Lea Pulkkinen. Books in English

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Lapsesta aikuiseksi -pitkittäistutkimuksen aineistoihin pohjautuvat julkaisut / Publications based on JYLS data

Mitä mielen hyvinvoinnilla tarkoitetaan? Katja Kokko Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus ja terveystieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto

List of Publications/Katja Kokko March 15, 2017


CURRICULUM VITAE Updated December 17, P.O. BOX 35, (Agora), University of Jyväskylä Tel Finland

Lasten sosiaalisen ja tunne-elämän kehityksen ja sen ongelmien arvioinnista psykologin työssä: Pitkittäistutkimuksen näkökulma

AHTS Jyväskylässä



Suomalainen lapsuus. Lea Pulkkinen Jyväskylän yliopisto. Psykiatrinen lääkäriasema Egofunktio Oy HALUN YHTEISKUNTA

A new model of regional development work in habilitation of children - Good habilitation in functional networks

OPPIMINEN ja SEN TUKEMINEN Supporting learning for understanding

Epätyypillistä työaikaa tekevät perheet työelämän puristuksessa

Mitä IHMEttä on MIXTURE -mallintaminen?

Kokkonen V, Koskenvuo K. Nuoren kuntoutusrahaa saa yhä useampi. Sosiaalivakuutus 2015;1:29.

Constructive Alignment in Specialisation Studies in Industrial Pharmacy in Finland


Students Experiences of Workplace Learning Marja Samppala, Med, doctoral student

Teuvo Peltoniemi: Journalistic activities

Teacher's Professional Role in the Finnish Education System Katriina Maaranen Ph.D. Faculty of Educational Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland

Riitta Kilpeläinen Elia Liitiäinen Belle Selene Xia University of Eastern Finland Department of Forest Sciences Department of Economics and HECER

Innovative teaching practices

Research in Chemistry Education

Naisnäkökulma sijoittamiseen Vesa Puttonen

MATKAILUALAN TIETEELLISIÄ LEHTIÄ julkaisufoorumin tasoluokittain

ProAgria. Opportunities For Success

Pysyvä työkyvyttömyys riskitekijöiden varhainen tunnistaminen: voiko kaksostutkimus antaa uutta tietoa?


Benchmarking Controlled Trial - a novel concept covering all observational effectiveness studies

Paradoxes of educational improvement: The Finnish experience

Efficiency change over time

APA-tyyli. Petri Nokelainen

Heisingin kaupungin tietokeskus Helsingfors stads faktacentral City of Helsinki Urban Facts 0N THE EFFECTS 0F URBAN NATURAL AMENITIES, ARCHITECTURAL

Master's Programme in Life Science Technologies (LifeTech) Prof. Juho Rousu Director of the Life Science Technologies programme 3.1.

Tupakkapoliittisten toimenpiteiden vaikutus. Satu Helakorpi Terveyden edistämisen ja kroonisten tautien ehkäisyn osasto Terveyden edistämisen yksikkö

Kliininen päättely. Thomsonin mallin mukaisen yhteistyön näkyminen fysioterapiatilanteessa

Keskeisiä näkökulmia RCE-verkoston rakentamisessa Central viewpoints to consider when constructing RCE

Suomalaisten korkeakoulujen osallistuminen EU-Canada-ohjelmaan: Hankkeet (EU-CANADA cooperation in higher education and vocational training)


Iäkkäiden ihmisten elinpiiri. Taina Rantanen Gerontologian ja kansanterveyden professori GEREC, Jyväskylän yliopisto


Matti Sarvimäki. July /2009 Senior Researcher Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki

Elixir of life Elixir for Mind and Body

Pricing policy: The Finnish experience

Sitoutumista ja yhteistyötä

Lapsen ja nuoren ajautuminen rikollisuuteen

Suomi innovaatioympäristönä maailman paras?

Tutkimustietoa oppimisen arvioinnista

7. Product-line architectures

7.4 Variability management

SHF-ohjausryhmä , Helsinki. Isto Vanhamäki

Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun ja Mikkelin Teatterin välinen strateginen kumppanuus alueellisen yhteistyön ja oppimisen muotona

Hops-ohjaus ja integratiivinen pedagogiikka

Ohjelmien kehittämisstudiot varmistavat laadukkaat ja linjakkaat maisteriohjelmat Maire Syrjäkari ja Riikka Rissanen


OP1. PreDP StudyPlan

Rekisteriaineistojen käyttö väestön ikääntymisen tutkimuksessa. Pekka Martikainen Väestöntutkimuksen yksikkö Sosiaalitieteiden laitos

Tarvitsetko kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia yhteiskuntatieteiden aloilta? klo 9:00-10:00 Maarit Putous & Tuula Rissanen

Suomalainen koulutusosaaminen vientituotteena

Terveydenhoitajat opettajien työn tukena

Diaari Luokka AP RP 3 CB41 HealthAccess / Access to Distant Markets in Health and Wellness Nähtävänäolo Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol

Toukasta perhoseksi - miten lapsesta muotoutuu aikuinen

Työelämäyhteistyö MARIHE-maisteriohjelmassa. Jussi Kivistö & Laura Viitanen Higher Education Group (HEG) Johtamiskorkeakoulu, TaY

Työn muutokset kuormittavat

Adhd lasten kohtaama päivähoito

Curriculum vitae & Julkaisuluettelo

Welcome to. Finland Lahti Wellamo Community College. 11 December 2007

Elämänkulku ja vanheneminen

TT Eija Hanhimäki Helsingin yliopisto


Liikunnan vaikuttavuus ja kuntoutus

Robert S. Broadhead, Ph.D., University of Connecticut Pavlo Smyrnov, Oleksandra Datsenko and Oksana Matiyash International HIV/AIDS Alliance in

Miten maailman paras koulu selviää tulevaisuuden haasteista?

Vaihtoon lähdön motiivit ja esteet Pohjoismaissa. Siru Korkala

Kehittävä palaute varhaiskasvatuksessa

Nuorten tupakointitilanne ja uudet haasteet



Knowledge expectations from the perspective of aged dialysis patients

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Forestry

The role of 3dr sector in rural -community based- tourism - potentials, challenges

Bridging the gap between science and practice: What kind of climate research do companies need?

TIEKE Verkottaja Service Tools for electronic data interchange utilizers. Heikki Laaksamo

Ikääntyminen ja toimintakyky - kestääkö toimintakyky koko elämän

Aineistokokeen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet

Vertaisryhmän merkitys lasten liikuttajana päivähoidossa. Satu Lehto Helsingin Yliopisto Järvenpäätalo

European Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation. Mafi Saarilammi Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvosto

Results on the new polydrug use questions in the Finnish TDI data


The relationship between leisuretime physical activity and work stress with special reference to heart rate variability analyses

FP: RP 1/6 CB379 St Olav Waterway / St Olav Waterway

Tomi Lintonen

1. Koskinen S, Koskenniemi J, Leino-Kilpi H & Suhonen R Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä. Pro terveys 41 (2),

Structure of Service Production in Central Finland

Näytön jäljillä CINAHL-tietokannassa

Network to Get Work. Tehtäviä opiskelijoille Assignments for students.

Copernicus, Sentinels, Finland. Erja Ämmälahti Tekes,

* for more information. Sakari Nurmela


Teknologia-arkkitehtuurit. Valinta ja mallinnus


1 Lea Pulkkinen List of Publications (updated Oct. 16, 2011) Books in English Books in Finnish Articles in scientific journals with referee practice, since 2005 Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes, since 2005 Articles in scientific journals with referee practice, until 2005 Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes, until 2005 Electronic publications in Finnish Research reports, from 1980 to date Book chapters in Finnish, to date Articles in applied magazines and newspapers, to date Early research reports Books in English Pitkänen, L. (1969). A descriptive model of aggression and nonaggression with applications to children's behaviour. Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä. Doctoral Dissertation. Available as scanned in: http://users.jyu.fi/~leapulkk/dissertation.html Pulkkinen, L., & Caspi, A. (Eds.), (2002). Paths to successful development: personality in the life course. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J. (Eds.). (2006). Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pulkkinen, L., & Lyytinen, P. (Eds.). (1984). Human action and personality: Essays in honour of Martti Takala. (Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research, No. 54). Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä. Pulkkinen, L., & Ramirez, J. M. (Eds.)(1989). Aggression in children. Sevilla, Spain: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. Books in Finnish Launonen, L., & Pulkkinen, L. (Eds.) (2004). Koulu kasvuyhteisönä. Kohti uutta toimintakulttuuria. [School as an environment for growth: Towards a new action culture.] Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus. Mustonen, A., & Pulkkinen, L. (2003). Sosiaalinen alkupääoma ja tietotekniikka [Initial Social Capital and ICT, with an English summary]. Tulevaisuusvaliokunta. Teknologian arviointeja 14. Eduskunnan kanslian julkaisu 1/2003 [Committee for the Future. Technology Assessment 14. Reports of the Parliamentary office 1/2003]. Helsinki: Edita. Nurmi, J.-E., Ahonen, T., Lyytinen, H., Lyytinen, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Ruoppila, I. (2006). Ihmisen psykologinen kehitys. [Psychological development in humans]. Helsinki: WSOY Pekonen, O., & Pulkkinen, L. (2002). Sosiaalinen pääoma ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikan kehitys. [Social Capital and the Development of Information and Communication Technology, with an English summary]. Tulevaisuusvaliokunta, Teknologian arviointeja 11. Eduskunnan kanslian julkaisu 5/2002.

2 [Committee for the Future. Technology Assessment 11. Reports of the Parliamentary office 5/2002] Helsinki: Edita. Pulkkinen, L. (1977). Kotikasvatuksen psykologia [Psychology of child rearing and home environment]. Jyväskylä, Finland: Gummerus. Pulkkinen, L. (1984). Nuoret ja kotikasvatus [Youth and home environment]. Helsinki, Finland: Otava. Pulkkinen, L. (Ed.) (1996). Lapsesta aikuiseksi [From Childhood to Adulthood]. Jyväskylä, Finland: Atena. Pulkkinen, L. (2002). Mukavaa yhdessä: Sosiaalinen alkupääoma ja lapsen sosiaalinen kehitys. [Nice together: Initial social capital and the child s socioemotional development.] Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus. Pulkkinen, L., Heikkinen, A., Markkanen, T., & Ranta, M. (1977). Näin ohjaan lastani: Lasten itsehallinnan harjoitusohjelma [Guiding my child: A program for developing self-control in children]. Jyväskylä, Finland: Gummerus. Pulkkinen, L., & Launonen, L. (2005). Eheytetty koulupäivä - lapsilähtöinen näkökulma koulupäivän uudistamiseen. [Integrated school day A child-centered approach to the reform of a school day.] Helsinki: Edita. Articles in Scientific Journals with Referee Practice Since 2005 Dick, D. M., Bernard, M., Aliev, F., Viken, R., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J. (2009). The role of socio-regional factors in moderating genetic influences on early adolescent behavior problems and alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 33, 1739-48. Epub 2009 Jul 15. PubMed PMID: 19624574. Dick, D. M., Pagan, J. L., Holliday, C., Viken, R., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J. (2007). Gender differences in friends influences on adolescent drinking: A genetic epidemiological study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31, 2012-9. Dick, D. M., Pagan, J. L., Viken, R., Purcell, S., Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2007). Changing environmental influences on substance use across development. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10, 315-326. Dick, D. M., Viken, R. J., Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2005). Understanding the covariation among childhood externalizing symptoms: genetic and environmental influences on conduct disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33, 219-229. Dick, D. M., Viken, R., Purcell, S., Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J. (2007). Parental monitoring moderates the importance of genetic and environmental influences on adolescent smoking. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116, 213-218.

3 Dubow, E. F., Huesmann, L. R., Boxer, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2006). Middle childhood and adolescent contextual and personal predictors of adult educational and occupational outcomes: A mediational model in two countries. Developmental Psychology, 42, 937-949. Edwards, A., Sihvola, E., Korhonen, T., Pulkkinen, L., Moilanen, I., Kaprio, J., Rose, R. J., & Dick, D. M. (2011). Depressive symptoms and alcohol use are genetically and environmentally correlated across adolescence. Behavior Genetics, 41, 476-487. DOI 10.1007/s10519-010-9400-y El-Metwally, A., Mikkelsson, M., Ståhl, M., Macfarlane, G. J., Jones, G. T., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2008). Genetic and environmental influences on non-specific low back pain in children: A twin study. European Spine Journal, 17, 502-508. Eriksson, C. J. P., Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2005). Testosterone and alcohol use among adolescent male twins: testing between-family associations in within-family comparisons. Behavior Genetics, 35, 359-368. Fadjukoff, P., Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2007). Implications of timing of entering adulthood for identity achievement. Journal of Adolescent Research, 22, 504-530. Fadjukoff, P., Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2010). Changing economic conditions and identity formation in adulthood. European Psychologist, 15, 293-303. Fadjukoff, P., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2005). Identity processes in adulthood: diverging domains. Identity: an International Journal of Theory and Research, 5, 1-20. Farrington, D. P. & Pulkkinen, L. (2009). Introduction: The usualness and contribution of life span longitudinal studies of aggressive and criminal behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 35, 115-116. Feldt, T., Kokko, K., Kinnunen, U., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). The role of family background, school success, and career orientation in the development of sense of coherence. European Psychologist, 10, 298-308. Feldt, T., Metsäpelto, R.-L., Kinnunen, U., & Pulkkinen, L. (2007). Sense of coherence and five-factor approach to personality: conceptual relationships. European Psychologist,12, 165-172. Huizink, A. C., Dick, D. M., Sihvola, E., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2007). Chernobyl exposure as stressor during pregnancy and behaviour in adolescent offspring. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 116, 438-446. Huizink, A. C., Bartels, M. Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Eriksson, C. J. P., & Kaprio, J. (2008). Chernobyl exposure as stressor during pregnancy and hormone levels in adolescent offspring. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2008; 62:e5 doi:10.1136/jech.2007.060350 Huizink A.C., Levälahti, E., Korhonen, T., Dick, D. M., Pulkkinen, L., Rose R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2010). Tobacco, cannabis, and other illicit drug use among Finnish adolescent twins: Causal relationship or correlated liabilities? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 5-14. Juujärvi, P., Kaartinen, J., Laitinen, T., Vanninen, E., & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). Effects of physical provocations on heart rate reactivity and reactive aggression in children. Aggressive Behavior, 32, 99-109.

4 Juujärvi, P., Kaartinen, J., Vanninen, E., Laitinen, T., & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). Controlling of reactive aggression through cognitive evaluation of proactive aggression cues. Cognition & Emotion, 6, 759-784. Kinnunen, M-L., Feldt, T., Kinnunen, U., Kaprio, J. & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). Association between longterm job strain and metabolic syndrome factor across sex and occupational groups. Journal of Individual Differences, 27, 151-161. Kinnunen, M-L., Feldt, T., Kinnunen, U., & Pulkkinen, L. (2008). Self-esteem: an antecedent or a consequence of social support and psychosomatic symptoms? Cross-lagged associations in adulthood. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 333-347. Kinnunen, M- L., Kaprio, J. & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Allostatic load of men and women in early middle age. Journal of Individual Differences, 26, 20-28. Kinnunen, M- L., Kokkonen, M., Kaprio, J. & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). The associations of emotion regulation and dysregulation with the metabolic syndrome factor. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58, 513-521. Kinnunen, U., Feldt, T., Geurts, S., & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). Types of work-family interface: Well-being correlates of negative and positive spillover between work and family. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 47, 149-162. Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Stability of aggressive behavior from childhood to middle age in women and men. Aggressive Behavior, 31, 485-497. Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., Huesmann, L. R., Dubow, E. F., Boxer, P. (2009). Intensity of aggression in childhood as a predictor of different forms of adult aggression: A two country (Finland and United States) analysis. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 19, 9-34. Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., Mesiäinen, P. (2009). Timing of parenthood in relation to other life transitions and adult social functioning. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33, 356-365. Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., Mesiäinen, P., & Lyyra, A-L. (2008). Trajectories based on postcomprehensive and higher education: Their correlates and antecedents. Journal of Social Issues, 64, 59-76. Korhonen, T., Huizink, A. C., Dick, D. M., Pulkkinen, L, Rose, R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2008). Role of individual, peer and family factors in the use of cannabis and other illicit drugs: A longitudinal analysis among Finnish adolescent twins. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 97, 33-43. Korhonen, T., Levälahti, E., Dick, D. M., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Kaprio, J., & Huizink, A. (2010). Externalizing behaviors and cigarette smoking as predictors for use of illicit drugs: A longitudinal study among Finnish adolescent twins. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 550-558. Lajunen, H-R., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Rissanen, A., & Kaprio, J. (2007). Are computer and cell phone use associated with body mass index and overweight? A population study among twin adolescents. BMC Public Health. 7:24 (26 Feb 2007). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/7/24

5 Lajunen, H-R., Kaprio, J., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Rissanen, A., Silventoinen, K. (2009). Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index during adolescence: a prospective study among Finnish twins. International Journal of Obesity, 33, 559-567. Lajunen, H-R., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Rissanen, A., & Kaprio, J. (2009). Leisure activity patterns and their associations with overweight: A prospective study among adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 1089-1103. Epub 2009 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 19345989; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2735596. Latendresse, S. J., Rose, R. J., Viken, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Dick, D. M. (2008). Parenting mechanisms in links between parents and adolescents alcohol use behaviors. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 32, 322-330. Latendresse, S. J., Rose, R. J., Viken, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Dick, D. M. (2009). Parental socialization and adolescents alcohol use behaviors: Predictive disparities in parents versus adolescents perceptions of the parenting environment. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 38, 232-244. Metsäpelto, R L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). The moderating effect of extraversion on the relation between self reported and observed parenting. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 371 384. Metsäpelto, R-L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2011). Socioemotional behavior and school achievement in relation to extracurricular activity participation in middle childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Education, in press. Metsäpelto, R.-L., Tolvanen, A., & Pulkkinen, L. (2010). A school-based intervention program as a context for promoting socioemotional development in children. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25, 381-398. Mäkikangas, A., Feldt, T., Kinnunen, U., Tolvanen, A., Kinnunen, M-L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). The factor structure and factorial invariance of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) across time: Evidence from two community-based samples. Psychological Assessment, 18, 444-451. Pitkänen, T., Kokko, K., Lyyra, A.-L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2008). A developmental approach to alcohol drinking behaviour in adulthood: A follow-up study from age 8 to age 42. Addiction, 103(Suppl. 1), 48-68. Pitkänen, T., Lyyra, A.-L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Age of onset of drinking and the use of alcohol in adulthood: a follow-up study from age 8 42 for females and males. Addiction, 100, 652 661. Published in Greek in Exartisis Scientific Journal on Addiction Issues, 2005,8, 57-75. Pulkkinen, L. (2008). Persoonallisuus ja terveys.[personality and health]. Lääketieteellinen aikakauslehti Duodecim, 124, 477-478. Pulkkinen, L. (2009). Personality a resource or risk for successful development. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 6, 602-610. Pulkkinen, L. (2011). Kasvatustiede ja kotikasvatus. [Education as a science and child rearing at home]. Kasvatus, 42, 177-185.

6 Pulkkinen, L., Feldt, T., & Kokko, K. (2006). Adaptive behavior in childhood as an antecedent of psychological functioning in early middle age: Linkage via career orientation. Social Indicators Research, 77, 171-195. Pulkkinen, L., Lyyra, A.-L., & Kokko, K. (2009). Life success of males on nonoffender, adolescencelimited, persistent, and adult-onset antisocial pathways: Follow-up from age 8 to 42. Aggressive Behavior, 35, 117 135. Pulkkinen, L., Lyyra, A-L., & Kokko, K. (2011). Is social capital a mediator between self-control and psychological and social functioning. International Journal of Behavioral Development (in press). Puustinen, M., Lyyra, A., Metsäpelto, R. & Pulkkinen, L. (2008). Children's help seeking: The role of parenting. Learning and Instruction, 18, 160-171. Raevuori, A., Dick, D. M., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., Rissanen, A. et al. (2007). Genetic and environmental factors affecting self-esteem from age 14 to 17: A longitudinal study of Finnish twins. Psychological Medicine, 37, 1625 1633. Rantanen, J., Kinnunen, U., Feldt, T., & Pulkkinen, L. (2008). The work-family conflict and psychological well-being: Stability and cross-lagged relations within one- and six-year follow-ups. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 37-51. Rantanen, J., Metsäpelto, R-L, Feldt, T., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2007). Long-term stability and change in the Big Five personality traits in adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48, 511-518. Rantanen, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Kinnunen, U. (2005). The Big Five personality dimensions, work-family conflict, and psychological distress: A longitudinal view. Journal of Individual Differences, 26, 155-166. Sihvola, E., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Dick, D. M., Hoek, H. W., Raevuori, A., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Marttunen, M., & Kaprio, J. (2009). Prospective associations of early-onset Axis I disorders with developing eating disorders. Comparative Psychiatry, 50, 20-25. Sihvola, E., Keski-Rahkonen, A. K., Dick, D. M., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R., Marttunen, M. & Kaprio, J. (2007). Minor depression in adolescence: Phenomenology and clinical correlates. Journal of Affective Disorders, 97, 211-218. Sihvola, E., Rose, R. J., Dick, D. M., Pulkkinen, L., Marttunen, M., & Kaprio, J. (2008). Early-onset depressive disorders predict the use of addictive substances in adolescence: a prospective study of adolescent Finnish twins. Addiction, 103, 2045-2053. Vierikko, E., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J. (2006). Genetic and environmental sources of continuity and change in teacher-rated aggression during early adolescence. Aggressive Behavior, 32, 308-320. Viinikainen, J., Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., & Pehkonen, J. (2010). Personality and labour market income: Evidence from longitudinal data. Labour, 24, 201-220.

7 Virtanen, M., Kivimäki, M., Elovainio, M., Vahtera, J., Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Mental health and hostility as predictors of temporary employment: evidence from two prospective studies. Social Science & Medicine, 61, 2084-2095. Vuoksimaa, E., Eriksson, C. J. P., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2010). Decreased prevalence of left-handedness among females with male co-twins. Evidence suggesting prenatal testosterone transfer in humans. Psychoendocrinology, 35, 1462-1472. Wehkalampi, K., Silventoinen, K., Kaprio, J., Dick, D. M., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., & Dunkel, L. (2008). Genetic and environmental influences on pubertal timing assessed by height growth. American Journal of Human Biology, 20, 417-423. Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes Since 2005 Fadjukoff, P. & Pulkkinen, L. (2006). Identity formation, personal control over development, and well-being. In L. Pulkkinen, J. Kaprio & R. J. Rose (Eds.), Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood (pp. 265-285). New York: Cambridge University Press. Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Continuidades e descontinuidades no desenvolvimento positivo e no comportamento anti-social. In C. M. C. Vieira, A. M. Seixas, A. P. M. Matos, M. P. de Lima, M. M. Vilar, M. Pinheiro (Eds.), Ensaios sobre o comportamento humano: Do dianóstico à intervenção. Contributos nacionais e internacionais (pp. 37-69). Coimbra, Portugal: Almedina. Pulkkinen, L. (2006). The Jyväskylä longitudinal study of personality and social development (JYLS). In L. Pulkkinen, J. Kaprio, & R. J. Rose (eds.). Socioemotional Development and Health from Adolescence to Adulthood (pp. 29-55). New York: Cambridge University Press. Pulkkinen, L. (2005). The organization of a school day in Finland and the concept of the Integrated School Day in the MUKAVA-project. In F. Radisch & E. Klieme (Eds.), Ganztagsangebote in der Schule: Internationale Erfahrungen und empirische Forschungen (pp. 41-69). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Pulkkinen, L. (2007). Capitale sociale iniziale e sviluppo sociale del bambino. In L. Mortari & C. Sità (Eds.), Pratiche di civiltà: Capitale sociale ed esperienze formative (pp. 125-152). Gardolo (TN): Erickson. Pulkkinen, L. (2011). Family factors in the development of antisocial behavior. In T. Bliesener, A. Beelman, & M. Stemmler (Eds.). Antisocial behavior and crime: Contributions of development and evalution research to prevention and intervention. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe (in press). Pulkkinen, L., Feldt, T., & Kokko, K. (2005). Personality in young adulthood and functioning in middle age. In S. Willis & M. Martin (Eds.). Middle Adulthood: A lifespan perspective (pp. 99-141). Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage. Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J., (2006). Summary and future directions. In L. Pulkkinen, J. Kaprio, & R. J. Rose (Eds.). Socioemotional Development and Health from Adolescence to Adulthood (pp. 343-352). New York: Cambridge University Press.

8 Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2011). Foundational issues in longitudinal data collection. In B. Laursen, T. D. Little, and N. A. Card (Eds.), Handbook of developmental research methods. New York: Guilford Press (in press). Pulkkinen, L., & Pirttimaa, R. (2005). Der integrierte Schultag in Finnland. In H-U. Otto & T. Coelen (Eds.), Ganztägige Bildungssysteme. Innovation durch Vergleich (pp. 81-90). Münster: Waxmann. (Reprinted in: D. Bosse, I. Mammes & C. Nerowski (toim.). Ganztagschule: Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (ss. 126-139). Bamberg, De: University of Bamberg Press.) Pulkkinen, L. & Pitkänen, T. (2010). Temperance and the strengths of personality: Evidence from a 35-year longitudinal study. In R. Schwarzer & P. A. Frensch (Eds.), Personality, human development, and culture: International perspectives on psychological science. Vol. 2 (pp. 127-140). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Articles in Scientific Journals with Referee Practice Until 2005 Aunola, K., Nurmi, J.-E., Onatsu-Arvilommi, T., & Pulkkinen, L. (1999). The role of parents selfesteem, mastery-orientation and social background in their parenting styles. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 40, 307-317. Barman, S. K., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., & Rose, R. J. (2004). Inattentiveness, parental smoking, and adolescent smoking initiation. Addiction, 99, 1049-1061. Dick, D. M., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., & Kaprio, J. (2001). Measuring puberty and understanding its impact: a longitudinal study of adolescent twins. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30, 385-399. Haapasalo, J., & Pulkkinen, L. (1992). The Psychopathy Checklist and nonviolent offender groups. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 2, 315-328. Happonen, M., Pulkkinen, L., Kaprio, J., van der Meere, J., Viken, R. J., & Rose, R. J. (2002). The heritability of depressive symptoms - multiple informants and multiple measures. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 43, 471-479. Huizink, A. C., Dick, D. M., Sihvola, E., Pulkkinen, L., Rose, R. J., & Kaprio, J. (2007). Chernobyl exposure as stressor during pregnancy and behaviour in adolescent offspring. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 116, 438-446. Hämäläinen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (1995). Aggressive and non-prosocial behaviour as precursors to criminality. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention, 4, 6-21. Hämäläinen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (1996). Problem behavior as a precursor of male criminality. Development and Psycholopathology, 8, 443-455. Johnson, R., Pulkkinen, L., Oranen, M., & Poijula, S. (1986). Attitudes concerning nuclear war in Finland and in the United States. Aggressive Behavior, 12, 155 166. Juujärvi, P., Kooistra, L., Kaartinen, J., & Pulkkinen, L. (2001). An aggression machine. V. Determinants in reactive aggression revisited. Aggressive Behavior, 27, 430-445.

9 Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2002). Genetic and environmental factors in health-related behaviors: studies on Finnish twins and twin families. Twin Research, 5, 358-365. Kinnunen, U., Rytkönen, O., Miettinen, N., & Pulkkinen, L. (2000) Persoonallisuus ja parisuhde: persoonallisuuden piirteet parisuhteen laadun ja pysyvyyden ennustajina. [Personality and marriage: Personality characteristics as predictors of marital quality and stability.] Psykologia, 35, 332-345. Kinnunen, U., & Pulkkinen, L. (1998). Linking economic stress to marital quality among Finnish marital couples: mediator effects. Journal of Family Issues, 19, 705-724. Kinnunen, U., & Pulkkinen, L. (2003). Childhood socioemotional characteristics as antecedents of marital stability and quality. European Psychologist, 8, 223-237. Kivimäki, M., Elovainio, M., Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., Kortteinen, M., & Tuomikoski, H. (2003). Hostility, unemployment and health status: testing three theoretical models. Social Science and Medicine, 56, 2139-2152. Kivimäki, M., Kinnunen, M-L., Pitkänen, T., Vahtera, J., Elovainio, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (2004). Contribution of early and adult factors to socioeconomic variation in blood pressure: Thirty-fouryear follow-up study of school children. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 184-189. Kokko, K., Bergman, L. R., & Pulkkinen, L. (2003). Child personality characteristics and selection into long-term unemployment in Finnish and Swedish longitudinal samples. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27, 134-144. Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (1998). Unemployment and psychological distress: Mediator effects. Journal of Adult Development, 5, 205-217. Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2000). Aggression in childhood and long-term unemployment in adulthood: A cycle of maladaptation and some protective factors. Developmental Psychology, 36, 463-472. Reprinted in Prevention & Treatment, 2000, 3, art. 32 (http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/pre0030032a.html) as the Article of the Month selected from all other APA journals, July 2000. First commentary on the article by Kokko and Pulkkinen: Barling, J. (2000). Response to Kokko and Pulkkinen s Aggression in Childhood and Long-Term Unemployment in Adulthood@. Prevention & Treatment, 3, art. 33. Second commentary by Wright, B.R.E. (2000). Aggression and Unemployment, Meditation and Moderation. Prevention and Treatment, 3, art. 34. Third commentary by Pettit, G.S. (2000). Mechanisms in the Cycle of Maladaptation: The Life-Course Perspective. Prevention & Treatment, vol. 3, art. 35. A response to commentaries by Kokko, K. & Pulkkinen, L. (2000). Breaking the cycle of maladaption. Prevention & Treatment, 3, art. 36. http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/pre0030036r.html. Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (2005). Stability of aggressive behavior from childhood to middle age in women and men. Aggressive Behavior, 31, 485-497.

10 Kokko, K., Pulkkinen, L., & Puustinen, M. (2000). Selection into long-term unemployment and its psychological consequences. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 310-320. Kokko, K., & Pulkkinen, L. (1997). Työttömien psyykkinen selviytyminen ja sen kehityksellinen tausta [Psychological well-being of the unemployed and its developmental background]. Psykologia, 32, 349-359. Kokkonen, M., Kinnunen, T., & Pulkkinen, L. (2002). Direct and indirect effects of adolescent self control of emotions and behavioral expression on adult health outcomes. Psychology and Health, 17, 657-670. Kokkonen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (1996). Tunteet ja niiden säätely. [Emotions and their regulation]. Psykologia, 31, 404-411. Kokkonen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (1999). Emotion regulation strategies in relation to personality characteristics indicating low and high self-control of emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 913-932. Kokkonen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (2001). Examination of the paths between personality, current mood, its evaluation, and emotion regulation. European Journal of Personality, 15, 83-104. Kokkonen, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (2001). Extraversion and neuroticism as antecedents of emotion regulation and dysregulation in adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 15, 407-424. Kokkonen, M., Pulkkinen, L., & Kinnunen, T. (2001). Low self-control of emotions as an antecedent of self-reported physical symptoms: A longitudinal approach. European Psychologist, 1, 26-35. Lajunen, H.-R., Keski-Rahkonen, A., Pulkkinen, L., Rissanen, A., & Kaprio, J. (2004). Nuorten harrastukset ja niiden yhteydet ylipainoisuuteen 14- ja 17-vuotiailla. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, 41, 276-288. Laursen, B., Pulkkinen, L., & Adams, R. (2002). The antecedents and correlates of agreeableness in adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 38, 591-603. Lehto, J. E., Juujärvi, P., Kooistra, L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2003). Dimensions of executive functioning: evidence from children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21, 59-80. Metsäpelto, R.-L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2003). Personality traits and parenting: Neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience as discriminative factors. European Journal of Personality, 17, 59-78. Metsäpelto, R. L., & Pulkkinen, L. (2004). Vanhempien kasvatustyylit ja psykososiaalinen toimintakyky. [Parenting styles and parents psychosocial functioning]. Psykologia, 39, 212-221. Metsäpelto, R.-L., Pulkkinen, L., & Poikkeus, A.-M. (2001). A search for parenting style: A crosssituational analysis of parental behavior. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 127, 169-192. Mikkelsson, M., Kaprio, J., Salminen, J. J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2001). Widespread pain among 11-year-old Finnish twin pairs. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 44, 481-485.

11 Mustanski, B. S., Viken, R., J., Kaprio, J., Pulkkinen, L., & Rose, R. J. (2004). Genetic and environmental influences on pubertal development: Longitudinal Data from Finnish Twins at Ages 11 and 14. Developmental Psychology, 40, 1188-1198. Mustonen, A., & Pulkkinen, L. (1993). Aggression in television programs in Finland. Aggressive Behavior, 19, 175-183. Mustonen, A., & Pulkkinen, L. (1997). Television violence: the development of a coding scheme. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 41, 168-189. Narusk, A., & Pulkkinen, L. (1994). Parental relationship and adolescents' conceptions of their interaction with significant others. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 9, 203-213. Pitkänen, L. (1963). The effect of spaced vs massed presentation of aggression items on verbal aggressive responses of children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 4, 55 64. Pitkänen, L. (1966). De aggressiva reaktionernas multidimensionalitet. Nordisk Psykologi, 17, 91-93. Pitkänen, L. (1970). Lasten aggressiivisista ja epäaggressiivisista tottumuksista [Aggressive and nonaggressive behavior in children]. Psykologia, 5, 17 26. Pitkänen, L. (1973). An aggression machine: I The intensity of aggressive defence aroused by aggressive offence. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 14, 56 64. Pitkänen, L. (1973). An aggression machine: II. Interindividual differences in the aggressive defence responses aroused by varying stimulus conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 14, 65 74. Pitkänen, L. (1973). An Aggression machine: III. The stability of aggressive and nonaggressive patterns of behaviour. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 14, 75 77. Pitkänen, L. (1974). Från aggression mot konstruktivt beteende. Nordisk psykologi, 4, 300 310. Pitkänen, L. (1974). The effect of simulation exercises on the control of aggressive behaviour in children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 15, 169 177. Pitkänen-Pulkkinen, L. (1980). An aggression machine. IV: Concurrent and predictive validity over ten years. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 21, 275 281. Pitkänen-Pulkkinen, L. (1980). The aggressive child. Nordisk Psykologi, 32, 161-163. Pitkänen-Pulkkinen, L. (1980). The child in the family. Nordisk Psykologi, 32, 147 157. Pitkänen-Pulkkinen, L. (1981). Concurrent and predictive validity of self reported aggressiveness. Aggressive Behavior, 7, 97 110. Pitkänen-Pulkkinen, L., & Pitkänen, M. (1976). Social skills of aggressive and nonaggressive adolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 17, 10 14. Pitkänen, L., & Turunen, A. (1974). Psychomotor reactions of aggressive and nonaggressive extrovert children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 15, 314 319.

12 Pulkkinen, L. (1976). Itsekontrolli konstruktiivisuuden edellytyksenä [Self-control as a prerequisite for constructive behavior]. Psykologia, 11, 25 36. Pulkkinen, L. (1982). Nuorten tupakoinnin ja alkoholinkäytön ennustettavuus ja jatkuvuus. [Smoking and drinking among youth: A longitudinal study]. Alkoholipolitiikka, 47, 139 146. Pulkkinen, L. (1982). Rökning och alkoholbruk bland ungdomen - kontinuitet och möjligheter till prognos. Alkoholpolitik, 45, 120-127. Pulkkinen, L. (1982). The onset and continuity of smoking and drinking in adolescence. Acta Psychologica Fennica IX, 11 30. Pulkkinen, L. (1982). Youth development and smoking and drinking. A Finnish 12-year longitudinal study. The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Newsletter, (2), 2-3. Pulkkinen, L. (1983). Rikollisen käyttäytymisen ennustettavuus [The predictability of a criminal behavior]. Psykologia, 18, 3 10. Pulkkinen, L. (1983). Youthful smoking and drinking in a longitudinal perspective. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12, 253 283. Pulkkinen, L. (1984). The inhibition and control of aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 10, 221 225. Pulkkinen, L. (1985). Longitjudnoe issledovanije orientatssii podrostkov na budustseje. Psihologitseskii Zurnal, 6, 144. Pulkkinen, L. (1987). Identitetens uppklarnande och kulturvärden. Nordisk Psykologi, 39, 186 202. Pulkkinen, L. (1987). Offensive and defensive aggression in humans: A longitudinal perspective. Aggressive Behavior, 13, 197 212. Pulkkinen, L. (1987). Palenie i picie wsrod mlodziezy studium longitudinalne. Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne. Przeglad Psychologiczny XXVIII (3), 645 666. Pulkkinen, L. (1987). Zukunftsorientierung bei Jugendlichen: Untersuchungen zur Multidimensionalität und Multidirektionalität der psychischen Entwicklung. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 34, 20 32. Pulkkinen, L. (1989). Predictability of the length of educational routes and the development of career lines. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 33, (3), 203-214. Pulkkinen, L. (1990). Adult life-styles and their precursors in social behaviour of children and adolescents. European Journal of Personality, 4, 237-251. Pulkkinen, L. (1990). Home atmosphere and adolescent future orientation. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 5, 33-43. Pulkkinen, L. (1990). Variable-oriented and person-oriented approaches to longitudinal research on aggression as an early risk factor of adult social behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 17, 92-93.

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