CS284A Representations & Algorithms for Molecular Biology. Xiaohui S. Xie University of California, Irvine
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1 CS284A Representations & Algorithms for Molecular Biology Xiaohui S. Xie University of California, Irvine
2 Today s Goals Course information Challenges in computational biology Introduction to molecular biology
3 Course Information Lecture: TT 3:30-4:50pm in PSCB 220 Grading 30% Homework 20% Scribe note 50% Final project Exams no final exams Course Prerequisites: Programming skill (Perl/Python, Matlab/R) Statistics, Calculus, basic knowledge of Biology
4 Course Goals Introduction to computational biology Fundamental problems in computational biology Statistical, algorithmic and machine learning techniques Directions for future research in the field Final project: Propose an innovative project Design novel or implement previous algorithms to carry out the project Write-up goals, approach and findings in a conference format Present your project to your peers in a conference setting
5 References Recommended Textbooks: R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh and G. Mitchison. Biological Sequence Analysis P. Baldi and S. Brunak. Bioinformatics: the Machine Learning Approach Course Website:
6 Why computational biology? Computational biology/bioinformatics is the application of computational tools and techniques to biology (mostly molecular biology). Lots of data Pattern finding, rule discovery Allowing analytic and predictive methodologies that support and enhance lab work Informatics infrastructure (data storage, retrieval) Data visualization Life itself is a computer!
7 Biology What s the problem? Algorithm Four Aspects How to solve the problem efficiently? Learning How to model biology systems and learn from observed data? Statistics How to differentiate true phenomena from artifacts?
8 Topics to be covered DNA/RNA/Protein sequence analysis Pattern finding (motif discovery, EM-algorithm) Sequence alignment (Smith-Waterman, BLAST) Models of sequences (HMM) Gene discovery (HMM) RNA folding (Stochastic context-free grammar SCFG) Algorithms for large-scale data analysis Clustering algorithms (Hierarchical clustering, K-means) Inference of networks (Regression, Bayesian networks) Systems biology (Model and simulation) Evolutionary models Phylogenetic trees Comparative Genomics Protein world (if time allows) Secondary & tertiary structure prediction
9 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Genomics
11 Different Life Forms Share a Common Genetic Framework
13 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be thought of as the blueprint for an organism composed of small molecules called nucleotides four different nucleotides distinguished by the four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) is a polymer: large molecule consisting of similar units (nucleotides in this case) DNA is digital information a single strand of DNA can be thought of as a string composed of the four letters: A, C, G, T AGCGGTTAAGGCTGATATGCGCTTTAA TCGCCAATTCCGACTATACGCGAAATT
14 The Double Helix DNA molecules usually consist of two strands arranged in the famous double helix
15 Genomes The term genome refers to the complete complement of DNA for a given species The human genome consists of 46 chromosomes Male: 22 pairs of autosomes + XY Female: 22 pairs of autosomes + XX Every cell (except sex cells and mature red blood cells) contains the complete genome of an organism
16 Human Genome (Male) 22 pairs of autosomes + sex chromosomes (XY)
17 Human Genome (Female) 22 pairs of autosomes + sex chromosomes (XX)
18 Human Chromosomes Karyogram
19 Chromosomes DNA is packaged into individual chromosomes (along with proteins) prokaryotes (single-celled organisms lacking nuclei) have a single circular chromosome eukaryotes (organisms with nuclei) have a species-specific number of linear chromosomes DNA + associated chromosomal proteins = chromatin
20 Proteins Proteins are molecules composed of one or more polypeptides A polypeptide is a polymer composed of amino acids Cells build their proteins from 20 different amino acids A polypeptide can be thought of as a string composed from a 20-character alphabet
21 Protein Functions structural support storage of amino acids transport of other substances coordination of an organism s activities response of cell to chemical stimuli movement protection against disease selective acceleration of chemical reactions
22 Amino Acids
23 Amino Acid Sequence of Hexokinase
24 Protein Structure Proteins are poly-peptides of amino-acids This structure is (mostly) determined by the sequence of amino-acids that make up the protein
25 Genes Genes are the basic units of heredity A gene is a sequence of bases that carries the information required for constructing a particular protein (polypeptide really) Such a gene is said to encode a protein The human genome comprises ~22,000 genes Those genes encode >100,000 polypeptides RNA genes: micrornas and other small RNAs
26 The Central Dogma
27 Genetic code: DNA -> mrna -> protein
28 RNA is like DNA except: RNA backbone is a little different usually single stranded the base uracil (U) is used in place of thymine (T) A strand of RNA can be thought of as a string composed of the four letters: A, C, G, U
29 The Genetic Code 64 combinations: 20 amino acids + stop codon
30 Translation Ribosomes are the machines that synthesize proteins from mrna The grouping of codons is called the reading frame Translation begins with the start codon Translation ends with the stop codon
31 Codons and Reading Frames
32 Comparison of genome size Organisms Genomes Haemophilus Methannococcus Saccharomyces Caenorhabditis Drosophila Mus Homo influenzae jannaschii cerevisiae elegans Melanogaster musculus sapiens (baker s yeast) (nematode worm) (fruit fly) (laboratory mouse) (man) Genome (MB) Number of genes ,424 13,500 ~30,000 ~30,000
34 Readout from the genome
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Tilasto T1106120-s2012palaute Kyselyn T1106120+T1106120-s2012palaute yhteenveto: vastauksia (4) Kysymys 1 Degree programme: (4) TIK: TIK 1 25% ************** INF: INF 0 0% EST: EST 0 0% TLT: TLT 0 0% BIO:
Page 1 of 9. Ryhmä/group: L = luento, lecture H = harjoitus, exercises A, ATK = atk-harjoitukset, computer exercises
Tietotekniikan tarjoama opetus syksyllä 2016 23.5.2016 CS course schedule in autumn 2016 Sari Salmisuo I periodi / period I 12.9. 21.10.2016 viikot/weeks 37-42 II periodi / period II 31.10. 9.12.2016 viikot/weeks
Sisällysluettelo Table of contents
Sisällysluettelo Table of contents OTC:n Moodlen käyttöohje suomeksi... 1 Kirjautuminen Moodleen... 2 Ensimmäinen kirjautuminen Moodleen... 2 Salasanan vaihto... 2 Oma käyttäjäprofiili... 3 Työskentely
OP1. PreDP StudyPlan
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Oct. 21, h2p://
Oct. 21, 2009 67 13 38 118 912 1041 971 2924 4 75 59 138 2 11 45 58 10 76 38 124 6 24 24 54 1001 1242 1179 3422 h2p://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/stabc/gpstat.html 1995 1997 1998 2002 2003 Mycoplasma
anna minun kertoa let me tell you
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Use of spatial data in the new production environment and in a data warehouse
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Data Quality Master Data Management
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Business Opening. Arvoisa Herra Presidentti Very formal, recipient has a special title that must be used in place of their name
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TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo
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1 AJATUKSIA KÄSITYÖTIETEEN ONTOLOGIASTA Prof. Leena Kaukinen Helsingin yliopisto Käsityönopettajan koulutus INTERACTION FIELDS IN CRAFT PROCESSES culture Social groups, societies & institutions time human
Stormwater filtration unit
Stormwater filtration unit Background, concept and applied design work Olli Hakala 2018 WSP Finland Aalto university Kyttä ym. 2014. Veden äärellä kysely, ENTJUSTESS-hanke. Aalto yliopisto. STORMWATER