Production Planning and Control - introducing APS and MES software

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DELFOI Established in 1990 Finland, Sweden, Germany HQ in Espoo, Finland Specialized in increasing productivity Delfoi Lean simulation based project model Delfoi Planner - APS + MES Delfoi Robotics robot simulation and off-line programming for Partners small batch production VARs in USA, Germany, China and Russia Delfoi-Tanoti co-organization in India Dassault Systemes Visual Components

Extending work careers that is one way to increase productivity Newspaper: Timecards are becoming popular in kindercgartens Don t know daddy was talking about extending work careers or something

Maybe there are also another ways? Information technology?

Information System (tietojärjestelmä)? This is known ERP Internet, web, cloud BI, Reporting PLM Enterprise Resource Planning Product Lifecycle Management Unknown and unused APS Advanced Planning & Scheduling MES Manufacturing Execution System CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management Systems Digital Manufacturing (part of PLM) Coming.. Mobility 5G CBM Cloud-Based Manufacturing


Manufacturing IT Best-of-breed - Information System Composed of software best suited for particular needs of IT sub domain 1. Corporate Business Planning - Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP) 2. Data Collection and Analysis Business Intelligence/Decision Support Systems (Bi/DSS) 3. Planning and Scheduling Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems (APS) 4. Manufacturing Execution Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 5. Maintenance Management Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) 6. Product Management Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Ake, K. et al. (2004). Information technology for manufacturing: reducing costs and expanding capabilities, St Lucie Press

MES / APS ERP/SOP ISA-95: Manufacturing IT System - positioning Kuva. ANSI/ISA 95.00.03 Multi-level functional hierarchy of activities

Manufacturing IT ISA-95 Standard on Production Planning SOP APS MES APICS (the Association for Operations Management)


Challenge: Modern manufacturing is networked Production is diversed globally to a network of multiple production sites composed by OEM and subcontractors with diversed manufacturing operations and skills and quality capabilities How to orchestrate? Conventional ERP is capable to operate only inside one manufacturing domain from manufacturing perspective. Contract Manufacturer A C contract B Component Manufacturers D E In-House Manufacturing Sales/ Marketing Engineering HQ/ Finance Service Operations

Industrial Internet enables :transparent, networked manufacturing MES: execution and monitoring APS:Finite Scheduling and Change Management Web-client PLM SOP - Internet, web, cloud Web-client Web-client ERP Contract Manufacturer A C contract B Component Manufacturers D E In-House Manufacturing Sales/ Marketing Engineering HQ/ Finance Service Operations

globally in on-line Web client Web client Web client Web client Web client Web client


APS (web-client): Finite Capacity Scheduling Order sequence Highlight: Progress, Qty, Late, Material shortage Resource Work queue Maintenance/breakdown Resources Time line Worker capacity / resource work load Production status ON-LINE: Grey = Done Green = In progress Yellow = To be done

MES (web-client): monitoring, executing & control Resource work queue Scheduled queue Start, Stop, Ready Working hour reporting Singatures MES is also supported in smart phones and tablets on Android, ios, Windows 8



Manufacturing IT at Valmet ERP Integrated ERP, APS and MES 12 manufacturing sites, globally IT infrastructure Private cloud External service provider APS User roll-out Own IT department takes care of implementation and software roll-out, globally. One and same software for all different size and type of operations. MES

Measured benefits KPIs - 50%: decreased leadtime and doubled capacity - 50%: decreased WIP Delivery accuracy increased from appr. 75% to over 90% Without time buckets Without exxessive material buffers - 70%: planning time decreased to 1/3 Other benefits via internet Transparency between sales and production Global access and view to production network instantly


Excel Runs Production Three surveys: time between the studies 15 years: unexpeted result! Year 2000 reported AMR Group (Ake et al.2004, p.68), due to lacks of ERP in production planning and scheduling Excel was used instead in more than 60% of US manufacturing companies. In 2011 ERP vendor IFS ordered a study where the respective percentage was over 75%. (IFS ironically called the report ERP stands for Excel Runs Production In 2015 Aalto University, Tampere Technical University and VTT made a survey about Manufacturing IT Systems in Finnish Industry: 84% was using Excel with ERP. Ake, K. et al. (2004). Information technology for manufacturing: reducing costs and expanding capabilities, St Lucie Press IFS (2011). Does ERP mean Excel Runs Production, What happens when enterprise software is too hard to use, Mint Jutras Järvenpää Eeva & Lanz Minna, 2014. Suomalaisten konepajojen tuotannonsuunnittelu on ERP:n ja Exceltaulukoiden varassa. Stoori, No. 4/2014, s. 19-24, ISSN 2342-4095. Eeva Järvenpää, Minna Lanz Production planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges, Aalto-yliopisto, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, VTT

Production planning and control tools in Finnish manufacturing companies, 2014 Järvenpää Eeva & Lanz Minna, 2014. Suomalaisten konepajojen tuotannonsuunnittelu on ERP:n ja Exceltaulukoiden varassa. Stoori, No. 4/2014, s. 19-24, ISSN 2342-4095.

Organizations are not aware of existence of APS and MES applications in Finland Yllättävää haastatteluiden tuloksissa oli erityisesti se, että vain harva oli edes kuullut MES- tai APS- järjestelmistä. Useimmat olivat siinä uskossa, että ERP- eli toiminnanohjausjärjestelmällä tarkoitetaan samaa kuin tuotannonsuunnittelu- ja ohjausjärjestelmillä. Näin ei kuitenkaan ole, sillä ERP- järjestelmät on tarkoitettu alun perin ISA-95 standardin määrittelemän 4-tason toiminnoille, eli lähinnä taloushallinnon ja businesstason järjestelmäksi, ei tuotannon tietojärjestelmäksi. Eeva Järvenpää, Minna Lanz Production planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges, Aalto-yliopisto, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, VTT Järvenpää Eeva & Lanz Minna, 2014. Suomalaisten konepajojen tuotannonsuunnittelu on ERP:n ja Exceltaulukoiden varassa. Stoori, No. 4/2014, s. 19-24, ISSN 2342-4095.

A major Finnish machine building company using traditional planning tools and reporting practices Leadtime components Setup Work Idle 0 20 40 60 80 Hours Leadtime now appr. = 3 days ( 72 hours in three shifts) Leadtime goal = 1 day! Typical production time for a type product is appr. 14 hours Set up time 2 hours Cooling 6 hours Value adding work 6 hours Waiting (idle) time is totally 64 hours, i.e. 88% of total leadtime


The same challenge at least since 1998

Matti Alahuhta, EK Alahuhta muistutti, että tuotannon ja työpaikkojen karkaaminen Suomesta ei ole mikään väistämätön tosiasia. Niin ei tarvitse käydä. Yksi suuri mahdollisuus liittyy digitalisaatioon. Tulevina vuosikymmeninä digitalisoituminen muuttaa maailmaa, ja robotiikka tuo paljon mahdollisuuksia. Työn kustannukset tasoittuvat eri mantereiden välillä. Kehitys tarjoaa tilaisuuksia, kun vain haluamme muuttua. Matti Alahuhta, EK-tiedote, 25.11.2014

Manufacturing IT is transorming manufacturing Grow: MES, Industrial Internet Accelarates business growth Transform: APS/MES & IoE Transforms the business: new businesses Easy to justify ROI (KPIs) Run: ERP Is required Does not accelerate business growth Hard to justify ROI

Manufacturing IT is an enormous unused (unknown) potential to improve productivity Outside ERP )* there is a big unused potential that IT systems can bring into manufacturing companies. *) Ake, K. et al. (2004). Information technology for manufacturing: reducing costs and expanding capabilities, St Lucie Press As Finnish industry is confronted with structural change the main focus in ICT investments should be moved from operative ERP investments to investments supporting transformation **) Finnish original quote: Rakennemuutoksen edessä olevan Suomen teollisuuden kannalta ICT-investointien pääpaino pitäisi siirtää operatiivisista ERP- investoinneista muutosta tukeviin investointeihin **). **) Gartner: Trans ICT-loppuraportti (Teknologiateollisuus), 2010

The trend in excel usage? 100% 75% Where are we in 2020: - ERP market growth has stopped (2,2% growth in 2012, Gartner) - APS market is growing 14% yearly globally (Kjellsdotter, 2012) 75% 84%? 50% 60% 25% 2000 2011 2014 2020

Thank you! Heikki Aalto p. 0500-506816

References ANSI/ISA-95.00.03-2005- Activity Models of Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM). Ake, K. et al. (2004). Information technology for manufacturing: reducing costs and expanding capabilities, St Lucie Press IFS (2011). Does ERP mean Excel Runs Production, What happens when enterprise software is too hard to use, Mint Jutras Johnston, R. (1998). The Problem with Planning with ERP: The Significance of Theories of Activity for Operations Management, a thesis for the Ph.D. Lausala, T. & Vuoria, A. & Tiira, M. (2010) ICT:n hyödyntäminen Suomen koneteollisuuden tuottavuuden ja transformaation tukena, Marketvisio, Gartner Tenhiälä, A. (2009). Contingency Theories of Order Management, Capacity Planning, and Exception Processing in Complex Manufacturing Environments, väitöskirja, Aalto-yliopisto. Tenhiälä, A. (2010). ERP-ja APS-järjestelmien erikoiskurssi, TU-22.1177, Aalto-yliopisto. Uskonen, J. & Tenhiälä, A. (2011). The price of responsiveness: Cost analysis of change orders in make-to-order manufacturing, Aalto University, Dept. of IE and Management, IE Business School. Kjellsdotter, Linnea (2012). Use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems to support manufacturing planning and control processes, Division of Logistics and Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden Järvenpää Eeva & Lanz Minna, 2014. Suomalaisten konepajojen tuotannonsuunnittelu on ERP:n ja Excel-taulukoiden varassa. Stoori, No. 4/2014, s. 19-24, ISSN 2342-4095. Eeva Järvenpää, Minna Lanz Production planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges, Aalto-yliopisto, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, VTT