Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea. Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Kokous/Meeting 5/2018. Käsiteltävät asiat/agenda

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1 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 Käsiteltävät asiat/agenda Jäsenet ja henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus kokouksissa / Members and those with right to attend Kokouksen avaus ja päätösvaltaisuus / Call to order and establishment of quorum Asialistan hyväksyminen ja pöytäkirjan tarkastajien valinta / Approval of meeting agenda and election of examiners of the minutes Kokouskielen päättäminen / Working language of the meeting Päätösasia/Decision item: Muutokset kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun jatkokoulutuksen tutkimusala- ja vastuuprofessorilistalle lukuvuodelle / Changes of research fieldsand supervising professors of doctoral education in the School of Chemical Engineering for the academic year (Sirje Liukko) Liite/attachment 1a: tutkimusalat ja vastuuprofessorit Liite/attachment 1b: ote TKN:n pöytäkirjasta Päätösasia/Decision item: Kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan, Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelma / Adding, removing and altering courses for the curriculum of , Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering (Annu Westerberg) Liite/attachment 2: Opetussuunitelmatietojen muuttaminen kesken kaksivuotiskauden Liite/attachment 3: LPM DI-ohjelma Päätösasia/Decision item: Muutokset Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman opetussuunnitelmaan lukuvuodelle / Alterations to the curriculum of Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering for the academic year (Annu Westerberg) Liite/attachment 4a: OPS DI, muutokset Liite/attachment 4b: OPS kokonaisuudessaan, DI, Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun mahdollinen osallistuminen Creative Sustainability-ohjelmaan / Possible participation of the School of Chemical Engineering to the Creative Sustainability- programme (Tapani Vuorinen) Liite/attachment 8: Creative sustainability Ilmoitusasiat / Announcements Muut asiat / Any other business Liite/attachment 5: Lehdistötiedote kypsyysnäytteenä Liite/attachment 6: Hyväksilukusäännöt Liite/attachment 7: tilastoja opiskelijavalinnoista... 73

2 10 Kokouksen päättäminen / Closing the meeting Pöytäkirjan tarkistaminen / Examiners of the minutes... 80

3 1 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 Jäsenet ja henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus kokouksissa / Members and those with right to attend Jäsen / Member Paikalla Present 1. Varajäsen / Deputy member Paikalla Present 2. Varajäsen / Deputy member Professorikunta / Professors Jan Deska Mady Elbahri Lasse Murtomäki Alexander Frey x Päivi Laaksonen Thaddeus Maloney Antti Karttunen x Ari Jokilaakso Tanja Kallio Marjatta Louhi- x Riikka Puurunen Rodrigo Serna Kultanen Silvan Scheller x Mark Hughes Sandip Bankar Henkilökunta / Staff Leena Hauhio x Anja Hänninen Jerri Kämpe-Hellenius Pirjo Pietikäinen Jari Aromaa x Golam Sarwar Juan José Valle- Delgado Opiskelijat / Students Salli Aikio Iida Haavisto x x Eeva-Leena Rautama Kyösti Ruuttunen Jakke Anttila x Juhani Rahikka Sofia Toroi x Paikalla Present Henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo- ja puheoikeus / Persons with right to attend Puheenjohtaja, dekaani Janne Laine Varadekaani Tapani Vuorinen Laitosjohtaja Jukka Seppälä Laitosjohtaja Herbert Sixta Laitosjohtaja Jari Koskinen Professori Katrina Nordström Henkilöt, joilla läsnäolo-oikeus / Persons with right to attend Viestinnän asiantuntija Helena Seppälä Esittelijät/Presenting officials Opintoasiain päällikkö Hanne Puskala Suunnittelija Sirje Liukko Suunnittelija Heli Järvelä Suunnittelija Annu Westerberg Suunnittelija Leena Hauhio Suunnittelija Anja Hänninen Paikalla Present x x x x x

4 2 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 1 Kokouksen avaus ja päätösvaltaisuus / Call to order and establishment of quorum Puheenjohtaja avasi kokouksen. Se todettiin päätösvaltaiseksi (jäsenet ja läsnäoloon oikeutetut). The chair called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present.

5 3 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 2 Asialistan hyväksyminen ja pöytäkirjan tarkastajien valinta / Approval of meeting agenda and election of examiners of the minutes Hyväksytään asialista ja valitaan kaksi (2) pöytäkirjan tarkastajaa. Pöytäkirjan tarkastusvuoro kulkee jäseneltä toiselle aakkosjärjestyksessä. Jos vuorossa oleva varsinainen jäsen on estynyt osallistumaan kokoukseen, toimii pöytäkirjan tarkastajana hänen kokoukseen osallistuva varajäsenensä. Aakkosjärjestyksen mukaisesti vuorossa ovat jäsenet Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen ja Pirjo Pietikäinen. Examiners of the minutes will be selected in alphabetical order. If the member cannot attend, the vice member who attends the meeting will be selected instead. The examiners of minutes for this meeting are Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen and Pirjo Pietikäinen. Päätös / Decision: Asialista hyväksyttiin. Pöytäkirjan tarkastajiksi valittiin Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen ja Jari Aromaa. Agenda was approved as such. Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen and Jari Aromaa were selected as examiners of the minutes.

6 4 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 3 Kokouskielen päättäminen / Working language of the meeting Päätetään kokouksen työkielestä (suomi/englanti). Working language of the meeting (Finnish/English) will be decided. Päätös / Decision: Kokouksen työkieleksi päätettiin englanti. / English was decided as the working language of the meeting.

7 5 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 4 Päätösasia/Decision item: Muutokset kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun jatkokoulutuksen tutkimusala- ja vastuuprofessorilistalle lukuvuodelle / Changes of research fields- and supervising professors of doctoral education in the School of Chemical Engineering for the academic year (Sirje Liukko) Kemian tekniikan tohtorinkoulutusneuvosto (kokous ) esittää KTAK:lle muutoksia jatkokoulutuksen tutkimusala- ja vastuuprofessorilistalle lukuvuodelle (liite 1a). Liitteenä 1b on ote Tohtorinkoulutusneuvoston kokouksen pöytäkirjasta. Jatkokoulutuksen tutkimusalat- ja vastuuprofessorit lukuvuodelle on vahvistettu kemian tekniikan akateemisen komitean kokouksessa 1/ The Doctoral Programme Committee in Chemical Engineering has discussed changes to the list of research fields- and supervising professors for academic year in its meeting on 21 August The proposal is in the attachment 1a. Extract of the minutes of Doctoral Programme Committee meeting is attached as an attachment 1b. Research fields- and supervising professors of doctoral education at the School of Chemical Engineering for the academic year have been confirmed by the Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering in the meeting 1/2018 on 13 February Päätösesitys: Vahvistetaan muutokset jatkokoulutuksen tutkimusala- ja vastuuprofessorilistalle Tohtorinkoulutusneuvoston esityksen (liite 1a) mukaisesti. Proposal: Changes of research fields- and supervising professors of doctoral education at the School of Chemical Engineering will be confirmed according to the proposal by the Doctocal Programme Committee (attachment 1a). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed. Sirje Liukko poistui kokouksesta klo / Sirje Liukko left the meeting at

8 Tohtorinkoulutuksen tutkimusalat lukuvuonna Muistio / muutokset Sirje Liukko KTAK 5/2018 Liite 1a Asia Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea on vahvistanut lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan tohtorinkoulutuksen tutkimusalat vastuuprofessoreineen. Professorien urajärjestelmään tehtyjen nimitysten, muualle ja eläkkeelle siirtymisten johdosta päivitetään vastuuprofessorien luettelo vastaavasti. Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying (OOS) Appendix: Section 43a DEGREE REGULATIONS ON DOCTORAL EDUCATION: The school appoints a supervising professor who represents the research field approved for the student. The supervising professor must be a tenure-track professor of the school, though for special reasons, a non-tenure track professor of the school may be appointed by decision of the dean. Nimi (suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi) Kemia Kemi Chemistry CHEM004Z Biotekniikka Bioteknik Biotechnology CHEM005Z Jatkotutk. opinto koodi CHEM004Z- LZ CHEM005Z- LZ Tutkimusalasta vastaava(t) professori(t) Full Professor Maarit Karppinen Assistant Professor Antti J. Karttunen Full Professor Ari Koskinen Full Professor Sakari Kulmala Full Professor Kari Laasonen Associate Professor Lasse Murtomäki Associate Professor Jan Deska Associate Professor Mady Elbahri Associate Professor Tanja Kallio Associate Professor Alexander Frey Full Professor Markus Linder Full Professor Katrina Nordström Assistant Professor Sandip Bankar Assistant Professor Silvan Scheller Adjunct Professor Merja Penttilä Adjunct Professor Emma Master 1

9 Kemian tekniikka Kemiteknik Chemical Engineering CHEM006Z Materiaalien prosessointi Materialens processing Processing of Materials CHEM007Z Materiaalitiede Materialvetenskap Materials Science CHEM008Z Biotuotetekniikka Bioproduktteknik Bioproduct Technology CHEM010Z CHEM006Z- LZ CHEM007Z- LZ CHEM008Z- LZ CHEM010Z- LZ Full Professor Ville Alopaeus Full Professor Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Associate professor Mauri Kostiainen Full Professor Yongdan Li Associate Professor Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Associate Professor Pekka Oinas Associate Professor Riikka Puurunen Full Professor Jukka Seppälä Adjunct Professor Iiro Harjunkoski Full Professor Mikhail Gasik Associate Professor Daniel Lindberg Assistant Professor Mari Lundström Assistant Professor Rodrigo Serna Associate professor Ari Jokilaakso Full Professor Sami Franssila Full Professor Simo-Pekka Hannula Full Professor Jari Koskinen Assistant Professor Päivi Laaksonen Associate Professor Roman Nowak Associate Professor Mady Elbahri Full Professor Olli Dahl Full Professor Patrick Gane Full Professor Mark Hughes Associate Professor Eero Kontturi Full Professor Janne Laine Associate Professor Thaddeus Maloney Full Professor Jouni Paltakari Assistant Professor Lauri Rautkari Full Professor Orlando Rojas Full Professor Herbert Sixta Full Professor Tapani Vuorinen Associate Professor Monika Österberg SELECT+ CHEM009Z- Full Professor Olli Dahl 2

10 Kestävät energiateknologiat Hållbara energiteknologier Sustainable Energy Technologies CHEM009Z LZ Full Professor Jouni Paltakari Full Professor Herbert Sixta 3


12 10 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 5 Päätösasia/Decision item: Kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan, Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelma / Adding, removing and altering courses for the curriculum of , Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering (Annu Westerberg) Korkeakoulun ohjesäännön 9 :n mukaan koulutusneuvoston tehtävänä on tehdä akateemiselle komitealle ehdotukset koulutusohjelmakohtaisista opetussuunnitelmista. Aalto-yliopiston johtosäännön 25 :n mukaan korkeakoulun akateeminen komitea tekee yliopiston akateemiselle komitealle esityksen korkeakoulukohtaisesta opetussuunnitelmasta. Yliopiston akateeminen komitea on delegoinut opetussuunnitelmista päättämisen korkeakoulujen akateemisille komiteoille. Tiedoksi: opetussuunnitelmatietojen muuttaminen kesken kaksivuotisen opetussuunnitelmakauden (liite 2) Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto on kokouksessaan keskustellut lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmiin tarvittavista kurssien lisäyksistä, poistoista ja muutoksista ja tehnyt akateemiselle komitealle esityksen (liite 3). According to the 9 of the school bylaws the duties of the Degree Programme Committee include preparing proposals of the curricula of the degree programmes for the Academic Committee. According to 25 of the Aalto University bylaws, the School Academic Committee shall make proposal on the School-specific curriculum to the University Academic Affairs Committee. The University Academic Affairs Committee has delegated the decision making regarding the curriculum to the School Academic Committees. For information: Alterations to the currently valid curricula within the two-year period (attachment 2) The Degree Programme Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering has discussed the necessary additions, removals and alterations of courses for the curriculum in its meeting 28 August 2018 and has provided the Academic Committee with a proposal (attachment 3). Päätösehdotus: Vahvistetaan kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman osalta Koulutusneuvoston esityksen (liite 3) mukaisesti. Proposal: Making additions, removals and alterations to courses for the curriculum concerning Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering will be confirmed according to the proposal by the Degree Programme Committee (attachment 3). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed.

13 KTAK 5/2018, korjattu liite/updated attachment 2 Changes to a currently valid curriculum (within the two-year period) Note! Change of responsible teacher of the course: Decision of - BSc programme manager after consultation of head of department - MSc head of the major after consultation of head of department - DSc programme manager after consultation of head of department

14 Change to a valid curriculum is justified and viewed as unavoidable 1. The director of the degree programme and the vice dean for education proposes the matter to the DCP (in the case of academic minors or minor study modules, the matter is proposed by the person in charge of the minor and by the vice dean for education) 2. Handling in the preparatory body, Degree programme committee 3. Decision: school s Academic committee

15 Academic decision-making: Programme and study module information and degree requirements Changes in the personnel to be charge of degree programmes and study modules (majors) are decided by the Dean. New study modules may not be established in the middle of a two-year curriculum period nor may the basic information or content of a study module be changed in the middle of the two-year period. Study module discontinuations become effective only at the start of a two-year curriculum period. The decision to discontinue may and should be made and reported in advance

16 Academic decision-making: Courses For a justifiable reason, the basic information and description of a course may be amended. Course additions may also be made for a justifiable reason. The discontinuation of courses that are compulsory or alternative under the degree programme may take effect only at the start of a two-year curriculum period. The discontinuation of elective courses may take effect at the start of the academic year. Courses may not be changed to be held on an every-other-year basis in the middle of a two-year curriculum period

17 KTAK 5/18 1 (1) Liite 3 Lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan tulevat kurssien lisäykset, poistot ja muutokset MUISTIO Valmistelijat: Annu Westerberg, Leena Hauhio Esittelijä: Annu Westerberg Liite 3 Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle lukuvuosien opetussuunnitelmaan seuraavia Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering -ohjelman pääaineisiin kuuluvien kurssien lisäyksiä, poistoja ja muutoksia. Muutokset Pääaine: Biotechnology CHEM-E3225 Cell and Tissue Engineering Periodi: III-IV -> V Perustelut: Opettajaresurssien takia. Pääaine: Fibre and Polymer Engineering CHEM-E2110 Polymer Technology Laboratory Exercises, 5 op Muutetaan vastuuopettaja: Pirjo Pietikäinen -> Sami Lipponen Perustelut: Pirjo Pietikäinen ei ole enää Aalto-yliopiston palveluksessa Pääaine: Functional Materials CHEM-E5130 Laboratory Course in Functional Materials, V, 5 op Muutetaan opetusperiodi: III-IV -> III-V Perustelut: Useampi mahdollisuus suorittaa kurssi, yksi toteutus/opiskelija/periodi

18 16 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 6 Päätösasia/Decision item: Muutokset Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman opetussuunnitelmaan lukuvuodelle / Alterations to the curriculum of Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering for the academic year (Annu Westerberg) Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan esitetään muutoksia. Esitys muutoksista on kuvattu liitteellä 4a. Koulutusneuvosto on käsitellyt asiaa kokouksessaan Liitteenä 4b on tiedoksi päivitetty opetussuunnitelma kokonaisuudessaan. Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering suggests alterations alterations to the curriculum of the academic year The proposal on alterations is described in an attachment 4a. The Degree Programme Committee has discussed the issue in its meeting 28 August Updated curriculum of Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering in its entirety is available as an attachment 4b (for information). Päätösehdotus: Vahvistetaan muutokset Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman lukuvuoden opetussuunnitelmaan Koulutusneuvoston esityksen (liite 4a) mukaisesti. Proposal: The alterations to the curriculum of Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering for will be confirmed according to the proposal of the Degree Programme Committee (attachment 4a). Päätös/Decision: Päätettiin esityksen mukaisesti. / The motion was passed as proposed.

19 KN 7/18 1 (1) Liite 4a KTAK 5/2018 Liite 4a Muutokset Kemian-, bio- ja materiaalitekniikan maisteriohjelman opetussuunnitelmaan lukuvuodelle MUISTIO Valmistelijat: Annu Westerberg, Leena Hauhio Esittelijä: Annu Westerberg Liite 3 Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle lukuvuosien opetussuunnitelmaan seuraavia täydennyksiä Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering -ohjelman rakenteeseen. Täydennetään kohtaan Elective studies: cr electives Perustelut: opiskelijan koulutustaustasta riippuen pääaineen laajuus on joko opintopistettä, jolloin vapaasti valittavien opintojen laajuus on opintopistettä Pääaine Functional Materials: Lisätään seuraavat kurssit kohtaan Specialization courses: ELEC-E3220 Semiconductor Devices 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4175 Fundamental Electrochemistry 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0421 Solid-State Physics 5 IV-V/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0525 Microscopy of Nanomaterials 5 III IV/1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0526 Microscopy of Nanomaterials, laboratory course 5 IV-V/1 st or 2 nd MEC-E1090 Quality Management and Metrology 5 II/ 2 nd MEC-E7005 Advanced Casting Technology L 5 IV/ 1 st or 2 nd

20 KTAK 5/18 1 (29) Liite 4b Master s programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering -ohjelman opetussuunnitelma lukuvuosille MUISTIO, / Leena Hauhio, Annu Westerberg Esittelijä: Annu Westerberg Liite 4b Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun koulutusneuvosto esittää akateemiselle komitealle ylemmän koulutusohjelman, Master s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, opetussuunnitelman muutosten ja teknisten korjausten vahvistamista lukuvuosille tämän muistion mukaisesti. MASTER S PROGRAMME IN CHEMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Koulutusohjelman johtaja: prof. Tapani Vuorinen Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun diplomi-insinöörintutkinnon osaamistavoitteet perustuvat Aalto-yliopiston määrittelemiin diplomi-insinöörintutkinnon osaamistavoitteisiin. Ylempään koulutusohjelmaan, Master s Programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering, kuuluu seitsemän (7) pääainetta: Biomass Refining, Biotechnology, Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemistry, Fibre and Polymer Engineering, Functional Materials and Sustainable Metals Processing. Koulutusohjelman osaamistavoitteet, sisällöt ja rakenteet tarkentuvat pääaine- ja kurssikohtaisissa osaamistavoitekuvauksissa. Ohjelman on englanninkielinen, joten oppimistavoitteet, pääaineiden rakenteet ja kurssikuvaukset on esitetty tässä muistiossa englanniksi. Degree structure General learning outcomes of the Master s programme of Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering The learning outcomes of the master's degree are based on the aims set for education leading to a Master of Science (Technology) as defined in the degree regulations of the School of Chemical Engineering. The learning outcomes of the degree are further specified in the major- and course-specific descriptions of learning outcomes. The focus areas of the education are the sustainable use and processing of natural resources and new materials, including their technical applications. In the studies towards the major, students acquire advanced knowledge in a specific area of biotechnology, chemical technology or material science and technology. The education leading to a master s degree is based Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

21 KTAK 5/18 2 (29) Liite 4b on the professional practices of fields requiring expertise in science and technology and on scientific research generating new knowledge. Students may choose their minors or elective study modules so that their degree is a combination of technology, business, and art, typical of Aalto University. Students will adopt a responsible, goal-oriented and systematic way of working, and develop skills to work as experts in their area of specialisation both independently and in cooperation with experts of different fields, also in an international working environment. They will be able to express themselves clearly and unambiguously both orally and in writing and to tailor their communication to the target audience. The School of Chemical Engineering trains Masters of Science (Technology) who have the skills and knowledge to work as pacesetters of the fields of biotechnology, chemical technology and material science and technology in various managerial, planning and research duties serving industry or related stakeholders, the scientific community or public sector. The studies of the programme provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for applying scientific knowledge and scientific methods independently and for continuing to doctoral education. Graduates of the programme will have achieved the key scientific and professional working methods of their area of specialisation and will be able to continuously deepen their knowledge by acquiring, evaluating and processing scientific, technical and professional information. They will gain the knowledge and skills to understand the challenges of the field from the point of view of users and technical and social systems, as well as from that of the environment and be able to use this knowledge in developing new solutions, also as members of multidisciplinary teams. The master s degree programme consists of 120 study credits. This means two study years including master s thesis. The programme includes: 4 5 cr course common (CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community) to all majors in Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering 60 cr major dependent studies (see below) 30 cr thesis cr electives Language studies Language studies are mandatory according to Aalto degree regulation. This means 3 ECTS credits including both oral and written part. You can select courses that have letters O (for oral) and W (for written) in their name. In addition, basic Finnish courses can be applied here. If you have taken equivalent language studies in your bachelor s degree, you do not have to take them in your master s degree. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

22 KTAK 5/18 3 (29) Liite 4b Biomass Refining Nimi Su: Biomassan jalostustekniikka Professor in charge: Herbert Sixta Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3021 Biomass refining constitutes the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. The key technological contents of the major is treatment of biomass with tailored mechanical, chemical, biochemical and thermochemical processes leading to selective and efficient fractionation of the biomass components into functional fractions, and further refining of the fractions to fibres, polymers, chemical compounds and fuels or their reactants. The focus point of the major is the physiological function and structure of plants as well as the reactivity of the chemical components of lignocellulosic biomass in the conversion processes. Great attention is paid to process integration modelling, taking into account recycling and waste management. This includes the development of an integrated, rational and transparent evaluation framework for sustainable assessments, such as Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). The major Biomass Refining applies knowledge of the fields of biotechnology, chemistry, and process technology. Learning outcomes After graduating from the major, the students are able to describe the global availability of biomass feedstocks and can formulate scientifically justified arguments on the sustainable use of biomass. can give an overall description of biomass structure, from macro structural aspects to microscopic and molecular level, the emphasis being on the plant cell wall architecture and the structure and interactions of lignocellulosic components (cellulose, lignin, hemicelluloses, resins and inorganic compounds). can identify the principal cellular organisms relevant in biomass refining and describe and apply the principles and practices in (bio)catalysis and explain how biosynthesis of plant cell wall constituents and cellular metabolites proceeds. can model and simulate mass and energy phenomena in multiphase systems and are able to calculate material and energy balances of complex systems. have thorough knowledge of the separation methods used in biomass refining, and based on this knowledge can formulate suggestions for practical applications. can predict and describe chemical reactions of biomass components in different conditions and can design and perform experiments to test the hypotheses. can give detailed scientific and technical descriptions on the industrial-scale mechanical, thermo-chemical, chemical, and biochemical methods for biomass fractionation into platforms (carbohydrates, lignin, extractives). are able to suggest feasible and sustainable production schemes for value-added products from the platforms, including LCA analysis of the products. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

23 KTAK 5/18 4 (29) Liite 4b can perform biomass fractionation experiments in practice and can use the most relevant analytical methods and equipment for analysing and characterising the products. demonstrate an understanding of societal, economical, and environmental effects of engineering solutions. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) all students have to take the same common and compulsory studies of 4-5 cr + 60 cr. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1 st Table 2. Compulsory courses (60 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E1110 Lignocellulose Chemistry 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1100 Plant Biomass 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7100 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7110 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1120 Thermochemical Processes 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1130 Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E1140 Catalysis for Biomass Refining 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess Technology II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E1150 Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation in Class 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1160 Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation in Laboratory 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E1200 Integration and Products 10 I-II, III-V / 2nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

24 KTAK 5/18 5 (29) Liite 4b Biotechnology Nimi Su: Biotekniikka Professor in charge: Sandip Bankar Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1070 Code: CHEM3022 Graduates from the Biotechnology major have a strong multidisciplinary knowledge of biotechnology and engineering and the ability to apply this knowledge in a research and business environment. The major gives an in-depth understanding of molecular level biological phenomena, their modeling and application. At the core of the teaching are biotechnologically important organisms and enzymes, their properties, as well as their applications in products and processes. Students acquire practical skills and the ability to use key methods of biotechnology, including genetic engineering and synthetic biology, and learn to apply these tools to the development of biotechnological processes. The major Biotechnology applied knowledge in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry and process engineering. Learning outcomes After graduating from the major Biotechnology, the students have the competencies to: Select methods for the molecular-level control, regulation and modeling of metabolic pathways and enzymatic reactions, to optimize the performance and physiology of proand eukaryotic cells and systems. Apply methods for experimentation and analysis of the structure and function of biological macromolecules, genetic modification of pro- and eukaryotic cells, randomization, screening, and selection approaches. Implement engineering approaches at the cellular level for protein modifications, secretion, signaling and control of biochemical pathways in industrially important producer organisms leading to generation of commercially interesting compounds Use rationale design for biocatalyst development to plan and perform in practice operations with biocatalysts and subsequent separation steps with various proteins, organisms and product types Quantify and model cellular, enzymatic, unit operation and bioreactor performance in a process and suggest research questions for process developments and in the R&D and production chain including estimates on capital and operation expenditure and profitability Apply conceptual and mathematical modelling of physical, chemical and biological phenomena in bioreactors, downstream operations and product recovery including analytics and economic feasibility studies. Design and select equipment for unit operations, large scale and process operations for the refining of biological raw materials to new value added products, including valorization of sidestreams. Design product development processes in line regulatory demands nationally and internationally and contribute to handling IPR matters, marketing authorization, product Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

25 KTAK 5/18 6 (29) Liite 4b launch, within a framework of ethical guidelines and professional standards promoting problem solving and innovation for advancement of science and technology for a sustainable future bioeconomy. Content and structure For the major (60 cr cr) the students have to take - The major is formed of 45 cr of the same compulsory studies of all students and additional specialization studies of 15 cr which students need to select from a list of courses included. - Common compulsory course (4 5 cr) - minor recommendation: Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemistry - Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (50 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E3100 Biochemistry 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3110 Biolab I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3120 Microbiology 5 I / 1st CHEM-E3130 Biolab II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess Technology II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E3150 Biophysical Chemistry 5 III / 1st CHEM-E8120 Cell Biology 5 II / 1st CHEM-E8115 Cell Factory 5 III / 1st CHEM-E3160 Biolab III 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E3205 Bioprocess Optimization and Simulation 5 I / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (10 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E3180 Concepts in Biochemistry 5 II-III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E3225 Cell- and Tissue Engineering 5 V / 1st CHEM-E3170 Systems Biology* 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E8125 Synthetic Biology 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1st or 2nd *Course is offered even years Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

26 KTAK 5/18 7 (29) Liite 4b Chemistry Nimi Su: Kemia Professor in charge: Kari Laasonen Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050 Code: CHEM3023 The Chemistry major has a strong scientific basis in chemistry. It begins with molecular and quantum mechanical level description of matter and chemical reactions. The organic and inorganic study paths provide good knowledge on synthesizing and analyzing organic or inorganic materials. The physical chemistry study path focuses on electrochemistry and computational chemistry. In addition to the natural science basis, the major provides good knowledge in chemical engineering practices, especially when complementing the major s courses with chemical engineering courses. The emphasis is on educating engineers capable of acting as chemistry experts in various branches of the industry and capable of solving chemistry related problems, such as planning reaction procedures and analyzing materials in detail. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: 1. Knowledge of organic and inorganic materials and chemical reaction mechanisms to synthesize these materials. 2. Knowledge of chemical equilibria and kinetics in various chemical reactions and knowledge of quantum mechanics related to the chemical bond and spectroscopy. 3. Depending on the study path the major will offer comprehensive knowledge in: (organic chemistry) organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis, organometallic chemistry and structural analysis. To support synthesis, the module offers studies in computer aided methods for molecular design, synthesis design, and data analysis. (inorganic and analytical chemistry) basics of materials chemistry: solid state chemistry phenomena and theories. Materials synthesis (polycrystalline, nanoparticles, single crystals, thin films), characterization techniques, and material functions (catalytic, conductive, magnetic, ferroelectric, thermoelectric, photonic). Modern analytical chemistry methods, especially miniaturized analytical systems. (physical chemistry) pure and applied electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The pure electrochemistry study path will offer comprehensive knowledge of electrochemical processes and measurements. The applied electrochemistry path focuses mainly on fuel cells and light weight batteries. The computational chemistry path will focus on molecular modelling. We strongly encourage the students to complement their studied with chemical engineering or physics courses. For example, combining organic chemistry and polymer engineering will be very useful when working with polymer based industrial problems. Additional studies in chemical engineering will broaden the understanding in industrial processes. Physics studies will help to better understand physical chemistry problems. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

27 KTAK 5/18 8 (29) Liite 4b 1. All graduates from the program have a broad expertise in designing complex chemical projects. They can analyze the progress of the process and its products. 2. The graduates can utilize new scientific knowledge in the chemical industry. 3. The graduate can act as a chemistry expert in multidisciplinary groups of experts in the chemical industry. 4. Graduates in organic chemistry can design organic synthesis for future technological solutions and analyze the synthesis products. Such skills are very useful in pharmaceutical, organic materials, and polymer industry. 5. Graduates in inorganic chemistry are experts in materials chemistry. They can design materials synthesis procedures and analyze synthesis products. 6. Graduates in physical chemistry can plan, perform and interpret electrochemical measurements. They can participate in development of electrochemical processes and devices, and they can perform complex molecular simulations. Content and structure For the major (60 cr cr) the students have to take: - The major is formed of 30 cr common studies for all students and 30 cr of specialization studies that each student can select from a list of courses. - Common compulsory course (4 5 cr) - minor recommendation: Chemical and Process Engineering, Fiber and Polymer Engineering Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (30 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E4100 Laboratory projects in chemistry 10 I-II / 1st CHEM-E4110 Quantum mechanics and Spectroscopy 5 II / 1st CHEM-E4120 Quantitative Instrumental Analysis 5 I / 1st CHEM-E4130 Chemistry of the Elements 5 II / 1st CHEM-E4150 Reactivity in Organic Chemistry 5 I / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

28 KTAK 5/18 9 (29) Liite 4b Table 3. Specialization courses (30 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year Analytical chemistry: CHEM-E4135 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 5 III / 1st CHEM-E4165 Chemical Instrumentation and electroanalytical methods 5 IV-V / 1st Organic chemistry: CHEM-E4195 Selectivity in Organic Synthesis 5 IV / 1st CHEM-E4295 Asymmetric Synthesis of Natural Products 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4305 Organometallic Chemistry 5 II / 2nd CHEM-E4315 Topics in Synthesis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E8100 Organic Structural Analysis 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E8105 Enzymatic and Biomimetic Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E8130 Medicinal Chemistry 5 II / 2nd Inorganic chemistry: CHEM-E4105 Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering 5 III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials 5 II / 2nd Physical and computational chemistry: CHEM-E4115 Computational Chemistry I 5 III / 1st CHEM-E4175 Fundamental Electrochemistry 4 III / 1st CHEM-E4185 Electrochemical Kinetics 6 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4225 Computational Chemistry II 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E4235 Transport processes at electrodes and membranes 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E4255 Electrochemical energy conversion 5 II / 2nd CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1st or 2nd Common courses: CHEM-E4275 Research project in chemistry I 5 I, II, III, IV, V CHEM-E4285 Research project in chemistry II 5 I, II, III, IV, V Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

29 KTAK 5/18 10 (29) Liite 4b Fibre and polymer engineering Nimi Su: Kuitu- ja polymeeritekniikka Professor in charge: Mark Hughes Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3024 Polymers abound in everyday life in applications ranging from medical to aerospace; fibres too are ubiquitous, finding use in areas as diverse as fashion textiles and construction composites. Both fibres and polymers can be derived from renewable as well as non-renewable resources. Current research is, for example, leading to new developments in plastics and resins derived from plants, whilst stiff and strong fibres are being regenerated from cellulose. These bio-based polymers and fibres will become increasingly important in a sustainable future. In addition to the advances in bio-based materials, the use of fossil-based polymeric materials and fibres continues to evolve quickly in the face of the challenges of resource efficiency and sustainable development. This rapidly evolving area of science and technology requires professionals who can work at the interface between different disciplines to meet future global challenges. The Fibre and Polymer Engineering major is built on a solid fundamental understanding of polymers, their synthesis, structure, processing and properties, as well as the structure and properties of fibres and the materials and products manufactured from them. In line with the strategic focus areas of the School of Chemical Engineering, considerable focus is placed on fibres and polymers derived from bio-based feedstock biopolymers and bio-fibres. As part of this major, students have the opportunity to specialise, though course work, tailored projects and their final thesis, on topics that are of special interest to them. Specialisations include wood-based materials and their applications, web-structures and converted fibre products as well as polymer science and technology. Students with a bachelor s degree in chemistry, materials science, pulp and paper technology or another suitable discipline are encouraged to apply. Learning outcomes After completing this major, students will: have a deep understanding of the fibre and polymer value chain, from raw material to customer-specific end products have a solid fundamental knowledge of polymers, their structure, processing and properties know how polymers are synthesised from bio-based as well as fossil-based precursors Know how molecular structure controls the material properties of polymers derived therefrom Knows the main fibre types, their production, properties and applications know the principle routes to isolate fibre from biomass feedstock and possess expertise in natural fibres, their composition structure and behaviour have specialised knowledge in the manufacture, properties and application of materials and products manufactured from fossil- as well as bio-based fibres and polymers Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

30 KTAK 5/18 11 (29) Liite 4b can apply knowledge of surface chemistry in composite technology Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) all students have to take the same common and compulsory studies of 4 5 cr + 50 cr. Additionally the student needs to select specialisation studies of 10 cr in Wood Products, Fibre Webs or Polymer Technology. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (50 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E2100 Polymer Synthesis 5 I / 1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II / 1st CHEM-E2110 Polymer Technology Laboratory Exercises 5 I-III / 1st CHEM-E2120 Fibres and Fibre Products 5 I / 1st CHEM-E2140 Cellulose-Based Fibres 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E2150 Interfacial Phenomena in Biobased Systems P 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2160 Product Development Practices 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E2200 Polymer Blends and Composites 5 I / 2nd CHEM-E2210 Product Development - Project Course 10 I-IV / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (10 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E2165 Computer Aided Visualization and Scientific Presentation 3-5 V/ / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E2185 Wood Specialization Course: A Project Work P V 5-10 I, II, III, IV, V / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E2195 Wood Products Specific: Interfacial phenomena in Renewable materials Research Project P V 5-10 I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd CHEM-E2105 Wood and Wood Products 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2115 Wood Products: Application and Performance 5 IV-V / 1st Fibre Webs Specific: CHEM-E2125 Web-Based Natural Fibre Products 5 III-IV / 1st CHEM-E2135 Converting of Web-Based Products 5 IV-V / 1st Polymer Technology Specific: CHEM-E2145 Polymer Reaction Engineering 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E2155 Biopolymers 5 III-IV / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

31 KTAK 5/18 12 (29) Liite 4b Functional materials Nimi Su: Toiminnalliset materiaalit Professor in charge: Sami Franssila Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050, T1060 Code: CHEM3025 The Functional Materials major is based on understanding of solid state physical and chemical principles and phenomena. It starts with atomic bonds, and proceeds to nanoscale phenomena and microstructure of matter and ends up in explaining the behavior of macroscopic materials. Based on physics and chemistry, functional materials major deals with real materials, balancing scientific principles with engineering practice and economic realities. Functional materials majors will find their jobs in R&D in academia and industry, and in production, procurement and quality control of materials, and as experts in demanding analytical positions. Companies working on electronics, nanotechnology, sensors and actuators, medical devices, and other materials intensive fields will hire functional materials graduates. The major is an excellent stepping stone into doctoral studies. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of solid state structure and phenomena, including electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal behavior of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. Understanding on amorphous, polycrystalline and single crystalline materials, and comprehensive knowledge of the role of defects, microstructures, interfaces and surfaces on materials properties. Characterization of solid materials by various physical and chemical means. Deep knowledge about transformation processes, phase equilibria, precipitation, diffusion and aggregation and the ways of synthesizing new materials. Ability to evaluate materials properties and to understand engineering possibilities and limitations of new materials. These include composites, hybrid, biomimetic and nanomaterials, and active, functional, responsive and smart materials for sensing, actuation and self-repair. Understanding materials research and development in academia and industry, with aptitude to grasp the economic and environmental effects of new materials. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Deep understanding of designing, executing, analyzing and reporting experimental research. Mastery of conceptual, theoretical and experimental tools to predict, design and evaluate new materials. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

32 KTAK 5/18 13 (29) Liite 4b Strong analytical and critical faculties combined with solid scientific background to enable thorough evaluation of new materials and structures. The art of approximation and educated guesses. Ability to act as a materials expert with excellent communication skills, entrepreneurial spirit and problem solving skills that enable effective multidisciplinary team work with other experts. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 25 cr, research and projects design courses cr and specialization courses cr (depending on research and design course credits). Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory core courses (25 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E5100 Solid State Materials and Phenomena 5 I/1st CHEM-E5110 Metallic Materials 5 II/1st CHEM-E5120 Interfaces and Nanomaterials 5 I/1st CHEM-E5140 Materials Characterization, laboratory course 5 I-II/1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II/1st Table 3. Research and design projects (choose at least two of the following courses, total cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E5200 Personal Research Assignment in Functional Materials, V 5 or 10 III, IV, V / 1st or I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd CHEM-E5130 Laboratory Course in Functional Materials, V 5 III-V/ 1st CHEM-E5210 Group Research Assignment in Functional Materials, V 5 or 10 III, IV, V / 1st or I, II, III, IV, V / 2nd Table 4. Specialization courses (choose cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E5105 Powder metallurgy and composites 5 I-II / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5115 Microfabrication 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5125 Thin Film Technology 5 III / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5135 Biomimetic Materials and Technologies 5 IV-V / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5145 Materials for Renewable Energy P 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E5205 Advanced Functional Materials 5 I-II / 2 nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

33 KTAK 5/18 14 (29) Liite 4b CHEM-E5215 Materials for Nuclear Power Plants 5 III-IV / 2 nd CHEM-E5225 Electron Microscopy 5 I-II / 2 nd CHEM-E4105 Nanochemistry and Nanoengineering 5 III / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization 5 I / 2 nd CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials 5 II / 2 nd CHEM-E8135 Microfluidics and BioMEMS 5 III-IV / / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4210 Molecular Thermodynamics 5 II/ 1 st or 2nd PHYS-E0424 Nanophysics 5 I II / 2 nd PHYS-E0423 Surface Physics 5 III- IV / 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0422 Soft Condensed Matter Physics 5 III - IV / 1 st or 2 nd ELEC-E8713 Materials & Microsystems Integration 5 I - II / 2 nd ELEC-E8724 Biomaterials Science 5 I II / 2 nd ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor Physics 5 I-II / 2 nd MEC-E1070 Selection of Engineering Materials 5 I / 2 nd MEC-E6002 Welding Technology and Design P 5 V / 1 st MEC-E6003 Materials Safety P 5 I / 2 nd MEC-E6004 Non-destructive testing P 5 II / 2 nd MEC-E7002 Manufacturing Methods I 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd MEC-E7006 Advanced Manufacturing 5 IV / 1 st or 2 nd ELEC-E3220 Semiconductor Devices 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E4175 Fundamental Electrochemistry 5 III/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0421 Solid-State Physics 5 IV-V/ 1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0525 Microscopy of Nanomaterials 5 III IV/1 st or 2 nd PHYS-E0526 Microscopy of Nanomaterials, laboratory course 5 IV-V/1 st or 2 nd MEC-E1090 Quality Management and Metrology 5 II/ 2 nd MEC-E7005 Advanced Casting Technology L 5 IV/ 1 st or 2 nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

34 KTAK 5/18 15 (29) Liite 4b Sustainable metals processing Nimi Su: Metallien prosessi- ja kierrätystekniikka Professor in charge: Michael Gasik Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1050, T1060, T1070 Code: CHEM3026 The major Sustainable Metals Processing is a specialist field that deals with the extraction of metals and mineral products from primary and secondary resources through the application of scientific principles. Considered is the bigger cycle of materials linking rigorously to product design, material science, energy recovery and bio-materials. The major focuses in a multi-scale approach to the relevant physical and chemical phenomena in the processes. It covers atom-level basics of relevant phenomena, explains how unit process level models and design practices can be derived from them, and considers integrated metals extraction plants and their material flows. An important factor is sustainability of metals extraction and the system approach allowing the availability of metals over their life cycles. The aim is to educate engineers with a deep understanding on how sciences are applied with engineering skills in the metallurgical industries. They will act as metallurgical processing experts in various industries, are capable of evaluating equipment and process designs and designing feasible as well as sustainable metals extraction processes with the help of numeric simulation tools. Learning outcomes The core scientific and engineering knowledge to be obtained: Adequate knowledge of transport phenomena in homogeneous, heterogeneous and particulate systems, and a general knowledge of their atom-level origins; knowledge of their mutual interactions in extraction and refining operations and how their equipment and processes are designed. Adequate knowledge of chemical kinetics in various fields related to metallurgical processing industries. Knowledge about chemical thermodynamic, phase equilibrium and property calculations. Understanding on chemical equilibria, process dynamics, system engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration. Understanding on societal, economic and environmental impacts to process designs and responsibilities related to metal making on the basis of system engineering. Core scientific and engineering skills to be developed: System engineering and its connections to process design, the best practices and flowsheet integration thus quantified sustainability linking product design and geology to metal production while also considering links to energy recovery as well as water recycling. Study experimentally metals extraction reactors and unit processes at low and high temperatures, gather data and evaluate process performance. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

35 KTAK 5/18 16 (29) Liite 4b Model, develop and optimize production equipment, processes and plants with the help of numerical tools. Act as metallurgical engineering expert in multidisciplinary groups developing feasible metals extraction processes, equipment and plants. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 40 cr. Additionally each student needs to select two blocks (20 cr) of specialization studies (10 cr each). Table 1. Common compulsory courses (5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory core courses (40 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E6100 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics 5 I / 1st CHEM-E6130 Metal Recycling Technologies 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6140 Fundamentals of Minerals Engineering and Recycling 5 I / 1st CHEM-E6160 Fundamentals of Pyrometallurgy 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6180 Fundamentals of Hydrometallurgy 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E7130 Process Modeling 5 II / 1st CHEM-E6225 Technical Innovation Project 10 I-II / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (20 cr) (choose two 10 cr blocks, total 20 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year Thermodynamics of Materials: CHEM-E6105 Thermodynamics of Solutions 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6115 Thermodynamics of Modeling and Simulation 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Sustainability of Metals: CHEM-E6155 Circular Economy for Materials Processing 5 III-IV / 1 st or 2 nd CHEM-E6215 Circular Economy Design Forum P 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Ore Dressing and Recycling: CHEM-E6145 Unit Operations in Mineral Processing and Recycling 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6155 Minerals Engineering Project Work 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Pyrometallurgy: CHEM-E6165 Unit Processes in Pyrometallurgy 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

36 KTAK 5/18 17 (29) Liite 4b CHEM-E6205 Metallurgical Engineering Project Work 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Hydrometallurgy: CHEM-E6185 Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E6195 Unit processes and Systems in hydrometallurgy 5 IV-V / 1st or 2nd Chemical Engineering: CHEM-E7150 Reaction Engineering 5 II / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E7120 Laboratory Project in Chemical Engineering 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, students can choose an individual research project related to their specialization studies: Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E6210 Individual Research Project 5 or 10 I-II or III-IV or V /1st or 2nd Note! Course CHEM-E6210 Individual Research Project will be organized first time in spring Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

37 KTAK 5/18 18 (29) Liite 4b Chemical and process engineering Nimi Su: Prosessitekniikka Professor in charge: Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1060 Code: CHEM3043 The Chemical and Process Engineering major is based on a multi-scale perspective to underlying physical and chemical phenomena in chemical processes. It starts with molecular level origins of relevant phenomena, explains how processing unit level models and design practices emerge from them, and further considers integrated chemical plants and ultimately societal level effects. The emphasis is to educate engineers with a deep perspective on how natural sciences are applied with best engineering practices in chemical process industries, fuel refineries and urban mining. The graduates of this major are capable of acting as chemical processing and reaction engineering experts in various industrial fields and can design feasible and sustainable chemical processes with the help of modern tools. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of transport phenomena (heat, mass and momentum transfer) in single and multiphase systems, and general knowledge of their molecular origin. Knowledge of mutual interactions of the relevant transport phenomena in chemical processes, and how processes should be designed to meet desired production capacity requirements and to ensure sustainable, energy and cost efficient processes. Comprehensive knowledge of chemical kinetics and catalysis in various chemical process industry fields, such as in oil refining and petrochemicals, polymer reaction technology and biomaterial conversions. A general knowledge in the related fields, such as biocatalysis and metals production. Comprehensive knowledge about applied thermodynamics, phase equilibrium and physical property calculations, and their relation to conversion and separation process design. Capability to design process control, monitoring and automation systems by taking into account process dynamics phenomena and understand their connection to process design and integration. Capability to consider societal, economical, and environmental effects of process and plant design decisions and responsibilities related to Chemical Engineering discipline. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

38 KTAK 5/18 19 (29) Liite 4b Evaluate and develop chemical reaction engineering and separation process performances, operate them safely and in a controlled manner. Assess connection between various processing steps from a chemical production point of view. Model, analyze, design, and optimize chemical processes with the help of modern tools. Act as a chemical engineering expert in multidisciplinary groups of experts designing economically feasible, safe and environmentally friendly chemical plants. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr + 35 cr and select three (5) specialization courses 25 cr. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Compulsory courses (35 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E7100 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part I 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7120 Laboratory Project in Chemical Engineering 5 III-V / 1st CHEM-E7130 Process Modeling 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7140 Process Automation 5 I / 1st CHEM-E7150 Reaction Engineering 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7170 Design Project in Chemical Engineering, part A 5 IV-V / 1st CHEM-E7180 Design Project in Chemical Engineering, part B 5 I-II / 2nd Table 3. Specialization courses (25 cr), choose five courses. Recommended blocks : Code Name Credits Period/year Chemical engineering: CHEM-E7110 Engineering Thermodynamics, Separation Processes, part II 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E7160 Fluid Flow in Process Units 5 IV-V / 1st Reaction engineering: CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E7135 Reactor Design 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E1130 Catalysis 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd Polymer engineering: CHEM-E7115 Experimental Assignment in Chemical Engineering 5 I II, III V / 1st CHEM-E2130 Polymer Properties 5 II / 1st Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

39 KTAK 5/18 20 (29) Liite 4b CHEM-E2145 Polymer Reaction Engineering 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Plant design: CHEM-E7105 Process Development 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E7175 Process safety and sustainability 5 I-II / 1st CHEM-E7185 Plant/process design and business management 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd Process systems engineering: CHEM-E7155 Production Planning and Control 5 II / 1st CHEM-E7165 Advanced Process Control Methods 5 III / 1st or 2nd CHEM-E7195 Automation systems in Context of Process Systems Engineering 5 III-IV / 1st or 2nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, it is highly recommended to take additional programming and automation courses, especially for students specializing in process systems engineering. CODE NAME CREDITS PERIOD/YEAR CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 (in Finnish) 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd CS-A1121 CS-A1141 CS-A1150 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y2 (in Finnish, prerequisite: Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit Y (in Finnish, prerequisite: CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) Tietokannat (in Finnish, prerequisite: CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1) 5 III-V / 1st or 2nd 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd 5 I-II / 1st or 2nd ELEC-A7100 Basic Course in C programming 5 III-V / 1 st ELEC-A7150 C++ Programming 5 I-II / 2 nd For the elective studies to accompany the major, it is highly recommended to take CHEM- E1140 Catalysis for biomass refining, especially for students specializing in reaction engineering. CODE NAME CREDITS PERIOD/YEAR CHEM- E1140 Catalysis for biomass refining 5 IV-V / 1st or 2 nd Recommendations for minor The following minors given in Aalto University are recommended: Biomass refining Chemistry Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

40 KTAK 5/18 21 (29) Liite 4b Sustainable metals processing Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

41 KTAK 5/18 22 (29) Liite 4b Environmental Management Nimi Su: Ympäristöasioiden hallinta Professor in charge: Jouni Paltakari Extent: 60 cr cr Vastuualue: T1070 Code: CHEM3039 The aim of this major is to educate the students to understand the natural sciences within the context of environmental protection. The multi-disciplinary nature of the field is explored by considering environmental issues from various perspectives. The major prepares the students to be able to participate in the discussion of environmental topics as specialists in their own field. These discussions cover planning and implementation of environmental management systems and of environmental policies in industry. In addition, environmental legislation and management, as well as material flows are discussed. The major prepares the students to work in process design, research, development and consulting in environmental engineering. Content and structure For the major (60 ECTS ECTS credits) the students have to take common and compulsory studies 4 5 cr and select 60 cr from the table 2. The students may also choose other relevant courses from other majors of the programme, other schools and other universities in order to complete their major. The students need to get approval of the content of their major before they start their studies. Table 1. Common compulsory courses (4-5 cr) Code Name Credits Period/year CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community 4-5 I-V / 1st Table 2. Specialization courses (60 cr), Code Name P311-3 Advanced Module in Environmental courses WAT-Exxx CHEM-E6125 Master's Programme in Water and Environmental Engineering (WAT) courses Environmental Management in Industry Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

42 KTAK 5/18 23 (29) Liite 4b Minors The extent of elective studies is 25 cr in the master s degree. It is possible that elective studies include minor if student chooses so. Minor consists of the major courses. The student must take the prerequisites under consideration. CHEM3029 Biomass refining Biomassan jalostustekniikka Professor in charge: Herbert Sixta Responsible institution: T1060, T1070 Biomass refining is the technology for sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. The minor in Biomass Refining provides an introduction to the most important principles of Biorefinery. This includes a descriptive overview on the sustainable raw material sources as well as the chemical and biocatalytic fractionation and separation principles used in biomass refining processes. Further, business cases of renewable resource applications, renewable energy and biobased material production will be presented and discussed. Learning outcomes After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to: 1. describe the composition and availability of biomass. 2. understand and apply the principles and practices in (bio)catalysis. 3. describe technologies required for different applications of renewable resources. 4. explain the term sustainability and the basic principles of Biorefinery. 5. explain strategies to replace petrochemical application by biobased technology. 6. evaluate the sustainability of biobased processes. Content and structure Minor can be any combination of courses belonging to the major. CHEM3030 Biotechnology Biotekniikka Professor in charge: Sandip Bankar Responsible institution: T1070 The Biotechnology minor gives multidisciplinary knowledge of biotechnology and engineering with applications. The minor gives an understanding of molecular level biological phenomena, including modeling and application. At the core of the teaching are biochemistry, microbiology and bioprocess engineering. The minor also offers courses covering genetic engineering and synthetic biology, and development of biotechnological processes. The minor Biotechnology applies knowledge in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry and process engineering. Learning outcomes After completing the Biotechnology minor, the students have the competencies to: 1. Contribute to the integration of biotechnology to chemical and process engineering in generation of commercially interesting products Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

43 KTAK 5/18 24 (29) Liite 4b 2. Suggest key methods for analysis in biotechnology based on the physiology of proand eukaryotic cells 3. Provide information on general unit operations and bioreactor performance with a contribution to selected quantification methods including modelling of cellular and enzymatic activities Content and structure Compulsory courses (15 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E3100 Biochemistry 5 CHEM-E3120 Microbiology 5 CHEM-E3140 Bioprocess technology II 5 Elective courses (10 cr)*: Code Name Cr CHEM-E3150 Biophysical chemistry 5 CHEM-E3170 Systems biology* 5 CHEM-E3205 Bioprocess optimization and simulation 5 CHEM-E3180 Concepts in Biochemistry 5 CHEM-E3225 Cell- and Tissue Engineering** 5 CHEM-E8125 Synthetic biology 5 CHEM-E8115 Cell factory 5 CHEM-E8120 Cell biology*** 5 * Course is offered even years **The number of students pursuing a minor that may take these courses depends on number of students taking these in their major. **CHEM-E8120 Cell Biology** is prerequisite for CHEM-E3170 Systems Biology. CHEM3047 Chemical and Process Engineering Prosessitekniikka Professor in charge: Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Responsible institution: T1060 Chemical Engineering is based on a multi-scale perspective to underlying physical and chemical phenomena in chemical processes. It starts with molecular level origins of relevant phenomena, explains how processing unit level models and design practices emerge from them, and further considers integrated chemical plants and ultimately societal level effects. The emphasis is to educate engineers with a deep perspective on how natural sciences are applied with best engineering practices in Chemical Process Industries. The graduates of this minor are capable of being active members in a team of chemical processing experts, supporting the team with their own competence, and actively communicating with other process technology experts. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge (emphasis of these depends on the student s interests and course selections): Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

44 KTAK 5/18 25 (29) Liite 4b 1. Knowledge of transport phenomena (heat, mass and momentum transfer) and unit operations in chemical processing. 2. Knowledge of chemical reaction kinetics and catalysis in various fields related to chemical process industries. 3. Knowledge about applied thermodynamics, phase equilibrium and physical property calculations, and their relation to conversion and separation process design. 4. Understand process dynamics, automation and control, and their connection to process design and integration. Content and structure 20 cr from major s compulsory courses (not CHEM-E7170 Design project part A, CHEM- E7180 Design project part B or CHEM-E7120 Lab project) and 0-5 cr from major s elective special courses. CHEM3032 Chemistry Kemia Professor in charge: Kari Laasonen Responsible institution: T1050 The Chemistry minor will give a good basic knowledge in chemistry. We recommend the first courses of the Chemistry Major as the core of the minor. They will deepen the knowledge of most of the subfields of chemistry. The student can also choose more focused courses and thus it is possible to gain deeper understanding of some of the subfields. The minor provide focused courses of inorganic, organic, analytical, and physical chemistry. The organic and inorganic study paths provide knowledge on synthesizing and analyzing organic or inorganic materials. The first course of physical chemistry is related to quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. There are further courses on electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The emphasis is on strengthening the knowledge of chemistry of engineers with various background. Such engineers can better collaborate with chemistry experts in various branches of the industry and they are capable of solving chemistry related problems, such as planning reaction procedures and analyzing materials usually together with experts of the field. Learning outcomes Core scientific and engineering knowledge: 1. Knowledge of organic and inorganic materials and chemical reaction mechanisms to synthesize these materials. 2. Knowledge of analytical methods of various samples. 3. Knowledge of chemical equilibria and kinetics in various chemical reactions and knowledge of quantum mechanics related to the chemical bond and spectroscopy. 4. Depending on the study path the major will offer knowledge in: (organic chemistry) organic synthesis, asymmetric synthesis, and structural analysis. To support synthesis, the module offers studies in computer aided methods for molecular design, synthesis design, and data analysis. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

45 KTAK 5/18 26 (29) Liite 4b (inorganic and analytical chemistry) basics of materials chemistry: solid state chemistry phenomena and theories. Materials synthesis (polycrystalline, nanoparticles, single crystals, thin films), characterization techniques, and material functions (catalytic, conductive, magnetic, ferroelectric, thermoelectric, photonic). Modern analytical chemistry methods, especially miniaturized analytical systems. (physical chemistry) the first course is related to quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. There are also courses of pure and applied electrochemistry and computational chemistry. The pure electrochemistry study path will offer comprehensive knowledge of electrochemical processes and measurements. The applied electrochemistry path focuses mainly on fuel cells. The computational chemistry path will focus on molecular modelling. Core scientific and engineering skills (the students should be able to apply knowledge in these): 1. The minor will provide some expertise in designing complex chemical projects. The students can analyze the progress of the process and its products. 2. After the minor the students can utilize new scientific knowledge in the chemical industry. 3. The students have better knowledge of chemistry, which is useful in multidisciplinary groups of experts in the chemical industry. 4. If focusing on organic chemistry, the student can participate in designing organic synthesis for future technological solutions and analyze the synthesis products. Such skills are very useful in pharmaceutical, organic materials, and polymer industry. 5. If focusing on inorganic chemistry, the students have some knowledge in materials chemistry. They can participate in designing materials synthesis procedures and analyze synthesis products. 6. If focusing on physical chemistry, the student may participate in planning, perform and interpret electrochemical measurements. They can participate in development of electrochemical processes and devices, or they can perform complex molecular simulations. Content and structure Compulsory courses (20 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E4110 Quantum mechanics and Spectroscopy 5 CHEM-E4120 Quantitative Instrumental Analysis 5 CHEM-E4130 Chemistry of the Elements 5 CHEM-E4150 Reactivity in Organic Chemistry 5 These courses above will give a good basic knowledge of chemistry. If the student is interested of some subtopic of chemistry he/she can take courses in those fields and to include them to the elective courses. In this case we strongly recommend the students to contact the planning officer or the professors. (See courses from Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

46 KTAK 5/18 27 (29) Liite 4b CHEM3033 Fibre and polymer engineering Kuitu- ja polymeeritekniikka Professor in charge: Mark Hughes Responsible institution: T1060, T1070 This minor will help equip students with skills necessary in the development of new fibre, polymer and composite products. With emphasis placed on materials derived from renewable biomass, students will learn about the practises used in product development, which will then be deployed, through project-based learning, in the development of a specific product for a client. To support this process, students select additional courses to complement their expertise and existing skills. Learning outcomes After completion of this minor, the student will: 1. have an understanding of the fibre and polymer value chains - from raw material to customer-specific end products 2. have knowledge of the manufacture, properties and application of materials and products derived from fossil- as well as bio-based fibres and polymers 3. have knowledge about the best practices in developing products and managing innovations in modern global companies 4. be able to apply these practices to the fibre and polymer technology related industries in the development of new products 5. recognise the chain of events that takes place between assessing an un-met consumer need and delivering a finished product 6. realise the critical success factors and have an appreciation for the realities of product development in the fibre and polymer technology related industries 7. be able to professionally manage a simple product development project and act in basic leadership and project management situations Content and structure Compulsory courses (15 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E2160 Product Development Practices 5 CHEM-E2210 Product Development- Project Course 10 Elective courses: Select 1-2 courses (5-10 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E2100 Polymer synthesis 5 CHEM-E2130 Polymer properties 5 CHEM-E2120 Fibres and fibre products 5 CHEM-E2140 Cellulose-based fibres 5 CHEM-E2150 Interfacial Phenomena in Biobased Systems P 5 CHEM-E2200 Polymer blends and composites 5 CHEM-E2105 Wood and wood products 5 CHEM-E2115 Wood products: application and performance 5 CHEM-E2125 Web-based natural fiber products 5 Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

47 KTAK 5/18 28 (29) Liite 4b CHEM-E2135 Converting of web-based products 5 CHEM-E2145 Polymer reaction engineering 5 CHEM-E2155 Biopolymers 5 CHEM3034 Functional materials Toiminnalliset materiaalit Professor in charge: Sami Franssila Responsible institution: T1050, T1060 Learning outcomes After Functional Materials minor program student can: 1. Explain solid state structure and phenomena, including mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal behaviour of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites 2. Evaluate material properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, biomaterials and nanomaterials 3. Design new materials and predict their behaviour 4. Understand the engineering possibilities and limitations of new materials Content and structure Compulsory courses (10 cr) and 2 selected courses from Functional materials courses (10 cr) Compulsory courses (10 cr) Code Name Cr CHEM-E5100 Solid State Materials and Phenomena 5 CHEM-E5120 Interfaces and Nanomaterials 5 Suggested courses that go well together: CHEM-E5115 Microfabrication (5 cr) CHEM-E5125 Thin Film Technology (5 cr) CHEM-E5215 Materials for Nuclear Power Plants (5 cr) CHEM-E5145 Materials for Renewable Energy (5 cr) CHEM-E5110 Metallic Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E5105 Powder Metallurgy and Composites (5 cr) CHEM-E5205 Advanced Functional Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E4215 Functional Inorganic Materials (5 cr) CHEM-E5135 Biomimetic Materials and Technologies (5 cr) PHYS-E0422 Soft Condensated Matter Physics (5 cr) CHEM-E4155 Solid State Chemistry (5 cr) CHEM-E4205 Crystallography Basics and Structural Characterization (5 cr) Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

48 KTAK 5/18 29 (29) Liite 4b PHYS-E0424 Nanophysics (5 cr) PHYS-E0423 Surface Physics (5 cr) It is also possible to replace one of the courses by a personal research assignment. CHEM3035 Sustainable metals processing Metallien prosessi- ja kierrätystekniikka Professor in charge: Michael Gasik Responsible institution: T1050, T1060, T1070 Learning outcomes The core scientific and engineering knowledge to be obtained include chemical thermodynamic, phase equilibrium and property calculations. The students shall possess adequate knowledge of chemical kinetics in various fields related to metallurgical processing industries. The students shall understand chemical equilibria, process dynamics, system engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration. They shall also understand the societal, economic and environmental impacts of processes related to metal making based on systems thinking. The key skills to be developed include systems thinking and engineering and their connections to process design, the best practices and flow-sheet integration, linking product design and geology to metal production in a sustainable way, especially links to energy recovery as well as water recycling. The students shall be capable to make experimental studies on metals extraction reactors and unit processes at low and high temperatures, gather data and evaluate process performance. Content and structure Minor can be any combination of courses belonging to the major. Aalto University Postal address Visiting address Tel School of Chemical Engineering P.O. Box Kemistintie 1 LES/AW, LH FI AALTO Espoo, Finland Business ID VAT FI Domicile Helsinki

49 47 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 7 Keskusteluasia/Discussion item: Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun mahdollinen osallistuminen Creative Sustainability-ohjelmaan / Possible participation of the School of Chemical Engineering to the Creative Sustainability- programme (Tapani Vuorinen) Aihe (liite 8) esiteltiin ja siitä keskusteltiin. Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu, Kauppakorkeakoulu sekä Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu ovat yhteistyössä toteuttaneet poikkitieteellistä Creative Sustainabilityohjelmaa. Kemian tekniikan korkeakoululta on tiedusteltu halukkuutta osallistua ohjelmaan omalla pääaineellaan. Opetuksesta vastaava vararehtori Petri Suomala asettaa työryhmän valmistelemaan Creative Sustainability-ohjelman jatkokehitystä. Työryhmään tulee nimittää Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun edustaja. Ehdotettiin, että professori Mark Hughes ja/tai professori Mari Lundström voisivat toimia työryhmässä, sillä he ovat jo osallistuneet alustavaan keskusteluun aiheesta varadekaanin kanssa. Todettiin myös yleisesti, että koulun osallistumista eri ohjelmiin, sekä sen tarjoamia pää- ja sivuaineita ja niiden määrää, on tärkeää tarkastella kriittisesti kokonaisuutena, kun päätetään uusiin ohjelmiin osallistumisesta ja/tai uuden pääaineen perustamisesta. The topic was introduced (attachment 8) and it was discussed. Interdisciplinary Creative Sustainability-programme has been organized in co-operation between School of Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Business and School of Engineering. School of Chemical Engineering has been asked for its interest to join the programme with its own major. Vice-President of Education, Petri Suomala, will found a new task force to develop Creative Sustainability programme further. A representative from CHEM should be appointed to this task force. It was suggested that professor Mark Hughes and/or professor Mari Lundström could act as CHEM s representatives as they have already been involved in the discussions with vice-dean Tapani Vuorinen. It was also pointed out that general and critical discussion on the programmes available, as well as number of majors and minors, offered by each school should be continued.

50 KTAK 5/2018, lite/ attachment 8 Creative Sustainability Mikko Jalas Aalto University School of Arts, design and Architecture Department of Design

51 A multidisciplinary learning platform Architecture & Design (ARTS), Management (BIZ) Real Estate & Built Environment (ENG) Learning outcomes: - Multidisciplinarity - Systems approach - Design thinking - Sustainability innovation - Sustainability in the built environment

52 Admissions in Architecture 16 Design 12 Business 10 Engineering +15 students accepted for CS minor

53 Where CS students come from? Nationality of CS students

54 Teachers BUSINESS ARTS & DESIGN ENGINEERING Leena Lankoski Mikko Jalas Kauko Viitanen Minna Halme Idil Gaziulusoy Saija Toivonen Samuli Patala Ramia Mazé Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen ARCHITECTURE Tatu Marttila Matleena Muhonen Matti Kuittinen Eeva Berglund + more in all three schools

55 CS Common curricula (30ECTS) Year 1 Year 2 BIIZ: Sustainability in business 6cr ARTS: Creative teamwork 3cr ENG: State of the world 2cr ARTS: Sustainable product and service design 6cr BIZ: Capstone in creative sustainability 6cr ENG: Systems thinking for sustainable living environments 5cr ARTS: Knowledge making for sustainability 2cr Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period

56 Alumni where are they now? : 102 Graduates Out of 51 questionnaire* respondants - 35 placed in private & public organizations - 10 Entrepreneurs - 7 PhD Students - 28 respondents still in Finland (of 22 countries of origin) Mexico Lab, 2013 *Questionnaire to Creative Sustainability alumni, 2017 &

57 Alumni where are they now? Job Titles of CS Alumni* Circular-Economy expert, LEED- Project Manager, Senior UX-Designer, Sustainability Consultant, Management Assistant, PhD Candidate, Vice Project Leader, Service-Design Coach, NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS Relevancy of current activity to CS studies *Questionnaire to Creative Sustainability alumni, 2017 & 2018 IRRELEVANT (0) RELEVANT (5)

58 Professional orientation Where does the alumni work?

59 CS story Minor studies in sustainability Master program in Creative Sustainability Early Research - CESR - NODUS - YTK Aalto University merger University level seed funding Precarious teaching arrangements Recruitments at departments Shared courses at departments 2018 Architecture and real estate?


61 Practical Sustainability Test Site

62 Thesis samples - Design A Public Toilet a Window to Values and Wellbeing of Society - Journey of Jerrycan: Sustainable Local Product Design Development for SMEs Designers: A Case study from Kampala, Uganda - Awareness and Participation towards Encouraging Sustainable Urban Water Management: A Case Study of the Jakkur Lake, Bangalore - My Dear Kitchen in Helsinki: Explorations on a Community of Practice Using Food, Cooking and Blogging - Facilitating Climate Transition: Co-designing future scenarios and pathways to build capacity for change among citizens and policy makers - Perceiving eco-labels as sustainability brands: The role of visual design and cobranding in credibility of eco-labels - Insect economy and marketing: How much and in what way could insects be shown in packaging? - Where UX and Sustainability meet. Facilitating eco-behaviour in cruise ship cabins: A guideline for Experience Designers +22 more

63 Thesis samples Engineering Modeling the carbon footprint of construction processes - Affordable housing model in Finland and South Korea: Current situations and new concept solutions - The current sustainability reporting practices in Finnish real estate companies - Waste heat recovery in data centres in Finland: a choice between new technology adoption and process change - Social Sustainability in the Land Use Planning Process of Bogotá - Environmental Life Cycle Impacts of an Industrial Building in Finland - Sustainability in Finland s extractive industry: Responding to a need for best practice guidelines in early decision making phases - The connection between inhabitants justifications of their attitudes towards residential infill development in their neighborhood and areal characteristics - +3 more

64 Thesis samples - Business User driven open innovation policy in theory and practice: A case study - Internationalization of Finnish renewable energy SMEs to Africa: Challenges and suggestions from the support network - Different understandings of corporate social responsibility: A case study among investors and middle managers - Local frugal innovations: How do resource-scarce innovations emerge in India? - Creating a market for a more sustainable alternative: entomophagy businesses in Europe - The societal impact of governmental voluntary sustainable development programs: Case the Commitment Living off garbage Waste picker institutions in Brazil through the lens of Elinor Ostrom s principles for governance of common-pool resources - +7 more

65 Thesis samples - Architecture A Grid for Sustainability - Otaniemi Walks - Dwellings Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles in Vartiosaari - Architecture meets sanitation Intervening in community-led sanitation improvements in an informal settlement of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Urban Play daily leisure playspots for youth promoting spontaneous physical activity - Itkonniemen ranta muutoksessa teollisuusalueesta eläväksi kaupunginosaksi (Itkonniemi waterfront, transformation of an industrial area to a lively neighbourhood; in Finnish) - Restorative ordinary life - +3 more

66 Thank you! Find out more at :

67 65 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 8 Ilmoitusasiat / Announcements 1. Opintojen jatkaminen Life Science Technologies-ohjelmassa / Continuing studies in Life Science Technologies Programme Opiskelijat voivat jatkaa opintojaan ohjelmassa mikäli täyttävät Life Science Technologies-ohjelman koulutusneuvostossa jatkamiselle määritellyt kriteerit. Kriteerit löytyvät Intosta: / Students may continue their studies in the programme if they meet the criteria defined in the decision of the Degree Programme Committee of the Life Science Technologies. The criteria can be found in Into: 2. Vuoden 2018 kokousaikataulu / Meeting schedule in 2018 ti/tue :00 ti/tue :00 3. AAK:n asiat / The University Academic Affairs Committee %28AAK%29 4. Rehtorin päätökset / Decisions by President (in English) 5. Provostin päätökset / Decisions by Provost (in English) 6. Vararehtorien päätökset / Decisions by Deputy President and Vice Presidents (in English)

68 66 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A303 9 Muut asiat / Any other business 1. Lehdistötiedote kypsyysnäytteenä / Press-release as maturity test (liite 5/attachment 5), Hanne Puskala 2. Hyväksilukua koskeva ohjeistus / New guidelines on credit transfer (liite 6/attachment 6), Annu Westerberg 3. Tilastoja opiskelijavalinnoista 2018 / Statistics on student selection 2018 (liite 7/attachment 7)

69 Maturity test KTAK 5/2018, Liite/attachment 5

70 Maturity Test The maturity test may be (in most cases): an essay written on a topic given by the thesis supervisor and written under supervision a press release (only when the language proficiency is not needed)

71 Press release as maturity test Accepted in the Degree Programme Committee on Instructions to the student and supervisor are under preparation, will be handled in Degree Programme Committee and published in Into in October 2018 The instructions how to write a press release are given in a lecture on Academic Learning Community -course

72 KTAK 5/2018, Liite/attachment 6 New guidelines on credit transfer Annu Westerberg

73 New guidelines - background Common guidelines equal treatment for students Emphasis on learning outcomes and learning new Fluent studies, enabling crediting from non-formal learning Aalto Academic Affairs committee accepted new central principles on General instructions on credit transfer approved by the vice president New policy entered into force 1 st of August 2018

74 Major changes in the new guidelines Transferred credits are marked with Pass Non-formal learning enabled Existing courses: Giving back to community (SCI) URHEA CHEM-CV, CHEM-EV Substituting a course/part of a course The student may be required to provide additional evidence, such as an essay, oral exam, portfolio Online application (late autumn 2018) Aalto University policy on credit transfer:

75 KTAK 5/2018 Korjattu lite 7 / updated attachment 7 Statistics on student selection September 2018 Hanne Puskala

76 Student intake 2018 in bachelor programme Quota Applicants st choice st time Admitted Accepted Registered Present Absent students started studies on

77 Points Student intake: points of admitted students Admission based on certificate Number of students admitted

78 Points certificate + exam Student intake: points of admitted students Admission based on certificate and exam Number of students admitted

79 Points in exam Student intake: points of admitted students ,00 18,00 16,00 14,00 Admitted based on exam 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0, Number of students admitted

80 Student intake 2018 in master s programmes Applied Admitte d Accept ed Applied Admitted Accepted Applied Admitted Accepted From BSC Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering Biomass Refining Biotechnology Chemical and Process Engineering Chemistry Fiber and Polymer Engineering Functional Materials Sustainable Metals Processing LST- Biosystems and - materials ? 11 AES -Industrial Energy Processes and Sustainability IDBM (CHEM) N5T Polymer Tech Total

81 79 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A Kokouksen päättäminen / Closing the meeting Puheenjohtaja päätti kokouksen klo The Chair closed the meeting at

82 80 Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering Pöytäkirja/Minutes Kokous/Meeting 5/2018 Aika/Time: klo/at 13:00 Paikka/Venue: Kokoushuone A303/Meeting room A Pöytäkirjan tarkastaminen / Examiners of the minutes Yliopiston hallintokieli on suomi. Jos suomenkielisen asiakirjan ja sen englanninkielisen version välillä on ristiriitaa, noudatetaan suomenkielistä asiakirjaa. The administrative language of the university is Finnish. If there is contradiction between the Finnish and English versions of a document, the Finnish version will be applied. Tämän pöytäkirjan ovat tarkastaneet /This minutes has been examined by: Allekirjoitusmerkinnät / Signatures Paikka/Place: Aika/Date:.. Paikka/Place: Aika/Date:.. Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Jari Aromaa Janne Laine Puheenjohtaja, dekaani / Chair, Dean Heidi Flinkman Sihteeri/Secretary Hanne Puskala Esittelijä / Presenting official Sirje Liukko Esittelijä / Presenting official Annu Westerberg Esittelijä / Presenting official

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1. Gender - Sukupuoli N = 65. 2. Age - Ikä N = 65. Female Nainen. Male Mies 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-

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