YLE 22.4 POLICIES TO PROTECT THE BALTIC SEA National and international policies directed to combat eutrophication and to mitigate nutrient loading

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YLE 22.4 POLICIES TO PROTECT THE BALTIC SEA National and international policies directed to combat eutrophication and to mitigate nutrient loading

PART 1: Introduction

Ajoitus Tavoite Sisältö Oppimateriaali ja kirjallisuus Suoritustavat Lisätiedot Yhteydet muihin opintojaksoihin Vastuuhenkilö Spring period IV (offered odd-numbered years) To obtain an overall understanding about contemporary policies and plausible policy options to protect the Baltic Sea. Policy instruments to mitigate nutrient loading from diffuse and point sources, international environmental agreements, governance, related EU legislation. Materials distributed during the course Essay presented in the mini-conference, contributions to the discussion and constructive commenting of other participants essays. Attendance is required. Teaching in English. MSc level course Prerequisites: YLE4 and YLE5 or corresponding courses Professor Kari Hyytiäinen

Way of working Essay seminar Two introductory lectures at the beginning: introduction to the current challenges and exisiting policies and policy frameworks, sharing the topics Essays will be prepared individually Commenting

Lectures Monday 13.3.2017, 12 14, Lecture 1 Monday 20.3.2017, 12 14, Lecture 2 Luonnokset jaetaan kurssisivulla 4.4.2017 (runko valmis: jäsennys, tavoite, johtopäätökset) Monday 10.4.2017, klo 12 14, Mid-term meeting, comments to the essays Monday 24.4.2017, klo 12 16, Miniseminar: presentations

Course material and seminars stored in the web pages of the course https://courses.helsinki.fi/fi/node/4410141

Grading Presentation of the own essay Constructive (=positive) commenting Contribution to the overall discussion Participation: compusory

CONTENTS OSA 1: Introduction OSA 2: Writing instructions & use of research articles as material OSA 3: Challenge: mitigation eutrophication in the Baltic Sea PART 4: International agreements OSA 5: Policy instruments OSA 6: Choise of the essay topics ***** OSA 7: Feedback

Basket of themes Theme 1: Water protection and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Theme 2: Market based mechanisms as policy instruments (Noora) Theme 3: How point source pollution is regulated? (Fiina) Theme 4: HELCOM and BSAP (Kia) Theme 5: EU directives guiding nutrient abatement (Sauli) Theme 6: Aerial pollution control (Elina) Theme 7: EU Baltic Sea Strategy (Aleksi) Theme 8: Voluntary action to combat eutrophication in the Baltic

OSA 2: Writing instructions & use of research articles as material

Essay writing instructions https://www.jyu.fi/ytk/laitokset/yfi/en/studies/arkistovanhat/writing_essay

Steps 1. Choose the topic 2. Find litarature and read 3. Elaborate your point of view by elaborating questions that the essay seeks to answer -> working title 4. Prepare outlay for the essay 5. Start answering to your own questions 6. Finish other parts, refer to the literatare, add list of literature at the end of the article

Finding literature Search machines: e.g. Google Scholar Literature databases, esim. http://www.helsinki.fi/kirjasto/fi/etusivu/ Other networking tools: e.g. Researchgate https://www.researchgate.net

Research article Report of new research results Main channel of communication in the research community also the basis of further application New material or New angle to old knowledge Peer review Impact factor Most common structure: IMRAD

Abstract Introduction (Johdanto) Setting the scene Review of previous literature Motivation Objectives Materials & Methods (Menetelmät ja aineisto) Presentation of the data applied Approach / method explained enough detail to allow replicability Results (Tulokset) Figure & Tables & visualizations Figure+ figure text > should allow right interpretation without reference to the text Discussion (Tulosten tulkinta) Comparison with earlier literature Conclusions Supplementary material

How to read research article? 1. Abstract 2. Objectives (part of intro) 3. Figures & Tables & equations 4. Read the full article => Overall view => what s new & relevant Make notes Read creatively & critically, be suspicious Write 2-3 sentences to summarize

PART 3: Challenge: mitigation eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

Interaction between society & environment: DPSIR-FRAMEWORK (EEA, OECD) Ecosystem services Lähde: European Environmental Agency

Rehevöitynyt Itämeri 1. State: state of the sea 2. Impact: Ecosystem services 3. Pressure: nutrient pollution (N & P) 4. Drivers: agriculture & municipal sewege 5. Responses I: measures 6. Responses II: Policy instruments

1. State: Current state of the sea Eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea HELCOM/HEAT Lähde: Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings 122

2.Impact: Ecosystem services Meriekosysteemin tarjoamia aineellisia ja aineettomia palveluita: (1) ylläpito (2) sääntely välipalvelut (3) Tuotanto loppupalvelut (4) kulttuuriset palvelut Source: BalticSTERN Rapport 2013:4

Recreation in riparian countries (Ahtiainen ym. 2013)

Ekosysteemipalveluiden tuotannon rajahyödyistä: Meren tila vuonna 2050 Baseline Itämeren toiminta suunnitelma Meren tilan parannuksen arvo? n. 4 miljardia euroa/vuodessa Itämeren toimintasuunnitelman toteuttamisesta (Ahtiainen ym. 2014)

3. Pressure: Ravinnekuormitus (N & P) TYPEN KOKONAISKUORMITUS 1400000 1200000 1000000 RAVINNE- KUORMITUKSEN HISTORIA: tonnia/vuosi 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Lähde: Savchuk et al 2012 Luvut 3 vuoden keskiarvoja 80000 FOSFORIN KOKONAISKUORMITUS 60000 tonnia/vuosi 40000 20000 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

4. Drivers: kuormittavat elinkeinot, maankäyttö, kulutustottumukset jne. Lähde: HELCOM: Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings No. 122, 2010

Lähde: HELCOM: Baltic Sea Environmental Proceedings No. 122, 2010

5. Responses: Toimenpiteet ja ohjauskeinot

PART 4: International agreements & Current policies

2007 2013


Past development of waterborne nutrient loads in comparison to reference levels for 1997-2003, the average level for 2004-2008 and the target level (MAI)

load x target t 0 t 0 +30 time

I NON-POINT SOURCE NUTRIENT POLLUTION Sewege treatment P-free detergents Nutrition of production animals Treatment of manure Toward more closed cycles Catchment areas II Agricultural practices Winter time plant cover maanmuokkaus, suojakaistat Precision agriculture III wetlands P-removal (iron) IV Articial oxygenations bioengineering Baltic sea Maatalous-metsätieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi 13.3.2017 33

Cost-effective nutrient abatement P-free detergents Inorganic N & P fertilizers Animal manure (cattle, pig & poultry Catch crops Wash water discharge Human waste P stock and N flow in agricultural soil Atmospheric N pollution Capacity of waste water treatment Wetlands and sedimentation ponds River and lake retention Riverine loads of N and P to the Baltic Ahlvik, L., et al. 2014. An economic-ecological model to evaluate impacts of nutrient abatement in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Modelling & Software 55: 164-175.

Cost effective combination of measures to combat eutrophication in the Baltic Sea Jäteveden puhdistuksen parantaminen 28 % Fosfaatittomat pesuaineet 2 % Epäorgaanisten lannoitteiden vähentäminen 29 % Siepparikasvit 3 % Saostusaltaat 2 % Kosteikot 17 % Kanat 2 % Possut 7 % Nautojen vähentäminen 10 % 13.3.2017 Source: Ahlvik et al. 2014

Cost-benefit analysis Benefits M /yr Costs M /yr Net ben. B/C Russia 308 113 195 2.7 EU countries 4318 2692 1626 1.6 Denmark 265 620-355 0.4 Estonia 23 36-13 0.6 Finland 263 49 214 5.4 Germany 2271 651 1620 3.5 Latvia 1) 8 123-115 0.1 Lithuania 1) 14 134-120 0.1 Poland 236 753-517 0.3 Sweden 1237 326 911 3.8 All countries 4625 2805 1820 1.6

Lähde: http://www.vtv.fi/files/139/1752008_maatalouden_ravinnepaastojen_vahentaminen_netti.pdf