Anu Sivunen September, 2017 Professor University of Jyväskylä Department of Language and Communication Studies

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APA-tyyli. Petri Nokelainen

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Anu Sivunen September, 2017 Professor University of Jyväskylä Department of Language and Communication Studies PUBLICATIONS PEER-REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Journal Articles 1. Sivunen, A. (2017). Organisaatioiden sisäisen sosiaalisen median analytiikka ja mittaaminen (The analytics and measurement of enterprise social media). In E. Juholin, & V. Luoma-aho (Eds.), Mitattava viestintä: ProComma Academic 2017 (pp. 54-61). Helsinki, Finland: ProCom - Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry. 2. Rice, R.E., Evans, S. K. Pearce, K. E., Sivunen, A., Vitak, J., & Treem, J.W. (2017) Organizational media affordances: Operationalization and associations with media use. Journal of Communication, 67(1), 106-130. 3. Gibbs, J. L., Sivunen, A., & Boyraz, M. (2017, in press). Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes. Human Resource Management Review, special issue on Virtual Teams in Organizations. 4. Sivunen, A. & Nordbäck, E. (2015). Social presence as a multi-dimensional group construct in 3D virtual environments [online]. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication 20(1), 19-36. 5. Alahuhta, P., Nordbäck, E., Sivunen, A., & Surakka, T. (2014) Fostering team creativity in virtual worlds [online]. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 7(3). 6. Bosch-Sijtsema, P. M. & Sivunen, A. (2013) Professional virtual worlds supporting computer-mediated communication, collaboration and training in geographically distributed contexts. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 56(2), 160 175. 7. Sivunen, A. & Hakonen, M. (2011) Review of virtual environment studies on social and group phenomena. Small Group Research, 42(4), 405 457. 8. Sivunen, A. (2008) The communication of leaders in virtual teams: Expectations and their realization in leaders computer-mediated communication. Journal of E-working, 2(1), 47 60. 9. Sivunen, A. (2006) Strengthening identification with the team in virtual teams: The leaders perspective. Group Decision and Negotiation, 15(4), 345 366. 10. Sivunen, A. & Valo, M. (2006) Team leaders' technology choice in virtual teams. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 49(1), 57 68.

Chapters in Research Books 11. Sivunen, A. (2016). Presence and absence in global virtual team meetings: Physical, virtual, and social dimensions. In K. Webster & K. Randle (eds.) Virtual Workers and the Global Labour Market (pp. 199-217). Palgrave Macmillan UK. 12. Alahuhta, P., Sivunen, A., & Surakka, T. (2016) Virtual worlds supporting collaborative creativity. In Y. Sivan (ed.) Handbook on 3D3C Virtual Worlds: Applications, Technologies and Policies for Three Dimensional Systems for Community, Creation and Commerce (pp. 103-121). Springer International Publishing. 13. Sivunen, A. & Valo, M. (2010) Communication Technologies. In R. Ubell (Ed.) Virtual Teamwork: Mastering the Art and Practice of Online Learning and Corporate Collaboration (pp. 137-157). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Conference Papers and Proceedings 1. Laitinen, K. & Sivunen, A. (2017) Employees perceptions of self-disclosure in enterprise social media. Paper presented at the 67 th International Communication Association Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, May 25-29, 2017. 2. Gibbs, J. L., Sivunen, A., Boyraz, M. & Nordbäck, E. (2016) Psychologically safe communication climate in global teams: Overcoming subgroups in electronic communication practices. Paper presented at the 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, November 9 12, 2016. 3. Sivunen, A. (2016) Avatar-self discrepancy and its reflections on selfpresentation in virtual environments. Paper presented at the 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, November 9 12, 2016. 4. Rice, R. E., Evans, S. K., Pearce, K. E., Sivunen, A., Vitak, J. & Treem, J. W. (2016) Organizational media affordances: Operationalization and associations with media use. Paper presented at the 102 nd National Communication Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 10 13, 2016. 5. Sivunen, A. & Rice, R. E. (2016) Flexibility as a resource or demand: Investigating the role of supervisory support, ICT use and work-family borders on worklife balance in flexible work. Paper presented at the 102 nd National Communication Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 10 13, 2016. 6. Sivunen, A. & Putnam L. L. (2016) Tensions in a flexible workspace: Negotiating the dialectics of materiality in constituting organization. Paper presented at the 32 nd European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Naples, Italy, July 7 9, 2016. 7. Gibbs, J. L., Sivunen, A. & Boyraz, M. (2016) Investigating the impacts of team type and design on virtual team processes. Paper presented at the 66 th International Communication Association conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9 13, 2016.

8. Sivunen, A., Nurmi, N. & Koroma, J. (2016) When a one-hour time difference is too much: Temporal boundaries in global virtual work. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA, January 5 9, 2016, pp. 511 520. (Best paper nominee in Global Virtual Teams minitrack) 9. Sivunen, A. & Rice, R.E. (2015). The Role of Flexwork Frequency on Work-Home Border Permeability and ICT Use in Non-Work Hours. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 7 11, 2015. 10. Boyraz, M., Nordbäck, E., Gibbs, J., Sivunen, A. (2015). Who is this we? Examining the development of identification and conflict in global teams through talk. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Convention, San Juan, PR, USA, May 21 25, 2015. 11. Rice, R. E. & Sivunen, A. (2015). Use of communication media for work in nonwork hours, and job stress: Moderation by involvement, work characteristics, and substitutes for leadership. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Convention, San Juan, PR, USA, May 21 25, 2015. 12. Gibbs, J., Sivunen, A., Boyraz, M., & Nordbäck, E. (2014). Investigating the affordances of group-based ICTs for global team participation, conflict, and identification. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA, USA, May 22 26, 2014. 13. Nordbäck, E. & Sivunen, A. (2013). Leadership behaviors in virtual team meetings taking place in a 3D virtual world. Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, Maui, HI, USA, January 7 10, 2013, pp. 863 872. 14. Sivunen, A. & Nordbäck, E. (2012). Läsnäolon monet ulottuvuudet tiimikokouksissa 3D-virtuaaliympäristössä (Multiple Dimensions of Social Presence during Team Meetings in 3D Virtual Worlds). Presentation at Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät (Communication Research Conference), Jyväskylä, Finland, August 30 31, 2012. 15. Sivunen, A. (2012). Presence and absence in global team meetings: Physical, virtual and social dimensions. Paper presented at the 28th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, July 5 7, 2012. 16. Sivunen, A., & Nordbäck, E. (2012). Visually present but psychologically absent in distributed team meetings: Social presence as a multi-dimensional construct in 3D virtual environments. Paper presented at 2nd Global Conference on Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic, April 12 14, 2012. 17. Sivunen, A. & Siitonen, M. (2010). Comparing experiences on leadership in virtual teams and online multiplayer gaming clans. 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Singapore, June 22 26, 2010. 18. Nurmi, N., Bosch-Sijtsema, P. M., Sivunen, A., Fruchter, R. (2009) Who shouts louder? Exerting power across distance and culture. In Proceedings of ACM / IWIC 2009, International workshop of intercultural collaboration,

Stanford, CA, USA, February 2009, pp. 71 80. ACM Digital Library. 19. Sivunen, A. & Hakonen, M. (2009). When attitudes and actions collide: Perceptions of CMC and actual CMC behavior in virtual teams. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, USA, November 12 15, 2009. (awarded as a Top Three paper in Group Communication Division). 20. Sivunen, A. (2009). Digital encounters: Constructing group identity through meetings in virtual environment. Paper presented at the 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section of ECREA, October 21 23, 2009, Tampere, Finland. 21. Sivunen, A. (2009) Experiencing and expressing social identities in virtual teams. Paper presented at the 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 13 16, 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 22. Sivunen, A. (2008) Struggling with a shared identity in a global HR team under a constant change. Proceedings of the HRM Global, August 27 30, 2008, Turku, Finland, pp. 300-306. 23. Sivunen, A. (2007) Communication of leaders in virtual teams: Expectations towards leaders and how they live them up through computer-mediated communication. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Telework, Lillehammer, Norway, August 28 30, 2007. 24. Siitonen, M. & Sivunen, A. (2007) Johtajuus langan päässä: Johtaminen hajautetuissa tiimeissä ja verkkopeliyhteisöissä (Leadership within the wire: Leading virtual teams and online gaming communities). Presentation at Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät (Communication Research Conference), December 1 2, 2007, Vaasa, Finland. 25. Sivunen, A. (2006) Virtual team leaders as rhetoricians of identification. 56th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany, June 19 23, 2006. 26. Sivunen, A. (2006) Virtual team members attitudes towards CMC and FTF communication and their actual CMC behavior. Paper presented at the Symposium on the Limits of Virtual Working, Valencia, Spain November 9 11, 2006. 27. Sivunen, A. (2005) Identification with the team through computer-mediated communication. 1st European Communication Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 25 26, 2005. 28. Sivunen, A. (2005) Tiimin vetäjien vuorovaikutustaidot hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Team Leaders' Communication Skills in Virtual Teams). Presentation in Puheviestinnän päivät (Speech Communication Conference), Jyväskylä, Finland, October 14 15, 2005. 29. Sivunen, A. (2005) Relational aspects in virtual teamwork. Presentation at Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät (Communication Research Conference), Helsinki, Finland, February 4 5, 2005. 30. Sivunen, A. (2004) Teknologiavälitteiset vuorovaikutusverkostot hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Computer-Mediated Communication Networks in Virtual Teams). Presentation at Sosiaalipsykologian päivät (Social Psychology Conference), Tampere, Finland, November 26 27, 2004.

31. Sivunen, A. & Valo, M. (2004) Real teams, real tools: Team leaders use of communication technology in virtual teams. 90th National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, USA, November 11 14, 2004. 32. Sivunen, A. (2004) Tiimin vetäjien viestintäteknologiavalinnat hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Team Leaders' Communication Technology Choices in Virtual Teams). Presentation at Puheviestinnän teemapäivät (Speech Communication Conference), Tampere, Finland, November 3, 2004. 33. Sivunen, A. (2004) Ryhmäidentiteetti hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Group Identity in Virtual Teams). Presentation at a Interaktiivinen Tekniikka Koulutuksessa - konferenssi (Interactive Technology in Education Conference), Hämeenlinna, Finland, April 21, 2004. 34. Sivunen, A. (2003) Commitment to geographically dispersed teams through computer-mediated communication. Poster presented at the 89th National Communication Association Convention, Miami Beach, FL, USA, November 21 24, 2003. 35. Sivunen, A. (2003) Sitoutuminen hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Commitment in Virtual Teams). Presentation at Interaktiivinen tulevaisuus ja ihminen -konferenssi (Interactive Future and Human -Conference), Tampere, Finland, November 13 14, 2003. 36. Sivunen, A. (2003) Communication and commitment: Challenges in geographically dispersed teams. Presentation at the Social and Cutural Dimensions of Technological Development -symposium, Jyväskylä, Finland, November, 3 4, 2003. 37. Sivunen, A. (2003) Hajautettujen tiimien viestinnän observointi (Observing the Communication in Virtual Teams). Presentation at Puheviestinnän päivät (Speech Communication Conference), Jyväskylä, Finland, October 17 18, 2003. 38. Sivunen, A. (2002) Sitoutuminen virtuaalitiimeissä (Commitment in Virtual Teams). Presentation at Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät (Communication Research Conference), Jyväskylä, Finland, October 18 19, 2002. SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES WITHOUT PEER-REVIEW PRACTICE Unrefereed Journal Articles 1. Sivunen, A. (2008) Vuorovaikutusta yli maantieteellisten rajojen: Teknologiavälitteisen viestinnän ja tiimiin identifioitumisen tarkastelua hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Interaction across Geographical Boundaries: Exploring Technology-Mediated Communication and Identification with the Team in Virtual Teams). Työelämän tutkimus (Work Life Research), 1, 38-41. 2. Sivunen, A. (2007) Teknologiavälitteinen vuorovaikutus ja identifioituminen hajautetuissa tiimeissä (Technology-Mediated Communication and Identification in Virtual Teams) Lectio Praecursoria. Prologi:

Puheviestinnän vuosikirja (Prologi: Speech Communication Yearbook). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä. Book Sections 3. Ainoa, J. Hinkka, V, Huttunen, A. Lechner, L., Siikavirta, S. & Sivunen, A. (2009) The digital evolution from impossible to spectacular. In Y. Neuvo & S. Mäkinen (Eds.) Bit Bang Rays to the future, 8-41. Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology. isbn9789522480781.pdf?sequence=1 4. Ainoa, J. Zhang, H., Kaskela, A., Lahti, L., Saarikoski, N., Storgårds, J. & Sivunen, A. (2009) Future of living. In Y. Neuvo & S. Mäkinen (Eds.) Bit Bang Rays to the future, 174-204. Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology. isbn9789522480781.pdf?sequence=1 5. Sivunen, A. (2006) Studying identification strategies in virtual teams: A communicative perspective. In M. Vartiainen (Ed.) Workscape methodologies. Helsinki: Helsinki University of Technology. 6. Sivunen, A. (2002) Ikääntyvät ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikka.(elderly and Communication technology). In M. Mäkinen, K. Salminen & M.-L. Viherä (Eds.) Tietoyhteiskuntaa ymmärtämässä (Understanding the Information Society), 84 95. Helsinki: Sonera Oyj. 7. Siitonen, M., Sivunen, A., Feldt, T., Neittaanmäki, M., Metsäpelto, R.-L. & Pulkkinen, L. (2002) Mitä hyötyä tieto- ja viestintätekniikasta on perheelle? (What are the benefits of communication technology in families?) In M. Mäkinen, K. Salminen & M.-L. Viherä (Eds.) Tietoyhteiskuntaa ymmärtämässä (Understanding the Information Society), 116 149. Helsinki: Sonera Oyj. Monographies, Scientific Books 8. Valo, M., Sivunen, A., Laaksonen, V. & Mikkonen, L. (eds.) (2012) Prologi: Puheviestinnän vuosikirja (Speech Communication Yearbook). Jyväskylä: Prologos ry. 9. Valo, M., Sivunen, A. & Laaksonen, V. (eds.) (2011) Prologi: Puheviestinnän vuosikirja (Speech Communication Yearbook). Jyväskylä: Prologos ry. 10. Sivunen, A. (2007) Vuorovaikutus, viestintäteknologia ja tiimiin identifioituminen hajautetuissa tiimeissä. (Social interaction, communication technology and identification in virtual teams) [online]. Dissertation. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

ARTICLES IN PROFESSIONAL OUTLETS 11. Sivunen, A. (2012) Hajautetun projektin monet työympäristöt. (The multiple work environments of a distributed project) Projektitoiminta, 1, 64 65. 12. Sivunen, A. (2011) Työyhteisön pelisäännöt sosiaalisessa mediassa. (The social media rules in work communities) Hetky, 1, 8 9. 13. Sivunen, A. (2010). Virtuaalimaailma innostaa ja palkitsee. (Virtual worlds inspire and reward) Microsoft Circle Magazine, 2, 46.