Good Tidings to Zion Volume 7 Issue 4 Advent IN THIS ISSUE varainkeräyskomitea tiedottaa..7 Finance Committee Report 8

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1 Watch Wait Prepare Good Tidings to Zion Volume 7 Issue 4 Advent 2012 Katsele Odota Valmistele Kristus on Tulossa! 1 How to reach us.. page 2 Pastor, Toimisto, Puhelin Editor s Notes... 2 Pastorin Tervehdys..3 Pastor s Message.. 4 Events at Zion.. 5 Bake Sale Dedication and Opening of Hall Lunches Farewell The Dream Team Reports 6 IN THIS ISSUE varainkeräyskomitea tiedottaa..7 Finance Committee Report 8 raportti talouskomitealta..9 FOR BULLETIN BOARD 10, 11 *Calendars of Events *Worship for the Season *Decorating the sanctuary *December Dinners V P tule mukaan auttamaan *Ways to Service *Christmas Carol Sing Kauneimmat joululaulut *Ministry of Music Change Reflections Upon Retirement..12, 13 An Introduction.14 Church Council Notes.15 Sunday School in December Bouquets of Thanks 16, 17 Wild Women and Goats..17 LCW Reports...18 Steward of Creation 19 Inspiration for Advent.19 1

2 2 ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 189 Upton Road, SAULT STE. MARIE, ON P6A 3W PASTOR JOUKO JYRKAMA In office Wednesday and Thursday Morning 9 a.m p.m. Thursday Afternoon 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Reach Pastor other times by calling Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Helma Fleming, Office Manager To include your event or meeting in SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS, please submit to Helma by Tuesday afternoon by , or call. ZION S WEBSITE Find all the latest information. - Pastor s Greeting and Sermon - Upcoming Events and Newsletters - Schedules of Serving - Information on PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) - Lutheran Weddings and Funerals at Zion Editor s Notes There is an abundance of good reading in this edition of Good Tidings to Zion. The centre page is one that you may remove for your bulletin board. It will remind you of all events and their details that are coming up. Pages 6 and 8 are reports that may be more easily understood at your leisure in this format. I was disappointed not to receive any original stories or poems for the season, but I too hit a creative wall. I have exhausted all my inspirational memories from my Christmas journal. I have found a special seasonal journal is a wonderful gift to have. I find it a treat to read memories of Christmases past. Why not give it a try? Maybe I could anticipate more of your inspirational submissions in 2013? NEXT DEADLINE SUBMISSION DATE Monday, February 25, 2013

3 3 Me olemme Jumalan työtovereita...te olette Jumalan rakennus (1 Kor 3:9) Rakkaat Ystävät On ollut mielenkiintoista seurata viime aikoina, kuinka uuden seurakuntasalin rakentaminen on edistynyt. Sähkömiehet, putkimiehet, muurarit ja maalarit ovat kukin vuorollaan tehneet oman osuutensa ja rakentaminen on edennyt vaihe vaiheelta. Kun yhden ryhmän työvaihe on saatu valmiiksi, tekijät ovat siirtyneet toisaalle ja seuraavan vaiheen tekijät ovat tulleet tilalle. Paavali puhuu 1 Korinttilaiskirjeessä seurakunnasta rakennustyömaana, jossa myös on erilaisia työntekijöitä työssä. Olen erittäin kiitollinen siitä, että minulla, yhtenä lenkkinä pastorien pitkässä ketjussa, on ollut tilaisuus palvella aluksi sekä Zionin että Marian seurakuntia, ja nyt seurakuntaliitoksen jälkeen yhdistynyttä seurakuntaa. Meidän kaikkien pastoreiden yhteisenä tehtävänä on ollut pyrkiä rakentamaan Jumalan seurakuntaa, että se jaksaisi kilvoitella ja tehdä sitä työtä, minkä seurakunnan Herra on sille antanut, eli julistaa sanoin ja teoin ilosanomaa kaikille luoduille. Kun yhden työvaihe on päättynyt uusi työntekijä on aina astunut tilalle jatkamaan työtä. Saavuttaessani eläkeiän tammikuussa, minun vuoroni on nyt tullut siirtyä syrjään. Tiedän, että sen myötä Zionin suomalaistyö on uuden vaiheen edessä. On mietittävä, miten työ tulee jatkumaan uudessa tilanteessa. Zionin kirkkoneuvostossa asia on ollut jo esillä ja he ovat ilmaisseet lämpimän tukensa seurakunnan suomalaistyölle ja suomalaistyön toimikunnalle, jonka tehtävänä on koordinoida ja kehittää työtä. Pastori Paul Raappana, jonka monet tuntevat entuudestaan ja joka on suomalaista sukujuurta tulee toimimaan seurakunnan väliaikaisena pastorina, kunnes uusi vakinainen pastori valitaan. Pastorin kutsukomitea, jossa on myös suomalaisedustus on jo nimetty ja aloittamassa työtään. Suomi-Konferenssi on myös luvannut olla tukemassa ja avustamassa, kun etsitään ratkaisuja suomalaisten jumalanpalvelusten toimittamiseen Zionissa. Vaikka emme vielä tiedäkään miten asiat tulevat järjestymään tulevaisuudessa, useita mahdollisuuksia on kuitenkin olemassa. Toivoni ja rukoukseni on, että suomalaistyö saisi edelleen jatkua niin kauan kuin sitä seurakunnassa tarvitaan. Onneksi asia ei ole vain meidän ihmisten varassa, vaikka jokaisen aktiivista panosta tarvitaan, vaan ennen kaikkea Hänen, seurakunnan Herran, Vapahtajan Kristuksen, joka on luvannut olla kanssamme loppuun asti. Kuluneista hyvistä ja siunausrikkaista yhteisistä vuosista lämpimästi kiittäen ja Vapahtajan runsasta siunausta teille kaikille ja koko Zionin seurakunnalle rukoillen ja toivottaen, Jouko- pastori PS. Tahdomme Mariannan kanssa toivottaa teille kaikille myös siunausrikasta adventin ja joulun aikaa. Tervetuloa joulukirkkoon ja muihin joulunajan tilaisuuksiin ja erityisesti uuden salin käyttöönottojuhlaan, joka on Adventtina laulamme kaksikielisessä jumalanpalveluksessa Hoosiannan ja sunnuntaina kllo 18 lauletaan Kauneimpia joululauluja jälleen kolmella kielellä. Tilaisuuden jälkeen on Ompeluseuran järjestämä puuro- ja kahvitarjoilu. 3

4 4 We are God s servants, working together; you are God s building. 1 Cor. 3:9 Dear friends, It has been interesting to watch the developments at our new hall s building site. Phase by phase things have been moving forward as different workers, plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, painters, etc. have done their part of the construction. After one group of workers completes their job, they move to another building site and others take their place. In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul compares the church to a building site, where different workers work together. This applies well to our congregation, too. I remember vividly one of the first days when I began my term as your pastor at Zion over six years ago. One day as I was walking around in the sanctuary trying to get more acquainted, one particular thing caught my eye. The floor of the pulpit looked quite worn. It touched my heart as I realized that many pastors had been standing there before me proclaiming the good news. Now it was my turn to step there and continue the work they had done, to continue to build up the congregation. As I thought about it, I realized that I actually knew many of the previous pastors that had served at Zion: Ab Lorch, David Hardy, James Garey, Krister Ulmanis and Pastor Paul Raappana who served as the interim pastor before I came. We all are different and also equipped with different gifts and talents for our job, but our common task has been to work together to build up the congregation. As it is now my time to leave the building site at the end of January and for a new pastor to step in to continue the work, I would like to express my gratitude for these almost six and a half years that I have had the privilege of serving you as your pastor. These have been very good years both for me and Marianna. We have got to know many wonderful people and also that Zion has a lot of potential in its membership. And now as St Mary s has merged with Zion the church has even more resources to continue its important mission. I m sure that the new hall will also open up many possibilities to communicate the good news to the world around us. As our common journey is now getting closer to its end, Marianna and I would like to extend a special thank you to all of you with whom we have had the chance to work and worship together. We pray that God will continue to richly bless Zion and also guide the call process, so that before too long you will have a new pastor to continue the work. We would like to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and we hope that we will still see many of you at our Advent and Christmas services and especially at the festive dedication of the new hall on January 20 th, God bless, Pastor Jouko & Marianna 4

5 December 1 & 2 Saturday - the 1st Sunday - the 2nd 10:00 a.m. To 1:00 p.m. After 10 a.m. Service Variety of Baking Assorted Baking And and Finnish Coffee Bread Pulla FOR SALE FOR SALE Contributions of baking, packed and priced, will be most appreciated before 10 a.m. Saturday. Contact Susanne Walls if you need baking picked up. All proceeds to go to the Building Fund. January 20 th Potluck Luncheon January 27 5 Following 10 a.m. Worship Bilingual Dedication Service For New Hall With Bishop Michael Pryce Jouko-pastorin ja Mariannan lähtöjuhla Soup, Sandwich, & Dessert Luncheon A time of fellowship in our new hall And A time to wish Pastor Jouko and Marianna God s speed as this will be their last Sunday with us before departing for Finland, and retirement. Contributions of food and some assistance with organizing the 2 events above will be needed. Contact Ken Frier of the Fund Raising Committee if you are able to help with coordinating. People Providing food may consider this their donation to the luncheons. There will be a basket provided, however, for cash donations if not bringing food, or if you wish to make a thanksgiving offering at these special first events in our new hall. All proceeds will go to the building fund. 5

6 6 Our new hall continues to delight us! The bricking will soon be completed and interior work continues to progress. Appliances and cupboards are on ordered for the kitchen; colour schemes are being considered for the whole structure. On the financial end, our contributions are approaching $60,000. Well done to all who have contributed. Also a big thank you to all who have been assisting with the actual construction. Despite our best efforts, however, we are going to have to assume a sizeable mortgage, so continue to contribute what you can on a regular basis and support fund raising events. Fund raising and fellowship events many of which, if plans stay on target, will be in a bright new accessible facility beginning in late January. Dates are noted in centrefold calendar for your bulletin board and details follow below and on the previous page. One area of support to consider is through what is called Planned Giving. Remembering your church through a bequest gift is a significant way to leave a legacy of support. To make a bequest please indicate in your will your wishes for to have your specific bequest support go to Zion Evangelical Church Lutheran Building Fund. Please to continue to make regular donations to the building fund as you are able and the dream team is looking forward to seeing you and friends at our fundraising events. Ken Frier, Chairperson, Fundraising Committee EVERYONE ENJOYS DINNER OUT WITH FRIENDS Starting in January, plans are in the works to have one meal a month, - it could be a soup and sandwich or salad or a potluck. Watch for more details in Sunday announcements. Free will offering at these meals will go toward the building fund. 6

7 Varainkeräyskomitea tiedottaa 7 Uudesta salistamme on tulossa todella hieno! Muuraustyöt ovat juuri valmistumassa ja sisätyöt jatkuvat vielä jonkin aikaa. Keittiön kalusteet ja koneet on tilattu ja värisuunnitelmat sisätilojen osalta ovat myös valmiina. Varainkeräyksen osalta olemme juuri saavuttamassa $ dollarin rajan. Haluamme kiittää kaikkia jotka ovat tehneet lahjoituksia rakennusrahastoon sekä myös heitä, jotka ovat olleet mukana itse rakennustyössä talkoolaisina. Huolimatta kerätystä summasta, seurakunta joutuu ottamaan melko suuren lainan kattamaan loppuosan rakennuskustannuksista. Toivottavasti voimme edelleen olla jokainen mahdollisuuksiemme mukaan tukemassa hanketta varoillamme sekä osallistumalla erilaisiin varainkeräystilaisuuksiin, kuten päivällisiin jne. Nämä tilaisuudet pyritään saamaan käyntiin heti uuden rakennusosan valmistuttua. Eräs merkittävä tapa olla tukemassa seurakuntamme varainhankintaa on sisällyttää seurakunta lahjan saajana mukaan omaan testamenttiimme. Olemme juuri äskettäin saaneet kaksi testamenttilahjoitusta, joilla on ollut tärkeä merkitys ja siunaus toiminnallemme. Kaikkien lahjoitusten ohjaamiseksi oikeaan osoitteseen, tulee mukaan merkitä sanat Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Building Fund. Otamme jatkuvasti kiitollisuudella vastaan lahjoituksia hankkeen hyväksi ja varainkeräyskomitea toivoo näkevänsä mahdollisimman monia seurakuntalaisia sen järjestämissä tilaisuuksissa. Vrainkeräsyskomitean puolesta, Ken Frier, puheenjohtaja 7

8 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT It was on February 12th of this year, that the congregants in attendance voted 80% in favour of proceeding with the new expansion. This is an important and exciting time in the history of our church and we all need to be a part of it! The Finance Committee has approached the Northern Credit Union to seek financing in the amount of $300,000. We have requested an interest only loan of $135,000 for up to one year, until the St. Mary's property sells. We have also requested another loan for $165,000 over 20 years with a 20% annual prepayment option. We should know of their decision in the next few days. We have estimated, to the best of our ability, our revenue and expenses for next year given many variables. There is a shortfall of approximately $17,000 which is 10% of our offerings received for We are asking everyone to consider if they can increase their givings by 10% to cover this shortfall. While this may not be possible for everyone, we are asking everyone to do what they can. We have a few other suggestions for us to consider when thinking of ways to make up this $17,000 shortfall as well as other financing options and increasing our revenue for the future. 1.) Ongoing fundraising. 2.) Increasing our revenues with rental of our new addition. We hope that we can share this beautiful facility for many different events both within our congregation and within the community. Please share the good news! 3.) It has also been suggested that we let the congregation know that if there are members who are able to lend the church money, if necessary, we would like to consider that. 4.) Bring a friend to church. Do you know someone who would like to attend services with you and become a part of our congregation? Please give this some thought. Keeping our church strong through numbers will help support our mission. Thank you for your time and ongoing commitment to Zion. Mimi Silk, Finance Committee 8 8

9 Raportti Talouskomitealta 9 Kuten muistamme, seurakuntalaiset äänestivät 80% enemmistöllä uuden seurakuntasalin rakentamisen puolesta. Meidät kaikki on kutsuttu mukaan tähän tärkeään hankkeeseen! Hankkeen loppurahoitusta varten Talouskomitea on joutunut anomaan Northern Credit Unionista $ dollarin lainaa, josta $ on vuoden mittainen laina, josta olisi maksettava vain korko. Laina maksetaan takaisin välittömästi kun Marian kirkko on saatu myytyä. Toinen lainaosa $ on tarkoitus ottaa 20 vuodeksi siten että sitä voidaan halutessa lyhentää vuosittain 20% saakka. Pankin päätös lainoista saatanee lähipäivinä. Komitea on valmistanut talousarvioehdotuksen, joka osoittaa noin $ dollarin alijäämää ensi vuodelle. Summa on n 10% vuonna 2011 saaduista kolehtituotoista. Alijäämän kattamiseksi komitea pyytää nyt kaikkia seurakuntalaisia miettimään mahdollisuutta lisätä vuoden 2013 kolehtikannatustaan 10% verran, joka peittäisi alijäämän. Kaikkien kohdalla tämä ei ehkä ole mahdollista, mutta kaikkia pyydetään kuitenkin miettimään, kuinka paljon he voivat lisätä kannatustaan. Komitealla on muitakin ehdotuksia $ alijäämän kattamiseen sekä muutenkin seurakunnan tulojen lisäämiseen tulevaisuudessa. Ne ovat: 1) että varainkeräystä jatketaan edelleen, 2) että uutta salia tullaan aktiivisesti vuokraamaan erilaisiin sopiviin tarkoituksiin niin seurakuntalaisille kuin ei seurakunnan jäsenille. Kertokaa asiasta tutuillenne! 3) että seurakuntalaisilta tiedustellaan mahdollisuutta antaa lyhyempi- tai pitempiaikaista lainaa seurakunnalle. Toivmme, että voisitte harkita myös tätä mahdollisuutta, 4) että koetamme hankkia lisää jäseniä seurakuntaamme. Kutsukaa ystäviänne ja tuttujanne jumalanpalveluksiin ja muihin seurakunnan tilaisuuksiin! Jäsenistön vahvistaminen vahvistaa meitä myös seurakunnan varsinaisessa tehtävässä! Talouskomitean puolesta, Mimi Silk, puheenjohtaja 9

10 REGULAR SUNDAY WORSHIP English Language Every Sunday - 10:00 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sunday - 8:30 a.m. Finnish Language + Jumalanpalvelus 1st and 3rd Sunday - 1:00 p.m. When no one is in the office, an answering machine takes messages and provides times and up-to-dated details on worship opportunities, changes, and special services. December Pauline s Place Manna Basket Sunday Worship 2 nd - Bilingual Worship - 10:00 a.m. With Holy Communion, HOOSIANA 8 th 2 p.m. 10 Decorating And Tree Trimming Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. December 8 Come out as a family. Small and tall are needed to place all the stars from the bottom to the top. Garland, lights, and angels are going up. Snacks to share are welcome. Vincent Place Dinners Dec. 12 th - Zion has its regular turn preparing and serving a hot meal. More men volunteers in particular are needed between 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 19 th Christmas Party Desserts from Zion have always been a very appreciated addition to the festive meal. Please consider what you may contribute. Melanie Wheelan has details at Joulukirkko, Kaleva-kuoro, kirkkokahvit 10

11 January Pauline s Place Manna Basket SUNDAY WORSHIP 6 th - Epiphany Sunday - Ministry of Music Recognition on this Retirement Day. 12 th - Boyz of Zion -9:00 a.m. Breakfast (potluck)resume Please turn in reports in for Congregational Meeting as soon as possible. 20 th -Bilingual Dedication Service - 10:00 a.m. Bishop Michael Pryce in Attendance 27 th - Bilingual Service at 10:00 a.m. Pastor Jouko s Retirement Sunday Soup, Salad, and Dessert Luncheon to follow February Pauline s Place Manna Basket Treats Dates for Annual Meeting, Mission Sunday, and pancakes to be announced, and also posted on Zion s website. 13th - ASH WEDNESDAY + 11 Opportunities for Service 1. Volunteers are needed to work at our Christmas Cheer distribution Depot December Sign-up to assist, read, or usher at any of the Christmas services. 11 Dec. 9 at 6:00 p.m. Tri-lingual Christmas Carol sing along, followed by coffee and rice pudding by the Finnish Ladies. F W B F klo 18 Kauneimmat joululaulut kolmella kielellä, kahvi- ja puurotarjoilu, järj. Ompeluseura. MUSIC MINISTRY CHANGE I know that I am not the only one at Zion that truly loves to worship in song. Where would we be as a singing congregation without the leadership of the gifted person at the piano or organ? On January 6, Nancy Huizing retires from this devoted leadership and on January 13, Tasha Filice begins as our new pianist/organist. Nancy graciously said yes when asked to write about her history at Zion, and Tasha answered the call to provide facts to (re)introduce herself. See following pages. Thank you ladies. Elaine Brown, Editor

12 November 28, Dear people of Zion: After much discussion, prayer and thought it is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement from the position of pianist/organist at Zion Lutheran Church effective December 30, I have been playing worship services for twenty-nine years here at Zion and for approximately five years prior to that at St. Mary s Lutheran Church. The decision was not an easy one to make especially since I am a member of the congregation and sharing my music has been such an enjoyable and fulfilling part of my life. My involvement in church music started in the early 1970 s as a teenager playing the piano for the folk services that Pastor Ab Lorch held once a month on Sunday evenings. I give credit to him as the one who encouraged me to get involved in church music. My position as organist/pianist/choir director (junior and senior choirs) at Zion began in January of I worked closely with Pastor David Hardy, Pastor Jim Garey, Pastor Krister Ulmanis and Pastor Jouko Jyrkama as well as all of our interns, planning and leading worship with them. I also worked with Pastor Paul Raapana during the time of our last vacancy and call process. I am thankful for the opportunity to have learned so much from all of them. As well as the regular worship services of the church I have provided music for so many weddings and funerals throughout the years. It was always a pleasure to do so! I started off playing liturgies and hymns on the organ from the Lutheran Book of Worship which had been introduced shortly before I became organist at Zion. Since that time we have seen many changes and new additions to our hymns, liturgies, instruments and worship opportunities. During Pastor Jim s time we introduced the 8:30 a.m. service and I started the Praise Group which has continued to provide contemporary hymns and liturgies as a change from our regular worship styles. 12

13 The Praise Chorus introduced Global Music, music of the African and Hispanic traditions along with the rhythm instruments to enhance these styles. During my time of service we were also blessed with the addition of a baby grand piano. The introduction of Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) brought with it even more opportunities to add variety to our worship experience. One of my favourite liturgies to lead has been Holden Evening Prayer by Marty Haugen. 13 My heart is with the people of Zion but there comes a time when we all must take stock and realize we cannot continue doing everything we have been doing forever. Nick and I own a little piece of heaven on earth, our cottage on beautiful Lake Superior and we both look forward to enjoying more weekends together unwinding from life s hectic pace and hopefully soon making the move to live out there. I want to especially thank Karen Kettles our choir director with whom I have enjoyed a very rewarding musical partnership with for several years. The choir and Praise Group have brought much joy to my life and I thank you all for your dedication to the music making at Zion! I am also so thankful for the young people of our congregation who over the years have been inspired to share their music with us here by providing solos, singing in the choirs and also taking on leadership roles when asked. It warms my heart knowing that they are carrying on the mission of the church by getting involved. I also want to wish my successor Tasha Filice all the best as she returns to her home church to be my successor! When you need someone to fill in Tasha, know that I am available! I want to recognize how I have been blessed in my career in church music, with its unique schedule, by the understanding and love of my family to whom I give much thanks. I wish also to thank you, the people of Zion, for your wonderful support and kind, generous words over the years! It has been a pleasure and a blessing to serve God and to serve my church. Nancy 13

14 14 TASHA FILICE RETURNS TO ZION NOW AS ORGANIST\PIANIST Zion has been fortunate to secure a talented and experienced musician and Lutheran to take on the duties of organist and pianist. Tasha (Ader) Filice was baptized, confirmed, and married at Zion. She began her career as Music Director and Parish Musician at St. Matthew s Anglican Church fourteen years ago. Throughout her career, she has also been blessed to have had the special opportunity to work under the guidance of the late Arno Ambel as the organist of St. Mary s Estonian Church. Now she says that she is fulfilling a childhood dream becoming the organist/pianist at Zion. Tasha has not only brought talent and passion to her duties at St. Matthews, but has been an active member of the congregation and shown leadership sharing the love of Christ through the wider community. She has participated in a variety of Christian Educational studies, workshops, and ministries such as weekly Bible studies, Hymnfests, Alpha Course, and Post Alpha. Tasha has a thirst for further developing her theological studies. Support and enthusiasm for events and fellowship with her church family is also a priority. Tasha worked for the Federal Government for nine years before changing careers to obtain full-time employment as a French Immersion Teacher with the Algoma District School Board. She is currently working towards her Masters of Education: Policy Leadership with Western University. Tasha and her husband, Deni are proud parents of Maximus Valente Filice who was born in July of this year. Tasha describes her son as our sweet little guy, a fact that anyone meeting him would endorse. Tasha reports Maximus will surely practice his vocals sometimes during the services, (to which she apologizes ahead of time!). She is looking forward to seeing Maximus grow and build his faith in the Lutheran Community! Welcome Tasha to the Worship and Music Team at Zion! 14

15 CHURCH COUNCIL NOTES Council has been working very diligently the last two months. Providing leadership for a Covenant People in mission for others, planning activities for Advent and Christmas, exploring missionary support, facilitating pastoral and music ministry changes, keeping a conscious eye to the Stewardship of Creation. These responsibilities, along with regular decision making on building, construction and financial management, has Council working through long agendas and extra meetings. At the November meeting, Council elected a Call Committee from the names put forward. The committee is to be made up of Mary Ann Markkula, John Gabriel, Bob Schroeder, Elaine Brown, Eileen Sharp, Mimi Silk, andlinda Marasco, with Jim Best as an alternate. The work of the committee has begun now that Riitta Hepomaki, Assistant to Bishop Pryce met with the group to set forth duties and procedures. In the One Room School Sunday School children, ages 4 and up will have some special activities in December downstairs. 2 nd and 9 th - Advent Lessons 16 th - Craft Sunday 23 rd - A Birthday Party There will be games, music, the Christmas story, and, of course, - cake! NO CLASSES DEC. 30 AND JAN Give a Penny Yes Jack even though the last meeting lasted an eternity, we ll continue to call this report the minutes. 15 Save a life. Bring your pennies to the Sunday School in support of the CLWR project to buy Mosquito nets for families as a safe effective way to prevent malaria.

16 Bouquets of Thanks 16 kiitos Thank you to everyone that contributes reports, news, and thank you's to the newsletter. At times a simple bunch of computer generated flowers seems hardly adequate for the recipients of thanks. To the crew of workers in mission in the community that prepare and serve hot meals at Vincent Place. To Nancy Huizing for introducing us to so many melodies and rhythms with which to sing praises to our Lord, and all the numerous ways her ministry of music enriched our worship. To the people who decorate our sanctuary so beautifully for Jesus birthday celebrations, and those that will be part of the group that takes down and puts away. To knitters for the Christmas Cheer Mittens. To the those that fill the manna basket for Pauline s Place monthly, and find something special for the December basket to give the youth in the shelter a Christmas of good memories. To Pastor Jouko for being our shepherd for six years, - caring for us in prayer, in word, and giving support and comfort in times of illness, trouble, and loss with the message of our God and Saviour s Grace and Love. Kiitos Mariannalle kaikesta taustalla tehdystä työstä jumalanpalvelusten valmistelussa ja tuesta pastorin työparina. 16

17 Bouquets To everyone that has been involved in all the many aspects of the building project - carpenters, volunteer coordinators, fund raisers, movers, bakers for the crew, site cleaners, and interior design consultants. Al Riutta, Steve Cochrane, deserve special mention, and Lenni Luoma of the Building Committee who is on site perhaps every day, THANK YOU! A great big thank you to all shepherds over the last 10 years. Even though the program has come to a close, we hope the entire congregation carries on the spirit of caring, sharing and outreach to those in their own circle of influence. Linda Marasco Coordinator. Women on The Wild Side The women that went to Kenya in February meet to talk of their adventures, share memories, and hear reports on the work they did there. You may remember how they took goats to a remote village. The goats were given very significant names. The travellers recently received news of their namesakes. Lois gave birth to a male kid one month ago, congratulations are in order! Marilyn Christenson, Maxine, and Mary are pregnant awaiting to deliver bouncing kids by the end of the year or early next year. Cris (the Billy goat) has continued to do his job faithfully. Please keep praying for the expectant goats and those yet to conceive and of course for Cris as he undertakes his noble task! 17 Very few people realize this, but the cornerstone of this hall actually is a fruitcake given to me by Ethel White back the Christmas of And in Sault Ste. Marie, another Maxine extends a thank you to all that are contributing to her ongoing clean water project. The donation box is on the bulletin board in the narthex. She will be raising more funds with friends for this purpose at the Moose Lodge from 2-4 p.m. on December 2. She will be selling her stained glass art work. 17

18 LCW -Successful and Interesting Meetings - LCW 18 Twenty women attended our October 22 meeting. Melanie Wheelan spoke to us about a Christian Retreat in Battle Creek, Michigan that she and her husband, Bob attended. The Michigan Youth Challenge Academy for at-risk youth is operated there by the Michigan National Guard. It is a boot camp where youth learn respect and discipline while continuing school. The youth shared their stories at the retreat and developed new friendships with those attending. On November 19, Irene Frier led us in the Ingathering Service for the Fellowship of the Least Coin. This is the worldwide prayer movement using the least coin of the countries around the world to aid programs to help all nations. We welcome all women to join us for our monthly meetings the third Monday of each month. Come out, learn new things, and spent time with friends. Please note that our December meeting will be a Christmas Fellowship and be held at a restaurant. Sign-up sheet is in the cloakroom. Contact Karin Seidemann for details or with questions. Sunday, Dec 2 is the final day for reservations. Gloria Lang, Secretary A lady lost her purse in the bustle of Christmas shopping. It was found by an honest little boy who returned it to her. Feeling the bag s weight, the lady looked inside and said, " That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are 10 toonies weighing me down! The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. The last time I found a lady's purse, she didn't have any change for a reward. It s a perfect Christmas gift - Hope on a rope. 18

19 Stewards of Creation Do Make a Difference! Were you aware that a large conglomerate out of Boston, within recent years, bought up 2,316 acres of potato producing farm land in the Orangeville area? This Highland Companies then applied for a licence to mine the acreage for limestone deep below the rich soil. The operation would create a pit 930 hectares wide nearly 20 storeys deep, 60 metres below the water table. The daily explosions were to be phenomenal. The loss of the potato crop would greatly impact a major food source in Ontario. Concerned citizens gathered in their church basements; community groups were formed. Petitions and complaints were filed with the Ontario government. On November 21, 2012, Highland Companies announced it has withdrawn it mining application! This is good tidings indeed for Stewards of Creation. toivo, rauha, ilo, ja rakkaus VIRUS WARNING Be on the alert for symptoms of inner Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to this virus and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world. Watch for infectious signs and symptoms. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. A loss of interest in judging other people. A loss of interest in conflict. A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom.) Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature. Frequent attacks of smiling. 19 An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen. An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it. Please share this warning with family and and all you meet. Anonymous via 19

20 20 20

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ESITTELY. Valitse oppilas jonka haluaisit esitellä luokallesi ja täytä alla oleva kysely. Age. Lives in. Family. Pets. Hobbies.

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Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)

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