Samankaltaiset tiedostot

Saara Hannula Portfolio

Matti Sarvimäki. July /2009 Senior Researcher Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki

1. Taideteoria ja yleinen opetus / Art theory and general studies

MATKAILUALAN TIETEELLISIÄ LEHTIÄ julkaisufoorumin tasoluokittain

Research in Chemistry Education


General studies: Art and theory studies and language studies

Monitieteiset ympäristöopinnot, kurssitarjonta

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Forestry

A new model of regional development work in habilitation of children - Good habilitation in functional networks

Aallonhuiput. Aalto University Doctoral Student Association. Lauri Kovanen, November 8th 2012

VÄRE premises Sari Dhima




Students Experiences of Workplace Learning Marja Samppala, Med, doctoral student

ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection

Taiteen laitos - Department of Art:

Aalto University School of Engineering Ongelmaperusteisen oppimisen innovatiivinen soveltaminen yliopisto-opetuksessa

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Työelämäyhteistyö MARIHE-maisteriohjelmassa. Jussi Kivistö & Laura Viitanen Higher Education Group (HEG) Johtamiskorkeakoulu, TaY

Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

Curriculum vitae 2013 Kirsi Monni. Work in the field of art and positions of trust

DRAMATURGIAn KOULUTUSOHJELMAN KANDIDAATTIRAKENNE Työelämään perehdyttäminen Arbetslivsorientering Professional Orientation 05-XXA00

Karelia ENI CBC-ohjelma/ PÄÄTÖSLUETTELO 1 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto


Taiteen laitos - Department of Art:

Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland

Camilla Wikström-Grotell, prefekt, prorektor DIAK to be Arcada s new neighbour A new sports hall is being planned

Diaari Luokka AP RP 3 CB41 HealthAccess / Access to Distant Markets in Health and Wellness Nähtävänäolo Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol

OP1. PreDP StudyPlan

Koulutusvastuun sisäinen jakautuminen Tampereen yliopistossa

Opetusohjelma FOR-, Y- ja muut kurssit

Tutkimuksen huippuyksiköt. Maiju Gyran tiedeasiantuntija

Julkaisut ja meriitit / Publications and Merits of the staff at TUT

Tuloksia ja kokemuksia / results and experiences


RANS0002 P2. Phonetics and Pronunciation (Fonetiikka ja ääntäminen), O, 2 ECTS. RANS0010 P3. Translation Exercise (Käännösharjoitukset) s, O, 3 ECTS


Aalto Service Factory


Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies

Lähellä kaupungissa. Web-based learning environment relating to urban and geography studies

Keskeisiä näkökulmia RCE-verkoston rakentamisessa Central viewpoints to consider when constructing RCE

Dir. emer. Klaus Thoma, Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut

Opiskelijoiden taiteellinen toiminta TeaKin ulkopuolella 2010 (tiedot perustuvat henkilöiden omaan ilmoitukseen)

Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies


Koulutusvastuun sisäinen jakautuminen Tampereen yliopistossa

2009 Doctor of Technology (Ph.D) defended at 13 th November

Justification for the change: The curriculum includes 30 credits of compulsory joint studies, taught annually in the same order over two years.

Orientation week program WMMI19KP

Julkaistu Helsingissä 4 päivänä heinäkuuta /2012 Valtioneuvoston asetus

1998a [1997]: 16, Raevaara et al. 2001: 15]:

riikka gröndahl portfolio

European Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. Mafi Saarilammi Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvosto

1. Koskinen S, Koskenniemi J, Leino-Kilpi H & Suhonen R Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä. Pro terveys 41 (2),

Hyvät käytännöt opetuksen ja TKI:n integroinnista kansainvälisestä näkökulmasta


Tehostettu kisällioppiminen tietojenkäsittelytieteen ja matematiikan opetuksessa yliopistossa Thomas Vikberg

Tiedekunnan tohtorikoulutettavien vuosiseminaari yhteisöllisyyden lisääjänä

Itämeri -seminaari

Case työpaja: Botnia. TM21 Sidosryhmät ja moraalinen vastuu Pia Lotila

KUOPION KANSALAISOPISTO Kuopio Community College Welcome - Tervetuloa!

ISSRC Information Systems Security Research Center. University of Oulu, Department of Information Processing Science T.Wiander, M.

Auli Sirviö 1963 yleinen Kangasala 333 Hanna Lilja 1986 yleinen Tiistenjoki 334 Eija Kestilä 1976 yleinen Jyväskylä 335 Erika Parviainen 1995 yleinen

Cross-sectoral cooperation Yhteistyötä ja synergiaa - Eurooppalaiset hankeyhteistyömahdollisuudet Erasmus+ -ohjelmassa

Innovative and responsible public procurement Urban Agenda kumppanuusryhmä. public-procurement

Rakentamisen näkymät EU-alueella ja Suomessa

Julkaisun laji Opinnäytetyö. Sivumäärä 43

Perustietoa hankkeesta

Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2017 Jenni Laine

Tuote- ja palvelukehitys Eroja yksityisen ja kolmannen sektorin välillä

Innovative teaching practices

Building a Pyramid Project Workshop, of April, Larissa, Greece

Stormwater filtration unit


Paikka tiedekunnan kokoushuone, Assistentinkatu 7, 1. krs, huone 149


FP: RP 1/6 CB379 St Olav Waterway / St Olav Waterway

Kruunusillat - Crown Bridges

Anne Vatén. Lahti Institute of Design. Högskolan för Fotografi. Västra Nylands folkhögskola. North Karelia College PHOTOGRAPHER.

Suur-Helsingin Golf ry Tulokset Sia & Altia Avio- ja avopari Open

Taiteen ja taidekasvatuksen tutkimus

Yrityksen informaatio- ja toimintoprosessien optimointi

koodi / kod / code nimi / namn / name ECTS kieli / språk / language 21C00250 Organisaatiokäyttäytyminen 6 suomi

Erasmus-liikkuvuuden tilastoja Anni Kallio

Kuopion Uimaseuran TOP Päivitetty

Master of Arts (filosofian kandidaatti), University of Turku (Finland), Degree Programme in Human Geography,

Production Professionals and Developers for the Cultural Field DEGREE PROGRAMME IN CULTURAL MANAGEMENT

Tutkinto-ohjelma Tiedekunta Tutkinto Koulutusala Ohjauksen ala Bioteknologian tutkinto-ohjelma Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta

Kansainvälisiä tutkimus- ja kehitysprojekteja ekotehokkaan rakennetun ympäristön tuottamiseen, käyttöön ja ylläpitoon

Space for work, meetings and events. Expert Services for knowledge intensive and growth oriented SME s


Aalto-yliopiston laatujärjestelmä ja auditointi. Aalto-yliopisto Inkeri Ruuska, Head of Planning & Management Support

Suomalaisten korkeakoulujen osallistuminen EU-Canada-ohjelmaan: Hankkeet (EU-CANADA cooperation in higher education and vocational training)

Kestävä kehitys, vastuullisuus. Työryhmän kokous 26.10

Journalistes en Europe training programme, Paris Academic leadership training programme, University of Tampere, 2005



CURRICULUM VITAE Antti Salminen Vasamantie 91, 33450 Ylöjärvi +358 44 036 3536 Degree and education 2013 Docent University of Tampere, Comparative Literature 2010 Doctor of Philosophy University of Tampere, Comparative Literature PhD: From Abyss into Nothingness. Five Essays on Paul Celan s Poetics. 2006 Master of Arts University of Tampere, Comparative Literature Current positions 2018 Independent writer and researcher Funded by Kone Foundation, HIAP and Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2018 2019 Visiting researcher Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki Previous work experience 2016 Editor Philosophical Journal niin & näin 2012 Independent writer and researcher Funded by Kone Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Alfred Kordelin Foundation, HIAP 2010 Editor-in-chief Philosophical Journal niin & näin 2006 Visiting lecturer University of Tampere, University of Helsinki, University of Turku, University of Jyväskylä, University of Eastern Finland, University of the Arts Helsinki, Aalto University 2011 2012 Post-doc researcher University of Tampere, Research Collegium (IASR) 2008 2011 Junior researcher Academy of Finland, University of Tampere Project: Literature, Transcendence, Avant-Garde (Head of research: Päivi Mehtonen) 2008 2009 Editor Philosophical Journal niin & näin 2007 2008 Editor-in-chief Aikalainen, University of Tampere Science and culture journal 1

2015 Supervisor Doctoral student Henna Laininen (University of the Arts Helsinki, 2017 ) Doctoral student Mikko Mankinen (University of Tampere, 2015 ) 2014 Evaluator University of the Arts Helsinki, Aalto University Publications A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles 1. (2018a) On the Meaning of Experimental Art in the Eye of the Anergy Storm. In The Midden: A Critical Dictionary of Ecology, eds. Jenni Nurmenniemi & Tracey Warr. Tr. Liisa Muinonen Martin. Helsinki: Garret Publications, 24 45. 2. (2018b) Ethics, Nafthism, and the Fossil Subject (with Tere Vadén). In Relations: Beyond Anthropocentrism. Vol. 3, No. 2 3, 33 48. 3. (2017a) Introduction (with Jukka Mikkonen). In Mimesis: filosofia, taide, yhteiskunta, eds. Jukka Mikkonen & Antti Salminen. Jyväskylä: SoPhi, 3 8. 4. (2017b) Kirjallisen mimesiksen muodonmuutoksia. In Mimesis: taide, historia, yhteiskunta, eds. Jukka Mikkosen & Antti Salminen. Jyväskylä: SoPhi, 45 63. 5. (2015a) Beyond Transcendence An Introduction. (with Päivi Mehtonen) In Poetics of Transcendence: Literature, Philosophy, Theology, eds. Päivi Mehtonen, Elisa Heinämäki & Antti Salminen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1 12. 6. (2015b) Paul Celan s Poetic Heresy. In Poetics of Transcendence: Literature, Philosophy, Theology, eds. Päivi Mehtonen, Elisa Heinämäki & Antti Salminen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 37 58. 7. (2014a) Öljy ja aurinko fossiilinen subjekti yleisessä taloudessa. In Posthumanismi, eds. Karoliina Lummaa & Lea Rojola. Turku: Eetos, 289 306. 8. (2014b) February 13. Celan's Political, Spiritual and Poetical Anarchies. In SubStance, Vol. 43, No. 3, 120 138. 9. (2014c) On Breathroutes. In Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, Vol. 12, No. 1, 107 126. 10. (2013a) Luonnos jälkimodernin kokeellisuuden perustaksi. In Kulttuurintutkimus, Vol. 31, No. 1, 12 33. 11. (2013b) Maailmanpyörä palaa. Huomioita Herakleitoken tulesta. In niin & näin, Vol. 20 No. 4, 42 47. 12. (2013c) Pääoman unet: elokuvatekninen tiedostamaton. (with Maria Valkama) In niin & näin, Vol. 20 No. 2, 63 68. 13. (2012a) Parasites Fragments of the Non-Human. In CTheory, Theory Beyond the Codes 047. 14. (2012b) Pallaksch: Celan ja Hölderlin. In niin & näin, Vol. 19 No. 4, 114 119. 15. (2012c) Paul Celan, Martin Heidegger ja myyttinen ristiriita. In Kirjallisuus ja filosofia, eds. Antti Salminen, Jukka Mikkonen & Joose Järvenkylä. Helsinki: SKS, 105 118. 16. (2012d) Falling Upwards. Paul Celan s Poetics of the Abyss. In Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, Vol. 10 No. 2, 223 240. 17. (2012e) Käänne, katkos ja negaatio Hölderlinin ja Hegelin ajattelussa. (with Maria Valkama). In Kirjallisuus ja filosofia, eds. Antti Salminen, Jukka Mikkonen & Joose Järvenkylä. Helsinki: SKS, 29 60. 18. (2012g) Frode Strømnes ja kielirelativismi. (with Tere Vadén). In niin & näin, Vol. 19 No. 2, 66 70. 19. (2012h) Filosofian ja kirjallisuuden kytköksiä ja katkoksia. (with Jukka Mikkonen). In Kirjallisuus ja filosofia, eds. Antti Salminen, Jukka Mikkonen & Joose Järvenkylä. Helsinki: SKS, 7 15. 20. (2012i) All for Nothing: Introduction to Philosophies to Nothingness. (with Sami Sjöberg). In Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Vol. 17 No. 3, 1 6. 21. (2012j) Meridian Zero. Nothings of Celan and Heidegger. In Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Vol. 17 No. 3, 75 88. 22. (2012k) Sattuman voitto historiallisen avantgarden peleistä ja leikeistä. In niin & näin, Vol. 19 No. 2, 92 101. 2

23. (2012l) Johdanto sisäiseen vihollisuuteen Nick Landin juoni kapitalismia vastaan sen romahtamisen hetkellä. In niin & näin, Vol. 19 No. 2, 30 33. 24. (2011) Avantgardesta toiseen kokeellisuuteen. In Kulttuurintutkimus, Vol. 28 No. 1, 3 10. 25. (2010a) Heidegger ja kysymys ei-mistään. In niin & näin, Vol. 17 No. 4, 67 72. 26. (2010b) No name. Paul Celan s Poetics of Naming. In Kritike, Vol 4, No. 2, 123 137. 27. (2010c) Johdannoksi ei-mihinkään. In niin & näin, Vol. 17 No. 4, 31 34. 29. (2010d) From Avant-Garde to Para-Garde? The Truth about Marika. In The Popular Avant-garde, ed. Renée Silverman. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 213 225. 30. (2009) Ei-mistään mahdottomaan. Merkityksen rajatiloja Peircesta Derridaan. In Murtuvat merkit, eds. Erja Hannula & Ulla Oksanen. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 49 60. B. Non-refereed scientific articles (selection) 1. (2012a) Commentary on F. Hölderlin`s poems and fragments (with Maria Valkama) In Friedrich Hölderlin, Teokset. Tampere: Niin & näin -kirjat, 309 335. 2. (2012b) Hen eli pohdintoja troijalaisesta kanasta. In niin & näin, Vol. 18 No. 3, 129 130. 3. (2011) Mitä Breivik merkitsee? In niin & näin, Vol. 18 No. 3, 138 139. 4. (2010) Sarastuksia Zodiakissa. In niin & näin, Vol. 17 No. 2, 132. 5. (2010) Keho ei-minkään aukeamana: Kysymyksiä Jean-Luc Nancylle. In niin & näin, Vol. 17 No. 4, 7 10. 6. (2010) Kukoistus ja luopuminen. In niin & näin, Vol. 17 No. 2, 8 9. 7. (2009) Kirjoituksen pimeydestä. In niin & näin, Vol. 16 No. 4, 122 123. 8. (2008a) Anti-metaforasta ei-tietoon. In Tiede & edistys, Vol. 10 No. 4, 323 325. 9. (2008b) Avantgarden vuosisata. In niin & näin, Vol. 15 No. 4, 116 117. 10. (2008c) Kapinan kolmet kasvot. In Tiede & edistys, Vol. 10 No. 3, 235 237. C. Scientific monographs 1. (2018) Elo ja anergia (with Tere Vadén). Tampere: Niin & näin. 2. (2017) Mimesis: taide, historia, yhteiskunta, eds. Jukka Mikkonen & Antti Salminen. Jyväskylä: SopHi. 3. (2015a) Kokeellisuudesta: historiallisesta avantgardesta jälkifossiiliseen elämään. Helsinki: Poesia. 4. (2015b) Energy and Experience: An Essay on Nafthology (with Tere Vadén). Chicago: MCM Press. 5. (2015c) Poetics of Transcendence: Literature, Philosophy, Theology, eds. Päivi Mehtonen, Elisa Heinämäki & Antti Salminen. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 6. (2013) Energia ja kokemus (with Tere Vadén). Tampere: Niin & näin. 7. (2012a) Nothing: Experience, Arts, and Politics, special issue edited with Sami Sjöberg. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Vol. 17 No. 3. 8. (2012b) Kirjallisuus ja filosofia. Risteyksiä, rinnakkaisuuksia, ristiriitoja, eds. Antti Salminen, Jukka Mikkonen & Joose Järvenkylä. Helsinki: SKS. E. Publications intended for the general public, linked to the applicant s research (selection) 1. (2017) The Issue of Civilisation and the Church of Tomorrow. Helsinki: IC-98, 2 10. 2. (2017) Kokeellisuudesta keskusteluessee (with Ville Hämäläinen) In Nuori voima No. 4/2017, 43 47. 3. (2017) Kirjeitä tulevaisuudesta ääniä maapallon säästymisestä, ed. Antti Salminen. Turku: Sammakko. 4. (2016) Omavaraistava asubjektivaatio. Elonkehä 3/2016, 46 53. 3

5. (2015) Oma, vieras, vara alkusanoja omavaraisuuden dialektiikalle. Mustarinda 2015, 4 10. 6. (2014) Photography in the Age of Fossil Nihilism. Mustarinda 2014, 65 70. 7. (2013) Jää hyvästi, fossiilinen subjekti. Alusta, huhtikuu 2013. 8. (2012) Loisia Fragmentteja ei-inhimillisestä. Nuori voima No. 5/2012, 7 12. F. Public artistic activities 1. (2018) Mir. Helsinki: Poesia. 2. (2014) Lomonosovin moottori. Helsinki: Poesia. 3. (2013) Nollankuori. Tampere: Sanasato. G. Thesis 1. (2010) From Abyss into Nothingness: Five Essays on Paul Celan s Poetics. Tampere: University of Tampere. Awards 2018 Federation of Finnish Learned Societies Kordelin Science Award (niin & näin) 2017 Vuoden laatulehti (Quality Magazine of the Year, niin & näin) 2015 Tähtivaeltaja Award 2015 The Society of Possible Literature Award 2014 Kalevi Jäntti Award 2013 Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing Award (niin & näin) 2006 Unto ja Kerttu Kupiainen Master s Thesis Award Other academic merits 2014 Pre-evaluator and opponent, Tanja Tiekso University of Helsinki 2010 Referee Environment and Planning, Angelaki, Avain, Tiede & edistys, Synteesi, niin & näin Research impact Four monographs, four edited anthologies, 29 refereed articles 11 edited thematic wholes in Philosophical Journal niin & näin Publications in tier 1 journals such as Angelaki, Relations, and SubStance Positions of trust 2013 2015 Vice President Society of European Philosophy (EFS) 2010 Referee National scientific journals Synteesi, Tiede & edistys and Avain 4

CURRICULUM VITAE Saara Hannula Hernesaarenkatu 15 B 42, 00150 Helsinki +358 44 0240 778 Education 2017 Doctoral candidate Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Performing Arts Research Center 2014 2017 Doctoral student Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art 2010 Master of Arts Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art, Master Degree Programme in Environmental Art 1999 2006 Architecture student Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Architecture KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Master s Programme in Architecture Artistic work 2016 2017 Ei-inhimillinen saareke / Nonhuman Island A collective artistic research project and a series of events. Concept: Saara Hannula. Working group: Anniina Ala-Ruona, Saara Hannula, Minja Mertanen, Linda Priha, Kati Raatikainen. Production: Reality Research Center. Säiliö 47 / Container 47 A durational landscape performance. Working group: Anniina Ala-Ruona, Saara Hannula, Kati Raatikainen. Production: Reality Research Center. Premiere: 27.05.2017, Helsinki. 2007 2016 The BodyBuilding Project A perennial artistic research project and a series of events. Coordination: Saara Hannula. Working group: Anniina Ala-Ruona, Outi Condit, Daria Faïn, Saara Hannula, Ilpo Heikkinen, Robert Kocik, Satu Palokangas, Alan Prohm, Tommi Vasko, Carmen C. Wong (2014 2017); Daria Faïn, Christina Guerrero-Harmon, Scott Elliot, Saara Hannula, Robert Kocik, Elisa Laurila, Riikka Notkola, Alan Prohm (2007 2009). The BodyBuilding Project: Emergent Economies A participatory event concerning emergent urban economies. 11. 13.11.2016, Skills of Economy Mattering City group exhibition, SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen. The BodyBuilding Project: Acclimatization A durational participatory event concerning weather and climate change. 17.10.2015, Sharedspace Weather, Music and Politics, /, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki. The BodyBuilding Project: Inhimillisen rajamailla / The BodyBuilding Project: In the Borderland of the Human A two-day workshop on (non)human forms of perception. 10. 11.09.2015, Call of the Nonhuman, Mad House Helsinki, Helsinki. The BodyBuilding Project A durational performance installation and a series of events. 13.06. 30.08.2015, Excavations, HIAP Gallery Augusta, Helsinki. 5 The BodyBuilding Project: An Assemblage A durational participatory event. 30.05.2015, LAPSody2015, Theatre Academy, Helsinki

6 The BodyBuilding Project: An Introduction Performance installation. 11. 12.11.2014, Baltic Circle, Helsinki. FORCE MAJEURE: The BodyBuilding Project A collective performance lecture. 05.10.2007, Chez Bushwick, New York The BodyBuilding Project A group residency and a participatory event. 18. 30.09.2007, Watermill Center, New York 2015 Johdatus / Guidance An overnight performance. Concept and direction: Saara Hannula. Working group: Anniina Ala-Ruona, Gesa Piper. Production: Reality Research Center. Premiere 3.10.2015, Nuuksio national park, Espoo. 2012 Utopiakonsultaatio / Utopia Consultation A performative consultation. Concept: Saara Hannula. Working group: Outi Condit, Talvikki Eerola, Jussi Johnsson, Pekko Koskinen, Minja Mertanen, Risto Santavuori, Sanna Uuttu. Production: Reality Research Center. Premiere 01.09.2012, Reality Research Center, Helsinki. 2012 UrbanUtopia A collaborative platform and a series of participatory events. Concept and coordination: Saara Hannula. Working group: Eeva Berglund, Talvikki Eerola, Elissa Eriksson, Jari-Pekka Kola, Pekko Koskinen, Jussi Johnsson, Elisa Laurila, Minja Mertanen, Heli Mäkinen, Alan Prohm, Sanna Uuttu. Production: Reality Research Center & World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. 2010 2011 Sacred City An international collaborative project and a series of performances in public space. Concept and coordination: Saara Hannula, Pekko Koskinen, Tuomas Laitinen. Working group: Julius Elo, Yoko Ishiguro, Megumi Kamimura, Daisuke Kishii, Minja Mertanen, Natsuko Tetsuko, Taiyo Tochiaki. Production: Reality Research Center, Baltic Circle & Keizo Maeda. Premieres 19.11.2010, Baltic Circle, Helsinki & 18.02.2011, TPAM Yokohama, Yokohama. 2010 Naked/Sacred A participatory performance installation. Direction: Julius Elo. Working group: Saara Hannula, Maija Mustonen, Anni Rissanen, Petri Taipale. Production: Reality Research Center. Premiere 27.10.2010, Valssaamo, Helsinki. 2009 2010 Pause A collective performance in public space. Direction: Saara Hannula. Performers: 50 volunteers. Production: Olohuone 306,4km2 Festival & University of Art and Design. Premiere 1.6.2009, Helsinki. 2009 Dialogues A participatory performance. Direction: Julius Elo. Working group: Saara Hannula, Anna Maria Häkkinen, Maija Mustonen, Jarkko Partanen, Linda Priha, Anni Rissanen, Petri Taipale. Spatial design: Saara Hannula. Production: Kiasma Theatre. Premiere 16.10.2009, /, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki. 2009 ImMaterial Behavior A performance installation and a multimedia installation. Concept, direction and spatial design: Saara Hannula. Performance: Saara Hannula, Anna Maria Häkkinen. Video: Alan Prohm. Production: Kiasma Theatre. Premiere 7.10.2009, Kiasma Theatre, Kiasma, Helsinki. 2009 Walking on the Water A performance installation. Direction: Eero-Tapio Vuori. Choreography: Helena Ratinen. Performance: Saara Hannula, Minja Mertanen, Helena Ratinen. Production: Teatteri ARKI, Kiasma Theatre. Premiere 1.6.2009, Kiasma, Helsinki. 2008 Näkymättömän valtakunta / Realm of the Invisible Performance installation. Direction: Julius Elo, Tuomas Laitinen. Working group: Saara Hannula, Anna Maria Häkkinen, Suvi Leppänen, Minja Mertanen, Janne Pellinen, Linda Priha, Iiris Raipala, Petri Taipale. Spatial design: Saara Hannula. Light design: Tomi Humalisto. Production: Reality Research Center, Kiasma Theatre. Premiere 1.10.2008, Kiasma, Helsinki.

2008 Luopuminen / Renunciation A participatory retreat performance. Direction: Julius Elo, Tuomas Laitinen. Working group: Titta Halinen, Saara Hannula, Anna Maria Häkkinen, Suvi Leppänen, Minja Mertanen, Janne Pellinen, Maria Ruostepuro. Production: Reality Research Center. Premiere 11.4.2008, Helsinki. 2007 Hiljaisuuden politiikka / Politics of Silence A bodily installation. Direction: Julius Elo, Anna Jussilainen, Tuomas Laitinen. Working group: Saara Hannula, Minja Mertanen, Janne Saarakkala, Petri Taipale. Production: Reality Research Center, Kiasma Theatre, Korjaamo Culture Factory. Premiere 28.5.2007, Kamppi shopping centre, Helsinki. 2006 2007 Hana to Shi A butoh performance. Choreography: Ken Mai. Esiintyjät: Akseli Aittomäki, Saara Hannula, Johanna MacDonald, Minja Mertanen, Sani Rounakari, Juha Sääski. Production: Pluck House. Premiere 5.10.2006, Theatre Mask and Feather, Helsinki. Curatorial work 2017 Ei-inhimillinen seminaari / Nonhuman Semina A performative seminar. Production: Reality Research Center. 27. 28.05.2017, Reality Research Center, Helsinki. 2015 / SharedSpace Weather, Music and Politics A study circle. Concept and coordination: Saara Hannula, Elina Pirinen, Janina Rajakangas. Production: Kiasma theatre. 14. 18.10.2015, /, Kiasma, Helsinki 2015 Ei-inhimillisen kutsu / Call of the Nonhuman A three-day event consisting of discussions, workshops and a performance. Working group: Other Spaces, The BodyBuilding Project. Production: Mad House Helsinki. 09. 12.09.2015, Mad House Helsinki, Helsinki. 2015 Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: Theories, Policies, Practices Open Stage. COST Action Investigating Cultural Sustainability conference, University of Jyväskylä. 2013 2014 Prototype Helsinki An umbrella organization for urban activists and grass root organizations. Coordination: Petra Jyrkäs. Participants: Bermuda Helsinki, Dodo ry, Kallio Movement, Made in Kallio, Pixelache Helsinki, Punajuuri Block Party, School of Activism, Cleaning Day, Reality Research Center, Töölö movement, WÄRK. 2013 AATA Taide ja aktivismi / AATA Art and Activism A collaborative platform for artists and activists. Concept and coordination: Saara Hannula, Satu Herrala. 2013 Esityksellisiä utopioita / Performative Utopias A seminar and a series of workshops. Production: Reality Research Center, Baltic Circle. 15.11.2013, Baltic Circle, Helsinki. 2012 2013 Utooppinen todellisuus / Utopian Reality A two-year artistic research project. Concept and coordination: Saara Hannula, Pekko Koskinen, Tuomas Laitinen. Production: Reality Research Center. 2013 Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies & Take the Square Oliver Ressler s lecture and workshop. Curation: Saara Hannula & Sanni Pajula. Production: Reality Research Center, Kiasma Theatre, Pori Art Museum, Eskus, Austrian Embassy in Helsinki. 2012 Esityskomposti / Performance Compost A three-week performance event. Concept, planning, coordination: Saara Hannula, Tuomas Laitinen, Elina Latva, Kimmo Modig, Sanni Pajula, Nora Rinne, Jonna Strandberg, Jenna Sutela. /teatteri.nyt, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki. 7

Pedagogical work 2013 Master s thesis supervision Shelley Etkin, Hannah Maria Ouramo, Linda Martikainen (Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki), Saara Hannus (Academy of Fine Arts of the University of the Arts Helsinki), Anastasia Artemeva, Kristina Laine, Meri Hietala (Aalto University), Maria Baroncea (HZT, Berlin) 2012 Situation Lab A course on the performative, relational, situational, and contextual aspects of art-making (repeated each semester). University of the Arts Helsinki, Academy of Fine Arts, Time and Space Arts. 2011 Master s thesis evaluation Sebastian Lopez-Lehto, Heli Keskikallio, Johannes Vartola, Kati Raatikainen (Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki), Lora Dimova, Suvi Saastamoinen, Lin Chang, Melanie Orenius, Schuchin Shen, Lai Wai-yi (Aalto University), Veera Turunen (Turku University of Applied Sciences) 2016 2018 Performance art basics A six week intensive course on the basics of performance and live art. Saara Hannula & Maija Mustonen. Art school Maa, Helsinki. 2017 Art and authorship in post-fossil conditions An eight-week course on post-fossil forms of art and authorship. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Open University. 2016 Embodied politics and socially conscious body A two-week intensive course on embodied politics and the communal and collective aspects of embodiment. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Contemporary Performance Studies. 2016 The agency and performativity of oil A lecture and workshop on oil and performance as a part of Performance as Process. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, BA programmes in direction, dramaturgy and acting. 2016. Oil as a dramaturge A lecture and workshop on post-fossil forms of dramaturgy as a part of the seminar Dramaturgy in multiple media. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, BA programme in dramaturgy. 2016 Everything Matters A two-week course on matter and materiality. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art, Visual Culture and Contemporary Art. 2015 Interspecies Dialogue A two-week intensive course on interspecies dialogue in the arts. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art, Visual Culture and Contemporary Art. 2015 Subtle Adaptations Two workshops on listening as an ecological practice. Incubator: Adaptations Utö, Frontiers in Retreat, Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ecology in Contemporary Art, HIAP. 2015 Non Human Play A workshop on interspecies forms of play. CARPA4: The Non-Human and the Inhuman in Performing Arts Bodies, Organisms and Objects in Conflict. The fourth Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Performing Arts Research Center. 2014 2015 Performance, space, audience A two-week intensive course on spatial composition, audience relationships and experientiality in contemporary performance. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, BA programmes in direction and dramaturgy. 8

2014 Performance, audience, society A three-week intensive course on contemporary performance and the social and communal aspects of performance-making. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, MA programme in choreography. 2012 2014 Urban research project A semester-long course on public space and public art. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art, Art pedagogy. 2013 From spaces to situations A week-long intensive course on spatiality in contemporary performance. Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, General studies. 2013 Experimental Urban Culture A speculative workshop on the future of urban space. Helsinki City Library, Helsinki. 2012 2013 Art, society, community A year-long seminar on participatory, communal and social practices in the arts. Theatre Academy, Contemporary Theatre Studies. 2012 Choreographing Reality Keynote as a part of Erasmus Intensive Programme. Theatre Academy, MA programme in choreography. 2012 Utopian Choreography A two-week intensive workshop as a part of Erasmus Intensive Programme. Theatre Academy, MA programme in choreography. 2012 Utopian Tool Kit A workshop on the performativity of everyday life. Saara Hannula & Pekko Koskinen. PSi, Leeds. 2011 2012 Architecture and design pedagogy A semester-long lecture series. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art. 2006 Architecture and environmental art A series of workshops for high school students. Sotungin lukio, Vantaa. 2005 2006 Suburban walk A series of workshops in (sub)urban space. Sotungin lukio & Vantaan luontokoulu, Vantaa. Publications Hannula, Saara. 2018. "Esitys metsän rajalla." In Taiteen metsittymisestä Harjoitteita jälkifossiilisiin oloihin, ed. Henna Laininen. Helsinki: Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 62 99. New, Sophia & Hannula, Saara. 2016. "Framing Reality and Self as Other choreographing the daily." In Practising Composition: Making Practice. Texts, Dialogues and Documents 2011 2013, eds. Kirsi Monni & Ric Allsopp, 212 225. Helsinki: Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu. Hannula, Saara. 2016. "Utopian Choreography: Developing Tools and Techniques for Choreographing Reality." In Practising Composition: Making Practice. Texts, Dialogues and Documents 2011 2013, eds. Kirsi Monni & Ric Allsopp, 226 234. Helsinki: Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu. Hannula, Saara, Koskinen, Pekko, Santavuori, Risto & Uuttu, Sanna. Arjen työkaluja. Näin tutkit todellisuutta, Osa III. Helsinki: Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Hannula, Saara. 2011. "Esitys kehon tilana." In Kokeva keho: Ajatuksia katsojan kehosta esityksessä Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen esitysten valossa, eds. Julius Elo & Tuomas Laitinen, 71 88. Helsinki: Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Hannula, Saara. 2011. "Kohtaamisen tilassa." In Kokeva keho: Ajatuksia katsojan kehosta esityksessä Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskuksen esitysten valossa, eds. Julius Elo & Tuomas Laitinen, 89 106. Helsinki: Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Hannula, Saara. 2006. Lähiökävely: Opettajan opas. Vantaa: Vantaan luontokoulu. 9

Grants and prizes 2016 Kulturkontakt Nord, Mobility funding. A grant for The BodyBuilding Project: Emergent Economies, as a part of Skills of Economy Mattering City group exhibition. 2016 Arts Promotion Centre Finland. An artist grant. 2015 ANTI Festival. Shortlisted for ANTI Festival International Prize for Live Art. 2014 Kone Foundation. A grant for The BodyBuilding Project. 2014 Finnish Cultural Foundation. A grant for artistic work. 2014 Arts Promotion Centre Finland. A grant for the realization of a performance installation. 2012 Kone Foundation. A grant for artistic work at the Reality Research Center. 2012 Kone Foundation. A grant for Prototype Helsinki. 2012 Finnish Art Council. A grant for a performance project. 2011 Kone Foundation. A grant for artistic work at the Reality Research Center. 2011 Alfred Kordelin Foundation. A grant for artistic work. 2010 Finnish Cultural Foundation. A grant for a master s thesis. 2010 Kesko stipendium for succesful studies at Aalto University. 2009 2 nd prize in a public art competition. Saara Hannula & Joel Rosenberg. 2008 2 nd prize in a public art competition. 2006 1 st prize in a landscape art competition. Saara Hannula & Esa Ruskeepää. Residencies 2015 The BodyBuilding Project. A group residency. HIAP, Helsinki 2015 Expert Witness Group. Participation in Impossible Futures & Does It Matter? Composite Bodies and Posthuman Prototypes in Contemporary Performing Arts as a part of an international group of experts. Ghent University, Campo & Vooruit, Ghent. 2013 Artist residency. Menu Spaustuve, Vilna. 2013 Artist residency. Okasroosikese Loss, Tallinna. 2013 Time Fest. Artist residency. Timelab, Ghent. 2011 Stitching Time. Residency and participation in Erin Manning s project Stitching Time. SenseLab, Montreal. 2008 Walking on the Water. A group residency. Kone Foundation, Saaren kartano. 2007 FORCE MAJEURE: The BodyBuilding Project. A group residency. Chez Bushwick, New York. 2007 The BodyBuilding Project. A group residency. Watermill Center Autumn Artists-in-Residence, Watermill Center, Watermill, New York. 10