Research Group - Personality Approach to Leadership and Organizational Behavior PUBLICATIONS

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1 PUBLICATIONS Contents Dissertations theses started or instructed by the group leaders:... 2 Examples of publications of our group members and some doctoral students recruited by the group: Articles in Refereed Journals Articles in Finnish Refereed (Editor-in-Chief) Books, Finnish Books etc Chapters in International Books and Books Articles in International Proceedings Example of practical studies and reports from Projects Concerning the Developing of University Studies

2 Dissertations theses started or instructed by the group leaders: WAHALA, HELENA (2012). Poliittinen toiminta ja tulokset fuusiopäätöksenteossa Säästöpankkifuusioiden valtapelaajat ja tulostyypit. GALLÉN, TIINA (2010). Personality and strategy. Cognitive styles and strategic decisions of managers and top management team. HAUTALA, TARU T. (2006). Osaamisen ja johtajuuden siirto ravitsemisalan perheyritysten sukupolvenvaihdoksessa. LUUKINEN, KARI (2006). Pricing decision of SME Images and deliberations within a meaningful frame. HAUTALA, TIINA M. (2005). Personality and transformational leadership. Perspectives of subordinates and leaders. KOSKINEN, OSSI (2005). Asia- ja ihmisjohtajien eroavuudet. SAATSI, ASKO (2005). Metaklusteri Systeemiteoreettinen näkökulma yrityksen, klusterin ja seudun menestystekijöihin Ylä-Savossa. TUOMI, LAURI (2005). Strategic human resource development in SMEs The identification of key employees and their discourses on human resource development. LEINONEN, VELI (2003). Hyvinvoinnin kokonaisvaltainen malli. Systeeminen näkökulma hyvinvointiin ja sitä edistäviin toimintatapoihin taloudessa sekä hallinnossa. JÄRLSTRÖM, MARIA (2002). Personality and career orientation of business students. VARAMÄKI, ELINA (2001). Essays on multilateral cooperation between SMEs - The prerequisites for successful development and different models of interfirm cooperation. LUOMA, MIKKO (2000). Human resource development as a strategic activity a single component view of strategic human resource management. HAVUSELA, RAIMO (1999). Kulttuuri - yrittäjyyden kehto. SUUTARI, VESA (1996). Comparative studies on leadership beliefs and behavior of European managers. VESALAINEN, JUKKA (1995). The small firm as an adaptive organization. Organizational adaptation versus environmental selection within environmental change. HAUTA-AHO, SEPPO (1990). Yrityksen perustamisen vaiheet. Työsuhdelähestymistavan teoreettista analysointia ja perustamisen vaiheiden konkretisointi. 2

3 Examples of publications of our group members and some doctoral students recruited by the group: 1. Articles in Refereed Journals Brandt, T. & Laiho, M. (2013). Gender, personality and transformational leadership: An examination of leader and subordinate perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Brandt, T., Routamaa, V., Sorvari S. & Heikkilä, M. (2011). Transformational team leadership and personality. International Journal of Strategic Management, 11:1, Brandt, T., Gomes, J. & Boyanova, D. (2011). Personality and psychological capital as indicators of future job success? A multicultural comparison between three European countries. Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 3/11, Gallén, T. (2009). Top management team composition and views of the viable strategies. Team Performance Management Journal, 15:7/8, Gallén, T. (2006). Managers and strategic decisions: does the cognitive style matter? Journal of Management Development, 25:2, Gallén, T. (1997). The cognitive style and strategic decisions of managers. Management Decision, 35: 6/7, Gromov, A. & Brandt, T. (2011). Transformationaalinen johtajuus muutoksessa. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena organisaatiomuutos. Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 1/11, Hakola, M. & Brandt, T. (2012). Saneerausyritysten taloudellinen alamäki ja saneerausyrittäjien arvot. Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 1/12, Hakuli, M. & Routamaa, V. (1986). A contextual approach to research on managerial work. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 35:1, Hautala, T. (2008). TJ leaders as transformational leaders: Followers and leaders appraisals. Journal of Psychological Type, 68:9, Hautala, T. M. (2007): Impact of followers type on their expectations of leaders: An individual consideration in transformational leadership. Journal of Psychological Type, 67:4, Hautala, T. & Routamaa, V. (2007). Opiskelijoiden persoonallisuuden yhteys aktiivisuuteen ja opintomenestykseen (The personalities of students in relation to their activities and success in 3

4 their studies). Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja (Finnish Journal of Business Economics), 1, Hautala, T. M. (2006). The relationship between personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Management Development, 25:8, Hautala, T. M. (2005). Type and transformational leadership - Comparison of subordinates and leaders ratings. Journal of Psychological Investigations, 3. Hautala, T.M. (2005): Kehityskeskustelut alaisten persoonallisuuden vaikutus kokemuksiin keskusteluista (Development Discussions the Personality of Subordinates in Relation to the Experiences of the Discussions). Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja (Finnish Journal of Business Economics), 3, Hautala, T.M. (2005). The effects of subordinates personality on appraisals of transformational leadership. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11:4, Järlström, M. & Valkealahti, K. (2010). Person-Job Fit Related to Psychological Type of Finnish Business Students and Managers: Implications for Change in the Management Environment. Journal of Psychological Type, 70. Järlström, M. (2005). Relationship between Type profiles and Desired Work Environments of Business Students in Finland. Journal of Psychological Type, 64. Järlström, M. (2002). Organizational employment versus entrepreneurship: The personality approach to business students' career aspirations. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 14:1, Järlström, M. (2000). Personality preferences and career expectations of Finnish business students. Career Development International, 5:3, Laiho, M. & Brandt, T. (2012). Benefits and drawbacks of mentoring in medium-sized and large organisations situation now and prospects of the future. Career Development International, 17:5, Luoma, M. (2000). Developing people for business success: capability-driven HRD in practice. Management Decision, 38:3, Luoma, M. (1999). The essence of HRD orientation: evidence from the Finnish metals industry. Journal of European Industrial Training, 23: Murto-Koivisto, E, Routamaa, V. & Vesalainen, J. (1996). The prerequisites for different types of successful interfirm cooperation in the SME-Sector. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 4:2,

5 Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2010). Managing Intercultural Differences - The Relationships between Cultures, Values and Personality. International Journal of Society Systems Science, 2:3, Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2010). Values and Cultures in Integrating Business A Comparison of Bulgaria, Finland and Japan. World Journal of Management, 2:1, Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2009). Values and Cultures in Integrating Business A Comparison of Bulgaria, Finland and Japan. World Journal of Management, 1: Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T.M. (2008). Understanding Cultural Differences The Values in a Cross- Cultural Context. The International Review of Business Research Papers, 4:5. Routamaa, V. & Vesalainen, J. (1987). Types of entrepreneur and strategic level goal setting. International Small Business Journal, 5:3, Routamaa, V. (1985) Organizational Structuring: An Empirical Analysis of the Relationships and Dimensions of Organizational Structures in Certain Finnish Companies. Journal of Management Studies 22:5, Routamaa, V. (1981). Toward a Systematic Understanding of the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Performance. The Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 30:4,

6 2. Articles in Finnish Refereed (Editor-in-Chief) Books, Finnish Books etc. Asikainen, V. (1996). Personality Types and Creativity Orientations of Managers. Lisensiaatintyö. Vaasan yliopisto. Brandt, T. (2011). Persoonallisuudet työyhteisössä: Yhteisölliset johtajat ja esimiesalaissuhteet (Personality types in workplaces: Transformational leaders and leader-follower relationships). Vaasa: LEADEC-Kustannus. 164 s. Hautala, T.T., Routamaa, V. & Varamäki, E. (2007). Leadership and Knowledge Transfers in Succession of Finnish Family Firms. Dimensions on Family Business Research. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä. Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T.M. (2009). Katse naamion taa Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa (A Look behind the Mask - Powered by Self-Knowledge). Vaasa: Leadec-Kustannus. 152 s. Routamaa, V. (2008). An Entrepreneur - A Singular Character and a Challenge for Educators. In: Work in Process. Ed. Malinen P. & Paasio K. Turku: Turku School of Economics. Routamaa, V. (2007). Kasvuyrittäjän johtamisotteet. Teoksessa: Kasvuyritys. Toim. Laukkanen M. Helsinki: Talentum. Routamaa, V. (2006). Tuella ja opastuksella vaasalaisten yritysunelmat muovautuisivat todeksi. Teoksessa: Sanomalehtiyliopisto 2006: Terva, tekniikka ja terveys - vaasalainen yrittäjyys ennen, nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Julkaisu No 28. Vaasa: Levón-instituutti & Avoin yliopisto. Routamaa, V. (2006). Välttämätön kuntauudistus - organisaatioteoreettista pohdintaa. Teoksessa: Hyvinvointi yhteiskuntapoliittisena tavoitteena. Toim. Niemelä P. & Pursiainen T. Sosiaalipoliittisen yhdistyksen tutkimuksia nro 62. Kuopio: Kuopion yliopisto. Routamaa, V. (1998). Henkilöstöjohtaminen ja riskienhallinta (Human Resource Management and Risk Management). Teoksessa: Riskit ja riskienhallinta. Toim. Kuusela H. & Ollikainen R. Vammala: Tampere University Press. Routamaa, V. & Vesalainen, J. (1992). Pienyrittäjän oman työn johtaminen (The Entrepreneurs Self- Management). Teoksessa: Pienyritysten johtaminen. Toim. Jahnukainen I. Ekonomia-sarja. Weilin + Göös. Routamaa, V. (1991). Human Resource Management in the Context of Strategic Management. In: Arenas of Strategic Thinking, Ed. Näsi J. Helsinki: Foundation of Economic Education. 6

7 Routamaa, V. (1988). Organisaation muutos ja muutosvastarinta (Organizational Change and Resistance). Teoksessa: Menestyvä yrittäjä. 5. osa Espoo: Weilin+Göös. Vesalainen, J. & Routamaa, V. (1992). Henkilöstöresurssien johtaminen pienyrityksessä (Personnel Management in Small Firms). Teoksessa: Pienyritysten johtaminen. Toim. Jahnukainen I. Ekonomiasarja. Weilin + Göös. 7

8 3. Chapters in International Books and Books Brandt, T. (2011). Persoonallisuudet työyhteisössä: Yhteisölliset johtajat ja esimiesalaissuhteet. Vaasa: Leadec-Kustannus. ISBN Brandt, T. (2010). Personality and Leadership: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Transformational Leadership - Perspectives of Subordinates and Leaders. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T.M. (2009). Katse naamion taa Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa, Vaasa: Leadec- Kustannus. 152 s. Routamaa, V. (2007). Kasvuyrittäjän johtamisotteet. Teoksessa: Kasvuyritys. Toim. Laukkanen, M. Helsinki: Talentum. Routamaa, V. & Mäki-Tarkka, K. (2005). The case of Finland. In: Creating Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurship - Nordic examples and experiences. Ed. Lundström, A. FSF Sweden. Routamaa, V. (2003). The Case of Finland. In: Towards an Entrepreneurial Policy A Nordic perspective. Ed. Lundström, A. Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research. Routamaa, V. (2001). Laying the Foundation for New Venture Creation: Assessing Regional Entrepreneurship Potential. In: FGF Entrepreneurship-Research Monographien. Ed: Miettinen, A. & Klandt, H. Lohmar, Germany: Band 25. Josef Eul verlag GmbH. Routamaa, V. (2000). Finland. In: Leadership, Type, and Culture. Ed: Ginn, C. CAPT: Gainesville, Fl. Routamaa, V. (1998). Organizational structuring: an empirical analysis of the relationships and dimensions of structures in certain Finnish companies, in Aston Programme. In: Classic Research in Management. Ed: Pugh, D. 3 Volume Set. UK: Asgate p. Varamäki, E., Pihkala, T. & Routamaa, V. (2006). The Stages of Transferring Knowledge in Small Family Business Successions. In: A Compendium on the Family Business Models Around the World. Ed: Gupta, V., Levenburg, N., Moore, L., Motwani, J. & Schwarz, T. (eds.). Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press. 8

9 4. Articles in International Proceedings Alanko, V., Routamaa, V. & Valkealahti, K. (2001). A Look behind the Bars: Prisoners Types - Finnish vs. American. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture East and West: Fourth Multicultural Research Symposium. January Waikiki, Hawaii. Asikainen, V. & Routamaa, V. (1997). The relationship between the MBTI and the creativity orientations of managers. Proceedings of the Leadership and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Second International Conference, Washington. Boyanova, D., Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T. (2006). Type and Values - A Comparison between Bulgarian and Finnish Business Students. Proceedings of Psychological Type and Culture, East and West Conference. January 6-8. Honolulu, Hawaii. Brandt, T., Edinger, P. & Routamaa, V. (2012). Team leadership, personality and gender. Proceedings: The 12th European Congress of European Academy of Management (EURAM): Social innovation for competitiveness, organizational performance and human excellence. Rotterdam, Holland. Brandt, T. & Laitinen T. (2011). Transformational leadership and firm s success. 34 th Congress Rome. EAA Annual Brandt, T. & Routamaa, V. (2010). Economic Difficulties and Entrepreneurs Type. Proceedings of the Seventh Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Brandt, T., Gomes, J., Boyanova, D., & Routamaa, V. (2010). Psychological Capital and Type in Three European Countries. Proceedings of the Seventh Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Brandt, T. & Laiho, M. (2010). Future of mentoring after five years comments from HR-specialists in Finland. Proceedings of British Academy of Management. September Sheffield, UK. Edinger, P. (2012). Relationship of cultures and personality structures - Implications for HRM to build a High performing organization. Proceedings of 2012 Human Resource Management & Professional development for Digital Age. September 7-8. Bali, Indonesia. Edinger, P. & Routamaa V. (2011). Hunting out Effective Teams - What Is Your Role in Teams. Proceedings of 2011 APTi International Conference. August San Francisco. Hautala, T.M. (2009). Personality of entrepreneurs who are at reorganization proceedings. IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge, Global Management. June Sevilla, Spain. 9

10 Hautala, T.M. & Routamaa, V. (2008). Linking Type and Archetypes. Proceedings of Sixth Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hautala, T.M. (2006). Leaders' personality and its impact on the subordinates' expectations of leadership. Proceedings: Psychological Type and Culture East and West. January 6-8. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hautala, T.M. (2006). How different personalities experience the discussions between leader and follower in workplace. Proceedings: Psychological Type and Culture East and West. January 6-8. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hautala, T.M., Routamaa, V. & Varamäki, E. (2006). Leadership and Knowledge Transfers in Succession of Finnish Family Firms. Proceedings of IFERA 6 th Annual Research Conference. March Jyväskylä, Finland. Hautala, T.M. & Routamaa, V. (2006). Transformational Leadership in the Finnish Defence Forces - Views of Application and Assessment. Proceedings: Third International Advanced Research Workshop; Military Leadership and Ethics. October Sofia, Bulgaria. Hautala, T.M. (2004): Odotukset esiin energiaa peliin. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Julkaisu nro 23. Levon-instituutti. Hautala, T.M. (2004). Personalities having tolerance of uncertainty. Proceedings: The 8th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development. Guadalajara, Mexico. Hautala, T.M. (2004): Odotukset esiin energiaa peliin. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Julkaisu nro 23. Levon-instituutti. Hautala, T.M. (2004). Personalities having tolerance of uncertainty. Proceedings: The 8th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development. Guadalajara, Mexico. Hautala, T.M. & Rissanen, A-L. (2002): Personality type and team roles from team leaders point of view. Proceedings: Working Creatively with Type and Temperament, Conference. Sydney, Australia. Hautala, T.M. & Rissanen, A-L. (2002): Personality type and gender role. Proceedings: Working Creatively Conference with Type and Temperament. Sydney, Australia. Hautala, T.M. & Routamaa, V. (2001). What animal I d like to be The characteristics wanted by different cognitive styles. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture East and West: Fourth Multicultural Research Symposium. January Waikiki, Hawaii. 10

11 Hautala, T.M. & Routamaa, V. (2001). Coping with Change: A Comparison between Finnish and South African Companies. Proceedings: IntEnt 2001 Conference. South Africa. Heinäsuo, K. & Routamaa, V. (2004). Personality Types and Team Roles Hunting out Effective and Heterogeneous Teams. Proceedings of 8 TH International Workshop on Teamworking (IWOT 8). September Trier, Germany. Honkonen, M. (1999). Psychological type and career anchors of future managers. Proceedings of the Leadership and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Third International Research Conference. April Washington, USA. Honkonen, M. (1998). Personality and Work Expectations of Finnish Students: An Application of J. L. Holland's Perspective. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture - East and West: Third Multicultural Research Symposium. January Waikiki, Hawaii. Honkonen, M. & Routamaa, V. (1997). Psychological Types and Team Work Effectiveness: A Study of Production Teams in Industry. Proceedings of the Leadership and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Second International Conference. Washington, USA. Honkonen, M. & Routamaa, V. (1996). Personality Types and Occupational Expectations: Young Finnish Graduates' Vocational Hopes Related to Holland's Occupational Groups. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture-East and West: Second Multicultural Research Symposium. Hawaii. Honkonen, M. & Routamaa, V. (1996). Finnish Graduates' Personality and Favorite Occupations by Temperaments. Proceedings of the 4th Type Users's Conference. South Africa. Jokipii. A. & Hautala T.M. (2008). Sisäisten tarkastajien profiili. Teoksessa: Tutkimuksessa sisäinen valvonta ja tarkastus, Toim. Jokipii, A. Opetusjulkaisuja 58. Vaasa: University of Vaasa. Järlström, M. (2006). Personality and career management strategies. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture, East and West. January 6-8. Hawaii, Honolulu. Järlström, M. (2006). Type and Preferred Values of Early Careerists. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture, East and West. January 6-8. Hawaii, Honolulu. Järlström, M. & Valkealahti, K. (2004). Personality Type Profiles of Potential Future Leaders - What are they like? 2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing. June Athens, Greece. Järlström, M. (2003). Career Orientations of Business Students by Gender and Personality. Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 11th European Congress on Workand Organizational Psychology. May Lisboa, Portugal. 11

12 Järlström, M. (2002). Psychological types and ideal occupations of Finnish business students. Proceedings of the Working Creatively with Type and Temperament, AusAPT Conference. September Sydney, Australia. Karppinen, A. & Hautala, T.M. (2009). Skills of entrepreneurs who are at reorganization process. IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge, Global Management. June Sevilla, Spain. Laiho, M. & Brandt T. (2010). Benefits and drawbacks of mentoring as a formal human resource practice in medium-sized and large organizations. Proceedings of British Academy of Management. September Sheffield, UK. Miettinen, A. & Routamaa, V. (2007). Creating business from inventions: a challenge for universities and other reasearch institutes. In: Prace Naukowe, Katedry Ekonmii i Zarzadzania Przedsiebiorstwem, tom VI, ISSN X, Gdansk. Miettinen. A & Routamaa, V. (2006). Creating business from inventions: a challenge for universities and other research institutes. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference ENTIME September Gdansk, Poland. Rissanen, A-L. & Routamaa, V. (2004). Occupational Orientations of High School Students. A paper accepted to the VII European Conference on Psychological Assessment. European Association of Psychological Assessment. Málaga, Spain. Rissanen, A-L. & Routamaa, V. (2004). Type, Occupations and Culture: A Comparison of Finnish and U.S. Type Structures, A poster accepted to be presented at The 2004 APT XV International Conference. Toronto, Canada. Routamaa, V. & Ou, J. (2012). Cultures and Managers Type Structures: A Comparison of China, Finland and South-Africa. Proceedings of the 16th International Business Research Conference. April. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Routamaa, V. & Ou, J. (2012). Managers Recruitment The Companies Most Strategic Decision - China, USA and Sweden Compared. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age (HRM & PD 2012). September. Indonesia. Routamaa, V. & Saatsi, A. (2012). Success Factors of Smes A Systems Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2012 (ICEBM 2012). October. Jakarta, Indonesia. 12

13 Routamaa, V. & Saatsi, A. (2011). Success Factors of Cluster Management a Systems Approach, Proceedings of The Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviors (BizStrategy). April. Pentang, Malaysia. Routamaa, Vesa (2011). Personality Types and Entrepreneurial Orientation. In: Enterprise Management in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis. Ed. Glassman, J. Nanjing, China. Routamaa, V. & Depnath, N. (2011). Relationships between culture and values: A comparative study between Finland and India. Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development. July Singapore. Routamaa, V. & Edinger, P. (2011). Hunting out Effective Teams What Is Your Role in Teams? Available from World Wide Web: < /Handouts.aspx>. Routamaa, V. & Brandt, T. (2010). Type and Creativity Orientations. Proceedings of the Seventh Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Routamaa, V., Koskinen, M. & Koskinen, A. (2010). Type and MBA-Program Graduation Success. Proceedings of the Seventh Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Routamaa, V., Yang, H. & Ou, J. (2010). Managers Type Distributions in Three Continent - Do Cultures Matter, Proceedings of the Seventh Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. Routamaa, V. (2010). Building Innovative Teams. Electronic Proceedings: SGBED 3rd Research Symposium, EADA. June Barcelona, Spain. Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2009). Values and Cultures in Integrating Business - A Comparison of Bulgaria, Finland and Japan. Proceedings of the 10th International Business Research Conference. April Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2009). Managing Intercultural Differences - The Relationships between Cultures, Values and Personality. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED). May. Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Routamaa, V. (2008). Decoding the Mystery of Midlife Reorientations Activating the Tertiary and Inferior Functions. Proceedings of Sixth Psychological Type and Culture East and West: A Multicultural Research Symposium. January. Honolulu, Hawaii. 13

14 Routamaa, V., Nalikka, A & Hautala, T.M. (2008). Understanding Cultural Differences. The Values in a Cross-Cultural Context. Proceedings of 8 th International Business Research Conference. March Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Routamaa, V. (2008). Upseerien arvotutkimus tieteellisestä näkökulmasta. Teoksessa: Upseerina 100- vuotiaassa Suomessa Millä arvoilla muutoksen maailmassa? Toim. Siren, T. Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun johtamisen laitos. Julkaisusarja 2. Artikkelikokoelma Nro 20. Helsinki: EditaPrima. Routamaa, V, Hautala, T.M. & Tsuzuki, J. (2008). Surviving as an Expatriate: Understanding Values in Culture and Personality Contexts. Electronic proceedings of 4th Workshop on Expatriation. November. Las Palmas. Routamaa, V., Hautala, T.M., Yordanova, T. & Boyanova, D. (2008). Understanding Value Differences in Various Cultural Contexts. СБОРНИК НАУНИ ДОКЛАД, 1-4/2008, Ѵ-ти Национален конгрес ио психология, СОФИЯ 31.Х-2.ХӀ. Routamaa, V., Hautala T.M. & Mohsin M. (2007). Managing Cultural Differences: Values and Work Goals in Culture and Personality Contexts. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Creativity & Innovation: Imperatives for Global Business and Development. August Kyoto, Japan. Routamaa, V., Hautala T.M. & Mohsin M. (2007). The Values and Work Goals of Different Temperaments in Cross-Cultural Context. Proceedings of the Business, Environment, International Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of the Asia Pacific Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Routamaa, V. & Miettinen. A. (2007). Awareness of Entrepreneurial Personalities: A Prerequite for Entrepreneurial Education. NCGE Working Paper Series. National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship. Birmingham, UK. Routamaa V. & Hautala T. (2007). The Mismatch of Regulars' and Draftees' Psychological Type, Proceedings of The Fourth Advanced Research Workshop on Military Leadership and Civil Military Relations. November Sofia, Bulgaria. Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T.M. (2006). Applying Transformational Leadership - Some Experiences of Assessments of Finnish Draftee Leaders. Proceedings: Third International Advanced Research Workshop; Military Leadership and Ethics. October Sofia, Bulgaria. Routamaa, V., Varamäki, E. & Pihkala, T. (2006). Parties' Mutual Self-knowledge and Successful Succession - Case Example. World Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Entrepreneur & family Business Association. November Bali, Indonesia. 14

15 Routamaa, V., Hautala T.T. & Hautala T.M. (2006) Succession and Transfer of Leadership Knowledge. World Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Entrepreneur & family Business Association. November Bali, Indonesia. Routamaa, V. & Heinäsuo, K. (2006). Type and Values over Generations. Proceedings of Psychological Type and Culture, East and West Conference. January 6-8. Honolulu, Hawaii. Routamaa, V. & Miettinen. A. (2006). Knowing Entrepreneurial Personalities A Prerequisite for Entrepreneurial Education. Proceedings of IntEnt2006 Conference - Innovative Formats for Entrepreneurshirp Education Teaching. July São Paulo, Brazil. Routamaa, V., Rissanen, A-L. & Hautala T.M. (2004). New Venture Creation: Assessing Regional Entrepreneurship Potential. Proceedings of The 8 th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development. January Guadalajara, Mexico. Routamaa, V. & Rissanen A-L. (2004). Entrepreneurial Identity and Personality Types. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Global Business & Economic Development. January Guadalajara, Mexico. Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T.M. (2004). Type and Culture. Finnish Examples. The 2004 APT XV International Conference. July. Toronto, Canada. Routamaa, V., Hautala, T.M. & Rissanen, A-L. (2004). Hunting for Female Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurial Capacity and Gender, Proceedings of 49th ICSB World Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa. Routamaa, V. & Rissanen, A-L. (2004). Family Background and Entrepreneurial Capacity, Proceedings of 49th ICSB World Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa. Routamaa, V. & Mäkelä, L. (2004). Leader's Personality and Leader-Member Exchange style, International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Strenghts - Weaknesses - Opportunities- Threaths, August 30-31, September 1. Greece. Routamaa, V., Varamäki, E. & Pihkala, T. (2004). Osaamisen siirto sukupolvenvaihtotilanteessa: Persoonallisuudet kohtaavat. Proceedings: Perheyrittäjätutkijatapaaminen, Maaliskuu Naantali. Routamaa, V. & Rautiainen, L. (2002). Type and Expatriate Adjustment in a New Culture. Proceedings of the Conference Working Creatively with Type and Temperament. September Sydney, Australia. Routamaa, V. (2000). A New, More Entrepreneurial Generation: A Development Plan for Entrepreneurship Proceedings: ICSB World Conference Brisbane, Australia. 15

16 Routamaa, V. & Pehkonen, H. (1999). Psychological Types and Life-Style among Managers and Business Students. Proceedings of the Leadership and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Third International Conference. April Washington, USA. Routamaa, V. & Honkonen, M. (1998). Psychological Types and Stress. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture East and West: Third Multicultural Research Symposium. January Waikiki, Hawaii. Routamaa, V. & Pollari, A-M. (1998). Leadership Styles in the Cultural Context A Comparison of Finnish and South African Managers. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture East and West: Third Multicultural Research Symposium. January Waikiki, Hawaii. Routamaa, V. & Varamäki, E. (1998). Entrepreneurs' Personality and Networking Attitudes. Proceedings of the 25th International Small Business Congress. October Sao Paulo, Brasil. Routamaa, V., Honkonen, M., Asikainen, V. & Pollari, A-M. (1997). Psychological Type and Leadership Styles - Subordinates' Point of View. Proceedings of the Leadership and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Second International Conference. Washington, USA. Routamaa, V. & Honkonen, M. (1996). Occupations desired by young Finnish graduates in the context of the occupational distribution of U.S. types. Proceedings of the Psychological Type and Culture- East and West: Second Multicultural Research Symposium. Hawaii. Routamaa, V. & Honkonen, M. (1996). Psychological Types and Organizational Change. Proceedings of the 4th Type Users's Conference. South Africa. Routamaa, V., Vesalainen, J. & Pihlajaniemi, E. (1996). Meeting the Challenges of Export Markets: Entrepreneurs' Personality and International Orientation. Proceedings of the seventh ENDEC World Conference. Singapore. Routamaa, V. & Murto-Koivisto, E. & Vesalainen, J. (1995). The prerequisites for different types of successful interfirm cooperation in the SME-sector. Proceedings of the ENDEC conference entrepreneurship in transitional economics. Shanghai, China. Routamaa, V., Vesalainen, J. & Mahlberg, T. (1995). Developing entrepreneurship by training school teachers - the case of the province of Vaasa. Proceedings of the ENDEC Conference Entrepreneurship in Transitional Economics. Shanghai, China. Routamaa, V. & Ponto, V. (1994). Situational Leadership and the MBTI Types of Certain Finnish Managers. Proceedings of The Myers-Briggs Types Indicator and Leadership: An International Research Conference. National Leadership Institute. Maryland, USA. 16

17 Routamaa, V. & Vesalainen, J. (1994). SME's response to networking challenge: Experiences of Finnish SME co-operation. Proceedings of the 21 st International Small Business Congress. Jakarta, Indonesia. Varamäki, E., Pihkala, T. & Routamaa V. (2003). The stages of transferring knowledge transfer in small family business successions. Proceedings of FBN. Varamäki, E., Pihkala, T. & Routamaa V. (2002). Knowledge transfer in small family businesses. Proceedings of the Family Business Network Conference. September Helsinki, Finland. 17

18 5. Example of practical studies and reports from 2002 Boyanova, D. & Hautala, T. (2008): "Subjective well-being and Values comparison in terms of Bulgarian and Finnish work force" provided from IRISS-C/I visiting program at CEPS/INSTEAD. Luxemburg. Brandt, T. & Hölsö, S. (2012). Yrittäjien hyvinvointi taloudellisessa ahdingossa. Työelämän tutkimuspäivät. Tampere. Brandt, T. (2010): Yksilöä kunnioittava muutosjohtaja saa pinnat suomalaisilta alaisilta. Sanomalehtiyliopisto. Sanomalehti Pohjalainen Hautala, T.M. & Järlström, M. (2007). Team members appraisals of team leaders Impact of team leaders personality. Poster presentation in conference: The XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. May Stockholm, Sweden. Hautala, T.M. (2005). Type and transformational leadership. Conference: Within the Puzzle of Modern Psychology. Sofia, Bulgaria. Jokipii, A. & Hautala, T. (2009). Sisäisen tarkastaja profiili: skeptinen, kriittinen ja omaperäinen. Tilintarkastus, Revision, 2, Järlström, M. & Hautala, T.M. (2007). The relationship between motives, career anchors and career planning of early careerists. Poster presentation in conference: The XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. May Stockholm, Sweden. Routamaa, V. (2012). Pk-yritysten merkitys kuntataloudelle Länsi-Pohjassa. Internet-julkaisu. Routamaa, V. (2012). Pk-yritysten merkitys kuntataloudelle Kymenlaaksossa. Internet-julkaisu. Routamaa, V. (2012). Pk-yritysten taloudellinen merkitys kuntataloudelle Etelä-Karjalassa. Internetjulkaisu. Routamaa, V. (2011). Pk-yritykset talouden veturina Pirkanmaalla. Pirkanmaan yrittäjät ry:n julkaisuja. Tampere. Routamaa, V. (2010). Aika vaatisi johtajansa mutta johtamisen muutos aikansa. Sanomalehtiyliopisto. Pohjalainen Routamaa, V. (2010). Tällaisia me olemme. Ilta-Sanomat , Toim. Emma Grünn. 18

19 Routamaa, V. (2010). Esitutkimus yritysten lopettamisen seurauksista. Omistajanvaihdosten valtakunnallinen koordinointi -hankeen toimeksiantotutkimus 3. Pirkanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ympäristökeskus (ELY -keskus). Routamaa, V. (2009). Pk-yritysten taloudellinen merkitys Pirkanmaalla. Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry:n julkaisuja. Tampere. Routamaa, V. (2008). Pk-yritysten merkitys Pirkanmaan kuntien taloudelle. Tilaustutkimus Pirkanmaan yrittäjät ry:lle PK-yritystoiminnan kerrannaishyödyistä Pirkanmaan kunnissa. Elektroninen julkaisu jäsenistölle. Routamaa, V. (2008). Tyyppi ja johtajuus - Case Marimekko. TYYPPI Tietoa työelämän kehittämiseen 1, 2 6. Routamaa, V. (2008). Tyyppi ja henkilöstörakenteen tasapaino. TYYPPI Tietoa työelämän kehittämiseen 1, Routamaa, V. (2008). Luovuusorientaatio ja persoonallisuus. TYYPPI Tietoa työelämän kehittämiseen 1, Routamaa, V. (2008). Upseerien arvot vs. asevelvollisuusikäisten arvot. Saatavana World Wide Webistä: < /ajankohtaista/sotatieteidenpaivat/abstraktit.html>. Routamaa, V. (2007) Uusyritystoiminnan kerrannaishyödyt kunnassa ja valtiontaloudessa. Pirkanmaan yrittäjät ry:lle ja Ensimertille tehty tilaustutkimus uusyritystoiminnan kerrannaishyödyistä Tampereen seutukunnassa. Routamaa, V. (2006). Tuella ja opastuksella vaasalaisten yritysunelmat muovautuisivat todeksi. Sanomalehtiyliopisto. Pohjalainen Routamaa, V. & Hautala, T. (2005). Culture, Type and Values - Case Finland. Presentation at the APT XVI International Conference. Portland. CAPT Electronic Library. Routamaa, V. (2005). Naisyrittäjän ja -johtajan profiili -onko sellaista? TYYPPI - Tietoa työelämän kehittämiseen, 5, Routamaa, V. (2004). Tunne itsesi - tunnista voimavarasi. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Sanomalehtiyliopisto Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 23. Vaasa, Levóninstituutti. Routamaa, V. (2004). Jaksa työssä, jaksa elämässä. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Sanomalehtiyliopisto Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 23. Vaasa, Levóninstituutti. 19

20 Routamaa V. (2004). Jaksa ja auta jaksamaan - turhaumien salaiset viestit. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Sanomalehtiyliopisto Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 23. Vaasa, Levón-instituutti. Routamaa, V. (2004). Erilaisuuden väärinymmärryksiä ja selityksiä. TYYPPI Tietoa työelämän kehittämiseen, 2:2, Routamaa, V. (2003). Oikea opiskelija oikealle paikalle tai päinvastoin. Kylterin työpakki. SEFE. Routamaa, V. (2002). Tunne itsesi tunnista voimavarasi. Sanomalehtiyliopisto 2002, Pohjalainen. Routamaa, V., Katz B. & Lehtonen S. (2002). Suomen kauppatieteellisen alan tutkintorakenteen kehittäminen - Kauppatieteellisen alan yksiköiden näkemyksiä rakenteen kehittämisestä. Vaasan yliopisto. Routamaa, V. (2004). Tunne itsesi - tunnista voimavarasi. Teoksessa: Itsetuntemuksesta voimaa työssä jaksamiseen. Sanomalehtiyliopisto Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 23. Vaasa, Levóninstituutti. Routamaa, V. (1997). Tiimit ja johtaminen. Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 15. Vaasa, Levón-instituutti. Routamaa, V. (1993). Yrittäjyyden ulottuvuudet. Avoimen yliopiston julkaisuja 4. Vaasa, Levóninstituutti. 20

21 6. Projects Concerning the Developing of University Studies We have also been taking care of the quality of university studies applying its scientific experience. A follow up project concerned ten years study and work life progress of students from classes of 1998 and 1999 was started in A second extensive project studied the realization of standards of university courses, i.e. the formal standard and the real work made by students to pass the courses. Some examples of the reports of these projects are: Routamaa, V., Heinäsuo, K., Mäki-Tarkka, K., Rissanen, A-L., Sutinen, M. & Vuoriheimo, M. (2004). Tutkintorakenneprojekti, Raportti II: (Yleiskatsaus kuormittavuuskyselyyn ja tuloksiin). Routamaa, V., Heinäsuo, K. & Sutinen, M. (2004). Opintojen ilo ja tuska. Tutkintorakenneprojekti, Raportti III. Routamaa, V., Heinäsuo, K., Mäki-Tarkka, K., Sutinen, M. & Vuoriheimo, M. (2004). Opintojen kuormittavuuskyselyn tuloksia. Tutkintorakenneprojekti, Raportti IIII. Valkealahti, Kyllikki (2000). Ensimmäinen vuosi yliopisto-opiskelijana: tiedekuntien välinen vertailu Vaasan yliopistossa. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja: Selvityksiä ja raportteja; s. ISBN Valkealahti, Kyllikki (1999). Ensimmäinen vuosi yliopisto-opiskelijana. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja: Selvityksiä ja raportteja, s. ISBN

Curriculum Vitae. Vesa Matti Routamaa. Työosoite Pl 700 65101 Vaasa Puhelin +358-6 32 48 246 Fax +358-6 32 48 195

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1. Koskinen S, Koskenniemi J, Leino-Kilpi H & Suhonen R Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä. Pro terveys 41 (2),

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