Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 07/2016
- Asta Härkönen
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1 REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 07/016 Chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment Institute
3 Chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku Ilmakunnas
5 ABSTRACT Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test for the determination of chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC in natural waters in May 016. In total, 5 participants joined in the proficiency test. Either the calculated concentration, the robust mean or the mean of the results reported by the participants was chosen to be the assigned value for the measurands. The performance of the participants was evaluated by using s. In this proficiency test 83 % of the results were satisfactory when the deviation between % from the assigned value was accepted. Warm thanks to all the participants! Keywords: water analysis, chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, TOC, water and environmental laboratories, proficiency test, interlaboratory comparison TIIVISTELMÄ Proftest SYKE järjesti luonnonvesiä analysoiville laboratorioille pätevyyskokeen toukokuussa 016. Pätevyyskokeessa määritettiin happi, klorofylli a, saliniteetti, silikaatti (SiO ), TIC ja TOC luonnonvesistä. Pätevyyskokeessa oli yhteensä 5 osallistujaa. Testisuureen vertailuarvona käytettiin laskennallista pitoisuutta, osallistujien tulosten robustia keskiarvoa tai keskiarvoa. Tulosten arviointi tehtiin z-arvon perusteella, jolloin määrityksissä sallittiin 3,5 30 %:n poikkeama vertailuarvosta. Koko aineistossa hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 83 %. Kiitos osallistujille! Avainsanat: vesianalyysi, happi, klorofylli a, saliniteetty, SiO, TIC, TOC, vesi- ja ympäristölaboratoriot, pätevyyskoe, laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus SAMMANDRAG Under maj 016 genomförde Proftest SYKE en provningsjämförelse, som omfattade bestämningen av klorofyll a, oxygen, salinitet, silikat (SiO ), TIC och TOC i naturvatten. Proven sändes ut till 5 laboratorier. Som referensvärde av analytens koncentration användes det teoretiska värdet, robust medelvärdet eller medelvärdet av deltagarnas resultat. Resultaten värderades med hjälp av z-värden. I jämförelsen var 83 % av alla resultaten tillfredsställande, när 3,5 30 % totalavvikelsen från referensvärdet accepterades. Ett varmt tack till alla deltagarna! Nyckelord: vattenanalyser, klorofyll a, oxygen, salinitet, SiO, TIC, TOC, provningsjämförelse, vatten- och miljölaboratorier
7 CONTENTS Abstract Tiivistelmä Sammandrag Introduction... 7 Organizing the proficiency test Responsibilities s Samples and delivery Homogeneity and stability studies Feedback from the proficiency test Processing the data Pretesting the data Assigned values Standard deviation for proficiency assessment and Results and conclusions Results Analytical methods Uncertainties of the results Evaluation of the results Summary Summary in Finnish References APPENDIX 1 : s in the proficiency test APPENDIX : Preparation of the samples APPENDIX 3 : Homogeneity of the samples... 0 APPENDIX 4 : Stability of the samples... 1 APPENDIX 5 : Feedback from the proficiency test... APPENDIX 6 : Evaluation of the assigned values and their uncertainties... 3 APPENDIX 7 : Terms in the results tables... 4 APPENDIX 8 : Results of each participant... 5 APPENDIX 9 : Results of participants and their uncertainties APPENDIX 10 : Summary of the s APPENDIX 11 : s in ascending order APPENDIX 1 : Results grouped according to the methods... 4 APPENDIX 13 : Examples of measurement uncertainties reported by the participants Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 5
8 6 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
9 1 Introduction Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test (PT) for analysis of chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC in brackish and river waters in May 016 (NW 07/016). In the PT the results of Finnish laboratories providing environmental data for Finnish environmental authorities were evaluated. Additionally, other water and environmental laboratories were welcomed in the proficiency test. Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is appointed National Reference Laboratory in the environmental sector in Finland. The duties of the reference laboratory include providing interlaboratory proficiency tests and other comparisons for analytical laboratories and other producers of environmental information. This proficiency test has been carried out under the scope of the SYKE reference laboratory and it provides an external quality evaluation between laboratory results, and mutual comparability of analytical reliability. The proficiency test was carried out in accordance with the international guidelines ISO/IEC [1], ISO 1358 [] and IUPAC Technical report [3]. The Proftest SYKE has been accredited by the Finnish Accreditation Service as a proficiency testing provider (PT01, ISO/IEC 17043, The organizing of this proficiency test is included in the accreditation scope of the Proftest SYKE with the exception of TIC measurements. Organizing the proficiency test.1 Responsibilities Organizing laboratory Proftest SYKE, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Laboratory Centre Hakuninmaantie 6, FI Helsinki, Finland Phone: The responsibilities in organizing the proficiency test Riitta Koivikko coordinator Mirja Leivuori substitute for coordinator Keijo Tervonen technical assistance Markku Ilmakunnas technical assistance Sari Lanteri technical assistance Ritva Väisänen technical assistance Analytical experts Teemu Näykki Mika Sarkkinen salinity chlorophyll a, oxygen, SiO, TIC, TOC Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 7
10 . s In total 5 laboratories participated in this proficiency test, participants were from Finland, two from Sweden and one from Estonia (Appendix 1). Altogether 84 % of the participants used accredited analytical methods at least for a part of the measurements. About 73 % of the Finnish participants provide data for use of the Finnish environmental authorities. For this proficiency test, the organizing laboratory (T003, T003_M34_016.pdf) has the code 7 (SYKE, Oulu) in the result tables..3 Samples and delivery Three types of samples were delivered to the participants; synthetic, river and brackish water samples for analysis of chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC. The synthetic samples SiO and TOC measurements (A1C and A1P) were prepared from the NIST traceable certified reference materials (Merck Certipur). When preparing the samples, the purity of the used sample vessels was controlled. The randomly chosen sample vessels for salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC measurements were filled with deionized water (for TOC also HCl) and the purity of the sample vessels was controlled after three days by analyzing conductivity, TIC and TOC. According to the test results all used vessels fulfilled the purity requirements. The brackish water was collected offshore Helsinki and the river water sample was collected from the River Karjaanjoki. The sample preparation is described in details in the Appendix. The samples were delivered to the international participants on 9 May 016 and on 10 May 016 to the national participants. The samples arrived to the participants latest on 11 May 016. The samples were requested to be measured as follows: chlorophyll a, oxygen, TIC 1 May 016 SiO, TOC, salinity latest on 7 May 016 The results were requested to be reported latest on 30 May 016 and all the participants reported the results accordingly. The preliminary results were delivered to the participants via on June 016. During this proficiency test, the electronic client interface of Proftest SYKE, namely ProftestWEB, was validated. Therefore, the participants were requested to both register and deliver their results via former electronic Excel sheets as well as by using ProftestWEB. The validation was successful. The participants gave valuable feedback according to which the client interface will be further improved. Warm thanks to all participants for the successful validation. 8 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
11 .4 Homogeneity and stability studies The homogeneity of the samples was tested by analyzing chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC. More detailed information of homogeneity studies is shown in Appendix 3. According to the homogeneity test results, all samples were considered homogenous. The stability of the samples was carried out by measuring chlorophyll a, oxygen, and TIC from the samples stored at the room temperature for one day. The measurement values were checked against the results of the samples stored at 4 C. According to the stability test all the samples except BO for oxygen were considered stable. More detailed information of stability studies is shown in Appendix 4. The temperature control sample was place into the sample package and the temperature was requested to be measured immediately after opening the package. The temperature of control sample was 11 C for eight participants, while participants 1,, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 0, and 4 reported values > 11 C, highest reported temperature being 18.7 C. For some participants a temperature logger was included within the sample packages. The loggers were returned to the provider and data was evaluated. The temperature logger data indicated that it is crucial to measure the temperature of the control sample preferably shortly after the arrival of the sample package, especially when the package is not stored in refrigerator. The possible influences to the measurand concentrations due to the changes of the sample temperature were taken into account in the evaluation of results..5 Feedback from the proficiency test The feedback from the proficiency test is shown in Appendix 5. The comments from the participants mainly dealt with their reporting errors with the samples. The comments from the provider were recommendations related to the quality control. Also the provider comments about the lacking conversancy to the given information with the samples. All the feedback is valuable and is exploited when improving the activities..6 Processing the data.6.1 Pretesting the data The normality of the data was tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The outliers were rejected according to the Grubbs or Hampel test before calculating the mean. The results which differed more than 50 % or 5 times from the robust mean were rejected before the statistical results handling. More information about the statistical handling of the data is available from the Guide for participant [4]. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 9
12 .6. Assigned values The assigned values and their uncertainties are presented in Appendix 6. The NIST traceable calculated concentrations were used as the assigned values for measurements of SiO and TIC in the synthetic samples. For the calculated assigned values the expanded measurement uncertainty (k=) was estimated using standard uncertainties associated with individual operations involved in the preparation of the sample. The main individual source of the uncertainty was the uncertainty of the concentration in the stock solution. For the salinity samples (A1S and BS) the mean of the results obtained by the salinometry was used as the assigned value. For the other samples and measurements the robust mean or mean (SiO : N3P; TIC: A1T and N3T, n<1) of the results reported by the participants was used as the assigned value. The uncertainty of the assigned value was calculated using the robust standard deviation or standard deviation of the reported results [, 4]. The assigned values based on the robust mean are not metrologically traceable values. As it was not possible to have metrologically traceable assigned values, the best available values were selected to be used as the assigned values. The reliability of the assigned value was statistically tested [, 3]. In the final results evaluation the assigned values for salinity samples have been re-defined. In the preliminary result evaluation the assigned values were mean values of all reported results (A1S: 1.43 PSU and BS: 4.51 PSU) whereas in the final result evaluation the assigned values are the mean values of the results obtained by the salinometry (A1S: 1.43 PSU and BS: 4.49 PSU). In general, the proficiency evaluation remained the same even though the numeric values of the z scores have slightly changed. The proficiency assessment of two participants changed as described in the table below.after reporting the preliminary results no other changes have been done for the assigned values. Sample Measurand Preliminary Final 4 A1S Salinity BS Salinity The uncertainty of the calculated assigned values was less than 1.3 %. When using the mean of the participant results from the salinometry method as the assigned value, the uncertainties of the assigned values varies from 0.03 % to 0.3 %. When using the robust mean or mean of the participant results as the assigned value, the uncertainties of the assigned values varied between 0.4 % and 1.4 % (Appendix 6)..6.3 Standard deviation for proficiency assessment and The target value for the standard deviation for proficiency assessment was estimated on the basis of the measurand concentration, the results of homogeneity and stability tests, the uncertainty of the assigned value, and the long-term variation in the former proficiency tests. The standard deviation for proficiency assessment ( s pt at the 95 % confidence level) was set was set to % for the measurements. In the final result evaluation the assigned values for the salinity samples were changed to the mean values of the salinometry method. Therefore and in order to better achieve the comparability with the previous proficiency tests, in the final 10 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
13 report s pt for the synthetic sample of salinity (A1S) was set to 3.5 % (in preliminary results was 5 %) [5]. After reporting the preliminary results no other changes have been done for the standard deviations of the proficiency assessment values. When using the robust mean as the assigned value, the reliability was tested according to the criterion u pt / s pt 0.3, where u is the standard uncertainty of the assigned value (the expanded uncertainty of the assigned value (U pt ) divided by ) and s pt is the standard deviation for proficiency assessment [3]. When testing the reliability of the assigned value the criterion was mainly fulfilled and the assigned values were considered reliable. The reliability of the target value of the standard deviation and the corresponding was estimated by comparing the deviation for proficiency assessment (st p ) with the robust standard deviation of the reported results (s rob ) [3]. The criterion s rob / s pt < 1. was mainly fulfilled. In the following cases, the criterion for the reliability of the assigned value was not met and, therefore, the evaluation of the performance is weakened in this proficiency test: Sample BK Measurement Chlorophyll a 3 Results and conclusions 3.1 Results The terms used in the results tables are shown in Appendix 7. The results and the performance of each participant are presented in Appendix 8 and the summary of the results in Table 1. The reported results with their expanded uncertainties (k=) are presented in Appendix 9. The summary of the s is shown in Appendix 10 and s in the ascending order in Appendix 11. The robust standard deviations of the results varied from 0.8 to 0.4 % (Table 1).The robust standard deviation was lower than 5 % for 47 % of the results and lower than 10 % for 87 % of the results (Table 1). The robust standard deviations were approximately in the same range as in the previous similar proficiency test NW 04/014, where the deviations varied from 1.5 % to 4. % [5]. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 11
14 Table 1. The summary of the results in the proficiency test NW 07/016. Measurand Sample Unit Assigned value Mean Rob. mean Median SD rob SD rob % x spt % n (all) Acc z % Chlorophyll a A1K abs/cm BK µg/l N3K µg/l O BO mg/l N3O mg/l Salinity A1S PSU BS PSU SiO A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P mg/l TIC A1T mg/l N3T mg/l TOC A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C mg/l Rob. mean: the robust mean, SD rob: the robust standard deviation, SD rob %: the robust standard deviation as percent, s pt %: the total standard deviation for proficiency assessment at the 95 % confidence interval, Acc z %: the results (%), where ïzï, n(all): the total number of the participants. 3. Analytical methods The participants were allowed to use different analytical methods for the measurements in the PT. The statistical comparison of the analytical methods was possible for the data where the number of the results was 5. The used analytical methods and results of the participants grouped by methods are shown in more detail in Appendix 1. Chlorophyll a Most of the participants determined chlorophyll a by spectrophotometry using the standard method SFS 577 or its application. Depending on the sample, one to three participants used fluorometric determination for the chlorophyll a measurements (Appendix 1). Due to the low number of the results, the statistical comparison of the used methods was not possible. Oxygen, O Depending on the sample, 8-10 participants determined oxygen with the standard method EN 5813, whereas seven to eight participants used a method based on the withdrawn standard SFS 3040 (Appendix 1). In the statistical comparison between the methods, no significant differences were observed. Salinity Four participants determined salinity using salinometry, six participants used conductivity meter, and one participant used chloride titrimetric determination. Here, the organizing laboratory results were measured by SYKE Helsinki and the result for the synthetic sample A1S was 1.44 PSU and for the sample BS the results was 4.49 PSU, the analysis were conducted using salinometry. Due to the low number of the results, the statistical comparison was not possible, but based on the graphical evaluation, no clear differences between the results were noticed (Appendix 1). Nevertheless, the standard deviation of the results determined by 1 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
15 salinometry was noticeably lower (for sample A1S: 1.43±0.004 PSU and for sample BS: 4.49±0.001 PSU, Mean ± SD) than for the results determined by conductivity meter (for sample A1S: 1.43±0.091 PSU and for sample BS: 4.5±0.035 PSU). SiO Five participants used automatic (CFA, FIA) molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method, four participants used ICP-OES technique, two participants determined SiO by manual molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method and one or two participants used other photometric method. According to the graphical evaluation no differences between the methods were observed (Appendix 1). TIC Six participants measured TIC as carbon dioxide originating only from carbonates and hydrogen carbonates. Three participants measured TIC as carbon dioxide originating from elemental carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanide, cyanate, and thiocyanate. According to the graphical evaluation no differences between the methods were observed (Appendix 1). TOC Most of the participants (10 or 11, depending on the sample) measured TOC using the NPOCmethod where inorganic carbon is removed prior total carbon measurement. Two or three participants quantified TOC as the calculated difference of total and inorganic carbon. According to the graphical evaluation no differences between the methods were observed (Appendix 1). 3.3 Uncertainties of the results Altogether 9 % of the participants reported the expanded uncertainties (k=) with their results for at least some of their results (Table, Appendix 13). The range of the reported uncertainties varied between the measurements and the sample types. Table. The ranges of the reported expanded uncertainties by participants (Ui, %) and quality criterion for natural water. Measurand River water Brackish water Recommendation [6] (Concentration area) Chlorophyll a ±0 % (> µg/l) O ±10 % (> mg/l) Salinity ± % (salinometry) ±10 % (others) (> 1 or PSU) SiO % (>0.0 mg/l) TIC 1 5 TOC ±15 % (>.5 mg/l) Several approaches were used for estimating of measurement uncertainty (Appendix 13). The most used approaches were based on the internal quality data. One participant reported that they estimated the measurement uncertainty for salinity from the measurement uncertainty of Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 13
16 the conductivity. There should be noted that the uncertainty of the conversion factor (or individual uncertainties of the equation factors) should be included to the uncertainty estimation. Depending on the sample, up to five participants used MUkit measurement uncertainty software for the estimation of their uncertainties [8]. The free software is available in the webpage: Generally, the used approach for estimating measurement uncertainty did not make definite impact on the uncertainty estimates. In order to promote the enhancement of environmental measurements quality standards and traceability, the national quality recommendations for data entered into water quality registers have been published in Finland [6]. The recommendations for measurement uncertainties for tested analytes in natural waters vary from % to 0 %. In this proficiency test some of participants had their measurement uncertainties within these limits, while some did not achieve them. Nevertheless, harmonization of the uncertainties estimation should be continued. 4 Evaluation of the results The evaluation of the participants was based on the s, which were calculated using the assigned values and the standard deviation for proficiency assessment (Appendix 7). The s were interpreted as follows: Criteria Performance z Satisfactory < z < 3 Questionable z ³ 3 Unsatisfactory In total, 83 % of the results were satisfactory when total deviation of % from the assigned value was accepted (Appendix 10). Altogether 84 % of the participants used accredited analytical methods at least for a part of the measurements and 8 % of their results were satisfactory. The summary of the performance evaluation and comparison to the previous performance is presented in Table 3. In the previous similar proficiency test NW 04/014 [5], the performance was satisfactory for 81 % of the all participants. 14 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
17 Table 3. Summary of the performance evaluation in the proficiency test NW 07/016. Measurand s pt, % Satisfactory results, % Assessment Chlorophyll a In the NW 04/014 the performance was satisfactory for 8 % of the results and in the NW 0/015 for 84 % of the results [5, 7]. O 8 8 For the sample BO some indication of decreased stability was observed. In the NW 04/014 the performance was satisfactory for 8 % of the results [5]. Salinity Some problems in the analysis of the synthetic sample A1S, only 55 % of the results were satisfactory. In the NW 04/014 the performance was satisfactory for 9 % of the results [5]. SiO In the NW 04/ % of the results were satisfactory [5]. TIC Very good performance. In the NW 04/ % of the results were satisfactory [5]. TOC Some problems in the analysis of the synthetic sample A1C, only 57 % of the results were satisfactory.for the samples BC and N3C the performance was very good. In the NW 04/ % of the results were satisfactory [5]. Possible influences of temperature changes during the sample transport Altogether 13 participants reported increased (> 11 C) temperatures at the sample arrival. According to the stability test all samples, with the exception of sample BO for measurand O, were regarded stable. For the sample BO some indication of decreased stability was observed, ie. the oxygen concentration might slightly have increased if the sample temperature increased. For the participants 6 and 17 the reported increased sample arrival temperature did not affect to the performance. The participants 8, 10, and 3 reported higher than assigned value results. Only participant 10 reported increased temperature during the transport, hence the higher results might be partly affected by the increased temperature. As for the participant 8 the sample arrival temperature was 8.1 C, the higher results could not fully be explained by the changing temperature. The participant 3 did not report the sample arrival temperature. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 15
18 5 Summary The Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test (PT) for analysis of chlorophyll a, oxygen, salinity, SiO, TIC, and TOC in brackish and river waters in May 016 (NW 07/016). In total, 5 laboratories participated in this PT. Either the calculated concentration, the robust mean or the mean of the results reported by the participants was chosen to be the assigned value for the measurand. The uncertainty for the assigned value was estimated at the 95 % confidence level and it was less than 1.3 % for the calculated assigned values and for assigned values based on the robust mean it was between %. The evaluation of the performance was based on the s, which was calculated using the standard deviation for proficiency assessment at 95 % confidence level. In this proficiency test 83 % of the data was regarded to be satisfactory when the result was accepted to deviate from the assigned value 3.5 to 30 %. 6 Summary in Finnish Proftest SYKE järjesti luonnonvesiä analysoiville laboratorioille pätevyyskokeen toukokuussa 016 (NW 07/016). Pätevyyskokeessa määritettiin happi, klorofylli a, saliniteetti, silikaatti (SiO ), TIC ja TOC synteettisistä näytteistä, jokivedestä ja murtovedestä. Pätevyyskokeeseen osallistui yhteensä 5 laboratoriota. Mittaussuureen vertailuarvona käytettiin laskennallista pitoisuutta, osallistujien tulosten robustia keskiarvoa tai keskiarvoa. Vertailuarvolle laskettiin mittausepävarmuus 95 % luottamusvälillä. Vertailuarvon laajennettu epävarmuus oli alle 1,3 % laskennallista pitoisuutta vertailuarvona käytettäessä ja muilla välillä 0,4 1,4 %. Pätevyyden arviointi tehtiin z-arvon avulla ja tulosten sallittiin poiketa vertailuarvosta 3,5 30 %. Koko aineistossa hyväksyttäviä tuloksia oli 83 %. 16 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
19 REFERENCES 1. SFS-EN ISO 17043, 010. Conformity assessment General requirements for Proficiency Testing.. ISO 1358, 015. Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons. 3. Thompson, M., Ellison, S. L. R., Wood, R., 006. The International Harmonized Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of Analytical Chemistry laboratories (IUPAC Technical report). Pure Appl. Chem. 78: , 4. Proftest SYKE Guide for laboratories: Current proficiency tests 1ECE936D48C%7D/ Leivuori, M., Korhonen-Ylönen, K., Näykki, T., Tervonen, K., Ilmakunnas, M., Lanteri, S and Koivikko, R. (014) Interlaboratory proficiency test NW 04/014. Oxygen, a- chlorophyll, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters. Reports of Finnish Environment Institute 6/ pp Näykki, T. ja Väisänen, T. (toim.) (016) Laatusuositukset ympäristöhallinnon vedenlaaturekistereihin vietävälle tiedolle: Vesistä tehtävien analyyttien määritysrajat, mittausepävarmuudet sekä säilytysajat ja tavat.. uudistettu painos. (Quality recommendations for data entered into the environmental administration s water quality registers: Quantification limits, measurement uncertainties, storage times and methods associated with analytes determined from waters. nd edition). Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja / pp Leivuori, M., Näykki, T., Koivikko, R., Björklöf, K., Tervonen, K., Lanteri, S., Väisänen, R. and Ilmakunnas, M. (015) Interlaboratory proficiency test 0/015. a-chlorophyll, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters. Reports of Finnish Environment Institute 17/ pp Näykki, T., Virtanen, A. and Leito, I., 01. Software support for the Nordtest method of measurement uncertainty evaluation. Accred. Qual. Assur. 17: MUkit website: 9. Magnusson, B. Näykki. T., Hovind, H. and Krysell, M., 01. Handbook for Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in Environmental Laboratories. NT Technical Report 537. Nordtest. 10. Ellison, S., L., R. and Williams, A. (Eds). (01) Eurachem/CITAC guide: Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Third edition, ISBN ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:008. Uncertainty of measurement -- Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995). Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 17
20 APPENDIX 1 (1/1) APPENDIX 1: s in the proficiency test Country Estonia Finland Sweden Marine Ecology Lab of Marine Systems Institute Ahma ympäristö Oy, Oulu Ahma Ympäristö Oy, Rovaniemi Ahma ympäristö, Seinäjoki Hortilab Ab Oy HSY Käyttölaboratorio Pitkäkoski Helsinki HY, Helsingin yliopisto, Lammin biologinen asema HY, Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema, Hanko KCL Kymen Laboratorio Oy Kokemäenjoen vesistön vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry, Tampere Lounais-Suomen vesi- ja ympäristötukimus Oy, Turku Luonnonvarakeskus, Vantaan toimipaikka Länsi-Uudenmaan vesi ja ympäristö ry, Lohja Metropolilab Oy Novalab Oy Ramboll Finland Oy, Ramboll Analytics, Lahti Saimaan Vesi- ja Ympäristötutkimus Oy, Lappeenranta Savo-Karjalan Ympäristötutkimus Oy, Kuopio SGS Inspection Services Oy, Kotka SYKE Oulun toimipaikka SYKE/Merikeskus Tampereen Vesi/Viemärilaitoksen laboratorio ÅMHM laboratoriet, Jomala, Åland ACES, Stockholm University Oceanografiska Laboratoriet, SMHI, Västrä Frölunda 18 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
21 APPENDIX (1/1) APPENDIX : Preparation of the samples Measurand Sample Initial concentration Addition Assigned value Chlorophyll a [abs/cm] [µg/l] A1K - chlorophyll a mg / litres of ethanol BK 0 grown green algae N3K 0 grown green algae BO N3O IAPSO standard 1.43 seawater 1.4 Oxygen [mg/l] Salinity [ ] A1S - BS SiO SiO 1.15 A1P - [mg/l] 1.14 BP N3P TIC NaCO3-NaHCO A1T - [mg/l] 5.4 N3T TOC C8H5KO A1C - [mg/l] 1.7 BC N3C First letter of the sample code indicates the sample type: A = Synthetic sample B = Brackish water N = Natural water Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 19
22 APPENDIX 3 (1/1) APPENDIX 3: Homogeneity of the samples Homogeneity of the brackish and river water samples was tested by analyzing the concentration of the selected measurands from 4-6 subsamples. Criteria for homogeneity: s a /s pt <0.5 s sam <c, where s pt = standard deviation for testing of homogeneity s a = analytical deviation, standard deviation of the results in a sub sample s sam = between-sample deviation, standard deviation of results between sub samples c = F1 s all + F s a, where s all = (0.3 s pt ) Measurand / Sample F1 and F are constants of F distribution derived from the standard statistical tables for the tested number of samples [, 3]. Concentration [µg/l] [mg/l] [ ] n spt % spt sa sa/spt sa/spt<0.5? ssam c ssam <c? Chlorophyll a / BK Yes Yes Chlorophyll a / N3K Yes Yes Salinity / BS Yes Yes SiO / BP Yes Yes SiO / N3P Yes Yes TIC / N3T Yes Yes TOC / BC Yes Yes TOC / N3C Yes Yes Criterion for homogeneity: s sam < 0.5 s pt, where s pt = standard deviation for proficiency assessment s sam = between-sample deviation, standard deviation of results between sub samples Measurand/Sample Concentration n spt % spt 0.5 spt ssam ssam < 0.5 spt? Oxygen/BO Yes Oxygen/N3O Yes Conclusion: The criteria were fulfilled for the tested measurands and the samples were regarded as homogenous. 0 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
23 APPENDIX 4 (1/1) APPENDIX 4: Stability of the samples The samples were delivered on 9 or 10 May 016 and they arrived to the participants mainly on 10 or 11 May 016. The samples were requested to be analysed as follows: chlorophyll a, oxygen, TIC 1 May 016 salinity, SiO, TOC latest on 7 May 016 Stability of chlorophyll a, oxygen and TIC samples was tested by analyzing the samples stored at the temperatures 4 and 0 ºC. Criterion for stability: D < 0.3 s pt, where D = the difference of results measured from the samples stored at the temperatures 4 C and 0 C s pt = standard deviation for proficiency assessment Chlorophyll a Sample Result [abs/cm] Sample Result [µg/l] Sample Result [µg/l] Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) A1K BK N3K D D 0.78 D spt spt spt D <0.3 spt? Yes D <0.3 spt? Yes D <0.3 spt? No 1) 1) The difference is within the analytical error, thus the sample is regarded stable. Oxygen Sample Result [mg/l] Sample Result [mg/l] Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) BO N3O D 1.75 D spt spt 0.14 D <0.3 spt? No D <0.3 spt? Yes TIC Sample Result [mg/l] Sample Result [mg/l] Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) Date 1.5. (0 C) 1.5. (4 C) A1T N3T D D spt spt D <0.3 spt? Yes D <0.3 spt? Yes Conclusion: According to the test results, the concentration of chlorophyll a might slightly have decreased in the sample N3K if the sample temperature increased during the sample distribution. However, the difference is within the analytical error. For the oxygen in the sample BO, the concentration might slightly have increased if the sample temperature increased during the sample distribution. Stability criterion was fulfilled for the other samples, thus samples could mostly be regarded stable. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 1
24 APPENDIX 5 (1/1) APPENDIX 5: Feedback from the proficiency test FEEDBACK FROM THE PARTICIPANTS Comments on technical excecution Action / Proftest SYKE 10, 11, The participants reported some air bubbles in the oxygen samples. The air bubbles are formed due to the temperature differences between the sample preparation and storage. The oxygen is fixed in the samples and according to the provider s experience small air bubbles do not have any effect on the results. Comments to the results Action / Proftest SYKE 5 reported differing results for Salinity / A1S via ProftestWEB and via The results sent via ProftestWEB were the primary results for this PT. The electronic results sheet was for electronic results sheet (Excel). On the backup. The provider does not correct the results after delivering the preliminary results. If the result would have preliminary result lists for the proficiency been reported correctly, it would have been satisfactory. test, the erroneous result was listed. The participant can re-calculate the s according to Their correct result was: PSU. the guide for participants [4]. 8 commented that for chlorophyll a / A1K the unit [abs/cm] is not applicable for fluorescence. 9 reported the results for salinity erroneously. The right results were: Sample A1S: 1.36 PSU Sample BS: 4.48 PSU The requested unit (abs/cm) is not applicable for fluorescence. The reasoning for using this unit is that the purpose of the synthetic sample is to check the spectrophotometer absorbance. And for the laboratories which use the fluorometer, the synthetic sample will give an external assurance for spectrophotometer, which is used in the calibration of the fluorescence spectrophotometer. The results were outliers in the statistical treatment, and thus did not affect the performance evaluation. If the results have been reported correctly, the result for the sample A1S would have been questionable and the result for the sample BS would have been satisfactory. The participant can re-calculate the s according to the Guide for participants [4]. FEEDBACK TO THE PARTICIPANTS Comments 8, 10 It is recommended that the participants review the internal quality control results related to their oxygen results. 3 It is recommended that in the future the participant reports the sample arrival temperature., 6, 10, 1, During this proficiency test, the electronic client interface (ProftestWEB) was validated. Therefore 14, 5 the participants were requested to deliver their results via former electronic sheets as well as by using ProftestWEB. The participant 14 reported their results only via former electronic sheet. The participants, 6, 10, 1, 5 reported their results only via ProftestWEB. The provider recommends the participants to follow the given guidelines. All The provider warmly thanks all the participants for the successful validation of the electronic client interface, ProftestWEB. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
25 APPENDIX 6 (1/1) APPENDIX 6: Evaluation of the assigned values and their uncertainties Measurand Sample Unit Assigned value Upt Upt, % Evaluation method of assigned value upt/spt Chlorophyll a A1K abs/cm Robust mean 0.16 BK µg/l Robust mean 0.41 N3K µg/l Robust mean 0.3 O BO mg/l Robust mean 0.8 N3O mg/l Robust mean 0.1 Salinity A1S PSU Mean (based on the results by salinometry) 0.09 BS PSU Mean (based on the results by salinometry) 0.01 SiO A1P mg/l Calculated value 0.09 BP mg/l Robust mean 0.4 N3P mg/l Mean 0.9 TIC A1T mg/l Mean 0.17 N3T mg/l Mean 0.7 TOC A1C mg/l Calculated value 0.1 BC mg/l Robust mean 0.6 N3C mg/l Robust mean 0.30 U pt = Expanded uncertainty of the assigned value Criterion for reliability of the assigned value u pt/s pt < 0.3, where s pt= target value of the standard deviation for proficiency assessment u pt= standard uncertainty of the assigned value If u pt/s pt < 0.3, the assigned value is reliable and the s are qualified. Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 3
26 APPENDIX 7 (1/1) APPENDIX 7: Terms in the results tables Results of each participant Measurand The tested parameter Sample The code of the sample Calculated as follows: z = (x i - x pt )/s pt, where x i = the result of the individual participant x pt = the assigned value s pt = the standard deviation for proficiency assessment Assigned value The reference value s pt % The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (s pt ) at the 95 % confidence level s result The result reported by the participant (the mean value of the replicates) Md Median SD Standard deviation SD% Standard deviation, % n (stat) Number of results in statistical processing Summary on the s S satisfactory ( - z ) Q questionable ( < z < 3), positive error, the result deviates more than s pt from the assigned value q questionable ( -3 < z < -), negative error, the result deviates more than s pt from the assigned value U unsatisfactory (z 3), positive error, the result deviates more than 3 s pt from the assigned value u unsatisfactory (z -3), negative error, the result deviates more than 3 s pt from the assigned value Robust analysis The items of data are sorted into increasing order, x 1, x, x i,,x p. Initial values for x * and s * are calculated as: x * = median of x i (i = 1,,...,p) s * = 1,483 median of x i x * (i = 1,,...,p) The mean x * and s * are updated as follows: Calculate φ = 1.5 s *. A new value is then calculated for each result x i (i = 1, p): { x * - φ, if x i < x * - φ x * i = { x * + φ, if x i > x * + φ, { x i otherwise The new values of x * and s * are calculated from: * * x = å xi / p * * * s = å( xi - x ) /( p -1) The robust estimates x * and s * can be derived by an iterative calculation, i.e. by updating the values of x * and s * several times, until the process convergences []. 4 Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
27 APPENDIX 8 (1/6) APPENDIX 8: Results of each participant 1 Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) O mg/l BO mg/l N3O SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 5
28 APPENDIX 8 (/6) 4 Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a µg/l BK O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
29 APPENDIX 8 (3/6) 9 Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a µg/l BK O mg/l BO SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 7
30 APPENDIX 8 (4/6) 14 Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) O mg/l N3O TOC mg/l A1C mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) TOC mg/l BC mg/l N3C Proftest SYKE NW 07/16
31 APPENDIX 8 (5/6) 19 Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O Salinity PSU A1S , PSU BS , SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P TIC mg/l A1T mg/l N3T TOC mg/l A1C mg/l BC mg/l N3C Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l BK µg/l N3K O mg/l BO mg/l N3O SiO mg/l A1P mg/l BP mg/l N3P Measurand Unit Sample Assigned value spt % 's result Md Mean SD SD% n (stat) Chlorophyll a abs/cm A1K µg/l N3K O mg/l N3O TOC mg/l A1C mg/l N3C Proftest SYKE NW 07/16 9
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/018 Cholophyll a, oxygen, salinity, Sio, TIC and TOC in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Mika Sarkkinen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2015
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 17 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2015 a-chlorophyll, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 11 218 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 3/218 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Mika Sarkkinen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 4/2014
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 014 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 4/014 Oxygen, a-chlorophyll, salinity, SiO, TIC and TOC in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 2/2014
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 15 2014 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test NW 2/2014 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2016
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 18 2016 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 03/2016 Alkalinity, ph, nutrients and conductivity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Teemu Näykki,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2016
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 16 2016 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2016 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Teemu Näykki, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2019
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 14 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2019 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 11 2017 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2017 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2019
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 23 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 02/2019 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 10 2018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 01/2018 Swimming pool water analysis Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Mika Sarkkinen, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Metals in natural waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2016
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/6 Metals in water and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo Sara-Aho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 5/8 Metals in natural waters and soil Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 2018 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2017 Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil Riitta Koivikko, Jari Nuutinen and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 04/2019
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 9 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /9 Metals in natural water and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo Sara-Aho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 16 219 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 13/218 Leaching behavior test for solid waste material: One stage batch leaching test Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 22 2017 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2017 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 17 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/17 Domestic water measurements Katarina Björklöf, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen, Timo Sara-Aho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 09/2014
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 5 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 09/2014 Oil hydrocarbons in water and soil Jari Nuutinen, Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2018
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 9 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /8 Metals in waste water and compost Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Aija Pelkonen, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 7 8 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /7 Metals in waste water and sludge Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2015
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 33 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 05/2015 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri, Markku
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2019
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 25 2019 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2019 Radon in ground water Katarina Björklöf, Reko Simola, Mirja Leivuori, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2014
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 7 5 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/ Metals and mercury in waters Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 10/2016
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 8 7 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test /6 Metals in waste water and recycled material Mirja Leivuori, Riitta Koivikko, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen,
Proficiency Test SYKE 11/2011
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 0 Proficiency Test SYKE /0 PCB compounds in soil Jari Nuutinen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment Institute REPORTS
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2015
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 37 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 06/2015 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 08/2015
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 6 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 8/5 Metals in waste water and sludge Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Timo SaraAho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri,
Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/2014
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 2015 Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 6/2014 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri
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Proficiency Test SYKE 10/2011
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Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 15/2016
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Proficiency Test SYKE 9/2012
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Proficiency Test SYKE 2/2013
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 13 Proficiency Test SYKE 2/13 Chlorophyll a, colour, conductivity, nutrients, ph and turbidity in natural waters Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki, Mirja Leivuori,
Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 02/2016
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 19 2016 Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus 02/2016 Trihalometaanit vedestä Riitta Koivikko, Jari Nuutinen ja Markku Ilmakunnas Suomen ympäristökeskus TIIVISTELMÄ
Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 14 2011 Laboratorioiden välinen vertailumittaus AOX-määritys Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori, Olli Järvinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri, Markku Ilmakunnas ja
Proficiency Test SYKE 8/2013
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SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2009
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Interlaboratory Comparison Test 15/2018
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Proficiency Test SYKE 4/2011
9 REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 2012 Proficiency Test SYKE 4/2011 Cross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Katarina Björklöf and Markku
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REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 2 2014 Proficiency Test SYKE 6/2013 Gross and net calorific in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and Markku
Proficiency Test SYKE 8a/2010
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 0 Proficiency Test SYKE a/0 Volatile organic compounds in water and soil Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Jari Nuutinen, Mirja Leivuori and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish Environment
TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo
TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers Heikki Laaksamo TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry) TIEKE is a neutral,
SYKE Proficiency Test 6/2012
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 2013 SYKE Proficiency Test 6/2012 Gross and net calorific values in fuels Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Katarina Björklöf, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and
Interlaboratory comparison 11/2017
REPORTS OF THE FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 2018 Interlaboratory comparison 11/2017 Bacterial toxicity test using bioluminescent bacteria Johanna Järvistö, Katarina Björklöf and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish
SYKE Proficiency Test 4/2009
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 28 2009 SYKE Proficiency Test 4/2009 Metals in waters and soils Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen, Olli Järvinen, Teemu Näykki, Timo SaraAho, Keijo Tervonen, Sari
SYKE Proficiency Test 3/2010
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 1 11 SYKE Proficiency Test 3/ Metals in waters and sediment Mirja Leivuori, Kaija Korhonen,Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Olli Järvinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 4/2012
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 22 2012 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 4/2012 Happi, a-klorofylli, saliniteetti, SiO 2, TIC ja TOC luonnonvesistä Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori, Marketta
LYTH-CONS CONSISTENCY TRANSMITTER LYTH-INSTRUMENT OY has generate new consistency transmitter with blade-system to meet high technical requirements in Pulp&Paper industries. Insurmountable advantages are
SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2010
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 4 2011 SYKE Proficiency Test 5/2010 Gross and net calorific values in flues Mirja Leivuori, Minna Rantanen, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen and Markku Ilmakunnas Finnish
Proficiency Test SYKE 3/2011
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 22 2011 Proficiency Test SYKE 3/2011 Metals in water and sludge Mirja Leivuori, Kaija KorhonenYlönen, Timo SaraAho, Teemu Näykki, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri and
Information on preparing Presentation
Information on preparing Presentation Seminar on big data management Lecturer: Spring 2017 20.1.2017 1 Agenda Hints and tips on giving a good presentation Watch two videos and discussion 22.1.2017 2 Goals
Other approaches to restrict multipliers
Other approaches to restrict multipliers Heikki Tikanmäki Optimointiopin seminaari 10.10.2007 Contents Short revision (6.2) Another Assurance Region Model (6.3) Cone-Ratio Method (6.4) An Application of
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 5/2008
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 26 08 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe /08 Klorofylli-a, happi, saliniteetti, SiO 2 ja TOC luonnonvesistä Kaija Korhonen, Teemu Näykki, Olli Järvinen, Keijo Tervonen
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2018
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 13 2019 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2018 Alkaliniteetti, ravinteet, ph, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen,
Characterization of clay using x-ray and neutron scattering at the University of Helsinki and ILL
Characterization of clay using x-ray and neutron scattering at the University of Helsinki and ILL Ville Liljeström, Micha Matusewicz, Kari Pirkkalainen, Jussi-Petteri Suuronen and Ritva Serimaa 13.3.2012
Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data
Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data Multi-drug use, polydrug use and problematic polydrug use Martta Forsell, Finnish Focal Point 28/09/2015 Martta Forsell 1 28/09/2015 Esityksen
EURACHEM / CITAC -ohjeen yleisesittely. Kemiallisten mittausten jäljitettävyys. 1. EURACHEM / CITAC ohje ja esite. 2. LGC VAM -ohjelman ohje
EURACHEM / CITAC -ohjeen yleisesittely Prof., TkT Veikko Komppa, VTT Prosessit PL 1602, 02044 VTT Kemiallisten mittausten jäljitettävyys 1. EURACHEM / CITAC ohje ja esite 2. LGC VAM
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2019
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 29 2019 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2019 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,
Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students.
Network to Get Work Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students Ohje henkilöstölle Instructions for Staff Seuraavassa on esitetty joukko tehtäviä, joista voit valita opiskelijaryhmällesi
LX 70. Ominaisuuksien mittaustulokset 1-kerroksinen 2-kerroksinen. Fyysiset ominaisuudet, nimellisarvot. Kalvon ominaisuudet
LX 70 % Läpäisy 36 32 % Absorptio 30 40 % Heijastus 34 28 % Läpäisy 72 65 % Heijastus ulkopuoli 9 16 % Heijastus sisäpuoli 9 13 Emissiivisyys.77.77 Auringonsuojakerroin.54.58 Auringonsäteilyn lämmönsiirtokerroin.47.50
16. Allocation Models
16. Allocation Models Juha Saloheimo 17.1.27 S steemianalsin Optimointiopin seminaari - Sks 27 Content Introduction Overall Efficienc with common prices and costs Cost Efficienc S steemianalsin Revenue
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/2013
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 23 13 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/13 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Katarina Björklöf, Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Teemu Näykki, Marketta
Gap-filling methods for CH 4 data
Gap-filling methods for CH 4 data Sigrid Dengel University of Helsinki Outline - Ecosystems known for CH 4 emissions; - Why is gap-filling of CH 4 data not as easy and straight forward as CO 2 ; - Gap-filling
Laboratorioden välinen pätevyyskoe 08/2018
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 9 Laboratorioden välinen pätevyyskoe 8/8 Talousvesimääritykset Katarina Björklöf, Mirja Leivuori, Timo Sara-Aho, Mika Sarkkinen, Keijo Tervonen, Sari Lanteri, Markku
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 4/2010
SYKE SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 11 2010 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 4/2010 Klorofylli a, saliniteetti, SiO2 ja TOC luonnonvesistä Kaija Korhonen, Olli Järvinen, Teemu Näykki, Mirja Leivuori,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2017
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 21 2017 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 03/2017 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 7/2010
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 2 2011 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 7/20 Ravinteet, ph ja sähkönjohtavuus jätevesistä sekä happimääritys rannikko- ja jätevesistä Kaija Korhonen, Mirja Leivuori,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 05/2016
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 24 2016 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 05/2016 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Mika Sarkkinen,
RT 80260 EN May 1998 1 (10) AGREEMENT ON BUILDING WORKS This agreement template is based on the General Terms and Conditions of Building Contracts YSE 1998 RT 16-10660, LVI 03-10277, Ratu 417-7, KH X4-00241.
Field measurement intercomparison
REPORTS OF FINNISH ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE 24 2014 Field measurement intercomparison Field measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Ivo Leito, Irja Helm, Lauri Jalukse,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 15/2017
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 4 2018 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 15/2017 Ravinteet, kloridi, ph, sulfaatti, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 01/2015
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 12 2015 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 01/2015 Uima-allasvesimääritykset Mirja Leivuori, Sami Tyrväinen, Teemu Näykki, Katarina Björklöf, Riitta Koivikko, Keijo
The CCR Model and Production Correspondence
The CCR Model and Production Correspondence Tim Schöneberg The 19th of September Agenda Introduction Definitions Production Possiblity Set CCR Model and the Dual Problem Input excesses and output shortfalls
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 12/2015
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 13 2016 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 12/2015 Ravinteet, kloridi, ph, sulfaatti ja sähkönjohtavuus jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 12/2014
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 10 2015 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 12/201 Alkaliniteetti, ravinteet, ph, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Katarina Björklöf,
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2016
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 6 2017 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 14/2016 Alkaliniteetti, ravinteet, ph, sähkönjohtavuus ja väri jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Mika Sarkkinen,
Oheisena toimitamme näytteet pätevyyskokeeseen NW 02/2015.
10.2.2015 Pätevyyskokeeseen NW 02/2015 osallistuvat laboratoriot Viite: Kirje 18.12.2014 Pätevyyskoe NW 02/2015 -Luonnonvesi Oheisena toimitamme näytteet pätevyyskokeeseen NW 02/2015. 1 Yhteystiedot Yhteyshenkilöt:
Puhe ja kieli, 27:4, 141 147 (2007) 3 9-VUOTIAIDEN LASTEN SUORIUTUMINEN BOSTONIN NIMENTÄTESTISTÄ Soile Loukusa, Oulun yliopisto, suomen kielen, informaatiotutkimuksen ja logopedian laitos & University
Alternative DEA Models
Mat-2.4142 Alternative DEA Models 19.9.2007 Table of Contents Banker-Charnes-Cooper Model Additive Model Example Data Home assignment BCC Model (Banker-Charnes-Cooper) production frontiers spanned by convex
Returns to Scale II. S ysteemianalyysin. Laboratorio. Esitelmä 8 Timo Salminen. Teknillinen korkeakoulu
Returns to Scale II Contents Most Productive Scale Size Further Considerations Relaxation of the Convexity Condition Useful Reminder Theorem 5.5 A DMU found to be efficient with a CCR model will also be
ELEMET- MOCASTRO. Effect of grain size on A 3 temperatures in C-Mn and low alloyed steels - Gleeble tests and predictions. Period
1 ELEMET- MOCASTRO Effect of grain size on A 3 temperatures in C-Mn and low alloyed steels - Gleeble tests and predictions Period 20.02-25.05.2012 Diaarinumero Rahoituspäätöksen numero 1114/31/2010 502/10
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/2012
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 18 12 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 3/12 BOD 7, COD Cr, COD Mn, kiintoaine, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki, Marketta
Työsuojelurahaston Tutkimus tutuksi - PalveluPulssi 11.3.2016. Peter Michelsson Wallstreet Asset Management Oy
Työsuojelurahaston Tutkimus tutuksi - PalveluPulssi 11.3.2016 Peter Michelsson Wallstreet Asset Management Oy Wallstreet lyhyesti Perustettu vuonna 2006, SiPa toimilupa myönnetty 3/2014 Täysin kotimainen,
On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31)
On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision making (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja ; D-31) Juha Kahkonen Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically On instrument costs
Digitally signed by Hans Vadbäck DN: cn=hans Vadbäck, o, ou=fcg Suunnittelu ja Tekniikka Oy,, c=fi Date: 2016.12.20 15:45:35 +02'00' Jakob Kjellman Digitally signed by Jakob Kjellman
7.4 Variability management
7.4 Variability management time... space software product-line should support variability in space (different products) support variability in time (maintenance, evolution) 1 Product variation Product
Double-stranded methylation patterns of a 104-bp L1 promoter in DNAs from fetal fibroblast passages 10, 14, 17, and 22 using barcoded hairpinbisulfite PCR. Fifteen L1 sequences were analyzed for passages
Logistiikka A35A00310 Tuotantotalouden perusteet HARJOITUS- PAKETTI A (6 pistettä) TUTA 19 Luento 3.Ennustaminen County General 1 piste The number of heart surgeries performed at County General Hospital
Accommodation statistics
Transport and Tourism 2011 Accommodation statistics 2011, January Nights spent by foreign tourists in Finland increased by per cent in January The number of recorded nights spent by foreign tourists at
Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 04/2018
SUOMEN YMPÄRISTÖKESKUKSEN RAPORTTEJA 17 2018 Laboratorioiden välinen pätevyyskoe 04/2018 BOD 7, Ca, COD Cr, COD Mn, K, kiintoaine, Mg, Na ja TOC jätevesistä Riitta Koivikko, Mirja Leivuori, Teemu Näykki,
Tork Paperipyyhe. etu. tuotteen ominaisuudet. kuvaus. Väri: Valkoinen Malli: Vetopyyhe
etu Monikäyttöpaperi hoitaa useimmat pyyhintätehtävät Sopiva lasipintojen pyyhintään Sopii käsien kuivaamiseen Elintarvikekäyttöön hyväksytty Tork Easy Handling, pakkaus, jota on helppo kantaa mukana,