Venla Helminna Bernelius (formerly Sihvonen) Curriculum Vitae. Date and place of birth. Current position

Samankaltaiset tiedostot
Venla Helminna Bernelius (formerly Sihvonen) Curriculum Vitae. Date and place of birth. Current position

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Koulutuspolusta umpikujaksi?: Nuorten oppimisen jaot eriytyvillä kaupunkiseuduilla Bernelius, V. 19 dec 2014 i : Tietoanuorista.

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Venla Helminna Bernelius (formerly Sihvonen) Curriculum Vitae 27 th of November 1979, Helsinki, Finland Date and place of birth Current position 1.3.2014 University Lecturer in Regional Studies (Aluetieteen yliopistonlehtori) Office Department of Geosciences and Geography, P.O.Box 64, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki Tel +358-50 415 4865 Mobile +358-41 530 7369 E-mail Education and training 2013 Ph.D. in Geography (regional studies, urban geography), University of Helsinki, Finland 2005 M.Sc. in Geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 1.8.-31.12.2003 Geography studies in Lund University, Sweden in the Nordplus student exchange program 1999 Graduation from high school SYK (Helsingin suomalainen yhteiskoulu), Helsinki, Finland 1.1-30.11.1997 Studies in Whakatane High School, Whakatane, New Zealand in a high school exchange program University subjects and academic success Doctoral Thesis: The growing gaps in urban schools: Socio-spatial segregation, urban school choices and educational neighbourhood effects in Helsinki (Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut: Helsingin peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan erot, perheiden kouluvalinnat ja oppimistuloksiin liittyvät aluevaikutukset osana kaupungin eriytymiskehitystä). Master s Thesis: Are educational outcomes real estate? - A study of the connection between urban segregation and educational outcomes in public schools, and the effects of the public school market in Helsinki (Onko oppimistulokset valettu betoniin? Tutkimus Helsingin kaupunkirakenteen ja oppimistulosten yhteydestä sekä kouluvalintojen vaikutuksesta), grade ECLA - eximia (excellent) Major: Geography, specializing in Urban Geography, final grade 5 Minor 1: Statistics, final grade 5 1

Minor 2: Social Politics, final grade 5 Minor 3: Sociology, final grade 5 The grades range from 1 (passing) to 5 (excellent) Courses in Human Geography in Lund University (higher level), average grade VG The grades range from G (passing) to VG (good) Language Abilities Finnish (native) English (excellent oral and written abilities) Swedish (fluent) Russian (basic ablilities) Grants and Awards 2013 ProGIS Award for a laudable Doctoral Thesis. The award is given annually by the ProGIS society for 1-2 master-level or doctoral level graduates, who have successfully applied GIS methods, and includes a personal grant of 750 euros. 2013 Kanslerin matkatuki - Chancellors s Travel Grant (University of Helsinki) for attending the RC21 (Urban Sociology) Conference in Berlin, Germany. 2008 Kone Foundation Grant (University of Helsinki) for attending the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Conference in Las Vegas, USA. 2007 Kanslerin matkatuki - Chancellors s Travel Grant (University of Helsinki) for attending the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Conference in Boston, USA. 2006 Helsinki Award for a laudable Master s Thesis. The award is given annually to 4-6 graduates by Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus (City of Helsinki Urban Facts Research Centre), and it includes a personal grant of 500 euros. 2004 Grant from Helsingin kaupungin opetusvirasto (Helsinki City Department of Education) for making Master s Thesis on urban structure and educational success in the comprehensive schools of Helsinki City. 2004 Grant from Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus (City of Helsinki Urban Facts Research Centre) for making Master s Thesis Working experience 1.1.2014 28.2.2014 Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki 2

1.10.2010 31.12.2014 Researcher in MetrOP - Educational outcomes and health of children Does increased segregation of schools and areas in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area produce poorer health and learning among children? -project 1.1.2009 31.9.2010 Researcher in ACRE Accommodating Creative Knowledge research program financed by the European Comission 1.10.2005-31.12.2008 Junior researcher and doctoral student in Urban spatial differentiation and neighbourhood effects research project, financed by the Academy of Finland 1.6.-31.8.2004 Working as a summer trainee at the National Board of Education 1.12.2000-31.5.2004 Working part time in FM-Kartta Oy, a Finnish company specialized in GIS-products. GIS specialist tasks ranged from production of 3-D city models to the production of aerial orthoimages. Scientific Publications Bernelius, Venla & Mari Vaattovaara (submitted). Choice and segregation in the most egalitarian schools: processes of segregation in urban schools in Helsinki, Finland. 19 s. Urban Studies Bernelius, Venla & Mari Vaattovaara (2013, painossa). Stadin skidien eriytyvät naapurustot. Teoksessa Ketä kiinnostaa: SKIDI-KIDS ohjelman tuloksia, s. 200-211. Gaudeamus ja Suomen Akatemia, Tallinna. Bernelius, Venla (2013, painossa). Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut: Segregaation eteneminen koulujen oppilaspohjan ja oppilaiden kouluvalintojen kautta. Kvartti 2013: 4. Bernelius, Venla (2013). Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut: Helsingin peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan erot, perheiden kouluvalinnat ja oppimistuloksiin liittyvät aluevaikutukset osana kaupungin eriytymiskehitystä. Tutkimuksia 1/2013. Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus, Helsinki. 223 s. Bernelius, Venla (2013). Koulut ja kaupunkikehitys: Helsingin peruskoulujen kytkeytyminen asuinalueiden sosiaaliseen ja etniseen eriytymiseen. Terra 125: 1, 3-18. Bernelius, Venla (2013). Koululaiset kaupungissa: Kouluvalintoja ohjaavat naapurustojen piirteet ja valintojen vaikutus koulujen eriytymiseen Helsingissä. Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu 51: 1, 8-27. Kauppinen, Timo M. & Venla Bernelius (2013). Koulujen alueelliset haasteet ja rahoituksen kohdentuminen: Selvitys peruskoulujen oppilasalueiden väestön sosioekonomisten resurssien yhteydestä oppilaskohtaiseen rahoitukseen pääkaupunkiseudulla ja Turussa. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön selvityksiä 2013:8. Bernelius, Venla (2012). Tutkittua tietoa koulujen ja väestörakenteen alueellisesta eriytymisestä. In Jakku-Sihvonen, Ritva & Jorma Kuusela: Perusopetuksen aika: Selvitys koulujen toimintaympäristöä 3

kuvaavista indikaattoreista. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön työryhmämuistioita ja esityksiä 2012: 13, p. 35-43. Bernelius, Venla & Timo Kauppinen (2011). School Outcomes and Neighbourhood Effects: A New Approach Using Data from Finland. In van Ham, Maarten, David Manley, Nick Bailey, Ludi Simpson & Duncan Maclennan (eds.) Neighbourhood Effects Research: New Perspectives, p. 225-247. Springer, London. Bernelius, Venla (2011). Osoitteenmukaisia oppimistuloksia? Kaupunkikoulujen eriytymisen vaikutus peruskoululaisten oppimistuloksiin Helsingissä. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 76: 5, 479-493. Kepsu, Kaisa, Mari Vaattovaara, Venla Bernelius & Mikko Itälahti (2010) Vetävä Helsinki: Luovien ja tietointensiivisten alojen osaajien näkemyksiä seudusta kotimainen ja kansainvälinen näkökulma. Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus, Tutkimuksia 4/2010. 97 s. Bernelius, Venla (2010). Alueellinen eriytyminen heijastuu kouluihin. Teoksessa Rimpelä, Matti & Venla Bernelius (toim.) Peruskoulujen oppimistulokset ja oppilaiden hyvinvointi eriytyvällä Helsingin seudulla: MetrOP tutkimus 2010 2013, 19-23 Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos. Tutkimuksia B1. Vaattovaara, Mari & Venla Bernelius (2010). Alueellinen eriytyminen Helsingin metropolialueella. Teoksessa Rimpelä, Matti & Venla Bernelius (toim.) Peruskoulujen oppimistulokset ja oppilaiden hyvinvointi eriytyvällä Helsingin seudulla: MetrOP tutkimus 2010 2013, 13-18. Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos. Tutkimuksia B1. Rimpelä, Matti & Venla Bernelius (toim.) (2010). Peruskoulujen oppimistulokset ja oppilaiden hyvinvointi eriytyvällä Helsingin seudulla: MetrOP tutkimus 2010 2013. Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos. Tutkimuksia B1. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki. 93 s. Vaattovaara, Mari, Venla Bernelius, Kaisa Kepsu, Elina Eskelä (2010). Creative knowledge and local policies in Helsinki: How to enhance the city s competitiveness. ACRE Report 10.5. AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam. 72 s. Vaattovaara, Mari, Venla Bernelius, Kaisa Kepsu, Elina Eskelä (2009). Helsinki: An attractive hub of creative knowledge? The views of high-skilled employees, managers and transnational migrants. ACRE Report 8.5. AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, 87 s. Holstila, Anna-Leena, Miia Huomo, Kaisa Hölttä, Johanna Jokinen and Venla Bernelius (2009). Peltosaaren asukasrakenne: kysymys eriytymisestä ja heikkenemisestä. In: Vaattovaara, M., M. Kortteinen & R. Ratvio (toim.): Miten kehittää lähiötä? tapaustutkimus Riihimäen Peltosaaresta, metropolin laidalta. Suomen ympäristö 46/2009, 111-124. Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus, Lahti. Kepsu, Kaisa, Mari Vaattovaara, Venla Bernelius, Elina Eskelä (2009). Helsinki: An attractive metropolitan region for creative knowledge workers? The view of transnational migrants. ACRE Report 7.5. AMIDSt, Universtity of Amsterdam. 144 s. 4

Bernelius, Venla (2009). Helsingin positiivisen diskriminaation (PD) malli suomen- ja ruotsinkielisille peruskouluille. Julkaisematon raportti hallintokäyttöön. 29 s. Bernelius, Venla & Aleksi Henttonen (2008). Kaikkien koulu Peruskoulun laadun ja mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvon tukeminen. Working Papers 1/2008. Sorsafoundation, Helsinki. Bernelius, Venla (2008). Lähi(ö)koulu Helsingin koulut ja kaupunginosat EU:n Urban II ohjelman kouluhankkeissa. Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskus, Tutkimuksia 3/2008. 96 s. Bernelius, Venla (2006). Opin tiellä? Helsingin peruskoulut ja alueellinen eriytyminen. Kvartti 06: 3, 7-15. Bernelius, Venla (2006). On the path of learning: Urban segregation and the educational outcomes of comprehensive schools in Helsinki. Helsinki Quarterly 06: 4, 22-27. Bernelius, Venla (2005). Onko oppimistulokset valettu betoniin? Tutkimus Helsingin kaupunkirakenteen ja peruskoulujen oppimistulosten yhteydestä ja kouluvalintojen vaikutuksista. Pro gradu -tutkielma. 103 s. Maantieteen laitos, Helsingin yliopisto. Scientific Presentations 7.10.2013 Invited presentation in the Association of Private School Principals:: Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut mitä tiedetään koulujen alueellisista haasteista ja oppimistuloksista julkis- ja yksityiskouluissa?, Suomalainen Klubi, Helsinki, 30 min. 21.10.2013 Invited presentation in the City of Helsinki Mayors meeting ( Helsingin kaupungin Johtajiston seminaari ): Eriytyvät kaupunkikoulut: Kaupunki- ja koulusegregaatio Helsingin etenevinä kehityskulkuina?, Empiresali, Helsinki, 30 min. 7.3.2013 Invited presentation in the Helsinki University open lecture series Studia Generalia: Kouluerot Helsingissä: Mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvo eriytyvien naapurustojen ja koulujen metropolissa, Porthania, Helsinki, 30 min. 30.8.2013 Conference presentation in RC21 International Urban Sociology Conference: School choice and segregation in the Finnish Cities: Evidence of growing polarization in the world s most equal schools, 20 min. Berlin, Germany. 23.11.2012 Conference presentation in Kasvatustieteen päivät: Koulut metropolin murroksessa: Helsingin seudun peruskoulujen eriytymisen dynamiikka, 20 min. Minerva-talo, Helsinki. 23.10.2012 Invited presentation in the City of Helsinki training day for municipal professionals: Helsingin seudun segregaatio ja koulujen arki: PISA:n mallioppilaasta kohti eriytyneiden koulujen metropolia?, 90 min. 27.3.2012 Invited presentation in Education Governance Seminar Parental School Choice, School Segregation and Governance The Case of 5

Helsinki, 90 min, Siltavuorenpenger, HY, Koulutussosiologian ja koulutuspolitiikan maisteriohjelma 27.10.2011 Invited presentation, Finnish (30 min). Osoitteenmukaisia oppimistuloksia? Koulujen maantiede ja aluevaikutukset eriytyvillä kaupunkiseuduilla in the Maantieteen päivät (The Annual Meeting of Finnish Geographers), University of Turku, Finland. 13.1.2011 Invited presentation, Finnish (30 min). Myydään: 3h+k+koulu Koulut ja asuinalueiden houkuttelevuus in Tieteiden yö (The Annual Night of Science) organised by Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies), Helsinki, Finland. 27.5.2010 Invited presentation, English (30 min). International schools and immigrant schools? School segregation, school choice and ethnic minorities in Helsinki in Living in the City seminar for European researchers and practitioners in Berlin, Germany. 5.2.2010 Invited key note presentation, English (30 min). Are educational outcomes real estate? School segregation and neighbourhood effects in a Nordic welfare state in the Neighbourhood effects: theory and evidence -seminar, ESRC seminar series, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. 21.9.2009 Key note presentation, English (20 min). The process of differentiating neighbourhoods and schools in the Nordic context questions of equality in the Equality in Educational Opportunities the Nordic Dimension seminar, Hanasaari Cultural Centre, Espoo. 10.6.2009 Presentation, English (20 min). Bridging urban gaps with positive discrimination? Socio-spatial segregation, schools and educational policies in Helsinki in the NGM 2009 (Nordic Geographers Meeting) conference in Turku, Finland. 26.3.2009 Presentation, English (20 min). Schools on the threshold? Learning in a segregating Nordic welfare society in the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting conference in Las Vegas, USA. 22.9.2008 Presentation, English (30 min) Schools, Housing Market and Neighbourhood Development - The Case of Helsinki in NSBB (The Nordic Urban and Housing Research Seminar) in Espoo, Finland. 10.9.2008 Invited key note presentation, Finnish (25 min) Koulut ja asuinalueiden segregaatiokehitys (Schools and Neighbourhood Segregation) in Kuntamarkkinat (The annual Municipal fair, a public administration conference) in Helsinki, Finland. 9.5.2008 Presentation, Finnish (25 min) Kaupunkirakenne, koulut ja mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvo in Kaupunkitutkimuksen päivät (The Annual Finnish Urban Research Conference) in Helsinki, Finland. 7.5.2008 Presentation, Finnish (20 min) Lähi(ö)koulu Helsingin koulut ja kaupunginosat EU:n Urban II ohjelman kouluhankkeissa in the publication event of the research report (visited by invited representatives of the National Board of Education, City of Helsinki Urban Facts, City of Helsinki Education & Social Departments, 6

University of Helsinki and public schools of Helsinki), hosted by the City of Helsinki Education Department. 15.4.2008 Presentation, English (20 min). Neighbourhood Effects, Educational Outcomes and Public Schools in Helsinki, Finland in the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting conference in Boston, USA. 25.9.2007 Invited presentation, Finnish (30 min). Koulutuksen maantiede alueelliset erot syinä ja seurauksina. Osaamisyhteiskunta kaikille (Knowledge society for all) seminar for researchers and politicians coordinated by Sorsa Foundation in Helsinki, Finland. 11.1.2007 Presentation, Finnish (15 min) Koulutuksen rajat in Tieteiden yö (The Annual Night of Science) organised by Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies) in Helsinki, Finland. 28.10.2006 Presentation, Finnish (20 min) Opin tiellä? in Maantieteen päivät (The Annual Meeting of Finnish Geographers) in Helsinki, Finland. 4.5.2006 Presentation, Finnish (30 min) Koulut ja alueellinen eriytyminen Helsingissä in Kaupunkitutkimuksen päivät (The Annual Finnish Urban Research Conference) in Helsinki, Finland. 26.4.2006 Invited presentation, Finnish (20 min) Alueellinen erilaistuminen, koulut(us) ja aluevaikutus in a discussion event held by NaRa (Association of Finnish Female Architects and Planners) in Helsinki, Finland. 6.4.2006 Presentation, English (20 min) Urban Segregation, Education and Neighbourhood Effects in Helsinki, Finland in NordForsk Housing Research and Design 2006 researcher seminar in Oslo, Norway. 8.3.2006 Presentation, English (20 min) Are educational outcomes real estate? in the AAG (Association of American Geographers) Annual Meeting conference in Chicago, USA. Selected University Lectures and Courses 2013 B.Sc. seminar in Urban and planning geography, participation in teaching, course leaders professori Mari Vaattovaara ja professori Harry Schulman, 2 h 2013 Coordination of Urban Academy teaching: planning the multidisciplinary minor subject together with a group set by the head of the Helsinki University. Courses will be given in the future by the Helsinki University and Aalto University. The course plans were handed to the university head in October 2013. 2013 Acting as an Instructor in a Master-level course Pohjat pääkaupunkiseudun lähiöiden heikkenevä kehitys? (Cycles of deprivation in the metropolitan suburbs) (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the 7

Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leaders prof. Mari Vaattovaara and prof. Matti Kortteinen 2012 Lecture Neighbourhood Effects: Theory and Research (English) (2 h) on the Master-level lecture series Themes in Urban Geography in the Department of Geosciences and Geography, coordinated by Ph.D. Gareth Rice. 2012 Acting as an Instructor in a Master-level course Suomalaisten lähiöiden tila: Tutkimuskohteena Turun Jyrkkälä (The state of Finnish suburbs: Case Jyrkkälä) (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leaders prof. Mari Vaattovaara and prof. Matti Kortteinen 2012 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Rami Ratvio at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen 2011 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Rami Ratvio at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen 24.1.-2.3.2011 Acting as an Instructor in a Master-level course Kaupunkiympäristöjen turvallisuuden kehittäminen tapaus Tikkurila (Developing safe urban environments the case of Tikkurila) (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leaders prof. Mari Vaattovaara and prof. Matti Kortteinen 1.12.2010 Lecture Alueellinen eriytyminen ja koulut: Miten kaupunkirakenteen eriytyminen vaikuttaa kouluihin, ja voidaanko vaikutuksia pyrkiä vähentämään tutkimukseen perustuvalla tuella Urban Segregation and Schools: How does urban segregation affects schools and can the effects be ameliorated with evidence-based methods (Finnish) (1 h) in Teacher Continuing Education lecture series for graduated teachers organised by Palmenia, University of Helsinki. 30.11.2010 Lecture Neighbourhood Effects: Theory and Research (English) (2 h) on the Master-level lecture series Themes in Urban Geography in the Department of Geosciences and Geography, coordinated by Ph.D. Gareth Rice. 1.11.-8.11.2010 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Rami Ratvio at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen. 8

13.-20.10.2009 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Rami Ratvio at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen. 6.8.-15.8.2009 Planning and leading a Master student Excursion to the United States (Chicago-Madison-Eau Claire-Minneapolis/St.Paul) together with professor Mari Vaattovaara (Finnish & English). The 5 ECTS course consisted of a preparatory seminar, excursion and post-excursion meetings with the students. 1.3.-15.5.2009 Working as an Assistant Instructor in a course Peltosaari urban renewal in a delapidated 70 s suburb (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leaders prof. Mari Vaattovaara and prof. Matti Kortteinen 18.-25.2.2009 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Rami Ratvio at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen. 1.1.-1.3.2009 Planning and teaching a course Introduction to Human Geography (Finnish) (2 ECTS) at the Open University, University of Helsinki together with M.Sc. Hannu Linkola 14.-17.4.2008 Planning and teaching 8 hours in a Master-level course Aluetieteen menetelmät Advanced Methods in Geography (Finnish) (the whole course 7 ECTS) together with Hanna Ristisuo at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leader Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Katariina Kosonen. 1.10.-17.10.2007 Planning and teaching a course Introduction to Human Geography (Finnish) (2 ECTS) at the Open University, University of Helsinki together with M.Sc. Hannu Linkola 12.3.-3.5.2007 Planning and teaching 22 hours of a Bachelor-level course Methods in Human Geography (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki together with M.Sc. Hanna Ristisuo and M.Sc. Katja Vilkama 30.11.2006 Planning and teaching one session (3 hours) of a course Concepts, Theories and Urban Research (Finnish) (3 ECTS) at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki together wit M.Sc. Rami Ratvio. Course coordinator prof. Mari Vaattovaara 16.10.-2.11.2006 Planning and teaching a course Introduction to Human Geography (Finnish) (2 ECTS) at the Open University, University of Helsinki together with M.Sc. Riikka Henriksson and M.Sc. Hannu Linkola 13.3.-5.5.2006 Acting as an Instructor in a course Urban Life and Lifestyles (Finnish) (7 ECTS) at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Course leaders prof. Mari Vaattovaara and prof. Matti Kortteinen 9

1.9.-10.12.2004 Teaching a course Basic Methods in Geography (Finnish) (5.5 ECTS) at the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. Organizing and Chairing Seminars and Conferences 21.-22.9.2009 Organizing a two day research seminar Equality in Educational Opportunities the Nordic Dimension in cooperation with Finnish Institute in London and Hanasaari Cultural Centre. The seminar included a large political panel discussion Koulutuksen tasa-arvo vaakalaudalla? ( Educational Equality on the edge? ) with Per Thullberg (Head of Swedish National Agency for Education), Timo Lankinen (Head of Finnish National Board of Education), Päivi Lipponen (Member of Parliament) and Hans Albin Larsson (Head of Swedish Schools Inspectorate). Tasks in the seminar included concluding words for the panel discussion, key note presentation in the seminar and chairing two workshops on School choice and segregation and Positive discrimination in education. The seminar and panel discussion were held in Hanasaari, Espoo on the 21 st (1 st seminar day and panel discussion) -22 nd of September 2009. 9.-10.6.2009 Organizing a and chairing two sessions Nordic Cities in Change I-II on the 9 th and 10 th of June for the 2009 NGM (Nordic Geographers Meeting) conference in Turku, Finland in cooperation with Antti Vasanen (University of Turku). 26.4.2009 Organising a session Geographies of Education II: Choice, Inequality and Segregation on the 26 th of March for the 2009 AAG (Association of American Geographers) meeting in Las Vegas, USA, in cooperation with Suzanna Klaf (Ohio State University) Professional Networks and Activities 2012 Updating the model of positive discrimination (equal opportunities) for the City of Helsinki Education Department (see below). 2008 2009 Creating a new model of positive discrimination (equal opportunities) for the City of Helsinki Education Department. The model of positive discrimination assesses the schools need for extra resourcing, based on the socio-economic composition of the school and its catchment area. The model is in use in the whole city from August 2009. 10

2008 Membership in the KatuMetro programme, formulating the basis for a new public research programme for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area 1.5.- 31.12.2007 Member of the Steering Committee of Sorsa Foundation s project Osaamisyhteiskunta kaikille ( Knowledge Society for Everyone ). 20.9.2006-31.12.2009 Member of the EU COST C20 Action (Creating a European Knowledge Arena for urban knowledge) and its Junior Network. Taking part on several international COST-conferences (Liege, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Madrid, Brno, Tallinn, Sofia) as a participating member and chairing two of the COST Junior Network conferences before the COST meetings. Activities in the University of Helsinki 2014-2017 Vice Member of the Bilingual Studies Development Group ( Kaksikielisen opetuksen kehittämisryhmä ) 2010- Vice Member of the Department Council in the Institution of Geosciences and Geography 2006 Member of the Committee for the nomination proposal for the appointment of the professorship in Human Georaphy (Department of Georaphy) 2004 Member of the Committee for the nomination proposal for the appointment of the professorship in Economic Geography (Department of Georaphy) 2003-2005 Student member in the team for the development of studies in the Department of Geography 2003-2005 Student member in the board for adapting the Faculty of Science to the Bologna Process 2002 Member of the board in The Helsinki University Geography Students Organization (MaO), in charge of the development of studies 11