Theme 1. Ekosysteemipalvelut ja geospatiaaliset menetelmät/ Ecosystem services and geospatial research Timo Kumpula & Petteri Vihervaara

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1 Theme 1. Ekosysteemipalvelut ja geospatiaaliset menetelmät/ Ecosystem services and geospatial research Timo Kumpula & Petteri Vihervaara WG 1.1 Perjantai/ Friday 15:00 17:00, Sali/ Room F100 15:00 15:20 Petteri Vihervaara: Biosphere reserves: Integrating biodiversity research with ecosystem service approach 15:20 15:40 Benjamin Burkhard 1, Franziska Kroll 1, Stoyan Nedkov², Timo Kumpula³, Petteri Vihervaara 4, Ari Tanskanen³ & Felix Müller 1 : Modelling and mapping ecosystem services' supply and demand 15:40 16:00 Risto Kalliola & Pedro Flores: Brazil Nut Harvesting in Peruvian Amazonia from the perspective of Ecosystem Services 16:00 16:20 Riikka Hannila: Suotuisan elinympäristön määrittäminen alueellisen mallintamisen avulla: esimerkkeinä maakotka ja muuttohaukka Suomessa 16:20 17:05 Turku Fluvial Research Group presentations: 17:05 17:30 Discussion Elina Kasvi: Geomorphologic processes on natural meander point bars: a coupled approach of terrestrial LiDAR, ADP and hydraulic modeling Claude Flener: Modelling river bathymetry: computing deep water reflectance in shallow water rivers Eliisa Lotsari: Dynamic relationship between discharge and river morphology in the braided sub arctic lower Tana River: 2D morphology modelling as a tool for river channel change detection

2 Theme 1. Ekosysteemipalvelut ja geospatiaaliset menetelmät / Ecosystem services and geospatial research Timo Kumpula & Petteri Vihervaara 1. Biosphere reserves: Integrating biodiversity research with ecosystem service approach Petteri Vihervaara Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, PL 111, Joensuu, Finland Biodiversity is the basis for many ecosystem processes and hence, for the provision of almost all ecosystem services (hereafter ES). Still, the role of biodiversity for ecosystem function and its relation to the ES is poorly known. Establishment of nature conservation areas is often based on biodiversity data (e.g. endangered red list species) and coverage of wide variety of habitats (like in the Natura 2000 network). However, biosphere reserves offer more general situations to study role of biodiversity for ES provision, because also other land use forms than nature conservation are presented. Several case studies have shown that the ES concept can be used fruitfully in sustainable landscape planning. UNESCO s The Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) covers a worldwide network of biosphere reserves which has 564 sites in 109 countries. MAB supports the interdisciplinary research to improve sustainability of coupled human environment systems, and it targets the ecological, social and economic dimensions of biodiversity loss. Biosphere reserves innovate and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development. They are naturally under national sovereign jurisdiction, yet share their experience and ideas nationally, regionally and internationally within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Due to international special status of biosphere reserves, plenty of biodiversity and land use data has been collected from these areas. There are two biosphere reserves located in Finland: the Archipelago Sea at the coastal semi boreal vegetation zone and the North Karelian region dominated by mires and boreal forests. I have found out systematically what kind of biodiversity data is available from those two biosphere reserves. Currently the mapping of ES is going on. A research approach will be presented to show how specified aspects of biodiversity links with the ES and how they can be studied. 2. Modelling and mapping ecosystem services supply and demand Benjamin Burkhard 1 (presenter), Franziska Kroll 1, Stoyan Nedkov², Timo Kumpula³, Petteri Vihervaara 4, Ari Tanskanen³ & Felix Müller 1 1 Ecology Centre, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany ² Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria ³ University of Eastern Finland, PL 111, Joensuu, Finland 4 Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE, PL111, Joensuu, Finland bburkhard@ecology.uni Land use changes impact the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and services to the human society. To describe respective dynamics, appropriate indicators and data for their quantification, including quantitative and qualitative assessments, can be used. Using land cover information from e. g. remote sensing, models, GIS and statistics, the supply and demand of ecosystem services can be assessed and transferred to different spatial and temporal scales. The results reveal patterns of human

3 activities over time and the capacities of different ecosystems to provide ecosystem services under changing use. This information is useful for integrative landscape and resource management. Our assessment approach has successfully been applied in different case studies, for example a forestry region in northern Finland, a Bulgarian mountainous area, offshore sea, and urban areas. These applications showed that one main obstacle in the evaluation of ecosystem services is the lack of appropriate data for the quantification of the individual services supply and demand. Therefore, we suggest the development of corresponding research and development projects, monitoring schemes and national ecosystem services assessments. This would be a big step forward towards the implementation of the concept of ecosystem services as a solution for environmental and resource management problems. 3. Brazil Nut Harvesting in Peruvian Amazonia from the perspective of Ecosystem Services Risto Kalliola 1 (presenter) & Pedro Flores² 1 Department of Geography, University of Turku, Turku, Finland ²Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú & Brazil nuts are harvested from the primary rainforests in the Amazonian lowlands as a direct form of sustainably using the region s biological resources. Nut extraction occurs on over 800 small holder concessions operating under long term agreements. This activity is locally important but the economies of scale are in generally small. Additionally, nut extraction provides only a seasonal cash income. Although the current regulation mechanisms in Peru support long term Brazil nut production, this economic activity is vulnerable for operating at a relatively low volume, being affected by volatile market prices and for the pressure posed by other land uses, including those involving deforestation. In order to be sustainable, the economic returns from Brazil nut exports should raised by auxiliary means such as green marketing or paying for the ecosystem services provided by the standing forest. We will discuss the challenges of making this goal true, considering policy, management and trading conditions as well as the region s ecological, economic and social constrains. 4. Suotuisan elinympäristön määrittäminen alueellisen mallintamisen avulla: esimerkkeinä maakotka ja muuttohaukka Suomessa Riikka Hannila Maantieteen laitos, Oulun yliopisto Elinympäristöjen määrän väheneminen ja pirstoutuminen ovat tänä päivänä usein keskeisimmät syyt lajien uhanalaistumiseen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden vähenemiseen. Lajien suojelu edellyttää tarkempaa tietoa suotuisien elinympäristöjen sijainnista ja elinympäristöihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Alueellisen mallintamisen avulla pystytään osaltaan vastaamaan näihin vaatimuksiin: hyödyntämällä eri alueellisten tasojen ympäristötekijöitä voidaan laatia aiempaa tarkempia malleja suotuisista elinympäristöistä. Sovelsimme petolintujen suotuisien elinympäristöjen mallintamisessa maakotkan ja muuttohaukan pesien sijaintitietoa ja useita eri spatiaalisten tasojen ympäristömuuttujia mahdollisimman tarkkojen mallien tavoittamiseksi. Tutkimus pohjautui ainutlaatuiseen aineistoon, joka

4 sisältää todetut pesinnät maakotkalta (vuosilta ) ja muuttohaukalta (vuosilta ) Suomessa. Rakensimme mallit MAXENT menetelmällä käyttäen varmistettuja pesintöjä ja 14 ympäristömuuttujaa viidestä eri ryhmästä: 1) ilmasto, 2) topografia, 3) maanpeite, 4) ihmistoiminta ja 5) elinympäristöjen kytkeytyneisyys 2 x 2 km resoluutiolla. Suotuisa elinympäristö osoittautui mallien perusteella molempien lajien osalta hyvin pirstoutuneeksi, mikä voi mahdollisesti heikentää lajien selviytymistä tulevaisuudessa. Tuloksiemme avulla voidaan määrittää maakotkalle ja muuttohaukalle suotuisia, mutta toistaiseksi suojelemattomia alueita. Tulosten perusteella toteamme, että maakotkan pesintä edellyttää riittävän laajoja häiriöttömiä alueita ja laji suosii havumetsiä topografisesti vaihtelevilla alueilla. Muuttohaukan osalta esitämme, että tähän saakka suojelemattomat lajin kannalta tärkeät toisiinsa kytkeytyneet avosuot rauhoitettaisiin lajin pesintään. Lisäksi toteamme, että käyttämällä ilmaston ohella maankäyttöön liittyviä muuttujia mallinnuksessa voidaan tuottaa aiempaa tarkempia arvioita suotuisan elinympäristön pinta alasta ja spatiaalisesta rakenteesta. Työ on tehty Suvi Ponnikkaan (Oulun yliopisto, Biologian laitos), Riikka Hannilan (Oulun yliopisto, Maantieteen laitos), Markku Orellin (Oulun yliopisto, Biologian laitos), Tuomo Ollilan (Metsähallitus) ja Miska Luodon (Helsingin yliopisto, Maantieteen laitos) yhteistyönä. 5. Geomorphologic processes on natural meander point bars: a coupled approach of terrestrial LiDAR, ADP and hydraulic modeling Elina Kasvi Maantieteen laitos, Turun yliopisto At the moment the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the state of the art method in the study of river dynamics. However, a 2 dimensional model cannot provide information about the 3 dimensional flows along the meander bends where the secondary circulation plays an important role. On the other hand, the requirements for field observations and the computational demands for CFD increase at the same time as the quality of the model. The in situ observations of meander dynamics have mostly been done on a small area or on coarse scale due to the lack of efficient field survey methods. In this study an advanced mobile terrestrial LiDAR methodology was applied to map the flow based geomorphologic changes on four meander point bars along a reach of 6 km. A terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) was installed onto two movable platforms, boat and a cart to make the scanning process more efficient compared to the static TLS. The 3 dimensional flow field along the bends was examined using ADP (Acoustic Doppler profiler) device. In addition, a 2D CFD simulation of the peak flow event was realized. The mobile LiDAR approach allowed for a detailed and fast mapping of the flood based erosion and deposition on the point bars and the flow models together provided spatially extensive flow field survey. Hardly any generic features of the distribution of erosion and deposition was detectable among the point bars. The two flow models agreed on the horizontal position of the high velocity core as well as the primary flow directions and the distribution of lover velocities. However the 3D features of the flow were only possible to detect on the ADP data. According to this study the flow and sedimentation patterns in meander bends are remarkably unique and do not often follow the well established theories.

5 6. Modelling river bathymetry: computing deep water reflectance in shallow water rivers Claude Flener University of Turku Knowledge of underwater terrain is an essential component of many hydrological and environmental applications such as flood modelling and habitat mapping. The accuracy of the geometry of the river bed has great influence on the result of hydraulic models. Remote sensing allows to model bathymetry at spatial scales that are impossible to achieve with traditional methods. It is possible to map large stretches of river based on aerial photography at relatively low cost compared to lidar or sonar. Developing the full potential of passive remote sensing for modelling water depth in fluvial environments remains a challenge. Spectrally based bathymetric models operate on the principle of isolating the depth signal from the reflectance values of the water surface. This is achieved by either removing the influence of the river substrate using a deep water correction method or by calculating the rate of attenuation of light in the water column. One problem of applying deep water correction models in rivers has so far been that the deep water values required for these models is often impossible to measure in clear water rivers. A new method for computing such values is presented here. 7. Dynamic relationship between discharge and river morphology in the braided sub arctic lower Tana River: 2D morphology modelling as a tool for river channel change detection Eliisa Lotsari University of Turku Recent development of numerical hydraulic and morphological models has made them computationally efficient, stable and capable of representing fluvial systems better than previously. Transportation algorithms have been normally developed in flume studies, and therefore, equations may only be valid over a limited range. Simulating the evolution of braided rivers is highly challenging and demands lots of field measurements, due to variable channel conditions within a single river section. The morphodynamics of braided rivers has been studied without modelling in a variety of environments, although mostly in small scale rivers such as pro glacial sand or gravel bed river reaches. Only a few studies using morphological modelling have been conducted in larger braided rivers, such as the subarctic lower Tana River. The aims of this study are, therefore, to (1) quantify the short time scale changes in river geometry caused by a single spring snowmelt flood and the subsequent discharge over the following year, (2) model the changes using the TUFLOW 2D morphology model (TUFLOW MORPH) and analyze the modelling results against the measured geometries of 2008 and 2009, and (3) evaluate the potential of the model for simulating large sand bed braided sub arctic river channels. The results indicate that although spring flood dominates as the sediment transport event, a significant amount of bed load transport occurs throughout the year. The downstream movement of linguoid dunes and thalwegs during was m based on the echo sounded geometries. Use of the Van Rijn sediment transport method gave more realistic results than the Meyer Peter and Müller method. TUFLOW MORPH was able to run the whole year s simulation and with the Van Rijn algorithm, the bed form shapes and deepest channel locations resembled the echo sounded geometry. Further model

6 improvements are proposed, but the results are promising for future usage of this model in braided rivers.

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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

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