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1 Course descriptions I GENERAL RESEARCH STUDIES ARTS-LV Introduction to Doctoral Studies at Aalto ARTS, 1 cr Teacher in charge: Vice Dean, Associate professor Teemu Leinonen Period: I, Wednesday 21 September Workload: One day seminar for all new doctoral students. Contents: Forms of dissertations, supervision practices, examination process, best practices in organizing studies and research. Target group: New doctoral students. Also beneficial to older doctoral candidates since regulations have changed.. Possibility to earn one credit point by reading additional material and writing an abstract. MUO-L0004 Doing Research, 6 cr Teacher in charge: Associate professor Sampsa Hyysalo Period: I Venue and time: Media factory auditorium, exam + essay Target group: Doctoral studies, max 24 students, priority to 1 st and 2 nd year department of design students Objective: Doing research provides doctoral students which the necessary fundamentals of research skills. The course bridges practical researcher skills and principles by which different researches are conducted. The focal points of the seminar are as follows: What does research consist of, research as process and outcome; Scoping a doctoral research project in doing it and in reporting it; Understanding research contexts and audiences; What is data and what s the use of having it; Techniques, procedures and methods; Using and building concepts and theories; Argumentation and writing; Academic presentations and doctoral defense preparation; The use of calendar, common sense, books, and others hard work; Trade-offs and getting it done. Working mode: The seminar combines lectures and discussions over doctoral students own research presentations. Grading Scale: 0-5 Registration: Via WebOodi ARK-E5000 Methodology, 5 cr Teacher in Charge: Kimmo Lapintie Period: I-II Level of the Course: Advanced studies in architecture or doctoral studies. Learning outcomes: After the course the students will - know and can apply the basic academic skills, such as concept analysis, searching for and critical reading of literature, forming research questions, choosing suitable research methods, and scientific argumentation, - can judge the relevance of research in the context of design and planning, to support them, - are able to carry out research according to the rules of responsible conduct of research, without even unintentionally breaking them. Grading Scale: 0-5 1

2 Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English and Finnish/Swedish (Lectures in English, assignments can be done in both languages or in Swedish. ARTS-L0601 Tutkimusmenetelmät, 2-4 op Vastuuopettaja: Lehtori Hanna Weselius Periodi: III-IV, ke klo Opetuksen taso: Tohtoriopinnot Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 42h kontaktiopetusta, 8-66h itsenäistä työskentelyä (2-4op) Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tarkoituksena on tutustuttaa osallistujat empiirisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä hyödyntäen. Sisältö: Kurssilla tutustutaan laadullisen tutkimuksen lähtökohtiin, keskeisiin käsitteisiin, aineistonkeruumenetelmiin (mm. haastattelu, ryhmähaastattelu ja etnografia) ja analyysitapoihin (mm. sisällönanalyysi, diskurssianalyysi ja grounded theory). Lisäksi käsitellään tieteellisen kirjoittamisen perusteita ja tutkimuseettisiä kysymyksiä. Arviointi: hyväksytty/hylätty Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodi Opetuskieli: 2017 suomi. ARTS-L0602 Estetiikka ja taiteenfilosofia tohtoriopiskelijoille, 8op Vastuuopettaja: Saara Hacklin Kurssin asema: Kurssi kuuluu yhteisen opetuksen yksikön tuottamiin valinnaisiin taide- ja teoriaopintoihin Kurssin taso: Jatko-opinnot (TaT) Periodi: I-V, , ma klo Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: kontaktiopetus 40h, itsenäinen työ 176h Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi on tarkoitettu tohtoriopiskelijoille. Tavoitteena on perehtyä keskeisiin taiteeseen ja/tai estetiikkaan liittyviin filosofisiin kysymyksiin kuten taiteen määrittelyyn ja ontologiaan, tulkinnan ongelmiin sekä kauniin ja ruman käsitteisiin. Pyrkimyksenä on etsiä estetiikan käsitteistön ja mallien sovellusmahdollisuuksia omaa jatkotutkintoa silmälläpitäen. Sisältö: Mm. esteettisen ja taiteen käsite, maku, kritiikki sekä opiskelijoiden omista lähtökohdista määräytyvät aiheet. Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Seminaaritapaamiset, annettujen tekstien lukeminen (n artikkelia), oman esitelmätekstin kirjoittaminen, opponointi. Arvioinnissa painotetaan akateemisten kommunikointitaitojen eli suullisen ja kirjallisen argumentoinnin hallintaa. Vaihtoehtoiset suoritusmuodot on sovittava opettajan kanssa henkilökohtaisesti. Oppimateriaali: Kurssilla jaettavat tekstit ilmoitetaan MyCourses-järjestelmässä. Korvaavuudet: Estetiikan ja taiteenfilosofian jatko-opinnot Kurssin kotisivu: Esitiedot: Edeltäviä opintoja ei vaadita, mutta Estetiikan ja taiteenfilosofian johdantokurssin ja filosofian johdantokurssin suorittaminen viimeistään tämän kurssin rinnalla on suositeltavaa. Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty. Edellyttää 80% läsnäolon sekä annettujen tehtävien suorittamisen. Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodi Opetuskieli: Suomi ja Englanti Lisätietoja: Kurssi järjestetään joka toinen vuosi suomeksi ja joka toinen vuosi englanniksi. Lukuvuonna kurssi järjestetään englanniksi. Minimiosallistujamäärä jolla kurssi järjestetään on 6 opiskelijaa. MUO-L0006 Perspectives on Research through Art and Design Practices, 2-4 cr 2

3 Level of the Course: Doctoral Programme: General Studies Teacher in Charge: Professors Susanna Helke and Ramia Mazé Teaching Period: Period II Workload: Students should register for either the 2ECTS or 4ECTS version of the course. Only doctoral students can register for the 4ECTS version of the course. 2ECTS = 54 hours Contact teaching: lectures, seminars, discussions 32h Individual or group work: selected literature 12h Individual work: written reflection: 10h 4ECTS = 108 hours Contact teaching: lectures, seminars, discussions, workshops 32h Individual or group work: selected literature 40h Individual work: written essay 20h Group work: organizing some contact teaching sessions 16h Learning Outcomes: For 2ECTS version of the course to: Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of examples across a broad continuum of research through art and design practices (including artistic research, practice-led and -based research approaches) Demonstrate an ability to connect and critically discuss across the examples, including some common issues (such as relevance, influence and positioning) that are pertinent to all forms of research Critically articulate their understanding of whether and/or how research through art and design practices challenges conventional research paradigms In addition to these, for 4ECTS version of the course: Articulate a critical comprehension of more specific approaches and instances of relations between theory and art/design practices Demonstrate an ability to motivate, integrate and apply this to their own research (or research plan), including relations to relevant perspectives and methods Content: The course introduces a variety of approaches, methodologies, issues and concerns in research through practice. Here, research through practice refers to a broad continuum of artistic research approaches, practice-led and -based research approaches, and constructive design research approaches. The course introduces these through a series of specific examples of researchers and their research work from Aalto, other universities in Finland and elsewhere, including dialogs with and among these researchers. The course is structured as a series of 3-5 intensive contact teaching sessions, of which some parts are public, some parts are for 2ECTS students, and all parts are for 4ECTS students. Student preparation and reflection work varies based on the version of the course, this work takes place as individual and/or group work before and after the intensive sessions. Supporting literature provides a further account of such examples and grounds more fundamental issues relevant to research through art and design practice. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attending the first contact teaching session is required. 85% attendance unless otherwise agreed in advance with teachers. Completion of preparation and reflection work (reading and writing). For 4ECTS students, self-organize some contact teaching sessions. Study Material: Literature will be made available before the course begins via the MyCourses system. Prerequisites: None. Only students enrolled in doctoral studies at Aalto can register for the 4ECTS course. 3

4 Registration for Course: via WebOodi. Language of Instruction: English Further Information: There is no maximum for the 2ECTS version of the course. If there is substantial interest in the 4ECTS version of the course, some selection process and criteria may be announced. TAI-L0052 Lecture series: On the methodology of artistic research, 2-4 cr Level of the course: Doctoral Studies Teacher in Charge: Professor Juha Varto Learning Period: Periods III-IV, Tuesdays First Meeting Jan 24 th 2017, room Learning outcomes: the student will have a clear vision what and how the artistic research is, its presuppositions, aims and politics. The author-based research will become familiar in the general discussion about the philosophy of science. Content: The demarcations made so far in the discussions about the artistic research, the extensions thereof made in research practice and demonstrated in JAR and RUUKKU. The preliminary systematization of the known theoretical contentions. Assessment Criteria: activity in discussion Study Material: if any, distributed during the course Substitutes for the Course: none Prerequisites: none Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English AALTO courses ARTS-LV Research Ethics and good scientific practice, (1 cr) On-line course. Available for all Aalto doctoral students next year. Contact person in Aalto: Emma Holmlund (SCI). Period: II LCA-1030 Writing Doctoral Research (w), 3 cr Responsible teacher: Diane Pilkinton-Pihko Teaching period: III-IV Workload: Small-group instruction 36 h + Independent study 42 h LCA-1031 Presenting Doctoral Research 3 cr Responsible teacher: Teaching period: III-IV (Offered alternate years) Workload: Contact teaching 36 h + independent work 42 h LCA-7002 Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen tohtoriopiskelijoille L,V (V), 3 op Vastuuopettaja: Inkeri Lehtimaja Opetusperiodi: I-II Kieli: Suomi MA-courses, also for doctoral students: ARTS-E0601 Tiedon ja taidon filosofia, 2op, Vastuuopettaja: Pentti Määttänen 4

5 Periodi: I-II, , pe ARTS-E0600 Contemporary Aesthetics 3 cr, Teacher in charge: Ossi Naukkarinen ja Miia Muurimäki Period: III-V, , ke TAI-E3119 Words and Spaces Studio(V), 5 cr Responsible teacher: Max Ryynänen; Taina Rajanti Status of the Course: ViCCA Major in Master s Programme in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art Level of the Course: Advanced and by agreement doctoral studies. Period: I-IV Workload: 30 hours of contact teaching, 105 hours of individual study and group work. Learning Outcomes: The student develops his/her skills in discussing and practicing ways of theoretical artistry. Content: Words and spaces studio concentrates on SCHOLART, a concept developed in the MA program to discuss artistic work used by non-artists for research purposes. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Discussion, in-class exercises and group work (30%), reading, individual work and doing exercises (70%). 80% required attendance and active participation in all scheduled activities. Course Homepage: Registration: via WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: The number of participants will be limited. It is compulsory to be present in the first session. TAI-E3123 Philosophy of Art for Post-Contemporary Artists, 5 cr Responsible teacher: Max Ryynänen Status of the Course: ViCCA Major in Master s Programme and doctoral studies. Level of the Course: Advanced Teaching period: I-IV Workload: 20 hours of contact teaching, 115 hours of assignment work and reading Learning Outcomes: The goal of the course is to provide a smorgasbord of philosophical theories of modern and contemporary art that have or have had an impact on artistic practices. The course focuses on one philosopher per lecture, and proceeds chronically. We will focus a) on philosophical aesthetics as a discipline, and b) on the way it has affected the making, mediating and thinking about art today. Content: The course focuses on the history and contemporary nature of aesthetics and philosophy of art and its impact on and dialogue with the world of art. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures & discussion (20%), reading and doing individual work (80%). Course Homepage: Evaluation: 0-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Students have to be present on the first lecture. Doctoral students who take part on the course have two extra compulsory meetings and extra writing assignments. 5

6 II STUDIES IN THE RESEARCH FIELD DESIGN MUO-L0001 Department of Design Research Seminar, 2+2 cr Approx twice a month 2 hours Level of the course: Doctoral Studies Teacher in Charge: Assistant Professor Miikka Lehtonen Periods: I-V Content: Presentations of research papers and intermediate phases of ongoing research work by doctoral students, senior researchers and professors, reading manuscripts and discussions. The seminar functions as a forum for department level sharing of research results in addition to being a course provided for doctoral students. Registration: Via weboodi Venue and time: to be decided each semester separately MUO-L0002 Department of Design Winter School, 3 cr One-week Intensive Course, Period III Level of the course: Doctoral Studies, max 24 students, priority to 1 st and 2 nd year department of design students Teacher in Charge: Adjunct Professor Jack Whalen Period: III Learning outcomes: Good practice in academic discussion; good skills in presenting one s research topic including positioning research contribution and articulating the rationale of the approach; good skills and practices in academic discourse and argumentation; Content: Winter school focuses on developing doctoral students research plans. It is organized as a one-week seminar consisting of presentations and discussions. Preparing and reviewing research plans is a mandatory pre-assignment for the course. Assessment Criteria: participation Prerequisites: none Registration: Via weboodi Venue and time: 6089 / MUO-L0003 Department of Design Summer School, 3 cr One-week Intensive Course, Period V Level of the course: Doctoral Studies, max 24 students, priority to 1 st and 2 nd year department of design students Teacher in Charge: Associate Professor Sampsa Hyysalo Period: V Learning outcomes: Summer school addresses annually varying methodological and/or theoretical themes of design research. It gives knowledge and hands-on experience in the chosen focus area and deals with good skills and practices in academic discourse and argumentation. Content: Summer school is organized as a one-week intensive workshop consisting of presentations, reading academic texts, assignments, demonstrations and experimentations. Assessment Criteria: participation Prerequisites: none Registration: Via weboodi 6

7 Venue and time: TBA MUO-L0005 Introduction to design research, 2 cr Teacher in charge: Associate Professor Sampsa Hyysalo, Professor Ramia Maze Period: III V Target group: Doctoral studies, max 12 students, priority to 1 st year Department of Design students Objective: To give the students an overview of the branches of design research, their backgrounds and topical discussions. Give students examples of alternative ways to compose doctoral dissertations in design. Working mode: Lectures, presentations and discussion. Reading of selected previous doctoral dissertations. Evaluation: 0-5 Venue and time: TBA ART TAI-L0001 Department of Art Doctoral Seminar (2 cr /each semester) Autumn term on Tuesdays Autumn seminar , room 5010 and spring seminar , room 5010 Level of the course: Doctoral Studies Teacher in Charge: Professor Juha Varto Learning Periods: Periods I-II, First Meeting Sept 13th and Periods III-IV, First Meeting Jan 24th Learning outcomes: good practice in academic discussion; excellent skills in presenting one s research topic Content: presentations and discussions Assessment Criteria: the quality of presentation Study Material: none Substitutes for the Course: none Prerequisites: none Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English TAI-L0052 Lecture series 2: Imagination, ethics, fiction and reality. On new imagery, 4 cr Tuesdays , room 5022 Level of the course: Doctoral Studies Teacher in Charge: Professor Juha Varto Learning Period: Periods III-IV, First Meeting Sept 13th, room 5022 Learning outcomes: The student will be able to deal with various levels of discourse on the artistic reality and its outcomes, argue for and against the theoretical approaches and standings. The course will deal with a variety of problems called imagination and their place in the imagery used in public debate. Content: The ideas of reality in post-modern discourse and the richness of ethical stands taken thereabout. The launching of the idea of new imagery, based on the thinking of post-avantgarde artists who write and debate. Assessment Criteria: activity in discussion 7

8 Study Material: if any, distributed during the course Substitutes for the Course: none Prerequisites: none Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English TAI-L0104 Text seminar on Georges Bataille, 4 cr Tuesdays , Spring term , room 5010 Level of the course: Doctoral Studies Teacher in Charge: Professor Juha Varto Learning Period: Periods I-II, First Meeting Jan 24th, room 5010 Learning outcomes: in Modernism, urban poets created a language and narratives that replaced nature-bound poetics of previous generations; this seminar makes it known how this divide changed our argumentation in general Content: texts that show the program of urban poets since 1930s till now and reading the interpretation of them- the sources of popular culture beyond tradition Assessment Criteria: pass/fail Substitutes for the Course: none Prerequisites: none Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English FILM, SCENOGRAPHY AND COSTUME DESIGN ELO-E6500 Costume and Research, 3-6 cr Responsible teacher: Sofia Pantouvaki Status of the Course: Advanced and doctoral studies in costume design. Teaching Period: IV-V, weeks (spring 2017) Content: In this course the students are introduced to basic theoretical concepts related to research in the field of costume and dress, and to tools, methods and approaches for the development of a personal research-oriented enquiry. The course content varies each year to include theoretical approaches to costume and performance from the perspective of different scholars and artists. It may also include introductory sessions to research methods for costume and dress and to different perspectives in the study of costume; for example, material culture, collection-based research in archives and museums, visual analysis and semiotics, ethnographic approaches, oral history, and creative practice. The course includes lectures and presentations on special aspects of costume history, theory and practice and in related areas that expand the understanding of costume in inter-disciplinary ways. The students work in a subject of their choice in order to critically reflect on costume in live or mediated performance and to develop a personal research approach. The course includes student presentations and written essays. Registration for the Course: Via WebOodi Language of the Course: English ELO-L00001 Film programme doctoral seminar - Research Sauna (2-4 cr) Vastuuopettajat: Susanna Helke, Satu Kyösola Period I-V, Workload: 4ECTS = 108 hours Contact teaching: seminars, discussions 30h 8

9 Reading work 38h Individual work: written essay 40h Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete the 4ECTS version of the course should be able to learn to discuss their research plan, the content and methodology in relation to their work and develop their research projects further. Content: ELO doctoral students research seminar. The students present their research projects to the other doctoral students, discuss them in relation to different thematic angles and assignments. Grading: pass/fail Registration: Via weboodi. Language of the Course: English/Finnish ELO-L0002 Research Seminar in scenography and costume design, 2-6 cr Teacher in Charge: Professor Sofia Pantouvaki and Professor Liisa Ikonen Period: I-V on Mondays Learning outcomes: Good practice in academic discussion; excellent skills in presenting one s research topic; good practice in coping with complex situations in academic discourse and argumentation. Content: Presentations and discussions, reading and writing assignments. Students interested in presenting their research work at specific dates should contact the responsible teachers. Grading: Pass/Fail /Finnish ELO-EXXX Taiteellisen tutkimuksen kirjoittaminen (2-6 op ) Periodi: III-IV, Vastuuopettajat: Susanna Helke ja Harri Laakso Kurssin taso: Tarkoitettu ELOn ja Taiteen laitoksen tohtoriopiskelijoille. Muut voivat osallistua, jos tilaa. Luennot ja 2 op suoritus avoimia kaikille. Työmäärä: Opiskelijat voivat suorittaa kurssin joko 2OP:n tai 4op:n kokonaisuutena 2OP = 44 tuntia Luennot ja keskustelut 34h Essee 10h 6OP = 136 tuntia Luennot 34h Kontaktiopetus: keskustelut 44h Kirjoitustyö 68h Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelijat oppivat ymmärtämään, haastamaan ja kokeilemaan kirjoittamisen erilaisia mahdollisuuksia taiteellisen tutkimuksen yhteydessä sekä paneutuvat perinteisen tieteellisen kirjoittamisen asiatyylin diskurssia haastaviin teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin. Kurssin luento-osuudesta muodostuu 2OP:n kokonaisuus, jonka voi suorittaa erikseen. 6OP kokonaisuuden suorittavat osallistuvat luento-osuuden lisäksi pienryhmätyöskentelyyn ja tekevät kirjoitusharjoitteita, joissa opetellaan erilaisten kirjoittamisen modaliteettien hyödyntämistä omassa tutkimustekstissä. Sisältö: Taiteellisen tutkimuksen kirjoittaminen -kurssin tavoitteena on avata erilaisten kirjoittamisen muotojen mahdollisuuksia taiteellisen tutkimuksen kontekstissa. Miten perinteistä asiatyyliin nojaavaa tutkimuskirjoittamisen diskurssia voi ja on välttämätöntä haastaa taiteellisen tutkimuksen yhteydessä? Millaisia erityisiä vaatimuksia kahden prosessin, taiteellisen työskentelyn ja teoretisoinnin yhdistyminen, asettaa kirjoittamiselle? Mikä on tekstin ääni, voiko ääniä olla useita? Millaisia haasteita kahden elementin, taiteellisen työskentelyn ja siihen liittyvän teoretisoinnin, yhteys asettaa esimerkiksi väitöstyön rakenteelle? Miten kahden elementin dialogisen yhteyden voi mielekkäästi artikuloida? 9

10 Esitiedot: Jonkin tieteellisen kirjoittamisen kurssin suorittaminen ennen kurssia suositeltavaa. Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodi. Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Kieli suomi ELO-L0003 Lukupiiri: Taide ja poliittinen (2-4 op) Vastuuopettajat: Susanna Helke, Maiju Loukola Periodi I-V Työmäärä: 4 op = 108 tuntia Kirjallisuuden lukeminen 50 h Pienryhmäkokoontumiset ja keskustelut 20 h Esseetehtävä 38 h Osaamistavoitteet: Lukupiirin tarkoituksena on antaa valmiuksia, joiden perusteella opiskelijat voivat avata taiteen ja poliittisen kytköksiä, ja suhteuttaa näitä omaan taiteen tekemiseen. Opitaan jäsentämään ja artikuloimaan oman taiteen tekemisen kontekstia, yhteiskunnallisia ja poliittisia ulottuvuuksia, mutta myös avaamaan sitä, millä ehdoilla taiteen tekeminen eroaa yhteiskunnan muilla kentillä vaikuttamisesta. Lähtökohtana on ajatus, että taide on tutkivaa toimintaa jossa filosofiset ja muut kirjalliset viitekohdat ja taiteen kokeileva luonne ovat vuoropuhelussa keskenään. Sisältö: Lukupiirissä tutustutaan joihinkin keskeisiin taiteen sekä laajasti ymmärrettynä poliittisen suhteita ja ilmenemismuotoja pohtivien aikalaisajattelijoiden ja -teoreetikoiden teksteihin. Tavoitteena on yhteisiin teksteihin paneutuen, keskustellen ja kirjoittaen pohtia akuuttia kysymystä taiteen ja poliittisen paradoksaalisesta yhteydestä. Miten ja millä ehdoilla taide on tai ei ole poliittista tai yhteiskunnallista? Miten muisti, historia, konteksti, poliittisen ja poeettisen yhteys sekä eettinen asettuvat erilaisten taiteen tekojen ja muotojen yhteyteen? Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodi Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Kieli: suomi ELO-L0003 Taiteellisen tutkimuksen lukupiiri/artistic research reading seminar (2-4 op) Teacher in Charge: Susanna Helke, Maiju Loukola Period I-V, Level of the Course: Doctoral studies and MA studies. Workload: 4ECTS = 108 hours Contact teaching: seminars, discussions 30h Reading work 38h Individual work: written essay 40h Learning outcomes: Students who successfully complete the 4ECTS version of the course should be able to: Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of examples across a broad continuum of discussions on artistic research. Critically articulate their understanding of artistic research and the challenges it poses in relation to conventional research paradigms. Content: Students become familiar with different discussions and articulations on the questions of methodologies, epistemologies and discourses in the emerging field of artistic research. Arvostelu: pass/fail Registration: Via weboodi. Kieli: suomi/english 10

11 MEDIA DOM-L0001 Visual Communication Design Doctoral Seminar (V), 2-6 op Responsible teacher: Marja Seliger, N.N. Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Period: I-V ( ) Workload: 2 credits each academic year. Participation is required until the dissertation manuscript is ready to be submitted for pre-examination. Learning Outcomes: Enhancement of research skills. Students learn to present, reflect and discuss their written and artistic research. They learn to use research methods, peer review and feedback skills. Content: Students present their doctoral research, conference presentations and articles. The topic of a presentation can be the theoretical frame or the methodology of a thesis, collecting and analysing data or conclusions. According to the topic of a seminar, visiting lecturers and thesis advisors can be invited. Doctoral seminars in Visual Communication Design are arranged once a moth. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance and active participation are required. Students are required to prepare their own presentations and actively participate in discussions and reviews. Study Material: The study material varies according to the works presented. Evaluation: Pass/Fail Registration: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish and/or English. DOM-L0002 Media Lab Doctoral Seminar, 3-6 cr Responsible teacher: Lily Díaz-Kommonen Period: I-V ( ) Workload: 3-6 credits each academic year. Participation is required until thesis manuscript is ready for submission. Learning outcomes: The objective of the seminar is to develop discussion and debate regarding the diverse aspects of the new media (and design) and it role in society at the local national level as well as within a global and international context. Student present their doctoral research, conference presentations, and essays. An opponent is assigned for each presentation that can focus on the current state of the candidate s work and which can include data gathering techniques, theory, methods, and envisioned conclusions. In addition to the regular monthly meetings, complementary workshops, seminars and doctoral schools are offered on relevant topics. In the past these have included Memory, The Perceptive Body, and Archiving the New Media. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance and active participation are required. Students are required to prepare their own presentations and actively participate in discussions and reviews. Study Material: The study material varies according to the works presented. A basic bibliography of significant titles in photography, new media, and visual communication is available at: Evaluation: Pass/Fail Registration: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. DOM-L0003 Valokuvataiteen jatko-opintoseminaari (V) (2-6 op) Vastuuopettaja: Merja Salo Kurssin taso: Jatko-opintotasoiset opinnot Opetusperiodi: I-V ( ) 11

12 Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Kokonaisopintopistemäärä 6 op. Seminaariin osallistuminen kerryttää 2 op / lukuvuosi. Osaamistavoitteet: Seminaari edistää jatko-opiskelijan tutkimuksellisia taitoja sekä osallistaa keskusteluun valokuvan tutkimuksen menetelmistä ja teoreettisista lähestymistavoista. Sisältö: Seminaarin ohjelma julkaistaan lukukauden alussa. Seminaaripäiviä järjestetään noin kerran kuukaudessa. Opiskelija esittelee seminaarissa vähintään kerran jokaisen lukuvuoden aikana tutkimuksellista tekstiään, teoreettista taustakirjallisuuttaan, taiteellista työtään ja tutkimusmateriaaliaan. Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Seminaarin suorittaminen edellyttää omaaloitteisten presentaatioiden lisäksi aktiivista osallistumista keskusteluun, palautteen antamista muille osallistujille sekä oman työn reflektoimista. Oppimateriaali: Osallistujien tutkimukseen liittyvät materiaalit. Kurssin kotisivu: Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty / Hylätty Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi Opetuskieli: Suomi ja/tai englanti, seminaariin osallistuvien opiskelijoiden tarpeen mukaan. ARCHITECTURE ARK-L5001 Doctoral Stables, Research Seminar, 5 cr Teacher in Charge: Kimmo Lapintie Period: I-V Learning outcomes: During the seminar students are able to develop the structure of their doctoral thesis, its methodology, theories and conceptual framework. The students are able to present their work, comment on others presentations and participate in an academic discussion in English when necessary. Grading scale: 0-5 Language: Mostly English (Finnish if all of the participants are Finnish) ARK- E5007 Urban Laboratory (renamed from Urban Laboratory I) Teacher in Charge: Mina di Marino Period: I-II Learning Outcomes Having successfully completed the course the students will - be able to search and analyze literature on human beings and their social and political relationships, drawing from humanities and social sciences - be able to address contemporary issues on cities and city regions - be able to carry out a small research project and fieldwork - be able to assess the relevance of different planning and design tasks in their political and cultural context - be able to communicate and work together in a multidisciplinary and international group Grading scale: 0-5 ARK-L5000 Planning Theory and Urban Studies 5-10 cr Teacher in charge: Hossam Hewidy and Kimmo Lapintie Period: III-IV Learning Outcomes: Successfully finishing the course the students will - be able to read critically texts on planning theory and urban studies - recognize the main schools of post-war planning theory and their relationship to the covering themes of rationality, power, space and communication. 12

13 - recognize the different disciplines of urban studies and their relevance to planning. - be able to communicate and work together in a multidisciplinary and international group. Grading scale: 0-5 MAR-E1006 Landscape Architecture and Research, 3-6 cr Level of the Course: Master s degree level, suitable also as postgraduate studies. Teacher in charge: Juanjo Galan Vivas Teaching Period: I-V ( ) Agreed separately. Workload : Tutored studies 20 hrs (lectures, classroom assignments, assignments, seminars), independent study hrs (compiling a research project), in total hrs. Learning Outcomes: On the course students obtain the skills to carry out landscape architecture research and participate in the scientific debate in the discipline. After completing the course students are aware of the theoretical frame of reference of landscape architecture research. They recognise the viewpoints regarding various landscape themes, as well as the research starting points and can formulate research questions linked with them. Content: The course deepens students knowledge of the research of landscape architecture and related disciplines. The course discusses how the landscape viewpoint is related to environmental research. The objective of the seminar exercises is to create a community of landscape architecture researchers and strengthen the participants independent research work. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, group discussions, seminar assignments, research studies and specially agreed work formats. Study Material: Distributed during the course. Course Homepage Grading scale: 0-5 Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. Language of Instruction: English Optional seminars or courses ARK-L1000 Arkkitehtuurin historia, jatkotutkinnon opinto 1-10 op Vastuuopettaja: Aino Niskanen Opintojen tavoitteena on tukea tohtorikoulutettavan omaa tutkimustyötä ja aihealueen tuntemusta. Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti ARK-L1001 Arkkitehtuurin historian jatko-opintojen seminaari 3-8 op Vastuuopettaja: Aino Niskanen Opintojakso tukee arkkitehtuurin historian jatko-opiskelijan työtä tarjoamalla monipuolista ohjausta ja luentoja historian tutkimuksen alueelta sekä keskustelua. Seminaareissa keskustellaan tekeillä olevista väitöskirjoista kriitikkoja mukana. Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti ARK-L1500 Arkkitehtuurin teoria, jatkotutkinnon opinto 1-10 op Vastuuopettaja: Jenni Reuter Opintojen tavoitteena on tukea tohtorikoulutettavan omaa tutkimustyötä ja aihealueen tuntemusta. Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti 13

14 ARK-L2000 Rakennussuunnittelu, jatkotutkinnon opinto 1-10 op Vastuuopettaja:Pirjo Sanaksenaho ARK-L2001 Rakennussuunnittelu, jatko-opintokurssi 2-10 op Vastuuopettaja: Pirjo Sanaksenaho Periodi: IV-V (kevät 2017) Sisältö: Rakennussuunnittelun alan jatko-opiskelijoille suunnattu seminaarimuotoinen kurssi, jossa jatko-opiskelijat esittelevät tutkimuksensa vaihetta ja saavat asiantuntijapalautetta työstään. Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Osallistuminen seminaariin, oman tutkimustyön esittely ja toisten töiden opponointi. Arvostelu: hyväksytty/hylätty Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti 14

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Aineiston analyysin vaiheita ja tulkintaa käytännössä. LET.OULU.FI Niina Impiö Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit Aineiston analyysin vaiheita ja tulkintaa käytännössä LET.OULU.FI Niina Impiö 14.4.2010 Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoite Ymmärtää opettajayhteisöjen yhteisöllistä työskentely- ja toimintakulttuuria. Tutkia





BIOENV Laitoskokous Departmental Meeting

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Opeka self evaluation tool for teachers and schools about their digital profiles Oppika self evaluation tool for students about their digital profiles

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