Precise levelling of the Olkiluoto GPS Network in 2003

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Working Report 2004-07 Precise levelling of the Olkiluoto GPS Network in 2003 Pekka Lehmuskoski March 2004

Pekka Lehmuskoski: PRECISE LEVELLING OF THE OLKILUOTO GPS NETWORK IN 2003 Geodeettinen laitos, The Finnish Geodetic Institute, February 2004

PRECISE LEVELLING OF THE OLKILUOTO GPS NETWORK IN 2003 AUTHOR: Pekka Lehmuskoski INSPECTOR: Markku Poutanen Geodeettinen laitos The Finnish Geodetic Institute February 2004

( Karhukopio KARHUKOPIO OY TURKU Y-TUNNUS 0725553-2 ALVOREKo Lemminkaisenkatu 50, 20520 Turku TYON NIMI TAl NUMERO ( ~- r:,.;; - I/ 0 " LASKUTUSASIAKAS LASKUTUSOSOITE PIIRUSTUS NUMEROT / TIEDOSTON NIMI 20 C ----'---------' MAARA (: [ Tilaajan allekirjoitus TILAUS nro I I I A4/A3-KOPIO/ K_O_PI_O_T_J K_ii_S_IT_T_EL-'Y SKANNAUS TULOSTE _j j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j _j_j._j_j i _i / /;i( I i l,,.. '- - ' ~ "... _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j _j_j_j_j j_j~_j l :i-.._)(0/ 0 '-! ( i ~,o~ p ; ',:..W~ (! l). ' JALJENNOKSET TOIMITETAAN: _j 0 lahetilla 0 postitse; 0 linja-autolla 'fzl' noudetaan kopiosta-0,{~; ' k u.j (( ft. ) t 0 l.l"... '.,.. r \ -~., l 0 f _ 1 0- I 0 e- /,, 'LC.f(t t...;'.; - ( lt I,1-1.- I I '>;\ :_;!r, c<r :k:c-:t[j') ~~~~~-J j Alkup. ja kopiot toimitetaan tilaajalle I ----------'-~-------=----- j Puhono: Nimen selvennys! ~~ :0 ~ 1\t<{- r -~\ Toivottu toim.aika: Toimeksiantava yritys ~~ J-~r : t. ~va I'' :0. I Sopijat: Asiakas ellei muuta ole mainittu. Karhukopio I Laskutus-ja tllausehdot Laskuun tulevista alle 20 euron tilauksista veloita11me 20 euroao Tilauksen arvoa laskettaessa ei huomioida toimitus-, kuljetus- eika postituskulujao Laskutustyb veloitetaan kulloinkin voimassaolevan hinnaston mukaisesti. Myynti-, toimitus- ja takuuehdot Karhukopio Oy on Kopio- ja tulostusalan liikeyhdistys ry:n jasenliikeo Me kaikki jasenliikkeet haluamme palvella seka yksityis- etta yritysasiakkaitamme tavoilla, jotka varmistavat liikesuhteen jatkuvuudeno Toimintamme pohjana ovat nama yhtenaiset toimitusehdot, jotka takaavat asiakkaillemme varmat ja luotettavat toimitukset ja sen kautta llemme pysyvan asiakassuhteen. 1. Kasitteet: Kaytamme naissa toimitusehdoissa asiakkaistamme, toimitustavasta riippumatta, yhtenaista nimitysta TILAAJA, ja itsestamme nimitysta YRITYS. Kopiointitilauksesta, painotilauksesta tai muusta tilatusta, tai meille jatetysta tyiisuoritteesta kaytamme nimitysta TYO. 2. Hinnat ja maksuehdot: Kehotamme Tilaajia tutustumaan yleisiin hinnoitteluperusteisiimme, jotka ovat asiakkaittemme nahtavina kaikissa toimipisteissamme. Tilaajamme saattavat saada Yrityksen myyntihenkiliiilta naista poikkeavia kirjallisia hintatarjouksia, jotka ovat Yritysta sitovia. 3o Tekijanoikeudelliset vastuut: Edellytamme, etta Te Tilaajana tunnette vastuunne mahdollisista tekijanoikeuksiin kohdistuvista rikkomuksista, koska Yritys ei voi ottaa suorittaakseen minkaanlaista Tyiita, joka siirtaisi vastuun tekijanoikeusrikkomuksista Tilaajalta Yritykselle. 4o Tilaajan vastuu: Tilaaja vastaa siita, etta hanella on oikeus jattaa tai antaa edustajansa jattaa Tyii Yrityksen suoritettavaksi. Tyosta joka tehdaan kolrnanrwr1 osapuolen laskuun, vastaa Tyon Tilaaja omavastuullisesti. Yritys ei luonnollisestr voi vastaanottaa Tyi:ita, joka laskutettaisiin muulta kuin Tilaajalta ilman, etta Tilaaja sitoutuu omavastuullisesti vastaarna;rn Tyon kuluista ellei Yrity'> ole tehnyt sopimusta ko. osapuolen kanssa. 5o Yrityksen ohjelmistot ja muu omaisuus: Yrityksen luovuttaessa Tilaajalle ohjelrnistojaan tai niiden osia, Til<Jaja ei voi luovuttaa niita kolmannelle osapuolelle ilrnan Yrityksen suosturnusta. 6o Yrityksen vastuu ja takuu: Yritys takaa, etta Tyo suoritetaan alalla tunnustettua, hyvaa tyotapaa noudattaen, ja tarkoitukseen parhaiten soveltuvia materiaaleja ja raaka-aineita kayttaeno Mikali Tilaaja toteaa tyon toteutuksessa, sen suorituksesta tai raaka-aineesta johtuvia vikoja tulee Tilaajan tehda tasta mahdollisimman nopeasti tus joko tyon suorittaneeseen tai rnuuhun yrityksemme toimipisteeseen, jotta voimme korjata virheemme, tai suorittaa Tyon uudelleen. Kehotamme sen vuoksi Tilaajaa tarkistamaan vastaanottamansa valmiin Tyon ttomasti. Vaatimukset virheiden oikaisusta tulee tehda 5 vuorokauden sisalla siita, kun virhe havaittiin, tai se olisi ollut havaittavissa. Taman maaraajan jalkeen emme tettavasti voi huornioida tehtyja vaatimuksia. Huomautamme erityisesti, ettei tama takuu koske muita vaatimuksia, kuin itse Tyohon kohdistuvia. Takuumme oikein suoritetusta tyosta ja oikeista materiaalinnoista ei luonnollisesti voi kattaa ulkopuolisten tekijoiden, kuten saan, valon, kosteuden yrns. vaikutuksia jo valrniiseen Tyohon. 7 0 Toimitustapa ja lisakustannukset: Hinnastossamme on eritelty ne kustannukset jotka veloitamme noudosta, toimituksesta, postituksesta tai rnuista lisakustannuksista. 8. Mahdolliset erimielisyydet: Noudatamme mahdollisten erimielisyyksien ratkaisussa Suomen lakia. 9o Kiitamme, etta olette lukeneet nama toimitusehtomme ja toivomme, etta ne osaltaan auttavat lisaamaan hyvaa yhteistyota llart)rne. Lemminkaisenk. 50 20520 TURKU puh (02) 274 1811 fax (02) 274 1833 Lemminkaisenk. 14-18 A 20520 TURKU puh (02) 274 1891 fax (02) 274 1899 Hameenkatu 7 20500 TURKU puh (02) 274 1886 fax (02) 274 1888 Helsingintie 7 24100 SALO puh (02) 274 1961 fax (02) 274 1966 Valtakatu 6 26100 RAUMA puh (02) 274 1951 fax (02) 274 1955 Antinkatu 10 28100 PORI puh (02) 274 19<+1 fax (02) 274 1944

Working Report 2004-07 Precise levelling of the Olkiluoto G PS Network in 2003 Pekka Lehmuskoski The Finnish Geodetic Institute March 2004 Base maps: National Land Survey, permission 41 /MYY/04 Working Reports contain information on work in progress or pending completion. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of Posiva.

Precise levelling of the Olkiluoto GPS network in 2003 Abstract The GPS observation network of Olkiluoto was established in 1994 for monitoring crustal deformations at the investigation area. To fulfil a better vertical control of the GPS network, precise levellings were started at the area in 2003. The levelling network of Olkiluoto consists of 21 bench marks including 16 reserve marks of the GPS pillars and it is constituted of 12 km and 2 km long loops. To obtain the N60-elevations for the bench marks the levelling network was connected to the Finnish precise levelling net at Lapijoki. Between Lapijoki and Olkiluoto ten new bench marks were established in the bedrock. The length of the line is 14 km and it was levelled twice forming one 28 km long loop. In 2003 the accuracy of the levellings estimated from the closing errors of the three levelled loops was ±0.10 mm!--jkm. In the future it is possible to study the vertical crusta! movements not only inside the levelling network but also the entire island of Olkiluoto compared to the mainland by relevellings of the established lines. Keywords: Crustal deformations, precise levelling, reserve marks of GPS pillars.

Olkiluodon GPS-verkon tarkkavaaitukset vuonna 2003 Tiivistelma Olkiluodon GPS-verkko perustettiin vuonna 1994 kallioperan liikkeiden seuraamiseksi tutkimusalueella. Paremman tarkkuuden saavuttamiseksi vertikaalisuunnassa perustettiin syyskuussa 2003 vaaituskiintopisteverkko, joka kasitti kahdeksan GPS-pisteen 16 varamerkkia seka viisi uutta kalliokiintopistetta. Nama vaaittiin siten, etta muodostui kaksi silmukkaa, jotka olivat pituudeltaan 12 km ja 2 km. Jotta naille kiintopisteille saatiin N60-korkeus, yhdistettiin Olkiluodon tutkimusalueen vaaitusverkko Suomen tarkkavaaitusverkkoon Lapijoella. Lapijoen ja Olkiluodon in perustettiin kymmenen kalliokiintopistetta. Tama 14 km pituinen linja vaaittiin kahdesti edestakaisin, joten se muodosti 28 km pituisen silmukan. Syksyn 2003 vaaitusten tarkkuus arvioitiin naiden kolmen silmukan sulkuvirheista, jolloin tarkkuudeksi saatiin ±0.10 mmj--jkm. Kallioperan vertikaalisia liikkeita seka Olkiluoden vaaitusverkon sisalla etta koko verkon liikkumista mannermaahan nahden voidaan nyt seurata suorittamalla uusintavaaituksia perustetuilla linjoilla. Avainsanat: Maankuoren deformaatio, tarkkavaaitus, GPS-pilareiden varamerkit.

---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Tii vistelma Contents... 1 1. Introduction... 3 2. Choice of the initial bench mark...... 3 3. Levelling lines... 4 4. Field crew, instruments and observations... 6 5. Reductions... 7 6. Adjustment... 8 7. Accuracy... 11 8. In the future... 11 Summary... 12 Acknowledgements... 12 References... 12 Appendix I. Observation files... 15 Appendix II a. Calculation paper of line OLK A... 123 Appendix II b. Calculation paper of line OLK B... 124 Appendix II c. Calculation paper of line OLKI.... 125

3 1. Introduction Repeated GPS observations at the investigation area of Posiva Oy at Olkiluoto have been continued eight years. However, the accuracy of GPS determinations in the vertical direction is worse than that in the horizontal direction. To monitor also the vertical movements of the GPS points as accurately as possible, it was decided to begin precise levellings on the area. The GPS network consists of ten GPS pillars (Ahola 2002). Two of them were excluded, namely GPS10, because it will be destroyed when the new nuclear power station will be built and GPS5, due to the difficult terrain for levelling. The pillars were not levelled, but their two reserve marks, which are steel bolts fastened in the bedrock locating close to the pillars. Later in this report the reserve marks are called bench marks. In addition, five new levelling bench marks were established on the area. To monitor the vertical movements of the Olkiluoto island compared to the mainland and to obtain N60-elevations for the local mapping purposes, the levelling was started from an old precise levelling bench mark by the railroad at Lapijoki. To be sure of the stability of that bench mark, its elevation difference to its three nearest bench marks fastened in the bedrock was measured and compared to the previous measurements. The field works and the calculations were carried out with the same method used in the Third Precise Levelling of Finland. Precise levelling in the GPS network was sometimes troublesome and slow due to some levelling routes without a path. 2. Choice of the initial bench mark The task was to carry out the first precise levelling between the mainland and the Olkiluoto island and take the N 60-elevation to the island. For this purpose a bench mark with a reliable N60-elevation was needed as near Olkiluoto as possible. The nearest precise levelling line is the railroad from Peipohja to Rauma and the nearest bench mark to Olkiluoto is 51310. It is fastened in the bedrock like its three successive bench marks to Peipohja. Their elevation differences were measured previously in 1951 and 1981. Because the bench marks locate on a small area, land uplift correction was not used to reduce the measurements. The elevation differences levelled in 1981 and in 2003 were compared to those in 1951 and they are given in Table 1 as well as the distances of the bench marks from the bench mark 51310. Table 1. Distance of bench marks 51309, 51308 and 1833 from bench mark 51310 and their elevation difference compared to 51310 in 1951. Interval Distance 1951 1981 2003 (km) (mm) (mm) (mm) 51310-51309 1.72 0-0.75-1.24 51310-51308 3.12 0-0.56-0.73 51310-1833 4.26 0 +0.26-1.03 As seen in Table 1, the changes of the elevation differences during the last 52 years have been small. Hence we can conclude that the bedrock in this area is stable. The nearest bench mark to Olkiluoto, 51310, was selected as the initial bench mark for the line Lapijoki-Olkiluoto (OLK A).

4 3. Levelling lines The levellings were divided in four lines shown in Table 2. Table 2. Levelling lines, their terminal bench marks, date and executor. Levelling line Terminal bench marks Date Executor OLK A, Lapijoki- 51310-03219 3.-11.9.2003 The Finnish Geodetic Olkiluoto Institute OLKI A, part of 03216-03216 11.-19.9., Posiva Oy GPSnetwork 23.9.2003 OLKI B, part of 03218-03218 22.9.2003 Posiva Oy GPS network OLK B, Olkiluoto- 03219-51310 23.9.-2.10.2003 The Finnish Geodetic Lapijoki Institute The line OLK A starts from the bench mark pair 51310 and 03212 by the side of the railroad at Lapijoki and it goes on along the roads nos. 12775, 8 and 2176. It ends in the bench mark pair 03216 and 03219 on the Olkiluoto island (Figure 1). Between the ends of the line there exist 10 bench marks. Almost all roads levelled were covered with asphalt. The line OLK B is the same as OLK A but goes on the reverse direction. The line OLKI A includes the reserve marks of the GPS network with the exception of GPS5, where the terrain is too difficult for precise levelling, GPS 10, which will be destroyed when the new nuclear power station will be built and GPS3, which belongs to the line OLKI B. In addition to the node bench mark pair 03216 and 03219, bench marks 03215, 03217 and 03218 were established on the investigation area (Figure 1 ). Most roads of this line were covered with sand but also along asphalt roads and in pathless woods were levelled. The line OLKI B starts and ends in the bench mark 03218 and proceeds through GPS3 (Figure 1), partly on a road covered with sand and along a path. The National Grid Coordinates (KKJ) in the section 27 and the geographical coordinates for all bench marks are given in Table 3. The coordinates are used only for computing the tidal corrections and the gravity values of the bench marks. The coordinates can also be used for searching the bench marks.

5 Figure 1. Bench marks and levelling routes of the levelling lines OLKI A and OLKI B. Table 3. National Grid Coordinates (KKJ) in section 27 and geographical coordinates of the bench marks. Bench mark X -coordinate (km) Y -coordinate (km) Latitude ( 0 ) Longitude ( 0 ) 51310 6796.265 3214.232 61.17053 21.68280 03212 6796.290 3214.189 61.17072 21.68197 03202 6796.404 3213.568 61.17129 21.67031 03203 6797.157 3212.085 61.17693 21.64173 03204 6798.578 3211.060 61.18887 21.62059 03205 6799.810 3209.568 61.19878 21.59108 03206 6800.808 3208.659 61.20702 21.57271 03207 6802.055 3207.228 61.21709 21.54428 03211 6802.314 3206.363 61.21876 21.52785 03208 6802.779 3205.831 61.22251 21.51728 03209 6803.908 3204.558 61.23164 21.49192 03210 6803.906 3204.546 61.23161 21.49170 03216 6804.168 3204.117 61.23362 21.48334 03219 6804.154 3204.109 61.23349 21.48322 03215 6804.547 3203.501 61.23654 21.47133 GPS6B 6804.683 3202.348 61.23688 21.44975 GPS6A 6804.687 3202.356 61.23692 21.44989 GPS9A 6805.475 3201.335 61.24318 21.42972 GPS9B 6805.472 3201.321 61.24315 21.42946 GPS7A 6805.336 3202.192 61.24260 21.44582 GPS7B 6805.342 3202.181 61.24264 21.44561 GPS8B 6805.837 3202.326 61.24717 21.44752 GPS8A 6805.842 3202.324 61.24722 21.44747 03217 6805.553 3202.853 61.24504 21.45774

--------------------~ --~ --~~ - 6 GPS4B 6805.534 3203.495 61.24536 21.46967 GPS4A 6805.524 3203.508 61.24528 21.46992 GPS1A 6804.893 3203.610 61.23972 21.47281 GPS1B 6804.877 3203.609 61.23957 21.47281 03218 6805.010 3203.976 61.24104 21.47941 GPS3A 6805.668 3204.247 61.24712 21.48340 GPS3B 6805.674 3204.238 61.24717 21.48322 GPS2B 6804.132 3204.723 61.23376 21.49463 GPS2A 6804.123 3204.733 61.23369 21.49483 4. Field crew, instruments and observations The field crew and the instruments were the same for all levellings concerning this report but the levelling instrument was exchanged due to tool failure on September 24, 2003. The crew and the instruments used are given in Table 3. Table 3. Crew and instruments. Observer Pekka Lehmuskoski First rodman Rami Meritai val Second rodman J ouni Laurila Distance measurer Aleksi Viikinkoski Shadow man J oona Laurila Levelling instrument Zeiss DiNi12, number in 3.-24.9. and number 320015 in 25.9.-2.10. Rod pair Zeiss Nedo LD13 numbers and 14092 Thermometer Fluke 5411 Rod bases Turtles, wedges, spikes and screws in stum_q_s Tripod Zeiss Distance meter Rollfix Super Umbrella Alexo Car Ford Transit, XFZ-445 Personal navigator Garmin etrex The levelling was carried out with the same method used in the Third Precise Levelling of Finland (1978-2004) (Takalo 1978). However, handcars or bicycles were not used, the team moved on foot. The digital levelling system Zeiss DiNi12 (Takalo et al. 2001), used in the Third Precise Levelling of Finland since 2001, was the observing system (Figure 2). Before the team started to level from Lapijoki to Olkiluoto, it had levelled one month from Pori to Lapijoki. Thus, the team was rather practised when it started the field works concerning this report.

7 - ==== - - --- ==== - Figure 2. A part of the bar code scale of the rod Zeiss Nedo LD 13 and the digital levelling instrument Zeiss DiNi12. Appendix I, the observation file of the single measurement, gives information in chronological order about every bench mark interval measured. One page corresponds one bench mark interval in one levelling direction. The names of the reserve marks of the GPS points are different in appendix I than they are in the text part of this report or in previous working reports of Olkiluoto. Thus e.g. OLKilA in appendix I is the same reserve mark as GPS la in the text, OLKI2B is the same reserve mark as GPS2B and so on. The upper part of the page gives for instance point of time, crew, instrumentation, road type and weather. The lower part gives for every set up: 1. Running number of set up, 2. Sighting distance back, 3. Sighting distance fore, 4. First rod reading back (B 1), 5. First rod reading fore (Fl), 6. Second rod reading fore (F2), 7. Second rod reading back (B2), 8. Bl-F1, 9. B2-F2, 10. Intensity of the sun (scale 0-5), 11. Rain type, 12. Vertical temperature gradient (T 2. 5 m - T 0. 5 m ( C)) and 13. Temperature ( C). ** means rejected set up and * means "no value". At the end of the observation file there are the uncorrected elevation difference of the interval, its length and remarks. 5. Reductions The type of rods was the Zeiss Nedo LD13 bar code 3 m invar rods with an aluminium frame. The rod calibrations were carried out in May 2003 and in November 2003 using the FGI vertical rod comparator (Takalo 1999), (Takalo and Rouhiainen 2002). The adjusted value for the levelling epoch was obtained by linear interpolation. During the levelling the air temperature and the temperature difference between 2.5 m and 0.5 m above the ground near the levelling instrument were measured with a Fluke 54 II thermometer. Refraction correction was computed with the Kukkamaki formula ( Hytonen 1967). Tidal correction was computed with the formulas developed by Heikkinen (1978). Appendices II a, II b and II c include the calculation papers for the lines OLK A, OLK B and OLKI (OLKI A + OLKI B), respectively. Calculation papers proceed in physical order

8 from the first bench mark of the line to the last one. The meaning of the columns is: 1. Bench mark, 2. Support, 3. Distance (km), 4. Sum of distances (km), 5. Rod correction in A-direction (mm), 6. Refraction correction in A-dir. (mm), 7. Tidal correction in A-dir. (mm), 8. Rod correction in B-dir. (mm), 9. Refraction correction in B-dir. (mm), 10. Tidal correction in B dir. (mm), 11. Corrected mean of the elevation difference in A- and B-directions, 12. Sum of the corrected elevation differences measured in A- and B-directions (mm), 13. Running sum of the column 12 (mm), 14. Gravity on the bench mark (mgpu), to be added with 981000 mgpu, 15. Corrected geopotential difference (mgpu) and 16. Corrected elevation difference compared to the first bench mark of the line (mm). 6. Adjustment The adjustment was made in three parts: 1. The line (OLK A+ OLK B) or the loop 51310-03219-51310 clockwise. Because the lines OLK A and OLK B are quite long (14 km) and they proceed almost rectangularly against the land uplift isobases, geopotential units were in use to obtain N60-elevations for the bench marks. Relative land uplift values for them were obtained from the land uplift model of Miikinen and Saaranen ( 1998), which is based on the three precise levellings in Finland. The closing error of the loop (-0.81 mgpu) was adjusted by using as the elevation difference for each bench mark interval which is the mean of the value of the line OLK A and the line OLK B (Table 5). Explanation of the columns: 1. Bench mark 2. Distance of interval (km) 3. Sum of distances (km) 4. Elevation difference when rod correction, refraction correction and tidal correction have been done (mm) 5. Geopotential difference (mgpu). It was computed by multiplying the elevation difference by the mean of the gravity values at the starting and the end bench mark. The gravity values in the IGSN71 system for the bench marks were interpolated using the gravity register of Finland. Their estimated accuracy is better than ±1 m gal 6. Mean of elevation difference of OLKA and OLKB (mm) 7. Mean of geopotential difference of OLKA and OLKB (mgpu) 8. Relative land uplift number (mgpu) 9. Land uplift reduction from mean epoch of levelling 2003.72 to epoch 1960.00 (mgpu) 10. Bench mark 11. Geopotential difference in epoch 1960.00 (sum of columns 7 and 9) (mgpu) 12. Geopotential number in IGSN71 system referred to mean sea level at Helsinki in 1960.00 (mgpu). The geopotential number of 51310 was derived by multiplying its N60-elevation 18347.125 mm by the mean gravity between the bench mark and the geoid. The mean gravity was computed by Helmert's formula (Kiiiiriiiinen 1966, page 49) 13. Density of bedrock (kg/dm 3 ) (Suominen et al. 1997) 14. Interpolated gravity at bench mark (kgal) 15. Mean gravity between bench mark and geoid (kgal) 16. N60-elevation (mm) 17. N60-elevation (m) 18. Bench mark

9 Table 5. Results of lines OLK A and OLK B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 51310 0,000 0,000 0,000 03212 0,082 0,082 1481,31 1454,60 1481,210 1454,500 0,001-0,044 03202 0,820 0,902-3267,85-3208,93-3267,750-3208,830 0,011-0,437 03203 1,935 2,837-6056,23-5947,04-6056,360-5947,165 0,044-1,443 03204 1,815 4,652-370,84-364,15-370,545-363,860 0,088-1,924 03205 2,005 6,657 14861,78 14593,86 14861,295 14593,380 0,133-1,967 03206 1,476 8,133-14506,68-14245,17-14506,140-14244,640 0,166-1,443 03207 1,989 10,122-7298,85-7167,30-7298,905-7167,355 0,209-1,880 03211 0,911 11,033-1635,23-1605,76-1635,135-1605,665 0,223-0,612 03208 0,722 11,755 8170,24 8023,02 8170,675 8023,450 0,240-0,743 03209 1,743 13,498 774,76 760,80 774,560 760,605 0,277-1,618 03210 0,012 13,510 1429,92 1404,16 1429,915 1404,150 0,278-0,044 03216 0,561 14,071-2394,42-2351,28-2394,500-2351,355 0,287-0,393 03219 0,016 14,087 1020,14 1001,76 1020,140 1001,760 0,287 0,000 03216 0,016 14,103-1020,14-1001,76 03210 0,561 14,664 2394,58 2351,43 03209 0,012 14,676-1429,91-1404,14 03208 1,743 16,419-774,36-760,41 03211 0,723 17,142-8171 '11-8023,88 03207 0,909 18,051 1635,04 1605,57 03206 1,990 20,041 7298,96 7167,41 03205 1,476 21,517 14505,60 14244,11 03204 2,006 23,523-14860,81-14592,90 03203 1,806 25,329 370,25 363,57 03202 2,053 27,382 6056,49 5947,29 03212 0,820 28,202 3267,65 3208,73 51310 0,083 28,285-1481 '11-1454,40 Sum 28,285-0,82-0,81 Table 5 continues 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 51310 18016,314 2,75 0,98196862 0,98196933 18347,125 18,3471 51310 03212 1454,456 19470,770 2,75 0,98196834 0,98196911 19828,292 19,8283 03212 03202-3209,267 16261,503 2,75 0,98196932 0,98196997 16560,082 16,5601 03202 03203-5948,608 10312,895 2,65 0,98197088 0,98197133 10502,237 10,5022 03203 03204-365,784 9947,112 2,65 0,98197240 0,98197284 10129,722 10,1297 03204 03205 14591,413 24538,524 2,65 0,98197164 0,98197272 24989,008 24,9890 03205 03206-14246,083 10292,441 2,65 0,98197505 0,98197550 10481,363 10,4814 03206 03207-7169,235 3123,207 2,75 0,98197893 0,98197905 3180,523 3,1805 03207 03211-1606,277 1516,929 2,75 0,98198140 0,98198146 1544,764 1,5448 03211 03208 8022,707 9539,636 2,75 0,98198081 0,98198119 9714,683 9,7147 03208 03209 758,987 10298,624 2,75 0,98198330 0,98198371 10487,571 10,4876 03209 03210 1404,106 11702,730 2,75 0,98198302 0,98198348 11917,441 11,9174 03210 03216-2351,748 9350,981 2,75 0,98198375 0,98198412 9522,538 9,5225 03216 03219 1001,760 10352,741 2,75 0,98198356 0,98198397 10542,679 10,5427 03219

10 2. Loop 03216-03216 clockwise using the shortest route without turning off to GPS3, line OLKI A, see Figure 1. Because the area of this loop is rather small, the longest diagonal being less than 4 km, the elevation differences were computed in millimetres and the land uplift numbers were not in use. The closing error of the loop ( +0.05 mm) was adjusted linearly as the function of the levelled distance (Table 6). Explanation of the columns: 1. Bench mark 2. Distance of interval (km) 3. Sum of distances (km) 4. Elevation difference when rod correction, refraction correction and tidal correction have been made (mm) 5. Adjustment correction (mm) 6. Final elevation difference (mm) 7. N60-elevation (mm) 8. N60-elevation (m) Table 6. Results of line OLKI A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 03216 0,000 0,000 0,000 9522,538 9,5225 03215 0,757 0,757-875,16-0,003-875,163 8647,375 8,6474 GPS6B 1,390 2,147-5411,80-0,009-5411,806 3235,569 3,2356 GPS6A 0,009 2,156 198,68-0,009 198,680 3434,249 3,4342 GPS9A 1,487 3,643 6331,44-0,015 6331,434 9765,683 9,7657 GPS9B 0,014 3,657-524,41-0,015-524,410 9241,273 9,2413 GPS7A 1,329 4,986 1491,97-0,020 1491,965 10733,238 10,7332 GPS7B 0,012 4,998 77,72-0,020 77,720 10810,958 10,8110 GPS8B 0,524 5,522-6370,90-0,022-6370,902 4440,056 4,4401 GPS8A 0,006 5,528-423,17-0,022-423,170 4016,886 4,0169 03217 0,806 6,334 6529,53-0,026 6529,527 10546,412 10,5464 GPS4B 1,454 7,788-3250,40-0,031-3250,406 7296,007 7,2960 GPS4A 0,016 7,804-53,43-0,031-53,430 7242,577 7,2426 GPS1A 1,026 8,830 1600,48-0,036 1600,476 8843,052 8,8431 GPS1B 0,016 8,846 305,66-0,036 305,660 9148,712 9,1487 03218 0,852 9,698-512,04-0,039-512,043 8636,669 8,6367 GPS2B 1,585 11,283 2558,59-0,045 2558,584 11195,253 11 '1953 GPS2A 0,014 11,297-42,15-0,045-42,150 11153,103 11 '1531 03216 1 '122 12,419-1630,56-0,050-1630,565 9522,538 9,5225 Sum 12,419 0,05

11 3. Loop 03218-GPS3A-GPS3B-03218, line OLKI B, see Figure 1. Because the area of this loop is even smaller than in the case of the line OLKI A, the same computation method was used. The closing error of the loop ( +0.14 mm) was adjusted linearly as a function of the levelled distance (Table 7). The explanation of the columns is the same as in Table 6. Table 7. Results of line OLKI B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 03218 0,000 0,000 0,000 8636,669 8,6367 GPS3A 0,985 0,985-2806,93-0,069-2806,999 5829,670 5,8297 GPS3B 0,012 0,997 74,72-0,070 74,719 5904,389 5,9044 03218 0,997 1,994 2732,35-0,140 2732,280 8636,669 8,6367 Sum 1,994 0,14 7. Accuracy 52) The accuracy of the levellings was estimated by the formula 7.1 (Kiiiiriiiinen 1966, page (7.1) where n = number of the loops, <p = closing error of the loop, F = circumference of the loop, (/J e = closing error of the circumference of the network and Fe = length of the circumference of the network. When n = 3, <p 1 = -0.82 mm, <p 2 = 0.05 mm, <p 3 = 0.14 mm and <p e = -0.63 mm, F 1 = 28.285 km, F 2 = 12.419 km, F 3 = 1.994 km and Fe = 42.698 km, the formula gives fort = ±0.1 0 mm!v'km. Because the number of the loops is only three, the value it is not very reliable. For instance, the only loop of the Third Precise Levelling of Finland which was measured using the digital levelling system Zeiss DiNi12 only, is 56.6 km long loop Ruosniemi- the mareograph of Mantyluoto- Ruosniemi levelled in 2002. Its closing error was +2.56 mm, so the formula gives for the accuracy T = ±0.35 mm/~km. When more closed loops have been levelled, one can verify, if the levelling team was lucky in 2003 or unlucky in 2002. 8. In the future The first precise levellings from the mainland to the Olkiluoto island and on the island have been carried out. To find out possible vertical crustal movements, repeated levellings are needed. In Finland the yearly periodical vertical movements of the upper part of the rock in a very small area (under 100 m) can be even 3 mm depending on the temperature of the rock (Lehmuskoski et. a/2003). We hope that the bench marks of the investigation area of Olkiluoto have not established on that kind of rock. To distinguish other possible vertical crustal deformations from that phenomenon, the future levellings should be performed at the same

12 season as the first one or in September, so the temperature of the rock should be near that of the first levelling. Summary The precise levelling network of Olkiluoto was established on the Olkiluoto island in September 2003 to monitor better than before the vertical crusta! deformations. It consists of the reserve marks of eight GPS pillars and five new bench marks. The network was connected to the precise levelling net of Finland with a levelling line Lapijoki-Olkiluoto. All the bench marks have been fastened in the bedrock. The levellings and the computations were carried out in the same way as in the Third Precise Levelling of Finland. The accuracy of the levellings was estimated to be ±0.1 0 mm/~km. Acknowledgements I am indebted to Dr. MATTI OLLIKAINEN, FGI, and to Dr. MIKKO TAKALO, FGI, for valuable comments on this report, to Mr. VEIKKO SAARANEN, FGI, for helping in computer problems, to Mr. PAA VO ROUHIAINEN, FGI, for rod calibrations and to Mr. HEIKKI VIRTANEN, FGI, for computing the gravity values. References AHOLA, J. (2002): High precision GPS network for deformation studies. Finnish Journal of the Surveying Sciences, Vol.20, no. 1-2, November 2002. Helsinki. HEIKKINEN, M. (1978): On the tide-generating forces. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute No. 85. Helsinki. HYTONEN, E. (1967): Measuring of the refraction in the Second Levelling of Finland. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute No. 63. Helsinki. KAARIAINEN, E. (1966): The Second Levelling of Finland. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute No. 61. Helsinki. LEHMUSKOSKI, P., P. ROUHIAINEN, V. SAARANEN, M. TAKALO and H. VIRTANEN (2003): Metsahovin vaaitustestikentan ensimmaiset kaksi vuotta liikkuvatko kalliokiintopisteet? Maanmittaus, Vol.78, N:o 1-2, 2003. Helsinki. MAKINEN, J. and V. SAARANEN (1998): Determination of post-glacialland uplift from the three precise levellings in Finland. Journal of Geodesy, Vol.72, No. 9, September 1998. SUOMINEN V., P. FAGERSTROM and M. TORSSONEN (1997): Rauman kartta-alueen kalliopera. Suomen geologinen kartta 1: 100000, explanation to the maps of Pre-Quaternary rocks, sheet 1132. Geological Survey of Finland. Espoo. TAKALO, M. (1978): Measuring method for the Third Levelling of Finland. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute No. 78:3. Helsinki.

13 T AKALO, M.( 1999): Verification of automated calibration of precise levelling rods in Finland. Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute No. 99:7. Kirkkonummi. T AKALO, M. and P. ROUHIAINEN (2002): On system calibration of digital levels. Proceedings of the 14 rh General Meeting of the Nordic Geodetic Commission, October 1-5, Espoo. TAKALO M., P. ROUHIAINEN, P. LEHMUSKOSKI and V. SAARANEN (2001): On the digital levelling system Zeiss DiNi12. IAG International Symposium on Recent Crusta! Movements (SRCM/01), Helsinki, Finland, August 27-31, Abstracts (Ed. M. Poutanen).

15 Appendix I:l Linjan numero Mittausnumero OLK A 463 03204-03203 B 03.09.2003 07:49-08:50 ASFALTTI 3.5 3.1 6.5 6 8 7 1 1 1 1) Kojeaseman numero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 24.98 25.22 1319.56 1004.36 1004.31 1319.57 +0315.20 +0315.26 2 0-0.2 3.5 02 44.63 44.35 1810.64 2264.85 2264.90 1810.73-0454.21-0454.17 2 0-0.2 3.8 03 34.66 34.59 0337.42 2810.06 2810.05 0337.16-2472.64-2472.89 2 0-0.6 3.5 04 29.87 29.49 1043.84 1661.97 1661.95 1043.75-0618.13-0618.20 2 0-1.0 3.2 05 44.61 44.53 1942.88 0925.88 0925.84 1942.92 +1017.00 +1017.08 2 0 +0.7 2.1 06 44.59 44.55 2302.00 0879.44 0879.43 2302.00 +1422.56 +1422.57 2 0 +0.4 1.9 07 44.49 44.63 2352.67 0976.16 0975.93 2352.49 +1376.51 +1376.56 2 0 +0.2 2.2 08 44.56 44.26 2214.80 0775.34 0775.35 2214.75 +1439.46 +1439.40 2 0 +0.4 1.8 09 44.39 44.44 1776.64 1502.23 1502.39 1776.56 +0274.41 +0274.17 2 0 +0.5 2.1 10 44.53 44.45 1279.99 1865.70 1865.70 1279.91-0585.71-0585.79 2 0 +0.8 1.6 11 44.70 44.78 0794.90 2163.53 2163.43 0794.83-1368.63-1368.60 2 0 +0.4 2.4 12 44.62 44.56 1221.30 1902.31 1902.06 1221.34-0681.01-0680.72 2 0 +0.2 3.1 13 44.77 44.38 1274.38 1523.03 1523.02 1274.33-0248.65-0248.69 2 0 +0.2 3.1 14 44.64 44.46 1610.48 2297.84 2297.72 1610.37-0687.36-0687.35 2 0 +0.2 3.2 15 44.68 44.36 0904.14 1389.87 1389.91 0904.13-0485.73-0485.78 2 0 +0.4 3.2 16 44.65 44.47 1764.78 1740.77 1740.80 17 64. 68 +0024.01 +0023.88 2 0 +0.4 3.2 17 44.72 44.45 1451.05 1231.80 1231.84 1451.05 +0219.25 +0219.21 3 0 +0.4 3.6 18 44.59 44.34 2248.54 1497.87 1497.83 2248.48 +0750.67 +0750.65 3 0 +0.0 4.1 19 44.42 44.44 1043.45 2169.72 2169.78 1043.53-1126.27-1126.25 3 0 +0.5 4.1 20 39.61 39.79 1039.03 2422.29 2422.35 1039.02-1383.26-1383.33 3 0-0.4 5.1 21 40.12 39.74 2032.75 1239.28 1239.32 2032.74 +0793.47 +0793.42 3 0-1.1 6.0 22 09.88 10.06 1850.45 1111.10 1111.09 1850.39 +0739.35 +0739.30 3 0-0.9 6.1 23 09.61 09.61 2138.82 1184.67 1184.68 2138.80 +0954.15 +0954.12 3 0-0.2 6.0 24 05.94 06.31 1621.02 0463.32 0463.31 1621.00 +1157.70 +1157.69 3 0-0.6 6.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 908.25 906.25 +372.14 +371.54 Korkeusero (mm): +371.84 Vaaittu matka (m): 1815 Huomautukset: K-as. 20-24 hiekka

~------------------------------------------------------ -- - 16 Appendix 1:2 Linjan nurnero Mittausnurnero OLK A 4 64 03203-03204 A 03.09.2003 09:01-10:00 Kojeen nurnero ASFALTTI 6.4 7.2 8.6 9 9 9 1 2 2 1) Kojeaseman nurnero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 06.09 05.88 0460.31 1618.00 1618.00 0460.31-1157.69-1157.69 02 09.60 09.64 1168.50 2122.60 2122.59 1168.50-0954.10-0954.09 03 10.11 09.83 1101.89 1840.37 1840.37 1101.85-0738.48-0738.52 04 39.77 40.01 1233.18 2025.27 2025.30 1233.26-0792.09-0792.04 05 39.66 39.66 2378.27 0996.67 0996.65 2378.30 +1381.60 +1381.65 06 44.59 44.22 2160.98 1035.18 1035.29 2161.10 +1125.80 +1125.81 07 44.50 44.45 1506.14 2256.64 2256.69 1506.09-0750.50-0750.60 08 44.66 44.48 1218.87 1438.03 1438.08 1218.87-0219.16-0219.21 09 44.42 44.70 1774.33 1797.63 1797.68 1774.28-0023.30-0023.40 10 44.42 44.54 1439.50 0953.16 0953.14 1439.57 +0486.34 +0486.43 11 44.51 44.62 2289.95 1603.18 1603.16 2290.18 +0686.77 +0687.02 12 44.52 44.75 1538.75 1290.23 1290.23 1538.76 +0248.52 +0248.53 13 44.72 44.51 1893.92 1212.59 1212.58 1893.84 +0681.33 +0681.26 14 44.77 44.67 2167.23 0798.95 0798.98 2167.19 +1368.28 +1368.21 15 44.49 44.58 1876.74 1290.17 1290.17 1876.74 +0586.57 +0586.57 16 44.61 44.22 1526.76 1827.06 1827.08 1526.85-0300.30-0300.23 17 44.20 44.52 0734.45 2147.56 2147.53 0734.47-1413.11-1413.06 18 44.85 44.23 0931.53 2308.27 2308.25 0931.69-1376.74-1376.56 19 44.81 44.38 0877.14 2299.74 2299.73 0877.14-1422.60-1422.59 20 44.69 44.44 0932.41 1949.48 1949.40 0932.36-1017.07-1017.04 21 29.75 29.60 1634.72 1016.27 1016.28 1634.77 +0618.45 +0618.49 22 34.56 34.61 2778.51 0307.40 0307.43 2778.52 +2471.11 +2471.09 23 44.47 44.53 2205.09 1748.24 1748.26 2205.03 +0456.85 +0456.77 24 25.27 24.82 1074.15 1390.45 1390.45 1074.15-0316.30-0316.30 908.04 905.90-369.82-369.50 Korkeusero (mm) : -369. 66 Vaaittu matka (m): 1814 10 11 12 2 0 +0.0 2 0 +0.0 2 0-0.4 2 0 +0.2 2 0 +0.2 2 0 +0.4 2 0 * 2 0 * 2 0-0.9 2 0 +0.7 2 0 +0.4 2 0-0.1 2 0 +0.0 2 0 +0.0 2 0 +0.0 2 0-0.3 2 0-0.7 2 0-0.2 2 0-0.2 2 0-0.3 2 0-0.1 2 0-0.2 2 0-0.1 2 0-0.2 13 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.4 6.7 7.4 * * 7.1 7.3 7.1 7.2 7.5 7.3 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.9 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.2 8.2 8.6 Huomautukset: K-as. 1-5 hiekka

17 Appendix I:3 Linjan numero OLK A Mittausnumero 469 03202-03203 A 04.09.2003 07:46-08:54 ASFALTTI 11.7 12.0 12.5 1 1 0 2 3 4 1) Kojeaseman numero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 31.93 31.73 0699.51 1867.55 1867.58 0699.49-1168.04-1168.09 02 39.03 39.27 1433.40 1936.27 1936.22 1433.38-0502.87-0502.84 03 39.39 39.13 1435.67 1459.23 1459.21 1435.72-0023.56-0023.49 04 39.44 39.51 1388.72 1677.56 1677.58 1388.93-0288.84-0288.65 05 39.68 39.43 1411.42 1743.60 1743.60 1411.36-0332.18-0332.24 06 39.52 39.57 1379.82 2061.15 2061.16 1379.86-0681.33-0681.30 07 39.51 39.24 1484.57 1813.81 1813.80 1484.54-0329.24-0329.26 08 39.49 39.63 1500.86 2109.13 2109.12 1500.87-0608.27-0608.25 09 39.46 39.30 0922.09 1856.37 1856.38 0922.14-0934.28-0934.24 10 39.51 39.54 1661.94 1266.94 1266.96 1661.89 +0395.00 +0394.93 11 39.52 39.34 2120.01 1111.65 1111.66 2119.94 +1008.36 +1008.28 12 39.42 39.40 1938.09 1238.93 1238.92 1938.05 +0699.16 +0699.13 13 39.58 39.57 2086.88 1251.17 1251.18 2086.87 +0835.71 +0835.69 14 39.42 36.74 2269.19 1561.77 1561.78 2269.20 +0707.42 +0707.42 15 39.50 39.57 0457.21 2714.94 2714.95 0457.17-2257.73-2257.78 16 39.60 39.55 1030.55 1759.14 1759.18 1030.47-0728.59-0728.71 17 39.47 39.56 1485.28 2030.38 2030.45 1485.37-0545.10-0545.08 18 39.74 39.43 0648.76 2552.05 2552.09 0648.82-1903.29-1903.27 19 39.50 39.87 1495.01 1301.73 1301.80 1494.81 +0193.28 +0193.01 20 39.61 39.31 2660.80 1990.12 1990.10 2660.90 +0670.68 +0670.80 21 39.38 40.17 0717.96 1802.96 1802.96 0718.11-1085.00-1084.85 22 39.80 40.55 1610.80 0607.50 0607.51 1610.79 +1003.30 +1003.28 23 39.94 39.83 2169.05 2569.33 2569.31 2169.13-0400.28-0400.18 24 34.80 35.09 0747.48 2311.83 2311.84 0747.60-1564.35-1564.24 25 25.47 26.34 1654.47 1071.00 1071.00 1654.58 +0583.47 +0583.58 26 06.00 06.45 1694.76 0494.28 0494.31 1694.76 +1200.48 +1200.45 967.69 967.12-6056.09-6055.90 Korkeusero (mm) : -6055. 99 Vaaittu matka (m): 1935 10 11 12 2 0 +0.0 2 0 +0.2 2 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.4 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.6 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.6 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.4 5 0 * 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.0 5 0-0.2 5 0-0.1 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.0 13 11.7 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.5 11.8 11.6 11.8 12.0 11.9 12.0 12.2 12.0 11.9 12.0 11.8 12.0 * 12.0 12.0 12.2 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.4 12.5 Huomautukset: K-as. 21-26 hiekka

-------------------- - 18 Appendix I:4 Linjan numero Mittausnumero OLK A 470 03203-03202 B 04.09.2003 09:05-10:11 ASFALTTI 12.8 13.0 13.4 0 0 1 3 4 5 1) Kojeaseman numero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 06.39 06.03 0482.04 1682.52 1682.53 0482.05-1200.48-1200.48 02 26.18 25.56 1024.98 1608.55 1608.55 1025.03-0583.57-0583.52 03 35.04 34.80 2312.90 0750.65 0750.64 2312.87 +1562.25 +1562.23 04 39.88 39.90 2558.78 2156.35 2156.37 2558.70 +0402.43 +0402.33 05 40.45 39.85 0626.32 1630.49 1630.47 0626.52-1004.17-1003.95 06 40.21 39.41 1830.82 0744.29 0744.24 1830.81 +1086.53 +1086.57 07 39.30 39.63 2000.82 2672.53 2672.51 2000.64-0671.71-0671.87 08 39.74 39.58 1314.39 1506.16 1506.28 1314.28-0191.77-0192.00 09 39.57 39.58 2608.08 0705.03 0705.00 2608.10 +1903.05 +1903.10 10 39.56 39.48 2026.81 1482.89 1482.88 2026.81 +0543.92 +0543.93 11 39.72 39.50 1744.52 1015.07 1015.14 1744.40 +0729.45 +0729.26 12 39.51 39.58 2694.28 0435.48 0435.47 2694.25 +2258.80 +2258.78 13 37.03 38.90 1627.68 2336.59 2336.66 1627.64-0708.91-0709.02 14 39.77 39.45 1222.43 2057.29 2057.33 1222.34-0834.86-0834.99 15 39.37 39.38 1240.24 1939.91 1939.95 1240.13-0699.67-0699.82 16 39.44 39.33 1115.65 2123.51 2123.46 1115.68-1007.86-1007.78 17 39.69 39.54 1279.38 1676.40 1676.36 1279.27-0397.02-0397.09 18 39.37 39.37 1870.16 0934.95 0934.81 1870.16 +0935.21 +0935.35 19 39.64 39.46 2059.46 1450.13 1450.26 2059.46 +0609.33 +0609.20 20 39.24 39.41 1768.69 1440.77 1440.72 1768.56 +0327.92 +0327.84 21 39.63 39.54 2084.61 1402.57 1402.57 2084.47 +0682.04 +0681.90 22 39.34 39.67 1742.31 1410.18 1410.17 1742.17 +0332.13 +0332.00 23 39.49 39.45 1695.50 1405.35 1405.35 1695.38 +0290.15 +0290.03 24 39.36 39.21 1443.53 1420.55 1420.58 1443.39 +0022.98 +0022.81 25 39.37 38.94 1944.11 1441.39 1441.41 1943.98 +0502.72 +0502.57 26 31.65 31.84 1923.25 0754.60 0754.63 1923.15 +1168.65 +1168.52 967.94 966.38 +6057.54 +6055.90 Korkeusero (mm): +6056. 72 Vaaittu matka (m): 1934 10 11 12 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.0 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.1 5 0 * 5 0 * 5 0-0.2 5 0 * 5 0 * 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.1 5 0-0.1 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.2 5 0 +0.1 5 0 +0.2 13 12.8 12.6 13.1 12.9 13.3 * * 14.4 * * 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.2 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 Huomautukset: K-as. 1-6 hiekka

19 Appendix I:5 Linjan nurnero OLK A Mittausnurnero 471 03202-03212 B 04.09.2003 10:37-11:06 Kojeen nurnero ASFALTTI 14.0 15.6 16.7 3 3 3 5 3 1 1) Kojeaseman nurnero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus eteen (E2), 7) Lattalukema taakse (T2), 8) Tl-E1 (mm), 9) T2-E2 (mm), lo)auringon 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 30.52 29.79 1510.13 1147.31 1147.33 1510.07 +0362.82 +0362.74 4 0-0.2 14.0 02 39.35 39.23 1901. 27 1356.64 1356.64 1901.11 +0544.63 +0544.47 4 0-0.2 14.2 03 39.57 39.40 1795.21 1381.92 1381.90 1795.26 +0413.29 +0413.36 4 0-0.3 15.0 04 39.33 39.38 1777.70 1495.11 1495.13 1777.57 +0282.59 +0282.44 4 0 +0.0 15.3 05 39.73 39.10 1467.84 1892.79 1892.85 1467.96-0424.95-0424.89 4 0-0.4 15.2 06 39.27 39.58 1487.20 1417.50 1417.61 1487.08 +0069.70 +0069.47 4 0-0.4 15.6 07 39.34 39.18 1219.56 1632.51 1632.50 1219.62-0412.95-0412.88 4 0-0.4 15.7 08 31.08 31.19 1574.85 1628.06 1628.16 1574.99-0053.21-0053.17 4 0 * * 09 39.89 39.57 1926.87 1665.48 1665.66 1926.72 +0261. 39 +0261. 06 4 0-0.3 17.5 10 19.94 19.75 1864.95 1550.26 1550.26 1864.83 +0314.69 +0314.57 4 0-0.2 17.2 11 10.87 10.51 1612.19 1466.20 1466.21 1612.17 +0145.99 +0145.96 4 0 +0.5 18.0 12 41.50 42.38 1958.05 0193.31 0193.28 1958.08 +1764.74 +1764.80 4 0 +0.2 16.7 410.37 409.05 +3268.73 +3267.93 Korkeusero (mm): +3268.33 Vaaittu matka (m): 819 Huomautukset: K-as. 8-12 hiekka

...--------------------------------------~--~-- -~- - 20 Appendix I:6 Linjan nurnero Mittausnurnero OLK A 472 03212-03202 A 04.09.2003 11:18-11:47 Kojeen nurnero ASFALTTI 15.6 15.6 15.9 3 2 2 1 2 4 1) Kojeaseman nurnero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 42.45 41.49 0207.37 1972.11 1972.01 0207.15-1764.74-1764.86 4 0-0.5 15.6 02 10.54 10.85 1465.76 1611.84 1611.81 1465.79-0146.08-0146.02 4 0-0.1 14.9 03 20.04 19.67 1565.10 1880.10 1880.03 1564.99-0315.00-0315.04 4 0 +0.2 15.1 04 39.59 39.87 1642.36 1904.53 1904.52 1642.64-0262.17-0261.88 4 0 +0.4 15.0 05 31.01 31.03 1631.40 1578.83 1578.95 1631.34 +0052.57 +0052.39 5 0 +0.4 15.2 ** 39.28 39.40 1662.86 1247.47 1248.04 1662.85 +0415.39 +0414.81 5 0-0.2 15.6 06 39.29 39.45 1662.97 1247.86 1247.89 1662.85 +0415.11 +0414.96 5 0-0.4 15.4 07 39.49 39.37 1401.97 1471.15 1471.26 1402.03-0069.18-0069.23 5 0-0.6 15.6 08 39.21 39.59 1860.68 1435.59 1435.53 1860.72 +0425.09 +0425.19 5 0-0.6 15.5 09 39.49 39.38 1512.94 1796.17 1796.23 1512.98-0283.23-0283.25 5 0-0.6 16.0 10 39.57 39.33 1335.86 1750.92 1750.87 1335.95-0415.06-0414.92 5 0-0.6 16.2 11 39.45 39.27 1299.48 1841.05 1841.13 1299.61-0541.57-0541.52 5 0-0.8 16.1 12 29.81 30.56 1102.87 1466.01 1466.08 1102.91-0363.14-0363.17 5 0-0.6 15.9 409.93 409.85-3267.40-3267.35 Korkeusero (mm): -3267.38 Vaaittu matka (m): 820 Huomautukset: K-as. 1-5 hiekka

21 Appendix I:7 Linjan nurnero Mittausnurnero OLK A 473 03205-03204 B 05.09.2003 07:52-09:07 Kojeen nurnero ASFALTTI 1110.711.7 2 3 2 1 1 1 1) Kojeaseman nurnero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 01 15.45 15.22 1683.96 2051.53 2051.54 1683.95-0367.57-0367.59 3 0 ** 29.60 29.59 0392.92 0302.64 2854.58 2854.53 +0090.28-0000.05 3 0 02 29.72 29.46 0302.63 2854.59 2854.60 0302.63-2551.96-2551.97 3 0 03 19.93 19.54 0445.62 2765.88 2765.83 0445.55-2320.26-2320.28 3 0 04 17.77 17.77 0438.25 2467.54 2467.59 0438.35-2029.29-2029.24 05 24.68 24.72 0467.94 2395.07 2395.11 0467.95-1927.13-1927.16 06 34.51 34.60 0466.56 2291.55 2291.59 0466.65-1824.99-1824.94 07 39.46 39.27 0927.23 2276.77 2276.75 0927.19-1349.54-1349.56 08 34.67 34.49 0165.21 2846.03 2846.10 0165.20-2680.82-2680.90 09 22.76 22.62 0468.67 2692.67 2692.69 0468.58-2224.00-2224.11 10 21.72 21.74 0852.54 2111.78 2111.80 0852.57-1259.24-1259.23 11 39.67 39.57 1293.03 1402.70 1402.70 1293.06-0109.67-0109.64 12 39.71 39.41 1597.43 1979.84 1979.81 1597.35-0382.41-0382.46 13 39.64 39.52 0644.22 2725.52 2725.54 0644.04-2081.30-2081.50 14 39.75 39.31 0995.01 1628.99 1629.02 0995.03-0633.98-0633.99 15 39.70 39.42 1938.74 1186.30 1186.22 1938.70 +0752.44 +0752.48 16 39.75 39.49 1945.67 1712.83 1712.85 1945.73 +0232.84 +0232.88 17 39.50 39.57 1308.54 2079.58 2079.55 1308.44-0771.04-0771.11 18 39.65 39.31 1188.37 1777.40 1777.40 1188.40-0589.03-0589.00 19 39.71 39.33 1481.17 1591.96 1592.01 1481.06-0110.79-0110.95 20 39.68 39.37 1672.21 1463.63 1463.62 1672.07 +0208.58 +0208.45 21 39.57 39.41 1768.16 1197.80 1197.87 1768.11 +0570.36 +0570.24 22 39.61 39.43 1810.60 1444.59 1444.63 1810.51 +0366.01 +0365.88 23 39.68 39.28 1649.21 1517.13 1517.12 1649.12 +0132.08 +0132.00 24 39.63 39.33 1721.17 1347.26 1347.25 1721.12 +0373.91 +0373.87 25 39.54 39.46 1623.78 1595.27 1595.29 1623.76 +0028.51 +0028.47 26 39.71 39.33 1535.86 1609.38 1609.41 1536.01-0073.52-0073.40 27 39.62 39.45 1520.90 1331.52 1331.47 1520.88 +0189.38 +0189.41 28 26.58 26.72 2009.44 0639.54 0639.53 2009.44 +1369.90 +1369.91 29 28.66 28.00 2908.97 0285.89 0285.89 2908.93 +2623.08 +2623.04 30 14.54 15.93 2315.59 0736.72 0736.75 2315.59 +1578.87 +1578.84 1004.56 1000.05-14860.58-14861.56 Korkeusero (mm): -14861.07 Vaaittu matka (m): 2005 * * * * 3 0 +0.6 3 0 +0.9 3 0 +0.8 3 0 +0.4 3 0 +0.2 3 0 +0.4 3 0 +0.4 4 0 +0.4 4 0-0.1 4 0 +0.2 4 0 +0.5 4 0 +0.6 4 0 +0.1 4 0-0.6 4 0-1.0 4 0-1.3 4 0-1.0 4 0-0.6 * * * * 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10.3 10.6 10.1 10.2 11.0 11.0 10.8 10.7 11.2 12.1 12.0 12.2 12.6 12.6 4 0 +0.1 12.5 4 0-0.6 12.9 4 0-0.6 13.3 4 0 +0. 2 11.8 4 0 +0. 0 11.6 4 0 +0.2 11.6 4 0 +0.3 11.6 4 0 +0.2 11.7 4 0 +0.4 11.7

22 Appendix I:8 Linjan numero OLK A Mittausnumero 474 03204-03205 A 05.09.2003 09:22-10:30 ASFALTTI 11.8 14.2 14.1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1) Kojeaseman numero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(m), 3) Tahtaysn pituus 12) n lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 15.44 15.26 0736.67 2315.52 2315.54 0736.74-1578.85-1578.80 02 28.16 28.46 0209.84 2832.95 2832.95 0209.95-2623.11-2623.00 03 26.78 26.52 0606.62 1976.02 1975.90 0606.67-1369.40-1369.23 04 39.58 39.45 1339.59 1529.33 1529.37 1339.64-0189.74-0189.73 05 39.43 39.70 1619.52 1546.12 1546.09 1619.62 +0073.40 +0073.53 06 39.61 39.42 1610.88 1638.32 1638.24 1610.95-0027.44-0027.29 07 39.45 39.51 1358.94 1734.26 1734.32 1358.98-0375.32-0375.34 08 39.46 39.56 1565.31 1697.40 1697.37 1565.45-0132.09-0131.92 09 39.45 39.71 1468.67 1833.94 1833.96 1468.64-0365.27-0365.32 10 39.55 39.29 1207.38 1779.07 1779.35 1207.52-0571.69-0571.83 11 39.57 39.37 1474.56 1681.68 1681.65 1474.43-0207.12-0207.22 12 39.56 39.60 1561.82 1450.78 1450.84 1561.91 +0111.04 +0111.07 13 39.42 39.53 1789.48 1201.17 1201.01 1789.60 +0588.31 +0588.59 14 39.53 39.59 2064.02 1294.39 1294.39 2064.00 +0769.63 +0769.61 15 39.52 39.65 1708.12 1939.08 1939.08 1708.32-0230.96-0230.76 16 39.59 39.50 1189.77 1940.82 1940.81 1189.79-0751.05-0751.02 17 39.44 39.51 1672.36 1039.18 1039.19 1672.32 +0633.18 +0633.13 18 39.61 39.41 2789.68 0709.12 0709.18 2789.77 +2080.56 +2080.59 19 39.48 39.75 1980.55 1597.74 1597.74 1980.59 +0382.81 +0382.85 20 39.70 39.46 1406.23 1296.41 1296.40 1406.39 +0109.82 +0109.99 21 21.80 21.70 2123.41 0864.07 0864.11 2123.39 +1259.34 +1259.28 22 22.68 22.68 2710.71 0486.80 0486.78 2710.72 +2223.91 +2223.94 23 34.62 34.56 2873.67 0191.56 0191.58 2873.75 +2682.11 +2682.17 24 39.34 39.46 2275.91 0926.66 0926.73 2275.87 +1349.25 +1349.14 25 34.64 34.39 2292.78 0468.76 0468.72 2293.02 +1824.02 +1824.30 26 24.71 24.73 2391.67 0463.44 0463.70 2391.71 +1928.23 +1928.01 27 17.73 17.79 2471.39 0442.20 0442.16 2471.38 +2029.19 +2029.22 28 19.68 19.79 2809.06 0488.16 0488.12 2809.09 +2320.90 +2320.97 29 29.50 29.76 2841.02 0290.01 0290.00 2841.14 +2551.01 +2551.14 30 15.14 15.35 1964.35 1596.80 1596.83 1964.35 +0367.55 +0367.52 10 11 12 4 0 +0.3 4 0-0.1 4 0 +0.4 4 0-0.4 4 0-0.7 4 0-0.1 4 0 +0.2 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0 * 4 0-0.8 4 0-0.4 13 11.8 12.9 12.6 12.8 12.8 12.6 12.4 * * 12.8 13.3 12.9 13.7 14.1 14.2 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.2 15.2 15.2 14.9 14.7 14.5 14.8 15.2 15.1 15.2 15.8 14.1 1002.17 1002.44 +14862.22 +14863.59 Korkeusero (mm): +14862. 91 Vaaittu matka (m): 2005

23 Appendix I:9 Linjan numero Mittausnumero Lattarnies 1. Lattarnies 2. Varjornies Mittarnies OLK A 475 03206-03205 B 08.09.2003 11:28-12:30 Etaisyysrnittaus Diff. rnittari Larnpotila Tuuli (m/ s) ASFALTTI 1 1 0 19.4 20.6 21.0 2 2 2 1) Kojeasernan numero, 2) Tahtaysn pituus taakse(rn), 3) Tahtaysn pituus eteen(rn), 4) Lattalukerna taakse (Tl), 5) Lattalukerna eteen (El), 6) Lattalukerna eteen (E2), 7) Lattalukerna taakse (T2), 8) Tl-El (mm), 9) T2-E2 (mm), lo)auringon 12) Diff. rnittarin lukema, 13), ** Hylatty kojeasema, * Ei arvoa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ** 23.06 22.86 01 23.14 22.86 02 39.10 39.48 03 04 05 06 34.84 34.60 34.64 39.77 39.76 07 39.82 08 39.65 09 39.65 10 39.93 11 39.58 12 34.82 34.54 39.49 39.48 39.33 39.67 39.62 39.40 39.53 34.55 13 24.81 24.70 14 16.88 16.71 15 14.86 14.82 16 14.81 14.82 17 12.80 12.87 18 12.87 12.79 19 12.86 12.81 20 14.89 14.73 21 16.85 16.76 22 17.83 17.81 23 27.88 27.65 24 24.84 24.72 25 24.70 24.71 26 27.74 27.77 27 20.61 20.27 28 09.67 09.88 0973.85 1945.56 1945.56 0973.85 1945.50 1945.50 1029.35 2542.34 2542.41 1065.06 2328.78 2328.78 0889.53 2323.88 2323.94 0798.69 2008.98 2009.09 1261.26 1643.45 1643.35 1728.90 1475.68 1475.84 1585.19 1488.52 1488.79 1719.32 1394.91 1394.97 1416.55 2005.09 2005.20 1361.07 1706.57 1706.45 1718.62 1233.83 1233.99 2017.38 1021.65 1021.66 2180.24 0766.74 0766.71 2523.75 0609.62 0609.58 2636.67 0496.99 0496.98 2657.85 0528.37 0528.36 2508.74 0700.59 0700.60 2453.08 0783.79 0783.81 2486.32 0794.57 0794.58 2473.21 0799.74 0799.76 2298.56 0879.98 0880.00 2335.18 0906.56 0906.55 2294.79 0983.38 0983.38 2243.66 0892.82 0892.77 2234.24 1316.65 1316.65 1573.14 1841.18 1841.20 1505.94 2041.77 2041.78 0973.26-0971.71-0972.30 0973.87-0971.65-0971.63 1029.09-1512.99-1513.32 1065.10-1263.72-1263.68 0889.64-1434.35-1434.30 0798.53-1210.29-1210.56 1261.23-0382.19-0382.12 1729.13 +0253.22 +0253.29 1585.08 +0096.67 +0096.29 1719.65 +0324.41 +0324.68 1416.72-0588.54-0588.48 1361.03-0345.50-0345.42 1718.49 +0484.79 +0484.50 2017.32 +0995.73 +0995.66 2180.25 +1413.50 +1413.54 2523.73 +1914.13 +1914.15 2636.66 +2139.68 +2139.68 2657.86 +2129.48 +2129.50 2508.72 +1808.15 +1808.12 2453.08 +1669.29 +1669.27 2486.26 +1691.75 +1691.68 2473.24 +1673.47 +1673.48 2298.54 +1418.58 +1418.54 2335.10 +1428.62 +1428.55 2294.75 +1311.41 +1311.37 2243.65 +1350.84 +1350.88 2234.16 +0917.59 +0917.51 1573.13-0268.04-0268.07 1505.91-0535.83-0535.87 * * -0.6 5 0-0.9 5 0-1.3 5 0-0.6 5 0-0.4 5 0-0.4 5 0-0.3 5 0-0.1 5 0-0.8 5 0-0.5 5 0-0.6 5 0-0.4 5 0-1.0 5 0-0.1 5 0 +0.5 5 0 +0.6 5 0 +0.4 5 0 +0.3 5 0 +0.0 50-0.7 4 0 +0.1 4 0 +0.3 4 0 +0.2 4 0 +0.3 4 0-0.1 4 0 +0.2 4 0-0.8 4 0 * 4 0 * 19.4 20.2 20.5 20.1 20.3 20.8 21.0 20.0 20.7 20.9 20.4 20.4 20.8 20.6 21.0 20.5 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.9 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.5 20.4 21.0 * * 739.59 736.38 +14508.21 +14507.24 Korkeusero (mm): +14507.72 Vaaittu matka (m): 1476