Linux- RekryKoulutus

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Linux- RekryKoulutus Module Descriptions

Mikä on RekryKoulutus? Harvassa ovat ne työnantajat, jotka löytävät juuri heidän alansa hallitsevat ammatti-ihmiset valmiina. Fiksuinta on tunnustaa tosiasiat ja hankkia omia osaajia yritykselle räätälöidyn koulutuksen avulla. RekryKoulutus on hyvä vaihtoehto, kun työnantaja ei löydä ammattitaitoisia työntekijöitä, eikä näköpiirissä ole lähiaikoina valmistuvia osaajia. RekryKoulutuksessa opiskelijat saavat suoraan tiettyyn ammattiin tai työtehtävään pätevöittävän opetuksen. Oppimismotivaation takaa koulutuksen tavoite: uusi työpaikka yrityksen palveluksessa. Koulutusohjelma muokataan yrityksen tarpeiden mukaan. Se voidaan suunnitella myös yhteistyössä useamman työnantajan kanssa. Opiskelijat valitaan yhteistyössä yrityksen ja kouluttajan kanssa. Mitä RekryKoulutus maksaa? RekryKoulutuksen rahoittavat työnantaja sekä työ- ja elinkeinohallinto yhdessä. Työnantajan maksuosuus on 30 % hankintasopimuksen mukaisesta kokonaishinnasta. Koulutuksen hinta määräytyy tarjouskilpailun perusteella ja vaihtelee koulutusaloittain. Mistä liikkeelle? Yritys ottaa yhteyttä paikalliseen työ- ja elinkeinotoimistoon (TE-toimisto) ja/tai TE-keskukseen ja tekee työnantajan esityksen yhteishankintakoulutuksesta lomakkeella TEM6.07. Se löytyy osoitteesta > Työnantajan palvelut > Koulutus > Lomake Personal Study Plan (2 days) The goal is to commit the participant to work as a part of community and to plan own studies. During the first day a personal study plan is created together with the trainer. The goal of the personal study plan is to guide the participant to seek support for example to study problems. Modules(40 days) 1. Linux Operating System During the course the basics of using the Linux server are taught. Key topics of the course include how to configure the system, modify the settings and take care of system security. The goal is to adopt the Linux server side use and safe maintenance of basic services. During this course newest versions of Debian and Ubuntu are installed and adjusted. The course also includes training on how to work with the command line.

3 days 2 days 1 days Prerequisites: No Prerequisites 2. C Programming During the C Programming course you will learn the basics of the ANSI C language with the focus on portability and structured design. In addition, the course consists of the most essential elements of the language including fundamental data types, flow control and standard function libraries. You will also learn how to work with strings and characters, dynamic memory allocation, I/O, how to define macros and use the C runtime library. Furthermore, the course consists of aggregate structures, unions and pointers. 5 days 3 days 2 Prerequisites: No Prerequisites 3. Linux System Programming The Linux System Programming course is suitable for professional developers with good skills in the C/C++ language and basic skills in the Linux operating system. The focus of the course is on programming in the UNIX/POSIX environment using the ANSI C language. More specific focus is on system calls required by the Linux/Posix system, process control, threading and communication between the processes. In addition, different I/O techniques, standard I/O functions of the C library and Unix/Linux system calls are introduced in detail. 5 days 3 days 2 days Prerequisites: C Programming and basic knowledge of Linux Operating System 4. Linux Kernel Module Programming This course is intended for all newcomers to kernel module programming. It assumes no previous experience with any kernel programming. Course includes a lowdown of linux kernel, how to install the kernel build tree, basics of module creation, installation and uninstallation, explanation of kernel symbol table, basics of memory handling in

kernel, concept of time and timers, some keywords and types and various helpful tips for beginners. 7 days 3 days 4 days Prerequisites: C Programming and basic knowledge of Linux Operating System

5. Linux Device Driver Programming This course includes all basic information needed to start creating device drivers for Linux. First unified device model is discussed and some common techniques for all drivers types such as interrupt handling. Concurrency, different contexts and locking are discussed in detail. Memory-mapped I/O and port-mapped I/O and interaction between kernel space and user space are also looked at. Some detail is put into direct memory access. More detailed handling is left for optional days. Finally very basics of char drivers are used as an example. Optionally for one extra day per driver type basic driver types can be added to the course. 8 days 3 days 5 days Prerequisites: Linux kernel module programming basic or similar. 6. Server Design and Programming with Linux This course is intended for all Linux system programmers interested in issues concerning server implementation. Different optimization types and techniques are discussed. Posix threads are looked at in detail. How to handle different security concerns in design and code. Concurrency is discussed. Different implementations of both thread pools and memory pools are shown. How to maximize server effectiveness with work queues. Finally techniques for monitoring thousands of connections are discussed with focus on solving the common pitfalls. During the course a basic web server is used as an example. 10 days 3 days 1 days 6 days Prerequisites: C skills and Linux System Programming.

7. Linux Debug School This course is intended for all programmers doing Linux programming. During the course basic debugging techniques for Linux are discussed. These include detecting memory leaks, checking both memory and CPU consumption at different stages of the application, checking for the validity of programmer s code and tracing programs. 2 days 1 days 1 days Prerequisites: C programming skills and understanding of Linux operating system Practical Training (98 days) During the practical training the participants improve those skills and knowledge which they have learned during the educational part of the training. The main goal of practical training is that the person will be employed after the training. During the training the process of learning curve are measured and evaluated together with the participant. Tutoring at work Tutoring at work is organized monthly during the practical training. Every tutoring meeting has their own theme. The student, tutor and mentor are present in these tutoring sessions. During the first meeting a plan for the practical training is created, where the goals of the training are described.