Ehdokkaiden nimeäminen Suomen Akatemian tieteellisten toimikuntien jäseniksi vuosiksi (Dnro 1/040/2012)

Samankaltaiset tiedostot
Epävarmuus ja riskinarviointi: tiedon paloja, näytön synteesiä

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Forestry

Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

Overview on Finnish Rural network and its objectives. Rural Network Unit, Finland

Matti Sarvimäki. July /2009 Senior Researcher Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki

ProAgria. Opportunities For Success

MATKAILUALAN TIETEELLISIÄ LEHTIÄ julkaisufoorumin tasoluokittain

SolarForum. An operation and business environment development project

Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland

Export Demand for Technology Industry in Finland Will Grow by 2.0% in 2016 GDP growth 2016/2015, %

Aiming at safe performance in traffic. Vastuullinen liikenne. Rohkeasti yhdessä.

Research in Chemistry Education

Suomi innovaatioympäristönä maailman paras? Apua suunniteluun!

A new model of regional development work in habilitation of children - Good habilitation in functional networks

Reasons behind inadequate local food control resources, Food Control 19,

TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo

European Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. Mafi Saarilammi Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvosto

Innovative and responsible public procurement Urban Agenda kumppanuusryhmä. public-procurement

Tork Paperipyyhe. etu. tuotteen ominaisuudet. kuvaus. Väri: Valkoinen Malli: Vetopyyhe

Katsaus elintarvikevälitteisiin epidemioihin ja yhteistyöhön Euroopan tautikeskuksen kanssa

EU:n uudet salmonellan vastustustavoitteet ja salmonellatilanne Euroopassa


Increase of opioid use in Finland when is there enough key indicator data to state a trend?

Fungi infecting cultivated moss can also cause diseases in crop plants

Prognos Julkaisusuunnitelmat


Enterprise Architecture TJTSE Yrityksen kokonaisarkkitehtuuri

Plant protection of cereals current situation

Tutkimuslääkkeiden GMP. Fimea Pirjo Hänninen

Teacher's Professional Role in the Finnish Education System Katriina Maaranen Ph.D. Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Space for work, meetings and events. Expert Services for knowledge intensive and growth oriented SME s

Master's Programme in Life Science Technologies (LifeTech) Prof. Juho Rousu Director of the Life Science Technologies programme 3.1.

Projektista julkaistua

Rakentamisen näkymät EU-alueella ja Suomessa

Other approaches to restrict multipliers

Copernicus, Sentinels, Finland. Erja Ämmälahti Tekes,

2009 Doctor of Technology (Ph.D) defended at 13 th November

Pricing policy: The Finnish experience

Doctoral programme in Drug research (DPDR) in the University of Helsinki and in FinPharmaNet. Ilkka Reenilä. Doctoral Programme Coordinator

Evaluation of 32 Years of the AAEA Extension Outlook Survey. Ronald Plain University of Missouri. Survey Coordinators

Aalto-yliopiston laatujärjestelmä ja auditointi. Aalto-yliopisto Inkeri Ruuska, Head of Planning & Management Support

Kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuinen lääkeinformaatioverkosto järkevän lääkehoidon tukena

Improving advisory services through technology. Challenges for agricultural advisory after 2020 Jussi Juhola Warsaw,


Aallonhuiput. Aalto University Doctoral Student Association. Lauri Kovanen, November 8th 2012

Kaksoistutkintoyhteistyö venäläisten yliopistojen kanssa

Social and Regional Economic Impacts of Use of Bioenergy and Energy Wood Harvesting in Suomussalmi

Suomi Eläinten käyttö tieteellisiin tai opetustarkoituksiin - kasvatus ja/tai ylläpito ja lopetus ilman toimenpiteitä. Total.

Kysymys 5 Compared to the workload, the number of credits awarded was (1 credits equals 27 working hours): (4)


ECSEL - Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership

2017/S Contract notice. Supplies



Tork Xpress Soft Multifold käsipyyhe. etu

Photo: Paavo Keränen. KAINUU in statistics 2009

Vuoden eläinlääkäri 2013 Riitta Maijala,

Millaisia mahdollisuuksia kyberturva tarjoaa ja kenelle? Ja mitä on saatu aikaan?


Focal Point toiminta. s-posti: kotisivut: >Focal Point. EFSAn kotisivut:

Kun toimeen tartutaan

Meriliikenteen digitalisaatio MERIT. smart maritime industry

Efficiency change over time


Standard Business Reporting (SBR) and diminishing the Administrative Burden for companies

Karelia ENI CBC-ohjelma/ PÄÄTÖSLUETTELO 1 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto


Tutkijanuran ja -aseman kehittäminen (HR Excellence in Research)

Tutkimuksen huippuyksiköt. Maiju Gyran tiedeasiantuntija


EU FP7 EURATOM vuoden 2011 työohjelman valmistelu, mitä tiedetää. ään n? Reaktoriturvallisuus

Tulevia alan kansainvälisiä tapahtumia

Making use of BIM in energy management

Liiku Terveemmäksi LiikuTe Yleiset periaatteet vuoden 2010 järjestelyille

*) %-yks. % 2018*)

muutos *) %-yks. % 2017*)

muutos *) %-yks. % 2016

VUOSI 2015 / YEAR 2015


ehealth Solutions across the Northern Periphery OULU, Finland

Tuloksia ja kokemuksia / results and experiences

7.4 Variability management


Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students.

LUT Karvin seminaari

Stormwater filtration unit

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Yksityisen sektorin rooli kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi kansanvälisesti

766 M ,83%*

Re-use of Surplus Foundry Sand by Composting (LIFE13 ENV/FI/000285)

Aalto University School of Engineering Ongelmaperusteisen oppimisen innovatiivinen soveltaminen yliopisto-opetuksessa

Ajankohtaista GMP:stä. Ritva Haikala

Global Economy is Expected to Grow by 3.5% in 2015

895 M ,26%*

Wärtsilä Corporation. Interim Report January-September 2003 Ole Johansson President & CEO. 29 October Wärtsilä


Kolmannen polven kefalosporiinien käyttö seuraeläimillä. päivitys

Organisaation kokonaissuorituskyvyn arviointi

Ref. Ares(2010) /06/2010


EHDOKKAIDEN NIMEÄMINEN Dnro 20.6.2012 859/0020/2012 Opetusministeriö Meritullinkatu 10 PL 29 00023 Valtioneuvosto Viite Ehdokkaiden nimeäminen Suomen Akatemian tieteellisten toimikuntien jäseniksi vuosiksi 2013-2015 (Dnro 1/040/2012) ESITYS Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Evira esittää seuraavia henkilöitä Suomen Akatemian tieteellisiin toimikuntiin. Terveyden tutkimuksen toimikunta: Evira esittää terveyden tutkimuksen toimikuntaan jäseneksi dosentti Riitta Maijalaa, jonka CV on esityksen liitteenä. Tutkimusala Dosentti Riitta Maijalan tutkimusala liittyy laajasti elintarviketuotannon turvallisuuteen kattaen sekä zoonoottisia mikrobeja että kemiallisia riskejä. Hän on yhdessä tutkimusryhmänsä kanssa kehittänyt erityisesti koko tuotantoketjuun sovellettavia kuluttajien ja eläinten terveyden edistämiseen liittyviä riskinarvioinnin menetelmiä ja tutkimustapoja. Maijalan tutkimuslähtökohta on monitieteellinen ja tutkimuskysymyksiä on lähestytty yhteistyössä eläinlääketieteen, lääketieteen, mikrobiologian, kemian, elintarviketeknologian, taloustieteen, matemaattisen malllinnuksen ja hallinnon tutkimuksen menetelmien ja tutkijoiden kanssa. Tieteenala Eläinlääketiede, elintarviketiede Tieteelliset ansiot Dosentti Maijala on kansainvälisesti tunnettu tutkija, joka on tutkimustyönsä lisäksi osallistunut lukuisiin Eurooppalaisiin yhteistyöverkostoihin. Hän on toiminut mm. Euroopan komission tiedepaneelin jäsenenä (Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures Related to Public Health) ja Euroopan turvallisuusviranomaisen (EFSA) tiedepaneelin varapuheenjohtajana (Scientific Panel of Biological Hazards, including TSEs). Hän on julkaissut 45 vertaisarvioitua tieteellistä artikkelia sekä 57 tieteellistä lausuntoa, jotka on julkaistu indeksoidussa EFSA Journalissa. Lisäksi hän on julkaissut 84 konferenssiabstraktia, 38 raporttia ja kirja-artikkelia ja 99 yleistajuista artikkelia tutkimustiedon jakamiseksi ammattilehdissä. Hän on myös ohjannut väitöskirjoja ja muita opinnäytteitä sekä toiminut useiden kansainvälisten lehtien refereenä. Tiedehallinnon tuntemus Dosentti Maijala on toiminut useissa tutkimuksen suunnitteluun ja rahoittamiseen liittyvissä tehtävissä. Vuodesta 2006 alkaen hän on ollut Euroopan komission DG Researchin neuvoa antavan ryhmän jäsen FP7:n 2006-2013 tutkimusteemassa Food, agriculture and biotechnology. Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Evira Mustialankatu 3, 00790 HELSINKI Puh. 020 690 999 Faksi 020 77 24350 Livsmedelssäkerhetsverket Evira Mustialagatan 3, 00790 HELSINGFORS Tel. 020 690 999 Fax 020 77 24350 fö Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira Mustialankatu 3, FI-00790 HELSINKI, Finland Tel. +358 20 690 999 Fax +358 20 77 24350

Lisäksi hän on ollut Technical and Scientific Committee of Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e Emilia-Romagna for the evaluation of research proposals and outputs, and the provision of advice on future programs and projects ryhmän jäsen, COST Action 920 Foodborne zoonosis: a co-ordinated food chain approach johtoryhmän jäsen sekä tieteellisen neuvoa antavan ryhmän jäsenen MED-VET-NET (EU-Network of excellence). Suomessa hän on toiminut MMM:n maatalous ja elintarviketutkimuksen tiedelautakunnan jäsenenä, Finnish Graduate School on Applied Bioscience: Bioengineering, Food, Nutrition and Environment johtokunnan jäsenenä, Eläinlääketieteellisen tiedekunnan tutkimuksen ja tieteellisten jatkotutkintojen toimikunnan jäsenenä, Helsingin yliopiston post-doc hakemusten arvioitsijana ja hänet on valittu Suomeen palattuaan Suomen eläinlääketieteen säätiön hallituksen jäseneksi. Muut mahdolliset tehtävän hoidon kannalta keskeiset ansiot Dosentti Maijalan kokemus tieteellisen tutkimuksen edistämisestä sekä tieteellisen tiedon käyttämisestä EU:n ja kansallisessa päätöksenteossa antaa vahvan pohjan myös Suomen Akatemian tieteellisen toimikunnan jäsenenä työskentelylle. EFSA:ssa Maijala vastasi koko elintarviketuotantoketjuun liittyvästä EU:n riskinarviointityöstä kattaen elintarviketurvallisuuden lisäksi myös rehuturvallisuuden, kasvien terveyden, eläinten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin sekä ravitsemukseen liittyvän riskinarvioinnin. EFSA:n yli seitsemän sadan riippumattoman tutkijan antamien lausunnot antavat tieteellistä tukea EU:n päätöksenteon tueksi samalla osoittaen, minkälaista tutkimusta tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa. Maijala on toiminut myös monissa muissa neuvoa-antavissa tehtävissä, joista mainittakoon esim. External evaluator of the global WHO Strategy For Managing Public Health Risks At The Human- Animal Interface. 11.06.2012 Curriculum vitae Riitta Maijala Contact details Finnish Food Safety Authority (Evira) Mustialankatu 3, 00790 Helsinki Tel. +358 40 159 5812 (mobile), +358 50 526 0294 (private) Email: (office), (private) Education 04.10.1989 Lic.Vet. Med. (DVM), College of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki 17.06.1991 Meat inspection certificate, College of Vet. Med., Helsinki 17.10.1994 Ph.D., College of Vet.Med., Helsinki 08.09.1999 Postgraduate degree in food hygiene, College of Vet.Med, Helsinki 06.06.2001 Docent in food hygiene, Helsinki University, Veterinary Faculty 17.05.2002 Specialist Degree in Veterinary Medicine on Infectious Animal Diseases, Helsinki University, Veterinary Faculty

06.09.2002 European specialist degree Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health (Dipl. ECVPH) (food science), (renewed for next 5 years on 04.12.2008) Employment Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA), Control Department, Helsinki 01.10.2011 - Head of Animal Health and Welfare unit European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma 01.05.2011-30.9.2011 Director, Scientific evaluation of regulated products Directorate 07.01.2008-30.04.2011 Director, Risk Assessment Directorate 01.10.2007-06.01.2008 Head of Risk Assessment Department Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA), Department of Food and Veterinary Control, Helsinki 01.05.2006-30.09.2007 Head of Animal Health and Welfare unit Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM), Helsinki 01.03.2006-30.04.2006 Head of Executive unit, Department of Food and Health Helsinki University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki 01.04.2005-28.02.2006 University lecturer, Department of Food and Environmental Hygiene National veterinary and Food Research Institute (EELA), Helsinki 01.03.2001-31.03.2005 Professor, Head of Risk Assessment unit 01.01.1998-28.02.2001 Development director 01.03.1996-31.12.1997 Professor, Head of Field investigation unit 12.09.1993-29.02.1996 Poultry veterinarian, Field investigation unit 02.05.1988-11.09.1993 Temporary researcher, Food department Personal info Born in Finland 21.8.1961 Married, four children (17, 18, 25 and 26 years) Main international responsibilities Scientific committees and working groups 2011-2012 Member of the working group for risk assessment terminology harmonisation of the Scientific Committee, European Food Safety Authority 2003-2006 Vice-chair of the scientific panel of biological hazards (BIOHAZ), including TSEs, European Food Safety Authority 2000-2003 Member of the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures Related to Public Health, European Commission 2002-2003 Member of the working group for risk assessment harmonisation of the Scientific Steering Committee of European Commission

2004-2006 Member of the working group for evaluation of geographical BSE risk (GBR), European Food Safety Authority 2004-2006 Scientific expert of the working group evaluating reporting on zoonoses, European Food Safety Authority 1999-2000 Member of the Scientific Steering Committee of European Commission for evaluation of geographical BSE risk Scientific advisory bodies 2006 - Member of Advisory Group for Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology for the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development for 2007-2013, European Commission DG Research 2011-2012 Member of the scientific evaluation committee for the selection of biträdande staatsepizootolog, Swedish Veterinary Institute 2010 External evaluator of the global WHO Strategy For Managing Public Health Risks At The Human-Animal Interface 2009-2011 Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of Instituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e Emilia-Romagna for the evaluation of research proposals and outputs, and the provision of advice on future programs and projects in the field of activity of IZSLER. 2004-2007 Member of the management committee of COST Action 920 Foodborne zoonosis: a co-ordinated food chain approach 2004-2007 Member of the scientific advisory group of MED-VET-NET (EU-Network of excellence) 2000-2001 Member of the evaluation group for Norwegian government of the Veterinary agreement with European Free Trade Association European specialisation 2007 2009 Senior vice president of the European College of Veterinary Public Health 2005 2007 President of the European College of Veterinary Public Health 2003-2005 Junior vice president of the European College of Veterinary Public Health Referee of International Journals International Journal of Food Microbiology, Food Research international, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, Food Control, Avian Diseases Main national responsibilities Scientific advisory bodies 2012 Member of Finnish Foundation of Veterinary Research 2009 - Evaluator of postdoctoral applications in Helsinki University

2005 2008 Member of the scientific board for agriculture and food research, Ministry of agriculture and forestry 2004-2005 Expert member of National advisory board of food, subgroup Food hygiene, Ministry of trade and industry 2004-2005 Member of the Management board of the Finnish Graduate School on Applied Bioscience 2004-2005 Deputy member of the advisory committee on agriculture and food, University of Helsinki 2003-2005 Member of the ELO food safety group 2001-2004 Member of the Scientific graduation committee, Faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Helsinki, 2004-2005 a deputy member Joint committees for risk management advice 2000-2007 chair of the National committee on zoonoses, Ministry of agriculture and forestry 2000-2002 Member of the working group for Food production in Finland at 2030, chair of the subgroup Food safety, Ministry of agriculture and forestry 2000-2001 Chair of the working group for risk communication in food safety 2000-2002, member of the working group for Food production in Finland at 2030, chair of the subgroup Food safety, Ministry of agriculture and forestry 2000-2001 Chair of the working group for risk communication in food safety 2000-2001 Deputy member of the Novel food board, Ministry of trade and industry 1999-2000 Member of National advisory board of food, subgroup Food hygiene, Ministry of trade and industry 1988-2004 Member of National management group for the monitoring of food-borne diseases, Ministry of social affairs and health Supervising graduates PhD work DVM Pirkko Tuominen (graduated 2009), Helsinki University PhD work (2004-) MF Ulla Karlström, Kuopio Univeristy, PhD work (2007-) ML Satu Tähkäpää, Helsinki University, PhD work (2010-) DVM Saija Kalenius, Helsinki Univeristy Opponent for PhD of MF Hanna Miettinen (2006), Helsinki University Examination of doctoral dissertation MF Anne Nykänen, Turku University In addition, gradutate theses, specialist degree in infectious animal diseases and residence for Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Public Health

Bibliography Riitta Maijala Original scientific articles 1) Maijala, R., Johansson, T. & Hirn, J. 1992. Growth of Salmonella and competing flora in five commercial Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) -media. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 17:1-8. 2) Maijala, R., Eerola, S., Aho, M. & Hirn, J. 1993. The effect of GDL-induced ph decrease on the formation of biogenic amines in meat. J. Food Prot. vol 56 (no.2):125-129. 3) Maijala, R. & Eerola, S. 1993. Contaminant lactic acid bacteria of dry sausages produce histamine and tyramine. Meat Sci. 35:387-395. 4) Maijala, R. 1993. Formation of histamine and tyramine by some lactic acid bacteria in MRSbroth and modified decarboxylation agar. Lett. Appl. Bacteriol. 17:40-43. 5) Maijala, R., Eerola, S., Hill, P. & Nurmi, E. 1993. The influence of some starter cultures and glucono-delta-lactone on the formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages. Agric. Sci. Finland vol. 2 (no. 5):403-412. 6) Westermarck, E., Siltanen, R. & Maijala, R. 1993. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in seven dogs with gastrointestinal signs. Brief communication. Acta. Vet. Scand. 34:311-314. 7) Maijala, R. 1994. Histamine and tyramine production by Lactobacillus strain subjec ted to external ph decrease. J. Food Prot. vol 57, no. 3:259-262. 8) Maijala, R. 1994. Formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages with special reference to raw materials, lactic acid bacteria, ph decrease, temperature and time. Ph.D. thesis. 71 s, 6 articles. 9) Maijala, R., Nurmi, E. & Fischer, A. 1995. Influence of processing temperature on the formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages. Meat Sci. 39:9-22. 10) Johansson, T., Maijala, R. & Hirn, J. 1995. A less hazardous enrich ment broth for Listeria without cycloheximide and agrifalvine. Re search note. J. Food Prot. vol 58, no. 11:1263-1267. 11) Maijala, R., Eerola, S., Lievonen, S., Hill, P. & Hirvi, T. 1995. Formation of biogenic amines during ripening of dry sausages as affected by starter culture and thawing time of raw materials. J. Food Sci. vol 60, no 6:1187-1190. 12) Johansson, T., Schildt, R., Ali-Yrkkö, S., Siitonen, A. & Maijala, R. 1996. The first Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 1 infection of a commercial layer flock in Finland. Acta Vet. Scand., 37:471-480. 13) Eerola, S., Maijala, R., Sagues, A.-X. R., Salminen, M. & Hirvi, T. 1996. Biogenic amines in dry sausages affected by starter culture and contaminant amine-positive lactobacillus. Food Sci. vol 61, no. 6:1243-1246. 14) Lyytikäinen, O., Autio, T., Maijala, R., Ruutu, P., Honkanen-Buzalski, T., Miettinen, M., Hatakka, M., Mikkola, J., Anttila, V.-J., Johansson, T., Rantala, L., Aalto, T., Korkeala, H. & Siitonen, A. 2000. An outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 3a infections from butter in Finland. J. Inf. Dis.181:1838-41. 15) Maijala, R. 2000. Zoonoosien riskinarviointi. Risk assessment of zoonoses. Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti 106:143-148. 16) Maijala, R., Lyytikäinen, O., Johansson, T., Autio, T., Aalto, T., Haavisto, L. & Honkanen- Buzalski, T. 2001. Exposure of Listeria monocytogenes within an epidemic caused by butter in Finland. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 70 (1-2): 97-109 17) Tuominen, P., Hielm, S. & Maijala, R. 2001. Mikrobiologisen riskianalyysin soveltaminen elintarvikeyritysten HACCP-järjestelmiin. Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti 107:363-368.

18) Siitonen A, Maijala R. 2001. Microbiological dangers of food. Duodecim. 2001;117(1):84-90. Review. Finnish. 19) Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. 2002. A probabilistic transmission model of salmonella in the primary broiler production chain. Risk Analysis vol 22 (1): 47-58. 20) Tuominen, P., Hielm, S., Aarnisalo, K., Raaska, K. & Maijala, R. 2002. Trapping the food safety performance of a small or medium-sized food company using a risk-based model. The HYGRAM system. Food Control, Vol 14/8 pp 573-578. 21) Vahteristo, L., Lyytikäinen,., Venäläinen, E.-R., Eskola, M., Lindfors, E., Pohjanvirta, R. and Maijala. 2003. Cadmium intake of moose hunters in Finland from consumption of moose meat, liver and kidney. Food Add. Contam. Vol 20 (5):453-463. 22) Lievonen, S., Havulinna, A. & Maijala, R. 2004. Egg consumption patterns and Salmonella risk in Finland. J. Food Protect. vol 67 (11): 2416-2423. 23) Maijala, R., Ranta, J., Seuna, E. & Peltola, J. 2005. The efficiency of the Finnish Salmonella Control Programme. Food Control vol. 16 (8) pp. 669-675 24) Aakkula, J., Peltola, J, Maijala, R & Siikamaki, J. 2005. Consumer Attitudes, Underlying, Perceptions and Actions Associated with Food Quality and Safety. Journal of Food Products Marketing Vol. 11 (3): 67 87. 25) Ranta, J., Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R. 2005. Estimation of true salmonella prevalence jointly in cattle herd and animal populations using bayesian hierarchical modeling. Risk Analysis Feb;25(1):23-37. 26) Maijala, R., Ranta, J., Seuna, E., Pelkonen, S. & Johansson, T. 2005. A quantitative risk assessment of the public health impact of the Finnish salmonella control program for broilers Int. J Food Microbiology 102: 21-35. 27) Hielm, Tuominen, Aarnisalo, Raaska & Maijala. 2006. Attitudes towards own-checking and HACCP plans among Finnish food industry employees. Food Control 17:402-407. 28) Aarnisalo, K., Tallavaara, K., Wirtanen, G., Maijala, R. & Raaska. L. 2006. The hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel and equipment hygiene in the Finnish food industry. Food-Control. 17(12): 1001-1011 29) Siekkinen, K.-M., Nuotio, L., Ranta, J., Laukkanen R., Hellström, S., Korkeala, H. & Maijala, R. 2006. Assessing hygiene proficiency on organic and conventional pig farms regarding pork safety: A pilot study in Finland. Livestock Science 104:193-202. 30) Tuominen, P., Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. Salmonella risk in imported fresh beef, beef preparations, and beef products. 2006. Journal of Food Protection 69(8):1814-1822. 31) Karlström. U., Nuotio, L., Lindfors, E., Peltonen, K., & Maijala, R. 2007. Simulation of human exposure to benzylpenicillin residues via pork originating from pigs fed with a dairy by-product. Food Additives and Contaminants 24(3): 266-273. 32) Kangas, S., Lyytikäinen, T., Peltola, J., Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. 2007. Costs of two alternative salmonella control policies in Finnish broiler production. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 49:35 33) Lievonen, S., Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. 2007. Shell egg handling and preparation practices in food service establishments in Finland. J Food Prot. Oct;70(10):2266-72. 34) Tuominen, P., Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. 2007. Studying the effects of POs and MCs on the Salmonella ALOP with a quantitative risk assessment model for beef production. Int J Food Microbiol. 118(1):35-51. 35) Maijala, R. & Korkeala, H. Reviewing the undergraduate veterinary curriculum in Finland for control tasks in veterinary public health. 2008. J. Vet Med Educ 35:241-254 36) Tähkäpää, S., Maijala, R., Hörman, A., Poutiainen-Lindfors, U. & Korkeala, H. 2008. Reasons behind inadequate local food control resources. Food Control 19:403-411.

37) Aarnisalo, K., Vihavainen, E., Rantala, L., Maijala, R., Suihko, M.-L., Hielm, S., Tuominen, P., Ranta, J. & Raaska, L. 2008. Use of results of microbiological analyses for risk-based control of Listeria monocytogenes in marinated broiler legs. International Journal of Food Microbiology 121: 275 284. 38) Laukkanen, R., Ortiz Martínez, P., Siekkinen, K-M, Ranta, J., Maijala, R. & Korkeala, H. 2008. Transmission of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the pork production chain from farm to slaughterhouse. Appl Environ Microbiol Sept. p. 5444-5450. 39) Tähkäpää, S., Kallioniemi, M., Korkeala, H, & Maijala, R. 2009. Food control officer s perception of the challenges in implementing new food control requirements in Finland. Food Control, 20, 664-670. 40) Tähkäpää, S., Kaario, N, Maijala, R., Korkeala, H., Tulokas,A., Lunden, J. 2009. Problems for meat and fish business operators in implementing food law in Finland. Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene 60 (6) 172-178. 41) Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R. 2009. Evaluating food safety management in professional kitchens. Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene 60 (5) 151-160. 42) Laukkanen, R., Martínez, P. O., Siekkinen, K-M, Ranta, J., Maijala, R. & Korkeala, H. 2009. Contamination of carcasses with human pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica 4/O:3 originates from pigs infected on farms. Foodborne pathogens and disease. Vol 6, No 6, 2009:681-688 43) Hellstrom, S., Laukkanen, R., Siekkinen, K-M, Ranta, J., Maijala, R., Korkeala, H. 2010. Contamination by Listeria monocytogenes in pork production from farm to meat cuts Journal Food Protection vol 73 (4) 44) Lyhs, Ulrike, Katzav, M., Isohanni, P., Heiska, H. and Maijala, R. 2010.The temporal, PFGE and resistance pattern associations suggest that poultry products are only a minor source for human Campylobacter infections in Western Finland. Food Microbiology 27, 311-315. 45) Ranta, J., Siekkinen, K-M, Nuotio, L., Laukkanen, R., Hellstrom, S., Korkeala, H. & Maijala, R. 2010. Bayesian calibration of hydrocarbon reservoir models using an approximate reservoir simulator in the prior specification. Statistical Modelling Vol 10, No 1, April: 69-87. 46) Tähkäpää, S., Nevas, M., Kallioniemi, M., Korkeala, H. & Maijala, R. Food control officers in Finland support control fees, quality systems and intra-regional cooperation in food safety control (submitted) 47) Laukkanen-Ninios, R., Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M., Maijala, R., & Korkeala, H. High prevalence and low quantity of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica detected with nested PCR in raw pork cuts (manuscript) 48) Tähkäpää, S., Korkeala, H. & Maijala, R. Moral Hazards in Food Chain (manuscript) Scientific articles published in EFSA Journal 1) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the interpretation of results of EU surveillance of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in ovine and caprine animals, culling strategies for TSEs in small ruminants and the TSE-related safety of certain small ruminant products.. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.12 Abstract published: 11 March 2004 2) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the effects of Nitrites/Nitrates on the Microbiological Safety of Meat Products. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.14 Abstract published: 11 March 2004 3) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the safety vis-à-vis biological risk including TSEs of the application on pastureland of organic fertilisers and soil improvers. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.40 Abstract published: 11 March 2004

4) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on BSE risk from bovine tonsil and consumption of bovine tongue. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.41 Abstract published: 12 March 2004 5) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the application of the United Kingdom for Moderate Risk BSE status. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.55 Abstract published: 11 May 2004 6) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the request from the Commission on Meat Inspection Procedures for Lambs and Goats. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.54 Abstract published: 17 May 2004 7) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on Biodiesel Process as a method for safe disposal of category 1 Animal by-products (ABP). EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.23 Abstract published: 9 June 2004 8) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on a surveillance programme for Chronic Wasting Disease in the European Union. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.70 Abstract published: 8 July 2004 9) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the microbiological risks in infant formulae and follow-on formulae. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.113 Abstract published: 17 November 2004 10) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the use of antimicrobials for the control of Salmonella in poultry. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.115 Abstract published: 2 December 2004 11) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the use of vaccines for the control of Salmonella in poultry. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.114 Abstract published: 2 December 2004 12) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on BSE risk from dissemination of brain particles in blood and carcass following stunning. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.123 Abstract published: 7 December 2004 13) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the determination of the BSE risk status of Portugal. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2004.143 Abstract published: 8 December 2004 14) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the suitability and details of freezing methods to allow human consumption of meat infected with Trichinella or Cysticercus. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.142 Abstract published: 17 January 2005 15) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on Revision of Meat Inspection for Beef raised in Integrated Production Systems. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.141 Abstract published: 17 January 2005 16) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the Commission related to the welfare aspects of various systems of keeping laying hens. EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.197 Abstract published: 7 March 2005 17) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the safety of collagen and a processing method for the production of collagen. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.174 Abstract published: 15 March 2005 18) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Costa Rica. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.12r Abstract published: 22 March 2005

19) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of El Salvador. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.10r Abstract published: 22 March 2005 20) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to Campylobacter in animals and foodstuffs. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.173 Abstract published: 1 April 2005 21) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus spp in foodstuffs. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.175 Abstract published: 7 April 2005 22) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to Clostridium spp in foodstuffs. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.199 Abstract published: 14 April 2005 23) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the risk assessment of a revised inspection of slaughter animals in areas with low prevalence of Cysticercus. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.176 Abstract published: 10 May 2005 24) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the assessment of the age limit in cattle for the removal of certain Specified Risk Materials (SRM). EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.220 Abstract published: 25 May 2005 25) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Namibia. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.23r Abstract published: 15 June 2005 26) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Swaziland. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.24r Abstract published: 15 June 2005 27) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Botswana. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.22r Abstract published: 15 June 2005 28) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on: A quantitative assessment of risk posed to humans by tissues of small ruminants in case BSE is present in these animal populations. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.227 Abstract published: 27 June 2005 29) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the on the Risk assessment of a revised inspection of slaughter animals in areas with low prevalence of Trichinella. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.200 Abstract published: 29 June 2005 30) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Chile. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.39r Abstract published: 16 August 2005 31) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Brazil. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.38r Abstract published: 16 August 2005 32) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Panama. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.35r Abstract published: 16 August 2005 33) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of New Zealand. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.36r Abstract published: 16 August 2005 34) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Argentina. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.37r Abstract published: 16 August 2005

35) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Paraguay. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.40r Abstract published: 17 August 2005 36) Scientific Report of the European Food Safety Authority on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE Risk (GBR) of Uruguay. European Food Safety Authority doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.41r Abstract published: 17 August 2005 37) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the on the Assessment of the human and animal BSE risk posed by tallow with respect to residual BSE risk. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.221 Abstract published: 21 September 2005 38) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the Quantitative risk assessment of the animal BSE risk posed by meat and bone meal with respect to the residual BSE risk. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.257 Abstract published: 21 September 2005 39) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on vis-à-vis biological risks of biogas and compost treatment standards of animal by-products (ABP). EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.264 Abstract published: 22 September 2005 40) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the biological safety of heat treatment of manure. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.265 Abstract published: 22 September 2005 41) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the Microbiological risks on washing of Table Eggs. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.269 Abstract published: 27 October 2005 42) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the Commission related to welfare of weaners and rearing pigs: effects of different space allowances and floor. EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.268 Abstract published: 28 October 2005 43) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on classification of atypical Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) cases in Small Ruminants. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.276 Abstract published: 9 November 2005 44) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the usefulness of somatic cell counts for safety of milk and milk derived products from goats. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.305 Abstract published: 19 December 2005 45) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the Request for an opinion on the feasibility of establishing Trichinella-free areas, and if feasible on the risk increase to public health of not examining pigs from those areas for Trichinella spp. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2005.277 Abstract published: 21 December 2005 46) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on Evaluation of the efficacy of peroxyacids for use as an antimicrobial substance applied on poultry carcasses. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.306 Abstract published: 16 January 2006 47) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the "Quantitative assessment of the human BSE risk posed by gelatine with respect to residual BSE" EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.312 Abstract published: 30 January 2006 48) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the Commission related with the welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing applied to commercially farmed deer, goats, rabbits, ostriches, ducks, geese. EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.326 Abstract published: 27 March 2006 49) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the evaluation of the efficacy of L (+) Lactic acid for carcass decontamination. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.342 Abstract published: 4 April 2006

50) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the Quantitative assessment of the residual BSE risk posed by di-calcium phosphate (DCP) and tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) from bovine bones used as an animal feed additive or as fertiliser EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.339 Abstract published: 11 April 2006 51) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the public health risks of feeding farmed animals with ready-to-use dairy products without further treatment. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.340 Abstract published: 12 April 2006 52) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) related to the evaluation of the efficacy of SAN-PEL for use as an antimicrobial substance applied on carcasses of chickens, turkeys, quails, pigs, beef, sheep, goats and game and in washing the shells of eggs. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.352 Abstract published: 24 April 2006 53) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on an assessment of the public and animal health risks associated with the adoption of a visual inspection system in veal calves raised in a Member State (or part of a Member State) considered free of tuberculosis. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.358 Abstract published: 15 June 2006 54) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (BIOHAZ) on the BSE risk from cohort animals: bovine hides and skins for technical purposes. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.367 Abstract published: 28 June 2006 55) Statement of the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards related to report of the EU TSE Community Reference Laboratory on the recent TSE cases in sheep. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards Abstract published: 11 July 2006 56) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) and of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on Review of the Community Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Antimicrobial Resistance in the European Union in 2004. EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2006.403 Abstract published: 9 November 2006 57) Scientific Opinion on Risk Assessment Terminology. EFSA Scientific Committee EFSA Journal 2012;10(5):2664 [43 pp.]. Abstracts in conferences 1) Maijala, R., Hirn, J. & Aho, M. 1990. Improving hygiene in broiler processing. FLAIR no. 6 / COST no. 906, Prevention and control of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in poultry and poultry meat processing. 2) Production and operational hygiene, Proceedings of a meeting held at Laboratorioe Central de Researches Avicole et Porcine, Ploufragan, France. November 21-23, ss. 27-32. 2) Maijala, R., Lindfros, E. & Hill, P. 1991. Formation of biogenic amines in fermented sausages - pilot trial. 37th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 1-6 Sept., Kulmbach, Saksa. Posteri. 3) Maijala, R., Johansson, T. & Hirn, J. 1992. The sensitivity of some strains of pathogenic bacteria to nitrite and salt as measured by turbidometric measurements. Presentation at 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications, 16-19 June, Berlin. 4) Johansson, T., Maijala, R. & Hirn, J. 1992. Performance of four commercial listeria enrichment broths in supporting the growth of L.monocytogenes and supressing competing flora. Presentation at 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications, 16-19 June, Berlin. 5) Hirn, J., Maijala, R. & Johansson, T. 1992. Foodborne disease outbreaks in Finland during the period 1975-1990. Presentation at 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications, 16-19 June, Berlin.

6) Eerola, S., Maijala, R. & Hill, P. 1992. The influence of nitrite on the formation of biogenic amines in dry sausages. 38th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, August 23-28, Clermont, France. Posteri. 7) Maijala, R., & Eerola, S. 1992. Amine producing lactic acid bacteria in dry sausages. Amine oxidase/trace amine congress, August 22-25, Galway, Ireland. Posteri. 8) Maijala, R. 1992. Current research interests in the process hygiene in broiler slaughterhouses in Finland. Poultry Symposium in St. Petersburg, Russia 11-12.5. 9) Maijala, R. 1995. Major disease problems in poultry during 1995 in Finland. Nordisk fjäderkonsulent- och veterinärmöte 9-11.11. Turku, Finland. 10) Maijala, R. 1996. Major disease problems in poultry during 1996 in Finland. NJF-seminaret för fjorfe 21-23.11.,Stavanger, Norway. 11) Maijala, R. 1996. Newcastle disease virus in Finland. NJF-seminaret för fjorfe 21-23.11.,Stavanger, Norway. 12) Holma, R. & Maijala, R. 1997. The results of salmonella control programme of poultry in Finland. Working together for safe food. Evaluating food control in Europe. International Congress 15-16.1.1997, Helsinki. Posteri. 13) Maijala, R. 1997. Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 1 infection of a commercial layer flock in Finland. International Russina-Finnish symposium The modern scientific concept of etiology, epizootology, diagnostic and prophylaxy of salmonellosis in poultry industry. 23-25.9., Pietari, Venäjä. (Abstrakti). 14) Maijala, R. 1997. The situation of poultry diseases in Finland. International Russian-Finnish symposium The modern scientific concept of etiology, epizootology, diagnostic and prophylaxy of salmonellosis in poultry industry. 23-25.9., Pietari, Venäjä. (Abstrakti). 15) Maijala, R. 1997. Siipikarjatalouden tuotantorakenne. Eläinlääkäripäivät 1997: 246-256. 16) Maijala, R. 1997. Siipikarjan tavallisimmat taudit ja niiden hoito. Eläinlääkäripäivät 1997:258-268. 17) Maijala, R. 1997. Biogeeniset amiinit elintarvikkeissa. Kemian päivät 11-13.11. Helsinki (Abstrakti). 18) Maijala, R. 1998. Elintarvikkeiden riskit ja kansanterveys. Riskianalyysin käsitteet ja suhtautuminen riskeihin. Kemia 1998:5.1.1, s. 45. Abstrakti. 19) Hirn, J. & Maijala, R. 1998. Riskien hallinta ja elintarvikevalvonnan suuntaaminen kotimaiset elintarvikkeet. Kemia 1998: 5.4.1., s. 48. Abstrakti. 20) Maijala, R. 1998. The costs, benefits and effects of the Salmonella Control Programme in Finland. Abstract. Workshop on Analytical Methods in the Epidemiology of Zoonoses, 23-24 th November 1998, Berlin. 21) Maijala, R. Risk analysis of biogenic amines in foodstuffs. COST 917 Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Sixth Workshop Biogenically active amines in food processing, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic, 3-6.6.1999. Abstract. 22) Maijala, R. 1999. Miten hyvin toimii elintarvikkeiden valvonta? Itä-Suomen lääketiede 21-23.9.1999, Kuopio, sivu 48. Abstrakti. 23) Maijala, R. Listerian riskianalyysi. Eläinlääkäripäivät 1999: 87-94. 24) Autio, T., Siitonen, A., Lyytikäinen, O., Miettinen, M., Maijala, R., Hatakka, R., Anttila, V.-J., Honkanen-Buzalski, T. & Korkeala, H. 1999. The use of serotyping and PFGE-typing methods to trace an outbreak of listeriosis, butter as a source. In Food Microbiology and food safety into the next millenium (ed. Tuijtelaars, A.C.J., Samson, R.A., Rombouts, F.M. & Notermans, S. Proceedings of the Seventeeth International Conerence of the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH),Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 13-17. september 1999, pp. 7-8.

25) Maijala, R., Lyytikäinen, O., Aalto, T., Hatakka, M., Siitonen, A. & Honkanen-Buzalski, T. 1999. A practical example of risk analysis for Listeria monocytogenes in a dairy plant. In Food Microbiology and food safety into the next millenium (ed. Tuijtelaars, A.C.J., Samson, R.A., Rombouts, F.M. & Notermans, S. Proceedings of the Seventeeth International Conerence of the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH),Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 13-17. september 1999, pp. 439-442. 26) Lyytikäinen, O., Maijala, R., Siitonen, A., Autio, T., Honkanen-Buzalski, T., Hatakka, M., Mikkola, J., Anttila, V.-J. & Ruutu, P. 1999. An oubreak of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 3a from butter in Finland. 39 th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, ASM s Annual Meeting on Infectious Diseases, San Fransisco, USA, 26-29.9.1999, session 204.K., paper 2082. 27) Sjöberg, A.-M. & Maijala, R. 1999. State of the art of risk assessment. 30 th R 3 -Nordic Contamination Control Symposium. 30.5.-2.6.1999, Helsinki, pp.163-175. 28) Eerola, S. & Maijala, R. 1999. Biogenic amines in dry sausages: factors affecting the formation during fermentation. Third workshop and fourth management committee meeting of COSTaction 917. Working group 3: Biologically acitve amines in food brocessing and amines produced by bacteria and polyamines in tumor growt, EC, Belgium :20-27. 29) Maijala, R. 2000. Riskianalyysin perusteet. Riskianalyysiseminaari, 16.2.2000. Helsinki. Abstrakti. 30) Maijala, R. 2000. Codexin ja OIE:n riskinarviointiperiaatteet. Riskianalyysiseminaari, 16.2.2000. Helsinki. Abstrakti. 31) Maijala, R. & Peltola, J. 2000. An economic evaluation of the Finnish national salmonella control programme. 9th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, August 2000, 1392. Poster. 32) Maijala, R. & Nuotio, L. 2000. A cost-benefit analysis of the National salmonella control programme for egg layers in Finland. 9xth International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, August 2000, 1391. Poster. 33) Maijala, R. & Nuotio, L.. 2000. Risk of human salmonellosis posed by poultry in Finland. 9th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, August 2000, 1390. Poster. 34) Tuominen, P., Hielm, S., Aarnisalo, K., Suihko, M.-L., Raaska, L. & Maijala, R. 2001. Development of a risk assessment based software tool for the evaluation of food industry HACP-plans. at 4 th International Meeting Food safety a shared responsibility. Workshop HACCP training. 15-16.3.2001 Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands. Poster. 35) Maijala, R. & Ranta, J. 2001. Broilertuotannon salmonellariskin tieteellinen arviointi. Eläinlääkäripäivät 2001:114-118. 36) Maijala, R., Lyytikäinen, O. & Johansson, T. 2001. Exposure of Listeria monocytogenes in an outbreak caused by butter.isopol XIV, Mannheim 2001. Poster. (Poster award) 37) Maijala, R. & Peltola, J. 2001. Are the consumers willing to pay for a good Finnish salmonella situation? The International Congress on Food Safety and Toxicology, August 24-25 th, Kuopio, Finland, p. 60. Poster. 38) Maijala, R. & Ranta, J. 2001. Risk assessment on salmonella transmission in the primary broiler production cahin in Finland. The International Congress on Food Safety and Toxicology, August 24-25 th, Kuopio, Finland, p. 34. Oral presentation. Abstract. 39) Peltola, J., Aakkula, J., Maijala, R. & Siikamäki, J. 2001. The value of the finnish salmonella control programme in consumers eyes. EurSafe 2001, Third Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Florence, October 3-5, pp. 485-486. 40) Maijala, R. 2001. Risk analysis of biogenic amines in foodstuffs. In COST 917: Biogenically Active Amines in Food, Volume V: Polyamines and tumour growth Biologically active amines

in food processing and amines produced by bacteria. Editors Morgan, D.M.L., Milovic, V., Krizek, M. & White, A. EUR 19882:55-61. 41) Maijala, R. & Ranta, J. 2002. Effect of the Finnish Salmonella Control Programme on Risk Caused by Salmonella in Broilers. International Symposium Salmonella & Salmonellosis (I3S). 29-31 May 2002. St.Brieuc, France, pages 561-564. Oral presentation. 42) Rautiainen, E., Ranta, J., Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R. 2002. A National Salmonella Control Programme of Pork based on Salmonella Detection in caecal lypmh nodes, carcase surface swabs and crushed meat samples. International Symposium Salmonella & Salmonellosis (I3S). 29-31 May 2002. St.Brieuc, France, pages 585-586. Poster. 43) Tuominen, P., Ranta, J., Rautiainen, E. & Maijala, R. 2002. A Risk Assessment Model of Salmonella Prevalence in primary Production of Beef in Finland. International Symposium Salmonella & Salmonellosis (I3S). 29-31 May 2002. St.Brieuc, France, pages 561-564. Poster. 44) Vahteristo, L., Maijala, R., Hakkinen,M., Perko-Mäkelä, P. & Hänninen,M.-L. 2002. Campylobacter exposure from retail chicken -are there any risks for the Finnish consumers? The 1st International Conference on Microbial Risk Assessment: Foodborne hazards, Maryland, USA, July 24-26, 2002, Program and abstarcts, p. 59 45) Slorach, S.A., Maijala, R. & Belveze, H. 2002. An integrated approach to food safety covering the whole of the food chain and beyond. Pan-European Conference on Food Safety and Quality, Budapest, 25-28 Febryary, 2002. PEC 01/06. 46) Maijala, R. & Ranta, J. 2002. Risk assessment on salmonella in Finnish broiler production. In proceedings of COST action 920: Foodborne zoonoses: a co-ordinated approach. Working group 3: Quantittive risk assessment. Exposure assessment of zoonotic foodborne pathogens. Bilthoven, the Netherlands. 7-8. March 2002. pp. 39-41.. 47) Ranta, J., Tuominen, P., Rautiainen, R. & Maijala, R. 2002. Hierarchical Risk Assessment Model of Salmonella Prevalence in Finnish Cattle and Cattle Herds. Seventh Valencia international meeting on Bayesian statistics, Tenerife, Spain, 1-6.6.2002. p. 164. Poster. 48) Tuominen, P., Hielm, S., Aarnisalo, K., Tallavaara, K., Raaska, L. & Maijala, R. 2002. Practical risk assessment of food companies aided by spreadsheet program HYGRAM. Poster. 5 th International Meeting of the Noordwijk Food Safety & HACCP forum, 9-10. Deceber, 2002, the Netherlands, p. 92 (Poster award) 49) Hielm, S., Tuominen, P., Aarnisalo, K., Raaska, L. & Maijala, R. 2002. Positive attitudes towards own-checking programs among Finnish food industry employees. 5 th International Meeting of the Noordwijk Food Safety & HACCP forum, 9-10. Deceber, 2002, the Netherlands, p. 80-81. (Poster) 50) Aarnisalo, K., Tallavaara, K., Maijala, R. & Raaska, L. 2002. Hygienic working practices of maintenance personnel in the food industry. Positive attitudes towards own-checking programs among Finnish food industry employees. 5 th International Meeting of the Noordwijk Food Safety & HACCP forum, 9-10. Deceber, 2002, the Netherlands, p 73. (Poster). 51) Maijala, R. & Peltola, J. 2002. Finnish salmonella control program. Efficiency and viability in food safety promotion the 10th EAAE Congress - Exploring diversity in the European Agri-food System, Zaragoza, Spain, August 28-31, 2002: 167-189. Contributed paper. 52) Raulo, S., Lyytikäinen, T., Rautiainen, E. & Maijala, r. Modeling detection of Classical Swine Fever on a Finnish pig farm. 2003. 10 th International symposium for veterinary epidemiology and economics. November 17-21, Vina del Mar, Chile, poster abstract No. 181. 53) Maijala, R. & Ranta, J. 2003. The use of predictive models to manage risks caused by Salmonella in broilers. The SAFE consortium, Fosare seminar series 1, the future of Food Safety Research in the European Union. Newly emerging pathogens, including risk assessment and risk management. 24-25 April 2003, Bryssel. Invited speaker.

54) Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R. 2003. Hygiene risk evaluation in catering establishments. Catering food safety A responsibility ignored? European Union Risk Analysis Information Network, 26-28 November, 2003, Hungary, P6. Poster 55) Lievonen, S. & Maijala, R. 2003. Egg consumption patterns and risk assessment on Salmonella. In: Proceedings of XVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat & Xth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, 23-26 September, 2003. Saint-Brieuc - Ploufragan, France. p. 225-228 (Poster). Posteri on esitetty myös Eläinlääkäripäivillä, 29.-31.10.2003. Eläinlääkäripäivien luentokokoelma, sivu 307. 56) Tuominen, P., Ranta, J. & Maijala, R. 2004. Data gaps in quantitative modelling of Salmonella in beef. COST 920 workshop in Paplona, June 28-30. Poster. 57) Tuominen, P., Ranta, J., Rautiainen, E., & Maijala, R.. 2004. Assessing Salmonella risk in imported pork and pork products as a part of the whole food chain evaluation. 5th World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications - Safe food for all. (7.-11.6.2004 : Berlin, Germany), Poster, Proceedings s. 171 58) Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R. 2004. Hygiene risk evaluation in catering establishment. Eläinlääkäripäivät 20.-22.10.2004, Helsinki. Suomen eläinlääkäriliiton luentokokoelma 2004 s. 279. Abstrakti 59) Ranta, J., Tuominen, P. & Maijala, R.. 2004. Bayesian inference in food chain risk modeling. Estimating the average CFU/g per serving and predicting the number of cases under intervention as compared to the default situation. COST920 WG3 workshop. (28.-30.6. 2004 : Pamplona, Spain). Oral presentation. Julkaistu myös Eläinlääkäripäivät 20.-22.10.2004, Helsinki. Abstraktit s. 272 60) Laukkanen, R. Ortiz, P, Hellström, S., Siekkinen K-M., Ranta, J., Maijala, R. & Korkeala, H. 2004. Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in conventional and organic pig production, preliminary results. 50 th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Poster. 61) Ortiz, P., Laukkanen, R., Siekkinen, K-M., Ranta, J., Maijala, R. & Korkeala, H. 2004. Prevalence of Yersinia enterocolitica in conventional and organic pig production. 50 th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Poster. 62) Ranta, J., Siekkinen, K-M., Laukkanen, R., Ortiz, P., Korkeala, H. & Maijala, R. 2004. Quantitative risk assessment of pathogenic Yersinia and Listeria monocytogenes contamination process along production stages of organic and traditional pork meat. 50 th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Poster. 63) Hatakka, M., Kuusi, M. & Maijala, R. 2004. Classification of reported food and waterborne outbreaks by the quality of evidence. International conference of foodborne infections and intoxications, 7.-11.6.2004 : Berlin, Germany. Poster. 64) Hatakka, M., Johansson, T., Kuusi, M., Maijala, R., Pakkala, P. & Siitonen, A. 2004. Foodborne outbreaks in Finland 1975-2003. 6th Valamo Conference on Environmental health and risk assessment, Food safety. (10. 12. 5. 2004 : Heinävesi, Finland. Abstrac 65) Lievonen, S. & Maijala, R. 2004. Egg consumption patterns and risk assessment on Salmonella. XVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat & Xth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, Saint-Brieuc 23-26.9.2004. Poster, 225-228. 66) Lievonen, S. Havulinna, A.S. & Maijala, R.. 2004. Egg consumption patterns and salmonella risk. 6th Valamo Conference on Environmental Health and Risk Assessment, Food Safety. (10.-12.5.2004 : Heinävesi, Finland). Abstract and Poster 67) Karlström, U, Maijala, R., Nuotio, L. & Lindfors, E. 2004. Exposure of domestic animals to antibiotic drug residues in discharged bulk milk used as feed. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2004:Vol. 197, s. 358. Abstract and Poster. Same poster at Eläinlääkäripäivät (20.-22.10.2004 : Helsinki). Abstraktit s. 256-257, Suomen eläinlääkäriliiton