Diaarinumero. Puhelinnumero. Tila: Saapunut

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Loppuraportti Suomen rakennerahasto-ohjelma 26.11.2018 Hankekoodi S20755 Diaarinumero Puhelinnumero Tila Saapunut 1 Hankkeen perustiedot Hankkeen nimi 1.8.2016 31.7.2018 Toimintalinja Erityistavoite Tukimuoto Hanketyyppi Kustannusmalli Flat rate 17 % 2 Tuensaajan perustiedot Tuensaajan nimi Suomen liike- ja virkanaisten liitto Y-tunnus 0221170-9 Hankkeen WWW-osoite http://www.bpw-finland.fi Eeva Peltonen president@bpw-finland.fi 050 5184709 arvosuunnitelman palkkakartoituksen tekemiseen. kursseille 42 osallistujaa, joista 39 suoritti kurssin loppuun. avulla. During the project, si two-week courses were arranged for unemployed over 50-year-old highly educated women in the capital region. The training was organised in small groups of 10 persons. One training period lasted for three weeks and included a total of 60 hours of contact teaching and 6 hours of distance teaching. During the first week, the participants trained their Ecel skills and learnt to use the Equal pace online tool,

performance reporting, and performance analysis with the aid of theoretical instruction and assignments. During the second week, the trainees practiced using the online tool independently. During the third week, the trainees learned about the general framework for equality, the Equality Act, and the personnel equality plan and gender equality plan required by the Act. The trainees were provided with theoretical knowledge on the different forms of entrepreneurship. At the end of the third week, the trainees practiced marketing their competence and were provided with the necessary pedagogical skills for teaching others to use the Equal pace tool. Equal pace is a free online tool for analysing the pay structures of organisations. Equal pace is part of the PROGRESS programme funded by the European Union. Equal pace has been designed to identify the effects of education, the duration of a permanent employment contract, work eperience, the degree of challenge related to the work tasks, and the employee's supervisory position on the gender pay gap. The tool is intended for conducting the pay survey required for the equality plan. The objective of the project was to arrange 8 courses and train 80 women. Si courses were carried out during the project. Recruiting participants was challenging, as social media and electronic messages did not reach the potential participants. With the aid of newspaper announcements and a good word put in by participants, we were able to gather up 42 participants, of whom 39 completed the course. The feedback from the course participants was very positive, and the groups considered the echange of eperiences and peer support important. A quarter of the participants reported that they were going to start seeking employment and some indicated that they were planning on setting up a business. For 2017, we received an operating grant for the personal career guidance of the Helsinki-based participants from the City of Helsinki. social media. The project has been the Act of Equality of the Federation of Business and Professional Women Finland in the 100 Acts for Gender Equality project of the National Council of Women of Finland. 4 Hankkeen tarve, toteutus ja tulokset sukupuolille.

5 Seurantatiedot osallistujia. Peruimme kaksi suunniteltua koulutusjaksoa koulutettavien puutteen vuoksi. 7 Horisontaaliset tavoitteet 7.1 Sukupuolten tasa-arvo Ei ajankohtaisten tilastojen mukaan Uudenmaan alueella oli (valtavirtaistaminen) Vaikutuksen kohde Vaikutusaste vaikutus vaikutus 0 5 0 3 0 0 Ei vaikutuksia. 0 1 kasvihuonekaasut) pieni. Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0 Ei ole vaikutuksia. 0 5

Vaikutuksen kohde Vaikutusaste vaikutus vaikutus 0 0 Ei vaikutuksia. 2 2 5 5 Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 0 3 Hyvinvointi 10 10 4 9 palkkakartoituksen tekemiseen. se tarjosi vertaistukea ja verkostoa samassa tilanteessa oleville. Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 3 0 8 Julkisuus, tiedottaminen ja yhteydet muihin hankkeisiin 0 0 Ei vaikutusta. 0 0 Ei vaikutusta. Kaupungintalolla. hankekoodit) Hanke ei liittynyt muihin ESR-hankkeisiin 10 Liitteet ja allekirjoitus Liitteet 26.11.2018 Eeva Maija Peltonen Puheenjohtaja

1 (1) S20755 Kustannusarvion ja rahoitussuunnitelman toteuma Kustannukset 1. Palkkakustannukset 17 170,82 2. Ostopalvelut 55 010,59 Rahoitus Yksityinen rahoitus: tuensaajan omarahoitus 18 774,85 25,00 18 774,85 25,00 % nettokustannuksista 3. Flat rate 2 919,04 75 100,45 35 114,00 75 100,45 140 458,00 Tulostettu 26.11.2018 14:41:01