Justification for the change: The curriculum includes 30 credits of compulsory joint studies, taught annually in the same order over two years.

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1 Taiteiden ja suunnittelun akateeminen komitea / Academic Committee for Arts, Design and Architecture Asia 3.1 Liite 3 1 (16) Muutokset opetussuunnitelmaan ja / 1) Muutokset kurssikuvauksiin Elokuvataiteen ja lavastustaiteen laitos Ohjelma tai pääaine, jonka opetusta muutos koskee: Elokuvataiteen maisteriohjelma Esitys Esitetään, että Elokuvataiteen maisteriohjelman yhteinen pakollinen kurssi ELO-E1015 Työhyvinvointi, 2 op siirretään periodilta III (kolme) periodille II (kaksi). Perustelut muutokselle Elokuvataiteen maisteriohjelma aloitti uudistetun opetussuunnitelmansa lukuvuonna Opetussuunnitelmaan kuuluu 30 opintopistettä pakollisia yhteisiä opintoja, jotka opetetaan kahden vuoden aikana vuosittain samassa järjestyksessä. Opiskelijapalautteen perusteella ensimmäisen syksyn opetus oli kuormittavaa ja opiskelijoita jäi pois kurssilta ELO-E1019 Käsikirjoituksen taiteellinen ja tekninen purku 2, joka järjestetään toisen periodin lopussa viikolla 50. Opettajakokouksessa päätettiin kehittää Käsikirjoituksen taiteellinen ja tekninen purku 2 -kurssia osana MA-elokuvan suunnittelua ja siirtää se viikolle 2, jolloin järjestetään MA-elokuvien ideoiden esittelytilaisuus. Kurssin sisältönä on elokuvatuotannon purku, mikä tukee opiskelijoiden kykyä eritellä omien elokuviensa tuotannon osa-alueita. Viikolla 2 järjestetty Työhyvinvointikurssi siirretään viikolle 50, jolloin se on lukukauden päätteeksi aiheeltaan erillinen kokonaisuus, eikä oman taiteellisen työn ideointia. Muutokset eivät tule vaikuttamaan opiskelijoihin opintosuunnitelmiin, sillä toisella vuosikurssilla on eri pakolliset kurssit. Uudet opiskelijat suorittavat ensimmäisen vuoden pakolliset kurssit lukujärjestyksen mukaisessa järjestyksessä. Changes in Curriculum and / New Course Descriptions Department of Film, Television and Scenography The program or major whose teaching is concerned by the change: Master s Programme in Film and Television Proposal Transferring the compulsory course in the Master s Programme in Film and Television ELO- E1015 Wellbeing at Work, 2 cr from period III (three) to period II (two). Justification for the change: The curriculum includes 30 credits of compulsory joint studies, taught annually in the same order over two years. Based on student feedback, the first autumn was burdensome and many students skipped course ELO-E1019 Artistic and Technical Breakdown of the Script 2, which was held at the end

2 of the second period, week 50. The teaher s meeting of the programme decided to develop Artistic and Technical Breakdown of the Script 2 as part of planning the MA film, and move the course to week 2, where students present their ideas for MA films. The course includes breakdowns of film productions, which develops the students ability to analyze their own film productions. Course Wellbeing at Work would move from week 2 to week 50, as it is a course regarding a specific topic and does not require students own artistic work at the end of the semester. The changes will not affect students' study plans, as second year studies have different compulsory courses. New students complete the first year compulsory courses in the order of their schedules. MUUTOS KURSSIKUVAUKSEEN / CHANGE IN COURSE DESCRIPITON Ohjelma tai pääaine, jonka opetusta muutos koskee / The program or major whose teaching is concerned by the change: Lavastustaiteen maisteriohjelma / Master s Programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television Perustelut seuraavien kurssien muutokselle / Justification for the change of the following courses: Muutokset Taideyliopiston teatterikorkeakoulun yhteisessä opetuksessa sekä Elokuvataiteen ja lavastustaiteen laitoksen yhteisessä opetuksessa. The changes of the teaching schedule of the joint courses at the University of the Arts (Theatre Academy) as well as the changes of the teaching schedule of the joint courses at the department of Film, Television and Scenography. ELO-E5015 History and Theory of Modern Scenography, 3 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi I & II, Vanha tieto: Periodi I New information: Period I & II, Old information: Period I ELO-E5026 Special Areas of Scenography (MA), 1-12 cr

3 Uusi tieto: Periodi I & II, Vanha tieto: Periodi II & IV New information: Period I & II, Old information: Period II & IV ELO-E5213 Artistic Collaboration, op Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, V, Vanha tieto: Periodi I-II New information: Period I-II, V, Old information: Period I-II ELO-E6507 Special Areas in Costume Design, 1-12 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi II & V, Vanha tieto: Periodi IV New information: Period II & V, Old information: Period IV ELO-E6510 Costume and research, 3-6 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi V, Vanha tieto: Periodi III New information: Period V, Old information: Period III Perustelut seuraavien kurssien muutokselle / Justification for the change of the following courses: Kurssikuvaukseen, joka hyväksyttiin akateemisessa komiteassa , ei oltu merkitty opetusperiodia. Kurssi järjestetään joka toinen vuosi. In the course description, which was accepted in Academic Committee meeting 16 th May 2018, the teaching period was not stated. The course is organised every other year.

4 ELO-E5022 History and Theory of Modern Scenography, 4 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period I-II, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E5021 History of Finnish Performing and Screen Arts Design, 4 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi III, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period III, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E5028 Character Design and Virtual Materiality, 2-6 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi V, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period V, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E5513 Basics of Virtual Set Design, 2-6 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi II, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period II, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E6000 Mediated Performance Design, 2-8 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi IV-V, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta

5 New information: Period IV-V, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E6501 Period Costume and Style, 5 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi II, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period II, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E6503 Special Materials and Techniques (Costume Design), 2-8 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi IV, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period IV, Old information: no teaching in ELO-E6506 Costume Design Master Class, 2-6 cr Uusi tieto: Periodi III, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period III, Old information: no teaching in Ohjelma tai pääaine, jonka opetusta muutos koskee / The program or major whose teaching is concerned by the change: Taiteen kandidaattiohjelma, elokuva- ja tv-lavastus, esittävien taiteiden lavastus ja pukusuunnittelu Perustelut seuraavien kurssien muutokselle / Justification for the change of the following courses: Muutokset Taideyliopiston teatterikorkeakoulun yhteisessä opetuksessa sekä Elokuvataiteen ja lavastustaiteen laitoksen yhteisessä opetuksessa.

6 The changes of the teaching schedule of the joint courses at the University of the Arts (Theatre Academy) as well as the changes of the teaching schedule of the joint courses at the department of Film, Television and Scenography. ELO-C5215 Esittävien taiteiden historia 1, 5 op Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, IV, Vanha tieto: Periodi I-II New information: Period I-II, IV, Old information: Period I-II ELO-C5225 Johdatus koreografiaan, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, Vanha tieto: Periodi I New information: Period I-II, Old information: Period I ELO-C6000 Pienoismalli, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi II-III, Vanha tieto: Periodi III New information: Period II-III, Old information: Period III ELO-C6011 Tila II, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi III, Vanha tieto: Periodi IV New information: Period III, Old information: Period IV

7 ELO-C5516 Etv-lavastustaide 2, 4 op Uusi tieto: Periodi II-III, Vanha tieto: Periodi III New information: PeriodII-III, Old information: Period III ELO-C6012 Esitystilat ja tekniikka, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi I, Vanha tieto: Periodi IV New information: Period I, Old information: Period IV Perustelut seuraavien kurssien muutokselle / Justification for the change of the following courses: Kurssikuvauksessa, joka hyväksyttiin akateemisessa komiteassa , on ollut virheellinen perioditieto. In the course description, which was accepted in Academic Committee meeting 16 th May 2018, the period was incorrect. ELO-C6004 Valosuunnittelu, tila ja muoto, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi III, Vanha tieto: Periodi IV-V New information: Period III, Old information: Period IV-V ELO-C5218 Dramaturgia 1, 2 op Uusi tieto: Periodi V, Vanha tieto: Periodi II

8 New information: Period V, Old information: Period II ELO-C5020 Lavastuksen materiaalioppi, 5 op Uusi tieto: Periodi IV-V, Vanha tieto: Periodi V New information: Period IV-V, Old information: Period V ELO-C5008 3D-mallinnuksen perusteet, 3 op Uusi tieto: Periodi III-IV, Vanha tieto: Periodi IV New information: Period III-IV, Old information: Period IV Perustelut seuraavien kurssien muutokselle / Justification for the change of the following courses: Kurssikuvaukseen, joka hyväksyttiin akateemisessa komiteassa , ei oltu merkitty opetusperiodia. Kurssi järjestetään joka toinen vuosi. In the course description, which was accepted in Academic Committee meeting 16 th May 2018, the teaching period was not stated. The course is organised every other year. ELO-C6518 Ompelutyö 2, 1 op Uusi tieto: Periodi I, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period I, Old information: no teaching in ELO-C6511 Vaatteen historia, 2 op

9 Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period I-II, Old information: no teaching in ELO-C6519 Maski ja kampaus, 1 op Uusi tieto: Periodi I-II, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period I-II, Old information: no teaching in ELO-C6510 Elokuvan puk3 cr usuunnittelu, 5 op Uusi tieto: Periodi III, Vanha tieto: ei opetusta New information: Period III, Old information: no teaching in ) Uudet kurssikuvaukset Elokuvataiteen ja lavastustaiteen laitos Ohjelma tai pääaine, jonka opetusta muutos koskee: Minor Programme in Games and Virtual Reality in Performing Arts 25 op Esitys Esitetään alla olevia kuvauksia sivuaineen uusiksi kurssikuvauksiksi. Päivityksinä edelliseen esitykseen ovat seuraavat muutokset: Uusi ELO-E52XX Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance 8 cr Vanha ELO-E5210 Interactivity and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance Design 8 cr

10 Elokuva- ja televisiolavastuksen opiskelijat on lisätty kohderyhmään, jotka voivat hakea sivuaineeseen. Perustelut muutokselle Sivuaineen sisällön kehittäminen palautteen perusteella on johtanut siihen, että kaikkien kurssien painopiste muuttuu ja täysin uudet kurssikuvaukset ovat tarpeen (edellinen toteutus 2018 keväällä). Opiskelijakohderyhmän muutoksilla pyritään tavoittamaan laajempi joukko opiskelijoita ja käyttämään laitoksen resursseja paremmin. New Course Descriptions Department of Film, Television and Scenography The program or major whose teaching is concerned by the change: Minor Programme in Games and Virtual Reality in Performing Arts 25 op Proposal The descriptions below are proposed as the new course descriptions of the minor. Updates to the previous presentation include the following changes: New ELO-E52XX Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance 8 cr Old ELO-E5210 Interactivity and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance Design 8 cr Production Design students have been added to the list of participants eligible to apply for the minor. Justification for the change: Developing the content of the minor subject on the basis of feedback has led to a shift in the focus of all courses, and completely new course descriptions are required (the previous implementation was in Spring 2018). Changes in the target group aim to reaching a wider group of students and using the resources of the department better. Koodi, nimi ja opintopistemäärä / Code, name and the scale of the course: ELO-E52XX Introduction to Intermedial Design 2 cr ELO-E52XX Digital Game Creation and Art 5 cr ELO-E52XX From game to performance 5 cr ELO-E52XX Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance 8 cr Kurssikuvaukset / Course Descriptions ELO-E52XX Introduction to Intermedial Design 2 cr Status of the Course - Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production Design and Master`s Programme of Media - Master`s programme in the University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programmes in Lighting Design, Sound Design, Writing and Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS)

11 - Exchange students from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television and Production design, and from the University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design. - Other Master programmes in the University of Arts Theatre Academy and Aalto ARTS Level of the Course: Advanced Teacher in charge: Liisa Ikonen Teaching Period: 3 Learning Outcomes: The student learns about the tradition and contexts of mediality in performing arts. He/she becomes acquainted with the theoretical approaches in the area of interaction, participation, mediated experience and immersive space. Content: This seminar gives a tour of the history and key methodologies and theories of visual media in performing arts. Themes of interaction, participation, mediated experience and immersive space will be introduced with lectures and examples as well as discussed with the participants. Workload: 100% lectures, discussions Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in lectures and mandatory reading. Attending the first lessons is required Study material and literature: TBC Replacements: - Prerequisites: - Grading Scale: Pass / Fail Registration for Courses: Weboodi Language of Instruction: English Other information: Maximum number of students is students (including exchange students) from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production Design and Master`s Programme of Media; 6 students (including 2 exchange students) from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design; 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Sound Design; 1 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Writing; 6 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) and maximum 3 other students from Aalto University, other departments or ELO`s other majors Other 3 students from Aalto University will be accepted to the course in a following order: - Students from Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Major of Design for the Performing Arts or Production design or from Department of Media - Students from Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Major of Costume Design - Exchange students from Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television - Other students from Department of Film, Television and Scenography - Other students from The Aalto University, School of Arts, Design & Architecture. ELO-E52XX Digital Game Creation and Art 5 cr Status of the Course - Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production design and Master`s Programme of Media - Master`s programme in the University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programmes in Lighting Design and Sound Design

12 - Exchange students from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television and from the University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, Degree programme in Sound Design. Level of the Course: Advanced Teacher in charge: Liisa Ikonen Teaching Period: 3 Learning Outcomes: The student learns the basics of using a software game engine to create interactive and playful environments. The student learns about the themes, ideas, narration, and dramaturgy of digital games. Content: This course introduces the game engine Unity as a tool for the creating interactive virtual worlds to use in the context of art. Workload: Lectures, demonstrations, guided work and independent work Assessment Methods and Criteria: 80% participation in lectures and completion of independent work. Attending the first lessons is required Study material and literature: TBC Replacements: - Prerequisites: - Grading Scale: Pass / Fail Registration for Courses: Weboodi Language of Instruction: English Other information: Maximum number of students is students (including exchange students) from Aalto University, 6 students (including 2 exchange students) from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Sound Design. ELO-E52XX From game to performance 5 cr Status of the Course - Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production design and Master`s Programme of Media - Master`s programme in the University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programmes in Lighting Design, Sound Design, Writing and Directing - Exchange students from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television and from the University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, Degree programme in Sound Design. - University of Arts Theatre Academy Master`s Programme of Directing Level of the Course: Advanced Teacher in charge: Liisa Ikonen Teaching Period: 3 and 4 Learning Outcomes: This course explores how game design can be used as a tool and method for art and performance making. The course focuses on the implementation of game mechanics, like chance and strategy, into the context of a performance. The course explores game mechanics by exploring tabletop board games and how the games could translate into performative situations. Content: In this course students will familiarize themselves with the basics of game design by creating playable table top games. The course emphasizes text and language as part of the games and as a material for game development, game design and game and gaming inspired performances. In the course students learn strategies to apply aspects and methods of games

13 and game design into performative contexts. In the course students apply practical methods to create and explore scenarios inspired and informed by games and game design. The students learn to observe and discuss relationships between game design, art, performance making, text and theatre. Workload: Lectures, demonstrations, guided work and independent work Assessment Methods and Criteria: 80% participation in lectures and completion of independent work. Attending the first lessons is required Study material and literature: TBC Replacements: - Prerequisites: - Grading Scale: Pass / Fail Registration for Courses: Weboodi Language of Instruction: English Other information: Maximum number of students is students (including exchange students) from Aalto University, 6 students (including 2 exchange students) from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Sound Design, 4 students from Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Writing and 2 students from Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Directing. ELO-E52XX Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Arts 5 cr Status of the Course - Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production design and Master`s Programme of Media - Master`s programme in the University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programmes in Lighting Design, Sound Design, Writing and Directing - Exchange students from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television and from the University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, Degree programme in Sound Design. Level of the Course: Advanced Teacher in charge: Liisa Ikonen Teaching Period: 4 Learning Outcomes: The student learns methods and techniques to use light, sound, image and space as interactive elements in a performance. The student learns how to use the gameengine Unity as an interactive spatial and audiovisual technology in a performative environment. Content: The course builds upon the basics of game design as a tool for designing interaction for performing arts. The course explores designing interactivity between light, sound, image, space and the performer. The course focuses on creating meaning through playful interactions in the context of a performance. Workload: Lectures, demonstrations, guided work and independent work Assessment Methods and Criteria: 80% participation in lectures and completion of independent work. Attending the first lessons is required Study material and literature: TBC Replacements: - Prerequisites: For designers, lighting designers and exchange students: Digital Game Creation and Art 5 cr. Grading Scale: Pass / Fail Registration for Courses: Weboodi

14 Language of Instruction: English Other information: Maximum number of students is students (including exchange students) from Aalto University, 6 students (including 2 exchange students) from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Sound Design, 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Writing, 2 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Directing. - Students from Degree programme in Writing and Directing participates only in second week of the course. ELO-E52XX Mediated Performance 8 cr Status of the Course - Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television: Majors of Design for the Performing Arts and Production design and Master`s Programme of Media - Master`s programme in the University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programmes in Lighting Design, Sound Design and Writing - Exchange students from Aalto University, Master s programme in Design for Theatre, Film and Television and from the University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, Degree programme in Sound Design. Level of the Course: Advanced Teacher in charge: Liisa Ikonen Teaching Period: 4 and 5 Learning Outcomes: Students learn to work in multi- and cross-disciplinary working groups. Students learn to discern the emerging possibilities that VR-technology has to offer for their respective art fields and practice. Students learn to utilize a short design-execute-reflect method in the design- and exercise processes. Students learn to use the whole group as a crowdsourcing platform for ideas and solutions through open and cross-disciplinary discussions and reflections. Students learn to exploit game design methods and practices in the processes of performing arts. Content: The Mediated Performance course is the conclusion of the whole GVRPA-study module (Introduction to Intermedial Design, Digital game creation and art, From game to performance and Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Arts). The students work in multidisciplinary groups creating specific projects, that explore game design, interactivity and playfulness as a method for creating performances; including installations, games, interventions and/or participatory events. Projects are developed through shared research and playful experimentation and reflected/discussed regularly during the course in a short loop. Workload: Lectures, seminars, demonstrations, guided, independent and group design work and feedback Assessment Methods and Criteria: 80 % participation in lectures and in group workshops. Attending the first lessons is required. Study material and literature: TBC Replacements: - Prerequisites: - For designers, lighting designers and exchange students: Digital Game Creation and Art 5 cr. - For directors: Game design to performance (5 cr) and Interactive and Playful Design in Performing Art (5 cr)

15 Grading Scale: Pass / Fail Registration for Courses: Weboodi Language of Instruction: English Other information: Maximum number of students is students (including exchange students) from Aalto University, 6 students (including 2 exchange students) from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Lighting Design, 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, Degree programme in Sound Design and 4 students from University of Arts Theatre Academy, other Degree programmes. Ohjelma tai pääaine, jonka opetusta muutos koskee / The program or major whose teaching is concerned by the change: Elokuva- ja televisiokäsikirjoitus / Screenwriting ELO-C20XX Draaman teoria ja dramaturgia 6 op / Drama theory and dramaturgy 6 ECTS Kurssikuvauksen kohta, joka esitetään muutettavaksi (ilmaise myös vanha tieto yliviivauksin) / A course description item that is proposed to be changed (also include old information by overriding): Uusi kurssi / new course Kurssikuvaus / Course description Draaman teoria ja dramaturgia (6 op) Opintojakson asema: Elokuvataiteen koulutusohjelma, elokuva- ja televisiokäsikirjoituksen suuntautumisvaihtoehto, BA-opinnot Opintojakson taso: Käsikirjoituksen BA-opiskelijoille pakollinen. Vaatimuksena Käsikirjoitusteoria-kurssin (3 op) suorittaminen. Muille, myös MA-opiskelijoille, vapaavalintainen. Sisältö: Draaman teoriaan ja elokuvan dramaturgiaan perehtyminen. Kurssi koostuu mahdollisesta elokuvan tai käsikirjoituksen dramaturgisesta analyysistä, käsikirjoituskirjallisuuden ja draaman teorian lukemisesta, referaatin kirjoittamisesta ja referaatin ja/tai analyysin pohjalta laaditusta esityksestä, sekä keskusteluista. Kurssi on tentinomainen ja se edellyttää itsenäistä- ja/tai pienryhmätyöskentelyä. Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija - tutustuu syvällisesti draaman teoriaan, historiaan ja elokuvallisen esityksen dramaturgiaan, - tutustuu vaihtoehtoisempiin kerrontatapoihin suhteessa klassiseen dramaturgiaan,

16 - oppii arvioimaan erilaisten kerrontatapojen soveltuvuutta aihe- ja teemalähtöisesti, - oppii tuottamaan pohtivaa, kriittistä ja erilaisia lähestymistapoja hyväkseen käyttävää asiatekstiä. Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Opintojakso suoritetaan kirjoittamalla kommentoiva referaatti/essee (yht n. 12 sivua), pitämällä referaattiin perustuvan esityksen, mahdollisella elokuvan analyysillä, sekä osallistumalla esitysten yhteydessä käytyihin keskusteluihin. Näkökulmasta, käytettävä kirjallisuudesta ja muusta aiheeseen liittyvästä materiaalista sovitaan ohjaavan opettajan kanssa. Kontaktiopetuksen määrä: h; itsenäistä työskentelyä: 150 h. Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty Kommentoiva eli kriittinen referaatti: Yleensä referaatilla tarkoitetaan objektiivista kirjoitelmaa, joka ei arvota eikä arvioi alkuperäistä tekstiä. Kommentoiva eli kriittinen referaatti sisältää myös kirjoittajan omaa pohdintaa, vertailua ja tulkintaa alkutekstin pohjalta. Kirjoittaja voi esittää vastaväitteitä, kysymyksiä, uusia mielipiteitä ja uutta tietoa (esimerkiksi oman kokemuksensa tai jonkun muun teoksen pohjalta) suhteessa referoitavaan tekstiin. Perustelut muutokselle / Justification for the change: Kurssi on ilmoitettu keväällä 2018 tutkintorakenteesta poistuneen Ajatus-taidejakson tilalle. Kurssi sisältyy pääaineen aineopintoihin ja löytyy elokuva-ja televisiokäsikirjoituksen tutkintorakenteesta myös Intossa. Kurssi on otsikkotasolla hyväksytty TSAKissa viime kesänä. The course was added to the major studies in screenwriting when the art period Idea was removed from the curriculum as an obligatory course. The course is already in the major s curriculum (also in Into) and the title / name of the course was accepted in TSAK last summer.

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7. Product-line architectures

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Kiintiö/quo ta/kvot. Kieli/language/spr åk



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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward. START START SIT 1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward. This is a static exercise. SIT STAND 2. SIT STAND. The


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