Trust in the Era of Digital Administration and Platforms

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Trust in the Era of Digital Administration and Platforms Dr. Tuomas Pöysti Under-Secretary of State for Governance Policy and Digitalisation Chancellor of Justice of the Government, from 1st January 2018 11.12.201

11.12.201 Change of an Era and the Law The Digital Age: a silent revolution From Weberian bureacracy to platforms and networks & ecosystems An age of distributed and autonomic & intelligent systems An age of partnership with intelligent machines and systems A contextual realism and rule of law in a system of constitutional governance - the relevance and efficiency of the fundamental principles of law? Efficiency of rights => embedded in the working environment and in the legal/judicial and administrative practise; law which can be followed in practise The art of the realisation of idea of justice in specific practical contexts (inspired by Alf Ross) 2

Towards a new era of service principle in administrative law Public administration as a service platform Administration as a service & platform to promote and enhance the activities of citizens and enterprises Openness Customer-focus. Inter-action and dialogue

Public Administration as a Digital Ecosystem & Platform Investointituki Vesienhoitosuunnitelmat Elinkeinoelämän toimintaed. Ennakoinnin yhteensovittaminen Principles Elimination of unnecessary transactions Maakuntaohjelma Aluekäyttö / rakentaminen Merenhoioon toimenpideohjelma Yleinen kehittäminen Aluekehitystuki Kulttuuriympäristön hoito Ympäristötavoitteiden arviointi Merialuesuunnittelu ALUE- KEHITYS Maakunnan suunnittelu MAAN- KÄYTTÖ/ VESIENHOITO Eläinten lääkitsemisen valvonta Vesistötehtävät Lihan tarkastus Elintarvikevalvonta Rehuvalvonta Ensisaapumisvalvonta Tupakkalain valvonta Terveyden suojelun valvonta Eläintautien vastustaminen Vesistötehtävät YMPÄRISTÖ TERVEYDEN HUOLTO / ELINTARVIKE VALVONTA Alkoholilain valvonta Eläinsuojelun valvonta Kasvintuotannon valvonta Luonnon varatalouden valvonta Eläinlääkäri palvelut Sosiaalipäivystys Asumispalvelut Ehkäisevä päihdetyö Intnteraction Layer KaPA Kanta Kotihoito ja kotipalvelut Lasten suojelu Perhehoito Laitoshoito Sosiaalityö Päihdepalvelut Adoptio Omaispalvelut SOTE Vammaispalvelut Kasvatus-/ perheneuvonta Terveysneuvonta Perusserveydenhuolto PELASTUS Väestönsuojelu Terveystarkastukset Neuvolat MAANKÄYTTÖ ALUEKEHITYS YMPÄRISTO TH SOTE PELASTUS TYÖ- JA ELINKEINO Rokotukset Valistus ja neuvonta Onnettomuuksien ehkäisy Pelastustoiminta Seulonnat Hammashuolto Ensihoito Päivystys Varautuminen Kotisairaanhoito Erikoissairaanhoito Työnvälitys TYÖ- JA ELINKEINO Yritystoiminnan kehittäminen Lomituspalvelut Ammatin valinta Kuntouttava työvoimatoiminta Kotouttaminen Työvoima koulutus Rakennetuet Elinkeino elämän kehittäminen Poro- ja luontaiselinkeinotuki Työllisyyden edistäminen Viljelijätuki Riista- Vahinkojen korvaus Viljelijätuki Hankeja yritystuet Knowledge based decisionmaking Tleadership with and by knowledge We collect information oly once ASIAKAS POTILAS Functional Data OMISTUS VEROTUS TOIMENPITEET LUVAT VALVONTA TALOUS Data analytics Data generation We open up interaction layers V Ä E S T Ö Basic Registers K I I N T E I S T Ö T Y R I T Y K S E T Y H T E I S Ö T 4 Raw data

11.12.201 Fundamental principles of law and the digital platforms New power positions around data information Dependence of rights and transparency on the information infrastructure and code & arhitecture Rights by design Transparency Accountability challenges and problems in the multi-stakeholder environments joint controllership, shared responsibilities An issue of administrative burden and regulatory optimism among policy objectives of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Data minimisation and consent; public authorities as platforms 5

Trust as a political, sociological and legal issue Relationship between trust, legitimacy and rule of law in information law and administrative law 11.12.201 VALTIONEUVOSTO.FI 6

Trust Trust is seen a policy objective (policy) in the European Commission policy document underlying legislative initiatives in the Digital Single Market and also underlying the GDPR Maintenance of trust can be seen as a structural policy objective in the Member State administrative law and information law Trust is neither defined in GDPR nor in national positive law Trust in legal discourse mainly seen in legal sociology (law and sociology) Trust and legitimacy: rule of law contributes to trust Legitimacy must be based on legal certainty efficiency of rights, transparency and accountability Administrative / public law perspective: trust emerges from consultation (hearing) and effective rights of participation 11.12.201 procedure control and self-determination

Efficiency of rights Access to justice and remedies Effective law in practical situations Rights by design and default rights-friendly infrastructure rights-friendly architecture and code standards Effective oversight and enforcement European Charter of Fundamental rights 11.12.201 Administrative and governance solutions supporting fundamental rights and freedoms: UN principles for Human Rights Institutions and other UN recommendations 8

Efficient supervision as an enforcer of rights and creator of trust Data Protection Authorities Charter on fundamental rights GDPR: minimum requirements for independent data protection authorities Supreme Legality Guardians (Parliamentary Ombudsman, Chancellor of Justice Secondary level of legality oversight Enhancement of the realisation of justice and fundamental rights and freedom Enhancement of a rights-friendly legal and administrative environment - avoidance of conflict of laws and rights-friendly approach 11.12.201 Promotion a culture based on the rule of law and fundamental rights: Paris principles for the independent national human rights institutions 9

Value of trust in the rule of law General trust, particularised trust and strategic trust rule of law contributes to general trust, which supports economic welfare and success Trust as an element of and result of legal certainty General trust emerges from shared objectives and shared meanings giving legitimacy => consent, transparency, active participation => hearing and participation in the design, control over personal data and a sense of control over personal data to the extent possible Legitimacy grows also from the active duty of care 11.12.201 Data protection culture, national special legislation, impact assessments 10

Law as a creator of trust Trust to new technologies and processing of data Legitimate trust Accountability horizontal vertical Law as a binding promise Law as planning and active duty of care reasonable management of societal, technological and other risks 11.12.201 ecosystem management and digitalisation portfolio and project management become legal concerns if in law we want to anticipate problems and resolve them in advance 11

Interplay of information & administrative law Law still should be applied as uniform and coherent entity Challenge: interplay and conflict between administrative practises and European GDPR risk of fragmentation despite of the unification through GDPR new relationship between EU law and Member States law and the general acts of Union and specific acts of the the Member States law => embeddedness of the European and national law balancing between access to data & information / data protection rights 11.12.201 construction of the trusworthy, coherent law in the dialogue between the Union law and Member States law & governance systems 12

Ecosystem principles to guide the law-drafting and ecosystem governance Effective data protection MyData Cyber & Information security Data portability from the user perspective Data collection as a tool for customer initiated value creation Open data Open surface and interaction & integration layers Interoperability with user choice Data structures and core data under public ownership Equal utilisation rights while respecting privacy and security Standards, standard contracts and open participation rules Data portability Open interfaces and interfaces descriptions

MyData Service(s) in Public Administration as source of trust Interoperability Workbench Information provided is defined as human- and machine-readable semantic data models. Organizations developing Services register their service descriptions and other details through offered Registration Service. Registration Service draft Citizen s Service Catalogue Human-readable service descriptions of MyData Services. Registry of MyData Services Consent Management Service privacy dashboard provides consent management logic and views to the Users. A specific, always up-to-date service registry for MyData Services and their machine-readable configuration. Interoperability of services is based on knowing their semantically coherent data models and APIs. Data Using Services register their processing purposes to the registry. 14

Conclusive messages 1 2 3 4 5 1 Contextual realism needed in the realisation of the idea of justice 2 Efficiency of rights and legal certainty contributes to general trust 3 Supreme guardians law of contribute to coherence and efficiency of rights 4 Rights by design and accountability are foundations of trust 11.12.201 5 New types of national legislation on information processing are needed - the future is of information law 15

Towards Digital Future with Context-sensitive Law and constitutional governance Twitter @thpoysti