Dr. Kaarle Kupiainen - List of Publications

Samankaltaiset tiedostot
Niko Karvosenoja Publications Articles in international scientific journals (refereed)

Ilmanlaadun arviointi: uusia tuloksia ja tässä hankkeessa tehtävä työ

Puunpolton ja kiukaiden päästökertoimet ja uudet ilmastovaikutusarviot

Ilman pienhiukkasten ympäristövaikutusten arviointi

Ultrapienet hiukkaset kaupunki-ilmassa

Sensorit ulkoilman hiukkaspitoisuuksien seurannassa. Topi Rönkkö. Ilmanlaadun tutkimusseminaari

Puunpolton päästöt - pienpoltto tulisijoissa vai pellettien poltto voimalaitoksessa

Topi Rönkkö Aerosol Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tampere University of Technology

Metsäbiomassaan perustuvien nestemäisten biopolttoaineiden ilmastovaikutukset

Tampereen ilmanlaadun tarkkailu

BC työpaja , Helsinki. LIFE+ 09 Environment Policy and Governance

Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

Innovative and responsible public procurement Urban Agenda kumppanuusryhmä. public-procurement

Prognos Julkaisusuunnitelmat

Metropolian ajoneuvoprojektit autoalan näkökannalta

Social and Regional Economic Impacts of Use of Bioenergy and Energy Wood Harvesting in Suomussalmi

Ilman epäpuhtauksien leviämisen mallinnus

Stormwater filtration unit

Puun pienpoltto, päästöjen vähentäjä vai lisääjä?

Katupölyn päästöt ja niiden vähentäminen. Roosa Ritola Tutkija Suomen ympäristökeskus HSY ilmanlaadun tutkimusseminaari

Heisingin kaupungin tietokeskus Helsingfors stads faktacentral City of Helsinki Urban Facts 0N THE EFFECTS 0F URBAN NATURAL AMENITIES, ARCHITECTURAL

Karelia ENI CBC-ohjelma/ PÄÄTÖSLUETTELO 1 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto

Poistuvat kurssit ja korvaavuudet (RRT ja YYT)

Miten ymmärtää puubiomassan kaasutusta paremmin? - Hiilen kaasutusmallin kehittäminen

MATKAILUALAN TIETEELLISIÄ LEHTIÄ julkaisufoorumin tasoluokittain

Matti Sarvimäki. July /2009 Senior Researcher Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki

ESPON 2013 Tilannekatsaus 12/2010. Timo Hirvonen

Ilmanlaadun muutoksia globaalista lokaaliin neljällä vuosikymmenellä

Copernicus, Sentinels, Finland. Erja Ämmälahti Tekes,


METSÄT JA ENERGIA Kannattaako keskittyä hajautettuun? Pekka Peura

Pienhiukkaset ja altistuminen liikenneympäristössä

SolarForum. An operation and business environment development project

Biomassan pienpolton mallintaminen ja säätö ilmapäästöjen vähentämiseksi

PM10-trendit Helsingissä ja Tampereella

Suomi innovaatioympäristönä maailman paras?

Market Report / October 2015

Geoenergian tulevaisuuden visio. Jari Suominen

5 Yksityiskohtaiset laskentatulokset Aurajoelle

Health Risks from Nearby Sources of Fine Particulate Matter: Domestic Wood Combustion and Road Traffic (PILTTI)

Ilmastomuutoksen riskimallinnuksen tuloksia: millaiset ovat tulevaisuuden ilmastoolosuhteet

Sisäilmapuhdistimien hiukkaskokojaotellut puhdistustaajuudet

Mustahiili hallintaan - kansainvälinen kenttä. Nvm Seppo Sarkkinen Ympäristöministeriö Säätytalo

Tuloksia ja kokemuksia / results and experiences

Market Report / December 2015

Market Report / September 2015

Market Report / August 2015

Tuoretta tietoa ulkoilman pienhiukkasista. Dos. Hilkka Timonen et al., Ilmatieteen laitos, Pienhiukkastutkimus

Musta hiili arktisella alueella

Eurooppalaisen siirtoverkon suunnittelun lähtökohdat. Jussi Jyrinsalo Neuvottelukunta

Market Report / December 2013

Area and population 3. Demographic changes 4. Housing 5. Municipal economy 6. Sectoral employment 7. Labour and work self-sufficiency 8

Transport and Infrastructure what about the future? Professor Jorma Mäntynen Tampere University of Technology

Market Report / July 2014

Aalto University School of Engineering Ongelmaperusteisen oppimisen innovatiivinen soveltaminen yliopisto-opetuksessa

Market Report / January 2015

Market Report / November 2015

Jätehuollon vaikutusten arviointi CIRCWASTEalueilla ja edelläkävijäkunnissa

Market Report / August 2014


Huleveden pitoisuuksien ajallinen ja alueellinen vaihtelu Maija Taka University of Helsinki 1

Market Report / December 2014

Markkinaraportti / elokuu 2015

ReFuel 70 % Emission Reduction Using Renewable High Cetane Number Paraffinic Diesel Fuel. Kalle Lehto, Aalto-yliopisto 5.5.

Selvitys bentso(a)pyreenin tavoitearvon ylitysalueista ja toimista tavoitearvon saavuttamiseksi

"Sähköä ilmassa: Miten öljyriippumaton kuivasatamaverkosto rakentuisi Suomeen?"

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Forestry

Mineral raw materials Public R&D&I funding in Finland and Europe, Kari Keskinen

Liike-elämän ratkaisut Miten yritykset hillitsevät ilmastonmuutosta?


The BaltCICA Project Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region

Market Report / December

Market Report / May 2014

Integrating full climate change impacts balances and management

Market Report / June 2015

Monthly overnights in Helsinki

Liiku Terveemmäksi LiikuTe Yleiset periaatteet vuoden 2010 järjestelyille

Market Report / April 2015

Ilmastonmuutos on täällä voiko se vaikuttaa positiivisesti liiketoimintaan?


perustamishankkeeseen ja päämajan sijoittamiseen Suomeen

Short run, long run and the

Market Report / March 2015

Sulautettu tietotekniikka Kimmo Ahola

Market Report / October 2014

Rakentamisen näkymät EU-alueella ja Suomessa

Tulevaisuuden kaukolämpöasuinalueen energiaratkaisut (TUKALEN) Loppuseminaari

Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT. Energia- ja moottoritutkimus. Nils-Olof Nylund

Market Report / July 2015

Monthly overnights in Helsinki


Market Report / August 2012

Re-use of Surplus Foundry Sand by Composting (LIFE13 ENV/FI/000285)

Market Report 2015 HELSINKI TOURISM STATISTICS. Overnight stays down 3.5% Monthly bednights in Helsinki

Mitattua tutkimustietoa ekosysteemipalveluista metropolialueen kestävän kasvun tueksi (EKO-HYÖTY)

Päästökertoimista päästöinventaarioihin - Mihin ja miten puun pienpolton päästökertoimia käytetään?

Markkinaraportti / huhtikuu 2014

Suomalaisten korkeakoulujen osallistuminen EU-Canada-ohjelmaan: Hankkeet (EU-CANADA cooperation in higher education and vocational training)

Ontologiakirjasto ONKI-Paikka

Aikajana. Thule. ENVIMAT Jäte IO EF Envimat scen SURE 2012-


Dr. Kaarle Kupiainen - List of Publications Date of birth 24.9.1974 A.1. Peer reviewed scientific articles: 1. Klimont, Z., Kupiainen, K., Heyes, C., Purohit, P., Cofala, J., Rafaj, P., Borken-Kleefeld, J., Schöpp, W. 2017. Global anthropogenic emissions of particulate matter including black carbon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-8681-2017 2. Kupiainen, K., Ritola, R., Stojiljkovic, A., Pirjola, L., Malinen, A., Niemi, J. 2016. Contribution of mineral dust sources to street side ambient and suspension PM10 samples. Atmospheric environment 147: 178-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.09.059 3. Paasonen, P., K., Kupiainen, K., Klimont, Z., Visschedijk, A., Denier van der Gon, H.A.C., Amann, M. Continental anthropogenic primary particle number emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 6823-6840. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-16-6823-2016 4. Denby, B.R., Ketzel, M., Ellermann, T., Stojiljkovic, A., Kupiainen, K., Niemi, J.V., Norman, M., Johansson, C., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist. G., Janhäll, S., Sundvor, I. 2016. Road salt emissions: A comparison of measurements and modelling using the NORTRIP road dust emission model. Atmospheric environment 141: 508-522. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.07.027 5. Quennehen B., Raut J.-C., Law K.S., Ancellet G., Clerbaux C., Kim S.-W., Lund M.T., Myhre G., Olivié D.J.L., Safeddine S., Skeie R.B., Thomas J.L., Tsyro S., Bazureau A., Bellouin N., Daskalakis N., Hu M., Kanakidou M., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Myriokefalitakis S., Quaas J., Rumbold S.T., Schulz M., Cherian R., Shimizu A., Wang J., Yoon S.-C., Zhu T. 2016. Multi-model evaluation of short-lived pollutant distributions over East Asia during summer 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 10765-10792. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-16-10765-2016 6. Savolahti, M., Karvosenoja, N., Tissari, J., Kupiainen, K., Sippula, O., Jokiniemi, J. 2016. Black carbon and fine particle emissions in Finnish residential wood combustion : Emission projections, reduction measures and the impact of combustion practices. Atmospheric Environment 40: 495-505. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.023 7. Pietikäinen J.-P., Kupiainen K., Klimont Z., Makkonen R., Korhonen H., Karinkanta R., Hyvärinen A.-P., Karvosenoja N., Laaksonen A., Lihavainen H. and Kerminen V.-M. 2015. Impacts of emission reductions on aerosol radiative effects. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5501 5519. 8. Stohl A., Aamaas B., Amann M., Baker L. H., Bellouin N., Berntsen T. K., Boucher O., Cherian R., Collins W., Daskalakis N., Dusinska M., Eckhardt S., Fuglestvedt J. S., Harju M., Heyes C., Hodnebrog Ø., Hao J., Im U., Kanakidou M., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Law K. S., Lund M. T., Maas R., MacIntosh C. R., Myhre G., Myriokefalitakis S., Olivié D., Quaas J., Quennehen B., Raut J.-C., Rumbold S. T., Samset B. H., Schulz M., Seland Ø., Shine K. P., Skeie R. B., Wang S., Yttri K. E., and Zhu T. 2015. Evaluating the climate and air quality impacts of short-lived pollutants. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10529-10566. 9. Ekholm T., Karvosenoja N., Tissari J., Sokka L., Kupiainen K., Sippula O., Savolahti M., Jokiniemi J., Savolainen I., 2014. A multi-criteria analysis of climate, health and acidification impacts due to greenhouse gases and air pollution The case of household-level heating technologies. Energy Policy, Volume 74, Pages 499-509, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.07.002 10. Henriksson S., Pietikäinen J.-P., Hyvärinen A.-P., Räisänen P., Kupiainen K., Tonttila J., Hooda R., Lihavainen H., O Donnell D., Backman L., Klimont Z., Laaksonen A. 2014. Spatial distributions and seasonal cycles of aerosol climate effects in India seen in global climate-aerosol model. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10177 10192, 2014 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/10177/2014/doi:10.5194/acp- 14-10177-2014 11. Kauhaniemi M., Stojiljkovic A., Pirjola L., Karppinen A., Härkönen J., Kupiainen K., Kangas L., Aarnio M.A., Omstedt G., Denby B.R., Kukkonen J., 2014. Comparison of the predictions of two

road dust emission models with the measurements of a mobile van. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14, 9155-9169. 12. Stohl A., Klimont Z., Eckhardt S., Kupiainen K., Shevchenko V.P., Kopeikin V.M., Novigatsky A.N., 2013. Black Carbon in the Arctic: the Underestimated Role of Gas Flaring and Residential Combustion Emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13, 8833-8855. doi:10.5194/acp-133-833-2013. 13. Denby B.R., Sundvor I., Johansson C., Pirjola L., Ketzel M., Norman M., Kupiainen K., Gustafsson M., Blomqvist G., Omstedt G., 2013. 2013. A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 2: Surface moisture and salt impact modeling. Atmospheric Environment 81, 485-503. 14. Denby B.R., Sundvor I., Johansson C., Pirjola L., Ketzel M., Norman M., Kupiainen K., Gustafsson M., Blomqvist G., Omstedt G., 2013. A Coupled Road Dust and Surface Moisture Model to Predict Non-Exhaust Road Traffic Induced Particle Emissions (NORTRIP). Part 1: Road Dust Loading and Suspension Modelling. Atmospheric Environment 77, 283-300. 15. Shindell D., Kuylenstierna J.C.I., Vignati E., van Dingenen R., Amann M., Klimont Z., Anenberg S.C., Muller N., Janssens-Maenhaut G., Raes F., Schwartz J., Faluvegi G., Pozzoli L., Kupiainen K., Höglund-Isaksson L., Emberson L., Streets D., Ramanathan V., Hicks K., Kim Oanh N.T., Milly G., Williams M., Demkine W., Fowler D. 2012. Simultaneously Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change and Improving Human Health and Food Security. Science, Vol. 335, 183-189. 16. Kupiainen K.J., Pirjola L. 2011. Vehicle non-exhaust emissions from the tyre-road interface - effect of stud properties, traction sanding and resuspension. Atmospheric Environment 45(25), 4141-4146. 17. Karvosenoja, N., Kangas, L., Kupiainen, K., Kukkonen, J., Karppinen, A., Sofiev, M., Tainio, M., Paunu, V.-V., Ahtoniemi, P., Tuomisto, J.T., Porvari, P. 2011. Integrated modeling assessments of the population exposure in Finland to primary PM2.5 from traffic and domestic wood combustion on the resolutions of 1 and 10 km. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 4 (3), 179-188. 18. Taimisto, P., Tainio, M., Karvosenoja, N., Kupiainen, K., Porvari, P., Karppinen, A., Kangas, L., Kukkonen J., Tuomisto, J.T. 2011. Evaluation of intake fractions for different subpopulations due to primary fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emitted from domestic wood combustion and traffic in Finland. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 4, 199-209. 19. Pirjola L., Johansson C., Kupiainen K.J., Stojiljkovic A., Karlsson H. Hussein T. 2010. Road Dust Emissions from Paved Roads Measured Using Different Mobile Systems. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 60, 1422-1433. 20. Pirjola L., K.J. Kupiainen, P. Perhoniemi, H. Tervahattu, H. Vesala 2009. Non-exhaust emission measurement system of the mobile laboratory SNIFFER. Atmospheric Environment 43(31), 4703-4713. 21. Tainio M., Tuomisto J.T., Pekkanen J., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K., Porvari P., Sofiev M., Karppinen A., Kangas L. & Kukkonen J. 2010. Uncertainty in health risks due to anthropogenic primary fine particulate matter from different source types in Finland. Atmospheric Environment 44(17), 2125-2132. 22. Tainio M., Sofiev M., Hujo M., Tuomisto J.T., Loh M., Jantunen M.J., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K., Porvari P. & Kukkonen J. 2009. Evaluation of the European population intake fractions for European and Finnish anthropogenic primary fine particulate matter emissions. Atmospheric Environment 43(19), 3052-3059. 23. Nousiainen, T., Zubko, E., Niemi, J.V., Kupiainen, K., Lehtinen, M., Muinonen, K., and Videen, G. 2009. Single-scattering modeling of thin, birefringent mineral-dust flakes using the discrete-dipole approximation. Journal of Geophysical Research 114(7), D07207, doi:10.1029/2008jd011564.

24. Tainio M., Karvosenoja N., Porvari P., Raateland A., Tuomisto J.T., Johansson M., Kukkonen J. and Kupiainen K. 2009. A simple concept for Gis-based estimation of population exposure to primary fine particles from vehicular traffic and domestic wood combustion. Boreal environment research 14, 850-860. 25. Karvosenoja N., Tainio M., Kupiainen K., Tuomisto J. T., Kukkonen J. and Johansson M. 2008. Evaluation of the emissions and uncertainties of PM2.5 originated from vehicular traffic and domestic wood combustion in Finland. Boreal Environ. Res. 13:465-474. 26. Kupiainen K., Klimont Z., 2007. Primary Emissions of Fine Carbonaceous Particles in Europe. Atmospheric Environment 41, 2156-2170. 27. Cofala J., Amann M., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Höglund-Isaksson L. 2007. Scenarios of global anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants and methane until 2030. Atmospheric Environment 41, 8486-8499. 28. Simpson, D., K. E. Yttri, Z. Klimont, K. Kupiainen, A. Caseiro, A., Gelencsér, C. Pio, H. Puxbaum, and M. Legrand, 2007. Modeling carbonaceous aerosol over Europe: Analysis of the CARBOSOL and EMEP EC/OC campaigns, Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D23S14, doi:10.1029/2006jd008158. 29. Tsyro, S., D. Simpson, L. Tarrasón, Z. Klimont, K. Kupiainen, C. Pio and K. E. Yttri (2007), Modeling of elemental carbon over Europe, Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D23S19, doi:10.1029/2006jd008164. 30. Rypdal K., Rive N., Åström S., Karvosenoja N., Aunan K., Bak J. L., Kupiainen K. and Kukkonen J. 2007. Nordic air quality co-benefits from European post-2012 climate policies. Energy Policy 35, 6309-6322. 31. Tervahattu H., Kupiainen K.J., Räisänen M., Mäkelä T., Hillamo R., 2006. Generation of Urban Road Dust from Anti-Skid and Asphalt Concrete Aggregates. Journal of Hazardous Materials 132, 30-46. 32. Rao, S. Riahi, K., Kupiainen, K., Klimont, Z., 2005. Long-term scenarios for black and organic carbon emissions. Environmental Sciences 2(2-3), 205-216. 33. Kupiainen K.J., Tervahattu H., Räisänen M., Mäkelä T., Aurela M., Hillamo R., 2005. Size and Composition of Airborne Particles from Pavement Wear, Tires, and Traction Sanding. Environmental Science & Technology 39, 699-706. (10. most accessed article of the Journal in January-June, 2005) 34. Räisänen M., Kupiainen K., Tervahattu H., 2005. The effect of mineralogy, texture and mechanical properties of anti-skid and asphalt aggregates on urban dust, stages II and III. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 64(3), 247-256. 35. Tervahattu H., Juhanoja J., Vaida V., Tuck A.F., Niemi J.V., Kupiainen K., Kulmala M., Vehkamäki H., 2005. Fatty Acids on Continental Sulfate Aerosol Particles. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, D06207, doi:10.1029/2004jd005400, 2005. 36. Kupiainen, K. and Tervahattu, H. 2004: The Effect of Traction Sanding on Urban Suspended Particles in Finland. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 93, 287-300. 37. Tervahattu, H., Hongisto, M., Aarnio, P., Kupiainen, K., Sillanpää, M., 2004: Composition and origins of aerosol during a high PM10 episode in Finland. Boreal Environment Research 9: 335-345. 38. Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H., Räisänen, M., 2003: Experimental studies about the impact of traction sand on urban road dust composition. The Science of the Total Environment 308, 175-184.

39. Räisänen, M., Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H., 2003: The effect of mineralogy, texture and mechanical properties of anti skid and asphalt aggregates on urban dust. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s10064-003-0200-y. 40. S.K. Biswas, S.A. Tarafdar, A. Islam, M. Khaliquzzaman, H. Tervahattu, K. Kupiainen, 2003: Impact of Unleaded Gasoline Introduction on the Concentration of Lead in Dhaka Air. Journal of Air & Waste management Association 53, 1355-1362. 41. Tervahattu, H., Juhanoja, J., Kupiainen, K., 2002: Identification of an organic coating on marine aerosol particles by TOF-SIMS. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 10.1029/2001JD001403, 31 August 2002. 42. Tervahattu, H., Hartonen, K., Kerminen, V.-M., Kupiainen, K., Aarnio, P., Koskentalo, T., Tuck, A., Vaida, V., 2002: New evidence of an organic layer on marine aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, vol. 107, D7/8, pp. AAC1. A.2 Peer reviewed articles in international compilation works and in international scientific conference proceedings: 1. Karvosenoja N., Paunu V.-V., Kupiainen K., Savolahti M., Importance of spatially representative emission inventories in air quality modeling. Abstract 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 29.8.-2.9.2016 Busan, S. Korea. 2. Kupiainen K., Stojiljkovic A., Paunu V.-V., Karvosenoja N., Karppinen A., Kukkonen J., Kangas L., Kauhaniemi M., Denby B. 2016. Particle emissions from road traffic novel tools to estimate emission of non-exhaust emissions. Abstract 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 29.8.- 2.9.2016 Busan, S. Korea. 3. Kupiainen K., Kulovesi K., Lehtinen K., K, Kühn T., Klimont Z., Karvosenoja N., Paunu V.-V., Yamineva Y., Khan S.A. 2016. Black Carbon and Other Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in the Arctic Consequences of Current Regulatory Frameworks to Emissions and Impacts. Abstract 17th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 29.8.-2.9.2016 Busan, S. Korea. 4. Stojiljkovic A., Kauhaniemi M., Kukkonen J., Kupiainen K., Karppinen A., Pirjola L., Kousa A., Niemi J., Ketzel M., Denby B.R., 2016. Application of two road dust emission models to assess the air quality impact of options for reducing non-exhaust PM 10 emissions. 10 th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Milan, Italy, 14-18 March 2016. 5. Ritola R., Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Niemi J., Stojiljkovic A., Malinen A., Männikkö J.-P. 2016. The role of dust binding in cutting down PM 10 concentrations in urban ambient air: Case Hlesinki City Centre. 10 th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Milan, Italy, 14-18 March 2016. 6. Denby B., Gustafsson M., Blomqvist G., Janhäll S., Norman M., Johansson C., Bennet C., Ketzel M., Sundvor I., Kupiainen K., Stojiljkovic A., Karppinen A., Kukkonen J., Kauhaniemi M., Pirjola L., Parviainen H. 2016. New developments and applications of the NORTRIP road dust emission model. 10 th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Milan, Italy, 14-18 March 2016. 7. Kupiainen K., Vestreng V., Christensen J.H., Klimont Z., Wiedinmyer C., Flanner M., Amann M., Quinn P.K., Paunu V.-V. Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers in an Arctic Context. In: AMAP Assessment 2015: Black Carbon and Ozone as Arctic Climate Forcers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, vii + 116 pp. ISBN: 978-82-7971-092-9 8. Flanner M., Berntsen T., Kupiainen K., Langner J., von Salzen K., Wang H. Arctic Radiative Forcing and Climate Response: Literature Review. In: AMAP Assessment 2015: Black Carbon and Ozone as Arctic Climate Forcers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, vii + 116 pp. ISBN: 978-82-7971-092-9

9. Quinn P., Herber A., Langner J., Law K., Kupiainen K., Schmale J., Sharma S. Trends in Concentrations of Short-lived Climate Forcers in the Arctic. In: AMAP Assessment 2015: Black Carbon and Ozone as Arctic Climate Forcers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, vii + 116 pp. ISBN: 978-82-7971-092-9 10. Höglund-Isaksson L., Thomson A., Kupiainen K., Rao S., Janssens-Maenhout G. Anthropogenic Methane Sources, Emissions and Future Projections. In: AMAP Assessment 2015: Methane as and Arctic Climate Forcer. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, vii + 139 pp. ISBN: 978-82-7971-091-2 11. Karvosenoja N., M. Savolahti, V.-V. Paunu, K. Kupiainen. 2015. Cost-efficient reduction of population exposure to primary PM2.5 from residential wood combustion in Finland. Abstract on the 1 st International Biomass Emissions Conference, 14-15 September 2015, Leeds, UK. 12. Paasonen P., Kupiainen K., Klimont Z., Visschedijk A., Denier van der Gon H., Amann M. 2015. Global Anthropogenic Number Emissions and their Size Distributions. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty in Atmospheric Emissions, October 2015, Krakow, Poland, pp. 111-116. ISBN: 83-894-7557-X 13. Paunu V.-V., Kupiainen K. (2015). Comparison of northern hemispheric anthropogenic black carbon emissions from global datasets. In Weber, T., McPhee, M.J. and Anderssen, R.S. (eds) MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2015, pp. 1558-1564. ISBN: 978-0- 9872143-5-5 14. Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., Kukkonen J., Kauhaniemi M., Kangas L., Karppinen A. 2014. Road dust emissions in Finland A comparison of suspension and wear based estimates. Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Atmospheric Dust, June 1-6 2014, Castellaneta Marina, Italy. p. 225. 15. Quinn, P.K., A. Stohl, A. Baklanov, M.G. Flanner, A. Herber, K.Kupiainen, K.S. Law, J., Schmale, S. Sharma, V. Vestreng, and K. von Salzen, 2014. The Arctic. Radiative forcing by black carbon in the Arctic in State of the Climate in 2013, Bull. Amer. Meteor, Soc., 95 (7) S124-125, 2014. 16. Paunu V.-V., Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K. 2014. Cost-optimization model for reducing health and climate effects from residential wood combustion in Finland. Proceedings of Sustainable City 2014-9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, 23 25 September, 2014, Siena, Italy. 12 pp. 17. Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K. 2014. Ecodesign directive for residential wood combustion appliances: Impacts and emission reduction potential in Finland. Proceedings of Sustainable City 2014-9th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, 23 25 September, 2014, Siena, Italy. 12 pp. 18. Lihavainen H., Kerminen V.-M., Kupiainen K., Hyvärinen A., Petäjä T., Tolonen-Kivimäki O., Virkkula A., Karvosenoja N., Savolahti M., Pietikäinen J.-P., Klimont Z. 2014. Mitigation of Arctic warming by controlling European black carbon emissions. International Aerosol Conference, Aug. 28 Sep. 2, 2014, BEXCO, Busan, Korea. 1 p. 19. Kauhaniemi M., Stojiljkovic a., Pirjola L., Karppinen A., Härkönen J., Kupiainen K., Kangas L., Aarnio M.A., Omstedt G., Denby B.R., Kukkonen J., Cant the predictions of road dust emission models be directly compared with on-site mobile measurements? 9th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Garmisch Partenkirchen, 24-28 March 2014. 20. Kupiainen K., Aamaas, B., Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N., Paunu V.-V., 2013. Climate Impacts of Finnish Air Pollutants and GHGs with Different Emission Metrics. Proceedings of the 16 th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA). ISBN: 978-0-620-58320-6.

21. Kupiainen K., Klimont Z., Wagner F., Amann M., Karvosenoja N. 2012. Emissions and Radiative forcing of short-lived climate forcers from domestic combustion in the Nordic countries. 8th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012. 22. Savolahti M., Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., Reduction Potentials of Black and Organic Carbon Emissions by Technical and Non-Technical Measures in Finnish Residential Wood Combustion. 8th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012. 23. Paunu V.-V., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K. 2012. Residential Wood Combustion in Finland and Emission Factor Database. 8th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012. 24. Pirjola, L., Kupiainen, K.J., Ritola, R., Malinen, M., Niemi, J.V., Julkunen, A., Virtanen, A., 2012. Non-exhaust PM10 emissions factors. 8th International Conference, Air Quality - Science and Application, Athens, 19-23 March 2012. 25. Denby, B.R., I. Sundvor, C. Johansson, M. Kauhaniemi, M. Ketzel, M. Norman, K. Kupiainen, M. Gustafsson, G. Blomqvist. 2012. A coupled road dust and surface moisture model for calculating traffic induced emissions from road wear, salting and sanding. Air Quality and Conference Athens, Greece, 2012 (CD-ROM). 26. Denby, B. Sundvor, I., Johansson, C. Kauhaniemi, M., Härkönen, J., Omstedt, G., Ketzel, M., Pirjola, L., Norman, M., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist, G., Bennet, C. Kupiainen K. 2011 Progress towards traffic induced road dust and salt emission modelling: model development within NORTRIP. Harmonisation conference on dispersion modeling for regulatory purposes in Greece, October 2011 (http://www.harmo14.gr/). 27. UNEP/WMO 2011. Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone. (Chapter 2 Lead author) 28. AMAP, 2011. The Impact of Black Carbon on Arctic Climate (2011). By: P.K. Quinn, A. Stohl, A. Arneth, T. Berntsen, J. F. Burkhart, J. Christensen, M. Flanner, K. Kupiainen, H. Lihavainen, M. Shepherd, V. Shevchenko, H. Skov, and V. Vestreng Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo. 128 pp. 29. Johansson, C. Denby, B. Sundvor, I., Johansson, C. Kauhaniemi, M., Härkönen, J., Omstedt, G., Ketzel, M., Pirjola, L., Norman, M., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist, G., Bennet, C. Kupiainen K. 2010. NORTRIP Nonexhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions - Development of tools for assessing the effect on air quality and exposure. Presented at the international conference Road dust Health effects and abatement strategies Stockholm 18-19 October, 2010. 30. Kupiainen K.J., Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N. and Klimont Z., 2010. Sensitivity of Carbonaceous Particle Emissions from Small Scale Wood Combustion to Different Fuel Use Scenarios and Varying Emission Factors - Consequences to Emission Modeling. Abstract Book, 15 th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations' (IUAPPA) World Clean Air Congress "Achieving Environmental Sustainability in a Resource Hungry World", September 12-16, 2010 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 51. 31. Karvosenoja K., Kupiainen K., Paunu V.-V., Savolahti M., Tohka A., Kangas L., Kukkonen J. and Tuomisto J.T., 2010. Cost-efficient Reduction Of Population Exposure Caused By Primary PM2.5 Emissions In Finland. Abstract Book, 15 th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations' (IUAPPA) World Clean Air Congress "Achieving Environmental Sustainability in a Resource Hungry World", September 12-16, 2010 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 36. 32. Pirjola, Liisa, Kupiainen, Kaarle and Viinanen, Jari (2010) A Mobile Laboratory for Monitoring Non-exhaust Emissions in Finland. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2010) in Penang, Malaysia, 2-4 June, 2010, 540-545.

33. Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., Tenhunen J., Seppälä J., 2009. Effect of CO2 based car registration tax on PM2.5 emissions in Finland. Proceedings of 7th Air Quality Conference, 23-27 March 2009, Istanbul. CD-ROM. 4 pp. 34. N. Karvosenoja, K. Kupiainen, L. Kangas, A. Karppinen, M. Sofiev, M. Tainio, P. Porvari, J. Kukkonen, J. T. Tuomisto 2009. Integrated modeling assessments of the population exposure in Finland to primary PM2.5 from traffic and domestic wood combustion on the resolutions of 1 and 10 km. Proceedings of 7th Air Quality Conference, 23-27 March 2009, Istanbul. CD-ROM. 4 pp. 35. Pirjola L., Johansson C., Kupiainen K., Karlsson H., Hussein T., 2009. Comparison of Non-exhaust Particle Measurements by two mobile systems. Proceedings of 7th Air Quality Conference, 23-27 March 2009, Istanbul. CD-ROM. 4 pp. 36. Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N., Tohka A., Kupiainen K. 2009. Fine particle emissions from small biomass fired combustion plants in Finland. Proceedings of 7th Air Quality Conference, 23-27 March 2009, Istanbul. CD-ROM. 4 pp. 37. Tainio M., Sofiev M., Hujo M., Tuomisto J.T., Loh M., Jantunen M.A., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Karvosenoja N, Kupiainen K., Porvari P., Kukkonen J. 2009. Evaluation of the intake fractions for the European anthropogenic PM2.5 emission and populations. Proceedings of 7th Air Quality Conference, 23-27 March 2009, Istanbul. 1 p. 38. Nousiainen, T., Zubko, E., Niemi, J.V., Kupiainen, K., Lehtinen, M., Muinonen, K., and Videen, G. (2008). Optical modeling of thin calcite flakes using DDA. 11th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, Extended Abstracts, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK, 7-12 September, 4pp. 39. Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., Porvari P. 2007. Non-exhaust Particle Emissions from Traffic Sources in Finland. In: Doley D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of IUAPPA, Brisbane, Australia 9-14 Sept 2007. CD-ROM. 6 pp. 40. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Tervahattu H. 2007. Effect of Tire Studs and Traction Sanding on Emissions of Road Dust. Proceedings of the 8 th International Symposium on Cold Region Development ISCORD 2007, September 2007. Tampere, Finland. 41. Pirjola L., Kupiainen K., Tervahattu H., 2007. The Mobile Laboratory "Sniffer" for Non-exhaust Emission Measurements: Validation of the System and the First Results. In: Ranjeet S.Sokhi and Marina Neophytou (eds): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-29 March 2007, University of Hertfordshire. 42. Pirjola L., Kupiainen K., Tervahattu H., 2007. Mobile Laboratory Measurements of PM9 and PM2.5 in Helsinki, Finland. European Aerosol Conference 2007, Salzburg, Abstract T19A053. 43. Sofiev, M., Jourden, E., Kangas, L., Karvosenoja, N., Karppinen, A., Kukkonen, J., 2007. The Spatial Distribution and Temporal variations of fine Particulate Matter in Europe. In: Ranjeet S.Sokhi and Marina Neophytou (eds): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-29 March 2007, University of Hertfordshire p.67 44. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Tervahattu H., 2006. Mobile Measurements of Street Dust in Helsinki, Finland. Paper presented at the 7 th International Aerosol Conference. September 10-15, 2006. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 45. Kupiainen K.J., Karvosenoja N., Porvari P., Johansson M., Tainio M., and Tuomisto J.T., 2006. Emissions of Primary Carbonaceous Particles, their uncertainties and Spatial Allocation in Finland. Proceedings of the 15 th IUAPPA Regional Conference / 17th EFCA Speciality Conference, Lille, FRANCE, September 6-8, 2006. CD-ROM, 8pp. 46. Porvari P.K., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K.J. and Johansson M. 2006. Spatial allocation of PM2.5 emissions from road traffic in Finnish Regional Emission Model. Proceedings of the 15 th IUAPPA Regional Conference / 17th EFCA Speciality Conference, Lille, FRANCE, September 6-8, 2006. CD-ROM, 8pp.

47. Karvosenoja K., Kupiainen K., Tohka A., Porvari P., Tuomisto J.T. and Kukkonen J. 2006. Emission reduction potential and costs for primary and secondary PM2.5 in Finland. Proceedings of the 15 th IUAPPA Regional Conference / 17th EFCA Speciality Conference, Lille, FRANCE, September 6-8, 2006. CD-ROM, 8pp. 48. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Tervahattu H., 2005. Mobile Measurements of Spring-time Street Dust in Helsinki, Finland. In: Bäck J. (Ed.) Symposium in Urban and Rural Air Pollution Response of Ecosystem and Society (URPO) in Helsinki 14.11.2005. Report Series in Aerosol Science, No. 77. Finnish Association for Aerosol Research (FAAR), Helsinki, pp. 78-83. 49. Rao S., Riahi K., Kupiainen K., Klimont Z., 2005. Long-term Scenarios for Black and Organic Carbon Emissions. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG-4) Science, Control, Policy and Implementation 4-6 July 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 50. Karvosenoja, N., Johansson, M. and Kupiainen, K. 2003. Size-Fractionated Particulate Matter Emissions in Finland in 1990-2020. Proceedings of the 14th International IUAPPA Conference "Air Quality Assessment and Policy at Local, Regional and Global Scales" 6.-10.10.2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 97-104. 51. Tervahattu, H., Kupiainen, K., Aarnio, P., Jantunen, M., Kousa, A. and Koskentalo, T. 2003. Identification of PM2.5 Particles in the Helsinki Metro. Abstract book, ISEA 2003, 13th Annual Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, Stresa, Lago Maggiore, Italy, 21st- 25th September 2003, p. 303. 52. Johansson, M., Karvosenoja, N., Porvari, P. and Kupiainen, K. 2003. Emission Scenarios for Particulate Matter Research and Policy Assessment in Finland. Proceedings of the 12 th International Emission Inventory Conference "Emission Inventories - Applying New Technologies," San Diego, United States, April 29 - May 1, 2003. 53. Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H., Mäkelä, T., Räisänen, M., Aurela, M. and Hillamo, R. 2002. "The size-distribution and composition of abrasion components in road dust". In: Vehkamäki, H. & Vesala, T. (Eds). Symposium on Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gas Exchange Research 31.10.2002. Report Series in Aerosol Science No 58 (2002). Helsinki. pp. 34-35. B Non-refereed scientific articles: 1. Rautalahti, E., Kupiainen, K. 2016. Emissions of Black Carbon and Methane in Finland. 2015 National Submission to the Arctic Council. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 19en/2016. Helsinki 2016. ISBN 978-952-11-4611-4 (PDF). 22 p. 2. Stojiljkovic, A., Kupiainen, K., Niemi, J.V., Kousa, A., Pirjola, L., Ritola, R., Malinen, A. 2016. Modelling street dust in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. HSY:n julkaisuja 10/2016. Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut kuntayhtymä. Helsinki 2016. ISBN 978-952-7146-22-4 (PDF). 47 p. 3. Kupiainen K., Stojiljkovic A., Ritola R., Niemi J., Kousa A. 2015- Liikenteen eipakokaasuperäisten hiukkasten päästöinventaario pääkaupunkiseudulle. HSY:n julkaisuja 5/2015. 28 p. 4. Paunu V.-V., Kupiainen K. 2015. Performance of global black carbon emission inventories in the Arctic. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty in Atmospheric Emissions, October 2015, Krakow, Poland, pp. 110. ISBN: 83-894-7557-X 5. Laaksonen, A., Kupiainen, K., Kerminen V.-M., 2014. Musta hiili ilmastopakotteena: Päästöjen ja mahdollisten päästövähennysten globaalit ja alueelliset vaikutukset. Loppuraportti kansalliselle Ilmastopaneelille. 6. Savolahti, M., Karvosenoja, N., Paunu, V.-V., Kupiainen, K., 2013. Reduction measures and mitigation scenarios for particulate emissions in Finnish residential wood combustion (FRES- DOMPM). Project report. 25 p.

7. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Ritola R., Stojiljkovic A., Malinen A., 2013. Talvirenkaiden pölypäästöt ja eri katupölylähteiden osuudet kadunvarrella kerätyissä hiukkasnäytteissä. HSY:n julkaisuja 3/2013. 26 p. 8. Kupiainen K., Ritola R., 2013. Nastarengas ja hengitettävä pöly. Katsaus tutkimuskirjallisuuteen. Helsingin kaupungin ympäristökeskuksen julkaisuja 6/2013. 9. Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K., 2013. Puulämmitys - ilmastoteko vai terveysuhka? In: Hildén, M., Hallanaro, E.-L., Karjalainen, L., Järvelä, M. (eds.). Uusi luonnonvaratalous : Onko biomassa avain kestävään kasvuun? Helsinki, Gaudeamus. S.149-159. ISBN 978-952-495-285-9. 2013 10. Paasonen P, Visshedjik A, Kupiainen K, Klimont Z, Denier van der Gon H, Kulmala M (2013). Aerosol Particle Number Emissions and Size Distributions: Implementation in the GAINS Model and Initial Results. IIASA Interim Report IR-13-020. 11. Johansson C., Denby B.R., Sundvor I., Kauhaniemi M., Härkönen J., Kukkonen J., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Omstedt G., Ketzel M., Massling A., Pirjola L., Norman M., Gustafsson M., Blomqvist G., Bennet C., Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., 2012. NORTRIP NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions. Development of a model for assessing the effect on air quality and exposure. ITM-report 212. 67 p. 12. Denby B.R., Sundvor I., Johansson C., Kauhaniemi M., Härkönen J., Kukkonen J., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Omstedt G., Ketzel M., Massling A., Pirjola L., Norman M., Gustafsson M., Blomqvist G., Bennet C., Kupiainen K., Karvosenoja N., 2012. NORTRIP model development and documentation. Non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emission modeling. Version 7.3 (21.6.2012). Report No. OR 23/2012. Norwegian Insitute for Air Research (NILU). 113 p. 13. Arctic Council 2011. An Assessment of Emissions and Mitigation Options for Black Carbon for the Arctic Council. 14. Shvidenko A., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Rao S.& Schepaschenko D. 2011. The effects of climate change and abatement policies on the value of natural resources in Northern Europe and in the Arctic Sea area. Prime Minister s Office Reports 1/2011. 93 p. 15. Kupiainen, K., Pirjola, L., Viinanen, J., Stojiljkovic, A. and Malinen, A. 2011. Street dust emissions in Finnish cities summary of results from 2006 2010. Publications of the City of Helsinki Environment Centre 5/2011. 16. Klimont Z., Borken-Kleefeld J., Kupiainen K. & Cofala J. 2010. Emissions of air pollutants from transport in Europe. Summary of key assumptions and results. A report for the Transport and Environment, Ref. No.: 10-151. 7 November, 2010. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 14 p. 17. Yttri K. E., aas W., Tørseth K., Stebel K., Vik, A.F., Fjæraa, Hirdman D., Tsyro S., Simpson D., Marečkova K., Wankmüller R., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Amann M., Bergström R., Nemitz E., Querol X., Alastuey A., Pey J., Gehrig R. 2010. Transboundary particulate matter in Europe. Status Report 2010. EMEP Report 4/2010. 139 p. 18. Shvidenko A., Klimont Z., Kupiainen K., Rao S.& Schepaschenko D. 2010. The effects of climate change and likely climate abatement policies on the accessibility and value of natural resources in Northern Europe and in the Arctic Sea area and on the logistical position of Northern Europe. Draft Background Paper for the Economic Council of Finland, May 17, 2010. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 89 p. 19. Klimont Z., Amann M., Kupiainen K., Rao S., Vignati E., Riahi K., Heyes C., Schöpp W., Savolahti M., Cofala J., Rafaj P. & Högllund-Isaksson, 2010. Assessment of the current state of knowledge on future regional and sectoral changes in emissions and their impacts on air quality, ecosystems and climate; Europe and beyond. EUCAARI WP5.1 deliverable D93-D94. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). 51 p.

20. Ahtoniemi P., Tainio M., Tuomisto J. T., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K., Porvari P., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Kukkonen J. 2010. Health Risks from Nearby Sources of Fine Particulate Matter: Domestic Wood Combustion and Road Traffic (PILTTI). Pienhiukkasten lähipäästöjen terveysriskit: puun pienpoltto ja tieliikenne (PILTTI). National Institute for Health and Welfare REPORT 3/2010. 21. Kupiainen K. ym. 2009. Katupölyn päästöt ja torjunta. KAPU-hankkeen loppuraportti. Helsingin kaupungin ympäristökeskuksen julkaisuja 13/2009. 102 s. 22. Savolahti M., Karvosenoja N., Kupiainen K., Paunu V., Sippula O., Jokiniemi J. 2009. Hajautetun energiantuotannon vaikutus väestön altistumiseen pienhiukkasille. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 30/2009. 31s. 23. Hildén M., Karvosenoja N., Koskela S., Kupiainen K., Laine A., Rinne J., Seppälä J., Savolahti M. and Sokka L. 2008. Environmental assessment of the national long-term climate and energy strategy. The Finnish Environment 50/2008. Finnish Environment Insitute SYKE. 90p. 24. Rypdal K., Rive N., Aunan K., Åström S., Bak J. L., Karvosenoja N. and Kupiainen K. 2007. Effect of European post-kyoto Climate Policies on Nordic Air Quality. CICERO Report 2007:1. Center for International Climate and Environmental Research. 66 p. 25. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Tervahattu H., 2007. Estimating Urban Street Dust PM 10 Emission Factors in Finland. Paper presented at the Transportforum 2007 Conference January 10-11, 2007. Linköping, Sweden. 26. Tainio M., Karvosenoja N., Sofiev M., Karppinen A., Kupiainen, K., Kangas L., Tuomisto, J.T. Pekkanen, J. and Kukkonen J., 2007. Integrated risk analysis model to estimate health effects due to primary fine particle (PM2.5) emissions from different sectors. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, 2007, San Antonio, TX, USA. 27. Tainio M., Karvosenoja N., Sofiev M., Karppinen A., Kupiainen, K., Kangas L., Tuomisto, J.T., Pekkanen, J. and Kukkonen J., 2007. The sources, dispersion and health effects of primary fine particles (PM2.5). 8 th Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Mikkeli, 10-11.5.2007. 28. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Tervahattu H., Perhoniemi P. and Vesala H. 2006. Katupölypäästöjen ajoneuvomittaukset pp. 96-100. In: Tekes 2006. FINE Pinehiukkaset Teknologia, ympäristö ja terveys 2002-2005 Loppuraportti. Teknologiaohjelmaraportti 9/2006. 29. Kukkonen J., Karvosenoja N., Tuomisto J. T., Koskentalo T., Pirjola L., Kupiainen K., and Niittymäki J. 2006. Kokonaismalli pienhiukkasten päästöjen, leviämisen ja riskin arviointiin - KOPRA. An integrated model for evaluating the emissions, atmospheric dispersion and risks caused by ambient air fine particulate matter. pp. 197-204. In: Tekes 2006. FINE Pinehiukkaset Teknologia, ympäristö ja terveys 2002-2005 Loppuraportti. Teknologiaohjelmaraportti 9/2006. 30. Kukkonen J., Karvosenoja N., Tuomisto J. T., Koskentalo T., Pirjola L., Tainio M., Karppinen A., Sofiev M., Kangas L., Kupiainen K., Porvari P. Tohka A. and Johansson M. 2006. KOPRA Kokonaismalli pienhiukkasten päästöjen, leviämisen ja riskin arviointiin. Kokoelma projektissa tuotetusta aineistosta 1.6.2006, CD-ROM. 31. Science vol. 308, p. 469, 22 April 2005: Editors' Choice (ed. Gilbert Chin) for Highlights of the Recent Literature in Atmospheric Science: Fat Coats, Tervahattu et al. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, D06207, doi:10.1029/2004jd005400, 2005. 32. Tervahattu H., Kupiainen K. and Räisänen M., 2005. Tutkimuksia katupölyn koostumuksesta ja lähteistä. Pääkaupunkiseudun julkaisusarja B 2005: 12, 56 s. 33. Kupiainen K. and Klimont Z. 2004. Primary Emissions of Submicron and Carbonaceous Particles in Europe and the Potential for their Control. IIASA Interim Report IR-04-079. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. 115 p.

34. Tervahattu, H., Kupiainen, K., Räisänen, M., Mäkelä, T., Aurela, M. and Hillamo, R. 2004. The Influence of Studded Tires and Traction Sanding on Dust Emissions from Road Abrasion. Paper presented at the Winter Cities International 2004 Conference 18.-22.2.2004, Anchorage, United States. 35. Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H. Räisänen, M., Mäkelä, T., Aurela, M., Hillamo, R. 2003. Katupölyn tutkimusprojekti. Katupölyn muodostuminen ja koostumus koeolosuhteissa. II-vaihe, kevät 2002. In: Nobell, S. (ed.) Mobile2 Vuosikirja 2002. VTT Prosessit. Helmikuu 2003. Espoo. [The Formation and Composition of Road Dust in Test-Conditions. II phase, spring 2002] 36. Kupiainen, K., Mäkelä, T., Räisänen M., Tervahattu, H. and Hillamo, R. 2002. "The sizedistribution and composition of road dust under controlled conditions". Conference Proceedings, NOSA Aerosol Symposium, 7 and 8 November 2002 in Kjeller, Norway. Nordic Society for Aerosol Research. 37. Räisänen, M., Kupiainen, K. and Tervahattu, H. 2002. Mineralogy, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Anti-skid and Asphalt Aggregates Contributing to Urban Dust. Abstract presented at the 9th Nordic Aggregate Research Conference in Reykjavik, Island, 12th-14th September 2002. 38. Karvosenoja, N., Johansson, M. and Kupiainen, K. 2002. The Importance of Primary Particulate Emissions from Non-combustion Sources in Finland. Paper presented at the 16th International Clean Air & Environment Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, 19th-22nd August 2002. 39. Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H. and Räisänen, M. 2002. Studies on the Composition of Road Dust. A poster presented at the FISITA 2002 Congress, Helsinki 2 nd -7 th June 2002. 40. Tervahattu, H., Hongisto, M., Aarnio, P., Kupiainen, K., Sillanpää, M. and Saarikoski, S. 2002. Hiukkasten kaukokulkeuma syyskuussa 2001. Pääkaupunkiseudun julkaisusarja PJS C 2002:7. [Long-range Transport of Particles in September 2001.] 41. Kupiainen, K., Tervahattu, H. Räisänen, M. 2001. Katupölyn muodostuminen ja koostumus koeolosuhteissa. Nordic Envicon Oy. [The Formation and Composition of Road Dust in Test- Conditions.] 42. Tervahattu, H. ja Kupiainen, K. 2000: Hiekoitushiekan osuus katupölyssä haaste ilmanlaatututkimukselle. Mobile2-seurantaraportti. [The Share of Sanding in Street Dust a Challenge for Air Quality Research. Report for the Mobile2-research program.] D Publications intended for professional communities: 1. Jaakko Kukkonen and Kaarle Kupiainen: "Katupölyn haittoja voidaan yhä vähentää" (It is possible to reduce the detrimental effects of street dust), 2016. Helsingin Sanomat, vieraskynä-artikkeli (article by visiting experts): http://www.hs.fi/paakirjoitukset/a1462247293046?ref=hs-paakirjoitukset-3 2. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Ritola R., Stojiljkovic A., Malinen A., 2013. Päällysteen ja hiekoituksen katupölypäästöt ja niiden torjunta. Ilmansuojelu-lehti 2/2013, 13-15. 3. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L., Ritola R., Stojiljkovic A., Malinen A., 2013. Päällysteen ja hiekoituksen pölypäästöt. Ympäristo ja Terveys 3/2013. 4. Kupiainen K. 2011. Mustahiilihiukkaset ja ilmasto. Ilmansuojelu-lehti 3/2011, 20-13. 5. Kupiainen K., Pirjola L. and Viinanen J. 2010. KAPU-hankkeessa tutkittiin talvikunnossapidon vaikutusta PM10-katupölyn määrään. Ympäristö ja Terveys 4/2010 6. Viinanen J., Kupiainen K. and Pirjola L. 2010. Katupöly kuriin uudella tekniikalla. Kuntatekniikka 3/2010.

7. Viinanen J., Kupiainen K. and Pirjola L. 2010. Katupölyn vähentäminen talvikunnossapidon ja puhtaanapidon keinoin. Katupöly pysynyt sitkeästi ilmansuojeluongelmana. Ilmansuojelu-lehti (Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society) 1/2010, 10-13. 8. Tainio M., Karvosenoja K., Ahtoniemi P., Kupiainen K., Porvari P., Karppinen A., Kangas L., Kukkonen J. ja Tuomisto J. 2008. Liikenteen ja puun pienpolton pienhiukkasten terveysriskit. Ympäristö ja Terveys 10/2008 G Theses: 1. Kupiainen, K. 2007. Road Dust from Pavement Wear and Traction Sanding. Monographs of the Boreal Environment Research 26. 50 p. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-952-11-2556- 0. Ph.D. Thesis (Environmental Science and Policy). University of Helsinki. 2. Kupiainen, K. 2000. Saastuneen maan kunnostuksessa leviävän pölyn tutkiminen sammalpallomenetelmällä ja elektronimikroskopialla (SEM/EDX). Master s thesis (Environmental Science and Policy). University of Helsinki.