Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2018

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1 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/218 Leaching behavior test for solid waste material: One stage batch leaching test Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Marika Kaasalainen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment Institute


3 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/218 Leaching behavior test for solid waste material: One stage batch leaching test Riitta Koivikko 1, Mirja Leivuori 1, Marika Kaasalainen 2, Keijo Tervonen 1, Sari Lanteri 1 and Markku Ilmakunnas 1 1 Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Laboratory Centre 2 KVVY Tutkimus Oy SYKE Helsinki 219 Finnish Environment Institute

4 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Finnish Environment Institute SYKE Proftest SYKE Layout: Markku Ilmakunnas The publication is also available in the Internet: ISBN (pbk.) ISBN (PDF) ISSN (print) ISSN (Online) Author(s): Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Marika Kaasalainen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku Ilmakunnas Publisher and financier of publication: Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Latokartanonkaari 11, FI-79 Helsinki, Finland, Phone , Year of issue: 219

5 ABSTRACT TIIVISTELMÄ SAMMANDRAG Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/218 Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test in cooperation with KVVY Tutkimus Oy for the laboratories conducting leaching tests for solid waste material in November-December 218. The results of the one stage batch leaching test (EN ) for foundry sand samples were compared and evaluated. The tested measurands were metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, V, Zn), Cl -, SO 4 2-, F -, DOC, ph, and conductivity. In total, 1 participants joined in the proficiency test. In this PT for all the evaluated measurands the median of the results reported by the participants was used as the assigned value. The measurands Ba, conductivity, DOC, Ni, ph, SO 4, and Zn were evaluated with z scores and of those results 92 % were satisfactory, when deviation of.3 ph units and 2 3 % for other measurands was accepted from the assigned value. Further, measurands As, Cr, Cu, and V were evaluated with E n scores and 76 % of the results were satisfactory. Warm thanks to all participants in this proficiency test! Keywords: leaching test, one stage batch leaching test, waste landfill acceptance criteria, environmental laboratories, proficiency test, interlaboratory comparisons TIIVISTELMÄ Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 13/218 Proftest SYKE järjesti yhteistyössä KVVY Tutkimus Oy:n kanssa pätevyyskokeen marrasjoulukuussa 218 laboratorioille, jotka tekevät liukoisuustestejä jätteiden kaatopaikkakelpoisuuden arvioimiseksi. Pätevyyskokeessa vertailun kohteena oli yksivaiheinen ravistelutesti (EN ) valimohiekalle. Pätevyyskokeessa oli yhteensä 1 osallistujaa. Testisuureen vertailuarvona käytettiin osallistujatulosten mediaania. Tuloksia arvioitiin sekä z- että E n -arvoilla. Testisuureet Ba, DOC, Ni, ph, SO 4, sähkönjohtavuus ja Zn arvioitiin z-arvoilla ja hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 92 % kun tavoitehajonnaksi 95 %:n luottamusvälillä asetettiin phmäärityksille,3 ph-yksikköä ja muille määrityksille 2 3 %. Testisuureiden As, Cr, Cu ja V tulokset arvioitiin E n -arvoilla, jolloin hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 76 %. Kiitos pätevyyskokeen osallistujille! Avainsanat: liukoisuustesti, yksivaiheinen ravistelutesti, kaatopaikkakelpoisuus, ympäristölaboratoriot, pätevyyskoe, laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus SAMMANDRAG Provningsjämförelse 13/218 Proftest SYKE genomförde i samarbete med föreningen KVVY Tutkimus Oy en provningsjämförelse under november-december 218 för laktester som används vid bedömningen av avfall som ska deponeras på deponi. Resultaten av enstegs skaktest (EN ) för gjuterisand jämförder och värderades. Sammanlagt 8 laboratorier deltog i proven. Som referensvärde av analytens koncentration användes det median av deltagarnas resultat. I jämförelsen 92 % av resultaten som värderas med hjälp z värdet (Ba, DOC, ledningsförmåga, Ni, ph, SO 4, och Zn) var acceptabla, när.3 ph enhet eller 2 3 % totalavvikelsen från referensvärdet accepterades. Resultaten som värderades med hjälp E n värdet (As, Cr, Cu och V) var 76 % acceptabla. Ett varmt tack till alla deltagarna i testet! Nyckelord: laktest, enstegs skaktest, klassificering av avfall för deponi, miljölaboratorier, provningsjämförelse, kompetensprövning


7 CONTENTS Abstract Tiivistelmä Sammandrag Introduction Organizing the proficiency test Responsibilities Participants Samples and delivery Sample pretesting and homogeneity Feedback from the proficiency test Processing the data Pretesting the data Assigned values Standard deviation for proficiency assessment and results evaluation Results and conclusions Results Analytical methods Uncertainties of the results Evaluation of the results Summary Summary in Finnish References APPENDIX 1 : Participants in the proficiency test APPENDIX 2 : Homogeneity of the samples APPENDIX 3 : Feedback from the proficiency test APPENDIX 4 : Evaluation of the assigned values and their uncertainties APPENDIX 5 : Terms in the results tables... 2 APPENDIX 6 : Results of each participant APPENDIX 7 : Results of participants and their uncertainties APPENDIX 8 : Summary of the z scores APPENDIX 9 : Summary of the E n scores APPENDIX 1 : z scores in ascending order APPENDIX 11 : Results grouped according to the methods APPENDIX 12 : One stage batch leaching test, background information APPENDIX 13 : Standard method of analysis by measurand APPENDIX 14 : Examples of measurement uncertainties reported by the participants Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 5

8 6 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

9 1 Introduction Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test (PT) in cooperation with KVVY Tutkimus Oy for the laboratories conducting leaching tests for solid waste material in November-December 218 (LT 13/218). In this PT, the results of the one stage batch leaching test (EN [1]) for foundry sand samples were compared and evaluated. The one stage batch leaching test is used as a compliance test in evaluation the waste landfill disposal. The tested measurands were metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, V, Zn), Cl -, SO 4 2-, F -, DOC, ph, and conductivity. Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is appointed National Reference Laboratory in the environmental sector in Finland. The duties of the reference laboratory include providing interlaboratory proficiency tests and other comparisons for analytical laboratories and other producers of environmental information. This proficiency test has been carried out under the scope of the SYKE reference laboratory and it provides an external quality evaluation between laboratory results, and mutual comparability of analytical reliability. The proficiency test was carried out in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 1743 [2] and applying ISO [3] and IUPAC Technical report [4]. The Proftest SYKE is accredited by the Finnish Accreditation Service as a proficiency testing provider (PT1, ISO/IEC 1743, The organizing of this proficiency test is included in the accreditation scope of the Proftest SYKE. 2 Organizing the proficiency test 2.1 Responsibilities Organizer Proftest SYKE, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Laboratory Centre Ultramariinikuja 4, FI-43 Helsinki, Finland Phone: , The responsibilities in organizing the proficiency test Riitta Koivikko coordinator Mirja Leivuori substitute for coordinator Keijo Tervonen technical assistance Markku Ilmakunnas technical assistance Sari Lanteri technical assistance Ritva Väisänen technical assistance Cooperation partner KVVY Tutkimus Oy (T64, Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 7

10 Analytical experts (KVVY Tutkimus Oy): Marika Kaasalainen: one stage batch leaching test Raija Ivalo: ph and conductivity Riikka Mattsson: anions (IC), DOC Suvi Pöyhönen: metals (ICP-OES and ICP-MS) Subcontracting KVVY Tutkimus Oy: Sample material preparation: homogenization and dividing into subsamples, leaching test (pretest, homogeneity) and the needed chemical and physico-chemical analysis 2.2 Participants In total 1 laboratories participated in this proficiency test, 7 participants from Finland and 3 from abroad (Appendix 1). Altogether 9 % of the participants used accredited analytical methods at least for a part of the measurements. For this proficiency test, the expert laboratory (T64, has the code 3 (KVVY Tutkimus Oy) in the results tables. 2.3 Samples and delivery A foundry sand sample (RT1, about 2 g) was delivered to the participants. The test material was collected from Finland. This waste is included in the scopes of the Government Decree 591/26 and the Government Decree 843/217 [5, 6]. The sample material was homogenized prior to dividing into sub sample. Particle size was < 4 mm according to the leaching test standard EN [1]. The sample code on the result sheet was: RT1LS1 = Sample RT1, L/S 1 The samples were delivered on 12 November 218 to the participants abroad and on 13 November 218 to the national participants. The samples arrived to the participants mainly latest on 15 November 218 and one participant received the samples on 2 November 218. The one stage batch leaching test was requested to be conducted latest on 28 December 218. Determinations from the leaching test eluate (L/S 1) were: metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, V and Zn) Cl, SO 4, F, DOC, ph, conductivity The results were requested to be reported latest on 11 January 218 and all the participants reported the results accordingly. The preliminary results were delivered to the participants via ProftestWEB and on 18 January Sample pretesting and homogeneity The material suitability for one stage batch leaching test was tested by conducting the test and analyzing all the measurands prior dividing the material into subsamples. 8 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

11 The homogeneity of the samples was tested by analyzing total metal concentration of As, Ba, and Pb. More detailed information of homogeneity studies is shown in Appendix 2. According to the homogeneity test results, the samples were considered homogeneous. 2.5 Feedback from the proficiency test The feedback from the proficiency test is shown in Appendix 3. The comments from the participants dealt with e.g. sample delivery and the Webropol questionnaire. All feedback from the proficiency test is valuable and is exploited when improving the activities. 2.6 Processing the data Pretesting the data To test the normality of the data the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied. The outliers were rejected according to the Grubbs test before calculating the mean. The results, which differed from the data more than 5 s rob or 5 % from the robust mean, were rejected before the statistical results handling. If the result has been reported as below detection limit, it has not been included in the statistical calculations. More information about the statistical handling of the data is available from the Guide for participant [7] Assigned values The detailed information of the assigned values, their uncertainties and reliability is shown in Appendix 6. Due to low concentration or leachability of some measurands, the variation of the results was very high or the number of reported results was very low and, thus, the assigned value was not set for those measurands and no performance evaluation is given (Cd, Cl, F, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, and Se). For all the evaluated measurands the median of the results reported by the participants was used as the assigned value (n stat < 12). The expanded uncertainty of the assigned value was calculated using the standard deviation of the reported results [2]. The assigned values based on the median of the results reported by the participants are not metrologically traceable values. As it was not possible to have metrologically traceable assigned values, the best available values were selected to be used as the assigned values. The reliability of the assigned values was statistically testes [3, 4]. The uncertainty of the assigned values varied between 2.3 % and 28 % (Appendix 4). For the measurands evaluated with z scores the uncertainties varied from 2.3 % to 12 % and for the ones evaluated with E n scores the uncertainties varied between 12 % and 28 % (Chapter 2.6.3, Appendix 4). After reporting the preliminary results no changes have been done for the assigned values. Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 9

12 2.6.3 Standard deviation for proficiency assessment and results evaluation The results of this proficiency test were evaluated both with z and E n scores. The standard deviation for proficiency assessment was estimated on the basis of the measurand concentration, the results of homogeneity test and the uncertainty of the assigned value. If the number of reported results was low (n stat < 6) or the deviation of the results was very high, the standard deviation is not set, and the proficiency estimation as z scores is not given (As, Cr, Cu, and V). The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (2 s pt at the 95 % confidence level) was set to.3 ph units and to 2 3 % for other measurands (Ba, conductivity, DOC, Ni, SO 4, and Zn). After reporting the preliminary results no changes have been done for the standard deviations of the proficiency assessment values. In this proficiency test, the performance evaluation was done by means of E n scores ( Error, normalized ) for those measurands were the number of reported results was low (n stat < 6) or the deviation of the results was very high, but the assigned value and its uncertainty were set (As, Cr, Cu, and V). These are used to evaluate the difference between the assigned value and participant s result within their claimed expanded uncertainty. E n scores are calculated: ( ) =, where x i = participant s result, x pt = assigned value, U i = the expanded uncertainty of a participant s result and U pt = the expanded uncertainty of the assigned value. Scores of E n 1. < E n < 1. should be taken as an indicator of successful performance when the uncertainties are valid. Whereas scores E n 1. or E n 1. could indicate a need to review the uncertainty estimates, or to correct a measurement issue. For the measurands where the standard deviation for proficiency assessment was set, the reliability of the assigned value was tested according to the criterion u pt / s pt.3, where u pt is the standard uncertainty of the assigned value (the expanded uncertainty of the assigned value (U pt ) divided by 2) and s pt is the standard deviation for proficiency assessment [3]. The criterion was mainly fulfilled for the measurands evaluated with z scores. The reliability of the standard deviation for proficiency assessment and the corresponding z score was estimated by comparing the deviation for proficiency assessment (s pt ) with the standard deviation of the reported results (s) [3]. The criterion s / s pt < 1.2 was mainly fulfilled. In the following case, the criterion for the reliability of the assigned value was not met and, therefore, the evaluation of the performance is weakened in this proficiency test: Sample RT1LS1 Measurand Ba 1 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

13 3 Results and conclusions 3.1 Results The terms used in the results table are explained in the Appendix 5. The results and the performance of each participant are presented in Appendix 6 and the summary of the results in Table 1. The reported results with their expanded uncertainties (k=2) are presented in Appendix 7. The summaries of the z and E n scores are shown in Appendices 8 and 9 and z scores in the ascending order in Appendix 1. Table 1. The summary of the results in the proficiency test LT 13/218. Measurand Sample Unit Assigned value Mean Median s s % Rob. mean srob srob % 2 x spt % nall As RT1LS Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS Cl RT1LS Conductivity RT1LS1 ms/m Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS <.1 < Se RT1LS <.1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS Zn RT1LS Rob. mean: the robust mean, s: the standard deviation, s %: the standard deviation as percent, s rob : the robust standard deviation, s rob %: the robust standard deviation as percent, 2 s pt %: the standard deviation for proficiency assessment at the 95 % confidence level, n all : the total number of the participants, Acc z %: the results (%), where z 2, Acc. E n %: the results (%), where E n < 1. Acc. z % Acc. En % 3.2 Analytical methods The standard method EN (one stage batch leaching test) [1] was used to determine the leaching properties of studied measurands from the foundry sand sample. The concentration of the measurands was analyzed from the eluate (L/S 1) and they are expressed as the leached amounts ( dry weight) relative to the total mass of the sample. The reported results of the participants grouped by methods with their expanded uncertainties (k=2) are presented in Appendix 11. The statistical comparison of the analytical methods was not possible due to low number of results. The details of the procedures the participants followed were requested via Webropol questionnaire. Only four participants (4 %) replied to the questionnaire and therefore the replies are not combined with the participation codes (Appendix 12). Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 11

14 The participants were allowed to use different analytical methods for the measurements of the measurands concentrations in the PT. The standard EN summarizes the analytical test methods for the waste eluates [8]. The statistical comparison of the analytical methods was not possible for the data due to low number of results. The applied standard methods are listed in Appendix Uncertainties of the results Altogether 9 % of the participants reported the expanded uncertainties (k=2) with their results for at least some of their results (Table 2, Appendix 11 and 14). The range of the reported uncertainties varied between the measurands and the sample types, and thus the harmonization of the uncertainties estimation should be continued. Several approaches were used for estimating the measurement uncertainty (Appendix 14). The most used approach was based on data from method validation. Also the approach based on the data from internal quality control was used (Appendix 14). Two participants used MUkit measurement uncertainty software for the estimation of their uncertainties [9]. The free software is available on the webpage: Generally, the used approach for estimating measurement uncertainty did not make definite impact on the uncertainty estimates. Table 2. The range of the expanded measurement uncertainties (k=2, U i %) reported by the participants. Measurand As Ba Conductivity Cr Cu DOC Ui% ) Measurand Ni ph SO4 2- V Zn Ui% ) In table with bold the values of expanded measurement uncertainty over 5 %. 4 Evaluation of the results The performance evaluation of the participants was based on the z and E n scores. The z scores were calculated using the assigned values and the standard deviation for the performance assessment (Appendix 8). The E n scores were calculated using the assigned values and their uncertainties (Appendix 9). 12 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

15 The z and E n scores were interpreted as follows: Criteria Performance z 2 Satisfactory 2 < z < 3 Questionable z 3 Unsatisfactory 1. < En < 1. Satisfactory En 1. or En 1. Unsatisfactory In total, 92 % of the results evaluated with z scores (Ba, conductivity, DOC, Ni, ph, SO 4, and Zn) were satisfactory when total deviation of 2 3 % and.3 ph units from the assigned values was accepted. Further, the results of As, Cr, Cu, and V were evaluated with E n scores and 76 % of those results were satisfactory. 9 % of participants used accredited analytical methods at least for a part of the measurands, and 9 % of those results were satisfactory. The summary of the performance evaluation and comparison to the previous performance is presented in Table 3. In the previous similar PT, Proftest SYKE 1/212, 91 % of the results were satisfactory when evaluated with z scores and accepting total deviation of 1 5 % and.4 ph units from the assigned value [1]. Table 3. Summary of the performance evaluation in the proficiency test LT 13/218. Measurand 2 x spt% Satisfactory results, % Metals Anions 2 86 Conductivity 2 78 DOC 2 1 ph.3 (ph units) z En 9 Remarks The results for Ba, Ni, and Zn were evaluated with z scores and the performance was excellent. The criterion for the reliability of the assigned value was not met for Ba. The results for As, Cr, Cu, and V were evaluated with En scores. In the previous similar PT the performance evaluation was based on z scores and it satisfactory for 85 % of the results when accepting deviation of 2 5 % [1]. Only the results of SO4 were evaluated, as concentration or leachability of the sample was low for Cl and F. In the previous similar PT the performance was satisfactory for 85 % of the results when accepting deviation of 1 25 % [1]. In the previous similar PT the performance was satisfactory for 94 % of the results when accepting deviation of 1 % [1]. Excellent performance. In the previous similar PT the concentration or leachability was low and performance evaluation was not done [1]. Good performance. In the previous similar PT the performance was satisfactory for 94 % of the results when accepting deviation of.4 ph units [1]. Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 13

16 5 Summary Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test (PT) in cooperation with KVVY Tutkimus Oy for laboratories conducting leaching tests for solid waste material in November-December 218. The results of the one stage batch leaching test (EN ) for foundry sand samples were compared and evaluated. The tested measurands were metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, V, Zn), Cl -, SO 4 2-, F -, DOC, ph, and conductivity. In total, 1 participants joined in the proficiency test. The median of the results reported by the participants was used as the assigned value for all the evaluated measurands. The measurands Ba, conductivity, DOC, Ni, ph, SO 4, and Zn were evaluated with z scores and of those results 92 % were satisfactory, when deviation of.3 ph units and 2 3 % for other measurands was accepted from the assigned value. Further, measurands As, Cr, Cu, and V were evaluated with E n scores and 76 % of the results were satisfactory. 6 Summary in Finnish Proftest SYKE järjesti yhteistyössä KVVY Tutkimus Oy:n kanssa pätevyyskokeen marrasjoulukuussa 218 laboratorioille, jotka tekevät liukoisuustestejä jätteiden kaatopaikkakelpoisuuden arvioimiseksi. Pätevyyskokeessa vertailun kohteena oli yksivaiheinen ravistelutesti (EN ) valimohiekalle. Pätevyyskokeessa oli yhteensä 1 osallistujaa. Testisuureen vertailuarvona käytettiin osallistujatulosten mediaania. Tuloksia arvioitiin sekä z- että E n -arvoilla. Testisuureet Ba, DOC, Ni, ph, SO 4, sähkönjohtavuus ja Zn arvioitiin z-arvoilla ja hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 92 %, kun tavoitehajonnaksi 95 %:n luottamusvälillä asetettiin ph-määrityksille,3 ph-yksikköä ja muille määrityksille 2 3 %. Testisuureiden As, Cr, Cu ja V tulokset arvioitiin E n -arvoilla, jolloin hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 76 %. 14 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

17 REFERENCES 1. EN , 22. Characterisation of waste. Leaching. Compliance test for leaching of granular waste materials and sludges. Part 2: One stage batch test at a liquid to solid ratio of 1 l/kg for materials with particle size below 4 mm (without or with size reduction). 2. SFS-EN ISO 1743, 21. Conformity assessment General requirements for Proficiency Testing. 3. ISO 13528, 215. Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons. 4. Thompson, M., Ellison, S. L. R., Wood, R., 26. The International Harmonized Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of Analytical Chemistry laboratories (IUPAC Technical report). Pure Appl. Chem. 78: , 5. Government Decree 591/26 concerning the recovery of certain wastes from earth construction. Issued in Helsinki 28 June 26. (Available: In force from 15 July 26 to 31 December 217. (The limit values were partially renewed in 29: the Government Degree 43/29). 6. Government Decree 843/217 on the Recovery of Certain Wastes in Earth Construction. Issued in Helsinki 7 December 217. Into force 1 January 218. (Available: 7. Proftest SYKE Guide for laboratories: Current proficiency tests 8. EN (212) Characterization of waste Analysis of eluates. 9. Näykki, T., Virtanen, A. and Leito, I., 212. Software support for the Nordtest method of measurement uncertainty evaluation. Accred. Qual. Assur. 17: MUkit website: 1. Björklöf, K., Korhonen-Ylönen, K., Kaasalainen, M., Leivuori, M., Väntsi, S., Lanteri, S. and Ilmakunnas, M., 212. Proficiency Test SYKE 1/212. Leaching testing of solid waste sample. Reports of Finnish Environment Institute 19/ pp Magnusson B., Näykki T., Hovind H., Krysell M., Sahlin E., 217. Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories. Nordtest Report TR 537 (ed. 4). ( Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 15

18 APPENDIX 1 (1/1) APPENDIX 1: Participants in the proficiency test Country Finland Participant Eurofins Ahma Oy, Oulu Eurofins Labtium Oy, Kuopio Fortum Waste Solutions Oy, Riihimäki KVVY Tutkimus Oy, Tampere MetropoliLab Oy SGS Finland Oy, Kotka SYNLAB Analytics & Services Finland Oy Germany Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH, Niederlassung Freiberg Greece Laboratory of Metallurgy, National Technical University of Athens Sweden Eurofins Water Testing Sweden AB 16 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

19 APPENDIX 2 (1/1) APPENDIX 2: Homogeneity of the samples Homogeneity of the samples was tested by analyzing the total metal concentrations from 4 subsamples with replicate analyses. Criteria for homogeneity: s anal /s h <.5 and s sam 2 <c, where s h = standard deviation for testing the homogeneity s anal = analytical deviation, standard deviation of the results in a sub samples s sam = between-sample deviation, standard deviation of the results between sub samples c = F1 s all 2 + F2 s anal 2, where s all 2 = (.3 s h ) 2 F1 and F2 are constants of F distribution derived from the standard statistical tables for the tested number of samples [3, 4]. Measurand Concentration [] n sh % sh sanal sanal/sh sanal/sh <.5? ssam 2 c ssam 2 <c? As Yes.2.56 Yes Ba Yes 6.8 Yes Pb Yes.53 Yes Conclusion: Total metal concentrations were used for homogeneity testing. Those do not completely correlate with the test results of the one stage batch leaching test. Foundry sand is coarsegrained material which causes increased deviation for the replicate results. The results were evaluated with separately set standard deviation values (s h ). Further, the results were compared to the participant results. The criteria for homogeneity were fulfilled and the samples could be considered homogeneous. Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 17

20 APPENDIX 3 (1/1) APPENDIX 3: Feedback from the proficiency test FEEDBACK FROM THE PARTICIPANTS Participant Comments on technical excecution Action / Proftest SYKE 4, 5 The participants received the samples one day after the estimated delivery day. 6 The participant received the samples six days after the estimated delivery day. 5 Webropol survey gave unclear error messages, thus sending the form was not possible. The participant sent the electronic questionnaire by . 8 The participant informed that they received the samples on 15 November. The used distributor did not deliver the samples according to the agreed schedule. The provider apologized the unclear error messages (due to the program) and informed the participant that their replies were received. According to the distributor s tracking system the samples arrived to the participant on 14 November. 9 Webropol survey accepted only integers. Settings were corrected in the questionnaire and this was informed to the participant. FEEDBACK TO THE PARTICIPANTS Participant Comments 2 The participant reported zero results for some measurands. The provider recommends participant to update the reporting procedure for low concentration results as low values should be reported as lower or equal to detection limit. 18 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

21 APPENDIX 4 (1/1) APPENDIX 4: Evaluation of the assigned values and their uncertainties Measurand Sample Unit Assigned value Upt Upt, % Evaluation method of assigned value upt/spt 1) As RT1LS Median Ba RT1LS Median.4 Conductivity 25 RT1LS1 ms/m Median.34 Cr RT1LS Median Cu RT1LS Median DOC RT1LS Median.2 Ni RT1LS Median.3 ph RT1LS Median.27 SO4 RT1LS Median.3 V RT1LS Median Zn RT1LS Median.31 1) Value calculated only for the measurands where the standard deviation for proficiency assessment was set. U pt = Expanded uncertainty of the assigned value Criterion for reliability of the assigned value u pt/s pt <.3, where s pt= the standard deviation for proficiency assessment u pt= the standard uncertainty of the assigned value If u pt/s pt <.3, the assigned value is reliable and the z scores are qualified. Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 19

22 APPENDIX 5 (1/1) APPENDIX 5: Terms in the results tables Results of each participant Measurand The tested parameter Sample The code of the sample z score Calculated as follows: z = (x i - x pt )/s pt, where x i = the result of the individual participant x pt = the assigned value s pt = the standard deviation for proficiency assessment Assigned value The value attributed to a particular property of a proficiency test item 2 s pt % The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (s pt ) at the 95 % confidence level Participant s result The result reported by the participant (the mean value of the replicates) Md Median s Standard deviation s % Standard deviation, % n stat Number of results in statistical processing Summary on the z scores S satisfactory ( -2 z 2) Q questionable ( 2< z < 3), positive error, the result deviates more than 2 s pt from the assigned value q questionable ( -3 < z < -2), negative error, the result deviates more than 2 s pt from the assigned value U unsatisfactory (z 3), positive error, the result deviates more than 3 s pt from the assigned value u unsatisfactory (z -3), negative error, the result deviates more than 3 s pt from the assigned value Robust analysis The items of data are sorted into increasing order, x 1, x 2, x i,,x p. Initial values for x * and s * are calculated as: x * = median of x i (i = 1, 2,...,p) s * = median of x i x * (i = 1, 2,...,p) The mean x * and s * are updated as follows: Calculate = 1.5 s *. A new value is then calculated for each result x i (i = 1, 2 p): { x * -, if x i < x * - x * i = { x * +, if x i > x * +, { x i otherwise The new values of x * and s * are calculated from: * * x xi / p s ( x i x ) 2 /( p 1) The robust estimates x * and s * can be derived by an iterative calculation, i.e. by updating the values of x * and s * several times, until the process convergences [3]. 2 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

23 APPENDIX 6 (1/5) APPENDIX 6: Results of each participant Participant 1 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS < Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS1.3 < Cu RT1LS1.13 < DOC RT1LS F RT1LS1 < Hg RT1LS1 <.2 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS < V RT1LS1.17 < Zn RT1LS % nstat Participant 2 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS Cl RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS Hg RT1LS1 1 Mo RT1LS1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS Se RT1LS SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS Zn RT1LS % nstat Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 21

24 APPENDIX 6 (2/5) Participant 3 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS1 < Hg RT1LS1 <.1 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.5 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS Zn RT1LS % nstat Participant 4 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS1.3 < Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS Hg RT1LS1 <.1 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS1.17 < Zn RT1LS % nstat 22 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

25 APPENDIX 6 (3/5) Participant 5 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s % nstat As RT1LS Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS Hg RT1LS1 <.2 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS1.17 < Zn RT1LS Participant 6 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s % nstat As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS < Cd RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS1.3 < Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS Mo RT1LS1 <.2 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < Zn RT1LS Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 23

26 APPENDIX 6 (4/5) Participant 7 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s % nstat As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS Cl RT1LS1 < Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS1 < Hg RT1LS1 <.2 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.6 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS < V RT1LS Zn RT1LS Participant 8 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s % nstat As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS1.3 < Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS1 < Hg RT1LS1 <.1 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS1.17 < Zn RT1LS Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

27 APPENDIX 6 (5/5) Participant 9 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS1 < Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS1 < Hg RT1LS1 <.4 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.1 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS Zn RT1LS % nstat Participant 1 Measurand Unit Sample -3 3 z score Assigned value 2 spt % Participant's result Md Mean s s As RT1LS1.17 < Ba RT1LS Cd RT1LS1 < Cl RT1LS Conductivity 25 ms/m RT1LS Cr RT1LS1.3 < Cu RT1LS DOC RT1LS F RT1LS Hg RT1LS1 <.1 1 Mo RT1LS1 <.5 1 Ni RT1LS Pb RT1LS1 < ph RT1LS Sb RT1LS1 < Se RT1LS1 < SO4 RT1LS V RT1LS1.17 < Zn RT1LS % nstat Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 25

28 APPENDIX 7 (1/7) APPENDIX 7: Results of participants and their uncertainties In figures: The dashed lines describe the standard deviation for the proficiency assessment, the red solid line shows the assigned value, the shaded area describes the expanded uncertainty of the assigned value, and the arrow describes the value outside the scale. Measurand As Participant Measurand Ba Participant Measurand Cd Participant 26 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

29 APPENDIX 7 (2/7) Measurand Cl Participant Measurand Conductivity ms/m Participant Measurand Cr Participant Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 27

30 APPENDIX 7 (3/7) Measurand Cu Participant Measurand DOC Participant Measurand F Participant 28 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

31 APPENDIX 7 (4/7) Measurand Hg Participant Measurand Mo Participant Measurand Ni Participant Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 29

32 APPENDIX 7 (5/7) Measurand Pb Participant Measurand ph Participant Measurand Sb Participant 3 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

33 APPENDIX 7 (6/7) Measurand Se Participant #Measurand SO<sub>4</sub> Participant Measurand V Participant Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 31

34 APPENDIX 7 (7/7) Measurand Zn Participant 32 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

35 APPENDIX 8 (1/1) APPENDIX 8: Summary of the z scores Measurand Sample % Ba RT1LS1. S S S S. S U S S Conductivity 25 RT1LS1 S q S S U S. S S S DOC RT1LS1 S S S S S S S S S S Ni RT1LS1 S S S S S S S S S S ph RT1LS1 S S S S u S S S S S SO4 RT1LS1. S U S S.. S S S Zn RT1LS1 S S S S S S S S S S % accredited S - satisfactory (-2 < z < 2), Q - questionable (2 < z < 3), q - questionable (-3 < z < -2), U - unsatisfactory (z > 3), and u - unsatisfactory (z < -3), respectively bold - accredited, italics - non-accredited % - percentage of satisfactory results Totally satisfactory, % in all: 92 % in accredited: 9 % in non-accredited: 1 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 33

36 APPENDIX 9 (1/1) APPENDIX 9: Summary of the E n scores Measurand Sample % As RT1LS Cr RT1LS Cu RT1LS V RT1LS % E n scores enable to estimate the proximity of participant results to the assigned value taking into consideration their reported expanded uncertainty Scores of -1. < E n < 1. indicate successful performance Scores of E n > 1. or E n < -1. indicate a need to review the uncertainty estimated or to correct a measurement issue Totally satisfactory, % in all: Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

37 APPENDIX 1 (1/3) APPENDIX 1: z scores in ascending order Measurand Ba z score Participant z score Measurand Conductivity z score Participant z score Measurand DOC z score Participant z score Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 35

38 APPENDIX 1 (2/3) Measurand Ni z score Participant z score Measurand ph z score Participant z score #Measurand SO<sub>4</sub> z score Participant z score 36 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

39 APPENDIX 1 (3/3) Measurand Zn z score Participant z score Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 37

40 APPENDIX 11 (1/7) APPENDIX 11: Results grouped according to the methods The explanations for the figures are described in the Appendix 7. The results are shown in ascending order. Measurand As ICP-MS Measurand Ba ICP-OES ICP-MS Measurand Cd ICP-MS 38 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

41 APPENDIX 11 (2/7) Measurand Cl EN ISO 134, IC-method Measurand Conductivity ms/m EN Measurand Cr ICP-MS Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 39

42 APPENDIX 11 (3/7) Measurand Cu ICP-OES ICP-MS Measurand DOC EN 1484, filtered sample, inorganic carbon is removed before measurement EN 1484, filtered sample, total dissolved organic carbon, DOC = DC - DIC Measurand F EN ISO 134, IC-method 4 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

43 APPENDIX 11 (4/7) Measurand Hg ICP-MS Measurand Mo ICP-MS Measurand Ni ICP-OES ICP-MS Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 41

44 APPENDIX 11 (5/7) Measurand Pb ICP-MS Measurand ph Universal electrode Waste water electrode Other method Measurand Sb ICP-MS 42 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

45 APPENDIX 11 (6/7) Measurand Se ICP-MS #Measurand SO<sub>4</sub> EN ISO 134, IC-method Measurand V ICP-MS Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 43

46 APPENDIX 11 (7/7) Measurand Zn ICP-OES ICP-MS 44 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

47 APPENDIX 12 (1/1) APPENDIX 12: One stage batch leaching test, background information Start date of the one stage batch leaching test Sample amount, Mw (kg) Shaking/mixing equipment (with rpm) Volume of leachant, L (l) Settling time between agitation and separation, T1 (min) Description of the liquid-solid separation procedure (Separation method, type and material of the filter, pore size) Centrifugation (duration, rpm) Volume of the filtered eluate, VE (l) Duration of the filtration, T2 (min) End-over-end, 1 rpm 1 Vacuum filtering Membrane filter Gelman.45 µm Horizontal shaker Edmund Bühler VKS-75 Control Centrifuge (Speed), 8 rpm, 3 min Heidolph REAX2 5-1 rpm 1 15 High pressure filtration (5 bar) Filter paper:.45 µm Membrane filter Whatman NC45 diameter 142 mm, cellulose-nitrate membrane filter Turn-over head shaker, 1 rpm.9 15 Suction filtration, membrane.45 µm, Cellulose-acetate Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 45

48 APPENDIX 13 (1/1) APPENDIX 13: Standard method of analysis by measurand Measurand Standard options Applied / modified / more information As (n=4, the number of participants who answered) Ba n=4 Cd n=4 No. of participants EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 Cl -, n=4 EN ISO 134-1:29 Applied standard 4 Conductivity, n=4 EN Applied standard 4 Cr EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 n=4 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 Cu EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 n=4 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 DOC, n=4 EN 1484 Applied standard 4 F -, n=4 EN ISO 134-1:29 Applied standard 4 Mo n=4 Ni n=4 Pb n=4 ph n=4 Sb n=4 Se n=4 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 ISO 1523:28 Applied standard 3 Other EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 ISO 9965:1993 Applied standard 1 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 SO4 2-, n=4 EN ISO 134-1:29 Applied standard 4 TDS, n=2 EN 15216:27 Applied standard 2 V EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 n=4 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO :216 1 Zn n=4 EN ISO :26 Applied standard 1 EN ISO :24 Applied standard 3 Other method Applied standard: EN ISO : Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

49 APPENDIX 14: Examples of measurement uncertainties reported by the participants In figures, the presented expanded measurement uncertainties are grouped according to the method of estimation at 95 % confidence level (k=2). The expanded uncertainties were estimated mainly by using the internal quality control (IQC) data. The used procedures in figures below are distinguished e.g. between using or not using the MUkit software for uncertainty estimation or using data from method validation [1, 11]. Measurand As 8 Uncertainty, Ui % IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. Measurand Ba 6 Uncertainty, Ui % 4 2 IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. Measurand Conductivity 25 Uncertainty, Ui % IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, with MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. Proftest SYKE LT 13/18 47

50 Measurand Cr 8 Uncertainty, Ui % IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. Measurand Cu 8 Uncertainty, Ui % IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. Measurand DOC 8 Uncertainty, Ui % IQC data only from synthetic control sample and/or CRM (X chart), MUkit software. IQC data from both synthetic sample (X-chart) and routine sample replicates (R- or r%-chart), no MUkit software. IQC data and the results obtained in proficiency tests, MUkit software. Data obtained from method validation, no MUkit software. 48 Proftest SYKE LT 13/18

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Metals in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2019

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2019 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 14 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2019 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2019

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2019 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 9 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /9 Metals in natural water and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo Sara-Aho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2018

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 11 218 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 3/218 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Mika Sarkkinen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 11 2017 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2017 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2018

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 10 2018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2018 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2018

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 5/8 Metals in natural waters and soil Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 07/2016

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 07/2016 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 36 016 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 07/016 Chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2016

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2016 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 16 2016 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2016 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Teemu Näykki, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2016

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2016 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/6 Metals in water and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo Sara-Aho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2018

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/018 Cholophyll a, oxygen, salinity, Sio, TIC and TOC in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Mika Sarkkinen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 2018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2017 Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil Riitta Koivikko, Jari Nuutinen and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 22 2017 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2017 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2018

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 9 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /8 Metals in waste water and compost Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Aija Pelkonen, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 7 8 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Metals in waste water and sludge Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2019

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2019 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 25 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2019 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2015

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2015 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 33 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2015 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri, Markku


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 2/2014

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 2/2014 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 15 2014 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 2/2014 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 09/2014

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 09/2014 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 09/2014 Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil Jari Nuutinen, Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2016

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2016 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /6 Metals in waste water and recycled material Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2016

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2016 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 18 2016 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2016 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Teemu Näykki,


Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2012

Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2012 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 19 2013 Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2012 Leaching testing of solid waste sample Katarina Björklöf, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Marika Kaasalainen, Mirja Leivuori, Sirpa


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2019

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2019 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 23 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2019 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori,


Proficiency Test SYKE 11/2011

Proficiency Test SYKE 11/2011 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 0 Proficiency Test SYKE /0 PCB compounds in soil Jari Nuutinen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment Institute REPORTS


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2015

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2015 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 17 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2015 a-chlorophyll, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2015

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2015 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/5 Metals in waste water and sludge Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Timo SaraAho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2017

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 17 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/17 Domestic water measurements Katarina Björklöf, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen, Timo Sara-Aho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2015

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2015 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 37 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2015 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen,


Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2011

Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2011 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 11 12 Proficiency Test SYKE /11 Heavy metals in surface waters Mirja Leivuori, Kaija KorhonenYlönen, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2014

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2014 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 7 5 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/ Metals and mercury in waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen,


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/2014

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/2014 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/2014 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri


Proficiency Test SYKE 9/2012

Proficiency Test SYKE 9/2012 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 2013 Proficiency Test SYKE 9/2012 Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Jari Nuutinen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment


Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 4/2014

Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 4/2014 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 014 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 4/014 Oxygen, a-chlorophyll, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,


Efficiency change over time

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Interlaboratory Comparison Test 15/2018

Interlaboratory Comparison Test 15/2018 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 25 218 Interlaboratory Comparison Test 15/218 Soil improver maturity test Liisa Maunuksela, Aija Pelkonen, Katarina Björkjöf, Markku Ilmakunnas, Mirja Kartio


TEST REPORT Nro VTT-S Air tightness and strength tests for Furanflex exhaust air ducts

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Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2013

Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2013 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 2014 Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2013 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku Ilmakunnas


MIKES, Julkaisu J3/2000 MASS COMPARISON M3. Comparison of 1 kg and 10 kg weights between MIKES and three FINAS accredited calibration laboratories

MIKES, Julkaisu J3/2000 MASS COMPARISON M3. Comparison of 1 kg and 10 kg weights between MIKES and three FINAS accredited calibration laboratories MITTATEKNIIKAN KESKUS CENTRE FOR METROLOGY AND ACCREDITATION Julkaisu J3/2000 MASS COMPARISON M3 Comparison of 1 kg and 10 kg weights between MIKES and three FINAS accredited calibration laboratories Kari


SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2009

SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2009 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 2 2010 SYKE Proficiency Test /2009 Gross and net calorific value in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Irma Mäkinen, Minna Rantanen, Minna Salonen, Kaija Korhonen and Markku


Proficiency Test SYKE 4/2011

Proficiency Test SYKE 4/2011 9 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 2012 Proficiency Test SYKE 4/2011 Cross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Katarina Björklöf and Markku


Proficiency Test SYKE 6/2013

Proficiency Test SYKE 6/2013 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 2 2014 Proficiency Test SYKE 6/2013 Gross and net calorific in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku


Interlaboratory comparison 11/2017

Interlaboratory comparison 11/2017 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 2018 Interlaboratory comparison 11/2017 Bacterial toxicity test using bioluminescent bacteria Johanna Järvistö, Katarina Björklöf and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish


Other approaches to restrict multipliers

Other approaches to restrict multipliers Other approaches to restrict multipliers Heikki Tikanmäki Optimointiopin seminaari 10.10.2007 Contents Short revision (6.2) Another Assurance Region Model (6.3) Cone-Ratio Method (6.4) An Application of


Capacity Utilization

Capacity Utilization Capacity Utilization Tim Schöneberg 28th November Agenda Introduction Fixed and variable input ressources Technical capacity utilization Price based capacity utilization measure Long run and short run


SYKE Proficiency Test 4/2009

SYKE Proficiency Test 4/2009 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 28 2009 SYKE Proficiency Test 4/2009 Metals in waters and soils Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen, Olli Järvinen, Teemu Näykki, Timo SaraAho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari


Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 02/2016

Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 02/2016 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 19 2016 Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 02/2016 Trihalometaanit vedestä Riitta Koivikko, Jari Nuutinen ja Markku Ilmakunnas Suomen ympäristökeskus TIIVISTELMÄ


LX 70. Ominaisuuksien mittaustulokset 1-kerroksinen 2-kerroksinen. Fyysiset ominaisuudet, nimellisarvot. Kalvon ominaisuudet

LX 70. Ominaisuuksien mittaustulokset 1-kerroksinen 2-kerroksinen. Fyysiset ominaisuudet, nimellisarvot. Kalvon ominaisuudet LX 70 % Läpäisy 36 32 % Absorptio 30 40 % Heijastus 34 28 % Läpäisy 72 65 % Heijastus ulkopuoli 9 16 % Heijastus sisäpuoli 9 13 Emissiivisyys.77.77 Auringonsuojakerroin.54.58 Auringonsäteilyn lämmönsiirtokerroin.47.50


SYKE Proficiency Test 6/2012

SYKE Proficiency Test 6/2012 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 2013 SYKE Proficiency Test 6/2012 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and


Proficiency Test SYKE 3/2011

Proficiency Test SYKE 3/2011 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 22 2011 Proficiency Test SYKE 3/2011 Metals in water and sludge Mirja Leivuori, Kaija KorhonenYlönen, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and


Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 15/2016

Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 15/2016 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 34 2016 Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 15/2016 AOX määritys vesistä Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri ja Markku Ilmakunnas Suomen


SYKE Proficiency Test 3/2010

SYKE Proficiency Test 3/2010 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 11 SYKE Proficiency Test 3/ Metals in waters and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen,Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Olli Järvinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri


Asiakaspalautteen merkitys laboratoriovirheiden paljastamisessa. Taustaa

Asiakaspalautteen merkitys laboratoriovirheiden paljastamisessa. Taustaa Asiakaspalautteen merkitys laboratoriovirheiden paljastamisessa Paula Oja, TtT Laboratorio, Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala Potilasturvallisuustutkimuksen päivät 26. 27.1.2011 1 Taustaa Laboratorion tulee



LYTH-CONS CONSISTENCY TRANSMITTER LYTH-CONS CONSISTENCY TRANSMITTER LYTH-INSTRUMENT OY has generate new consistency transmitter with blade-system to meet high technical requirements in Pulp&Paper industries. Insurmountable advantages are


2017/S Contract notice. Supplies

2017/S Contract notice. Supplies Supplies 153936 2017 25/04/2017 S80 - - Supplies - Contract notice - Open procedure I. II. III. IV. VI. -: Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products 2017/S 080-153936 Contract notice


Proficiency Test SYKE 8a/2010

Proficiency Test SYKE 8a/2010 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 0 Proficiency Test SYKE a/0 Volatile organic compounds in water and soil Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Jari Nuutinen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment


The CCR Model and Production Correspondence

The CCR Model and Production Correspondence The CCR Model and Production Correspondence Tim Schöneberg The 19th of September Agenda Introduction Definitions Production Possiblity Set CCR Model and the Dual Problem Input excesses and output shortfalls


TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo

TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers Heikki Laaksamo TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry) TIEKE is a neutral,


Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus

Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 14 2011 Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus AOX-määritys Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori, Olli Järvinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri, Markku Ilmakunnas ja


EURACHEM / CITAC -ohjeen yleisesittely. Kemiallisten mittausten jäljitettävyys. 1. EURACHEM / CITAC ohje ja esite. 2. LGC VAM -ohjelman ohje

EURACHEM / CITAC -ohjeen yleisesittely. Kemiallisten mittausten jäljitettävyys. 1. EURACHEM / CITAC ohje ja esite. 2. LGC VAM -ohjelman ohje EURACHEM / CITAC -ohjeen yleisesittely Prof., TkT Veikko Komppa, VTT Prosessit PL 1602, 02044 VTT Kemiallisten mittausten jäljitettävyys 1. EURACHEM / CITAC ohje ja esite 2. LGC VAM


Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2019

Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2019 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 29 2019 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2019 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,


Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2012

Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2012 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 0 Proficiency Test SYKE 8/0 Volatile organic compounds in water and soil Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Jari Nuutinen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment


Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2018

Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2018 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 13 2019 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2018 Alkaliniteetti, ravinteet, ph, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen,


Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava

Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava VAALAN KUNTA TUULISAIMAA OY Metsälamminkankaan tuulivoimapuiston osayleiskaava Liite 3. Varjostusmallinnus FCG SUUNNITTELU JA TEKNIIKKA OY 12.5.2015 P25370 SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations


SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2010

SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2010 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 2011 SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2010 Gross and net calorific values in flues Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish



Supplies Supplies - 239150-2018 05/06/2018 S105 - - Supplies - Contract notice - Open procedure I. II. III. IV. VI. Finland-Oulu: Medical equipments 2018/S 105-239150 Contract notice Supplies Directive 2014/24/EU


Tynnyrivaara, OX2 Tuulivoimahanke. ( Layout 9 x N131 x HH145. Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus 9 x N131 x HH145 Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a

Tynnyrivaara, OX2 Tuulivoimahanke. ( Layout 9 x N131 x HH145. Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus 9 x N131 x HH145 Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a , Tuulivoimahanke Layout 9 x N131 x HH145 Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus 9 x N131 x HH145 Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a 0 0,5 1 1,5 km 2 SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations


7.4 Variability management

7.4 Variability management 7.4 Variability management time... space software product-line should support variability in space (different products) support variability in time (maintenance, evolution) 1 Product variation Product


Digitally signed by Hans Vadbäck DN: cn=hans Vadbäck, o, ou=fcg Suunnittelu ja Tekniikka Oy,, c=fi Date: 2016.12.20 15:45:35 +02'00' Jakob Kjellman Digitally signed by Jakob Kjellman


Returns to Scale II. S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Esitelmä 8 Timo Salminen. Teknillinen korkeakoulu

Returns to Scale II. S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Esitelmä 8 Timo Salminen. Teknillinen korkeakoulu Returns to Scale II Contents Most Productive Scale Size Further Considerations Relaxation of the Convexity Condition Useful Reminder Theorem 5.5 A DMU found to be efficient with a CCR model will also be


Proficiency Test SYKE 2/2013

Proficiency Test SYKE 2/2013 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 13 Proficiency Test SYKE 2/13 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki, Mirja Leivuori,


On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)

On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31) On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31) Juha Kahkonen Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically On instrument costs



Supplies Supplies - 239236-2018 05/06/2018 S105 - - Supplies - Contract notice - Open procedure I. II. III. IV. VI. Finland-Seinäjoki: Wheelchairs 2018/S 105-239236 Contract notice Supplies Directive 2014/24/EU



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.9.269


( ( OX2 Perkkiö. Rakennuskanta. Varjostus. 9 x N131 x HH145

( ( OX2 Perkkiö. Rakennuskanta. Varjostus. 9 x N131 x HH145 OX2 9 x N131 x HH145 Rakennuskanta Asuinrakennus Lomarakennus Liike- tai julkinen rakennus Teollinen rakennus Kirkko tai kirkollinen rak. Muu rakennus Allas Varjostus 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 km



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG VE1 SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: 8 x Nordex N131 x HH145m Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please





WindPRO version joulu 2012 Printed/Page :47 / 1. SHADOW - Main Result

WindPRO version joulu 2012 Printed/Page :47 / 1. SHADOW - Main Result SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579


Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students.

Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students. Network to Get Work Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students Ohje henkilöstölle Instructions for Staff Seuraavassa on esitetty joukko tehtäviä, joista voit valita opiskelijaryhmällesi


Information on preparing Presentation

Information on preparing Presentation Information on preparing Presentation Seminar on big data management Lecturer: Spring 2017 20.1.2017 1 Agenda Hints and tips on giving a good presentation Watch two videos and discussion 22.1.2017 2 Goals



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



HARJOITUS- PAKETTI A Logistiikka A35A00310 Tuotantotalouden perusteet HARJOITUS- PAKETTI A (6 pistettä) TUTA 19 Luento 3.Ennustaminen County General 1 piste The number of heart surgeries performed at County General Hospital



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table 5.11.2013 16:44 / 1 Minimum


WindPRO version joulu 2012 Printed/Page :42 / 1. SHADOW - Main Result

WindPRO version joulu 2012 Printed/Page :42 / 1. SHADOW - Main Result SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table 13.6.2013 19:42 / 1 Minimum


,0 Yes ,0 120, ,8

,0 Yes ,0 120, ,8 SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: Alue 2 ( x 9 x HH120) TuuliSaimaa kaavaluonnos Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered


SELL Student Games kansainvälinen opiskelijaurheilutapahtuma

SELL Student Games kansainvälinen opiskelijaurheilutapahtuma SELL Student Games kansainvälinen opiskelijaurheilutapahtuma Painonnosto 13.5.2016 (kansallinen, CUP) Below in English Paikka: Nääshalli Näsijärvenkatu 8 33210 Tampere Alustava aikataulu: Punnitus 12:00-13:00


( ,5 1 1,5 2 km

( ,5 1 1,5 2 km Tuulivoimala Rakennukset Asuinrakennus Liikerak. tai Julkinen rak. Lomarakennus Teollinen rakennus Kirkollinen rakennus Varjostus "real case" h/a 1 h/a 8 h/a 20 h/a 4 5 3 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 km


16. Allocation Models

16. Allocation Models 16. Allocation Models Juha Saloheimo 17.1.27 S steemianalsin Optimointiopin seminaari - Sks 27 Content Introduction Overall Efficienc with common prices and costs Cost Efficienc S steemianalsin Revenue



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table WindPRO version 2.8.579



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG table 22.12.2014 11:33 / 1 Minimum





Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data

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Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/2013

Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/2013 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 23 13 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/13 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Katarina Björklöf, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki, Marketta


Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 15/2017

Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 15/2017 SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 4 2018 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 15/2017 Ravinteet, kloridi, ph, sulfaatti, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen,



TM ETRS-TM35FIN-ETRS89 WTG SHADOW - Main Result Calculation: N117 x 9 x HH141 Assumptions for shadow calculations Maximum distance for influence Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade Please look in WTG
