ProAgria Opportunities For Success
Association of ProAgria Centres and ProAgria Centres 11 regional Finnish ProAgria Centres offer their members Leadership-, planning-, monitoring-, development- and consulting services The services focus on developing rural and agricultural businesses The largest quality and environment educator and rural development organisation Turnover 50 million euros 107 000 members 680 personnel 218 years for the countryside
What s our offer? Tailored services for Dairy-, beef- and sheep entrepreneurs Crop-, vegetable-, pig- and poultry entrepreneurs Business and accounting services Solutions Efficient services Partnership
ProAgria Services Future planning Investment Production Analyses Management Software Business monitoring Change Of Ownership Investment plan Economic evaluation Investment teams Yield Feeding Breeding Tax and subsidy Annual monitoring Bookkeeping DW/benchmarking services - economic - efficiency - knowledge - environment Business plan Competitiveness analysis Profit analysis Training and auditing Cultivation Feeding Breeding Bookkeeping Cattle registration
Business- and accounting services Solutions for growth and development
Business Services Business growth and development solutions and ideas We offer a versatile service selection for rural SME s on starting a business, development and managing chancing situations. Accounting Services Special know-how for rural industries, such as Foodstuff production Tourism and foodservice Horses Machinery contracting, energy and greencare businesses A national network of advisors in cooperation with the Rural Women's Advisory Organization ProAgria is a service provider of business development services for Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Developmental tasks in advisory work with rural enterprises Encouraging people - specially young - to entrepreneurship >new business operations to the rural areas Encouraging the grow-orientation of rural enterprises > possibilities to full self-employed and to employ outside labour Increase skills and regularity to strategic planning in enterprises to set goals and implement actions to continuous improvement > better productivity and competitiveness Help enterprises into networks and useful co-operation (models) 7
Regional Business Services networks - Part of The EnterpriseFinland service system Finland is devided in 68 subregional areas (economic region) The regional business services -network provides an entrepreneur, or a prospective entrepreneur, with access to the most important services relating to setting up a business and developing business operations The actions are based on voluntary collaboration between partners Regional business services partners (typically); Business services of ELY -Centres (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) Regional Development Centres (business support services of municipalities) ProAgria Centres Leader groups New Enterprise Agencies (Business starters) Regional educational establishment (adult education)
Thank you for your interest! For more information Suvi Anttila Director of Marketing and Communications Association of ProAgria Centres +358 20 747 2492