Project part-financed by the European Union

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Project part-financed by the European Union REPORT PROMIDNORD/WP5, SUBPROJECT IV MITTNORDISKA ARKEOLOGIDAGAR 14-16 JUNI 2007 The event was one of the last events and subprojects in the ProMidnord project. The Midnordic Archaeologydays has already traditions, they have been arranged already three times, 1991 in Vaasa, Finland, 1995 in Härnosand, Sweden and 1999 in Trondheim, Norway. The planning of the event was started during 2006. Responsible partner in the project was County Council of Central Finland, and local workgroup consisted of Kirsi Lajunen (member of WP5-steering group), Virpi Heikkinen (projectcoordinator) and - in order to assure the professionalism in the project the expertgroup consisted of three experts from the field of archaeology: Janne Vilkuna (University of Jyväskylä), Miikka Kumpulainen (University of Jyväskylä) and Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen (University of Turku) who took responsibility of the academical content. The time of the event was decided early during 2006 and essential was to keep it during summertime and before the closing of the project (July 2007). During autumn 2006 and winter 2006-2007 several marketing letters & invitations and preinformation about the event were sent through several e-maillists and direct contacts. Both to people who work within the field, but also to overall interested groups. The expertgroup defined the main theme to be rockart in the Midnordic region, but also other relevant themes wanted to be brought up. The expertgroup organized an abstract- competition and the best and most relevant lectures were chosen. The chosen lecturers were asked to prepare a presentation by the beginning of May, in order to make the publication in time. The event was held in the middle of June in Saarijärvi, Central Finland. The planning and programme was made in cooperation with eg. the university of Jyväskylä and local museumassociation (Keski-Suomen Museoyhdistys) and the Museum of Saarijärvi city. The programme contained two days of seminars, one exhibition-opening and one day of fieldtrip. PROGRAMME (in short) - Thursday 14/6: seminarday (10-16), place: Saarijärvi. At 18 PM opening of Stone Age House exhibition in Saarijärvi museum. - Friday 15/6: fieldtrip-day (8-18): different historical places in Central Finland, busstransportation. - Saturday 16/6: seminarday (9-14), place: Saarijärvi. LECTURES Miikka Kumpulainen (F) & Janne Vilkuna (F): Prehistory and Mediavel times in Central Finland - The Provincial Antiquities Project Eero Muurimäki (F): New archaeological results concerning Prehistoric dwellings Antti Lahelma (F): Recent developments in Finish rock art research Kalle Sognnes (N): Danser med elger Omkring stil og tegnmåte i den arktiske bergkunsten i Midt-Norge (distancelecture) Stig Welinder (S): Hällbilder, djur, människor och röd färg Karl-Johan Olofsson (S): Hällmålningsdokumentation i Jämtland Anders Hansson (S): Hällmålningen på Flatruet, en arkeologisk undersökning Eero Muurimäki (F): Stone Age Village in Saarijärvi A General View Curt Lofterud (S): Att levandegöra fångstkulturen vid Glösa hällristningar Lars Göran Spång (S): 3D modellering av artefakter med kamera

Peter Holmblad (F): Tidig metallålder i Österbotten - Preliminära arkeologiska och miljöarkeologiska resultat från Malax och Laihela Janne Vilkuna (F): The Lost Natives - Research Problems of the Tavastian Erämark Period in Central Finland Friday 15/6: fieldtrip day: places visited; Saraakallio, Hartikka, Halsvuori, Kuhmoinen Linnavuori, Jämsä rautakauden kalmistot, Saarijärvi, Stone Age Village EXHIBITION STONE AGE HOUSE OPENING 14TH OF JUNE 2007 (Saarijärvi Museum) The exhibition is made by the Finnish National Museum and brought to Saarijärvi museum in order to complement the archeologydays event. The exhibit presents the researchresults of stone age dwellings during the last decades. Exhibition is in English, Swedish and Finnish. Another exhibition is The people of the tree which presents the Finnish treemythology and also brings to life the local history in Saarijärvi. Both exhibitions are open during 15/6-9/9/2007 in Saarijärvi Museum. The exhibition-opening was held on 14/6 and Paula Purhonen, the Head of the National Board of Antiquities opened the exhibition. PUBLICATION During the seminars there were 11 lectures about the themes mentioned above, and important exchange of knowledge and experience was made. Because the purpose of this subproject was also to transfer the information and history to the next generation, the lectures have been collected and published in a publication which was presented during the event. The publication will be widely spread in the region to eg. museums and libraries and it will also be used as a marketing present to promote the midnordic co-operation. RESULTS/OUTCOME The participants and lectures came from different midnordic regions, approx. 44 participants. They represented both experts in the field of archeology but also topic-interested common people. All the participants were satisfied with the programme and the content, and there are plans to arrange the next seminar during 2010 in Östersund, Sweden. The event got mediacoverage in two local newspapers and radiochanel. In addition, two frelancer journalists (both from Sweden and Finland) participated in the event and planned to make articles about the event and the midnordic cooperation.

DOCUMENTATIONS FROM THE EVENT Newspaper-articles (Keskisuomalainen & Sampo) Pictures from the first day, the seminar, the exhibition-opening and the bookpublication. Pictures next page: from the fieldtrip-day.

Further information: Virpi Heikkinen, practical organization Tel +358 14 652 217, e-mail: & Janne Vilkuna,chairman of the expertgroup Tel. +358 14 260 1455, e-mail: Information on Central Finland: About Stone Age Village (Saarijärvi): NEXT PAGES: Appendix 1-2 1) Invitation to exhibition-opening 14/6/2007 2) Participants -list

Kivikauden Talo näyttelyn avajaisiin to 14.6.2007 klo 18 Saarijärven museo, Herajärventie 2 Keskipohjola-komitean ProMidNord hankkeessa on järjestetty vuosien 2005-2007 aikana useita eri tapahtumia eri aiheista. Hankkeen yksi viimeisistä tapahtumista on Keskipohjolan IV Arkeologiapäivät, jotka järjestetään Saarijärvellä 14.-16.6.2007. Päiviin osallistuu n. 50 alan harrastajaa ja ammattilaista Keskipohjolan alueelta. Saarijärven museo on ollut yksi tärkeä yhteistyökumppani päivien järjestelyissä ja tapahtuman aikaan museossa avataan teemaan sopiva näyttely. Saarijärven museoon on koottu Suomen kansallismuseon tuottama näyttely Kivikauden talo, joka esittelee viime vuosikymmenien tutkimustuloksia kivikautisista asumismuodoista. Näyttelyssä on pyritty valottamaan myös muinaismaisemaa, elinkeinorakennetta ja uskomuksia. Näyttelyn keskeistä antia on ainutlaatuiset uudet tutkimustulokset muun muassa kivikauden hirsirakennustekniikasta. Kivikautisten asumismuotojen elävöittämiseksi näyttelyä varten on tehty kaksi pienoismallia, jotka perustuvat Saarijärven ja Yli-Iin tutkimusten tuloksiin. Tutkimusten vaiheita kohteen löytymisestä ennallistamiseen asti valotetaan Saarijärven kahta täysin erityyppistä asumusta esittelevässä multimediaohjelmassa. Näyttely on tekstitetty suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. Näyttelyn avaa Museoviraston pääjohtaja valtionarkeologi Paula Purhonen ja avajaisten ohjelmassa mm. näyttelyn esittely sekä tanssitaiteilija Helena Ratisen esitys. Lisäksi museossa on esillä Puiden kansa näyttely, joka on kertomus suomalaisesta puumytologiasta eli kuvaus esi-isiemme puihin ja metsiin liittyvästä uskomusperinteestä sekä tuon perinteen mieliimme ja tapoihimme jättämistä jäljistä. Näyttelyssä on mukana Saarijärveltä mm. Pyhäkankaan karsikkopuut sekä Savelan karhumänty. Molemmat näyttely ovat avoinna 15.6.-9.9.2007. Tervetuloa! Tarjoilun vuoksi toivomme ennakkoilmoittautumista ma 11.6. mennessä, annan mielelläni myös lisätietoja hankkeestamme: Virpi Heikkinen, projektikoordinaattori ProMidNord Puh. 014 652 217, s-posti: Netistä: Saarijärven museo

IV MITTNORDISKA ARKEOLOGIDAGAR/IV KESKIPOHJOLAN ARKEOLOGIAPÄIVÄT PARTICIPANTS: Sweden: Bengtsson PB Gabrielsson Ivan Granholm Nina Hansson Anders Hedman Åsa Hemmendorff Ove Holmblad Peter Lofterud Curt Nilsson Måna Olofsson Karl-Johan Oskarsson Björn Spång Lars Göran Welinder Stig Norway Rönning Clas Finland: Becker Kirsti Laaksonen Jarmo Lahelma Antti Lajunen Kirsi Lippu Hilkka Luomala Jorma Luotola Hannu Luotola Pirkko-Liisa Muurikainen Jukka Muurimäki Eero Nuutinen Mirja Petterson-Smed Lilian Porvali Martti Raento Esko Salonen Pauli Strengell Kirsi Taavitsainen Jussi-Pekka Westlin Christina Vilkuna Janne Hagback Siri Heikkinen Virpi Kivikäs Pekka Knuuttila Antti Kotilainen Kari Krook Juhani Kumpulainen Miikka