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1 ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL Rehtori repäisee: Nyt juhlitaan! Takana inspiroiva kesä. Tervetuloa taas syksy ja suomikoulu! Suomikoulullamme on juhlasyksy. Viime lukuvuonna rakensimme tähän syksyyn juhlaa: olemme tehneet koko koulun yhteisenä projekteina taideteoksen, suomuisen siiven vuosien lentoon sekä värikkään juhlajulkaisun omilla suomen sanoilla. Syksyn toisella koulukerralla paljastamme nämä teokset. Tulkaa kaikki katsomaan! Otamme koulun ihmisistä syntymäpäiväjuhlakuvan, johon toivomme mahdollisimman monta mukaan: entisiä, nykyisiä ja uusia koulun ihmisiä. Tarjoamme kakkua ja kahvia suomalaiseen tapaan. Hyvää syntymäpäivää 25-vuotias St Albansin suomikoulu! Tuon perään pelaamme pesäpalloa. Lokakuussa tanssimme juhlaa. Onhan sinulla lippu ostettuna? Kesällä minua inspiroi vierailu Ateneumissa. Siellä on suomalaisen identiteetin aarteita: kuvia lapsuuden koulukirjoista, kodin seinäkalenterista, jäljennös mummon seinällä, aikakausi lehden mainoksessa. Mikä on se taideteos, jonka jokainen suomalainen tuntee? Voisiko suomikoulukin tehdä sen tutuksi vieraalle ja nostattaa kaihoa suomalaisissa käviöissään? Viime vuoden teemana tutustuimme Suomen historian tärkeisiin henkilöihin. Tänä vuonna tutustumme Suomen kuvataiteen tärkeisiin teoksiin. Ne tulevat esille kahvilaan, ehkä kirjastoon ja oppitunneillekin opettajan innon mukaan. Silmät auki syksyyn! Alle kolmevuotiaiden taaperoryhmä aloittaa isoissa tiloissa uudistuneella miehityksellä intoa täynnä. Vau-tiimi Tanja, Irma ja Saija! He toivovat apua huoneen laittamisessa koulupäiväkuntoon. Voisiko jotkut (ehka vanhemmista) tulla hyvissä ajoin koululle ja auttaa tilan valmistamisessa; tarjolla on lelulaatikoiden kantoa komerosta ja tuolien siirtämistä ja sellaista? Vauvoille odotan vauhdikasta vuotta ja vanhemmille montaa jutun aihetta. Kolmivuotiaat ovat edelleen Kristiinan tiimin, Helin ja Anun, tottuneessa ohjauksessa. Siinä ei ole muutoksia tuttua ja turvallista leikkiä ja laulua ja askartelua suomen kielellä. Nina ja Kati leikittävät ja laulattavat nelivuotiaita ja rohkaisevat puhumaan ja kuulemaan kaikenlaista suomea. Nyt ekakertaa eskarilaisemme saavat aapisen ja alamme tutustua suomen kielen kirjaimiin. Mari, Milja ja Maiju kertovat aasta ja auringosta, aasista, autoista, arvoituksista, aivastuksesta, ajatuksesta, ankkurista ja monesta aalla alkavasta ja muusta. Keksivät varmasti monta kirjain leikkiä. Koululaiset aloittavat lukemaan oppimisesta: kuusivuotiaat ryhtyvät tavaamaan aapista ihan uuden open kanssa. Tervetuloa joukkoomme Ilona! Ilona asuu Hemelissä ja opiskelee täällä opettajaksi. Hän pääsee koululle vasta lokakuusta eteenpäin. Ilonaa auttaa Sanna, joka viime vuonnakin oli mukana aapisryhmässä. Seitsenvuotiaiden lukemaan kannustamisessa jatkan minä sekä Hanna. Luovutan kanssani kasvaneen ryhmän toiselle uudelle opettajallemme Päiville. Päivi on vuoden alussa muuttanut Lontooseen miehensä työn mukana. Tervetuloa Päivi ja perhe! Odotan Päivin olevan inspiroiva ja täynnä uutta ja jännää, joka kannustaisi meidän isompien ryhmää erityisesti kirjoittamaan. Päivi on tietävä kirjoittaja itse. Ruotsinkielinen ryhmä jatkaa kannustavana edelleen Birgitin ja Magnuksen johdolla. Kumpa vielä saisimme perustettua pienten ruostinkielisten piirin Aikuisten vasta-alkajien opettajaksi toivotamme tervetulleeksi Anna-Marin! Han kävi viime kouluvuonna koululla näyttäytymässä ja on muutamalle siten tutumpi. Anna-Mari opiskelee Lontoossa ja SOASin aloittaessa myöhemmin hän tulee koulullemmekin vasta lokakuusta eteenpäin. Toisten aikuisten ryhmien opettajat pysyvät vakaana: Eeva, Mertsi ja Virve. Ryhmäläisiään olen kannustamassa tavoitteellisuuteen ja virvoittamaan koulumme vanhaa YKI-koetraditiota. Tervetuloa oppilaat, opettajat ja muut koulun tekijät ja rakentajat ja käyttäjät! Henriikka Järvi

2 Puheenjohtajan palsta TAKAISIN KOULUUN BACK TO SCHOOL ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL Suomikoulu avaa jälleen ovensa 11. syyskuuta 2010 entisille ja uusille oppilaille. Tänä syksynä juhlistamme koulumme 25-vuotista taivalta monilla tapahtumilla, joista tarkemmin tässä uutiskirjeessä ja koulumme web-sivuilta Koulumme on pystynyt toimimaan viimeiset 25 vuotta vain siksi että sillä on ollut hyvä joukko jäseniä tukenaan. Aktiiviset ihmiset ovat pitäneet tärkeänä koulumme tarjoamia palveluita: suomen kielen opiskelua, lapsien tutustuttamista suomalaiseen kulttuuriin, kontakteja muihin suomalaisiin, mahdollisuutta ostaa suomalaisia tuotteita, kirjastoa ja ovat olleet halukkaita tekemään jotain näiden palvelujen turvaamiseksi. Jos voisit auttaa meitä, tule rohkeasti mukaan. Joukolla saamme enemmän aikaiseksi ja voimme kehittää meidän kaikkien koulua eteenpäin suomalaisten ja Suomen ystävien yhteisönä. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> St Albans Finnish School will open its doors to existing and new students on Saturday 11 th of September. This autumn we are celebrating our 25 th anniversary with many events. You will find more of these in this newsletter and on our school's web pages at Our school has managed to continue its operations during the last 25 years only because it has had good group of supporters behind it. A group of active people who have believed that the services provided by the school: teaching Finnish, providing children with opportunities for getting to know Finnish culture, contacts with other Finns, chance to buy Finnish produce, library etc, are important and worth keep going. Most of all these people have been willing to do something to ensure that the school can operate. If you can help us, pick up your courage and join us. As a group we can achieve more and can develop our school forward as a community for Finns and friends of Finland. Pirkko Soundy - Puheenjohtaja CAN YOU VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH SUOMIKOULU? St Albans Finnish School is a charity and community run by its members. Work carried out by volunteers helps to keep our school fees as low as possible and enables us to offer a number of different classes for both children and adults - more than most other Finnish schools do. Running of the school requires all kinds of contributions from helping to move items back and from the class rooms to arranging tables and chairs, helping out with coffee and sandwiches, setting up and selling in the kioski, helping to run the library, organising school events, doing the accounts and paying the bills, keeping members informed about what is going on in the school etc. Many hands will make these jobs light work. Can you spare 15 minutes before or after school hours` to muck in with the set up and tidy up? Can you stay at the school after dropping in your children and help in the cafe or kioski? Or would you like to get involved in some other aspect of running the school? Come and talk to me during school days or drop an to

3 ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL VUOSIKOKOUS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Koulun vuosikokous pidetään 9. lokakuuta 2010 koululla alkaen. Tämä on kaikkien koulun jäsenten entisten ja uusien kokous. Tule mukaan vaikuttamaan koulun toimintaan. Koulun monipuolinen toiminta suomalaisen kulttuurin parissa on mahdollista vain jos meitä on riittävän monta tekemässä toimintaa mahdolliseksi. Jos olet halukas asettumaan ehdolle komitean jäsenten vaaliin ota yhteyttä Pirkkoon. Annual General Meeting will be held on 9 th October 2010, 11.15am. This is a meeting for all school members old and new alike. Please come and influence the way the school operates. We can only continue to provide the level of activities, if there are sufficient numbers of us making it all happen. If you would be happy to stand for election to the committee, please contact Pirkko. ============================================================================= JOULUBASAARI Perinteinen joulubasaari tuo joulun tunnelman kouluumme. Tänä vuonna basaari pidetään sunnuntaina 28. marraskuuta 2010 Marlborough'n koululla. Keräämme basaarilla varoja koulun toimintaan mm. myymällä käsitöitä koulun hyväksi. Onko sinulla ideoita kivoista myyntituotteista, osaisitko tehdä jotain myytäviä tuotteita? Koululla on kankaita, huovutusvilloja, askartelutarvikkeita mutta ideoita ja innokkaita tekijöitä tarvitsimme. Haluatko tulla myymään Joulubasaariin omia tuotteitasi tai tunnetko jonkun toisen, jolla olisi jotain suomalaisten tekemiä tai suomalaisia tuotteita myytävänä. Myyntipöydän vuokra on 20 ja lahjoitus arpajaisiin. Traditional Christmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday the 28 th of November 2010 at the Marlborough school. This event is held to raise funds for the school and our craft stall is an important part of this fund raising. Have you got ideas of things we could sell? Could you make something for sale? We have fabrics, felting wool and craft supplies, but need ideas and pairs of hands to make things happen. Would you like to sell your products in the Bazaar or know someone who would have Finnish goods or goods made by Finns/people with Finnish connection. The stall fee will be 20 and a donation to raffle. Puheenjohtaja Pirkko Soundy

4 ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL JUHANNUS Juhannus party was held on 19 th of June 2010 in Bennington, Herts. The weather was what I remember from many a Finnish juhannus: cold and drizzly. Well, we had hot food, games and kokko to keep us warm. It was great to see over 20 tents pitched up in the field. Here are some pictures to remind you of the event. from Pirkko

5 ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL 25-VUOTIS JUHLAPÄIVÄ 25. SYYSKUUTA 2010 Oletko entinen oppilas tai opettaja tai olitko muuten vain mukana St Albansin suomikoulun toiminnassa? Tule mukaan muistelemaan koulumme 25- vuotta 25. syyskuuta 2010 Marlborough n koululle. Juhlan kunniaksi tarjoamme täytekakkukahvit kaikille ja otamme yhteiskuvan kaikista. Tarjolla on myös karjalanpiirakoita, pullaa ja muita suomituotteita ostettavaksi CELEBRATING 25 YEARS OF SCHOOL 25 th SEPTEMBER 2010 Were you a student or a teacher at St Albans Saturday School? Or were you involved in some other capacity with the school? Come and reminiscence about our school's 25 years on 25 th September 2010 at Marlborough School. We will celebrate by having coffee and cake and taking a group photo of all. Karelian pies, pulla and other Finnish products will be for sale. Syksyn koulukalenteri School Diary for the Autumn First school day of the autumn Isänpäivä/Fathers Day (14.11.) Special day to celebrate the school s 25 years (3 hr day) & Pesäpallo tournament after school Itsenäisyyspäivä/Independence Day (6.12) & Lucian päivä/lucia's Day (13.12) School day including AGM Christmas Bazaar (NOT A SCHOOLDAY!) th Anniversary Dinner Dance (NOT A SCHOOLDAY!) Christmas Assembly (3 hr day) School day Christmas Carols (NOT A SCHOOLDAY!) Ruotsalaisuuden päivä/swedish Speakers Day Please check the dates on Baseball tournament This year s baseball tournament takes place on Saturday 25 th September at 2pm. The school team is still looking for more members to take part. If you re interested, and up for a fun, sporty afternoon, please contact Marita via on or phone on Come along to join in the fun and help the school bring the trophy home! Marita Robertson We are now on facebook - search for St Albans Finnish School for events and updates.

6 A taster from our multilingual seminar: Teaching Finnish 25 years ago and now We had a bilingual seminar this spring. It was organised by the School committee members Jan Passchier and Mervi Korhonen. The key note lecture was given by Dr Leena Helavaara, Principal Lecturer from Middlesex University, who sprang into her career from the St Albans Finnish School. She described the educational scene in England twenty-five years ago, in terms of responding to linguistic diversity, and she shared some research and educational developments which have come about since then. The title of the lecture was Community Language Schools and Research Perspectives: developments over the last 25 years. This article, by Heni Järvi, is based on the overheads for the lecture. Dr Helavaara, Leena, started by painting an image of the world twenty-five years ago: in 1985 Kiera Knightley and Lewis Hamilton were born, Tapio Wirkkala and Marc Chagall died, Ronald Reagan was sworn into office (for the second time), and the Cold War continued, Finnish sports journalists selected Matti Nykänen as the greatest sportsman of the year, Ashford and Simpson sang Solid, and the St Albans Finnish School opened its doors. Such a Community Language School has many names: a Saturday school, a Mother tongue school, a Heritage language school, a Complementary school, a Supplementary school, an After-school organisation, Outof-hours classes. In the UK 13.5% of children in 2007 had a first language other than English. There are three hundred languages spoken by children in at schools in the UK. Leena outlined six functions for Community Language Schools. They are social, educational, cultural, and also spiritual, governmental and political. The social function includes a regular meeting place for members of the community; giving and receiving support for everyday life, such as advice on housing, health, education or translation. Offering regular, organised classes for children/adults to learn is an educational function: developing and maintaining the spoken language/s and their literacy. There may be opportunities to learn ICT skills; opportunities to take early examinations in community languages; opportunities to learn the geography, history and arts. Some schools offer regular, organised ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL supplementary classes for learning English literacy, numeracy and Science and passing school examinations; and English homework support. The cultural function includes: organised, regular national celebrations; opportunities to take part in and become familiarised with the customs and traditions of the place(s) of origin. Some schools offer regular, organised places and times for worship; meetings with spiritual leaders in receiving guidance and support. Schools often also collaborate with embassies: they may act as outreach places for elections, or provide forms for passports and permits, and advice; they may offer occasional visiting speakers from the place of origin providing information on changes; and occasional visiting speakers from the surrounding community. Schools are also political through being organised meetings for adults to effect a change in the dominant society s attitudes, policy and practice, or in the community itself. Leena had collected some responses to multilingualism within education in England: in the 1950s terms such as: assimilation, No Language, Disadvantaged children were common-place. By the 1970s the this had changed to multiculturalism and antiracism. There was recognition of the importance of a child s cultural identity, cultural knowledge and mother tongue: no child should be expected to cast off the language and culture of the home as he [sic] crosses the school threshold, nor to live and act as though school and home represent two totally and separate and different cultures which have to be kept firmly apart. Leena quoted The Bullock Report of 1975, and in 1985 the Swann Report came out. By the 1990 s the terms had changed to entitlement and integration. The new century brought inclusion. Leena shared some recent policy recommendations. Here are a couple of quotes from the DCFS in Current Early Years Foundation Stage (0-5yrs) (2007): Bilingualism is an asset that confers intellectual advantages, and the role of the first language in the child s learning is of great importance ; The best outcome is for children and their families to have opportunity to become truly bilingual with all the advantages this can bring. She shared an experience of Professor Jill Bourne from Southampton University on community language schools: I was aware that a number of children in my classes

7 attended community language classes when I was teaching in an inner city school in the late 1970s... It did not occur to me or perhaps I was unsure of my welcome, then to seek out and step over the threshold of my students other classes in order to build on their learning... Leena had found in a DfEs publication An Excellence and Enjoyment: A strategy for primary schools (2003) : Partnership with parents is critical in helping children achieve as well as they possibly can; and closer links with the community, particularly through extended schools, help schools and the community to help each other.. and a little later in the same publication: As well as working closely with parents, primary schools must be closely linked to their communities. and Interchange between schools and the community benefits everyone and helps local people to see the value in their school. Successful schools reach out to communities. They often make premises available for community use, which can build bridges and develop dialogue. Many pupils have also benefited greatly from out-of-hours learning in communityrun initiatives such as supplementary schools. Leena had looked at some recent answers to what have we learnt from these community organisations. Peter Martin and Angela Creese (2007; 2009) say they enhance of learning and stronger construct of identity. Heidi Mirza and Diane Reay (2000; 2001) state that schools provide safe spaces for alternative discourses and for belonging, for feeling ok, for not being different. Yangguang Chen (2007) speaks about Bridge for parents. Leena also reminded us of Olga Barradas (2007) finding that there is a positive correlation between learning in Portuguese community language schools and the attainment of English in mainstream schools as measured by the national tests (SATs). Then she told a little about her work she had done in supporting teachers to engage with bilingual upbringing. What next? Leena pointed out challenges of maintaining minority languages in families, over generations. It is very difficult! What supports long-term maintenance? She also asked after formal teaching and learning (of language and literacy) particularly in the absence of bilingual education ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL and community language schools. Leena judges that the policy environment is now -kind of- in place. Then she examines religious function of the Finnish School via considering the role of the Finnish Church. Among our cultural events she gives an example of the annual St Albans Christmas bazaars. She suggest Nordic Bakery as an example of the Finnish (minority ethnic) economy. New media is online Helsingin Sanomat and there are new technologies (Skype, Facebook networks...) Here Leena leans on study by Viv Edwards, She is showing us two very positive and helpful web pages. The first one is titled Positively Plurilingual and published by Cilt the National Centre for Languages ( The second one is National resource centre for supplementary education. It is the first national agency to campaign on behalf of supplementary education and based within continyou. ContinYou is one of the UK's leading community learning organisations. ( ry_education). Leena s word for the school at the end were: Thank you St Albans Finnish School and carry on with your amazing work! At the very end she quoted the now 25 year old words from Solid of Ashford and Simpson. It surely captures some of the joy and dedication the founders of the school must feel on this special anniversary and Leena among them!...and with that feeling we were willing to take a chance So against all odds, we made a start We got serious (Ooh), this wouldn t turn to dust We build it up and build it up and build it up And now it s solid (Ooh) Solid as a rock That s what this love is (Oh) That s what we ve got, oh (Oh, oh) And nothing s changed it (Ooh) The thrill is still hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot... (Ashford and Simpson, 1985)

8 Annual Questionnaire Spring 2010 Yhteenveto ST. ALBAN S FIN N ISH SCH O OL Teimme keväällä koulussa kyselyn, johon saimme 31 vastausta. Suurkiitos kaikille vastanneille. Komitea sai arvokasta tietoa toimintamme kehittämiseen. Ohessa lyhyt yhteenveto tuloksista. Opetus, sen suunnittelu sekä tiedonkulku opettajien ja vanhempien välillä koettiin erittäin hyväksi yli puolessa vastauksista. Sen sijaan vastaajien odotukset ja tarpeet opetuksen suhteen ovat hieman korkeammalla kuin mihin olemme keskimäärin yltäneet. Oheistoiminnoista suosituimpia koulupäivän aikana olivat odotetusti kahvila ja kioski, kirjaston ollessa hyvä kolmonen. Muista aktiviteeteista selvästi tärkeimmäksi koettiin joulu- ja pääsiäismyyjäiset. Tarkeimmät tietolähteet organisaatiota ja sen toimintaa koskien olivat nettisivut, postituslista ja uutislehti (newsletter). Koulumaksut koettiin kohtuullisiksi. Sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen vanhempien kesken koulupäivän aikana on korvaamaton henkireikä ja harvinainen mahdollisuus käyttää omaa äidinkieltä. Lapset nauttivat eniten ystävien kanssa puuhastelusta koulutunneilla. Edellinen pätee sekä suomen- etta ruotsinkielen ryhmiin. Lasten opetusryhmien toivottiin pysyvän sekä kohtuullisen kokoisina että taidollisesti yhtenäisinä. Pieniä kannustuspalkintoja kannatettiin. Aikuisopiskelijat sen sijaan kaipaavat jämäkämpiä otteita: enemmän läksyjä ja tyypillistä koulumaista opetusta. Summary of results We would like to thank everyone who took part in our Spring Questionnaire. All 31 responses give us valuable information to improve our performance. Enclosed is a short summary of results. Tuition in general, planning of classes and information flow between parents and teachers were considered as very good in over 50% of answers. However, expectations and needs for tuition seem to exceed our performance on average. As expected, the cafe and shop proved to be the most important activities during school hours. Library took a clear third place. Christmas and Easter bazaar are the favourite activities outside school hours. Most important information sources seem to be the website, mailing list and our newsletter. School fees were considered reasonable. Socialising with fellow parents during the school hours is a unique opportunity for the majority to use their mother tongue, either Finnish or Swedish. Children enjoy most when they can meet their friends in the school. The parents wish to have small and language wise balanced groups for their children. Small rewards would be welcome. Adult students again want to be pushed harder and wish for more homework. Anne Weckman


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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward. START START SIT 1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward. This is a static exercise. SIT STAND 2. SIT STAND. The


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Curriculum. Gym card

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Väite Argument "Yhteiskunnan velvollisuus on tarjota virkistysalueita ja -palveluita." "Recreation sites and service

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Tietoa Joensuun Eliittikisoista

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Build a life around your career - in Finland

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Opiskelijoiden ajatuksia koulun alkuun liittyen / students thoughts about the beginning of their studies at KSYK

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

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National Building Code of Finland, Part D1, Building Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Regulations and guidelines 2007

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