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1 / 6 saap. Dnro APPLICATION FOR THE STUDIES FOR DOCTORAL DEGREE 1. DEGREE Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Science (PhD Tech.) 2. DOCTORAL PORGRAMME Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG) Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (MATTI) Doctoral Programme in Physical and Chemical Sciences (PCS) Doctoral Programme in Molecular Life Sciences (MLS) Other, please specify: 3. PERSONAL INFORMATION First name: Family name: UTU student number or date of birth: Home address: Postal code, country: E-mail: Phone: Gender: Nationality: 4. PREVIOUS DEGREE Name of the degree in original language: Date of the degree: University: Grade of the Thesis for the Master s Degree Grade of major studies 5. FIELD OF RESEARCH OF THE PLANNED DEGREE (for possible options look at 6. SUBJECT OR SUBJECT MATTER OF THE THESIS 7. RESEARCH PLAN Research plan has to be attached to application. It can be freely formulated.

2 / 6 8. FINANCING PLAN (The full-time doctoral dissertation research is expected to take approximately four years. Specify here the funding plan for this period; the planned, applied and financing already granted for each of these four years.) Source of funding Time period m/y - m/y Financing is granted applied planned 9. TIME PLAN Starting date Approximate time for graduation Tutkimuksen tekotapa /Mode of attendance: päätoimista/ full-time sivutoimista/ part time Tutkimuksen arvioitu valmistumisaika/ Estimated time of completion of the research: 10. SUPERVISOR(S) Principal supervisor: Role and responsibilities in supervising Other supervisors (optional): Role and responsibilities in supervising Role and responsibilities in supervising 11. RESEARCH DIRECTOR (valvoja)

3 / 6 Valvojan tehtävät: seurata vuosittain tutkimustyön ja jatko-opintojen etenemistä yhteistyössä ohjaajan kanssa vastata suoritettavan tutkinnon tieteellisestä tasosta vastata opiskelun edellytysten turvaamisesta varmistaa, että väitöskirjan kokonaisuus vastaa väitöskirjalta vaadittavaa laajuutta esittää mahdollisen seurantaryhmän perustamista tehdä esitys lisensiaatintutkimuksen tarkastajiksi tai väitöskirjan esitarkastajiksi, vastaväittäjäksi ja kustokseksi toimittaa tiedekunnalle ohjaajan, valvojan ja opiskelijan hyväksymä lausunto, josta käy ilmi tekijän panos yhteisjulkaisuihin perustuvan lisensiaatintutkimuksen tai väitöskirjan toteutuksessa. Lausunnosta pitää myös ilmetä, jos jotakin väitöskirjan osatyötä on aiemmin käytetty toisessa väitöskirjassa tai jos sen käyttöä toiseen väitöskirjaan suunnitellaan. varmistaa että lisensiaatintutkimuksen tai väitöskirjan lopulliseksi tarkoitettu versio toimitetaan tarkastajille ja tiedekuntaan (pdf tiedostona sähköpostilla osoitteeseen heti tarkastajien määräämisen jälkeen opiskelijan, ohjaajan tai valvojan toimesta. varmistaa että väitöskirja toimitetaan vastaväittäjälle välittömästi vastaväittäjän määräämisen jälkeen opiskelijan, ohjaajan tai valvojan toimesta. The duties of the research director are: to monitor the progress of the research work and postgraduate studies annually in collaboration with the supervisor; to assume responsibility for the scientific level of the degree; to ensure that the necessary conditions for the studies are maintained; to ensure that the thesis as a whole meets the requirements regarding the extent of theses; to make a proposal regarding the establishment of a possible thesis advisory committee; to make a proposal regarding the examiners of the licentiate thesis or the reviewers, opponent and chairperson (custos) of the doctoral thesis; to provide the faculty with a statement approved by the supervisor, research director and student indicating the author s contribution to the research if the thesis contains joint publications. The statement must also tell whether a part of the thesis has earlier been used in another thesis or if such use is being planned; to ensure that the intended final version of the licentiate or doctoral thesis is delivered to the examiners and to the faculty (as a pdf file to by the student, supervisor or research director immediately after the examiners have been appointed; to ensure that the doctoral thesis is delivered to the opponent by the student, supervisor or research director immediately after the opponent has been appointed; to assume responsibility for an electronic originality check of the thesis using a plagiarism detection system approved by the University. 12. SUPERVISION PLAN Supervision plan is made between postgraduate student and principal supervisor. With this plan preliminary supervisor and student commit themselves to work in collaboration and in the agreed timeframe with a completed degree as the goal. This plan is updated when necessary. This plan expires if the student is transferred to passive register. Ohjattavan vastuu opiskelija valmistautuu tapaamisiin huolellisesti ja noudattaa sovittuja aikatauluja opiskelija tekee jatko-opintonsa ohjaajan tuella, mutta itsenäisesti ja oma-aloitteisesti opiskelija suorittaa vuosittain sovitun määrän jatko-opintokursseja ja huolehtii niiden rekisteröinnistä opiskelija vastaa oman tutkimustyönsä etenemisestä ja siitä, että tiedottaa ohjaajalleen ja tohtoriohjelmalleen tutkimuksen edistymisestä vähintään sovitun raportointitiheyden mukaisesti ja sovitulla tavalla opiskelija tiedottaa ohjaajalle (seurantaryhmän jäsenille) kaikista muutoksista, jotka vaikuttavat huomattavasti työskentelyoloihin, työn edistymiseen tai sovitussa aikataulussa pysymiseen. Responsibilities of the student the student carefully prepares for the meetings and follows the agreed timetables; the student completes postgraduate studies independently with the supervisor s support;

4 / 6 the student annually participates in the agreed number of postgraduate courses and ensures that they are appropriately registered; the student is responsible for the progress of his/her research work and for informing the supervisor and the doctoral programme on the progress made according to the agreed reporting schedule and in the agreed way; the student informs the supervisor (thesis advisory committee) of all the changes that considerably affect the working conditions, the progress of the thesis project or keeping the agreed schedule. Ohjaajan tehtäviin kuuluu mm. ohjata opiskelijaa jatko-opintojen suunnittelussa ja suorittamisessa ohjata opiskelijaa tutkimustyön suunnittelussa ja suorittamisessa sekä väitöskirjan ja lisensiaatintutkimuksen laatimisessa, seurata ohjaussuunnitelman mukaisesti tutkimustyön ja jatko-opintojen etenemistä auttaa opiskelijaa saamaan yhteyksiä muihin saman alan tutkijoihin ja tutkimuksen soveltajiin, avustaa opiskelijaa rahoituksen hakemisessa välittämällä tietoa rahoitusmahdollisuuksista. The duties of the supervisor are, among others: to direct the student in planning and completing the postgraduate studies; to direct the student in planning and completing the research and completing the thesis; to follow the progress of research and postgraduate studies in accordance with the supervision plan; to assist the student in making contact with other researchers in the field and with the users of the research; to assist the student in applying for funding by providing information on available options. a) Agreed meeting frequency: b) The way that student reports about the progress of the research work : c) Advisory committee: Yes No Members of the advisory committee: Title/position: d) Other things agreed For example: rights and use of the outcomes and material produced at the research project, principles of publishing, names and order of the authors in publications, rights and patents of the inventions produced at the research project

5 / 6 13. PRELIMINARY PERSONAL STUDY PLAN (in research field and other studies) Applicant makes a plan to complete the required 60 of studies in research field and other studies. Departments may have some specific rules about these and they must be taken account (more information from the department). The must come from an acceptable combination of studies in the field of research and should prepare the student for carrying out the work of a researcher and other demanding expert tasks. The studies may comprise courses from the faculty or from another institution or organization; reading on the topic; field trips or attendance at scientific conferences; and publications not included in the thesis. Studies may also include general training events for researchers, as well as courses or coursework from other subjects that are related to the field of research or the thesis. 14. SIGNATURES TOTAL Signature of the applicant Research Director Principal Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor 15. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Research plan An officially certified copy of the original degree certificate (in the original language) AND English, Swedish or Finnish translation (or an English-language Diploma Supplement concerning graduates from European universities). An officially certified copy of the original transcript of study records (in the original language) AND English, Swedish or Finnish translation. (or an English-language Diploma Supplement concerning graduates from European universities).

6 / 6 To be filled in during processing: STATEMENT OF THE DOCTORAL PROGRAMME Supported Not Supported. Justifications presented in attachment. Head of the doctroral programme STATEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT Supported Not Supported. Justifications presented in attachment. Presenting officer Head/ Vice-head of the department DECISION OF THE FACULTY Accepted Not Accepted. Justifications presented in attachment. Presenting officer Dean/ Vice-dean of the faculty Complaints In the case the applicant thinks that there has been a mistake in the selection procedure, he has the right to submit an application for the rectification of the decision concerning admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences within 14 days of the official publishing of the results. The application must be made in writing and must include detailed grounds for the rectification.