FAKTA 2015-2016. äsikirja AMK-

Samankaltaiset tiedostot
Uusi Ajatus Löytyy Luonnosta 4 (käsikirja) (Finnish Edition)

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)


Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students.

The role of 3dr sector in rural -community based- tourism - potentials, challenges

1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

Uusi Ajatus Löytyy Luonnosta 3 (Finnish Edition)

Information on preparing Presentation

Miksi Suomi on Suomi (Finnish Edition)

Oma sininen meresi (Finnish Edition)

Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland

Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies

1. Liikkuvat määreet

General studies: Art and theory studies and language studies

ECVETin soveltuvuus suomalaisiin tutkinnon perusteisiin. Case:Yrittäjyyskurssi matkailualan opiskelijoille englantilaisen opettajan toteuttamana

Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies

Welcome to. Finland Lahti Wellamo Community College. 11 December 2007

Nuku hyvin, pieni susi -????????????,?????????????????. Kaksikielinen satukirja (suomi - venäjä) ( (Finnish Edition)

Guidebook for Multicultural TUT Users

Capacity Utilization


Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course.

Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2017 Jenni Laine

Teacher's Professional Role in the Finnish Education System Katriina Maaranen Ph.D. Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Skene. Games Refueled. Muokkaa perustyyl. for Health, Kuopio

Pojan Sydan: Loytoretki Isan Rakkauteen (Finnish Edition)

anna minun kertoa let me tell you

KUOPION KANSALAISOPISTO Kuopio Community College Welcome - Tervetuloa!


Choose Finland-Helsinki Valitse Finland-Helsinki

OP1. PreDP StudyPlan

Windows Phone. Module Descriptions. Opiframe Oy puh Espoo


ESITTELY. Valitse oppilas jonka haluaisit esitellä luokallesi ja täytä alla oleva kysely. Age Grade Getting to school. School day.

Efficiency change over time



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ProAgria. Opportunities For Success

kieltenoppimiskertomukseni My Language Biography

SELL Student Games kansainvälinen opiskelijaurheilutapahtuma

Opiskelijoiden ajatuksia koulun alkuun liittyen / students thoughts about the beginning of their studies at KSYK

Sisällysluettelo Table of contents

Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)

Siirtymä maisteriohjelmiin tekniikan korkeakoulujen välillä Transfer to MSc programmes between engineering schools

Maahanmuutto Opiskelu

Hankkeiden vaikuttavuus: Työkaluja hankesuunnittelun tueksi

Innovative and responsible public procurement Urban Agenda kumppanuusryhmä. public-procurement

Hotel Sapiens (Finnish Edition)

Expression of interest

Curriculum. Gym card

Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data

TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo

Suomen Talonpoikaiss Dyn Keskustelup Yt Kirjat, Issue 1... (Finnish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Camilla Wikström-Grotell, prefekt, prorektor DIAK to be Arcada s new neighbour A new sports hall is being planned

Suomalainen koulutusosaaminen vientituotteena

Opiskelijat valtaan! TOPIC MASTER menetelmä lukion englannin opetuksessa. Tuija Kae, englannin kielen lehtori Sotungin lukio ja etälukio

National Building Code of Finland, Part D1, Building Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Regulations and guidelines 2007

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Production Professionals and Developers for the Cultural Field DEGREE PROGRAMME IN CULTURAL MANAGEMENT

Jatko-opintovaihtoehdot/ Further studies

Ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajien liikkuvuus ja osaamisvaatimukset

Other approaches to restrict multipliers

Ohjelmien kehittämisstudiot varmistavat laadukkaat ja linjakkaat maisteriohjelmat Maire Syrjäkari ja Riikka Rissanen

16. Allocation Models

Pricing policy: The Finnish experience

A new model of regional development work in habilitation of children - Good habilitation in functional networks

1. Gender - Sukupuoli N = Age - Ikä N = 65. Female Nainen. Male Mies

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Digitalisoituminen, verkottuminen ja koulutuksen tulevaisuus. Teemu Leinonen Medialaboratorio Taideteollinen korkeakoulu

Diaarinumero. Puhelinnumero. Tila: Saapunut

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Ostamisen muutos muutti myynnin. Technopolis Business Breakfast

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TU-C2030 Operations Management Project. Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä

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Ylösnousemus I (Finnish Edition)

Start- upista kanna-avaksi yritykseksi

Data protection template

ESITTELY. Valitse oppilas jonka haluaisit esitellä luokallesi ja täytä alla oleva kysely. Age. Lives in. Family. Pets. Hobbies.

Students Experiences of Workplace Learning Marja Samppala, Med, doctoral student

The Viking Battle - Part Version: Finnish



VAASAN YLIOPISTO Humanististen tieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto / Filosofian maisterin tutkinto


Alueellinen yhteistoiminta

Voice Over LTE (VoLTE) By Miikka Poikselkä;Harri Holma;Jukka Hongisto


Master's Programme in Life Science Technologies (LifeTech) Prof. Juho Rousu Director of the Life Science Technologies programme 3.1.


A- FAA 2015-2016 äsikirja

Hyvä opiskelija Opintosi ammattikorkeakoulussa ovat alkamassa. Ensimmäinen opiskeluvuosi tuo mukanaan paljon uutta niin opintoihin kuin koulun ulkopuoliseenkin elämään. ämä käsikirja on tehty yhteistyössä useiden eri tahojen kanssa tukemaan opiskelujasi. A-Faktan keskeiset teemat ovat opiskelu ja oppimistaidot, työelämä ja tulevaisuuden työnantajat, yrittäjyys, itsenäistyminen, opiskeluterveydenhuolto sekä jaksaminen ja hyvinvointi. oivomme, että käsikirjasta on sinulle hyötyä ammattikorkeakouluopiskeluissasi. aikkien yhteistyökumppanien puolesta toivotamme menestykästä lukuvuotta 2015 2016. ustannus Oy aamerkki. ielipiteesi on meille tärkeä. Voit antaa palautetta käsikirjasta internet-sivuilla www.kustannusmaamerkki.fi tai sähköpostitse osoitteella info@kustannusmaamerkki.fi. Artikkelin kirjoittaja vastaa tuottamansa tekstin sisällöstä ja virheettömyydestä. Julkaisija: ustannus Oy aamerkki info@kustannusmaamerkki.fi www.kustannusmaamerkki.fi Graafinen suunnittelu ja taitto: irjapaino Jaarli Oy uvat: hutterstock aino: irjapaino Jaarli Oy, urenki

A-FAA 2015-2016 käsikirja Nimi... Osoite...... uhelin... ähköposti... Oppilaitoksen nimi... Osoite... Ryhmä... Ryhmänohjaaja... uuta tärkeää.........

isällys iten opinnot sujuvat? 3 ukuvuosikalenteri 2015 2016 9 Get to know Finland: ife, studies and beyond Welcome to Finland 66 Oppimistaitojen kehittäminen ehitä oppimistaitoja ja menesty! 90 ansainvälistyminen ansainvälisty ammattikorkeakoulussa 108 Vaihtovuosi oli antoisa 114 Jaksaminen ja hyvinvointi Vauhti virkistää liikkuminen osaksi arkea 116 unnon eväät 122 Opiskeluterveydenhuolto 124 ielen hyvinvoinnin treenaaminen 134 inustako yrittäjä? inusta yrittäjä? 138 Yrittäjäkurssilla omat ideat lentoon 146 Nyyti ry 153 Opiskelumahdollisuudet A:ssa Asiantuntijuus ja oppiminen Ammattikorkeakoulutus työelämän kehittäjänä 154 itsenäistyminen orkeakouluopiskelijan opintotuki ja muut opintoetuudet 159 iitot 161 yöelämätietoa: uramahdollisuuksia 171 2 A-fakta 2015 2016

IEN OINNO UJUVA? Raijaliisa aakkonen, Opetusjohtaja, Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu ehitysmaissa koulutukselle annetaan erittäin suuri painoarvo, koska se edistää taloudellista ja sivistyksellistä kehitystä. oulutuksella on siis rooli kansakunnan kehittämisessä. oulutuksen on todettu olevan vaikuttavin menetelmä muuttaa maailmaa. utta maailma muuttuu nopeasti. uka tietää, mitä meidän pitää oppia 30 vuoden kuluttua? Entä mikä on yksilön näkökulma? äydäänkö koulutusta rahan vuoksi vai tiedon/tietämisen vuoksi? öytääkseen työtä? ullakseen tietämisen ja osaamisen ekspertiksi? Vai onko kyseessä vain syy tehdä jotakin -koulutus. Joka tapauksessa koulutus muuttaa ihmistä. A-fakta 2015 2016 3

ulevaisuudessa tarvitaan uudenlaisia taitoja esim. itsesäätelyn taitoa, proaktiivisuutta, itsensä johtamista, elämänsä ja uransa hallintaa, kieli- ja viestintätaitojen ja tietoteknisten taitojen lisäksi. Jokaisen täytyy itse luoda oma persoonallinen polkunsa. eillä jokaisella on erilaisia tapoja oppia ja tietää sekä erilaisia tavoitteita. orkeakouluopiskelijan maailma koostuu akateemisista, ammatillisista ja sosiokulttuurisista elementeistä. Opiskelu uomessa on huomattavasti helpompaa kuin muissa maissa. Opiskelu on ilmaista myös ulkomaalaisille. uissa maissa peritään lukukausimaksuja, jotka voivat olla korkeitakin. isäksi opiskelija saa uomessa opintotukea ja asumistukea, tarvittaessa myös valtion takaamaa opintolainaa. osin näillä on maksimimäärävuotensa ja tulorajat. Opintojen suorittaminen vaatii opiskelutaitoja, organisointikykyä, suunnitelmallisuutta ja tavoitteellisuutta sekä motivaatiota ja itsekuria. Opinnot voi suorittaa hitaasti tai nopeasti. inisteriö on määritellyt tutkintojen kestoajan ja tutkintonimikkeen. inisteriö on lyhentänyt viime aikoina opintotukiaikaa. Opintonsa ammattikorkeakoulussa syksyllä 2015 aloittavilla maksimi opintotukiaika on 37-41 kuukautta koulutusammatista riippuen. ikäli opiskelija suorittaa lukuvuodessa alle 20 opintopistettä, hänen ei tule nostaa opintotukea yhtään kuukautta. Opintopisteiden kertyminen ja tulot vaikuttavat opintotukeen. Jos nostaa 9 kuukautta täyttä opintotukea ajalla 1.9.2015 31.5.2016, täytyy nykyisen mallin mukaan suorittaa 5 op/kk eli yhteensä 45 opintopistettä lukuvuoden aikana. ukikuukausien määrä vaikuttaa vuositulorajaan. Opiskelijan itse tulee huolehtia vuosityötulorajastaan eli ansaituista tuloistaan. oisaalta opintojen aikainen työssä käyminen ei ole pelkästään negatiivinen asia, varsinkin jos se liittyy opiskeltavaan alaan ja kelpaa harjoitteluksi. utta kannattaa muistaa, että ihmisen resurssit ovat rajalliset. Nopeimmin ja itseään säästävimmin opinnot saa suoritettua opintotuen ja opintolainan avulla. esäopintojen ajalta voi saada normaalia opinto- ja asumistukea anomuksesta. esäajalta (1.6. 31.8) voi nostaa tukea, jos kuukaudessa täyttyy keskimäärin 5 op, esim. 4 opintopistettä kesäkuussa, 6 op heinäkuussa ja 5op elokuussa. isäksi opintoja tulee suorittaa 18 päivää kuukaudessa. yöharjoitteluista EA vaatii suunnitelman, muista opinnoista opiskelijan ei tarvitse erikseen hakea esim. koulutuspäällikön hyväksyntää. Opiskelija voi tehdä kesäaikana opinnäytetyötä, muita opintoja tai työharjoittelua. Vuosityötulorajat koskevat myös kesäaikaa. Joissakin ammattikorkeakouluissa otettu käyttöön Fast track -järjestelmä, jolloin tutkinnon voi suorittaa puolet lyhyemmässä ajassa kuin normaalisti. illoin ei voi olla töissä opintojen ohella ja lomaa on vain 1kk kesällä. Fast track -järjestelmässä huomioidaan aikaisemmin hankittu osaaminen (AHO), joka testataan ennen numeron antamista. esäkuu ja elokuu ovat myös opiskelukuukausia vaikka laboraatiotyötä, harjoittelua tai muiden opintojaksojen suorittamisia. Fast track koulutus voi sisältää teho-opiskelupaketteja. oulutus sopii kovaan työhön valmiille himo-opiskelijoille. Jos haluaa valmistua nopeasti eikä omassa korkeakoulussa ole kesäopintoja, voi lähteä ulkomaiseen korkeakouluun vaihtoon kesäkuuksi, koska siellä se on normaali opiskelukuukausi. 4 A-fakta 2015 2016

A-fakta 2015 2016 5

Opiskella voi hyvin monella tavalla; päiväopiskeluna, ilta- ja viikonloppuopiskeluna, verkkoopiskeluna tai avoimen korkeakoulun kautta. Nykyään puhutaan Blended earningistä (sulautuvasta opppimisesta), jolloin opiskelu tapahtuu paitsi koulussa tai harjoittelupaikassa myös kotona ja verkossa. isäksi voi valita OOC-kursseja internetistä. OOC-kurssit ovat avoimia massiivisia verkkokursseja (assive Open Online Courses). Nykyään OOCkursseja järjestetään ympäri maailmaa. uurimmat kurssijärjestäjät ovat Coursera, edex ja Udacity, joiden tarjonnassa on yhteensä satoja erilaisia ilmaisia yliopistotason kursseja. Yhdellä kurssilla voi olla tuhansia opiskelijoita ympäri maailmaa. OOC on verkosto ei pelkkä verkkosivu. urssien periaatteina on itsenäisyys, avoimuus, vuorovaikutus ja laajaalaisuus. aailman parhaita luentoja voi siis löytää ilmaiseksi netistä. orkeakoulu on juuri niin hyvä, kuin sen opettajat ovat. Osaamistulos ratkaisee. Innovatiivisilla opetuskäytänteillä (esim. kuvat ja visuaalisuus) motivoidaan opiskelijoita oppimiseen. otivoituminen sekä positiivisuus opintoihin ja tekemiseen edistää opintojen sujumista. Opintojen oheen tarvitaan vastapainoksi harrastuksia esim. liikuntaa ja kulttuuria sekä sosiaalista elämää. Opintojen tavoitteena on ammatillinen osaaminen ja sen kehittäminen, ei siis pelkästään tutkinnon suorittaminen. Ydinkysymys on, onko valmistuneella sellaista osaamista, että saa työpaikan ja että työnantaja on työntekijäänsä tyytyväinen. ife is Beatiful. 6 A-fakta 2015 2016

Editan ammatilliset oppikirjat 20 % alennuksella! Verkkokaupassa www.oppinet.fi Alennuskoodi: EU20 oodi on voimassa 31.12.2016 asti. ilauksen postituskulu alk. 4,90 eur/tilaus. muiiinanoja A-fakta 2015 2016 7

8 A-fakta 2015 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 2 0 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 tammi helmi maalis huhti touko kesä heinä elo syys loka marras joulu 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 2 0 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 tammi helmi maalis huhti touko kesä heinä elo syys loka marras joulu

muiiinanoja A-fakta 2015 2016 9

heinäkuu 2015 viikko 31 27 aanantai 28 iistai 29 eskiviikko 30 orstai 31 erjantai 1 2 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2015 viikko 32 3 aanantai 4 iistai 5 eskiviikko 6 orstai 7 erjantai 8 9 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2015 viikko 33 10 aanantai 11 iistai 12 eskiviikko 13 orstai 14 erjantai 15 16 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2015 viikko 34 17 aanantai 18 iistai 19 eskiviikko 20 orstai 21 erjantai 22 23 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2015 viikko 35 24 aanantai 25 iistai 26 eskiviikko 27 orstai 28 erjantai 29 30 auantai unnuntai

YYUU 2015 viikko 36 31 aanantai 1 iistai 2 eskiviikko 3 orstai 4 erjantai 5 6 auantai unnuntai Yrittäjän päivä

YYUU 2015 viikko 37 7 aanantai 8 iistai 9 eskiviikko 10 orstai 11 erjantai 12 13 auantai unnuntai

YYUU 2015 viikko 38 14 aanantai 15 iistai 16 eskiviikko 17 orstai 18 erjantai 19 20 auantai unnuntai

YYUU 2015 viikko 39 21 aanantai 22 iistai 23 eskiviikko yyspäiväntasaus 24 orstai 25 erjantai 26 27 auantai unnuntai

OAkuu 2015 viikko 40 28 aanantai 29 iistai 30 eskiviikko 1 orstai 2 erjantai 3 4 auantai unnuntai ikkelinpäivä

OAkuu 2015 viikko 41 5 aanantai 6 iistai 7 eskiviikko 8 orstai 9 erjantai 10 11 auantai unnuntai Aleksis iven päivä, suomalaisen kirjallisuuden päivä

OAkuu 2015 viikko 42 12 aanantai 13 iistai 14 eskiviikko 15 orstai 16 erjantai 17 18 auantai unnuntai

OAkuu 2015 viikko 43 19 aanantai 20 iistai 21 eskiviikko 22 orstai 23 erjantai 24 25 auantai unnuntai Y:n päivä esäaika päättyy

ARRAkuu 2015 viikko 44 26 aanantai 27 iistai 28 eskiviikko 29 orstai 30 erjantai 31 1 auantai unnuntai yhäinpäivä

ARRAkuu 2015 viikko 45 2 aanantai 3 iistai 4 eskiviikko 5 orstai 6 erjantai venska dagen, ruotsalaisuuden päivä 7 8 auantai unnuntai Isänpäivä

ARRAkuu 2015 viikko 46 9 aanantai 10 iistai 11 eskiviikko 12 orstai 13 erjantai 14 15 auantai unnuntai

ARRAkuu 2015 viikko 47 16 aanantai 17 iistai 18 eskiviikko 19 orstai 20 erjantai apsen oikeuksien päivä 21 22 auantai unnuntai

ARRAkuu 2015 viikko 48 23 aanantai 24 iistai 25 eskiviikko 26 orstai 27 erjantai 28 29 auantai unnuntai 1. adventtisunnuntai

JOUUUU 2015 viikko 49 30 aanantai 1 iistai 2 eskiviikko 3 orstai 4 erjantai 5 6 auantai unnuntai 2. adventtisunnuntai Itsenäisyyspäivä

JOUUUU 2015 viikko 50 7 aanantai 8 iistai Jean ibeliuksen päivä, suomalaisen musiikin päivä 9 eskiviikko 10 orstai 11 erjantai 12 auantai 13 unnuntai ucian päivä 3. adventtisunnuntai

JOUUUU 2015 viikko 51 14 aanantai 15 iistai 16 eskiviikko 17 orstai 18 erjantai 19 auantai 20 unnuntai 4. adventtisunnuntai

JOUUUU 2015 viikko 52 21 aanantai 22 iistai alvipäivänseisaus 23 eskiviikko 24 orstai Jouluaatto 25 erjantai Joulupäivä 26 27 auantai unnuntai apaninpäivä

Aikuu 2016 viikko 53 28 aanantai Viattomien lasten päivä 29 iistai 30 eskiviikko 31 orstai 1 erjantai Uudenvuodenpäivä 2 3 auantai unnuntai

Aikuu 2016 viikko 1 4 aanantai 5 iistai 6 eskiviikko oppiainen 7 orstai 8 erjantai 9 10 auantai unnuntai

Aikuu 2016 viikko 2 11 aanantai 12 iistai 13 eskiviikko 14 orstai 15 erjantai 16 17 auantai unnuntai

Aikuu 2016 viikko 3 18 aanantai 19 iistai 20 eskiviikko 21 orstai 22 erjantai 23 24 auantai unnuntai

Aikuu 2016 viikko 4 25 aanantai 26 iistai 27 eskiviikko Vainojen uhrien muistopäivä 28 orstai 29 erjantai 30 31 auantai unnuntai ynttilänpäivä

HEikuu 2016 viikko 5 1 aanantai 2 iistai 3 eskiviikko 4 orstai 5 erjantai J.. Runebergin päivä 6 7 auantai unnuntai aamelaisten kansallispäivä askiaissunnuntai

HEikuu 2016 viikko 6 8 aanantai 9 iistai askiaistiistai 10 eskiviikko 11 orstai 12 erjantai 13 14 auantai unnuntai Ystävänpäivä

HEikuu 2016 viikko 7 15 aanantai 16 iistai 17 eskiviikko 18 orstai enkinpainajaiset 19 erjantai 20 21 auantai unnuntai

HEikuu 2016 viikko 8 22 aanantai 23 iistai 24 eskiviikko 25 orstai 26 erjantai 27 28 auantai unnuntai alevalan päivä, suomalaisen kulttuurin päivä

AAIkuu 2016 viikko 9 29 aanantai arkauspäivä 1 iistai 2 eskiviikko 3 orstai 4 erjantai 5 6 auantai unnuntai

AAIkuu 2016 viikko 10 7 aanantai 8 iistai ansainvälinen naistenpäivä 9 eskiviikko 10 orstai 11 erjantai 12 13 auantai unnuntai

AAIkuu 2016 viikko 11 14 aanantai 15 iistai 16 eskiviikko 17 orstai 18 erjantai 19 20 auantai unnuntai inna Canthin päivä, tasa-arvon päivä almusunnuntai evätpäiväntasaus

AAIkuu 2016 viikko 12 21 aanantai 22 iistai 23 eskiviikko 24 orstai iirastorstai 25 erjantai itkäperjantai 26 27 auantai unnuntai ääsiäispäivä esäaika alkaa

HUHIUU 2016 viikko 13 28 aanantai 2. pääsiäispäivä 29 iistai 30 eskiviikko 31 orstai 1 erjantai Aprillipäivä 2 3 auantai unnuntai

HUHIUU 2016 viikko 14 4 aanantai 5 iistai 6 eskiviikko 7 orstai 8 erjantai Romanien kansallispäivä 9 10 auantai unnuntai ikael Agricolan päivä, suomen kielen päivä

HUHIUU 2016 viikko 15 11 aanantai 12 iistai 13 eskiviikko 14 orstai 15 erjantai 16 17 auantai unnuntai

HUHIUU 2016 viikko 16 18 aanantai 19 iistai 20 eskiviikko 21 orstai 22 erjantai 23 24 auantai unnuntai

OukOkuu 2016 viikko 17 25 aanantai 26 iistai 27 eskiviikko 28 orstai ansallinen veteraanipäivä 29 erjantai 30 1 auantai unnuntai Vappu, suomalaisen työn päivä

OukOkuu 2016 viikko 18 2 aanantai 3 iistai 4 eskiviikko 5 orstai Helatorstai 6 erjantai 7 8 auantai unnuntai Äitienpäivä

OukOkuu 2016 viikko 19 9 aanantai 10 iistai Eurooppa-päivä 11 eskiviikko 12 orstai 13 erjantai J.V. nellmanin päivä, suomalaisuuden päivä 14 15 auantai unnuntai Helluntai aatuneitten muistopäivä

OukOkuu 2016 viikko 20 16 aanantai 17 iistai 18 eskiviikko 19 orstai 20 erjantai 21 22 auantai unnuntai

OukOkuu 2016 viikko 21 23 aanantai 24 iistai 25 eskiviikko 26 orstai 27 erjantai 28 29 auantai unnuntai

Eäkuu 2016 viikko 22 30 aanantai 31 iistai 1 eskiviikko 2 orstai 3 erjantai 4 5 auantai unnuntai uolustusvoimien lippujuhla

Eäkuu 2016 viikko 23 6 aanantai 7 iistai 8 eskiviikko 9 orstai 10 erjantai 11 12 auantai unnuntai uomalaisen saunan päivä

Eäkuu 2016 viikko 24 13 aanantai 14 iistai 15 eskiviikko 16 orstai 17 erjantai 18 19 auantai unnuntai

Eäkuu 2016 viikko 25 20 aanantai 21 iistai esäpäivänseisaus 22 eskiviikko 23 orstai 24 erjantai Juhannusaatto 25 26 auantai unnuntai Juhannuspäivä, uomen lipun päivä

HEINÄUU 2016 viikko 26 27 aanantai 28 iistai 29 eskiviikko 30 orstai 1 erjantai 2 3 auantai unnuntai

HEINÄUU 2016 viikko 27 4 aanantai 5 iistai 6 eskiviikko Eino einon päivä, runon ja suven päivä 7 orstai 8 erjantai 9 10 auantai unnuntai

HEINÄUU 2016 viikko 28 11 aanantai 12 iistai 13 eskiviikko 14 orstai 15 erjantai 16 17 auantai unnuntai

HEINÄUU 2016 viikko 29 18 aanantai 19 iistai 20 eskiviikko 21 orstai 22 erjantai 23 24 auantai unnuntai

HEINÄUU 2016 viikko 30 25 aanantai 26 iistai 27 eskiviikko Unikeonpäivä 28 orstai 29 erjantai 30 31 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2016 viikko 31 1 aanantai 2 iistai 3 eskiviikko 4 orstai 5 erjantai 6 7 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2016 viikko 32 8 aanantai 9 iistai 10 eskiviikko 11 orstai 12 erjantai 13 14 auantai unnuntai

EOUU 2016 viikko 33 15 aanantai 16 iistai 17 eskiviikko 18 orstai 19 erjantai 20 21 auantai unnuntai

Welcome to Finland! eksti: arianne Autero, etropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu. Dear reader, You have now entered to a new phase in your life as you are starting your studies in a university of applied sciences in Finland. o some of you, this might be the first time you are even living let alone studying in Finland. tudying in a higher education is both demanding and rewarding and you will face many new situations during your studies. All first year students in universities of applied sciences in Finland receive FaktaA handbook. he English section of the handbook was first published in 2008, and it has been revised several times after the first publication. I have tried to include the most relevant information you might need in the beginning of your stay in Finland, especially when you are getting accustomed to the Finnish culture, way of living, and the most importantly studies. he English section includes general information about Finland and how to make your settling in period easier as well as information on the Finnish education system and main features in studying in university of applied sciences in Finland. here is also some information about employment issues and how to enhance your employment possibilities. However, the information is kept general and suitable for all students despite the school or degree programme as the readers of this handbook are from the various fields of studies. I wish you all the best with your studies! With kind regards, arianne Autero Coordinator Degree rogramme in Information echnology Helsinki etropolia University of Applied ciences 66 A-fakta 2015 2016

Glossary Bachelor s thesis = final project, final year project, final thesis Optional tudies = free choice studies, elective studies ractical training = industrial placement, work placement University of Applied ciences (UA) = polytechnic tudying in Finland Basic and upper secondary education in Finland All children start their nine-year basic education (comprehensive school) at the age of seven (sometimes at the age of six). Basic education is preceded by one-year pre-primary education that started to be compulsory as of 1 January 2015. re-primary and basic education is free general education provided for the whole age group. Upper secondary education comprises general education and vocational education and training (vocational qualifications and further and specialist qualifications). tudents apply for higher-education usually at the age of 18 or 19 after completing the secondary education. he Finnish higher education system he Finnish higher education system consists of two sectors: university of applied sciences (polytechnics) and universities. he sectors complement each other and offer higher education with a different profile and mission. Finland s education system is very flexible and people are encouraged to pursue life-long learning as it is said that the Finnish education system does not have any dead ends as people are able to enter any education level at any time of their lives. herefore, adult education is blossoming in Finland especially in degree studies in universities of applied sciences. All education that aims towards a degree is free of charge for the user by law in Finland. tudents of course need to pay for books and some other course materials, but there are no tuition fees as education is funded by the Finnish taxation. herefore, education is not free in by any means, but the costs are not collected for the students like in many other countries. Universities Universities mission is to conduct scientific research and provide Bachelor- and asterlevel education as well as postgraduate education (doctoral-level). here are currently 14 universities in Finland. Universities of applied sciences (polytechnics) Universities of applied sciences offer occupationally-oriented education to provide experts who meet the needs of the labour market. he extent of polytechnic degree studies (bachelor-level) is generally 210 240 EC credits, which usually means 3.5-4 years of full-time study. tudents annual workload is about 1600 hours. he extent of second-cycle polytechnic degree (master-level) is generally 60 90 EC credits and studies last for one or two years. Higher education in a polytechnic-level was introduced to the Finnish higher education system in 1991-1992, and the aim was to develop the Finnish higher education system. Currently there are 24 universities of applied A-fakta 2015 2016 67

sciences in Finland (1/2014) including the olice College and one school in Åland with over 130, 000 students completing a first or second cycle polytechnic degree. of applied sciences gives you a good way to acquire a higher education degree and sufficient amount of practical skills to enter working life swiftly. ects crediting system EC stands for European Credit ransfer and Accumulation ystem and it has been in use to measure studies in the Finnish polytechnic education since 2005. EC is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries. One academic year corresponds to 60 EC-credits, which equals to about 1500 1800 hours of study in all countries irrespective of standard or qualification. tudying in a university of applied sciences tudies consist of basic or core requirement studies, professional studies, optional studies, practical training and a Bachelor s hesis (the terms may vary between schools and fields of study). he length and extent of studies also vary, but studying in a university You have chosen a mode of studying that combines both theory and practice. tudying in a polytechnic-level is not all theory as you are to become familiar with the practical side as well during your studies. his is provided by the close links with the employers in your field of study as universities of applied sciences focus on interacting with the working life and regional development. ractical training forms an important part of the studies he name, extent and the amount of EC credits may vary between the fields of study, but all the same: work experience is an important part of your studies. ractical training can be even an ease your route to employment after graduation as you have created links to working life already during your studies. ractical training is acquired either during the 68 A-fakta 2015 2016

school-year or during summer-breaks. his again depends on your field of study and degree programme. Usually practical training is worth 30 EC, but in some studies the amount can be more. he main idea is that you will learn all the phases included in searching for work; you prepare the necessary application documents, apply for a job or practical training and act as a member of the working community. Bachelor s thesis culminates your studies hesis is an independent survey, planning or report within your field of study. he extent of thesis is 15 EC credits, which equals approximately 2,5 months full-time work (400 hours).bachelor s thesis is usually done during the final study year. he topic is generally selected within your professional orientation or specialisation and it is ideally drawn from the working life. aturity test is a compulsory part of thesis and your task is to prove you familiarity with the thesis work and proficiency in the English language (or in Finnish language, if it is your mother tongue). any students consider the thesis work as the most important part of the studies as it brings out the knowledge you have acquired during your studies. It is also an excellent way to demonstrate that you are able to accomplish and complete a research project and write a substantial report on it. his is a valuable asset to you in the future. ervices to support your studies Even though you are responsible for the progress of your studies, you are not left alone. chools provide many kind of assistance to you from library services to career planning. Do check what is on offer at your school! any schools also have a tutoring system for the first year students, and perhaps also during later years. utors are both teachers and peer students who you can turn to with questions concerning studies and student life in general. Also, your school is also likely to have a tudent Welfare or Well-Being eam to deal with issues in which you may need help from a study counsellor or even psychologist. tudent Union fights students case Every UA should have a tudent Union that comprises of the students. he aim of the tudent Union is to make sure that students voice gets heard in the decision-making that concerns students. tudent Union also takes care of for example different events for students and also for sports. he services and functions vary, but tudent Union tries to ensure that students will get the best out of their UA studies. Usually membership requires a student card, which can be ordered from the tudent Union. Being an active member in the tudent Union may also open many new opportunities for international students as well -both in social and even work context. Do not miss out the possibility to create useful networks during your studies. tudent discounts tudents are well taken care of in Finland. As being a student, it is possible to get many discounts and reduced prices for example in public transport and national railways (VR). his again varies between the cities in Finland, so check the possibilities at your school or city you are living in. Also, every student in higher education is entitled for a subsidized meal at student restaurants with a EA meal card which you will get usually in the first day of your studies. ocal shops, hairdressers and even bars may have bargain prices for students, just check them out once you settled in your new neighbourhood. A-fakta 2015 2016 69

tudy skills make a difference Even though you have already been through various levels of education, study skills become more and more important when entering to a higher education. It is also good to bear in mind that teaching and the ways you have learnt to learn vary in different countries and cultures. In general, higher education system in Finland requires a great deal of personal dedication and effort from a student. chool days can be longer than you are used to and you may study many subjects at the same time. In Finland, students are usually seen as active, independent and capable to master their own study planning. his does not mean that there is no help available, on the contrary, but students are strongly guided towards selfreliance with their studies. earning skills All of us have a unique and individual way of learning. ome seem to pick up everything just by attending the lessons, but someone else needs to attend the lessons and read the notes dozens of times, before learning the topic. It does not matter, what is your way of learning, but knowing the way you learn matters a lot. If you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses in the learning process, the easier it is to make the learning environment and ways the best for you. Good learning skills enable you to apply the learnt knowledge also later in life. his means that you are not only learning for the sake of it but you rather really understand what you have learnt. nowing oneself is the key for everything. hink back to your previous RENGH What are my strengths in learning? WEANEE What are my weaknesses in learning? OORUNIIE What are my opportunities in learning? HREA What threatens my learning? 70 A-fakta 2015 2016

school years and try to remember how, when and why did you learn some things easily and why some topics seemed almost impossible to learn. One good way to do this is to make a simple WO analysis on your learning skills. requires work, skill and devotion. he good thing is that everyone is able to improve learning skills. You may also do the WO analysis throughout your studies to figure out the possible changes in your learning skills. he WO analysis helps you to define what abilities you have and what might be hindering your learning. Also, note that learning to learn Empower your learning earning new subjects can be daunting, especially as usually you need to learn a lot at A-fakta 2015 2016 71

the same time. You do not need to despair as there are ways to cope with the excessive amount of information. Concentration You need to be able to concentrate on the topic at hand. Do not let other subjects or issues to overtake you, but rather try to have 100 per cent concentration on one topic at the time. If you are not able to concentrate for a long period of time at once, take useful breaks from studying. ry to also bear in mind that you are not learning for the sake of it but to be able to master the subject that you are most definitely going to need later in life. otivation It is not always easy to be motivated and interested in studies. his is more than normal, but do try to make some sense with your studies and for example by thinking about the reasons why you wanted to study this degree and in this particular field in the first place. ome subjects may seem irrelevant to you, but there is a well-planned wisdom in the selection of courses in the curriculum. You can sustain your motivation by believing in yourself and in your skills and by being realistic with your goals. tudy techniques It is ever so important to find the study techniques that suit you. Being motivated helps, but you also need skills to make sure that you really learn what you are studying. rue learning means that you are able to apply the knowledge outside the classroom as well. You can enhance your learning for example with the following: ry to understand what are the main facts and theories in the subject you study ake notes during lessons and when reading books or other materials related to topic a lear Form study groups in which you can talk the topic over with other students Revise, revise and revise! Attend the lessons and ask questions during lessons earn how to read efficiently, it may not always possible to read all the books from cover to cover - learn to skim read Do not postpone assignments and homework or any other school tasks if this becomes a habit, you end up having an unbearable amount of unfinished tasks that are bound to exhaust you Accept that sometimes completing the task is more important than aiming at the absolute perfection If you are really stuck with your studies, seek help from study guidance personnel or from your degree programme and teachers Reflect your studies: what you have learnt, what you want to learn and what you need to learn Remember to rest, relax and ramble ife is not only about studies and hard work. You need to unwind too and socialize with your friends. ong school days and homework can exhaust you, unless you let yourself relax time to time. Balance in life is a key to a good achievement and happiness in general. You are not able to go on full speed all the time, but you need to let your machinery such as your mind and body to relax regularly. ake sure that your nutrition is sufficient and that it comprises of the right ingredients. Eat fruits and vegetables often in addition to meat and grain products. Finnish winter can be very exhausting to you also physically as the amount of daylight is very scarce and the 72 A-fakta 2015 2016

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weather may not intrigue you to go outdoors more than it is necessary. It is most advisable to top up your vitamin intake by taking extra vitamins that can be bought from the pharmacist. Vitamin D is vital during the dark winter time as our bodies are not able to produce it from October to arch due to a lack of sunlight. his may have never been an issue to you, if you come from the sunny side of the world, but in these latitudes it is worthwhile to upload your vitamin levels. he importance of rest and sleep can never be underestimated. Your body and mind need to rest in order to function properly. Your brain processes information vividly while you are sleeping and it is not uncommon to get great ideas or solve the problems during sleep. Dark winter can make you much sleepier than you are normally, but you just need to listen to your body and rest enough. his is not easy as school year is at its most hectic phase during winter, but overdoing and tiring yourself will have longer lasting effects than resting when you need to rest. ports and other leisure time activities especially with friends take care of your mental well-being. tart to make friends from the day one at your school and take part in social activities arranged by school or other organisations. Exercising does good for your body and mind and being in good fit helps you to cope with the possible stress too. 74 A-fakta 2015 2016

his is Finland Finnish facts Finland (Finnish name uomi) is a republic Head of tate is president who serves for six years and a maximum of two periods (resident auli Niinistö 1 arch 2012 onwards) 200-member parliament (elected every four years) opulation 5.3 million Official languages Finnish and wedish (6%) 70% of the population live in urban areas opulation density 17 people in sq.km he capital city Helsinki, circa 550 000 residents ember of the European Union (since 1995) Currency euro (since 2002) urface area 338 000 sq. km he average life expectancy: women 81 years, men 74 years. ouch of northern nature with a variety of seasons Finland is situated in the northern Europe and a quarter of its total area lies north of the Arctic Circle. Finland's neighbouring countries, which have land borders with Finland, are weden, Norway, and Russia. Forest covers about 75 per cent of Finland making it the most heavily forested country in Europe. Finland is also known for its spectacular inland water areas as there are approximately 190,000 lakes and about 180,000 islands in Finland. he landscape in Finland varies throughout the country; the main feature being vast forests and lakes from the south and the fell areas in the Finnish apland. A-fakta 2015 2016 75

Finland features four seasons of the year that are clearly distinct from one another. Finnish climate is marked by cold winters and warm summers. It can be relatively hot during the summer months, but respectively very cold during the winter months, particularly in January and February. During those months temperatures may drop down to -20 Celsius. In the far north, beyond the Arctic Circle, the sun does not set for almost 73 days during summer. In the same region, during the winter period, the sun remains below the horizon for 51 days, thus creating the polar night known as kaamos in Finnish. ummer nights are also light in the southern Finland, which gives some compensation for the dark winter months. Featuring few Finns with the history formed by East and West odern Finns are said to descend partly from the Finno-Ugric tribes, partly from the migrants from the Baltic lands and partly from the candinavians. he current population is around 5.3 million people and Finland has a very low population density, only about 17 inhabitants per square kilometre. Finland is still a relatively homogeneous country ethnically, and people not born in Finland form about 2-3 per cent of the population. he biggest groups of immigrants are from Russia, Estonia and weden. ost of the Finland s population lives in the southern parts of Finland. History of Finland roots back to the end of the last Ice Age, and the first human settlement started here around 10, 000 year ago. he early habitation was mainly along the western coastline and it emerged inland gradually. Finland was divided into different and hostile tribal areas until the arrival of the wedish crusaders at the end of the 12th century. Finland was part of weden for nearly 700 years from the 12th century onwards, and the wedish influence has always been strong in Finland. his long co-existence explains why wedish is the second official language in Finland. weden ceded Finland to Russia in 1809 and Finland became a part of Russia as autonomous Grand Duchy until 1917, when Finland declared independence. Finland fought in the econd World War twice against the oviet Union and the heavy war reparations and redevelopment of the demolished forced Finland to modernise and industrialise rapidly in the 1940s and 1950s. his enabled Finland s eco- 76 A-fakta 2015 2016

nomic growth and development in the coming decades. Finland has been ranked as one of the leading countries in the Global Competitiveness Report by World Economic Forum for many years now. Wealth and economic growth from the forests to the finest high-technology Finland s economy has been dependent on the forest and its by-products since the start of industrialisation in the 19th century. Nowadays, Finland s industry is strongly focused on engineering and high technology industries, but the forest industry still has its stand in the Finnish industry and exports. Health and social services employ a great amount of people in Finland as the Finns are growing old in large numbers in the coming years. You may have also heard about the game industry that is also growing rapidly in Finland. herefore, whichever field you have chosen for your studies, you can be sure that all of them are needed in Finland. he transition from an agrarian society to a post-industrial society took place in Finland only in the 1960s which was relatively late compared to other Western world countries. hus, Finland has gone through a rapid growth and changes both in economy and industry for over the past 60 decades. Contemporary Finland is a highly-developed country driven by information technology and associate technologies. Finland has also a stable democracy with a highly functional infrastructure and capable welfare state with good health services and a high level of education. he net wealth of households is at the average level for member states of the European Union. Finland was also among the first European Union countries to introduce euro in 2002. herefore, Finland is a good country to study and perhaps you may settle in Finland even after your studies! A-fakta 2015 2016 77

Finnish festivities It is good to know when it is time to celebrate local festivities in Finland. ometimes this is even crucial information as shops and other public institutions are closed during certain national holidays and festival days. ome of these national holidays pass unnoticed even by the Finns, but some of them you are bound to notice. Below are illustrated some of the most important festivities in Finland. New Year s Eve (Uuden vuoden aatto), 31 December his is the time to get your winter gear on and go outdoors in the midnight to see how numerous fireworks light the dark winter sky in all cities and tiny villages in Finland. All people over 18 years of age can buy fireworks from the supermarkets and they can be fired off from 6 p.m. on New Year s Eve to 2 a.m. on New Year s Day. here are strict laws about the fireworks in Finland and therefore they are sold only just before the break of the New Year. Just go out and about and wish hyvää uutta vuotta (happy New Year) to the people you meet. Do note that shops close at 6 p.m. on New Year s Eve. New Year s Day (Uuden vuoden päivä), 1 January ublic holiday. here are unday timetables on public transportation and most shops and grocery stores are closed. Easter (ääsiäinen) Easter is a movable feast which is celebrated either in arch or April. Finnish people celebrate Easter (pääsiäinen ) in various ways depending on their religious beliefs and habits. Finnish Easter includes chocolate eggs, roast lamb and a traditional Finnish food mämmi, which is made out of water, rye grains and malt. Do not be put off by its peculiar look but be brave and try it out with whipped cream and sugar! As the most Finnish people are Evangelist-utherans, there are many services in churches during Easter. Do note that Good Friday, Easter unday and Easter onday are public holidays and therefore most of the shops are closed and public transportation is run with the unday timetables. abour Day or ay Day (Vappu), 30 April and 1 ay ay Day (vappu) is the festival day of the year in Finland. It is celebrated from 30 April to 1 ay and it will not pass unnoticed! ay Day is especially celebrated nowadays by the students in Finland, and it includes many parties and happenings around the cities in Finland. You will come across with happy people who are greeting the spring with streamer, balloons, ay Day pompoms, funny hats, masks and bottle of sparkly wine. Finnish students who have completed their matriculation examination wear white caps and engineering students wear their special hats with a hanging bobble. he 1st of ay traditions include an early picnic type of breakfast in the park to help you to recover from the ay Day celebration from the night before. ome people embark to the 78 A-fakta 2015 2016

parks even before a crack of dawn with tables and chairs. It is not unusual to see people dragging a comfortable sofa to the picnic too! Also, try out a funny looking pastry, may-day fritter (tippaleipä), with mead (sima). he 1st of ay, the abour Day, also includes ay Day parades by political parties and speeches by the heads of the political parties. he 1st ay is a public holiday in Finland. idsummer (Juhannus) idsummer is celebrated in June and it takes place on Friday and aturday between 20 to 26 June, depending on the calendar. idsummer empties the cities as Finnish people dash to the countryside to spend the midsummer in the nature. idsummer culminates the midst of summer and the un won t set at all in apland and the night is very bright everywhere in Finland. hops close around mid-day on idsummer Friday and are closed on idsummer aturday as it is a public holiday. idsummer traditions include bonfires on the waterside and barbecuing sausages (makkara). auna plays an important role too with a birch switch (vihta or vasta) to be used to clean your body and soul. ummer starts to turn towards autumn with darkening evenings after midsummer, but you are not to worry as there are still July and August left of the summer months. Independence Day (Itsenäisyyspäivä), 6 December Finland gained independence on 6 December 1917 and the day is a public holiday. he day is usually spent with family and friends and everyone is waiting to watch the Independence Day Reception and Ball broadcast live on V from the presidential palace in Helsinki. A-fakta 2015 2016 79

he reception is hosted by the president of Finland, and some 2, 000 guests are invited to the reception each year. embers of parliament and government and Finnish members of the European arliament as well as diplomats, bishops and rectors of the Finnish universities are always invited to the reception. Other guests are decided by the president, and they usually represent business as well as cultural life of Finland. Independence Day is a public holiday and therefore most of the shops are closed and public transportation is run with unday timetables. Christmas (joulu): Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day (24 to 26 December) Christmas brings families together and Finnish people are still loyal to Christmas traditions deriving from the past. Christmas tree is a must being the tree a real spruce tree or a plastic replica. Christmas dinner includes for example a roast pork leg and various casseroles made out of carrots, potatoes and swedes. Father Christmas visits families already on Christmas Eve. he anticipation of a white Christmas with lots of snow to create a real Christmas magic is high every year in Finland. Do note that shops close around mid-day on 24 December and they won t be open until 27 December. Other public holidays in Finland here are unday timetables on public transportation and most shops and grocery stores are closed during public holidays Epiphany (oppiainen), 6 January Ascension Day (Helatorstai) takes place 40 days after Easter Whit unday (Helluntai) takes place 50 days after Easter 80 A-fakta 2015 2016

anaging in the unknown it s all about culture! earning to live in a new culture can be stressful and the implications are not to be taken light-heartedly. his section includes information on cultural issues that can have a strong impact on the start of your studies in the first year. Additionally, there are also tips for how to communicate with the Finns. What is culture? Culture is a learnt set of concepts, ideas, beliefs, norms and values that form our thinking and behaviour. It is something that you might not even think about, until you are facing another kind of habits, customs and way of doing things. Culture is not biologically inherited, but you are grown into your own culture and it could be said that we all are products of our own culture. Hall defines that culture is innate but learned and Hofstede (1994) refers culture as software of the mind. Education is strongly influenced by culture and therefore the teaching methods and the roles of a teacher and a student may differ from your own educational background and how you have learnt to study and learn. his is also related to power distance between teachers and students in Finland as there is less hierarchy which comes apparent in many ways. It is ok to address teachers and staff with their first names (unless they inform you otherwise). However, it is worthwhile to acknowledge that everyone is an individual and thus does not always behave as other people with the same cultural background. herefore, the only person whose behaviour you are able to predict is yourself! Cultural onion How can we then spot what is culture and what lies within? et s visualize this. hink about an onion: the top layer is easy to see and when you peel a bit more, you find another layer, which was originally invisible. But to get in to the center of the onion is not easy and to know what is inside, takes a lots of effort and time. he outer layer includes visible cultural facts such as arts, tools, food, clothing, rituals and buildings. Inner layers include customs, principles of communication and interaction, what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. he centre of the onion includes the key notions such as norms, values, basic assumptions about life and world such as concept of right and wrong. When the new culture hits you hard: culture shock New situations can make us feel unease and unhappy. his can be the case, when you are put in to new cultural surroundings and when you realise that the rules you are accustomed to, do not work anymore. his can be terrifying and make you feel unable to manage even normal daily routines. he most important thing is to acknowledge, what is causing your anxiety and distress. It is not always only due to cultural facts, but it is highly likely, if you are living and studying in another country and culture for the first time in your life. A cultural adjustment period or a culture shock, and how one faces it, is always personal experience. However, if you start to have the following symptoms and feel constantly under the weather, you could be facing a cul- A-fakta 2015 2016 81

ture shock: adness, loneliness and melancholy Insomnia or desire to sleep too much or too little Changes in your temperament Depression, feeling vulnerable and powerless Anger, irritability, unwillingness to interact with others Identifying yourself with the old culture or idealising your home country oss of identity; who am I? ack of confidence onging for family and friends back home Culture shock has different phases and your behaviour and feelings can alter according to which phase you are going through. he length of time is also subjective, so there are no set guidelines how the cultural adjustment will affect you. 82 A-fakta 2015 2016

hases of cultural adjustment/culture shock "he Honeymoon hase" You romanticise the differences between the old and new culture. For example, in moving to a new country, you may love the new food, the way of living, the people's habits, the buildings and arts. eople and their habits excite you and you do not criticise them. In this phase you are happy and excited about the new country and its culture. he Adjustment hase - Again, after a few days, weeks, or months, you become accustomed to the new culture's differences and start to develop normal daily routines. You do not react too strongly to the new culture but has become more neutral towards it. In this phase you are aware of the cultural differences and are able to tackle them and feel confident again. he Irritation hase - After living a while in a new country (can be after days, weeks or months), you may long for food you are used to, you may find the pace of life too fast or slow, the local people and their habits irritate you and you are not satisfied with your life in general. You may also feel isolated and depressed. his is the most demanding phase and can last for a long period of time. he Reverse Culture hock - Returning back home can cause you to face the same symptoms again, and sometimes these can be even hit you harder than originally in another country. In this phase you need to settle back into your original country and culture and you also often then realise, how well you actually adapted to the other culture. A-fakta 2015 2016 83