Artikkelit. Artikkelit yleisnimien kanssa

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1 yleisnimien kanssa 11. Laskettavat ja ei-laskettavat sanat. Merkitse seuraavien sanojen yhteyteen, ovatko ne laskettavia (countable) eli C-sanoja vai ei-laskettavia (uncountable) eli U-sanoja. Lisää myös sanan eteen a / an, (=yksi) jos se voidaan laskea. 1. rock band 2. rock music 3. traffic 4. traffic jam 5. time 6. hour 7. minute 8. weather 9. rain 10. weather forecast 11. love affair 12. love 13. lovely day 14. windy city 15. wind 16. wind speed 17. caffeine 18. café 19. cup of coffee 20. money 21. coin 22. bill/note 23. sum of money 24. cash 25. cashier Countable Uncountable 14

2 12. a vai an? Merkitse sanojen eteen a tai an sen mukaan, alkaako seuraava sana äännettäessä vokaaliäänteellä [a], [a:], [e], [i], [o], [o], [u], [ä] tai [ö] vai konsonanttiäänteellä. Malli: an apple [äpl] a car [ka:] 1. elephant 2. apartment 3. festival 4. truck 5. yellow truck 6. student 7. university student 8. MP 9. Member of Parliament 10. hour 11. orange 12. shoe 13. old shoe 14. orchestra 15. Australian orchestra 16. united group 17. one-year-old child 18. eight-year-old child 19. honors student 20. honorary title 13. Käännä seuraavat virkkeet englanniksi. Valitse substantiivin yhteyteen joko a, an tai. 1. Ostin auton. 2. Se on uskomaton juttu. 3. Se oli loistava ateria. 4. Eräs nuori nainen antoi minulle suukon. 15

3 5. Hänen blogillaan on miljoona seuraajaa. 6. Leipurin tusina on Käyn ratsastamassa kolme kertaa viikossa. 8. Peli maksaa 20 puntaa kierrokselta. 9. Älä aja lujempaa kuin 100 kilometriä tunnissa! 10. Hän on (sellainen) tyttö, jota kaikki ihailevat. 11. Tämä on (sellainen) elokuva, joka sinun pitäisi nähdä. 12. Miten fantastinen idea! 13. Miten kohtelias nuori mies! 14. Minulle tuli eilen yskä. 15. Mennään kävelylle puoleksi tunniksi. 16. Ole kiltti ja käy suihkussa. Sinä haiset. 14. Epämääräisen artikkelin käyttö. Täydennä a, an tai. I am 1. eighteen-year-old student from Ojai, 2. small town in California. Ojai is 3. artsy town with 4. galleries, 5. outstanding Spanish architecture and 6. famous music festival which is organised once 7. year. I love 8. reading. I mostly read 9. fiction and 10. detective stories. I also take 11. interest in 12. sports. I like to watch 13. good game of any sport but mostly I follow 14. motorsport, 15. F1 and 16. football. I am also 17. huge fan of 18. European football and support 19. team (West Ham United FC) from 20. city I ve never even been to. I get really 16

4 excited about their 21. matches which I follow live on Twitter. It s 22. sure thing that you can ask me for the football results on 23. Saturday, any Saturday during the season. You can also often see me in 24. wetsuit. My idea of 25. fun is being active. You can t accuse me of 26. laziness or 27. bad health. When I want to have 28. good time I go for 29. surf in the Pacific. That is if I have 30. time to spare. I have 31. couple of nice surfboards on which it s nice to enjoy 32. day out at sea. 33. whole day of 34. surfing gives you 35. full-body workout and hey! what 36. experience it is to hit the waves. In the mornings I like to go for 37. run. About twice 38. year I run 39. marathon. After that you have 40. awesome feeling. You feel like 41. winner. 15. Epämääräinen artikkeli a / an vai määräinen artikkeli the. Käännä lauseet suomeksi ja perustele kussakin artikkelin käyttöä. 1. I had a day off school yesterday. The day off was very relaxing. 2. On my day off I watched a movie. The movie was about a baseball coach. 3. The coach had had difficulties finding a job. 4. He coached a college team and the job was very rewarding. 5. On the team there was a star player or two. 6. The players learned to respect the coach enormously. 17

5 7. The college they play for has a strict study program. 8. The study program does not let the players skip a lesson, any lesson. 16. Asiayhteydestä tai yleisesti tunnettu asia. Päättele lauseelle loppu ja lisää se määräisen artikkelin kanssa. Malli: The evening was getting darker so I switched on (the lights). 1. There were no chairs in the room so the children had to sit on. 2. Carl, you were the last one in. Can you, please, close behind you. 3. Sharon had a terrible toothache so she made an appointment with. 4. We need to catch the eight o clock train. Can anyone drive us to? 5. If you see a crime being committed, you should call. 6. If your flight is delayed, you will have to spend extra time at. 7. Is there any milk? I don t know. See if there s any left in. 8. Where is the fridge? Well, naturally it s not in a bedroom. Better head for. 9. Excuse me! I need to powder my nose. Where is, please? 10. Gillian had always wanted a career as a soldier so the day she turned 18 she joined. 17. Määräinen artikkeli the. Käännä seuraavat ilmaukset. Kiinnitä huomiota artikkelin käyttöön. 1. Aurinko tuli esiin. 2. Napapiiri kulkee Rovaniemen kautta. 3. Kuinka monta ihmistä elää Etelänavalla? 4. Avaruus on yhä melko tuntematon alue. 5. Ilma on niin raikas tänään! 18

6 6. Pidän meren katselemisesta. 7. Onko mahdollista nauttia luonnosta New Yorkissa? 8. Tiedätkö, kuinka eduskunta tekee lakeja? 9. Lehdistönvapaus on tärkeä oikeus. 10. Löysin lompakon maasta. 11. Hän on minulle se yksi ja ainoa! 12. Minusta tuntuu samalta. 13. Käänny oikealle! Se on oikea reitti. 14. Mikä on kallein koskaan tehty elokuva? 15. Kapteeni oli viimeinen henkilö, joka lähti laivasta. 16. On maaliskuun kahdeskymmenesviides päivä. 17. On liian kuuma. Mennään pohjoiseen! 18. Lähdemme aikaisin aamulla. 18. Määrinen artikkeli the + adjektiivit. Täydennä lauseet sopivalla ilmauksella, joka ilmaisee alleviivatun asian vastakohtaa. Malli: The young don t always understand the thoughts and ideas of (the old). 1. Should the rich pay more taxes than? 2. Those who are employed don t know how hard life can be for. 3. People who can see don t need to learn Braille like do. 19

7 4. The sick can t be made to take care of. It s the other way round! 5. We escaped the accident without any injuries so we stayed at the scene to help. 6. Do come back to haunt the living as ghosts? 7. The good always beats or so they say. 8. The opposite to the fim title The Good, the Bad and the Ugly would be. (name three things) 9. There is all that we know and then there is. 10. The difference between the possible and lies in your determination. 19. The + adjektiivit. Miksi kutsutaan näiden maiden kansalaisia? Malli: England the English 1. Spain 2. Britain 3. Wales 4. Ireland 5. Japan 6. Scotland 7. France 8. the Netherlands 9. China 10. Switzerland 20. Määräinen artikkeli the vai ei artikkelia? Valitse oikea vaihtoehto. 1. Do you know people / the people who live next door? 2. Life / The life would be very hard if there was no electricity / the electricity. 3. Dark chocolate / The dark chocolate is said to be good for you. 4. Tennis / The tennis is my favourite sport, but I do like golf / the golf as well. 5. Here in Finland fish / the fish is often more expensive than meat / the meat. 6. Where did you put magazine / the magazine I bought yesterday? 7. We stayed at a nice hotel. Rooms / The rooms were very spacious. 8. This Hollywood couple got married last year but marriage / the marriage did not last long. 9. Are you into fiction / the fiction or poetry / the poetry? 10. I have to go to work / the work early tomorrow morning. Work / The work I need to do is very challenging. 11. Who s been eating on bed / the bed. There are now breadcrumbs there in bed / the bed. 12. I stayed in bed / the bed all day Sunday and didn t go to church / the church. 13. The tourists visited church / the church to admire its architecture. 20

8 14. Is crime / the crime a growing problem in Finland? 15. This is definitely best day / the best day of my life! 16. Love / The love is all you need. 17. I was touched by love / the love he showed his wife during her illness. 18. My brother is doing time in prison / the prison. 19. I go and visit him in prison / the prison every week. 20. We usually travel there by car / the car but sometimes we take train / the train. 21. Lisää aukkoihin tarvittaessa artikkeli a, an tai the. I live in flat in Birmingham. At moment I am sitting by my desk and I should work. On desk I have computer, piece of paper and photograph of my cat. In picture she is sitting on back of elephant. Next to desk there is window. window is open and I can hear birds singing and sound of traffic. Looking out of window I can see old woman. She is carrying umbrella and shopping bag. umbrella is open and it has bright colours. man in uniform is crossing road. He must be officer of some kind. He has to wait for traffic light to turn green. I guess he is owner of car parked in front of my house. It is yellow car, sports car. He stands there waiting for over minute before light turns green. Okay, I now have to close window, switch on computer and start working. No more time for daydreaming! 22.. Lisää aukkoihin tarvittaessa artikkeli a, an tai the. 1. I m teacher. 2. I teach teenagers Arts in large, private school. 3. I went to Paris last year with some students and visited the Louvre. 4. We also went to zoo and saw crocodiles there. 5. They said on TV that crocodiles could be very dangerous to people. 6. Unfortunately I seem to have caught cold. 7. I really should go to bed and get some rest. 8. strong tea always seems to help me if I have flu. 9. I m also allergic to smoke. 10. pollution in my hometown gives me headache. 11. I think pollution is one of biggest problems today. 12. people do not have good enough knowledge about environment 21

9 13. They take nature for granted and believe that earth can survive anything. 14. Well, at least, there are still apples in my apple tree. 15. apple day keeps doctor away or so they say. 16. So apples must be good for you. 17. In fact I think I ll make apple pie for afternoon coffee. 18. Besides apples, I have lovely flowers in my garden. 19. roses in my rose bush are in bloom. 20. I find music very relaxing. 21. I especially like jazz but I hate music they mostly play on radio. 22. Today I had breakfast in cafe. 23. Sometimes I buy takeaway coffee to work. 24. I normally start work at nine. 25. If I m in hurry, I take car. 26. bus is also very convenient way to travel. 27. But now I have flat tyre so I can t go by car. 28. When I last drove to countryside, police stopped me. 29. I had forgotten to switch on headlights in my car and it was already dark. 30. It had been light and sunny when I left so I forgot. 31. On my holiday to seaside I stayed at very nice B & B. 32. It was cheapest accommodation there but rooms were very nice. 33. My room was on first floor. 34. Looking out of window I could see sea. 35. water was lovely and warm so I enjoyed going for swim in mornings. 36. I don t know anywhere in world quite as lovely as it was there. 23. Käännä lauseet englanniksi. 1. Ateisti ei usko jumalaan. 2. Voit maksaa laskusi pankissa. 3. Me nautimme herkullisen lounaan tänään. 4. Meillä on yleensä päivällinen kuudelta. 22

10 5. Syntymäpäiväni on marraskuun En käy kovin usein teatterissa. 7. Oletko kuolemantuomiota vastaan? 8. Maanalainen on nopea tapa matkustaa New Yorkissa. 9. Oletko ostanut sateenvarjon? 10. Isoisoäitini osaa käyttää tietokonetta. 11. Haluaisitko omenan? 12. Opettajamme oli televisiossa eilen. 13. Kuunteletko koskaan radiota ajaessasi? 14. Minun täytyy käydä postissa. 15. Voitko sulkea ikkunan? 16. Jotkut ihmiset käyvät kirkossa vain jouluna. 17. Setäni maalaa kattoa kirkossa. 18. Minun täytyy viedä lainaamani kirjat takaisin kirjastoon. 19. Se on vanha talo ja se tarvitsee uuden katon. 20. Voitko, ole kiltti, sammuttaa valot? 23

11 21. Jätin puhelimeni toimistoon. 22. Minun tarvitsee nukkua! Ole kiltti ja laita musiikki hiljemmalle. 23. Aloitamme koulun varttia yli kahdeksan. 24. Ainoa urheilumuoto, josta nautin, on tennis 25. Hänellä on yllään iltapuku. 26. Hänellä on yllään huivi, jonka annoin hänelle eilen. 27. Andrew on etsinyt töitä nyt jonkin aikaa. 28. Hän haluaisi saada työpaikan liikealalta. 29. Elokuvateatteri on kolmannella kadulla vasemmalla. 30. Myöhästyin koulusta, koska jäin bussista. 24. Lisää aukkoihin tarvittaessa artikkeli a, an tai the. JOHANNESBURG 1. newborn baby was kidnapped from 2. hospital in Johannesburg in parents never gave up 5. hope and now, 17 years later, 6. family have been reunited. 7. Brogan* family always continued 8. search for their eldest daughter. They had always celebrated 9. missing daughter s birthday and following her discovery 10. girl s 11. biological family is planning 12. massive celebration for 13. first birthday she spends with them. 14. Brogans are planning 15. best party ever, 16. close friend told 17. local radio station after 18. DNA tests confirmed she was 19. same child who had been kidnapped. 24

12 20. middle-aged woman has been arrested and will appear in 21. court on 22. Friday charged with 23. kidnapping and untruthfully pretending to be 24. child s mother. 25. girl was brought up as 26. only child of 27. arrested woman and her 28. husband. She was living just 29. couple of kilometres from her real parents. 30. miraculous discovery happened by 31. chance when she came 32. face to face with her biological sister and they became friends. 33. two attended 34. same school. In 35. final year of 36. high school, some 37. friends told 38. girl about 39. new student who bore (=jolla oli) 40. incredible likeness to her. These two 41. girls met and there was 42. incredible and immediate bond between them. 43. younger daughter told her parents at 44. home about 45. new friend at 46. school who looked like her. They invited her to their home and, after seeing her, immediately called 47. police who re-opened 48. investigation into 49. kidnapping. 50. girl in question has not been named by 51. media because she is 52. minor and 53. judge has ordered 54. press not to publish 55. name of her alleged family either. *the name of the family has been changed 25. Artikkelin paikka. Lisää oikeat artikkelit oikeille paikoilleen. 1. I had opportunity to succeed. 2. It was good opportunity. 3. Rarely does such good opportunity come my way. 4. It was too good opportunity to miss. 5. In Cameroon, terrible epidemic broke out. 6. It s rare that such terrible epidemic occurs. 7. We must be able to cure so terrible epidemic. 8. I m worried about all terrible epidemics in the world. 9. In this competition all athletes are good. 10. How come both athletes were running on lane one? 11. Have you noticed that many athlete needs more training. 25

13 12. Wow, what athlete! 13. She is as nice person as can be. 14. Yes, what nice person she is! 15. She is still so ordinary woman. 16. It was such treat to meet her! 17. Joe makes double money I do. 18. But he works only half time I do. 19. He is such efficient worker. 20. Perhaps he is too efficient employee for this job. 21. What lovely day! 22. And what lovely weather! 23. It s too lovely day to spend inside. 24. However lovely day, we still have to finish this exercise! erisnimien kanssa 26. henkilö- ja arvonimien yhteydessä. Lisää artikkelit tarvittaessa. 1. She was crowned Queen of England. 2. She became Queen in the fifties. 3. Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in Britain. 4. Queen opened the London Olympics in Princess Anne is her only daughter. 6. Princess took part in the Montreal Olympics in Wright Brothers were American inventors. 8. The world of aviation owes much to Orville and Wilbur Wright. 9. Don t get them mixed up with the Finnish painters, von Wrights. 10. There were three von Wright brothers, who were all painters. 11. Andrews Sisters, a jazz trio, were a popular American musical act of the 1940s. 12. I met head of our department, Mr Jackson, yesterday. 13. He was having lunch with Mrs Elmhurst, CEO of the company. 14. Jacksons are such a nice family. 15. But I don t know Elmhurst family that well. 26

14 16. I saw Daniel Craig at a restaurant. 17. Do you mean Daniel Craig, Bond actor? 18. No, I m afraid this was different Daniel Craig. 19. This Daniel isn t driving Aston Martin but old, battered Fiat. 20. Prime Minister is unavailable at the moment. 21. Prime Minister Seymour has a meeting with President. 22. President Reagan was a film star before going into politics. 23. above-mentioned Ronald Reagan was in office in the 80s. 24. Julius Caesar, Emperor, ruled Rome for only four and a half years. 25. He was not elected Emperor but got into power by winning a Civil War. 26. J. K. Rowling is well-known author. 27. well-known J. K. Rowling created Harry Potter series. 28. I have to go and visit dear old Mrs Jasperson. 29. My aunt was elected Member of Parliament last year. 30. This summer she became Foreign Secretary. 31. The workload of Minister is huge. 32. I wonder if King will ever step down from the throne. 33. Prince Fajar is getting tired of waiting. 27. maantieteellisten nimien yhteydessä. Lisää artikkelit tarvittaessa. Kirjoita myös sääntö artikkelien käytöstä ryhmän jälkeen. Names of countries: 1. Finland 2. China 3. Belgium 4. Norway 5. Indonesia 6. Netherlands 7. Philippines 8. People s Republic of China 9. Republic of Finland 10. Roman Empire 11. United States of America 12. United Arab Emirates 13. United Kingdom 27

15 14. Kingdom of Gwent Sääntö: Names of continents and geographical areas: 15. North America 16. Latin America 17. Europe 18. Antarctica 19. Southeast Asia 20. Siberia 21. Southern Hemisphere 22. Arctic Circle 23. Far East 24. Middle East 25. North Pole Sääntö: Names of states, provinces, cities, etc.: 26. California 27. New York State 28. Saskatchewan 29. State of California 30. Province of Quebec 31. Helsinki 32. New York City 33. Los Angeles 34. Saint Petersburg 35. Hague 36. City of New York Sääntö: 28

16 Bodies of water: 37. Atlantic Ocean 38. Atlantic 39. Mediterranean 40. Caribbean 41. Baltic Sea 42. Bering Sea 43. Gulf of Finland 44. Bay of Biscay 45. Amazon 46. Yangtze River 47. Seine 48. Strait of Gibraltar 49. Panama Canal 50. Lake Superior 51. Lake Geneva 52. Lake Saimaa 53. Vesijärvi Sääntö: Islands and island groups, peninsulas and capes: 54. Greenland 55. Madagascar 56. Island of Madagascar 57. Isle of Wight 58. Bahama Islands / Bahamas 59. Canary Islands / the Canaries 60. Åland Islands 61. Balkan Peninsula 62. Cape Horn 63. Cape of Good Hope Sääntö: 29

17 Mountains, mountain ranges, volcanoes, hills: 64. Mount Everest 65. Vesuvius 66. Parliament Hill 67. Himalayas 68. Ural Mountains 69. Pyrenees Sääntö: Deserts, valleys: 70. Sahara 71. Gobi Desert 72. Valley of the Kings 73. Nile Valley 74. Death Valley 75. Silicon Valley Sääntö: 28. Ihmisten aikaansaannokset. Käytetäänkö näiden kanssa epämääräistä artikkelia the? 1. Cambridge University 2. University of Cambridge 3. Broadway 4. Madison Avenue 5. Strand 6. Central Park 7. Hyde Park 8. 2 Gordon Square 9. Buckingham Palace 10. British Museum 11. London Bridge 12. Golden Gate Bridge 13. Odeon (cinema) 30

18 14. London Hospital 15. Hilton (hotel) 16. White Horse 17. Cafe Royal (restaurant) 18. Selfridges 19. Marks and Spencers 20. Penn Station 21. Phoenix (theatre) 22. New York Times 23. Times 24. Time 25. National Geographic 26. Queen Elizabeth II (ship) 27. Orient Express (train) 28. Cessna Citation XL (airplane) 29. Ihmisten aikaansaannokset ja artikkelit arvo- ja erisnimien yhteydessä. Lisää tarvittavat artikkelit. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a sightseeing tour of London. My name is Bernard. Let s start straight away. This is Piccadilly Circus famous for the billboards and statue of Eros. This is a busy intersection of five roads: Regent Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, Piccadilly Street, Covent Street and Haymarket. Here you can also see Lilywhite s, the sports store and further along Piccadilly Ritz, a world-famous hotel. On your left you can see Green Park which is so named as the only flowers grown there are naturalized narcissus. And then we arrive at Hyde Park, another one of Royal Parks. The neighbouring park is called Kensington Gardens where you can find stunning Albert Memorial and Kensington Palace which used to be the home of Princess Diana. It is also where Queen Victoria was born in Travelling along Cromwell Road on the right we see Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and, behind the corner, Science Museum. The next building is Baden Powell House dedicated to Scout Association. Turning back we now drive along Brompton Road and on your right you can see Harrods, one of the world s largest department stores and probably one of the most expensive ones. 31

19 Park Lane is the home of exclusive hotels, eg Dorchester and Grosvenor. At the junction of Park Lane and Oxford Street you can see Marble Arch which is an old arch through which only members of Royal Family and the Royal Horse Artillery are allowed to pass. Baker Street is most famous for its fictional resident Sherlock Holmes, whose address was 221B Baker Street. The long queue of people waiting to buy tickets is for Madame Tussauds, a wax museum where you can meet the stars from David Beckham and Kim Kardashian to all six James Bonds. Did you know that the first underground railway across the city from north to south was Bakerloo Line? toy store. Regent Street is home to more famous stores. Perhaps the best known of these is Hamley s And now we arrive at Trafalgar Square, which used to be a major traffic junction. In the centre of the square at 170 feet stands Nelson s Column, to the north you can find National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery and St Martin-in-the-Fields church. Plenty of pigeons at the square but, ladies and gentlemen, it s no longer legal to feed them. The centre of London, in mapping terms, is statue of Charles I. All distances from here are measured from this point. Strand, which we are driving along now, runs alongside Thames. Savoy Hotel, on the right, just before Waterloo Bridge, opened in 1889 and was one of the first to have electric lights and lifts. This was also the hotel where Peach Melba was created. We ll stop here for a few minutes to let you take pictures of St Paul s Cathedral. It was founded in 604. However, the present building, the fifth on the site, dates from Famous people who are buried in St Paul s include Sir Christopher Wren, architect of the present building, Lord Nelson and Duke of Wellington. The area you are now in is called City of London. It is the oldest part of London. It was 1,000 years old when Tower of London was built. It is the home to Bank of England. The underground vaults of Bank of England still hold Britain s gold reserves. Tower of London, the most popular tourist attraction, was begun by William I around It has been a palace, prison, place of execution and stronghold for the crown jewels. Tower Bridge was built in 1894 and needs to be raised to enable tall ships to pass under it. Tourists often mistake it for London Bridge... 32

20 On the South Bank, Globe theatre of Shakespeare is open to the public for both visits and performances and at Tate Gallery of Modern Art you can enjoy modern art. Also renowned National Theatre is based here. Waterloo station is one of the busiest stations. From here you can get trains to the continent and southern England. Another popular tourist attraction, London Eye is a ferris wheel allowing riders to see great views of the city. Before we get back to our starting point, Piccadilly Circus, we ll see Houses of Parliament by the riverside in Westminster. It is the largest gothic building in the world. Big Ben is not the name of the clock tower but of the bell inside it. It has a crack that appeared soon after is was installed and has never been repaired. Westminster Abbey next to Parliament Square has seen a lot of history, funerals, weddings and the crownings of monarchs. And last but not least, we can see Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of Prime Minister since That concludes our trip to the great capital of wish you a pleasant stay here. United Kingdom. I thank you for your attention and 33

21 Ratkaisut Ratkaisut Key a rock band C 2. rock music U 3. traffic U 4. a traffic jam C 5. time U 6. an hour C 7. a minute C 8. weather U 9. rain U 10. a weather forecast C 11. a love affair C 12. love U 13. a lovely day C 14. a windy city C 15. wind U 16. wind speed U 17. caffeine U 18. a café C 19. a cup of coffee C 20. money U 21. a coin C 22. a bill / note C 23. a sum of money C 24. cash U 25. a cashier C Key an elephant 2. an apartment 3. a festival 4. a truck 5. a yellow truck 6. a student 34

22 Ratkaisut 7. a university student 8. an MP 9. a Member of Parliament 10. an hour 11. an orange 12. a shoe 13. an old shoe 14. an orchestra 15. an Australian orchestra 16. a united group 17. a one-year-old child 18. an eight-year-old child 19. an honors student 20. an honorary title Key 13, Suggested 1. I bought a car. 2. It is an unbelievable story. 3. It was an excellent meal. 4. A young woman gave me a kiss. 5. His / Her blog has a/one million followers. 6. A baker s dozen is thirteen. 7. I go riding three times a week. 8. The game costs 20 pounds a round. 9. Do not drive faster than a/one hundred kilometers an hour. 10. She is a girl (who / whom) everyone admires. 11. This is a film (which / that) you should see. 12. What a fantastic idea! 13. Such a polite young man! 14. I got a cough yesterday. 15. Let s go for a walk for half an hour/a half hour. 16. Please, take a shower. You smell. 35

23 Ratkaisut Key an 2. a 3. an a 7. a an a a a 20. a a 23. a 24. a a 29. a a 32. a

24 Ratkaisut 35. a 36. an 37. a 38. a 39. a 40. an 41. a Key Minulla oli eilen vapaapäivä. Vapaapäivä oli hyvin rentouttava. a day off school mainitaan ensimmäistä kertaa The day off edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se vapaapäivä 2. Vapaapäivänäni katselin elokuvan. Elokuva kertoi baseball-valmentajasta. a movie muuan elokuva, uusi asia The movie edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se elokuva 3. Valmentajalla oli ollut vaikeuksia löytää työpaikka. The coach edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se valmentaja a job mitään työpaikkaa, ei tunnettu ennalta 4. Hän valmensi college joukkuetta, ja työ oli hyvin antoisaa. a college team yhtä / erästä joukkuetta, ei tunnettu ennalta the job asiayhteydestä tunnettu työpaikka 5. Joukkueessa oli yksi tai kaksi tähtipelaajaa. the team edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se elokuva joukkue a star player eräs / yksi tähtipelaaja, mainitaan ensimmäistä kertaa 6. Pelaajat oppivat kunnioittamaan valtavasti valmentajaa. The players asiayhteydestä tunnetut joukkueen pelaajat the coach edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se valmentaja 7. Sillä yliopistolla, jossa he pelasivat, on tiukka opinto-ohjelma. The college asiayhteydestä tunnettu college, jonka joukkueesta on kyse a strict study program mainitaan ensimmäistä kertaa 8. Opinto-ohjelma ei salli pelaajien lintsata miltään tunnilta, ainoaltakaan. The study program edellä mainittu, nyt tunnettu se opinto-ohjelma the players - asiayhteydestä tunnetut ja edellä mainitut joukkueen pelaajat a lesson yhtäkään oppituntia, a merkityksessä yksi 37

25 Ratkaisut Key the floor 2. the door 3. the dentist 4. the station 5. the police 6. the airport 7. the fridge 8. the kitchen 9. the toilet 10. the army Key 17, Suggested 1. The sun came out. 2. The Arctic Circle runs through Rovaniemi. 3. How many people live at the South Pole? 4. Space is still rather an unknown area. 5. The air so fresh today! 6. I like watching/ to watch the sea. 7. Is it possible to enjoy nature in New York? 8. Do you know how laws how Parliament makes laws? 9. (The) Freedom of the press is an important right. 10. I found a wallet on the ground. 11. She/He is the one and only for me! 12. I feel the same (way). 13. Turn right / Turn to the right / Make a right! It is the right way. 14. What s the most expensive movie ever made? 15. The captain was the last person to leave the ship. 16. It s the twenty-fifth of March. 17. It s too hot. Let s go north! 18. We ll leave early in the morning. Key the poor 2. the unemployed 3. the blind / the visually impaired 38

26 Ratkaisut 4. the healthy 5. the injured 6. the dead 7. the evil / the bad 8. the Bad, the Good and the Beautiful 9. the unknown 10. the impossible Key the Spanish 2. the British 3. the Welsh 4. the Irish 5. the Japanese 6. the Scottish 7. the French 8. the Dutch 9. the Chinese 10. the Swiss Key the people 2. Life; electricity 3. Dark chocolate 4. Tennis; golf 5. fish; meat. 6. the magazine 7. The rooms 8. the marriage 9. fiction; poetry 10. work; The work 11. the bed; the bed 12. bed; church 13. the church 14. crime 15. the best day 39

27 Ratkaisut 16. Love 17. the love 18. prison. 19. the prison 20. car; the train. Key 21 I live in a flat in Birmingham. At the moment I am sitting by my desk and I should work. On the desk I have a computer, a piece of paper and a photograph of my cat. In the picture she is sitting on the back of an elephant. Next to the desk there is a window. The window is open and I can hear /the birds singing and the sound of traffic. Looking out of the window I can see an old woman. She is carrying an umbrella and a shopping bag. The umbrella is open and it has bright colours. A man in a uniform is crossing the road. He must be an officer of some kind. He has to wait for the traffic light to turn green. I guess he is the owner of a/the car parked in front of my house. It is a yellow car, a sports car. He stands there waiting for over a minute before the light turns green. Okay, I now have to close the window, switch on the computer and start working. No more time for daydreaming! Key a 2. ; ; a 3. ; ; 4. the ; / the 5. ; ; 6. a 7. ; 8. ; the The; a 11. ; the 12. ; ; the 13. ; the An; a; the an ; 18. / the ; 40

28 Ratkaisut 19. The ; the ; the 22. ; a 23. a ; a; the 26. A / The; a 27. a ; 28. the; the 29. the ; the; a 32. the; the 33. ; the 34. the; the 35. The ; a ; the 36. the Key An atheist does not believe in God. 2. You can pay your bill at the bank. 3. We had a delicious lunch today. 4. We usually have dinner at six. 5. My birthday is on the 27th of November. 6. I don t go to the theatre very often. 7. Are you against capital punishment? 8. The subway is a quick way to travel in New York. 9. Have you bought an umbrella? 10. My great-grandmother knows how to use a computer. 11. Would you like an apple? 12. Our teacher was on TV last night. 13. Do you ever listen to the radio while (you are) driving? 14. I have to go to the post office. 15. Could you shut/close the window, please? 16. Some people go to church only at Christmas. 41

29 Ratkaisut 17. My uncle is painting the ceiling at the church. 18. I have to take the books I borrowed back to the library. 19. It s an old house and needs a new roof. 20. Could you, please, turn/switch off the lights? 21. I left my phone at the office. 22. I need to sleep! Please, turn the music down. 23. We start school at a quarter past eight. 24. The only sport I enjoy is tennis. 25. She s wearing an evening dress. 26. She s wearing the scarf I gave her yesterday. 27. Andrew has been looking for work / a job for a while now. 28. He would like to get a job in business. 29. The cinema / The movie theatre is on the third road to/on the left. 30. I was late for school because I missed the bus. Key A 2. a The the 7. The 8. the 9. the 10. the a 13. the 14. The 15. the 16. a 17. a/the 18. /the 19. the 20. A 42

30 Ratkaisut the 25. The 26. the 27. the a 30. The The 34. the 35. the the 39. a 40. an an 43. The the the 48. the 49. the 50. The 51. the 52. a 53. a 54. the 55. the 43

31 Ratkaisut Key an / the 2. a; 3. ; a ;. 4. ; ; an 5. a; 6. ; a ; 7. ; ; an 8. ; the / ; 9. ; the / 10. ; the / 11. ; an 12. ; an 13. ; a 14. ; a 15. ; a 16. ; a 17. ; the 18. ; the 19. ; an ; 20. ; ; an 21. a ; 22. ; a ; 23. ; ; a 24. ; a Key The The 44

32 Ratkaisut 7. The 8. ; 9. the The 12. the 13. the 14. The 15. the the ; the 18. a 19. an ; an 20. The 21. ; the The 24. ; the a 27. The ; the a a 32. the 33.. Key 27 Names of countries: 1. Finland 2. China 3. Belgium 4. Norway 5. Indonesia 45

33 Ratkaisut 6. the Netherlands 7. the Philippines 8. the People s Republic of China 9. the Republic of Finland 10. the Roman Empire 11. the United States of America 12. the United Arab Emirates 13. the United Kingdom 14. the Kingdom of Gwent Sääntö: Maiden nimiin EI artikkelia, ellei nimi ole monikollinen tai sisällä esim. sanoja republic, united, empire, kingdom. Names of continents and geographical areas: 15. North America, 16. Latin America 17. Europe 18. Antarctica 19. Southeast Asia 20. Siberia 21. the Southern Hemisphere 22. the Arctic Circle 23. the Far East 24. the Middle East 25. the North Pole Sääntö: Maanosien ja alueiden nimiin EI artikkelia (joitakin yksittäisiä alueita lukuunottamatta) Names of states, provinces, cities, etc: 26. California 27. New York State 28. Saskatchewan 29. the State of California 30. the Province of Quebec 31. Helsinki 32. New York City 46

34 Ratkaisut 33. Los Angeles 34. Saint Petersburg 35. the Hague 36. the City of New York Sääntö: Osavaltioiden, läänien, kaupunkien, kaupunginosien, jne nimiin EI artikkelia. Poikkeuksena of-genetiivi nimessä ja the Hague. Bodies of water: 37. the Atlantic Ocean 38. the Atlantic 39. the Mediterranean 40. the Caribbean 41. the Baltic Sea 42. the Bering Sea 43. the Gulf of Finland 44. the Bay of Biscay 45. the Amazon 46. the Yangtze River 47. the Seine 48. the Strait of Gibraltar 49. the Panama Canal 50. Lake Superior 51. Lake Geneva 52. Lake Saimaa 53. Vesijärvi Sääntö: Vesistöjen nimiin artikkeli paitsi poikkeuksena järvet, joiden nimiin EI artikkelia. Islands and island groups, peninsulas and capes: 54. Greenland 55. Madagascar 56. the Island of Madagascar 57. the Isle of Wight 58. the Bahama Islands / Bahamas 59. the Canary Islands / the Canaries 47

35 Ratkaisut 60. the Åland Islands 61. the Balkan Peninsula 62. Cape Horn 63. the Cape of Good Hope Sääntö: Yksittäisten saarten nimiin EI artikkelia, saaristot (monikkoja) artikkelilla, niemimaat, joissa sana peninsula artikkelin kanssa, Cape -sanat ilman ellei rajoittavaa of-genetiiviä. Mountains, mountain ranges, volcanoes, hills: 64. Mount Everest 65. Vesuvius 66. Parliament Hill 67. the Himalayas 68. the Ural Mountains 69. the Pyrenees Sääntö: Yksittäisten vuorien nimiin EI artikkelia, vuoristoihin (monikkoja) artikkeli. Deserts, valleys: 70. the Sahara 71. the Gobi Desert 72. the Valley of the Kings 73. the Nile Valley 74. Death Valley 75. Silicon Valley Sääntö: Autiomaiden ja laaksojen nimiin artikkeli, poikkeuksena esim. Death Valley ja Silicon Valley, Key Cambridge University 2. the University of Cambridge 3. Broadway 4. Madison Avenue 5. the Strand 6. Central Park 7. Hyde Park 8. 2 Gordon Square 48

36 Ratkaisut 9. Buckingham Palace 10. the British Museum 11. London Bridge 12. the Golden Gate Bridge 13. the Odeon (cinema) 14. the London Hospital 15. the Hilton (hotel) 16. the White Horse 17. the Cafe Royal (restaurant) 18. Selfridges 19. Marks and Spencers 20. Penn Station 21. the Phoenix (theatre) 22. the New York Times 23. the Times 24. Time 25. National Geographic 26. the Queen Elizabeth II (ship) 27. the Orient Express (train) 28. the Cessna Citation XL (airplane) Key 29 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a sightseeing tour of London. My name is Bernard. Let s start straight away. This is Piccadilly Circus famous for the billboards and the statue of Eros. This is a busy intersection of five roads: Regent Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, Piccadilly Street, Covent Street and Haymarket. Here you can also see Lilywhite s, the sports store and further along Piccadilly the Ritz, a worldfamous hotel. On your left you can see Green Park, which is so named as the only flowers grown there are naturalized narcissus. And then we arrive at Hyde Park, another one of the Royal Parks. The neighbouring park is called Kensington Gardens where you can find the stunning Albert Memorial and Kensington Palace which used to be the home of Princess Diana. It is also where Queen Victoria was born in Travelling along Cromwell Road on the right we see the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum and, behind the corner, the Science Museum. The next building is Baden Powell House dedicated to the Scout Association. 49

37 Ratkaisut Turning back we now drive along Brompton Road and on your right you can see Harrods, one of the world s largest department stores and probably one of the most expensive ones. Park Lane is the home of exclusive hotels, eg the Dorchester and the Grosvenor. At the junction of Park Lane and Oxford Street you can see Marble Arch which is an old arch through which only members of the Royal Family and the Royal Horse Artillery are allowed to pass. Baker Street is most famous for its fictional resident Sherlock Holmes, whose address was 221B Baker Street. The long queue of people waiting to buy tickets is for Madame Tussauds, a wax museum here you can meet the stars from David Beckham and Kim Kardashian to all six James Bonds. Did you know that the first underground railway across the city from north to south was the Bakerloo Line? Regent Street is home to more famous stores. Perhaps the best known of these is Hamley s toy store. And now we arrive at Trafalgar Square, which used to be a major traffic junction. In the centre of the square at 170 feet stands Nelson s Column, to the north you can find the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and St Martin-in-the-Fields church. Plenty of pigeons at the square but, ladies and gentlemen, it s no longer legal to feed them. The centre of London, in mapping terms, is the statue of Charles I. All distances from here are measured from this point. The Strand, which we are driving along now, runs alongside the Thames. The Savoy Hotel, on the right, just before Waterloo Bridge, opened in 1889 and was one of the first to have electric lights and lifts. This was also the hotel where Peach Melba was created. We ll stop here for a few minutes to let you take pictures of St Paul s Cathedral. It was founded in 604. However, the present building, the fifth on the site, dates from Famous people who are buried in St Paul s include Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of the present building, Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington. The area you are now in is called the City of London. It is the oldest part of London. It was 1,000 years old when the Tower of London was built. It is the home to the Bank of England. The underground vaults of the Bank of England still hold Britain s gold reserves. The Tower of London, the most popular tourist attraction, was begun by William I around It has been a palace, prison, place of execution and stronghold for the crown jewels. Tower Bridge was built in 1894 and needs to be raised to enable tall ships to pass under it. Tourists often mistake it for London Bridge. On the South Bank, the Globe theatre of Shakespeare is open to the public for both visits and performances and at the Tate Gallery of Modern Art you can enjoy modern art. Also the renowned National Theatre is based here. Waterloo station is one of the busiest stations. From here you can get trains to the continent and southern 50

38 Ratkaisut England. Another popular tourist attraction, the London Eye is a ferris wheel allowing riders to see great views of the city. Before we get back to our starting point, Piccadilly Circus, we ll see the Houses of Parliament by the riverside in Westminster. It is the largest gothic building in the world. Big Ben is not the name of the clock tower but of the bell inside it. It has a crack that appeared soon after is was installed and has never been repaired. Westminster Abbey next to Parliament Square has seen a lot of history, funerals, weddings and the crownings of monarchs. And last but not least, we can see Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of Prime Minister since That concludes our trip to the great capital of the United Kingdom. I thank you for your attention and wish you a pleasant stay here. 51


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1 4 teksteistä yksi ja lue se ääneen englanniksi. A aloittaa. Kuuntele ja auta tarvittaessa. B: Tämä on Linda. Hän on minun siskoni. B: Mitä kuuluu?

1 4 teksteistä yksi ja lue se ääneen englanniksi. A aloittaa. Kuuntele ja auta tarvittaessa. B: Tämä on Linda. Hän on minun siskoni. B: Mitä kuuluu? High five! 3 Chapter 4 Rattingham Palace LIITE 5a Työpistetyöskentely Piste 1 1. Valitse parisi kanssa kappaleiden 1 4 teksteistä yksi ja lue se ääneen englanniksi. 2. Tee alla oleva tehtävä parisi kanssa.


Nuku hyvin, pieni susi -????????????,?????????????????. Kaksikielinen satukirja (suomi - venäjä) ( (Finnish Edition)

Nuku hyvin, pieni susi -????????????,?????????????????. Kaksikielinen satukirja (suomi - venäjä) ( (Finnish Edition) Nuku hyvin, pieni susi -????????????,?????????????????. Kaksikielinen satukirja (suomi - venäjä) ( (Finnish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically


National Building Code of Finland, Part D1, Building Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Regulations and guidelines 2007

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Travel Accommodations

Travel Accommodations - Finding Mistä löytäisin? Asking for directions to accommodation...vuokrahuoneen?...hostellin?...hotellin?...b&b:n?...leirintäalueen? Minkä hintainen se on? Enquiring about the prices - Booking Onko teillä


A: What s wrong? A aloittaa. Kuuntele ja auta tarvittaessa. Parisi auttaa tarvittaessa. Sinä aloitat. Sano vuorosanasi englanniksi.

A: What s wrong? A aloittaa. Kuuntele ja auta tarvittaessa. Parisi auttaa tarvittaessa. Sinä aloitat. Sano vuorosanasi englanniksi. High five! 4 Chapter 4 Down by the river LIITE 6a Työpistetyöskentely Piste 1 1 Valitse parisi kanssa kappaleiden 1 3 teksteistä yksi ja lukekaa se ääneen englanniksi 2 Tee alla oleva tehtävä parisi kanssa


Yksityinen kirjeenvaihto Yksityiskirje

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

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Travel Getting Around

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English - Essentials Can you help me, please? Asking for help Do you speak? Asking if a person speaks Do you speak _[language]_? Asking if a person speaks a certain language I don't speak_[language]_. Clarifying


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Travel Accommodations

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Matkustaminen Yleistä

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Matkustaminen Yleistä

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Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

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Matkustaminen Liikkuminen

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Accommodation statistics

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