Samankaltaiset tiedostot
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ANNEX I: PUBLICATIONS OF NIEM S PERSONNEL, YEAR 2005 Published: M. Flöjt, Ilmastonmuutos ja kansainvälinen autosopimus. Koillismaan Uutiset tammikuu 2005. S.2 M. Flöjt, Autojen uudet energiajärjestelmät vähentäisivät päästöjä. Helsingin Sanomat 26.2.2005 M. Flöjt, Ilmastonmuutos ja Hajautettu Maatalous. Koillismaan Uutiset maaliskuu 2005. S.2 M. Flöjt, Karkaako ihmiskunnan ilmastomopo käsistä? Koillismaan Uutiset 1.12.2005. S.2. M. Flöjt, Pieni Suomi ja Suuri Ilmastonmuutos. Koillismaan Uutiset 15.12.2005 S.2 L. Heinämäki and T. Koivurova, voidaanko ilmastonmuutosta hidastaa oikeusteitse? Pohdintoja inuittien ihmisoikeusvalituksesta Amerikan ihmisoikeustoimikuntaan (yhteisartikkeli Leena Heinämäen kanssa) in Kari Hakapää. Kansainvälistyvä oikeus, Kari Hakapään juhlakirja (toimittaja Timo Koivurova), pp. 39 56. Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja C 41. Is it possible to slow down the climate change via litigation? Reflections on the human rights petition by the Inuit (joint article with Leena Heinämäki) J. Joona, Land and water rights: ownership, s. 173 176 Lapland border, s. 182 184 Lapp villages and Lapp tax lands, s. 187 189 Articles published in THE SAAMI A Cultural Encyclopedia, Suomen kirjalllisuuden seuran toimituksia 925, Vammala 2005. T. Joona, Article about the ratification of ILO Convention No. 169 from Nordic Perspective. To be published in Nordic Journal of Human Rights 1/05. T. Joona, The Political Recognition and Ratification of ILO Convention No. 169 in Finland, with some comparison to Sweden and Norway. Referee article. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, vol. 23, nr.3:2005.

T.Koivurova, Editor of the Liber Amicorum for international law professor Kari Hakapää. Kansainvälistyvä oikeus, Kari Hakapään juhlakirja (toimittaja Timo Koivurova). Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja C 41 (582 pages). T.Koivurova, The Importance of International Environmental Law in the Arctic in the Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2003), Vol. XIV, (pp. 341 351). Ilmestynyt 2005. T.Koivurova, "Environmental Protection in the Arctic and the Antarctic: Can the Polar Regimes Learn from Each Other" in Vol. 33, No. 2, summer 2005, International Journal of Legal Information (pp. 204 218). M. Pentikäinen, Yhteiskuntaan integroituminen kansainvälisten ihmisoikeusasiakirjojen ja asiantuntijaelinten näkökulmia, julkaisussa Kansainvälistyvä oikeus. Juhlakirja. Professori Kari Hakapää, Timo Koivurova (toim.), Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja C 41, Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteiden tiedekunta, Rovaniemi 2005, s. 363 387. M. Pentikäinen, Etyjin inhimillinen ulottuvuus, julkaisussa Inhimillisemmän Euroopan puolesta Euroopan turvallisuus ja yhteistyöjärjestö 30 vuotta, Suomen Helsinki komitea, Like, Helsinki 2005, s. 67 84. M. Pentikäinen, Etyjin Inhimillisen ulottuvuuden täytäntöönpanon tarkastelukokous, yhteisartikkeli Kati Jääskeläisen kanssa julkaisussa Inhimillisemmän Euroopan puolesta Euroopan turvallisuus ja yhteistyöjärjestö 30 vuotta, Suomen Helsinki komitea, Like, Helsinki 2005, s. 118 134. M. Pentikäinen, Vähemmistöt ja Etyj, yhteisartikkeli prof. Lauri Hannikaisen kanssa julkaisussa Inhimillisemmän Euroopan puolesta Euroopan turvallisuus ja yhteistyöjärjestö 30 vuotta, Suomen Helsinki komitea, Like, Helsinki 2005, s. 135 148. K. Saraviita, Mikä oli kulttuurin ja kulttuuriperinnön merkitys tapauksessa Hopu ja Bessert v. Ranska? ilmestyi julkaisussa: Ensimmäiset kansat, 2/2005. L. Viikari, Riittääkö ihmiskunnan yhteisestä perinnöstä muille kuin esikoispojalle? Oikeudellisia ja muita huomioita avaruustoiminnasta. Juhlakirja, Kari Hakapää. Timo Koivurova (toim.). Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteiden tiedekunta. Rovaniemi 2005. Ss. 551 578. L. Viikari, Problems related to time in the development of international space law. Proceedings of the 47th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. 4 8 October 2004,

Vancouver, Canada. International Institute of Space Law of the International Astronautical Federation. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2005. L. Viikari, Kadunmiehen mahdollisuudet avaruusmatkailuun näyttävät hyviltä valitettavasti tosin vasta kuoleman jälkeen! Avaruusluotain Rymdsonden Vol. 40, n:o 1/2005. Ss.7 9. L. Viikari, Avaruusoikeus kansainvälisen sopimusyhteistyön ja kansallisen sääntelyn kautta EU harmonisointiin. Lakimies 4/2005. Ss. 604 627. L. Viikari, Avaruus tulevaisuuden turistikohde? Kaleva. 19.3.2005. S. 2. L. Viikari, Lempeää perään katsomista vai penseää paapomista? Joensuun yliopiston oikeustieteiden laitoksen opettajatuutorointijärjestelmän kehittämishanke. Yhdessä Leila Juannon kanssa. Kehittämishankkeista pysyviksi käytännöiksi? Yliopistoopettajan pedagogisten perusopintojen Opetuksen ja opettajuuden kehittämishankkeiden satoa 2003 2004. Matti Meriläinen (toim.). Joensuun yliopisto, Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita, N:o 92. Joensuu 2005. Ss. 157 181. L. Viikari, Time is of the essence: making space law more effective. Space Policy, Volume 21, Issue 1, (February 2005). Ss. 1 5. Forthcoming: T. Koivurova and L. Heinämäki, "The Participation of Indigenous Peoples in International Norm making in the Arctic" in Polar Record, April 2006. L. Viikari, Dispute Settlement in Space Activities need for new mechanisms? Beratung Evaluation Transfer. Oldenburg research Network, Vol. III. University of Oldenburg. January/2006. L. Viikari, Joutuuko HOPS sopimuksen rikkomisesta käräjille? Artikkeli Kuopion yliopiston oppimiskeskuksen julkaisussa. January/2006. L. Viikari, Jos kuu olisi juustoa kuun asemasta kansainvälisessä oikeudessa ja käytännön avaruustoiminnassa. Juhlakirja, Rauno Halttunen. Sauli Mäkelä (toim.). Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteiden tiedekunta. Rovaniemi. March/2006.

ANNEX II: THE ACTIVITIES OF NIEM AND ITS PERSONNEL IN THE YEAR 2005 7.1. Juha Joona piti luennon TOINEN SUOMI projektilasille. Taiteiden tiedekunnassa pidetty luento, joka käsitteli Lapin historiallisia ja oikeudellisia kysymyksiä sekä nk. saamelais /lappalais keskustelua. 19 22.1. Timo Koivurova participated in the conference on compliance mechanisms in international environmental law, human rights law and arms control and gave a presentation on the dispute resolution, non compliance mechanism and enforcement of the rules of the regime of the Espoo Convention. 24 28.1. Timo Koivurova participated in the "Online Workshop: "Climate Change and Environmental Assessment" organised by C CIARN North". 28.1. Lotta Viikari has attended a guest lecture given by Abdul G. Koroma, Judge of the International Court of Justice at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi. 8.2. Lotta Viikari has attended the meeting of the Finnish Branch of International Law Association in Helsinki. 8.2. Timo Koivurova gave a presentation in the meeting of the Finnish Branch of the International Law Association, organised in the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, on the topic "Arctic climate impact assessment: the political legal consequences in international processes". 17 18.2. Timo Koivurova participated in the two day meeting of the scientific board of the Arctic Centre, and introduced the NIEM and its activities there. 21.2. Timo Koivurova participated in the research co operation meeting in the University, which focused on various possibilities to obtain EU funding. 1.3. Merja Pentikäinen sihteeristön kutsumana asiantuntijana Parisissa: Hearing of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Integration of Immigrant Women. (ECRI:n (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance. 1 5.3. Timo Koivurova participated in the International Studies Association Conference, where he presented his paper on "participation of indigenous peoples in international norm making" as part of the panel chaired by research professor Monica Tennberg.

2.3 Mika Flöjt participated for Arctic Centre Board Meeting at the Arctic Centre. 4.3. Mika Flöjt Participated Arctic Cooperation and Northern Dimension seminar in Rovaniemi. Hosted by State Provincial Office of Lapland. 8.3. Leena Heinämäki acted as a hostess in a lecture by Kristiina Saraviita (L.L.M) concerning human rights of indigenous peoples to cultural heritage. This lecture was a part of a series of lectures around Saamistudies, and took place at the University of Lapland. 9.3. Timo Koivurova presented the work of NIEM to the US Arctic Research Commission. 12.3. Timo Koivurova participated in the meeting of the steering committee of the national human rights graduate school. 23.3. Timo Koivurova participated in the meeting of the research strategy working group of the University of Lapland. 24.3. Timo Koivurova co hosted, together with research professor Monica Tennberg, director Ron Neller from the Institute for Sustainability, Health and Regional Engagement (ishare), University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia in the Arctic Centre and NIEM. 29.3. A group of students studying in the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization, together with their host professor Markku Suksi, visited the NIEM. The programme consisted of the NIEM personnel telling about the research done in NIEM and one of the students of EMA, Renauld van Meulsen, outlining the first outline of his masters thesis topic. 29.3 1.4 Mika Flöjt gave lectures on Arctic Epistemic Community in the Stockholm Convention on POPs Negotiations. 5.4 Mika Flöjt Participated for University of Oulu PhD. School meeting at the University of Oulu. 6.4. Timo Koivurova presented the work of NIEM to the director of international studies of the University of Arizona, Kirk Simmons. 6 8.4 Mika Flöjt Participated for European Union in the European North Conference in the Twincity TornioHaparanda. Conference organized by the EU.

7.4. Lotta Viikari attended the 10 year anniversary seminar of the discipline of International Relations at the University of Lapland, with Elisabeth Rehn as a guest speaker. 19.4. The NIEM organised a roundtable discussion together with the Canadian Embassy in Finland on the topic of "Land rights in Yukon and Lapland: Comparative Northern Perspectives. The presentations were given by the former grand chief of the Council of Yukon first nations, Ed Schultz and Governer of Lapland Hannele Pokka. The event was chaired by research professor Koivurova. 29.4 Mika Flöjt and Scott Forrest hosted an Arctic Research Seminar for Students of the ASP / ARG Studies. 10.5. NIEM submitted two funding applications to the general call of the Finnish Academy. The topics are: climate change in the arctic and the effectiveness of multilateral environmental agreements. 15 26.5 UNFCCC SBSTA Governmental Expert Meeting in Bonn. Mika Flöjt's research trip to the conference. 16 17.5. Niem personnel participated in the third annual seminar of the Arktis graduate school in Seitaranta. 18.5. Timo Koivurova acted as the chairperson in the Directory board meeting of the Arktis graduate school. 18 20.5. Merja Pentikäinen participated in the Conference on Pluralism and Equality at the University of Helsinki. 19.5. Three NIEM researchers (Maarit Klemetti, Waliul Hasanat and Txomin Hernandez) gave their presentation in the international law seminar organised by the international law professor of the law faculty, Kari Hakapää. 26 27.5. Kristiina Saraviita participated Sami Cultural Environment seminar in Inari, and gave a presentation on sami cultural environment as a human rights question. 27 29.5 Mika Flöjt participated for the Calotte Academy meeting in Inari and gave presentation on his PhD. topic on Reconsidering role of Epistemic Communities in the International Environmental Treaty Making, Case studies Ozone, POPs and Climate Negotiations.

6 7.6. Txomin Hernandez, Visiting scholar, Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki. 5 10.6. Kristiina Saraviita participated "Collective Rights" Nordic Research Training Course in Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples Law and Environmental Law in Sommaroy, Norway and presented there a paper The Concept Culture in Article 27 of The ICCPR And the Image of Indigenous Sami Culture. 5 10.6. Lotta Viikari attended "Collective Rights" Nordic Research Training Course in Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples Law and Environmental Law in Sommaroy, Norway and presented there a paper Of Space and Time approaches to the regulation of space activities from an environmental point of view. 21.6. Timo Koivurova introduced the activities of the NIEM to the Finnish Japan Institute. 21 24.6. Merja Pentikäinen participated in the ECRI plenary in Strasbourg. (ks. ECRI:n nimi yllä.) 22.7. J. Joona, Kirjallinen asiantuntijalausunto Paliskuntain yhdistykselle ja Oraniemen paliskunnalle koskien PoronhoitoL:n mukaan määräytyvää paliskunnan aitaamisvelvollisuutta, 10 s. 1.8. Merja Pentikäinen osallistui Etyjin 30 vuotisjuhlakonferenssi Finlandia talolla Helsingissä. 14 26.8 Mika Flöjt participated for UNEP International Course on International Law Making and Diplomacy at the University of Joensuu. 15 26.8. Kristiina Saraviita participated Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights at Åbo Akademi Institute for Human Rights in Turku. 18 20.8. Lotta Viikari attended the 37th Nordic Lawyers Meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. 1.9. Timo Koivurova acted as the official opponent in a doctoral defence of Meinhard Doelle in Dalhousie Law School in Canada. 1 2.9. Merja Pentikäinen participated in the Seminar on human rights based approach to development in Helsinki.

12.9. Merja Pentikäinen on lähettänyt oikeusministeriöön lausunnon "Pohjoisen ympäristö ja vähemmistöoikeuden instituutin lausunto EU komission ehdotuksesta EU:n perusoikeusviraston perustamiseksi". 16.9. Scott Forrest and Mika Flöjt hosted first meeting of the ASP Research Seminar. 20 23.9 Timo Koivurova and Mika Flöjt gave lectures on Introduction on Arctic Governance. 4 7.10 Mika Flöjt gave lecture on Arctic Climate Change and Energy Politics. 21.10 Mika Flöjt acted as examiner in the ARG Exam. 24.10. Timo Koivurova participated (as part of the Arctic Centre team) in the budget negotiations with the University administration. 24 28.10. Txomin Hernandez gave lectures on Minority Rights Law, Arctic Studies Program, University of Lapland. 28 29.10. Kristiina Saraviita participated the conference on "Cultural Rights as Human Rights" at the EUI in Florence. 28 29.10. Merja Pentikäinen participated in the second Etmu days in Jyväskylä and gave a presentation of her own research themes and co ordination of a working group that considered the proposal for the national action plan on immigration. 31.10 11.11 Waliul Hasanat and Mika Flöjt were visiting scholars at the Faculty of Law in the University of the Tromso. 3 4.11. Tanja Joona participated in "Oikeustieteen päivät", a seminar held in Lapin yliopisto, Rovaniemi and gave a presentation called: "Näkökulmia alkuperäiskansojen maa ja vesioikeuksiin". 3 4.11. Lotta Viikari participated in the annual conference of legal studies (Oikeustieteen päivät) in Rovaniemi. 3 7.11. NIEM participated in the annual seminar of the Nordic Research Network for Sami and Environmental Law (NORSEL) in Tromsø, Norway. Mika Flöjt, Timo Koivurova, Leena Heinämäki and Txomin Hernandez made a presentation in the seminar and Waliul Hasanat commented on a paper presented by a graduate student from Troms Faculty of Law. 7 11.11. Txomin Hernandez, Visiting scholar, Faculty of Law, University of Tromso.

8.11. Txomin Hernandez gave a presentation of the doctoral research project, Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø. 8 10.11. Timo Koivurova participated in the interviews conducted as part of selecting new doctoral students to the human rights graduate school in Turku and Helsinki. 8 10.11. Timo Koivurova participated (as a member of the steering committee of the national human rights graduate school) in interviewing the 19 candidates for the 7 additional posts to the graduate school in Helsinki and Turku. 9.11. Timo Koivurova gave a lecture on human right to decent environment; with special reference to indigenous peoples as part of the international human rights law curriculum in the University of Turku. 12 18.11. Lotta Viikari participated in a trip organized by Prof. Kari Hakapää to various international law related agencies in New York City, U.S.A. 11.11.2005 NIEM received funding for its project The Capability of International Governance Systems in the Arctic to Contribute to the mitigation of Climate Change and Adjust to its Consequences from the Finnish Academy for the years 2006 2008. 15.11. Timo Koivurova attended a meeting together with other research professors of the Arctic Centre with the Deputy Director of the US Arctic Research Commission, Lawson Brigham. 15.11. Mika Flöjt gave an public lecture on Arctic Climate Change in the Arktis Graduate School Event. 18.11. PYVI organised a coffee and bun event in order to celebrate the Academy funding it received, as well as that one of the Pyvi's researchers, Maarit Klemetti, was elected to the national human rights graduate school. 21.11. Mika Flöjt participated for PhD. Seminar of the International Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the University of Lapland. 27.11 7.12. Mika Flöjt made research trip to the 11th conference of the parties to the united nations convention on climate change, which serves also as the first meeting of the Kyoto Protocol. 2.12. Research professor Timo Koivurova gave a guest lecture in the seminar organised for the publication of the Sami encyclopedia in Helsinki (Ritarihuone, Ritarisali).

4 11.12. Timo Koivurova and Waliul Hasanat participated in the 11th conference of the parties to the united nations convention on climate change, which serves also as the first meeting of the Kyoto Protocol. Mika Flöjt participated from 27.11 7.12. 8.12 Mika Flöjt and Michel Raes gave an joint presentation on Towards Protocol on Transforming Transportation in the EU Parliament Seminar in Bryssel. 9 10.12 Mika Flöjt visited at the University of the Gent, Belgium. 13 15.12. Txomin Hernandez, Visiting scholar, Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki. 18 21.12. Timo Koivurova osallistui kansainvälisen polaarivuoden projektin nimeltä Lashipa kokoukseen Tukholmassa (ja esitelmän pitäminen). Merja Pentikäinen ollut Pyvin edustaja kansainvälisten ihmisoikeusasiain neuvottelukunnassa: Osallistunut aktiivisesti sekä neuvottelukunnan että sen työvaliokunnan kokouksiin. (The representative of NIEM in the Advisory Board for International Human Rights Affairs. Participated actively in the work of the Board.)