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P YHÄJOEN KUULUMISET LAUANTAI 26.9.2015 VIIKKO 39 PYHÄJOEN LUKION TUOTTAMA JOUKKOJULKAISU Messut on perinne NOORA MUSTAKALLIO Pyhäjoen messut on perinteinen lukiolaisten järjestämä vuosittainen tapahtuma, joka järjestettiin jo 21. kerran. Messut toteutetaan yhdessä kunnan edustajien kanssa, mutta päävastuu messujen järjestämisestä on kuitenkin Pyhäjoen lukion toisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoilla. Perinteisesti messuilla vierailee noin 2000 kävijää. Messuilla kerätään rahaa kevään 2016 opintomatkaan, joka suuntautuu johonkin Euroopan kohteeseen. Messujen järjestäminen hoituu tiimeittäin, jolloin kukin tiimi hoitaa oman alueensa tehtävät. Tiimit ovat mainos- ja sponsori-, tekniikka-, talous-, lehti-, muotinäytös-, ohjelma-, kahvila- sekä graafisen suunnittelun tiimi. Lisäksi ovat viestintäpäällikkö ja projektipäällikkö. Tärkeänä osana messuja on ehdottomasti messulehti, ja se ilmestyikin 12. syyskuuta. Messulehdellä oli kaksi päätoimittajaa, Sanna Halunen ja Katja Keskitalo. Lasse Selkälä ja Henri Petäjäsoja olivat messujen järjestäjiä. Lasse Selkälä kuului tekniikkatiimiin, jossa järjestäjiä oli seitsemän. Tekniikkatiimin tehtäviin kuuluivat muun muassa looshien maalaaminen ja pystyttäminen sekä äänentoiston järjestäminen yms. tekniikkapuolen asiat. Näyttämön äänentoistoa hoiti Tuupa records Oy, mutta tekniikkatiimi organisoi muun muassa kahvilan äänentoiston. Henri kertoi, että messujen järjestäminen oli monipuolista. Hän hoitikin monen tiimin asioita: graafisen suunnittelun hommia, myi mainoksia ja oli tekniikkavastaava, jolloin hän sai järjestää myös muotinäytöstä. Henri vietti messujärjestelyiden kanssa paljon aikaa myös koulun jälkeen: Olin monena päivänä lakkaamassa looshiseiniä. Ja jos jäi aikaa, niin sai soitella mainoksia, minkä kerkesi. Messujen järjestäminen on Lassen sanoin mukavaa. Messuille osallistui myös ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoita. He auttelivat muun muassa kahvilassa ja lapsiparkissa ja esittelivät lukiota. Yksi ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelija ja kahvilassa messupäivänä autellut oli Saara Hääparina Peter Kampman ja Jasmin Suni. Krekilä: Minusta on silleen tosi kiva katsoa, kun kakkoset tekee tota. Se on tosi innostavaa, kun näkee, kuinka paljon ne panostaa tähän ja kuin ne on innoissaan ja tekee kaikkia juttuja yhdessä. Saara ja moni muu ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoista on varmasti innoissaan omasta tulevasta messuprojektista. Onhan heidän vuoronsa ensi vuonna. Odotan meijän messuja ihan sikana, koska meitä on niin paljon. Niin tavallaan, jos se sitten viimeistään ryhmäyttäisi meijät kunnolla. Meijän luokalla on niin paljon semmosia, jotka varmasti tekee mielellään, niin saadaan hyvät messut aikaan. Ja nyt kun seuraillaan, mitä kakkoset tekee, niin ei olla ihan kujalla ensi vuonna. Messujen projektipäällikkö Raija Piilola: Paljon on kiinni omasta asenteesta! JENNI KARSIKKO Messut onnistuivat hienosti, odotetulla tavalla, kertoo Pyhäjoen messujen projektipäällikkö Raija Piilola. Takaiskuilta säästyneet messujen järjestäjät, lukion kakkoset, ovat hienosti selvinneet isosta projektista. Messuista saaduilla rahoilla rahoitetaan opintomatka johonkin Euroopan kulttuurikohteeseen. Tietysti tuotolla maksetaan myös messuista koituneet kulut. Puolivuotisen projektin aikana on kerennyt tapahtua paljon. Ensimmäinen asia messuprojektissa oli rooleihin hakeminen. Rooleihin haettiin hakemuksilla, jotka opettajat käsittelivät ja ilmoittivat päätökset ennen hiihtoloman alkua keväällä 2015. Roolit saatuaan opiskelijat alkoivat suunnitella ja pikkuhiljaa kesän myötä käytännössä toteuttaa asioita. Aikataulusta kannattaa pitää kiinni, erityisesti syksyn osalta. Ja pienet hommat hoitaa hyvissä ajoin ennen viimeistä viikkoa, joka on työntäyteinen, Raija vinkkaa. Kun messut ovat ohi, pääsee taloustiimi töihin laskuttamaan. Palkkaneuvottelutkin alkavat. Pyhäjoen messuilla on pitkä historia, sillä ne on järjestetty yli 20 kertaa lukiolaisten voimin. Tapahtumasta on kehkeytynyt vuosittainen koko kylän perinne. Paikalle saapuu noin parituhatta ihmistä. Monessa paikkaa Suomea ei ole mahdollisuutta näin hienolle, merkittävälle ja suurelle tapahtumalle. Messujen järjestäminen on intensiivistä ja kovaa työtä vaativaa, mutta loppujen lopuksi hyvin antoisaa. Projektin aikana oppii ja kehittyy monissa käytännön taidoissa. Varmasti monella lukiolaisella tärkeät esiintymistaidot ja sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen taidot kasvavat. Messuprojektissa oppii uusia puolia itsestään ja muistakin ja huomaa, kuinka tärkeää yhteistyö on. Projektipäällikkö on viime kädessä vastuussa kaikesta. Hänen täytyy varmistaa, että kaikki osa-alueet toimivat ja huolehtia aikataulusta. Projektipäällikön työ on organisointia ja palaverointia. Hänen tehtävänään on myös tiedottaa projektin kulusta varsinaisen organisaation ulkopuolelle sekä hoitaa paperi- ja viranomaisasioita. Koin vastuun pelkästään positiiviseksi asiaksi, Raija ilmaisee. Messuprojektin yksi tavoitteista on antaa opiskelijoille mahdollisuus kantaa vastuuta ja kasvaa. Yksi syy, miksi Raija haki projektipäällikön rooliin, oli vastuun ottaminen. Raija neuvoo tulevia lukiolaisia, että kannattaa ottaa kaikki irti projektista ja heittäytyä uusiin tilanteisiin rohkeasti. Stressata ei kannata liikaa, ja hoitaa omat työt ajoissa ja auttaa muita, sillä onhan kyse kuitenkin yhteisestä projektista ja päämäärästä. Tavoitteena oli järjestää mahdollisimman hyvät messut. Aina löytyy jotain parannettavaa ja täydellisyyttä on mahdotonta saavuttaa, mutta Raija ei koe, että heidän olisi tarvinnut muuttaa varsinaisesti mitään. Kokonaisuudessaan Pyhäjoen messut ja markkinat 2015 olivat hyvin onnistuneet. Raija Piilola oli mahtava projektipäällikkö.

sivu 2 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 -

Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 sivu 3 Paneelikeskustelu yhdisti mielipiteitä TYTTI KARSIKKO Jo 21. kertaa järjestetyt Pyhäjoen messut keräsivät tänäkin vuonna runsaasti osallistujia ympäri Suomea. Perinteeksi muodostuneen paneelikeskustelun aiheena oli aina ajankohtainen yrittäjyys. Paneeliin osallistui vaikuttajia niin läheltä kuin kaukaa: yrittäjä Sanna Paakkonen, tehtaanjohtaja Anu Ukkonen, Pyhäjoen kunnanjohtaja Matti Soronen, kansanedustaja Tapani Tölli, maanviljelijä Ari Pirkola, lukion vararehtori Tauno Rajaniemi sekä pitkäaikainen vaikuttaja Kyösti Karjula. Kansanedustaja avasi messut HENNA MÖTTÖNEN Tänä vuonna Pyhäjoen messut avasi kansanedustaja Tapani Tölli. Avajaispuheensa alussa hän sanoi arvostavansa kakkosluokkalaisten aloitteellisuutta ja uskovansa heidän toiminnallaan olevan merkittävää hyötyä tulevaisuutta ajatellen. Järjestämisessä opitaan yhteistyötä sekä etteivät asiat etene, ellen minä itse tee töitä niiden eteen, Tölli lisäsi. Tölli puhui myös pakolaiskriisistä sekä maamme huonosta taloustilanteesta. Hänen mukaansa onnistumme ratkaisemaan ongelmamme vain yhteistyöllä. Jokaisen on mietittävä omaa osaansa. Puheensa loppuun hän toivotti menestystä messuille sekä yritteliästä ja yrittävää mieltä kaikille. Keskustelua käytiin esimerkiksi siitä, miten Suomen yrittäjyys saadaan nousuun ja mitkä tekijät hankaloittavat sitä. Esille nostettiin muuan muassa maahanmuutto, byrokratia sekä verotus. Tärkeintä on asenne, yhteiskunnan ilmapiiri sekä arvostus yrittäjiä kohtaan. Sillä saadaan yrittäjyys nousuun, toteavat panelistit kuin yhdestä suusta. Nyt haastetaan asenteellisesti siihen, olenko minä valmis luomaan itselleni työpaikan ja tässä mielessä, tämä asenne on lähtökohta. Toki tarvitaan myös poliittisia päätöksiä, byrokratian purkamista, verotuksen kannustavuuden lisäämistä. Mutta kaiken kaikkiaan kysymys on monien tekijöiden samaan aikaan yhteensovittamisesta ja, että tämä rohkeus, jota yrittäjyyslukio kannattaa, saisi vielä enemmän tulta siihen, Kyösti Karjula tiivistää. Aikaisempien vuosien paneelikeskusteluihin verrattuna tällä kertaa panostettiin enemmän yhteiseen näkemykseen kuin väittelemiseen. Panelistit pyrkivät luomaan selvän ja yhtenäisen näkökannan kysymyksiin vahvistaakseen kuntalaisten asennoitumista yrittäjyyteen. Viimeiseksi kysymykseksi nostettiin varmasti koko kuntaa kiinnostava aihe: onko Pyhäjoen yrittäjyyslukiolla tulevaisuutta? Vastaus on helppo: täytyy olla. Pyhäjoella kasvatetaan tulevaisuuden tekijöitä. KAHAVIA JA KAKKUA Arvoisat musikantit, ystävät ja sukulaiset! Kutsun teijjät esittämmään allekirijottaneelle seitenkymppiselle laulua, soittua, runua ja pikkupuhheita sunnuntaina 4. 10. kello 15.00 Pyhäjoen seurakuntatalolle. Iliman esitystäki saa tulla ja saapi kahavit ja kakkua. Eikä tartte etukätteen ilimottautua. Että sitte nähhään ja paljolti tervetulua! Jukka Kalevi Partanen syntynyt 1. lokakuuta 1945 Tämä reipas ja ennen kaikkea nuorekas joukko aloitti koulutaipaleensa tasan 50 vuotta sitten. Juhlistimme tapahtumaa luokkakokouksen merkeissä 22.8-15. Kävimme aluksi tutustumassa vanhaan opinahjoomme, jonka jälkeen ruokailimme ja istuimme iltaa Kielosaaressa. Ja hauskaa piisasi!

sivu 4 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 Pyhäjoen palveluhakemisto Vihannintie 10, 86100 Pyhäjoki OSTAMME JA OTAMME VASTAAN ROMUAUTOJA YM. METALLIROMUA ISOIMMAT ERÄT NOUDAMME NOSTURIAUTOLLA MYYTÄVÄNÄ RST-PUTKIA esim. 40-140 mm LISÄTIETOJA 0400 189 018 AVOINNA MA - PE 8-17 08-434 333 JALKAHOITO PIRJO KANGAS Palvelemme joka päivä klo 21 asti! ark. 8-21 la 8-21 su 12-21 EVÄSKONTTI Vanhatie 44, 86100 Pyhäjoki, Puh. 433186 VANHATIE 31 PYHÄJOKI PUH: 045-1956429 / 050-4919321 ERILAISET JALKAHOIDOT JALKOJEN VYÖHYKETERAPEUTTINEN HIERONTA HOT STONE TERAPIA KESTOVÄRJÄYKSET RTV-huolto Tmi Kari Kivimäki 0400 181785 Antenniasennukset ja antennitarvikkeet JUMPPA- JUSSIN FYSIOTERAPIA FT: Vesa Mikkonen Satu Mikkonen puh 433 921, Kuntatie 4, 86100 Pyhäjoki puh. 08 433 280, Kuntatie 4 Avoinna: ti-pe klo 10 alkaen la klo 9 alkaen SÄHKÖPALVELU Anttila Oy Sähköasennukset - Sähkösuunnitelmat Antenniasennukset Puh. (08) 433 087 0400 586 441 Viirretjärventie 7 86170 YPPÄRI PARTURI-KAMPAAMO Johannan Hiuspalvelu TI-PE 10-17 LA 8-13 TIISTAISIN ILMAN AJANVARAUSTA 08-433 750 TERVETULOA

Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 sivu 5 A.V.I.T.A.E Avitae day = innovation day Ideas and visions fill the conversations around the tables in room 400 at Ørestad Gymnasium. We are four teachers from Faarevejle secondary school who are attending this special and innovative schoolday. While discussing their ideas, the students work in a practical and creative way and this combination makes room 400 buzz with activity and energy. On our way home we discussed the day and the input we got from the AVITAE-project and decided to establish international contacts, so our kids have to communicate in a foreign language in order to participate actively. Lise, teacher at Faarevejle Secondary school. At Oerestad Gymnasium we had our Avitae day March 26. The idea behind the day was to disseminate what we had done with students until now. Focus for Denmark had been to teach teachers and students of the project the innovative method Design to Improve Life in which you get to think out of the box, cooperate in groups, be creative in forming ideas, defining problems, give and receive feedback, present your solution and be specific in analysing target groups and background knowledge. We created a workshop in which a first year class from our school, teachers both from our school and from a secondary school participated and worked intensively with innovation in a historic context all day. With knowlegde from various historic periods the students had worked with in their history class, they had to think new solutions. One solution was to reuse old trains to make cheap homes for students in the center of Copenhagen. Another was to create an app with various features for grandparents and grandchilden getting to know each other better through activities and story telling. As one student said at the end of the workshop, It was a fun and educational day. We used the innovative part of ourselves, we defined problems and found solutions to our chosen problem. Beyond that we also learned the importance of working together in our groups, Nicolai 1e One of the purposes of the workshop was to use history in a modern context and make the students experience one way to use their newly gained historic knowlegde. One student put it like this, I really think it was a successful day. Firstly because we were able to work and think in innovative ways. Secondly because we could choose which historic period we wanted to work with, we chose the Middel Ages, Katja 1e as assistent teachers of the workshop. Now the AVITAE students had to experience the method from the inside. Ask Urheim from the project said, To be an assistent teacher was as much to teach as to learn yourself. Didactic and knowledge became one, and it became very clear to me that both were needed. After the workshop we had a reception for students, teachers and parents where we told about what we had done in the project. We also had an exhibition of prototypes from both the visit in Copenhagen and the workshop earlier that day. Claus and Charlotte, Denmark Since the students of the AVITAE project had tried out the method several times, four of them acted

sivu Autugust 6 2015 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 The Path to Success -Spain Timanfaya Theater By Carlos Acosta IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto, Tenerife I found it quite interesting knowing why someone starts to develop a business activity aimed at entertainment and culture. So I interviewed Mónica Lorenzo Díaz, a businesswoman who is currently the director of the Timanfaya Theater in Puerto de la Cruz and she shared her experiences and love for her business with me. Monica started her business operation at the Timanfaya Theatre in May 2011, when she thought it was necessary for the town of Puerto de la Cruz to have a theater because up until then there had not been any space dedicated to the Performing Arts. She knows that culture is a fundamental part of the development of human beings. She invested her savings, obtained a loan and restored a former cinema and converted it into a theater. That's how she became a theatre entrepreneur. When she was a child She wanted to be an actress. Mónica studied dramatic arts and when she tried to build her business project she did a Masters in Cultural Management. Although there haven t been any financial benefits, because culture isn t profitable economically, she has managed to create habits of cultural consumption. It has made the Timanfaya Theatre a meeting place for artists and audiences. There is a large group of people who benefit from their varied activity program: children, youngsters, adults, senior citizens, foreign residents and tourists. The Path to open to change constantly, Throughout this interview, huge. evaluate your project and the Monica has transmitted us the needs of the public. great enjoyment her work gives her and the personal reward is Monica feels her work and effort is compensated when she sees new people enjoying the activity, especially when she sees the audience has enjoyed a function and congratulates her for her work.the most negative thing is preparing a play knowing that the show is great and not many people turn up. She has taken a significant risk by operating the business but she likes that she is her own boss and makes decisions on her own. Monica believes that the worst thing about being an entrepreneur is that there are no schedules, having to work a lot. The key to success is consistency, dedication and to being Success -Greece by Nantia Dimitriou, Ioanna Karydi, Stefanos Dallas For the purpose of the interview we visited the dairy factory of Mr Karalis. We chose this one because we were told that it s the business with the biggest turnover in the area and the one with the biggest export activity of hard cheese (kefalograviera) in Greece. It s a family business, currently run by father and son. got to his first goal because he was already thinking of the next one to achieve. He always takes risks but only after he has planned his next move carefully. The good thing about being an entrepreneur is to set a goal, to achieve it and plan the next one. No entrepreneur ever sits back and is content with himself or his success. He is on the alert to move on to the next step. He added that a businessman should rely on his good judgment, quick thinking and on dealing effectively with difficult situations. Constant concern, consistency and hard work are some of the qualities that lead to success. He finished by emphasizing that he has never been given something ready or easily but he has struggled for everything in his life. We met the father, Kostas, who told us it was his father that had started the business but unfortunately it didn t go well. So he took it over in 1965 and started from scratch. By 1982 he exported to the States, Canada and Australia. It was his willpower that urged him to get involved with the business in the first place. It was not a need but a want, he stressed repeatedly. He got acquainted with the job very early in his childhood but all these years his drive has been his strong will. He went on to say that it was very difficult to make his first profit and it still is. This never changes but if you want something strongly then you carry on. He didn t feel special when he

Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 Autugust 2015 sivu 7 The Path to Success -Slovakia Simon Sicko, Slovakia We have decided to visit a very successful entrepreneur Simon Sicko and interview him, as he is the co founder and CEO of Pixel Federation, an independent game developer and publisher headquartered in Slovakia. This company is well known in Slovakia and we know the games they develop. After finishing his studies in architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Simon briefly worked in his field and started developing computer games in 2002. In 2007, along with three other partners, Simon co founded Pixel Federation. The first significant success came in 2010 with the well known game title TrainStation, currently played on Facebook by more than 1million players a month. Simon is an investor in the Slovak Venture Fund, managed by Neulogy Ventures, and advises the Fund as well as portfolio companies in the area of international business development, particularly in gaming. Here are his answers to our questions How did you start your business? In 2007 I decided with three other people from the gaming business that we would establish our own independent company, which should deal with game making. We had a clear vision of the claim our products should have: From Players to Players. How did you realise you wanted to be a businessman? When I had understood that freedom, responsibility were very important factors for me. Did you want to do this job when you were a child? Yes I did, it was my big dream. Computer games was something which I was totally fascinated with- it was love at first sight. Even though I finished my studies in architecture and earned a living from it during the studies. So I grabbed the very first opportunity to get employed in a company which produced computer games. Was it hard to make the first profit? It is questionable what can be meant by the first profit. To make a profit for a company which started through B2B was a very simple equation derived from concrete questions. When we turned to B2C with our own products, this equation got more complicated and ROI (return on investment) was a harder task to accomplish and especially define. How did you feel the first time you got a profit? I would rather rephrase this question and change the term Profit to Success. In my opinion success can be signalized not only according to the defines KPI s (key performance indicator) of the project, but in our case also according to the reactions of our customers and players, which were positive from the first moment. Then we started to feel that we were on the right path (after 5 proceeding failures). Do you often take risks? At the beginning of our entrepreneurship we had to take risks very often. Despite detailed analyses, every single action can be considered for risky if the company is not running according to patterns of success. After the years we try to adapt the scale of risk proportionally to our financial reserves. What is the best thing on being an entrepreneur? Sky is the limit. What is the worst thing on being an entrepreneur? The extent of responsibility not only for myself, but also for my colleagues. What do you think a person needs to become an entrepreneur? Most important quality for an entrepreneur is the staying power. Except for that one has to define clear vision and values. What is the key to your success? You must not be afraid of mistakes and losses. The Path to Success -Finland Liikenne Grekula is a taxi and bus company which is probably known by almost every person in Pyhäjoki. It has started working a few years ago. Entrepreneur Toni Grekula can t say an exact day or year when he opened the company. He says that he started driving a bus little by little. The first bus for the company was acquired in 2008 and taxi licenses in 2010. Nowadays Liikenne Grekula has 9 to 10 cars in professional traffic. Grekula has always been interested in cars and machines. Even so, when he was little he didn t dream even a bit of being a taxi- and bus driver, not to mention being an entrepreneur. However the first school year s taxi trips, which were driven by Kaino Kaivosoja and later by Pentti Grekula, have stayed in his mind. "Maybe something was ingrained in the little boy's mind." Even so, his career leading to the traffic sector is also due a lot to the demand for taxi and bus services, rather than searching for a specific sector. Some people think that the entrepreneurship is a lucrative thing, but before the first actual profits you must do much work. The taxi and bus business is challenging also that in the respect that the equipment costs a lot and it has to be replaced and maintained regularly. Especially when starting the company s whole funding causes trouble, and most need to pay in instalments or use bank loans. Also because of this results and first real profit to turn out be very challenging for the entrepreneur and the company s starting years might also feel unprofitable. Probably exactly for this reason getting first the profits were very interesting and rewarding for Grekula. Good side of entrepreneurship is often described as 'the freedom of the entrepreneur' and the opportunity to influence their own salary. However, Grekula says, that things don't always go that way. Entrepreneurs freedom is often overstated. The entrepreneur's life is uneven and not as safe and steady as the salary worker's life. In business, the hardest part is its absoluteness. Especially small business owners are often forced to leave for work without looking at the clock. Also competition in this industry is hard. However, entrepreneurs are needed, it's a fact. Without entrepreneurs there wouldn't be as many jobs, and it's often said, that entrepreneurs build the Finnish economy. According to Grekula, an entrepreneur has to have courage to take risks, he has to be hardworking and also a so called workaholic. The risks of being a businessman are normal to him. He tells that he won t take risks in traffic at least on purpose, but on the other hand in the working life he tells that he takes maybe too many risks. But on the other hand a businessman must always have faith in success. Responsibility is also required from a good entrepreneur. Especially, if an entrepreneur has his/her own employees, he/she has to take care of them and always remember, that they are as important as you are. In the life of an entrepreneur, family is also in the business, and he/she has to therefore also get some flexibility and faith from them. Family is an important thing in the life of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is like a lifestyle, whereby the whole family lives, says Grekula. His own family supports and also helps in hard moments; without their support it would be hard to keep on and succeed. Every entrepreneur One day of AVITAE Pyhäjoki high school in Finland is participating in the AVITAE PROJECT, an international project between schools from different countries. In this project there are seven different schools from Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Greece, Denmark, Finland and Cyprus. Students are visiting each other in almost every country, and they will meet the local people and get to know each other and the culture of the host country. surely hopes for success. Actually there is not key to success, you just have to be hard working and hope for the future. In the life of an entrepreneur achieving success means that you will lose some of your free time. Grekula wouldn't say he is successful yet. In his opinion his success should be reconsidered in 15-20 years. The Related to this, Pyhäjoki high school had a day, the 28th of May, on which the students participating in the project told about their experiences and about what s still about to come. All the students of the high school and the last grades of the secondary school were able to take part in the day. There was a short presentation on every country in which we were told some basic facts about the countries, about AVITAE and about visits that had already been made or will be made in the future. There were also two foreign teachers communicating with the school via Skype. Delia Tocchini from Italy started the international day, and in the afternoon Ourania Karantzeni from Greece told some facts about AVITAE. Everybody was very happy to have these international guests, and they gave something really special to the day. success doesn't come quickly, meaning that you can t get money instantly. The profits you get will probably be invested back into company and true success can t be known until the end of the business." An entrepreneur's life has its price", says Grekula, " but I am happy with my choices Heidi, 17, and Matias, 18, told about their visits to foreign schools with their classmates. Heidi was very impressed by her trip to Greece, and she and the other students had a conversation about their journey and experiences with the listeners. Matias, who visited Denmark, had prepared a game with his fellow travellers. The listeners made up a problem, which they then were supposed to resolve together. Mostly the day was about learning something new about the AVITAE-project and the host countries, and mainly just having good time together. The project has been going on since last autumn, and it will continue still two years. The project will be finished in two years, in the autumn 2017. The whole Pyhäjoki high school is very happy to take part in the project, and we hope and believe that everyone is able to understand how rare and special this occasion is for us.

sivu Autugust 8 2015 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 The path to success -Denmark By Bianca Rasmussen, 2.j Ørestad Gymnasium How did you realize you Was this a job you had wanted about money. I was focused on wanted to become an entrepreneur and how did you start it a reality. Money just sort of as a child? working on my idea and making your business? Yes, I think I always wanted to came along the way, but it definitely wasn t my top goal from start something up myself. As a Well, I grew up deaf myself and child I also wanted to be an author or a journalist, so I guess it the beginning. met a great deal of people in my youth who d never given a must have been in my genes How did it feel to turn your second thought as to what it ever since childhood. For me first profit? felt like being deaf and therefore had a lot of questions. I felt something like this, something first paycheck, of course - the it was just so interesting to do Well it was great to get your there was need to create some that also fits the life I lead. As fact that other people actually platform to provide information about the deaf community de for yourself what you are to I had spent my time working on an entrepreneur you can deci- wanted to pay money for what and give answers to all these do and what ideas to work on, was really awesome. You feel questions. Up until then there which I find very exciting. reaffirmed in the value of your weren t a lot of means for my product and your labour. peers to learn about sign language in Denmark. So Tegns- profit? Would you say you take a lot Was it hard to turn your first tuen was created, as one of the of chances? first places to do so. Back when I started Tegnstuen, I didn t think all that much Yes, often I do, I think you have you get a good idea, it s just all to as an entrepreneur. When about holding on to that idea and keep on going. So you re not afraid of failure? No, because by making mistakes you simply get new ideas out of it. All entrepreneurs live by their ideas - one mustn't give up! If you like feeling safe and secure, you should find a different line of work - as an entrepreneur you have to take chances! What would you say is the best thing about being an entrepreneur? The enormous amount of possibilities - you can do whatever you want to! If you are willing to try something new, it s just so interesting to see what you can achieve. It s incredibly giving, being an entrepreneur, because you gather so much experience during the process. What is the worst thing about being an entrepreneur? The uncertainty. You never know about the economy or what the end result of your ideas will be. You just have to take the risk and try to be a good negotiator. But of course the unknown is also an interesting and exciting part of my job. What do you think a person needs to become an entrepreneur? You can t be afraid to try new Info: Mette Bertelsen is 33 years old and resides in Copenhagen, Denmark. Mette has a degree in E-business, cand. merc. (it) from the IT university of Copenhagen. She started the business, which offers courses in sign language and equips deaf and hearing people with the means of communication between each other, in form of lectures and materials. Furthermore, Tegnstuen offers external education and information workshops for school children. Their newest project is E-learning, an online portal that provides education on sign language as well, to meet the high demand and reach out to the deaf community. things and you have to be good at setting your mind on something and stick to it. Apart from that, being organized is a keyword - and thinking out of the box. It would be a good idea to have a sparring partner, to help you come up with new ideas. The person s goal should be executing great ideas, not just the money. So what would you say is the key to success? To stick to the idea you want and not give up on it. AVITAE DAY -Slovakia Hotelova akademia, Slovakia We decided to connect AVI- TAE day with the celebration of 10th anniversary of etwinning on 7th May. AVITAE students prepared a nice presentation about the project and invited all teachers and students of our school to visit a classroom prepared for the celebration. Mrs Katarina Biela, the headmistress of the school opened the whole event and welcomed AVITAE project coordinator Delia Tocchini, who was present online through Skype call. Students of the school accompanied by teachers visited the classroom and had opportunity to see the presentation of the project, activities and pictures. AVITAE students and teachers were ready to answer all questions and were proud to be a part of Erasmus+ project. All students and teachers were invited to join the project and get prepared for the next project meeting that will take place in our school in October. The students enjoyed the exhibition, talking about the project and discussion with the participants of the meeting in Denmark and Greece. In addition, they had opportunity to taste some sweets and a big cake made for this special opportunity. The most interesting part of the day was the skype call with the students and the teachers of our partner school from Denmark and Cyprus. It was great to see enthusiasm and real joy of the students communicating together online.

AVITAE DAY -Cypros Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 Autugust 2015 sivu 9 The European Programmes team of Laniteio Lykeio decided to organize a common event in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of etwinning and all the European Projects running in our school during the school year 2014 2015. The event was held in the second week of May and lasted three days. During these days an exhibition in the school s main hall opened where the activities of all projects were presented through photographs, posters and students creations. Furthermore, all students were invited to attend the celebration which was organized in the school s historic library where a small birthday party was held, complete with a birthday cake for etwinning. The party included presentations of the etwinning Programme and platform, as well as, of all the European Projects our School had participated in. The exhibition in the school s main hall remained opened until the end of the school year. The AVITAE Students at Liceo Machiavelli in Lucca interview Italian entrepreneur Attilio Attilieni, founder of the Lelly Kelly shoe brand Thanks to our Erasmus project AVITAE, in May 2015 we had the opportunity to meet a very famous Italian entrepreneur; during the meeting we asked him the questions that had come out of our AVITAE students sessions in ARTA, where we learned what it means to develop an entrapreneurial mindset - which is substantially the aim of our project. Thanks to this initiative we got to know Mr Attilio Attilieni, the founder of the world-famous Lelly Kelly brand: in 1992, together with his wife Mariella, Mr Attilieni had the idea to launch a new young girl-focused footwear and accessories trend which in the early 2000s made the company achieve an annual turnover of over 60 million. Thus, the company s earnings let the brand open up to foreign markets in the EU but also in the US, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand. Sales abroad now represent up to a third of the company s total turnover. This our interview to Mr Attilieni: How did you start your business? When I got out of high school (I was a student of this same school), I decided to go to the UK to improve my English, and when I made my way back to Italy I came in contact with Italy s very dynamic and well promising shoe business which was at the time able to heavily attract US buyers. In my family, which had been running a shoe manufacturing company for years, I had been appointed to be in charge of our American customers. Yet, my mind was heading somewhere else... How did you realise you wanted to be a businessman? I never actually realised it. Still nowadays I do not consider myself a businessman but something like a creative person; however, after so many years spent in the business world, the others look at me as to a business man, but I m not one. Have you always wanted to be a businessman? No, in fact my call was to the world of journalism and politics; but my family needed me to help them with their business, so I had to give up my call and be supportive. From those days until now, I ve been here in Italy selling shoes. Was it hard to make the first profit? First of all, I never consider my activity in terms of profitmaking. I m interested in building success and in creating new things; profit automatically comes next, but it s the least important thing for a real business man, contrary to what many people think. How did you feel the first time you made a profit? The first time I made a profit, it was thanks to the Lelly Kelly shoes and I was very happy: I was happy to see that I was better than my competitors, that I was making a product that customers liked and, as a consequence, I was happy for the profit. Do you think it is better to take risks or to analyse the market? This is a very important question, because it goes straight to the heart of the problem, which is whether you are or you are not an Entrepreneur. If you think too much, all this thinking may end up in a failure; the greatest success is always achieved through instinct and intuition; if you use your instinct, indeed you have a better chance to make your project or idea work. Yes, we have to take risks and it s not always necessary to analyse the market. What are the best and worst things about being an entrepreneur? The best thing is to be able to create something, to know that you are better than your competitors, to see that you can satisfy the needs of the market and of your potential customers. The worst thing is that if you don t put a stop sometimes...well, your job can negatively affect your life because you never stop working, and there is no room left for the rest. What do you think a person needs to be an entrepreneur? You cannot learn, either you are or you are not an entrepreneur. To better understand my words, just read entrepreneurship-related books written by analysts and by sociologists: they basically argue that you re supposed to have an entrepreneurial mindset to become a successful businessman, and that cannot be built from scratch but just implemented once you were born with this gift.

sivu Autugust 10 2015 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 AVITAE DAY, FEELING PART OF EUROPE IES CANARIAS CABRERA PINTO (TENERIFE) Avitae Day -Greece A cultural week is celebrated in our high school every year and this event was chosen to show our AVITAE project to all the community. From 13th to 17th April our students had the opportunity to know about the project through a poster which summarizes the concept of AVITAE, the schools involved and the dates of the mobilities. We also showed some posters elaborated by the students about the origin of entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean sea: trade routes, products, coins. Hermes, the god of trade, played a special role in our day, with a amazing picture. Many students enjoyed the exhibitions, guided by the AVITAE teachers and students. In addition, AVITAE students went to different classes and talked about their experience in the project showing the activities they had done: prezzis, prototype designs, power points, videos, pictures They answered all the questions asked by the other students and invited all of them to participate. All the students could appreciate the different educational opportunities that these kind of international meetings can offer them, feeling that the Canary Islands are closer to Europe. To finish off the week, we had the performance of a puppet show called Travel with Aeneas. Aeneas was one of the heroes of classical times who persistently tried to succeed despite all the troubles he had to encounter. An ancient model for any modern entrepreneur. Our school decided not to have a special AVITAE Day as the visit of the partner schools to Arta was late in the school year. We felt that the presence of all our friends here had made a great impact on the local community, school teachers and students, parents, and to the people of Arta in general. Everybody still speaks about the experience and we still get congratulations on the event. However, the last day of the school year we got the school staff together and we presented them the educational material and methods we used for the development of the project, the educational skills we aim at promoting and of course the outcomes of the first year of running it.

Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 Autugust 2015 sivu 11 Liceo Machiavelli s First Avitae Day On Saturday 23rd May our Liceo organized its first AVITAE DAY. An unforgettable opportunity to build the school of the future (By Class IB, with special thanks to I. Tabaku) Our AVITAE Day took place on Sat 23rd May at our Committee Room, which is called, in high-sounding Latin, the Aula Magna. At the meeting there were a good number of students both from our school and from several middle schools in Lucca (those who last February enrolled at our Liceo), alumni, teachers, parents and the deputy to Lucca s Lord Mayor, Ms Ilaria Vietina. The event was introduced by our teachers opening speech and by Ms Vietina s salutations: she delivered a poignant talk on the importance of the European Dimension at school, and in fact we were all hanging on her encouraging words which also promised us help and support for the AVITAE Final Event to be held at our liceo in March 2017. The first session was then dedicated to a number of final year students who have gained important experien- ce in the field of European matters. First, we listened to student Kevin Spagnolo s clarinet performance; Kevin is a final year student at our school but last year he went on a special leave to join the Rai (Italian Tv-Radio-Broadcast) Juvenile Orchestra in Rome as a leading clarinetist. He is currently a member of the Berliner Philarmonic Orchestra and a student at Genève Conservatory. A truly European Ambassador! Kevin entertained us with some Berio pieces for clarinet solo. Second, Alessandro Agnitti, another final year students, reported on his participation into the national competition called Citizens of Europe, Citizens of the World, which was promoted by our Ministry of Education and by Tuscany s Educational Department. The competition was dedicated to Italian politician Luciano Bolis, one of EU s founding fathers. With his essay on the future of the EU Alessandro got the first prize and has now become a member of the European Youth Federalist Movement. Last, final year student Irene Petroni told us about her participation to the AVITAE meeting Special thanks to our Spanish partners who kindly sent their AVITAE DAY poster to us to share it. So we just translated it in Italian! in Arta last April as a readyto-leave-senior-student! She was so enthusiastic about it that the young students eyes started to glisten! The second and final session was directly held by our class, who split into different groups to offer the audience various standpoints on the project s life: the first group was in charge of the AVITAE newspaper both in its digital and paper formats; some of us had to illustrate the paper and explain the decisive role of our Finnish partner school in the production of this important output. Our Oerestad Team (those among us who had been to Copenhagen: Filippo Ficini, Camilla Angelotti, Meave Buchignani, Noemi Biagini and Bianca Vannucci) illustrated to both students and parents their amazing visit at Oerestad Gymnasium last January; no wonder they used a digi-diary for the purpose! The audience was in their grip all the time and looked at Oerestad s futuristic architecture and design with amazed eyes! The third party was of course composed of the Mega Penta, the five among us who had taken part into the Arta meeting (Ilda Tabaku, Pietro Mei, Ilaria Nenna, Chiara Bartoli and Irene Petroni); they presented the lykeion, illustrated the places of interest they had visited and tried to explain the meaning of their newly-acquired entrepreneurial lexis: entrepreneurhisp, risk-taking, innovation and branding etc.! At the end of the day, all the guests were invited to join a gourmand buffet prepared by our mums, grannies and aunties! There is nothing better than food to conclude such a pleasant meeting. Food and its socializing power..but this is another chapter of the story, to be started in Bratislava in October 2015, at our partner school Hotelova Akademia. See you there!

sivu Autugust 12 2015 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset A.V.I.T.A.E 26.9.2015 An Interview with Paris Thomas BIOGRAPHY Paris is a passionate communicator and a serial entrepreneur. He holds a BA in Communication Science, an MBA in Strategic Management, and is one of 30 globally certified trainers on Osterwalder s groundbreaking Business Model Generation methodology. His solid background is comprised of serving major Canadian organisations at senior management level, lobbying government, and facilitating and training throughout Europe, America, and the Middle East. Aside from being cofounder and Director at Open Box Communication, he is also the co-founder and COO of ENERMAP (a Cleantech startup) and co-founder and Director at Chrysalis LEAP, the first accelerator platform in Cyprus. Paris effectively combines his background in public relations, communications, crisis management, and his skills in facilitation, training, and strategic brainstorming, into a portfolio of services that delivers results in a sleeves rolled-up type of approach. Skills Training & facilitation, Leadership development, Business model innovation, Strategic thinking & planning, Public speaking, Change management How did you start your business? I quit my day job together with a colleague and we dove in the deep end by committing to our goal: to start our own business. It took a lot of hours of hard work and a lot of determination, but when you decide you are going for it, you are unstoppable. How did you realise you wanted to be a businessman? I ve always had the urge to be in control. This urge of mine was satisfied as long as my supervisors gave me enough freedom to do what I wanted, the way I wanted. When I lost that aspect of my job, I knew it was time to do something about it. Did you want to do this job when you were a child? I had no idea what this job would shape out to be. I knew I wanted big things for me and I knew I wanted to continue growing as a person and as a professional. The job itself is a vehicle. The innate desire in me since I was a child was and is to always enjoy the journey. Was it hard to make the first profit? Yes. It s one thing to get paid; it s a totally different story to make a profit. During our early stages we had no idea what our own time was worth, and since we are a company providing services, not selling products, we had to learn how to adequately cost our time. How did you feel the first time you had a profit? Relaxed. It wasn t about being excited. The feeling we had was more of a reassurance that we can indeed make a living from this new venture. As an entrepreneur you always worry about what s in the bank. Many people make the mistake of overreacting the first time they make a profit and begin to spend a bit more freely. For us it was important to change our mind-set into a savings mode and to not think of our profits as cause for celebration, but as a small pat on the back that we are competent and that the market desires our services. Do you often take risks? Every day. If you don t you might as well be an employee and stop dreaming of entrepreneurship. Taking risk is analogous to the concept of cash flow. The concept is simple in that in order to generate more cash, your money needs to flow. For it to flow you need to take the first step, which is to spend it. That said, it makes sense to assume that without spending money you cannot make money i.e. be it for marketing purposes, purchases of assets you need in order to delivery your service, research & development etc. Every time you spend you take a risk. Every time you say no to an opportunity in order to focus on what you do, you take a risk. Every time you try something new and spend hours and hours developing it, you take a risk. Risk blends with the air you breath, without which you begin to lose the very essence of being an entrepreneur; the thrill of the ride. What is the best thing on being an entrepreneur? You get full control of what you make of your life. I d rather be an entrepreneur and make minimum wage, deciding every day how I spend my time, than become a factory assembly line worker for a company that uses my capabilities to buy yachts and expensive cars for its shareholders. I exaggerate the options available to me, but in my mind that s how I make sense of the world. We probably get one chance to go through this lifetime and I want to make the most out of it. What is the worst thing on being an entrepreneur? Decision overload. If you are uncomfortable taking a stance and making a decision, this will throw you off balance. As an entrepreneur you never get the down time you need to relax properly. You hear people saying that they will turn off their phones and go on holiday. Sure, that s nice, but if you run your own business it s not that simple. Your business becomes part of you, and you care for it as you do for a child or a pet. Would you leave you child uncared for at home and go on holiday? The Holy Grail of entrepreneurship is when you finally reach the level that allows you to be confident in a team of people that will watch your back as you take a break from it all. Make no mistake about it; it takes years to get there. What do you think a person needs to become an entrepreneur? Passion for what they do and the understanding that time is running out. The first allows you to bring your A-game to your business and to be better than anyone else while still enjoying the ride. The second is what I consider the jet-fuel that carries you through in those difficult times when everything around you is collapsing and you begin to wonder why it is you ve chosen this path. Knowing that time is running out and that you have the urgency to do something during the time you have, is one of the things that tweaks my focus and allows me to get back in the game, as difficult as that may be. What is the key to your success? Communication. If you can present your ideas and not be afraid to network, you have a better chance at making your business successful. There are plenty of exceptions of entrepreneurs who built an app from their basement and became millionaires sitting behind a computer screen. They are indeed the exception. For everyone else, you will have to get out of the building and talk to people: your customers, your partners, your investors etc. Being good at talking is key. Made by Elias Hirvikoski from Finland.

Tuulen viemänä Kalajoella Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 sivu 13 KATARIINA KNUUTTILA Pyhäjoen, Raahen ja Kalajoen lukiot tekivät tänä vuonna yhteisen tiedeleirikoulun Kalajoelle. Pyhäjoen lukiosta pääsi mukaan viisi ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijaa. Leirin aiheena oli tuuli, jota opiskelijat tutkivat monesta eri näkökulmasta. Leiri koostui kahdesta osasta: ennakkotehtävistä, jotka liittyivät leirin aiheisiin ja opiskeluviikonlopusta Kalajoella. Tiedeleirikoulu järjestettiin jo kolmatta kertaa. Leirejä järjestetään, koska haluttiin tarttua ajan haasteisiin ja lähteä kokeilemaan jotakin uutta opiskeluun. Joten lähdettiin kokeilemaan ilmiömäistä opiskelua. Tiedeleirikoulun opiskelussa on monta oppiainetta tutkimassa samaa ilmiötä. Tällä kertaa tuulta tutkittiin monen oppiaineen näkökulmasta. Kun asiaa tutkitaan monesta näkökulmasta, tulee oppimisesta kokonaisvaltaista. Tiedeleirikoulu opettaa opiskelijoille myös sosiaalisia taitoja. Oli mukavaa nähdä lukiolaisten tulevan niin hyvin toimeen keskenään ja lukiolaiset jopa puhuivat paljon englantia, joten mukana ollut vaihto-oppilas pääsi myös hyvin leiriin mukaan! Raahen lukion kuvataiteenopettaja Aki Pulkkanen toteaa. Kalajoki ja tuuli liittyvät saumattomasti yhteen, perustuuhan Kalajoen matkailu pääosin tuulten muovaamiin dyyneihin. Leirillä ihmeteltiin myös tuulen ilmentymistä eri taiteenlajeissa. Opiskelijaryhmä kertoi, että monissa lauluissa tuuli on viestin viejänä. Tiedeleirin kohokohta oli purjehdus kaljaasi Ansiolla Maakallaan. Maakalla on Perämerellä sijaitseva hieno saari noin 18 kilometriä Kalajoelta. Hyvän sään vuoksi leirikoululaiset saivat kokea purjehdusta purjeiden kanssa, jolloin leirin aihe tuuli oli keskeisessä osassa matkaa. Maakallassa paikallinen opas kertoi opiskelijoille elämästä Maakallassa. Leiriviikonloppu huipentui retkeen Suomen suurimpaan tuulipuistoon, Mustilankankaan tuulivoimapuistoon. Lukiolaiset tutustuivat tuulipuiston alueeseen kävellen ja tekivät puistoon liittyviä tehtäviä sekä ihmettelivät tuulivoimaloita. Leiriltä opiskelijat pääsivät lähtemään hyvillä mielillä ja uutta oppineena. Opiskelijat Kaljaasi Ansio on Plassin kyläyhdistyksen rakentama kaksimastoinen puinen perinteinen alus. oppivat paljon uutta Kalajoesta, tuulesta ja Maakallasta. Pyhäjoen lukion opiskelijan Tiia Keskisen mielestä leiri vastasi lukiolaisten odotuksia hyvin: Tiedeleirikoulu oli oikein avartava kokemus ja leiristä sai leppoisan kurssin. Maakallassa on paljon kalastajamökkejä.

sivu 14 Terveiset Mwanzasta, Victoriajärven laidalta Pohjois-Tansaniasta. Minä, Pia, olen edelleen samassa pestissä, mihin tulin tänne vuonna 2007 eli koordinoin Suomen Lähetysseuran Kummityötä. Kummityö on näinä vuosina kasvanut perustehtävänsä eli köyhien lasten koulutusasioiden parista aika laajaksi perhetyöksi. Ykkösasia on löytää tuettavaksi lapsia, jotka ovat jääneet tai ovat vaarassa jäädä vaille mahdollisuutta koulunkäyntiin. Lasten löytämiseen olemme kehitelleet mallin, jolla tavoitellaan kokonaisia perheitä ja ohjataan heitä oikean avun piiriin. Monet globaalit ongelmat tulevat vastaan Kummityössäkin. Kohdataan päihteiden valmistajia ja käyttäjiä, seksityöläisiksi ajautuneita ja vailla oikeuksiaan eläviä, orvoksi jääneitä sukulaisten luona eläviä, teiniraskauksia ja erilaisia ongelmavyyhtejä. Lisäksi on mielenterveysongelmia, monenlaisia vammoja ja vanhoja uskomuksia, jotka eivät ainakaan helpota kenenkään elämää. Tänä vuonna olemme etsineet myös unohdettuja vammaisia lapsia. Näiden sekalaisten ja rikkinäisten perheiden lapset ovat Mwanzan kummilapsia. Kummityön koululaisia on tällä hetkellä 33. Perheet mukaan lukien Kummituki auttaa tavalla tai toisella kuukausittain noin 150 henkilöä. Kodit eivät saa meiltä käteistä rahaa, mutta neuvottelemme aina perheenjäsenten kanssa siitä, mitä on tehtävissä perheen olojen parantamiseksi. Opetamme käsitöitä perheissä oleville nuorille ja naisille ja neuvomme, miten busineksen voi aloittaa. Viikoittaisiin työtehtäviin kuuluu koti- ja koulukäyntejä, koulumaksujen maksamista, koulupukujen ja muiden välineiden ostamista ja jakamista, neuvontatyötä sekä ruokahuollon ja koulukyytien organisointia yhdessä perheenjäsenten kanssa. Joskus tarvitsemme poliisin tai muiden viranomaisten apua esimerkiksi omaisuus- tai perheriidoissa. Tärkein väline työssä on yhteistyö perheiden, opettajien ja kummikomitean välillä! Kummityö ei kysele autettavan uskontoa, vaan pyrkii osoittamaan kristillistä lähimmäisenrakkautta käytän- Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 ELIMU NI UFUNGUO WA MAISHA- OPISKELU ON AVAIN ELÄMÄÄN! Koululaisia viedään kouluun. Usein auto on kattoa myöten täynnä kaikenlaista tavaraa. nön keinoin kaikille ja osoittamaan, että kirkko on auki kaikille, aina. Kun kirjoitamme tätä, Mikko on vierailulla Shinyangan hiippakunnassa. Mikko huolehtii kahden hiippakunnan evankeliointityön koordinaattorin tehtävistä. Kummassakin päätyönä on Sinema Leo -elokuva-autojen toiminnan kehittäminen. Elokuva-autoilla ajetaan syrjäisiin kyliin uusien aloittavien seurakuntien pariin tukemaan niiden työtä ihmisten tavoittamiseksi ja seurakunnan rakenteiden kehittämiseksi. Työpäivät päättyvät yleensä ulkoilmaelokuviin. Niissä näytetään paikasta ja tilanteesta riippuen kristillisiä elokuvia tai eriaiheisia opetusfilmejä. Työ menee hyvin eteenpäin, ja ihmisiä tavoitetaan paljon, vuositasolla noin 100 000 ihmistä. Uusia mukavia kuulumisia on, että juuri tätä kirjoitettaessa kotihiippakuntamme Mwanzan Sinema Leo -työ on saamassa uuden elokuva-auton. Se on nyt luovutusta vaille valmis, ja kohta elokuvatiimi pääsee uudella autolla liikenteeseen. Elokuvatoiminnan ohella on paljon muutakin työtä. Tänä syksynä Mikko on alkanut opettaa Mwanzassa Nyakaton Raamattuopistolla evankelistaopiskelijoille nuorisotyötä. Kun paikkakunnallamme on vapaaehtoistyössä suomalainen lääkäri, seuraavien kahden kuukauden ajan opiskelijoille opetetaan hyvin perusteellisesti terveystietoa ja ensiaputaitoja. Niille on varmasti tarvetta. Esimerkiksi haavoihin on maaseudulla paikoin totuttu laittamaan suolaa, sokeria, lamppuöljyä tai hiekkaa. Työ on kaikkinensa monimuotoista ja kiinnostavaa. Aika tuntuu kuluvan niin, ettei oikein huomaakaan. Teille toivotamme hyvää syksyä ja runsasta siunausta! Terveisin Pia ja Mikko Pyhtilä

Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015 sivu 15 Seurakunta tiedottaa Kastetut: Toivo Jalmari Nikula Tulossa: Mikkelinpäivän Enkelikirkko-perhemessu ja vanhusten kirkkopyhä su 4.10. klo 11. Kirkkokahvit ja mehut seura- Matkalaulumessu kirkossa su 27.9. klo 10. Saarna Piispa Andrew Gulle Tansaniasta. Kirkkokuoro ja soitinyhtye. Jumalanpalveluksen jälkeen Pirttikosken Lähetysompeluseuran 100-vuotisjuhla seurakuntatalolla. Ruokailu ja kahvit sekä tasauspäivän myyjäiset huutokauppana, tuotteita saa tuoda mukanaan. Avoin raamattupiiri joka toinen maanantai, parittomilla viikoilla, seur. kerran ma 5.10. Sarpatissa klo 18. Ma 28.9. klo 13 14.30 omaishoitajien vertaisryhmä Pisara kokoontuu Sarpatissa. Sählykerho yläasteikäisille tiistaisin monitoimitalolla klo 16.20 17.30. Perhekerho Sarpatissa keskiviikkoisin 10-12. Ystäväkerho seurakuntatalolla keskiviikkona 30.9. klo kuntatalolla. 12. Lintutietoutta, Sakari Vuolteenaho. Lapsikuorot: Saaren koulun musiikkiluokassa keskiviikkona klo 15 Huom. aika ja paikka! Parhalahden koululla keskiviikkoisin klo 12.15 ja Yppärin koululla torstaisin klo 11. Kirkkokuoro seurakuntata- lolla keskiviikkoisin klo 18.30 20. Uudet laulajat tervetulleita! Kasvuryhmä rippikoulun käyneille keskiviikkoisin Sarpatissa klo 18. Sählyilta nuorille aikuisille torstaisin monitoimitalolla klo 19-21. RY: Kannuksen ry:n myyjäiset la 26.9. klo 11 ry:llä. Seurat su 27.9. klo 16 ry:llä, Kannuksen puhujat. Hartaus to 1.10. klo 13.30 Jokikartanossa, Juoko Piilola. Ompeluseurat pe 2.10. klo 19 ry:llä, Ilpo Parviainen. Raamattuluokka la 3.10. klo 19.30 Tenho Kalliolla. Pyhäkoulut su 4.10 klo 12 Eetu Nikillä ja Arto Hartikalla. Enkelinäyttely kirkossa klo 13 saakka. Vanhempi väki: voitte tilata taksia taksiasemalta lauantaihin 3.10. mennessä. Taksin puh. 0600 30009. Maata näkyvissä festarit 13.-15.11.2015 Turussa. Tiedustelut Hannu Louhimaa 0500 766031. Järjestöt toimivat Eläkeliiton Pyhäjoen Yhdistys ry ma 28.9. klo 12.00 Naisten juttutupa Iltaruskossa. ma 28.9. klo 18.00 Äijäkööri Iltaruskossa. to 1.10 klo 14.00 Karaokekerho Iltaruskossa. Tule mukaan laulamaan tai kuuntelemaan. ma 5.10. klo 11.00 Vapaaehtoistoiminnan piiri Iltaruskossa. ma 5.10. klo 18.00 Harmaahapset Iltaruskossa ti 6.10. klo 12.00 Päiväkahvit Seurakuntatalolla. Arvontaa. Saamme vieraan Kalajoelta Hotelli Sanista. Tervetuloa. Teemme pikkujouluretken Kalajoelle 21.11. Varaukset ja lisätiedot Anna-Liisa puh. 0400-778026. Lisätietoja toiminnastamme Pirttikosken maaseutunaiset: Päivän retki Ouluun Kädentaito -ja hyvinvointimessuille la 10.10.2015. Lähtö Pirttikosken koululta klo 8.30 ja paluu illalla n. klo 19.30. Myös väliltä voi nousta kyytiin. Messulipun hinta ryhmälippuna 8e/hlö. Samalla reissulla omakustanteinen ruokailu klo 15.30 alkaen Pikisaaressa Sokeri Jussin kievarissa. Matka jäsenille ilmainen, muilta 10e/ hlö. Jos et lähde syömään, voit jäädä esim Oulun keskustaan kaupoille. Ilmoittautumiset Railille p. 040 7506421 ma 5.10 mennessä. Tervetuloa mukaan jäsenet ja myös muut! Järjestää Pirttikosken maaseutunaiset Messuarvonnassa sadonkorjuukorin voitti Anne Tahkola, juhlakorin Maija-Liisa Haapakoski, herkkukorin Laura Viirret ja kuivakakun Kerttu Tuomaala! Kiitos arvontaan osallistujille ja onnea voittajille! Pyhäjoen SILMU Syyskauden avaus Yppärissä Aino ja Veikko Helaakosken luona tiistaina 29.9. klo 12.00. Suunnitellaan tulevaa toimintaa. Tervetuloa sekä entiset että uudet jäsenet! Kimppakyyti entisen Shellin pihalta klo 11.30. Pyhäjoen maa- ja kotitalous naiset Aloitellaanpa jälleen kerran syksyn kökkäillat. Pirkko Martinmäen luona. Hilkka ja Pirkko emännöivät yhdessä. Ti 29.9 klo 18.30 Tervetuloa! Messuilla arpojen onnetar suosi Ison herkkukorin voitti Lari Rantakokko Pienen herkkukorin voitti Tuula Kaivosoja Saunavadin voitti Seppo Keskitalo Kaalien yhteispaino oli 5,140kg Lähimmäs arvasi Joonas Vähä Onnittelut Voittajille! Pyhäjoen Martat ry Martta-ilta Auralla ke 30.9 klo. 18.00. Ohjelmassa Ti- Pi-laukkujen esittelyä, tarjolla myös huituvelliä ja kaffet. Tervetuloa joukolla mukaan! Pyhäjoen Spr Seuraava hallituksen kokous 1.10 klo.17 toimistolla. Raahen Kuulonhuoltoyhdistys ry: Kuulon lähipalvelua tiistaina 29.9 klo 15-16 Pyhäjoen Jokikartanossa. Ohjausta ja neuvontaa. Saatavana mm. paristoja. Pirttikosken maaseutunaiset Päivän retki Ouluun Kädentaito -ja hyvinvointimessuille la 10.10.2015. Lähtö Pirttikosken koululta klo 8.30 ja paluu illalla n. klo 19.30. Myös väliltä voi nousta kyytiin. Messulipun hinta ryhmälippuna 8e/hlö. Samalla reissulla omakustanteinen ruokailu klo 15.30 alkaen Pikisaaressa Sokeri Jussin kievarissa. Matka jäsenille ilmainen, muilta 10e/hlö. Jos et lähde syömään, voit jäädä esim Oulun keskustaan kaupoille. Ilmoittautumiset Railille p. 040 7506421 ma 5.10 mennessä. Tervetuloa mukaan jäsenet ja myös muut! Järjestää Pirttikosken maaseutunaiset P YHÄJOEN KUULUMISET PÄÄTOIMITTAJAT Sari Hidén Arvo Helanti TOIMITUS Roni Ohvo Lauri Niemelä Puh. 040 359 6166 Toimitus: 040 359 6166 Päätoimittaja: 040 359 6165 Taloussihteeri: 040 359 6160 Julkaisija: Pyhäjoki Data Oy ISSN 0788-6071 Seuraava lehti (nro) ilmestyy >> lauantaina 3.10.2015 Aineisto toimitettava >> tiistaina 29.9.2015 klo 17.00 mennessä Painosmäärä >> vko 39: 2020 kpl >> vko 40: 1820 kpl Ilmoitushinnat (hintoihin lisätään alv 24%) >> 0,45 /pmm, toistohinta 0,35 /pmm, minimikoko 35 pmm >> puoli sivua: 120 >> koko sivu: 180 >> järjestöpalsta: 50 /vuosi Ilmoitusehdot Lehteen tarkoitettu aineisto on toimitettava vasemmalla olevan aikataulun mukaisesti. Aineiston voi toimittaa myöhemminkin, mikäli siitä on toimituksen kanssa sovittu. Mikäli ilmoitusaineisto saapuu myöhässä, eikä siitä ole ennalta sovittu, perimme kaksinkertaisen hinnan. Myös järjestöpalstalle tulevat ilmoitukset pitää toimittaa ajoissa, myöhästyneestä aineistosta perimme 10 lisämaksun. Emme voi taata myöhässä saapuneen aineiston ilmestymistä. Emme vastaa puhelimitse tulleiden ilmoitusten virheistä. Lehden vastuu ilmoituksen poisjäämisestä tai julkaisemisessa sattuneesta virheestä rajoittuu enintään maksetun määrän palauttamiseen. Muistutus virheellisestä ilmoituksesta on tehtävä seitsemän vuorokauden kuluessa julkaisupäivästä. Painopaikka: Suomalainen Lehtipaino Oy, Kajaani Lehden jakelu: Raahelainen, ilmoitukset jakeluhäiriöistä puh. 010 665 5125 (Sanna Tjäder)

sivu 16 Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset 26.9.2015