- Anita Pääkkönen
- 6 vuotta sitten
- Katselukertoja:
2 ROBOCOAST IN NUMBERS 100 Robotics, IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies 2 universities both specialized in Robotics and AI robotics, IoT and AI specialists The total turnover generated by the Robocoast companies +300 million euros (2016) Growth of turnover +47 % ( )
3 Robotics companies Fully automated tire factory! Cimcorp has developed unique robotic solutions for order fulfillment and storage that are being used in the tire industry, food & beverage, retail, e-commerce, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and postal service sectors.
4 Automation focused companies PIIR-GROUP Oy
5 Robocoast - Prizztech connecting companies and other actors Organizations that utilize robotic and automation solutions Public sector Industrial companies Logistics Service sector Health care Consumers New knowledge, R&D resources and development environments Customers needs and contacts CITY OF ULVILA
6 Made in China 2025 Made in China 2025 (MiC2025) - National development program of China Intelligent manufacturing is the main target of MiC2025 City of Ningbo (7,9 million citizens) is selected as the first pilot city SAFEA (State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) coordinates MiC2025 projects together with Ningbo China`s government allocates billions of EUR to actions of MiC2025 For example In 2016, Ningbo invested abroad 2 billion USD to more than 500 companies and projects
7 Co-operation between Robocoast and Ningbo Ningbo Haishu Oy established by the City of Ulvila for the City of Ningbo. Ningbo purchased the company and will move capital for the company investment for Ningbo Haishu Oy will be EUR Ningbo Haishu Oy finance R&D and modernization projects and buys expertise from Robocoast Cluster goal value of EUR (2018) SAFEA: We are planning to invest setting up Made in China 2025 Research and Development Center in the City of Ulvila. MiC2025 has opened a door to Robocoast companies to offer their solutions and expertise opens co-operation also in a larger scale
8 Robocoast - European Center of Excellence Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) authorized by the European Commission (10/2017) Permanently presented in Brussels by West Finland European Office Having direct contacts to all the essential organizations and key-persons in European Union
9 Robocoast - Gateway between China and Europe Robocoast has opened the reference markets of China for EU`s robotics companies EU`s robotics experts Pilot City Ningbo The goal of Made in China 2025 national development program is to comprehensively upgrade Chinese industry and making it more efficient China have announced hundreds of billions of euros of funding for Made in China 2025 national development program City of Ningbo is selected as the first pilot city of Made in China 2025 Robotics cluster of Satakunta, Robocoast is Ningbo s strategic partner in the Made in China 2025 The role of Robocoast is to identify and convey EU s robotics experts to the Made in China 2025 Robocoast is also a member of the European Digital Innovation Hub Network (robotics) coordinated by the European Commission DG Connect The cooperation with the pilot city of Ningbo has opened huge reference markets to the robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT companies of EU Robocoast has already received confirmation of funds and concrete manufacturing modernization cases from Ningbo Via Robocoast robotics and AI-field companies in EU can get involved with and benefit from the Made In China program
10 Robocoast R&D Center Robotics Living Lab - Gateway Tarpeen ja osaamisen kohtauspaikka PRIZZTECH SAMK TTY DIHs R&D CENTER Kiinalaiset yritykset tulevat toteuttamaan T&K hankkeita Julkinen sektori tulee toteuttamaan tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeita Teknologia testaukset ja pilotoinnit Kiinalaiset toimijat perustavat T&K yksiköitä / yrityksiä Globaalit AI ja robotiikkayritykset näkevät mahdollisuuden päästä toteuttamaan Kiinan modernisaatioinvestointeja Kiinnostavin ympäristö eurooppalaisille AI ja robotiikka kasvuyrityksille ja osaajille Kansainväliset yritykset perustavat T&K yksiköitä / yrityksiä
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