On the Student s terms Service design case for the Helsinki University Library

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On the Student s terms Service design case for the Helsinki University Library 1

The Helsinki University Library 2

The Helsinki University Library The largest university library in Finland Two million visits and 2.5 million loans per year Serves 65 000 students and 5000 teachers and researchers. Open for all citizens. The Library has services at four university campuses: The City, the Kumpula, the Meilahti and the Viikki campuses. The Library offers printed books and journals add up to nearly 81 shelf kilometers, and 16,000 electronic journals and 260,000 e-books. The Library has about 250 employees. 3

Objectives and scope of the service design project 4

Background On 2010 The University of Helsinki merged its four campus libraries into one independent institute. A decision to build a new library building (the Kaisa building the new main library of the University) on the City campus, in Kaisaniemi. World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 5

Objectives and scope of the service design project Objectives: Goal was not just to have a beautiful and functional new building, but also to offer world class services. To create new services and improve existing ones To reform and standardize the services (onsite services at different campus libraries and online services), customer service and service culture Scope: Services for students (not researchers & teachers) General services (not discipline-specific services) 6

Approach and phases of the service design project 7

Approach Service design: Service design refers to innovating and designing services with the help of design thinking. Service design aims at designing the user experience so that the services meet both the needs of the users and attain the goals set by the service provider. Participatory design: Participatory design refers to including the future service users in the service development process. Users are given an active role in the development of a given aspect of service. Users can brief the designers on their needs and requirements as well as provide solutions themselves as to how the issues could be resolved. 8

Phases of the design process Spring 2011 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Spring - Fall 2012 1. User study - Gathering user insights to identify service opportunities - Gathering customers expressed and latent needs - Identifying bottlenecks detrimental to the customer experience - Creating design tools for the concept design phase (e.g. user profiles) 2. Strategic design - Adjusting the service strategy - Formulating customer promises - Educating personnel to service design thinking! 3. Concept design - Creating alternative service ideas, solutions and concepts - Visualizing and prototyping service concepts to make them more tangible and to improve and refine them - Screening and testing service concepts to find out the best solutions 4. Development and production - Finalizing the design of service concept in a detailed way - Piloting services 9

Phase 1: User study 10

1. User study Interviews with key persons (8 persons x 1h): To find out how the key persons at Helsinki University Library view the present state of the Library and it s future. Observation (20 x 2 h): To gain information on how students and staff use and provide services in the context.

1. User study Probe study: To gain concrete and practical information on library use by having the users themselves (both students 25 persons and staff 10 persons) to document (2 weeks) their actions. 12

1. User study Focus groups (3 x 3h): To gain information on customer behaviour and library service usage. 13

1. User study Developer community IDIS: To provide a user-involving idea generation and development forum where anyone can present their suggestions for improving library services as well as novel service ideas for the future. 14

1. User study Customer profiling was carried out on the basis of information gained through the probes, group discussions and observation. Customer profiling was motive-based and reflected the customers use of the services. Therefore one person could belong to several customer profiles. Four central customer profiles emerged in the course of the mapping: 1. Lingerer 2. Visitor 3. Investigator 4. Patron 15

Phase 1: User study Lingerer Service needs: Lingerers mainly need the library facilities and conditions for studying, reading or working. Focusers mainly read, write and do exercises alone at the Library. They value the quiet and peaceful working spaces and the motivational study environment that the Library offers. Workers make use of Library facilities and tools. They use computers, print and copy documents and surf on the net. They spread their papers and materials around when they work. They need lots of space. Team students utilise the Library to exchange ideas and opinions and to work in groups. They utilise both group study facilities and other Library facilities where talking is permitted. Idlers and social loafers use the Library as a source of inspiration and a place to spend time and meet their friends. They come to the Library during their hours off to read newspapers, magazines or e-mails, surf on the net and meet their friends. 16

Phase 1: User study Visitor Service needs: Visitors usually perform a single task; borrow or return books, pick up reserved items, check due dates or pay their library fines. They value quick transactions, easy availability and convenient loan periods. Remote users only rarely visit the Library. They frequently use remote services, such as the telephone service, online reservations, electronic collections, etc., because they prefer to study at home. Remote users would like as many Library services as possible to be available online to save time. Quick visitors try to combine their library visit with other business. The Library should be located near their usual routes. Quick visitors do not object to self-service if it saves time. 17

Phase 1: User study Investigator Service needs: Investigators primarily seek information systematically and independently. They are mainly concerned about the extent of the collections. They also wish to stay up to date with the latest information. "!! Explorers search for information on their topic of interest extensively and sometimes at random. They can spend a long time at search engines and roaming among the bookshelves. Hunters search for a specific book or set of material either online or on the Library premises. When necessary, they make interlibrary loans and request material from storage. If the Library does not carry what they need, they will submit an acquisition request.! Updaters systematically follow the latest developments of a given area, such as the latest articles and journal issues. They appreciate (journal or book) recommendations in their field of interest. 18

Phase 1: User study Patron Service needs: Patrons want to get a library card, familiarize themselves with the Library services and rules of use or require help searching for information. They can be both old and new students. Newbies visit the Library for the first time. They need library cards and a quick introduction to the Library services, rules of use, item searches and item locations. Advice seekers are somewhat familiar with the Library but have little experience with research. Their main problems include: 1) They do not know which databases contain information in their field, 2) they cannot conduct effective database searches, or 3) they have difficulty choosing suitable search terms. 19

Design drivers 1. Support library s transformation to a more customer oriented service culture. 2. Make the service visible. 3. Standardize service concepts and procedures. 4. Support different ways of learning and studying. 5. Improve the availability and the accessibility of the library and its collections/databases. 6. Improve ease of locating materials in the library. 7. Change the punishment culture into a rewarding culture. 8. Increase activity in the service attitude. 9. Emphasize the professionalism of the staff and increase identification. 10. Decrease the library jargon in the communication.

Phase 2: Strategic design 21

Educating for service design thinking - Whole library personnel (250 persons) have been educated to service design thinking. The purpose was to support the change towards more customer oriented service culture. - Librarians (40 persons) responsible for the development of new library services took part to a four day service design course, which gave them methods and tools to a more customer centred development processes. 22

Generic service path of a library user 3. Going to the Library 4. Arriving at the Library 2. Preparing for the library visit/using online services 1. Need arises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. Browsing and searching for information 9. Returning items 9. 8. 7. 6. 6. Locating and browsing through material 7. Borrowing material 8. Using material or facilities 23

Strategic direction Generic service promise BEFORE: The Helsinki University library offers unrestricted access to the sources of scientific knowledge and the space for effective studying and researching. Generic service promise AFTER: The Helsinki University library offers unrestricted access to the sources of scientific knowledge and the space for effective studying and researching, and also supports the user in his or hers studying-, researching-, or learning processes. 24

Phase 3: Concept design 25

Idea generation and concept design Idea generation was based on the defined design drivers. Workshops and Developer community IDIS were used to generate service ideas. Service ideas were generated for all the steps in the service path and they where written down on about 100 idea cards. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26

Idea generation and concept design A group of most interesting/promising ideas where chosen with the help of an evaluation matrix. These ideas where cultured into different concepts. 27

Examples of final services 28

Helka database navigation -service The purpose of the service is to ease of finding and locating material in the library. When the Helka-user founds material from Helka database, the system shows the place of the book in the library. 29

Helka database navigation -service

Study circle -service Background: According to customers feedback there are not enough course books available to loan or to read in the reading room. Also the loaning time is too short. This complicate and slow down studying and force students to buy books. Solution: A pack of study circle cards is created and also the Study circlewiki, that gives tips, tools and support for the circle studying. The cards are divided into three categories: self studies, group studies and summary. The Study circle-wiki is found at https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/opintopiiri 31

Study circle -service 32

Service etiquette: Colour coded spaces - Background: According to customer feedback acoustic problems, discussions and other noices disturbs the clients. Clients want silence and spaces planned for social interaction in the library. - Solution: All the spaces are signed with three different symbols for the level of noise: Quiet work area Discussion or noise not allowed. Eating, the use of computer or mobile phone forbidden. Quiet reading area You are allowed to discuss wit a low voice and use computer. Eating and the use of mobile is forbidden. Working area You can speak with normal voice and discuss in groups. Eating forbidden. 33

Reserved for quiet work 34

Quiet reading area 35

Reserved for working 36

The productization of services Problem: There was a lot of services in the library that the customers were not aware of. Services are not gathered into one, so it s not easy to find out offered services The presentation of services are not coherent. This makes it more difficult to find services. Solution: As a part of the productization the services were packed into a clear entity of what the library offers. Productization of services also means standardizing and consistency. - With a more visual presentation a better efficiency is achieved, and the utilization of services are easier. 37

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The internal productization of services: Work Instructions Example service: Individual Instruction in information retrieval 39

Service communication: Visual identity 40

Service communication: Visual identity 41

Service communication: Service pictograms 42

Service communication: Improving staff visibility Breast pins with information about name, title, language and know-how. 43

Service communication: Starter kits 44

What we achieved? 45

What we achieved? Happy customers, happy students - Initial feedback has been positive from the students. They have been really satisfied with the services provided, the customer service and the library environment. Change in the service offering - 15 realized new services or service improvements. Dozens of service ideas waiting still to be actualized. - The productization process has started 46

What we achieved? Change in the service culture - Redefining the library strategy and service promise - Started the transformation process of the staff towards a more customer centric service culture Change in the way how services are designed - New user-centered processes, methods and tools for service development - Participatory design processes 47


Thank you! Mikko Koivisto mikko@diagonal.fi Tel. +358-50-3011172 49