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Charlie bit my finger Mitä uutismedia voi oppia YouTubesta?

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Visuaalisen viestinnän tutkimuksen menetelmiä. Johanna Sumiala

ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection

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Last%update:%September%19,%2015% Publications%follow%the%classification%of%the%Finnish%Ministry%of%Education%and%Culture%in%2010%

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Markkinaraportti / joulukuu 2015

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Refereed publications

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List of Publications, Updated 28 November 2017 Many of my publications can be downloaded at

Market Report / August 2005

Market Report / December

Mediamainonnan muutosmittari Toukokuu 2015

IX / Market Report / September Small changes in bednights in Helsinki in September. Monthly bednights in Helsinki


Johanna Sumiala LIST OF PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL... 2 Articles in peer reviewed journals... 2 Book chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes... 2 Scientific monographs... 3 Edited scientific volumes... 3 Keynotes, invited lectures, chairs and conference presentations... 3 Keynotes... 3 Invited lectures... 4 Conference presentations and chairing (a compilation)... 4 DOMESTIC... 5 Articles in peer reviewed journals... 5 Book chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes... 5 Scientific monographs... 6 Edited scientific volumes... 6 Dissertations... 6 Other publications... 6 Keynotes, invited lectures, chairs, and conference presentations... 7 Keynotes... 7 Invited lectures... 7 Conference presentations and chairing (compilation)... 7 Popular publications (inteviews, talks, lectures, panellist, columnist)... 8 1

INTERNATIONAL Articles in peer reviewed journals 1. Sumiala, Johanna & Tikka, Minttu (20XX) Broadcast Yourself Global News! A Netnogrpahy of the Flotilla News on YouTube. Communication, Culture and Critique (in press). 2. Sumiala, Johanna & Tikka, Minttu (2011) La réalité en circulation Fusillades à l école, communication ritualisée et la face noire du sacré (Reality on Circulation School Shootings, Ritualised Communication, and the Dark Side of the Sacred) ESSACHES Journal for Communication Studies vol. 4(8). 3. Sumiala, Johanna & Tikka, Minttu (2011) Imagining Globalized Fears: School Shooting Videos and Circulation of Violence on YouTube. Social Anthropology 19(3), 254 267. 4. Sumiala, Johanna (2011) Circulating Communities Online: The Case of the Kauhajoki School Shooting. M/C Journal vol. 14(2). (e- journal). 5. Sumiala, Johanna & Tikka, Minttu (2010) Web First to Death. The Media Logic of the School Shootings in the Era of Uncertainty. Nordicom Review 31(2), 17 29. 6. Pantti, Mervi & Sumiala, Johanna (2009) Till death do us join: Media, mourning rituals and the sacred centre of the society, Media, Culture & Society 31(1), 119 135. 7. Sumiala, Johanna (2009) Networked Diasporas: Circulating Imaginaries of Violence, The Romanian Review of Journalism and Communication IV(4), 75 80. 8. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna & Stocchetti, Matteo (2007) The Father of the Nation or Arch- Terrorist? Media Rituals and the Images of the Death of Yasser Arafat. Media, Culture & Society 29(2), 336 343. 9. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna & Stocchetti, Matteo (2005) Mediated Sacralization and the Construction of Postmodern Communio Sanctorum The Case of the Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, Material Religion : Journal of Objects, Art & Belief 1(2), 228 249. Book chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes 10. Muschert, Glenn & Sumiala, Johanna (2012) School Shootings as Mediatized Violence in School Shootings. Mediatized Violence in a Global Age. Glenn Muschert & Johanna Sumiala (eds.). Bingley : Emerald Publishing. 11. Sumiala, Johanna (2011) 'You will die next': Killer images and the circulation of the moral hierarchy in Finnish crime news in Amateur images and global news. Kari Andén- Papadopoulos & Mervi Pantti (eds.). Bristol : Intellect. 2

12. Sumiala, Johanna & Hakala, Salli (2010) Crisis : Mediatization of Disaster in the Nordic Media Sphere in Borbjörn Broddason et. al. (eds.) The Nordic Countries and the World. Perspectives from Research on Media and Communication, pp. 361 378. Gothenburg : University of Gothenburg. 13. Sumiala, Johanna (2008) Circulation, in David Morgan (ed.) Keywords in Religion, Media, and Culture, pp. 44 55. London: Routledge. 14. Sumiala, Johanna (2008) Georges Bataille and the Dark Side of the Social; The Case of Abu Ghraib, in Amanda Beech at al. (eds.) Episode The Pleasure and Persuasion of Lens Based Media, pp. 51 58. London: Artwords Press. 15. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna & Stocchetti, Matteo (2007) Rethinking the Visual Dimension of the Social, in Matteo Stocchetti and Johanna Sumiala- Seppänen (eds.) Images and Communities. The Visual Construction of the Social, pp. 9 24. Helsinki. Gaudemus/Helsinki University Press. 16. Stocchetti, Matteo & Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2007) Images and Communities: The Power/knowledge of Visual Discourse, in Matteo Stocchetti and Johanna Sumiala- Seppänen (eds.) Images and Communities. The Visual Construction of the Social, pp. 305 313. Helsinki. Gaudemus/Helsinki University Press. 17. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2006) Implications of the Sacred in Media Studies, in Johanna Sumiala- Seppänen, Knut Lundby & Raimo Salokangas, (eds.) Implications of the Sacred in (Post)Modern Media, pp. 1 29. Gothenburg: Nordicom. 18. Salokangas, Raimo & Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2006) God, Crown and Mammon. The Public Sphere and Transforming Alliances and Balances of Power, in Johanna Sumiala- Seppänen, Knut Lundby & Raimo Salokangas, (eds.) Implications of the Sacred in (Post)Modern Media, pp. 105 118. Gothenburg: Nordicom. Scientific monographs 19. Sumiala, Johanna (2012) Media and Ritual. Death, Community and Everyday Life. London: Routledge. Edited scientific volumes 20. Muschert, Glenn and Sumiala, Johanna (eds.) (20XX) School Shootings. Mediatized Violence in a Global Age. Bingley: Emerald Publishing. 21. Stocchetti, Matteo and Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (eds.) (2007) Images and Communities. The Visual Construction of the Social. Helsinki. Gaudemus/Helsinki University Press. 22. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna, Lundby, Knut & Salokangas, Raimo (eds.) (2006) Implications of the Sacred in (Post)Modern Media. Gothenburg: Nordicom. Keynotes, invited lectures, chairs and conference presentations Keynotes 23. Keynote Plenary Theme Visual Sociology. The Iconic Turn in Recent Sociology: ISA XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg 11 17 July 2010. 24. Keynote in conference Episode : Pleasure and Persuasion in Lens- Based Media in Tate Britain London 28 November 2008. 3

25. Keynote 'Enchantment, Popular Culture, and Mediated Experience conference University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 17 19 April 2007. 26. Keynote in the Forth International Media, Religion and Culture Conference, Louisville, USA 1 4 September 2004. Invited lectures 27. Lecture Media and Ritual, research seminar, University of Örebro 29 November 2011. 28. Lecture Rite out of Place research seminar, Södertörn University 24 November 2011. 29. Lecture News Rituals on YouTube Research Days, University of Örebro 22 November 2011. 30. Lecture Media Witnessing Research Days, University of Örebro 22 November 2011. 31. Lecture 'Religion, Violence and YouTube'. Media, religion and popular culture - seminar, University of Copenhagen 16-17 March 2009. 32. Lecture Transcultural Circulation - Abu Ghraib and Visual Excess. Masters Programme on Transnational Communications and Global Media, Goldsmiths College, University of London 8 February 2008. Conference presentations and chairing (a compilation) 33. Conference presentation at the conference on Mortality, death and dying: philosophical and social perspectives, The Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, 22-24 August 2012. 34. Conference presentation and session chair in the 8th Media, Religion and Culture conference, Andadolu University, Turkey, 8-12 July 2012. 35. Conference presentation together with Minttu Tikka in Cross Roads Paris conference, Paris 1-9, July 2012. 36. Conference presentation in the 61st Annual ICA preconference, Boston, 26 30 May 2011. 37. Conference presentation in New Media, New Religion? Perspectives on mediatization and religious change in Nordic Network for the Mediatization of Religion and Culture, Sigtuna, Sweden 25 27 October 2010. 38. Conference presentation with research fellow Anu Kantola, 3 rd European Communication Research Conference, ECREA Hamburg 12 15 October 2010. 39. Conference presentation with researcher Minttu Tikka in 11 th EASA (European Association for Social Anthropologists) Biennial Conference, Ireland, Maynooth 24 27 August 2010. 40. Conference presentation in the 7th International Conference on Media, Religion and Culture, Toronto 13 19 August 2010. 41. Conference presentation Change in Progress. Models of/models for Journalism and Communication Conference in Bucharest 19 21 November 2009. 42. Conference presentation Glocal Imaginaries Conference in Lancaster University 9 12 September 2009. 43. Conference presentation ICA 09 - conference in Chicago 21 15 May 2009. 44. Conference presentation in International Communication Association (ICA) in San Francisco 24 28 May 2007. 4

45. Conference presentation in Nord Forsk - network Copenhagen seminar on Enchantment, Popular Culture, and Mediated Experience, 17 19 April 2007. 46. Conference presentation with research fellow Mervi Pantti in Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference at Istanbul Bilgi University 20 23 July 2006. 47. Conference presentation in the Global Seminar in Media, Religion, and Culture : Religious Visual Culture in Migration and Encounter, Basel 10 12 July 2006. 48. Conference presentation in Nordic MRC- network seminar Digital and Sacred : Oslo 15 17 June 2006. 49. Conference presentation with professor Raimo Salokangas in the 17th Nordic Media Conference : Aalborg, Denmark 11 14 August 2005. 50. Conference presentation in the international conference on Media and Belief in an Interdependent World held in the American University of Paris, Paris 4 5 March 2005. DOMESTIC Articles in peer reviewed journals 51. Sumiala, Johanna (2009) Koulusurmat ja medioidut kuoleman rituaalit, Kulttuurintutkimus 26(2-3), 61 70. (Engl. trans. School Massacres and Mediated Rituals of Death.) 52. Sumiala, Johanna & Tikka Minttu (2009) Netti edellä kuolemaan koulusurmat kommunikatiivisena ilmiönä, Media & Viestintä 32(2), 5 18. (Engl. trans. Web first to death An Analysis of Mediated Communication in the Finnish School Shootings.) Book chapters in peer reviewed edited volumes 53. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2007) Joku raja ja loppu on saatava tällaisille keskusteluille! Jatkoaika ja kansallisten kertomusten konflikti 60- luvun suomalaisessa televisiossa, in Juhani Wiio (ed.) Television viisi vuosikymmentä. Suomalainen televisio ja sen ohjelmat 1950- luvulta digiaikaan, pp. 280 291. Helsinki : SKS. (Engl. transl. Someone Has to End to These Discussions! The TV- show Jatkoaika and the Conflict over National Narratives in the Finnish TV in 1960 s, in Five Decades of Television. The Finnish Television and its Programmes from 1950s to a Digital Era.) 54. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2007) Tunnustan, olen siis olemassa Myöhäismodernin mediakulttuurin terapeuttista eetosta etsimässä, in Heikki Kujansuu & Laura Saarenmaa (eds.) Tunnustus ja todistus, pp. 163 183. Helsinki: Gaudemus. (Engl. transl. I Confess, Therefore I Am. Searching for the Therapeutic Ethos of Late Modern Media Culture, in Confession and Testimony). 5

Scientific monographs 55. Sumiala, Johanna (2010) Median rituaalit. Johdatus media- antropologiaan. Tampere: Vastapaino. (Engl. trans. Rituals of Media. An Introduction to Media Anthropology). 56. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2005) Kaksi Kotimaata Kotimaa kristillis- yhteiskunnallisena sanomalehtenä ja mediatalona 1980 2005. Helsinki: Kirjapaja. (Engl. trans. Two homelands Kotimaa as a Christian newspaper and a publishing house 1980 2005). Edited scientific volumes 57. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (ed.) (2005) Pyhä media. (Engl. trans. Sacred Media) Jyväskylä: Atena. Dissertations 58. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2001) Nomadit Rippituolissa. Medioidun uskonnon moraalisen järjestyksen dynamikka (post)modernin television ja kulttuurin kontekstissa. (Engl. trans. Nomads in the Confessional: The Dynamics of the Moral Order of Mediated Religion in the Context of (Post)modern Television and Culture.) Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä. (doctoral thesis). 59. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2000) Kertomuksia rippituolista: uskonnollinen tv- ohjelma postmodernin mediakulttuurin kontekstissa. (Engl. trans. Stories from the Confessional: Religious television programme in the context of postmodern media culture.) Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä. (licentiate thesis). Other publications 60. Kivimäki, Sanna, Kolehmainen, Marjo & Sumiala, Johanna (2010) Editorial Tunteet ja tutkimus. Media & Viestintä 2010(4). 61. Tikka, Minttu & Sumiala, Johanna (2010) YouTuben medialogiikkaa etsimässä. IPR info 5/2010. 62. Sumiala, Johanna (2010) Book review on Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age in the Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 2/2010. 63. Hakala, Salli, Sumiala, Johanna, Lavento, Heidi & Tikka, Minttu (eds.) (2009) Kriisit ja yhteiskunta. Special issue on Media & Viestintä 32(3). 64. Sumiala, Johanna (2009) Olla näkyvillä on olla olemassa In Hyvä paha media: käyttöopas kriittiseen medialukutaitoon. Helsinki: Suomen lasten ja nuorten säätiö p. 22. 65. Hakala, Salli & Sumiala, Johanna (2009) Kauhajoen jälkipaini: nuorisotutkijoiden ja ammattilaisten puheenvuoroja, in Tommi Hoikkala & Leena Suurpää (eds.) Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusverkosto p. 10 12. 3 p. (Verkkojulkaisuja / Nuorisotutkimusverkosto/Nuorisotutkimusseura ; 25). 66. Sumiala, Johanna & Hakala, Salli (2008) 'Mediakatastrofi'. Kanava- lehti 7/2008. 67. Sumiala, Johanna & Hakala, Salli (2008) 'Koulusurma spektaakkelien yhteiskunnassa'. Ydin- lehti 4/2008. 68. Hakala, Salli & Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2007) Kirkon viestintä: kohtaamista ja sanoman levitystä. Helsinki: Kirkkohallitus. 69. Puustinen, Liina & Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna, Lindeberg, A. & Perttula, Elina. (2007) Mapping media and communication research: France. Research reports/ Department of Communication, University of Helsinki; 5/2007. 6

70. Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2006) 'Paavin kuolema ja journalismin pyhät arvot'. Tiedotustutkimus/Journalismikritiikin vuosikirja vol. 29(1). 71. Hakala, Salli & Sumiala- Seppänen, Johanna (2002) 'Kirkko ja köyhät'. (Engl. trans. Church and the Poor) Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. vol. 67(6). Keynotes, invited lectures, chairs, and conference presentations Keynotes 72. Keynote 'Web First to Death': School Shootings in Contemporary Media Culture. Finnish Youth Research Society and British Council. Hanasaari Cultural Centre, Helsinki 16 June 2009. 73. Keynote Finnish Association for Mass Communication Research (TOY) conference University of Jyväskylä, Finland 13-14 February 2009. 74. Keynote 'Global Media Ethics' conference, University of Tampere, Finland, 25 March 2002. Invited lectures 75. Lecture YouTube and Ritual Aalto University 7 November 2011. 76. Lecture Media Culture Folklore University of Helsinki 19 October 2011. 77. Lecture Social Media and Ritual Aalto University 10 November 2010. 78. Lecture YouTube and Ritual Aalto University (HIIT) 10 March 2010. Conference presentations and chairing (compilation) 79. Conference presentation The Westermack Society, Annual Conference (Sosiologipäivät), 24 25 March 2011, University of Tampere. (together with Adjunct professor Katja Valaskivi). 80. Conference presentation Media Research Days (mediatutkimuksen päivät) 4 5 February 2011, University of Turku (together with Adjunct professor Katja Valaskivi). 81. Conference presentation in the Finnish Death Studies Association conference on Death and Identity 12 13 May 2011, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki. 82. Conference presentation 'YouTube and the Copy Right'. Faculty of Law/University of Helsinki 17 May 2010. 83. Conference presentation 'Imagined Communities and the Digital Media Age'. The Finnish Anthropological Society, Annual Conference (Suomen antropologipäivät), University of Helsinki, 11 12 May 2010. 84. Conference presentation 'Koulusurmat ja medioidut kuoleman rituaalit'. Finnish Anthropological Society, Annual Conference (Suomen antropologipäivät), University of Tampere 7 8 May 2009. 85. Conference presentation 'Netti edellä kuolemaan koulusurmat viestinnällisenä ilmiönä'. Media Research Days (Mediatutkimuksen päivät), University of Jyväskylä 13 14 February 2009. 86. Conference presentation 'Häpeä mediassa'. Hyveet ja paheet - conference, Helsinki University Collegium, 6 November 2008. 87. Conference presentation with reserach fellow Mervi Pantti in NordMedia - conference in Helsinki University 16 18 August 2007. 88. Chair 'Images and Communities' - panel, Media Research Days (Mediatutkimuksen päivät) University of Helsinki 3 4 February 2006. 7

89. Chair and Conference presentation 'Tunne, valta ja vastuu' - conference, Media Research Days, University of Tampere, 30 31 January 2004. 90. Conference presentation 'Uskonto ja kulttuurintutkimus' - panel, Cultural Studies Conference (Kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät), School of Art and Design, Helsinki, 12 13 December 2003. 91. Conference presentation 'Sosiologian valta' - conference The Westermack Society, Annual meeting (sosiologipäivät), University of Helsinki, 28 29 March 2003. 92. Panel chair at the Sacred Media conference, University of Jyväskylä 10 13 July 2003. 93. Conference presentation 'Media Usage and the Transformations of Everyday Experience' - conference, Media Research Days (Mediatutkimuksen päivät), University of Turku, 30 November 1 December 2001. Popular publications (inteviews, talks, lectures, panellist, columnist) 94. Regular Columnist Vantaan Lauri weekly (2011- ). 95. Interview Kirkko ja Kaupunki weekly (31.8.2011). 96. Interview Finnish News Agency (STT) (26.7.2011). 97. Interview Yle Radio 1 (12.5.2011). 98. Interview Yle Radio 1 (11.6.2010). 99. Interview MTV3 Television (Huomenta Suomi) (9.6.2010). 100. Interview Yle Radio 1 (10.5.2010). 101. Interview Helsingin Sanomat (8.5.2010). 102. Interview Finnish News Agency (STT) (7.5.2010). 103. Kolumni Kotimaa weekly (Suola- liitteessä Pyhä- teemanumero) 1/2010. 104. Interview Kotimaa weekly (21.1.2010). 105. Interview Danish radio (26.11.2009). 106. Interview Swedish televisio (STV) (6.11.2009). 107. Panellist Etsijä - journal 100 Years Anniversary (22.10.2009). 108. Speaker Church Media Days (Kirkon viestintäpäivät) (17.9.2009). 109. Panellist Helsinki Festival (Helsingin juhlaviikot) (16.8.2008). 110. Panellist Media Days (12.4.2007). 111. Interview Tampere Church weekly (Tampereen kirkkosanomat) (20.4.2007). 112. Speaker Turku University of Applied Science (6.4.2006). 113. Speaker Helsinki Book Affair (Helsingin kirjamessut) (30.10.2005). 114. Regular Columnist Sanansaattaja paper (Sanansaattaja- lehti) (2005 2007). 115. Speaker University of Joensuu (14.5.2003). 8