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1 Miia Martinsuo LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Tampere University of Technology Department of Industrial Management P.O. Box 541, FI Tampere, Finland tel. mobile April, 2015 MIIA MARTINSUO S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS AA. ARTICLES IN JOURNALS WITH A DOUBLE-BLIND PEER REVIEW PROCEDURE AA38 Huttu, E. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming) Differentiation value through services in a manufacturer s delivery chain. Paper accepted for publication in The Service Industries Journal. AA37 Sariola, R. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming, 2015) Framework for enhanced third-party relationships in project networks. Paper accepted for publication in International Journal of Managing Projects in Busines 8 (3). AA36 Müller, R. & Martinsuo, M. (2015) The impact of relational norms on Information Technology project success and its moderation through governance structure. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 8 (1) AA35 Martinsuo, M. & Sariola, R. (2015) Developing a supplier s third-party relationships and cooperation in project networks. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 8 (1) AA34 Nenonen, S., Ahvenniemi, O. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Image risks of servitization in collaborative service deliveries. The Service Industries Journal 34 (16) AA33 Martinsuo, M. & Killen, C.P. (2014) Value management in project portfolios: identifying and assessing strategic value. Project Management Journal 45 (5) AA32 Martinsuo, M., Korhonen, T. & Laine, T. (2014) Identifying, framing and managing uncertainties in project portfolios. International Journal of Project Management 32 (5) AA31 Korhonen, T., Laine, T. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Management control of project portfolio uncertainty: A managerial role perspective. Project Management Journal 45 (1) AA30 Haverila, M., Martinsuo, M. and Naumann, E. (2013) Drivers of customer satisfaction and relationship quality in system delivery projects. Strategic Journal of Marketing 21 (7) AA29 Gemünden, H. G., Huemann, M. & Martinsuo, M. (2013) Editorial: Project management: A social innovation that is changing our world of thinking and acting. International Journal of Project Management 31 (6) AA28 Martinsuo, M. (2013) Project portfolio management in practice and in context. International Journal of Project Management 31 (6)

2 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 2 AA27 Ruuska, I., Ahola, T., Martinsuo, M. and Westerholm, T. (2013) Supplier capabilities in large shipbuilding projects. International Journal of Project Management 31 (4) AA26 Martinsuo, M. (2013) Fragility in project-based organizing, and the ways towards robustness. Editorial of a special issue section. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 6 (1) AA25 Martinsuo, M. Suomala, P. & Kanniainen, J. (2013) Evaluating the organizational impact of product development projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 6 (1) AA24 Martinsuo, M., Gemünden, H. G. & Huemann, M. (2012) Toward strategic value from projects. Editorial. International Journal of Project Management 30 (6) AA23 Martinsuo, M. (2011) Coaching in project-based work. Finnish Adult Education Journal 31 (4) In Finnish: Työnohjaus projektimaisessa työssä. Aikuiskasvatus 31 (4) AA22 Lahenius, K. & Martinsuo, M. (2011) Different types of doctoral study processes. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 55 (6) AA21 Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (2011) Use of evaluation criteria and innovation performance in the front end of innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (6) AA20 Martinsuo, M. and Turkulainen, V. (2011) Personal commitment, support, and progress in doctoral studies. Studies in Higher Education 36 (1) AA19 Lahenius, K. and Martinsuo, M. (2010) Personal study planning in doctoral education in industrial engineering. European Journal of Engineering Education 35 (6) AA18 Martinsuo, M. and Ahola, T. (2010) Supplier integration in complex delivery projects: comparison between different buyer-supplier relationships. International Journal of Project Management 28 (2) AA17 Martinsuo, M. and Kantolahti, T. (2009) Knowledge integration between the change program and the parent organization. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 3 (3-4) AA16 Poskela, J. and Martinsuo, M. (2009) Management control and strategic renewal in the front end of innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (6) AA15 Martinsuo, M. (2009) Teaching the fuzzy front end of innovation: experimenting with team learning and cross-organizational integration. Creativity and Innovation Management 18 (3) AA14 Keltikangas, K. and Martinsuo, M. (2009) Professional socialization of electrical engineers during university education. European Journal of Engineering Education 34 (1) AA13 Martinsuo, M. and Lehtonen, P. (2009) Project autonomy in complex service development networks. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2 (2) AA12 Lehtonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2009) Integrating the change program with the parent organization. International Journal of Project Management 27 (2)

3 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 3 AA11 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M., Gemuenden, H. G. and Murtoaro, J. (2009) Foundations of program management: a bibliometric view. International Journal of Project Management 27 (1) AA10 Müller, R., Martinsuo, M. and Blomquist, T. (2008) Project portfolio control and portfolio management performance in different contexts. Project Management Journal 39 (3) AA9 Martinsuo, M. and Teikari, V. (2008, in Finnish) Resources for and challenges with research progress in part-time doctoral studies. Adult Education Journal 28 (1) In Finnish: Opiskelijan resurssit ja etenemisen haasteet sivutoimisissa jatko-opinnoissa. Aikuiskasvatus 28 (1) AA8 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M., Dietrich, P. and Kujala, J. (2008) Project strategy strategy types and their contents in innovation projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1 (1) AA7 Lehtonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) Change program initiation: defining and managing the program - organization boundary. International Journal of Project Management 26 (1) AA6 Artto, K., Kujala, J., Dietrich, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) What is project strategy? International Journal of Project Management 26 (1) AA5 Steffens, W., Martinsuo, M. and Artto, K. (2007) Change decisions in product development projects. International Journal of Project Management 25 (7) AA4 Martinsuo, M. and Lehtonen, P. (2007) Program initiation in practice: Development program initiation in a public consortium. International Journal of Project Management 25 (4) AA3 Martinsuo, M. and Lehtonen, P. (2007) Role of single-project management in achieving portfolio management efficiency. International Journal of Project Management 25 (1) AA2 Martinsuo, M., Hensman, N., Artto, K., Kujala, J. and Jaafari, A. (2006) Project-based management as an organizational innovation: drivers, changes and benefits of adopting projectbased management. Project Management Journal 37 (3) AA1 Martinsuo, M. (2001) Balancing large scope and project manageability in a qualitative research design. Management Decision 39 (7) AB. ARTICLES IN JOURNALS WITH EDITOR S REVIEW AB23 Martinsuo, M. (2014) Service business needs new concepts. Promaint 28 (2) In Finnish: Palveluliiketoiminta tarvitsee uusia konsepteja. Promaint 28 (2) AB22 Martinsuo, M. (2013) Creating industrial service concepts through research and teaching. Promaint 27 (8)

4 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 4 In Finnish: Teollisten palveluiden konseptointi tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kautta. Promaint 27 (8) AB21 Ackerman, E., Matala-aho, J., Thitz, O. & Martinsuo, M. (2013, in Finnish) Three ways to relate to industrial service business. Promaint 27 (5) In Finnish: Teollinen palveluliiketoiminta kolme tapaa suhtautua. Promaint 27 (5) AB20 Ackerman, E., Huttu, E., Matala-aho, J., Thitz, O. & Martinsuo, M. (2013, in Finnish) Industrial services challenge the entire SME. Promaint 27 (2) In Finnish: Teolliset palvelut haastavat koko pk-yrityksen. Promaint 27 (2) AB19 Martinsuo, M. (2012, in Finnish) Tampere University of Technology teaches industrial service business as part of Industrial Engineering and Management. Promaint 26 (8) In Finnish: Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto: Teollinen palveluliiketoiminta osana Tuotantotalouden opintoja. Promaint 26 (8) AB18 Martinsuo, M., Valminen, K. and Lehtonen, M. (2012, in Finnish) Service innovation extra duty or project with purpose? Finnish Project Management Journal (2) In Finnish: Palveluinnovaatiot oman toimen ohessa vai projekteina? Projektitoiminta (2) AB17 Martinsuo, M. (2012, in Finnish) Coaching opportunities during the lifecycle of projects. Osviitta (2) In Finnish: Työnohjaukselliset mahdollisuudet projektien elinkaarella. Osviitta (2) AB16 Martinsuo, M. (2011, in Finnish) Coaching methods for supporting personal development in expert jobs. Osviitta (1) In Finnish: Työnohjauksellisia menetelmiä yksilön kehittymisen tukemiseen asiantuntijatyössä. Osviitta (1) AB15 Martinsuo, M. (2008, in Finnish) From research knowledge towards practical application in project business. Finnish Project Management Journal XXXI (2) In Finnish: Projektiliiketoiminnan tutkimuksesta käytäntöön. Projektitoiminta XXXI (2) AB14 Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2008, in Finnish) Post-graduate studies as a project. Finnish Project Management Journal XXXI (1) In Finnish: Jatko-opinnot projektina. Projektitoiminta XXXI (1) AB13 Martinsuo, M. (2008, in Finnish) Teaching in the fuzzy front end of innovation? Finnish Project Management Journal XXXI (1) In Finnish: Miten innovaatioprojektin sumean alkuvaiheen käytäntöjä voi opettaa? Projektitoiminta XXXI (1)

5 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 5 AB12 Martinsuo, M. (2007, in Finnish) Projects have a central role in modern management. Summary of project research in EURAM conference. Finnish Project Management Journal XXX (2) 35. In Finnish: Projektit keskeinen osa nykyaikaista johtamista. Tutkimusterveisiä EURAMkonferenssista. Projektitoiminta XXX (2) 35. AB11 Lehtonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2007, in Finnish) Initiation practices in change programs. Finnish Project Management Journal XXX (1) In Finnish: Muutosohjelman käynnistämisen käytännöt. Projektitoiminta. AB10 Lehtonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2006) Three ways to fail in project management and the role of project management methodology. Project Perspectives XXVIII (1) AB9 Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2005, in Finnish) From project competences towards competences in project business. Finnish Project Management Journal XXVIII (1) In Finnish: Projektiosaamisesta projektiliiketoiminnan osaamiseen. Projektitoiminta. AB8 Martinsuo, M. and Koskelainen, E. (2004, in Finnish) Renewal of Project Management Association depends on association members actions. Strategy Finnish Project Management Journal XXVII (2) In Finnish: Se on jäsenistöstä kiinni. Projektiyhdistyksen strategia Projektitoiminta. AB7 Koskelainen, E. and Martinsuo, M. (2004, in Finnish) Strategy process Project Management Association in the year Finnish Project Management Journal XXVII (1) In Finnish: Strategiatyö Projektiyhdistys vuonna Projektitoiminta. AB6 Martinsuo, M. (2004) Project portfolio management in product and service development: fulfilling business requirements in projects. Project Perspectives XXVII (1) AB5 Martinsuo, M. (2003, in Finnish) Development strategy for guiding the selection of product and service development projects. Human Capital (1) In Finnish: Kehitysstrategia ohjaamaan tuote- ja palvelukehitysprojektien valintaa. Human Capital. AB4 Martinsuo, M. (2003, in Finnish) Competence development in expert organizations. Työn tuuli, Journal of Finnish Human Resource Management Association (2) In Finnish: Osaamisen kehittäminen asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Työn Tuuli (2) AB3 Martinsuo, M. and Aalto, T. (2003, in Finnish) Organizing project portfolios. Finnish Project Management Journal XXVI (2) In Finnish: Projektisalkun organisointi. Projektitoiminta. AB2 Martinsuo, M. (2001, in Finnish) Features of product development organizations, and requirements towards human resource management. Työn tuuli, Journal of Finnish Human Resource Management Association (2)

6 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 6 In Finnish: Tuotekehitysorganisaatioiden erityispiirteet ja odotukset henkilöstöjohtamiselta. Työn tuuli. AB1 Martinsuo, M. and Aalto, T. (2001, in Finnish) Challenges of project portfolio management in research and development. Finnish Project Management Journal XXIV(2) In Finnish: Projektiportfolion hallinnan haasteet tutkimuksessa ja kehityksessä. Projektitoiminta. B. MONOGRAPHS, TEXTBOOKS AND EDITED PROCEEDINGS B19 B18 Martinsuo, M., Perminova, O., Turunen, T. & Borgman, J. (Eds., Forthcoming,2015) Strategic change towards future industrial service business. Tuominen, T., Järvi, K., Lehtonen, M.H., Valtanen, J. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming, 2015, in Finnish) Handbook of service productization. Participatory methods for developing new services. Aalto University, Science+Technology Report. In Finnish: Palvelujen tuotteistamisen käsikirja. Osallistavia menetelmiä palvelujen kehittämiseen. Aalto-yliopisto, Tiede+Teknologia -raportti. B17 Martinsuo, M. & Kohtamäki, M. (Eds., 2014, in Finnish) Transforming industrial service business: means and methods for development. Teknova, 200 p. In Finnish: Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan uudistaminen: kehittämisen keinot ja menetelmät. Teknova, 200 s. B16 B15 B14 B13 B12 Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J., Martinsuo, M. & Nokelainen, S. (Eds., 2013) Select Graduate Papers 9. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management, International Master s Programme in Business and Technology, Papers 9. Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J., Martinsuo, M. & Nokelainen, S. (Eds., 2012) Select Graduate Papers 7. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management, International Master s Programme in Business and Technology, Papers 7. Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J., Martinsuo, M. & Nokelainen, S. (Eds., 2011) Select Graduate Papers 5. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management, International Master s Programme in Business and Technology, Papers 5. Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J., Martinsuo, M. & Nokelainen, S. (Eds., 2011) Select Graduate Papers 4. Tampere: Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management, International Master s Programme in Business and Technology, Papers 4. Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2011, in Finnish) Project Business. e-book. Helsinki, Finland. In Finnish: Projektiliiketoiminta. B11 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2011) Project Business. e-book. Helsinki, Finland.

7 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 7 B10 Martinsuo, M. & Blomqvist, M. (2010, in Finnish) Process modeling as part of operations development. Lecture notes 2, Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology. In Finnish: Prosessien mallintaminen osana toiminnan kehittämistä. Opetusmoniste 2, Tampere: Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teknis-taloudellinen tiedekunta. B9 B8 B7 Martinsuo, M. & Blomqvist, M. (2010) Process modeling for improved performance. Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Teaching Material 2010/1, Espoo, Finland: Aalto University. Martinsuo, M. (Ed.) (2009) Recipes for success in project-based management. Espoo: Project Management Association Finland. 220 p. Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2006, in Finnish) Project Business. Helsinki: WSOY Oppimateriaalit Oy. 416p. 2nd edition In Finnish: Projektiliiketoiminta. B6 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Kujala, J. (2005, in Finnish) Project Business. Course material for Introduction to Project Management, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Espoo. In Finnish: Projektiliiketoiminta, osa 1 ja osa 2. B5 B4 Martinsuo, M. (Ed.) (2004) Proceedings of the 5th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference on 'Academia - Industry Interface: Learning from each Other'. Espoo: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Laboratory of Industrial Management, Working paper 2004/6. Martinsuo, M., Aalto, T. and Artto, K. A. (2003, in Finnish) Project portfolio management. Selection and strategic control of product development projects. Tampere: Metalliteollisuuden Kustannus Oy. 177p. In Finnish: Projektisalkun johtaminen: Tuotekehitysprojektien valinta ja strateginen ohjaus. B3 B2 B1 Artto, K.A., Martinsuo, M. and Aalto, T. (Eds.) (2001) Project Portfolio Management. Strategic Business Management through Projects. Helsinki, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. Martinsuo, M. and Järvenpää, E. (1998) (Eds.) Development and challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises. Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Working papers No 13. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. Martinsuo, M., Otala, L. and Keltikangas, K. (1997, in Finnish) The essence and development of core competencies for continuous learning: examples in Finnish metal industry. Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Working Papers No. 6. Espoo, Finland: TAI Research Centre. In Finnish: Jatkuvan oppimisen valmiudet ja niiden kehittäminen: esimerkkejä metalliteollisuudesta.

8 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 8 BA. UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH REPORTS, PAPERS AND TEACHING MATERIALS BA24 Martinsuo, M., Nenonen, S., Ahvenniemi, O., Sariola, R., Vaittinen, E. & Vuorinen, L. (2014, in Finnish) Service business capabilities when expanding service business. Intermediary report, Service Business Capabilities (SBC) project, Future Industrial Services program, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 26 p. In Finnish: Palveluliiketoiminnan kyvykkyydet palvelullistuvan yrityksen laajentaessa palvelutoimintaa. Service business capabilities-projektin väliraportti , Future Industrial Services tutkimusohjelma, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos, Tampere, Finland. 26 s. BA23 Tuominen, T., Järvi, K., Lehtonen, M.H., Valtanen, J. & Martinsuo, M. (2014, in Finnish) LEAPS toolbox, BA22 Lanz, M., Aaltonen, J., Halme, J., Koskinen, K. T., Martinsuo, M. & Nykänen, O. (2014, in Finnish) Development project for manufacturing industry in Central Finland region. Project report, phase 1. Unpublished report, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. 35 p. In Finnish: Keski-Suomen valmistavan teollisuuden kehittämishanke, Projektiraportti, vaihe 1. Julkaisematon raportti, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Tampere, 35 s. BA21 Martinsuo, M., Nenonen, S., Ahvenniemi, O., Mikkola, T., Lukkaroinen, S., Sariola, R., Vaittinen, E., Ojala, M. & Heikkilä, J. (2013, in Finnish) Service business capabilities during offering development in service business transformation. Intermediary report, Service Business Capabilities (SBC) project, Future Industrial Services program, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 28 p. In Finnish: Palveluliiketoiminnan kyvykkyydet palvelullistuvan yrityksen kehittäessä tarjoomaansa. Service business capabilities-projektin väliraportti , Future Industrial Services tutkimusohjelma, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos, Tampere, Finland. 28 s. BA20 Ackerman, E., Huttu, E., Matala-Aho, J., Thitz, O. ja Martinsuo, M. (2013, in Finnish) Prestudy on a framework for creating industrial service innovations and diffusing innovation capabilities at Pirkanmaa region. Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 23 p. In Finnish: Esiselvitys toimintamallin kehittämiseksi teollisten palveluinnovaatioiden luomiseen ja innovaatio-osaamisen levittämiseen Pirkanmaalla. InnoPir-projektin loppuraportti, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos, Tampere, Finland. 50 s. BA19 Martinsuo, M., Ahvenniemi, O., Huttu, E., Ojala, M., Nenonen, S. and Sariola, R. (2012, in Finnish) Service business capabilities during the progress of industrial firms servitization. Intermediary report, Service Business Capabilities (SBC) project, Future Industrial Services program, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 23 p.

9 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 9 In Finnish: Palveluliiketoiminnan kyvykkyydet teollisen yrityksen palvelullistumisen edetessä. Service business capabilities-projektin väliraportti , Future Industrial Services tutkimusohjelma, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos, Tampere, Finland. 23 s. BA18 Martinsuo, M. (2012, in Finnish) Basics in industrial service business. Course material for Industrial service operations and innovations course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 81 p. Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan perusteet. Julkaisematon oppimateriaali, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalous, Tampere, Finland. 81 s. BA17 Martinsuo, M., Ojala, M., Nenonen, S. and Turta, T. (2011, in Finnish) Service business capabilities at the early phases of industrial firms servitization. Intermediary report, Service Business Capabilities (SBC) project, Future Industrial Services program, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 21 p. In Finnish: Palveluliiketoiminnan kyvykkyydet teollisen yrityksen palvelullistumisen varhaisessa vaiheessa. Service business capabilities-projektin väliraportti , Future Industrial Services tutkimusohjelma, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos, Tampere, Finland. 21 p. BA16 Martinsuo, M. (2011, in Finnish) Basics in industrial service business. Course material for Industrial service operations and innovations course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management, Tampere, Finland. 77 p. In Finnish: Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan perusteet. Julkaisematon oppimateriaali, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalous, Tampere, Finland. 77 s. BA15 Martinsuo, M. (Ed., 2011) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Unpublished course material for Management of Project Business course, 160 p. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. BA14 Huttu, E., Martinsuo, M. and Kolari, S. (2011, in Finnish) Industry needs and the degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management: how does the degree program respond to industry needs? Unpublished report, Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Työelämän tarpeet ja Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma 2011: millä tavoin koulutusohjelma vastaa työelämän tarpeisiin? Analyysi Tuotantotalouden opiskelijoiden harjoitteluraporteista Tampere: Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma. BA13 Martinsuo, M. & Blomqvist, M. (2010, in Finnish) Process modeling as part of operations development. Unpublished teaching material for TETA-4010 Research methodology course, Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. In Finnish: Prosessien mallintaminen osana toiminnan kehittämistä. Julkaisematon oheismateriaali, TETA-4010 Tutkimusmetodologia, Tampere: Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, Teollisuustalouden laitos. BA12 Martinsuo, M. & Lahenius, K. (2009, in Finnish) Developing doctoral education at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Report on the project and

10 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 10 its results. Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Jatko-opintojen kehittäminen Tuotantotalouden laitoksella Raportti kehitysprojektin toimenpiteistä ja keskeisistä tuloksista. Julkaisematon raportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tuotantotalouden laitos. BA11 Martinsuo, M. (2009) Doctoral education in industrial engineering and management international comparison study. Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. BA10 Sassi, E. and Martinsuo, M. (2008, in Finnish) Doctoral students experiences in doctoral studies, study planning, research, and progress. Survey results autumn Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Tuotantotalouden jatko-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia jatko-opinnoista, opintojen suunnittelusta, tutkimuksen tekemisestä ja edistymisestä. Jatko-opintokyselyn tulokset, syksy Julkaisematon raportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tuotantotalouden laitos BA9 Sassi, E. and Martinsuo, M. (2008, in Finnish) Status of doctoral studies at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Database analysis results, spring Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Jatko-opintojen tilanne Tuotantotalouden laitoksella. Raportti opintorekisterin analyysistä, kevät Julkaisematon raportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tuotantotalouden laitos. BA8 Sassi, E. and Martinsuo, M. (2008, in Finnish) Active doctoral students experiences in doctoral studies, supervision and funding. Interview study. Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Aktiivisten ja valmistuneiden jatko-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia jatko-opintojen suorittamisesta, ohjauksesta ja rahoituksesta. Haastattelututkimuksen raportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tuotantotalouden laitos. BA7 Kähkönen, K., Artto, K., Karjalainen, J., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (Eds., 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Management of uncertainty. Course material for Management of Uncertainty course, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. BA6 Kujala, J., Martinsuo, M. and Klemetti, A. (2006, in Finnish) Doctoral students experiences in doctoral studies, research and progress. Survey results, winter Unpublished report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In Finnish: Tuotantotalouden jatko-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia jatko-opinnoista, tutkimuksen tekemisestä ja edistymisestä. Jatko-opintokyselyn tulokset, talvi , Julkaisematon raportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Tuotantotalouden osasto. BA5 Martinsuo, M. (1998) Nokia values in action. Unpublished project report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, TAI Research Centre.

11 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 11 BA4 Ikävalko, H., Kontu, M., Martinsuo, M., Mäki, E. and Ruohomäki, V. (1998, in Finnish) Trump card game. Design and piloting of a gaming methodology for implementing ICL s espoused values. Unpublished research report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, TAI Research Centre. In Finnish: VALTTIPELI. ICL:n arvojen maastouttamisessa käytettävän pelimenetelmän suunnittelu ja testaus. Julkaisematon tutkimusraportti, Espoo: Teknillinen korkeakoulu, TAI Tutkimuslaitos. BA3 Nissinen, M. and Martinsuo, M. (1998) Product Development at Helvar. Unpublished subproject report for LUCOS Controllability of Product Development Processes, Work Package 5, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, TAI Research Centre. BA2 Martinsuo, M. (1997) Best practices in SME training. Unpublished Leadership Link subproject report, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, TAI Research Centre. BA1 Martinsuo, M. (1996) Mission and core values at Outokumpu Group. Unpublished project report, Espoo, Finland: Outokumpu Group. C. CHAPTERS IN EDITED TEXTBOOKS C30 Martinsuo, M., Perminova, O., Turunen, T. & Borgman, J. (Forthcoming, 2015) Introduction. In: Martinsuo et al. (forthcoming) Strategic change towards future industrial service business. C29 C28 C27 C26 C25 C24 Martinsuo, M., Lukkaroinen, S. & Heikkilä, J. (Forthcoming, 2015) Customer's new technology adoption driving supplier's service innovations. In: Martinsuo et al. (forthcoming) Strategic change towards future industrial service business. Nenonen, S. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming, 2015) Developing supplier relations toward service business in manufacturing firms. In: Martinsuo et al. (forthcoming) Strategic change towards future industrial service business. Sariola, R. & Martinsuo, M. (2014, in Finnish) Palveluvalikoiman hallinta teollisessa palveluliiketoiminnassa. Teoksessa: M. Martinsuo & M. Kohtamäki (toim.)teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan uudistaminen kehittämisen keinot ja menetelmät, pp Teknova. Martinsuo, M. (2014, in Finnish) Organisaation strategisen muutosvalmiuden analysointi palveluliiketoiminnan uudistusten yhteydessä. Teoksessa: M. Martinsuo & M. Kohtamäki (toim.) Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan uudistaminen kehittämisen keinot ja menetelmät, pp Teknova. Martinsuo, M. & Kohtamäki, M. (2014, in Finnish) Johdanto. Teoksessa: M. Martinsuo & M. Kohtamäki (toim.) Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan uudistaminen kehittämisen keinot ja menetelmät, pp Teknova. Martinsuo, M. (2012) Foreword: Toward strategic change in security service business. In: Murtonen, M., Jähi, M. and Rajala, A. (Eds.) More value from security: Re-defining value creation and service provision in security services. pp Kuopio: VTT Science 25.

12 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 12 C23 Murtonen, M. and Martinsuo, M. (2012) Customer value from the service providers perspective in B2B security services. In: Murtonen, M., Jähi, M. and Rajala, A. (Eds.) More value from security: Re-defining value creation and service provision in security services. pp Kuopio: VTT Science 25. C22 Huttu, E. & Martinsuo, M. (2011) Managing project stakeholders and networks. In: M. Martinsuo (Ed.) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Course material for Management of Project Business course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. C21 C20 Huttu, E. & Martinsuo, M. (2011) Project procurement and contracting. In: M. Martinsuo (Ed.) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Course material for Management of Project Business course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. Martinsuo, M. (2011) Change program management. In: M. Martinsuo (Ed.) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Course material for Management of Project Business course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. C19 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (2011) R&D project portfolio management. In: M. Martinsuo (Ed.) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Course material for Management of Project Business course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. C18 C17 C16 C15 C14 C13 Martinsuo, M. (2011) Introduction. In: M. Martinsuo (Ed.) Uncertainty and complexity in the management of project business. Course material for Management of Project Business course. Tampere University of Technology, Department of industrial Management. Martinsuo, M., Aaltonen, K. and Lehtonen, P. (2010) Project autonomy in complex delivery projects: Taking and withdrawing autonomy in system and turnkey deliveries. In: Gleich, R., Mayer, T-L., Wagner, R. & Wald, A. (Eds.) Advanced Project Management (Vol. 2), pp Germany: GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement. Martinsuo, M., Lehtonen, P. and Lehtonen, M. (2009) Autonomy and performance in complex product development programs. In: Martinsuo, M. (Ed.) Recipes for success in project-based management, pp Espoo, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. Martinsuo, M. (2009) Introduction to recipes for success in project-based management. In: Martinsuo, M. (Ed.) Recipes for success in project-based management, pp Espoo, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. Artto, K. & Martinsuo, M. (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Deriving risk estimates from individuals beliefs. In: Kähkönen, K., Artto, K., Karjalainen, J., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (Eds.) Management of uncertainty. Course material for Management of Uncertainty course, Chapter 5, 16 p. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Martinsuo, M., Artto, K. and Poskela, J. (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Managing uncertainty in R&D projects. In: Kähkönen, K., Artto, K., Karjalainen, J., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (Eds.) Management of uncertainty. Course material for Management of Uncertainty course, Chapter 6, 39 p, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.

13 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 13 C12 C11 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Uncertainties as opportunities: Balanced business renewal by R&D portfolio management. In: Kähkönen, K., Artto, K., Karjalainen, J., Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (Eds.) Management of uncertainty. Course material for Management of Uncertainty course, Chapter 7, 38 p, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Martinsuo, M. (2004, in Finnish) The jobs of production control professionals yesterday, today and tomorrow. In M. Blomqvist (Ed.) The 30th anniversary book of the Finnish Production Control Society, In Finnish: Tuotannonohjauksellinen työ eilen, tänään ja huomenna. Suomen Tuotannonohjausyhdistys ry:n 30-vuotisjuhlakirja. C10 Aalto, T., Martinsuo, M. and Artto, K. (2003) Project Portfolio Management in Telecommunications R&D. In Timo O. Korhonen and Antti Ainamo (Eds.): Handbook of Product and Service Development in Communication and Information Technology, Great Britain: Kluwer Academic Press. C9 Artto, K.A., Martinsuo, M. and Aalto, T. (2001) Project Portfolio Management Suggestions for Future Research. In K.A. Artto, M. Martinsuo and T. Aalto (Eds.) Project Portfolio Management. Strategic Business Management through Projects, pp Helsinki, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. C8 C7 C6 C5 Kilpi, M., Palko, S., Martinsuo, M. and Aalto, T. (2001) Renewing the Corporate Research Portfolio through Nokia Research Center Business Group Interaction. In K.A. Artto, M. Martinsuo and T. Aalto (Eds.) Project Portfolio Management. Strategic Business Management through Projects, pp Helsinki, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. Martinsuo, M. (2001) Project Portfolio Management: Contingencies, Implementation and Strategic Renewal. In K.A. Artto, M. Martinsuo and T. Aalto (Eds.) Project Portfolio Management. Strategic Business Management through Projects, pp Helsinki, Finland: Project Management Association Finland. Martinsuo, M. and Smeds, R. (2000) Managing continuous improvement in different cultures. In H. Boer, A. Berger, R. Chapman and F. Gertsen (Eds.) CI Changes from Suggestion Box to Organisational Learning: Continuous Improvement in Europe and Australia, Gateshead, Tyne&Wear, UK: Ashgate. Martinsuo, M., Forssén-Nyberg, M. and Smeds, R. (2000) Continuous improvement in Finland. In H. Boer, A. Berger, R. Chapman and F. Gertsen (Eds.) CI Changes from Suggestion Box to Organisational Learning: Continuous Improvement in Europe and Australia, pp Gateshead, Tyne&Wear, UK: Ashgate. C4 Martinsuo, M. (1998) Belief Systems and Management by Values in Organizations. In P. Lillrank and M. Forssén (Eds.) Managing for Knowledge. Perspectives and Prospects, Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Working papers No 17. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. C3 Martinsuo, M. and Jakobsson, M. (1998) Competence Management in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. In P. Lillrank and M. Forssén (Eds.) Managing for Knowledge. Perspectives and Prospects, Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work

14 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 14 and Organizational Psychology Working papers No 17. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. C2 C1 Martinsuo, M. and Järvenpää, E. (1998) Introduction. In M. Martinsuo and E. Järvenpää (Eds.) Development and challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises. Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Working papers No. 13. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. Martinsuo, M. and Karlberg, A. (1998) Motives for studying and developing small and medium-sized enterprises. In M. Martinsuo and E. Järvenpää (Ed.) Development and challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises. Helsinki University of Technology, Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Working papers No. 13. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. D. DISSERTATIONS, THESES AND FINAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTS D5 Martinsuo, M. (2011, in Finnish) Coaching in project-based work. Unpublished final assignment report, Helsinki: Helsinki University, continuing education center Palmenia. In Finnish: Työnohjaus projektimaisessa työssä. Julkaisematon työnohjaajakoulutuksen lopputyö, Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, täydennyskoulutuskeskus Palmenia. D4 Martinsuo, M. (2005, in Finnish) Testing, evaluation and development needs of teaching materials. Case Introduction to project management course material. Unpublished final assignment report. Helsinki, Finland: Helia Teacher Education College. In Finnish: Oppimateriaalin testaus, arviointi ja kehitysmahdollisuudet. Tapausesimerkkinä Projektien suunnittelu ja ohjaus kurssin oppimateriaali. Julkaisematon raportti, Helsinki: Helia ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu. D3 D2 D1 Martinsuo, M. (1999) Promotion of Values in a Multinational Enterprise. Helsinki University of Technology Industrial Management and Work and Organizational Psychology Reports No. 10. Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology. Doctoral dissertation. Martinsuo, M. (1996) Espoused values in managing organizational culture. Licentiate thesis, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology. Martinsuo, M. (1993, in Finnish) Company ideals and the reality of production. Needs for improvement in the work and the social system of a copper plant in the context of a technological change. Master's thesis, Espoo, Finland: Helsinki University of Technology. In Finnish: Yritysihanne ja tuotannon todellisuus. Kuparitehtaan töiden ja sosiaalisen järjestelmän kehitystarpeet teknisen muutoksen yhteydessä.

15 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 15 E. PEER-REVIEWED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND PAPERS IN EDITED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS E91 E90 E89 E88 E87 E86 E85 E84 E83 E82 E81 E80 Ahvenniemi, O., Martinsuo, M. & Vaittinen, E. (Forthcoming, 2015) Changes in operations when introducing disruptive technologies. Paper to be presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association conference, 28 June - 1 July, 2015, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Martinsuo, M., Kivilä, J. & Heikkilä, J. (Forthcoming, 2015) Creation of sustainability value in manufacturing operations. Paper to be presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association conference, 28 June - 1 July, 2015, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Momeni, K. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming, 2015) Remote monitoring systems as enablers for project-related services. Paper to be presented at IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects conference, June, 2015, London, U.K. Sariola, R. & Martinsuo, M. (Forthcoming, 2015) Enhancing the supplier s third-party relationships in construction project networks. Paper to be presented at IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects conference, June, 2015, London, U.K. Martinsuo, M. & Arvio, I. (Forthcoming, 2015) Decision making on sustainability in product development projects. Paper to be presented at the EURAM European Academy of Management conference, June, 2015, Warsaw, Poland. Aaltonen, J., Koskinen, K. T., Vainio, H. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Simulation based methods for flexible maintenance program development. Paper presented at EuroMaintenance conference, 5 8 May, 2014, Helsinki, Finland. Sariola, R. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Efficient project marketing towards third parties in a project network. Paper presented at PMI Research and Education Conference, July, 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA. Tuominen, T. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Routinisation as an organizational innovation in knowledge-intensive business service firms. Paper presented at EGOS European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, 3 5 July, 2014, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Ahvenniemi, O. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Developing sensor-based services in construction operations. Paper presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, June, 2014, Palermo, Italy. Vuorinen, L. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Project control in large and complex change programmes. Paper presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, June, 2014, Palermo, Italy. Vaittinen, E., Lukkaroinen, S., Heikkilä, J. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Use of customer information in business model development for new technologies. Paper presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, June, 2014, Palermo, Italy. Martinsuo, M., Lukkaroinen, S. & Heikkilä, J. (2014) Customer's new technology adoption driving supplier's service innovations. Paper presented at the 21 st International Product Development Management Conference, June, 2014, Limerick, Ireland.

16 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 16 E79 Sariola, R. & Martinsuo, M. (2014) Framework for enhanced third-party relationships in project networks. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management conference, 4-7 June, 2014, Valencia, Spain. The first author received the IPMA-PMI best student paper prize of the Project Organizing track and this paper was acknowledged among the best papers of the track. E78 E77 E76 E75 E74 Martinsuo, M. & Killen, C. (2014) Value management in project portfolios: identifying and assessing strategic value. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management conference, 4-7 June, 2014, Valencia, Spain. Martinsuo, M. & Thitz, O. (2014) Moving towards integrated solutions in service-centered business. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management conference, 4-7 June, 2014, Valencia, Spain. Valtanen, J. & Martinsuo, M. (2013) Creating customer understanding at the front end of KIBS development. Paper presented at the NFF Nordic Academy of Management conference, August 2013, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Martinsuo, M. (2013) Integrating new service development with service operations in knowledge-intensive business services. Paper presented at the NFF Nordic Academy of Management conference, August 2013, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Martinsuo, M. & Sariola, R. (2013) Managing a supplier s third-party relationships in complex projects. Paper presented at the NFF Nordic Academy of Management conference, August 2013, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Acknowledged among the eight best papers of the project management track. E73 E72 E71 E70 Martinsuo, M. (2013) Supplier integration in professional new service development projects. Paper presented at IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, June, 2013, Oslo, Norway. Martinsuo, M. & Lehtonen, M. (2013) Organizational project-based learning through new service development projects. Paper presented at IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, June, 2013, Oslo, Norway. Ahvenniemi, O., Nenonen, S. & Martinsuo, M. (2013) Delivery process and third-party involvement in a manufacturing company s installation services. Paper presented at The Spring Servitization Conference 2013: Servitization in the multi-organisation enterprise May 2013, Birmingham, UK. Ackerman, E., Thitz, O., Huttu, E. & Martinsuo, M. (2013) Servitization as management innovation: strategic choice or fad? Paper presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 9-12 June, 2013, Dublin, Ireland. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference. E69 Nenonen, S., Ahvenniemi, O. & Martinsuo, M. (2013) Image risks of servitization for a product manufacturer. Paper presented at EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 9-12 June, 2013, Dublin, Ireland.

17 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 17 E68 Korhonen, T., Laine, T. and Martinsuo, M. (2013) Varying perceptions of uncertainty among managerial actors in project portfolio management. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management conference, June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. The first author received the IPMA-PMI best student paper prize of the Project Organizing track and this paper was acknowledged among the best 5 papers of the track. E67 Huttu, E., Ackerman, E. and Martinsuo, M. (2013) Service business innovation as part of new service development in SMEs. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management conference, June, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. E66 Martinsuo, M., Ojala, M., Nenonen, S., Mahlamäki, T., Huttu, E., & Ahvenniemi, O. (2012) Service business capabilities. Poster presented at the FIMECC annual seminar, Nov, 2012, Naantali, Finland. E65 E64 Valtanen, J. & Martinsuo, M. (2012) Service concept as a boundary object in knowledge intensive business services. Paper presented at the XXII International RESER The European Association for Research on Services Conference, Sep, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Nenonen, S. & Martinsuo, M. (2012) Supplier network development in the early phases of service business innovation. Paper presented at the XXII International RESER The European Association for Research on Services Conference, Sep, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference. E63 Huttu, E. & Martinsuo, M. (2012) Creating differentiation value by services in the bulk product manufacturer s delivery chain. Paper presented at the XXII International RESER The European Association for Research on Services Conference, Sep, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference. E62 E61 E60 E59 E58 Ahvenniemi, O., Ojala, M. & Martinsuo, M. (2012) Third party influencers of service demand in metals and construction industry supply chains. Paper presented at the 19th EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 1-5 July, 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Ackerman, E. & Martinsuo, M. (2012) Aligning network involvement with service strategy in service operations and innovations. Paper presented at the 19th EUROMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 1-5 July, 2012, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Martinsuo, M., Suomala, P. & Kanniainen, J. (2012) Estimating product and technology development performance and future options after project completion. Paper presented at the 19 th International Product Development Management Conference, June, 2012, Manchester, U.K. Nenonen, S. and Martinsuo, M. (2012) Customer relations in the front end of service business innovation. Paper presented at the 19 th International Product Development Management Conference, June, 2012, Manchester, U.K. Martinsuo, M. (2012) Project portfolio management in practice and in context. Paper presented at the 12 th EURAM European Academy of Management Conference, 6-8 June, 2012, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

18 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 18 Received the IPMA-PMI best paper prize in the Project Organizing general track. E57 E56 E55 E54 E53 E52 E51 Martinsuo, M. (2011) External integration in industrial service development projects. Paper presented at NFF Nordic Academy of Management conference, August, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. Martinsuo, M. and Turta, T. (2011) Managing the organization s and network s readiness for change in the transformation towards service business. Paper presented at NFF Nordic Academy of Management conference, August, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden. Martinsuo, M. and Lähdeaho, M. (2011) Industrial companies moving towards serviceoriented business: requirements to the supply network. Paper presented at EGOS European Group for Organization Studies colloquium, 7-9 July, 2011, Göteborg, Sweden. Martinsuo, M., Suomala, P. & Kanniainen, J. (2011) Evaluating the organizational impact of projects: Decision makers' value perceptions before and after product development projects. Paper presented at IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, June, 2011, Montreal, Canada. Martinsuo, M. and Lähdeaho, M. (2011) Developing new services for solution-oriented project business. Paper presented at EURAM 2011 European Academy of Management Conference, 1-4 June, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia. Martinsuo, M. & Seppänen, M. (2010) Service business innovations: Future perspectives. In: M. Seppä, N. Helander and I. Iivonen (Eds.) Proceedings of the EBRF 2010 conference, September, 2010, Nokia, Finland. Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (2010) Use of evaluation criteria and innovation performance in the front end of innovation. Paper presented at the 18 th International Product Development Management Conference, June, 2010, Murcia, Spain. Acknowledged among the 10 best papers of the conference. E50 E49 E48 E47 E46 Murtonen, M. and Martinsuo, M. (2010) Customer value from the service providers perspective in B2B security services. Paper presented at the 17th EurOMA European Operations Management Association Conference, 6-9 June, 2010, Porto, Portugal. Martinsuo, M. and Poskela, J. (2010) Idea and concept evaluation and product attractiveness in selecting product development projects. Paper presented at EURAM 2010 European Academy of Management Conference, May, 2010, Rome, Italy. Lahenius, K. and Martinsuo, M. (2009) Students experiences of supervision in doctoral education in Industrial Engineering and Management. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 8-11 December 2009, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Martinsuo, M., Aaltonen, K. and Lehtonen, P. (2009) Project autonomy in complex delivery projects. Paper presented at the IRNOP International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, October, 2009, Berlin, Germany. Martinsuo, M. and Turkulainen, V. (2009) Personal commitment, support, and progress in doctoral studies. Paper presented at NFF Nordic Academy of Management Conference, August, 2009, Turku, Finland.

19 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 19 E45 E44 E43 E42 E41 Lahenius, K. & Martinsuo, M. (2009) Different types of successful doctoral processes in industrial engineering and management. Paper presented at NFF Nordic Academy of Management Conference, August, 2009, Turku, Finland. Martinsuo, M. (2009) External integration during radical innovation projects. Paper presented at the 25th EGOS European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, 2-4 July, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Ruuska, I., Lehtonen, P., Martinsuo, M. and Artto, K. (2009) Knowledge integration across intra-organizational project boundaries: a case study in a service development portfolio. Paper presented at the 25th EGOS European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, 2-4 July, 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Ruuska, I., Ahola, T., Martinsuo, M. and Westerholm, T. (2009) Supplier capabilities in collaborative, discontinuous project business from buyer s and suppliers perspective. Paper presented at EURAM European Academy of Management Conference, May, 2009, Liverpool, U. K. Martinsuo, M. and Ahola, T. (2009) Supplier integration in complex delivery projects: comparison between different buyer-supplier relationships. Paper presented at the 9th EURAM European Academy of Management Conference, May, 2009, Liverpool, U. K. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference track on projects and complexity. E40 E39 E38 E37 E36 E35 Lahenius, K. and Martinsuo, M. (2009) Personal study planning in doctoral education. Paper presented at NACADA: The 3rd International Personal Tutoring and Academic Advising Conference, April, 2009, Liverpool, U. K. Martinsuo, M., Lehtonen, P. and Lehtonen, M. (2008) Autonomy and performance in complex product development programs. Paper presented at the Research track of the Finnish Project Days November, 2008, Espoo, Finland. Lehtonen, P., Ruuska, I. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) Knowledge integration as boundary crossing in a service R&D portfolio. Paper presented at the workshop on Integrating Knowledge: Challenges for R&D Management, September, 2008, Linköping, Sweden. Martinsuo, M. and Lehtonen, P. (2008) Project autonomy in complex stakeholder environments: case study in non-profit service R&D. Paper presented at PMI Research Conference, July, 2008, Warsaw, Poland. CD-rom. Lehtonen, P., Martinsuo, M., Lehtonen, M. and Dietrich, P. (2008) Boundary management between temporary and permanent: Linking change programs to their organizational context. Paper presented at the 24th EGOS European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, July, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Poskela, J. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) Management control and strategic renewal in the front end phase of the innovation process. Paper presented at the 15th International Product Development Management Conference, 29 June - 1 July, 2008, Hamburg, Germany. CD-rom. Awarded as the second best paper of the conference. E34 Martinsuo, M. (2008) Teaching at the front end of innovation: experimenting with team learning and cross-organizational integration. Paper presented at the 15th International

20 Miia Martinsuo s List of publications 20 Product Development Management Conference, 29 June - 1 July, 2008, Hamburg, Germany. CD-rom. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference track on teaching in product development management. E33 Aaltonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) Prioritization decisions and portfolio evolution in project portfolio management. Paper presented at the 8th EURAM European Academy of Management Conference,14-17 May, 2008, Ljubljana and Bled, Slovenia. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference track on projects and programmes. E32 Lehtonen, P. and Martinsuo, M. (2008) Integrating the change program with the parent organization. Paper presented at the 8th EURAM European Academy of Management Conference,14-17 May, 2008, Ljubljana and Bled, Slovenia. Acknowledged among the best papers of the conference track on projects and programmes. E31 Martinsuo, M. (2007) Students satisfaction with doctoral education and its link to research progress in delayed doctoral studies. In Yanar, A. and Saarela-Kivimäki, K. (Eds.) Proceedings of ReflekTori 2007, Symposium of engineering education, pp Publications of Helsinki University of Technology, Teaching and learning support, 1/2007, Espoo. Research paper presented at ReflekTori 2007, Symposium of engineering education, 3-4 December, 2007, Espoo, Finland. E30 Martinsuo, M. (2007, in Finnish) Educational experiment in the front end of innovation: basic students and adult education students sharing the same innovation challenge. In Yanar, A. and Saarela-Kivimäki, K. (Eds.) Proceedings of ReflekTori 2007, Symposium of engineering education, pp Publications of Helsinki University of Technology, Teaching and learning support, 1/2007, Espoo. Practice paper presented at ReflekTori 2007, Symposium of engineering education, 3-4 December, 2007, Espoo, Finland. In Finnish: Opetuskokeilu innovaation alkuvaiheessa: perusopiskelijat ja aikuisopiskelijat yhteisen innovaatiohaasteen äärellä. ReflekTori 2007, Tekniikan opetuksen symposium. E29 E28 E27 E26 Artto, K., Martinsuo, M., Dietrich, P. and Kujala, J. (2007) Project strategy strategy types and their contents in innovation projects. Paper presented at IRNOP VIII International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, September, 2007, Brighton, UK. Martinsuo, M. and Lehtonen, P. (2007) Context and action in initiating organizational change programs. Paper presented at IRNOP VIII International Research Network on Organizing by Projects Conference, September, 2007, Brighton, UK. Martinsuo, M. (2007) Educational experiment in the front end of innovation: the case of team learning and cross-functional integration. Paper presented at the 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), 9-11 August, 2007, Bergen, Norway. Martinsuo, M. (2007) Part-time doctoral studies opportunity or myth? Resources and study progress of part-time doctoral students. Paper presented at the 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), 9-11 August, 2007, Bergen, Norway.

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