Curriculum vitae ( ) Matti Ilmari Niemi. Master of Laws with Court Training Doctor of Laws (LL.D) Professor in Property Law

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1 1 Curriculum vitae ( ) Matti Ilmari Niemi Master of Laws with Court Training Doctor of Laws (LL.D) Professor in Property Law University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies Law School Joensuu campus Street Address: Yliopistonkatu 2, Aurora B Postal Address: P.O. Box 111, Joensuu, Finland 1. Education Matriculation examination, 1977 LL.M., University of Lapland, 1985 Master of Laws with court training, The Court of Appeal of Kouvola, 1987 LL.Lic., University of Lapland, 1990 LL.D., University of Lapland, Career 2.1 Offices of Rural Police Chiefs and District Prosecutors (Nimismies) Acting Rural Police Chief and District Prosecutor (summer and vacation employee), Police districts of southern Finland, during the years Courts Trainee Judge in the District Court of Valkeala, Judge, acting, in the District Court of Valkeala, summer Academic Career University of Lapland, Faculty of Law Assistant, Environmental Law, Acting Senior Assistant, Acting Assistant Professor, Civil Law, Acting Professor, Law of Obligations, 1997 Assistant Professor, Civil Law, Professor, Civil Law,

2 2 Docent in Property Law, from 2001 University of Reading, Department of Law Visiting Professor, University of Oxford, Law Faculty Academic Visitor, from 16 June 1997 Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Business Professor in Civil Law, University of Helsinki Docent in Property Law, from 2009 University of Turku, Faculty of Law Docent in Jurisprudence, from 2013 University of Eastern Finland, Law School Docent in Property Law, Professor in Property law, from Publications 3.1 Graduation Monographs Candidate Examination "Pakkolunastuskorvauksesta eri normiperusteilla". XV p. ( Expropriation compensation based on different statutes ; in the area of environmental law) University of Lapland. Supplementary Licentiate Examination (laudaturtyö) "Panttaussopimuksesta. Silmällä pitäen erityisesti kiinteistökiinnitystä" XII p. (On a Lien Commitment, Especially on Mortgages of Pieces of Real Estate, in the area property Law, Security Contract and Mortgage) University of Lapland. Licentiate Dissertation "Normit ja todellisuus". XXXIII p. ( Norms and Reality ; in the area of jurisprudence) University of Lapland. Doctoral Thesis in the area of jurisprudence: "Päämäärien valtakunta. Konventionalistinen analyysi lainopillisen tiedon edellytyksistä ja oikeusjärjestelmän perusteista" ( The Kingdom of Ends. A Conventionalist analysis of the Preconditions of Knowledge in Legal Dogmatics and of the Foundations of Legal Order ). Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen A-sarja n:o 211. XXX p. Vammala 1996.

3 3 3.2 Other Monographs "Hohfeld ja oikeuksien analyysit. Käsiteparit ja niiden tulkintoja osana analyyttisen oikeusteorian perintöä" ( Hohfeld and the Analyses of Rights. The Concept Pairs and Their Interpretation as a Part of the Tradition of the Analytical Legal Theory ) VIII + 82 p. Publications in Law, University of Lapland, Series B, nr 26. Rovaniemi "Hohfeld y el analisis de los derechos" (The Spanish edition with corrections of the Hohfeld-study mentioned above). Biblioteca de Etica, filosofia del Derecho y Politica, que coordinan el Dr. Ernesto Garzon Valdes e el Dr. Rodolfo Vazquecz, bajo No. 76. Distribuciones Fontamara. (The Library of Ethics, Philosophy of Law and Politics, nr. 76, Fontamara Publications). Mexico "Maakaaren järjestelmä I. Kiinteistönkauppa ja muut luovutukset". XXIII p. ( The System of the Code of Real Estate I. Sale of Land and Other Transfers of Real Property ) First edition, Pandecta: Jyväskylä Second edition, WSOY Lakitieto: Porvoo Maakaaren järjestelmä II. Kirjaaminen ja lainhuudatus. XV+425 p. ( The System of the Code of Real Estate II. Land Registration ). First edition, WSOY: Vantaa 2004, second edition Sanoma Pro Oy: Helsinki Maakaaren järjestelmä III. Kiinnitys ja panttioikeus. XX+527 p. ( The System of the Code of Real Estate III. Mortgage and Real Estate Liens ). WSOYpro: Helsinki Articles Finnish Journals or Books "Rakennuksen suojelun aiheuttamasta korvausvastuusta" ( Compensations in Building Conservation ). In Juridica Lapponica 1. Lakimiesliiton kustannus: Rovaniemi 1986 pp "Lainhuudatuksesta, erityisesti konkurssivelallisen ollessa saantomiehenä"( About Registration of Titles to Real Estates, Especially in the Case of Bankruptcy ). Defensor Legis 1988 pp "Tieliikennelainsäädäntö ja logiikka" ( Road Traffic Legislation and Logic ). Lakimies 1993 pp "Saamiset, vakuudet ja omistusasunnon suoja yksityishenkilön velkajärjestelyssä". In Juridiikkaa velkaneuvojille ( Debts, Securities and the Protection of Residences in Debt Adjustment ). Edited and written by Seppo Koskinen, Mirva Lohiniva-Kerkelä, Matti Niemi, Soili Nysten-Haarala, Keijo Plit and Markku Pulkkinen, Rovaniemi 1993 pp The same, second edition. Edited and written by Seppo Koskinen, Mirva-Lohiniva- Kerkelä, Matti Niemi, Soili Nysten-Haarala, Keijo Plit, Markku Pulkkinen and Ari Saarnilehto. Rovaniemi 1994 p (in Finnish).

4 4 "Havaintoja yksityishenkilön velkajärjestelystä ja omistusasunnon suojasta", Defensor Legis 1993 pp ( About Debt Adjustment and Protection of Residences ). "Maakaariuudistus, vuosisadan lainsäädäntöhanke kiinteistöoikeudessa" ( The Renewal of the Code of Real Estate The Law Reform of the Century in the Area of Land Law ). In Juhlajulkaisu Oikeustieteen ylioppilaiden yhdistys Artikla ry 15 vuotta pp Edited by Harri Lindroth and Tuomas Pöysti. Kitee 1994 (in Finnish). "Yhteiskuntasopimus ja siviilioikeuden perusteet" ( The Social Contract and the Foundations of Civil Law ). Lakimies 1995 pp "Esineoikeuden keskeiset periaatteet ja uusi maakaari" ( The Central Principles of Property Law and the New Code of Real Estate ). In Oikeuskirja. Edited by Petri Martikainen. Kitee 1995, pp (in Finnish). "Palvelus vai karhunpalvelus? Kauppakaaren uudet yleisvakuuksia koskevat säännökset". ( Service or Disservice? The New Sections of General Securities in the Sale of Goods Act ). Lakimies 1995, pp (in Finnish). "Kauppaa koskeva sääntely ja uusi maakaari. Kaksi sopimusoikeudellista näkökulmaa" ( Regulation of Sale of Goods and the New Code of Real Estate. Two Viewpoints from Contract Law ). In Juhlajulkaisu Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen Lapin alaosasto ry. 50 vuotta pp Edited by Ulla Karvo and Matti Niemi. Kitee 1997 (in Finnish). A Book Review."Sopimuspakko - oikeus sopimukseen". (Mandatory Contracts An Entitlement to a Contract) Frey Nybergh: Avtalsfrihet - rätt till avtal. En nordisk undersökning om kontraheringsplikt till förm n för privatpersoner. Nord 1997:10. Nordiska ministerr det rhus Oikeus 1997:4, pp (in Finnish). "Esineoikeuksien sisältö ja suoja" ("The Content and Protection of Property Rights"). In Oikeuskirja, second edition, pp Edited by Risto Haavisto. Kitee 1997 (in Finnish). Fronesis. Kolme tutkielmaa laista ja oikeudesta, osa 1/3.( "Fronesis. Three Treaties on Law and Justice, part 1/3"). Lakimies 1998, pp (in Finnish). "Holismi ja konventionalismi. Lainopin keskeiset episteemiset käsitykset. Kolme tutkielmaa laista ja oikeudesta, osa 2/3 ( Holism and Conventionalism. The Basic Epistemic Conceptions in Legal Dogmatics. Three Treaties on Law and Justice, part 2/3". Lakimies 1998 pp (in Finnish). "Lainopillisen argumentoinnin kaksi tasoa. Kolme tutkielmaa laista ja oikeudesta, osa 3/3" ("Two Levels of Legal Argumentation. Three Treaties on Law and Justice, part 3/3". Lakimies 1998 pp (in Finnish).

5 5 Two word-articles: "Competence" and "Legal Institution". Encyclopedia Iuridica Fennica. VII General Studies on Law pp and The Finnish Association of Lawyers. Jyväskylä "Esineoikeus" ("Property Law"). In Oikeusjärjestys 2000, part I, pp Edited by Risto Haavisto. University of Lapland Publications, Juridical Publications, serie C 28. Rovaniemi nd supplemented edition, series C 31, part I, Rovaniemi 2002, pp rd supplemented edition, series C 36, part I, Rovaniemi 2004, pp th supplemented edition, series C 47, part I, Rovaniemi 2007, pp (in Finnish). " Oikeustieteen koulukunnista ja laintulkinnasta"("on the Schools of Jurisprudence and on Legal Interpretation") Publication of the Law School for Judges in Northern Finland, number 1-2/2000, pp (in Finnish). "Ajattelun kouluista ja ajatuksia kouluista. Tutkielma oikeustieteen perinteisten suuntausten käsitteellisistä sitoumuksista ja niiden heijastumisesta laintulkintaan". ("Schools of Thoughts and Thoughts on Schools. A Treatise of the Conceptual Commitments of the Traditional Trends of Jurisprudence and their Reflections in Legal Interpretation"). Oikeustiede-Jurisprudentia XXXIII/2000, pp (in Finnish). "Maan omistaminen ja sen käytön sääntely" ("The Ownership and Use of Land"). Oikeus 2000:2, pp (in Finnish). "Tietoja ja taitoja oikeuden ehdoilla" ("Knowledge and Skills on the Conditions of Law"). Oikeus 2001, pp (in Finnish). Paperiton kiinteistönvaihdanta? Näkökohtia sähköisten sopimusten mahdollisuuksista ( Paperless Conveyance of Pieces of Real Estate? Considerations on the Possibilities of Electronic Contracts ) In Professori Kyösti Holman juhlakirja , pp Edited by Risto Haavisto. Rovaniemi Mitä kontekstualistinen lähestymistapa voi merkitä oikeudellisessa ratkaisutoiminnassa? ( What Can a Contextual Approach Mean in Adjudication? ) In Oikeudenalojen rajat ja rajattomuus, pp Edited by Veli-Pekka Viljanen. Turku 2002 (in Finnish). Lainoppi - analyysiä vai oikeuttamista? ( Legal dogmatics - Analysis or Justification? ). Lakimies 2002, s (in Finnish). Säädöksiä, systematiikkaa vai ihmisoikeuksia? (Statutes, Systematics or Human Rights?) In Säädöksiä, systematiikkaa vai ihmisoikeuksia?, pp The Oikeustieteen päivät August, Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis 203. Lappeenranta 2004 (in Finnish). Erityisen oikeuden lyhyt ja pitkä historia ( The Short and Long History of Special Rights ). In Juhlajulkaisu Juhani Wirilander / , pp Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, C-sarja n:o 37. Helsinki 2005.

6 6 Tiedosta ja sen puutteesta ( On Knowledge and on the Lack of It ). In Juhlajulkaisu Vesa Majamaa / , pp Edited by Tapani Lohi. Edita. Helsinki Oikeuslähteet verkkona - käytännöllinen näkökulma ( Legal Sources as a Net - a Practical Point of View ). In Oikeusteorian poluilla. Juhlakirja professori Rauno Halttunen, pp Edited by Sauli Mäkelä. Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja, sarja C 42, Rovaniemi Kohti sähköistä kiinteistönkauppaa kenen ehdoilla?. ( Towards Electronic Conveyance of Pieces of Real Estate On Whose Conditions? ). Defensor Legis 2006, pp (in Finnish). A Case Review. KKO 2006:36 (The Supreme Court of Finland). In KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein, edited by Pekka Timonen, Talentum, Helsinki 2006, pp (in Finnish). Kiinteistön määräala ja oppi irrottamisoikeudesta tarina epäonnistuneesta oikeudellisesta siirrännäisestä ( A Parcel of a Piece of Real Estate and the Doctrine of Separation a Story of an Unsuccessful Legal Transplant ) In Sopimus, vastuu, velvoite, juhlajulkaisu Ari Saarnilehto / , pp Jyväskylä 2007 (in Finnish). Quo vadis, kiinteistökirjaaminen? ( Quo vadis, Land Registration) In Kiinteistöjä, vaihdantaa ja sivullissuhteita. Juhlakirja Jarno Tepora 60 vuotta, pp Helsinki 2007 (in Finnish). Miksi kiinteistöjen kirjaamisasiat on siirrettävä maanmittauslaitokselle? ( Why Land Registration Should Be Transferred to the Finnish National Land Survey Bureau? ) Defensor Legis 2008, pp A Book Review. Hoffrén, Mia, Tieto ja sivullissuoja (Hoffrén, Mia, Knowledge and Protection of Third Parties ). Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, A- sarja n:o 284, Helsinki 2008, 224 pages. In Lakimies 2008, pp (in Finnish). Kiinteistönkauppa havaintoja sääntelystä ja käytännöistä eräissä Euroopan maissa. ( Sale of Pieces of Real Estate Observations about Regulation and Practices in Certain European Countries ) In Juhlajulkaisu Leena Kartio /8-2008, pp Helsinki 2008 (in Finnish). Rakennus väliinputoajana esineoikeuden järjestelmässä ( A Building in a Cleft Stick in the System of Property Law ). In Oikeus kansainvälisessä maailmassa. Ilkka Saraviidan juhlakirja, pp Edited by Markus Aarto and Markku Vartiainen. Helsinki 2008 (in Finnish). Onko panttioikeus liitännäinen tai toissijainen oikeus? Teoreettinen ja lainopillinen tutkielma? ( Is the Right of Lien an Accessory or a Subsidiary Right?. A Theoretical and a Treatise in Legal Dogmatics ). Business Law Forum 2009, pp (in Finnish).

7 7 A Book Review. Oikeus ja kritiikki 2. Janne Kaiston Lainoppi ja oikeusteoria (Law and Critics 2. The Legal Dogmatics and Legal Theory of Janne Kaisto). Edited by Jaakko Mikkilä and Sanna Koulu. Forum Iuris. Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan julkaisut. Helsinki XII+442 pages. In Lakimies 2011, pp (in Finnish). Omistajan hallintaoikeuden suojasta vertailevia näkökohtia. ( On the Protection of the Owner s Possession Comparative Points of View ). In Varallisuus, vakuudet ja velkojat, pp Juhlajulkaisu Jarmo Tuomisto / Edited by Tero Iire. University of Turku, Porvoo 2012 (in Finnish). Naturalismin viettely ja lainopillinen tieto (The Temptation of Naturalism and Knowledge of Law ) In Oikeuden avantgarde. Juhlajulkaisu Juha Karhu. Edited by Jaakko Husa, Petri Keskitalo, Tuula Linna and Eva Tammi-Salminen. Talentum 2013, pp (in Finnish). A Book Review. Huomo, Laura, Maakaasuputkiston projektirahoitus. Rahoitus- ja vakuusoikeudellinen tutkimus maakaasuputkiston projektirahoituksesta (Project Finance of a Gas Pipe Line. Finance and Security Law Research on the Project Finance of a Gas Pipe Line). Lakimies 2013, s (in Finnish). Extension Comment. Investointihankkeen taloudellisen kannattavuuden arvioimisesta (On Estimation of Profitability of an Investment Project). Lakimies 2014, s Eksklusiivinen ja inklusiivinen lakipositivismi (Exclusive and Inclusive Legal Positivism). Lakimies 2013, p (in Finnish). Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences (Tieteen kansallinen termipankki). University of Helsinki. Law, Property law, 18 term-articles (in Finnish). 25 th June, Kiinteän omaisuuden rekisteröinti Englannissa ja lainhuudatus Suomessa vertailua ja havaintoja oikeusvaikutuksista (Land Registration in England and Finland - Comparisons and Notices on Legal Effects). Lakimies 2014, pp (in Finnish) International Journals or Books "Finland's New Elecronic Title and Mortgage Register". In Property Law: Current Issues and Debates, pp Edited by Paul Jackson and David C. Wilde. Ashgate/Dartmouth: Aldershot-Brookfield-Singapore-Sydney "Phronesis and Forensics". Ratio Juris, vol 13 (2000), pp "A Conventionalist Analysis of the Preconditions of Knowledge in Legal Dogmatics and the Foundations of Legal Orders". In Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 40, Legal Theory, pp Edited by Peter Wahlgren. Stockholm 2000.

8 8 "The Public Trustworthiness of Booking Registers in the Nordic Countries". In Modern Studies in Property Law. Volume I: Property 2000, pp Edited by Elisabeth Cook. Hart Publishing: Oxford and Portland, Oregon "Facts, Fictions or Reasoning. Law as the Subject Matter of Jurisprudence". Ratio Juris, vol 16 (2003), pp Available also in the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), the abstract available at: A passage, Finland in Chapter 9, After 2002: The Road to Europe? In The New Law of Land Registration pp Written and edited by Elizabeth Cooke. Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, Form and Substance in Legal Reasoning Two Conceptions. Ratio Juris, vol 23 (2010), no. 4, pp El Registro Electrónico de la Propiedad en Finlandia, The Finnish Electronic Systems of the Exchange of Real Property. Revista Aranzadi de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (Spain), Journal of Advanced Jurisprudence and New Technologies, 29/2012, p Objective Legal Reasoning - Objectivity without Objects. In Objectivity in Law and Legal Reasoning, p Edited by Jaakko Husa and Mark van Hoecke. European Academy of Legal Theory 10/11. Hart Publishing Electronic Conveyancing of Real Property. The English and the Finnish Models. In Transfer of Immovable Property in European Private Law. The Common Core of European Private Law. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming). Finnish sections in Transfer of Immovable Property in European Private Law. The Common Core of European Private Law. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming in 2015). Finnish sections in The Protection of Immovable Property in European Private Law. The Common Core of European Private Law. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming in 2015) Finnish sections in Remedies in Contract Law. The Common Core of European Private Law. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming in 2016). Finnish sections in Land and Fixtures. The Common Core of European Private Law. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming in 2017). The Influence of Jurisprudential Theories on Legal Dogmatics in Finland in the Area of Civil Law. In Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory in Brazil and Finland:Traditions, Problems, Challenges. Edited by Dawid Bunikowski and Daniel Menezes. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2015/2016, Brazil (forthcoming)

9 9 4. Research Projects and International Research Cooperation Leader of a European Union research project. The Structure Funding of European Union, ESR. Lappeenranta University of Technology. The Russian Law -project, , euros. The Common Core of European Private Law -project. International Research Project in Comparative Law. The Finnish representative of the working groups Transfer of Immovable Property, from 1 st January, 2007, Protection of Immovable Property, from 1 st January 2011 and Remedies in Contract Law, from 16 th November 2013 and the editor of the book and Finnish representative of the working group Nature of Immovables, from 13 th June AcademicVisitor in the University of Alicante, Faculty of Law, 2 weeks, April International Academic Visits University of Uppsala, Faculty of Law. Sweden. Academic Visitor. 1 st April - 31 st May, University of Reading, Department of Law. United Kingdom. Visiting Professor. The Academic year University of Oxford, Faculty of Law. United Kingdom. Academic Visitor. The Academic year University of Alicante, Faculty of Law. Spain. Academic Visitor 17 th April -1 st May, Conferences Nordic Law Seminar. Bornholm, Sandvik Denmark, th May Higher Seminar of Civil Law. Uppsala, Sweden, 16 th may University of Uppsala, Faculty of Law. Seminar of Property Law, Helsinki and Tallinn, 7-8 th October University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law. Lecture and proceedings paper:" The Social Contract and the Foundations of Civil Law". International Seminar on Legal Theory, Spain, Alicante, th November, Prepared comment on a lecture and a proceedings paper: The Deontic Field. Congress of Lawyers of the Northern Areas of Nordic Countries. Rovaniemi, Finland th June Chairman of preparing committee. Department of Lapland of the Finnish Association of Lawyers. IVR World Congress (18th Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy), Buenos Aires and La Plata, Argentina, th August Lecture and proceedings

10 10 paper: Holism and Conventionalism as the Basic Epistemic Conceptions in Legal Dogmatics. International Conference in Property Law: Contemporary Issues in Property Law. Reading, Great Britain, th March University of Reading, Department of Law, Centre for Property Law. Lecture and proceedings paper: "Finland's New Elecronic Title and Mortgage Register". Seminar: The Progress of Civil Law in Our Society after the Bank Crisis. Helsinki and Stockholm, Finland and Sweden (Ship seminar), 3-5 th April National Academy of Finland. Lecture: "Lainopillisen argumentoinin kaksi tasoa". IV Finnish-Spanish Seminar on Legal Theory, Tampere, Finland, st May Lecture and proceedings paper: "Fronesis and Forensics". International Conference in Property Law: Property Reading, Great Britain, th March University of Reading, Department of Law, Centre for Property Law. Lecture and proceedings paper: "The Public Trustworthiness of Booking Registers in the Nordic Countries". V International Seminar on Legal Theory. Alicante, Spain, 9-11 th November University of Alicante. A lecture and a proceedings paper: "Facts, Fictions or Reasoning. Law as the Subject Matter of Jurisprudence". Seminar: The Land Registration Bill Reading, Great Britain, 13 th October, University of Reading, Department of Law. Conference of Jurisprudence (Oikeustieteen päivät), Turku, Finland th November University of Turku, Faculty of Law. Chairman of a working group and lecture: What a Contextualistic approach Can Mean in Jurisdiction?. 4th Biennial Conference for Property Law. Reading, Great Britain, th March University of Reading, Department of Law, Centre for Property Law. Chairman of a stream. Conference of Jurisprudence (Oikeustieteen päivät). Lappeenranta, Finland, st August, Lappeenranta University of Technology. Chairman of the organisation committee and plenum lecture: Enactments, Systematics or Human Rights?. The Progress Day. Court of Appeal of Eastern Finland. Kuopio, Finland, 29 th October A lecture The Study of Legal Sources - Theory and Practice International Scientific Practical Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 11 th November Vilnius Law and Business College. Lecture and proceedings paper: Legal Education in the Context of Business Law. International Conference on Property Law. Stellenbosch, South-Africa, 4-6 th April Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Law. Lecture and proceedings paper: Criteria of Advanced Land Registration in the 21 st Century.

11 11 International Conference Transfer of Rights: National and International Perspectives. St. Petersburg, Russia, th May The State University of St. Petersburg and the Institute of State and Law. Lecture and proceedings paper The Nordic Title Register Organisations Past, Present and Future. The Common Core of European Private Law. International Research Project in Comparative law. General meetings and meetings of the working groups. Turin, Italy. 5-7 th July 2007, th July 2008, th June 2009, th June 2011, th November 2013, th November 2014 and th June Conference of Jurisprudence (Oikeustieteen päivät). Tampere, Finland, st August University of Tampere. Chairman of a working group. Det nasjonale doktorgradsseminaret i rettsvitenskap 2007 (The National Doctor Seminar of Norway 2007). Hurtigruteskipet (Ship seminar) MS Polarlys, Tromsø Trondheim, th September Organized by the University of Tromsø. As an invited international lecturer. Lecture and proceedings paper: The Role of Concepts in Legal Reasoning. XXIVth IVR World Congress (Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy), Beijing, People s Republic of China, th September Coordinator and chairman of the special workshop Contemporary Legal Methodology. Lecture and proceedings paper: Form and Substance in Legal Reasoning. International Meeting on the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law, in Honour Dr. Julio Fernandez Bulte. Havana, Cuba, th February Lecture and proceedings paper: The Philosophical Foundations of European Legal Positivism. 6 th Benelux-Scandinavian Symposium on Legal Theory. Rovaniemi, Finland, 8-10 th June Lecture and proceedings paper: Objective Legal Reasoning as Reasoning of a High Standard. XXVth IVR World Congress (Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, th August Lecture and proceedings paper Objective Legal Reasoning Is It Possible? in the working group Legal Argumentation. Finnish-Russian Researcher Seminar in Law, Tvärminne, 29 th August 2 nd September 2011, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law. Lecture: Features of European Law on Immovable Property. Jubilee Seminar Philosophy and Law Seppo Sajama 60 years. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, th February 2012, Lecture: On the foundations of Jurisprudence The Temptations of Naturalism and Knowledge of Law (in Finnish). XXVIth IVR World Congress (Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, th July Lecture and proceedings paper There Are Rules There or Are There? in the working group Theory of Law.

12 12 XV Conference of Jurisprudence (Oikeustieteen päivät). Helsinki, Finland, th August University of Helsinki. Lecture Legal Positivism and Principles (in Finnish, Lakipositivismi ja periaatteet). Law and Intention, seminar 21st May Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, Law School. Keynote lecture Negligence and the Extension of Contractual Liabilities. Law and Ontology, seminar 3rd June Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, Law School. Keynote lecture Is the Law a Plan?. XXVIIth IVR World Congress (Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy), Washington D.C., United States, 27 th July - 1 st August Coordinator and chairman of the special workshop Axiology of Law. Lecture and proceedings paper in this workshop: Values and the Concept of Law. Lecture and proceedings paper Objective Legal Reasoning - Is It Possible? in the workshop Truth and Objectivity in Law and Morals and lecture and proceedings paper Do You Have a Coherent Legal Understanding? - A Test in the working group 18. XVI Conference of Jurisprudence (Oikeustieteen päivät). Joensuu, Finland, th August University of Eastern Finland. Coordinator and chairman of the working group Private Law as a Part of the Developing Society in National and International Respects (Yksityisoikeus osana kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti kehittyvää yhteiskuntaa).

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Perustietoa hankkeesta

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ProAgria. Opportunities For Success

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OP1. PreDP StudyPlan

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Market Report / November 2015

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Market Report / December 2015

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Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland

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1. Consumer Insolvency in the European Legal Context. Journal of Consumer Policy 35/2012 p. 443-459.

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Pricing policy: The Finnish experience

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2010 Yliopistonlehtori, oikeustaloustiede ja lainsäädäntötutkimus, määräaikainen työsuhde 8/2010 12/2011, Itä-Suomen yliopisto,

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Teacher's Professional Role in the Finnish Education System Katriina Maaranen Ph.D. Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

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Market Report / August 2015

Market Report / August 2015 Market Report / August 2015 Overnight stays grow more than 6% Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki were up more than 6% in August when compared to one year ago. The number of stays, 407,100, is an all-time


Accommodation statistics

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Perustietoa hankkeesta / Basic facts about the project. Koulutuksen järjestäjät oppilaitoksineen. Oppilaitokset Suomessa: Partners in Finland:

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Finland - China Cooperation Seminar

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Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

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Market Report / April 2015

Market Report / April 2015 Market Report / April 2015 Volume of overnight stays largely unchanged Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki in April were nearly unchanged from one year ago. Stays by domestic visitors increased more


Market Report / September 2015

Market Report / September 2015 Market Report / September 2015 Overnight stays grow 8% Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki increased 8% in September when compared to one year ago. Stays by domestic travellers were up four percent


Market Report / July 2014

Market Report / July 2014 Market Report / July 214 Overnight stays begin to decline Overnight stays in Helsinki reduced 2.3% in July. The reduction was mostly attributable to the domestic segment, where stays fell by almost four


Market Report / March 2015

Market Report / March 2015 Market Report / March 2015 Overnight stays up more than one percent Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki were up 1.2% in March. The majority of this growth was attributable to overseas visitors, whose


Monthly overnights in Helsinki

Monthly overnights in Helsinki V / 25 HELSINKI TOURISM STATISTICS Market report / May WorldSkills 25 visible in statistics International visitors' nights were clearly up in May. The increase was 8.8% or 11,8 nights compared with the


Market Report / August 2014

Market Report / August 2014 Market Report / August 214 Overnights by domestic visitors rising clearly Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki increased 1.9% in August. This growth was entirely attributable to the domestic segment,


Market Report / October 2015

Market Report / October 2015 Market Report / October 2015 Overnight stays grow 7% Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki were up 7% in October when compared to one year ago. Stays by domestic visitors increased more than four percent


Miehittämätön meriliikenne

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Expression of interest

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Market Report / June 2015

Market Report / June 2015 Market Report / June 2015 Overnight stays up 2.5% Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki were up 2.5% in June when compared to one year ago. Stays by domestic visitors increased by more than four percent


Market Report / December 2014

Market Report / December 2014 Market Report / December 2014 Overnight stays unchanged in December Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki in December remained about level with the previous year. Stays by international visitors reduced


Market Report / August 2012

Market Report / August 2012 Market Report / August 212 Overnights in Helsinki almost the same as last year in August Total nights in Helsinki were down a mere.4% in August. Domestic nights increased by.2% while foreigners nights


Market Report / January 2015

Market Report / January 2015 Market Report / January 2015 Overnight stays by domestic visitors up 11% Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki decreased 6.1% in January. The reduction was entirely due to the foreign visitor segment,


Overview on Finnish Rural network and its objectives. Rural Network Unit, Finland

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TU-C2030 Operations Management Project. Introduction lecture November 2nd, 2016 Lotta Lundell, Rinna Toikka, Timo Seppälä

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Markkinaraportti / heinäkuu

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Market Report / December 2013

Market Report / December 2013 XII / 213 Market Report / December 213 Overnight stays increase in December December overnight stays increased by 1.1% in Helsinki. The growth was entirely due to domestic travellers, whose stays increased


Market Report / October 2014

Market Report / October 2014 Market Report / October 214 Overnight stays up 1% in October Overnight stays by visitors to Helsinki increased 1.3% in October. Stays by domestic visitors increased more than 11% and stays by foreigners


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Julkaisun laji Opinnäytetyö. Sivumäärä 43

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VANTAA Matkailun tunnuslukuja

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Markkinaraportti / toukokuu

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IX / Market Report / September Small changes in bednights in Helsinki in September. Monthly bednights in Helsinki

IX / Market Report / September Small changes in bednights in Helsinki in September. Monthly bednights in Helsinki Market Report / 212 Small changes in bednights in Helsinki in Bednights in Helsinki showed a slight drop (-.4%) in. The drop was the same as in August. Domestic nights were down 2.2% in, while foreigners'


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Monthly overnights in Helsinki

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Markkinaraportti / elokuu 2015

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Tutkimuksen huippuyksiköt. Maiju Gyran tiedeasiantuntija

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Market Report / August 2005

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Market Report / May 2014

Market Report / May 2014 Market Report / May 214 Growth in overnight stays by domestic visitors Overnight stays increased slightly, some.6%, in Helsinki in May. Stays by foreign visitors were down more than six percent, while


ISSRC Information Systems Security Research Center. University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science T.Wiander, M.

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Market Report 2015 HELSINKI TOURISM STATISTICS. Overnight stays down 3.5% Monthly bednights in Helsinki

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Market Report / December

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Kansainvälisen henkilöstön aktiivinen rekrytointi : yliopistojen strategiset ja operatiiviset toimenpiteet nyt ja jatkossa

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Jatko-opintovaihtoehdot/ Further studies

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Markkinaraportti / maaliskuu 2015

Markkinaraportti / maaliskuu 2015 Markkinaraportti / maaliskuu 2015 Yöpymiset runsaan prosentin plussalla Yöpymiset lisääntyivät Helsingissä maaliskuussa 1,2 %. Kasvu tuli pääosin ulkomailta yöpymismäärän lisääntyessä 2,0 %. Kotimaasta


Markkinaraportti / huhtikuu 2015

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Markkinaraportti / kesäkuu 2015

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Accommodation statistics

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Market Report / January 2006

Market Report / January 2006 I / 26 HELSINKI TOURISM STATISTICS Market Report / January 26 Sharp growth in foreigners' nights - increase in business travel Several market areas developed favourably in January 26, including nearby


Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin omaksuminen: Mahdollisia ongelmakohtia ja tapoja päästä niiden yli

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1. Koskinen S, Koskenniemi J, Leino-Kilpi H & Suhonen R Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä. Pro terveys 41 (2),

1. Koskinen S, Koskenniemi J, Leino-Kilpi H & Suhonen R Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä. Pro terveys 41 (2), PUBLICATIONS 11.6.2014 Sanna Koskinen (IF = Impact Factor 2012) A Peer-reviewed scientific articles A1 Journal article (refereed), original research 1. Koskinen S, Hupli M, Katajisto J & Salminen L. 2012.


Kiina China. Japani Japan

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Markkinaraportti / huhtikuu 2014

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Aalto Service Factory

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Markkinaraportti / elokuu 2014

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