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1 3. Tukipaketti 1. INFINITIIVIN AIKAMUODOT Täydennä lauseet suluissa annettujen verbien infinitiivimuodoilla. Joudut käyttämään joka verbistä sekä aktiivia että passiivia ja nykyhetken (infinitiivin preesens) ja menneen ajan (infinitiivin perfekti) muotoja. 1. Have you seen the colour of that house? The owners need to (paint) it. 2. But I think it was painted quite recently. They must (paint) it only last summer. 3. A house mustn t (paint) purple! Anyone should understand that! 4. I think it would (paint) with a more earthy colour if yellow ochre had been available. 5. Can you help me (open) this box? 6. I believe that box needs to (open) with a key. 7. I could (open) it with a hammer if you hadn t taken it away from me. 8. The boxes should (open) when we had the keys here. 9. You must (write) a letter to your grandparents today. 10. Not today! Letters should (write) with time and care. I m too tired now. 11. Dear Fred, you ought to (write) to them at the weekend when you had time. 12. Well, the letter should (write) then, but it wasn t. Can t be helped. 4 Teacher s File 205

2 1. INFINITIIVIN AIKAMUODOT 13. My dear friend, you don t seem (understand) women. 14. Oscar Wilde said, Women are meant to be loved, (never, understand)! 15. You don t seem (understand) what I just said. 16. Mr Wilde might (not, understand) in his time but it s different today. Key 1 1. paint 2. have painted 3. be painted 4. have been painted 5. (to) open 6. be opened 7. have opened 8. have been opened 9. write 10. be written 11. have written 12. have been written 13. to understand 14. never to be understood 15. to have understood 16. not have been understood Teacher s File

3 2. INFINITIIVIN AIKAMUODOT Täydennä lauseet sopivilla infinitiivimuodoilla. Mieti, onko kyseessä mennyt tapahtuma ja tarvitaanko mahdollisesti passiivia. 1. The question is easy to. (answer) 2. We decided to to school. (walk) 3. These shoes are covered in mud. They need to properly. (clean) 4. I only learned to after I had started school. (read) 5. It must great when you realised you had won the match. (feel) 6. Your car needs to from time to time. (check) 7. I was out of breath. I must at least ten miles by then. (run) 8. Nothing more needs to about the matter. (say) 9. I can t of anything more to to make things better. (think, do) 10. This new thriller by James Patterson is said to very exciting. (be) 11. I received an that might for me in the first place. (not, mean) 12. I am so happy to for the role of Maria in the school musical. (choose) Key 2 1. answer 2. walk 3. be cleaned 4. read 5. have felt 6. be checked 7. have run 8. be said 9. think, do 10. be 11. not have been meant 12. be chosen / have been chosen 4 Teacher s File 207

4 3. TO + INFINITIIVI Käännä käyttäen infinitiiviä. 1. Meillä on rahaa tuhlattavaksi. 2. En voi viipyä. Minulla on kotiläksyjä tehtävänä. 3. Tänä jouluna on monia elokuvia, joita katsoa. 4. On niin monia asioita tehtävänä ennen huomista. 5. Äiti, täällä ei ole mitään tekemistä. 6. Johnilla ei ole mitään hävittävää. 7. Heillä ei ollut paljon sanottavaa toisilleen. 8. Jääkapissa on todella vähän syötävää. 9. Kello on jo kahdeksan. Oletko valmis lähtemään? 10. On ihanaa olla täällä taas. 11. Olin onnellinen kuullessani, että sait sen työpaikan. 12. Onko vaikeaa oppia soittamaan viulua? Teacher s File

5 3. TO + INFINITIIVI 13. Voiko kukaan kertoa minulle, kuinka tätä uutta puhelinta käytetään? 14. En tiennyt mitä laittaa illalliseksi. 15. Haluan oppia, milloin olla sanomatta mitään. 16. Olen unohtanut, minne tämä osa laitetaan. 17. Älä unohda postittaa kirjettä! 18. Yritimme päästä asemalle ajoissa. 19. Annie näyttää laihtuneen. (lose weight) 20. Päätimme olla menemättä ulos, koska satoi. 21. Opiskelemme oppiaksemme. 22. Käytä avainta avataksesi lukko! 23. Minun piti ottaa kesätyöpaikka saadakseni rahat matkaa varten. 24. Haluaisin matkustaa Kanadaan oppiakseni ranskaa. 25. Se on ainoa tapa tehdä se. 4 Teacher s File 209

6 3. TO + INFINITIIVI 26. Olin aina ensimmäinen, joka tuli ja viimeinen, joka lähti. 27. Kuka oli ensimmäinen nainen, josta tuli presidentti? 28. Tämä kirkko on kolmas, joka on rakennettu tälle paikalle (site). Key 3 1. We have money to spend. 2. I can t stay. I have homework to do. 3. There are lots of / many films to be watched / to watch this Christmas. 4. There are so many things to do / to be done before tomorrow. 5. Mummy, there s nothing to do here. 6. John has nothing to lose. 7. They didn t have much / a lot to say to each other. 8. There s very little to eat in the fridge. 9. It s already eight o clock. Are you ready to go? 10. It s lovely to be here again. 11. I was happy to hear that you got the job. 12. Is it difficult to learn to play the violin? 13. Can anyone tell me how to use this new phone? 14. I didn t know what to cook/make for dinner/supper. 15. I want to learn when not to say anything. 16. I have forgotten where to put this part. 17. Don t forget to post the letter! 18. We tried to get to the station in time. 19. Annie seems to have lost weight. 20. We decided not to go out because it was raining. 21. We study to learn. 22. Use the key to open the lock! 23. I had to take a summer job (in order / so as) to get the money for the trip. 24. I would like to travel to Canada (in order / so as) to learn French. 25. It s the only way to do it. 26. I was always the first to come and the last to leave. 27. Who was the first woman to become President? 28. This church is the third to have been built on this site Teacher s File

7 4. PALJAS INFINITIIVI Täydennä lauseet infinitiivirakenteilla. 1. We him a song as it is his birthday. (pitäisi laulaa) 2. I m fed up with the weather. I to some sunny resort. (saatan lentää) 3. He the whole piece of music himself. He is only eleven. (ei ole voinut kirjoittaa) 4. If I had won the lottery, I it all to charity. Just kidding! (olisin antanut) 5. Did you the criminals the painting? (näitkö varastavan) 6. No, but I them a lot of noise. (kuulin pitävän) 7. And I something my arm when they passed me. (tunsin koskevan) 8. The police were very interested when I told them I them into their car. (olin katsellut menevän) 9. Mother the kids their room before dinner. (pani siivoamaan) 10. Can t you me whether to stay or to go? (antaa päättää) 11. I now or I ll be late. (olisi parasta mennä) 12. here alone waiting for you, I think I ll go home. (Mieluummin kuin istun) 13. You to school today. You don t look well at all. (olisi parasta olla menemättä) 14. I m worried about Alex. He in his room with the lights switched off. (ei tee muuta kuin istuu) 15.? He only has himself to blame if things didn t go his way. (Miksi huolehtia) 9. made tidy up / clean 10. let decide 11. had better go 12. Rather than sit 13. had better not go 14. does nothing but sit 15. Why worry Key 4 1. should sing 2. may/might fly 3. can t have written 4. would have given 5. see steal 6. heard make/making 7. felt touch/touching 8. had watched (them) get/go 4 Teacher s File 211

8 5. PALJAS INFINITIIVI / TO + INFINITIIVI The lion and the mouse Lisää to tarvittaessa. Once when a lion was asleep a little mouse started 1) run up and down upon him. The noise made the lion 2) wake up. Unhappy 3) have been awakened, the lion started 4) chase the mouse. Catching him, the lion placed his huge paw upon the mouse and opened his big jaws 5) swallow him. Pardon, O King, the little mouse managed 6) say. If you can 7) find it in your heart 8) forgive me this time, I shall not 9) forget it. Who knows what will 10) happen? I may 11) be able 12) do you a turn one of these days and you might 13) be happy 14) have saved me then. The Lion listened and wondered whether 15) let the mouse 16) go. He was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able 17) paw and grunted, You had better 18) Some time later the lion happened 19) disappear now. help him that he lifted up his get caught in a trap, and the hunters who wanted 20) carry him alive to the Emperor tied him to a tree while they went 21) look for a cart 22) carry him on. Just then the little mouse happened 23) pass by. He saw the lion 24) start 25) panic and went up to him. It had a debt 26) pay and enough time 27) do it, and soon the mouse managed 28) gnaw away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. So, you see, little friends may 29) prove 30) become big friends. Key 5 1. to to 4. to 5. to 6. to to to to 15. to to to 20. to 21. to 22. to 23. to to 26. to 27. to 28. to to Teacher s File

9 6. INFINITIIVI JA THAT-LAUSE Täydennä lauseet. Mieti, käytätkö that-lausetta vai infinitiivirakennetta. 1. I want. (sinun tekevän, mitä sanon) 2. I want. (että tulet tänne) 3. She allowed. (minun lähteä huoneesta) 4. The police ordered. (liikenteen pysähtymään) 5. I would really like. (pyytää häntä tanssimaan kanssani) 6. I have a car so my friends always want. (minun tarjoavan heille kyydin) 7. They believe. (hänen olevan yksinäinen) 8. He is believed. (olevan yksinäinen) 9. Ireland is known. (olevan sateinen) 10. I just know. (että illalla sataa) 11. The Pope is supposed next summer. (vierailevan maassamme) 12. The police assume. (kaiken sujuvan rauhallisesti) Key 6 1. you to do what I say 2. you to come here 3. me to leave the room 4. the traffic to stop 5. to ask him/her to dance with me 6. me to offer them a ride/lift 7. (that) he is lonely 8. him/her to be lonely 9. to be rainy 10. (that) it will rain / it s going to rain in the evening 11. to visit our country 12. that everything will go/run smoothly 4 Teacher s File 213

10 7. Ing-muodon aikamuodot Valitse annetuista ing-muodoista lauseyhteyteen sopiva. 1. Have you considered the others about your good luck? a. telling b. being told 2. I felt really bad Mother I didn t like her new dress. a. having told b. having been told 3. I don t mind what to do. Just give me a task to do. a. telling b. being told 4. about the accident, he had started to act strangely. a. Telling b. Having been told 5. We decided against the children home alone. a. leaving b. having left 6. Jonathan apologised for Mark to finish the work on his own. a. having been left b. having left 7. Janet insists on alone to study for the exam. a. leaving b. being left 8. behind, his dog gave a whining howl. a. Having been left b. Having left 9. I dream of an apartment I can afford on my own. a. finding b. being found 10. a place of my own, I could start an independent life. a. Having found b. Having been found 11. Despite guilty of the crime, Mr Jenkins still insisted he hadn t done it. a. having found b. being found 12. He now faces a long prison sentence, guilty of the theft. a. having been found b. finding Key 7 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. a Teacher s File

11 8. ING-MUODON AIKAMUODOT Lisää kaikkiin lauseisiin kielteisenä tai myönteisenä jokin see-verbin ing-muodoista (seeing, having seen, being seen, having been seen). 1. Is the film worth? 2. a ghost, he turned white as a sheet. 3. taking the money, the man tried to escape. 4. He didn t like smoking during a break. 5. I am interested in the film everyone is talking about. 6. We were disappointed at the Alps on our flight over Europe. It was too cloudy. 7. him before, she didn t know he was her new music teacher. 8. The rock star stayed at her hotel to avoid by her fans. 9. He couldn t remember the show ever before. 10. I look forward to you in the summer. 11. The witness finally admitted that he did remember the thieves running out of the museum. 12. The scandalous new film was banned after by thousands of people. 13. by anyone, he escaped. He got off scot-free. 14. In a Monty Python film How Not to Be Seen Mr Nesbitt learns the first lesson of, which is not to stand up. 15. After the break-up, she missed his grumpy face at the breakfast table. 16. Try to avoid by any of my friends if you intend to wear that hat. 9. seeing 10. seeing 11. seeing 12. being seen / having been seen 13. Not being seen / Not having been seen 14. not being seen 15. seeing 16. being seen Key 8 1. seeing 2. Seeing / Having seen 3. Having been seen 4. being seen / having been seen 5. seeing 6. not seeing 7. Not having seen 8. being seen 4 Teacher s File 215

12 9. ING-MUODON KÄYTTÖ Käännä käyttäen ing-muotoa. 1. Uiminen on yksi lempiharrastuksiani. 2. Uusien asioiden oppiminen on kiinnostavaa. 3. Jätän usein kirjoitelmien kirjoittamisen kovin myöhään. 4. Kokkaaminen on erittäin rentouttavaa. 5. Astuin odottavaan autoon. 6. Annoin lapsille karamelleja ja näin kaikki nuo hymyilevät kasvot. 7. Jotkin ärsyttävät asiat vaivaavat minua. 8. Juoruilevat tädit voivat olla vaarallisia. 9. Oletko kiinnostunut maalaamisesta? u Teacher s File

13 9. ING-MUODON KÄYTTÖ 10. Sen sijaan, että olisimme menneet kotiin, päätimme jäädä kirjastoon. 11. Lee juoksi kymmenen kilometriä pysähtymättä. 12. Sisareni on innoissaan Japaniin matkustamisesta. 13. Nykyään yhä useammat ihmiset tekevät ostoksia netissä. 14. Mitä puuhailit eilen illalla? 15. Jay on huolehtinut ystävänsä koirista koko viikon. 16. Ajattelen sinua joka päivä poissa ollessani. 17. Viikonloppuisin nautin, kun ei tarvitse herätä aikaisin. 18. Huvittaisiko (fancy) sinua pelata sulkapalloa kanssani? u 4 Teacher s File 217

14 9. ING-MUODON KÄYTTÖ 19. En voi sietää hölkkäämistä. 20. Olin menettää (risk) kaiken käytökselläni. 21. Mikään ei vedä vertoja leipomiselle. 22. Ei kannata murehtia sitä. Et voi tehdä mitään. 23. Minua ei huvita mennä ulos tänä iltana. 24. Suunnitelma ei ole harkitsemisen arvoinen. Key 9 1. Swimming is one of my favourite hobbies. 2. Learning new things is interesting. 3. I often leave the writing of essays/ compositions very late. 4. Cooking is very relaxing. 5. I stepped into the waiting car. 6. I gave the children sweets and saw all those smiling faces. 7. Some annoying things bother me. 8. Gossiping aunts can be dangerous. 9. Are you interested in painting? 10. Instead of going home, we decided to stay at the library. 11. Lee ran ten kilometres without stopping. 12. My sister is excited about travelling to Japan. 13. Today more and more people are shopping on the Net/net. 14. What were you doing yesterday evening? 15. Jay has been looking after his friend s dogs the whole week. 16. I ll be thinking of you every day when I m away. 17. At weekends I enjoy not having to wake up early. 18. Do you fancy playing badminton with me? 19. I can t stand jogging. 20. I risked losing everything with my behaviour. 21. There is nothing like baking. 22. It s no use worrying about it. There is nothing you can do. 23. I don t feel like going out tonight. 24. The plan is not worth considering Teacher s File

15 10. BE USED TO / USED TO Mieti, kummalla rakenteella täydennät seuraavat lauseet. Kirjoita rakenne ja alleviivattu verbi oikeissa muodoissaan. be/get used to + -ing used to + infinitiivi olla tottunut, tottua oli tapana 1. Bernardo is Italian. He moved to London and bought a car and started driving. a. In Italy he used on the right. They all do. b. So naturally he wasn t on the left. c. But after he put in some practice he in England. d. Nowadays he has no problems. He on the left. 2. I started working last month. I need to get up early every morning. a. When I was younger I really early. Sometimes at five. b. Gradually I later and later. c. Now again I early because I start work at seven. 3. Marjo moved to Spain last winter. In Finland her family had dinner at 6 o clock. In Spain they usually have dinner much later. a. Marjo at six when she lived in Finland. b. In Spain she much later in the evening. c. She feels she will never just before going to bed. Key a. to drive b. used to driving c. got used to driving d. is / has got used to driving 2. a. used to get up b. got used to getting up c. am used to getting up 3. a. was used to having / used to have dinner b. got used to having dinner c. get used to having dinner 4 Teacher s File 219

16 11. INFINITIIVI JA ING-MUOTO Valitse verbirakenne, joka sopii lauseeseen. Jos rakenteen merkitys ei muutu muodon muuttuessa, voit valita molemmat vaihtoehdot oikeina. 1. When I came home from school straight away. a. I began to do my homework b. I began doing my homework 2. Michael always leaves early. He for anything. a. hates to be late b. hates being late 3. Agatha French food and a. loves to cook b. loves cooking 4. would a professional cook one day. a. love to become b. love becoming 5. We heard the choir when we walked past the church. a. sing a song b. singing a song 6. I ve never seen you. Don t you like a. dance b. dancing 7.? a. to dance b. dancing 8. I had to talk to the police because I saw the robber. a. run away b. running away 9. I know you came home late. I heard you the front door with a bang. a. open and close b. opening and closing 10. mother shouted when I left for the shop. a. Remember to buy milk, b. Remember buying milk, 11. Where s the milk? she asked when I came back. I can t understand this. I definitely a. remember to buy it. b. remember buying it. 12. As a new year s resolution I promise to. a. stop to smoke. b. stop smoking. 13. Sometimes when the going gets tough Samuel needs to take a break and a. stop to smoke. b. stop smoking. 14. Those guys now harder at college. They could have got jobs more easily. a. regret not to study b. regret not studying 15. The boss sounded uncomfortable when she said, I this but you ve all been laid off. a. regret to tell you b. regret telling you Key a/b 2. a/b 3. a/b 4. a 5. a/b 6. a/b 7. a/b 8. a/b 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. a 14. b 15. a Teacher s File

17 12. TO + INFINITIIVI, PALJAS INFINITIIVI, ING-MUOTO Lisää to + infinitiivi, paljas infinitiivi tai ing-muoto. 1. I m used to hard. (work) 2. Did you know that Aleksis Kivi used to in this house? (live) 3. I look forward to to the Maldives. (travel) 4. I don t mind by plane. (go) 5. A flight attendant once explained to me how rid of my fear of flying. (get) 6. I just need to focus on my body. (relax) 7. I once dreamed about a holiday rep. (become) 8. Actually it was my parents who prevented me from abroad. (move) 9. The urgent letter you were given yesterday Did you remember it? (post) 10. Well, I remember to the post office and stamps. (go, buy) 11. But in the end, I m afraid, I forgot it. (post) 12. I am really tired of to your excuses. (listen) 13. There was a man driving in our street today. He asked me how to the station. (get) 14. I wish the children would so much noise! (stop, make) 15. They must down, and I actually want them for their behaviour. (calm, apologise) 16. It s no use about it. There is nothing about it now. (complain, do) 17. You had better harder if you want to become the champion. (train) 18. I m at a loss for words. I don t know what. (say) u 4 Teacher s File 221

18 12. TO + INFINITIIVI, PALJAS INFINITIIVI, ING-MUOTO 19. I regret the show was unbelievably boring but I don t regret there because I had a chance with some old friends of mine. (say, go, catch up) 20. This is a nice place! Can t we stop our picnic here? (have) 21. Do they let visitors mobile phones in hospitals nowadays? (use) 22. Susan would rather for her exam tomorrow than take the driving test. (study) 23. your home country I must say I returned home envious. (see) 24. Child psychologists disapprove of children console games every night. (play) 25. I started dreams in which I kept on blocks after Tetris on a daily basis. (have, organise, play) 26. There is never enough money with the latest development in electronics. (keep up) 27. It s better (not try). You save yourself a lot of trouble. 28. Try if you had your keys with you this morning. (remember) 29. I have this dreadful headache! Try a nap. It might. (take, help) 30. Have you managed the Rubik s Cube? (solve) 31. I m generally very good at all kinds of puzzles. (work out) 32. Father has just had a look at the lawn and noticed it needs. (cut) 33. Please help me! I don t know who else, where and what. (turn to, go, say) u Teacher s File

19 12. TO + INFINITIIVI, PALJAS INFINITIIVI, ING-MUOTO 34. Why not an appointment with the school counsellor? (make) 35. You had better now. My husband will be home soon. (go) 36. Well, if it s worth, it s worth well. (do) 37. The babysitter made Peggy and Roxy their room after the state of it. (clean, see) 38. Never before have we been made our room! cried the twins. (clean) 39. It seems they do nothing but and then have someone after them. (make a mess, tidy up) 40. Please excuse me for you these sentences. (make; write) Key working 2. live 3. travelling 4. going 5. to get 6. relaxing 7. becoming 8. moving 9. to post 10. going, buying 11. to post 12. listening 13. to get 14. stop, making 15. calm, to apologise 16. complaining, to do / to be done 17. train 18. to say 19. to say, going, to catch up 20. to have 21. use 22. study 23. Having seen / Seeing 24. playing 25. to have / having, organising, playing 26. to keep up 27. not to try 28. to remember 29. taking, help 30. to solve 31. working out 32. cutting / to be cut 33. to turn to, to go, to say 34. make 35. go 36. doing, doing 37. clean, seeing 38. to clean 39. make a mess, tidy up 40. making, write 4 Teacher s File 223

20 13. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: VÄITELAUSEET Ystäväsi meni jääkaapille, eikä oikein kuule, mitä televisiossa sanotaan. Kerro hänelle tv-sarjan henkilöiden repliikit. Kiinnitä huomioita pronominimuutoksiin. 1. Chad: I am going to meet a friend of mine. Chad says (that) 2. Chad: We will hang out at her place and watch my new DVD s. Chad also says (that) 3. Vanessa: I was at my sister s place when my friend Chad called. Now Vanessa says (that) 4. Vanessa: He insisted on meeting me today even though I told him I was busy. She says (that) 5. Vanessa: He thinks he is in love with me, but I m not in love with him. Vanessa believes (that) Key he is going to meet a friend of his. 2. they will hang out at her place and watch his new DVD s. 3. she was at her sister s place when her friend Chad called. 4. he insisted on meeting her today even though she told him she was busy. 5. he thinks he is in love with her, but she is not in love with him Teacher s File

21 14. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: AIKAMUOTOMUUTOKSET Tapasit ystäväsi Joshuan pitkästä aikaa. Hän kertoi sinulle monia asioita. Myöhemmin tapaat toisen ystäväsi Avan ja kerrot hänelle Joshuan kuulumiset. Huomaa aikamuotomuutokset. Joshua: 1. I m really busy. 2. I work 10-hour days. 3. My sister is getting married. 4. The wedding will be in June. 5. I haven t seen many of my friends recently. 6. I don t even know what Mark is doing. 7. But I ll tell Julia that I saw you. 8. Julia has been playing a lot of tennis. 9. But she had an accident and is in hospital. 10. Still, she can play again next season. Hello, Ava! I met Joshua the other day. He had a lot to tell me. 1. Joshua told me (that) 2. He claimed (that) 3. Joshua said (that) 4. He then told me (that) 5. Joshua admitted (that) 6. He said (that) 7. He promised (that) 8. Joshua added (that) 9. He then told me (that) 10. But he thought (that) Key he was really busy. 2. he worked10-hour days. 3. his sister was getting married. 4. the wedding would be in June. 5. he hadn t seen many of his friends recently. 6. he didn t even know what Mark was doing. 7. he would tell Julia he had seen / saw me. 8. Julia had been playing a lot of tennis. 9. she had had / had an accident and was in hospital. 10. she could play again the next/following season. 4 Teacher s File 225

22 15. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: AJAN JA PAIKAN MÄÄREIDEN MUUTOKSET Ystävänne Kalle on Australiassa surffausmatkalla ja soitti sinulle nettipuhelun pari viikkoa sitten. May haluaa myös kuulla Kallen kuulumiset. 1. Kalle: The flight here was rather long but I m feeling fine now. May: What did he say? You: Kalle said that 2. Kalle: It rained yesterday but today the weather here is splendid. May: What did he say? You: 3. Kalle: This place and my hotel are awesome you have to see this. You: 4. Kalle: The competition this week is going to be tough. You: 5. Kalle: The other surfers are cool, and their coaches have been very helpful to me, too. You: 6. Kalle: We will have a beach party here tomorrow. You: 7. Kalle: I sure hope that the good-looking redhead I met here last week will be there. You: u Teacher s File

23 15. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: AJAN JA PAIKAN MÄÄREIDEN MUUTOKSET 8. Kalle: It will be great anyway. And next week we will move the tour to Byron Bay. You: 9. Kalle: My English has improved while I have been here. You: 10. Kalle: I will come here next year again and I will bring you and May with me. You: Key Kalle said (that) the flight there had been rather long but he was feeling fine. 2. He said (that) it had rained the day before but (that) that day the weather there was splendid. 3. He said (that) the place and his hotel were awesome and (that) I/we had to see it. 4. He said (that) the competition that week was going to be tough. 5. He said (that) the other surfers were cool and their coaches had been very helpful to him, too. 6. He said (that) they would have a beach party there the following/next day. 7. He said (that) he hoped that the good-looking redhead he had met there the week before / the previous week would be there. 8. He said (that) it would be great anyway. And (that) the following week they would move the tour to Byron Bay. 9. He said (that) his English had improved while he had been there. 10. He said (that) he would go there next year again and he would take me and you with him. 4 Teacher s File 227

24 16. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: KÄSKYT, KIELLOT JA PYYNNÖT Billillä oli rankka päivä. Muuta käskyt, kiellot ja pyynnöt epäsuoriksi. 1. Stop talking, Bill, the teacher said. The teacher told Bill. 2. Don t do that again in my lessons, he continued. He warned Bill. 3. Be patient, a friend of Bill s said to him. A friend of Bill s asked him. 4. Go to your room, his father said to him when he got home. When he got home his father told him. 5. Close the door behind you, he told Bill. Father told Bill. 6. Hurry up, his mother asked him. His mother asked him. 7. Take off your shoes, she told us when we came in. When we came in she told us. 8. Don t hurt yourselves, boys, she said warmly. She asked us. 9. Don t worry about us, we said. We asked her. u Teacher s File

25 16. EPÄSUORA KERRONTA: KÄSKYT, KIELLOT JA PYYNNÖT 10. Don t repair the computer yourself, Bill s friend, Ann, warned him. Bill s friend warned him. 11. Don t talk to me like that, Bill said, as he was getting very angry. Bill was getting angry and told his friend. 12. Leave me alone, Bill said. Bill asked Ann. 13. Don t be angry with me, Ann said. Ann asked Bill. 14. Sit down, Ann, he said finally. Finally Bill asked Ann. 15. Mind your own business, she told him. Ann asked Bill and left. Key to stop talking 2. not to do that again in his lessons 3. to be patient 4. to go to his room 5. to close the door behind him 6. to hurry up 7. to take off our shoes 8. not to hurt ourselves 9. not to worry about us 10. not to repair the computer himself 11. not to talk to him like that 12. to leave him alone 13. not to be angry with her 14. to sit down 15. to mind his own business 4 Teacher s File 229

26 17. EPÄSUORAT KYSYMYKSET Muuta seuraavat kysymykset epäsuoriksi. Kaikki alkavat kysymyssanalla ja niiden johtolause on preesensissä, joten kiinnitä huomioita vain sanajärjestykseen ja pronomineihin. 1. What s the time? He wants to know. 2. Where is my umbrella? I wonder. 3. How have you been? She is asking me. 4. Who speaks French? The teacher wants to know. 5. When will we three meet again? I wonder. 6. What was the movie like? I don t know. 7. Where does Jonathan live? I don t know. 8. Where does he come from? I have no idea. Key what the time is 2. where my umbrella is 3. how I have been 4. who speaks French 5. when we three will meet again 6. what the movie was like 7. where Jonathan lives 8. where he comes from Teacher s File

27 18. EPÄSUORAT KYSYMYKSET Muuta seuraavat kysymykset epäsuoriksi. Kaikkien vastausten johtolause on preesensissä, joten kiinnitä huomioita vain aloitukseen, sanajärjestykseen ja pronomineihin. 1. Are you happy? I wonder. 2. Will you be at school tomorrow? Tell me. 3. Can you come to play tennis with me? I wonder. 4. Did you see that Ferrari? I wonder. 5. Have you hoovered your room? Mother wants to know. 6. Does your friend have a car? I d like to know. 7. Has someone actually seen the UFO they are writing about? I don t know. 8. Does your mother know you are going out with him? I want to know. Key if/whether you are happy 2. if/whether you will be at school tomorrow 3. if/whether you can come to play tennis with me 4. if/whether you saw that Ferrari 5. if/whether you have hoovered your room 6. if/whether if your friend has a car 7. if/whether someone has actually seen the UFO they are writing about 8. if/whether your mother knows you are going out with him 4 Teacher s File 231

28 19. EPÄSUORAT KYSYMYKSET Muuta seuraavat kysymykset epäsuoriksi. If-sanan tilalla voi olla myös whether. You have been away for a while and have just come back to school. Your friend Kaitlin asks you a lot of questions. Later that week you tell another friend what she asked. Start each reported question with Kaitlin asked me Kaitlin s questions: 1. How are you? 2. Where have you been? 3. Why did you leave so suddenly? 4. How long have you been back? 5. Are you glad to be back? 6. Do you think anything is different here? 7. Have you met all your friends yet? 8. Do you still party a lot? 9. Can you come to the movies with us tomorrow? 10. Do you still like thrillers? 11. Did you hear what happened to Mrs Williams last month? u Teacher s File

29 19. EPÄSUORAT KYSYMYKSET 12. Are you still in love with Alex? 13. Have you got engaged? 14. Will you be going away again soon? 15. Do you have a new weekend job? 16. When did you start that job? 17. Who have you been talking to today? 18. Why did you sell you PC? 19. Has something else happened that I need to know about? 20. Why are you laughing at me? Key 19 Kaitlin asked me 1. how I was. 2. where I had been. 3. why I left / had left so suddenly. 4. how long I had been back. 5. if I was glad to be back. 6. if I thought anything was different here/ there. 7. if I had met all my friends yet. 8. if I still partied a lot. 9. if I could go to the movies with them the next/following day. 10. if I still like/liked thrillers. 11. if I (had) heard what (had) happened to Mrs Williams last month. 12. if I was still in love with Alex. 13. if I/we had got engaged. 14. if I would be going away again soon. 15. if I had a new weekend job. 16. when I (had) started that job. 17. who I had been talking to that day. 18. why I sold / had sold my PC. 19. if something else had happened that she needed to know about. 20. why I was laughing at her. 4 Teacher s File 233

30 20. EPÄSUORA ESITYS Käännä. 1. Jill pohti, olenko vapaa seuraavana päivänä. 2. Pomo myönsi, että hän oli ymmärtänyt sanasi vasta myöhemmin sillä viikolla. 3. Neuvoin poikaa olemaan sanomatta sanaakaan. 4. Rehtori sanoi, että oli saanut tarpeekseen tyttöjen käytöksestä. 5. Isäni käski minun tehdä, kuten halusin. 6. He varoittivat minua olemaan pyytämättä heiltä apua, jos joutuisin pulaan. 7. Tätini kysyi minulta, postittaisinko kirjeen hänen puolestaan. 8. Työntekijä vakuutti (assure) vaimolleen, ettei hän ollut huolissaan työpaikkansa menettämisestä. u Teacher s File

31 20. EPÄSUORA ESITYS 9. Bussin kuljettaja kysyi naiskuljettajalta miksi hän ei katsonut, minne oli menossa. 10. Nicholas halusi tietää, millaista elämää Charles aikoi (intend) viettää. Key Jill wondered if I was free the next day. 2. The boss admitted that he/she had understood your words only later that week. 3. I advised the boy not to say a word / anything. 4. The headmaster said that he/she had had enough of the girls behaviour. 5. My father told me to do as I wished/wanted/pleased. 6. They warned me not to ask them for help if I got into trouble. 7. My aunt asked me if I would post the letter for her. 8. The employee assured his wife that he wasn t worried about losing his job. 9. The bus driver asked the female motorist/driver why she wasn t looking where she was going. 10. Nicholas wanted to know what sort/kind of life Charles intended to live/lead. 4 Teacher s File 235

32 21. EPÄSUORA ESITYS Muunna seuraavat epäsuoraksi esitykseksi. 1. Would you like to go swimming or walking today? Nora asked Julian 2. You will think I am a coward if I choose walking. Julian replied 3. But the water has been ever so cold this week. Julian continued 4. Don t you think we can catch a cold if we swim in it? He also wondered 5. What do you think of going rowing on the lake then? Nora asked Julian 6. The oars may fall off the boat. Julian told Nora 7. Then we would be stuck in the middle of the lake. He added 8. Don t be so stupid! Nora told Julian 9. Don t worry so much. I ll take good care of you. Nora told him and promised u Teacher s File

33 21. EPÄSUORA ESITYS 10. Do you ever get tired of my worrying, Nora? Julian asked Nora 11. You do make me mad most days, like yesterday, last week. Nora admitted 12. You are still the love of my life; you make me happy. Nora reassured Julian 13. Stop being melodramatic and pull yourself out of your chair. Nora told Julian 14. We will go for a walk through this lovely town. Nora decided 15. We can even catch the sunset on the lake shore if you aren t too cold by then. Nora thought Key Nora asked Julian if/whether he would like go swimming or walking that day. 2. Julian replied (that) she/nora would think he was a coward if he chose walking. 3. Julian continued (that) the water had been ever so cold that week. 4. He also wondered if she didn t think they could catch a cold if they swam in it. 5. Nora asked Julian what he thought of going rowing on the lake. 6. Julian told Nora that the oars might fall off the boat. 7. He added that then they would be stuck in the middle of the lake. 8. Nora told Julian not to be so stupid. 9. Nora told him not to worry so much and promised that she would take good care of him. 10. Julian asked Nora if she ever got tired of his worrying. 11. Nora admitted that he did make her mad most days, like the day before / the previous day, the week before / the previous week 12. Nora reassured Julian that he was still the love of her life; he made her happy. 13. Nora told Julian to stop being melodramatic and (to) pull himself out of his chair. 14. Nora decided that they would go for a walk through the lovely town. 15. Nora thought that they could even catch the sunset on the lake shore if he wasn t too cold by then. 4 Teacher s File 237

34 22. RINNASTAVAT KONJUNKTIOT Lisää puuttuva konjunktio and, or, so tai but. 1. Anna was warm she took off her coat. 2. I tried to read a novel in French it was too difficult. 3. At the new restaurant the staff weren t very friendly the food was excellent. 4. Rita has a saxophone she plays it really well. 5. I went to buy my favourite author s latest book the book store didn t have it. 6. Jill needed some extra cash she took a part-time job. 7. The weather has been strange lately. Is it global warming just coincidence? 8. The concert was sold out we went to the movies instead. Key so 2. but 3. but 4. and 5. but 6. so 7. or 8. so 23. RINNASTAVAT KONJUNKTIOT Liitä osat yhteen siten, että saat järkeviä lauseita. 1. Both my husband 2. Not only do we have enough money to take the trip 3. Either you will have to work harder 4. That film was 5. Sometimes it is 6. I would love to take 7. In the end you will have to choose 8. Students who do well not only study hard a. but we also have a week s holiday coming up. b. both my bikini and my skis on holiday. c. but also use all the available assistance. d. and I will attend the meeting. e. neither romantic nor realistic. f. either your football career or your girlfriend. g. not only wise to listen to your parents but also interesting. h. or you will have to prepare yourself for bad grades. Key d 2. a 3. h 4. e 5. g 6. b 7. f 8. c Teacher s File

35 24. RINNASTAVAT KONJUNKTIOT Yhdistä lauseet yhdeksi virkkeeksi käyttämällä konjunktiopareja both and, not only but also, either or tai neither nor. 1. We could go to Auntie Lily s. We could go to Uncle Jack s. But there s no time for both. 2. She will have to take the exam. She will have to pass it as well. 3. Ronnie is not here. Roxy isn t here either. 4. Lynn is talented. Lynn is pretty. 5. Smoking isn t good for your health. Drinking isn t good for your health. 6. Being outdoors helps your skin glow. Sleeping enough helps your skin stay healthy. Key We could go to either Auntie Lily s or Uncle Jack s. But there s no time for both. 2. She will not only have to take the exam but she will also have to pass it (as well). 3. Neither Ronnie nor Roxy is here. 4. Lynn is both talented and pretty. 5. Neither smoking nor drinking is/are good for your health. 6. Both being outdoors and sleeping enough help your skin glow and stay healthy. 4 Teacher s File 239

36 25. RINNASTAVAT JA ALISTAVAT KONJUNKTIOT Valitse oikea konjunktio. 1. I need peace and quiet around me I can get some work done. a. that d. when b. so e. since c. although 2. you left, nothing has been the same here. a. so d. when b. so that e. since c. although 3. he was the most talented singer, he didn t win the singing contest. a. so d. when b. so that e. since c. although 4. you think of all the times he made a mistake, it seems surprising that he got the promotion. a. so d. when b. so that e. since c. although 5. I haven t spoken to Gary he left for England last October. a. that d. when b. so that e. since c. although 6. I can t say I know Susan that well I haven t met her that often. a. as b. accordingly c. whereas d. after 7. we have so much to do, let s roll up our sleeves and start. a. provided that c. unless b. since d. until 8. Gold can be rather easy to shape it is so soft. a. although c. after b. because d. while u Teacher s File

37 25. RINNASTAVAT JA ALISTAVAT KONJUNKTIOT 9. I haven t seen Janet lately Peter comes here all the time. a. unless c. in case b. while d. whenever 10. Airplanes can sometimes land in other cities than planned the weather is bad. a. whenever c. in order that b. though d. whereas 11. You should go and see the film it is still on at the cinema. a. before c. until b. even if d. while 12. The teachers staff meeting won t begin the last class of the day has ended. a. until c. as long as b. so that d. once 13. Mother will make the dough in the morning she can bake the cookies in the afternoon. a. until c. so that b. unless d. yet 14. You will get into the teacher s good books you turn in extra work. a. although c. every time b. whereas d. unless 15. The concert will end after this piece of music the audience want to hear an encore. a. as long as c. provided that b. unless d. as soon as Key b 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. e 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. a 13. c 14. c 15. b 4 Teacher s File 241

38 26. KONJUNKTIOT JA SIDESANAT Alleviivaa sopiva konjunktio tai muu sidesana. 1. John continued to study hard even though / even if he did well in the exam. 2. Even though / Even if he does well in the exam, I think John will continue to study hard. 3. Even though / Even if I had more time to spare, I wouldn t spend it playing video games. 4. Even though / Even if he hurt his ankle, the soccer star decided to keep on playing. It was, after all, the FA Cup Final. 5. Ann didn t come to my dinner party even if / even though I invited her. 6. I would never hire a housekeeper even though / even if I had more money. 7. Jonathan is active in boy scouts and the school choir. All in all / All the same / Although, he decided to run for class presidency. 8. He is afraid to speak in public. Nevertheless / All in all / Besides, he is going to make a campaign speech next week. 9. Jonathan is a very loyal friend. However / On the other hand / Moreover, he is very reliable and trustworthy. 10. The principal said that we can t wear miniskirts to school. Furthermore / Consequently / Even so, Agatha wore her new skirt and was sent straight home. 11. Instead / On top of that / Even so, the rest of us were sent to clean the school yard after lessons. 12. Jonathan will take up these things in his speech. All in all / Nonetheless / Besides, there are many things that need improving in our school. Key even though 2. Even if 3. Even if 4. Even though 5. even though 6. even if 7. All the same 8. Nevertheless 9. Moreover 10. Even so 11. On top of that 12. All in all Teacher s File

39 27. KONJUNKTIOT JA SIDESANAT Käännä englanniksi. 1. Mike on laiska mutta älykäs. 2. Tuo lapsi ei osaa valehdella eikä teeskennellä (pretend). 3. Ei ainoastaan John vaan myös George sai potkut. 4. Lisa sai työpaikan, vaikka hänellä ei ollut yhtään työkokemusta. 5. Koska alkoi sataa, otimme taksin. 6. Kun asuimme kaupungissa, bussit olivat usein myöhässä. 7. Odottaessaan minua he näkivät paraatin. 8. Lounaalla Rachel söi kuin hevonen, koska hän ei ollut syönyt mitään aamulla. u 4 Teacher s File 243

40 27. KONJUNKTIOT JA SIDESANAT 9. Matkalaukkumme olivat painavia, joten otimme taksin. 10. Sinun pitää keskittyä, jotta opit. Key Mike is lazy but intelligent. 2. That child can neither lie nor pretend. 3. Not only John but also George was sacked/fired. 4. Lisa got the job (al)though / even though she didn t have any work experience. 5. Because/As/Since it started to rain, we took a taxi. 6. When we lived in town, the buses were often late. 7. While they were waiting for me, they saw a/the parade. 8. At lunch Rachel ate like a horse as/because/since she hadn t had/eaten anything in the morning. 9. Our suitcases were heavy so we took a taxi. 10. You need to concentrate so that you ll learn Teacher s File


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ESITTELY. Valitse oppilas jonka haluaisit esitellä luokallesi ja täytä alla oleva kysely. Age Grade Getting to school. School day.

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1. SIT. The handler and dog stop with the dog sitting at heel. When the dog is sitting, the handler cues the dog to heel forward.

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Pronomini. korvaa substantiivia. viittaa siihen. (nimisanaa) tai

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2018 Päivi Paukku & Jenni Laine Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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Information on Finnish Language Courses Spring Semester 2017 Jenni Laine

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b) Olla-verbin tai apuverbin sisältämät väitelauseet. Käännä sanajärjestys. olla-verbi/apuverbi + subjekti

b) Olla-verbin tai apuverbin sisältämät väitelauseet. Käännä sanajärjestys. olla-verbi/apuverbi + subjekti 1. Kysymyslause 1. Väitelauseesta kysymyslause a) 99 % verbeistä: käytä do/does/did-apuverbiä apuna. Väitelauseen sanajärjestys säilyy. apuverbi + subjekti + pääverbi Väitelause I like chocolate. Mary


Information on Finnish Courses Autumn Semester 2017 Jenni Laine & Päivi Paukku Centre for Language and Communication Studies

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Opiskelijoiden ajatuksia koulun alkuun liittyen / students thoughts about the beginning of their studies at KSYK

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Erasmus Intensive Language Course KV kevätpäivät Kuopio 9.5.2011 Päivi Martin, Lapin yliopisto

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Contents. Kuinka monta jakson sanaa opit? Väritä tähdet. Hello. Numbers. Colours. 1. This is me. 2. Clothes. 3. Family. 4. Home. 5. Food. 6.

Contents. Kuinka monta jakson sanaa opit? Väritä tähdet. Hello. Numbers. Colours. 1. This is me. 2. Clothes. 3. Family. 4. Home. 5. Food. 6. Contents Kuinka monta jakson sanaa opit? Väritä tähdet. Hello Numbers Colours 1. This is me 2. Clothes 3. Family 4. Home 5. Food 6. I can 7. School 8. Hobbies 9. Animals 10. Moving around EXTRA Hello Piirrä


ValoaMaailmaan. VUODEN 2017 JOULUKAMPANJA 24. marraskuuta 25. joulukuuta 2017

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Tyytyväisyys tapahtumittain

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Suuri kaalihuijaus: Kirjoituksia yhteiskunnallisesta tietämättömyydestä (Finnish Edition)

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Yksityinen kirjeenvaihto Yksityiskirje

Yksityinen kirjeenvaihto Yksityiskirje - Osoite Mr. N. Summerbee 335 Main Street New York NY 92926 Osoitteen ulkomuoto Suomessa: kadun nimi + katunumero postiosoite + kaupungin nimi maa. Matti Meikäläinen Puistokatu 17 A 01234 Helsinki Finland


Yksityinen kirjeenvaihto Yksityiskirje

Yksityinen kirjeenvaihto Yksityiskirje - Osoite Matti Meikäläinen Puistokatu 17 A 01234 Helsinki Finland Osoitteen ulkomuoto Suomessa: kadun nimi + katunumero postiosoite + kaupungin nimi maa. Mr. N. Summerbee 335 Main Street New York NY 92926



EARLY LEARNING PLAN / ENGLANTI VARHAISKASVATUSSUUNNITELMA EARLY LEARNING PLAN / ENGLANTI VARHAISKASVATUSSUUNNITELMA JYVÄSKYLÄN KAUPUNKI Dear Family, Home and the family are the most important growth environment and community for the child. Alongside with home,


Alueen asukkaiden käsitykset kampuksesta

Alueen asukkaiden käsitykset kampuksesta Alueen asukkaiden käsitykset kampuksesta Myllypuron alueen asukkaiden keskuudessa kerättävien aineistojen kerääminen ja jäsentely. Mielenkiinnon kohteina myllypurolaisten käsitykset kampuksesta ja sen


Matkustaminen Yleistä

Matkustaminen Yleistä - Olennaiset Can you help me, please? Avun pyytäminen Do you speak English? Tiedustelu henkilöltä puhuuko hän englantia Voisitko auttaa minua? Puhutko englantia? Do you speak _[language]_? Tiedustelu henkilöltä
