE: E. Niemeläinen, K. Loimula and H. Kuosa Effects of pervious surfacing materials and subbase structures on stormwater ground infiltration.xvi European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVI ECSMGE 2015), Edinburgh: 13th to 17th September ) PRESENTATION at Talvitiepäivät-congress (international, arranged by Finnish Road Association, Suomen Tieyhdistys), by Hannele Kuosa. Winter performance and maintenance of pervious pavement for stormwater management Tampere. General Publications and Presentations The project activities were shared to a wider audience via articles for the general public, publicity within partners news-outlets, as well as scientific and technical presentations/papers at conferences. Table 2 gives a summary listing of all dissemination as of March 2015, in the form of publications, along with their classification type. VTT made 2 press releases during the project, which coincided with the public workshop and seminar dates. These are given here: - April 2013 (Finnish): - April 2013 (English): - January 2015 (English): The press releases and project results generated a very high amount of public media attention. There were at least 25 trade journal or magazine articles about CLASS results. The listing is given here: 1) YLE RADIO interview by Hannele Kuosa Vesiasiota theme, describing results and implementation of CLASS projects. (from time 19:18 to 35:29). 2) Ilkka, Pohjalainen. VTT kehitti vettä läpäiseviä teiden päällysteitä ) Kaleva: Vettä läpäisevät päällysteet testissä ) Kemia-Kemi. Tutkimuksessa tapahtuu ) Aamuset: VTT kehitti vettä läpäiseviä päällysteitä Suomen oloihin ) Good News from Finland: VTT Adapts Pavements to Cope with Cold and Wet ) e-science News:Researchers develop permeable pavements for Nordic conditions s.nordic.conditions 8) Computer Scotland: CLASS Nordic Pavements ) Traffic Technology Today: Finnish project develops permeable pavements for Nordic conditions ) Pan European Networks: Permeable pavements for Nordic storm water

7 7 (11) 11) Science Daily: Urban stormwater management: Permeable pavements to reduce run-off from parking lots ) VTT kehitti vettä läpäiseviä päällysteitä Suomen oloihin ) TELEVISIONI NEWS MTV3: Vettä läpäisevät päällysteet vähentävät kaupunkitulvia (kirjoitus ja televisiossa esitetty uutisjuttu) 14) Iltalehti: VTT kehitti vettä läpäisevän tienpinnan - Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT on kehittänyt ratkaisun kaupunkitulviin - vettä läpäisevän päällysteen ) Tekniikka & Talous: Vettä läpäisevät päällysteet vähentävät kaupunkitulvia a ) Rakennuslehti: Kaupunkitulviin helpotusta VTT kehitti vettä läpäiseviä päällysteitä Suomen oloihin ) Uusimaa: Tulvavesiä kuriin vettä läpäisevillä päällysteillä ) Radio Pooki: VTT kehitti vettä läpäiseviä päällysteitä Suomen oloihin & radiohaastattelu ) Rakennuslehti Tulvavesien hallintaan kehitetään uusia vettä läpäiseviä pintamateriaaleja. 20) Verkkouutiset kaupunkien-tulvavedet-aiotaan-saada-hallintaan 21) RADIO: YLE Radio Suomi minute live interview (by Jouko Törnqvist) Pending Dissemination It is expected that at least two scientific publications will still be made based on the results of the project. These will be submitted within 2015, the year after the project conclusion. The scope of these presentations will be a direct result of the permeable material development studies, especially with regard to durability and performance in winter environments. Examples of scientific journals for submission of publication include: Construction and Building Materials, Cement and Concrete Composites, Urban Design and Planning, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Water Science and Technology, Stormwater Management. Demonstration Constructions It is planned that the results of the project will be demonstrated in at least three new construction projects in Finnish and Swedish cities within the first year after project completion. Cities that have committed to the project already have ideas about upcoming projects where the permeable surfacing materials could be utilized. These include such areas as Tikaskaakso (Espoo), Soittajankangas (Oulu) and Kuninkaantammi (Helsinki) which have completed the construction planning phases during 2014 with the CLASS consortium members. Construction is expected to proceed in spring and summer 2015, including VTT s involvement for monitoring performance. These demonstrations would provide an exceptionally strong level of public dissemination.

8 8 (11) APPENDIX 1: CLASS Seminar Agenda Attendance ( Event)

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